#lucky for him next comic is the last nightmare comic
rhapsoddity · 4 months
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guys i think Jimmy needs therapy-
not that he can afford it ooP-
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arminsumi · 1 year
Oneshot | Eren | ♪
Eren works as a florist at his mom's flower shop, and just next to it is his dad's clinic. After your check ups, you browse the flowers. Eren always glances over at you longingly.
But he never manages to work up the courage to talk to you, and it always gets him down.
⚠️Cws; fluff, light angst
Notes; black!fem!reader
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"Ah, Eren." Armin sighed pitifully at his friend.
Eren lowered his chin onto his forearm, and let his gloomy eyes flutter closed.
"You really need to do something about this." Armin said.
You had yet again come into the store, bought a bouquet, and vanished from sight. All Eren managed to say to you were simplicities, hello how are you that will be $6.99 thank you see you again.
Eren sighed heavily and rubbed the tension out of his face with his hands. "She'll come by for another checkup at some point again; I promise to really talk to her then."
"Uh-uh! You said that last time!" Armin shook his head.
"Well, this time I really mean it."
"You also said that last time."
Eren let his head fall back and groaned. He always became lethargic at the end of a long working day, especially when this happened.
His mom descended the stairs from the upstairs apartment. She didn't need to even ask what had gotten Eren in this mood, it was all too familiar.
"Eren?" She called out, but he closed his eyes and rested his jaw heavily in his palm.
"Yeah?" He mumbled lamely.
"Get off work early for today, okay? You two go out and stretch your legs, take your mind of things." She spoke gently.
She sighed and turned to Armin after Eren was unresponsive, "Armin, take this poor boy out somewhere nice." She asked.
"Yes ma'am." Armin clapped his hands together, "Eren, let's go, come on." Armin encouraged, and tried to move Eren by his arm, but he wouldn't budge.
He let out a throaty groan, like he was in pain at the sight of embarrassing memories in his mind. There they were, projecting onto his eyelids like a movie.
At that point he was being so dramatic that it became comical.
Armin laughed, and tried to move him again, "Come on, big boy, we'll go get some food and bitch about life, how does that sound?"
He gave Eren another encouraging tug on his arm, "Come on! Move, move, soldier!" He shook him playfully.
"Alright." Eren sighed heavily, and finally moved. Though, he moved as if his whole body was made of lead.
They exited the flower shop together and headed out onto the sidewalk. The winter sun gave the street a sharp, crisp quality.
Eren had such a heavy mood all around him, so Armin tried to be funny to make him feel better. But all of Armin's work didn't pay off because Eren's gloom was stubborn.
"Wanna get some takeout?" Eren suggested lamely.
"Eren, you've had takeout every day for almost a week now." Armin looked over at him pitifully, "Let's get something good to eat, okay? My treat."
"Alright, fine then." Eren agreed.
They ambled down the street, talking while window shopping down the block.
During midday time in the city, it felt like a beehive. The incessant rumbling and buzzing of cars, the unnecessary hooting, the sighs of braking buses rolling to a standstill at the gleaming red stoplights.
Even babies were crying somewhere in the distance. It felt like New York. No, it was worse than New York. A city like this was a nightmare.
Still, it's home. And Eren felt happy to live in the same city as someone like you, even if he only ever got to see you and not talk to you.
If there were god above, then they took great pity on Eren that day, and cast a spell of luck over him and you. In this beehive rush at midday, Armin and Eren wound up at a secluded restaurant.
It was one of those restaurants that the eye easily skips over unless you're really hungry. The only reason you visited there was because your mom and grandmother ran it together.
It had been some time since you'd been to visit, though, so really... this was a truly lucky day.
The doorbell chimed, it sounded rusty, and Eren entered with Armin at his side. The latter scanned his environment with bright eyes, but his best friend didn't have even a trace of light in his gaze.
That is, until he caught a glimpse of your hair from behind.
"Armin, three o'clock." Eren whispered into his ear.
"I saw, I saw." Armin nodded, noticing you an instant after Eren did. He had a lopsided grin on his face.
You were cheerily talking to your mom, by chance, about the boy who works at the florist's down the block.
"Sounds like a match." Your mom teased, "Why not talk to him?"
You shrugged, "He doesn't seem to be interested. I mean, otherwise, wouldn't he have talked to me by now? I always visit after checkups, you know, like I said."
Eren and Armin took a seat by the window near the entrance. A soft light filled the restaurant. Each time Eren took a glance at you, he felt like he was laying eyes on an angel.
"Eren, go on." Armin encouraged, "This is prime time to introduce yourself."
Eren pursed his lips, folded his arms on the table, and shook his head slowly.
"Come on, if you don't do something, I will."
"Don't even think about it." Eren snapped.
Armin leaned back in his seat and let out a sigh. His best friend was always stubborn like this.
When your mom came around to take their orders, Armin asked her where the bathroom was. Eren didn't pay much attention, but his friend was brewing a little plan to help him out.
Very smoothly and swiftly, Armin weaved through the tables, went to the bathroom to fix his hair and practice what he would do, and then emerged confidently.
Eren looked over and saw Armin talking to you. At first he felt this confused jealousy, but then watched as you laughed and rose from your lonesome table and walked over to the table he was sat at.
It was all quick, and before Eren could stutter out a confused hello, Armin introduced the two of you.
He did it with a smirk, "This is Eren. Oh, Eren, hope you don't mind, I thought she looked lonely and might want to join us for lunch."
Armin gave Eren a wink.
Hearing your voice once more, and viewing your dark complexion in this angelic light, it had Eren's heart panging nervously in his chest.
But Armin threw jokes around, and lightened the mood, so Eren's tensed shoulders relaxed and he finally eased into the conversation.
Though, you noticed, he stuttered and spoke quietly when you asked him questions.
"Your dad runs the clinic, right?" You asked.
Eren nodded, "Uh, yeah, he does. And my mom runs the florist where I work..."
"You help your mom's florist business?" You tilted your head adoringly at him, "That's so sweet of you. I love that."
Armin pursed his lips to keep from smiling, watching as how Eren's face grew extremely red at your compliments.
"Oh, I just remembered, I've got to return that library book." Armin lied.
"What library boo – ohhh, yeah, you do that..." Eren played along.
Armin rose from his seat, "I'll be back in a bit, it's a long walk." he got to his feet.
"Alright! See you, Armin." You kindly waved goodbye.
And so he left, and left the two of you alone together in that golden light. Good conversation and subtle flirting filled the air between you and Eren.
Clearly this was the start of something good.
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kirbsmakemesmile · 2 years
Baby on board: A wish is made
I’ve never been much of a writer, but I suppose a bit of explanation would be appropriate. If I don’t write all of this down, I’m afraid it will simply fade into oblivion…
These past days seemed they would be as ordinary as ever: Stay at the base, practice, etc. But nothing is ever as it seems… At midnight last night, Nightmare, through a series of visions, explained why I am… the way I am… an experiment… a project…
At an early age I was captured and mutated by him… to be used as one of his pawns. Although I was returned with minor changes, he followed me, watched me grow.
I was disgusted.
And little did I know, my living existence would be our downfall. Shortly after this discovery, I blamed it on my father, all of this, because he couldn’t protect me. I left our base outraged, only to be immediately ambushed. And upon return, I found that our base was destroyed… and everyone was gone. My… family was nowhere to be found.
I was alone.
I fled the planet on a barely functioning ship, and found a more peaceful, blissful planet nearby, stationing myself in a small village, Cappytown.
And here I am. I’m lucky to have lived but… truthfully, I don’t know how things could get better. Maybe… somehow..
I’ll write if something happens.
- MK
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Hey all!!
Here it is the official first comic of the remake of baby on board!
Not only is it gonna be a Metadad comic, but it’s focus on Mk’s journey with identity and family!!!
Hope you like it! 💖
Special thanks to @camachine for helping me write the journal entry bit :)
Next comic here
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blackcatruse · 3 months
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𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰
«prev. ❃ next» ❃ first chapter ❃ m.list ❃ ao3 pairing: r. haitani/fem!reader ↳ she/her, fem descriptors, nickname ❃ chapter synopsis: questions need answers, and they must be obtained by any means necessary. working with the enemy? fine. word count: 1.5k chapter cw(s): swearing, possible ooc, joint dislocation, torture, implied beating a/n: rindou can have a little POV as a treat. this is written in 3rd person POV with reader referred to by her nickname
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There were only a few sounds that Rindou Haitani could stand. The first was the heavy bass and high energy of typical club music. The second was the echoing clang of gym equipment. The third was the beautiful call and response of the pop of bones and the following screams. It was music to his ears, and perhaps it let him feel just a bit of smug pride.
Rindou, without a second thought, dislocated the man’s right ring finger. There was the initial pop, a moment of silence, and then a muffled cry. Fat tears were rolling down his captive’s flushed face. Once the scream died down in his throat, the man sniffled. Once. Twice. Too many times. Rindou gripped the man’s right middle finger.
“P-please,” the man stuttered. “Pl-please, I swear I don’t know anything.”
Was he telling the truth? Rindou considered it a possibility, but the man had eight other fingers that were still fine. After that, there were ten toes. Rindou could work his way up each extremity, snapping and cracking until the man finally broke. Judging by the man’s current state, Rindou figured he could at least get to one arm before he got any real information from him.
“I don’t believe that,” Rindou said coldly, yanking the finger.
The man physically jerked forward in the chair he was bound to as he shrieked. “I, I swear! They didn’t tell us anything. Who they were or what they wanted they just said to make a deal with—”
Another brutal pop and the man’s index finger was out of line. The thumb was the last one to go. Before Rindou could take hold of it, a low whistle sounded from behind him. He turned to see Ran, twirling his baton in a braid and dragging the unconscious body of another captive. “You’re being particularly cruel today,” Ran noted with a smirk.
Rindou watched as his brother tossed the limp man into Rindou’s victim’s line of sight. It was almost comical how afraid he looked. But Rindou didn’t feel anything like he usually would.
Ran came up and looked at the man cowering in the chair. “I’d say my guy was the lucky one here.”
“Did you find out anything?” Rindou asked, returning to the situation at hand.
A tired sigh escaped Ran’s lips. “Nothing. You?”
“Well that’s a waste.”
“I told you we—” the man started.
Rindou was all out of patience. Running into Lotus only served to set him off, and there was nowhere else to direct it right now than at this idiot sitting before him. The man’s thumb was swiftly cracked and the man screamed until he sounded hoarse.
“I don’t think they know anything,” Ran said, putting a gloved hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s pointless to go further than this.”
Rindou dropped the man’s hand and let it lay limp, the fingers bulging at wrong angles. Ran was probably right. But then that meant everything they’d done was a waste of time. It was already a pain in the ass to chase those two motherfuckers down and figuring out that the effort was for naught? Rindou really wanted to break something.
Leaving one man bound to a chair and the other unconscious on the floor, the Haitani brothers strolled out of the warehouse. Someone would find the two men eventually. It was a nice day out, surely someone would be around. Rindou stretched his arms, feeling the tightness in his shoulders ease up. Maybe he needed to go to the gym and imagine Lotus’s face on the punching bags. Something about her just got under his skin and he knew she knew it. The next few months until those big jobs were completed were going to be a fucking nightmare.
Still, she would be out of his hair sooner than later. Maybe it was because of how well she got along with Ran. Rindou didn’t need two of his elder brother running around and tormenting him.
“What’s got you so riled up?”
Sometimes Rindou hated how perceptive Ran was when it came to his moods. Sure they’d grown up together and relied solely on each other, but Rindou would like to think he could at least have some privacy with his emotions.
“It’s nothing,” he gritted out. “I’m tired. I’m irritated that this wild goose chase went nowhere and—”
“It’s about Lotus, isn’t it?” Ran cut him off.
Rindou’s jaw dropped briefly before he snapped it shut and clenched his teeth together. “She acts like she’s hot shit. It’s fucking annoying.”
Ran’s eyebrows raised in a way that Rindou didn’t like. “So it is about Lotus?” 
Jumping off the dock was more and more tempting for Rindou with each silent second that passed by.
“And you’re sure it’s not because you’re jealous of my flirting?”
“I will throw you in the ocean,” Rindou threatened. “I could never be jealous of you flirting with her. It’s kind of gross, actually.”
“So you like her?”
“When the fuck did I say that? Asshole, stop hearing what you wanna hear.”
“Awwww, don’t pout Rin,” Ran cooed in the patronizing tone Rindou knew unfortunately well. “I can give you some pointers.”
“I’m not here to make friends with her.” Rindou crossed his arms, nearly frowning. “I didn’t even know she existed until that night, but apparently she’s a big deal? Whatever. She’s just a street rat.”
“For someone who claims to hate her, you sure do talk about her a lot,” Ran noted.
Whatever deity is out there, give Rindou the patience to not throttle his brother. Ran made him want to rip his hair out sometimes, but that would really just be letting Ran win. Rindou’s teeth ground together as he bit out, “Because you asked, dipshit.”
Ran chuckled and Rindou’s hands twitched at his sides. He was not going to strangle his brother. He was not going to strangle his brother. He was not going to—
“I think it might be worth it to befriend her, or at least butter her up,” Ran said. “In our brief encounter earlier, just bantering with her got her to spill some interesting information.”
Rindou scoffed, “Yeah, at the cost of her knowing that we’re dealing with shit right now.”
“Don’t be so shortsighted,” Ran chided. “Anyway, let’s get back to Kakucho, I don’t like that we couldn’t figure anything out.”
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Kakucho inhaled sharply at the brothers’ report before dragging his hands down his face. “Nothing?” he grumbled. “Fucking hell, what’s happening out there?”
Rindou stayed quiet, letting his brother do the talking. He trained his expression to be blank and occasionally chimed in to verify what Ran had reported. Which is where they were now.
“I wish we knew,” Ran said nonchalantly. “But we did run into Lotus in Kabukicho.”
“You went into former Reaper territory?” Kakucho’s stare was unnerving.
Rindou squirmed a little, but Ran waved a flippant hand. “He hasn’t been seen in the area in a while. He abandoned his turf so the rest of us crawled in. That’s beside the point though. Lotus told us something I think may be of interest.”
Kakucho glared at Ran, but said nothing. The elder Haitani continued, “She mentioned that someone was trying to set Wuxing up.”
Rindou thought it was convenient that Ran left out the part where he told the girl what they were doing in the area. However, he wasn’t going to ignore the way Kakucho sat up a little straighter. “What an interesting development,” he murmured. His pensive expression didn’t last long before he glared at the brothers before him. “Why the hell would she tell you that? What purpose does it serve her?”
It was a valid question. Lotus had no reason to give away that information. She was clearly afraid of Wuxing, but fear wasn’t loyalty. Rindou didn’t understand her and it kind of made him feel like he was going insane.
“Would you believe that I sweet-talked it out of her?” Ran was playing with one of his braids like a teenage girl.
Kakucho looked at Rindou and upon seeing the flat expression, knew that Ran was, as always, full of shit.
“He and Lotus get along a little too well,” Rindou remarked dryly. “Their banter is obnoxious.”
“Building rapport is so important,” Ran whined immediately. “Who knows what else she’ll tell us if we just try to be friends?”
Rindou hated that Kakucho looked like he was contemplating Ran’s words. There wasn’t a need to become “friends” with someone from a rival gang. The deal was strictly about business. If anything, befriending her was more of a liability. However, Rindou did know that Lotus hated Wuxing more than she hated them, and they could use that to their advantage. But he wasn’t about to admit that out loud. In this particular case, emotions trumped logic and Rindou wanted nothing more to do with the Wuxing runner than he had to.
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Please do not reupload, translate, or steal my work! If it isn't here or on my ao3, it's not me! Likes & reblogs appreciated! <3 Dividers courtesy of @/cafekitsune & @/firefly-graphics
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wizardofgoodfortune · 2 years
i have been lurking in your asks for this moment: for the spotify wrapped fic prompt, #10!!
i'm going to ignore the very obvious and very painful daniel/hob implications of this song because i want to finish the comics first before writing anything outside of the show's canon. so have this instead!!
Dream had been visiting Hob more frequently than he'd like to admit. It all started with Dream wanting to carve out a small place of solace in his life, and what place was more perfect than The New Inn? Built for him like an altar for an absent god.
Though these days, he'd been more present than ever. He wished he had the privilege to say he'd been drunk the first night it happened, or the next night, and the next. But Dream, Lord of Dreams and Ruler of Nightmares, always knew what was going on, and what desires he'd recklessly indulged in again and again.
Tonight was no different. By now, Hob was a veteran in making Dream feel more than welcome. It was all too easy to fall into Hob's arms and into his bed above The New Inn. Somewhere down the line, Dream had made himself vulnerable to Desire's machinations.
But he had somehow convinced himself that it was alright, as long as Hob wasn't vulnerable.
Some nights they talked afterwards, and Dream wasn't quite sure whether it amplified or quieted his regrets. This was one of those nights.
"Tell me about the Dreaming," Hob said, his head propped up on his arm as he looked down at Dream.
"What do you wish to know?"
"I don't know. Everything. You don't work alone, do you?"
"...No, I suppose I don't, anymore. I have Lucienne. And Matthew."
"Ah, Matthew, yeah, we've met. Why does he talk by the way? Nearly gave me a heart attack the first time he spoke to me."
"He was human, before. He died in his sleep and became a raven of the Dreaming."
"Oh," Hob said. He paused. Dream observed the shadows cast on his face by the moonlight. "So if I die in my sleep, I get to stay at your place? As a raven?"
Dream felt the corners of his mouth lift up. A silly notion. "You do not have to die. You will always be welcome in the Dreaming, Hob."
Hob smiled down at him, and Dream felt a warm fire in his chest. "Thank you, love. But what I meant is I never had the chance to visit your, y'know. Your place. Is it a castle?"
"Yes, I suppose you could call it a castle," Dream said.
Hob hummed, and tapped Dream's chest with his free hand. "A wild thing," he said after a few seconds.
"What is?" Dream asked.
"I was just some peasant when we first met," Hob said, his eyes lost in memory. "Thought you were some ignorant lord. In the back of my mind, I thought were you just making fun of me, asking to meet you after a hundred years. Never thought this," he gestured to their bodies, naked under the covers, "would ever happen. Y'know? A wild thing."
Dream hummed in agreement.
"Guess I'm lucky, huh?" Hob chuckled, his fingers still tapping on Dream's chest. "Hey. Would you bring me to your castle some day, show me around?"
"Perhaps," Dream replied.
"Tease," Hob chastised. Then he pressed a kiss on Dream's forehead, then on his nose, and finally on his lips. "I adore you. You know that? I love you, Dream."
Dream froze. He looked into Hob's eyes, saw the fondness in them, and knew that he meant it.
This was just supposed to be a brief respite, some semblance of comfort that he did not have in his day-to-day life. He thought it was the same for Hob, that Dream was just someone immortal to hold onto once in a while. But it wasn't. Not anymore.
I should not have come here, he thought, tearing his gaze away from Hob's. He did not have the heart to say it out loud.
Dream stood up from the bed, already clothed.
This will be the last time, he thought. It was what he thought every time. And maybe tonight it will finally come true. No, it should come true. Lest he destroy even Hob Gadling, like he has many times to his other lovers before. It always ended in tragedy, whether Desire was involved or not, and Dream didn't want that for him.
A hand shot up from the covers to grip his wrist.
"Stay. Stay, darling," Hob said, sitting up. "Won't you stay?"
Dream turned.
Hob's eyes shone, watery in the moonlight.
It should not be fair, Dream thought, for Desire to easily toy with me like this.
"I cannot stay any longer," Dream said.
"Why not?" Hob said, with all the petulance of a child. "Come back. Just for a while."
Dream resisted the urge to climb back in the covers with him. That was his sibling speaking.
"I apologize. I will make sure your dreams are pleasant tonight, and on every other night."
"Will you be coming back?" Hob asked. "You sound like you're never coming back."
Dream said nothing.
"I can wait. I will."
"I know," Dream said. He didn't add, "beloved."
"I'm not sorry," Hob said, gripping Dream's wrist even tighter. "But I won't say it again, if it means you'll stay."
Something cold and heavy sat in Dream's chest.
"So don't go," Hob said, "please."
Dream dissipated into thin air, but not quickly enough that he did not see a tear roll down Hob's cheek. He can still feel his grip on his wrist.
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daintylovers · 3 months
Champagne Coast
1.2 The Model Home
Seth Cohen x Hailey Atwood (oc)
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Waking up in the pool house again felt like something out of a dream. Or, maybe a nightmare, you know- cause mom left. I wasn't sure which side was more accurate.
Looking around, I noticed that Ryan wasn't in the room. So I ventured into the house, waltzing around, looking for any signs of the teen boys that were sure to be together.
I found them lounging on Seth's bed, talking about comic books. Ryan didn't even look up, yet still greeted me. Seth looked more stunned, not having noticed my presence. Ryan was always a little too aware of his surroundings. Perks of having lived like we had.
"You should sit with us," Seth said, "Here I'll, just let me move a little." He patted to the small area that was left after he pulled his legs into a crossed position.
Sitting on the bed, I tried to keep up with their conversation but kept getting lost in my thoughts.
How could she just leave like that? Gone with only a note, which was written on a napkin? Not even decent enough to give us actual paper?
Screw her- I don't care. I don't need her. I don't ever want to see her again.
"I think, with this being your last night and all, that we should do something special, you know? Make sure you guys go out with a bang!"
Ryan just laughed, as I indulgded Seth a little more. "Oh yeah? Like what Mr. Life of the Party?"
Seth did a fake laugh, "First of all, screw you. Second of all, I have no idea. What have you guys not done? Maybe we could get tattoos and lose our virginities?" Ryan and I just shot him questioning looks, so he continued, "Not like at the same time. Like one of us gets a tattoo and the other goes in the back. The third one can eat some candy or something and then we can switch when everyone's finished!"
"That sounds awful. Plus, Ryan's already done those things."
"What?! Ryan, you got a tattoo then lost your virginity to the tattoo artist? That's kind of impressive, good job man." Seth said, leaning in for a fist bump.
Ryan reciporcated the action, "No idiot. I have a tattoo and have lost my virginity. Not at the same time."
"That's less cool than my plan. Well Hailey, looks like we might have to do it ourselves."
I kicked water at him, "Ew, I'm not doing it with you."
He put a hand to his heart in mock pain, "Hailey, that hurts, you know." Then he reached out, wrapping his hand around my ankle, preventing another splashing.
"Seth! I swear-"
"Kids, time for dinner!" Sandy, or Mr. Cohen called out.
Seth released my ankle, "You got lucky. Next time I'm really gonna pull you in." I stood up, as both boys got out of the pool. Ryan and Seth shared mischievous glances, before wrapping their wet arms around me.
"You jerks! Get off!" I laughed out, trying to push them off me, but with no luck. The boys practically dragged me into the kitchen, only letting go when they noticed the food.
As everyone fluttered around, I looked at the model home on the kitchen island. "Is this going to be real?"
Kirsten came to my side, "Yeah, my company builds them actually."
"That's cool, think you could make Ryan and me a home?" I joked, but Kirsten just sort of grimaced.
"Sorry, it was only a joke." My back stiffened at the uncomfortable tension now in the room.
"Come on Hailey, get some food," Ryan said, coming to the rescue.
I loaded up my plate and sat down at the only available spot, right next to Seth. Under his breath, he whispered, "I knew you liked me."
I whispered back, "In your dreams."
"So, last supper, huh?" Sandy tried to joke. Kirsten really did not know how to handle a joke, she looked ready to kill or crawl under a rock. Maybe both.
Ryan really was the golden boy of breaking tension, "Thank you, Mrs. Cohen. Really, this has all been very nice."
"So we'll meet with your social worker in the morning, and she'll be the one to take you to the group home. My contact at Social Services got you two a room with two other kids, so you won't be separated."
Ryan and I thanked the man, grateful to not be split up. I planned on running away if that happened, not prepared to live without Ryan.
Noticing how quiet we had become, Mr. Cohen tried lightening the mood, "You know, they do find foster homes for kids your age. You guys aren't lost causes." But him saying it out loud just made it hurt that much more.
Looking over at Seth, I saw that he was practically fuming, steam coming out of his ears and everything, "Yeah, because everybody is looking for two teenagers to adopt. Sorry that I'll be the only one to state the obvious, but this is so stupid,"
"No, 'cause we have all this extra room right? We have the pool house, God, I mean Ally can take my room and I'll bunk with Ryan. Better yet, I'll take the couch so they can have their own space. But sending them off? To a group home no less? Don't you get home much that sucks?"
With glassy eyes, I tried to alleviate his mood, "Seth, it's okay. Really. Your parents have already helped us out so much."
Fueled by the tears in my eyes, he didn't stop, "They could do better with everything they have. With how fortunate they are."
I didn't push it, taking the pen laid out on the counter, and signing the paper, before handing it to Ryan. He copied my motions, sealing our fates.
Ryan said thanks for dinner, and I did the same before adding, "The model home really does look great. I hope everything goes well."
Kirsten gave me the first real smile of the night. It felt like I won the lottery or something. I followed Ryan back to the poorhouse, stopping only to say goodnight to Seth.
We stared at each other for a few seconds, before he burst forward, pulling me into his chest. I stumbled at the quickness and strength of it, but after regaining my balance, I hugged him back.
"Hailey, I'm so sorry. For both you and Ryan. You guys deserve better."
Now knowing not to argue with him, I pulled away and gave him a soft smile, "Night, Cohen."
He rolled his eyes, "Night, Atwood."
Turns out, neither of us was planning on sleeping after all.
"Are you two running away?"
I spun around, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. Fuck, we had been caught.
Ryan, who wasn't shocked at the slightest, just said, "Seth, go back in the house."
"What? No way! You guys can't just run away! What are you thinking? Where are you going to go?"
Ryan ignored him, slinging both our bags on his shoulders, and started walking out. Seth and I just looked at each other, I could feel guilt crawling up my throat. So I followed Ryan. Which meant Seth followed me.
"Fine, ignore me then. Both of you. Whatever, I'll just come with. Hell, I've always wanted to go on a little All-American road trip. Stop at a weird gas station and eat shitty dinner food."
I finally spoke up, "Seth we have no money, we can't go on a road trip."
"Fair point. Where are you gonna go then?" I was also curious about this. Ryan just said pack your bags and I listened like a lost puppy.
"Not sure. Hit a town, get a job, save some money."
"That's a great plan. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it."
Ryan huffed, "You got a better idea?"
Seth, who had been keeping up with my pace behind Ryan, suddenly stopped, causing me to run into his back. "Actually, I do."
Those three words are how I ended up in Marissa Cooper's car. Not that the sweet girl even knew where she was going. She had to rely on Seth to give her directions from the backseat.
"Why won't you just tell me where you're going? This is pretty far."
"Wow, complaining. That's crazy considering nobody invited you." Harsh. Seth was clearly not a fan of the walking Barbie doll. But Ryan clearly was, hopping into the passenger seat without a second thought when she pulled up.
It didn't take much longer before we pulled into the driveway of an unfinished house.
Marissa voiced my thoughts, "It's kinda scary."
Seth rolled his eyes for the millionth time, "Then stay in the car." Then he promptly exited the car, waiting for Ryan and I.
Walking around the skeleton of a home, I noticed how familiar it looked. Seth caught on to my questioning glances, "Yeah, it's the one."
Ryan, who wasn't as quick to catch on asked, "What do you mean it's the one."
"It's Mrs. Cohen's model home. The one her company is building. Remember? It was on the counter."
"So you want them to stay here?" Marissa questioned, unsure about the safety of the situation.
"Yes, Malibu Barbie. Unless your parents have a second home they can borrow."
The girl thought for a second, "It's too far away."
Seth rolled his eyes once more, "Exactly. Look this place is perfect. Remember what you said Hailey, how you wished you had one of these model homes. Well, wish granted."
The night changed to day, and Ryan and I were still safe from whoever was sure to be looking for us.
Seth and Marissa had picked us up from the house, talking about how hunger we must be. With no clocks around, I hadn't realized it was mid-afternoon. I had slept for most of the day, exhausted from stress. Ryan, well, I'm not sure what Ryan was doing. Probably brooding in a corner somewhere.
Anyway, our two saviors showed us the way to a dinner. Ryan had Marissa on the back of his bike, weaving in between people on the boardwalk. While I was holding on for dear life, clinging to Cohen's back like he was my lifeline, he glided with ease on his skateboard.
While I was reluctant, everyone pointed out how much quicker it would be, paring up. But that still didn't stop my heart from sinking to my stomach. I'm sure Seth is a great skateboarder, but one slip is all it takes to fuck up someone's face.
I had my eyes screwed shut the whole ride, face pressed into his shoulder blades. He laughed every time one of my squeals vibrated on his back. When we started slowing down, I cracked open one of my eyes, grateful for it to be over.
We pulled to a complete stop and I immediately stepped off. Except I forgot that my balance might be all fucked, and started to tip over. Seth was quick to grasp one of my arms in a firm grip to steady me.
"One of these days, I'll teach you how to skateboard Atwood."
"Yeah, and that day will also be the day I die. All because of a stupid plank of wood with some wheels."
Seth just laughed at me, and we went inside.
"You okay?" Ryan questioned, once we were finally alone.
What an adventurous afternoon we had had. First, we ate, which was great because the food was amazing. But the jocks from the night before also thought the food was amazing, so we tried sneaking out. Only to end up getting caught, which was when Ryan punched Marissa's boyfriend. I can't remember his name right now but whatever. It's not like I'll see him again. Cause our little plan was crumbled into pieces when we got back. Seth's mom and a guy we learned was Marissa's dad stopped by. They talked money, an amount of money I couldn't even dream of, and then landed us our final blow of the night. The contractors were coming tomorrow. Which meant we only had tonight.
Ryan had Marissa and Seth leave, promising to say goodbye in the morning before we boarded a bus to god knows where. But knowing Ryan, we'll leave without goodbyes. They're just too painful. It's not like we need any more pain.
"I really liked it here."
"You liked it here? Or you liked someone here?"
Rolling my eyes I said, "I could ask you the same. Even with her Ken doll boyfriend, Marissa sure seemed to have a soft spot for you."
Illuminated by the candlelight, I could see Ryan's shy smile. Maybe in another universe, he would have a chance. But not in this one.
Except- apparently, I'm wrong. Because not even a minute passes before Marissa walks through the door. After a semi-awkward greeting, I left the pair alone, venturing further into the house.
A little part of me wished Seth would appear like that. So maybe I could say a proper goodbye. He felt like one of the boys you meet on vacation, and never forget.
I was lost in my thoughts for only a few minutes before I heard yelling coming from Ryan's direction. Immediately I ran to the room, shocked to see Marissa's boyfriend wrestling Ryan to the ground.
Like a goddamn cat, Ryan knew I was in the room before anyone else, shouting, "Hailey, get out of here!"
"Get off him!" I yelled at one of the other guys trying to hold Ryan down. I wasn't sure how many there were, cause they all looked like carbon cutouts. The one I lunged at, got off Ryan, thank god. But once his sights set on me, I was no match. He threw me to the ground, my head bouncing off the wood. My ears started to ring, but I tried to fight through the pain. Getting up, I punched the guy straight in the back of the neck, figuring the skull would hurt my hand too much. His head flew forward, but he was incapacitated.
"You stupid bitch!" He barked before coming at me again. He grasped the back of my head, and put his other hand over my mouth, blocking my airways. He forced me to the ground, climbing on top of me. I kept squirming in his grip, and his hand slipped just enough for me to chomp down on it.
He jumped up immediately, holding his injured hand. I took that opportunity to jerk my leg up, foot connecting with his balls. He yelped again, stumbling back, knocking one of the candles onto the ground.
Like something from a movie, the ground was ablaze immediately. I sat up, trying to catch my breath, and looked to see the guys pulling Marissa's boyfriend off Ryan, before bolting out. Literally leaving us to burn to death.
Crawling over to Ryan, I tapped his cheek a few times, trying to get him to wake up. He looked bad, and I imagined I looked the same. He eyes fluttered open and he reached a hand up to cup my jaw.
"Ryan, it's fine, we gotta go," I huffed out. My breathing still hadn't returned to normal. Which might have had more to do with the smoke I was inhaling than the guy's hands around my throat and mouth.
I got Ryan to sit up, before he stood on his own. I stood as well, then slung an arm around his waist, so we could hobble out before potentially dying a firey death.
We made it outside before I panicked, "Ryan, our clothes. All our stuff!" I let go of his waist, turning to go back inside and salvage what I could. But Ryan immediately yanked me back to him.
"Hailey, it's no use. The police will be here any minute. Let's just get out of here." He had a fair point, and I hated it. Why us?
We started walking, making it half a mile before a car pulled up beside us. Rolling down the window, I saw it belonged to the worst guy in the world. This was saying something, considering my dad was in prison and my older brother was the reason my life had fallen apart so suddenly only days before.
"You two are okay." He said, relived.
"Was your plan not to burn or beat us to death?" I questioned, continuing to walkway. No way was I getting in that car. He would probably just run it off the road, killing us in a car accident instead.
He tried again, "Where are you going?"
"Away from your sorry ass," I said, still not stopping.
"The three of us keep our mouths shut, they may never know it was us." That's when I stopped, I turned around and marched to the driver's side. He just looked at me, I didn't bother deciphering his expression before my fist went straight into his nose.
His head flew back and I heard Ryan laugh from the other side of the car.
"That's fair," Ken-doll said, "Hey man, wait, what are you doing?" I was thinking the same, as I saw Ryan's head pop up next to the guys in the car.
"You're giving us a ride."
I know I had been dreaming about Seth earlier, but this is not how I wanted us to reunite.
"Hailey, your neck," Seth said, bursting forward as soon as I was in view. Ryan had the guy, Luke was his name, drive us to the Cohen's. Where, of course, the whole neighborhood was gathered.
Seth didn't get very far before a police officer blocked his view, standing in front of Ryan and me. "Ryan and Hailey Atwood, I've got some questions for you two."
Ryan and I turned around and held out our wrists, all too familiar with this process.
"Wait, you can't just arrest them!" I could hear Seth shout.
"Sir, step back. You two, this way." The officer said, leading to the cop car.
"It was an accident." Luke stepped up. I turned to face him, giving him a surprised glance.
"You were there?" The officer asked, doubtful that one of the regular Newport teens would participate in such debauchery.
"Then we got some questions for you as well." And I watched Luke get cuffed as well.
"Officer, I'm the twin's attorney. Please don't ask them any questions unless I'm present. Ryan, Hailey, don't say anything until I get there. Luke, you as well."
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fazar234 · 1 year
To Crack an Egg - Chapter 1 - Prologue (A Sonic the Hedgehog IDW Fanfic)
When you crack an egg, you end up with two halves of one.
When you try to crack an Eggman, you end up with a Restoration divided into two: one group who draws the line at taking a life...
And the other who just wants Eggman dead.
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Fazar try not to spend a long break after uploading one fic challange (impossible) (gone wrong)
Jokes aside, I know it's been a while. With Amphibia having ended a year ago, and me not having a lot of ideas, I pretty much procrastinated for the past year. So I decided, why not try my hand at Sonic fanfiction? It's one of my favorite franchises, and the comics I absolutely ADORE. Now, this is an AU that kinda happened by accident, after I saw a theory by @thebwarch about how Lanolin might go too far with trying to kill Eggman. While that obviously has no chance of happening, I thought it'd make for a good AU, and then it somehow kinda spiraled into an AU about an extremist group working in secret to kill Eggman for good. And thus, this fic was born. I have @scrabbleknight to thank for helping me out with the fic on Discord. Go check out his stuff if you're into Amphibia! Anyway, without further ado, let the fic COMMENCE!
Lanolin sipped what might have been her third cup of coffee as she worked tirelessly at her desk.
It had been months since the Metal Virus outbreak, an incident that had nearly destroyed her home, friends, family, the entire world. Seeing so many people succumb to the disease, transforming into mindless, feral monsters with no desire other than to spread their infection across the world…it left a mental scar that had yet to fully heal.
She still had nightmares about the outbreak. How it ravaged the entire world, how it took away her beloved friends and family, how even she fell victim to the virus itself. She had joined the Restoration to assist in the battle against the pandemic, a battle they’d almost lost. They were able to recover, but she feared they wouldn’t be so lucky next time something like this happened.
Hence why she was staying up late at 12 AM, sitting at her computer and browsing through old files she had discovered at one of Eggman’s abandoned bases, each one documenting information on one of the doctor’s previous schemes, their execution, and their inevitable failure thanks to Sonic the Hedgehog, even though she was supposed to be up early tomorrow for a meeting with Tangle, Whisper, Jewel and Sonic about how they’d infiltrate Eggperial City. She had to find some sort of connection, anything, that could give the Restoration an idea on how to be ready for what other plans he most likely had involving his new metropolis.
Speaking of which…
“Dear Gaia,” Lanolin muttered. “I thought the Metal Virus was extreme, but this comes close in comparison…”
Reading the files, she was shaken by the Doctor’s past attempts: using Chaos to destroy Station Square, blowing up the moon, resurrecting Dark Gaia, enslaving hundreds of Wisps for his own selfish intentions, using the Phantom Ruby to conquer the world?!
Just how many incidents had that man caused? How many people had fallen victims to the Doctor’s diabolical schemes? And how many more attacks like that could they afford to take?
As she finished scrolling through the last file on her computer, however, she began to notice an odd pattern.
Whenever one of Eggman’s plans failed, he was always somehow able to escape, before eventually retaliating with another one that was sometimes worse than the last.
But how? Lanolin thought. Sonic’s the fastest thing alive. There’s no way Eggman, or anyone for that matter, can outrun him. Sonic should have gotten rid of him years ago. Yet he’s still kicking.
Lanolin was frustrated. It didn’t make any sense! The only possible explanation for why Eggman was always able to get away with his actions would be…
…that Sonic was letting him go on purpose.
Lanolin froze. As her mind started to finally put the pieces together, she began to remember what had happened during the doctor’s attack on Spiral Hill Village…
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“NO, NO, NO!!!” Dr. Eggman roared. “I had them! I won!”
Sonic, ignoring his outburst, leapt off the mech and repeatedly spin-dashed into the center with an incredible velocity, before getting behind Omega, the robot being used to power the colossal suit.
“Out…you…GO!” Sonic grunted as he pried Omega free from the mech, his eyes flashing a bright red as he fell to the ground.
“UNLEASHING STOCKPILED WRATH!” Omega exclaimed as he turned around and opened fire on the suit, causing it to explode, but not before Eggman ejected his Egg Mobile, saving his own skin in the process.
Lanolin had taken refuge behind a building as she watched the scene unfold. Her mind was still whirling from the chaos of the Metal Virus outbreak, but that didn’t stop her from recalling the events that occurred the past several minutes:
Sonic’s friends were having a party at Spiral Hill Village to celebrate the end of the Metal Virus.
Dr. Eggman had arrived to crash their party, bearing a mech suit with Omega as its power source, because apparently fate wouldn’t let them have a break.
And finally, just when all seemed lost, Sonic, by some miracle, had returned, in a burst of flame that crashed onto the battlefield, to save the day.
And now, Dr. Eggman’s mech met the same fate as his other inventions: being reduced to a heap of scrap.
“AMMO DEPLETED,” Omega stated, wobbling a bit. Poor guy must have been tuckered out from what he went through.
“S’all good, man,” Sonic assured him. “You did your part.”
Eggman growled. “You just couldn’t stay gone, could you?! Just had to come back and ruin my fun!”
“Always, Egg-Face. Anytime. Anywhere,” Sonic replied coolly, walking towards him. He got into a battle stance. “Come a little closer. We’ll go another round.”
Eggman’s expression twisted from anger into fear, clearly not ready to handle another defeat from Sonic. “Still sore about that whole ‘getting infected and nearly becoming a mindless machine’ thing, eh?” He chuckled nervously.
Sonic crossed his arms, clearly not happy to remember that. “That’s part of the list, yes.”
Eggman humphed, before crossing his arms, turning his cockpit around, and leaving the party, or what remained of it anyway. “Well… I still ruined your party! The day is mine!” He declared. “My next sinister plot will be unbeatable! Until next time, you wretched hedgehog!”
Sonic sighed as he watched the Doctor make his exit. “Until next time, doc. And the time after that, and the one after that,” He muttered. “Maybe you’ll eventually come around…”
As Sonic’s friends rushed to greet him, elated that he was alive, Lanolin remained where she hid, trying to process the fact that Sonic had let Dr. Eggman, the one responsible for so much suffering, live as though he’d done nothing wrong.
Sonic had let Dr. Eggman live, even when he promised his next scheme would be unbeatable, which worried her.
Sonic had let Dr. Eggman live, and she didn’t understand why.
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Lanolin’s fists clenched. It all made sense now. She finally understood.
Sonic the Hedgehog.
He was the reason why she and everyone else constantly suffered in this endless cycle.
All because he valued freedom and mercy for everyone, even those undeserving of it.
Well, no more.
Since she could no longer count on Sonic to stop the Eggman Empire for good, she’d just have to take it into her own hands.
No matter what.
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semifinel · 1 year
March - 2023
Spiritfarer- I played the phone Netflix version over quite a long time but we recently canceled Netflix so I felt compelled to try finishing it. I didn’t but I got close. It is a very charming game and most of my complains would be nitpicky so I’ll just skip them.
Deep rock galactic- started playing it again with my brother and his friends, it is a good game, it has a nice gameplay loop, distinct style, and the world generation ain’t bad. Tried playing it alone when they were busy and I think that’s mind numbing.
Little nightmares- honestly disappointing. It wasn’t bad I just wish it was better. I really feel like it’s style over substance but at the same time tried to make you think there is substance. Every time I got stuck it wasn’t the fun kind of figuring out a puzzle stuck but more of a I have no idea what I’m doing wrong stuck. Still nice, heard it gets better in the sequels.
Minit- wonderful game, loved it. I just know speedruns of this game would look wild and I need to check them out.
The darkness 2- I had this game in my steam library for some reason, probably got it for free at some point. The only reason I gave it a go is because that was the topic of the something rotten podcast this month and I wanted to play along. Must be lucky that I choose the only game this far that seemed actually fun. The game has a lot of style and I’m surprised there aren’t any modem games that take inspiration from it. It does end in a note that clearly says that they thought there would be a sequel, which didn’t happen. Do I wish it was written better? Maybe. Do I wish the characters from the co op campaign weren’t racist stereotypes? Yes.
Rain world- last month I said I might get it some point and I did, the world wants me dead and I fucking love slugcats so much. Wonderful game wish I died a bit less.
Sludge life- I was bored when I down loaded this, it has loads of style which I appreciate, played till I’ve gotten an ending then played a bit more and got bored. Nice game to mess around it for a few hours.
It takes two- I started playing this with a friend. The thing about this game that it’s beautiful, the mechanic are wonderful and it feels great to play, there is a lot of talent that went into this game. But man I wish the story didn’t exist. A story about divorce has potential but this ain’t it. I hate the racist book and his bright pink eyebrows, I hate both main characters they are just genuinely bad people and I wish they would stop talking. The separate parts of the game are wonderful it’s just what sticks them together that is unbearable.
The last of us- it was done and I love it and I am patiently awaiting next season. Nothing to say that hasn’t been said before me.
Ted lasso- hell yeah it’s finally back I missed him so much.
My lesbian experience with loneliness- this effected me so hard in a way I can’t explain nor will I ever share with anyone online.
Fence- Started it on a whim, love it so much that I got upset learning it is an ongoing series and not a complete one. Ahhhhh.
Check, please!- I know it’s popular and I kinda started and abandoned it years ago, after reading fence I wanted more queer sports comics and it came to mind, it is cute, maybe too cute for my taste but I can see why it has such a name.
חופש מוחלט (A liberdade total) -Pablo Katchadjian
I’ve read this in Hebrew and cannot find it in English, I thought it was entertaining and weird and absurd and I really like the absurd.
I feel like I must have forgotten something in this list but alas.
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xarrixii · 9 months
Chapter_14 : "Met You Again" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
CW: previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
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His eyes couldn’t focus on the screen. It was hard to tell what anyone was doing. His side was empty, the occasional person walking past. He’d gotten his hopes up for nothing.
Harlow pulled up his hood and turned, rushing away. He could do the same thing at home. There was nothing here. Nobody waiting on him. Nobody beside him.
That was his fault though, wasn’t it?
He tugs the drawstrings hanging out from the hood, cinching it up. He holds his hand out in front of him for a second before getting too fed up and walking a little faster, head to the ground. He couldn’t do this. Not alone. August always felt the coldest. A groggy in-between of autumn and summer. He needed Pierre.
“Oh, shit! Sorry, I think you dropped this,” someone grabbed onto his shoulder and he whipped around, heaving.
“Oh, no, I didn’t…” Auto-pilot struck him before he recognized the red-brown hair and dimples. Very, very prominent ones on a happy smile.
They were holding a phone, open to a new contact.
“I realized I forgot last year.” Raiden shrugs casually. “Been looking everywhere to get your number. ‘Course, couldn’t for the life of me. Didn’t realize you’d gotten here way before me, or I would’ve been down there looking.”
“Oh.” Harlow swallows, straightening his back. “I uh, I don’t have a phone.”
Raiden blinked a few times. “What?”
“It just wasn’t really something my parents were super into paying for. It’s uh, they said it was dangerous for me to have one.”
“Like, social media? Not if you’re smart about it.” Raiden pulls their phone back. “I guess, though? I don’t know. If you’re anywhere near as old as I am, school’s gotta be a nightmare without one.”
This time it was Harlow’s turn to ask. “What?”
“School. Y’know. Like, math and shit.”
“Oh. Yeah, right. No, I just use the computers down at the library. I’m homeschooled. Well⸺ Yeah.”
“That’s why no one’s heard of you. I should go to the library more often.”
“No, it’s just, uh, nevermind. Why’d your parents decide to homeschool you? Kinetic awakening danger is kind of over at this age.”
“They’re just really paranoid. It’s nothing. The librarians are super nice about it. I don’t have to do most of the essay stuff, so I’m guessing I’ve got it pretty lucky.”
“Yeah, my pops would never let me get close to controlling my own schoolwork. It’d never get done. Besides, I’d miss out on a bunch of apprenticeship programs and college credit later. Staircase isn’t endless, so minus well start climbing.”
Harlow pulled off his hood. “As long as it leads somewhere you need to go, I suppose.”
“There you go! Are you done playing tonight, or you gonna join me for a few rounds? Oh, also, when are you normally at the library? Waiting another 365 days to test your luck against me has got to be the most boring shit in the world.” Raiden’s cheap grin poked through.
“A few more games couldn’t hurt,” expertly told by someone who hadn’t played once yet tonight.
“Well then what are you waiting on, Prince Charming?”
“Alright Original-Comic-Book-Version, hit me.”
next chapter
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what a nice guy
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
hey you i see your req are open ? if you have time , can you write about reader ( female or gender natural ) who always act cold and strong in front of other but one day the dorm leader see her crying in the sleep . they like having a nightmares about the dorm leader leaving them and sleep talk about begging them to stay ?
i am sorry if this is too long .
Note: I went through seven stages of grief while writing this. And the crazy part, I have no idea why! (Prob BC of the art/writing block).
Note№2: I sincerely apologize for the delay. But at last, most of my finals are over and I hope my will to live and create will return (and NOT at 3 AM!)
Riddle Rosehearts
He honestly didn't know you fell asleep. You were staying in his room, listening to him, rambling about his dorm members not understanding the importance of rules.
He stopped rambling as soon as you let out a small sob. Slowly turning his head towards you, to make sure he didn't mishear it, Riddle looks at you. Another sob leaves you followed shortly by a hitched inhale. He's momentarily at your side. Riddle isn't quite sure what to do. He knows for sure, he needs to wake you up. While he attempts to do so, you start crying even more, particular shacking from the amount of tears.
Riddle stills when he hears you call out for him. Never have he ever imagined you, of all people calling for him. It's unusual for you to show such deep emotions to anyone so poor thing is absolutely lost at what to do again. He had similar nightmares too (not to the point of years though), so he understands your fear.
He attempts to comfort you in your sleep, since he could wake you up. Riddle hugs you and whispers reassuring things and lot's of "I'll never leave you"s. He'll never mention it to anyone but he will talk about this with you for sure.
Leona Kingscholar
It was one of the many sleepless nights for Leona. He usually listened to your heart to fall asleep faster, feeling safe and loved. Laying on top of you, using you as a pillow, it always helped.
Leona is no stranger to nightmares, quiet the opposite actually. But never did he imagen that you will have one. In front of him. There isn't a lot of people who would understand you, lucky for you, Leona is one of a few, who understand. He trys to wake you up at first, causing you to cry even more. He's panicking, he has no idea what to do. You're always so cold, calm and quiet one of the many reasons why he likes to sleep near you.
Once Leona hears your cry for him, beginning him, to stay. He stills, not believing his ears. He had similar nightmares about you, leaving him. You were always there to comfort him when those night terrors came, so he does the same for you.
He cuddles you, pat's your head, running his fingers through your hair and says probably the sweetest things you'll ever hear from him. Leona won't mention it to anyone and won't talk with you about it. He will cuddle you more and say encouraging stuff to you in private though.
Azul Ashengrotto
He was in his office, counting contracts, before heading towards his room. He couldn't leave his angelfish waiting! You and Azul made an agreement that whenever he's being late to your 'privet' date, you'd wait for him in his room.
Standing right outside the room, Azul heard faint crying. Momentarily, he enters room, normally he knocks, even though it's his room, privacy is privacy but in this situation, he had to.
Seeing you crying in your sleep, made his personal killbill siren go insane! Usually it was the other way around, you comforting him after another bad dream. So Azul did what you usually did to him, try to wake you up and comfort you.
You let out another cry but with his name. Poor Azul was afraid you were having nightmare about him, hurting you. He was about to push away, when you weekly grabbed onto his arm and pleaded to stay with you, still asleep.
Azul stayed by your side whole night, not daring to fall asleep. Not like he could. Whispering words of love and reassurance, cuddling you, with his whole being, Azul silently cried with you, feeling your pain, like no one else. He won't say a word to anyone but he will talk about your fears and insecurities.
Kalim Al-Asim
He just returned from one of his night flys. Usually he just flys on his carpet whenever he couldn't sleep, thais was one of those nights. As soon as you entered Kalim's room and sat down on his bed, you fell asleep, due to up coming exams. Sunshine boy truly tried to fall asleep with you but he couldn't.
So imagen his suprise, when he heard your crys. You! The ice majesty you! You were like that comical 'polar opposites' couple. If anything, it was most likely him being the crying one then you!
Poor Kalim was panicking half of the time! He was about to call Jamil for help (since vice dorm leader always helped him to calm down in saddest moments) but then he heard your crys for him. You, the always cool and calm, you were calling for him???
Kalim wouldn't even try to wake you up in fear of scaring you even more, instead he'd attempt to comfort you through your sleep. Hugging, cuddling you, pressing gentle kisses here and there. He'd try to stay awake the whole night but unfortunately he falls asleep embracing you. In the morning he's very tempted to ask others for advice but Kalim understands, that it's too personal. He'll be a bit awkward about it (he doesn't know how to approach you when it comes to emotions) but he will talk with you about your nightmares.
Vil Schoenheit
Normally he was the one to fall asleep first but oh well. You did look horribly tired this whole day. Schoenheit was in a good mood, so he decided to have a beauty sleep with you (aka go to sleep at 9 pm).
He was about to fell asleep but was shacken back to the reality with your sobs. At first, he thought it was just his sleepy mind and imagination but when you started to toss around the bed and cry even more aggressively. Vil would usually just knocked some sense into you, to not ruin his beauty sleep but it's not the case.
He isn't the best guy if you need comfort. Especially if he's used to you being cold and calm on the outside (like him). So Vil is really confused on what to do. Logically he'd try to wake you up first and if that fails, he'd still be lost for a good fee seconds. Don't be mad at him, please, he trys his best. Vil would try to hug you and keep you in place, so you wouldn't accidentally hurt yourself, try to calm you, by saying stuff like 'it's okay', 'let it out' and 'sh…I'm here for you'.
When he first heard you cry for him, Vil like Azul thought, he was the cause of your tears. He was about to start to think some really depressing things but then you begged for him to stay. It's like something snapped in him. Vil never thought that you'd be that attached to him. He'd be more 'aggresive' in his calming attempts. More 'I love you's and 'I won't ever leave you's, tightening his embrace and all. He wouldn't talk to anyone about it and he would be hesitant to talk to you about it too. Since he's also an 'ice queen' he tried to think how'd that go through his point of view. But in the end you'd still discussed it.
Idia Shroud
You both were chillaxing in his room. Idia was having one of those long night gaming marathon/sessions and you accidentally fell asleep on his bed. Idia doesn't mind though, he understands that you're probably tired and his bed is comfy!
Before long, he was at max level fighting with the boss and he was about to disintegrate that worthless being- Wait, did he hear it correct? Pushing pause, Idia pushed his headphones a bit. Yep, that was someone crying. Hold on... IT'S JUST YOU AND HIM HERE!!! Remember, I told you about killbill siren in Azul's head? Now THIS is a killbill siren. Idia is panicking his shit out and has no actual idea what to do! His anxiety level has never been so high.
Usually he was the one having nightmares (if you were lucky to catch him asleep) in your couple, so if something you or Ortho were the one to comfort him. Poor Idia, he was on the verge of tears from the panic. He was about to call Ortho for help when he heard your cry for him, his name being chocked out from your trembling body. Hesitant, he would try to wake you up (And miserably failed). Idia will mostly say reassuring words and won't do much physical contact since he's afraid of scaring you even more. He really is worried, don't get me wrong! After that, he would only ask Ortho for the advice (or internet in anon mode). He doesn't want to mess up things even more so he'll be shy asking you about it. You and him will still talk at some point though.
Malleus Draconia
Fae's sleeping schedule is a... wierd thing but it is what it is. Usually Malleus just watches you sleep instead of sleeping himself. So here you were in bed next to him, sleeping peacefully, while Draconia watched you like a hawk.
So when your face started to show the slightest hints of discomfort, he noticed it. And from that moment on, his 'protecting' instincts were acting up. He didn't risk waking you up right away but he git closer to your sleeping form non-theless. He was monitoring everything, starting with what expression does your face makes and ending with your heart beat.
When you let out your first shaky sob, Malleus felt like there's a crack in the floor and it's getting bigger. He had no idea what to do. While he was spacing out and silently panicking, you started to cry even harder. Poor baby, was scared to do anything! He tried to wake you up but you just started crying even harder! Malleus got a heart attack when you cried his name out. Like Azul he thought, he was the reason of your nightmare. The only thought about it made him go to the verge of tears. Malleus was brought back to the reality by you, pleading for him to stay. Mal mal would hug you, whisper promises of being with you forever and try to slowly rock you like a baby to ease your bad dream. He won't mention it to anyone and won't talk with about it. But if it happens again, he'll decently confront you about your nightmares.
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takerfoxx · 2 years
The Sandman, Season 1, Episode 3, "Dream a Little Dream of Me," First Impressions!
"Fuck it, let's go to Hell!"
Yeah, I know that line had nothing to do with the plot of this episode, but c'mon, what a stinger.
And hey, can we just take a moment to give it up for Patton Oswalt for getting to live the fanboy dream, no pun intended? A few years ago my sister and I attended a Neil Gaiman talk and autograph signing, and Oswalt was the host, and he started the night by basically confessing that he grew up as the biggest Gaiman fan ever, so much so that they basically hired Gaiman's stalker to host the show. And now he gets to play (well, voice) one of the most important characters in the long-awaited Sandman adaptation.
So anyway, this episode was surprisingly nostaglic, but for a different reason than what I was expecting. When I first graduated high school, I made a point to marathon all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, mainly because I fell in love with Firefly and wanted to see Whedon's other works (no, I am not going to talk about recent controversies). And I loved them deeply. There was just something about the whole gothic urban fantasy mysteries with pithy dialogue and corny jokes I found appealing. Never did move onto Supernatural for whatever reason, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Buffyverse.
This reminded me a lot of that, even if the source material, both Sandman and Hellblazer, predates Buffy by a good amount. Johanna's flashbacks to the Job Gone Wrong and the bit with the princess's possessed fiance were much in that same vein, and were a ton of fun. I can't help but wonder if that little girl in Johanna's nightmare is going to show up in Hell the next episode.
Even though I knew it was coming, I still popped hard when Mad Hettie basically stepped off the page. As much as I've enjoyed what's been changed, expanded upon, and updated, I still appreciate the parts where they went, "Nah, this is fine the way it is. Just adapt it word-for-word."
I would have liked to have the Mr. Sandman musical drops. It would've been funny. Wait, did they have it and I just missed it?
Speaking of which, while it would be neat to have the John Constantine, rights are what they are, and Johanna made for a very impressive replacement. She was exactly the kind of messy individual who's trying her best but has made a ton of mistakes, has hurt a lot of people, and is also just so done with everyone coming to her with their problems, and yet so can't look away. I wonder if they renamed her ancestor in the coming Men of Good Fortune episode. I guess we'll see.
Also, to everyone complaining about how changing the Constantine character female made the show even more gay, go and look into John Constantine's romantic history. There's a reason why making King Shark his ex in Harley Quinn actually isn't that farfetched.
I was bummed that the only rogue dream we got in Rachel's apartment was that reunion with the fake Rachel. It was very good, yes, but I was looking forward to the trippy house haunted by her dreams, with the rogue Nightmares pissing their pants when they realize that Dream is present and the inside-out guy on the walls. I did smirk when Johanna mentioned telling Rachel's father about her passing, because this version of the guy actually got lucky compared to his comic counterpart. Ouch.
And in regards to what I said earlier about Gaiman taking this show as a do-over, building up the tension between Dream and Matthew is actually kind of a nice touch, as the conflict with their relationship was mainly around Dream just being a little cold and standoffish with him because he's like that with everyone, but this has something for them to actually work out, along with a very good reason for Dream not wanting another raven along, given what happened to the last one.
The John Dee and Ethel Cripps stuff now fell more-or-less to how it went in the comics, albeit a bit more dramatic. And gory. I really like this depiction of him. He's both something sympathetic while also being rather horrifying. It just brings a human layer to the character that will serve to make the diner episode even more horrific. I also smirked at the sidelong references to Doctor Destiny that don't violate trademark but do wink at it.
Corinthian wasn't as active here as I was expecting, but he is still lurking in the background, nudging things around to fuck things up for Dream. I wonder if his end will be the same as the comics. I hear they spiced up the confrontation between him and Dream to make it more appropriate as a season finale, but it still would be really funny if after all of his attempts to basically assassinate Dream throughout the season, he still meets his end via Dream just crashing his Cereal Convention speech. Like, you try so hard to kill a motherfucker, doesn't work, and then you go to hang out with your friends to burn off steam, only for him to ruin your big moment with a, "I lived, bitch!"
Okay, time for the momentum to really pick up. Let's go to Hell!
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 6. high
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[warnings: SMUT (it's female receiving oral), weed]
"i think of you in colors that don't exist." — Watching Sal shift repeatedly in his seat and squirm uncomfortably the entire way home is almost comical. You watch him shorten the distance between his thighs and then spread them over and over again as he drives, smiling to yourself.
"Doing okay over there?" You ask, a giggly lilt to your voice as you sit still in your spot.
The feeling between your legs is still buzzing and the engine rumbling your seat beneath you is a bit.. overstimulating.. but you're decent.
"Hmm," he hums in response, squinting your way. "Stop baiting at me," he teases.
When you pull into the parking lot at Addison's Apartments, the both of you remain seated for a silent moment, after Sal pulls the keys from the ignition. The high from moments ago has dulled down, and you're left to soak in what exactly had happened.
Except you don't. You don't even think about what had happened—you barely meet Sal's eyes, nervously grin and reach for the passenger door handle. "Alright, see you tomorrow, let me know what your dad says, text me, goodnight!"
Before the blue-haired boy even has a chance, you've opened the car door, hopped out, and gently shut it behind you. You weren't looking for him to catch up to you, either—so you ran like mad into the apartment complex and took the stairwell instead of waiting for the junky elevator.
When you'd gotten home, you were light on your feet and tiptoed through the living room towards your bedroom. You'd took note of Sal's earlier tactic (taking his shoes off before he entered the apartment) and mirrored it.
When you'd finally gotten to your room, you collapsed onto your bed, comforter beneath your back, and stared up at the ceiling.
Your mind was blank. You couldn't even mentally conjure the words to describe what had just happened.
As you ran the earlier events through your subconscious, you remembered the feeling of his teeth and mouth on the flesh of your neck—and how he'd sucked on it until it hurt. You jumped from your bed, ran (lightly) to your bathroom, turned the light on, and peered into the mirror.
You pushed your hair from your neck—which was stuck to your skin from sweat—and gasped in horror at what you saw.
Sure, they weren't fully formed and hadn't reached their full potential, but those were hickeys. Blood red, slightly purple, forming hickeys. And, from what you remember.. you'd attacked his neck worse than he had to you.
The boy was practically translucently pale. You burned with shame at yourself because of the purgatory you'd subjected him to. He'd have to hide them for a week.
You closed your mouth after hanging your jaw open for 30 minutes and breathed out slowly. Despite the nightmare they'd be to hide.. it was almost nice to see on you. Something of him was left behind. At least you had something to remind you that what had played out tonight occurred and hadn't been a dream, or something.
You pressed your fingers on the marks and winced. They were sore.
After a shower—a cold, icy shower—you retreated into bed. You were so exhausted, you didn't dream.
What felt like moments later—you knew better to say it was, though, because there was early morning light shining through your blinds—you were jostled awake by a cold hand on your shoulder. You groaned, turning to the person and squinting.
"Mom?" You slurred tiredly, taking in Michelle's dim silhouette looming over you. You almost couldn't tell who she was at first before you'd rationalized that the only person who'd be shaking you awake in this ungodly hour would be your mother. Also, you could tell by the work uniform she wore. "Wha'?"
And although you were half-awake, your mind was rational enough to remind you to pull the covers up and conceal the bruises on your neck, which you knew had probably worsened.
"The school called," her words are like a bite. You expected this, but hearing her confrontation is sort of scary. "Not only did you receive detention yesterday, but you skipped it. You're lucky you weren't suspended—I had to lie and blame family emergency for your disappearance."
You didn't say anything, staring up at her and into her eyes.
"I can't believe you. You'll still be attending detention—they've rescheduled it for today. If you pull a stunt like this again, you'll pay the price, got it?"
You couldn't remember the last time she'd scolded you. It's not like you did much to warrant it. You never had someone before recently to play hooky with—or to cheat answers off of in class. You never had friends before.
"Okay," you reply, breaking away from her eyes and looking anywhere else. Eventually, her dark gaze rips from your face and she leaves the room.
You watch your bedroom door that she'd closed behind her—listen to the muffled shuffling and jangling of keys in the living room, and when she finally shuts the front door, you breathe out a sigh of relief and roll over onto your back.
And you smile. Because it's funny. Because she has no idea what you did with a boy last night.
You reach beneath the covers and fish for your flip phone (which you'd started sleeping on, a habit spawned from paranoia) and open it. You know it's early, but you slept before receiving any texts, so maybe...
There's nothing. He hadn't messaged you.
Eventually, you roll back over and give yourself another hour or two of sleep. It's too early to start getting ready.
When you woke up again, you got ready—threw on a black halter top, along with an a-lined, purpley-blue plaid skirt. Slid your feet into over-the-knee black socks and rolled them up your legs and to just below your thighs. Topped it off with a chunky black shoe.
After that, you spent a moderate amount of time on your hair and a little on your face.
You made it a point to wear flavored lip gloss. For no particular reason.
The hickeys were still a bit visible, so you topped off your outfit with an oversized denim jacket. You didn't think that much about it. Whether or not that was a mistake would be decided later. There wasn't much you could do—you didn't own all of the makeup necessary to cover them.
You meet with Sal in the lobby first. You approach him before he's noticed that you're even there—standing with his eyes on his feet, kicking the ground and toeing at nothing.
"Hi," you breathed, unsure of yourself.
His head raises. When he meets your eyes, the light fixture over you flickers. "I can see them," Sal says, stepping closer to you and inclining his head to examine your jawline and below.
The actual is a bit abrupt—you're momentarily started. That is until you've processed what he'd said.
"Yeah," you agree, shrugging. He looks back up at your eyes, his gaze widening. "I can't do anything about it."
He laces a hand through his hair and genuinely looks panicked. That's when you decide to examine him—and his neck.
"Holy shit, Sal," you breathe, a laugh of pure disbelief slipping off of your tongue. "You look like someone choked you."
Sal groans. "Yeah, pretty sure you used teeth."
"What're you going to do about that?" You choose to disregard his prior statement.
"I have an easy way out. I'll claim Travis did it yesterday. Super suspicious because I wasn't bruised this way at the time.. but-"
You meet his eyes with a deadpanned expression. Internally, though—it's almost humorous.. the fact that neither of you are even questioning what you'd done together. But you knew that would bite you in the ass. You'd only done what you'd done once—maybe it shouldn't happen again.
"I don't know, Sal." You press your lips together, smooth the gloss around. You taste artificial cherry flavoring on your tongue. "They look like hickeys."
"No one is going to believe I've been given hickeys, Y/N."
"They'll believe it whenever they see we've got a matching set!" You exclaim, meeting his gaze warily. You struggle a bit. Before, it felt so easy to make eye contact with him—but now you could barely lock eyes without looking away.
"Matching set?"
You jerk, breaking your staring contest with the floor and sliding your eyes upward. Larry was a few feet away, speedily approaching as his long legs closed the distance. Quickly, you split your hair in the back—separating it into two sections and placing one on either side of your face.
You watched Sal mess with his in the corner of your eye.
Nervousness made your heart drop what felt like ten stories when Sal spoke in reply. "Hey, Larry," he says. "Is Ashley driving again?"
"Uh, yeah," He replied, running lanky fingers through his lengthy brown hair. "'Was thinking we could all do something after school."
You hold your breath.
"Oh," Sal takes a moment to swallow thickly. "Y/N and I are doing detention—so we can't."
Larry's dark brows draw downward, casting a shadow over his deep eyes. He glances over at you, examines your face, and then locks eyes with Sal like he had been moments before. "Again? Didn't you guys do that yesterday?"
You decide to give your response this time. "Must've been a misunderstanding. We did go to it yesterday—we just, um.. have to do it again. Today."
Before he can further question the situation, you all hear the beeping of a car horn outside of the complex. It sounds familiar—it's Ashley's car. You all step outside.
Looking at the pale silver Ford Fiesta leaves you with mixed feelings. It's nice to look at—but now it just reminds you of the fact Larry tried to get into an altercation with Sal inside of it.
This time, Todd is in the back seat by himself. It's almost comical. You raise an eyebrow and look towards Ashley in the driver's seat. She rolls her window down and acknowledges you with striking green eyes.
You almost feel bad for leaving Sal in the backseat, knowing he's probably on edge with those marks on his neck. But you can't help yourself as you run around to the other side of the vehicle and climb into the passenger seat beside Ashley.
"It smells great in here, Ash. I forgot to tell you that last time," you smile as you breathe in the familiar strawberry scent.
"Thank you!" She grins. "Yeah, I really like these car fresheners."
The guys get into the back seat—Sal's in the middle, having climbed in first, to Todd's left, and Larry entering last.
Once the doors are shut and all hands and feet are inside of the car, Ashley shifts gears and gets going. She looks to you, then throws a look over her shoulder toward Sal. "How was detention, troublemakers?"
Your eyebrows furrow, about of stupidity washing over you. Even having discussed this with Larry and Sal only moments ago, you've completely forgotten that they thought you'd attended detention.
"It was great," Sal cuts in. "We sat for hours and did nothing. A lot of fun."
You come to realization quickly, and look up to meet Sal's eyes in the rearview mirror. He's shaking his head in lighthearted disappointment—a glint of amusement in his blue gaze.
"Yeah," your laugh trails off. "Sal couldn't sit still. It was funny."
You smirk deviously. That was an obvious reference to last night, on the way back to the apartments.
He meets your eyes once again in the mirror in front of you. "Don't bait at me," he warns, but you hear his grin. That's what he'd said when you'd laughed at him last night.
You smirked, shifting in your seat. You smelled cigarette smoke and guessed Larry was smoking again. It doesn't smell regular, though—smells a bit grassy.
"You're fogging up the car, Larry! It'll be your fault if we crash!" Ashley confirms your suspicions as she yells over the sound of rushing wind. He's rolled down the window—it fails to eliminate the smell but clears your line of sight.
"Sorry," he grins around a cigarette. It was nice to see him in a better mood.
"Have any of you decided on the plans for after school?" Todd speaks up for the first time day, absentmindedly fiddling with his flip phone. It's not any of your business, but you wonder who he's texting. Every time you see him, he's playing with his phone.
Larry laughs, pulling the cigarette away from his lips. "No. Thought Sal or Y/N would have some ideas, but they can't even go. They've got detention again."
Ashley looks toward you, awaiting your confirmation.
"We always had detention again. It was a miscommunication.." you trailed off, telling a lie. They didn't know that, though.
You watch Sal fiddle with his rings in the rearview mirror. "It's my fault, really."
You're not sure exactly what he means. He could be talking about the reason you'd even been given detention (attempting to share quiz answers) or maybe he was talking about the fact you'd even ditched detention—because he'd proposed it.
You disliked how easy he was to blame himself. You'd agreed to it.
And it wasn't something you found yourself regretting—not only had you received the pleasure of grinding Sal into oblivion in the driver's seat, but you'd came while you were at it.
Something you did regret, though... was doing that while you were so unsure of yourself—and what exactly it was that he wanted from you.
Not only that, but what did you want from him?
What was this?
"No, not really," you replied, after momentarily zoning out. "I agreed to it—to you... um- giving me those answers, Sal."
You hear his rings clack, keeping your eyes on the road, and on the broken white lines in the middle of the asphalt that pass beneath the car. You assume he's pressed his hands together harshly. "Yeah, well, it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't proposed it."
This conversation wasn't really about test answers, was it?
You hear the crackle of a cigarette. No one else seems to assume anything about the conversation—just two people who refuse to blame the other person.
"The only thing I care about is the fact that you have to deal with the repercussions, Sal. I wouldn't care if it was just me having to do detention."
That shuts him up. He doesn't say anything after that.
"It's okay." You say, one last time.
After that (thank god) Ashley reaches towards the radio and turns to a channel. Heavy metal plays through the speakers—not too loud, though—and although it's a bit unsettling considering your mood, the distraction is welcome.
As soon as you've stepped out of the car in the school's parking lot, you regret the fact you hadn't worn a heavier jacket. The denim jacket is oversized, yes—but it's lightweight and breathable and you can feel the autumn wind fluttering against your skin.
Goosebumps rise on your arms. You involuntarily shiver.
You, Todd, Larry, Sal, and Ashley begin the walk inside of the school. You still smell smoke, and a glance to your left confirms that Larry is still smoking that cigarette.
"A teacher will see," you warn lightly.
"Eh, it'll be alright." He looks at you inquisitively and raises it toward you. When you meet his eyes, they're bloodshot. Your lips part in surprise.
"Are you... high?" Your gaze flickers to the cigarette again. Turns out, it's a joint. Larry is smoking weed. Figures.
He doesn't answer the question. It's not like he has to. Instead, he raises it toward you again, quirking an eyebrow questioningly.
You swallow the thick saliva that had begun to pool in your mouth and look toward the rest of the gang as they continue on.
"Why are you looking over there?" Larry calls you back from your reverie. You look up to meet his blown pupils again. "You don't need anyone's permission. If you want to smoke it, smoke it."
You bit your lip, raising a hand. Your digits twitched as you reached to pluck it from him. As you took the blunt away from his grip, and your fingers brushed, his eyebrows twitched upward.
Nervously, you inhale like you'd done with the cigarette. You don't feel it enter your lungs until you've ripped it away from your lips. You don't want this to go like the first time you'd ever smoked, so you hold it in. Those few moments feel like forever—but eventually, you cough, and allow yourself that relief.
You don't feel high, per se. You've only just smoked it, but it was a big draw, and you're already feeling the effects of lightheadedness.
Your head spins as you absentmindedly drag from it again. You don't realize how long you've been inhaling until lanky fingers have grabbed the blunt from you and pulled it away.
You blink slowly, looking up to Larry in confusion.
"Holy shit," his red eyes widen, before laughing comically. You find yourself giggling as well, experiencing a high that wasn't from weed—but from the rush of trying something forbidden and new.
"You're going to be so fucking high," he laughs again, passing a hand through his hair and looking down to the blunt. "It's... gone."
You can't even remember how long you'd been smoking that shit. How long had you been walking? How far back had Ashley parked?
Conveniently, as he examines the used-up joint, you pass by a green trash bin. He opens the lid and throws the useless blunt inside of it.
A few moments pass as you step onto the concrete leading up to the school. You vaguely feel Larry's large hand gripping your shoulder to steady you. Even though you felt a bit woozy, you remember to keep your hair in place, covering the hickeys Sal had left on your skin.
When you've stepped into the halls, the amount of people walking all around and bumping into you feels a bit overstimulating.
You hoist your bag tighter over your shoulder and follow after your friends. You feel Larry's arm bump into yours every so often, reminding you of his presence.
When you reach your locker, you put your books away, arranging them accordingly, etc. Once you've shut the locker door, hard enough for the cage to rattle—you sort of.. just- stand there. It feels like your consciousness is somewhere completely different, and yet all of this noise feels like too much.
Your heart is beating way too fast and it hurt to stand up straight.
It didn't feel bad—but you'd certainly rather snort salt and pepper than have to function an entire school day like this. You felt way too floaty, like everything was swaying—you honestly couldn't deter up from down.
You don't know where the rest of the gang is, and you're too high to care. You wander down the hall, and continue like that, even when the bell rings and everyone steadily begins to file off and into their respective classes.
Desperate to be alone, and sitting down somewhere, you find a door. It looks like the door handle is growing dust, and there are no signs or labeling on the wood. So you turn the handle and try your luck.
Of course, it's locked. Why else would a school keep an unused room unlocked?
You dig into the denim compartments of your large denim jacket, blinking away the blear in your eyes as you search between the seams at the pit of your pockets. Eventually, you find a stray bobby-pin. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you stick it into the keyhole and wiggle and force it accordingly.
There were multiple reasons you knew how to do this. Your mother used to accidentally lock you out of your previous flats. It wasn't a hobby you'd picked up—it was something you were required to learn. At least, so you wouldn't have to sleep in the hallway at night.
The door eventually gives. When you've entered, you find yourself in a storage room. It makes sense. All of the junk was stored here.
Still high as shit, and becoming a bit nauseous, you close the door behind you. That shuts out any light, and you feel a chill roll over your skin. You couldn't see shit.
You make haste as you reach into your pocket again and rip your flip phone out. You pop it open, and soon enough, your eyebrows raise in surprise. The messages are a bit unclear, but they're visible once you focus.
Sal :) Missed Call (2)
Sal :) where r you?
Sal :) i'm looking for you. class is about to start
Sal :) larry's gone too. you're with him?
Before you type out a reply, you use the phone's light to search the room for a light source of some kind. Eventually, you find a shaded lamp. You feel around for a cord, and once you've found it, you pull a bit. Thankfully, it's already plugged in.. somewhere.
You return your fingers to the lamp itself and turn it on. Soft yellow light fills the dusty room, and you sigh in relief.
You try to disregard the floating dust particles, and sink to the ground, pressing your back against a wide, wooden desk. As you adjust on the floor, the cold tile momentarily presses against your bare thighs. You breathe in sharply, allowing yourself a moment before going to reply to Sal.
You are you in class?
Sal :) No
Sal :) where are you?
You i'm not with Larry. m alone. DK where he is
Sal :) sure he's skipped to smoke. where are you
You allowed yourself to look around the dimly lit room before replying. You swore you felt the dust sticking to your skin, and the skirt hugging your lower half felt too tight.
You shakily breathed in, and then breathed out. You repeated this process, shaky fingers gripping the phone tightly.
You bobby-pinned my way into some storage room i'm sitting on the floor so high rn lol
Sal :) i know where that is. coming rn . it's at the end of a hall, right?
Sal :) what did you smoke?
You blinked slowly, wiggling your thighs back and forth.
You you're correct.
You smoked weed
Before you could comprehend what was even happening, the door directly in front of you had opened. You blinked as white light constricted your pupils before they returned to their expanded state as the silhouette closed the door. While he did that, you reached up to the desk, slid a drawer open, and placed your phone inside of it.
You could've just put it in your pocket. You didn't know why you didn't.
He sunk to the floor in front of you, sitting criss-cross applesauce. His shoes were a breath from yours as you hugged your bare knees tightly. Your lazy eyes followed his movements as he clasped his hands around his ankles. He seemed to be watching your eyes—because when you looked up to make eye contact, he'd already been looking.
"Can barely tell what your eye color is," Sal says nervously. "Your pupils are blown."
"Is' just the dark," you chide softly. "I'm fine. My heart's just beating really fast."
"How much did you smoke?" He asks, his blue eyes—ever vibrant, even in this dingy lighting—searching your face. "Larry gave it to you, right? Jesus.."
You genuinely think about it. It seems you think about it too hard because the room began to rotate.
Maybe that wasn't just the high. You'd fallen onto your side. Luckily, you'd been sitting already—so it was a gentle collide with the cold tile. It felt nice against your cheek. You closed your eyes and watched the floating colors and shapes that look like nerves flash across the backs of your eyelids.
You fully press your side against the floor snuggling into it like it's the softest blanket you've ever slept with.
"Hot," you breathe. "Get this jacket off."
Soon enough, you feel purposeful hands sliding the denim off of your arms. It takes effort to get it off of the arm beneath you, but Sal manages. He balls the jacket up and slides it beneath your head. When your cheek meets the cool denim, you feel at total peace.
"Better," you open your eyes. He's watching your face. You can tell he's concerned, but there's something in his gaze—a look that tells you that he knows he's got this handled. He was confident in himself to take care of you.
He's probably experienced this before.
You roll onto your back, holding your eyes open to look up at the ceiling. Your eyelashes ghost your eyebrows as your imagination forms clouds in the shapes of the floating things you see.
Your skirt rides up your thighs a bit. You don't pay attention to it until you feel Sal's ring-clad fingers gently fixing it for you. You look at his face and smile.
"We need to do it again," you mumble. You don't feel the sickness of the high anymore—only complete clarity.
"Do what?" He asks, curiosity lilting his words.
"What we did in the car."
After those words roll off of your tongue, all that meets you is the intaking of breath. It's so quiet in this storage room that you can hear him licking his lips. You hear shuffling, the clacking of rings, and your breath—and for a moment, you believe he won't say anything back to you.
"I," he starts, swallowing hard. "You.. when do you.."
"How about now?"
You grin, meeting his eyes. He blinks a few times.
"Y/N, I-" he cuts himself off with a breathy laugh. You don't know if he feels nervous—or he just genuinely cannot believe this is happening. You wouldn't blame him, because you can't process it, either.
It's the weed boosting your confidence like this.
Then and again, you'd been confident with him during your first sexual encounter. Maybe the high just amplified that.
"As much as I'd like to," he starts, voice tight, "I don't know how well walking around the rest of the day having... uh— would go. I know it'll happen. We've got detention to sit in, too."
You pouted sadly but accepted it. He didn't want to, and that was fine.
"But, I, um.." his eyes flickered across your face. "I could go down on you."
The words surprised you so much you jerked upward and into an upright position. Your shock had also made you a dumbass, it seemed, as well—because you smacked your head straight into the wooden drawer you'd left open, which you'd put your phone in not even a few minutes ago.
"Ow," you winced, hand reaching up to rub the sore spot.
"Holy shit," Sal says, now closer to you. He closed the drawer (something you should have done way earlier) and blinked down at you. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," you breathed, meeting his gaze. "You'd.."
His eyes shifted to the left momentarily. "Yeah. If you don't want me to, that's fine. Your decision. I mean, I have no experience, besides things I've heard before."
You felt a bit giggly all of sudden. Your forehead was pulsing but it was fine. "I can always teach you. I mean, I've never had someone go down on me but I know what feels good."
Sal's demeanor seems a bit nervous as he glances around the storage room. "You want this to happen in here?"
You let out an abrupt laugh, holding your upper body weight on your elbows and arms. "Yes."
He chuckles along with you. "Alright."
Once again, you thank whatever intuition it is you have for swaying you into choosing to wear a skirt again today. You feel Sal's eyes burning holes into your skin as you grip the hem of your skirt and pull the material of your skirt higher on your thighs until it's bunched up at your hips.
His eyes—which, moments ago, were so blue and clear—had now grown a bit darker and looked as though a shadow had been cast over their pretty sheen.
"Did you lock the door when you came in?" You breathed, the ache between your thighs painful as he stares you down.
"I don't think it locks from the inside. We'll have to make it quick."
You're heart's never beat this fast before. And it keeps crashing against your ribs when he slides his fingers up your legs. He pulls your knees away from each other, and shifts so he's a bit farther between your legs.
You watch him slide every silver ring off of his digits, collecting them in a palm and sliding them onto the wooden surface of the desk beside him.
Your blood pumps in your ears so loud you feel like your brain is going to explode. That is, until you feel the pressure of the pads of his fingers right between your thighs, over the fabric that separated his fingertips from the burning heat there. Every other sense diminishes as your entire body focuses on what you'd just felt.
You instinctively gasped, never having been touched so intimately before.
You can tell he's shocked, barely having to glance at his face. You know he's nervous, but you don't believe he has reason to be.
"Wet?" You finish the sentence for him shyly, feeling completely dirty about insinuating something like that out loud. "The fabric is thin, but.."
"I haven't even done anything," he murmurs.
"Yes, you have," you reply, giggling quietly through your chest. "You're torturing me. Get on with it."
His hands shake as he reaches his hands behind his head and unclasps the buckles that hold the prosthetic onto his face. Before you can even take him in, he's turned the lamp above you off.
It's completely dark in the room.
"Can I.."
You know what he means when his hands brush the sides of your thighs. "Yes," you reply, instantly.
Sal hesitates. "Are you sure?"
You smile to yourself. "I am. Are you?"
"Absolutely," he mumbles, hooking his thumbs around the lace of your underwear and pulling it down your legs. You can't hear your heart anymore, thank god—you can only feel it. It beats unmercifully against your ribs as he daintily finishes sliding the fabric off of your body.
Sal barely moves after that. You guess he's put your panties in his pocket.
Before you know it, he's flattened the tip of his middle finger on the place between your legs. You shakily sigh as he barely dips a finger into the place your dampness had collected. He then slides his digit upward, spreading the wetness up and through your slit.
You know what he's doing—preparing you for what's to come—but you can't help it when his touch ghosts your clit. It takes a lot of self-control not to clamp your thighs around his hand—so you hold yourself back with a whine.
Sal stops when you make the sound, but his touch remains. "There?" He asks lowly—like now you're more at risk at being caught. There's no way, though. When you'd picked the lock, the doorknob seemed like it hadn't been used in forever.
"Yes," you whisper, barely lifting your hips to press into his hand. He uses more fingers this time—passing them through your wetness again. Eventually, he makes it back to that bundle of nerves, and gently circles it. You feel your gut tumble as he presses on it just eight.
"God, please," you sigh, settling on your back and raising a hand to grip at your hair. "Sal, I want-"
"Okay," he murmurs. You hear shuffling, feel him move. You know he's lower when his hair tickles the flesh between your thighs.
His breath fans over the apex of your thighs. You'd expect breath of this proximity to be hot—but it's cold and feels minty. It makes sense. That's how he smells—and whenever you'd kissed him last night, that's how he'd tasted.
What broke you from your musing was the feeling of his warm tongue flat on your sex. You throw your head back, dropping your jaw. You'd been waiting this whole time for that feeling—and now you'd gotten it.
Your skull feels like it's rattling (you had just thrown your head back and into the hard flooring) but you disregard that and focus on everything else.
"F-fuck," you stutter, as he rolls his tongue up and over your clit. You knew his memory was basically photographic—but you didn't realize he'd be able to find that spot every time.
He flicks his tongue over your clit in a way he hadn't been like he was experimenting. And it worked because you'd cried out and reached between your thighs to grip his blue hair.
He pulls away from your sex, exhales cool air onto the junction of your thighs and pants. "Gonna need to be quiet," he reminds you, his voice thick.
"I'm sorry," you swallow, before feeling him duck back down.
You shiver in anticipation as his mouth closes over the slope of your inner thigh, sucking onto your skin. You whine as he nibbles your flesh, barely closing his teeth over it before pulling away and returning to what he'd left.
Your spine arches off of the painfully hard floor as he closes his lips over your cunt again, flattening his tongue again and rolls it upward and back into his mouth.
It's not like he has a technique—he's just reacting to your reactions.
Your eyes are watery and fill with tears as you close them too tightly. Your fingers interlace with his hair, gripping close to his scalp and pulling just a bit. He hums in acknowledgment against your clit, and you feel that coil that had been steadily tightening in your gut began to tighten excruciatingly.
"Close," you breathe. "Please. Gonna cum."
Surely enough, he smiles into you, passes his tongue through your slit one last time before flicking it over your clit, and with purpose. He feels your legs spasm against his shoulders, so he flattens his tongue over the bundle of nerves.
That's when that coil in the deepest pit of your stomach unraveled.
"I'm coming," you whined. The feeling stuttered, you felt like you were teetering off of a cliff before it finally crashed over your body and through you harder than anything you've ever felt before.
He rode you through your orgasm—and it was hard not to clamp your thighs around his head.
"Fuck," your legs twitched as you came down, sighing as he pulled away from your sex. He panted, taking in the air quickly, before reaching up and turning the lamp on.
You met his eyes, pressing your thighs together as they shook.
"Oh my god," you exhaled, allowing yourself to soak in your shock. You watched him lick his lips before passing the back of his hand over them.
Sal seemed a bit lost for words himself. "Was that- um.."
You sat up—hiking your skirt back down with one hand while catching him by the nape of the neck with the other. You captured his mouth with yours, kissing him with fervor and want and appreciation. It took less than a second for him to reciprocate.
You didn't care if you could taste yourself on his tongue—it didn't matter much. It wasn't even bad, thank god.
After passing your tongue over his lip, you pulled away, eyes wide with shock. "I should.."
"I know what you're going to say," he cut you off, reaching into his back pocket with a smile. He hands you his underwear, and you close it in your fist. "And I'm alright. We've spent way too much time in here, anyway."
Your knee accidentally nudges between his thighs. Of course, he's hard. He was a teenage boy and he'd just made a girl come in a dingy old classroom at school during class. You felt bad.
"Another time." It's not a question. You're promising it to him.
"I.. okay." He murmurs, nervous in a way he hadn't been when he'd been eating you out moments before.
You watch him slide his rings back on, buckle his prosthetic back onto his face—and pretend not to notice how he adjusts himself as he stands up. You slide your denim jacket back on, slide your panties up your legs, and move to stand. You nearly fall back down when your legs spasm.
"Are you okay?" He asks, concern dripping off of his low voice.
"Fine. A little shaky," you breathe, gripping his arms and rising to your feet. You let go of him a few beats later and move toward the door. You forget your phone, but Sal grabs it for you and slides it into your pocket.
And as the both of you go to leave, you think about how the rest of the day will play out.
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
While You Sleep
Chapter 11
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: nothing (i think?) Summary: Soulmate!AU - Throughout life, you’re given glimpses of your soulmate through dreams. As you sleep, memories flash in your mind showing you the life your soulmate has lived. Everyone around you raves about how their soulmate reads great books or volunteers in their spare time. But you can’t relate as your dreams end up being more like nightmares. Through initial images of death and violence, you come to learn your soulmate is the Winter Soldier.
a/n: hi all please be patient I am having some writers block/lack of motivation lately for writing so this series may be a bit on a pause (hopefully not) but I am working to get out more drabbles to maybe just get some inspo or something!
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Waking up in Bucky’s arms felt just too good to be true. You were sure it was a dream, a nice, new dream Fate had blessed you with, but when Bucky shifted beside you and you felt every sensation, you knew you were truly awake. 
It also helped tremendously that you had a pleasant dream about him. It feels like centuries since you were shaken awake by the actions of The Winter Soldier. You couldn’t even consider any of it the actions of him next to you, feeling like the person in your dreams was and wasn’t the man in this bed. Everything felt like it intertwined dangerously, vines running through your mind. But, truthfully, you didn’t wanna think too much about it. You were finally getting your chance at the real soulmate experience, dates and dreams and all, and that was too priceless to spend time dwelling over much else.
Bucky awoke slowly, his normally rough eyes met yours in the softest manner. You two were tangled comfortably, still in most of last night's clothing, minus your panties and Bucky’s sweater which he must’ve ditched in the middle of the night. But none of that bothered you for a second. You were just too glad to be in this bed with your soulmate, cocooned lovingly in the sheets.
Bucky’s hoarse morning voice broke the silence, “Good morning.”
You smirked. “Good morning.” You shifted on your side and Bucky removed his arm from your waist, letting you get comfortable. The other arm around your shoulder stayed put. Quite surprisingly, it was his metal one. You could see Bucky’s torso completely now, the light from the sun hitting him in just the right way. Your eyes traveled from his arm to his shoulder, looking curiously. He was a fascinating phenomenon that you couldn’t believe was yours.
Thankfully, Bucky didn’t shiver away at the interest you were taking again in his arm and instead, indulged in your curiosity. “What’s going on in that pretty brain of yours?”
Your eyes snapped back to Bucky’s face. Your cheeks heated up from the question, feeling like you were caught doing something wrong. But Bucky didn’t look at all upset. Slowly, your eyes drifted back down and your hand came up to caress the base of his neck, just barely skimming his shoulder. He shuddered under the feeling.
“Does it… Does it hurt or anything?” You asked, suddenly feeling very stupid the second the words left your mouth. You bit your lip, trying to find the words to peddle back, but Bucky didn’t seem very bothered by it.
“No,” he shook his head. “I guess I don’t think much about it now. It’s just part of me. Obviously.”
You nodded, still letting your hand trace invisible patterns on his skin. “And you use it to fight bad guys?”
Bucky chuckled. “You’re still on that, huh?” You smirked and shrugged, wordlessly asking him to continue. “I… I help where I can. Don’t think it’s much to get excited about it but I like to think I have a hand in making the world better. It’s the least I could do since…” His words trailed off, leaving a kind of heaviness in the conversation. Bucky’s eyes lost their softness. They were beginning to water up but before any tear could escape, he spoke again. “You know, I actually am glad you brought this up. I have a mission soon.”
Your brows furrowed. “What?” 
He nodded and sat up in the bed, untangling you two. You followed his motions, gripping the blanket to you as you now sat side-by-side. 
“Should just be for a day or so. Mainly just gathering intel, nothing really crazy from the looks of it, but I still wanted to let you know.”
Your jaw went slack. “You have a mission to leave for tomorrow and I’m just now hearing about it?”
Despite your rising anger, you let Bucky take your hand in his. He rubbed soft circles on your skin. “Doll, I promise, I didn’t know about it until yesterday morning.”
“Were you going to tell me?” You were a bit surprised by how softly your words came out, just barely making it above a whisper. Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears, worry and uncertainty course through you. You didn’t know what these missions could really entail. Could they really just be intel gathering? What if stuff goes wrong? Stuff goes wrong all the time, right? Your head was swimming and all you really knew was that you were losing your soulmate for a bit. Sure, you had gone your entire life without him (and he went without you much longer) but now you two were connected. It was practically set in stone. The situation had changed drastically and now he was leaving to do God knows what…
Bucky let out a sigh, the noise forcing you out of your worried thoughts. He spoke gently as if sensing the uneasiness within you, “Yes, I planned to, doll, I just didn’t know how to bring it up. When you asked about my job again, I just jumped on the opportunity, okay? I swear, I wasn’t going to just disappear.”
You wrapped your arm around his, leaning closer to rest your head in the crook of his neck. He shifted to welcome the touch. 
“You can’t disappear,” you whispered. “After what happened that night on the phone…” It flashed back. The dial tone in your ear, the thought of Bucky gone in the night. You didn’t want to remember those feelings, really. “You gotta promise me you’re going to be safe.”
Bucky let out a soft chuckle and you possibly would’ve found it comical, it was actually quite funny asking an ex-assassin to be safe, but thanks to the bond, there wasn’t anything funny about anything. You couldn’t imagine even having to put a bandaid on him. 
“I’ll be safe, doll,” he said. “Try not to worry.”
You scoffed. “Impossible.”
A moment passed before Bucky reached to cup the side of your face. Instinctively, you brought your face up to meet his. His expression as he stared back with a true whirlwind of emotions. Sadness, appreciation, love… But he didn’t express anything outwardly, and instead just placed his lips on yours. His body pressed into you as the kiss deepened, slowly pushing you back to the bed. You two fell back once again into the entanglement of one another. 
“You’re going to be okay, right?” 
“Yes, sweetheart, I’ll be fine.”
You tried giving an understanding nod but still, all you felt was worry as you and Bucky stood outside your apartment building saying your goodbyes. It was early and he had made sure to stop by before you had to leave for work. You thought you two had said your goodbyes in more ways than one yesterday but he wasn’t leaving so easily and you were secretly glad.
“I’m just making sure,” you sighed and reached to grab his hand. He accepted, intertwining your fingers.
“I know,” he nodded. “Are you going to be okay?”
You raised your brows. “Me?” You let out a small laugh. “I’m not the one going on a mission to do who knows what in God knows where.”
Bucky shook his head, a small smirk on his lips. “No, but I still have to make sure you’re safe here.”
“Bucky, I’ve spent a lot of time alone. I’m going to be just fine.”
Bucky’s expression morphed into something unsettling. He looked quite distressed at your comment, which you hadn’t truly expected, but hearing it out loud, you wanted to cringe at the statement. It was probably the most uncomfortable reminder but Bucky didn’t mention anything about it.
“I’m just making sure.” He repeated your words as a teasing remark, making you let out a small sigh of relief.
In a quick last-minute move, you pulled him closer to place a loving kiss on his lips. He smiled into it as his other hand came up to caress your cheek. Warmth raced through you as he broke the kiss.
“Have a good day at work, doll.”
“Have a good mission, Buck.”
You thanked your lucky stars that work today was ridiculously slow. It was almost the weekend but the usual rush of morning folks had dwindled pretty fast. Truly, though, this was a best-case scenario in your eyes because in between the fleeting customers and out of the watchful gaze of your boss, you took time to send Bucky some texts. While, yes, you knew he hated texting (who could blame him with the T9 keyboard he was working with) but you still thought they would be nice for him to read. 
I’m sure you’re high off in the sky getting briefed on your task but I wanted to wish you luck. You hit send with a goofy grin feeling a bit silly and a bit… concerned. Your worry for Bucky hadn’t stopped and you knew most likely it was consequences of being separated from your soulmate but you wished the gnawing at your soul would quit it. Still, though, a part of you felt giddy being able to send him cute little things while he was gone.
Your coworker took notice of your behavior quite quickly. As she came around the counter  restocking the syrups, she asked, “What’s got you all lovestruck?”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your smile. “Bucky’s gone for a bit and I was just sending him a little love note.”
Your coworker chuckled. “A love note. Oh, how far you two have come.” With that sentiment, she went back to her restocking, leaving you to stare at your phone. You nodded to yourself realizing, yeah, you and Bucky had come far. You didn’t know if all relationships hit the gas pedal but there had always been an urgency with you even before ever looking at Bucky. You had wanted this for a while, always unsure if you would get it thanks to what the nightmares showed, but now it was real. It was as Bucky said, if it felt right to you two, then it must be.
Thinking of you. You sent off another little message before sliding your phone back into your pocket. You waited the rest of your shift but never received anything back, not that you really expected it, though. You figured if he had time to call, he was going to wait for that opportunity. 
Eventually, the clock hit quitting time and you exited the coffee shop, waving a brief goodbye to your coworker. Standing on the sidewalk, you half expected to maybe see Bucky eager to walk you home or take you to dinner but the street was gravely empty. You shook off the unusual thought and began your journey home. 
It was a fairly quiet night and you were thankful for that. It gave you a chance to just be with yourself for a second after a whirlwind of days and nights with Bucky by your side. Maybe this distance would be good, you thought. The distance creates a need and your reunion would be unlike anything you had ever felt before. You blushed at the thought.
You made your way into your apartment building and up the stairs. Unlocking your door, you threw down your items and began getting ready for bed. The softness of it was just begging for you. While you would’ve loved to be back in Bucky’s, you were dying for a bit of sleep to maybe ease your hyperactive thoughts of your soulmate and his mission. 
After taking off your make-up and getting on your pajamas, you crawled under the covers. Sleep hit you almost immediately, a new occurrence you were getting used to. You never really recalled a time when you were welcoming sleep with open arms.
But maybe you were counting your blessings too soon. Tonight ended up not being how it had been for the past few days. The nightmares came back in a sudden rush, way too fast for you to even think about what the hell was going on. You felt so lost, being pushed so many steps back in your progress, as scenes of fighting and guns blazing flashed in and out without any warning. The emotions came back as well. Need and anger were swelling in your heart as you fought and fought within the nightmares. Everything began feeling…so real. The nightmares felt strong as your body felt it had a mind of its own, tossing around your bed in panic as your brain filled with the images and… yells?
You were shaking now. You didn’t remember hearing sounds in your nightmares before but everything can be suppressed if you’re traumatized enough, you figured. But there was just something within you that didn’t feel right. Granted, nothing was right about the nightmares but this was different… these sounds felt real and sudden… Your brain was screaming. What the...
Something cold hit your back. At first, you had thought your blanket fell off but when you went to grab it, you found your hands were bound together. Real panic, nothing of the dream kind, raced through you. Your eyes bolted open. 
You didn't find your blanket because it wasn’t there. You weren’t in your bed. Hell, you weren’t even in your apartment. You were alone, shoved into a dark cell, your back pressed against a cold, metal wall. The panic was settling in but you couldn’t find the strength to react besides staring around frantically in the dark. You couldn’t make out anything, barely able to even see your own body. It was deadly silent.
You began praying to whatever was out there that this was just a dream, that you just really couldn't wake up, you had only thought you woke up. But that just wasn’t the case and a sad part of you really knew it. Nightmares suddenly weren’t just reserved for bedtime.
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polonium-snap · 3 years
The Beauty & the Deku chp. 2
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Summary: Izuku and Katsuki somehow get trapped in a book of fairy tales, to get out of it they decide to play their part in the stories. How far are they willing to go to fulfill the romantic plotlines? Will Katsuki be able to play the role of a fairy tale princess?
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When Katsuki comes to, he is washing some stairs.”Wha-? This again? You’ve got to be forking kidding me.” He stood up, inspecting his clothes, some raggedy top, and pants, which at least is not a dress,  and went to a nearby well, staring at his reflection on the water, scowling.
“Kacchan?” He heard Deku’s voice from behind, and the blonde turned to him.
“Deku!” Katsuki said. “As you can see, we are still trapped in this nightmare.” He frowns. “What do we do now?”
“Let’s continue trying to go along with the story, maybe if we do it enough times, we’ll get out of here.” Izuku suggested.
Katsuki growled. “Shut up! What do you know? This is probably your fault since you didn’t have to be at the house in the end.”
Deku frowned. “Oh yeah, Cinderella totally broke through a door like you did.”
The blonde scowled back, blustering and turning to look away from Izuku. “Whatever.”
Which was Kacchan-speak for ‘I’m sorry, you’re right', good thing Deku was an expert at reading his childhood friend. “We should continue trying to go along with the story, this time as much as we can with the original.”
“No way, nerd. I already gave that a try and we are still trapped in this hellhole.” Katsuki argued. “It makes more sense to try and make the story different, if it doesn’t let us move on we can find the reason more easily.”
“What if that just makes us be stuck here forever, Kacchan?” Izuku argued back. “Let’s do it like the story says one more time, then if we are still here we’ll try your thing.”
The blonde frowned but sighed. “Fine.”
Izuku let out the breath he was holding and stared into red eyes. “Thank you.”
Silence hung heavy for a second between them for several seconds. “I’m sorry…” Bakugou mutters, surprising Deku. “You know, for kissing you at the end…”
Izuku blushed furiously. “Oh! Uhm, i-i-it’s ok Kacchan, that actually made us move on, so…”
The implication of the previous statement weighs on them, and the silence only makes heat rise faster and more intensely into Deku’s face. If the kiss was what made them move on, did that mean they would have to again until they were out of there?
The most obvious answer was there, if they were in Snow White, like Izuku suspected, that meant they had to kiss to be able to continue with the story.
“Wh-What story are we in anyway?” Katsuki asked if only to fill the silence.
“O-oh, I think we are in Snow White.” Izuku reasoned.
“How are we meeting so early then, isn’t the prince supposed to kiss snow white at the end?” The blonde tried to remember.
“No, I think they met right at the start of the Disney movie.” Izuku explained.
“Crap I can’t remember.” The taller teen rubbed his hand on his face. “How am I going to go along with the story if I can't remember how it goes?”
The green-haired boy bit his lip, he couldn’t blame Kacchan, apart from this being a stressful situation, it has been a long time since either of them either saw the movies or read any books with fairy tales on them. “I think I know how it goes, just make sure to go near the forest and run away from the huntsman and look for a small house, it belongs to some dwarfs.” He explains. “Make sure they let you stay, cook and clean for them or something, the evil queen will look for you, to kill you, she will give you an apple, bite it, I’ll take care of the rest and then we’ll ride off to the sunset.”
“My prince.” Katsuki said sarcastically, and Izuku glared, but his cheeks felt hot. “I got it, I got it, I’m just tired of cleaning stuff, like I knew old men hate women in these stories and think their only use is to cook and clean, I get it, old news, but it’s annoying as heck, you know?”
“I get it Kacchan, I’m sorry, but I really think that we can get out if we follow the script as much as we can.”
“Yeah, except we can barely remember how it goes, you lame nerd, even just talking like this can change the story.” The fiery teen started to raise his tone. “We’re already doomed.”
Izuku cringed. “You’re right, but there must be plot points that make us move on, you know like in Cinderella, the background repeated until we did what it wanted, to move on we need to keep doing just that.” He tried to placate the other man. “This is the best plan we have right now, just go with it until we can think of something better.”
Katsuki stands staring at the other teen for a few seconds, glaring, but pondering what was said all the same. “Fine, but we better get out of this, or I’m going to explode.” He turned away and started walking toward the palace. “See you later, nerd, don’t you dare die.” He closed the doors, leaving Izuku staring.
The wardrobes the stories were putting the blonde in were killing him, he looked so handsome, even in dresses. Now the blonde wasn’t exactly wearing a dress, but elements of it were clearly borrowed, Kacchan was in rags but still looked amazing.
Izuku shook his head, this was not the time to be fawning over Kacchan, he turned around and left the grounds of the palace, unsure of what to do with himself. Jesus, fairy tale princes really were useless and had one shitty line, like Kacchan had said, though maybe like this, he could look for clues.
He looked down and sighed, even his clothes were boring.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Katsuki changes his clothes because he is not staying in some ugly rags, besides he is 70% sure Snow White wasn’t dressed so badly, she needs to be marketable, little kids wouldn't buy merch of her if she looked ugly right?
He went near the forest, as Deku had said, and sat on a rock, at least the scenery was always interesting in these stories, as Katsuki had never gone out of Japan, he could almost pretend he was visiting Europe or some shit.
“I’m sorry, princess.” Said a voice, which startled the fuck out of the blonde.
“Jesus fu-!” Katsuki turned around to find Rikido Sato, from his class. “Sato?! You are the huntsman?”
The other man’s eyes widened. “You know my name?!” His eyes watered. “The queen has never called me by my name.”
Katsuki hadn’t either until just then, but he wasn’t about to say that to a man with a weapon while he remained quirkless. “Yes, of course I know your name!” He lied, he was lucky with Sato’s last name, he was between Sato and Sota. “I’m going to be the next ruler of this kingdom, and you my loyal subject.” He was talking out of his ass. “How could I not know your name?”
Sato dropped the knife. “I can’t do it!” He cried. “The queen is trying to kill you, your best option is to run as far as you can and hope she never finds you!”
Katsuki stood up from the ground and scrubbed the dirt off his clothes. “Right, thank you, I guess, for not killing me or whatever.” He jogged into the forest, enjoying it more than he normally would, maybe because it had been a while since he had been able to make one of his mornings runs.
At some point, his foot got tangled on some tree roots and he came crashing to the ground. “Argh!” He exclaimed. “Dumb tree, dumb story, dumb Deku!” He raged, and sat on the ground, finding the cabin could wait. As he lay on the ground feeling sorry for himself he felt small tweets from above, and slowly, animals from the forest came out and stared at him.
The blonde groaned. “One of you better not be Dunce face or Hair for brains.” He couldn’t take any more woodland animals as his friends, although thankfully it seemed none of them was anyone he knew. “What are you doing here then, If not to torture me?”
All the animals started to walk toward somewhere, and Katsuki, having nothing better to do went with them, only to find the small house Deku talked about. He opened the door, finding the insides absolutely filthy. And as much as Katsuki had complained he disliked cleaning, he disliked even more letting it stay filthy.
‘Fucking fine’ He thought because only in his mind he could use his favorite words. “You win, stupid Deku, I’ll clean this pigsty.” Katsuki picked up a broom and started sweeping the comical amounts of dust and dirt, the animals around him started to do the same, and for the first time, he didn’t mind the small woodland animals that seemed to follow him lately.
When he finally finished he realized how tired he was, it had been a few days since he last slept, so maybe now he could take a nap. Bakugou climbed the stairs, peering at the small beds with the dwarf's names, he pushed some of them together so he could fit in and dropped like a log on them, paying no mind to the few small animals that cuddled him, he was too tired for that shit.
He closed his eyes and lost consciousness.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
“What is that? Is it a ghost?” Said a fearful but familiar voice.
“Ha! There’s no such thing as a ghost.” An angrier voice said.
“Who cares, ghosts can’t touch you, let’s just sleep and be done with it.” Said another voice that sounded just like Aizawa.
With his sleep finally disrupted Katsuki decided to sit up and fuck up anyone who dared wake him. When he rose from the bed, multiple gasps were heard. “What is it now?” He said, the blanket still over his head, which he removed slowly.
When he finally could see, he found seven eerily familiar dwarfs looking at him and gasping once again.
“Prince!” One of them exclaimed. “What are you doing here, young prince?”
Holy shit, this dwarf was All Might. Katsuki gaped at the blonde dwarf, his face a picture of the man’s old glory.
The teen looked at the others, Aizawa, Present Mic, Koda, Kirishima, Kaminari...and Endeavour?!
“Let me guess, you,” Bakugou pointed at Aizawa. “Are sleepy, you,” Present Mic, who let out a very loud sneeze. “Are Sneezy, you,” Koda blushed. “Bashful.” Then Kirishima. “You are Happy, I guess.” Kaminari. “Dunce face, you are obviously Dopy.” Bakugou laughed. “This must be Todoroki’s old man, Endeavour.” The red-haired dwarf fumed. “That leaves you All Might, I guess you are Doc.”
All Might smiled. “Yes, young prince.” He eyed Katsuki as if searching for answers. “What brings you here?”
“Yeah, that, the queen is trying to kill me or something.” The younger man dismissed carelessly.
“The queen is trying to kill you?!” Several of the small men exclaimed.
“Yes, so let me hide here, I’ll cook and clean, or something.” Katsuki forced himself to say.
“Like we would let a stranger stay here in our h-” Endeavour started to say.
“Of course you can stay, my boy!” All Might said. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yeah!” Kirishima, Kaminari, and Present Mic said, Koda blushed, and Aizawa grunted his approval from where he slept.
Endeavour growled.
The next day, after making the seven nuisances breakfast and them lining up at the door to go to the mine, Kirishima took of his stupid hat and watched Katsuki expectantly.
“What do you want.” The blonde said, but he had started to piece what hair for brains was silently asking, the redhead wanted a kiss on his forehead, Bakugou fumed, missing the cracking sound of his quirk. The thing was Snow White obviously did so in the movie, and if he wanted to be truthful with what he promised Deku, he had to kiss the foreheads of these dumbasses and thank god they wouldn’t remember, or at least he hoped so.
He reluctantly kissed Kirishima’s forehead, cringing when the dwarf continued in his way. It didn’t take long for the rest of the short men to follow suit.
Kaminari laughed and thanked him with a teasing smile. Katsuki struggled not to punch with his bare hands. Koda, bless him, just blushed and continued on his way, Aizawa grunted, Present Mic whooped in happiness, and All Might thanked him.
Lastly, there was Endeavour, who Katsuki categorically and morally opposed kissing, as much as he hated the half-and-half bastard his old man was trash and he wasn’t about to ignore that. But he had made a promise to stupid Deku who was probably living it large somewhere as a prince.
Katsuki swallowed his pride if only because he was a man of his word.
He slowly bent to press his lips on Endeavour's dwarfed forehead, closing his eyes to avoid extra trauma, and gave him a lightning-quick kiss.
“It’s not like I wanted you to, brat!” What the fuck? Was Endeavour a tsundere?
Bakugou would never be able to look at the number one hero ever again.
While Katsuki baked a pie in the old-fashioned oven he heard some commotion on the outside. Bristling Katsiki let go of the hot pie and peeked through the window, only to see Shigaraki dressed in black rags and carrying a basket of apples.
Holy fuck, Shigaraki was the queen?!
Katsuki couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing. “You?! Your crusty musty ass is the queen? HAHHAHA” He was nearly crying, Shigaraki looked worse than normal, and that was so hard to do in the blonde’s mind that he had to give the man kudos for surpassing himself.
“W-what? No, I’m no old queen, just an old man offering such beauty an apple.” Shigaraki stuttered, quickly jumping into convincing the teen into taking the blood-red apple in his ugly hands.
Katsuki wiped his tears of laughter. “I’m just, haha, sorry, It’s just been an annoying day.” He explained. “But alright, since you made me laugh so much I’ll take the apple, thank you for the few hours of peace, while that stupid Deku makes it here.” The blonde bit the apple, promptly falling asleep as he heard Shigaraki’s pathetic laugh.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku panted as he followed the forest’s animals toward the dwarf's house, where he knew Katsuki was waiting for him, the queen, whoever they were, was probably already chased off a cliff and Kacchan was placed in a crystal case.
He arrived at a clearing, watching as the dwarfs mourned Katsuki’s apparent death.
Wait. Was that Endeavour?! No. No, no time for that, literally everyone they knew was becoming a supporting character in these stories, it was entirely possible Endeavour was too.
...Was he supposed to be grumpy?
Izuku shook his head away from those thoughts and focused on Katsuki’s relaxed face as he slept and the dwarfs took away the glass casing on top of the snoozing blonde. Deku had always wondered why on earth the dwarfs just took off the case for some random prince to kiss the princess? What if it was just some creep? Though he had heard the age of the actual prince was 31, while Snow White was 14, which, what the hell.
Anyways he was getting sidetracked, maybe due to the nerves of having to kiss Kacchan, and the intense gazes the dwarfs were sending the green-eyes teen. He gulped, approaching the other man’s face, suddenly feeling very hot. It's not like they hadn’t kissed before, just two days ago Kacchan had kissed him, and there was always that one time they were 4 and wanted to know what kissing felt like.
However, both times it had been Katsuki who had initiated, not Izuku, Deku had never been the one to kiss someone, and the fact they were not conscious was really bothering him. It was morally incorrect to kiss someone who was unconscious, even if he somewhat knew Katsuki would be ok with it.
He felt dirty, like a 31-year-old prince kissing a 14-year-old girl, well maybe not that dirty.
But still, he did not feel great about this.
Finally, as his lips were millimeters away from Bakugou’s, Deku avoided the pink plump lips of his classmate and kissed the other’s cheek swiftly and reeled back. Katsuki’s eyes remained closed for dreadful long seconds, until red eyes fluttered open, sleepily batting long blonde eyelashes at Izuku.
“Took you long enough, nerd.” Katsuki complained as Deku offered him a hand and a taller teen rose from the adorned crystal bed.
“Sorry Kacchan.” Izuku said, relieved that the kiss on the cheek was enough to wake the other up. “Let’s go?”
Katsuki blinked. “Oh, yeah, you said we now ride into the sunset.”
“I-I mean, y-yeah, that’s how I remember it ended.” Izuku stuttered.
“Thank god.” Katsuki launches himself at Izuku's horse, waving at the dwarfs and animals as Izuku himself mounts it.
“Are you ready?” Izuku said, feeling like he forgot something.
“Yes.” The blonde rushed, a fake smile plastered on his face as he waved. “Let’s go you stupid piece of crap.”
“Right.” Izuku instructs the horse to start moving toward the horizon where a large range of beautiful reds and oranges paint the sky.
“Thank you for nothing!” Katsuki waves again, this time his smile is more genuine as he does a pg version of his usual cursing at the dwarfs and animals that probably don’t hear him due to the distance. “Hope you trip on your horrendous beards and die!”
The green-haired teen sweat drops as Bakugou finally settles down.
That is until he notices the horizon only seems to get further away. “No! Look, we aren’t moving on!”
Deku has to agree, as he notes his surroundings, while the background isn’t repeating, there seems to be no end to the valley even as seconds turn into several minutes. Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions, Izuku thought as he meditated the best way to confess why they may be unable to finish the story.
“Darn it!” Katsuki growled in frustration. “I swear I did everything you told me.” He tried to explain. “I even kissed Endeavour’s old geezer head.”
“I know, Kacchan.” Izuku reassured, gulping as he realized he needed to come clean. “It is my fault.” He confessed.
“So you know ten minutes ago when I was supposed to kiss you and wake you up from the sleeping curse?”
“Yes…?” Katsuki nodded. “What’s your point?”
“I may or may not have kissed your cheek instead of kissing you in the lips like in the traditional story.” He said sheepishly. “...Sorry...?
Katsuki slowly turns to look at the dumbass he called childhood friend. “What did you just say?”
“...I’m...sorry?” Izuku’s voice got weaker.
“What on earth is your problem?!” Katsuki bellowed, his eyes glowing red. “You SAID that we needed to follow the story to get out, you made me PROMISE I would go along with it just this once.”
The other man cringed. “I know, I know.” He whined. “I’m sorry, it’s just when I had to kiss you, you were unconscious and it just felt wrong since you never explicitly agreed that I could kiss you.”
“It was implied that I wanted to kiss you!” Katsuki yelled and then blushed, Izuku did too. “I mean, it was implied I was ok with it, you bumbling buffoon!” He screeched.
“Buffoon...?” Izuku mumbled as he stared in surprise at red embarrassed eyes.
“Ughhh!” Katsuki said in frustration. “Being this mad without using my quirk is making me lame.” He explained to himself, he took the reins of the still moving horse and yanked it so it stopped. Then he threw his legs over the animal so Bakugou was fully facing Deku. “Let’s just kiss so maybe this can be over, you piece of garbage.”
Katsuki pulled Izuku roughly so their noses were touching. “Don’t think for a second I’m not going to kick your ass into the next century after we get back to UA.”
Before Izuku could respond, their lips smashed together, harder and deeper than necessary, all while he was vaguely aware the world started to crumble and fade into white once again.
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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Your legacy is my nightmare [½]  Re-written
Avengers: Age of Ultron / Post Civil War
Pairing: Avengers/Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader
Summary: Your past was marked by Tony Stark, ever since a Stark Industries bomb hit that restaurant when you were 10 years old, during an attack on Novi Grad, the capital of Sokovia. From that moment on, the rage for revenge took hold of you, but things didn’t turn out the way you expected.
Warnings: Angst. Trauma. Deaths. Violence.
Word count: 5378
A/N:  Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader Powers: Psionic Force Projection. Psionic force fields that she can manipulate in various ways. 
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When you were five years old you discovered that there was a completely different world inside that magic box. A world that seemed far away from the small town you lived in, a world that could capture your attention, that made you laugh, that grabbed you, and that you dreamed of living in in the future. It was then that American sitcoms became your world.
Your childhood in Novi Grad, the capital of Sokovia, was like that of any other child, totally happy. You were an only child, you were born and raised in a hard-working and extremely loving family, your parents loved you and you loved them, because all they wanted was to make you happy. Your birth took place on a sunny morning in June, creating the tradition that every birthday you went out to do something special, something out of the ordinary routine of everyday life. On your sixth birthday your parents took you to the amusement park, discovering that you weren’t too fond of Ferris wheels. During your eighth birthday your parents opted to take you to a football match, which you enjoyed quite a lot. On your ninth birthday, the three of you took a little trip to the mountains, discovering that you were completely allergic to wasp stings, but on your tenth birthday, everything changed.
For several weeks you had been pestering your mother to go to the new restaurant that had opened in the city centre. Remember that you were madly in love with American sitcoms from the 1950s, which were constantly on reruns on Sokovia television, so you couldn’t have been luckier when you found out that they had opened an American-style restaurant in the city centre. Your mother used to make excuses for not going, but not because she didn’t want to, but because she wanted to wait until your tenth birthday to go and have lunch with the three of you as a family, and that’s how it happened. The morning of your tenth birthday, Novi Grad dawned bright and shiny, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining. It was Saturday, so there was neither school nor any job that would prevent you from spending the day apart. Your face changed to excitement when you discovered a note along with a special breakfast, informing you of a surprise lunch at Fred’s, the American-style restaurant. At the time you thought you were the luckiest girl in the universe, and that nothing and no one was going to change your mind, but things never work out the way you expect them to.
At around 13:15 you were seated at a table, and you yourself had decided which table you preferred, opting for the one right next to the large window, where you could watch the crowds passing by on the street. While your father informed the waitress about the menu you were going to have, you played with the bottle of ketchup while looking out of the window, on Saturdays the centre was usually crowded and that put you in a good mood. A Jukebox harmonised the atmosphere with typical songs of that decade, you had no idea what the song was, but you knew that you had heard it before in some sitcom. You were delighted, you seemed to be part of one of those comic scenes that made you laugh night after night, however something outside caught your attention, making you drop the bottle of ketchup from your hands. The scene was strange, people were no longer walking, running, no longer laughing, shouting, but you barely had time to utter “Mum…” before a bomb smashed through the large window.
Trauma. An inconsistent word that has so many negative connotations for the person who suffers from it. You never thought that a life filled with numerous catastrophic experiences could ever find the meaning of the word ‘Peace’ again, yet there you were, searching for it. The placid singing of the water crashing against the stones of the riverbed was the best melody you could wake up to every morning. After so many years you had found a place away from civilisation, far from the terror of humanity. A hut in the middle of the green and brown fields of Wakanda, a place where nothing and no one could disturb you. You could say, you could barely remember the time when you were at peace with yourself, maybe your childhood, but there was nothing left of that. However, the harmony around you, together with the humility of country life had given you back all the strength you needed to be able to go on with your life.
But now the question is how you came to Wakanda and why. It had been almost a year since a terrifying experience in the maximum security prison for humans with superpowers, also known as the Raft, prevented you from ever finding inner peace again. During the indeterminate period of time you were held in that underwater facility, the guards did terrible things to your brain. Fear for your powers caused them to take the initiative in using brain torture methods, the only way they discovered that was effective in overriding them. It left scars on you that would last a lifetime, if you made it out of there alive, which you came to believe would be impossible.
The next question is how you came to find yourself in that situation, but we’d better go back to the beginning, when that bomb hit that American-style restaurant in your hometown of Novi Grad. The darkness came moments after the projectile pierced the glass of that building and found its way into the ruins inside, creating a gaping hole underground. The loss of time and space came upon you, when you opened your eyes there was nothing, it was all darkness, yet a red, flickering light was just a few centimetres from your face. You could not move, your limbs were confined by the debris, you could only see the light that slightly illuminated the small air chamber in which you found yourself. You saw that metallic object in front of you, which had written on its side words that were engraved in your memory forever 'Stark Industries’.
It was a long period in which tears silently flowed from your eyes, it was indescribable the way fear clung to your body, with a small hope of being found that flickered on and off with that red light. You hardly knew what that light meant, that it really was a 'lucky break’ for you, at least that’s what all the news said when you were rescued two days later. Eventually you discovered that the bomb must have exploded, that like your parents and all the other members of the local, you must have died.
Your life after that did not improve, but you found them, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Your similar experiences during the bombing of Sokovia brought you together, they had also lost their parents and now you were three orphans who were confined from house to house waiting to come of age and flee the place.  The country of Sokovia became a war zone, with US troops frequently invading the streets, causing protests by the locals to intensify. During your youth you were a very active part of them, along with the twins, especially those against 'Stark Industries’. What those experiences generated was that the hatred you had hidden for Stark resurfaced again. The three of you wanted to purge your nation of foreign conflicts, so you met a division fighting for the same thing called HYDRA. You joined together, hoping to change the world, hoping to seek peace and freedom again, but that is not what happened. That group had very different ideas, ideas that you three were obviously not a part of, yet your innocence played a trick on you. Stucker, the leader of the division, offered you power, an outlet in the fight against violence, and you accepted, exposing yourselves to a series of physical experiments, called the 'Miracles’ programme. The programme consisted of exposing your bodies to radiation emitted through a sceptre that you had no idea what it was. Thirty-two people participated in the experiment, only you three remained alive. This caused a series of supernatural powers to develop in each of you. In your case, the psionic force took control of your body.
At this point HYDRA had got what it wanted, three superhumans to fight the Avengers, including Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries. It was impossible to admit that this was too juicy an incentive for you to pass up. The Avengers travelled to Sokovia with the intention of stealing the sceptre that gave you your powers. It was then, at the age of 25, after fifteen years of waiting for that moment, that you came face to face with the creator of the bomb that killed your parents, in that HYDRA operations centre in Sokovia. For the first time you could look him in the eye.
“Hey, J, a quick infrared scanner to the room,” he said in the middle of that wide ship, he had shed the suit, which was now operating on its own.
“The column to your left, I detected a human presence, with radiation levels off the charts,” the suit spoke up, discovering your position.
There was no point in staying hidden, it was the opposite of what you wanted, you wanted him to see you, to have the courage to look you in the eye, to not know who you were and let him know. Tony turned quickly towards that column that the inner voice of his suit had informed him about and bumped into you. The moment came. The brown of his iris projected towards you, he looked terribly harmless, he raised his left hand and Iron Man’s limb covered his own, projecting the palm of his hand towards your body. A smirk of arrogance amplified on your mouth.
“I mean you no harm,” his voice came out fast.
“So late,” you whispered without wiping away the smile, as you slowly raised your palms, creating a psionic field in a circular shape.
Just as Iron Man’s limb had attached itself to yours, the entire suit suddenly encircled your body. At that very moment you projected the psionic field towards him, starting a fierce battle in the middle of that ship. A battle that lasted no more than ten minutes due to your lack of ability to control, manipulate and project your powers. But that would be the first of many times you were to encounter him, that first encounter left you with a thirst for vengeance that would eventually fade, but at that moment it was impossible for you to know.
Things evolved over time, from HYDRA you came to ULTRON, who immersed you in his power, told you he was coming to save the world, but also to wipe out the Avengers, trapping you again in his intentions, believing his were the same as yours. Baron Von Strucker was killed shortly after by Ultron, now it was just the four of you, Ultron, the Maximoff twins and you.
At Salvage Yard, on the African Coast, was the second encounter. Your little group had headed out to meet Ulysses Klaue, an international criminal and underground black market arms dealer, to obtain the world’s most durable material, vibranium, however the Avengers also showed up, making the encounter more interesting. Thor, Captain America and Iron Man stood before the four of you in the middle of a gorge of corridors inside that container ship. There was Iron Man again, covering the body of Tony Stark inside.
“Are you comfortable?” Pietro turned his gaze to a set of missiles that were located on the lower deck. “Like the old times?
"This was never my life,” Iron Man replied, his voice neutral.
“Of course not,” you interjected, stepping to Pietro’s side. “He’s just the enforcer, isn’t he?”
“You can still walk away from this,” Captain America interjected, offering a nostalgic gesture from under his helmet.
“Oh, we’ll do it,” you said with marked indifference. “When the time comes.”
“I know you have suffered,” Captain America commented, eliciting a broad smile from you.
“You know that…” you whispered with a grin, lowering your gaze to your hands where psionic force was slowly concentrating through your fingers. “I really don’t care if you know.”
“It’s about me,” Tony’s stiff voice hit the mark.
“Bingo,” you said wryly just as a wide psionic field formed between your hands offering the signal for the battle to begin.
Disproportionate beams of light slammed into your pupils, energy bursting from each of you, causing the others to stand on guard and find their opponent to carry out their actions. Ultron’s minions moved to counterattack, while you scattered without a specific destination. You had had weeks of training to be able to face the new encounter you all knew was coming, and you could feel your control over your powers becoming more extended, but to do so you had to have your full attention focused on your actions.
The clash between you and Iron Man sent you off course, into a maze of dark corridors and passageways that were only illuminated by the energy coming out of that armour. Your psionic strength kept at bay the radiation that poured from the palm of his gauntlets and the monorail on his chest, causing it to bounce hard off the iron blocks of the walls.
“I’m not who you think I am,” Tony Stark’s voice came through the armour.
“Very subtle when you hide behind a mask,” your words caused the mask that covered Tony’s face to be exposed.
You stared into his eyes, feeling the energy burning inside you, feeling it building up in your hands, so you raised the palm of your hands without holding back, letting all that power come out and collide with the stealth lightning that Tony Stark let out of the palm of his hands. As if the two segments of energy were fighting a battle of their own they connected. With each draw of energy, exhaustion began to wash over you, knowing that you couldn’t last much longer than a couple of minutes in that situation. The clash caused sparks to reach each of the four sides of that corridor, denting the iron, melting it, but neither of you noticed.
At the third minute you pulled your hands away and threw yourself to one side so that its beam would not hit your body. Almost out of breath you dropped to the ground holding your palms up, Tony stopped the repulsor bolts of his gauntlets and turned his gaze upon you, but just as he took a step to approach you, a sharp, screeching noise caused you to change the destination of your gaze. What your eyes saw caused a nightmare to cling to your memory, the ceiling began to collapse, your exhaustion prevented you from creating a psionic field, your body became unresponsive and your mind locked. Your only institute was to close your eyes as tightly as you could, not knowing what was going to happen, but at that very moment when you heard how everything started to collapse, arms caught your body clutching it against a rigid chest and pulled you out.
So it was that once again a new failure was added to the list of your interventions. When you opened your eyes your body was lying prostrate in a corner of the main ship’s nave, where it had all started, but where there was no one left. The consumption of energy you had expended had left you without a shred of power within you. You looked up, your eyes a representation of the terror that had just reminded you of that moment, barely able to keep your breathing calm, and barely able to keep the words in your mouth when you saw Tony Stark’s face in front of yours again, before he looked away and walked away.
That was a turning point, for the next time you met Tony Stark face to face, you were on the same side. After the battle at Salvage Yard, the four of you, Ultron, the twins and you travelled to Seoul where Ultron’s true intentions were revealed. Ultron intended to create a genocide of humanity as a whole, he intended to create an enhanced body to dispose of his own. This horrified the three of you, causing you to flee from his power, causing Ultron’s wrath to prevail, creating a conflict in Seoul, in which the Avengers appeared. But the important thing in that was that the three of you joined the Avengers to save what had been your city, the place where you were born, Novi Grad.
You knew of Ultron’s plans for humanity, his intention was to create a device that would lift the city of Novi Grad into the sky, then drop it to Earth in a meteoric impact. On the way back to Sokovia, the place where it all began, a host of inexplicable feelings came to you, anger, shame, humiliation, hypocrisy… all related to your actions. Silence was present over the three of you, no conversations except those present to plan actions upon your arrival.
“Ultron knows we’re coming. Odds are we’ll be riding into heavy fire, and that’s what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn’t. So our priority is getting them out, ” the words coming from Steve made you nod, keeping your eyes averted. “All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that’s not going to happen today.” You felt Tony’s eyes on you, you looked up to confirm it, but this meeting of glances made you uncomfortable, changing your position. “But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron’s been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us.” He paused. “Ultron thinks we’re monsters and we’re what’s wrong with the world. This isn’t just about beating him. It’s about whether he’s right.“
Those last words crashed into you, you had been asking yourself the same question for weeks, you also needed to have an answer to it. So that’s how the end of the beginning began. You could never imagine what it would be like to see hundreds of people running through those streets again, the streets where you had grown up, where you had fought for your ideals and where you were now saving all those people so that the events you had experienced would never happen again. Each of you had a specific area, your mission was to guide the population to the safe side, protecting them from Ultron’s minions. Everything seemed to be going as assured, however time ran out, the ground began to crack, creating cracks, splitting the earth, causing an area of the city to rise into the air.
The terror of the scene brought you back to your childhood, you leaned against a building keeping your breathing as calm as possible and looked around you, the horror was present again, the screams of the people made a dent inside you, you closed your eyelids as tight as possible and put your hands to your head trying to erase that sound from your mind. Your back was slowly sliding down the wall until you were sitting completely on the ruins of the building.
“Hey!” Steve’s voice sounded close to you. “Are you okay?” his question barely got an answer from you, you felt his hand resting on your shoulder. “Hey, look at me. Are you okay?” you opened your eyes again and with a terrified look on your face you nodded, looking for the strength to face it. “I need you, those people need you, I know this is crazy, I know you’re terrified, but so are they.” You looked around you contemplating the massacre. “You can help them, they are your people.”
Again, Steve’s words gave you the courage you needed to find the calm within yourself, stand up and do everything you could to stop those robots that Ultron had built and turned into his allies. You knew what your mission was, you had a mission now and you couldn’t let it paralyse you.
“Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed… walk it off.”
The population was congregated in a specific point of the city, there was no solution to evict them if that part of the city did not come down and land again, until a ship, the Helicarrier, appeared between the clouds to create a solution to one of your problems, the eviction of the population. Now all that was left to do was to get that piece of land back in place.
“Avengers, time to work for a living,” Tony announced over the intercom. While the population was getting to safety in the boats, you as a whole had gathered at the church in Novi Grad, where Ultron had located the core, or rather the button, with which he would bring the city down, destroying all of humanity.
“What’s the plan?” you asked, confused by the situation.
“This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose,” Tony replied pointing to the vibranium contraption in the centre of the shattered dome.
In front of you hundreds of robots captained by Ultron approached without stopping their pace. You sucked air into your lungs, awaiting the arrival of one of the most crucial moments of your existence, perhaps the most crucial, for in a few hours you could possibly be extinct along with humanity.
“This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me,” Ultron also had his plan and that was. “How could you possibly hope to stop me?”
“Well, like the old man said,” Tony looked at each of you. “Together.”
The battle for survival began. You thought the previous battles you had fought were the ones that could change the course of your destiny, the ones where you had faced Tony Stark, but you couldn’t have been more wrong, that was nothing compared to what you were going through right now. Each of you was part of that team, your energy was renewed every time you used it because you were fighting for a reason, the strength in you shone through. You were all a team and you were getting through this together. One by one Ultron’s robots fell, until there were none left standing, but it wasn’t over.
“We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I’ll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you,” Steve asked just after the last robot was down.
“The core-” began Tony after he had bared his face, but you barely let him finish his words.
“I’ll protect it,” you said firmly, giving a slight nod to yourself, “it’s my job.”
Tony connected his eyes with yours offering you a slight nod, just before he covered his face again and flew away. “I’ll stay with you,” added Wanda to whom you offered a faint smile before everyone disappeared from the scene and Pietro was ordered to return to you once everyone was in the boats. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, only a few straggling robots were presenting themselves to you with the intention of overthrowing your mission, but something happened. You felt your friend’s body collapse right behind you, you turned your head and saw Wanda’s face distorted, your eyes widened in confusion as she began to utter a scream that made your eardrums ring. She fell to her knees, causing her powers to spiral out of control in the crash, destroying every element in her path, so you had to create a force field around yourself in the hope that you would be unaffected. Your thoughts began to connect, trying to find an answer to his attitude, and you found it. Pietro.
You both walked through the streets, but she scattered within minutes Wanda disappeared in search of Ultron, leaving you there, but there was no one left to fight with, or fight for. It was at the very moment you questioned the functionality of your existence that Novi Grad plummeted thousands of feet into the air, offering you the answer to your question. Your eyes closed but you were no longer afraid, on the contrary, you had been able to find peace, everything came to an end in the same place where it all began. But as if someone had been watching over you, you felt arms holding your body and slowing down the frantic rhythm of the plummeting fall. You opened your eyes and found yourself being held by Iron Man’s armour.
“ I got you,” he said flying in the opposite direction, managing to dodge the ruins of that city. “Now Thor!”
A new turning point that changed the course of your actions and your destiny lay before you. Despite your best efforts, nearly 120 lives were lost during the Battle of Sokovia, including that of Pietro Maximoff. It was a before and after, symbolising the power of war and what could be its fatal consequences. For you it was a judgement, a learning experience, feeling guilty for much of what had happened, for helping HYDRA, for helping Ultron, to elaborate his actions. Your guilt led you to rethink your future, the course of new events led you and Wanda to a new country. You arrived in the United States, welcoming the New Avengers Facility as a new home. Offering you a roof to sleep under, training for your powers and a new family, though you didn’t feel that way at first.
You spent many hours in search of solitude, at the end of that green esplanade, when the tall oak trees were beginning to remind you of home. It was one afternoon in the first week, when you were still adjusting to it all, and you found yourself reading, leaning against a tree trunk.
“Hiding?” Tony’s voice pulled you out of your reading. “Oh, Sylvia Plath, great,” you looked at him, but offered no response, so he opted to sit awkwardly right in front of you on the grass. “Listen, we haven’t had much time… you know,” he took off his sunglasses and shrugged. “I’ve been looking through the files and … I know what happened to you… with your parents.”
“You know,” you said with a raised eyebrow, putting the book aside. “Do you also know what happened to the other thousands of people or do you only have a file on me and a file on Wanda and Pietro?”
The confidence in your voice was at odds with the insecurity Tony was showing, so when you saw him turn his head to the right side as he crumpled his face you opted to do what you had been thinking about for the last few days, call it a day.
“Listen. I’ve spent many years imagining what it would be like when I had you in front of me,” you began to say calmly, keeping your gaze fixed on your fingers as Tony watched you with his head cocked to one side, listening to you intently. “In what I was going to tell you, in the way I would let you know the pain I felt inside, because to me you were to blame for everything bad that had happened to me,” you paused, took a breath and thought about what you were going to say next. “But the moment I had you in front of me I didn’t say anything I had planned to say, I let my anger and pain guide me, and it didn’t do any good. The same thing happened the second time, and the third time it was pointless because there was something much more important to fight for.”
“I…” Tony interjected.
“Please, let me finish,” you cut him off, causing Tony to nod and turn his attention back to you. Sadness clouded his features. “So now I have you in front of me again I just want you to know that I have realised that…” you paused causing Tony to make a slight gesture of approaching you, but when you started to speak again he stopped. “I have no intention of you bearing my ghosts, but I need you to know that I spent two days under the rubble waiting for Stark to kill me,” your voice cracked, and Tony’s eyes reddened. “Watching your name light up on the side of that missile every time that flashing red light illuminated the darkness, hearing that beeping sound that I still can’t erase from my mind, terrified that my breathing would cause that bomb to detonate because my limbs could barely move.”
For the first time you raised your face to meet wide open brown eyes, reddened and unable to hold your gaze for long. Tony’s face was pale during those moments, his body was no longer upright and he was nervously running his hand over his lips.
“With that said, it only remains for me to let you know that I will not let the hatred and vengeance of a ten year old consume me,” you looked back down at your hands, allowing Tony’s eyes to fall on you again. “I’ve seen the power that resentment brings with it, I don’t want that for myself,” you connected your gazes. “Then I suppose I must forgive you in order to move forward.”
Silence. Silence flooded the room leaving heavy breaths in the air that symbolised the tension of the situation you were both experiencing for the first time right now. There was no right answer to everything you had said, it was clear to you that Tony didn’t know how to act at that moment. You sat cross-legged on the damp grass, watching him, seeing how he couldn’t hold your gaze since you had explained that you saw his name reflected in that missile. Yet he fought against it and focused his brown eyes on yours.
“I promise you…” he began stiffly, but again you cut him off.
“Tony, don’t promise me anything,” your voice was soft, as if you were talking to a small child.  "Please.“
After your denial of his action, he only nodded. He merely nodded as he intertwined his fingers and began to fidget restlessly with his left leg.
"Then I don’t know what you want,” his tone offered an enormous insecurity marked by nervousness.
“That’s the point. I don’t want anything, Tony,” you said without fidgeting.
“All right,” he nodded confusedly, rising quickly but awkwardly from the grass in an attempt to get away from the situation. “So… I hope it’s all to your liking.”
With that said, he turned his back on you and left the same way he had come. Leaving you under the shade of that oak tree with Sylvia Plath.
Now, too much had happened since then, much of it was why you found yourself in Wakanda trying to juxtapose all that had happened, but what you didn’t know was that on that placid morning when you went for a walk along the banks of that small riverbed, Shuri and T'Challa would come to inform you that he was there and that he had asked to speak with you.
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Only You
Sirius Black x Fem!Gryffindor!MuggleBorn!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Marauders era
Type: fluffy and ANGST (but with a happy ending, u'll love it, i swear)
Summary: [y/n] and Sirius' relationship is in danger... the request really
Request: YES|no - "Great so the idea I had was a Sirius x reader - regulus threatens the reader and says he will hurt Sirius or whatever if reader doesn’t break up with him . the reader doesn’t tell anyone and don’t listen to begin with then something happens so she feels she has no choice . Sirius is suspicious since lily told him that the reader said he is the one and also the fact she is avoiding everyone . Find out about it when they see regulus threaten reader and then Convinces the reader to get back together. Also the reader is muggle born." @rebsx​ thank you for the perfect request, hope you cry with me at the sad parts
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: cursing probably, heartbreak in slowburn(?) and threats maybe
Song: xxx
Word Count: 5.6K (i can't believe it's this big, i swear it wasn't my intention)
Posted: 28th of September 2020
A/N: i'm sorry that i took so long to write it... but i really hope you like it as much as i loved it (probably my best work until now)
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07 (Principal Account) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @cm-imagines-07​ (Criminal Minds)
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"See you after Charms, my love." Sirius says and kisses [y/n]'s forehead, before pecking her lips and walking away to his next class. She just smiles to herself and starts to walk up the stairs to the Fat Lady Portrait, going to spend her free period reading a book or doing nothing alone in the common room.
Having free periods like this are the worse, [y/n] can't even spend time with her boyfriend or any of her friends because she was the lucky one to have a free period on the last class of Wednesday while all of them were on Charms together.
As she was getting to the next staircase, it decided to change with all of the other ones. Her eyes rolled when the entrance of the Gryffindor common room just got more and more distant, and then she saw something weird...
Slytherins. Wait, not just ordinary Slytherins or one of the ones she shares tables at Potions, but Blacks. Regulus was in front of the other ones, walking down the stairs with Narcissa and Bellatrix just behind him. All that [y/n] was wishing was that the stairs they were while staring at her, wasn't going to meet with the one she was at. But luck wasn't by her side.
[y/n]'s hands held her up by holding the handrail at her right when the stairs stopped moving - even after 6 years, she couldn't get used to it - and her eyes founded the three Slytherins at the same staircase as her, going down the stairs with light steps that she wouldn't be able to listen if she wasn't looking at them.
'What in bloody hell would a Slytherin be doing at this part of the castle?'
[y/n] shook her head and all the weird thoughts went directly to the back of her mind, where they should stay and never get out. Her feet started to bring her up the long stairs she still had to walk to get to the common room and even with her huge and heavy bag filled with books of all the classes [y/n] had today, her legs were moving fast. It was probably the need to stay away from a few people that just hated her existence and stay in a safe place, but just maybe...
As they walked straight to each other, [y/n] could feel her heart beating at her throat and ears, chills going up and down her arms and legs, and a weird feeling in the deepest part of her heart. Her gut was screaming to her that something was off and that she should get to the common room as fast as her legs could take her up the almost infinity stair.
And with the fact that the unique people that she could see all around her were the Black cousins, [y/n] knew they were up to something. And just the thought that they were up to something while looking at her, made her hands cold and sweat and her knees feel weak.
As they finally got to each other, Regulus just took his hand out of his pocket and stopped you with a warning hand in front of your chest without even the need to touch you. [y/n]'s face turned towards them and the three of them were already looking at her with their characteristic expressions.
Regulus had one of his eyebrows raised and the corner of his lips that, if you squinted your eyes really hard, you could notice that it was a little upwards in a sly smirk. Narcissa had her serious face, without the slightest of emotion letting through her face, and even her eyes were as deep as the end of a maze can be. And Bellatrix had her wide smile, that could stay in any child's worst nightmares, with her big eyes as wide as her smile was.
"Uhm, hello?" [y/n] said with a delicate voice, just above a whisper, but even this low, she showed confidence. It doesn't matter if the girl was dying on the inside, she would never let anyone - especially them - know that they got under her skin. Never...
"We need to have a little chat with you, sister-in-law." It was Regulus strong and deep voice that cut the insides of her ears in fear with his sarcasm while using the nickname.
"Spill." Sirius' girlfriend said and crossed her arms across her chest, in a position of authority while she pretended to not notice Bellatrix's eyes that went directly to her bobs and the way the girl was shifting on her foot.
"The thing is that it's kinda complicated what I have to say to you. But it is an order from my parents, so I will have to say it in any way..." Regulus started and [y/n]'s left eyebrow raised without her even think about it and her right hand moved to put his hand down. "So, I need you to break up with my big brother."
The words seemed so funny that [y/n] tried she really tried to not laugh at it, but a chuckle got out from the back of her throat as the sentence hit her.
"Excuse you?"
"I am serious. And I didn't want to get in details, but my mother says that you are a terrible influence for Sirius and that you can't date him." Regulus explained to [y/n] but her head just shook in disbelief.
"Look, I'm so sorry to disappoint you. But if you think that I'm going to break up with the boy I love, all of you are dumber than what I thought you were." [y/n] said and started to walk upstairs again, just wanting to go back to her dorm or the common room and read the book Remus gave to her last weekend. "Thank you for your attention, but I won't."
"Ok, do whatever you want to do," Regulus said and his cousins looked at him with surprised faces, probably not expecting the way he accepted [y/n]'s decision. "But I should warn you that, my mother's orders were to do something with Sirius if you just decided to not listen to us. And that's what I will do." Your body froze five steps upwards the one he was in and four from the girls. "So, I am giving you until Friday. You have two days to break his little heart, or we will hurt him physically and we won't hesitate."
[y/n] gulped loudly with the words of the brother of her boyfriend and felt her fingers starting to shake. No, they wouldn't do this to Sirius... His own family? No, they couldn't. Right?
The thing was that she didn't know the answer and was afraid to find out.
It was finally Friday and [y/n] didn't have the guts to break up with Sirius. She just couldn't.
And since the threaten, she has had a billion eyes to look out for Sirius. Every single second that he was away from her, she was worried sick about him, and all of their friends noticed the way that [y/n] couldn't stay mere seconds without her boyfriend, or she would start to freak out and look for him at every corner of the castle. [y/n] got paranoid when it was still Thursday.
And now, at her last class of Friday, she couldn't bring herself to change her gaze from Sirius to the professor, neither pay attention to the new subject. Lily's eyes were focused on her since the start of class, but [y/n] didn't even notice the redheaded strong gaze on her. And it was worrying Lily.
As the professor dismissed everyone, Lily ran behind [y/n] like a lost puppy, that was already outside the classroom looking around her like a mad man.
"Hi, babes. Can I talk to you?" Lily's voice was the sweetest she had ever heard but [y/n] still jumped scared with the sudden voice.
"Sorry, I can talk right now..." The other girl said and tried to turn around and run - probably to Sirius - but before she could breathe a little bit far from her best friend, Lily held her wrist and didn't say a word while she brought [y/n] to another corridor, an empty and quiet one. "What are you doing, Lily? I said I can't talk right now!" [y/n] hissed at her but Lily just rolled her eyes at the stubborn girl.
"Look, you've been acting weird since your free period on Wednesday, but today you're looking like you're paranoid. What's going on?" Lily asked with an expression of empathy and held both of [y/n]'s hands on hers, softly caressing her best friend's hands with her thumbs. "You can tell me."
[y/n]'s shoulders started to relax under her friend's warm touch, she felt her tense forehead starting to release of this tension and her vision being blurred by tears as she realized what she had gotten into. "I- I..." She didn't know how to tell for Lily about what [y/n] have been feeling lately, it was just too much to take care of alone. And then she let herself open up to her best friend, because if there was anyone that would listen to [y/n], was Lily. "I don't know how to say this, but-" Her weak voice was rudely stopped with a loud noise coming from a corridor close to the one they were on.
[y/n] ran away from Lily as fast as her legs could take her tired body from all the sleepless nights since Wednesday and the redheaded one followed just behind her friend with plenty question marks flying around her head.
As they got to the corridor, there were confused, scared and disgusted people with what was happening. [y/n] excused herself and passed through everyone that was on her way to the middle of the circle while people sent her rough looks.
When [y/n]'s eyes met Sirius, she felt the air finally coming back to her lungs, the color of the world coming back to her vision and the control of her moves coming back to her brain, with the view of Sirius completely fine.
"Oh, my Godric Gryffindor. What happened?" Lily's voice beside [y/n] brought her back to reality and she noticed Peter with a broken arm, just at Sirius' left.
"W-We don't know..." Remus said and fell on his knees to help Wormtail to stay up, when he noticed no one was going to help him, he looked around with raised eyebrows. "A little help here?"
James and Sirius didn't wait a second to help their friend in need and in a few seconds all of you were taking Peter to Madam Pomfrey.
[y/n] and Lily were holding Peter's broken arm in the air, so it wouldn't hurt any more with any touch or sudden move, while James carried Peter by his left side, Remus by his right and Sirius was guiding them while holding Peter's waist to make sure he wasn't going to fall.
"Don't worry, Wormtail. You're not going to die." Sirius said joking and just James laughed.
"What? I'm gonna die?"
"Nah, don't worry about it, Pete. It's just a broken arm." James said back but Peter's eyes just got bigger and as he turned his eyes to look at his arm, Remus put one of his hands on his friend's eyes before he could look at his arm in a position that it shouldn't be. Well, if looks could kill, Prongs would be six feet underground just by the glance Moony gave to him. "Sorry..." He whispered back and focused on trying to hold Peter on his feet.
As soon as Madam Pomfrey saw them, she thanked for their help, said that what they did was smart - bringing Peter to her directly and not trying to solve this by themselves - and asked for all of them to wait outside.
"My love," Sirius called [y/n] the same moment the both of them stepped out of the room. "can I talk to you for a second?" He asked and she just nodded as an answer while he held her hand in his and brought her to as far as they friends couldn't hear them. A second before Sirius could open his mouth to say what he wanted, [y/n] jumped on him.
Her arms hugged his neck and her forehead rested on his shoulder, it took a little bit to Sirius understand what was happening but not even a second after, he hugged her back with such as love and caring as she was.
He couldn't actually understand what was happening and even with [y/n/n] loving to hug him at all the times she could, Sirius knew there was something else there. "Hey, what is all this for?" He asked a few seconds later in the embrace and when he felt [y/n] starting to release her tight grip on him because of his question, his arms just held her body closer to his (if that was possible).
"I don't know... I was just worried that you were the hurt one." [y/n]'s voice was just above a whisper and Sirius felt his heart clench with the worry and sadness on her delicate voice.
"Well, I'll just let you worry because it was almost me.." Sirius trailed off and [y/n] felt her whole world stop as she sank the words in. She raised her head to look on Sirius' eyes and hoping to find that little glow from when he was joking or pranking someone. But it wasn't there. "The spell hit Peter because he accidentally stumbled and ended up in front of me..."
Oh, no...
"Sirius... I need to tell you something." That was it, [y/n] was going to tell him how his family was threatening her to break up with him or they would hurt him. This was going to end now. But then she saw him. [y/n] saw Regulus behind a group of people looking at her like he could read her mind - well, maybe he could... He knew she was going to tell Sirius about it. But she couldn't, or they would hurt him. "I-I-I..." She looked back at Sirius' gorgeous face, filled with love and empathy towards her. [y/n] couldn't do it. When her eyes looked at her feet she did it... "Sirius, I-I want to b-break up..."
Three days, eight hours, twenty-five minutes and ten seconds.
It's been three days, eight hours, twenty-five minutes and eleven seconds since [y/n] broke up with Sirius.
And they couldn't be worse without each other.
Neither of them left their dorm room for the weekend and if it wasn't for James and Lily, they wouldn't have eaten anything in those two days. Remus was starting to actually worry about Sirius and Marlene was worried like crazy about [y/n]...
But the problem was that, even Sirius was talking to his friends that he didn't know what to do without her, [y/n] wasn't...
She closed the curtains of her bed the second she sat at the bed but even after three days, eight hours, twenty-six minutes and four seconds, she didn't open it. And she wasn't going to until she could keep them closed.
The first night was torture to all of her friends. [y/n] tried, she really tried, but the loud and agonizing sobs were coming out of her in any way... She cried for the whole night all by herself. On the first ten minutes, Lily, Marlene and even Alice were trying to find a spell to open her curtains so they could help her friend and hold her, but nothing seemed to work.
After a while, they all went to their beds and when they thought she was going to stop crying, with a couple of seconds in silence, [y/n] wasn't able to hold it and she started crying harder. Marlene was silently crying on her bed with her face on her pillow, Alice went to her dorm and Lily tried to stay, but she couldn't take it, so she went to James' room. When she got there, Sirius bed was empty and they were all sleeping, Lily felt bad by coming here but as she turned around to walk away, James stopped her.
Anyone had ever seen Lily cry so much because of something...
Marlene was the unique one on the room with [y/n], she even thought of going somewhere else just to not listen to her best friend cry on that way, but she couldn't let her alone there.
[y/n]'s heart was aching like it was never before. Her first heartbreak, when her family forgot her birthday, when Sirius appeared with scars after summer break... Nothing compared to this moment where she had to hold herself while crying because she had a broken heart that would never be fixed again, and it was all her fault.
Well, that's what she was telling herself. Even with [y/n] wanting to stop thinking about anything - because literally had a way to get to Sirius Orion Black -, her brain was repeating like a mantra that it was happening because she wasn't the perfect girl for him.
While Sirius was bad...
Oh, the boy was heartbreak.
But he didn't want to think much about it, because he was still so confused about how everything just seemed to have collapsed after just a blink.
Because it felt like it, a second he was holding her and then he blinked and she broke up with him... All Sirius wanted was to understand what made [y/n] break his heart the way she has done, but he couldn't.
First of all, he could remember pretty well of when he was worried about her breaking up with him last month (when she was just doing a surprise for him) and Lily told him about how [y/n] said once how she knew he was the one. The one she wanted to be engaged with, married, live together, have kids with and have the happily ever after.
Lily also told him how [y/n] loved Sirius more than anything in this entire world and how she would do anything for him... So, it didn't fix it.
And he also thought about everything his brain could possibly think of that could be in any way a reason for her to break up with him and he wasn't understanding why nothing fixed!
Because even when [y/n]'s mouth was telling him she wanted to break up, her eyes couldn't even look inside of his and Sirius was able to read her better than a book. He saw by how her shoulders were down that she was already depressed before finishing her sentence, the way she started hyperventilate that she was trying to not cry in front of him, how her voice was failing on the middle of the words that she was holding down her sobs, the way she was nervously playing with her own fingers, her trembling lower lip, eyes that were screaming how she loved him... Everything was telling him that she didn't want to do it.
So, why did she?
That was the question that was haunting his thoughts since the first second he took to think about what had happened there.
Sirius thought that staying at the Astronomy Tower would help him to think about it, just like it had always helped [y/n] to study, but nothing was helping him...
Then he got frustrated with all of this bullshit. All he had to do was talk to [y/n], right? Then she would explain to him what actually happened and everything would be alright again because they would get back together and be happy just like they were.
And, while Sirius was thinking about what he was going to say to [y/n] so she would explain everything to him, Marlene, Lily and Alice woke up really early and ran to Professor McGonagall's classroom. If there was someone with more experience in heartbreaks than the girls and that would be willing to help [y/n] was Minerva.
It wasn't a lie to anyone that [y/n] was one of her favourite students - but if you ever told this to McGonagall, she would deny - and she would be happy to help.
So, when the girls explained to her why [y/n] wasn't there at class, why she also wasn't on the great hall for meals and how she was trying to stay distant from everyone, Minerva went right away with the girls to their dorm to check up on [y/l/n].
The same second the professor passed through the Fat Lady portrait, all the students at the common room during their free period looked at McGonagall like she was an alien inside of Hogwarts, maybe it was because she was supposed to be teaching Transfiguration to fifth years, but just maybe...
As they got close to the dorm's door, Marlene - that was the last one to leave - noticed that [y/n]'s sobs had finally stopped and all that they could hear were soft sniffles, heavy breathing and her bed creaking as [y/n] moved around to find a comfortable position that she hadn't been on the last days.
When the girls opened the door for Minerva, the first thing she noticed was the spell around the girl's bed so no one would bother her and if it was in another situation, the professor would be proud of her by such a well-done spell.
[y/n] was crying in a typical way without tears. Because there weren't any more tears to fall from her eyes.
"How long has it been?" Minerva asked while looking at the girls beside her that just shrugged her shoulders.
"Three days..." [y/n]'s raspy voice came out as a whisper but was stopped by a quiet sob. "Three days, ten hours, seven minutes and third-six seconds."
All the girls (and the woman) in the room felt their hearts clench with [y/n]'s hurt voice and how she knew exactly the time that had passed since the breakup. McGonagall, with just a shake of her wand and a whisper under her breath, made the spell open [y/n]'s curtains and in just a second they saw [y/n] wearing Sirius' quidditch jersey and her arms tightly holding one of her pillows to her chest as her legs tried to get closer to herself. She looked so vulnerable there, sitting alone at her bed, with swollen and red eyes...
Lily could feel that, if Sirius saw her like this, he would go back in time and make her sit at the right table on Potions Class, so she would never see how he was struggling with the potion, she would never have helped him to do it and they would never fall for each other.
Marlene was the fastest one to jump on [y/n]'s bed and hold her like their both lives depended on it.
Her soft arms wrapped around her best friend's body as [y/n]'s arms begrudgingly let go of her warm pillow, soon wrapping around Marlene's neck and gold blond hair. A single tear feel from [y/n]'s left eye, softly laying on her friend's shoulder.
Lily and Alice followed Marlene just right behind her and the three girls held their friend as close as they could. Minerva couldn't hold back the little smile that appeared on her face while seeing the girls caring so much about each other.
"Miss [y/l/n], I think you should get ready for your next class." McGonagall said softly and all the girls looked at her. [y/n] looked at her favourite professor with a grateful glance, that Minerva answered with a little nod.
The girls helped [y/n/n] get dressed, but even with her friends helping her, the girl just didn't seem to say anything to them about what happened between her and Sirius... But they knew that she was going to share with them every detail of her thoughts as soon as she was ready, and they just couldn't push it, even if they wanted to - which they didn't.
Sirius had been looking everywhere for [y/n].
Since he decided what he wanted and needed to say to her, Sirius ran downstairs from the Astronomy Tower and started to look for her at the corridors, classrooms, bathrooms, basically everywhere she could be, he had looked for.
His right hand went through his dark black locks in frustration as he looked around himself to see if he could grab a glimpse of [y/n]'s gorgeous [y/h/c] hair or anything that would make his mind scream to him that she was there and he should talk to her. But not even a red, gold blond or almost-white blond from any of the girls to give him some kind of hope that the love of his life could be any close to him.
All he noticed was a jet black hair, just like his, being followed by two other long dark hair. Regulus, Bellatrix and Narcissa. "What?" Sirius muttered to himself under his breath as he saw three of his family members walking to the staircases that led to the Gryffindor common room but the exact opposite way to the Slytherin one, with narrowed eyes...
Sirius didn't need to read minds to know that something was wrong. Something was telling him that he should go after them, that nothing good could come from it. So he did.
Sirius' black boots were tapping the castle floors through the crowds of students as silently as he could to not be seen by his family relatives as he followed them at the corridors. He was feeling like one of the spies from the muggle movies [y/n] had showed him before while hiding behind people, pillars, trash cans and anything he could use to not be noticed.
And then, the trio suddenly turned on an empty corridor, almost filed with fully darkness and Sirius stopped on the right side of the entrance to the hall. Just as he looked at it, Sirius felt his eyes shine with the beautiful sight that [y/n] was to his eyes. She didn't need much to be stunning...
'Wait...' He's thoughts stopped on the second that the reality fell upon him. 'Why are my brother and cousins talking to my girlfr-, ex-girlfriend, on a empty hall? And why does she look so scared?'
"[y/l/n]..." Regulus said and stopped in front of her, blocking her way and the light vision Sirius had of her.
"Look, I did exactly what asked me to, ok? Just let me be..." She snapped back with a trembling and weak voice that made Sirius want to run and just hold her in his arms again.
"We know and I just came here to say that my mother would be thankful for your help... If you weren't a mudblood, you know." Regulus said and Sirius' forehead frowned with anger and confusion. 'My mother asking [y/n/n] for a favor?'
"I didn't do it because your mother asked me to, I just broke up with Sirius because you were up to hurt him if i didn't do it. So, shut up because I don't need your mother's 'thank you's or anything else that comes from her." [y/n] said while poking Regulus' chest. "You should bother someone else with your puppies."
[y/n] passed through them, hitting her shoulder with Regulus' left one and Sirius felt like there was a light bulb above his head being turned on. It all finally made sense, the way that [y/n] didn't want to break up with him, the way she was worried sick with him the whole week, the way she almost freaked out when she thought that the spell hit Sirius and not Peter... And it was all his family's fault.
Sirius didn't know what to do to fix this hugeous mess that was happening just under his nose, but he knew that he needed to take his family threats and intentions far from him and his love before he went to talk to her.
He silently thanked Godric Gryffindor when [y/n] went to the other side of the corridor and didn't notice him there, eavesdropping on their serious conversation. Sirius would take care of this talk with her later...
Just when Regulus started to walk out of the scary corridor, Sirius stopped in front of his little brother, that nervously gulped loudly with the sight of the last person who should hear about their mother's plan.
"You know I love you, Reg. And I know it's not your fault, but if I ever see you talk to [y/n] again, you'd wished you never listened to mother for once." Sirius said calmly. "And don't forget to tell her that there's no way I'm gonna let this girl go, I love her more than anything in this entire world and any of you will take her away from me."
Sirius turned around and walked away from a scared and disappointed - with himself - Regulus and ran to find the unique girl who could make him do those crazy things and don't regret anything after...
Sirius even felt himself starting to hit a few people while he tried to pass through the slow people walking around but he didn't bring himself to stop and care about them while he had to look for her as fast as he could. His heartbeat was in an almost impossible speed, his hands sweating and lightly trembling with anticipation, his mind running around the whole castle while his body was trying to follow his thoughts... Until he saw her.
His whole world froze and all he could see was [y/n] calmly walking to her next class, just like everyone else around her - who his eyes didn't bother to focus or pay attention to. All Sirius was seeing was [y/n].
And before he could notice his movements or think of what he would do when he got to her, his legs were bringing him the closer he could get to her. And, when he thought that the world wasn't moving already, Sirius felt everything else disappear when [y/n] turned around by his hand touching her shoulder.
[y/n] have never looked more gorgeous to him before...
Even with the sore eyelids, the dark bag under her eyes, her without-life skin, her pale lips, her tired eyes and the frown on her forehead when her eyes captured the sight of him... [y/n] couldn't be anymore gorgeous even if she wanted to.
"Sirius?" Her surprised and confused whisper fell upon dead ears as Sirius grabbed the sides of her face and glued his lips on hers.
They've done it so many times before, but after passing days thinking that they would never do it again, made it as special as the very first time, two years ago, in their fourth year.
[y/n] didn't kissed back in the first seconds, but she didn't pull away neither. [y/n] knew she shouldn't, actually, she couldn't do it, but she just couldn't bring herself to stop it and pull away from Sirius' touch. And in a few seconds, she felt her whole body melt onto the kiss as [y/n] finally kissed him back.
Sirius felt a wave of relief pass through his body as it was a shock while [y/n] felt all her organs burning from inside out. At that moment, neither of them knew how they survived the last three days, fifteen hours, forty-three minutes and six seconds without feeling each other's touch.
Sirius' hands fell from her face to her waist like there was the place they belonged to and [y/n]'s hands ran in the direction of his dark hair, getting lost in there like it was the maze she was used of going every single day.
When [y/n] felt her mind dizzy with one of the best kisses they ever shared, she separated her lips from his, but just enough for them to be felt almost touching, their foreheads touching and their hot breathes mixing.
"Sirius, wh-" [y/n] started, but before she could keep going, Sirius abruptly interrupted her.
"I know the truth." [y/n] could have opened her eyes wide as a fish if they weren't glued closed with tiredness. "And I don't care. They took a lot from me, but they're not taking you, just over my dead body..." Sirius said and took a breath to keep going. "I love you, I want you. I only care about you. I don't care about what they think is right for me, because it's you. Only you, [y/n]."
"I love you too, Siri." That was all that [y/n] could let out with a trembling voice but with the biggest certain that she ever had about anything in this world.
They needed each other and nothing would be on their way to happiness and love.
+ bonus: (Sirius' letter to his mother)
Dear Mother, hope you and father are going well, even if you don't care about me. I think you heard from someone (probably Reg) that your master plan wasn't so good and it didn't work out... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if you think I'm ever going to stay away from [y/n]. I love her more than I've ever loved anything in this world and I don't care about her blood status - which just makes me love her more. I think you won't understand me because your marriage wasn't pretty much your choice, but all I'm asking you is to let her alone. Every single choice I've done until now were decided by me, and anyone else should take the consequences for it. If you ever have a problem with me, I don't want you to make Regulus do your dirty little job, I want for you to talk to me. Thank you for reading so far and I won't be coming home anymore, neither receiving any letters from you. So, enjoy this picture of me and my gorgeous girlfriend, being happy on a beautiful sunset, just the two of us. I love her and only her, hope someday you'll understand that she's an amazing woman and deserve all the happiness and love the world can give her. Goodbye, mother... Sincerely, Sirius Orion Black.
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