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amarnathpandey · 2 years
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latagupta · 2 years
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journalistcafe · 3 years
गोमती नदी में गिरी बोलेरो, एसडीआरएफ ने किया रेस्क्यू, 7 लोग बचाए गए, 1 की मौत
गोमती नदी में गिरी बोलेरो, एसडीआरएफ ने किया रेस्क्यू, 7 लोग बचाए गए, 1 की मौत
सोमवार देर रात बोलेरो से घूमने के लिए निकले आठ दोस्त निशातगंज क्षेत्र में पेपर मिल कालोनी के पास गोमती रिवर फ्रंट पर गाड़ी चला रहे थे। ढाल से उतरते समय रफ्तार तेज होने के कारण गाड़ी से नियंत्रण खो गया और बोलेरो गोमती नदी में जा गिरी। हादसे में गाड़ी का अगला शीशा टूट गया। चार दोस्त किसी तरह गेट खोलकर बाहर निकले। वो तैरना जानते थे इसलिए बाहर निकल आए। इसके बाद तीन और लोगों को भी बचा लिया। जबकि एक…
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The Prairie Aesthetic
If you keep seeing me banter about Frank Lloyd Wright, casually referring to Prairie style, and are left wondering what the heck I am talking about, well, then, you're probably not alone man with a van. Today we take a short break from immersion in the architectural classroom that is Oak Park, Illinois and try to discover a little bit about Prairie style. Where it comes from, what it means, what it looks like, and the tools to locate the Prairie influences in your own neighborhood. Join me, I will try not to ramble.
Introduction to the style
Prairie style is one of the few architectural styles to have originated in the United States. The short-lived style evolved, matured and waned in popularity between about 1900-1920. It was developed by a group of Chicago architects that were affiliated with Frank Lloyd Wright, or his mentor Louis Sullivan (of Adler and Sullivan); the style and the architects became collectively known as the Prairie School (although there was never really a school). It is Wright's 1893 Winslow House that may be the very first Prairie style house, and he is the avowed and undisputed master of the Prairie house. The style comes straight out of Chicago, Wright established his first architectural practice in the suburb of Oak Park. Oak Park, as we have seen, along with adjacent River Forest, Illinois, contains one of the largest concentrations of residential Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in the world, as well as masterpieces by an assortment of other well-known Prairie School architects.
*Frank Lloyd Wright - (wiki) - As said, the creator and undisputed master of the Prairie style house. Wright was an interesting and complex man whose architectural style was as varied as his event filled life. The wiki is a good place to start but Wright's whole story has been told in multiple volumes by several biographers, and even, filmaker Ken Burns.
Wright's major works: Guggenheim Museum (NYC), Arthur Heurtley House (PDF), Fallingwater, et. al.
*George Washington Maher (pictured) - (wiki) - For a time, Maher worked under early Wright mentor and employer Joseph Lyman Silsbee, it was then he was associated with Wright. Maher eventually established his own practice. He was a very important Prairie School architect. The wiki is a good jumping off point, make sure to look at the reference links in the article.
Maher's major works: Pleasant Home
*Robert C. Spencer, Jr. - (no wiki: bio) - Spencer was a friend of Frank Lloyd Wright who, unlike Wright never abandoned the references to tradition in his work. To this end he was heavily influenced by two years spent in Europe on the Rotch Traveling Scholarship. Spencer's work utilizes geometric, planned surfaces and plays on light and shadows.
Spencer's major works: Chicago Public Library (interior), published 50+ articles including an important first article on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright in a 1900 issue of Architectural Review.
*Thomas E. Tallmadge - (no wiki: bio) - Tallmadge was a well-known Chicago architect who designed a variety of buildings. Tallmadge was tragically killed in a train accident in Douglas County, Illinois in 1941. Oddly, he was the only person killed it would seem man with a van nyc. As a partner with Vernon Watson, their firm, Tallmadge and Watson designed many Prairie style buildings. Later they migrated toward a more traditional style and designed more than 25 churches throughout the Midwest.
Tallmadge's major works: A list of some residential works
*John S. Van Bergen - (wiki) - Van Bergen worked in Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park studio beginning in 1909. Under Wright he did drawings for, and supervised work on the famous Robie House and Laura Gale House. The wiki is a great starting point (I compiled it for you). Make sure you see the main references Martin Hackl's web pages about Van Bergen are amazing.
Van Bergen's major works: Allan Miller House, A.O. Anderson House et. al.
*Eben Ezra Roberts (pictured) - (wiki) - Roberts was an important Prairie School architect despite the fact that his only professional association with Frank Lloyd Wright was as a competitor. Compete he did, Roberts' practice rivaled Wright's, in Oak Park alone Roberts designed more than 200 houses. Roberts had his own interpretation of the Prairie aesthetic and it shows in his works. Another Dr. Gonzo compiled wiki on the man is a good jumping off point to learn more about Roberts, one of my favorite architects.
Roberts' major works: Henry P. Magill House, Frank W. Hall House, Charles Schwerin House, Louis Brink House, E.E. Roberts House, Masonic Temple Building (all in Oak Park), et. al.
*Marion Mahoney Griffin - (wiki) Mahony was a Chicago native and 1894 graduate of MIT. After working briefly with her cousin Dwight Heald Perkins (see below) she went to work for Frank Lloyd Wright. She worked with Wright for 14 years becoming one of his top designers and designing numerous interior furnishings for Wright projects, and later her own. She was also well known for her distinctive Japanese-influenced style of architectural rendering; a skill that brought much acclaim to Wright's studio. She helped complete many of Wright's unfinished projects when he ran off to Europe. She married Walter Burley Griffin (see below) in 1911 and they practiced together for the next 28 years.
Mahony's major works: Fair Lane, Amberg House Lucknow University Library
Artist's Studio - 1894 (Watercolor and ink by Mahony)
*Walter Burley Griffin - (wiki) - Griffin was a native of the Chicago suburb of Maywood. He worked with Frank Lloyd Wright for several years and after that under a number of other important Prairie School architects (incl. Robert C. Spencer Jr., and Dwight Heald Perkins) He and his wife Marion Mahony (see above) lived in Australia during which time they executed many designs including numerous city/town plans. Griffin was commissioned to design the Australian capital of Canberra, though he eventually left the project and none of his building designs were ever executed.
Griffin's major works: Newman College, City/town plans in: Leeton, Griffith, Eaglemont, et. al., all in Australia, Capitol Theatre, John Gauler House, et. al.
*Dwight Heald Perkins - (wiki) - Perkins was a prolific architect who originally hailed from Memphis. He was well-educated, despite having only completed three months of high school. He was later educated at MIT and returned to Chicago in 1891 where he worked for Burnham and Root. He served as Chicago School Board architect, a position he left over politically charged accusations of incompetence. Those accusations are regarded to have been because Perkins refused to kowtow to the corrupt school board members in Chicago. Perkins was nearly deaf by 1925, effectively ending his career. He died in 1941 in New Mexico while on vacation.
Perkins' major works: Lincoln Park Zoo Lion House and the refectory (now Cafe Brauer), Alfred Nobel School, Carl Schurz High School, collaborated with Wright for part of the design for Abraham Lincoln Center and All Soul's Unitarian Church, et. al. (40+ Chicago schools, many residential designs)
These are but a few of the "Prairie School" architects, there were other important architects as well. The Wikipedia article on Prairie School is scant in information but it does list several of the notable architects.
How to identify a Prairie style house
There are a number of elements very common to Prairie style, depending upon the house, it may contain all or some of the common elements listed below. By knowing what to look for you can find Prairie style homes all around you. I have included a description and, where it's useful, I have linked architectural terms to the related Wikipedia article (some don't have sources but these topics are not controversial).
*Roof: Obviously they have roofs, but the roof is one of the items that give away Prairie style houses. Roofs on Prairie homes are usually low-pitched roof, sometimes flat even. Many times, this low-pitched roof will be a hip roof. A hip roof is distinguished from a gabled roof because a hip roof meets the walls of the house on all four sides, it's a pyramidal shape. The eaves on a Prairie style house are usually wide, and usually overhanging the edge of the wall significantly.
*Height: Prairie houses are generally two stories, and can commonly have a one story wing, and /or a large porch. The porch on a Prairie house will overwhelm the front entrance, often seeming to bury it completely. In many cases, the porch is supported by massive pillars.
*Horizontal emphasis: This is the key to a Prairie style building. Finding that horizontal emphasis in the eaves, cornices, even the brick courses, is what will be a dead give away for a Prairie style house. Some Prairie houses even continue the theme using longer, narrower Roman bricks instead of standard bricks. At first it might be kind of difficult to spot, but once you've seen it, once you know what is meant by "horizontal emphasis" you will never miss it again in any building. This is the sort of knowledge that lets you impress your friends, when all of the sudden you know about how old a building is just by looking at it for a second.
*Chimneys: Massive chimneys (larger and wider than what is considered "normal"), often centrally located in mature Prairie homes. Early Prairie houses sometimes have the chimney along one of the facades, but it is still usually larger and wider. This stemmed from Frank Lloyd Wright's belief that the house should contribute to the closeness of a family, a large hearth, given center place, was one way to accomplish this.
*Setback and entryway: Expect many Prairie houses to be set further back from the street than the counterparts in their neighborhood. Of course, space considerations sometimes prevent this. Entrances on Prairie style houses can be difficult to locate or in unexpected places.
Types of Prairie houses
1. American Foursquare
There are four main types of Prairie style home with a few derivatives of each of those types. Two of the types fall into a sweeping style category known as American Foursquare. American Foursquare was probably the most popular incarnation of the Prairie aesthetic. Foursquare designs were distributed through pattern book and mail-order companies, including Sears, contributing to their popularity. There is almost guaranteed to be a Foursquare pattern-book house in your town if it has more than 100 people, and is located in or around the American Midwest.
Foursquares are easy to pick out. They are symmetical, square shaped, have low-pitched hip roofs, and large front porches supported by corner pillars. The entrance can be located on the front or on the side, depending on which "subtype" of Foursquare the house is. Many Foursquare houses show a heavy American Craftsman influence and commonly have a front, centrally located dormer. They are usually brick, or stucco clad, but can be wooden as well.
2. Gabled
Gabled Prairie houses, that are not of the Foursquare variety simply have a gable roof, as opposed to the hip roof more commonly seen. They still have the horizontal emphasis and overhanging eaves that are hallmark of Prairie. Other elements such as sprawling terraces and art glass are also commonly found in gabled Prairie houses.
3. Asymmetical
Most high-style examples of Prairie architecture are asymmetrical. The may have sprawling porches and terraces, large one story ells, or areas that extend beyond the general height of the house. The asymmetrical group of Prairie homes often have most or all of the elements described above.
Sorry, no online resources this time, there are too many to choose from. I suggest you start with Google and the names of the architects. Tomorrow, we dive into the evolution of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie style.
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marymosley · 5 years
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India
Information technology has become the axis of today’s global and technology developments. With the advancement of the internet, crimes using this tool too have widened. Cyber crimes pose a great threat to individuals, especially women, who form 90 percent of the victims. Every second, one woman in India gets tricked to be a victim of cyber crimes and the online platform is now the new platform where a woman’s dignity, privacy and security is increasingly being challenged every moment.Cyber crimes incept generally through fake ids created on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms causing grave harm to women, as through these platforms, major blackmailing, threatening, bullying, or cheating via messenger messages and email are done by perpetrators.
Cybercrime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems, including any device or the Internet or both or more of them.The NCRB Crime in India Report 2015 in its Chapter-18: on Cyber Crimes states that 11,592 cyber crime cases were registered in 2015 (under IT Act, related sections of IPC, and offences under Special and Local Laws) and there was a 20.5%increase from 2014. Further 8,121 persons were arrested during 2015 which indicates increase by 41.2% in arrests from 2014. The Report indicates the motives of the crimes to be: 33.3% for greed/financial gain, 9.6% for fraud/illegal gain, 5.2% for insult to modesty of women (that 606 cases),5.1% for sexual exploitation (that is 588 cases), 3.3% for causing disrepute(that is 387 cases).
Image Credits: OpenGov Asia
  My article is on the most blatant cybercrime that the women are facing in India and challenges in Investigative process.Few of them have been discussed below:
  1) Cyber stalking
Stalking means to “pursue stealthily” and cyber stalking is a behavior in which an individual, group of individuals or organization uses information and communications technology to harass one or more individuals. Cyber stalking is online threat and there is no direct relationship between the victim and cyber stalker .It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female. The motives behind are sexual harassment, for obsession for love, for revenge and hate and for ego and power trips.This is necessary to increase punishment to deter the crime.U/S 354 D IPC stalking is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment upto 3 years and fine
In the Vinupriya case, the victim was a 21-year-old student from Salem who had finished her BSc in chemistry. A person had posted morphed nude and semi-nude photographs of Vinupriya on Facebook. On June 26, another obscene photograph was posted on Facebook, leaving Vinupriya traumatised. The investigating officer assumed that she must have sent those pictures to someone and now they were being posted, perhaps by a jilted lover. The questioning of Vinupriya was along those lines. It humiliated her and on June 27, she hanged herself.
  2) Cyber Pornography
This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using computers Cyber Pornography is considered an exceptional case which has been covered by the IT Act 2000 to ascertain extent by Section 67 of the IT Act 2000.The punishment is upto five years and fine. Along with IT Act the perpetrator can be punished under various Sections of IPC ,Section 290 for committing public nuisance, section 292 for sale of obscene books etc, and section 292A for printing or publishing grossly indecent or scurrilous matter or matter intended to blackmail, section 293 for sale etc of obscene objects to young persons and then section 294 for doing or composing, writing etc of obscene songs and finally under section 509 for outraging the modesty of women.
  3) Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is intimidation, threat or harassment using an electronic form of contact by the use of computers, mobiles and the internet. It is punishable under Section 506 of the IPC. It provides for imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, a fine or both. If the threat is to cause death or grievous hurt, it can lead to imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years.In an Ipsos survey in 2014, India topped the list of 254 countries for cyber bullying.Blue whale challenge and other viral challenges such as cinnamon are the most brutal form of bullying.
  4) Cyber sexual defamation
Defamation is another common crime against women in the net. This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory matters to others. With the invention of the internet the life of a common man has changed a lot. U/S/499 IPC imprisonment upto 2 years and fine is imposed in case of defamation.
  5)Harassment via email
Harassment includes blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating via email. Email spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a legitimate source. U/S 67 A punishment upto 5 years is imposed for harassment via e mail.
  6) Trolling
Trolls spreads conflict on the Internet, criminal starts quarreling or upsetting victim by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intention to provoke victims into an emotional, upsetting response). Trolls are professional abusers who, by creating and using fake ids on social media, create a cold war atmosphere in the cyber space and are not even easy to trace.
A person aggrieved of the offence of offence of cyber defamation can make a complaint to the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell. The Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is a branch of the Criminal Investigation Department(CID). Cyber Crime Investigation Cells have opened up in many cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Tamil-Nadu, Gurgaon, Pune, Madhya-Pradesh, Lucknow, etc. The Cyber Crime investigation Cells deal with offences related to the computer, computer network, compute resource, computer systems, computer devices and Internet. It also has power to look into other high-tech crimes. In addition, provisions have now been made for filing of ‘E-FIR’ in most of the states.
1) Passwords Should Not Be Given To Others
2) Personal Information Should Not Be Disclosed.
3) Avoid Meeting Online People Alone.
4) Web Cam Should Be Used With Care.
5) Agreement Terms Should Be Read.
6) Avoid Free Downloading Sites as their files may contain Trojans.  
Measures by Govt. of India
On 23.07.2014, National Commission for Women has submitted a report on “Ways and Means to Safeguard Women from Cyber Crimes in India” which inter-alia recommended for stringent law, Policy to discourage hacking activities, dedicated helpline numbers, opening of more cyber cells, and imparting of proper legal, setting up forensic labs and technical training law enforcement agencies like police& judiciary etc. to combat cybercrime.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 together with Indian Penal Code have adequate provisions to deal withprevailing Cyber Crimes. It provides punishment in the form of imprisonment ranging from two years to lifeimprisonment and fine / penalty depending onthe type of Cyber Crime. However, Government has taken a number of legal, technical and administrative measures to prevent incidents of cybercrimes. These inter alia, include:
Cyber Police Stations and Cyber Crime Cells have been set up in each State for reporting and investigation of Cyber Crime cases.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology(MeitY) has setup Cyber Forensics Training Labs in north-eastern States and cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Bangalore to train State police officials and judiciary in cybercrime detection and collection, preservation and seizing of electronic evidence and dealing with cybercrime.
Various steps have been taken by Ministry of Home Affairs, Meity and State Government to modernise the setup and equip police personnel with knowledge and skills for prevention and control of cybercrime through various national and State Police academies/judicial academies and other institutes.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has issued an advisory on functioning of Matrimonial website on 6thJune, 2016 under Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder directing the matrimonial websites to adopt safeguards to ensure that people using these websites are not deceived through the means of fake profiles or misuse/wrong information posted on the website.
The Government has circulated Computer Security Policy and Guidelines to all the Ministries/Departments on taking steps to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber attacks.
A portal namely www.cybercrime.gov.in has been developed by Ministry of Home Affairs to allow public to report cybercrime complaints.
The post Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India appeared first on Legal Desire.
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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newageislam-blog · 7 years
Debating Nikah-e-Halala, a direct consequence of Instant Triple Talaq, an obscene social practice allowed by Muslim Law in India
The above is often interpreted as following: if a husband divorces his wife by pronouncing talaq, he can revoke the divorce within the iddah, that is, the period of separation that precedes divorce. If the divorce is completed, the couple can remarry. The couple may divorce and remarry twice. However, if they divorce a third time, they can neither unite within the iddah period nor marry again until the ex-wife marries another man, to ensure that the divorce is taken seriousl.
Consequently, the above interpretation is used as a strategy to remarry, or Halala, and often justified by some as true belief.
However, even according to the archaic groups who follow this belief, this only applies where the man has declared divorce on three separate occasions (not 3 times in a row). A Halala cannot be planned in advance, as a Nikah between her and the second husband with an understanding of a divorce afterwards will not be valid. If she does so, it will be an illegitimate relationship with the second husband and with the first husband also with whom she comes to live after a pre-planned Halala. Mohammed has cursed both such men who perform Halala and for whom Halala is performed.
This belief has been the basis of financial and sexual exploitation of Muslim women, and has received much critical news coverage
[This section’s factual accuracy is disputed. Please help to ensure that disputed statements are reliably sourced.]
According to the Indian All India Muslim Personal Law Board, a man cannot remarry a woman after triple talaq unless she has already consummated her marriage with another man and then that new husband dies or divorces her. In this case the marriage (Nikah) of the woman with her new husband is calledNikah halala. Per a new set of codes of conduct issued regarding divorce by the organisation in April 2017, a man can rejoin with his wife in three months after single talaq and can remarry after three months without the woman having to go through nikah halala.
A BBC report found that Halala is common in certain south-Asian Muslim communities in the UK. The report uncovered many instances where women were socially and sexually exploited by local religious figures.
Comment By Quran expert Muhammad Yunus – 12/5/2011 8:07:06 PM
It is a pity that the Indian Maulvis in some regions have turned the noble institution of marriage into veritable prostitution. Pronouncing Talaq thrice – ‘the triple declaration’ or al-Talaq al-Bain is a pre-Islamic practice. Hanafi law declares it sinful but lawful. It makes a mockery of the Qur’anic tenets on divorce which is expounded below to defend it against any blame for this horrendous practice.
In a legally phrased passage (2:228/229) the Qur’an prescribes, among other things, a three-month waiting period for a woman under divorce notice (2:228), and commands a man who initiates the divorce to formally articulating his intention at least twice over the period (2:229). The time-framing is reiterated in two other verses (2:231, 65:1).
“Divorced women shall wait by themselves for three monthly periods, for it is not lawful for them, if they believe in God and the Last Day, to conceal what God has created in their wombs…. (2:228). (O men, you must) pronounce the divorce over two occasions. Thereafter live together (with your mates) honorably, or part with (tasrihu) them honorably…. (2:229).
“And if you divorce women, and they reach (the end of) their term, then either live together honourably, or part with (sarrihu) them honorably, but do not keep them to injure them, (or) to exceed limits. Anyone who does that merely wrongs his own soul…” (2:231).
“And when they reach (the end of) their term, then either live together honourably, or part with (fariqu) them honourably, calling to witness two just members from among yourselves and uphold the evidence (as) before God. This is to instruct anyone who believes in God and the Last Day. (Remember,) God will find a way out for anyone who heeds Him” (65:2).
Remarriage after divorce.
The Qur’an does impose the requirement of marriage of a woman with a new spouse after she has reached the end of the three month waiting/notice period (Iddat). (2:230). But this was conceivably to prevent a husband to prevent the woman he divorced after three months from entering into a new wedlock. The injunction also abolished a pre-Islamic custom of keeping an unwanted wife into wedlock indefinitely for oppressing her and saving the alimony.
“If he (the husband) divorces her (at the end of the waiting period), she becomes unlawful to him afterwards until she marries another man. If he (her new husband) then divorces her, there is no blame on the (former) couple to reunite – provided they feel that they can keep within the limits set by God. These are the limits set by God, and He clarifies them to a people who have knowledge” (2:230).
Final Comment: Muslim Ulema in India are sticking to the personal law that their pre-Islamic ancestors established under the behest of Hanafi law. For the medieval era, when women were grievously oppressed in the non-Muslim word, these brazenly anti-Qur’anic law held sway.  With the liberation and empowerment of women and a quantum change in gender dynamics in the non-Muslim world – much in line with the Qur’anic message (I am not suggesting they copied it from the Qur’an for if that was so, why couldn’t the Ulema do it), it is time for the Muslim Ulema to reform their laws in line with the Qur’anic paradigms.
One wonders why a section of the Muslim Ulema in India pass Fatwas or stick to rulings that patently contradict the Qur’an, are highly misogynistic, grievously violate international human rights and so immensely preposterous (condoning incest, forcing Indian Government to pass a law to limit the maintenance of a woman after more than 30 years of wedlock.) that one finds it hard to make any candid comment lest it could be too unsavoury. The least one may say about the practice of Halala is that a time may also come that a Maulvi from some obscure village of India may insist on watching and filming it as hard core evidence?? God save us from that day.
Can the Government of India do nothing to save the Muslim women from the grip of the Maulvis who blackmail ignorant Muslim women of divine punishment of which they seem to be the most deserving for turning Islamic marriage into virtual prostitution and condoning incest and passing preposterous Fatwas contradicting the Qur’anic message.
VEILED CRIMES Some victims have been subjected to Halala an excruciating two to eight times. Sometimes a close friend of the husband or even the brother obliges.
Holding a placard that says ‘Halala is nothing but the vilest of rapes’, the frail and waif-like Rubaiya Ahmad shudders as she recalls the darkest night in 35 years of her life – when she allowed another man into her bed.
“I felt totally numb and dead inside. But that was the only option left to reclaim my two sons, “she says.”Moreover, the Maulvi sahib had warned me that no one would participate in my funeral procession and my family would be ostracised if I flouted the Shari’a’s command. ”
Jalal, Rubiya’s “husband” for one night, was not particularly bothered about her turmoil. He was there for a purpose – to help his close friend salvage his marriage. A night after the Nikah and the mandatory consummation, he divorced Rubaiya without a fuss.
It has been seven years since Rubaiya got back with her first husband, but the horror of Halala has stayed on. “I feel as if the man I married died the day someone else defiled my body,” she declares with vehemence. Her only concern now is to ensure somehow that her sons never get to know about the humiliation their mother faced, for “it would shatter them, or worse, they may blame me for the episode”.
Last week’s meeting held by the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) proved to be a catharsis of sorts for two dozen-odd victims of mental violence – namely Halala and triple Talaq. “Many who went through this could not gather enough courage to come out and face the world,” says BMMA president Naish Hasan.
Last week, Naish created ripples in conservative Lucknow by dashing off a letter to the octogenarian president of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board. Pressing for inclusion of women’s issues on the agenda in its next executive meeting, it pointedly demanded a ban on Halala and triple Talaq, apart from recommending a codification of the Sharia to escape misinterpretation. “The response from AIMPLB, was as anticipated – nil, ” says Naish.
In her letter, Naish mentioned seven victims who were subjected to Halala an excruciating two to eight times. One of them is Zainab Rubaiya whose husband literally turned her into a prostitute “He would pronounce ‘Talaq Talaq Talaq’ when drunk, when annoyed, when fired from his job, when clubbed by the beat constable or when I stopped his mother from hitting me with a ladle, ” she says. “Any occasion was good enough to boot me out. ”
Zainab recollects that after every Halala, her husband would weep, standing alongside their children. “I bore Halala seven times. It’s a terrible feeling to walk down the road, knowing that everyone in the Mohalla keeps a count of your moles and curves, “she says, teary-eyed. For women like Munni, whose brother-in-law volunteered for Halala, the situation is even more humiliating. “Imagine facing him every day and pretending to be normal, ” she says.
Contrary to the popular belief that Halala is confined to the rural belt, Naish claims that she has listed 11 such cases in the last two months in Lucknow alone. “However, women in the city are turning rebellious, “she says. “Some of them have walked out of the marriage after Halala was ordered – in fact, one woman begs in the Imambara as she believes that begging is more respectable than getting raped every sixth months. ”
The number of Halalas is on the rise, confirms Kamal Khan, a Lucknow-based journalist. Interestingly, Halala is also fraught with risks for the men now – there are instances where the second husband has violated the terms of a fixed Halala and refused to part with the woman, often because she was prettier than his own wife. “So caution is the key word now, ” claims Kamal, who is making a documentary on the practice and has even recorded details of a Halala service run by Maulvis in Ghazipur and Faizabad. “The cleric in Akbarpur has inherited a lucrative business from his father. He conducts the marriage and divorce ceremonies. The business is growing, “he says.
According to Khan, Halala-fixing is nowhere mentioned in Islam. The provision is made for “ittifaqan Talaq” by the second husband – meaning the woman can remarry the first husband if the second husband genuinely divorces her and the move is not carried out under a well-calculated strategy. The way it is followed today, the practice is totally against the spirit of Islam, ” he says.
Zainab has a suggestion that she is too timid to air publicly. “If a man divorces his wife and then wants her back, let him be flogged, skinned or even sodomised,” she says. Why should the poor woman be made to suffer instead? What kind of justice is this? Even animals don’t mate on order. ”
“After pronouncing Talaq, the wife becomes haram for the husband. If he wants to remarry the same woman, the rules are set – once the mandatory Iddat period of three months and 13 days gets over, the woman has to get married to someone else. This marriage has to be consummated. After the second husband divorces the woman, the first husband is free to marry her once again after three months and 13 days. However, Halala-fixing is strictly prohibited in Islam. “Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangimahali
For more details click here: Moderate Muslims
Source URL: http://newageislam.com/islamic-sharia-laws/by-sultan-shahin,-founding-editor,-new-age-islam/debating-nikah-e-halala,-a-direct-consequence-of-instant-triple-talaq,-an-obscene-social-practice-allowed-by-muslim-law-in-india/d/6070
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viralhottopics · 7 years
The rise of the cashless city: ‘There is this real danger of exclusion’
Cities from Sweden to India are pushing for a totally cash-free society. But as more shops and transport networks insist on electronic payments, where does this leave the smallest traders and poorest inhabitants?
Scrolling through my online bank statements at Christmas, I was surprised to find I had not removed cash from an ATM for well over four months. Thanks to the ubiquity of electronic payment systems, it has become increasingly easy to glide around London to a chorus of approving bleeps.
As more shops and transport networks adapt to contactless card and touch-and-go mobile technology, many major cities around the world are in the process of relegating cash to second-class status. Some London shops and cafes are now, like the capitals buses, simply refusing to handle notes or coins.
Could we see a whole city go cash-free? From Seoul to Bergamo, cities big and small are at the forefront of a global drive to go digital. Many of us are happy to tap cards or phones to hop on a bus, buy a coffee or pay for groceries, but it raises the prospect of a time we no longer carry any cash at all.
No spare change for the busker at the station, the person sleeping rough in need of a hot drink, the market trader, the donation box. Although even on-street charity fundraisers are now broaching the world of contactless payments, what might the rise of the cashless city mean for street vendors, small merchants and the poorest inhabitants?
Some experts now fear a two-tier urban realm in which those on the lowest incomes become disconnected from mainstream commercial life by their dependence on traditional forms of currency.
The beauty of cash is that its a direct and simple transaction between all kinds of different people, no matter how rich or poor, explains financial writer Dominic Frisby. If you begin to insist on cashlessness, it does put pressure on you to be banked and signed up to financial system, and many of the poorest are likely to remain outside of that system. So there is this real danger of exclusion.
Ajay Banga, Mastercards CEO, has spoken about the growing global risk of creating islands, where the unbanked transact [only] with each other.
In India, the question of how the poorest might connect with the digitised world of the middle-class consumer is now of central importance. In November, the prime minister Narendra Modi announced the removal of 500 and 1000 rupee notes from circulation. Part of a wider attempt to jolt the nation into joining the cashless revolution, Modis government believes restricting currency and pushing the take-up of electronic payment will help tackle corruption and regulate Indias untaxed, black economy.
It has become increasingly easy to glide around London to a chorus of approving bleeps. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images
Saurabh Shukla, the Delhi-based editor in chief at NewsMobile Asia, says he has seen many small mom and pop store owners introduce card readers and learn how to use Paytm, a mobile payment platform, over the past two months.
They realise a big change is here and they are trying to adjust to electronic payment, he explains. But they still want to convert back to cash at the end of the working day or the working week. It will be a gradual adjustment. We might not be able to create a completely cashless India, but we can aim to create a low cash economy.
Modi is encouraging state government to create smart cities by connecting their public services with the latest online technology. Officials are aiming to make the Chandigarh famously designed by modernist architect Le Corbusier Indias first cashless city by insisting all bills are paid electronically at government offices. And the government of Goa is attempting to turn its capital Panjim cash-free by offering discounts in digitally bought services like train tickets, and by setting up classrooms to teach small traders e-payment technology.
Yet huge queues remain outside banks as many Indians continue to demand cash. Some of the poorest street vendors cannot afford card readers, and have struggled to operate Paytm payment transfers on their mobile phones.
Aires Rodrigues, a human rights lawyer in Goa, says traders in Panjim are suffering. Rickshaw drivers and fish market sellers have been left with no way of accepting payment from middle-class customers now inclined to do everything digitally. Its senseless to try to make everyone go cashless, says Rodrigues. The government seems to have lost sight of the plight of the common man.
If Indias urbanites are being forced to undergo digital shock therapy, city dwellers in much of Europe have been moving steadily away from cash. Consumers like convenience. Governments like the idea of tax transparency. And retailers like cutting down on the costs of cash handling.
People queue to withdraw cash at a bank in Lucknow, India, after prime minister Narendra Modi announced the elimination of the 500 and 1,000 rupee bills. Photograph: Pawan Kumar/Reuters
According to a recent report by Fung Global Retail & Technology, nine of the top 15 most digital-ready countries are in Europe. It predicts Sweden could become the worlds first completely cashless society. Niklas Arvidsson at Stockholms KTH Royal Institute of Technology thinks it could happen by 2030.
Yet even Sweden has seen an enthusiasm gap emerge, mostly along demographic lines. Older people in the rural north, tending to be the least tech-savvy, resent the economic power of Stockholm and Gothenburg, now almost entirely cash-free urban zones. The National Pensioners Organisation is a key player in the Cash Uprising coalition now campaigning to make sure older Swedes can still deposit and remove cash from banks.
Wealth, however, remains the key factor in determining who might be entirely left behind by the evolving digital economy. Some of the poorest people in Europes richest cities have found themselves pushed aside.
In Amsterdam, homeless people selling street magazine Z!, the Dutch equivalent of The Big Issue, now struggle to find customers still using cash. Z! trialled card payments by giving a dozen of the citys vendors iZettle readers back in 2013, but the method was deemed too cumbersome.
After a few weeks, our vendors said, Look, this is too complicated, says editor Hans van Dalfsen. It became too clunky and time-consuming for the vendor to juggle their magazines, the card reader and their own mobile phone connected to Bluetooth all that stuff was needed to carry out the transaction.
Van Dalfsen says he is now talking to a major telecoms company to try to find a simpler way for homeless vendors to accept payment using only their mobile phones, perhaps with help of unique QR code on their ID badge.
The M-Pesa banking service in Kenya allows people without bank accounts to transfer funds using mobile phones. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images
Like Scandinavia, we are close to being cashless in Amsterdam, he says. Im an optimist, but we really need bright people in the tech companies to come up with simple, convenient solutions that work for everyone. We cannot let people become cut off from the life of the city.
Like many of the worlds poorest people, much of Amsterdams homeless population remain without a bank account. So even if they own a mobile phone, most fall back to cash.
Kenya may offer a guiding light here, having found a way to allow unbanked citizens access into the cashless society using cheap mobiles. Launched in 2007, M-Pesa has become the worlds leading mobile money platform, allowing millions of users to transfer money to each other by sending text messages and store their funds digitally without opening a conventional bank account.
In Zimbabwe, last years cash liquidity crisis led to renewed distrust in the banks and helped mobile money platforms take off as an alternative way of doing business, first in the capital city Harare, then in rural areas. The countrys most popular text-based service EcoCash now has more than six million users.
There has been a huge explosion in cashless payments, down to the very poorest street traders using mobile money solutions, says Nigel Gambanga, a Harare-based technology analyst. Everyone has begun to realise, If I dont figure this out, I might not be in business tomorrow. People are adaptable.
Dave Birch, director of innovation at UK firm Consult Hyperion, thinks it would be foolish to insist on clinging on to cash on behalf of the poor. If you keep people trapped in a cash economy, you leave them to pay higher prices for everything, you leave them struggling to access credit, and more vulnerable to theft, he says.
Were going to replace cash with electronic platforms, Birch adds. I dont think poverty or being unbanked is necessarily a barrier, because everyone has a phone. Given the technology we have, we can develop new ways of moving digital cash around, even on the most basic of phones.
The challenge for banks, regulators, tech innovators and officials keen to push forward smart city initiatives, is to make sure evolving platforms are accessible and keep everyone interconnected.
If we cannot find a common payment ecosystem, we may find ourselves wandering through divided cities, separated by the sound of bleeps and the shuffling of cold, hard cash.
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Read more: http://bit.ly/2iuI1zW
from The rise of the cashless city: ‘There is this real danger of exclusion’
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मासूम बच्ची के साथ महिला सिपाही का फोटो वायरल, डीजीपी ने दिया ये तोहफा लखनऊ: झांसी से एक तस्वीर काफी वायरल हो रही है. इस फोटो में एक महिला सिपाही अपनी 6 महीने की बच्ची के साथ लगातार ड्यूटी कर रही है. वहीं उसके इस काम के प्रति समर्पण को देखते हुए डीजीपी ओपी सिंह ने इस महिला सिपाही को उसके घर आगरा के पास पोस्टिंग देने का आश्वासन दिया है. वहीं सिपाही अर्चना को अब उसके गृह जनपद आगरा के करीब तैनाती मिलेगी. ये भी पढ़े: जनवरी 2019 तक ‘राम मंदिर’ मामले पर सुनवाई टली महिला सिपाही अर्चना की तस्वीर वायरल होने के बाद लोग उनकी काफी तारीफ कर रहे हैं. अर्चना के पति बाहर प्राइवेट नौकरी करते हैं, जिसके चलते अर्चना अपनी बेटी के साथ कोतवाली आती हैं. जहां वो ड्यूटी के साथ-साथ अपनी बेटी की दे���रेख भी करती है. वहीं अर्चना का कहना है कि उन्हें काफी परेशानी होती है. अगर वो थोड़ा भी लेट हो जाए तो उन्हें डर सताता है. ये भी पढ़े: चुनाव से पहले पक्ष में आया फैसला तो फटाफट यूं बनेगा अयोध्या में मंदिर वहीं जब फोटो वायरल हुआ तो पुलिस के तमाम अफसरों ने अर्चना की कर्तव्यनिष्ठा को सलाम किया. वहीं उत्तर प्रदेश के डीजीपी ओपी सिंह ने उनकी तारीफ करते हुए कहा कि अर्चना के काम करने का तरीका प्रेरक है. वहीं डीजीपी सिंह ने महिला सिपाही से बातचीत की और इसके बाद उनके ट्रांसफर के आदेश दे दिए हैं. उन्होंने अर्चना को आश्वासन दिया कि उन्हें उनके गृह जनपद आगरा के करीब ही तैनाती मिलेगी.
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journalistcafe · 3 years
कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों पर UP सरकार सख्त, लॉकडाउन बढ़ाया
कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों पर UP सरकार सख्त, लॉकडाउन बढ़ाया
कोरोना वायरस के बढ़ते मामलों को देखते हुए उत्तर प्रदेश की  योगी आदित्यनाथ सरकार ने सात दिनों के लिए लॉकडाउन को बढ़ा दिया है। राज्य में  अब  17 मई यानी सोमवार सुबह सात बजे तक लॉकडाउन रहेगा। पहले लॉकडाउन 10 मई तक यूपी में लागू था। लोगों को सरकार द्वारा जारी गाइडलाइन्स का पालन करना होगा। उत्तरप्रदेश कोरोना के बीते 24 घंटों की आधिकारिक आंकड़ों पर नजर डालें तो कुल 26847 पॉजिटिव मामले सामने आए। तो वहीं…
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journalistcafe · 3 years
यूपी के अस्पतालों में ऑक्सीजन की सप्लाई के लिए बड़ा कदम
यूपी के अस्पतालों में ऑक्सीजन की सप्लाई के लिए बड़ा कदम
कोरोना वायरस के बढ़ते मामलों के चलते उत्तर प्रदेश के अस्पतालों में ऑक्सीजन की कमी सामने आ रही है। इस कमी को पूरा करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के निर्देश पर कंट्रोल रूम स्थापित किया गया है। इस कंट्रोल रूम से ऑक्सीजन सप्लाई पर नजर रखी जाएगी। इसके अलावा किसी भी प्रकार की जरूरत का तत्काल समाधान किया जाएगा। उत्तर प्रदेश अपर मुख्य सचिव गृह अवनीश अवस्थी ने बताया कि प्रदेश के विभिन्न जिलों में…
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journalistcafe · 4 years
Corona: कनिका का रिपोर्ट तीसरी बार पॉजिटिव
लखनऊ: बालीवुड सिंगर कनिका कपूर की रिपोर्ट तीसरी बार Corona पॉजिटिव आई है। उनमें संक्रमण का प्रकोप बना हुआ है। उनकी हालत स्थिर बनी हुई है। शेष दो की रिपोर्ट Corona निगेटिव आई है। लखनऊ में पीजीआई में भर्ती गायिका कनिका कपूर की जांच रिपोर्ट एक बार फिर से Corona पॉजिटिव आई है। हालांकि उसे किसी तरह की दिक्कत नहीं बताई जा रही है।
यह भी पढ़ें: जिंदगी में जब भी लगे डर, इन 4 बातों को जरूर याद रखें
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journalistcafe · 4 years
Corona: लखनऊ में रेस्‍टोरेंट, ढाबे, फूड स्‍टॉल, कैफे-होटल बंद
लखनऊ: कोरोनाCorona वायरस से देश भर में खौफ का माहौल पैदा हो चुका है। उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ में अब तक कोरोनाcorona वायरस छह लोगों के पॉजिटिव होने की पुष्टि भी हो चुकी है। सभी को आइसोलेटेड वार्ड में भर्ती कराया गया है। एक के बाद एक संक्रमण के मामले सामने आने के बाद लखनऊ के कुछ इलाको में अघोषित कर्फ्यू से हालात हो गए हैं।
यह भी पढ़ें: एशिया की तुलना में कोरोना वायरस से यूरोप में हुई ज्यादा…
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marymosley · 5 years
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India
Information technology has become the axis of today’s global and technology developments. With the advancement of the internet, crimes using this tool too have widened. Cyber crimes pose a great threat to individuals, especially women, who form 90 percent of the victims. Every second, one woman in India gets tricked to be a victim of cyber crimes and the online platform is now the new platform where a woman’s dignity, privacy and security is increasingly being challenged every moment.Cyber crimes incept generally through fake ids created on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms causing grave harm to women, as through these platforms, major blackmailing, threatening, bullying, or cheating via messenger messages and email are done by perpetrators.
Cybercrime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems, including any device or the Internet or both or more of them.The NCRB Crime in India Report 2015 in its Chapter-18: on Cyber Crimes states that 11,592 cyber crime cases were registered in 2015 (under IT Act, related sections of IPC, and offences under Special and Local Laws) and there was a 20.5%increase from 2014. Further 8,121 persons were arrested during 2015 which indicates increase by 41.2% in arrests from 2014. The Report indicates the motives of the crimes to be: 33.3% for greed/financial gain, 9.6% for fraud/illegal gain, 5.2% for insult to modesty of women (that 606 cases),5.1% for sexual exploitation (that is 588 cases), 3.3% for causing disrepute(that is 387 cases).
Image Credits: OpenGov Asia
  My article is on the most blatant cybercrime that the women are facing in India and challenges in Investigative process.Few of them have been discussed below:
  1) Cyber stalking
Stalking means to “pursue stealthily” and cyber stalking is a behavior in which an individual, group of individuals or organization uses information and communications technology to harass one or more individuals. Cyber stalking is online threat and there is no direct relationship between the victim and cyber stalker .It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female. The motives behind are sexual harassment, for obsession for love, for revenge and hate and for ego and power trips.This is necessary to increase punishment to deter the crime.U/S 354 D IPC stalking is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment upto 3 years and fine
In the Vinupriya case, the victim was a 21-year-old student from Salem who had finished her BSc in chemistry. A person had posted morphed nude and semi-nude photographs of Vinupriya on Facebook. On June 26, another obscene photograph was posted on Facebook, leaving Vinupriya traumatised. The investigating officer assumed that she must have sent those pictures to someone and now they were being posted, perhaps by a jilted lover. The questioning of Vinupriya was along those lines. It humiliated her and on June 27, she hanged herself.
  2) Cyber Pornography
This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using computers Cyber Pornography is considered an exceptional case which has been covered by the IT Act 2000 to ascertain extent by Section 67 of the IT Act 2000.The punishment is upto five years and fine. Along with IT Act the perpetrator can be punished under various Sections of IPC ,Section 290 for committing public nuisance, section 292 for sale of obscene books etc, and section 292A for printing or publishing grossly indecent or scurrilous matter or matter intended to blackmail, section 293 for sale etc of obscene objects to young persons and then section 294 for doing or composing, writing etc of obscene songs and finally under section 509 for outraging the modesty of women.
  3) Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is intimidation, threat or harassment using an electronic form of contact by the use of computers, mobiles and the internet. It is punishable under Section 506 of the IPC. It provides for imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, a fine or both. If the threat is to cause death or grievous hurt, it can lead to imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years.In an Ipsos survey in 2014, India topped the list of 254 countries for cyber bullying.Blue whale challenge and other viral challenges such as cinnamon are the most brutal form of bullying.
  4) Cyber sexual defamation
Defamation is another common crime against women in the net. This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory matters to others. With the invention of the internet the life of a common man has changed a lot. U/S/499 IPC imprisonment upto 2 years and fine is imposed in case of defamation.
  5)Harassment via email
Harassment includes blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating via email. Email spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a legitimate source. U/S 67 A punishment upto 5 years is imposed for harassment via e mail.
  6) Trolling
Trolls spreads conflict on the Internet, criminal starts quarreling or upsetting victim by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intention to provoke victims into an emotional, upsetting response). Trolls are professional abusers who, by creating and using fake ids on social media, create a cold war atmosphere in the cyber space and are not even easy to trace.
A person aggrieved of the offence of offence of cyber defamation can make a complaint to the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell. The Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is a branch of the Criminal Investigation Department(CID). Cyber Crime Investigation Cells have opened up in many cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Tamil-Nadu, Gurgaon, Pune, Madhya-Pradesh, Lucknow, etc. The Cyber Crime investigation Cells deal with offences related to the computer, computer network, compute resource, computer systems, computer devices and Internet. It also has power to look into other high-tech crimes. In addition, provisions have now been made for filing of ‘E-FIR’ in most of the states.
1) Passwords Should Not Be Given To Others
2) Personal Information Should Not Be Disclosed.
3) Avoid Meeting Online People Alone.
4) Web Cam Should Be Used With Care.
5) Agreement Terms Should Be Read.
6) Avoid Free Downloading Sites as their files may contain Trojans.  
Measures by Govt. of India
On 23.07.2014, National Commission for Women has submitted a report on “Ways and Means to Safeguard Women from Cyber Crimes in India” which inter-alia recommended for stringent law, Policy to discourage hacking activities, dedicated helpline numbers, opening of more cyber cells, and imparting of proper legal, setting up forensic labs and technical training law enforcement agencies like police& judiciary etc. to combat cybercrime.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 together with Indian Penal Code have adequate provisions to deal withprevailing Cyber Crimes. It provides punishment in the form of imprisonment ranging from two years to lifeimprisonment and fine / penalty depending onthe type of Cyber Crime. However, Government has taken a number of legal, technical and administrative measures to prevent incidents of cybercrimes. These inter alia, include:
Cyber Police Stations and Cyber Crime Cells have been set up in each State for reporting and investigation of Cyber Crime cases.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology(MeitY) has setup Cyber Forensics Training Labs in north-eastern States and cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Bangalore to train State police officials and judiciary in cybercrime detection and collection, preservation and seizing of electronic evidence and dealing with cybercrime.
Various steps have been taken by Ministry of Home Affairs, Meity and State Government to modernise the setup and equip police personnel with knowledge and skills for prevention and control of cybercrime through various national and State Police academies/judicial academies and other institutes.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has issued an advisory on functioning of Matrimonial website on 6thJune, 2016 under Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder directing the matrimonial websites to adopt safeguards to ensure that people using these websites are not deceived through the means of fake profiles or misuse/wrong information posted on the website.
The Government has circulated Computer Security Policy and Guidelines to all the Ministries/Departments on taking steps to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber attacks.
A portal namely www.cybercrime.gov.in has been developed by Ministry of Home Affairs to allow public to report cybercrime complaints.
The post Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India appeared first on Legal Desire.
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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marymosley · 5 years
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India
Information technology has become the axis of today’s global and technology developments. With the advancement of the internet, crimes using this tool too have widened. Cyber crimes pose a great threat to individuals, especially women, who form 90 percent of the victims. Every second, one woman in India gets tricked to be a victim of cyber crimes and the online platform is now the new platform where a woman’s dignity, privacy and security is increasingly being challenged every moment.Cyber crimes incept generally through fake ids created on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms causing grave harm to women, as through these platforms, major blackmailing, threatening, bullying, or cheating via messenger messages and email are done by perpetrators.
Cybercrime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems, including any device or the Internet or both or more of them.The NCRB Crime in India Report 2015 in its Chapter-18: on Cyber Crimes states that 11,592 cyber crime cases were registered in 2015 (under IT Act, related sections of IPC, and offences under Special and Local Laws) and there was a 20.5%increase from 2014. Further 8,121 persons were arrested during 2015 which indicates increase by 41.2% in arrests from 2014. The Report indicates the motives of the crimes to be: 33.3% for greed/financial gain, 9.6% for fraud/illegal gain, 5.2% for insult to modesty of women (that 606 cases),5.1% for sexual exploitation (that is 588 cases), 3.3% for causing disrepute(that is 387 cases).
Image Credits: OpenGov Asia
  My article is on the most blatant cybercrime that the women are facing in India and challenges in Investigative process.Few of them have been discussed below:
  1) Cyber stalking
Stalking means to “pursue stealthily” and cyber stalking is a behavior in which an individual, group of individuals or organization uses information and communications technology to harass one or more individuals. Cyber stalking is online threat and there is no direct relationship between the victim and cyber stalker .It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female. The motives behind are sexual harassment, for obsession for love, for revenge and hate and for ego and power trips.This is necessary to increase punishment to deter the crime.U/S 354 D IPC stalking is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment upto 3 years and fine
In the Vinupriya case, the victim was a 21-year-old student from Salem who had finished her BSc in chemistry. A person had posted morphed nude and semi-nude photographs of Vinupriya on Facebook. On June 26, another obscene photograph was posted on Facebook, leaving Vinupriya traumatised. The investigating officer assumed that she must have sent those pictures to someone and now they were being posted, perhaps by a jilted lover. The questioning of Vinupriya was along those lines. It humiliated her and on June 27, she hanged herself.
  2) Cyber Pornography
This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using computers Cyber Pornography is considered an exceptional case which has been covered by the IT Act 2000 to ascertain extent by Section 67 of the IT Act 2000.The punishment is upto five years and fine. Along with IT Act the perpetrator can be punished under various Sections of IPC ,Section 290 for committing public nuisance, section 292 for sale of obscene books etc, and section 292A for printing or publishing grossly indecent or scurrilous matter or matter intended to blackmail, section 293 for sale etc of obscene objects to young persons and then section 294 for doing or composing, writing etc of obscene songs and finally under section 509 for outraging the modesty of women.
  3) Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is intimidation, threat or harassment using an electronic form of contact by the use of computers, mobiles and the internet. It is punishable under Section 506 of the IPC. It provides for imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, a fine or both. If the threat is to cause death or grievous hurt, it can lead to imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years.In an Ipsos survey in 2014, India topped the list of 254 countries for cyber bullying.Blue whale challenge and other viral challenges such as cinnamon are the most brutal form of bullying.
  4) Cyber sexual defamation
Defamation is another common crime against women in the net. This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory matters to others. With the invention of the internet the life of a common man has changed a lot. U/S/499 IPC imprisonment upto 2 years and fine is imposed in case of defamation.
  5)Harassment via email
Harassment includes blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating via email. Email spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a legitimate source. U/S 67 A punishment upto 5 years is imposed for harassment via e mail.
  6) Trolling
Trolls spreads conflict on the Internet, criminal starts quarreling or upsetting victim by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intention to provoke victims into an emotional, upsetting response). Trolls are professional abusers who, by creating and using fake ids on social media, create a cold war atmosphere in the cyber space and are not even easy to trace.
A person aggrieved of the offence of offence of cyber defamation can make a complaint to the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell. The Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is a branch of the Criminal Investigation Department(CID). Cyber Crime Investigation Cells have opened up in many cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Tamil-Nadu, Gurgaon, Pune, Madhya-Pradesh, Lucknow, etc. The Cyber Crime investigation Cells deal with offences related to the computer, computer network, compute resource, computer systems, computer devices and Internet. It also has power to look into other high-tech crimes. In addition, provisions have now been made for filing of ‘E-FIR’ in most of the states.
1) Passwords Should Not Be Given To Others
2) Personal Information Should Not Be Disclosed.
3) Avoid Meeting Online People Alone.
4) Web Cam Should Be Used With Care.
5) Agreement Terms Should Be Read.
6) Avoid Free Downloading Sites as their files may contain Trojans.  
Measures by Govt. of India
On 23.07.2014, National Commission for Women has submitted a report on “Ways and Means to Safeguard Women from Cyber Crimes in India” which inter-alia recommended for stringent law, Policy to discourage hacking activities, dedicated helpline numbers, opening of more cyber cells, and imparting of proper legal, setting up forensic labs and technical training law enforcement agencies like police& judiciary etc. to combat cybercrime.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 together with Indian Penal Code have adequate provisions to deal withprevailing Cyber Crimes. It provides punishment in the form of imprisonment ranging from two years to lifeimprisonment and fine / penalty depending onthe type of Cyber Crime. However, Government has taken a number of legal, technical and administrative measures to prevent incidents of cybercrimes. These inter alia, include:
Cyber Police Stations and Cyber Crime Cells have been set up in each State for reporting and investigation of Cyber Crime cases.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology(MeitY) has setup Cyber Forensics Training Labs in north-eastern States and cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Bangalore to train State police officials and judiciary in cybercrime detection and collection, preservation and seizing of electronic evidence and dealing with cybercrime.
Various steps have been taken by Ministry of Home Affairs, Meity and State Government to modernise the setup and equip police personnel with knowledge and skills for prevention and control of cybercrime through various national and State Police academies/judicial academies and other institutes.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has issued an advisory on functioning of Matrimonial website on 6thJune, 2016 under Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder directing the matrimonial websites to adopt safeguards to ensure that people using these websites are not deceived through the means of fake profiles or misuse/wrong information posted on the website.
The Government has circulated Computer Security Policy and Guidelines to all the Ministries/Departments on taking steps to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber attacks.
A portal namely www.cybercrime.gov.in has been developed by Ministry of Home Affairs to allow public to report cybercrime complaints.
The post Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India appeared first on Legal Desire.
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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marymosley · 5 years
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India
Information technology has become the axis of today’s global and technology developments. With the advancement of the internet, crimes using this tool too have widened. Cyber crimes pose a great threat to individuals, especially women, who form 90 percent of the victims. Every second, one woman in India gets tricked to be a victim of cyber crimes and the online platform is now the new platform where a woman’s dignity, privacy and security is increasingly being challenged every moment.Cyber crimes incept generally through fake ids created on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms causing grave harm to women, as through these platforms, major blackmailing, threatening, bullying, or cheating via messenger messages and email are done by perpetrators.
Cybercrime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems, including any device or the Internet or both or more of them.The NCRB Crime in India Report 2015 in its Chapter-18: on Cyber Crimes states that 11,592 cyber crime cases were registered in 2015 (under IT Act, related sections of IPC, and offences under Special and Local Laws) and there was a 20.5%increase from 2014. Further 8,121 persons were arrested during 2015 which indicates increase by 41.2% in arrests from 2014. The Report indicates the motives of the crimes to be: 33.3% for greed/financial gain, 9.6% for fraud/illegal gain, 5.2% for insult to modesty of women (that 606 cases),5.1% for sexual exploitation (that is 588 cases), 3.3% for causing disrepute(that is 387 cases).
Image Credits: OpenGov Asia
  My article is on the most blatant cybercrime that the women are facing in India and challenges in Investigative process.Few of them have been discussed below:
  1) Cyber stalking
Stalking means to “pursue stealthily” and cyber stalking is a behavior in which an individual, group of individuals or organization uses information and communications technology to harass one or more individuals. Cyber stalking is online threat and there is no direct relationship between the victim and cyber stalker .It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female. The motives behind are sexual harassment, for obsession for love, for revenge and hate and for ego and power trips.This is necessary to increase punishment to deter the crime.U/S 354 D IPC stalking is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment upto 3 years and fine
In the Vinupriya case, the victim was a 21-year-old student from Salem who had finished her BSc in chemistry. A person had posted morphed nude and semi-nude photographs of Vinupriya on Facebook. On June 26, another obscene photograph was posted on Facebook, leaving Vinupriya traumatised. The investigating officer assumed that she must have sent those pictures to someone and now they were being posted, perhaps by a jilted lover. The questioning of Vinupriya was along those lines. It humiliated her and on June 27, she hanged herself.
  2) Cyber Pornography
This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using computers Cyber Pornography is considered an exceptional case which has been covered by the IT Act 2000 to ascertain extent by Section 67 of the IT Act 2000.The punishment is upto five years and fine. Along with IT Act the perpetrator can be punished under various Sections of IPC ,Section 290 for committing public nuisance, section 292 for sale of obscene books etc, and section 292A for printing or publishing grossly indecent or scurrilous matter or matter intended to blackmail, section 293 for sale etc of obscene objects to young persons and then section 294 for doing or composing, writing etc of obscene songs and finally under section 509 for outraging the modesty of women.
  3) Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is intimidation, threat or harassment using an electronic form of contact by the use of computers, mobiles and the internet. It is punishable under Section 506 of the IPC. It provides for imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, a fine or both. If the threat is to cause death or grievous hurt, it can lead to imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years.In an Ipsos survey in 2014, India topped the list of 254 countries for cyber bullying.Blue whale challenge and other viral challenges such as cinnamon are the most brutal form of bullying.
  4) Cyber sexual defamation
Defamation is another common crime against women in the net. This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory matters to others. With the invention of the internet the life of a common man has changed a lot. U/S/499 IPC imprisonment upto 2 years and fine is imposed in case of defamation.
  5)Harassment via email
Harassment includes blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating via email. Email spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a legitimate source. U/S 67 A punishment upto 5 years is imposed for harassment via e mail.
  6) Trolling
Trolls spreads conflict on the Internet, criminal starts quarreling or upsetting victim by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intention to provoke victims into an emotional, upsetting response). Trolls are professional abusers who, by creating and using fake ids on social media, create a cold war atmosphere in the cyber space and are not even easy to trace.
A person aggrieved of the offence of offence of cyber defamation can make a complaint to the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell. The Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is a branch of the Criminal Investigation Department(CID). Cyber Crime Investigation Cells have opened up in many cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Tamil-Nadu, Gurgaon, Pune, Madhya-Pradesh, Lucknow, etc. The Cyber Crime investigation Cells deal with offences related to the computer, computer network, compute resource, computer systems, computer devices and Internet. It also has power to look into other high-tech crimes. In addition, provisions have now been made for filing of ‘E-FIR’ in most of the states.
1) Passwords Should Not Be Given To Others
2) Personal Information Should Not Be Disclosed.
3) Avoid Meeting Online People Alone.
4) Web Cam Should Be Used With Care.
5) Agreement Terms Should Be Read.
6) Avoid Free Downloading Sites as their files may contain Trojans.  
Measures by Govt. of India
On 23.07.2014, National Commission for Women has submitted a report on “Ways and Means to Safeguard Women from Cyber Crimes in India” which inter-alia recommended for stringent law, Policy to discourage hacking activities, dedicated helpline numbers, opening of more cyber cells, and imparting of proper legal, setting up forensic labs and technical training law enforcement agencies like police& judiciary etc. to combat cybercrime.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 together with Indian Penal Code have adequate provisions to deal withprevailing Cyber Crimes. It provides punishment in the form of imprisonment ranging from two years to lifeimprisonment and fine / penalty depending onthe type of Cyber Crime. However, Government has taken a number of legal, technical and administrative measures to prevent incidents of cybercrimes. These inter alia, include:
Cyber Police Stations and Cyber Crime Cells have been set up in each State for reporting and investigation of Cyber Crime cases.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology(MeitY) has setup Cyber Forensics Training Labs in north-eastern States and cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Bangalore to train State police officials and judiciary in cybercrime detection and collection, preservation and seizing of electronic evidence and dealing with cybercrime.
Various steps have been taken by Ministry of Home Affairs, Meity and State Government to modernise the setup and equip police personnel with knowledge and skills for prevention and control of cybercrime through various national and State Police academies/judicial academies and other institutes.
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has issued an advisory on functioning of Matrimonial website on 6thJune, 2016 under Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder directing the matrimonial websites to adopt safeguards to ensure that people using these websites are not deceived through the means of fake profiles or misuse/wrong information posted on the website.
The Government has circulated Computer Security Policy and Guidelines to all the Ministries/Departments on taking steps to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber attacks.
A portal namely www.cybercrime.gov.in has been developed by Ministry of Home Affairs to allow public to report cybercrime complaints.
The post Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India appeared first on Legal Desire.
Laws to Safeguard Women against Cyber Crimes in India published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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