magiimagines ¡ 6 years
While I doubt this account will be deleted, if anyone is interested in archiving the content of this blog, you have my full permission and gratitude.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Requests Closed!
All right, requests are closed for the week! I look forward to reading them all.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
You've done a great work this week! Your posts were fantastic, especially about Muu, I'd like it so much☺️. So can you write some headcanons with him for me? How will Muu build relationships with an ordinary girl, who works in the most usual place( such as waitress in the tavern)? How will they meet each other? Who will the first to fall in love? And something like this, I really don't know how explain this, aaaa!!! My imagination isn't very good😓. If you take this request, I'll be very happy.
Muu Alexius
Their meeting was a common one, something neither thought would mark the beginning of the rest of their lives. Muu always made a point to be kind to the waitstaff, but what started with a greeting and a how-do-you-do became shared laughter and conversation. They talk for hours and hours, Muu’s food growing cold and the tavern threatening to close. It isn’t until the owner, closing up for the night, sighs with exasperation “Just go one a date will ya” Muu’s face flushes but he can’t help but smile, “Perhaps we will, with your permission of course.” 
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Could I ask for more Tamira and Serendine headcanons? The previous ones were adorable.
Serendine Parthevia x Tamira
Tamira can’t help but ruffle her hair with the tips of her fingers, wondering how she would she would look with her hair long, like Serendine used to keep it. She liked how Serendine looked with long hair, but she liked how she looked with it short. How would Serendine look with her haircut, Tamira wonders, losing track of her original inquiry. 
Serendine loathes to admit it, but she is terrible at giving gifts. She tries so hard, but what she picks is awkward or impractical, likely to be put on a shelf and only touched again when dusted. Tamira has gotten good at smiling considerately, thanking her, and making sure to use her gift a few times so that Serendine felt she did a good job. 
See more here!
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Requests Open!
It’s that time of week again! 
I’ve saved three or four posts from last weeks batch to go up today and tomorrow. Last week’s requests were especially good!
I look forward to seeing what you have for me this week.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Thank you for opening the ask box on Saturdays! I'm always looking forward to your work :) How about some headcanons for Spartos with an s/o who lives with him in Sasan, but who does not feel welcome there because they are an outsider?
Spartos Leoxses
Sasan is where Spartos grew up. He knows its citizens like his own family…which means that he knows how they feel about outsiders. He can only imagine what it must feel like to always be a stranger…Yet, his s/o endures it for him. He couldn’t be more thankful. Spartos makes sure to show his gratitude often and openly—being so bold as to mummer sweet nothings into their hair as he kisses the top of their head! In public! It may be scandalous, but his s/o is worth it.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Since the one with Hakuryuu and Judar was funny, can we have Sinbad flirting and crushing on a Kou official without realizing they are Kouen's s/o?
See Hakuryuu accidentally flirt with Judar’s s/o here.
Sinbad flirts without thinking (as is his usual.) It’s almost an instinctual response, Pavlovian even. One would hope a King might have better impulse control, but then again...he has the reputation as the Lady Killer of the Seven Seas for a reason.
Sinbad tries his patented smooth moves; a compliment here, a subtle touch on the shoulder, the waist, and a sultry gaze to seal the deal. It was a solid seduction and if it had been on anyone else he might have stood a chance. But he didn’t pick anyone else. He picked the significant other of Imperial Prince, Ren Kouen (inadvertently of course.)
“Judar is right, you are a stupid king” came a voice behind Sinbad.  
Sinbad was giving this seduction his all, meaning he didn’t notice each and every palace staff member staring at him nor Kouen looming behind him. Kouen’s seemingly sudden appearance startled Sinbad, but he recovered quickly, not wanting to give Kouen the satisfaction. 
Sinbad looked at Kouen, then at his s/o, and then Kouen, and then his s/o. The pieces started to fit together, and Sinbad realized just what he had done. He had to act quickly.
“If you ever wish to trade up, there is always a place for you in Sindria.” Sinbad said, kissing their hand and walking away before Kouen could reply. 
It may not have been the wisest move for the sake their negotiations with Kou, but Sinbad was willing to live with those consequences.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
koumei, kouen, and hakuei reacting to their s/o on Valentine's Day running down the halls to give them a bouquet of flowers, only to have their little s/o trip and fall right in front of them with the flowers falling everywhere and their s/o is unbearably flustered and trying to pick up the flowers because they worked so hard hand picking the flowers that went into the bouquet
Ren Kouen
Kouen signs deeply, his brow furrowing. “I told you not to get me anything” he says with an exasperated tone. Looking down at the mess of petals at his feet, he can’t help but stifle a chuckle, “It would have been a nice bouquet, if it had made it to me.” 
Ren Koumei
Koumei offers his s/o a hand, pulling them back to their feet. He straightens them out, brushing a few petals from their hair and running his fingers through as he does. “I know you’ve fallen for me, but I would advise you to not do so literally” he says with a barely concealed smile.
Ren Hakuei
Kneeling beside her s/o, Hakuei collects the flowers in a pile on her lap, hold their fumbling hand in her free hand. She arranges them into a new bouquet, careful of the loose, falling petals. “There. See? just as lovely as you are. Thank you for the flowers, love.”
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
May I request some HC's for Masrur's favorite ways to unwind with his SO? SFW AND NSFW are both welcomed, I'll let you pick. ❤️
Nothing is more soothing to Masrur than ditching work—and making his s/o ditch with him. When Masrur really needs to unwind he slips out of whatever duties Ja’far has attempted to assign him for the day and shows up at his s/o’s door. Without so much as a word, Masrur picks them up into his his arms with ease and absconds. He sets them down when he’s found a nice secluded area for an afternoon of napping.
When his s/o won’t let him get away with kidnapping them, he settles for a run of the beach. Getting his heart rate up, the warm sand in his toes and the crystal blue water on the horizon, it gives him time to sort his thoughts (or push them away entirely.)
Masrur once overheard Sinbad claiming that sex is a very good for de-stressing. Whether or not that’s true, Masrur really could’t say, but Masrur is sure to suggest it whenever his s/o looks a little frazzled. 
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
how about some hcs of judar finding out he's gonna be a daddy?
Answered here!
Judar plays along with (what he believed to be) his s/o’s joke, but as he laughs his ass off, his s/o’s expression contorts with concern. He slugs them on the shoulder, “Hey, knock that off or someone might think you actually mean it.” His s/o’s expression doesn’t change and Judar’s smile falls. “You don’t mean it” he says. A statement, not a question. He doesn’t believe it. He can’t believe it—it’s a joke, whether or not his s/o will admit it. It isn’t until his s/o begins to show that it finally processes. 
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
How will Kouha, Sharrkan, Alibaba Hakuryuu and someone of your choice (if you want) react if they hear their bff saying that he/she love them, and totally misunderstand the situation because she/he was talking to her/his pet?
Alibaba Saluja
Alibaba staggers backward with a gasp after hearing the confession, but his surprise turns to unbridled joy as he takes his friend’s hand in his to confess his mutual affection…only to realize too late to cover his tracks.
Sharrkan spends the rest of the day with a  bounce in his step. He can’t wipe the smile off his face—he doesn’t want to! His friend is glad to see it, but can’t help but wonder why he keeps trying to get…handsy.
Ren Kouha
Kouha pretends he hasn’t heard the confession, knowing they didn’t mean for him to hear. But it wouldn’t hurt to encourage their affections, if only he wasn’t losing them to that damned, adorable animal…
Ren Hakuryuu
Hakuryuu’s heart flutters before disbelief takes hold—surely they couldn’t be talking about him. He must be mistaken (which he is) but not for the reasons he thinks. At least now there’s a flutter of hope  for what may be to come.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
OMG! i looove ur work! little addicted to reading them lol, well anyway im pretty tall and how would Sinbad feel about someone whos like his height??? Thankkss
Sinbad loves every inch of his s/o, which is quite a few coming in at six feet. He never knew how nice it was to not always be stooping and slouching to be affectionate—he and his s/o are literally on the same level. But when someone (Sharrkan) offhandedly comments that it’s pretty cool that Sinbad doesn’t mind his s/o being taller than him…then he gets defensive. He spends a substantial amount of time comparing his height to his s/o’s, trying to come out just an inch ahead. It was just their shoes!  His bulky clothes makes him look smaller than he is. It isn’t until they’re standing nose to nose, Sinbad on his tip-toes, that he realizes…he doesn’t care. His s/o is an absolutely wonderful person, the person he wants by his side for always, and he’d be lucky to measure up to them any day.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Please, can I have some headcanons about Muu and his s/o on summer vacation ( just how they'll spend their time, and will other fanalis be around them..?) Thank you☺️
Muu Alexius
For his well-deserved vacation, Muu wants (or rather needs) to get away. Away from Reim, away from the Finalis Corps, even away from his sister. If he takes a stay-cation, he’ll just wind up working.
At the insistence of Myron, Muu packs his bags and takes his s/o to a remote beach. The water is crystal clear, the sand as white as snow, and a cool breeze keeps off the heat of the noon sun. It is the picture of relaxation. Exactly what Muu needed.
It wouldn’t be a proper vacation without a little romance and when better than when Muu and his s/o are completely, totally, finally alone. Muu is free to be as openly affectionate as his heart desires and he isn’t letting the opportunity go to waste. He constantly has his hands on his s/o, tenderly, lovingly, and amorously.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Sparots relationship hc? I love him so much x3
Spartos LeoxsesFluff
Spartos is sure to tell  his s/o how nice they look each and every day. It becomes something of a routine—to his s/o at least. But he isn’t just being kind, he means it. Each and everyday, he can’t help but think of how lovely they are, and how fortunate he is.
Spartos pays a lot of attention to his s/o’s hands—holding hands being the only form of physical intimacy they shared for a long time. He notices when heir skin is dry, or when they’ve nicked their thumb during the day. 
See more like this here.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
how would sinbad, koumei and muu react if their crush had a child? would they mind?
Sinbad was initially perturbed. This meant he was old enough to be a father—something he always knew but seldom had to think about. He didn’t like that one bit. Once he gets over his vanity, he’s pretty good with kids, telling them stories of his adventures and playing pretend.
Ren Koumei
Koumei wasn’t good with children when he was a child. He doesn’t have faintest idea of how to behave around them. His first instinct is to baby-talk—which does not earn him any points with his crush’s child, but he just might have earned a few with his crush out of hilarity.
Muu Alexius
The only thing that upsets Muu when he learns his crush has a child is that he didn’t know sooner—if he had know he would have invited them to tour of the Finalis Corps, a day at the bazaar, or maybe even a picnic! Muu is a family man, and he likes getting to play the father figure.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Wait, so you're not answering all the requests? Are you just choosing your favorites?
I am doing a lottery of sorts for what requests get answered.
Under my old request system I would get hundreds of requests in the span of a few days and then would have to close requests for three to four months while I answered them. This process became even more drawn out as I neared the end of the requests and lost motivation or felt guilty for not having gotten to them in so long.
This new system (so far) has kept me more motivated and active. I do my best to curate what requests I get to answer as wide an array as possible. This is only the third week of my new system—I’m still working out kinks and may still go back to the old system.
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magiimagines ¡ 7 years
Muu, Masrur, Lo' lo, and Kouen slow dancing with their 5'4 s/o
Masrur picks his s/o up and sets them on his feet. He doesn’t know the dance steps, but like this he can turn them in a small circle without the fear of stepping on their feet. Quietly he says, “I hope this is okay.”
Ren Kouen
Kouen knows the dance steps, but he learned them as a school boy and is sorely out of practice—not that he’d dare admit it. He does his best, bumping into his s/o on occasion as he forgets the steps.
Muu Alexius
Muu offers his s/o his hand, grinning widely, as he guides them into his arms. His technique is immaculate, guiding his s/o in a swirling dance without (it seems) a lick of effort. 
With more than a foot difference in their heights, Lo’lo and his s/o were sure to look a little silly—especially as he spins them recklessly across the dance floor. It not clear whether their dancing or their laughter attracts more attention.
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