#lucifer moringstar imagine
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fanfics4all · 11 months ago
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Lucifer Morningstar x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 2236
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping and manipulation  
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/F/N: Your First Name
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Lucifer’s POV*
Someone had the audacity to steal my daughter from me when she was just a young child. I tracked her for years, but I ended up losing her trail a few years ago. It was like she never existed in the first place. Whoever took her must be powerful in order to hide her from me. This is the only reason I had a second child with a mortal. Sabrina was an amazingly powerful witch and I knew she had amazing potential. Yet I never stopped looking for my first born. I will get my daughter back.  
*Y/N’s POV*
I woke up to my alarm and groaned. Another day, another training day
 I got dressed quickly and went out into the kitchen where my Dad was cooking breakfast. He turned to look at me with a smile as I took a seat at the island. 
“Morning sunshine, hungry?” He asked and I nodded. He placed a plate of food in front of me and I quickly started eating. 
“Slow down, there’s plenty of food.” He said and I slowed a bit. 
“Your Uncle will be here in a bit.” He said as he took his own seat. 
“Which one today?” I asked after I swallowed a mouth full of food. 
“Michael, you’re gonna train with him today.” He saida and I nodded. 
“When is my training gonna be over? I’ve been working every day since I was like five.” I groaned and he chuckled. 
“When we’re sure you’re ready.” He said and I rolled my eyes. That’s the answer they always give me. 
“Ready for what? I don’t even know what I’m training for!” I said, getting annoyed again. 
“Y/N, watch your tone.” He said and I groaned, pushing my plate away. 
“I’m so sick of training! Can’t I just go to school like a normal kid?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“We’ve talked about this sunshine, you can’t go to school. Instead you train with me and your Uncles.” He said and I rested my head on the counter. 
“But what am I training for?” I asked. Before Dad could answer or reather not answer again, the front door opened and in walked my Uncle. 
“Morning everyone! Who’s ready for training?” Michael asked as he walked right into our kitchen. I looked up at him and groaned. 
“Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed.” He chuckled as he grabbed a cup of coffee. 
“She’s questioning her training again.” Dad said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Maybe if you guys told me what the hell I was training for then I wouldn’t have to question it!” I said and they both narrowed their eyes at me. 
“What have we told you about using that word?” Dad asked and I sighed. 
” I mumbled. 
“Listen, Y/N, you just need to do what your Dad and us Uncles say and everything will be perfect.” Michael said and I rolled my eyes again. 
“Whatever, am I actually going to be able to use my powers today or is it another pretend day?” I asked. 
“It’s still too early to use your powers.” Michael answered and I groaned. 
“Dad!” I said and he sighed. 
“Just listen to your Uncle.” He said. 
“It’s getting boring using them by myself
” I mumbled. 
“What was that?” Dad asked. I looked over at them and they both looked shocked and worried. 
“You’ve been using your powers by yourself!?” Michael shouted. 
“A little
” I sheepishly answered. 
“Y/N Y/M/N Anderson! You know you’re not allowed to use your powers unless one of us gives you the okay!” Dad scolded. 
“It’s not like anyone sees me since I’ve been locked in this stupid house forever and it’s just a little bit, what’s the big deal?” I asked. 
“The big deal is that’s it’s dangerous! There’s a reason you’re not allowed to use your powers.” Dad said. 
“Then tell me the reason! Dad I’ve been lost about this stuff my whole life! You weren’t even gonna tell me that I had powers until I did some magic by accident!” I pointed out. 
“Y/N you’re Dad and us are just trying to protect you.” Michael said and I groaned. 
“I’m so tired of that excuse!” I shouted and flung my hands back. When I did I accidently shot some magic out and broke the window and a vase. 
“Y/N, calm down.” Dad said while holding his hands up in surrender. 
“No! I want to know the truth!” I shouted. I felt my eyes change, but didn’t pay an attention to it. My Dad and Uncle looked at me with wide fearful eyes. 
“Y/N you need to relax right now.” Michael said and made his sword appear. 
“I’ll calm down when you two finally tell me why I need to do all this shit!” I hissed. There was a sudden noise behind me and I looked over. There was a portal in our livingroom and someone or something was coming out of it. 
“Y/N come here now.” Dad said in the most serious tone I’ve ever heard from him. I rushed over to him and he pushed me behind him. My Dad and Uncle stepped in front of me and Michael held his sword up, ready to fight. I tried to peek around them, but they did a really good job at blocking my view. 
“You’re not welcome here, Brother.” Michael said and I furrowed my brow. My Uncles wouldn’t show up in a portal like that.
“I should have known you were the ones that took her from me.” A voice I don’t recognize said. 
“Leave, now.” Dad growled. 
“Where is she?” The voice asked. 
“Not here.” Michael answered. Who the hell were they talking about? 
“Nonsens, I can feel her power.” The voice said and I could hear a smirk. 
“You’re not welcome here.” Michael growled and held his sword closer to the person. He lent forward to threaten the person, but he revealed me behind him a bit. The person looked past my Uncle at me and his smirk grew. 
“There she is.” He said. My Dad and Uncle both glanced back at me, but I was just staring at the strange man who seemed strangely familiar to me. 
“Come here, Y/N.” The man said and my Dad placed his arm in front of me. 
“She’s not going anywhere near you.” He growled. 
“How do you know my name?” I asked and he raised a brow at me, but kept his smirk. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N.” Michael said, his eyes not leaving the man. 
“So she has no memory of me?” He asked and I furrowed my brow. 
“She doesn’t need any, you’re just making our jobs harder!” Dad hissed. 
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” I asked. Dad sent me a look and I mumbled an apology. 
“Have you been keeping her in the dark on everything?” The man asked with a chuckle. 
“Get out now!” Michael growled at him. 
“Tell me darling, do you know that your so called Father and Uncles are angels?” He asked and my eyes widened. 
“What?” I asked quietly. 
“You’re ruining everything, like usual!” Dad shouted. I backed away from my Dad and Uncle. Dad looked back at me and he looked worried. 
“Y/N? Sunshine? Don’t believe a word this man says.” Dad said and I looked back at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Is it true? Are you and all my Uncles angels?” I asked and he looked over at Michael. 
“Y/N, you need to listen to your Dad.” Michael said. 
“Yes, she does.” The man said and took a step forward. Michael held his sword at the mans throat, but he didn’t look bothered by my Uncle. 
“Keep your filthy mouth shut!” Michael said through clentched teeth. 
“Why? All the girl wants to know is the truth.” He said with a smirk and my head shot over to him. 
“You know the truth?” I asked. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N!” Dad hissed at me. 
“I should kill you right now.” Michael hissed. 
“We both know Father wouldn’t be very happy with you if that happened.” The man’s smirk grew. His gaze found mine once again. 
“You my dear are my daughter and your so called Father and Uncles stole you from me when you were only five.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I whispered. 
“He’s a liar, Y/N, don’t listen to a think he says.” Michael said, glaring daggers at the man. I looked over at my Dad and he looked scared. 
“I-Is it true? Are you not my Dad?” I asked. 
“Y/N I-” 
“Don’t say a word! We can fix this as soon as we get rid of him! We’ll call the others and she’ll forget all about this! We’ll move her to another location and everything will still go as planned!” Michael said and I gasped. 
“It’s true?” I asked and my Dad couldn’t even look at me. 
“It was a valiant effort, but I’ll be taking my daughter back home now.” The man said. He took a step towards me and Michael tossed him across the room. 
“Father may have my wings if I kill you, but he won’t mind if I hurt you.” He growled at the man. 
“Get her somewhere safe.” He told the man I thought was my Dad, Gabriel. 
“No!” I shouted and I felt so much power coursing through me. I looked down and my hands had swirling red and black power around them. 
“She’s so much more powerful than you ever thought.” The man said with a smirk. 
“Y/N, stop, we don’t want to hurt you.” Gabriel said to me. 
“No! I want the truth and I want it now!” I said and my voice sounded a bit distorted. Micheal and Gabriel looked at each other giving the man time to make his way next to me. 
“They stole you away from me, my darling girl, I’m here to bring you home.” The man said, touching my shoulder. 
“I want the truth!” I shouted and my power pushed everyone away from me. 
“Okay, just calm down! We’ll tell you the truth.” Gabriel said. 
“What are you talking about! We can’t-” 
“Do you want her to lose it to her powers?” Gabriel asked, cutting Michael off. Michael shut his mouth, but he didn’t look happy. 
“Just take a seat, sunshine and I’ll tell you everything.” Gabriel said, taking a seat himself. I shook my head and crossed my arms. 
“I’m staying right here.” I said and he nodded. 
“For once he’s telling the truth. Your Uncles and I-” 
“You’re not my Dad and they’re not my Uncles.” I said with narrowed eyes. 
“You’re right, but we raised you since you were a child.” He said and I rolled my eyes. So what? 
“We took you from your real Father because he’s not a good man and you’re destined to destroy him once and for all. God told us we needed to take you from him and raise you to kill him.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“You’re the strongest being we’ve seen in centuries and God knew you’d be the one to take care of Lucifer once and for all.” He finished and I took everything in. 
“Lucifer? As in
” I trailed off. 
“The Devil, yes my darling girl.” The man said and I looked at him. 
“You’re my Dad?” I asked and he gave me a smile. 
“I’ve been looking for you for years.” He said, taking a step towards me. Micheal went to stop him, but I used my magic to push him away. The man smirked at him and made his way towards me. 
“You are very powerful, dear, I can teach you how to use all of them.” He said. 
“You’ll let me use them?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Y/N please, you need to understand that he’ll use you for evil.” Gabriel said. 
“Listen to your- Listen to Gabriel.” Micheal cut himself off. 
“Why would I listen to the people that kidnapped, manipulated, and lied to me? Lucifer is the only one that’s told me the truth!” I hissed at him. Lucifer placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled my back against him. 
“You were wrong for ever thinking you could manipulate my daughter into killing me.” He said to them. 
“Y/N, please.” Gabriel begged, but I shook my head. Lucifer moved his hand and the same portal he used to come here appeared. 
“Come, darling, it’s time you return home and meet your half sister.” He said and I smiled at him. 
“I have a sister?” I asked and he nodded, offering me his hand. I took it and both angels rushed over to us. 
“Y/N stop!” They shouted, but they were too slow. Lucifer and I jumped into the portal and he quickly closed it behind us. When we stepped through we were in what looked like a throne room. 
“Welcome home, my darling daughter.” He said and I looked around in awe. 
“I still can’t remember anything though
” I said sadly. 
“Don’t worry, dear, we’ll get whatever they did to you out of your head.” He said and hugged me. I hugged him back and everything just felt right.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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dewdropdinosaur · 4 months ago
Kinktober Day 26: Seduction
Summary: Lucifer hadn't flirted in centuries and by all senses of the word, is convinced he has lost his game. But when you look so pretty and sweet across the room, he can't help but shoot his shot. Not that you mind at all. Warnings: Seduction, oral sex, public sex, reader has a vagina. MNDI, 18+. You're responsible for your own media consumption.
Y'all only five more days of this?! Where did the time go?
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The air was thick with laughter and the tantalizing scent of indulgence. Glittering lights danced around the room, casting a warm glow over the eclectic mix of demons and lost souls, champange flowed like rivers of unholy water, and n one corner, a piano played an enchanting melody, filling the space with a sense of mischief and allure.
Lucifer, the charming and devilishly handsome ruler of Hell, leaned casually against a grand marble pillar, his piercing eyes scanning the crowd. He’d seen all manner of beings throughout the ages, but tonight, one figure caught his attention: you. Charlie’s beloved mother figure, radiating warmth and kindness even amidst the chaos of the underworld. You had offered your services to the hotel not too long ago and quickly became a staple of the residents, offering a listening ear and aid wherever needed. While Lucifer had been introduced to you once before, rather awkwardly might he add, it did not deter him from admiring you from afar. You were chatting with a group of guests, your laughter like music, and Lucifer felt an unfamiliar tug at his heart—an emotion he hadn’t entertained in centuries since Lillith. As he watched you interact with Charlie’s friends, a playful smirk spread across his face. Perhaps this was a challenge he couldn’t resist. 
With a firm nod and puffing out his chest, he was ready. He hadn’t brought out any modicum of confidence in years, but why not try?  With a graceful stride, Lucifer approached, his presence commanding attention. The crowd parted as he made his way to you, his charisma lighting up the space around him. 
“Well, well, what do we have here?” he drawled, his voice smooth like velvet. Shit, was he really being that smooth right now? “A shining beacon in this abyss of despair. Tell me, what brings you to such a delightful gathering?”
You looked up, a mix of surprise and amusement dancing in your eyes. “Just keeping an eye on Charlie and her friends. They can be a bit wild.”
Lucifer chuckled, his gaze locking onto yours. “Ah, the ever-vigilant protector. How admirable. But surely, even the most dutiful guardian deserves a little fun?”
A playful glint sparkled in your eyes as you replied, “And what kind of fun do you have in mind, Mr. Morningstar?” A soft blush coated your cheeks, it was no secret to anyone but Lucifer himself that you had a huge crush on the King. That first awkward meeting, him stumbling over words and shouting wildly had you head over heels in love within seconds. Though you had never broached the subject, knowing that it might get complicated being with Charlie’s father. 
But it wasn’t a problem if he was the one that iniated the interaction, right?
“Why don’t we find out together?” He stepped closer, his gaze intense yet inviting. “I can show you a side of Hell that’s not so... overwhelming. Just you and me, away from the chaos.”
You hesitated, sensing the allure in his words but also the danger. “And what’s the catch?”
He laughed softly, a sound that wrapped around you like a warm embrace that had you letting out a dreamy sigh. “No catch. Just a chance to enjoy the night without the worries of the world. Besides, who better to share the experience with than someone who knows how to navigate this realm?”
Intrigued, you finally relented, nodding. Extending your hand for him to take, he grasped it with vigor and led you out of the room. “Alright, show me what you’ve got.”
Lucifer’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he led you away from the throng of partygoers. As you wandered deeper into the hotelm the air around you seemed to thrum with excitement. His grasp never left yours, a soft smirk playing on his lips. With each step and passing glance, the excitement turned to arousal slowing pooling in your pants. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Lucifer halted abruptly and turned to face you. Pinning you against the wall, breath fanning over yours in short pants; his eyes flicked between your lips and eyes. 
“I—um—“ Bringing his hand to cup your chin, eyes boring into yours with a darkened lust, his lips slowly came to brush against yours. As if to give you an out, a chance to say you didn’t want this as much as he does. Seeing no hesitation, he encased you between his arms as closed the distance between them in a swift motion. Both yours lips were captured in a fervent kiss. Tongue and teeth clashed, your nimble hands traveling to settle at the nape of his neck and give a soft tug; illicting a moan from the shorter man. For the sin of pride, he might as well have been lust when he was kissing you with such emotion. 
Pulling his mouth away to trail wet kises down the valley of your neck, your hands continued to tug in his hair as breathy moans spilled past your lips in silent pleas for more. Nimble fingers traced up your waist, tugging softly on the waistband of your panties beneath your skirt before snapping the hem.
“May I? Can I take you right here, darling?”
“Fuck, please, Lucifer—“
 Sinking to his knees to pull down your panties from below your dress, leaving your bare cunt exposed to the cool air. Letting out a gasp of surprise that was quickly replaced with a lewd moan, Lucifer dragged his knuckle over your dripping slit. Marveling at how your body reacted to him, each moan and buck of your hips into his hand, Lucifer was nothing short of mezmerized by your perfect figure. Working his way down, his face ended between your thighs. Diving in, his tongue lapped up all the juices that spilled from your needy cunt. Sucking softly here and there while delving as deep as his tongue would allow(he would not admit to using magic to make it longer), your let out wanton moans and hisses of pleasure. Gripping the wall behind you as your eyes remaind squeezed shut in ectasy, you felt like you were in a dream. Was this really happening? Because if this was a dream, someone better never wake you. 
“Wanna see you cum on my face, ducky. Please, please cum on my face for me?” His eyes shown with hope, voice laced so sweetly despite the filth of his words. 
Good gosh, you were in for a perfect night, seduced by the devil himself. 
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anotherbummer · 7 months ago
I’m just gonna say it
i wish charlie’s design included more of her mother’s features instead of just her dad
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hellosimplylizzie · 7 years ago
‘Cause I’m Weak. ~Lucifer Morningstar Imagine ♡
~Requested by @hellosimplybubzie : Lucifer spots Maze and OC dancing together and sees her in a way he hasnt noticed before~
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Audrey had been minding her own business at the bar with her some-what friend, Maze, when suddenly, she felt a jolt from behind and a sudden splash of mystery liquid hitting her arm. It was safe to assume it was some type of alcohol. Audrey jumped, startled by the abrupt force, and looked to her right to see a man, in a drunken state, stumbling to catch himself with the help of the bar’s counter top.
“What the hell!” Maze announced, irritated by the man’s rudeness. She grabbed two rags from behind the bar, throwing one at Audrey and then cleaning up the man’s mess with the other. “You alright?” She asked Audrey before turning back to the man with a look Audrey knew far too well.
“YEAH, yeah! I’m fine.” Audrey spoke quickly, hoping she could prevent Maze from dismembering the man’s body, even if for a split second the thought had crossed her mind as well.
“I don’t hear an apology.” Maze stated, hoping it’d justify her next actions of taking matters into her own hands.
“My bad!” The man chuckled before collecting himself and taking a seat beside Audrey. “I’m sorry- woah! Hello, there. The name’s Derek.” He wiggled his eyebrows, making it obvious that he was interested in her. “And you are-?”
“-Out of your league.” Lucifer answered, before Audrey could get a response out, let alone, take a breath.
“Another beer for me. And another drink for my lady.” Derek asked Maze, without paying her any attention. He kept his eyes locked on Audrey, making her feel uncomfortable.
“Coming right up.” Maze grinned, almost too happy to be serving this man, to the point of suspicion crossing Audrey’s and Lucifer’s minds.
“Mazikeen...” Lucifer sighed, eyeing her make the man’s drink.
“Pft. You guys are no fun.” She dumped the poison filled drink down the drain and then ripped her apron off. “I’m gonna be over there.” She added, before she dance-shuffled her way over to a hot man on the other side of the nightclub.
“Who’s serving my drinks?!” Lucifer asked as she trotted off, noticing that she was pretending not to hear him. “Ugh, that little-“
“Now now, Luci.” Audrey chuckled, shaking her head, before turning away and starting to walk off.
“Where are you going?” He asked, catching her attention. She turned back to look at him.
“To dance! You coming?”
Audrey was amazing at gathering people and getting a rave going so he let her do her thing. Lucifer watched in aw as a group of people started dancing around her and toasting to the music. He admired that about her. Her ability to get others to do anything- without hypnosis.
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“You just gonna stand there and watch?” She asked, expecting Lucifer to want to join.
“I believe you got it covered.” He replied, snapping out of it and taking a swig of his drink. He had to resist. He couldn’t give her even more power over him. It was unacceptable.
Maze walked over with the guy she met, once she noticed the fun Audrey was having with complete strangers.
“Come on, Luci!” She pouted before trying to pull him into the crowd.
“Oh, don’t do that!” He whined feeling defeated thanks to that look she likes to give him and anyone else who doesn’t want to do what she asks of them. He hated it. But he also hated how much he loved it. Especially how cute she looked doing it- hell she looked cute all the time to him.
“What?” She laughed, pretending like she had no idea what he was talking about.
“Fine!” He chuckled, giving in and letting her pull him close and into the crowd. “Bloody hell-“ Once he realized she had won her way, it was too late.
“You need to loosen up!” She laughed, handing him her drink. “What’s wrong with you?”
“You!” He snapped, taking that drink and downing it. “You’re changing me.”
She stopped dancing and looked at him stunned. Maze did the same.
“Forget it...” He added. Regretting mentioning it.
“No, please continue... Explain yourself.” She said bluntly, annoyed by his out burst.
“Audrey...” He instantly felt bad which was something he didn’t quite understand either.
“Whatever. Forget it.” She sighed, looking almost unfazed by the sudden tension. She took a swig of her drink before looking over at Maze who was staring between her and Lucifer. Luci could see Audrey was doing it again. That look he love-hated with a passion. He had a sudden urge to tell her what he was feeling but how could he. He didn’t know how to explain it. Hearing her voice, and feeling her presence, it made his heart sink in his chest. It was a foreign feeling to him and he hated it. And she was the only one who brought it out of him. She made him feel- almost, weak.
“You’ll dance with me, right?” Audrey looked to a complete stranger and pouted. The man grinned and began to dance with her. Maze watched as Lucifer’s glowing red orbs appeared as he fumed.
“Hey now...” Maze hurried to him and pulled him aside. “Let it go!”
“The things she’s doing to me, Maze-” He clenched his jaw.
“Come on... You’re Lucifer! You’re better than this... Just pull yourself together!”
Lucifer shook his head, signaling he was done with the conversation and walked off.
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“There you are... Feeling a little bit less uptight?” Audrey asked, finding Lucifer outside, sitting in his car with a drink in hand, and looking up at the sky.
“Where’s your new mate?” He asked looking to her for a brief second before rolling his eyes and sinking lower in the drivers seat.
“God, Lucifer... Can you be any more infuriating.” She replied, jumping in the passenger seat without waiting for an invitation that wasn’t going to happen.
“Don’t use mine and father’s name in the same sentence, please...” He groaned, drinking some more. “And look who’s talking...”
“Excuse me... You freaked out for no reason!”
“I did not freak out... I simply-” He hesitated, looking for a word to describe his mild panic attack, but came up short.
“Panicked...” Audrey smiled softly. “Lucifer, what you’re feeling is normal. You don’t have to be afraid of it.”
“I’m not-” Before he could once again deny his feelings, she cut him off.
“STOP! There you go again. Stop trying to act so macho and like the generic manly-man that refuses to show his true feelings. It really must be exhausting for you.” He was quiet for a moment, then turned to her.
“You have no idea...” His eyes were glossed over, which was something she’s never witnessed until now, and it stunned her.
“I’m so worried about what other people will think of me if I continue to change... But I’m tired of caring. Being with you scares me, but it feels right.”
Audrey grinned, relived to have finally gotten him to speak up about his true feelings. Lucifer smiled back before suddenly jumping out his car and walking over to the passenger side.
“May I have the honor of enjoying this last dance with you?” He asked after opening her door and holding out his hand. Audrey chuckled and held his hand, letting him guide her away from the car and then pulling her close.
“There’s no music.” She couldn’t help but mention in the dead of silence.
“Oh on the contrary, the sound of your heart racing is music to my ears, Love.”
Audrey blushed hard, looking down at her feet to hide it as best she could.
“Now who’s trying to hide?” He smirked, lifting her chin with his forefinger before sweeping a wayward strand of hair behind her ear.
“I hate you.” She laughed, jokingly, shaking her head.
“Well, in that case- I hate you, too.” He stared at her lips, longingly as he spoke. Audrey leaned in a bit closer, only for Lucifer to meet her halfway, colliding his lips with hers, blissfully.
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magaprima · 5 years ago
“If we are pathetic, then what do you call yourself?”, the girl asked, arms crossing in front of her chest as she spoke. “You let yourself be dethroned by a mere child, who just waltzed into pandemonium and declared herself queen and all you did was submit and now you are even supporting her claim to the throne against the prince of hell. You know, I am not fond of the idea of having to call Sabrina my Queen, but at the very least she will be a step up from you.” As far as Jezebel was concerned, Lilith had outlived her welcome in pandemonium the day she had returned without the Lord, or rather with him imprisoned, just to proclaim herself queen. She was a traitor and should be treated like one. “Oh, I just wish to not miss the moment you finally get what you deserve.”
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“A Morningstar came into the throne room and took her rightful throne, yes...and named me her Regent, while all of you were...dismissed, sent from the chambers with your tails between your legs. And who exactly do you think invited Sabrina here? You can call me all the names you like, try to...belittle my position which, I might remind you, is always above yours...but it won’t matter,” Lilith answered simply, returning her attention to her paperwork, marking off a particular soul. 
“Sabrina is a Morningstar and Moringstars always get their way. The fact she trusts me and not you, means that your days are numbered and mine aren’t. But then,” She looked up from her papers with a bright yet dangerous smile, “That was always the way, even when Lucifer ruled Hell. Even Asmodeus knows I’ll always be here...but then he knows what I am, what I’m capable of, he’s seen it...long before you were even born. But I’ll imagine you’ll learn....eventually”
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1103199xmovies · 5 years ago
74/100 - Lucifer Season 1 (2016)
Episode 1-13
Lucifer Moringstar, the former lord of hell, has decided to vacation in L.A. along with his right hand demon Mazikeen. Using his night club Lux, Lucifer parties and indulges in every pleasure imaginable. However, the death of an old aquantance puts Lucifer on the path of vegeance and in the path of detective Chloe Deker. Lucifer decides to use the LAPD as an outlit to continue punish sinners. At the same Lucifer's brother, the angel Amenadiel is trying to get Lucifer to go back to hell.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy
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mizzezm · 6 years ago
Hey Hun can I get an imagine with Bucky x Reader x Steve with Bucky being Lucifer Moringstar and Steve as Mazikeen?
Follower Celebration: Fan Pick Fic
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I’ve reached another milestone! This time it’s four thousand followers (wow)! To celebrate, I’m letting you- my loving and adoring fans/followers- pick what fic you want me to write next!
Here are the rules!
The fic you request cannot already be ongoing! It must be a new fic or a continuation of something that I have no plan to continue, such as a one shot or completed series.
All votes/requests must be made ON THIS POST! As much as I would enjoy a newly clogged inbox, it will be easier for me to keep track of everything if it all happens on here. If you send me an ask it’s either getting deleted (if it’s anon) or you’re getting a polite but firm message telling you to put it on here! :)
If you see a prompt someone has submitted that you like, simply say “I vote for <person’s> request!” or something similar. Additionally, there’s no need to second a request if it’s something simple like “Steve x Reader!” In cases like that, simply vote yourself by typing the same thing.
Please try to limit yourself to two or fewer votes/requests.
You don’t have to be following me to make a request, but it sort of defeats the purpose of the celebration if you’re not. 
You can request any characters/ships from my usual bag of tricks, including: MCU, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and X-Men. However,
I reserve the right to veto any winner and take the runner up if I’m not comfortable with writing the request/ship.
Voting ends on November 3rd at 9 AM (PST), so be sure to make your request/vote before then!
Thank you to everyone who’s supported me all this time! You’re all wonderful and I’m thrilled to be able to celebrate this big day with all of you!
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dewdropdinosaur · 5 months ago
Kinktober Day 16: Cock Worship
Summary: His noises were always your favorite. The way he whimpered and moaned into the vast expanse of the room, the delicious vibrations echoing off the wall as you once again took his heavy and aching cock into your warm and inviting mouth. Warnings: Oral sex, smut, pet named, sub/dom dyanamics, etc. MDNI, 18+ You're responsible for your own media consumption. Kinktober Mention of the Day: @fraugwinska for helping me learn how to write blowjobs lmao. For you my writing queen! This is my first time writing one sooo
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His noises were always your favorite. The way he whimpered and moaned into the vast expanse of the room, the delicious vibrations echoing off the wall as you once again took his heavy and aching cock into your warm and inviting mouth. You could never describe the taste of it, it was just so Lucifer. 
When Lucifer had left that morning for an urgent meeting with the other sins, you were left aching as your boyfriend had unfortunately decided to get you all hot and bothered before his departure. He didn’t mean it really, he had no idea he would be summoned so immediately. But it left you wearing soaking panties for the rest of the day. Those very same panties that were now shoved so dantily in Lucifer’s pretty little mouth. 
He had returned to the castle late that evening, leaving you the whole day to scheme. A little teasing never hurt anybody. So as he walked through the door of your shared bedroom, you dropped to your knees dressed in your most transparent nightgown right then and there. It had taken some manuvering but after a bit, Lucifer laid back on the large bed, panties shoved in his mouth, as you continued to worship his cock and bring orgasm after orgasm out of him. 
“Oh shit—ducky I am so sorry I left you hangning—“ A quick scrape of your teeth across his cock. 
“Mommy, sorry, I left you alone—“ You resumed your normal ministrations, it was the fifth orgasm by this point but you didn’t care. Your lips continued to suck as your tongue would swipe over the large head of his member, enjoying the taste of the salty liquid that kept weeping from the tip despite its abuse. Your mouth is like Heaven again for him, soft and wet. Like morning dew in the Garden, it feels like the first fire in his loins as you worship him. Sinful in all the best ways. 
Pulling away for a moment, allowing a whistful whine to go past his lips in desperation, the King of Hell bucks his hips in the air in a futile attempt to get you to return him back to the lustful afterlife he has carved out. You chuckle, drunk on desire and the power you hold over the former angel. 
“Patience, my king. Good things come to those who wait~” 
Pulling yourself up from your hunkered position, you rose your hips in a languid manner to sink your tight cunt on his cock. The stretch entinicing and you relished in the euphoric sesation that coursed through your body. The velvet of your walls were fluttering around Lucifer and it almost felt like he was vibrating within you, his hips convulsing with every exit and entry of his member into your cunt as you bounced above him. The ribs of his cock rubbed against you in a painfully tempting way. You could just start bouncing feverently, allow him to cum easily and get this done soon. But you’ve come too far now, you’re in too deep, have drawn too much ectasy from him to even dream of ending this wonderful game. 
With a sharp thrust, you send your boyfriends member deep into your weeping hole, the tip barely nudging the edge of your cervix. A crude sob left Lucifer’s lips, his hands coming to grip the plush flesh of your thighs as you continued your assualt. 
“Shh, that’s it baby. Let me make you feel good.” Your words sounded sweet but they were anything but. You loved to worship his cock, but it was fun to watch him cry and beg for more of you. You would give him what he wanted, soon enough, but first
you would have your fun. 
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fanfics4all · 4 months ago
Satan's Bride
Request: Yes / No I wrote this based on this prompt!
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 583
Warnings: Kidnapping 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I had no idea how it happened. One moment, I was walking through the moonlit woods, gathering herbs, and the next, I found myself standing on scorching, cracked stone, the air thick with sulfur. I looked around, my heart pounding as I took in the massive, twisted landscape of Hell. Dark skies, jagged clifts, and rivers of molten rock stretched as far as the eye could see. 
A low, velvety chuckle echoed behind her, and she turned to see him, the Devil himself. Lucifer Morningstar. Tall, dangerously handsome, and with a smirk that sent a shiver down my spine. He looked pleased, almost amused as he watched me. 
“Welcome to my domain, darling.” He said, leaning against a nearby column of black stone.
“Quite a thrill, isn’t it?” I narrowed my eyes, my fist clenching. 
“You’ve got some nerve, dragging me down here like this.” He shrugged, feigning innocence. 
“Oh, come now. I couldn’t resist. You’re a lovely little thing
 fiery, defiant, I admire the spirit in a woman. A pity you have such little appreciation for the honor of being chosen.” 
“Chosen for what?” I spat. 
“Some sort of plaything? You’re delusional.” His eyes gleamed with dark amusement. 
“Not just a plaything, darling. A companion, a Queen, if you will. You see, Hell can be
 tiresome without a little charm, someone to keep things lively.” 
“Let me guess, you thought I’d just fall at your feet?” I sneered. 
“Oh, no.” He replied smoothly, stepping closer. His gaze seared into me. 
“I rather enjoy a little resistance. You’d hardly be any fun if you didn’t make things difficult.” I held his gaze, trying to mask my fear with disdain. 
“You’re a fool if you think I’d ever willingly stay here, and I’ll make it a living Hell for you if you try.” He laughed, a low, wicked sound that echoed through the dark. 
“You’re already in Hell, love, and you’re free to try all you like. But as for escaping
” He tilted his head, mockingly thoughtful. 
“I can cage you properly if you’d like. Chains and all.” I arched a brow, a wicked smile playing on my lips. 
“I bit.” Lucifer laughed again, genuinely amused. 
“Ha, you think you’re so vile.” 
“And you think yourself romantic.” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. His eyes narrowed in delighted amusement, the smile fading from his face, but not the hunger in his eyes. 
“You’ll find, love, that I can be romantic. In my own way.” I resisted the urge to shudder under his gaze. 
“Keeping me here against my will? Charming.” 
“Oh, I can be charming.” he said, his tone darkly sweet. 
“And you’ll come to appreciate that one way or another.” He lifted a hand, the glint of chains appearing, clinking softly as they slithered forward, reaching for my wrists. I didn’t flinch. 
“I’ve been around demons before, Lucifer. You’re just another one and you won’t be the last.” I said, my tone defiant. 
“Such fire.” He muttered, sounding almost wistful. 
“You’ll find, though, that I’m nothing like a mear demon. They
 they don’t appreciate the finner things. The ones worth taming.” The chains fastened around my wrists, though I fought against it, refusing to make it easy for him. Once secured, I glared up at him, hatred simmering in my gaze. 
“Enjoy your little game, Lucifer. It won’t last.” He smiled leaning down so close I could feel his breath. 
“Oh, my dear Y/N, I intend to enjoy it for eternity.”
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @madammarvellous-blog1
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months ago
Carry You Home
Lucifer x (GN) Reader Summary: Lucifer and Y/N are the proud co-parents of the one and only Charlie Moringstar, which means that on the weekends, mischef is managed. Warnings: NONE! Tooth-rotting fluff. For the lovely @pixie-skull
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Amidst the tumultuous chaos of the firey realm of Hell, there existed a sanctuary where warmth and love blossomed against all odds. It was within this paradoxical haven that displayed a tenderness that contridicted Hell’s fearsome reputation. So contricting was this santucary of love, that it had even blessed the home of Lucifer, prince of darkness, himself. He was a doting father to his young daughter, Charlie, and a dedicated partner to Y/N, his equally remarkable spouse.
Charlie, at the age of five, was a radiant light in the dark, her laughter a melody that soothed even the most dark corners of Hell. Her straight volumous hair, the color of molten gold, bounced with every step she took. Her innocent eyes sparkled like stars, a stark contrast to the abyss surrounding them. It was in these small moments that the true nature of Lucifer’s heart was revealed.
One sunny afternoon, which was rare in the infernal realms but always managed to be a vibrant shade of scarlet, Lucifer and Y/N were in the middle of their cherished family weekend routine. No meetings, no deals, no work; just family. Charlie was in the living room, sprawled on a large cushion as she colored in her coloring book. The room, though adorned with otherworldly relics, had a cozy, almost homely aura. It was a place where warmth was as tangible as the fire that licked at the edges of Hell.
Lucifer, as always dressed in his elegant attire that seemed to conflict with the homey aura, was busy in the kitchen. His usual regal air was softened by the apron he wore, which was emblazoned with cheerful cartoons that Charlie had drawn on the fabric. He hummed a gentle tune as he whisked a bowl of pancake batter, the aroma filling the space with an inviting sweetness.
Y/N, with their usual grace and effortless charm, was setting the table. Their presence was like a calming breeze in the tumultuous landscape of Hell, their laughter a soothing balm to the fiery realm. They moved with an easy confidence, exchanging glances with Lucifer that spoke volumes of their deep connection and mutual respect.
“Hey, sweetie,” Lucifer called out, his voice a soft rumble, “do you think you’d like blueberries or chocolate chips in your pancakes today?”
Charlie looked up from her artwork, her face lighting up with a bright smile. “Blueberries, Daddy! And can I have extra syrup too?”
Lucifer’s eyes softened, and he carefully set the batter aside to fetch a bowl of plump, juicy blueberries. “Anything for my little princess,” he said, his tone imbued with affection.
As Lucifer busied himself with the pancakes, Y/N joined Charlie on the floor, helping her with her drawing. The pair was immersed in a sea of crayons and sketches, Y/N gently guiding Charlie’s hand while also listening to her excited chatter about her latest artistic creation.
“Look! I drew a big castle with lots of dragons and a magical forest,” Charlie said, her eyes wide with pride.
Y/N smiled, their gaze warm and encouraging. “It’s wonderful, Charlie. You’ve got such a fantastic imagination. What’s the castle for?”
“It’s for the heroes who come to visit!” Charlie replied eagerly. “They need a place to stay after they’ve had an adventure.”
“Well, what kind of adventures do you want to have ducky?” Lucifer poking his head in, admiring the conversation. 
“I wanna fly Daddy! Just like you!” 
Smiling mischeviously, Lucifer rushed and picked up his daughter with a suprising strength for his stature. “Well, I have just the thing for you then!’ 
“Lucifer, no. She is too young—“
Popping out his wings, Lucifer ignored the pleas of his spouse and took off out the room and off the baloncy, Charlie giggling with glee the whole way. Rushing after them, Y/N’s eyes filled with worry were sated as soon as they saw Lucifer and Charlie doing loops gracefully in the air and the squeals of the little girls joy filled the Hellish sky. 
In this sanctuary of love and care, the boundaries of their world seemed to shrink, and for a brief, precious time, the fires of Hell were dimmed by the light of their unity. Lucifer and Y/N’s devotion to each other and their daughter created a haven where love reigned supreme, proving that even in the darkest of places, the purest light could shine through. In the abyss of Hell, amidst its eternal night, the warmth of their family provided a beacon of hope and light. And for Lucifer, Y/N, and Charlie, this was their paradise—a haven built on love, laughter, and the tender embrace of a family that would always stand together, no matter what.
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magaprima · 5 years ago
Part 3 Episode 8
Wait SABRINA IS TRAPPED IN THE STONE IN BETWEEN LILITH AND LUCIFER. PARENT VIBES AGAIN?? LIKE GO TO HELL LUICIFER, BUT I’M HERE PARENT VIBES FROM LILITH. So they’ve all be trapped there decades apparently? And Sabrina has gone back in time to save herself? Wait, they’re stuck in a loop? Wait, what’s HAPPENING???
So lots of time has passed and now Sabrina is free she’s finding hell in chaos, because in the story at the beginning we’re told the Pagans fought off caliban an took over earth for themselves and everyone is dead?
Hell was invaded by the archangel michael and all the devils are gone and everything’s gone to shit and Sabrina is walking around where everyone is fucking dead, including Salem. 
But not Ambrose he managed to make a safe haven out of the Kinkle mines. He still has the time egg so we might be able to undo all this I think
Ooh big confrontation with Blackwood, but I’m less enthused about this episode because Lilith, Zelda, Hilda aren’t alive at this point, so it’s just Sabrina fighting alone and I always find that less entertaining for me.
And now Blackwood has snapped the necks of Sabrina and Ambrose but oh no he’s not he’s trapped in a dream by Batibat because Sabrina released her on him. Nice tactic
So Sabrina has done a Back to the Future and is warning everyone to fuck off quickly before Blackwood arrives
Also Sabrina is realising Hell is pulling her away from what matters so maybe Lilith’s unborn child shall rule unchallenged? That would be nice
Zelda has been saved and has woke up and apparently has the answer to everything. But Hilda hasn’t resurrected from the Cain Pit and Zelda is insistent because she’s seen the future and knows Hilda lives
EVERYONE IS AROUND THE CAIN PIT CALLING ON THE TRIPLE GODDESS AND IS SAYING THAT SATAN IS A LESSER GOD, THAT THE TRIPLE GODDESS IS THE ULTIMATE DEITY OMG YES. wait, hang on zelda, Lilith told you Satan wasn’t a God. So don’t say this is new info. Yep, they’re calling on Hecate, the ultimate of Witch Goddesses. I am loving this scene because it’s the magic I was raised with and I am LIVING for it. 
Zelda is asking for powers from Hecate rather than from Satan! OMFG she’s game changing. I am loving this because it’s saying witches were blinded by Satan’s trickery and promises and turned their back on Hecate, the original one to give them power and I am just YES I AM HERE FOR THIS. I think even Lilith is here for this, especially as I headcanoned that my Lilith got her powers from Hecate and not Satan, so this fits in VERY nicely with my headcanon theories
Sabrina is defending Ms Wardwell about the shooting Zelda thing, so I think she presumes that Lucifer was involved, 
So Robin has brought Mary to the Pagans for the sacrifice, but I suspect, since he was just with Sabrina etc, this is all a trick
Mary is calling out a lot of religious christian stuff much like the scottish policeman did in the Wicker Man. I feel this is too much of a reference not to be on purpose. And now Mary is being eaten by the Green Man, absorbed. But I’m not buying any of this. I don’t think it’s really Mary
The Green Man is rotting because that ain’t no virgin. So it’s not Mary. Ah, it’s the disease and decay witch!!! Glamoured as Mary. And Sabrina wiped the real Mary of the memories she was given and the whispers she was given by Lucifer
Zelda sending everyone to drive every last Pagan Monster from the place. The coven are going crazy for it. Having a grand old time
Hilda has caught up with the woman who turned her into a spider and caused her to kill Dr C. So she’s made the poppet and she is going to torture the fuck out of her. You go, Hilda, you go! And then she snaps the bitch’s neck.
Omg, Prudence just full on killed the God Pan. Hardcore
The Aunts getting upset about Sabrina having to be Queen of Hell. 
I feel this second power-hungry Sabrina is gonna be the daughter Lilith never had, haha. 
‘Lilith in your last act as Regent, will you prepare our young Queen?’ Last act as Regent, but definitely not last day in power. 
However, Dorcas and Agatha are both dead. Prudence found them butchered in a cupboard. The poor woman is broken and she thinks if she’d killed Blackwood instead of bringing it back none of this would have happened, which is true. NONE of it would have happened, because Lucifer couldn’t have jumped. She blames Ambrose because he’s the one that stopped her killing him
So now Zelda is running the Order of Hecate. And Mambo Marie says there’s a bigger evil coming and they need to prepare to fight it. Zelda just asks if that means she’sn staying and then they snog.
‘you’re the glory and pride of satan, the face of the hell bound hordes. Strike down your enemies by tooth and by claw, bathe your skin in their blood. Every Queen must be made battle ready, every girl must prepare for war. Gird your loins, let nothing touch you let no MAN hold power over you. And when they cry out for mercy, the Moringstar must show them none’ Lilith is telling Sabrina while she gets her ready for her coronation. This sounds more supportive than resentful and like she’s teaching her. I’m hoping this means that we are going to continue the Satanic Godmother role thing, especially as Lilith is getting her ready in a very gentle way. There’s definite maternal energy there which I HOPE gets explored
“Your crown and throne await you, first lady of pandemonium, maiden of shadows, behold the Queen, Sabrina Morningstar” Sabrina puts her hands on her shoulders there and it’s all touching and tactile and there’s definitely something supportive and familial there. And Lilith is carrying Sabrina’s sibling, so that does make them family officially now. Now THAT part I like.
But I do think having two Sabrinas is a major cop out from the writers. Also Lilith has way better hell fashion going on. And I don’t like the implication that this means we’re not going to have hell in the show anymore, which means we won’t have Lilith in the show anymore, especially as Sabrina openly said ‘we’ll never see them again. Lucifer, Lilith, Caliban....who needs them?’. Well, I need them. One of them. Bring them back.
 But then Sabrina has created a time paradox so shit will hit the fan hugely. So I imagine Lilith will have to sort shit out again. Ambrose is like what if the aunts find out but Sabrina says they never go to hell. He says what about Lucifer and she says he’s such a narcissist he won’t notice and then Ambrose has the killer argument
‘What about Lilith? Lilith notices EVERYTHING’. He’s not wrong. Sabrina even admits it
“Lilith could be a problem, yeah....”
So I presume that means Lilith is gonna be back
Sabrina 2 is being crowned and Lilith and Lucifer do look like parents waiting for her. But they kind of are, because this is secondary sabrina, she’s the Morningstar, not the Spellman so....? But Lilith is so going to notice this isn’t the usual Sabrina. Sabrina-obssessed with her mortal friends- Spellman spending 24/7 in Hell? Yeah Lilith is gonna click
And now Blackwood is doing something with Agatha and his kids, because Agatha apparently isn’t dead. Wait he’s summoning ELDRITCH HORRORS TO USE HIM AS THEIR VESSEL??????
the beginning of the end? The end of all things??? Right, Lilith, get that fucking mark off him right the hell now
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