#lua plays three hopes
queenlua · 2 years
i can’t believe there’s a whole fight in Three Hopes where Claude/Edelgard/Dimitri have to kill (spooky phantom versions of) their respective retainers,
and they DON’T milk that shit for all the drama it’s worth???
i am a simple woman; i am 100% on board for the classic Agonizing Battle Against Shadow Self(/Retainer) where the hero sounds all tortured and pained and shit; i’ve listened to that clip from Three Houses where Claude’s all fucked up after Hilda’s death a frankly embarrassing number of times... and you’re tellin me the sequel’s like “yea,h let’s just blow by this in <30sec of smashy-smash gameplay and like four lines of dialogue max”???  WASTED opportunity.  smh
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flyswhumpcenter · 11 months
How to lose at a card game on motorcycles against someone who can barely draw a card, a guide by Hermann of Team Catastrophe
As you may've guessed from my current profile pic, Yu-Gi-Oh brainrot is in full swing. Love my silly card games and all of the fucked-up shit that happens in it, sometimes.
I think I've seen Duel Monsters, the first series by Studio Gallop, fly past me on whump gif collections, but I've not seen anyone bring up how bonkers with injuries and suffering and shit future series get - for half the waiting time as well!
As you may've gleaned from the title, we're going to talk about 5Ds tonight. Long story short: Yusei is a dirt-poor orphan who drives a cool motorcycle in a dystopian society, he wins at card games, he has a swag birthmark that links him to like 4 other shmucks and they save the world. After Yusei and his friends Jack (the bold blond one with all the memes), Aki (the badass one), the twins Lua and Luca (we love them in this house) and Crow (some guy) save the damn world, they partake in a tournament where they play card games on motorcycles in teams of three. That's all the context you need for now.
Anyway, this is gonna be Long, so grab a snack and a can of whatever beverage you like best, because it's time I tell you about the one time a guy with a sure-fire way to severely injure his opponent lost against a guy with a broken shoulder. Strap in.
Okay, so maybe I'll give some more context
Before we can actually deal with Hermann YGO5Ds being mega cringe, we need to get some info out of the way.
Episode 97 of 5Ds is set right before the WRGP, the competition in whcich our Signers are going to compete. They just founded their team, Team 5Ds (title drop), which is composed of Jack, Crow and Yusei, in this order of who drives when. Feel free to forget said order, we won't need it where we're going.
At this point in the show, Crow just got his super duper dragon, Black-Winged Dragon, after solving a murder by accident. Yusei gets challenged by the smucks at Team Unicorn so they can trick Team 5Ds for their tag duel against them. Sherry says some weird stuff and drives away in French. Jack and Crow visit their orphanage and chat with their foster mom Martha. Kids Crow takes care of encourage him to do his best in the upcoming WRGP. Gee, that'd be too bad if something happened to him!
Anyway, something happens to him when going on a morning drive on Dah Motorcycle after some spooky mysterious malfunction locks the Blackbird's wheels.
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woops, jinxed it.
Kind of like a bird who'd smashed head first into a window, or a stick of butter let loose in a supermarket, Crow slides on the ground. He doesn't lose consciousness, but when he tries getting up, he quickly realizes putting his right hand on the ground hurts like a bitch and - woop would you look at that.
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Yeah that don't look too good.
That's only the start of our issues, however, because soon enough, ay hope Crow could've had of this being just a big-ass bruise gets smashed into the ground.
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In a surprising amount of realism from a series about people playing card games on motorcycles and occasionally fighting off gods on motorcycles while still playing card games, the doctor stares at our guy and say "yeah uh that's gonna take a month to fully heal". Problem, WRGP preliminaries are in, like, three days, so Crow goes into panic mode and goes through three stages of grief at once. Y'know, denial, anger, bargaining, anger again, sadness.
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TL;DR this "I don't need a cast" claim isn't going very well.
Team 5Ds is left scrambling because, without a third driver, they're at a disadvantage of 8K Life Points in total against 12K for a full team. Aki, who recently got her Turbo Duellist:tm: licence, decides she's gonna be their second wheeler. Crow, who initially sulks, sucks it in and decides to train Aki instead.
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And this is how we got here... unless?
Sabotage? In my card games on motorcycles tournament? It's more likely than you think!
We skip ahead to episode 104 now. Team 5Ds has won against Team Unicorn thanks to the power of Yusei's plot armour and protag swag, and now, they're bound to go against Team Catastrophe, who are no-name criminals from Satellite, the former slums Yusei, Jack and Crow all grew up in. Oh also Team Unicorn's Andre and Jean fucking crashed against Catastrophe, that's kind of a big deal I guess.
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After watching the local main antags do antag stuff, we cut to Yusei and Bruno (Team 5Ds' mechanic, forgot to mention him until now, woops) at home doing stuff on the bikes. Crow comes back from the hospital for a routine checkup. When asked abot his shoulder, he proves to be as trustworthy with the sentence "I'm fine" as Yusei "haha shrapnel in my abdomen is no big deal" Fudo:
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Our guys are soon discussing what happened with Breo, at which point Carly (sweet, shafted Carly) provides them with vital info about what happened in the form of duel footage: during Team Unicorn's duel with Team Catastrophe, there was a monster named Hook, the Hidden Knight on the field both time a crash happened. The gang quickly connects the dots with what happened with the Blackbird. Conclusion: somehow, those Catastrophe guys can lock their opponents' rear wheels and it looks to be related to Hook.
And then it happens again, this time to Aki.
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So, things are kind of bad. Aki's mega down for the count, there're criminals on the loose, and Crow's this close to just beating them up (with only one arm, yes). With a single, piercing gaze, Yusei convinces him to just face them like a true man: in a card game. Crow takes that as a hint that, actually, it's his job to do. Jack is like "what the hell are you doing bird brain" while Yusei is just. marveling at the sight of medical equipment without child safety locks.
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Crow vows revenge, and eyecatch.
Can you be complicit in painful driving? Asking for a friend.
It's the day of Team 5Ds VS Team Catastrophe! Everyone's excited and Officer Ushio, the only good cop ever, wants to take that whole sabotage thing to the authority - but Breo tells him no, actually, he should let th ebunch of 18-to-20-yos take care of it, to avenge Andre and Jean or something. (To be exact, Jack is 20, Yusei is 19, and Crow is 18. wait crow was a minor in the dark signers arc?)
Team Catastrophe gets boo'd, Team 5Ds gets a solid round of praise, I try to ignore how Carly and Mikage have been reduced to Jack Atlas fangirls and - oh.
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Crow walks up to them to clearly announce he's here to get revenge for Aki, and Andre, and Jean, and himself too. Hermann (of Team Catastrophe glory, it's the guy on the right) taunts him on his physical condition, Crow smirks, and tells them he knows what they're playing. The guy not on the picture is like "shit they're sussing us out", Hermann scoffs it off.
The first round sees Hermann and Crow facing off. This absolute banger of a sentence is said:
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Meanwhile, in Team 5Ds' pit, Luca's worried about Crow, since his shoulder hasn't healed fully yet. Jack tells them Crow's a stubborn bastard and wouldn't take no for an answer, Lua has no fear in his heart whatsoever and Yusei doesn't add anything before the duel starts.
As always in Riding/Turbo Duels, the first turn is determined by who can close the first corner first. It's already not going well for Crow.
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Nonetheless, shonen shit gets said.
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Hermann quickly understands what's going on with his opponent and goes for the kill right off the bat.
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Fairly logically, Crow loses most of his balance and, most importantly, the first turn.
For the needs of this just not being Yugipedia's duel description from this episode, I'll make actual duelling details short. What's important here is that Hermann summons "Hook, the Hidden Knight", and defeating it is a pain in the ass for Crow due to his Monster Effect.
What's more important to us, and will explain the title of this post, is that it's not just shoving your arm right into Crow's shoulder that'll make him grit his teeth in pain - even drawing a card is enough.
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So is drawing a card, actually. I'm no gif maker, so I can't show it animated, but his hand jerks when just putting "Blackwing - Sirocco of the Dawn" on his field.
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Yeah, that's gonna be a long one for our bird guy.
Anyway, whenever "Hook, the Hidden Knight" uses its effect, Shadow Hook, this happens:
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This duel is also a lot of Crow evading one (1) hook that's somehow made out of solid shadow, so ths is going to be the sole time I show this. Episode 104 ends on this, so onto the next episode we go.
Formula 1 forces you to do pit stops even if you're Max Verstappen, but this doesn't apply to Riding Duels I guess
Episode 105 greets us back to Crow understanding the ugly-ass monster in front of him is what's attacking all those people. Right on cue for his shoulder to mess with him again!
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Now painfully aware he needs to make this duel short, he sets his entire hand on the field and ends his turn. This is what clues Jack and Yusei on the fact their foster brother is really not doing so hot.
Hermann takes his turn. Of course, Hooky Hook attacks again, so that means Crow has to go on dodging duties, which triggers more pain in his shoulder (the animation is recycled, so no point in showing it here). The MC doesn't suspect the Shoulder Inquisition, so he wonders if the Blackbird isn't going insane. Hermann sets a card and ends his turn.
Crow is once again left to wonder how n the hell what's happening to him is even possible, but he's cut off in his thoughts by - you guessed it.
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Jack, who like last week was dragging his bleeding ass to the pit stop after crashing against Andre of Unicorn (a whole grandiose moment of 5Ds that was too), declares this:
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Jack asks Lua to ask Crow to make a pit stop; and that's the boy does. He screams "yo, dude, stop for now, I'll take care of it". Crow replies that, no, he'll destroy that monster first. And so he drives by the pit lane and that's it.
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Yusei's opinion on the matter is that everyone needs to trust in their friend, while Jack declares in the most tsundere way possible he won't be hold responsible for what happens to his pal. Don't be fooled, tho, drawing a card is still a literal pain for Crow.
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Crow takes his turn. Duelling happens, with him coming prepare for Hook's effect, but not Hermann's other Monster's effect. Still, he manages to deal 2000 LP of damage after taking 1600 himsel, from Hook's Effect activating twice. This time, however, when Shadow Hook activates, he has to straight up jump in the air to evade the hook, so he has to land - and yeah that hurts, big fucking oop.
To make a long story short of the last turn in this duel, Crow summons his new ace Black-Winged Dragon, kills off Hook, reduces Hermann's LP from 2000 to 0, but Hermann wants to keep the damn thing on the field. Crow's forced to active "Gravity Collapses", a Trap card that sends a Synchro Monster on his field to the graveyard in exchange for the negation of that second summoning. Activating the trap hurts tho woops, but he must be fast, cuz that thing is coming for him.
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"Gravity Collapses" does its thing, Hermann's finished, no more Hook shenanigans to come. Revenge taken, Monster beaten, time for adrenaline to run off.
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And so, with still 800LP remaining, Crow takes his pit stop, finally. Yusei and Jack both rush to him, and the faces their brother makes when taking off his helmet and passing the baton to Jack are quite a sight to behold.
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So, I ran out of pictures for this post (woops), so just know Jack beats the ass of Catastrophe's second wheeler so bad they have to forfeit. Then the plot kicks in again. Crow gets to sit a bit of it out because his shoulder is, actually, still a source of pain.
And so this is how you too can lose to someone with a broken shoulder despite having a weapon. Good grief.
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wormmomma666 · 2 years
My transition isn't as simple as take estrogen, keep talking estrogen, get electrolysis and surgery's, finally pass marry a cis women and live out my days as a housewife. Idk I've met a few girls who have done that but that doesn't work for me. To be fully honest Ive felt like I've finished transitioning for a few month now. I've been on estrogen on and off for almost three years now (although I'm on a really low dose right now) ive gotten everything I've wanted out of it. I have tits, I'm WAY less horny, I barely grow facial hair and it's easy to shave (and everytime I let it grow it looks kinda cute actually) I'm at the point where besides electrolysis all I want is to take more estrogen and see if my tits get any bigger in the next two years.
"but Lua what about passing"
WHAT ABOUT PASSING!? bitch idk to be honest that was never a goal until other people told me I should be shooting for that. People aren't fake with me BECAUSE I'm clockable I can weed out the people who actually respect me from the assholes. Plus I don't really wanna have sex with a cis person and it's not like cis girls don't wanna fuck me already I had one drunkenly groping my tits last night. Its not not fucking a cis girl is out of the question but I'm not gonna date one until you bitches can learn to keep your pussies in your fucking pants be respectful. I actually met a cis girl who was really sweet at the bar last week but she seems very busy with life (also she's monogamous so thats a deal breaker). it made me hopeful tho maybe I'm much more than my t4t tattoo but honestly I don't wanna fuck cis women if I ever pass that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. It's like "your not deserving of our respect until you played our game and followed the rules" or some shit.
Honestly what I want is t gel. "But Lua your a trans woman why would you need testosterone" I'm a top I wanna cum. Like actually cum. I haven't shot a rope in like three four years at this point It sucks.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
June 2005
June 1, 2005
Lets make a mixed cd.
Songs to listen to when you're alone:
Smoking popes "pretty pathetic"
Imogen heap "hide and seek"
Elliot smith "a fond farewell"
Get up kids "valentine"
Bright eyes "lua"
Joy division "ice age...."
Kent "if I was there"
Motion city soundtrack "everything is alright"
Morissey "the more you ignore me..."
Now its overhead "with a subtle look"
Saves the day "blindfolded"
The smiths "unloveable"
The smiths "asleep"
The weakerthans "left and leaving"
Coldplay "trouble"
American nightmare "we are"
Damnation ad "no more dreams"
The cure "why can't I be you"
Dan andriano "lucky smoke rings"
Nick drake "pink moon"
Burn. And play. Repeat play.
In the dark.
June 4, 2005
things you may or may not know about our experience at trl:
fat joe is awesome. he is one of the few "celebrities" that we have ever met that has no attitude. he goofed around with us and told us a bunch of hilarious stories. he is what you wished you were only bigger and funnier, trust us.
it was really hot there.
we have yet to meet a camera man that knows how to film fall out boy. we were doing lots of stuff on stage that they completely missed. next time maybe they'll catch on.
we saw some footage that mtv shot of "sugar we're going down" for fall out boy makes the video (Mtv2). it will make you laugh at pete and dirty literally stealing a golf cart and driving it into a tree at full speed.
pete is constantly sick. possibly because he jumps in pools full of staph infection or possibly because he never sleeps. we're not sure. he did a sick cannonball today, again too bad the camera missed that one. though we are pretty sure that the vj vanessa loved the gross wet hug he gave her when he got out of the pool.
our guitar tech eric the cowboy and soundguy Dad did a trl "shout out" during kelly clarkson for our tourmonkey Dirty. it was the best part about trl.
we think this is the first time Lifetime and The Descendents were namedropped on TRL, that makes us proud. now go buy their cds.
we recommend that you do not put all of your money on red or black. its just not worth it.
the "i heart revenge" shirt. will be available from clandestine this summer.
patrick gets sunburned in approximately one second.
panic! at the discman's new songs are amazing. pink was the new black then black was the new black now panic at the disco is the new black.
fall out boy is always gonna be just a band that started in joe's attic. we got the world fooled on TRL, thanks for being in on the secret with us. keep up the calling!
thanks for making it all possible.
now back to crankcalling dirty.
June 8, 2005
Florida is hot. That's all I have to say. The humidity makes it hard to breathe. I wanted to thank everyone for remembering my birthday. And kimber thanks for the bday slipandslide but joe decided he liked it more than me so he took it. Maybe hell let me use it on warped with him, hehe. Besides I like joe. The hardrock show was actually a lot of fun... We're going home to try and work up some new stuff to play on warped. Post what new songs you guys want to hear the most and we'll work on them. Oh yeah we got all new merch for warped and all new clandestine stuff too...
For those of you voting on trl. We heard that the whole last week was pretaped. So don't give up hope!!
Real enrty later when I'm not so tired. Nice to see all your pretty faces all over again.
June 10, 2005
the boy kings-
you guys did it. i dont really understand how we managed to but we beat out 50cent and made it to number 9 on trl countdown. pinch myself. yep. im still me and my mom is still yelling at me to clean my room. damnit i thought being on trl would make me instantly awesomer.... in any news we have some cool cover songs we're working on for comps and we're practicing for warped you know- sitting with out guitars in a sauna for 12 hours a day. it gets kind of gross. wait did i thank you for your undying support for us. all the other bands on TRL are three times the size of fall out boy and our fans alone are dedicated to call and work to get us on there. it honestly made me shiver when i saw that. lets keep it going up the countdown- show them what this is about! please call again tommorrow, phones are worth more than the net! the info is on the front page. back to the sauna for me. me and patrick are sweating out new songs as we speak. hope to see chicago kids at the gym class show on sunday! and we have some awesome stuff planned for everyone real soon...
hey S.O.'s i been seeing you at shows. it makes me swoon.
truefuckinglove peter
Dear Pete, or whoever decides to answer this question..well or not answer…my friend megan says that if you listen to XO with just the right side of headphones theres no music so it sounds like Patrick is singing in her ear just for her…and i agree….try it sometome
how about this. when i want patrick to sing in my ear i call him on the phone and he does it… boo and yah. oops. yeah i do that sometimes.
June 13, 2005
i'll be your number 9 with a bullet.
thanks for getting us on trl again!!! they changed the time of trl for summer. can you tell how suprised the vj's are that we keep getting on? its so amazing. keep it up. they changed the voting time to 1:30-2:00pm EST... so check it out earlier now. check out how to vote on the front page.
more s(w)oon.
Does Patrick have a nickname? If so what is it?
rickster. von stump. sophmore strump. winchester snomp, lunchbox. cookie jar. healthbar. rick ta life. patty boy. dont ever call him these. they are mine.
June 14, 2005
dear diary,
how did we get here. i'm not even sure.
thank god that the man who wrote Thriller is free. bring back the hits please, i'm dying.
summers not what it used to be.
the first kiss (off).
we leave for new york in moments. i'm a mess. nothings really going as planned in good ways and in bad ways.
thank you for the number seven, even if we are the "fall out boyS"
to the falloutBoy kings
ps. new summer line over at www.clandestineindustries.com - which includes more girls stuff, the bleach series based off of the story the count of monte cristo and some shirts designed exclusively for patrick.
June 14, 2005
her dad was a cook.
more like a chemist.
now he's doing time for burning down a shack out in the woods.
she gets her affection through two inch bulletproof glass two weekends a month, when her mother will drive her out there.
her hair is nosebleed red kinda funny in the way she always has the sniffles too, but you wouldn't laugh out loud, just in your head.
but me i'm brave, but in the boy next door kind of way. gone wrong ofcourse.
she says her family used to ski in vail.
i'm thinking this is a thinly veiled code for something about drugs but i'm not sure.
someone should wipe that smile off of her face.
someone should tell her that she's a terminal case and ruin her day.
not me, you know i'm kinda too into her.
it's the kind of conversation i'd engage behind cigarette smoke late at night with someone else.
she's like exposed brick. its not really as classy as people in manhattan apartments will tell you.
she always talks my ear off.
telling me amazing stories from the middle of nowhere.
i can hear the crickets chirping.
and the tumbleweeds blowing.
like how the 92 flood of mississippi was so bad that the water went into graveyards and she saw coffins floating down the street on the news.
peaceful resting place.
when we walk into a casino in vegas she tells me how they pump oxygen through the vents to keep people from feeling tired. how they make them like a maze around the casino floor so you can't find exits. how they keep the drinks coming for free. how everything is inclusive, you can get whatever you need, so you won't leave. she tells you to notice how there isn't anywhere to sit down except in front of a slot machine. she tells you it's just to get you to keep gambling.
as if it't a conspiracy.
just so you know she also calls tornados: twisters. and she's been in too many to count.
today she said the sky looked too nice, "it just isn't right".
we have patchwork afternoons like this.
just sewn together but not really matching.
we would if we could though. just coming apart at the seams and thats what's so attractive about eachother.
we could beat this rap. we could change your mind about us. we could live through this.
we just don't want to.
fuck your futures.
- petey
06/14/05 Q&A
Hypothetically asking, Ok, what if one day you woke up and Patrick was not there. Would you be worried?
it would make me want to disappear to wherever he was.
How does patrick sing the emotion in the songs that u (pete) wrote.. Do you have to explain it to him or does he just know?
me and patrick can finish eachothers sentences. this is what makes it so funny when people ask us if we care that you think the the other one is hotter or cooler, or how much everyone makes a big deal about who writes what or is where in photos. we don’t care. that kid is my best friend and the rest of the world could blow up and fall out boy can break up and he still will be.
June 16, 2005
I am glad today is over. We drove around nyc on a double decker bus and then recorded a cover song for a video game. A lot of things kind of were blown out of proportion today. But then I got to hear the new kanye west record and meet him. I realize no matter where our record is, hiphop guys like him are so much cooler than I will ever be. Oh well.
Number 5 is unbelieveable. Honestly I looked at my tv screen and was baffled. There aren't words... You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, no matter how bad things get.
June 18, 2005
best in show, worst in. love. with you. spent the day rehearsing warped tour. getting in the swing. so happy tonight in the perfect weather with friends from: from first to last, underoath and matchbookromance. we're a gang. get into it. this summer is going to be okay i think. really excited to play again tommorrow. come and find me (out). pick me out of a hat, pull me out of your sleeve. im lucky, but you're the luckiest. you guys bring a smile to my face when i see all of your silly questions. keep voting at TRL- it's definitely suprising some people over at Mtv!
ps J. - BenFolds "the luckiest"
June 20, 2005
haiku for you...
moonlit blues dimming
veins full of point fives and ones
turning my head off
just watch my mind run
over by the ambulance
side effect lover
- petey
June 21, 2005
I love summer in the midwest. Sunsets are the best. We love the number five. Thanks for voting on trl. Mtv is super suprised that we keep beating out 50cent and shakira. Thank you for your support. Its pretty exciting for us and is worth more than you could know. Please Keep voting... The info is in the news. First day off on warped tour and goddamn I miss it. Comeback forever.
Btw we love ap.net and jared kaufman so whoever said otherwise has got their stories mixed up.
Watch: the notebook. Get in touch with you cliched romantic side.
Listen: frou frou "letgo" cause theirs beauty in the breakdown.
See you on warped tour. Come over and say hey.
June 22, 2005
Warped tour is so hot. I've been eating icees and popsicles like they are going out of style. I love all the smiling, sunburned faces. Number three on TRL? This blew everyone away. We thought we might make it out on there but never guessed we could have gotten that far up. We talked about it all night on the bus. We have to find a way to repay you guys, something special. We're coming up with some ideas, just to let you guys know how much your support means. Stay tuned for that. Keep voting if you can. Otherwise go outside and play in the sun. We've been hangng with mcr and fftl a lot, teaching them how to go outside before it gets dark. Its funny.
June 23, 2005
From the bottom of our blackened hearts. Thank you for making us number one on trl. Its hotter than hell in dallas right now and we want to go to a waterpark. Koreantom cruise isn't helping it go down though.
We always knew how you felt. Now the world knows.
Honestly. Beaming from cheek to cheek.
June 25, 2005
lovers. from room 911 of a holiday inn next to the warped tour in houston. i apologize for being out of touch. the internet is not easy to come by here. i hate the sun. it seems to hate me as well. but i love being on Warped tour. been hanging with lots of old friends and some new ones too, definitely talking about some upcoming tours.
after seeing us as number one on TRL i was reminded of something that happened to me on last years Warped tour. I was standing in line for catering where all the bands eat and happened to bump into a member of a huuuuuuge punk rock band that i will not mention. i felt dumb and said i was sorry. but for whatever reason the guy didn’t like how i looked or like my band or whatever and said “you shouldn’t even bother wait in line to eat, you don’t deserve to be on the warped tour and you’ll always be a second stage band”. it made me feel like shit. i left the line and just started walking away to be on my own. as i did, someone from another equally huge punk band ran over and said “fuck that shit. get back in line”. and i mumbled something about feeling sorry for myself. and he said
fuck that. lets just say that you are a second stage band for the rest of your life. could you look in the mirror and love what you did?”. and i thought about it. and i came to terms with it. now this isn’t something where i’m trying to rub anything in anyones face. in fact its quite the opposite. i realized that i loved our band no matter what happened to it. if youve seen the movie rushmore you know what i mean when i say “fall out boy is my rushmore”. its the only thing i have really believed in, in a long time. it makes my heart beat. playing the songs makes me feel alive. yeah, i come off as depressed and blue all the time, but the stage washes that all away. whether we are number one on TRL or not even on Mtv.
that all being said. i was talking on IM with a kid the other day when we were number two and she said “don’t worry, we’ll get you to number 1”. it seems like such a simple thing but it almost made me cry. a fan who cares enough about me and every member of this band to feel like they owe it to bring us to number one. like they were paying us back. it made my day. i can’t tell you the gasp i felt when we heard the news. we figured taking off 25 percent on our merch store isn’t alot to do but it’s the best we could think of. soooo again Thank you!!! every single person who ever believed in us was vindicated in that moment. you shook the world alittle bit, but it was amazing. please keep it up.
bring your sunblock and water, and maybe a couple of yellow flowers.
06/25/05 Q&A
“kisses on the necks of just friends” kinda sexy dont you think. like if my friend was say william beckett that would be really sexy.
id just like to clarify that no one could pull off sideburns like patrick, i mean cmon, whats wrong with you people?..oh and pete, hows it going?
June 26, 2005
Warped tour is hottness. As are you.
Also, we have noticed a crazy amount of fake myspace accounts for each of us. NONE of us a personal myspace account.
We have also noticed a lot of people selling our autographs online. Don't support this. We promise that you can get our autographs at shows. Don't waste your money online. We will however later on this summer be putting some items that you cannot get anymore from early in our career as a band on ebay as a charity for our friend andrew from something corporate. So keep your eyes open.
Thanx love.
June 28, 2005
Amazing new mexico sunset. I'm hanging on a bridge with my friend mikey way from my chem. Its all orange and pink above us. We went to another waterpark again. I love high fives again. Totally back in love. Saw the most amazing movie... I think its called spirited away. Watch it.
Oh yeah. Keep voting. Kelly clarkson fans think they're better than ours. It kinda gave us a chuckle. For real. Total hiphop beef. We've got our money on you guys. Keep the votes up! You guys are amazing. Hugs and highfives forever.
06/30/05 Q&A
hey pete, do you belive in god? and congrats to you guys for being on TRL so long. and one more thing when are you guys coming to San Antonio again last time you guys came it was my sisters b-day. Bye, Sami
im not sure what i believe. i would like to believe that there is something bigger making all these coincidences happen. i want to not be alone.
how come that me and my friend voted two hundred times in two days to beat strung out ass in the energizer contest and you didnt play ten more minutes in montreal by the way im glad you have come here and the show rocked
i dunno. we didn’t get the extra ten minutes.
did mikey rub it in your face that they were number 1 on trl on friday?
me and mikey are in a gang called the sweet little dudes. there is no competition. we are happy when our friends are doing well.
When I wake up in the middle of the night, I sing your songs in my head to fall back asleep, what do you do to go back to sleep?
i put on the new panic at the disco record.
what do you do when your becoming something you hate and you never wont to be. Please help me. Brittany
its never too late to turn it all around. thats the best thing about being alive.
Do you think if some big fan at warped tour just randonmly came up and humped Andys leg do you think he would care?
nah andy is pretty easy going.
Pete, is it true that you dont drink alcohol
only xmolotovcoktailsx
hey pete, who came up with the idea for the flipbook album edition thing? cause its awsome
the rats that live inside my brain.
Patrick and Andy are so sexy!
Peter, what is up with the sudden emo scented journal entries. i mean, i /we just dont want you to be sad anymore. ::internet hugs::
im just being a baby.
0 notes
wickymicky · 4 years
wickymicky’s Top Ten Kpop Songs of 2020
5: Weki Meki - Cool
At the start of this year, Weki Meki were already one of my favorite groups. My url has been wickymicky for a while, though I would have placed the group at like 4th or 5th if I listed my favorite groups in order. Yoojung has been my number one ult bias for a long time, but the group overall wasnt one of my absolute top ults initially. As it went on though, I really fleshed out my love for all members of Weki Meki during the year. Dazzle Dazzle and Oopsy were big moments for me, even though neither of those songs were what I hoped they would be. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but not the same way that I love Picky Picky, Tiki Taka, La La La, IDLYG, etc. Once Oopsy came out, I thought it was pretty guaranteed that I wouldn’t have a Weki Meki song in my top 10, despite my appreciation for them as a group growing every day. By that point, they were absolutely one of my ults. Weki Meki are tied with Dreamcatcher for my favorite groups in kpop now. But… their 2020 releases just didn’t hit the way I wanted them to… until Cool
It’s funny, I had a feeling that it was gonna be good. I couldn’t explain it lol. I didn’t expect a third comeback, I thought they wouldn’t follow Oopsy up until sometime in 2021. But for some reason, when they announced it, I just had some gut feeling that it was gonna be different. Even before teasers started dropping. I was right, too. It’s very different. God it’s so good lol. I’m gonna be honest though, a large part of the reason it’s landing here in the top 5 is because of just how invested I am in Weki Meki lol. I guess we used the term “biases” for a reason, huh? I’m pretty biased lol. One of the most exciting things about this song is just that it gave me lots of opportunities to see Weki Meki shine.
For what it’s worth though, I do think this song is really high quality all on its own. It’s not just that I’m biased, because this song would be high on my list regardless. I love the production. I love the way that main low synth sounds, I love the way it kinda warps up and down as it plays... it’s a striking sound. The first part of the chorus is pretty monotone (the “Cool. jom deo tteugeopge.” part), and I wasn’t sure if that would begin to annoy me, but it hasn’t really. I like it. I think it’s fine because the second part of the chorus is different and has more singing, I think that helps the monotone part feel more like a cool addition to the song rather than a detractment. A lot of it feels really smartly written, imo. It’s not the most amazing and moving and powerful song ever recorded, but for a song called Cool about being cool... it definitely feels and sounds cool lol. Also, I think the members gave some of their best performances of their careers so far. Both in the song itself as well as on stage. They silenced anyone who would try to write them off as being “just Dodaeng” or “nugus”. Suyeon got a solo dance part and she pulled it off with overwhelming charisma. Lucy is establishing herself even more as the group’s other rapper, and her personality in her rap parts feels distinct from Yoojung. Rina, Elly, and Sei are also killing it and turning heads, I’ve seen a lot of appreciation for them all over. And of course, Dodaeng themselves aren’t slouching either. Doyeon’s presence in this song is amazing, she’s really making use of her talent for conveying that energy. Yoojung’s rap and dance skills are honed to the finest point they’ve ever been, she’s my ult for a reason. Love that little tomato.
Oh yeah, and there’s one other member I didn’t mention. Bro. Dude. What the fuck happened lol. Lua evolved this year. It’s like she just flipped a switch and decided “you know what? every comeback from this point onwards is gonna be my era” and she made it happen. It’s not just a haircut, it’s her entire energy. She’s overflowing with confidence. She’s always been talented, always been confident, always been zany and ridiculous and funny, but I’ve never seen her exude as much of it as she has during the Oopsy and Cool eras haha. Unprecedented levels. Her parts in Cool are the most iconic parts of the song, hands down. She steals every scene she’s in, and it’s hard to watch performances of the choreo without just watching her. Again, it’s not just her haircut, which was even shorter in this era than it was during Oopsy, I think, even the way she dances is different. It’s like she took off some limiters that were mentally preventing her from popping completely off while dancing, and now she’s free haha. She had moments of that in the past, but nothing like this. Even when she’s doing the same moves everyone else is, she does them with such style, in a way that’s very much her own. She really gives Yoojung a run for her money as the main dancer of the group, and the idea that theyre both co-main dancers has never been more true. Lua destroyed Cool, and I’m not sure what it would be like without her. You know what’s up.
Uh, anyway lol, yeah this song is great. I think Kick It and some of the others below it might be better songs at just the fundamental base level, but I enjoyed this song at a threshold that was pretty much unmatched this year. It’s ranking here at 5th place, but actually it’s the song I’ve listened to the second most this year. It came out in October, and in just three short months I listened to it more than I listened to any other song this year (except for one, lol). And the wildest part is that I don’t even think it’s in my top 3 Weki Meki title tracks haha. When I say I love this group, I mean it
links to the rest of the list: 10 - Fiesta (Izone) 9 - Crossroads (GFriend) 8 - Assa (Cignature) 7 - Boca (Dreamcatcher) 6 - Kick It (NCT 127) 5 - Cool (Weki Meki) 4 - La Di Da (Everglow) 3 - Mago (GFriend) 2 - Tag Me (Weeekly) 1 - Scream (Dreamcatcher)
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
As Long As It’s You
Idol: Doyeon (Weki Meki)
Prompt: cheerleader kim doyeon has tons of suitors and love letters but she’s alr dating soccer player f/reader yet nobody seems to realise and reader lowkey is frustrated so one day after reader’s big game and their team won, doyeon kisses reader in front of the whole school
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I lowkey love these types of scenarios and I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“Wow, more pink letters. What a surprise.” Yoojung’s voice was sarcastic as she looked down at the letters that had fallen from Doyeon’s locker to the floor into a neat pile at her feet. By now, this was a regular occurrence, and the taller girl just sighed as she bent down to pick them up. Her recycling bin was starting to get full at home. “What innocent hearts are you going to break this time?”
“I can’t help it if they fall for me,” Doyeon pointed out as she shoved the letters deep into her backpack, then put the books on top. “It’s not like I want them to.”
Grinning, Yoojung shut her own locker and put her hand to her heart. “Our resident heart breaker. If you were a dude, you’d be a fuckboy.”
“I don’t even know these people though,” the taller girl complained, closing her locker and shifting her backpack onto her shoulder. It was significantly heavier than it had been that morning. “They just look at me cheering one day and decide they love me. It’s all fake and superficial.”
“Maybe you should hide your identity. Like with a mask or something. Like that gangster girl from that short movie we watched the other day.”
“I think it’s a little too late for that. Everyone knows who I am already.”
“Oh right. Good point.” Yoojung hummed as the two girls fell into step beside each other. “I mean, you could just come out and tell everyone that you’re dating (Y/N).”
“I’ve been as obvious as possible. I post photos of us together online. What else am I supposed to do?”
“True, but you have your accounts on private,” Yoojung pointed out, and Doyeon wrinkled her nose.
“That’s because I kept getting confessions on my posts.”
“Wow, it must be so hard to be beautiful.”
“It’s not like that-.”
“Doyeon!” A familiar voice called her name as the two of them walked outside, and her face lit up as she turned to see you jogging towards her with a smile.
Ignoring Yoojung, Doyeon opened her arms to greet you with a tight hug. No matter how long the two of you had been dating, you still gave her butterflies, and they danced in her stomach as she pulled away to see you smiling affectionately at her. “What’s that look for?” She asked, tilting her head, and you laughed.
“I’m just happy to see you. How was your day?”
“It was okay, better now that you’re here.”
“I repeat, gross,” Yoojung said, skipping forward. “She got a bunch more letters from some poor unfortunate souls. Oh, and some guy asked her out during lunch.”
At the mention of her large fanbase, your face fell slightly and you wrinkled your nose. “More letters? When are people going to take the hint?”
“I don’t know.” Doyeon sighed and took your hand, starting to walk towards the school gates with Yoojung on the other side. “I’ve stopped responding to the letters all together because I can’t respond to ten people a day. The public confessions are starting to get on my nerves too, because then I look like the bad one for turning them down. Then when I tell them I’m dating someone they all act like it’s just an excuse. For some reason, a lot of people don’t believe me.”
For a moment, all three of you walked in silence, you holding her hand just a little bit tighter. At the school gates, Lua joined the group, immediately linking her arm with Yoojung’s and giving her a kiss on the cheek, and the shorter girl snapped her fingers with a gasp.
“PDA! That would make it obvious, wouldn’t it?” She leaned into her girlfriend and smiled. “I mean, nobody questions if we’re actually dating. Right, babe?”
“They don’t have to,” Lua answered, grinning and booping Yoojung on her nose. “Our love is that obvious.”
Doyeon grimaced playfully and shoved her friend’s shoulder. “And you said we’re gross, Yoojung.”
“I mean, to be fair, you are. We’re just grosser.”
“Sure.” She turned back to look at you and flushed slightly when she saw that you were looking at her intently. “What? Is something on my face?”
“No, I was just thinking. The public affection thing could work.”
Doyeon’s heart skipped a beat. Oh god. Was she ready to kiss you in public? “Yeah? But we don’t usually see each other during the school day. How would that work?”
A smile spread out over your face and your mood seemed to lift. “I think I have a plan.”
Suspicious, she poked your cheek and narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”
When you didn’t say anything, she poked you again, but you just grinned, shaking your head. “You’ll see,” you said with a laugh, and she groaned. She hated waiting.
A few days and over twenty love letters and two confessions later, Doyeon was getting ready for the big soccer game. Despite her growing frustration and her nervousness when she thought about what your plan might be, she felt calm as she put on her cheer outfit and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She’d been cheerleading her entire life. If there was anything she knew, and if there was anything that could calm her down, it was cheer.
“Ready Doyeon?” Lucy, one of the freshman, bounced over to the table, a huge smile on her face. “It’s the big game! If we win this one, we’re on to the championship!”
Doyeon stood up and smiled, straightening her skirt. “I’m so ready. I know the team will be amazing.”
“Rooting for your boo?” The younger girl wiggled her eyebrows, and Doyeon couldn’t even be mad. At least someone believed her about her relationship.
“Of course. Are you cheering for Rina?” She asked. Suddenly, Lucy’s face went red and she looked away, making the older girl laugh. “You’re so cute Lucy. Come on, let’s go join the rest of the team at the door.”
Thankfully, the weather had recently gotten warmer, and so she didn’t immediately feel like she was about to freeze as she walked out onto the field. Instead, she felt warm and fuzzy, smiling out at the cheering crowd. Their excitement was contagious, and her heart started to pound as she got into formation, shivering as a thrill went through her body. It was time to start.
Raising one of her hands, she locked eyes with you standing across the field and beamed before mouthing a quick sentence. She couldn’t say it, not out loud, but she knew you got her message.
“Good luck. I love you.”
Soccer, unlike other sports, always kept Doyeon on the edge of her chair, her heart skipping and stopping with every other play. Every time it looked like you might get hurt or you got the ball only to lose it again, she would grip her pom-poms a little tighter. Whenever you scored, she was glad she was a cheerleader, because she could cheer you on like crazy. The game left her breathless and excited, especially when you were playing.
So when the final goal was made, winning the game for your side, the relief she felt made adrenaline wash through her body and made the difficult cheer routine easy. As she came down from cheering, the game over, she saw you heading towards her, and your words from days before came rushing back.
“I have a plan.”
Suddenly, her legs felt wobbly, and her breath caught in her throat as you approached. Still, a smile spread over her lips.
“You were incredible out there,” she said, meaning every word, and you grinned proudly. Somehow, even sweaty and dirty after the game, she still found you so attractive, grinning like that.
“I did it for you,” you said, and then you leaned in, and her eyes fluttered closed.
She felt like she was in a movie as you wrapped one arm around her waist and brought the other hand up to caress her face as you kissed her, bending her back with the force. Her heart pounded again in her chest and a thrill ran through her as she kissed you back and threw her arms around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. The noise of the field disappeared into the background as she focused on you and only you.
As it turned out, it wasn’t that hard to kiss you in public.
When you pulled away, breathless, she giggled. “You taste like Gatorade,” she said, and you laughed.
“Better than sweat and dirt, right?”
“Much better.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Can I kiss you one more time?”
Her cheerleading friends whistled, and from somewhere, Yoojung was yelling for her to “get some.” There was a murmur and what sounded like cameras going off in the crowd, and Doyeon smiled. Now everyone would know that she really, really loved you. She doubted she’d be getting any more letters or confessions after this, but just to make sure, she leaned in again, her sparkling eyes making you swallow with anticipation.
“(Y/N), you can kiss me as many times as you want.”
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remys-lucky-franc · 5 years
Happy Birthday! A Queen of Thieves Fic
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This little Fic is for @lua-sol-eclipse12 who requested something with Remy, Vivienne and Nikolai when they were first friends. I’m very late in posting this, I’m really sorry and I hope you enjoy it 💕💕
Word count: ~900
Notes: Fluffy like a 🐶 or a 🐱
Image credit: Lisbon lux
"Niko... Please... It won't be the same without you... Please. For me?"
Remy pouted, a little furrow on his brow making him appear much more vulnerable and innocent than anyone could actually ever accuse him of being. His big green eyes seemed to have doubled in size as he tried his best to convince Nikolai to stop plotting for one night and go out and have fun with both him and Vivienne. The plans Nikolai had been coming up with recently were insanely good, and the return on their 'work' had been getting bigger and bigger, and was starting to gain them some notoriety... But not tonight Remy had decided adamantly.
Nikolai made an exasperated sound as he tossed a cushion at Remy's head,
"For the love of... Remy!! Must we revisit this again?? Why?? Why must you insist that I join you 'clubbing' of all activities??"
Remy stifled a grin, knowing he was going to get his own way: this was a game that he and Nikolai had played together many times in the six years they'd been best friends... Nikolai would behave haughtily, and insist that he was too intelligent, too busy, too cultured, to partake in whatever 'fun' Remy had conjured up. Remy would make a fuss and eventually his best friend would concede, begrudgingly... Nikolai would then end up having a blast, but he would never admit to it. Remy wrapped an arm around Nikolai's shoulder as he countered the argument,
"Because, mon ami, we are in Paris and far too young and beautiful to spend every night working... And it's my birthday..."
Vivienne gestured towards the window, and outwards across the city, as she winked at Remy,
"And just think of all the inspiration you could find out there darling! The interesting people you could meet, the dazzling opportunities you could uncover... The possibilities seem endless..."
Nikolai's eyebrows knitted together as he watched his friends conspire to take him clubbing. He shuddered as he scrubbed his hands across his face, conceding flatly,
"Fine. We'll go 'clubbing'."
Remy practically bounced across the room as he called out,
"Magnifique!! I'm going to change!!"
Vivienne chuckled lightly as she watched Remy exit, turning to Nikolai and closing the distance between them; one hand resting on his arm,
"You've made him very happy..."
Nikolai closed his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips,
"It's his birthday... If this is really how he wants to celebrate... It would be rather unfair of me to try to talk him out of it, no matter how hideous it will inevitably be..."
Vivienne smirked,
"Please Nik... You can't fool me, you were never 'not going'..."
Nikolai's eyebrow arched as he muttered,
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about Vivienne."
An hour later, Remy was back, his hair full of product, trendy clothing that looked like it had been tailored to fit him, grinning from ear to ear as he caught hold of Vivienne, a flawless vision in a fitted burgundy dress, a black leather jacket and heels, spinning her around excitedly,
"Where is Niko? What's taking him so long??"
Vivienne tapped Remy's shoulder to indicate that Nikolai was in the doorway. She smiled approvingly at him: he looked good, if somewhat uncomfortable in the preppy shirt and chinos. Remy grabbed the bottle of champagne from the coffee table, pouring three flutes, handing one to Vivienne, and one to Nikolai, before sitting his own glass back on the table and fixing Nikolai's hair, despite being pushed away and grumbled at,
"Et... Voila... To tonight, to friendship... To me!!"
Remy's eyes shone as he gestured to Nikolai to take the first sip as had become their protocol since they were a couple of street kids. Once Nikolai had ensured their drinks were uncompromised, Remy proceeded to knock back his entire glass of fizz. Nikolai and Vivienne laughed raising their glasses and toasting him, Vivienne cleared her throat,
"Dear Remy, what can I say? Happy Birthday, you devil? Thank you for being a wonderful friend? I wish you luck and joy and many, many shiny things?"
Remy laughed, as he clinked he glass to Vivienne's,
"Yes, ma cherie, you may say all of that! Salute!"
Nikolai refilled Remy's glass as he pondered his birthday toast. He wasn't much for wearing his heart upon his sleeve, but tonight he'd make an exception. He raised his glass as he stated plainly,
"Remy Chevalier, you are my brother, and I love you. Bonne anniversaire, mon ami."
Remy was slightly taken aback by Nikolai's unusually floral statement, but it made his heart full just the same, barrelling into Nikolai, he wrapped him in a huge hug, causing much protest from his friend.
Another half glass each finished the bottle, and the trio headed out towards the lamp-lit streets in high-spirits, ready to take the nightclubs of Paris and the rest of the world by storm.
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zuraoftheblack · 6 years
💟- Wildcard!!!
Dance of the Darkness, Pt.1
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Ah, do you recall the time I was tricked into putting on a show for Lua and her family before we were married? Heh, no, I suppose you wouldn’t, only Lua and those at her convent would have seen it, and I was rather shy of it all at the time- well, perhaps I still am a little. But as long as we’re sharing stories…
A little over a year ago, I ventured out with Lua to the convent where she had grown up. They were her family and we were visiting to announce our engagement, so already I was a bit… “tense” isn’t quite the right word, but I knew little and less about Keeper of the Moon culture and didn’t want to step on any tails on my first impression. I think Lua knew the thick, mossy green cloak I wore was as much for my own comfort as it was to ensure I did not offend. After all, who knew if any Lalafell had ever entered those halls, much less to wed one of its inhabitants?
Our arrival was warm and welcome; I hadn’t been greeted so fondly on a first meeting as I was that day, treated like family before they knew that I was to be just that. Not long after, Lua was excitedly taken away by the Mother, evidently for some ceremonies of which we were both unaware. This was what my mind was mulling over when I was approached by a trio of Lua’s Sisters.
I was met with excited hellos and we exchanged pleasantries, but soon they exchanged curious glances, and one of them spoke up. “Sooooo… what song will you be performing to?”
“…what?” I replied after a few confused blinks.
“Oh c'mon,” another implored, as though I was simply withholding information. “We’ve got to know! You can tell us!”
The third chimed in. “After all, someone needs to know if you want us to play the music.”
The second came back as though with revelation, “Ooh, unless he means to dance without music at all!”
The third’s tone grew skeptical. “That’s awfully bold…”
“H-hey, uh, ladies…” I hesitantly interrupted them with a wave of my hand. “I’m, uh, afraid I have no idea what dance you’re talking about…” Though the implications were startling at least, I thought it all to be a mere misunderstanding. Or, perhaps, I hoped.
The three sisters were quiet all of the sudden, their smiles fading and their curiosity fading into nervousness. They exchanged uncertain glances, and my hope gave way to tension.
“You don’t know about the ceremony?” the middle sister asked, now established as the leader of the trio.
“It’s more than a dance. It’s a display of strength and skill,” chimed the second, pointing her finger to the sky matter-of-factly.
“It’s also a measure of worth,” the last one said bluntly, “to see if you’re worthy to be wed to one of our own. Lua is one of our best. If you’re not gonna do anything, well…” She gave a flippant shrug, as though it’s as good as done, while the other two sisters stared at her, aghast.
I was quiet, various trains of thought intersecting in my mind. The embarrassment of performing (a dance, no less) in front of strangers who will bestow judgement, the stress of finding out so quickly, but most vividly the pain of Lua not receiving her family’s blessing, all because of a ceremonial technicality.No. They had not come this far to be denied on these grounds. I looked up to the sisters after a moment, each of them perking up from the look of determination I wore.
“This is for Lua. I’m not going to back down now.” I crossed my arms. “Show me your music, and give me until tonight. You’ll have your ceremony.”
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queenlua · 2 years
finished Golden Wildfire route
off-the-cuff thoughts:
* when someone told me Claude kills Rhea in this route, my first reaction was, “that’s fascinating.”  indeed, that was the “push” that got me to try the game out.  like, while Claude-as-presented-in-Three-Houses doesn’t really have much against Rhea (though he’ll approve if you speculate on her death), and Claude-at-end-of-Verdant-Wind certainly doesn’t begrudge Rhea (hearing her whole backstory is super sad!)... i’ve always thought you’d only have to push the pieces around a bit to, say, set up a situation where Claude letting Rhea die is convenient, or you could get Claude more fussed about the church earlier on, etc, and it was fascinating to me that Three Hopes was willing to actually go there with a darker take on the golden boy.
* ...unfortunately they didn’t actually set it up as Claude making a cunning play, lol, instead we are just very determined to kill Rhea because of Reasons TM.  in general, this route seemed to want you to take it on faith that the Central Church is not only evil but punish-by-death-able, which puts it somewhere between “Saturday morning cartoon villainland” and “tonally bizarre”
* lots of fun ideas that they didn’t really follow through with.  Claude and Edelgard using each other is rad, but we never actually see Claude get anything out of their alliance.  (having Edelgard in your “debt” because you saved her one time means nothing if you don’t have leverage, dude!)  Claude actually fucking up something once in his goddamn life is cool, except the whole Randolph thing was 100% a nothingburger to me, it’s called tactics and Claude was looking out for his own interests, why was everyone giving him so much shit about it, lol
* mostly this game’s story was a bundle of very interesting ideas with shit execution.  which, uh, is not a bad description of Three Houses, actually, but here they’re bungled it in totally different ways which is kind of hilarious
* i’m still very lmao at Fire Emblem’s general royalist streak.  “democracy annoying, replace with king” and then we just never really revisit that thread again huh
* Dimitri deliberately using Claude to get rid of Rhea is one of the few actually-fascinating political machinations going on (Dimitri! of all people! there’s hope for the boy yet!), but it happens mostly offscreen so waaaah
* shez >>>>>>> byleth
* i’m kind of glad i wound up killing byleth, if only because two more chapters sounds kind of insufferable; the route was already feeling kind of overlong (i was so OP i was just cruisin’ through battles near the end), and you tell me the other route has more?  dear god
* though at least all the animations were fly as hell.  near the end i was just swapping around characters to see how fucking cool they’d look on the battlefield (claude is coolest/flashiest by far, and also i got a soft spot for the bow knights in the house; watchin’ ashe’s horse fuckin do ballet while i was steamrolling enemies ruled)
* though i never quite got the hang of using mages?  i, uh, think i had a bad habit of just diving into hordes and taking the damage rather than “dodging” or “blocking” or “using a strategy” so maybe that’s why
* i was also super amused at how many of the paralogues were just blatantly filling in backstory that they decided to skip over in Three Houses.  can’t tell if they’re stuffing in stuff they always wanted to include, or if this is just padding stuff out, but hey now we know how Claude’s uncle died ig
* damn balthus is so good.  loved his supports.  why have i been sleeping on this himbo i need to write some more ashen wolves fic haigelhagil;e
* also: all of hilda’s supports are so gay.  good for her
* liked the bit where claude had to murder his brother, but damn could they have given him a less cartoonishly arrogant/moronic brother... did they even BOTHER to consider consulting my headcanons for his fam... smh
* does anyone play this game without playing Three Houses first?  they must be so confused rn poor dudes
* oh right, the lil animation that Yuri gets when he’s performing his ult or whatever? and he shouts “BOW BEFORE ME”?  fuckin 12-year-old-kid-winning-at-Mortal-Kombat energy, right there, i fuckin cackled, what a charmingly dweeby one-liner
* in conclusion, Three Hopes is a game
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thegreatwhiteferret · 7 years
Welcome To New York
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I Wanna Be Yours Series: Part III (Part I, Part II)
“Here we are in our New York apartment with a view…seems only right that we break it in. Don’t you think, Bill?” Richie suggested smoothly, and Bill nodded. 
“I t-think the p-perfect way w-would to make our girl c-cum so many t-times that she can’t e-even remember her own n-name or ours. W-would you like t-that, Baby Girl?” Bill asked and Bev groaned in anticipation, she knew that they would make good on their promise. 
“Fuck yes, let’s make this place really ours.” Her words were met with two wicked smiles from her boys. 
Pairing: Billverie (BillxBevxRichie)
Rating: Explicit
A/N: HERE IT IS EVERYONE! Billverie is back! @billbenbev and I decided that we just loved these three too much, and that we needed to expand the “I Wanna Be Yours” universe! As of right now, we have eight other connected one-shots planned for this series, and hope to get one out every week!!! (I say hope because y’all know that I’m a mess, and this one alone took me a week and a half to finish…) Who knows where we will go from there! Thank you to everyone who has supported Billverie and sent questions and words of love in for the OT3, we can’t wait to see it grow! Make sure you check out Lua’s blog to see Mood Boards and other Billverie content, like the awesome header she made for this fic! ❤️❤️❤️
NSFW Under the Cut…
“What time did Stan say that we were leaving again?” Richie asked as he attempted to drag four duffel bags full of his things behind him.
“He s-said to be at h-his house at f-four thirty.” Bill answered, groaning as he looked at the pile of Richie’s things that he was somehow supposed to fit and secure in the back of his truck. It wasn’t much, just a beat up silver pickup truck that Richie had affectionately named ‘Silver Two’, but Bill, Bev, and Richie had all pooled their savings from working over the summer in order to afford it. It was the first piece of their new life together.
“Is that seriously all you are bringing, William?” Richie gawked, staring at Bill’s lone foot trunk and duffel from the army surplus store two towns over. Bill rolled his eyes in response. “Fine, fine. All you need are your flannels, jorts, and baseball tees. Got it.”
“W-would you shut the f-fuck up about the j-jorts? I threw t-them all a-away after y-you made it known h-how much you h-hated them.” Bill tossed over his shoulder as he attempted to heft his trunk onto the bed of the truck by himself.
“Jesus, Bill, let me help. You’re not actually Captain America.” Richie muttered, grabbing one end of the trunk, they lifted it easily and Bill hopped up to move it into the right position. When he had, Richie began handing him the other bags, they still had to drive over to Bev’s Aunt Clara’s apartment to pick her up and all of her things, then they were heading over to the Uris house where the parents were throwing a small send off party. Well, some of the parents.
It was really Maggie Tozier and Andrea Uris who had put the whole thing together. Mike’s grandparents and Ben’s mom would be joining as well. Bev’s aunt had to work, so she would be saying goodbye at the apartment. Bill’s parents wouldn’t be attending of course, Bill hadn’t spoken to them in months, not since he had moved in with the Toziers in February. Then there was Sonia Kaspbrak. She had downright refused, threatening Eddie once again that if he left to be with his sinning siren of a boyfriend, that he would never be welcomed home again. Eddie had simply packed his bags and left, knowing that he had more of a family with the Losers than he had ever had with her. When Andrea had heard of this, she set up the guest room for Eddie and told him that he had a new home in Derry.
Bill secured the bungee cords over their luggage and hopped down from the truck, lifting the tailgate and slamming it closed, before rounding the truck and joining Richie in the cab. They took one last look at Richie’s childhood home, Bill’s adopted home too, and waved, before backing out of the driveway and heading down the street in the direction of Bev’s apartment. Richie hummed along to the song that was playing through the speakers. He turned his head to the side and watched Bill carefully.
“Hey, I love you, Denbrough. You know that right?” Richie asked sweetly, scooting closer to Bill across the bench seat. Bill raised his eyebrows a little in surprise before he let out a small chuckle and smiled.
“Y-yeah, I know. I l-love you too, Tozier.” He returned, and threw his right arm over Richie’s shoulders as he drove, leaning in slightly when Richie pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek.
They made it to Bev’s in near record time, Richie snuggling himself into Bill’s side and singing along to the radio softly the whole time. Bil pulled ‘Silver Two’ up to the curb outside of the brick building and shut the engine off. Bev pulled the door open to the apartment before they could even knock.
“Well hot damn, two fine as hell gentleman callers standing at my chamber door. What ever is a lady to do?” She drawled in a fake southern accent, red lips curling into a sultry pout.
“Well my dear, I do declare, that you could invite said gentleman callers in.” Richie returned, matching her accent easily. He leaned forward and brushed a fallen curl out of her face.
“Seems most appropriate, Kind Sir.” She smirked, curtseying as Richie bowed and then walked into the apartment past her. She turned her attention to Bill who was rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands stuffed in his pockets, he looked down at her through the messy locks of hair that always fell in front of his face. “Hey, Bill.” Bev said sweetly, dropping the accent.
“Hi, Bevvy.” He said with a small smile, taking her outstretched hand and following her into the apartment. Bev and Clara’s apartment was eccentric to say the least. It was really more of a studio than a full on living space, but that fit both of them better anyway. There was only one bedroom, and then a loft where Bev’s bed and things were all set up, the rest of the space was just one common room. Bev had all of her things ready and sitting by the couch.
“Ah, Bill and Bev, there you are.” Clara said with a wave of her hand, the bracelets on her wrist clinking together. “I was starting to think that you two had run off into the sunset together and left me here with Richie.” She said with a smile, and Richie scoffed faux insulted.
“Pssssssh. As if. They both love me too much.” Richie replied easily, there was still the smallest amount of doubt about that statement that lived inside of him and most likely always would, but today was a good day and he didn’t want to spoil it by bringing that up.
“Mhmm, you must be fantastic in bed because your personality is meh.” Clara responded, flicking his ear as she walked past him.
“CLARA!” Bev shrieked, and her aunt let out a wicked laugh. Clara had been the first person outside of the Losers Club that they had told about their relationship. It wasn’t at all intentional.
Clara was supposed to be working a double shift, and the three of them were eager to be able to spend some quality time alone. It had been about two weeks since they had returned from the road trip and they hadn’t been able to be intimate since then. Clara’s second shift had been filled by someone else and she came home to see Richie laying on his back completely naked while he gave Bill a blow job and Bev blew him.
Clara had handled it in stride, leaving them to finish before coming back and sitting them all down for a conversation. She was incredibly supportive, and had even gone as far to buy them a wholesale box of condoms and a giant bottle of lube. The three of them had been beyond horrified, but her overall acceptance led to them having the courage to tell Maggie and Wentworth about their relationship. They were skeptical at first, having just warmed up to the idea of Richie and Bill dating each other, but they tried their hardest to be open minded and they truly loved Bev already.
“Sorry, sorry. I have to get the jokes out while you are still here, Marshmallow. I’m covering my sadness with humour.” Clara said pouting slightly, and Bev’s face dropped to match hers. They pulled each other into a tight hug, rocking back and forth slightly. “I’m so proud of you, Munchkin. So proud of you for getting out of this town and following your dreams. You’re going to do great, kid.”
“Thanks, Clara.” Bev said between small sobs, tears running freely down her face. She didn’t have to look to know that Clara wasn’t doing much better. “Fuck, we promised that we wouldn’t do this! You’re coming to visit in a few weeks, we shouldn’t be crying. This should be happy.”
“You’re right.” Clara said pulling back, wiping the tears off of Bev’s face before tending to her own. “You are going to be so amazing, and I’ll see you soon. And you will call every week, if you need anything I will drive the five hours to you.” Clara told her and Bev nodded, pulling her in for another hug.
“I love you, Clara. Thank you for everything.” Bev said genuinely. She meant it too, with all her heart. She didn’t know what she would have done if Clara hadn’t come back to Derry to raise her.
“I love you too, Beverly.” She said before turning on her heel and staring down her niece’s boyfriends. They may have been at least a foot taller than her, but that didn’t make her any less intimidating. “Now you two knuckleheads. You take care of my girl, in that big city. Or I’ll kill you.” She warned and both boys gulped and nodded. “And take care of yourselves and each other too. I am so glad that you three found each other in this way.” She pulled the two boys into a hug and then motioned for Bev to join. They held on for a few minutes before they pulled back. Richie and Bill grabbed Bev’s things and made their way down the stairs and to the truck, leaving Bev alone to have a few more precious moments of farewells with her aunt.
“Bev p-packed lighter t-than you and she’s a g-girl, Richie!” Bill said exasperated, as he shifted Richie’s things around again to make room for Bev’s trunk and suitcases. It was proving to be far more difficult than he had planned.
“It takes a lot of work to look this good, William! Do you want me to age quickly and with a lack of grace? I think not.” Richie punctuated this sentiment by sticking his tongue out at Bill.
“I s-swear to God, if a-all that is in h-here is c-comic books and v-video games, I’m g-going to hurt y-you.” Bill groaned and hopped down from the truck. Richie pouted his lips, unable to argue further, and Bill rolled his eyes before pressing a soft kiss to Richie’s lips.
“Damn, look at those two hot guys kissing. What does a girl have to do to be lucky enough to be in a relationship with both of them? Oh, wait. I already am.” Bev laughed to herself and the boys both rolled their eyes affectionately at her antics.
“Come on, Marshmallow. Get in the truck. Stan probably already has his panties in a wad, and we don’t want to be late for that show.” Richie said as he open the door and motioned for her to climb in. She smacked a sloppy kiss onto his cheek as she climbed in and Richie slid in after her. “Hi ho Silver Two, away!!!” He screamed, tapping his hand on the door. Bill looked over at him with a scowl, but started the truck nonetheless and pulled off down the road.
“Could you be any less punctual? I’d expect this from the two of them but you, William, really?” Stan asked when they pulled into his driveway, there was a smirk threatening to peak through his stormy expression, and Richie jumped out of the truck and pulled him into a smothering hug.
“Staniel, my love, so glad to see you.” Richie said cheerfully as Bev and Bill moved to join them. “Is everyone else inside? You managed to get Mike’s car all packed up?”
“Yes, they are inside. Where you should have been…” He paused to glance down at his watch to get an accurate number. “Sixteen minutes ago.” He finished, prying Richie’s octopus like limbs off of him.
“I’m s-sorry, Stan. I had to r-re-re-arrange everything in the t-truck like twelve times.” Bill explained as they walked towards Stan’s front door. “Someone p-packed far too m-much.”
“I wonder who that was…” Stan snarked half heartedly as they reached everyone else. Eddie wore a similar expression to the one his boyfriend had been when they had pulled up.
“Do any of you own a watch?” He asked, blinking his eyes incredulously. Richie went to scoop him up in his arms, but Eddie stepped back with a warning glance. “I think that it is time that we discuss some boundaries since we will be living together.”
“O-or we c-could enjoy this l-lovely get together, and n-not start with the d-dramatics?” Bill suggested, and Eddie let out a huff of frustration. He wouldn’t dare challenge Bill’s words. Richie and Bev left them alone to go mingle and find Maggie and Wentworth. “T-thanks, Eds. We can t-talk about s-specifics when w-we get there.”
“Promise?” Eddie asked, holding up his pinky finger towards Bill and Bill let out a small laugh, before raising his pinky to hook with Eddie’s.
“Promise.” Bill replied with a smile. He slung his arm over Eddie’s shoulder and pulled him along with him as he went to find something sweet to eat. Maggie and Andrea had made quite a spread, everything displayed in plastic containers that they could snap the lid on and send off with the kids to take with them.
Bill couldn’t help but wonder if his parents even cared that he was heading so far away. If life had been more simple, less plagued with the Denbrough trauma, maybe they would be here.
“Hey, Baby.” Bev said, sliding up next to him and pulling his hand into her own. “What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” She asked sweetly, and Bill felt his walls breaking down.
“C-can we go s-somewhere else?” He asked softly, and Bev nodded, pulling him along with her until they were in the Uris’ sitting room. Bill sat down and Bev made herself comfortable in his lap, she looked up at him with her caring blue eyes, and Bill felt the tears he had been trying so hard to will away fill his eyes.
“Oh, Billy.” She cooed, and wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug. Bill buried his face in her hair, it smelled like coconut and it calmed him. She had been using the same brand of shampoo since they were in middle school, and it made him feel at home and grounded. Bev and Richie, and the other Losers, were his home now. He knew that he should accept that but he still hurt.
“W-why don’t they l-love me, Bev?” He choked out. Finally voicing what was swirling around in his brain. Bev pulled back slightly, bracing his face with her delicate hands.
“I don’t know, Bill. I wish I did, I wish I had the words to explain why people do terrible things. I’ve tried to understand for so long.” Bev trailed off slightly, trying to wipe some of her own tears away. “But, what I know is that those people don’t matter. You can choose your family, choose your own path.”
“I k-know.” He sighed, that was an easy concept to accept in theory, but when your own flesh and blood doesn’t want you…it burns. Bev frowned slightly and Bill felt like he needed to rush to clarify. “I j-just…I wish t-things were different. It’s not t-that you a-and Richie d-don’t show me e-enough love.”
“Of course not, Bill. I know what you mean.” She said pulling him into another hug and rocking him back and forth in a soothing motion. “It’s normal for you to crave their attention and love, that doesn’t mean that you’re broken and can’t accept our love. I understand.”
“T-thanks, Ginger Babe.” He sniffled, and Bev smiled at him brightly with the mention of his nickname for her. She brushed some of Bill’s hair out of his face in another soothing manner.
“One last thing before we join the party again…you’re our glue, Denbrough. I need you to know that. With the Losers Club. With our trio, we wouldn’t work without you. Without your kind heart and courageous soul. You make us all better.” She told him sincerely, and Bill could feel the warmth spreading through his chest.
He pressed his lips against Bev’s and she returned the kiss quickly, pouring her love and trust for him into the kiss. They pulled apart and rested their foreheads together.
“Well damn, now I know why you were missing from the party. Getting all warm and cozy in the Uris house and you didn’t bother to invite me!” Richie joked as he entered the room and sat down next to Bill. He picked up on Bill’s red rimmed eyes quickly and shot Bev a look to make sure that they were okay, she nodded at him subtly. “So, Stan wants us to leave in about fifteen. The moms are stocking our vehicles with food right now and then we are going to do our last hugs and goodbyes. Mom and Dad want to talk to you, Bill.” Richie told him and Bill seemed to straighten up a bit, nodding.
“Okay. W-we should go t-then and not keep t-them waiting.” Bill said, lifting Bev off of his lap easily and setting her back on her feet. Richie tilted Bill’s head back towards him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “W-what was that for?” Bill asked, quirking his eyebrow in confusion.
“Because I love you more than words, William.” Richie told him in a gentle voice that made butterflies erupt in Bill’s stomach. He then followed that sweet gesture up by slapping Bill’s ass and running out of the room before Bill could get back at him.
Bill found Maggie and Wentworth easily when he returned to the main room. He could tell that they had been waiting for him, and it made his nerves act up even more. They had done so much for him, and it worried him now that they wanted to talk to him alone like this. They waved him over, and he stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked over to them.
“M-mr. and Mrs. Tozier.” He greeted them politely when he reached them, head still ducked a little.
“Bill, how many times do we have to tell you that it’s Maggie and Wentworth. You’re part of the family.” Maggie told him sincerely, resting her hand on his shoulder and Bill flushed a little. He nodded in understanding and she hummed in response.
“We want to make sure that you have everything you need for New York.” Wentworth cut in, and Bill lifted his eyes to meet his, asking for clarification. “You didn’t come to us with a whole lot, and you know as well as we do that Richie is taking way too much with him…”
“HEY! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEING TOO PREPARED DADDY-O!” Richie called from where he was apparently eavesdropping a few feet away. All three of them whipped their heads towards him in slight disbelief that he would interrupt a private moment like that.
“Richard, you are not too old…Just butt out, Kid.” That seemed to be enough to deter Richie from listening in on their conversation or interrupting again. Wentworth took a deep breath to calm his nerves and to focus back on his conversation with Bill. “Like I was saying, Bill, Maggie and I want to send you off to school with a little something that will help you with your writing.” Maggie pulled a wrapped box off of a table behind her and held it out for Bill.
“W-what? No, you d-didn’t have to get m-me anything. You t-took me in…” He trailed off as Maggie gave him another warm smile and pressed the box into his hands. It was a bit heavy and he frowned at that. He set it down and worked on tearing the paper off. He felt tears well up in his eyes when he saw what it was. The words Apple PowerBook 540C were shocking to him. “Oh my God.” He breathed out.
“It’s a portable computer. You can type all of your stories out on it and then save them on disks. The gentleman at the store assured me that this would be perfect for you.” Maggie explained, and Bill set the box down carefully, pulling her into a hug as a few tears slipped down his face.
“T-thank you.” He breathed out and she held his shaking form tighter until he pulled back to give Wentworth a hug as well. “You g-guys are s-so amazing. I d-don’t know what I d-did to deserve y-you.” He told them, still in disbelief.
“You’re our son now, William. You don’t have to do anything to deserve what you need.” Wentworth told him, and Maggie nodded in agreement. Bill ducked his head again and scuffed the toe of his shoe across the carpet, his thoughts of his birth parents from earlier flooding his mind, and he realized how right Bev had been. Biology wasn’t what was important, it is actions that matter more. He took a deep breath.
“Uhm, I’ve w-wanted to ask y-you this f-for a l-little bit…” He started, and Maggie looked at him a little concerned, so he just steeled his nerves and continued. “W-would it be o-okay if I c-called you Mom a-and Dad?” He asked, his stutter increasing with his nerves in this stressful admission.  
“Oh Bill, of course!” Maggie clapped her hands over her mouth, tears of happiness making their way into her eyes. “I would love that, I really would.” She told him before pulling him into another hug. Wentworth patted him on the back, a look of pride in his own eyes.
“Well, Son, it looks like everyone else is packing up and saying their goodbyes, so let’s get you and this computer out into the truck.” He told him and Bill nodded, lifting the box and holding it to his chest. Richie was waiting for them by the front door.
“Damn, Billy. What do you have there?” Richie asked, eyes widening as he read the words on the box. “You bought him a computer? You wouldn’t even buy me a new walkman!” Richie squawked, and Bill rolled his eyes. He knew that Richie didn’t actually begrudge him, they both loved each other too much for that.
“Uh huh, and what exactly happened to your last walkman, Richard?” Wentworth asked and Richie’s snappy reply died in his throat.
“Alright, Father. I can not fight you on that point.” Richie conceded. “I’ll just have to borrow Bill’s.” He said.
“So t-that mine c-could meet a s-similar fate?” Bill asked with a raise of his eyebrows and Richie stuck his tongue out at him. Bill secured his new computer in the cab of his truck, helping Bev to climb up into the truck as well since she was holding a container of dozens of cookies, before he turned back to the Toziers.
“I guess it is time to say goodbye…” Richie started, and Bill could see that his cocky exterior was starting to melt away. He was going to miss his parents more than he could say. They hadn’t always understood him, but they had supported him. “Mom.” He croaked before pulling her into a hug. She held him close, and stroked up and down his back like she had when he was a child, though he was much taller now.
“T-thanks for e-ev-verything, Dad.” Bill said before holding his hand out for a shake like the men in his family had always done, but this was met with a slight eye roll as Wentworth pulled him into another hug. When they pulled back Richie shot him a look of question that also held pride and love, before they swapped parents for hugs. “I l-love you, Mom. T-thank you.” Bill told Maggie as she hugged him, with just the same warmth as she had hugged Richie with.
“I love you too, Bill. I love both of you boys so much.” She said pulling them both into a group hug. Wentworth let out a slight chuckle at the sight and quickly snapped a picture with his camera.
“Okay, okay. Time for you two to go.” He told them and they all nodded, pulling away from Maggie. “Now this isn’t forever, we will be coming down to the city in three weeks to see Bill’s first game, and you will be back here for Thanksgiving.” He told them, and they all knew that it was true, but that this was still a major step.
“You’re right.” Richie said with a smile, and they all headed over to the truck. Richie and Bill slid into their seats and buckled up.
“Bye, Bev. I wish you all of the luck, Sweetheart. You take care of our boys, they need a strong woman to guide them, and you my dear fit the bill.” Maggie said through the open window, and Bev smiled back at her in thanks. “You have a safe drive, and one of you call me when you get settled in tomorrow night. Let me know that you are safe and alive.”
“Of c-course, Mom.” Bill told her, liking the way that it rolled off of his tongue and the feeling of having parents who cared about him again. He backed carefully out of the driveway, waving at everyone one last time before they were on their way.
Bill followed Mike’s car, careful not to lose sight of it, as they headed out of Derry and towards their future.
“LAND! SOLID LAND!” Richie cried as he flung himself out of the truck and onto the pavement of the sidewalk outside of their apartment building. It was late, just after midnight, but they still had to get all of their things up to their apartment before they could park the vehicles in the garage and actually get some rest.
“Bev, b-baby it’s time to w-wake up. We’re h-here.” Bill said gently, trying to coax her out of her sleep. She had curled up between the two of them and fallen asleep with her head against Bill’s shoulder sometime while they were driving through Connecticut. Her eyes started fluttering open and she groaned as she came back to the world of the living. “T-there’s my s-sweet Ginger Babe.” Bill said with a smile, looking down at her fondly.
“Mmmm, Billy, What time is it?” She groaned, blinking a few times, before letting out a small yawn. Bill tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.
“Just after m-midnight.” Bill told her and she nodded. She diverted her attention to where Richie was talking to Stan and Eddie in front of the truck. Mike, Vic, and Ben were already working on unloading what they could from Mike’s SUV.
“We should get to it then, get all of our things upstairs before we all collapse from sleep exhaustion.” Bev suggested, shooting Bill a wink. He nodded and they both slid out of the truck.
As a team they decided that Richie would stay down on the street to police the area and make sure that no one took their things or vehicles while they were upstairs. It was Stan’s idea and honestly the rest of them agreed. Sleep deprived Richie was even raunchier and more aggressively inappropriate than regular Richie. So they all decided for their sanity and the swiftness of their mission that the rest of them would just ferry all of the luggage upstairs.
They were split into two apartments right across the hall from each other on the top floor of the apartment building. The couples had been assigned to the two bedroom apartment while Mike, Ben, and Vic got the three bedroom apartment, glad to each have their own room and space.
“Holy shit.” Bev gasped as she opened the door to their apartment. It was even better than they could have imagined, and it was theirs. It was all brick interiors, with a staircase that led up to a balcony with rooftop access. The bedrooms were on opposite sides of the apartment, and they both had their own bathrooms. There was a decent sized kitchen and eating area, that already had a table. It might be a tight fit with all eight of them, but Losers Club dinners were a must. There was also a big comfy couch and two chairs set up, they just needed to add a television. It had all the essentials, they just had to add the love, and there was no shortage of that with them.
“It’s perfect.” Eddie said from his spot beside her, and the two of them looked at each other and shared a smile.
“Alright, as happy as I love seeing you both, and you know that it truly thaws my cold heart, can we get everything inside the apartment so that we can sleep? Please?” Stan asked, cutting in as he set a few of his and Eddie’s bags on the floor.
“I a-agree with, Stan. B-bed sounds g-good.” Bill said with a yawn, and both Eddie and Bev melted a little at the sight of how cute it was. They nodded and quickly dropped off their loads before heading back down to the vehicles.
It was one thirty when all eight of them had finally managed to get all of their possessions into the building and Mike and Bill went to park their vehicles in their assigned spots under the building.
Bev and Richie made the bed while they waited for Bill, piling pillows and soft quilts and blankets on top of it just the way they liked. They had just finished when Bill walked into their bedroom and closed the door behind him.
“Come to bed, Baby.” Richie cooed, and Bill nearly flung himself into his arms. Richie held him close to his chest while Bev headed into the bathroom to change. She took her time brushing her teeth and washing her face. Enjoying the feeling of doing it in HER space for once. She slipped a nightie over her head and walked back into the bedroom.
“Aww.” She let out as she took in the sight in front of her. Bill and Richie were curled around each other, fast asleep in their bed. Bev wished that she had her camera readily available to capture the moment, but settled for the mental memory instead. She set the alarm clock for all three of them, they all had orientations in the morning that they had to be at no matter how late they had gotten to bed.
She pulled back the sheet to slide in, and pulled the blankets back over the boys and herself before snuggling right up to them. Richie threw his arm around her in his sleep and she smiled doing the same to him as Bill laid sandwiched in between them.
Bev took a look at the building in front of her. Parsons School of Design. She couldn’t believe it, fashion was her dream, it had been for so long and now she was so close. She walked towards the door, and was jared when a much larger body ran into hers.
“Ah fuck.” She let out as she landed against the pavement, the skin on the palms of her hands were scraped and she felt discombobulated.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” A voice was telling her, she looked up to see a man around her age, with slicked back brown hair and clothes that screamed that they were designer. He reached a hand down to help pull her to her feet, and Bev gratefully accepted.
“It’s totally fine, I should have been watching where I was going.” Bev nodded to him slightly, trying to smooth out her outfit and accessing the damage.
“Well, I should have been more focused on walking then staring at this pretty redhead that was in front of me.” The guy said with a smirk, and Bev quirked an eyebrow at him. Was this dude seriously hitting on her right now? “I’m Tom, Tom Rogan.” He said, holding his hand out for her to shake.
“Beverly Marsh.” She supplied, shaking his hand. She could see that more people were heading inside the school now. “Well I should get going, I have orientation. It was nice meeting you.”
“Oh, you go here too. Awesome. Maybe we can sit together.” Tom suggested, already moving towards the steps of the building. Bev nodded and followed him into the building. She figured that there was no harm in sitting next to him for a little bit.
“Billlllllllllllllllll.” Richie groaned as they walked quickly across the NYU campus towards the building that was housing the beginning program for the welcome weekend orientation. They had gotten a bit of a late start, well in terms of Stan’s predetermined schedule, and now the seven of them were rushing to get to their seats and packets before the auditorium got too packed.
“Richie, you a-are not d-dying.” Bill told him again, as he grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Richie groaned again, but didn’t say anything more, trying to conserve his energy to actually breathe. He really needed to lay off the cigarettes.
“Oof, we are here!” Mike announced, a signature smile spreading across his face. “And we got some exercise in. Doesn’t that feel great, boys?” He asked and received groans from Richie and Vic.
“Yeah, we are definitely getting you two on workout regimes. You could always come on runs with Eddie and I in the mornings.” Ben said, patting Vic on his back from where he was hunched over and gasping for breath. “You’re a dance major…isn’t physical endurance a big part of that?” He asked and Vic flipped him off before righting himself and looking far more composed than he had seconds before.
“Let’s go ahead and head in.” Eddie said, ending the conversation before it turned into an argument and ending his boyfriend’s fidgeting beside him. They all nodded and followed him into the lobby, separating only to find the tables that housed their packets by alphabetical order, then joining back up as they found seats together in the semi crowded auditorium. They had only been sitting a few minutes, before Bill noticed that Richie was worrying at his lip and bouncing his leg.
“Babe, a-are you okay?” He asked, and Richie snapped out of his own thoughts, turning towards his boyfriend with a pouty look on his face.
“I miss Bev.” He let out, and Bill cocked his head to the side a bit at that admission. “I know, I know, that sounds stupid because we just saw her this morning, but…she won’t be going through this whole experience with us. She’s going to have her own experience. What if she realizes that we aren’t worth her time while she’s meeting all of those fancy designers…?” Richie frowned further at that thought.
“It’s g-going to be okay, Rich. Even h-here at NYU w-we will have d-different experiences. W-we won’t a-all be together.” Bill explained and Richie’s lip began to quiver at the thought. “No no no, t-that’s not w-what I meant, Richie.” He tried to sooth. But got an elbow in the ribs from Stan telling him to hush so that he could pay attention. Richie didn’t look like his mood was improving, so Bill’ grabbed his hand and rubbed circles over it with his thumb.
They had made it about an hour through the three hour presentation when Richie began squirming in his seat again, and Bill looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows. They had turned the lights down so that the main focus would be on the speaker on the stage, but Bill could see the unfortunately familiar look of sadness written across Richie’s features. He gulped and turned to Stan.
“Richie and I h-have to step o-out for a m-minute.” He whispered, and Stan looked at him concerned, before Bill shook his head. “Everything is f-fine, just t-take notes for m-me?” He asked and Stan nodded in affirmation that he would, Bill grabbed Richie’s hand, pulling him up as they both crouched and tried to exit the auditorium without disrupting too many people.
They made it out into the lobby but there were still too many people, so he kept tugging him down a long hallway until he found a men’s restroom. He checked under the stalls to make sure they were alone before turning on his heel to find Richie slumped over, leaning against the sinks.
“Okay, t-talk to me, Baby.” Bill said, smoothing his hands over his jeans as he approached Richie. Richie didn’t answer him, just stayed in the same position. “Richie, I c-can’t fix it if I d-don’t know what’s g-going on.” He tried again, and Richie finally lifted his head to look at him.
“Everything is moving so fast. My head is spinning.” Richie muttered, and Bill had to grab him before he slid down onto the questionable tiled floor. “What if everything changes? What if you and Bev get tired of me? You end up together, or you meet people in your majors and decide that you like them more? I’m an anxious mess because Bev is fifteen minutes away starting her life, why would you want to be with someone like that?” He finished, his eyes glazing over with tears.
“Hey, I’m n-not going to p-pretend to know w-what the future will h-hold, but I can t-tell you that we w-will always be t-together. I will n-never stop l-loving you or Bev. I’m in t-this for the l-long haul. You c-can ask Bev but I’m s-sure that she w-will say the s-same.” Bill told him, and Richie nodded but Bill could tell that his words hadn’t fully hit him yet. “Richie, Baby, w-what can I do t-to make you f-feel better?” Bill asked, resting his hands on Richie’s hips. Richie glazed over eyes suddenly had a wicked glint in them.
“Mmmm, you really want to know?” Richie asked with surprising clarity in his voice, and Bill groaned slightly.
“Richie, are you f-fuh-fucking serious right now? A m-minute ago you w-were in a d-depressive episode and n-now you’re horny?” Bill scoffed, stepping back to cross his arms over his chest and look at Richie.
“I’m sorry? You know that I can’t help it. Plus you telling me that you’ll always love me, that’s super sexy.” Richie reasoned and Bill rolled his eyes again.
“Confession of l-love equals h-hookup in b-bathroom? You d-do realize that w-we are m-missing the orientation p-presentation right now, right?” Bill asked and Richie had the decency to at least look somewhat ashamed.
“You’re really hot when you’re tired of my bullshit.” Richie muttered, leaning forward until he was in Bill’s space. Bill pinched the bridge of his nose trying to regain his composure.
“B-big stall, let’s g-go.” He instructed and Richie nearly squealed with excitement. Bill locked the stall door behind him and pushed Richie up against the tiled wall. “You are g-going to be s-super quiet? Understand?” He asked, and Richie nodded, miming that he was zipping his lips.
Bill sighed once more before dropping to his knees in front of Richie. Richie gasped at the implication, and tilted his head back so that it was resting against the wall. Bill undid the button of Richie’s ripped jeans and slid them down his legs just to mid thigh, he pushed Richie’s undershirt up his stomach and motioned for Richie to keep it up. Richie did as he was instructed to do and moved his neon printed hawaiian shirt out of the was as well.
Richie’s groin was still clothed in his gray boxer briefs and Richie groaned out a little in frustration. Bill pressed his index finger over his lips, warning Richie to be quiet, before he began mouthing the tip of Richie’s cock through the thin material. He pulled back after a moment and hummed in satisfaction at the wet spot that had formed where the tip of Richie’s swollen cock was poking through the briefs. Richie moaned at the loss of sensation.
Bill hooked his fingers in the elastic of the waistband and pulled it down slowly, until it joined Richie’s jeans. Richie’s cock sprang free, in all of its rock hard glory. Richie sighed in relief, but it got tangled with a choked out moan when Bill grasped the based of his cock in his hand, squeezing as he stroked up and down a few times.
“Fuck, Bill. Do it, Baby. Please.” Richie cried out, and Bill dropped his hand from Richie’s dick, warning him to be more quiet. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet.” Richie whisper promised, and Bill grasped his cock again.
He let his breath ghost over the sensitive slit, and let let his tongue dip in, ever so slightly, collecting a pearly drop of precum on his tongue. He moaned quietly at the taste, and slid his lips down, only around the head and hollowed his cheeks out. Richie writhed at the sensation, biting his fist to keep him from making noise.
Bill let his tongue toy with the sensitive ridge under the head of Richie’s cock before sliding his mouth all the way down Richie’s shaft, until he could feel him pushing down his throat. He swallowed around Richie’s cock before pulling back and sliding down again. He repeated the motion over and over again, hollowing out his cheeks as he went, to make it tighter and more pleasurable for Richie. He reached his hand up to cup Richie’s balls, rolling them gently between his fingers.
He could feel how close Richie was getting now. Richie’s had one hand in a fist that he was biting, and his other hand was wound in Bill’s hair, urging him to take him deeper and faster. He let Richie slide further down his throat and stayed there, pressing his finger against Richie’s perineum, and then Richie was cumming in thick long ropes down Bill’s throat. Bill waited until he had swallowed all of Richie’s cum before he pulled off, and stood up. He felt slightly light headed and his neck felt stiff.
Richie pulled his boxers and jeans back up, as Bill moved his head back and forth, trying to pop his neck to get some relief. He stepped out of the stall and began washing his hands. Richie joined him as he cupped his hand and brought some of the water to his mouth, swishing it around before spitting it out. He repeated the action once more and checked his appearance in the mirror to make sure that he didn’t look obviously disheveled. When he deemed himself acceptable, he met Richie at the door and they headed back down the hallways through the lobby and into the auditorium.
“Are you fucking serious, Bill?” Stan asked in disgust when they had returned to their seats. He dug through his bag for something before offering a small metal container to Bill. “Oh my God, here take a mint. If you think that you’re getting my notes because you had to go get your boyfriend off you’ve got another thing coming. Absolutely ridiculous.”
When the presentation was over they were all split into tour groups based on the field of study that they would be entering. Richie was grateful that he got to spend the rest of the day in a group with Vic, happy to not be all by himself, but he couldn’t wait to be home with his loves again.
“BEV! You’re back! Thank God!” Richie screamed as she walked through the door of the apartment, he flung himself over the couch and ran to her grabbing her in his arms and swinging her through the air. She let out a little giggle, and smiled up at him when he put her back down.
“Glad to see me?” She asked him, and he nodded enthusiastically. She turned to Bill who shook his head and she knew there was more to this story. “Richie, you couldn’t have possibly missed me. We were apart for like six hours.” She told him as she moved towards their room so that she could kick off her heels and take off her bra. Bill and Richie followed her, closing their door behind them.
“Marshmallow, I missed you, give me snuggles.” Richie said with a pout as he flopped himself on their bed. Bev let out a snort as she turned to Bill again.
“Has he been like this all day long?” Bev asked, slipping her shirt over her head. She unclasped her bra and sighed in relief.
“Y-you have no i-idea, Babe.” Bill sighed, pushing a stray piece of hair out of her face, and letting his hand grace her shoulder. “Richie m-missed you so much t-that he c-co-omplained the entire w-walk to campus, then f-freaked out during the p-presentation so that I would t-take him out of the a-au-uditorium, and then w-when I tried to get h-him to talk to me in the b-bathroom, he propositioned m-me and wouldn’t s-st-top pouting until I buh-blew him, all in the n-name of r-relieving his sadness.”
There was a silent pause for about ten seconds before Bev let out a howl of laughter and collapsed against Bill’s chest, laughing so hard that she couldn’t support herself. Bill helped Bev to the bed so that she could roll around on the mattress in hysterics. Bill couldn’t help laughing a bit at her reaction, it was a little ridiculous but charming in a way that only Bev could be. Richie sat on the bed pouting at his partners with his arms crossed as they laughed at him.
“Nice guys, I was really upset and you are laughing at me. Like it’s so absurd to be worried about our status now that our surroundings have changed!” He huffed and Bev stopped laughing at once.
“Richie, you have nothing to worry about. We are all still together, just because I’m going to a school a few miles down the road doesn’t change anything. Stop worrying so much.” Bev told him, running a hand through his unruly curls.
“But I can’t stop worrying because I loooooooooooove you. I love both of you and I want us to be together always.” Richie said, a tad petulant not unlike a child.
“Please, Rich. If anything you two will get tired of me.” Bev confessed, ducking her head slightly. Bill and Richie sucked in breathes at that admission, they thought that they had done a good job at making sure that Bev knew how they felt about her.
“Bev, w-we are never g-going to get tired of y-you.” Bill assured her, sitting down on the bed next to her. Richie nodded in agreement, but Bev still looked unsure. Richie and Bill looked at each other, they knew exactly how to make their girl feel loved.
“You don’t believe us when we tell you, Baby, so how about you let us show you? I mean, here we are in our New York apartment with a view…seems only right that we break it in. Don’t you think, Bill?“ Richie suggested smoothly, and Bill nodded.
“I t-think the p-perfect way w-would to make our girl c-cum so many t-times that she can’t e-even remember her own n-name or ours. W-would you like t-that, Baby Girl?” Bill asked and Bev groaned in anticipation, she knew that they would make good on their promise.
“Fuck yes, let’s make this place really ours.” Her words were met with two wicked smiles from her boys.
“Okay, Baby Girl, lay back.” Richie instructed.
Bev did as she was told, resting her head on their plush stack of pillows. Richie smiled down at her, pressing a heated kiss to her lips. Bill ran his fingertips lightly down the valley between her breasts, watching as goosebumps rose on her skin.
Bev did as she was told, resting her head on their plush stack of pillows. Richie smiled down at her, pressing a heated kiss to her lips. Bill ran his fingertips lightly down the valley between her breasts, watching as goosebumps rose on her skin.
“You k-know, Bev. There’s b-been something I’ve w-wanted to try…” Bill started and Bev groaned pulling away from her kiss with Richie to pay attention to what Bill was saying. “I heard t-that if you d-do it just r-right, you can m-make a girl cum j-just from playing w-with her nipples.” He said, mouth curling into a smirk.
“Fuuuuuuck, Billy. Please. I want to try.” Bev moaned, and Bill chuckled slightly. He pulled a small bottle of lavender massage oil out of the pocket of his duffle bag. Richie busied himself by starting to kiss and suck on Bev’s neck, just the way she liked it. Bev tried to focus as she watched “You really had that waiting in there? Is there lube and condoms in there too?” Bev teased with a quirk of her eyebrow. Bill rolled his eyes, of course he had those on hand as well, but that was beside the point.
“Do you w-want to sit here and b-be snarky or h-have me play with y-your nips until y-you are screaming o-out and creaming your p-panties?” Bill asked, and Bev’s eyes went wide, face begging him to please her. “That’s w-what I thought.” He said smugly, pressing a kiss to her lips.
Bill pulled back and drizzled some of the oil on the fingertips of his right hand rubbing them together to warm the oil slightly, before spreading some to his left hand as well. Bev moaned deeply as Richie began sucking just above her pulse point, driving her wild. Bill gently cupped Bev’s right breast and began massaging it lightly. Kneading the mound in his hand. He did the same with his left, both hands working her at the same time. He began lightly running the fingers of his right hand around her breast, tracing her areola and the curve underneath, but never her nipple, building the sensations and pleasure until her right nipple was hard and peaked. Bev arched her back off the bed. She was held mostly in place by Richie, who was still assaulting her neck.
“Ugh, fuck, Bill, please.” Bev moaned, and Bill knew that he had her in the perfect spot. He let his thumb run across her nipple ever so slightly and she nearly howled from the feeling. Bill smirked before dropping his head down and taking her erect nipple in his mouth and began sucking on it. He paid special attention to Bev’s breathing judging how wound up she was. He pulled back slightly and blew a cool breath over her wet nipple. “Ohhhh, ohhhh fuuuuuck.” Bev bit out. Bill began to squeeze her nipple as he moved to the other side, once again taking her sensitive bud in his mouth and suckling on it.
Bev had tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe how close she was to toppling over the edge, she just needed a little more. She closed her eyes, letting the pleasure wash over her, and then Richie’s lips were gone from her neck and she felt wet mouths on both of her nipples, sucking and grazing their teeth over her sensitive peaks. She felt as if her core was vibrating, her pelvic muscles tensing, and then she was cumming. She let out a long moan, and Bill and Richie pressed soft kisses to her boobs before pulling away from the sensitive flesh.
Richie pulled Bill in for a hot kiss, hovering above Bev’s heaving chest. She watched as Richie’s tongue slipped into Bill’s mouth, and Bill tilted his head giving him more leverage. They pulled back after another few moments, breathing hard in each other’s faces, eyes clouded with lust. Richie turned his head to look at Bev.
“That was one, Baby Girl. Are you ready for another?” He asked, already moving down her body to work open the zipper on her skirt. Bill busied himself by pulling his own shirt over his head, wiping the remnants of the massage oil on it.
“Yes, please, Richie.” Bev moaned out before pulling Bill half on top of her so that she could ravage his lips with her own. Richie pulled Bev’s skirt off and let his fingers trace the lacey edge of her panties, before tugging those down her legs as well. He dropped them to the floor and Bev spread her legs wide for him.
Richie pressed light kisses down the insides of her thighs, tickling her sensitive skin with his fresh stubble. He made his way to her sweet center, pressing a kiss to her clit, and watched as her hips lifted off the bed, trying to follow his mouth. Richie wasted no more time and latched his mouth onto her clit, sucking the sensitive button of nerves in his mouth and flicking over it mercilessly with his tongue. Bev broke her kiss with Bill to let out another high pitched moan, hips bucking as he overworked her.
Richie didn’t let up, he kept up his brutal pace, balancing Bev just on the edge of painful and pleasurable. Her legs were shaking as they moved to close around his head. Bill pulled away from their kiss and moved down the bed, helping to hold her legs apart so Richie could continue. After another moment, Bev felt the spasms of orgasm take over her body for the second time, her pussy pulsing leaking more of her juices. Richie pulled off quickly, and then before she had even had time to breath, Bill was fucking into her pussy with his tongue.
Bev bucked her hips, as Bill lapped up all that her body would give him. He pulled back from her and blew a teasing breath over her clit, watching with fascination as it twitched in interest.
“That was two, Marshmallow, and Bill is about to pull out a third. How are you feeling, Darling?” Richie asked sweetly, checking in on their girl. Bev’s face and chest were flushed with arousal, her eyes clouded over with lust, giving into pleasure and how her body was aching for everything they would give her.
“You…you’re both…make me feel so good.” Bev gasped, trying to form words, but her brain couldn’t focus on anything but Bill’s tongue. “M-make me yours.” She cried out finally.
Bill let his tongue trace over her clit lightly. He stiffened his tongue and began to make determined movements. W. Bev’s hips twitched trying to get closer. I. Richie pressed a hot kiss to Bev’s mouth swallowing her moans. L. Bev’s brain started to connect what Bill was doing with his tongue, struggling to keep up. L. Bill traced another letter across her clit with the tip of his tongue. I. Bev could feel the coil tightening in her stomach again. A. Bill was tracing his name on her, staking his claim. M. The final letter marked Bev’s third orgasm, her swollen clit twitching as her muscles tightened again and again, contracting with release.
Bill immediately pulled back and plunged one finger into the hot heat of Beverly’s pussy, pumping in and out easily with how slick she was. He added another finger, and she squirmed with how oversensitive her body was.
“T-that was t-three. H-how are you d-doing, Babe. T-talk to me.” Bill let out, pumping hard and fast into her heat with his long fingers.
“Jesus fuck. Good. God, Bill.” Bev let out, and Bill nodded, thrusting a third finger in beside his other two and crooked his fingers, searching her inner walls for her spot. He knew that he had found it as soon as he saw her legs start to shake again, and he crooked his fingers once more and nailed the spot with pressure, pushing Bev over the edge and giving her her fourth orgasm of the evening. “Ahhhhhh. Holy.”
“What d-do you t-think, Rich?” Bill asked, pulling his fingers out of Bev and turning his attention to Richie. Richie hummed in response, to show that he was listening. “S-should we let h-her off the hook yet? She’s t-taken four so b-beautifully.” Richie seemed to think it over for a few seconds, watching Bev’s face before he shook his head.
“Nahhhhhhh. She can take more.” Richie let out, and Bill nodded in agreement. Bev moaned from her position on the bed at the thought of even more.
“H-hands and knees, Girlie.” Bill instructed, and Bev scrambled to do so. “Richie, y-you can go f-first.” Bill said, before obscenely licking Bev’s remaining juices from his fingers and pushing his pants and boxers down his legs, leaving him fully naked. Richie moved behind Bev, having already shed his clothing and slid a condom down his length while Bill was working on fingering her, and Bill positioned himself in front of Bev.
Bill pushed the tip of his cock against Bev’s lips, forcing it into her waiting mouth. As soon as she had taken him in, Richie was thrusting into her pussy from behind. Bev let out a scream like moan from the feeling as she tried to keep Bill in her mouth. Bill and Richie began to work in a coordinated rhythm, thrusting in at the same time on their respective ends of Bev so that they could share kisses.
Richie began thrusting harder and deeper in Bev, pulling her legs wider to get better access. The overstimulation of her body was becoming too much for Bev, she could feel every stroke as her body throbbed. Desperate for release and rest at the same time. Richie pumped in three more times before Bev’s whole body shook and she was cumming for the fifth time. Bill pulled out of her mouth and braced her so that she didn’t fall face first into the mattress.
“Y-you’re okay, Princess. We’ve g-got you.” Bill soothed her, as she buried her face in his shoulder. Richie pulled Bev up, and pressed sweet kisses to her face and neck. Bill laid down flat on the bed, sliding a condom down over his length before beginning to stroke his hard cock lazily as he watched Richie comfort Bev.
“Okay, Bev, you’re going to sit on Bill’s fat cock now, you’re going to make him feel really good, Baby Girl. You’ve done five already, I think you can handle a few more.” Bev’s eyes went wide at the suggestion.
“I don’t…I can’t…it’s too much.” Bev sobbed out, and Bill sat up immeadiatley looking worried that they had overdone it, asked too much of her body. He rubbed his thumb over her cheeks, looking into her pretty blue eyes.
“We c-can be d-done now, Baby.” Bill assured, always putting Bev’s needs and comfort above his, like he should. Bev shook her head slightly, and Bill cocked his eyebrow at her in confusion. “W-what’s your color, Princess?” He asked. Bev took a deep breath.
“Green. Lay back, Billy. I’m good, I want to make you feel good.” Bev said, and Bill still looked unsure, but did what she asked him to. Richie helped her get into position, lifting her up so that she could straddle Bill. He held his cock in position so that Bev could slide down on it with a loud moan. “Fuuuuuuuck, you’re so big, Bill.” She let out, and Bill smiled brightly up at her. Richie rolled his eyes slightly and Bill’s reaction, he didn’t need any more fuel to the ‘Big Bill’ debate.
Richie sat behind Bev, straddling Bill’s legs and placed his hands on her hips, helping her move up and down in rhythm as she rode him. Lifting her up so that she could drop back down on his thick cock. Bev could feel his pubic bone rub against her raw clit ever time she slid down, she ground into it with more determination, feeling like her body was on fire. The stimulation had her cumming again in no time, crying out as her body contracted and squeezed around Bill.
Richie kept one arm around her, forcing her to continue riding Bill. Bev did so easily, taking deep breaths as she braced herself with one hand holding Richie’s arm where it was supporting her, and the other resting on Bill’s chest.
Bill lifted one of his hands to lace his fingers with Bev’s, letting it stay rested on his chest. With his other hand he traced over her left nipple slightly, tweaking the bud between his index finger and thumb. Beverly moaned out at the feeling.
Richie pressed a kiss to her shoulder before he pulled back from her. His hands made their way to her ass, pulling her cheeks apart and watching Bill’s cock disappear into her pussy over and over again. Richie squeezed some lube onto his fingers, making sure that three of them were coated nicely. He began to circle her second hole with his lubed up index finger, and Bev let out a long whine. He eased his first finger in to the knuckle, careful to let her get used to the feeling of being plugged in both holes before he pulled his finger out slightly and thrusted back in with more ease.
Bev’s thighs were shaking again, her chest heaving in exhaustion, clinging to Bill like he was her only lifeline. Richie started thrusting his finger in a bit more freely, pushing deeper inside of her with his long fingers. Bev was overwhelmed by the feeling of being so full and her body released once again, cumming on Bill’s cock for the second time in ten minutes. Bev fell forward, truly exhausted, but still impaled on Bill’s cock with Richie’s finger in her ass.
Bill wound his arms around her, staying very still, and cradling her to his chest. He began running his fingers through her pretty red curls, whispering sweet nothings to her. Bev buried her face into the crook of Bill’s neck, enjoying the sweet intimacy of it, while he was still hard inside of her and Richie was thrusting two fingers in and out of her, preparing her ass to take his cock. On one thrust she scrunched up her face and whimpered from the sensitivity, Bill turned his head to look at her, making sure that she was okay.
“I’m okay, Billy…it’s a lot, but I’m okay…I promise.” She whispered, looking into his concerned blue eyes. “I would…I would tell you if it was too much.” She promised again and Bill nodded, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.
Richie hummed in satisfaction at how stretched Bev was, and pulled back, coating his bare cock with a generous amount of lube. He moved back into position, running a soothing hand down Beverly’s spine.
“Are you ready to take me now, Bev?” He asked, and Bev nodded towards him before clinging tighter to Bill. Richie placed the head of his cock against her second hole, letting the head stretch the gaping muscle even more before he began to push in slowly. “Ah ahhh ahhhhh.” Bev cried into Bill’s neck. Her body overworked and tired.
“You’re o-okay, Princess. I’ve g-got you. You’re okay.” Bill told her over and over again, staying calm and still within her, letting Richie thrust in and out of her ass slowly and do most of the work. Bev pulled back slightly, resting her hands on Bill’s shoulders and trying to adjust her hips to be more comfortable. Bill rubbed his thumb gently over her nipple, her tits plump and swollen with her arousal. He dropped his thumb down between her legs, rubbing circles over her swollen clit. He eased her towards the edge again, and Bev barely felt herself tightening around Bill and Richie’s cocks while another orgasm burned through her body, her entire being shaking and muscles taught.
“Come on baby, we are so close, you can give us one more right?” Richie asked, pulling Bev up to hold her tight to his chest, helping her bounce up and down on their cocks. Bev nodded, silent tears rolling down her cheeks, overcome by the pleasure of being taken apart so many times by her boys.
Richie thrusted in and out of her a few more times before he was pumping his creamy load deep in her ass. He pulled out only as his aftershocks ceased, allowing Bill to begin thrusting up into her, far more gently now, constantly checking in for her comfort. Then Richie’s tongue was at her hole, licking his cum up as it began to drip out of her spent and gaping hole. Bev screamed out at the sensation, clenching around Bill and cumming for the ninth time. In the process of reaching her climax, she pulled Bill’s orgasm out of him as well. The two of them stayed still, trying to control their breathing as Bill released his full load into the condom.
Bill lifted Bev off of his softening cock and eased her onto her back. She laid boneless and open on the bed, and Richie stroked her forehead sweetly as Bill stepped into the bathroom to grab a washcloth and dispose of his condom. Her body was flushed and weak with the force of nine orgasms having pulsed through her body.
Bill returned, easing her thighs apart so that he could clean her up. Richie joined him, and they both pressed sweet kisses to her inner thighs, taking in the sight of her two gaping hole and swollen red clit. Richie couldn’t resist, he leaned forward and licked a stripe up her abused pussy and clit, causing Bev’s thighs to spasm. Bill leaned forward as well and blew a cool breath across her clit, the simple action causing her pussy to clench once more and release with her tenth orgasm of the night.
“If you try to do that again, I will kill you. That’s enough.” Bev mumbled, burying her face deeper in the pile of pillows. Richie chuckled a little, but lifted himself to lay beside her and hold her in his arms. Bill cleaned her up carefully, wary of how sore and sensitive she was. He tossed the rag on the floor and joined the two of them on her other side, pulling their blankets over them.
Bev sighed at the feeling of being held close and sandwiched between her boys. Bill and Richie pressed soft and sweet kisses to her neck, cheeks, and head.
“You did so good for us, Bevvy. Absolutely amazing. Look how strong and beautiful you are.” Richie whispered into her hair, in awe of how special their girl was. “We love you so much, Baby Girl. So so much.” Bill hummed in agreement before he tensed slightly.
“F-fuck. I forgot to c-call Mom and Dad.” He said, looking over at Richie who just rolled his eyes at him.
“We just made our Princess fall apart ten times and you are thinking of our parents…Jesus Christ, William. I am disappointed. Just call them in the morning.” Richie muttered and Bill went to snark but was cut off by Bev.
“If they are both of your parents now,” She started but paused to let out a yawn. “Does that mean that I just got fucked by brothers?” She asked, a bit deliriously with a smirk evident in her tone. Bill groaned at the thought, but Richie let out a snort.
“I think it’s best that we just go to sleep and don’t think about that too much.” He said, wrinkling his nose slightly. Bev and Bill nodded in agreement, letting their eyes close and drifted into sleep. Richie watched them for a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful looks on their faces before he laid back and let sleep take him as well.
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Story of The Ice Wolf
WARNINGS: mentions of self-harm.
Fellas my apologies for the hour, where I live is past midnight, but is easier for me to post at this hour.
This (”  “) is dialogue in the reader’s head using Wanda’s powers.
This (     ) this are for thoughts or memories.
"You know we can help you, we won't let them kill you". "Nat, I appreciate it. But the government already knows who I really am, otherwise Fury would not have brought it up, I'm thankful that you all trusted me this past eight years, but it was time for you all to know the truth". You shake your limbs a little "Less talking and more action ladies. Otherwise my hand will heal and you'll lose your advantage". "Is that what you told Wanda last night?" "Shut up Natalia" I walk to the bench nearby to retrieve a wrap and gloves. I do a quick work with the items, when I turn around I see a mischievous glint in Bobbi’s eyes. "why wrap your hand and wear gloves? Is not like we are harder than those" Bobbi sass pointing at the broken punching bags. "If your kink is my blood all over you and the steel grazing you open, be my guest" I start pulling off the straps from the gloves. She scrunches her nose "That's disgusting, keep them on". Even when Tasha is an avenger most of her time, these three women together are a well-oiled and synced machine. We stand in guard the three of them in front of me, May in the middle, Nat by her left Bobbi on her right. I had no choice but make the first move, I make a quick work targeting Nat first doing a front sweep followed by a back sweep towards their left making them back off a little and lastly a tornado right kick towards Bobbi which she dodges diving a little, due to the momentum I land with my kicking leg. Nat greets me with a jumping front kick, I block it with my forearms, her weight makes me skid back a little, May does a butterfly kick passing over a hunching Nat, I dive and spin around, Bobbi is already firing a round kick, I duck again, when her body turns I land a back spin kick to her lower back sending her a few feet away making her sneer "Bitch". "Y/N I thought you say you'll take us down easy, Are you sure you are not the one rusty?" Nat says with a wide smirk, getting back on stand guard. I scoff "Your wish". I wipe off the smirk from her face, going after her with a quick succession of round kicks she can't dodge them but she manage to block them, in the last one I do a quick stop chambering the right leg and promptly switching to throw a left hook which lands square in her gut winding her out. Bobbi doesn't waste time and tries to trap me on a lion killer, when I feel her arms about to lock I do a tight front flip using her as cushion, the whip of the move is fast, she ends up losing her grip. May takes advantage of my move, before I can fully stand up she lands a flying double kick on my upper chest, sending me rolling back I use the rolling motion to swiftly stand up again using a brief hand stand. Nat has already recovered and tries her signature move, I clasp her calves to my neck with my hands, I swing her up towards the ceiling to slam her on the mat floor, Bobbi and May take this chance to sweep off my feet making me fell backwards, Nat ends up having the upper hand in the landing. My advantage is that Nat weights like a feather, swinging my right leg to the left in a circular motion I turn around our positions leaving her on her back I push my weight forward until the crown of my head grazes the floor my weight leaning on her neck, her hold loosens, I take my leave doing a front roll passing above her. This time I hear Bobbi and May coming at me from behind, instead of standing up I jump up doing a tiger double back kick, I soften the fall with a half handstand push up and spin on my steel hand landing back on right guard. May and Bobbi end up several feet behind, Nat leap towards me with a flying knee landing it perfectly under my steel solar plexus, making me grunt in pain, she ducks again to let the other two come at me with flying side kicks sending me to the ground, I make my body fall in my upper back and fold my legs towards my head, with a quick whip of my legs I kick up off the ground to slam the inner part of my forearms on their own upper chests tackling them to the ground. I move towards Nat with a double tornado kick she barely ducks my right leg, I land on it spinning around with the left leg chambered. She comes at me with a swift combo of jabs which I slide, I let her right cross punch land on my chambered left arm at the same time I fire a right hook that lands on her jaw sending her to the ground. I have to give them an gold star in persistence this women are fearless and though, we keep the intensity for nearly half an hour. The four of us fill the room with hard labored breathing, sweat cascading down out faces. The last round is open by Bobbi, she is the first one to come at me while May and Tasha stay back in guard. All her moves are based in circling motions she throws a series of combos jabs, hooks and kicks, half of them land on my left side, she lands a perfectly aimed round kick to the right side of my jaw, making me lose my footing a little, but I see her motioning for the next right round kick, counter attack faster with a pendulum right round kick landing it across her abs, as soon as I'm back in guard I made a spinning heel kick landing it on the right side of her head taking her down. She rolls on her back and taps out letting a grunted "Fucking Wolf". May and Nat come at me on a combined attack, the red head tries to sweep my legs again as May does a back spinning kick aimed at my head (time to switch) I briefly change my fighting style, doing a capoeira ginga I dodge Nat sweep then I do a maeia lua rabo de araia to dodge May, aiming the kick to Nat's head, she collapses to the ground to avoid the kick and rolls back to halt in her signature floor guard, May ends up behind me. The asian does a combo of no hand cartwheel and butterfly kick, landing the last on my left temple, this time I end up in the floor belly down, before I can stand I hear her landing before my head, she moves fast leaving no chance to close up in a turtle guard, I feel her sneak her left arm on my neck, through my chest and behind my left armpit (fuck) she closes the anaconda choke. "Roll over May!". My air supply shortens a little as we struggle to gain control, before she can roll over, I grab her left leg and clasp her left forearm with my right, shooting my body upwards crossing my left leg with the motion I make her lose the choke, I collapse my body backwards and roll over her body without releasing her forearm I switch the tables trapping her on a armbar, as soon as my back touches the floor she taps out, I let her arm go. "Damn it" she hisses between intakes of air "I almost got you" May rolls to her left, standing up and move away from the battlefield. I swiftly stand up to face the last woman on feet, by now we are both panting hard. "Come on Nat, you are the last hope to salvage the mission!" Bobbi shouts "End the wolf with a bite!". The Widow gives me a sinister smirk which I mirror in equal measure. Her moves turn faster, still I don't shy away from the punches and kicks I let some of them land in my body (just like the old trainings) I use the closeness to land my own share which she takes like the professional ex-assassin she is, what she lacks in brute strength she has it in precision and explosive moves. I can feel some blood start leaking through the wrap under the left glove, most of the punches I've landed were done with that fist to avoid hurting them seriously, but no doubt it worsened the split and raw knuckles. My brain registers the sting of the sweat mixing with the blood and the dull ache of the bruised bone, still this is nothing I’ve had far worse, so I just ignore it. Natasha comes at me with a double front kick combo I swat her legs away with my hands and counter with my own left front kick pushing her backwards to the floor I rush to gain an upper mount but she manages to clasp my waist with her legs. The next moves are precise show off of jiu jitsu wrestle and some body punches, her lean small complexion makes it a challenge to close some of the locks I try on her. During the grappling she ends up successfully sneaking to an upper mount position, I let her grab my left arm and turn my head to the right setting up a left armbar she makes the mistakes of leaning in towards my body, I grab her right arm with steel hand, she quickly tries to lean back to free her arm, I took the chance to sneak my left leg over her head, my calf on her neck, I shoot out my hip to the left and using the weight and strength of my leg I make her collapse to the floor keeping my right foot under her back, clasping my knees above her elbow, I play her own move against her, the armbar lock strong lifting my hip off the floor a little does the trick, she taps out too. Nat lets out a roll curses in russian as I roll backwards to stand up. I bow at them "A pleasure kicking your asses ladies". “Don’t let it get to your head Wolf we were playing around” Bobbi snarks.  “Says the one that went down first” Nat throws at her sitting cross-legged on the floor, they just glare at each other.I extend my right hand to help Natasha stand up.
Indeed it was more fight than talking, but not even two of the best S.H.I.E.L.D agents and a deadly Widow are enough to take me down, at least not on a sparring. ---  After taking a long bath Natasha makes her way to the living room. A faint breathing pattern can be heard. The lights are off, so she comes in turning on the lights. What she didn't expect was find you asleep in the couch, there's an open book covering your chest, your left arm is hanging towards the floor. But the rapid movement behind your eyes betrays the calm of your face.  She lightly walks towards you, crouching close to your head. There's a half full coffee mug of the table. She touches it and is long time cold it will be no surprise if your left arm is numb. She leans on your left ear. An idea crosses her mind, she smirks. She imitates Wanda's voice and lowly she whispers "Y/N", "Y/N puppy, wake up please" she starts lifting your left arm, gently rubbing circles over the back of your hand, avoiding your still split and raw knuckles. [your POV] Just when I'm starting to believe this nightmare is real I heard a familiar voice, calling me. I start to regain consciousness and murmur "little one?". The voice starts laughing, that is the giveaway to realize the person is not Wanda. With a startle I rise my upper body. I see the blurry image of Nat "what the fuck?!" I throw a punch at her unfortunately Natasha has good reflexes and doges my punch. Walking backwards and still laughing she manages to say, "I can't believe that the big bad Ice Wolf and the Scarlett Witch have pet names for each other and cute ones may I add". "Fuck you Bitch. I was dreaming" you say rubbing the back of your neck. "Dreaming about what? cuddles and whispering sweet things in her ear?. (I wish it was that). "You are fucking insufferable Natasha, FUCK YOU". She turns around and walks to the kitchen, swinging her hips "you wish, bad wolf. Even though I can rock your world, I doubt Wanda will appreciate it". I sigh while I start rubbing my left arm, the prickling sensation starts, guiltily the pain that follows is more than welcome. When my arm start regaining feeling sensation Nat comes back with two steaming mugs. Sitting by my right side, she handles me one. "Peace offering?". "No, this is me being a friend". I look at her suspiciously. "Spit it out Romanoff, I can't read your mind". Her face morphs in part curiosity and part concern "Ok, why are you here? I thought you'll be having some hot angry make up sex".  I left her question hanging unanswered, silence fills the atmosphere as we start drinking the coffee. She sets her piercing green eyes at me, from the corner of my eye I can see the glint of trouble brewing "I'm not complaining, I'm thankful I don't have to hear your moans", she nudges my right shoulder a little with her left. I groan in annoyance "if this is you being a 'friend', you suck at it stick to being and spy". I choose to ignore her in favor of drinking some coffee. "I'm better sucking other things" She winks at me. "Is that why you are always changing your furniture? The broken ones always have Bucky’s left print". Her face lights up red as her hair. She chooses to admire her coffee mug. We stay drinking the coffee in comfortable silence, but after a while I decide that’s there’s no point in no answering her question, I let out a defeated sigh "She wasn't in our room... I guessed she didn't wanted to see me, so I came here". "Guessing and mind reading is not your thing Y/N" A familiar sweet voice says from the door threshold. While Wanda walks to me I can only stare at her trying to figure out why she is here. She takes advantage of my stunned state and straddles on my lap. Her light weight takes me out of my stupor. Taking my face in her hands she makes me look into her bright red eyes ("Never, ever dare to think that I don't want you by my side puppy"). I internally sigh ("Nat figured out that pet name". And before she laughs I add "she knows about yours too"). ("Dam it, let's make her go before she starts teasing us"). ("As you wish, my little one"). I bury my face on the base of her neck and start kissing and nibbling her skin, going from her clavicle to her jawline. Wanda hangs her head forward to hide her smirk. "ok...fuck that's hot" Nat says while her cheeks turns red. Wanda starts moaning softly while I nibble her earlobe. Natasha gets a little uncomfortable. "And... that’s my clue to leave" her brain gives her a better idea, smirking she says, "Unless you want me to join in?".  "Fuck off Romanoff" I grumble barely moving away my lips from Wanda’s neck, the flutter of my lips against her skin makes her shiver a little. Laughing the redhead stands up and walks to the door "Sweet angry sex little one, puppy". With her last statement Nat leaves the living room laughing. I ignore her in favor to keep kissing and nibbling Wan’s neck, my hands go underneath her light shirt ghostly traveling from the bottom of her back to her upper back. Grabbing my hair between her fingers, Wanda pulls my head off her neck. I let out a shameful whine. "As exciting and hot as this is, let's take it to the bedroom".
“As you command my sarge” I clasp my hands below her butt cheeks to keep her secure and effortlessly I stand up to follow her orders.
[later in the room]
We are both laying naked on our right sides, she is wrapped in my arms. Indeed, it was hot make up sex. One of the few good things about having a bionic arm is that Wanda can sleep over it and it doesn't get numb.
I make my way softly kissing from her left shoulder to her trapezius and neck, lastly on her cheek. Then I lay on my back. After a while I feel her stir.
She turns around and rearrange the sheets a little using them to cover the metal plates with it, nuzzling on my right side she starts rubbing lazy circles on my abs. When she senses my mind drifting she trails her nails.
"Another round?" you ask teasingly, trying to drift the attention away from the question she is about to make.
"You mind was drifting… what are you thinking my love?" she keeps her eyes closed.
You ponder playing it off, but you can’t fool Wanda, you’ve never been able to lie to her, so you just go for the truth "How can you be so at ease with me? I saw fear in your eyes Wan".
She continues rubbing circles lazily on my skin. "I wasn't afraid 'of' you, I was afraid for you, I knew were your mind was heading to".
I lift her chin with my left hand looking into her gorgeous green eyes, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not afraid of me".
"I'm not afraid of you Y/N, I've known you almost twenty nine years. I've loved you as more than a friend for almost seventeen years".
Those beautiful orbs speak nothing but love and understanding (How in hell I end up having her by my side?) "I'm sorry for screaming at you little one, it won't happen again. I love you so, so much. You will always come first to me" you use your left hand to caress her right cheek. 
She grabs your left hand and turns it to look at my raw knuckles "You need to find better ways to deal with your issues instead of leaving your knuckles split and raw".
"I'll try". I flip her on her back, my forearms resting on the sides of her head to keep my weight off of her "I will always protect you, care for you and love you" with each statement I put a kiss on her forehead, cheek, mouth corner, finally I kiss her lips. She smiles as the kisses morph into a make out session she can’t stop her little jiggles between the kisses “always so smooth my wolf”.
--- It's been two months since the last meeting. The room is drowning in tension. This time there's new faces in the mix. Coulson and his team are there. The first one to shout is Daisy. "How you dare to say that one of my team members is crossing us! You are the one setting that trap". Ok. Now I'm livid. "If I wanted you all dead, I would kill you here, not there. That parlour trick of powers you have won't be enough if things go south there". "Y/N that's enough!" May hisses. "Daisy keep your mouth shut". "This is taking us nowhere". Steve says with a hint of exasperation on his voice while rubbing his temples. "why are you so adamant that is a trap?". Maria is soon to speak up "Did you hack Hydra's severs again?". "No agent Hill” you sigh is frustration “ I don't need to hack their system. That base is too precious to Hydra. It has 1 out of the 3 biggest experimentation laboratories. I had higher rank than the Winter Soldier and both of us were taken there with a blindfold on our eyes". Daisy is still glaring at me, I turn around to glare back at her "I'm not saying Hunter is betraying us. Is just that something is off, too good to be true". "We can't make decisions based on the fact that you are afraid of going back there Y/N". Tony adds shrugging his shoulders. (I'm not afraid of going back. I' am afraid of losing everything there). "I'm not afraid Stark. I've been requesting for permission to go back to Hydra and find out what's going on". I take my gaze to Nick. "Fury let me go. Hydra won't hesitate to take me back in, I can go with some mild intel and give them something to pledge my loyalty...Bobbi has stated that Hunter has been a little off in their last meetings, I have no doubt that after five years they might have a shifter in their ranks". "For the hundredth time, I tell you no agent" he says sternly. Tony lets out an exasperated groan "You know what, fuck it. Let's vote it". "Tony are you fucking serious?!, you can't take this that lightly!". Wanda hisses while Pietro glares daggers at him. "Wanda, do you want to let this opportunity pass by? If that base is no longer active it won't have that much security. Robowolf and Frosty here knows their way inside. Let's do it". He leans back on his seat "Avengers?" Tony asks a hint of arrogance in his body language. All of them nod in agreement, Steve hesitates a little, but in the end, he agrees too. Bucky gives no acknowledge and walks to Wanda's side not without glare at them. "Avengers?" Tony asks. All of them nod in agreement, Steve hesitates a little, but he agrees too. Bucky gives no acknowledge and walks to Wanda's side not without glare at them. "Director, we are going". Coulson says, his team nods in agreement. Almost everyone in the room nods their head in approval. The only ones that don't are Wanda, Pietro, Bucky and I. Fury turns his head towards us waiting for an answer "Wolf, I rather have you choosing before I have to command you to go". (assholes). I lock gazes with Bucky, he sets his jaw and faintly nods, stiffly I answer "We are going".  I give Tony some lasts words, my voice a low hiss of rage "Stark” he locks gazes with me, we stay like that for a brief moment before I sneer at him “Don't cry like a bitch if this turns out to be a trap". I stroll past Fury. Wanda, Pietro and Bucky following behind, the latter lingers in the back briefly, without turning around he adds "Suit up with extra ammo. We won't waste bullets saving your stupid asses".
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Any comment is appreciated, 
I apologize for any grammar mistakes or typos.
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carmenseeya · 6 years
a short fic for a date between James and Carmen?
Authors notes: “Short” hahahahahahahahahaha
Carmensita was doing work in the kitchen with her headphones in, jamming out to her music while elbow deep in dishwater. She was completely distracted while Jem snuck up behind her. He had arranged for Linh to visit his mother and everyone else was at the the tower so he had Carmen all to himself. She jumped when she felt hands on her hips, and relaxed as Jem wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and kissed her neck, "Hey..." he muttered against her skin. Carmensita leaned into him, knocking her headphones down around her neck as she did so, "Hey there." "You free tonight?" She leaned back to look at him, "For what?" Jem smirked, kissing her nose "It's a surprise." Carmen turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, getting soap suds down his back, "Gimme a hint?" He laughed, "Cherry wine..." He kissed her softly, "Dancing with me..." She hummed, "What did you do?" "Used the money my parents gave me." he was smiling softly, looking at her through half lidded eyes, "Come on, it's just downtown." She nodded, "I'll be right back down. I'm all soapy." She ran upstairs and changed into a tasseled dress and sandals. She came down the stairs at a run, and Jem caught her at the bottom, lifting her up and spinning her in a circle. Carmensita laughed in shock as she was set back on the ground. Before she could say anything Jem had taken her hand and said "Come on, the car's waiting outside." She nodded and they walked out to the car. They drove downtown quickly, and Carmen was almost bouncing out of her seat, really hoping she was right but knowing he wouldn't give her anymore hints. They got to the square and there was a giant festival going on with street vendors and games and in the middle of the park there was a stage set up. Carmensita looked at Jem, "Is it who I think it is playing?" Jem smiled, "Maybe...But that's for later. Look around and pick anything you want to do." Carmen looked around, the choices came down to little puppet shows, food, or games that were rigged so they'd probably never win. "Did you have lunch yet?" She asked Jem. He shook his head, "Nope, you?" "No...so hot dogs or nachos?" "Hm...both? They even have a bunch of toppings." Carmen nodded and pulled Jem over to the stand. They got food, sat, ate, put half the toppings on each other in a mini food fight with each other. After food they played games, and lost far more than they won, but two games they did very well on. Jem was very good at darts and after some mutual haggling on both sides Jem eventually talked his way to winning a stuffed unicorn that was almost bigger than Carmensita. It was fluffy and pale pink with a rainbow mane and golden hooves and horn, and Carmen held it to her like it was made of gold. Jem kept looking over at her, a dopey grin painted on his face. He reached out and brushed a lock of hair away from her face, the rest of her hair cascaded down her back. He could see the runes on her skin and her eyes glowing softly gold, "Gods I love you..." he muttered to her, unsure she'd hear. Carmen heard him, and blushed a bit. She looked up at Jem and smiled, "I love you too-" but she cut off when she saw something behind him, "Ring toss!" Jem spun around and smiled, there was a ring toss run by a local pet store, "Every bottle a prize." Jem read off the sign. Carmen looked at the fine print, "Dog treats, bird accessories, small mammal toys, and live animals all available." She looked around, "Live animals...?" On one side of the tent there was a series of cages filled with birds, mice, and rabbits, along with a large tank of guppies that little kids had their faces pressed up against. Carmen turned to Jem again, "Minha pedra de Lua... can you hold my unicorn?" Jem took the unicorn hesitantly, "What are you doing....?" Carmen smiled and got her wallet out of her purse, "I'm going to play a game. And you don't get to pay for this one." Jem rolled his eyes, "Carmensita..." Carmen kissed him quickly "James, wait a moment. You'll see what I'm doing." She turned to the person running the booth and paid for five rings. They had a short conversation about if she was ready in case she won one of the animals (there was one chance for small birds, one for parrots, two for mice, one for rabbits, and five for fish out of fifty bottles) and she assured the person that they'd be able to house the animal properly. She took the rings, made a quick prayer for luck and tossed each one. She won, in order: Table top bird perch, bag of large bird food, millet seed, dried strawberries and bananas for small mammals, and... "One large bird!" the attendant announced. Carmen squealed, turned to Jem, and hugged him, "Early happy birthday!" Jem staggered, flustered, "Wha- How- Carmen!?" Carmensita pulled away, "You've been talking about getting a pet, and I know how much you like birds, so I saw it and thought this would be a great chance to get you one!" Jem shook his head, but his face broke out in a huge smile, and he hugged her, lifting her and spinning her in a circle. He set her down and kissed her softly, "You know..." he said, their lips barely apart, "my parents are likely to kill us for this." She laughed, "You can keep him at my house, or ask Legolas to watch him until you break the news to them. But come on you need to pick it out!" Still smiling, Jem and Carmen went to the cages where another attendant was standing, "One parrot?" they asked. Jem nodded, looking at the birds. There were only three in the cage, a Macaw, a Cockatoo, and an African Grey. Before Jem could decide, the attendant asked "Now, there is a lot that goes into having a parrot for a pet, could one of you fill out these forms? I know this is a carnival attraction but we do care about these creatures and want to make sure they are getting the homes they deserve." Carmensita nodded and stepped to the side to fill out the paperwork. She knew Jems schedule and could answer most of the questions on her own... with a little creativity when explaining the living situation as it applied to the cave and their partners. While Jem was deciding, Carmen got certificates for each of the items she'd won so they could be picked up with the bird in the morning. After everything was handled, she turned back to Jem, "You pick one yet?" He nodded, "Yeah," looking to the attendant, "I'd like the African Grey. Does he have a name already?" The attendant smiled, and got the bird from the cage, "None that he replies to. He's very picky." Jem nodded, and reached out slowly to pet the birds head, "What about molting? Did he already?" The attendant nodded, "He just finished his first full molting cycle. He's about two and a half now." "And I can take him home tomorrow?" They nodded, "We do recommend you get a cage as well as the perch for him tomorrow." they put the bird back, and picked up a couple of pamphlets, "Here's some more reading for you." Jem took the information, and thanked the attendant. Then he and Carmen made their way away from the stage, Jem still grinning like a fool. They walked over to the stage, chatting, and both of them thanking each other over and over. Carmen forgot that there was a stage set up until everything hushed down like there was a show starting. She stopped and looked at Jem, "Who's preforming again?" Jem smirked and said nothing as the music started. He stood up and held his hand out for her. Carmensita recognized the intro to Hozier's "Jackie and Wilson" and stood with Jem, awestruck. She hugged him, and they were both smiling ear to ear. They partied during the set, but then the music slowed, and "Work Song" began playing. Jem turned to her and they slow danced together. Jem sang under his breath so only they could hear. Before the song ended, Carmen leaned away and looked at Jem, her eyes soft and the ghost of a smile on her lips. She leaned forward and kissed him, one hand going to his hair and her fingers tangling in it. Jem kissed her back, pulling her closer, and holding her tightly. He lost himself in the feel of her in his arms, of her lips against his. Time ceased to exist for them, Carmen clung to him, memorizing how he felt just then. They stopped kissing slowly, with many small, lingering kisses before Carmen rester her forehead against his and whispered, "I love you." Jem smiled softly, happily, "I love you too."
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yvocaro · 6 years
Come on in, my friends. Welcome to this weekly feature of Handheld Gaming News. As always, I’m not trying to cover all the news, I’d need many more pages to do that. No, I’m giving you the news that stood out this week when it comes to casual handheld gaming.
On a side note, the weather is warming up in the Netherlands. Yesterday was a warm and sunny day, always very welcome after the winter months. The downside is that we always feel obliged to work in the garden. And this time, there was lots to do. No casual lolling about, but hard work. Now I know how my little farmer in the Story of Seasons games feels!
Anyway, get yourself a nice cup of coffee and let’s see what news there was.
Harry Potter on mobile: release is close!
One of the casual games we were looking forward too, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery has a release date! And it’s fairly close too: April 25! Check out the new trailer, and if you want more inf, then you can find it here. 
The first trailer for Little Dragons Café 
Little Dragons Café is the sort of game that many of us are looking forward to. It’s set to release on the Switch on August 24, but until then, we can enjoy the first trailer. It’s looking good, some elements seem very familiar. But I guess that’s to be expected when the creator of the original Harvest Moon made this.
The game opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a small café under their mother’s tutelage. All was peaceful and routine until one morning when the twins discover that their mother has fallen into a deep sleep and won’t wake up. Suddenly, a strange old man appears to inform them that they must raise a dragon in order to save her. Working together with three quirky café employees, the two siblings must ­gure out how to a wrangle a dragon and manage the family business while ­finding a way to save their mother.
Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles on Switch
A few weeks back I mentioned another great game coming for the Switch. It was listed on Amazon Germany  for the end of May, which was a surprise for many. Since then, it’s official: Yonder isn’t just a game for PS4 and PC, but it will come to the Switch as well.
The releasedates on Amazon still vary (from May 29 till May 31) but my very reliable seller here in the Netherland has is set for May 24! The lucky people who got to visit PAX East in Boston got to play a demo of Yonder on the Switch. Really looking forward to this one too!
The Lost Child RPG coming to PS Vita and Switch
NIS America has confirmed today that The Lost Child will be launching on the Nintendo Switch (and PS4 and Vita) on June 19th in North America and in Europe on June 22nd. I’m not entirely sure yet about this RPG, might be an intense one. But the story sounds interesting!
Hayato Ibuki, a journalist for an occult magazine, is investigating mysterious suicides that have been happening at Shinjuku Station. While he’s investigating, a black shadow pushes him onto the tracks. At the last moment, a beautiful girl named Balucia saves him and hands him a case. The case, like Pandora’s box, should not be opened.
Inside the case, you find the demon gun Gangour, a tool used to capture and use demons and fallen angels. Hayato uses it to turn a demon into a team member. With the Gangour in hand, Hayato, accompanied by the self proclaimed angel, Lua, investigate mysteries around the country while looking for that beautiful girl. Little does he realize that he is caught between the ambitions of the dark rulers and the expectations of the angels…
Lots of demons…just look at the snake Ouroboros
YS VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana comes to Switch this June
Ys VIII is coming as a definite version to the Switch on June 26 in America, and June 29 in Europe. The game has been out for a while on Vita and PS4, but this will be the ultimate version, containing all DLC like special costumes. Here’s what the game is about:
Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other shipwrecked passengers he rescues form a village to challenge fearsome beasts and mysterious ruins on the isolated island. Amidst this, Adol begins to dream of a mysterious blue-haired maiden living in an unknown world. Join Adol as he unravels the riddle of the cursed isle and the blue-haired maiden Dana.
PoPoLoCrois in development for mobile
PoPoLoCrois: Narcia’s Tears and the Fairy’s Flute is in development for iOS and Android. So far, it will release in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.  It, we can always hope it comes West too!
The game was announced September last year, but Sega recently updated the website. I guess they are making progress!
That’s it for this week.
Lots of good games are getting close, so it will be difficult to choose again. Right now I’m busy in Atelier Lydie and Suelle, you will find my first thoughts soon in YvoCaro plays.
For now, thanks for reading, and happy gaming!
Handheld Gaming News week 14 Come on in, my friends. Welcome to this weekly feature of Handheld Gaming News. As always, I’m not trying to cover all the news, I’d need many more pages to do that.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Millwall v Luton opens new decade in EFL
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/millwall-v-luton-opens-new-decade-in-efl/
Millwall v Luton opens new decade in EFL
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Live Reporting
By Josef Rindl
All times stated are UK
a stunning 5-4 win at Birmingham City on Sunday.
If these two Premier League hopefuls serve up more of that today, then we’re in for a real treat.
Posted at 13:4013:40
Lambert staying with Ipswich
More on the news I brought you during that first half about Paul Lambert signing a new long-term contract at Ipswich Town…
Posted at 13:3613:36
Millwall 0-1 Luton
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Rex FeaturesCopyright: Rex Features
A handful of boos from the home fans at half-time.
Millwall have been outplayed for the last 20 minutes and Luton deservedly lead through Sonny Bradley’s header.
45 mins
Post update
Millwall 0-1 Luton
We’ll have three additional minutes at the end of the first half.
Kazenga Lua Lua is down and looks to be in a bit of pain as his captain Alan Sheehan catches him on the cheek in a midfield tussle.
It’s been the perfect first half for Graeme Jones’ side.
41 mins
Millwall 0-1 Luton
And now Millwall do make their change and it’ll be a change of formation too as forward Tom Bradshaw comes on for defender Alex Pearce.
I think they’re swapping from a 3-4-3 to a 4-4-2.
41 mins
GOAL: Millwall 0-1 Luton
Sonny Bradley
Alan Sheehan finally gets it right with a set-piece and the ball falls perfectly for an unmarkedSonny Bradleywho heads it into the bottom corner.
Luton deservedly lead and have scored the first EFL goal of the decade.
40 mins
Post update
Millwall 0-0 Luton
No changes just yet.
Meanwhile, dangerous free-kick for Luton….
Posted at 13:2513:25
A chance to close the gap
Fulham v Reading (15:00 GMT)
Fulham begin the day third in the table, nine points off the automatic promotion places and, with the top two facing each other later on, are guaranteed to cut the gap with a win today.
Fulham striker Aleksandar Mitrovic is the Championship’s top scorer this season with 18 goals.
They host a Reading side who are 14th, seven points adrift of the play-off spots, but did shock Preston with a 2-0 win at Deepdale last time out.
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Rex FeaturesCopyright: Rex Features
38 mins
Post update
Millwall 0-0 Luton
Kazenga Lua Lua has a shot from a long, long way out which Millwall goalkeeper Bartosz Bialkowski dives to keep out.
Hang on, I think Millwall are making a change.
Tom Bradshaw is on the touchline.
35 mins
Another chance for Luton.
Callum McManaman curls in a cross which James Collins controls before laying the ball back to James Bree.
Bree does well to steer his volley on target but Lions keeper Bartosz Bialkowski is equal to it.
Strugglers Luton are on top.
31 mins
Post update
Millwall 0-0 Luton
Another Alan Sheehan free-kick is easily cleared away by the hosts.
Jed Wallace makes a good run on the counter but can’t play through an open Aiden O’Brien.
It’s a tight game that’s just lacking a bit of quality at the moment.
Posted at 13:1413:14
Cardiff on the up?
QPR v Cardiff (15:00 GMT)
QPR are winless in their past four and host a Cardiff side that beat them 3-0 in the reverse fixture.
But history is on their side having won 13 of their past 17 home league matches against Cardiff City, including the past two in a row.
Meanwhile, a win for the Bluebirds could put them back in the play-off, they’re only two points off sixth as it stands.
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aornff · 7 years
All or Nothing Chapter 23
All or Nothing
Chapter Twenty Three
Please excuse yet another delay on this story, I had to take a trip and I'm back now. Services will resume.
Note: This fic is far from over. Please do not let the events of this chapter and the ones after put you off the story.
For all that Anna's relationship with Elsa was frosty (now slowly thawing, thank goodness), she and Merida were still on good terms. They spent long winter evenings in Anna's parlour together, drinking hot cider in front of the fire and laughing so much and so loudly Elsa could hear them from her office.
It irritated her, just a little. She couldn't begrudge Merida a friend in a foreign nation (though there was that little sting that Elsa wasn't enough for her, somehow) but it still felt like Anna was being childish about the whole affair.
She wondered if Anna had told Kristoff anything.
“Of course not,” Anna  hissed when asked. “It's not gossip, for God's sake...”
“Maybe you should tell him,” Elsa replied coolly. “He is going to be a member of the royal household soon. He should know that his future sister-in-law is an abomination.”
Anna rolled her eyes.
“For the last time, you know that's not what I think,” she said snippily. “You might as well go have torrid love affairs with all the chambermaids for all I care, whatever, no big deal. It's that you had to have this affair.”
“You can't control who you fall in love with,” Elsa retorted. “You know that better than anyone.”
“Oh, I do,” Anna laughed, tapping on a stack of papers on Elsa's desk. “If I'd known it was this complicated to marry him....but the heart wants what it wants.”
“Yes, it does.”
“I don't blame you for falling in love, or her...”
Does she love me? Has she said so to you?”
“...but this is going to end badly. I can feel it.”
Said like that, it was like a prophecy. She just had no way of knowing just how soon it might come true.
The cold spell lifted, and although there was still powdery snow on the ground the markets re-opened and the traders went right back to selling their wares. Merida was out of the castle gates as soon as she got the all-clear; she had been happy enough to stay in the castle during the heavy snows, but she was a creature of the outdoors above all else.
Elsa wasn't expecting her back until near nightfall. She jumped when Merida clattered into her office before midday.
“I saw a wisp,” she gasped, wild-eyed. Her cloak was half-off, still clinging to one shoulder.
“What?” Elsa said quizzically. She handed her a cup of water, Merida looked out of breath.
“I saw a wisp,” she repeated after gulping down the water. “At the spice merchant's stall. It was waiting for me. I saw it in the snow before, but I couldn't get to it.”
Elsa knew what a wisp was; she'd seen flickers of them in Merida's memories, and heard Merida speak of them more than once. Still, she played ignorant. Something about the wisps, little creatures that already knew your future and appeared just to beckon you in some vague direction, frightened her.
“What would a wisp be doing here?” she said with a warm chuckle, as if indulging some small child's stories.
“It's here to lead me back,” Merida answered, her breath evening out. She sounded certain, dead-set. “That's why I've been here so long. It was waiting for the right time to lead me back.”
Elsa felt the slow trickle of ice run up her spine, through her blood, out through her fingertips to crackle on the wood of the desk in front of her, with every word Merida spoke. She had been there for almost three years. They had been together for only a few months.
She had always known it would end, some day, and it would break her heart. She didn't expect it to be so soon.
Merida was still talking, about the wisp, about how the spice merchant was leaving soon for the coast and had offered to take her with his caravan, maps and winter clothes and weapons and sending Lua from new outposts....
“Stop,” Elsa said, holding up a shaking hand. “Just...stop.”
Merida trailed off, looking confused. As if she didn't know....
“It's midwinter,” she said. “The ports are frozen over. The mountains are snowed in. And aside from the travel conditions, you don't know these spice merchants and if you think I'm going to let you wander off with complete strangers...”
“I do know them,” Merida said with a frown. “Cosimo and Giancamo Belloza. From Losanta.”
How long has she known them?
“Be that as it may,” Elsa continued, a note of ice creeping into her voice. “Jumping across countries on the whim of some creature you haven't seen in years isn't just dangerous, it's downright insane. The spice merchants will be going East, towards Dionhae. That's as far from Dunbroch as you can get.”
Merida shrugged, infuriatingly casual.
“The witch said I would leave Dunbroch, make a powerful ally and return stronger. The wisp lead me out of Dunbroch, it's trying to lead me now. If that's Dionhae, so be it.”
There was no clear thought, no plan, not even a vague idea of what was going to happen, but Merida was willing to drop everything and follow this...demon...off to wherever. It was infuriating.
And there was that little stab of hurt that Elsa had always imagined herself to be that prophecized powerful ally, despite Arendelle's lack of a formidable army and a shaky economy built around good relationships with all their neighbours. Merida had never seen her that way, she knew now.
“You don't speak Dionhese,” she retorted, trying and failing to keep the building anger out of her voice. “Or even standard Rohiman, for that matter...”
“The Bellozas do,” Merida countered. “I can pick it up on the way. I did fine with Dellian, didn't I?”
“The spice road is notoriously dangerous, especially for women,” Elsa continued. “Slave traders from the South pass through all the time, not to mention bandits...”
“So do mercenaries,” Merida shrugged. “All the caravans have decent guard. And I can protect myself if it comes to that.”
It sounded like Merida had given it a lot of thought, and that just made Elsa more fearful.
“Look, I know why you're worried,” Merida said, softening a little as she reached for Elsa's hand. “But we both knew I was going to have to leave some time. It doesn't mean we won't ever see each other again...once I've got my husband's head on a pike, who knows....”
She was still talking, but Elsa couldn't hear her over the pounding of her heart. She knew what this meant. Merida would leave and find someone else and never come back, might never even think of Elsa again unless a fall of snow triggered a memory in her. Or she'd win back her kingdom and return, but the ocean between Dunbroch and Arendelle would take days to cross, and with each day spent away from her she would grow more distant. Even now, a single day away from her filled Elsa with agonizing longing.
“You can't,” she blurted out.
Merida pulled her hand away sharply, frowning.
“My brothers have been stuck on an island for three years,” she said, quietly but firmly. “My people have been in hiding for three years. I've been waiting for the wisp to lead me back, I would never have stayed so long if I hadn't. I have to go.”
The ice bubbled in Elsa's blood, rushing to her fingertips.
“No. I forbid it,” she growled.
Now Merida stood, pushed back her chair, cheeks flushed pink with anger and, to Elsa's eyes, lovelier than ever.
“You're not my queen,” she told her as she marched to the door. “You can't stop me!”
“Yes, I can!”
The cold flew from her fingers with a burst, coating the entire door in a layer of thick glassy ice just as Merida's hand was about to touch the door handle. Merida drew back her hand with a shocked little gasp, and for a fleeting moment Elsa worried that a stray shard had caught her, as it had Anna so long ago.
But in the next moment, Merida had taken the fire poker from the corner and broken through the ice, and with one last furious glance back at Elsa she was gone.
As Elsa left her office, the captain of the guard was watching Merida's form retreat down the hallway. He stood to attention when Elsa cleared her throat.
“Your highness?”
“At ease,” she said, suddenly drained of all energy. “I need to issue an edict.”
“Of course, your highness.”
“Princess Merida of Dunbroch is hereby confined to quarters, for her own safety.”
The captain shot a concerned glance at his nearby troops, concern that was echoed back.
“I will spread the word, your highness. Specifics.”
“Place a guard at her door and her window, she is permitted to visit the library and the west tower to feed her falcon, but beyond that she must be accompanied at all times. And she cannot leave the castle until further notice.”
It was an easy area to fortify. Elsa wasn't naive enough to think Merida wouldn't attempt to break through any windows she could access, or scale a wall, or shimmy down a pipe. All she needed to do was keep her confined for a few days, until she came to her senses.
Or just until the spice caravans left without her.
The next few days were hard.
Elsa had expected (hoped) that Merida would come to her begging her to lift the house arrest. She could reason with her after the heat of the argument had died down and realize that she was being foolish to throw her life away on the whim of some mysterious spirit. They would make love and the whole ordeal would be put to rest.
She should have known better.
Ceilts were a race of people beholden to the spirits, they trusted them implicitly while having no idea what motive their spirits were working towards. Not to mention the idea of Merida begging for anything was about as unlikely as the Dellian council approving a marriage between them.
She had reacted to confinement with a fury that was frightening. The guards had had to chase her across the courtyard more than once after she'd slipped out a window or across a gutter, and it took six full-grown men to get her back inside. When Elsa froze the shutters on her window two feet thick, she spent hours chipping away at them with the butter knife she'd saved from her breakfast tray. Almost the entire garrison was stationed around possible exit routes.
When Elsa tried to talk to her, she refused to speak Dellian, only Gaelic. Elsa was quite sure she was being called all sorts of horrible names and cursed to hell and back, but she insisted after every time that it was for Merida's own good. This was usually met with an angry snort and Merida slamming the door in her face.
Anna was angry too, not quite as furious as Merida (as if anyone could be) but angry enough.
“This is a new low,” she growled when she first heard. “Everyone is going to know what's going on. Everyone! And you might as well have thrown her in the dungeon, you know she hates being cooped up inside! Don't you care?”
“It's just for a little while,” Elsa told her wearily. “What else can I do?”
“Anything but this!” Anna retorted. “Seriously, what's your end goal here? You're going to make her hate you, and that'll just make her want to leave even more! You can't lock her up forever!”
A little slice of madness, at the deepest corner of Elsa's mind, whispered to her.
Yes, I can.
If she couldn't keep her in the castle, she'd find another way. Her palace on the mountain. It was remote, almost inaccessible. She could make it stronger, higher, so that no man or woman could get in.
Or out.
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queenlua · 2 years
irandrura said: Huh, interested in hearing more about why you liked Shez. I don’t think I’ve heard anything positive about him before now…
haha, it’s less “shez good” and more “byleth so absolutely godawful that everyone looks good in comparison” :P
the two big things in shez’s favor are:
1) the entire plot doesn’t revolve around Shez—you can’t really romance the protag; the protag doesn’t immediately trust you and confide strange amounts in you; you are just a random student at the academy rather than a teacher; you are clearly skilled and have a reason to be there but you are not the point.  sometimes the FE player-insert protags are pretty good, but if they can’t be good, they can at least be net neutral
2) Shez is a generically likable kinda person.  like i’m not about to write piles of fic about her, but, she has a down-to-earth attitude with some realistic foibles and some legitimately entertaining support chains.  turns out having A Personality, Literally Any Personality beats byleth, and again, if you can’t make your self-insert interesting, you can at least make them a bit witty and likable and that will be perfectly sufficient lol
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