#luikse wafels
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dividedindiversity · 2 years ago
Ok so I changed my mind on not pitting dishes from different countries against each other. I got a very nice ask that told me I had earned a cookie, so it's time for a COOKIE/BAKED GOODS SHOWDOWN!
Pics under the readmore!
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Honzovy Buchty
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Kremna Rezina
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Salam de biscuiti
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Pastel de nata
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Luikse wafel
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vergetentijd · 1 year ago
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Na een eerste wandeling naar Times Square een thuisgevoel gevonden. Luikse wafels met aarbeien en slagroom met een laagje speculoospasta uit Bornem en als extraatje ook nog een speculooskoekje van Vermeiren, uitaard ook uit Bornem.
Chauvenist in Nova Belgia want tja, New York werd eerst gekoloniseerd door Hugenoten uit Wallonië en Vlaanderen of dacht je dat het toevallig was dat er een Hoboken net over de Hudson is en een Manhattan nabij Terhulpen in Wallonië. #triviaweetje
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themethereoncewas · 2 years ago
Gevulde wafels met appel-frambozencompote - Hap en Tap
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Dinsdag 15 augustus 2023... de zelfgemaakte appelcompot moet opgegeten worden.
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princemick · 2 years ago
okay but luikse wafel bucket hats? I'm IN
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bobthecoolrock · 1 year ago
I gotchu🇧🇪
Brusselse wafel or Luikse wafel?
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(You can have both if you want)
i love waffle mutuals feed me waffle
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couleurlocale · 3 years ago
Milyen a Stroopwafel, a sima akár itthon gofrihoz képest? Rég meg akartam kérdezni! :)
Most már otthon is lehet kapni, nyáron egy csomó helyen láttam. Annyira hasonlít a gofrihoz, mint mondjuk a sajtostallér a sajtos pogácsához, ami igazán magyaros gofri az a brusselse wafel, aztán még van a luikse wafel, de annak már keményebb a tésztája és kandiscukrot sütnek bele (franciául gaufre de Liège, érted, gofri! :D)
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brusselse wafel (brüsszeli gofri)
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luikse wafel (luiki gofri, ez milyen hülyén hangzik magyarul)
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your-fave-is-bi · 2 years ago
i know the dawning is over but im having thinky thoughts abt what my little fellas' type of cookies would be…
i think Helios would have a very warm flavor thingy. Maybe something with apple and cinnamon? Tried n true and classic and oftentimes, very sweet and comforting.
Thalu's would be smth with red berries, a type of sweet that leaves your fingers stained deep purple bc its a little messy to eat
Cerul has a fancy type of baked good. Mille-feuille with a lemon vanilla pudding.
Nico's would be Luikse wafels or speculoos
Bb would maybe have a very simple cookie, like a chocolate chip, with milk and dark chocolate...
Neyrha would be a special flavor combination, something spicy and refreshing, maybe with some mint? Finished off with some powdered sugar
Cedahn would have cream puffs, with a hint of spice in the pastry cream.
Sa'id might be a milkshake? A mix between two flavors, one classic and one newer maybe
Seyla's would be little gingerbread cookies, very cute
Dew would be something more savory than sweet, something that takes a while to make? With typical winter-associated spices
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dvarapala · 4 years ago
hi this is an attention craving pal, asking for strawberry compliments
strawberry time // @badmusesdoitwell 
listen! emma! you’re an absolute gem! (also we both like luikse wafels and that is a plus! ;P) i’ve always been an x men girl and you more than deliver. well known characters, like emma frost, and lesser known characters like genext (whom i love and adore)! :D i adore every single character on your roster, whether i know them or not. thank you for writing with me across blogs! <3 and even when we don’t write and just chat, i love that too. you’re so easy to talk to! :D here’s to us having many more shenanigans across our blogs!
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shopperwithattitude · 4 years ago
Belgische week bij LIDL
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Vanaf donderdag 15 april is het weer Belgische week bij LIDL. Een greep uit het tijdelijke assortiment:
Belgische kaasplakken (o.m. Corsendonk; €2.29), Herve kaas (€2.99), Corsendonk kaasblokjes (€2.99), Belgisch kaasplankje (€9.99), Luikse wafels met chocolade (€1.19), chocochips (€1.49), Belgische pralines (€3.29), Waalse suikertaart (€3.99), een 4-pack Gulden Draak Tripel (€4.99), en nog veel meer Belgische bieren en vleeswaren. Bekijk alle aanbiedingen in de folder (6 bladzijden).
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theshowboatgent · 5 years ago
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Vanaf vandaag verkrijgbaar.... VAN EYCK WAFEL Bijna hetzelfde als een luikse.... met kaneel honing en rozijnen. UNIEKE WAFEL die moet je eens getest hebben. UIT EIGEN KEUKEN!! (Ook al uniek in Gent🤣😂) Het zal dit weekend binnen te verkrijgen zijn..... kom en geniet als een van de eerste. #vaneyck #wafel #vaneyckwafel #omloop #omloophetnieuwsblad #eerstekoersvantjaar @puur_gent @stadgent @the.showboat #grootkanonplein (bij The Showboat) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JMtGdl4TK/?igshid=yo6cainfonfg
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dividedindiversity · 2 years ago
Vlaamsche Kost!! (Belgian flemish alternatives)
Stoofvlees/ Stoverij met frietjes
Gentse Waterzooi
Moules Frites
Also i think your wallon source was biased against luikse wafels ':p
Sorry, Belgian poll was already up! And I'm sorry, but the person biased against Luikse Wafels was *me*. (though to be fair I'm biased against the Luikse Wafels you get in the Netherlands. I bet the ones you get in Luik are much better!)
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nelenevens · 7 years ago
Maandag 25 september 2017
Vandaag was D-day! Na een eerste week gezwoegd te hebben, was het tijd om mijn kennis op papier te zetten. Naast mijn schriftelijke taak, werd er ook gepolst naar mijn luister- en leesvaardigheden, en uiteraard ook de staat van mijn grammaire... Ik trek voorlopig geen conclusies, we zullen de resultaten moeten afwachten! 
Tijdens het avondeten werd er ronduit gesproken over lokale / nationale specialiteiten van iedereen aan tafel. Als fiere Belg kon ik natuurlijk niet achter blijven! Er werd geschoten met termen als: neuzekes, negerinnentetten, Luikse, maar zeker ook Brusselse wafels en nog veel meer! Komende maand zal ik tijdens mijn thuisbezoek (want ja, ik kom binnenkort een weekend naar huis!) heuse inkopen moeten doen! Daarbij was mijn ‘gastgezin-moeder’ helemaal van haar melk bij het horen van ‘la friterie’. Want ja, de frituur is nu eenmaal een Belgische specialiteit, één waar we zeker fier op mogen wezen! 
Au revoir en bonne nuite à tout le monde! 
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themethereoncewas · 5 years ago
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19 maart 2020
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fijnproever · 5 years ago
Recept voor het maken van Luikse wafels
Heerlijke homemade Luikse wafels gevuld met parelsuiker en geserveerd met slagroom, poedersuiker en chocolade.
Luikse wafels bakken
Voor het maken van luchtige suikerwafels heb je een wafelijzer nodig. Met dit deeg maak je een heerlijke wafel. Het zal niet zo luchtig worden als bij een Brusselse wafel. De variant uit Brussel is heel luchtig, maar de buitenkant is ook zacht. Bij deze versie heb je een andere structuur: de buitenkant is namelijk knapperig en de binnenkant nog luchtig en mooi zacht. Dit…
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heerlijkehappen · 5 years ago
Luikse salade met boontjes en ei
Onze Zuiderburen hebben echt wel wat mooie klassiekers op hun naam staan. Zo ook deze Luikse salade met boontjes en ei, een salade van origine voor de werkende klasse. Een salade die goed vult met een lauwwarme dressing. Een industriële stad waar wij meerdere malen per jaar omheen of doorheen rijden richtig de Ardennen of naar Frankrijk. Toch heeft deze stad meerdere recepten op mijn nam staan zoals Luikse wafels, Luikse ballen, en Luikse koffie. Dus op een volgend tripje richting het Zuiden is het de moeite waard eens te stoppen en deze stad eens te verkennen. Op maar 30 kilometer van de Maastrichtse grens en dus zeker een dagtripje waard als je weer eens in het zuiden van ons land bent. Daar heb ik de salade met sperziebonen en ei ontdekt. Lekker als bijgerecht maar ook als lunch bijvoorbeeld. Luikse salade met boontjes en ei Een goedvullende salade die als maaltijd kan dienen. 1 zak krieltjes (voorgekookt)150 gr spekjes350 gr sperziebonen2 witte uien gesnipperd3 eierenUit de voorraadkast:peper / zout50 ml witte wijnazijn4 el olijfolie1 el Grove mosterd½ el gele mosterd Haal de kop en de kont van de boontjes en breek ze in tweeën, kook ze gaar en laat ze vervolgens "schrikken" in koud water. Neem de wok of roerbakpan erbij en doe hierin de spekjes met de gesnipperde uien in de olijfolie. Bak ze tot het spek krokant begint te worden en voeg dan de boontjes en gekookte krieltjes toe. #Belgischeklassieker #krieltjes #Luiksesalade #receptLuiksesalade #receptsalade #saladerecept #sperziebonen Read the full article
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heimwee2456 · 6 years ago
I’ve surpassed many obstacles to be able to publish this article since I had to visit all the supermarkets available in the Netherlands to collect all the goodies (you know I never leave things unfinished) worth of mentioning!
This post is going to be concerned about wide range of treats (from sweet to savoury) that can all be called “stereotypically Dutch” and that you just can’t miss when you’re visiting the country since they’re all perfectly representing the Dutch culture. Well, at least most of them, but knowing these terms you’ll be able to understand their culture and way of living a little bit more than before. So let’s begin!
I’ll be ordering items by particular supermarkets.
1 – Vla is a Dutch dairy product made from fresh milk. The word ‘vla’ was first documented in the 13th century and originally referred to any custard-like substance covering cakes or other baked goods. Nowadays it has a very thin and pudding-like substance and comes in numerous different flavours.
2 – Pap is a traditional porridge/polenta made from mielie-meal (coarsely ground maize). It comes in various flavours as well and it may taste a little savoury at first, but I’m sure you’ll like it in the end!
3 – Appeltaart is the most typical Dutch cake. It differentiates from the common American apple pie a little bit, since the basis of Dutch apple pie is a crust on the bottom and around the edges. This crust is then filled with pieces or slices of apple, usually a crisp and mildly tart variety such as Goudreinet or Elstar. Cinnamon and sugar are generally mixed in with the apple filling. You’ll most likely find the pre-prepared mixture in every shop around the country.
4 – Pannenkoeken (pancakes) are also quite popular. Pannenkoeken are usually larger (up to a foot in diameter) and much thinner than their American or Scotch pancake counterparts, but not as thin as crêpes. They may incorporate slices of bacon, apples, cheese, or raisins. Plain ones are often eaten with treacle (syrup made of sugar beets), appelstroop (an unspiced Dutch variety of apple butter) or (powdered) sugar and are sometimes rolled up to be eaten by hand or with cutlery. You’ll find pancake mixes and syrups of various kinds everywhere as well.
5 – Dutch markets are full of pre-prepared cake mixtures of all kinds. This is only one example.
6,7 – Fishes! Herrings (haring) and mackerels (makreel) are pretty common in here, they come in various sorts and flavours.
8 – Pindakaas is a food paste or spread made from ground dry-roasted peanuts, therefore it’s basically a classic peanut butter. In the Netherlands peanut butter is called pindakaas (literally “peanut cheese”) rather than pindaboter (“peanut butter”) because the word butter was a legally protected term for products that contain actual butter, prompting Calvé, the company which first marketed it in the country in 1948, to use kaas instead.
9 – Veggie snacks – I know this is not typically Dutch, but since I haven’t seen such variety of vegetarian and vegan products anywhere around Europe I’ve been to yet, I decided to classify it here.
10 – Pepermunt ballen are as common in the Netherlands as chewing gums in other countries. You’ll find these tiny gum-like candies in all sizes and shapes everywhere.
11 – Another type of herrings.
12 – Hagelslag is Dutch people’s answer to sprinkles. But don’t be fooled – these are a different kind of sprinkles than you are used to. In North America sprinkles are primarily reserved for ice-cream and cakes and normally for the likes of children, but here in the Netherlands, it is apparently perfectly normal behaviour for an adult to merrily sprinkle some fruit or chocolate flavoured sprinkles on their bread at mealtime, particularly breakfast. Now, hagelslag comes in many varieties; you can have chocolate hagelslag, fruit flavoured hagelslag or most perplexing of all – anise seed (licorice seed) hagelslag.
13 – Speculaas or speculoos is a type of spiced shortcrust biscuit, traditionally baked for consumption on or just before St Nicholas’ day in the Netherlands, Just like other countries have Nutella, the Dutch have speculoos. It tastes unbelievably good!
14,15 – The Dutch truly love their licorice or drop as it is known in the Netherlands. You can find it in nearly everywhere. There is a flavour or type of drop for every taste from sweet to salty, hard to soft. Drop comes in many shapes and sizes from small Groente Erwten (green peas) to large Muntdrop chewy coins.
16 – Oh, I almost forgot to mention, that the Dutch prefer baking their own pastry at home, therefore sometimes you maybe won’t able to find anything in the supermarkets except these pre-baked packages!
17 – Peanut butter is a main ingredient in literally everything – even most of the sweets taste like it! Here you can see a brief example, the pindarotsjes.
1 – I’ve already mentioned one pre-baked cake mixture before, now you can see how many of them are to be found in this supermarket.
2 – Another types of drop.
3 – Amstel is among Heineken the leading beer brand in the Netherlands. You’ll find numerous types of beer everywhere, all sorts and flavours.
4 – Boerencake refers to a type of cake traditionally made with a pound of each of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. Such pound cakes are generally baked in either a loaf pan or a Bundt mold, and served either dusted with powdered sugar, lightly glazed, or sometimes with a coat of icing.
5 – Speculoos hagelslag, my most favourite snack ever!
6 – Pindakaas again.
7 – Chocomel is a Dutch brand of chocolate-flavoured milk, produced by Campina in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. It’s so popular, that it’s even easier to get Chocomel than water. You’ll find it even on the McDonalds menu!
8 – (we’ll get to stroopwafels later). Now this cake really caught my eye since it’s a combination of a super easy pre-baked cake with my favourite type of sweets, the Dutch stroopwafels!
9 – Reuze mergpijp is a Swedish small cylindrical pastry covered with green marzipan with the ends dipped in chocolate, with an interior consisting of a mix of crushed biscuits, butter, and cocoa, flavoured with punsch liqueur. Though it’s more popular in the Netherlands I’d say.
10 – Galetten wafeltjes – Galette from the Norman word gale meaning flat cake is a term used in French cuisine to designate various types of flat round or freeform crusty cakes. And that’s exactly what these are, the tiny flat sweet wafels.
11 – Roze koek is a typical Dutch pastry. It consists of a small flat cake with a layer of pink fondant icing. The best-known brand is Glacé.
12 – A couple of another types of vla.
13 – Speculoos cookies!
14 – Gevulde koek is an almond cookie made of dough and butter with a sweet filling. Almond paste is the most common filler.
15 – Luikse wafels are a variety of waffle with a lighter batter, larger squares, and deeper pockets than ordinary American waffles. These waffles were originally leavened with yeast, but baking powder is now often used. They are often eaten as a breakfast food; toppings vary from whipped cream, hagelslag, confectioners sugar, soft fruit, and chocolate spread, to syrup and butter or margarine. They may also be served with vanilla ice cream and fresh fruit (such as strawberries) as a dessert.
16,17 – When it comes to dairy and yoghurts, I rarely find in markets anything but mousse and this Crème brûlée-like dessert. Both these products come in various flavours and toppings, I’d recommend you to try them as well.
1 – Kruidnoten are small, round, cookie-like confectioneries with a crispy texture, traditionally associated with the early December Sinterklaas festivities in the Netherlands. The term kruidnoten is often confused with pepernoten although they’re nothing alike since pepernoten contain mostly mint and kruidnoten other kinds of spices.
2 – Musketflikken are flat mint chocolate circles covered in small sweet sprinkles.
3 – Kokos rochers are simple yet quick French pastries made with dried grated coconut.
4,5 – Stroopwafel is a waffle made from two thin layers of baked dough with a caramel syrup filling in the middle. Stroopwafels are the most popular treats in the Netherlands, and were first made in the city of Gouda.
6 – Mini speculoos cookies.
7 – Again a few other types of drop candies.
8 – Salmiakmix – this is a really peculiar type of drop, since these candies are made of salty liquorice.
9 – Kersenstokjes (cherry sticks) and kaneelkussentjes (cinnamon pillows) are also very popular between the Dutch.
10 – Just to show you in how many shapes the speculoos cookies occur.
11 – Stevige verwendrop – supposedly verwendrop differentiates from basic drop, however – I do not find any differences. Do you know any? This verwendrop can be found in three different flavours here in Hema: salty, sweet and bay leaf.
Fine, that is supposed to be it, I hope I really did mention everything worthy your attention!
If you’ve ever been to the Netherlands – what are your favourite market snacks, and if you’re considering a trip – what has caught your eye? Let me know!
Have a great day!
Treats You Can’t Miss in The Netherlands!
I’ve surpassed many obstacles to be able to publish this article since I had to visit all the supermarkets available in the Netherlands to collect all the goodies (you know I never leave things unfinished) worth of mentioning!
Treats You Can’t Miss in The Netherlands! I’ve surpassed many obstacles to be able to publish this article since I had to visit all the supermarkets available in the Netherlands to collect all the goodies (you know I never leave things unfinished) worth of mentioning!
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