#lucios route reverse
Uh oh! Reverse route! Austers devil card! +His dumb little husband
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Don't mind Austers moobs dude.
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deeply-concerned · 3 months
My own head canon for Lucio's Reverse end. Pre!revival MC died in pain and anguish, burning alive while watching the people they cared about (others people of Vesuvia) succumbed to the same fate. They habour a deep hatred for Lucio even at their last dying breath.
When Arsa revived them their soul become a blank state but the memories and resentment still there, just sealed away deeply.
Near the end of Lucio's route, that memories returned along with the feelings by the Devil in the middle of the fight. Now MC is torn between two extremes. They had fallen in love with Lucio but at the same time, the searing hatred burning up their insides resurfaced and it urged them to take revenge, to kill Lucio. They wanted to do it. They wanted to kill Lucio, made him paid for the suffering that he had cause but the other side of them, the side that love him made them faltered.
Lucio saw the memories as well. Saw and felt it, as if he was the one who tossed MC's body, weaken but still breathing down to the fiery pit inside Lazarus himself.
The Devil's plan work. Lucio crumbled down in regret and despair, horrified by what he had done to MC. Now he truly felt the heavy weights of his sins but he couldn't mutter even a single apologies to MC. For what good would words be against such a devastated suffering like that.
With the stake of the world laid heavily on they shoulder, MC bit down their resentment and torn feelings. They accepted the deal with the major Arcane's to defeat the Devil, knowing it would cost them they live but they accepted it because they couldn't bear to kill Lucio but also couldn't bear to love him again. They wanted to save their friend, to save the realms so they willingly paid whatever cost it took.
But the Devil will never be truly gone. When the Devil is defeated, he chose Lucio as the next vessel for his heart. Lucio was possessed and became the Devil, power and eternity flowed through him, life and death all succumbed under his fingertips.
Yet with everything he ever wanted, with all the power in the world ... it all meant nothing when he held MC's still body inside his arm and weep.
To revive a major Arcana cost more than revive a human . It would cost Lucio everything. His power, his self, his life. Everything he had fight for throughout all his miserable life, causing endless suffering just because he didn't want to die... was now all given away willingly for MC. So he battled against the Devil's hold on him, tore his heart out to revive MC and sacrificed his life in the process.
MC was startle awaked in Lucio's embrace, ancient power churning, vibrating under the skin of their new form yet it didn't even register to them as they look up and see Lucio's thrilled face. He looked so happy, so full of hope with tears streaming down as he peppered kisses all over their face. Between breathless laugh and broken sobs, he whispers "thank you, thank you" and "I'm sorry" so many time the MC had lost count.
Still torn by the mixed feelings between love and hatred, delirious by the new found power pumping through their veins MC wanted to pulled away from Lucio only to discover he had started leaning heavily on them. He still laughed, he still cried but it started to became slower, sluggish with each passing seconds. Lucio's eyes never leave theirs as he finally struggled to said:
"I will forever love you..."
before he slumped over completely into MC arms.
Quiet, unresponsive and serene, all the thing the man never was when he was still alive. Numbly, MC clutched at the man's shirt tighter in instinct, their lips quivering, shaping his name but never made it into sound.
The silent seemed to stretched forever inside the palace, before a devastated scream broke out and scorching the realms into flame.
______ Some times later _____
The sun shined warmly on his back as Lucio combed the falling locks of hair back with his spare hand as the other were holding onto his catches of the day. Always had to look his best, even after he had trek through the forest for nearly half of the day is an ideal he kept instilled in himself even if he didn't know why.
Past through the forest tree line, a large beautiful manor emerged in the distant. Lucio smiled fondly as he remembered how he kept insisted it looked more like a small palace as a jab, much to its owner dismay. Even after all this time, he still didn't understand why they don't want to live a  more lavishly lifestyles in a robust city that more suitable with their sovereign position.
But hey, Lucio wasn't going to complain when he catched a familiar figure standing in the front gate and waving to him. He quickly crossed the rye field and headed to the gate with Mercedes and Melchior trotted playfully next to him.
"You don't have to come out and wait for me." Was what Lucio said but the happiness in his voice betrayed his true thoughts. The other just hummed and give him a chaste kiss.
"Welcome back. I'm just curious about what you had hunted today?" Although they eyes had never leave his as they touched his chest.
Lucio laughed and gave the servants his catches. Only a young boar today and a few pheasant, not like the elk they had feasted on last week but Lucio knew they never did truly cared about that. "Just admit that you missed me."
"Maybe a little." They smiled as their hand wandered up past the collarbone to trace under Lucio's jaw tenderly. The corner of the smile never reached their eyes but it squinted up anyway, making their empty facade seemed warmer.
"You smelled." Their nose crinkled a bit, which Lucio found absolute adorable. " Let take a bath."
"With you, always." Lucio laughed and discarded the dirty outer robe before embrace them fully. He missed them too and even though he knew they didn't fully mind, he still noticed they liked to eat fresh games better so he had made it a habit to personally go out hunting time after time. It the least he could do for his lover even if he didn't enjoy hunting much. He surprisingly good at it anyway, like a second nature. He still couldn't remember much about his past but hey, it is nice that he could fulfill his love's appetite.
Hand in hand, Lucio walked inside the manor gate with them. They smiled back. Their hand clutched at his tightly, claws finger protruding out instinctively but never enough to hurt him.
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general-grey · 10 months
i sincerely really love Lucio's route, but I'm really getting the feeling that the writers made him more. 'palatable'. which is a shame because my neurons activate and go off like a happy alarm clock every single time he's being a bastard and a bitch
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lunnyhasunohana · 1 year
Lucio reversed end spoiler maybe I think????:
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I have nothing to say about myself, just gonna leave this here
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gypsypendragon · 1 year
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omg what is that? Is that color? whaaaat....
anyway some things I finished a while ago, part of a larger doodle pg but Im too chicken to post the whole thing at the moment... cause there's words on it... and head canon stuff haaaaa.... I got fed up with trying to keep a color palette original on KC's reverse ending so I just stole Lucio's shit. We match now. Like true villainous partners huehuehue.
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guinea-pig16 · 10 months
also also i drew this too ((:
i drew my apprentice insert as the devil according to lucios reversed ending and i think it came out suuuuuper cool !!!!
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spookayyyy !!!
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i would like to share this tweet i made yesterday
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hakuhub · 8 months
THE ARCANA OBSESSION IS COMING BACK AND HITTING SO HARD RNN!!! lucio loml i can fix him i swear (i can make him worse)
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sacrificialmutt · 10 months
they dont know im an arcana fandom veteran (i ran a meme account as well as a headcanons account like 5-7 years ago)
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radio-show · 2 years
Mc in the arcana: legit about to die
Me: No no no dont die
Mc in the arcana: becomes the Devil
Me: No wait go back
Mc in the arcana: becomes the leader of a conquering empire
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ivquatro · 3 months
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Lucio reverse route, the Devil's consort.
I've finished! Wow, I'm really proud of the result!
Version without paper texture:
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bunnyluvx · 2 months
the hanged man.
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featuring: julian devorak x gn!reader. (w/ asra!)
summary: the morning after the dock talk.
warnings: death mention. nothing else.
a/n: HELLO SWEETIES!! i present thee with my first fanfiction!! all of my other content has been hcs/imagines up until this point and i am very excited about it! i did not expect for my first fanfic on here to be angst but i got so giddy about this idea that i couldn't wait. i am about to finish nadia's route and omg i am so nervous???? literally one more book, then i find out which ending i got. i REALLY want her reversed ending but will not be completely displeased if i get her upright ending. we shall see within the next couple of days. thank you to the ppl who gave constructive criticism to help me better this fanfic!! proofread. now enjoy your angst >:3
date started: 10:24PM, july 4th, 2024. date finished: 9:30PM, july 8th, 2024.
divider credit: @thecutestgrotto
wc: 1.9k
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Sun pours in through the window beside your bed. It tickles your skin, urging you to wake from your slumber. The light tries to pull the covers off of you as the day calls your name, but you do not answer. You lay curled up on your side, blankets huddled around you in a cocoon. You don't carry the usual motivation that you have to get up and get things done, not today. All you want to do is hide in the blankets away from the world and stay there forever. So many emotions that are far too heavy for you to carry weigh on your shoulders, and if sleeping forever was an option, you would have dozed back off by now. But the sun is persistent in its mission at waking you, so your eyes begrudgingly peel open.
Your sight is welcomed by the same view that you have been greeted with every morning for the past three years. You lay still for a moment to take everything in. So much has happened ever since the countess asked that you take on the task of finding Count Lucio's killer, Doctor Julian Devorak. The first time that you met him, he had broken into your shop, and you found him again at the Rowdy Raven. Somehow, you managed to run into him again after a few weeks, one thing led to another, and you had fallen in love with the very man that you had sworn to catch for hanging. This romance did not last you very long, for last night, he left you. He told you that he was a disaster waiting to happen, that he didn't want to hurt you. He was so convinced that if you chose him, you would have chosen a horrible fate, and he couldn't let you do that to yourself. He walked you home, and while having dinner with Asra after speaking about your day, you broke. You had spent most of that night in tears with them at your side the entire time, holding you and rubbing your back to comfort you.
You turn around to see Asra exactly where he was when you had fallen asleep; At your side, on their back with their arm extended out to you incase you wanted to curl up against them. He had warned you about Julian, and his words echo in the back of your head. "The only thing he loves more than drama is his own suffering. And he's determined to chase both." You reflect on the way that he spoke of himself when he was fighting with himself about leaving you, and you find it so hard to believe that Julian is anything like how he sees himself. With the little time that you had spent together, you can see Julian's big heart, one that is kind and adventurous and full of love for the people around him. Despite everything that happened in his past, whatever it was, you can't see him as anything more than someone you want to love.
Enough is enough. You cannot lay here and sulk all day, even though that's all you really want to do. Slowly, you manage to sit up from bed, careful with your movements so that you don't wake Asra. You decide to go downstairs to make some tea for yourself, since it always makes you feel better. You trudge to the shop below, still groggy from slumber, and grab the teapot before waking the salamander and politely asking to light a fire for you. The fire flares up, and you make your favorite brew.
After you make your tea, you delicately take the mug into your hands and blow on it before having a sip. A content sigh escapes your lips as your eyes close, savoring the taste on your tongue. You take another slow sip before your eyes open, looking around the shop that you have learned like the back of your hand. You figure that you'll probably need to open up today, which you don't think will be too much of a problem. Standing around won't do you much good, you think, so you decide to stand outside for some fresh air. You make your way to the door and open it, one foot is about to step out of the door when you stop upon seeing something just under your foot. You move it back into the shop, then lean over and see..a letter? Your name is written on the front in handwriting that you have seen in the palace's library, and you know exactly who it's from.
You scoop the letter up from the floor before dashing inside, slamming the door behind you before rushing to the front counter. Anxiety swirls around within your stomach hotly, and your hands slightly tremble as you rip open the letter. You free the paper from its prison and unfold it, then begin to read.
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My Dear,
I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay away from you. At the time that I am writing this letter, it has only been a couple of hours since I dropped you back off at the shop. The moment that I walked away, all I wanted to do was come running back to you. My heart was screaming at me to turn around, to ask you to come with me, wherever that meant for us to have gone. I guess that just proves how selfish I am, or maybe just how alluring you are. In the end, the decision that I made was for the better of both of us. We could never be together, no matter how badly we want differently.
Believe me when I say that I did not want this to end the way it has. I have never wanted to cause you harm or heartache. If I could, I would spend the rest of my life taking your pain away. But I have only one purpose in this life, and that is to hurt. I am destined to bring misery to everyone in my life, and to live alone. Choosing a future with me would mean to choose a future full of disappointments, and I do not want to disappoint you anymore. I do not want to disappoint anyone anymore. So I will not burden you with my presence. You will be able to go on with your life, chasing a future that will not wind up with you getting hurt. You are the last person that I want to drag into my mess, so I have to let you go.
Though our time together was short, I enjoyed it all. Every moment with you made me feel more alive than I have ever felt before. It is not often that I find someone who is willing to get into some mischief with me, so finding you and sharing the experiences that we had together is something that I am very grateful for. I am grateful that you allowed me to be in your company for as long as you did, and I am grateful for the kindness and care that you showed me. You have such a gentle, beautiful soul, and everyone who has ever crossed paths with you are the luckiest people on planet to have been able to experience your presence.
I could go on about how lovely you are. You have so much love to give, and you are caring. You had the capacity to care for me, and for that, I am grateful. One day, I can only hope that you will understand that leaving you was for your benefit. I do not want to bring you the suffering that I have brought so many others, so I will spare you of myself. I am struggling to believe that this decision is the right one, honestly. All I can think about is running back to your shop and breaking in again to tell you how sorry I am, and to beg for your forgiveness. That's something that we are going to have to find out together, I guess.
Forever Yours,
Dr. Julian Devorak
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You don't know how long tears have been falling down your face. Your chest feels tight, like it's about to burst, and you can't breathe. A hand hovers over your mouth as you stare in horror at the paper in your hand. Too many emotions crash into you all at once for you to even begin processing the words in front of you. You couldn't believe that this is how it's ending between you and Julian. You know that part of why he feels this way about himself is because he has no memory of the night that he allegedly murdered Count Lucio. However, there is also the opposite end of that spectrum; He doesn't remember. There could be a chance that he didn't actually kill the count, and if that's the case, then you need to figure out what actually happened that night. Your blood runs overwhelmingly hot inside you as you ruminate on Julian's irresolution. You feel like you shouldn't even be this upset about someone that you didn't even have a solid relationship with, but you can't ignore the agonizing stabbing feeling in your heart. He could be innocent, but he is more willing to live his life wallowing in his own guilt than to live knowing that the baggage that he is carrying is unneeded.
You are unable to control your body any longer as you collapse to your knees, your loud sobbing betraying the anger that you stirred inside you just moments ago. A brief feeling of regret is drawn from you for even thinking of being angry, leaving as soon as it comes to be replaced with desolation. Grief for what could have been, for what you so desperately wanted this to be, overwhelms you. Shrieks from your voice scream into the empty shop as you hold the letter to your chest with both arms, your torso leaning forward in a fetal position on the floor.
Footsteps scatter down the stairs, and familiar eyes lay upon you. Your cries have awakened Asra, and they are at your side within seconds. His hands are on your shoulders and he sits on the floor with his feet under his butt, his knees propping him up. They watch worriedly as you heave and wail, only when you sit up do they see the letter in your hand. He doesn't say anything, for he knows exactly what has happened. Their eyes darken before they return their focus to you, you are far more important right now. You cry out to whatever spirit will listen, and collapse into Asra's arms. A strong embrace comes around you, only protecting you so much from the hurt of your heart.
You cannot understand what is going inside of Julian's head for the life of you. You do not understand why he feels such a strong need to push you away when all you want is to love him. He has admitted to wanting the same thing, so you feel so confused as to why he just won't let you. You find it difficult to believe that he truly hates himself so much, that he despises the very person that you see so much good in. The fact that he hates someone who took on a curse in which he takes on other's wounds because of his own guilt baffles you. A future without Julian is not a future that you want, but it is what he believes that he deserves. He believes that he deserves to walk the world alone for the rest of his life, and despite the fate that he has condemned himself to, something muffledly admits to you that it is not what he is bound to live.
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@BUNNYLUVX ,, all rights reserved. do not copy/plagiarize any of my works or submit it into ai.
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ace--of--swords · 3 months
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King of Swords ♧reversed♧
Lucio has something to confess, but there is no time because this:
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Brainrot and rambling about ending concept under the cut
Have been thinking a bit about this part of the suite of swords route and it is where lots of emotions go berserk, Uno loses their head, literally and figuratively. Lucio tries to go on the quest on his own to fix things and is out of his depth in the metaphysics of it all (and dies).
Funny part is that Uno just stern-headedly is Death in upright and reassambles, but things do not go back to how they were before. They are changed and in a state between their human self, their Dheme self and few other things they gained trough their lifes journey.
Lucio can't go back to what he was either. A heart for a heart, hunger for power and tirany is there, biting trough the chains that bind him until the whole world is changed to accomodate his thirst for freedom. One world onw fractured into many and laws that once were do not make sense. The veil is torn to shreds and there is no use to repair it. Arcane walks among mundane freely with ocean once separating it, now binds it all. Their hands untied and they wreck havock for lack of understanding of humane as whole.
A new world that is strange to eyes, no end to it. It just recreates itself in new combination once the previous cycle runs out.
And at the worlds ends, the two of them are there. Every time a bit changed as well.
In the end neither upright or reversed end are good or bad. They are different.
Uno gets to resolve their oath to Lazaret and to their Father. They can cross over. And Lucio can choose to cross over too if he feels his business is done. A luxury not many get. (Guess another "game plus" ending, idk it started as a silly meteroidvania game mockup, and i live game plus endings)
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gypsypendragon · 1 year
(Incoming Long winded Lucio Reverse Route brain thoughts. It's like, hella late and that late night creative high is at a rampant level so. You've been warned.)
I recently had a slight tone shift in vibe for the way I kind of see Lucio's reverse ending and I am all for it. All my favorite words came flying at me at once when I started thinking...
Ugh my writer nerves are tingling.
Originally I kind of had it pinned in my brain under a, dark fantasy kind of villain origin epic ya know (I'm a hoe for dramatic and dark so bare with me if you stick around my writing/ideas gets drama lmao). Violins and chello music, maybe some organ?, kind of playlists, dark vocals and gothic cathedral kind of vibe. Doing some sketching for the reverse route for my MC though had me thinking.
Changed my playlist as a test and OOF.
While I'm not giving up the dramatic, instrumental villain vibe, I've a got a whole new thing to play with and man am I feeling it right now.
Can I tempt you instead with the thought:
Of an outcome set with the tone of lonely, slow music boxes. A haunting, solo chello. Tragedy only the outside can see, and an shared, selfish, all-consuming obsession that tangles the soul(s). Where the rot sets in so subtle, and so deep, the affected cant see it. When the mere thought of speration is a more agonizing than a physical blow. The vision becomes nothing more than the other tangled in the black vines with you. Decent so deep you don't even see it happening. Corruption gained through a love tainted by desperation and devotion. Blind loyalty soaked in unchallenged obsession; unwilling to even entertain the idea of letting go. Death do you part forced away at the cost of any, and every, one else...
Can you breathe without the oxygen they give you.
Can you live without the heart they grew in you.
Can you survive without the soul they renewed in you.
A villain origin born of a tangled, writhing mess of faults and insecurities cured only by the one who remained and endured along side you.... Villains only able to be undone, if, one were to finally break from the other...
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bunnydoobles · 3 months
TRADITIONAL DOODLES ROUND 4!! (technically a pt. 2)
okay, if you came from the first post- WELCOME! YIPPEE! if not, WELCOME ANYWAYS! you should totally check out my other art!!
continuing from where we left off in my dump–
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we move on to the recent stuff! just a bunch of doodles and posing practice with Andrea, Drews, and their lovers (ft. Andrea's familiar, and Julian in a cat maid outfit 🤭)
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my recent doodles also feature my bestie's (@number1salvisloverbiteme )ocs! Azure (first one) with Nadia, and Auster (second one) with Lucio! i love their mcs sm and honestly you should really check their art out, they're a really dear friend of mine and they deserve the support!
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finishing this off with a post i made on tiktok (i literally just drews this right here) but it's a comfort comic that i really rushed and doodled for funsies. its a cute concept i had that Julian and Andrea are literal soulmates in ever universe. for anyone wondering the universes featured (in order) are Reversed Route, Modern, and Fantasy- it's smudgy and messy so forgive me ^^"
i hope you enjoyed my art! and i plan on posting more soon! summer has been pretty busy with rehearsals (i'm in a musical!) but i've still found the time to create every now and then. thank you for the support and love (those few who enjoy my things)! xoxo
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dromithecat · 1 month
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Yeah it's here!!!! My masterpiece!!! I'm so proud of this, I could actually shed a tear *snif*
So, a couple pointers:
1- Thank you for your patience, this actually took way longer than I expected and the fact that I got suddenly swamped with work did *not* help-but it's here now!! Hope you like it :D
2- If you remember the original piece I posted (the sketch) you'll notice quite the differences here and there. Can you spot them all?
3- One of the reasons this took so long is that the candies were supposed to be all generic when I suddenly remembered there were canonically halloween arcana candies I simply could *not* exclude and keep my self respect. Or the five years of my life I'll never get back from having to edit them in. *Sigh*
4-The costumes are based on the Arcana Halloween Charms. All you Lucio stans I hope you can understand that I simply couldn't in good conscience give kid Lucio the original outfit that his adult counterpart wore. His new outfit is based in his Devil-sona from Muriel's route, hope it suffices.
5- For a moment I was a little bummed about how accidentally overproduced Nadia's pumpkin was but honestly that's such a Nadia thing to happen that I can't help feeling that it fits perfectly.
6- This was very fun to make but I also kinda felt like my soul had been given in sacrifice to the digital art Gods. I'm freeeeeeeee
7-If anyone wants to repost remember to credit/tag me!!! Also if you want to edit your own Mc too just dm and i can give you the clear version with room for them.
All in all, this was fun!!! See ya around fellas ;)
Edit: Some stuff I forgot to mention:
8: there's a hidden devil's chocolate in Nadia's pumpkin as a reference to her reversed ending (give those players a reference. Players love 'em references. I know cause I'm a player)
9: Lucio's pumpkin is the only one that isn't super loyal to the original, that's bc at first I drew them all from scratch before learning how to properly reproduce them. I was planning on changing it too but I realized that I accidentally made it look like the ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) emoji which i personally find hilarious so I kept it.
10: Julian was suppossed to have a pumpkin like the rest but I thought "Julian is totally that drama queen club kid that is COMITTED to the aesthetic and would totally use a bag instead of a bucket since that's what a pirate would use...completely disregarding the fact that they tear easily and lose like half his candy on the way home" (don't worry, Portia made sure to point it out and they Hanzel and Gretel'd their way back to rescuing his pirate loot)
11-Asra got Muriel his costume since he didn't want to come wear one at first
12- Asra's bucket has licorice that both resemble's faust and his parent's snakes. He also got him bread from the baker (everyone else had 2 themed candies and I felt bad for Muriel who only got one)
13- Both Julian and Portia get Mazelinka taffies
14- Mc's bucket has all 6 themed candies that directly reference the love interests- yaaayyy references son
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