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wc-finchflight · 8 months ago
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We were playing in the sand
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bobbinbuds · 4 years ago
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Orpheus my beloved,,,
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freya-celestial · 5 years ago
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2 years a go i paintind this Luka Art. I thinking that I very soon re drawing and painting this art. I really love this art :). #luka #lukanette #lukadrien #lukacouffaine #couffaine #miraculousladybug #miracle #miraculous #miraculous🐞 #miraculers #ladybug #ladybug🐞 #miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir #miraculousfanart #miraculousfandom #lukaart #freya #freyaart #freyamangaworks #freyamanga #anime #manga #gitar #guitar #drawthisinyourstylechallange #bluehair #blackhair #blueblackhair https://www.instagram.com/p/B7h-RorDcL1/?igshid=d6no4cm3sfql
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l-ii-zz · 5 years ago
Hai owo
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tigerkirby215 · 5 years ago
5e Lillia, the Bashful Bloom build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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I’m waiting for the Neeko x Hecarim OTP short story, Riot.
Memes aside Lillia is a fairly simplistic champ in-terms of abilities, and she’s new so of course I’m going to try to recreate her as accurately as possible before she even comes out!
Oh and she’s also EXTREMELY SCOTTISH despite being from the Japan region of Runeterra. I mean... okay then Riot.
Every flower blooms to be seen! - Lillia has many a nature-themed spell at her disposal. You’ll never guess what class we’re going to be...
Every time I hold my branch... - Lillia literally has an ability where she runs at you and bonks you on the head with her branch. And it’s called “Watch Out! Eep!” Goddammit Riot and your Japanimes...
Where are you little lost dreams? - Despite dreams and sleeping and what-not kinda being Lillia’s thing she doesn’t really have that much sleeping ability to her. Still: sleep is sleep.
Four legs? Human body? Sounds like a Centaur to me! As a Centaur your Strength increases by 2 and your Wisdom increases by 1. Your movement speed is 40, which is good because if you Charge 30 feet and hit an enemy with your weapon you can then strike them with your Hooves, which do a d4 + Strength bludgeoning damage.
Your creature type is considered Fey rather than humanoid, which gives you some indirect counterplay to spells like Charm Person and Hold Person. And your Equine Build doubles your carrying capacity at the cost of making it a lot harder for you to climb.
Finally you can speak both Common and Sylvan, and get proficiency in either Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, or Survival thanks to the Survivor trait. This may come as a surprise to you but the character who was literally born from a flower and lived their entire life in a garden should be proficient in Nature.
15; WISDOM - You are literally a being of dreams, and can go into people’s subconcious to see what they think.
14; DEXTERITY - You have the body of a fawn to hop, skip, and jump around the battlefield. That, and 14 DEX is enough for Medium Armor, even if Lillia doesn’t wear armor in-game.
13; CONSTITUTION - I can’t make a testament to Lillia’s stats in-game since she’s... you know... not in-game yet, but she’s a very close-range champ who no doubt needs a bit of bulk to survive.
12; CHARISMA - You’re a cute little deer lady who I’m going to say right now... furry bait.
10; INTELLIGENCE - You spent your entire life in a garden where I doubt you got to read many books.
8; STRENGTH - Lillia is a deer and deer are not strong. The +2 from our race helps this out a bit but still.
If you want the most accurate choice of background Outlander would fit Lillia perfectly. However Lillia doesn’t exactly know her way around or how to find water so we’ll be going for the next most logical background which is Far Traveler. This is because the feature of Far Traveler “All Eyes on You” makes it obvious that you’re not from around these parts, based on your mannerisms, figures of speech, appearance (what? A deer centaur isn’t common?) and your accent. Some people might be interested in meeting you, and you might be interested in meeting them! You might even be able to distract them or get some information from them with stories of your garden!
Along with your feature you get proficiency in the Insight and Perception skills, to see the dreams and see the dreams. You also learn one language of your choice (Quori is the language of the Kalashtar, who are dream people, but if your setting doesn’t have Eberron races just pick a language that will be more useful) and either a musical instrument or gaming set. Lillia just sings for her dance emote so I’d pick whatever instrument you want since it’s not like you had much time to play chess with Mother Tree. I opted for a Pan Flute but you can choose whatever you want.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
wOw WhO wOuLd’Ve GuEsSeD tHaT tHe NaTuRe ChArAcTeR wHo’S bAsEd EnTiReLy ArOuNd NaTuRe WoUlD bE a DrUiD? Regardless Druids can pick two skills from the Druid list: Arcana would be good to know about the magic of dreams but none of the other skills really stick out to me. I opted for Survival for one that made the most sense.
As a Druid you know Druidic, an ancient language only spoken by Druids which no doubt has a massive Scottish accent to it. The message is hidden to non-Druids unless they succeed on a DC 15 Perception check, but even if they see it they can’t decipher it without magic.
Speaking of magic: Spellcasting! You learn two cantrips from the Druid list and of course to whack people with a stick Shillelagh will let you do so very hard. For the spell’s duration your weapon becomes a d8 and uses your spellcasting modifier to attack. For your second cantrip Druidcraft will let you make flowers bloom and petals fall; it has a bunch of effects detailed in the spell’s description which I suggest you read.
Druids are prepared spellcasters, meaning they can choose what spells to have ready. You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your Druid level. Anyways for a Booming Blooming Blows Thunderwave will hit everyone within 15 feet of you. For a bit of dreaming magic Charm Person will make your target think they’re in a dream for awhile. To light an enemy up with Dream Dust Faerie Fire will illuminate them and make them easier for your allies to hit. And finally when in Rome take Healing Word to help in a pinch.
Second level Druids can Wild Shape, allowing them to turn into a Beast of CR 1/4 or lower. You spend your action to gain all the statistics of the chosen beast, and you gain their health as Temporary Hitpoints. You can stay in a beast shape for a number of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down) or until you lose all the health of your beast form. There’s a lot of other factors to Wild Shape that I recommend reading into, even if Lillia doesn’t really shapeshift. But hey instead of being a half-deer you can turn into a full deer (or rather an Elk since that has a higher CR.) Dreams are weird, you know. “I’m not wearing any pants!”
And with “the big Druid ability” out of the way it’s time to talk about your subclass, or rather your Druidic Circle. Surprisingly we won’t be going for the Circle of Dreams, or even the Circle of Stars, but rather the Circle of the Land. You can choose a type of land to connect with and despite the fact that you lived in a Forest I’m going to instead suggest Grassland as your land of choice. This will come into play next level but it’s still good to mention it now.
As a Circle of the Land Druid you get an Extra Cantrip, and I’d be remissed not to mention Guidance. Free d4 to ability checks? Absolutely! You also get Natural Recovery, allowing you to recover spell slots during a short rest. The combined level of all the spells you recover can equal no more than half your Druid level (rounded up) and none of the spells can be above 6th level. Is this just the Wizard’s Arcane Recovery feature tacked onto a Druid? Yup! Even down to the fact that you can only use it once per Long Rest, so use it wisely!
And all that talk of spells reminds me that you can prepare another spell such as Entagle, to keep your foes wrapped up in their dreams.
I’m going to instead suggest Grassland as your land of choice. This will come into play next level but it’s still good to mention it now.
Third level Druids can cast second level spells, and as a Grasslands Druid you know Invisibility and Pass without Trace innately. These spells don’t count against your total spells prepared, nor do you have to prepare them. They’re great spells to keep hidden from the world.
Additionally you can prepare another spell such as Moonbeam to force your foes to sleep, one way or another.
4th level Druids get Wildshape Improvements to transform into beasts of CR 1/2 or lower, and can turn into a beast with a swim speed! But more importantly for us you get an Ability Score Improvement, or rather a Feat. And because Magic Initiate smells here comes Aberrant Dragon Mark from Eberron!
Along with an increase to your Constitution by 1 the Aberrant Dragon Mark lets you cast one cantrip and one spell from the Sorcerer list. For cantrip I’d suggest anything with range, though seeing as Swirlseed slows I’d recommend Ray of Frost. For your leveled spell this may be shocking but you’re going to want Sleep to put foes to... sleep. Your Sleep spell can only be used once per short rest, so use it wisely!
Additionally when you cast Sleep you can expend one of your Hit Dice. If you roll an even number, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the number rolled. If you roll an odd number, one random creature within 30 feet of you takes force damage equal to the number rolled. If no other creatures are in range, you take the damage. I’d personally say that the damage is done before the effects of sleep, so that you don’t accidentally wake your enemy up. Do use this ability wisely though, as your hit die are limited as the random force damage can be quite chaotic!
Oh and finally you also get the ability to prepare one more spell, and learn one more cantrip! For your cantrip of choice Mending will help if you ever see a crack in your staff, and for your spell Hold Person will force your foe to do a little more than just sleep.
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(Artwork by M-LukaART on DeviantArt)
5th level Druids get third level spells. As a Grasslands Druid you get Daylight and Haste innately: bright lights and fast movement aren’t typical for a dream, but Haste is a really good spell and Lillia moves faster when hitting her abilities. (Probably better to give Haste to someone else though.)
You can also prepare third level spells like Speak with Plants to speak with Mother Tree. Is this spell highly situational? Yes. Can you swap out spells as you please as a Druid? Also yes. Do you have to follow this guide point-for-point? No; make your own Lillia!
I should also mention that by this point your cantrips start to scale, but Shillelagh doesn’t. So now would be a good time for me to tell you about our Lord and Savior Primal Savagery. (As well as its more well-known cousin Thunderclap, which is loud as hell but hits in an AoE.)
6th level Land Druids get Land’s Stride, allowing them to move through difficult terrain without expending extra movement and move through nonmagical plants without taking damage. Additionally you gain advantage against magical plants made to slow you down. Isn’t this literally the Ranger’s 8th level ability? Yes it is; good thing we won’t be taking levels in Ranger.
You can also prepare another spell and I’m going to hop back to second level for Healing Spirit, which is just a really good spell even after its eratta nerfs. Maybe you picked up a Redemption? Who knows.
7th level Druids can prepare 4th level spells. As a Grasslands Druid you get Divination and Freedom of Movement innately, to see around the world in your dreams and to be able to pop a Quicksilver Sash in a pinch.
You can also invoke Mother Tree with the spell Guardian of Nature. If you take the form of a Great Tree you gain 10 temporary hitpoints, you make Constitution saves (such as Concentration checks!) with Advantage, you make Dexterity and Wisdom-based attacks with Advantage (such as literally all your attacks!), and the area within 15 feet of you is difficult terrain.
You could also take the form of a Primal Beast for +10 movement speed, greater Darkvision, advantage on Strength attacks, and more damage with your melee attacks. Now would be a good time to mention that spells carry over even if you Wildshape, so you can use them to boost your combat skills as an animal if you so desire.
Speaking of Wildshape: 8th level Druids get Wildshape Improvements, allowing them to turn into a beast of CR 1 with no restrictions on the Beast’s ability to run, swim, or fly! There aren’t many deer at CR 1, but you could dream that you’re a Dire Wolf. Or a Giant Eagle!
You also get an Ability Score Improvement and now would be a good time to increase your Wisdom for stronger spells. You’ve gotten some practice so you can’t be meek anymore!
With the Wisdom increase you can now prepare two more spells! Hallucinatory Terrain will let you send your foes to a dreamscape, where things aren’t always as they seem. For your other spell there isn’t much to take at 4th level, so I’m going to suggest hopping all the way back to first level for a good old-fashioned Cure Wounds.
At 9th level you can prepare 5th level spells, and as a Grasslands Druid you learn the Insect Plague spell innately as well as the spell Dream; finally another spell to sleep on! This is honestly the main reason we opted for Grassland Druid, but the other innate spells we got are good to.
You can also prepare a spell such as Commune with Nature to ask Mother Tree for guidance. Even though this is a 5th level spell it is a Ritual, so you can spend some time to speak to the trees if need-be.
10th level Land Druids get Nature’s Ward, making them immune to Charming or Frightening effects from Elementals or Fae, and making them immune to poison and disease. You’re a dream blossom that was brought to life so naturally you can’t catch a cold. But don’t let it stop you from sneezing adorably!
You can also prepare another spell and we’ll be taking Wrath of Nature from 5th level for all sorts of powerful effects when Mother Tree gets angry! You can also learn another cantrip but at this point we’ve gotten most of the cantrips we would need. Perhaps Gust to choose where the wind blows the dream petals?
11th level Druids can prepare 6th level spells and while you stop gaining innate spells as a Land Druid you can still make a garden on the fly with Druid Grove. There’s a lot to the spell that I highly recommend reading yourself because if I copy-pasted everything this one level would be huge.
12th level Druids get another Ability Score Improvement: increase your Wisdom further for the strongest connection to Mother Tree possible.
You can also prepare another two spells thanks to the Wisdom increase and the level increase: Sunbeam is a bit of a rude wake-up call, forcing creatures in a 60 foot line to make a Constitution save or take 6d8 Radiant Damage.
Heroes’ Feast meanwhile lets everyone sit down and enjoy themselves during the Blossom Festival! You conjure a feast that takes an hour to eat, and those who partake are cured of all poisons / diseases, becomes immune to poison and being frightened, and makes all Wisdom saving throws with advantage. Their hit point maximum also increases by 2d10, and it gains the same number of hit points. These benefits last for 24 hours, so if you all have a nice dinner before going to bed it guarantees sweet dreams and a great day to come tomorrow!
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(Artwork by HazielWishmaster on DeviantArt)
13th level Druids can prepare 7th level spells, and while there are a lot of fun ones feel free to Reverse Gravity since the laws of physics can be weird in a dream. This spell makes everyone fall upwards which is pretty straightforward in my opinion, but feel free to read the spell over to figure out how exactly it works.
14th level Land Druids are protected by Nature’s Sanctuary. When a beast or plant creature attacks you, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Druid spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack automatically misses. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. The creature knows that you are Mother Tree’s chosen before it attacks you, however.
You can also prepare another spell but I’d actually suggest going back to earlier levels for a hop, skip, and a Jump to triple your jump distance. Am I just suggesting this because you get a boat load of spells and not nearly enough spell slots? Yup, but you’re a prepared caster so pick what you want!
15th level Druids can cast 8th level spells. There are a lot of great ones at this level but Antipathy/Sympathy is your best choice to keep your garden safe. I suggest reading the spell over in full to see what it can do because it’s rather hard to explain without copy-pasting the description.
16th level Druids get an Ability Score Improvement: you can either increase your Constitution for better health and a better Ray of Frost, or invest in some Feats if you so desire.
You can also prepare another spell and you know that moment that your dad opens the curtains even though you could get another 10 minutes of sleep in? Well you can recreate that with Sunburst, a bright flash of light that does a hella-lot of damage to everyone’s eyes.
17th level Druids can prepare the mighty 9th level spell! Shapechange will let your dreams shape you into whatever creature you want to be. Want to be a dragon? Go ahead! A god? That’s an option! (Well, a Celestial anyways.) An ooze? Weird choice, but sure!
18th level Druids get Beast Spells, allowing them to cast spells while in Wild Shape! Yeah it’s kinda dumb that you have to wait until 18th level to use your core class feature while using your other core class feature, but now there’s practically no downside to Wildshaping! (Except that you can’t provide Material components to cast spells while Wildshaped.) Additionally time moves slower in your dreams as you gain a Timeless Body, only aging 1 year for every 10 years that pass. That way you can spend as much time as possible with Mother Tree!
You can also prepare another spell at this level but at this point you can prepare so many spells I’m inclined to just tell you to pick what you want. You have every Druid spell at your disposal I’m sure you’ll find something.
19th level Druids get another Ability Score Improvement and again: CON if you want health, Feats if you want feats.
At level 20 you officially become an Archdruid. As an Archdruid you can Wildshape an infinite number of times, and you ignore all the components of a spell unless they have a gold cost.
The magic is within you - You essentially chose “the Wizard” subclass for Druid, giving you access to tons of spells and the ability to refresh your spells akin to a Wizard.
Oh! Hello bird! - You are a friend of the forest. Plants and animals will be careful when attacking you, and no manipulation of nature can slow you down! And as a centaur spells meant to stop humans don’t affect you either!
Look who's blooming now - So let’s talk about the Archdruid capstone... Firstly: Wildshaping gives you Temporary hitpoints, and you can Wildshape an infinite number of times. Henceforth you have infinite hitpoints? Secondly the fact that you ignore the components when casting a spell means no one can counterspell you!
Better a sleepy head than a sleepy heart - You have 25 prepared spells and 10 extra innate spells from your subclass, but only a limited number of spell slots to cast them with. There’s such a thing as too much of a good thing.
Eeeep! I mean... eep. - While none of them are negative (thankfully) your stats other than your Wisdom are rather lacking. Your Strength in particular is very lacking which makes your centaur hooves rather unappealing.
It's the dream's turn to sleep - Much like in League your ability to actually put people to sleep as “the dream champion” is extremely limited. You gain the ability to cast it again on a short rest yes, but you can only cast the sleep spell at level 1, and it will quickly lose its potency.
But yes: one of your downsides is literally “you are too good.” You’re basically a Wizard who doesn’t have to do anything to cast their spells, and can turn into a bear; what a dream that would be! Be the blossom that blooms into a fully grown tree, and connect the world with their dreams again. Just watch out for ganks and stay away from e621; eep!
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(Artwork by kukuruyo - WARNING: NSFW ARTIST)
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noncyowen · 4 years ago
Aranyos, kicsi, fehér és összeszedi az eldobált csikkeket
Aranyos, kicsi, fehér és összeszedi az eldobált csikkeket
A TechTics nevű holland vállalat mérnökei egy olyan önműködő robotot terveztek, amely bármilyen emberi irányítás nélkül összeszedi az eldobált csikkeket a tengerparton. A jópofa kis fehér robot 2 éves fejlesztőmunka eredménye, a kezdeményezők pedig maguk a cég alapítói, Bos és Martijn Lukaart voltak. A testvérpár egy nyaraláson találkozott a partot elárasztó szemét problémájával, és ekkor…
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coldphantomzombie · 4 years ago
據外媒報導,TechTics的BeachBot發明者Edwin Bos和Martijn Lukaart對荷蘭Scheveningen海灘上令人擔憂的煙頭數量感到厭煩。他們的解決辦法是什麼?創造一個看起來像月球車的機器人,讓它用抓手來撿起那些討厭的煙頭。其結果是BeachBot或BB,一個有著充氣輪胎和環保態度的可愛的裝置。
威而剛 犀利士 必利勁 必利吉 樂威壯
西地那非 他達拉非 伐地那非 阿瓦那非 達泊西汀
威而剛 美國黑金 日本藤素 保羅v8 P-Force Fort
Silditop Femalegra Vimax增大丸 美國保羅v8
威而剛 犀利士 必利勁 必利吉 樂威壯
西地那非 他達拉非 伐地那非 阿瓦那非 達泊西汀
威而剛 美國黑金 日本藤素 保羅v8 P-Force Fort
Silditop Femalegra Vimax增大丸 美國保羅v8
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alarsal24 · 4 years ago
مايكروسوفت تعلن عن روبوت Beach Bot ذاتي القيادة لتنظيف الشواطئ
مايكروسوفت تعلن عن روبوت Beach Bot ذاتي القيادة لتنظيف الشواطئ
أعلنت مايكروسوفت عن مساهمتها في مشروع روبورت Beach Bot ذاتي القيادة من تصميم فريق هولندي. بدأت القصة مع Edwin Bos الذي كان يقضي يوماً مع عائلته على الشاطئ ليعثر ابنه ذو الأربع سنوات على أعقاب السجائر ملقاة على الرمال، ما دفع الوالد للعمل مع صديقه Martijn Lukaart على تصميم روبوت لحل هذه المشكلة، واستعانوا بتقنيات مايكروسوفت لتشغيل اختراعهم. يستخدم الروبوت الكاميرات لمسح صورة للرمال والتعرف على…
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wc-finchflight · 7 months ago
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He told me it was because of me she had been Lost
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bobbinbuds · 4 years ago
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There is but One valid emo boy,,
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amonerdj · 5 years ago
Odd.Bot, el robot capaz de arrancar malas hierbas amenaza de los herbicidas
Odd.Bot, el robot capaz de arrancar malas hierbas amenaza de los herbicidas
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Cada vez hay más robots capaces de realizar más labores. Cada vez más automatización que está entrando en todos los sectores, hoy hablamos de la agricultora con Odd.Bot, un robot para quitar las malas hierbas de forma automática.
Odd.Bot se presentó en el Consumer Electronics Show (CES) en Las Vegas el mes pasado con un stand informativo. Martijn Lukaart, Fundador y CEO, explica que…
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l-ii-zz · 5 years ago
Okay,Umm...Can you draw King dice hugging Bendy? It's okay if not.
I don’t do requests
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wc-finchflight · 8 months ago
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End of Year 1!
Fallenclan - 19
Starclan - 1
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wc-finchflight · 8 months ago
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Lambweave (Right) belongs to my friend @/Clemidity !
Crimsonfreak.. Hare-cat... Get them brown eye contacts....
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wc-finchflight · 8 months ago
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More on Crimsoneyes!
Crimsoneyes is a clanborne cat who once served as Riverclans medicine cat underneath Ravenstar's leadership. He stepped down from his role as medicine cat after Fadinglight died, Ravenstar appointing him as a mediator to keep him "useful". Once Raven abandoned his clan with his brother in tow Crimsoneyes began to distance himself further from clan life. Claiming it's his way to remain neutral between the clans, seeming to return right on time whenever theres major tensions between the clans. He's a restless cat. Every night he is dragged into Fadinglights waking dream. The dark forest.
With his claws dipped in each clan, twisting and pulling at the threads that connect him, he serves Fadinglight well in her grand plan. He feeds his information to Raven. About the clans weaknesses, about tensions. About certain loners who show up.. Loners who were once flightless..
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wc-finchflight · 8 months ago
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More on Raven!
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