20-44-sims · 5 years
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𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘚 🛫🛬 𝘓𝘈…𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺
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red-luka · 7 years
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GUCCI SHOW / Paris Fashion Week
Salut, ça va?
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mikobennett · 8 years
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Got my hands on some fine seats for the Knicks vs. Nets game tonight. Ofc @red-luka and @asherkeene had to join me.  
*Before someone asks this, No we aren’t mad or pissed - we’re focussed!
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emmaxbennett · 8 years
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Casual Jam-Session with the one and only Lulu 😂😂 
Mr. Red came over to proof that he's a better Guitar player then I am... Let's say I expected worse and I have to admit for a self-taught he's not that bad (yes I actually complimented you, must be the Jack)..buuuuut ☝..I had lessons for 10 years and I'm not even sure if you can read music or if you just play what comes to your mind..anyways thanks for coming over even tho you are not a good replacement for my fav Ginger! 
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anugroh0 · 7 years
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Minyak ajaib dan multiguna dari ramuan herba yang terjaga alamiah dan ilahiahnya. Minyak Herba Sinergi mengandung ramuan herba pilihan, termasuk yang digunakan oleh Burung Bubut untuk membuat sarang. Masyarakat sejak dahulu mempercayai minyak ini baik untuk tulang yang patah, terkilir dan berbagai sakit lainnya. MANFAAT & KEGUNAAN : Patah tulang: Minyak dipanaskan dan dioleskan di bagian yang patah, lalu dibalut kain.Wasir / ambeien: Oleskan dibagian anus yang keluarDarah tinggi dan lumpuh (stroke): Panaskan minyak ini, oleskan di bagian tengkuk dan bagian tubuh yang sakit.Untuk urut/pijat/gosok: Minyak ini sangat sesuai untuk urut karena tidak merusak syaraf kulit.Gigitan serangga (lipan, tawon, dan sejenisnya): Ambil kapas dan basahi dengan minyak ini, lalu tempelkan di bagian yang luka.Luka-luka kecil: Ambil kapas dan basahi dengan minyak ini, lalu ditempelkan dibagian yang luka.Terkena air panas, luka bakar: Oleskan perlahan di bagian yang sakit, dan minyaki terus agar tidak melembung.Diare (keracunan makanan): Minum setengah sendok bersama air hangat.Perut buncit: Panaskan minyak ini lalu diurut perlahan di perut berulang kali secara berputar.Kembung perut (anak kecil): Minyak ini dipanaskan, oleskan pada daun sirih dan ditempelkan pada perut anak.Asthma (anak kecil): Minum minyak ini setengah sendok kecil pada waktu malam sebelum tidur, serta oleskan pada bagian dada kemudian diselimuti.Bayi yang menangis waktu malam: Minyak dioleskan pada bagian atas kening bayi.Anak sering kencing diwaktu malam: Dioleskan di ari-ari/pusar sebelum tidur disamping minum Madu Premium atau MultifloraWanita menopause: Menghilangkan rasa sakit sewaktu ‘bersama’ suami (dengan cara diolesi) Wilayah 1-2 : Rp 45.000 | Kode : 28/10 Wilayah 3 : Rp 50.000 | Kode : 32/10 Wilayah 4 : Rp 56.000 | Kode : 46/10 Isi : 100 ml
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adam-69s-stuff-blog · 7 years
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Kala senja mulai temaram hanyut bersama lamunan.dan kuhanya bisa memandangi lautan ini,sendiri tanpa siapapun.bilakah sepi ini pergi dari sisi hati yang tengah luka.luka oleh bayang bayang masa lalu yg selalu menghantui
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20-44-sims · 6 years
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“Bc I'm their only sister, they need to tolerate my annoyance ... and I'm using my privilege as much as I can 😝 Luka is going down in 5, 4, 3.... 👊 #siblinglove “
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20-44-sims · 6 years
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𝟚𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕪 
Memories that they shared : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
They started with sushi and now celebrate with sushi  🍣🍣🍣
OUR BABIIIIES @eeriesims I love RILLA (Willa&Reed) so so so much ❤️❤️❤️  
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20-44-sims · 7 years
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OC TAG - Luka Blanchett
Tagged by hun💕  @qvoix
1. What is your name? Lukalas The Greatest
2. Do you know why you were named that? there’s no story behind my name, it’s just a male name that my mom picked for me
3. Single or taken? taken, engaged to Shiv...and apparently to everything that comes with her...like her cat that I hate...
4. Stop being a Mary Sue! what does that even mean? ...ohhh that... yup. I’m born perfect
5. What’s your eye color? green
6. How about hair color? red
7. Have you any family members? twin sister, older brother, parents, grandparents etc.
8. Oh, how about pets? ofc I do! LOLITA, my stinky love... my sunshine
9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? narrow-minded ppl, ppl who don’t know how to laugh at their own expense... I don’t know, there’s not much that I don’t like...
10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? mountain biking is my huge passion!!!! playing guitar from time to time and swimming
11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? yeah probably I’ve hurt someone emotionally
12. Ever… killed anyone before? no...what did you hear?
13. What kind of animal are you? I don’t know tbh... any suggestions?
14. Name your worst weaknesses. that I’m too good looking....man, I don’t know...
15. Do you look up to anyone at all? yes, to my dad and Alex, my older brother
16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual? straight
17. Do you go to school? finished long time ago
18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? ofc... me, my girl, our 5 kiddos, few dogs and NO CATS...
19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? I like to think that I do
20. What are you most afraid of? I don’t want to think about things like this
21. What do you usually wear? black or white t-shirt and jeans
22. What’s one food that tempts you? pizza
23. Am I annoying you? oh no, I like to talk about myself XD
24. Well, it’s not over! great
25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? I was born into a middle class, but after university, I had to work all kinds of jobs and sometimes even 2 jobs to pay my bills...but I always had enough
26. How many friends do you have? hmmm ... I’m a lucky guy when it comes to this bc I have lot of good friends
27. What are your thoughts on pie? I could have a piece of pie
28. Favorite drink? Guinness beer, good whiskey ...
29. What’s your favorite place? definitely grandparent’s country house in Serbia
30. Are you interested in anyone?my fiance Shiv
31. That was a stupid question. *chuckels*
32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? ocean, lake is to calm for me...
33. What’s your type? girl has to have something different about her, an interesting mind, funny, kinda daredevil side too... eyes, there’s always something about the eyes... bouncy boobs (not too big tho and def no to fake ones)... not too much makeup...
34. Any fetishes? ha...*twirls the mustaches*
35. Camping or indoors? love camping, love nature...hate mosquitos ...
what...is that all???
I tag @eeriesims @moonsyrups @gershologram @aleslifesimsmain @reinitasims @dormantsims @dreamteamsims @barleycoffee @neutralsupply @phoenixresurgent  @simmerberlin @honeybodies
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20-44-sims · 7 years
Is Luka single? ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
guuuurl…Luka has a fiancee Shiv  
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red-luka · 7 years
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HYPE Mag Release Party
Congratulation to a @hypemagazine team on such a huge success! I’m hyped about this 2nd issue!
Can someone tell that Gucci guy to give me a call...I’ll consider modelling for him...
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red-luka · 7 years
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But do you really want me for this job? You trust me that much? 😆@mikobennett
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red-luka · 7 years
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“Guys you got a Code 3 R5 Prio 1 - Accident with a bike, Patient is awake”
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red-luka · 7 years
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“...I've sensed your presence, my love...” @devchapman @siobhanchap
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red-luka · 7 years
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red-luka · 7 years
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I swear, she should be an actress...how fast she can transform from sister to a mother amazes me every single time ...
Luka: “ You see, everything is fine Misha...you’ve heard the doctor”
Misha: “ That’s not what I’ve heard! She said that you were lucky to pass that fall only with a concussion! Are you aware that you could have died? Not wearing a helmet? How dumb is that? You need to stop acting like a kid Luka”
Luka: “Hmmm...you’re starting to sound like our mom sooner than I thought”
Misha: “ Well someone will eat only hospital food in next few days”
Luka: “ That food threatening is not working. We both know that you won’t torture your only brother...your hurt poor brother...alone...in the hospital...hurt...your twin...hurt...alone...” 
Luka: “ Ohhh and I hope you haven’t told our parents yet about accident..especially to mom...it’s better for me to tell her when I get out of the hospital... you know how much she’ll worry and start with moving-back-to-Paris talk”
Misha: ”I don’t think that’s a good idea..plus you know how good is she in reading my face, she’ll know that something is wrong” 
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