neonbitemarks · 11 months
@ofviolentdeath didn't ask for this but is getting it anyway
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"Look, if this is just gonna be another lecture, can we skip it? 'Cause I don't wanna hear it and I just wanna crash out in bed and sleep off my comedown."
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crazedhatesoul · 2 years
where: huntsville high who: luke and chris @lxvenderhxzehv
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"soooo," luke peered around the door of chris' office and tried to hide the fact that lady was behind his legs. he knew chris never minded and that he'd bring her mainly for the kids but luke had been bringing her more for himself lately and just enjoying her company. lady had made her way into the office to which luke followed in after, "so much for staying behind me girl." he shook his head laughing, closing the door behind him, "did lach ever end up talking to you about that field trip he was planning?"
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who: luke and lachlan @wanderinglcst
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the day luke found out about lincoln he'd informed chris he was going to need a sub for his classes and that he wasn't going to be able to come in. he really should've said for the week and not shown up the rest of the time but he felt weird being at home alone with only the company of lady so maybe this was good for him. however he was so lost in thought, staring at the empty space in front of him that he hadn't noticed lady wondered off on her own and apparently brought lachlan back with her. "oh, sorry about that. i must've left the door open and she slipped out. won't happen again." luke waved lady over, bringing her to school for himself more than anyone else.
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neonbitemarks · 9 months
@ofviolentdeath continued from x
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His fingers skimmed over those pale marks before he leaned in and pressed a line of soft kisses along them. He was getting better at showing affection, at making the effort to be better for Luke and this was one of the ways he knew to show it. "I'm glad you don't do that anymore. I don't think I would like seeing you hurt," he murmured before leaning back enough to look at Luke, to really see him. "I like having you in my life."
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"I like bein' in your life."
That was an understatement, but Luke didn't think that needed to be said when Berk knew how his life had been before he moved into his uncle's uncles place and started working on getting himself sober and in a better headspace.
"Got a lot of reasons now not to hurt myself anymore, and you're one of 'em."
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neonbitemarks · 11 months
you’re the only person i don’t get tired of. - cyrus to luke?
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"That just means you haven't been around me long enough for me to fuck everythin' up."
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neonbitemarks · 11 months
“you’re the worst. i love it.” - miro to luke?
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"Well I mean, what's the point in life if you can't enjoy havin' a little fun fuckin' with people every once in a while?"
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neonbitemarks · 4 months
@ofviolentdeath - continued from x
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"I knew you had it in you. I'm glad you were able to find the support that worked for you and that you were able to push through it."
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"Yeah, none of that would have happened though if you hadn't threatened to kick my ass and then gave me place to stay to get my shit together in the first place, would it?"
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neonbitemarks · 11 months
@shadowrealmofmuses for whoever wants to jump on this
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"Please tell me you're not one of those assholes who gets super judgy about drugs and wastin' my life away, 'cause I get enough of that bullshit from my uncle."
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neonbitemarks · 10 months
@anomalouss gets Luke for whoever
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"If you can’t handle me at my worst than we already have something in common."
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neonbitemarks · 9 months
& Berk to Luke as well
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The scars on his arms were only really noticeable up close, barely raised and white in colour, clearly old and long since healed, but the way they ran in collections of linear lines made it obvious how he'd gotten them.
He didn't pull away when Berk traced his fingers over them, though.
"That's what I used to do before I started gettin' high..." he murmured, opening up about the fact that he'd been struggling since his early teens, and he'd never been particularly good at healthy coping mechanisms.
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neonbitemarks · 4 months
“  i’m proud of you.  ”  Liss or Devin for Luke
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"Still can't believe it, to be honest. Six months. Never thought I'd ever be able to stay sober that long."
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crazedhatesoul · 2 years
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maybe he shouldn't have asked for it to be next week. maybe he should have said they should go to dinner that friday. maybe things would've been different if that were the case. the day had come and gone for the dinner luke made for zoe like he said he would when he asked her out for dinner at the hoedown, except she never showed up. luke took lady for a walk the next day to clear his head because his mind was reeling with questions. was it his fault? was it too fast? did he read things wrong? she had originally said yes to the dinner so he couldn't figure out what happened. luke was so lost in thought he hadn't noticed lady had taken him towards hunstville daily where zoe was just leaving from. "oh uh... hey." he gave a half smile, he really didn't know what to say at that moment.
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crazedhatesoul · 1 year
who: luke and zain @zainmadan
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luke liked to be out walking lady around this time, letting her try and get as much energy out as possible before night actually hit. even though the creatures that came out didn't go after animals he didn't trust leaving lady out there at night so always had her sleep inside with him. the cost was sometimes her running around at four in the morning wanting to play, which is where this came into play now. with a tennis ball in one hand he threw it as far as he could not expecting it to hit anyone in the process but when he saw it hit zain his face grimaced. "sorry zain!" luke knew of him but not much about him, mostly a name really as he made his way over to him. "set a record for myself on that one but it came with a cost, sorry again." he said chuckling.
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crazedhatesoul · 2 years
Food was a clear necessity to, well, live so Luke walked himself down to the food market to do some much needed shopping he's been neglecting and to pick up food for lady too of course. To his surprise he saw one of his old students working there which was always nice to see. "Hey Nathaniel!" Right. They're not at school he doesn't have to use full first names. "Sorry. Nate. Force of habit." Luke laughed before shoving his hands in his pockets. "How's the work life treating you?"
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crazedhatesoul · 2 years
"Lady! god dammit." Luke got up from his chair to chase her out the door and down the hallway, he loves that dog but she sure is fast. He watched as she darted into the closest open classroom which made him shake his head as he stopped in front of the door. "Sorry about her Sun, she's too smart for her own good." Luke walked into the classroom, closing the door behind him so lady couldn't run back out. "Hope you weren't busy." He teased some.
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who: luke and abe @abehemingway
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"does it get any easier? grieving i mean." luke asked staring in front of them. he'd been taking everything harder then he expected but tried not to show it too much because that's just how he was. he'd ran into abe and asked if he had a moment to talk and opted for one of the benches at the nearby park. "actually, sorry, that feels inappropriate to ask. you don't need to answer that."
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