#luckily the gf and i agreed to go buy discounted chocolate tomorrow instead of doing a big date tonight
magiimagines · 8 years
koumei, kouen, and hakuei reacting to their s/o on Valentine's Day running down the halls to give them a bouquet of flowers, only to have their little s/o trip and fall right in front of them with the flowers falling everywhere and their s/o is unbearably flustered and trying to pick up the flowers because they worked so hard hand picking the flowers that went into the bouquet
Ren Kouen
Kouen signs deeply, his brow furrowing. “I told you not to get me anything” he says with an exasperated tone. Looking down at the mess of petals at his feet, he can’t help but stifle a chuckle, “It would have been a nice bouquet, if it had made it to me.” 
Ren Koumei
Koumei offers his s/o a hand, pulling them back to their feet. He straightens them out, brushing a few petals from their hair and running his fingers through as he does. “I know you’ve fallen for me, but I would advise you to not do so literally” he says with a barely concealed smile.
Ren Hakuei
Kneeling beside her s/o, Hakuei collects the flowers in a pile on her lap, hold their fumbling hand in her free hand. She arranges them into a new bouquet, careful of the loose, falling petals. “There. See? just as lovely as you are. Thank you for the flowers, love.”
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