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Userboxes by @plural-userboxes
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odisn · 4 years
Clint records Thor and Scott doing Dancing Queen. He simply must.
Thor vc :  the internet will love it  !
(  feat.  @antlang   )
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hellblcze · 4 years
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@luckedout​ said:‘ probably best you didn’t say anything to them . ’       (    *   & .   —   THE  HAUNTING  OF  HILL  HOUSE  SENTENCE  STARTERS
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“are you embarrassed of me, mate? fair enough. I won’t say a peep. lips are sealed, all that.“ he even teasingly pressed a finger upon his lips and looks back at clint. he even mutters the word promise to drive the point home. “I’m a master of keepin’ secrets anyways.”
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fyrewalks · 4 years
“ow! that fucking hurt!” // @luckedout
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“does it?” jemma can’t help the bite to her voice. she could blame it on the late hour or clint showing up at her doorstep without warning, but really it’s the blood and stitches. she hates the recklessness. “perhaps, you’ll think twice about diving head first through a window.”
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cmmandr · 4 years
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❛   i'd say it's good to see you, but you look like shit.  ❜   and not a moment too late, a smile breaks through his features.  ❛  been a while, huh?  ❜ 
𝙸.𝙳: @luckedout​ 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽: 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳. 
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unnwin-a · 4 years
What's with the beans on toast
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❝      mate ,  you  tellin’  me you never had it     ?      you’re missing out ,  it is the bollocks .      best breakfast choice ever .      ❞
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amcrist · 4 years
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“It’s a good place to sunbathe,” he starts to explain, peeking over smoky pink heart-shaped glasses, and he does this well before he’s asked, only because the question is the sort that burns about as easily as poor icarus and his waxy wings.
(what are you DOING?) And they always sound a little exasperated, but Eros, master of Emotions (oh that’s good, he’s going ask a muse to write a poem about him using that line... ooh, or maybe it can be his Thing. Like Daredevil is the man without fear!) is not always able to tell what makes a mortal so exhausted when they ask.
Maybe it’s that he’s wearing cherry red short-shorts that say “bless this meal” on the ass with a pair of praying hands on one cheek. Or it’s the way he is laying on his belly and he has his wings drawn up and spread in a funny perch like he’s preening or waiting for a particularly pretty bird to catch sight. Though it could also very well be that he’s got his roller skates on, the ones covered in hand painted strawberries, and hasn’t yet taken them off despite it being fairly obvious he is trying to get some sun on his back.
“Surely I’m not the FIRST one to take advantage.”
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madeworth · 4 years
“So, I have to ask...” no, he really doesn’t, but Dr. Donald T. Blake is the resident physician (and surgeon, at times, mostly for emergencies and quick fixes) so he feels it’s his duty to be a little nosy.
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“How does your uh, backside feel? I mean lately. I mean, in the sense of. like, your tailbone. Bruised? Achy? Does it tense up right there?”
Way to go Doc, your bedside manner is so professional. Donald is blushing, just the smallest bit, but it’s unmistakable that there is a patchy bit of red blooming across his cheeks.
“I am JUST asking because I saw that fall you took the last time we were on a mission sooo...”
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fightsbck · 5 years
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‘    if you’re going out,    i’m coming with you.    ’      it isn’t a tone out of suggestion.    no,   francis may be tall and lanky    (    even after so much adjusting,   there’s still so much to him that needed to be filled.    still that warboy that mourned over a passing father,    still that kid didn’t grow right because there’s a fight that needed to be won.    )    ,    but his posture isn’t one of fragility.    he stands there,    uniform in place,   and brows furrowed to show his seriousness.    he can still fight.    he’s not useless.    he can protect.    that’s what dad had raised to be   ...   isn’t it ?    that’s what he was left with,   anyways.      ‘    you know i’m good.    you   -   you’ve seen me.    ’      /   from francis for @luckedout​ !
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thatcato-blog · 5 years
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A beautiful day with my beautiful wife….im one lucky fucker #luckybastard #luckedout #marriedup #myhullesealles #wifey #muse_restaurant
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odisn · 4 years
“ he’s being very disrespectful to everybody. ”
❝      HMM  .      ❞     NODS  TO  ACCENTUATE  STOIC  AGREEMENT ,  STANDING  AT  THE  EDGE  OF  ANOTHER  EXTRAVAGANT  STARK  PARTY ,   with arguably the most astute Avenger of them all .    signs with accompanying words ,  difficult to do either in such a crowded ,  noisy space ,  but their focus is pinpointed on a specific individual ,  trying hard   ----   too hard   ----   to fit in .   it's one of Thor's favourite pastimes ,  watching the comings and goings at Tony's lavish get - togethers .
❝      I’m quite impressed   ---   I didn't think he was capable of being disrespectful .      ❞
                         @luckedout​    /    p.
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worldknowshername · 5 years
clint barton (@luckedout) liked for jessica drew
This is the thing. The thing. It’s impossible to get out, to really get out. Even with SHIELD gone, even with her entire identity burned to the ground, even when she was out in the cold, Jessica still isn’t really out. There’s still enemies around every corner. Still favors people try to call.
There’s still nights where her door is broken and her office is ransacked. When there’s a knife in her ribs and the smell of electricity against someone else’s skin. If she didn’t have a son, she would’ve just barricaded the door with a flipped desk. Just crawled two floors up the side of the building to collapse in bed and worry about it later. In the morning. Maybe hope she’d never wake up.
But Gerry’s sitting there, waiting for her. They can’t stay in a compromised location. Jessica bundles Gerry up and packs their bags. He’s heavy on her hip and she remembers the injury too late. When they’re already out on the street with no where to go. As the blood soaks into the foot of her baby’s pajamas.
That’s how she ends up here. Standing in front of Clint’s door. Pale, shaky, and knocking out of desperation. “Can you take him?” she asks softly, enunciating clearly to try and make the lip-reading easier. “Just for a couple of days.”
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mechaniciq · 5 years
Happy’s had here eye on Clint for awhile. Someone looking into demigods using S.H.I.E.L.D. resources is enough of a red flag for her-- with kids of her own to protect, and divine blood herself, how could it not worry her? She keeps her distance, tries not to act too suspicious. She’s a mechanic, not an agent, and subtlety is not a skill she possesses. Still, she tries. 
It’s hard to avoid it when she’s looking around for demigods too, though. All of this eventually culminates in her holding a celestial bronze knife out to keep him a few paces back. He’s an archer, she’s been told, one of the best. One of the best that’s been looking into her family, otherwise why would he be here?
“Alright, Agent Barton,” she says. “You wanna’ explain to me why you’re hunting down demigods?”
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
@luckedout​​ liked for a random mythology muse starter!                - - > clint & hermes
ART EXHIBIT, young the giant
"Oh, the genius of pain.” Clint’s certainly suffered enough. The war’s done, the dead have been buried and honored. Now there’s nothing left. This is Hermes’ doing. Not caring for his children, not showing them enough attention and love-- what god does?-- and now Luke is dead. He shakes his head slowly. “The genius of pain.”
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livedforwards · 5 years
"on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, how bad does my back look? because it *feels* like a seven. but road rash always stings." / for em!
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“always,” she repeats, more than a note of incredulity in her voice. “road rash always stings.” 
if she thinks about it - really thinks about it - it doesn’t actually surprise her. there’s a certain level of surprise you just can’t get past, after awhile. but she’d like to make a point that she is a little incredulous, after all. solely on principle. 
“it looks like medic territory, agent barton.” 
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fightsbck · 5 years
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‘    talented.    ’      a gruff    -    more like the sound of a throaty grunt than anything else.    hephaestus has never been much a man    (  a god  )   of many words    -    no,   unless it’s of his work,   or prayers that he used to pass for a mother he wanted to love    (    before he was told he was cast away by the same mother that he’d yearned the affection from   )    -    and he shows it.    still,    he is able to acknowledge strength when he sees on.    after all,   isn’t the weapons he’s forged and shaped meant for those who carry strength,   whatever shape that may be ?     ‘     my brother.    you remind me of him.    ’    /    for @luckedout​ !
   hephaestus starter call.
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