#luke how dare you you talented bastard
tiofrean · 1 year
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So... who else has been crying like mad about that unicorn and Frankie fight in Sunder City series? And about Fetch? And the Dragon? And Hendricks!!?!??!??!
That unicorn didn't wanna leave me, so I'm making it everyone's problem xD
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starboundanon · 3 years
Herbie, you know what I love? Men flirting with Luke and seeing Din’s (or even dad’s) reaction to that? *chef’s kiss* Han would always be flirting with Luke because he knows Luke had a massive crush on him and feels like he has some type of ownership of Luke since he got him off Tatooine (and might’ve even taught him some stuff on the way to Alderaan👀 And honestly they are so hot together lol) Lando of course cause Lando is a charming flirt and renders Luke speechless a lot with his sweet words and handsome smile. There’s also a serious lack of Cobb flirting with Luke that hurts my soul. Luke would probably die if Cobb flirts with him cause um… Timothy Olyphant🥵 Boba. I mean. Come on. He just loves to make Luke flustered with his obscene remarks. Bonus: Din flirting with Luke in front of Vader is of course always a winner. I do wonder if Luke would be aware if someone is flirting with him though? Because if it’s even slightly subtle I feel Luke would just be so happy that “people are so nice Din wow!” lol. Do you have any headcanons with all these men flirting with Luke and Din or Vader’s reaction?
Din being a possessive boyfriend and Vader being an overprotective dad are timeless classics, and I will never tire of discussing them.
TW: nsfw, slightly darkfic
Din's reaction when people flirt with Luke, mostly, comes down to asserting dominance.
Han thinks he can just walk over and put his arm around his Luke? Fuck that. Din's going to fuck Luke bareback in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and leave the mess for Han to find.
Cobb thinks he has any right to make Luke blush? No way, Din's going to take Luke apart with his tongue that night and make sure Cobb can hear the boy screaming his name.
This Lando guy thinks he can call and flirt with Luke whenever he pleases? Nope, Din's going to take Luke's comm-unit and mute that smug bastard, then make him listen as he wrecks Luke with nothing but some expert dirty talk.
Now, Vader? Vader just fucking kills people. If he catches some random asshole making moves on his boy, he snaps their neck with the Force before they even know he's there.
But of course, there are times when he has to show restraint, namely when Luke, unfortunately, cares for whoever is currently trying Vader's patience. These times include:
When Han jokingly palmed Luke's ass after a hug, and Vader flung him across the room with the Force, promising him he would lose all his limbs if he ever dared to lay them on his son again;
When Boba Fett, stupidly, made a suggestive comment to Luke about how "talented" his mouth must be, and Vader, furious, promised him he would use the Force to rip Boba's tongue from his mouth if he ever spoke to his son that way again;
And finally, when Din, this brazen, wretched, dissentious bounty hunter — who his son, somehow, inexplicably adored — had the nerve to wrap his arms around Luke's waist and pull him close, pressing their foreheads together, hands roaming his son's body like he owned him . . . Vader didn't even use the Force. He lifted the Mandalorian by the throat, durasteel hand unrelenting around the man's neck, and threw him through the Palace window. The man should've been grateful for his beskar armor, because without it, Piett would've had to mop up another one of Luke's unfortunate suitors from the courtyard's cobblestones.
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rubixa-seraph · 5 years
11 Questions About Me
Tagged by @gentle-outlaw
Sorry this took me a while to get to! Mobile sucks!
1. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the 3rd line on that page? 
Kurt nodded.
- Halo; Ghosts of Onyx
I’m totally not done reading this book because I keep playing video games instead.
2. What is your happiest memory and why?
I am... having a very hard time answering this question. It’s not that I haven’t felt happy before, but there is nothing that I can remember so pointedly to be the “happiest.” I am generally happiest when I have good food that I want, so it might as well be any time I am eating food that typically comes out a bit expensive. It’s not good because it’s expensive; it’s expensive because I’m poor.
3. Do you have any OC's (for fanfiction or totally original)? If so, describe them or if you have more than one, describe your favorite one!
I do and I can’t just describe one without the other. Through some manner of world building and RP and various factors, one character became two...
Roy King and Evan King are effectively a set of twin characters, though originally one was a “copy” of another. I stick them into a lot of fan content for fun but they do have their own standalone little world bubble I’ve built where they have an original setting.
Roy is the elder brother, typically stern, demanding, and somewhat testy. He is very closed off and trusts very few with his emotions, and in any given new relationship being established, he expects the other party to prove themselves to him, first, before he will extend his goodwill in kind. He takes loyalty very seriously, thus he is picky about who he will trust; and if you deliberately backstab him, you’ll be sorry. Across different settings, Roy is often represented with the motif of bugs, especially that of bees/hornets/wasps and also the scorpion. Sweet and giving of what he has when he trusts you, and a downright bastard when angered or agitated... and depending on the setting setting he’s in, he chooses lethality as a means to deal with traitors. In his original setting, he is a fae war-king of a fictional fae court that is a fae imagining of honey-bee fae. The war-king part is that he is the strongest offense and defense of the Hive, and the Queen is the only one that holds sway over him.
Evan King is the younger twin. Instead of being more withdrawn, he wears most of his emotions and his heart on his sleeve. He’s a bit of a romantic, and it shows. He’s also one to walk away from most troubles instead of contesting against them, but he can still get snarky and profess his dislike before crossing any lines. Many a time he has to focus on preventing Roy from actually trying to follow through on a threat or a fight. Across different settings, Evan is often represented with motifs of birds, especially that of the legendary Phoenix. Bright, somewhat elusive, resilient and positive after conflict even if it still had hurt him, and focuses a lot on healing others, especially his brother. He’s also a bit of a daring troublemaker and a kleptomaniac (with boundaries.) In his original setting, he’s an avian “god” (patron) whose two major traits are treasure-collecting and a perchance to adopt stray youths. Bring him “offerings” or gifts (even actions of goodwill) and he leaves no debt unpaid to you. He is good with children, if not a bit coddling.
4. Who is your all time favorite fictional character and why?
It’s hard to think back on this but I would say Roy Mustang from FMA. It’s a bit hard to describe but the hero worship is strong. Though never explicitly explained in the manga itself, he stood out among his peers, not just from skill alone, which he had gained through blood and sweat both, but also that he certainly did not look to be of the same race as the majority of Amestrians you see. As someone who is Asian growing up in America, this character meant a lot to me just for the nature of him existing in the position that he had, with the burdens that he had; and the perseverance was something that I hung on to.
5. What do you find yourself thinking about the most?
How tired I always am and how I’m always in need of looking for a distraction. Also I want tea and cake and pastries and yummy food... I grew up a bit wealthy before my family fell apart so I catch myself often missing the luxuries that I had. I know it makes me sound terrible but look... I miss it, okay? It was a part of my life growing up but then all the lies my family fed me came crumbling down and that wasn’t my fault...
6. Look out your nearest window and describe what you see!
It’s still super early in the morning. It’s cloudy today. I see the back parking lot of the gas station across from my apartment. Cars are going to and fro for the morning commute to work, and there is a garbage collection truck pulling in near the dumpster.
7. What makes you feel nostalgic?
Piano music. A long time ago I was a pianist; concert level. I performed on stage, small and local as they were. But my family didn’t want me to actually pursue music. What a waste of my talents...
8. You have two hours left on earth, how do you spend them?
Eat good food. Okay, I might have stress eating issues...
9. What's your favorite sound?
I could have so many different answers to this but the sound that really gets me grinning on the inside is that low-toned whistle someone does when they are impressed at something cool or awesome. The context matters; something interesting has to have happened for that sound to be pleasant for me. (Thinking back to “Hellsing Ultimate” when Alucard fought Luke Valentine.)
10. What was the first fandom you were involved in?
I guess it was digimon.
I can’t say I truly had a great time being there and I’m glad I have stepped away from it now.
11. Describe your idea of a perfect day!
On a good day I would wax poetic but... I’m very very tired today.
I want a warm cup of milk tea and a lazy day in bed while playing my favorite MMO and listening to a podcast of a guy with a good narrative voice read classic short stories. Which is exactly what I’m going to do today after a good nap. :)
I tag: @apurplemoth @squeakybat
1. Favorite art technique that you do, or favorite thing(s)/part(s) to draw.
2. A skill you would like to learn?
3. Anything you like to study the most at your leisure?
4. Favorite childhood picture book?
5. Every been on a plane or ship/boat?
6. If you could be something not-human, be it animal or mythical creature, what would you envision yourself being?
7. Favorite constellation?
8. Preferred toppings on a pizza? (I won’t judge; I do white sauce with sausage, mushrooms, and pineapples OR cranberries, so...)
9. A song that comes to mind this very moment, on whim.
10. Preferred fashion for yourself?
11. A character you really like at the moment, and maybe why?
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