#luke knecht
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nofatclips · 8 months ago
Place in the Sun by Chelsea Wolfe, live on KEXP
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months ago
Warpaint - Full Performance (Live on KEXP) http://KEXP.ORG presents Warpaint performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded May 2, 2014. Songlist: Love Is To Die Keep It Healthy Feeling Alright Disco//Very Host: Troy Nelson Audio Engineer: Jackson Long Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Luke Knecht & Jenna Pool Editor: Justin Wilmore photo thumbnail by Amber Zbitnoff https://ift.tt/vfoVqnh http://kexp.org via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EncDYLYNBLw
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mellowyknox · 6 years ago
Toyota "Greater Now”
Director: Jared Knecht Cinematographer: Joe Cook Production Designer: Madison Hatch Editor: Isaac Chen Colorist: Mikey Rossiter
Music: Luke Atencio
Year: 2018
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traumacatholic · 3 years ago
Free Catholic Scripture Commentaries
Bishop Friedrich Knecht - A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture 'Our Lord has given us the 'Our Father' as a model prayer, and has expressly commanded us to use it. It is the most excellent and comprehensive of prayers: and in it we pray for all that is best, and for deliverance from evil. But, let it be remarked, the good things we ask for are spiritual, and the deliverance we pray for is from spiritual evils. We pray for both a temporal and spiritual benefit only in the fourth petition, when we ask for the daily necessities of life. This ought to teach us to pray chiefly for spiritual blessings, such as grace, pardon, virtue, etc. and not only for such temporal benefits as health, a good harvest, etc.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 1 - St. Matthew's Gospel - Chapters 1-9 'Moreover, repentance is not only amendment of manners, and the beginning of a new life, as the heretics say, but it is a detestation, chastisement, and destruction of the old sinful life, for the new life cannot effectually be begun, unless the old life be cast away. Whence the Interlinear Gloss thus expounds: "Let every man punish the evils of his former life, because salvation shall come nigh, and the opportunity of returning thither from whence we have fallen." S. Augustine (lib. de Poeniten.) says, "He cannot begin the new life who does not repent of the old." To repent is to weep over sins past, and not to commit what has been wept over. He who truly repents, chastises in himself his past errors, and lifts up his mind to heavenly things. And this virtue is born of holy fear, and is called poenitentia, penance, from the Latin puniendo, punishing." - Gloss.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 2 - St. Matthew's Gospel - Chapters 10-21 'Mystically: a mountain is severe temptation, especially to ambition and pride, as S. Jerome teaches. Such a temptation is best overcome by faith and hope. Wherefore S. Francis, being troubled by a dreadful temptation in spirit, betaking himself to prayer, with tears, heard a voice from Heaven, saying, "Francis, if thou shalt have faith as a grain of mustard seed, thou shalt command this mountain to pass away, and it shall pass away." He, not knowing what was the meaning of the oracle, cried out, "Lord, what is this mountain?" The answer came, "The mountain is temptation." Then Francis added, with many tears, "O Lord, be it unto me according to Thy word." And immediately all the temptation was removed, and he obtained perfect tranquillity.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 3 - St. Matthew's Gospel - Chapters 22-28 and St. Mark's Gospel '"And they shall see the Son, etc." 1st. That the clouds may temper the exceeding brightness of the Body of Christ, which otherwise would blind the eyes of the reprobate. 2nd. Because a cloud is the symbol of the hidden Deity. 3rd. Because the cloud is the seat, as well as the vehicle and covert, of Christ's glory. Hence, constantly in the Old Testament, God appeared to Moses and the Prophets in a cloud. (See Ezek. i. 4, and Ex. xix. 9-18.) There is an allusion to Daniel (vii. 13), "And lo, one like unto the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven."' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 4 - St. Luke's Gospel '"Whosoever shall be ashamed of Me." Whosoever, from false shame or from fear of others, shall deny his faith in Me or refuse to obey My commandments, or fear the reproach of the Cross and a crucified Saviour, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, i.e. him will Christ pass over, and make of no account when He comes in that glory which He has acquired by the humiliation of His passion. For the Cross of Christ seemed to many a shame and a reproach, for Christ crucified was "unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness," i Cor. i. 23. Many, therefore, from shame or fear, did not dare to profess their belief in the Cross, much less to preach Christ crucified. In opposition to whom S. Paul boldly declares, " I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek," Rom. i. 16.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 5 - St. John's Gospel - Chapters 1 to 11 'John has a style peculiar to himself, entirely different from that of the other Evangelists and sacred writers. For as an eagle at one time he raises himself above all, at another time he stoops down to the earth, as it were for his prey, that with the rusticity of his style he may capture the simple. At one time he is as wise as the cherubim, at another time he burns as do the seraphim. The reason is because John was most like Christ, and most dear to Him; and he in turn loved Christ supremely. Therefore at His Last Supper he reclined upon His breast. From this source, therefore, he sucked in, as it were, the mind, the wisdom, and the burning love of Christ. Wherefore, when thou readest and hearest John, think that thou readest and hearest Christ. For Christ hath transfused His own spirit and His own love into S. John.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 6 - St. John's Gospel - Chapters 12-21 and Epistles 1-3 "Love not the world." "There are two loves," says S. Augustine (in. loc), "the love of God and the love of the world. If the love of the world occupy the heart, there is no room for the love of God to enter. Let the love of the world retire, let the love of God enter in; let the better have its own place. Thou lovedst the world: love it no more. When thou hast drained out the love of the world from thy heart, thou shalt drink in love divine, and then shall charity begin to dwell in thee, from whence nothing evil can proceed." "It is," he proceeds, "as clearing a field before planting fresh trees."' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 7 - 1 Corinthians '"To deliver such an one to Satan." . . . Observe that the ancients understood this passage of the power and act of excommunicating which is lodged in the prelates of the Church. So Chrysostom, Anselm, Augustine, and others, quoted by Baronius, p. 448, a.d. 57. 2. The excommunicate are said to be delivered over to Satan, because being ejected from the fellowship of Christ and His Church, and being deprived of all its benefits, its prayers, suffrages, sacrifices, and Sacraments, of the protection of God, and of the care of pastors, they are exposed to the tyranny and assaults of the devil, whose rule is outside the Church, and who goes about against them more than before, and impels them to every kind of evil. Cf. Ambrose, Augustine (lib. iii. Ep. contra Parnicn. c. 2), Jerome (Ep. I ad Heliod.), Innocent (apud S. Aug. Ep. 51). "For the destruction of the flesh," i. That the devil may harass him with bodily sickness, wounds, and diseases; that his flesh may be brought low and its vigour be destroyed; that being thus humiliated he may learn wisdom. So say Theodoret, Chrysostom, Theophylact, OEcumenius, Anselm.' Download PDF     Cornelius a Lapide - The Great Commentary - 8 - 2 Corinthians and Galatians '"Whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell." S. Athanasius (Serm. 4 contra Arian.) thinks that Paul knew the mode in which he was caught up, yet says: "I do not know," or, "I cannot tell;" because he could not reveal it to others, in the same way that Christ, in S. Mark xiii. 32, says that He did not know the day of judgment. For though in himself he knew, yet as far as others were concerned he did not know, for he could not explain it. But others do better in understanding him simply to mean: "I do not know," and his simple recital of the event seems to require this.' Download PDF     Fr. George Leo Haydock - Old Testament Commentary 'Ver. 25. "Who shall pray for him." By these words Heli would have his sons understand, that by their wicked abuse of sacred things, and of the very sacrifices which were appointed to appease the Lord, they deprived themselves of the ordinary means of reconciliation with God; which was by sacrifices. The more, because as they were the chief priests, whose business it was to intercede for all others, they had no other to offer sacrifice and make atonement for them.' Download RTF Fr. George Leo Haydock - New Testament Commentary 'This bark is the Catholic Church. The sea denotes the world, the winds and tempests shew the attempts of the wicked spirits to overturn the Church. The Lord seems to sleep, when he permits his Church to suffer persecution and other trials, which he permits, that he may prove her faith, and reward her virtue and merits. (St. Chrysostom, hom. xxiii. in Mat. viii.) The apostles had followed their divine Master. They were with him, and executing his orders, and it is under these circumstances they are overtaken with a storm. If their obedience to Jesus Christ, if his presence did not free them from danger, to what frightful storms do those persons expose themselves, who undertake the voyage of the present life without him? What can they expect but to be tossed to and fro for a time, and at last miserably to founder? Faithful souls ought, from the example here offered them, to rise superior to every storm and tempest, by invoking the all-powerful and ever ready assistance of heaven, and by always calling in God to their help before they undertake any thing of moment.' Download RTF St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea - 1 - The Gospel of Matthew - A Commentary on the Gospel 'From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, "Repent: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Pseudo-Chrys.: Christ's Gospel should be preached by him who can control his appetites, who contemns the goods of this life, and desires not empty honours. "From this time began Jesus to preach," that is, after having been tempted, He had overcome hunger in the desert, despised covetousness on the mountain, rejected ambitious desires in the temple. Or from the time that John was delivered up; for had He begun to preach while John was yet preaching, He would have made John be lightly accounted of, and John's preaching would have been though superfluous by the side of Christ's teaching; as when the sun rises at the same time with the morning star, the star's brightness is hid. Chrys.: For another cause also He did not preach till John was in prison, that the multitude might not be split into two parties; or as John did no miracle, all men would have been drawn to Christ by His miracles. Rabanus: In this He further teaches that none should despise the words of a person inferior to Him; as also the Apostle, "If any thing be revealed to him that sits, let the first hold his peace." [1 Cor 14:30]' Download PDF     St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea - 2 - The Gospel of Mark - A Commentary on the Gospel 'Bede: The Lord shews how Jerusalem and the province of Judaea merited the infliction of such calamities, in the following words: "But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten." For the greatest cause of destruction to the Jewish people was, that after slaying the Saviour, they also tormented the heralds of His name and faith with wicked cruelty. Theophylact: Fitly also did He premise a recital of those things which concerned the Apostles, that in their own tribulations they might find some consolation in the community of troubles and sufferings. There follows: "And ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them."' Download PDF     St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea - 3 - The Gospel of Luke - A Commentary on the Gospel 'Ambrose; May you then like Mary be influenced by the desire of wisdom. For this is the greater, this the more perfect work. Nor let the care of ministering to others turn thy mind from the knowledge of the heavenly word, nor reprove or think indolent those whom thou seest seeking after wisdom.' Download PDF     St. Thomas Aquinas - Catena Aurea - 4 - The Gospel of John - A Commentary on the Gospel 'Thou wilt say, that a word is the sound of the voice, the enunciation of a thing, the expression of a thought: this Word was in the beginning with God, because the utterance of thought is eternal, when He who thinketh is eternal’ Download PDF    
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justforbooks · 4 years ago
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Siegfried Lenz was born on March 17, 1926. He was a German writer of novels, short stories and essays, as well as dramas for radio and the theatre. In 2000 he received the Goethe Prize on the 250th Anniversary of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's birth.
Siegfried Lenz was born in Lyck, East Prussia (now Ełk, Poland), the son of a customs officer. After graduating in 1943 he was drafted into the Kriegsmarine.
According to documents released in June 2007, he joined the Nazi Party at the age of 18 on 20 April 1944 along with several other German authors and personalities such as Dieter Hildebrandt and Martin Walser. However Lenz subsequently said he had been included in a collective ‘joining’ of the Party without his knowledge. In World War II he was a soldier in the German Kriegsmarine and served as a Fähnrich zur See (officer cadet) on the Admiral Scheer, the German auxiliary cruiser Hansa, and for a short period in Naestved in Denmark. Shortly after the German surrender at Lüneburg Heath he deserted and was held briefly as a prisoner of war in Schleswig-Holstein. He then worked as an interpreter for the British army.
At the University of Hamburg, he studied philosophy, English and literary history. His studies were cut off early when he became an intern for the daily newspaper Die Welt, where he served as an editor from 1950 to 1951. It was there he met his future wife, Liselotte, whom he married in 1949.
In 1951, Lenz used the money he had earned from his first novel, Habichte in der Luft ("Hawks in the air"), to finance a trip to Kenya. During his time there he wrote about the Mau Mau Uprising in his short story "Lukas, sanftmütiger Knecht" ("Luke, gentle servant"). After 1951, Lenz worked as a freelance writer in Hamburg, where he joined the Group 47 group of writers. Together with Günter Grass he became engaged with the Social Democratic Party and championed the Ostpolitik of Willy Brandt. As a supporter of rapprochement with Eastern Europe he was a member of the German delegation at the signing of the Treaty of Warsaw (1970). In October 2011, he was made an honorary citizen of his home town Ełk, which had become Polish as a result of the border changes promulgated at the 1945 Potsdam Conference.
In 2003, Lenz joined the Verein für deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege (Society for German Spelling and Language Cultivation) to protest against the German orthography reform of 1996.
His wife, Liselotte, died in 2006 after 57 years of marriage. Four years later he married his 74-year-old neighbour, Ulla, who had helped him after the death of his wife. Siegfried Lenz died at the age of 88 on 7 October 2014 in Hamburg.
After his death a previously unpublished novel, Der Überläufer ("The Turncoat"), which Lenz had written in 1951, was published. Found among his effects, it is a novel about a German soldier who defects to Soviet forces.
In 1988 Lenz was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, a prize given annually at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The Goethe Prize of Frankfurt am Main (Goethepreis der Stadt Frankfurt) was given to Lenz in 2000. A year later Lenz was honoured with the highest decoration of Hamburg, honorary citizenship. In 2004 Lenz was named an honorary citizen of Schleswig Holstein and in October 2011 an honorary citizen of his hometown Ełk (Lyck). In 2010 he won the Italian International Nonino Prize.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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emzeciorrr · 3 years ago
Nobu's Tale | Rimowa from Jared Knecht on Vimeo.
No one builds a legacy by standing still. A Japanese folktale told by Nobu Matsuhisa.
Agency . Anomaly Creative Director . Frank Hahn, Sebastian Lyman, Nikolaus Ronacher Executive Producer . Philipp Ramhofer, Jakob Preischl Line Producer . Sebastian Cordes, Ivo Van Reit Production co. BWGTBLD
DoP . Kristof Brandl
Edit . Rob Lopuski, Jacob Ipsen Composer . Luke Atencio VFX . Trixter Film
Color . Framestore Colorist . Simon Bourne
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artwalktv · 3 years ago
After disgracing himself in a match, a prodigal boxer meets his match in the therapist assigned to clear his return to the ring. Starring Cranston Johnson and Geraldine Hughes. Directed by Jared Knecht + Salomon Ligthelm Producer | Writer. Chris Dodds Cinematography. Khalid Mohtaseb Production Designer. Joseph Sciacca Editors. Matt Murphy + Jared Knecht Composer. Luke Atencio Sound Design. OT Birds Colorist. Kath Raisch
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nofatclips · 8 months ago
I don't want to die alone and あなたわたし抱いたあとよめのめし (anata watashi daita ato yome no meshi) by Otoboke Beaver, live on KEXP
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soylazaro · 4 years ago
1800 Tequila - Michael K. Williams from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo.
Director: Greg Smith Director of Photography: Khalid Mohtaseb Executive Producer: Mary Hanifin Agency: The Via Agency Creative Director: Kevin Philips Creative Director: Steve Street Agency Producer: Barry Wolford Account Manager: Lyndsey Fox Producer: Kayellen Moran Production Supervisor: Anna Shkolnikov 1st AD: Shane Kalman 2nd AD: Jason Hightower Production coordinator: Hilary Weintraub Editor: Jon Connor Post Producer: Amanda Newton Grey Colorist: Khalid Mohtaseb Location Manager: Stephen Grivno Steadicam Operator: David Cobra Elise B-cam operator: Daniel Stewart A-cam 1st AC: Daniel Stewart B-cam 1st AC: Albert Elmazovski 1st AC/ Pickups: Robert Lau 2nd AC: Jared Knecht Jon Nelson DIT: Jeff Levine VTR: Jon Osterman Gaffer: Brian Wachtel BB Electric: Luke Deikis Electric: Matt Schuman Swing: Caio Ribiero Key Grip: Riad Deeb BB Grip: Dave Rangheli Grip: Bliss Bussant Grip: Max Ellis Art Director: Jenny Correa Props: Alex Griffith Script Supervisor: Joy Lane Sound Mixer: Fiona Mcbain Groomer: Sincere Giles Stylist: Eric Archibald
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emzeciorrr · 3 years ago
Feel New | New South Wales from Jared Knecht on Vimeo.
Have you heard about this place?  
Film for Destination New South Wales Agency. Leo Burnett Australia ECD. Andy Fergusson CD. Nigel Clark + Adrian Ely Producer. Lucy Appleyard
Production Co. Finch  Executive Producer. Loren Bradley Producer. Cath Anderson Line Prod. Bryce Lintern 
Lensed by. Jimmy Brown First AD. Adam Wareham PM. Daisy Bray Art Director. Kerie Van Lambaart Stylist. Brenda Hayward Key Grip. Jason Trew 1st AC. Oli Braslin 2nd AC. Samuel Connelly Gaff. Scott Leeson 2nd Unit Director. Arundati Thandur 2nd Unit DoP. Jani Hakli Underwater DoP. Chris Bryan
Edit. Pete Sciberras + Arc Editor assist. Phoebe Walker VFX. Atticus + Drew SFX. Ballad Music. Luke Atencio Color. Mikey Rossiter
Bangarra Casting By. Citizen Jane Cast Coordinator. Jazz Slessar
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vm4vm0 · 5 years ago
Jared Knecht // RIMOWA // Nobu's Tale from BWGTBLD on Vimeo.
Production Company: BWGTBLD GmbH Director: Jared Knecht Cinematographer: Kristof Brandl Executive Producer: Jakob Preischl, Philipp Ramhofer Producer: Sebastian Cordes, Ivo van Riet
Agency: Anomaly Berlin Executive Creative Director: Frank Hahn Creative Directors: Sebastian Lyman, Nikolaus Ronacher Agency Producer: Agostino De Martino, Stefan Bader
Editors: Robert Lopuski, Jacob Ipsen Score: Luke Atencio Sound Studio: Hesse Studios Color: Framestore Colorist: Simon Bourne VFX: Trixter Film Post House: NHB Berlin
This is the Director's Cut.
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montysworld · 5 years ago
Cast - Cranston Johnson, Geraldine Hughes, Jared Losano Directors - Salomon Ligthelm, Jared Knecht Producer - Chris Dodds Executive Producers - Khalid Mohtaseb, Salomon Ligthelm, Chris Dodds Cinematography - Khalid Mohtaseb Production Designer - Joseph Sciacca Editors - Salomon Ligthelm, Jared Knecht Line Producer - Attika Torrence Composer - Luke Atencio Visual Effects - Framestore Sound Design - OTBirds Colorist - Kath Raisch
Production Manager - Magdalena Albizue Paterson Unit Production Manager - Sharon Easton 1st AD - Freddie Stevens 2nd AD - Ahmed Ashour Stunt Coordinator - Jared Losano Production Coordinator - Gai Spann Art Director - Madison Hatch Gaffer - Tank Rivara Camera Operator - Dan Stewart 1st AC - Tom Atwell, Rob Lau 2nd AC - Will Martinez, David Gross DIT - Max Novick Post DIT - Tom Wong Script Supervisor - Savannah Hankinson Wardrobe - Cara Westmoreland Hair/Makeup - Greer Gillespie, Miwa Sakulrat Sound - Chris Viall, Jonathan Lyde Paterson G&E - Gary Wilkins, Che Louis, Ishmael Brian Johnson, Dan Lipski, Evan Wood, Dustin Ward Yonkers G&E - Gary Wilkins, Nigel McKain, Eric Schroeder, Dan Lipski, Greg Tango, Dustin Ward Technocrane - Scotty Buckler, Rachel Adkins, Jonathan Alvarado Prop Master - Juliana Newman Medic - Ivette Otero PA - Steven Bailey, Cooper Jacklich, Juliet Martinez, Aaliyah Henriquez
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sheilacwall · 5 years ago
Digable Planets – Pacifics (Live on KEXP)
Digable Planets – Pacifics (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG presents Digable Planets performing “Pacifics” live at Kex Hostel in Reykjavik during Iceland Airwaves. Recorded November 4, 2016.
Host: Cheryl Waters & Kevin Cole Audio Recording & Mixing: Kevin Suggs & Matt Ogaz Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Alaia D’Alessandro, Luke Knecht & Justin Wilmore Director: Scott Holpainen Editor: Jim Beckmann
http://kexp.org http://digableplanetstour.com
The post Digable Planets – Pacifics (Live on KEXP) appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/digable-planets-pacifics-live-on-kexp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=digable-planets-pacifics-live-on-kexp from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188578486963
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kebee-s · 5 years ago
Strong | Fox from Jared Knecht on Vimeo.
Come out strong. Agency . Wieden and Kennedy
DoP . Larkin Seiple Composer . Luke Atencio Colorist . Mikey Rossiter VFX . Jamm
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nofatclips · 1 year ago
See You Next Fall by All Them Witches, live on KEXP
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soylazaro · 5 years ago
adidas Originals x Pharrell from Jared Knecht on Vimeo.
No Quiet Please.
adidas Originals x Pharrell Williams Executive Producer . Edward Grann Line Producer . Stine Moisen Production co. Mssng Peces
DoP . Stuart Winecoff 16mm Photography . Andy Catarisano 1st AD NY . Alejandro Ramia 1st AD LA . Michael Estrella
Production Designer . Madison Hatch + Bryan Norvelle Costume Designer . Emily Bess Gaffer . Ariel Horayoff
Editor . Graeme Hagan Sound Design . OT Birds
Original Music by Luke Atencio
Color . The Mill Colorist . Mikey Rossiter
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