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kalemineiyibak · 5 months ago
Kelime Oynuruk ve Yalnılızlık
Vesglim, sana bensizliği sormaları biriktirdim. Ikse şarkıları dinleyip acımın kıyısında yalınayak kendime yürüyorum: bu gece.
Varud kartonpiyerde asılı bir sevda kaç buçuk yaşından beni çıkarsa kendime çocuk kalıyorum. Kalbim hâlâ saf denizlerin koynunda uyumak istiyor. Ruhuma üflenen delibozuk, bağımlı lambaların kayholuş şiirinde karanlığa tuket veriyor. Bilmem ki bu kelime oyunlarıyla seni kazanacağımı mı sanıyorum? Hayır, tende Beste; yoklukta bir Gültekin. Yâr, mektubunu tamamlarken imza atmayı unutmuş. Tapusu potpori acılarıma koç lamış.
Saç, dökülürken saçmalanmazdı. Kel yolluklarla kalbim foymazı.
Deneme bitiyor, ben yine gidiyorum. Nuyun titti. Güneş yarın asbah ad ines eşeleyecek.
Dilara AKSOY (Dila VARLI)
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latexeyelid · 4 months ago
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Chilean landscape with flamingos by C. Ludik
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444names · 5 months ago
Names generated from French and German forenames, excluding the letter "A" and including "K"
Belvick Benciebker Benck Benonikt Berick Berik Beriniko Berwinck Biebke Bienck Bodidike Bodik Brichrick Brick Brike Brikon Brinrick Brudellenck...
Chellikt Chelynerick Chiedrick Chlodenike Chrichrick Chrick Chrik Chrikon Chrikt Chringoriko Chrionikt Clémick Cléminick Clémyrick Clérick Clérèserick Cobinck Colfrik Colike Coridiko Corik Cortrikt Cyrick Cyrikt Cyrinifelk Cyriselke Delmick Demick Denck Derick Dierick Dikole Dikoles Dinelikt Dinelkerd Dinrikt Edrick Edylvick Ekker Ekkerre Ekkert Ekkevel Ekkeven Ekkevico Ekkevid Ekkevien Ekkevierne Ekkevin Ekkevinne Ekkevio Ekkevièle Elevick Elick Emichrick Emick Emirick Emirko Emirkole Emirkolin Emirkondt Emirkone Emmelke Erick Eriko Eringerick Ertrick Esebke Evick Evirko Felkevie Fellenck Ferick Flonick Freinzelk Frick Frielke Frike Frikt Fristelke Frémick Gebke Gebkert Gelvick Genclémick Georenikt Georick Gerick Geronik Gervérike Geselke Ghilenick Gilorick Ginick Gobenck Gredikt Grick Grikt Guelke Gélik Géliko Gérichrick Gérick Güntorick Heidik Heinck Heinikt Heinnick Heliebke Helke Helker Helkert Hellrick Helmick Helmundrikt Helvick Henck Henick Henrick Herick Hericorik Herike Heriko Herikolier Herobelker Herobetrick Hervérick Hiebkerth Hielikt Holfrick Homicherick Homick Homirko Horienck Hugorick Hurick Hurik Hélikert Hérick Imick Imonick Imorick Inick Inike Irkole Irkolf Irkolgert Irkolinin Irkon Irkone Iselorick Istrick Jenck Jerick Jermick Jocélikold Jonick Jonik Jonikt Josebke Joseliko Joselk Josick Julike Julikt Julinrick Julivick Julrick Julrik Jérèsebkerd Jörgebkevid Jürgermick Kergeory Kerie Kerio Kerndre Keryl Kevice Kevid Kevidis Keviedmutte Keviegfrik Kevien Kevine Kevièvert Kolbell Kolbent Koldeldenne Koleste Kolette Kolfriese Kolfrégor Kolie Kolies Kolince Kolio Kolis Kolivine Kolle Kolph Kondricorg Kondrio Konic Konich Konichele Konick Konikolf Konin Konne Konrie Konrienne Konrine Kureder Kuredyl Kureidie Kureile Kurein Kureing Kuren Kurent Kurete Kurey Kuric Kurich Kurichein Kurictois Kurie Kurien Kurienzelk Kurier Kuriete Kurieu Kurin Kurinhein Kuriolf Kuris Kurobie Kuroldo Kurolfre Kurst Kursus Kurtienth Kurtritin Kurée Kurégilby Kurégotte Kuréli Kuréliento Kurélin Kuréline Kuréme Kurémed Kurémiloé Liebkeviner Liedrick Lierick Liethérik Linemmenck Linike Lisebke Loisèlenikt Lonick Lorikoniko Lorikt Louisebke Loémick Loémirkolf Lucierikt Lucilheinck Ludike Ludiko Ludikt Ludinck Luker Lukert Lukervé Lukevic Lukevine Luthilick Lydiker Lydiko Lynelke Lémichenck Lémick Lémyrikone Lütomick Lütomirkone Mellrick Melodikt Micelkerd Michrick Micorick Milherick Milike Milikt Minick Mircelke Mircorick Miretrick Mirichelke Mirick Mirkole Mirkolf Mirkoli Mirkon Mirkonich Mirkonie Monick Monike Monikt Monnikt Monrik Morenck Morick Morikoni Mundrikt Munoémirkon Myrick Myrike Myrikonique Mélik Mélikt Méliselk Mélivick Nichenck Nichienck Niebke Niedriebke Nifelke Niker Nikeverre Nikole Nikon Ninelk Niniko Odikt Orikt Osick Phiedrick Philik Piebker Pierick Pietterick Redik Reinick Renck Retenick Rethérick Richelke Rogebke Rolfrick Rolgebke Rolgeriko Rolinck Romirko Rédérick Régititelk Réliegfrik Réliko Rémenick Rémirkole Sebke Sellenike Setriko Shenck Simelkert Sinck Siniko Solfrick Solikt Sonikt Sonrick Stelk Stinrik Stophienick Strudielk Sulriebke Sustrick Svenck Sylvick Sylvinck Thedrick Thelkert Therick Thiltelmick Thélick Tinck Tinrick Udierick Ulick Ulike Uliko Ulikt Ulrichrick Ulrick Ulrikone Urichrick Uthieterike Uwerick Uwernoémick Vinessick Vinrick Vionik Virko Virkonick Vonrik Werick Wielk Wigistinelk Wildettorik Wiliko Winerick Winik Winrick Xennikt Yvesebke Élick Éliebke Éliedrick Élike Éliko Élikt Élivick Élènelk Émick Érick Érèserick
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blogawaybartlett · 11 months ago
One of the goals I've set for myself for this new phase of my life was to do some research on the history of my family and to build a family tree which shows my ancestry.
When I started working on this I was in for the double suprise.
Firstly, how quickly it can be done these days with all the Internet resources available, eg apps like geni.com and Geneanet. Before I started I thought it was going to be a tediously long and frustrating process - visiting archives, searching through baptismal registers, corresponding with distant relations, going down rabbitholes and reaching deadends.
Great was my surprise when I realised that I could draw my patrilineal line from the first Bartlett to settle in South Africa (the missionary of the London Missionary Society, John Bartlett, born in 1788 and died in 1849) to my own immediate in about 3 hours time.
The "Bartlett Church" at Campbell in the Northern Cape:
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The station at Campbell drawn by Charles Bell in 1835, with the church at the left:
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In the process I discovered mothers and grandmothers with surnames like Haarhof, Maartens, De Beer and Ludik (wich happens to be my middle name) and also a generous sprinkling of Huguenot surnames like Viljoen, Joubert, Le Febré, De Grave, Cronjé and Taillefer.
My second surprise was when I came across an article about the origin of the Bartlett surname. The article starts by stating very generally:
"BARTLETT is an ancient Norman name that arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name BARTLETT comes from the personal name Bartholomew."
I was further intrigued when I read the following:
"The first of the family was Adam Barttelot, an esquire in the retinue of Brian, a Knight, and they came into England with William, the Conqueror, and fought at Hastings."
Scene from the Battle of Hastings, 1066, Bayeux Tapestry:
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But what truly blew my mind was the next bit of information:
"The Bartlett family owes it's beginning to King Pepin and Queen Bertha of France. The parents of King Charles I (aka Charlemagne) and his sister Bertha. Now Bertha married Milo, Duke of Aigiant and they are the parents of the Bartlett line. Their son, christened by the name of Berthaelot, a diminutive of Bertha became the favorite of his uncle (Charlemagne) who watched over him."
King Pepin The Short, first king of the Franks and father of Charlemagne and Bertha, and grandfather of the first of the Bartlett line:
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Charlemagne/Carolus Magnus, Holy Roman Emperor:
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Oh, my goodness! This is mind-boggling and will take me some time for me to come to terms with.
But, ok. Calm down. Carry on as always.
You can walk with kings. But just remember to keep the common touch, my boy (with a clear nod at Rudyard Kipling).
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lovebooksgroup · 6 months ago
Follow the #Virtualbooktour for Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho | Proudly organised by @LoveBooksTours #BookTour #SupportingAuthors #BookPromotion
X Mail Print Facebook Pinterest Print Like Loading… Virtual Book Tour organised by Love Books Tours. Follow the tour across Instagram & TikTok. Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho 2nd – 15th Sept Genre: Fantasy Love Books Tours Blurb Most people call me Ludi or Lud, even though my name is Ludik. Or they do call me Ludik, but I can’t catch the k on their lips. No, it doesn’t…
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phsolomon · 8 months ago
Read Seed of War by Matthew Hall @ml_hall #Fantasy #Supernatural #Series
Title Of Book: Seed of War Series: Unexpected Heroes Book 2 By: Matthew Hall Genre: Fantasy Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Coming of Age Blurb: Lies, suspicion, and a desperate trek. In a world where no race trusts another, the shapeshifting jaguar Ludik became friends with the strangers who helped him save the world from feuding gods. Now a gilled translator, a fire mage, and the winged…
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cosplaylight · 2 years ago
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Promotion: Genshin Impact Noelle and Paul Ludik KFC Cosplay Costume
Shopping It >> https://www.cosplaylight.com/Genshin-Impact-Noelle-and-Paul-Ludik-KFC-Cosplay-Costume-p2502492.html
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valloninfo · 2 years ago
Piscine des Combes Val-de-Travers Les préparatifs battent leur plein à la piscine des Combes dont l’ouverture est annoncée pour le samedi 27 mai 2023 dès 9h30.  La piscine sera ouverte tous les jours de 9h30 à 19h00 avec, en cas de beau temps, une ouverture prolongée possible. En cas de météo ne permettant pas l’ouverture de la piscine des Combes, il est bon de rappeler que les porteurs d’abonnements saison aux Combes ont accès gratuitement à la piscine d’espaceVAL.  Les nouveautés de la saison Dans le but d’animer la période estivale, la piscine des Combes annonce sur son site Internet plusieurs nouvelles activités gratuites et en libre accès durant les week-ends. Vous y trouverez notamment : Samedi 03 et dimanche 04 juin : Tir au but Samedi 10 et dimanche 11 juin : Cible foot fléchettes Samedi 08 et dimanche 09 juillet : L’espace Ludik (jeux géants en bois et jeux de bar) Samedi 22 et dimanche 23 juillet : Billardfoot Samedi 05 et dimanche 06 août : Cage de dodgeball (balle au prisonnier) De plus amples informations concernant ces activités se trouvent sur la page dédiée : https://espaceval.ch/activites-estivales-a-la-piscine-des-combes-2023/ Fête de la piscine Dernière date à retenir : samedi 1er juillet pour la fête de la piscine des Combes avec de nombreuses animations: initiation sirène, contes pour enfants, baptême de plongée, aquagym, parcours aquatiques pour enfants, initiation au handball, tournoi de volley...
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jozigist · 2 years ago
Janco Dreyer's new single is the perfect song to get any party started
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JANCO DREYER'S NEW SINGLE IS THE PERFECT SONG TO GET ANY PARTY STARTED Janco Dreyer's life revolves around music, and there is nothing that this 23-year-old singer and songwriter from Bloemfontein would rather be doing. His passion for music is evident in his latest single, BOSOPSKOP, written by Hugo Ludik and Nick Jordaan.
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"It's about a group of youngsters who set up camp and have a party," he explains. "One of the young men falls in love with the girl of his dreams, and even though his friends warn him against her, he feels that she is worth the risk of heartbreak." This catchy tune was produced by Brendan Campbell and Hugo Ludik, and the artist believes that it will appeal to audiences of all ages. Janco has been singing since he was eleven and after making the decision to give up rugby for music, singing has become his main focus. Over the years, Janco has participated in various initiatives, including Jacobus Silwer's All the Way from Bloem songwriting project. He has performed at major festivals, competed in various talent competitions, and has even had the opportunity to represent his country in the USA. His first single, Ek Sal Dit Onthou, was released in March 2022. Although it is vastly different from the carefree nature of his latest release, he considers it one of the biggest highlights of his career so far. "Last year, I released my first single. It was a very personal ballad, and it was a privilege to share it with listeners. But I think the public prefers something more upbeat like BOSOPSKOP." He is currently studying music technology at COPA and working hard to expand his arsenal of original music. When he is not on stage, he's an introvert who thinks deeply about life and draws inspiration from the events and people around him when writing songs. "I am usually quite shy and reserved, but on stage, I turn into a performer," he shares. Locally he admires and enjoys Nicholis Louw's pop-rock approach to music, while international stars like Queen, Elvis Presley, and Ed Sheeran have all had a significant influence on his personal music style. Although he is still struggling to come to terms with his father's death, he remains positive and grateful for each opportunity that comes his way and is determined to make a success of his career. This talented musician has poured his heart and soul into BOSOPSKOP, and the result is something truly special. With a fun and infectious melody, and a voice that demands attention, Janco is well ons his way to making a name for himself in the music industry. "Music is my entire life, and my biggest dream is to sing and perform as much as possible," he concludes. The song is now available on digital streaming platforms. Get it here: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7znVqj2Hiti3jCF2K0Cd6r?si=4SXY8StkQV2URcqk_EneMg&dd=1 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/bosopskop/1678491858?i=1678491859 Youtube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9xpbrMZdrDc&feature=share SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jancodreyermusiek Instagram: janco_dreyer YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jancodreyer890 PUBLICITY & MARKETING: STARBURST PROMOTIONS Alani Coetsee Cell: 072 442 6918 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.starburstmusic.co.za Read the full article
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dicasuteis · 2 years ago
Ludik – 1ª Temporada Completa (2022) Google Drive e Torrent Dublada
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goneahead · 3 months ago
Ty for the tag @dreams-encapsulated-in-glamour !! all songs are from my current driving playlist♥️!!!
G Ghosts of Mississippi - Steeldrivers
O On the Banks of the Ohio - Blue Sky Boys
N Nine Pound Hammer - Jack Silver
E Elmer Jays Waltz - Tony Ludiker
A Another Man Done Gone - Carolina Chocolate Drops
H Hard Times - Mary Black
E East Virginia - Buell Kazee
A Arise and Shine - Elders McIntorsh
D Devil Wears a Coat and Tie - Colter Wall
who wants to go on a road trip with me now?😂😂😂
Tagging: @alea-says @meelopee @distilled-prose @cherokeeghostwriter
@ends-2-beginnings @wordrummager @unhingedthoughts24 @adreamersince1996 @kinda-ok @pineappleinfestedparadise @infinity2020corner @sdeutsch79 @kiaretta985 @mouldycakes @weresilver @jojomolly-blog @corvid-cryptidd @jimac97
bored so i thought id do a tag game :)
rules are you have to pick a song for each we letter of you name and/or username if you don’t wanna use ur real name :)
T: Two Pills by TX2
Y: You’re gonna go far by Noah Kahn
L: Loving You by Thomas Headon
E: Enchanted by Taylor Swift
R: Rise and Grind by Noahfinnce
tagging: @riceandcurry3 @newsies-lodging-house @st0rmyseas @nosuchthingasdeadlanguages @misha-misha @bigmack2go @paralleluniversesfan @apairofnewshoeswithmatchinglaces
no pressure :)
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kalemineiyibak · 4 months ago
Dün Senden Ayrılıyorum
Dün senden ayrılıyorum, Umorontikanta; yani, dildarcanın saçma cümlesi, sevgilim… Kahvem günaşırı, huşu fincanlarında aşkın dilini cıbırca öğrenirken, çayım partilerde boy gösteriyor. Her yudumda içimdeki özlem kalbime buz tadı veriyor.
Yarın seninle barıştım, aşkım. Sıcak, mizantropist lavlarda ejderhanın süksesi şimdi lavanta kokusunu aldığım anda hissettiğim bir merhaba. Geçmişin gölgesi, geleceğin resminin ufak bir dokunuşuyken, şimdinin sohbetinde dünün senli varlığına soyunuyorum.
Gözlerinin yaşamak denizinde ağına takılan bir balığım sevgilim, gözlerini görmeden yüzebilmem mümkün değil. Yelkenler halka açık bir ayrılık busesi kondururken ünlemime; oturup seni yaşamak gibi içtim iki saat sonra. Evveliyatına başlayan külliyat, caboricanka derken benim dilim; cıbırca diliyle kardeş oldu sevgilim; femilorinta sana sarılmayı hayal ederken, kalbinden duyduğum sesin samimi sesi.
Bu küçük sohbetlerin nizamında “Koşuk, Kalk!” diyor Edebiyat. Koğuş kalkıyor, sol-sağ kalbim şaşarken. Sende kaybolup sohbetinde dirilmeyi seviyorum. Ah, bir de sevdiğim, neler saçmalıyorum ben? Tuzlamayı unutma cümlemi, tansiyonun düşükse eğer.
Bak! Nah! Şurada! Ahan da işte hayali gerçekçi cümlelerimin tam vuruşunda. İmgeler nikah memuru, konsantrasyon hayır dedi. Karmaşık cümlelerin sürekli ve sade anlatımlı kuşakları, daha önce düşen cemreyi ekimin isteği üzerine kabul etti.
Havalar da epey değişti, sevgilim. Gönlünün nasılsın sokağında her kuşun eti yeniyor demek ki.
Mısır almıştım sana, sarının ayrılık değdiği bugününün kapitalist bozumunda. Anılar depreşip depresif takılırken, topuklu ayakkabımın sesi, rüzgarı korkutmuştu ü�� saat sonra. Sade ve vurucu cümlelerle oluşturulan etkili bir yazı olmak, bu denemenin çakal niyeti. Kalbim sana koşarken düştüğünde, gözlerinin yedi renginin o zalim belası ömrüme; sözlerinin hasret budalası zahmetli cümlesi bu aşka okunuyor. Kabul edilir inşallah. Elemterefiş kem gözlere, sen şiş sevgilim.
Sevgilim kelimesi, sivrisinek tarafından ısıtılıp yenildi. Kanıma en çok sen doymuşsun demek ki. Afiyetle, potumorintoburumbu hasretim. Dila’nın saçma kelimelerinin rüzgarı kalbine değsin.
Görsellik fanusunda balığımın yemi bulundu; havalandırmalar bugüne antidepresan, dünde sensiz bir nefes darlığı. Bak! Perdemin hikmeti öttü, sanırım kuşlar penceremi yuvaları sandı. Ahan da işte hayali gerçekçi cümlelerimin tam vuruşunda. İmgeler nikah memuru, konsantrasyon hayır dedi. Karmaşık cümlelerin sürekli ve sade anlatımlı kuşakları, daha önce düşen cemreyi ekimin isteği üzerine kabul etti.
Havalar da epey değişti, sevgilim. Gönlünün nasılsın sokağında her kuşun eti yeniyor demek ki.
Ludik kamburdan kaf dağına evhamlar rastika, zalimim. Kıvrıl da bir köşeye, metnimin ketum olmayı unutan her hali gönlüne yanaşsın. Sen, küçük dokunuşların tablo canlandırması; ben, dünün aynısı… Aynada gördüm kendimi, sanki bugün yarının mastikası!
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tvrundownusa · 3 years ago
tvrundown USA 2022.08.26
Friday, August 26th:
(exclusive): Partner Track (netflix, legal drama, all 10 eps), Ludik (netflix, South African crime drama, all 6 eps)
(movies, etc.): "Watcher" (Shudder, horror), "Me Time" (netflix, comedy, ~105mins), "Loving Adults" (netflix, Danish drama, 105mins), "Seoul Vibe" (netflix, Korean action comedy, 2hrs+20mins), "Samaritan" (amazon, Sylvester Stallone sci-fi action thriller), "Untrapped: The Story of Lil Baby" (amazon, documentary)
(streaming weekly): See (apple+, final season 3 opener), Bad Sisters (apple+), Five Days at Memorial (apple+), Surface (apple+, penultimate), Trying (apple+, penultimate), Sprung (freevee, next 2 eps), Making the Cut (amazon, next 2 eps)
(also new): "Dying for a Family" (LMN original movie, 2hrs), The End is Nye (SyFy, night 2 of 6)
(hour 1): Killer Camp (theCW), Ancient Aliens (HIST, new time), Secret Celebrity Renovation (CBS), RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race (VH1, 90mins)
(hour 2): RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race (VH1, contd), Dynasty (theCW, preempted, returns next week)
(hour 3): CMT Campfire Sessions (CMT), Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
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te-ach · 7 years ago
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Affiche atelier beatbox 2LC
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fusdbcom · 3 years ago
Ludik Serie Handlung, Kritik, Besetzung | Netflix
Ludik Serie Handlung, Kritik, Besetzung | Netflix
Ludik Serie Ludik Serie ist eine südafrikanische Fernsehserie, die am 26. August 2022 veröffentlicht wurde. Netflix ist die Originalproduktion. Die erste Staffel der Serie, die im Krimi- und Drama-Genre angesiedelt ist, besteht aus 6 Episoden. Die Serie wurde von Paul Buys und Annemarie van Basten kreiert und von Ian Gabriel und Harold Holscher inszeniert. Das Drehbuch schrieb Paul Buys,…
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orsacchiotto-rugbista · 7 years ago
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