graveyarddirt · 1 month
Wishing my beloved @luc3 the happiest of birthdays. 🎂❤️
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bitume · 2 years
❝La nuit abolissait toutes les douleurs parce qu’elle avait aboli le monde. Elle abolissait les douleurs les plus fortes, parce qu’elle était infinie, sans borne, ni mesure, ni commencement, ni fin.❞
— Jean Giono, Que ma joie demeure
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passifloramoonlight · 2 years
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Updates from a Nearby Queen ✨ @luc3
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windvexer · 8 months
do you have any advice on finding active people on here who aren't wiccan? so far i'm just seeing you and a handful of other big accounts
Tbh I don't really use Tumblr search features, I just hang out on the dashboard with my friends.
Here are some active people from my follow list who I'm pretty sure aren't Wiccan (but I could be wrong):
(I set it to no reblog, let me know if you're tagged and you don't prefer your name on this list)
@graveyarddirt / @msgraveyarddirt
(I got half way through the list and quit so yeah here you go)
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friend-crow · 3 months
I am trying this, though I am currently struggling to name favorite movies... some of these are holdovers from like high school.
Rules: list five all time favorite films and have people vote on which one matches your vibe!
Tagged by @promiseiwillwrite
Other than @buddyblanc and @luc3 I'm not sure who enjoys doing these, so if you do, let's say I just tagged you. @neonsblanketfort? Perhaps??
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perduedansmatete · 7 months
@psyduckisdead m'a tagué pour partager les cinq ou dix chansons que j'écoute en boucle alors je m'exécute voilà!!
@wonderbandersnatch @hysar @luc3 @jefaiscequejepeux si vous avez envie de faire pareil c'est à vous <3
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wildwood-faun · 3 months
Tagged by @luc3 in this neat poll game.
Rules: list five all time favorite films and have people vote on which one matches your vibe!
All time favourite is perhaps pushing it. I have a terrible memory for films so I'm sure I'm forgetting something I really love but let's call them that for alliteration reasons!
tagging... who likes doing these? @echthr0s @brightgnosis and you dear reader
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
Hey guys just finished another months Hekate's Deipnon and I reblessed past months dogs and added in @luc3 s while also giving a general blessing to all dogs, so if any y'all want to step into that blessing current for your own furry loves doing so now would likely be ideal.
Also while Hekate is Protectress Of Dogs I'm of the opinion that she'll bless any of your babies furry feathery scaled or otherwise, so feel free to pull on this current to reach her for all blessings on our animal companions
Love to you and yours May Hekate light our ways in this most interesting of times
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Rosarys pictured above are from @lailoken btw
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graveyarddirt · 4 months
@luc3 ❤️
* Listen to/purchase: Lucy Is Red, by Nosferatu
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tagged !
tagged par @annahmiraculousmillenium hier j'ai perdu le moment
When was the last time you cried: ... Okay, hier, devant l'une des battle. devant toutes les premières battle que je trouvais si belles. Ouais, j'ai un peu honte d'avoir perdu mon eau alors que les fremens et Dune m'en ont donné respect. Mais, c'était beau. J'ai aimé voir ces chanteurs donner tout, pour un moment dont ils ne retirent rien. Et la beauté dans le spectacle du spectacle. Un sentiment indicible. Je dirais, au moins 23 larmes.
Do you have kids: Ô yes, presque comme les doigts de la main.
What sports do you play/have you played: Aïkido. Ceux d'avant n'étaient pas importants. J'ai trouvé dans l'aïkido une sorte de béquille qui a déséquilibrée ma croyance en un monde simple.
Do you use sarcasme: un peu trop, j'aime pas du tout ça chez moi.
Whats the first thing you notice about people: people are, people beautifull, people aveugle, people absent, people triste, people dye
Whats your eyes color: vert comme l'eau d'une feuille de Lotus
Scary movie or happy ending: en alternance ?
Any talents? : une certaine empathie avec les empathes
Where were you born: Abidjan
What are your hobbies: lecture, écriture, aïkido, regarder le vent léger dans le temps qui passe ?
Do you have any pets: 3 chats
How tall are you: :-) 180 on my ID // 179.5 envron
Favorite subject in school: Biologie, mais j'ai fait des maths, puis des maths et des maths, pour ne pas devenir prof de bio au lycée
Dream job: je cherche toujours
So now tag other people:
@ame-haine délicate humaine, @clochardscelestes que j'adore comme nom, @desinteresse forcément, @et-si-je-reve-tant-pis parce qu'en rêve toujours, @e642 qu'à la peau à fleurt, @insociablementcompliquee c'est cool, @cat973 qui en a bien l'étoffe, @mollymooon au delà d'une frontière, @tetarteauxmyrtilles qu'apprends le french @luc3 qui Clash, @woyzeeck un peu d'ombre, @quandvientlapluie en corp et @stalgivc @needtobeused92 @plaidetchocolatchaud @margocooper @classe-ass @perduedansmatete @darrianborland @kattiekatworld @katiebaite @solarainyhctiw @au-rythme-de-mes-pensees @zab0tushka @taylorsnow-dclmnc @hysar @pastelpaillette et ceux que je like que j'ai pas en tête
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Queen of the Night and Queen of the Sky
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windvexer · 6 months
tagged by the @luc3 and I don't recall the last time I've done one of these, if ever, so:
are you named after someone? I am not. I was going to be named after a Biblical character like my siblings, but during one late night of pregnancy my mother realized that my current initials, if I married a man with a last name starting with a certain letter, would then spell an undesirable 3-letter word. So I got my middle name as my first name.
To balance out the universe, my sister got her Biblical first name and we've been calling her by her middle name all her life.
what sports have you played? When I was a kid I played softball, and I got to do a short stint of horseriding in high school. Other than that, I'm not a very sporty gal.
do you use sarcasm? Yes, but I think maybe not as much as I used to. These days usually it's to provide emotional support.
what is the first thing you notice about people? I think the first thing I notice is whether or not I'd like to talk to them more. I have a bad habit of sizing people up.
what’s your eyes color? Green, I think. Pond green or forest green, depending on the light.
scary movies or happy endings ? Scary movies, always.
any talent? I think I'm good at learning. I put in a lot of effort into figuring out how to learn well and it tends to be not too much trouble for me to learn how to do things.
what are your hobbies? I do a lot of crochet, which has been my main hobby these past couple of years.
do you have any pets? I tend to three cats; Mr. Greasy, Senator Hopps, and Princess Caroline. Each of them were dumb stray babies and now they are all dumb housecat babies. I also have three chickens, and a fourth one has jumped over the fence and joined us.
how tall are you? 150cm
dream job? botique retail store on the bottom level, living in the apartment above it, writing and being a spirit doctor in my spare time.
Let us do some taggin'...
@friend-crow (thats right get tagged twice), @promiseiwillwrite, @stormwaterwitch, @aesethewitch, @neon-slime
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friend-crow · 6 months
tagged by @luc3 AND @windvexer so now I feel pressured into doing this
are you named after someone? Shakespeare character
what sports have you played? Lol sports? SPORTS? I tried to do track one year in high school but I couldn't hack it. Does non-competitive cycling count? I used to bike everywhere, since I didn't have a license, and for a while my friend and I were doing some pretty long distances. I rode in a couple of tours, and could bike 100 miles in a day at one point (but honestly it ceases to be fun after the first 50 miles or so).
do you use sarcasm? Yes. A lot. I try to wield it in the name of silly fun times, though.
what is the first thing you notice about people? This really depends on the person. People have different things that are noticeable about them. I do kind of have a habit of making note of character flaws, not because I plan on holding them against people (unless they're like Really Bad), but because when I was much younger I used to idealize people, and this is apparently how I've learned not to set myself up to be blindsided when humans are merely human.
what’s your eyes color? Hazel
scary movies or happy endings ? I want to like scary movies but I get so, SO angry over jump scares. Fuck you and your cheap bullshit. You know who you are (and you aren't reading this).
any talent? I'm kind of good but not great at a lot of things. Making stuff (people are most impressed by my creations that require more tolerance for tedious bullshit than actual skill) and singing are probably the top two. My speaking voice is nothing special, which I think works to my advantage, because people are always surprised when I can sing.
what are your hobbies? Making stuff, feeding crows, gardening, sorcery, writing.
do you have any pets? No :( I'm holding off on getting another dog until I've traveled a bit more.
how tall are you? 5'8"/172.7cm (do we do .7 with cm or do we just round it?)
dream job? Honestly most of my dream jobs would require me to not have chronic pain, or else to work extremely limited hours. Right now I'm lowkey obsessed with the idea of making art in the form of natural burial ceremonies.
Tagging some folks, no pressure (unless you get tagged twice, in which case maybe a little pressure):
@lazywitchling, @brujarojaderio, @stagkingswife, @stsathyre, @rose-colored-tarot, @theravensroost, @madmonksandmaenads, @buddyblanc, anyone else who feels like doing it
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perduedansmatete · 7 months
hihi @chifourmi m’a tagué pour un jeu!! (merci <3)
are you named after someone? alors techniquement non mais en fait si quand même car mes parents m’ont donné le deuxième prénom de ma sœur mdr aucune personnalité j’ai jamais vu ça nulle part, et j’ai appris il y a quelques mois qu’ils ont failli m’appeler par un de mes prénoms préféré, une idée de ma mère et certainement celui qu’aurait mon enfant si j’en voulais à savoir louison
what sports have you played? j’ai fait environ dix ans d’athlétisme que j’ai dû arrêter à cause de mon corps pourri et quelques mois de kick-boxing ce que j’aime bien raconter même si c’était très court aussi à cause de mon corps pourri ahaha
do you use sarcasm? je suis le sarcasme c’est important quand tu estimes que ta vie c’est de la merde ça la rend plus drôle de prendre les choses de manière sarcastique
what is the first thing you notice about people? si nos énergies vont correspondre je dirais, je ressens très vite si je vais être à l'aise avec quelqu'un ou pas comme c'est assez rare et j’ai pas d’autre idée là comme ça
what’s your eyes color? marron profond (oui maintenant j’arrête de juste dire marron tout court)
scary movies or happy endings? je vais être chiante mais je crois que je suis fan ni de l’un ni de l’autre j’aime les fins tristes et frustrantes et pas plus que ça les films d’horreur ou du moins j’en ai pas vu assez pour pouvoir me prononcer
any talent? je suis souvent la personne ressource, les gens me disent que je suis à l’écoute et qu’on peut compter sur moi
what are your hobbies? rot in bed mdr mais sinon lire, écrire, aller au cinéma quand j’y arrive, pareil pour les choses manuelles comme la couture quand j’ai la motivation, j’aime d’ailleurs bien faire des choses de mes mains pour les gens que j’aime et enfin me prendre la tête pour tout et rien
do you have any pets? non :( mais j’ai quand même ceux de ma sœur et de ma cousine que je garde régulièrement et que j’aime de tout mon cœur, ça compte?
how tall are you? officiellement 1m70 mais en vrai 1m68 (chut)
dream job? ne pas travailler du tout ^^ (j’en ai déjà marre)
et maintenant à vous si vous avez envie: @luc3 @jefaiscequejepeux @wonderbandersnatch @unjournalasoi @batteriefaible
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bog--unicorn · 1 year
@bogsleep tagged me to share my lockscreen, last song listened to, last saved photo, and last taken photo soooo…!
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— two of my sheep pals Trillium and Emmet from a foggy morning earlier this winter
— Stone Written in Stone by Blood and Sun. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this band so wouldn’t super recommend but this album and White Storms Fall really are great, annnnd this 2016 interview with the singer/songwriter is one of my favorite things to reread because it’s so hilariously pretentious
— a photo of a goliath heron attacking an eagle originally posted by @iliothermia a couple days ago… I’ve got herons on the brain lately and I am Perceiving this.
— and a photo of Wynn rolling around on my office couch while I was working today!
I tag @sclr @swish-u @stlamb @writhe @venuskissed @luc3 @witchstone @boiledwool @beeswax @mixedghostkid @bucephaly @lost-pet-city @watersofthewilderness @bugbeds @idowhatiwantwheniwant @spinosauroidea @doecrossing @allosauroid @lychens @eucyon @even-toed-ungulate @digestionmachine @odaighara, all my other mutuals, and anyone else who wants to share!
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graveyarddirt · 2 years
Hagging Out: Nov 28th - Nov 30th [🕯️]
Thinking about taking part? Reply to this entry - or send me a DM - and I'll add you to the list of November Hags. 💀
soal, a soal, a soal cake, please, good missus a soul cake apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry any good thing to make us all merry one for peter, two for paul, three for him who made us all -- peter, paul & mary, 'a'soalin'
WHO: To join this challenge you must 1.) identify as a hag (trans, non-binary, and dude Hags welcome!), and 2.) be 30 years or older. While not mandatory, all former participants have been some flavor of pagan or witch or Christian, so incorporating the challenge into your practice or devotional schedule isn't just tolerated, it's encouraged!
WHAT: November's theme is “veneration”. Last year we focused on honoring the dead (beloved & mighty & forgotten), this year we're broadening the theme to also include paying homage to saints, gods, spirits, familiars, and the land and sea. This month your challenge is to share an example of how you incorporate veneration of any type into your devotional life and/or practice.
WHERE: In the convenience of your home! Unless, of course, you want to be a bit extra. Whatever you decide to do, and wherever you decide to do it, be sure to tag your posts with #Hagging Out so fellow crones can follow along. (Over the past few years we've essentially strong-armed everyone else out of the tag and claimed it as our middle-aged Hag fort.)
WHEN: November 28th-November 30th! Participating Hags are encouraged to complete their challenge and write their entry when it suits their schedule, then pick one of the three "open" days - November 28th, 29th, or 30th - to post it.
WHY: To consolidate our strengthening crone powers and exchange tips on the best way of covering stubborn greys. And because it's occasionally nice to be social in the comfort of your own home without actually having people over.
HOW: Share a meal with the ancestors using an old family recipe, dedicate time to a cause or charity adjacent to a patron saint, engage in customs or traditions related to necromantic veneration (e.g., baking soul cakes), reward an especially helpful spirit or familiar, perform seasonal rituals or rites that pay respect to the land (or sea) - you get the drift. Feel free to riff and push boundaries, that’s what this is all about!
💀 November Hags: @msgraveyarddirt @thedosianexplorer @a-witch-named-crow @goddess29 @hrusewif @moeder-geit @satsekhem @morgandria @lurelurk @pagan-stitches @buddyblanc @stormcrow513 @incense-or-cigarette-smoke @luc3 @windvexer @casa_de_cadejo
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