#luke and din are still two morons but that's a given
purrvaire · 1 year
From the chapter:
“Hang on”, she says slowly. Luke looks guilty as charged.
“You mean to tell me, that neither of you buffoons has remotely thought to do the reasonable thing and ask his number?”
“What’s that got to do with me?” Han protests. Luke just bangs his head on the table. “Because”, he hears his sister say. “My idiot brother doesn’t know how to think clearly in these situations. Have you met him, Han? Have you?”
“When you put it like that…”
“Not even his Facebook?” Leia insists.
“Does anyone still use Facebook under the age of 50? Don’t answer that”, Luke says hastily. “And, what do you take me for? Obviously I’ve already looked for him and found nothing.” “Instagram?” “No luck.” “Twitter?” “Doesn’t seem like the type.” “Well, shit”, Leia says. 
part 2 is up, sillier than ever and THIS TIME featuring the skywalker family shenanigans at full force!!
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