#lspd barbara
elementalwriter67 · 4 years
The Void Chapter Ten
Pairings: (eventual) Jason Todd x Reader
Word Count: 3308
Tag list: @wittedhat @clea-nightingale @grey-water-colors @reclusive-chicken-nugget @undertheredhood 
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, 9
Summary: The Void is a hellish place filled with screams that echoed throughout the place at all the hours of the night, and where pain is a very close friend. You’ve spent your entire life in the Void, having been there since you were ten and you’ve just recently gotten a new cellmate… Who’s a little more hopeful than you are that either of you are going to make it out of this place alive. Though you have to admit that maybe his hope is rubbing off on you because you slowly find yourself hoping that the two of you do get out of here.
“Selina? What are you doing here?” Dick asked as him and Roy walked up the stairs to the upper layer of the Batcave where Selina was standing with the others around the Batcomputer. 
“I ran into Bruce when he was going to investigate Falcone, he filled me in on what’s been going on.” Selina’s voice tense as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Do you know about the Void?” Roy asked and Selina nodded. 
“Course I do, every villain in Gotham knows about the Void and they were people that I was hoping you would never have to deal with, yet here we are.” She said the tenseness leaving her voice and being replaced with a bitter resentment as she looked towards the screen where Tim was messing around with video feeds. 
“Did you two find the van that matches the tire tracks at the hospital?” Tim asked, interrupting whatever conversation they could have continued to have. 
“Yep, we got the picture of the licence place like you asked.” Dick said as he pulled out his phone. Tim snatched it out of his hand and tapped at the screen a couple of times before handing it back to Dick. 
“Alright, cool, do you want to tell me what that was all about or what?” Dick asked, looking between Tim and the others.
“Well after we got back from checking the Rich guys house, he was a serial killer by the way had a whole as torture room down in the basement really fucked up, Tim decided he was going to take another crack at the security cameras in the area. Turns out on his first look through he missed something.” Stephanie said from where she stood with her arms crossed over her chest and leaning against the computer. 
“What did he-”
“They were on a loop. All of the security feeds in a two block area either way out of that alleyway were on a minute long time loop.” Tim answered Roy’s question. Roy’s brow shot up as he looked at the feeds.
“How did we miss that on the first watch through? We practically invented the use of loops, how the hell did we miss that?” Roy muttered as he walked up to the batcomputer leaning against the keyboard as he watched the feeds.
“Right so while those two figure that out, what did the rest of you find?” Dick asked looking away from those two and towards the others.
“Penguin checked out. One of his guys was on the other side of the city getting rid of a body, we’ve notified the GCPD of the bodies location.” Damian told him crossing his arms over his chest he glanced over at the computer, Tim and Roy muttering to each other as they both worked on the feeds.
“Black Mask’s van was busy being used for an arms deal near Amusement Mile to some low level gang from Los Santos at the time of Jason’s kidnapping. We’ve already notified the LSPD that one of their gangs are buying weapons from Black Mask.” Kate said and Dick nodded.
“What about Falcone Bruce?” Dick asked as he looked towards Bruce who was watching Tim and Roy closely.
“Falcone at the time was busy making a business deal with me and all of his men were there as far as I know. But Falcone isn’t one to make deals with the Void, I’m still honestly surprised that Scarecrow made a deal with them in the first place usually we all try to avoid the Void at all costs.” Selina stated her brow furrowed slightly in confusion as she thought over it. 
“Guess they managed to make a deal with him that he couldn’t refuse.” Dick said and Selina hummed going to open her mouth to say something but before she could Tim spun around violently in the chair. 
“We got the original videos.” Tim stated before he swung back around to face the screen. 
“I’ll give this to the Void those fuckers are thorough as fuck. They buried the original video feeds so damn deep into the system that they’re almost impossible to find. Almost.” Roy said as he typed on the keyboard while Tim did something at the other end of the control panel for the computer. 
“If they’re so thorough, why bury the original feeds? Why not just delete them and be done with it?” Selina asked as she stepped up to the computer. 
“Oh they did, but because you can never truly delete something that’s on any form of online they had to bury any possible trace that they could have left.” Tim said as he slid back over towards Roy, who stepped out of the way letting him take back over.
“And because of that we’ve got traffic feeds of the van as it’s leaving the alleyway, a traffic feed that just so happens to contain the licence plate of the van.” Tim said as he forwarded the feeds to the exact moment where you can see the licence plate as the van was driving away. Tim zoomed in on the image, clearing it up to properly display the licence plate. 
“Are you-”
“Yes we’re running it through the Gotham city system right now, we’re just waiting for a hit.” Roy interrupted Barbara before she could finish and before anyone could say anything else the computer made a sound. 
“And those would be the results.” Tim muttered as he wheeled himself back over to the other side of the computer tapping a couple of buttons as the results popped up on the screen. And everyone’s shoulders slumped almost immediately at the sight of the results. 
“They don’t match.” Tim breathed out falling back in the chair as he stared up at the screen. 
“They don’t… they don’t… they don’t fucking match?! They don’t fucking match!” Roy shouted as he stared at the screen in complete and utter disbelief his jaw slack and eyes wide. 
“But… but… how?... How is that possible?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” Dick shouted slamming his hands down on the computer making everyone jump. 
“I don’t get it! The tire tracks match the van, they match, so how the hell do the plates not match?” Tim asked as he started running it through the system again, only for it to come back a few moments later with the same results. 
“Maybe they switched the plates?” Barbara offered as she shoulder Roy out of the way and started typing on the computer running the picture of the licence plate through the general system instead of trying to compare the two. Just as they started working again a ding sounded from the computer and everyone stopped in their tracks as they stared at the message that appeared on the screen. 
“Tim.” Bruce stated taking a step towards the computer. 
“On it.” Tim said as he started typing everyone taking a step back from the keyboard so he could work properly.
~The Void~
~Dr. Roberts~
“Dr. Roberts! Dr. Roberts!” A guard shouted as he jogged down the hallway, pushing past nurses and other doctors as he tried to get to Dr. Roberts. 
“Give me one second please.” Dr. Roberts said to the nurse as he turned around an annoyed look on his face as he looked at the guard watching as he pushed passed as he finally reached the Doctor.
“This better be good Sanchez, I’m a little busy.” Dr. Roberts stated his voice firm and full of annoyance. The guard cleared his throat as he shifted his weight around. 
“It is sir. Security found a message that was sent out from one of our computers, and you’re gonna want to see this.” The guard said and Dr. Roberts brows furrowed.
“And why is that?” Dr. Roberts asked his tone cold and the guard cleared his throat again.
“Security traced the origin of the message back to the computer that Subject 314695 broke during his escape attempt.” The guard said and Dr. Roberts tensed as he stood up straighter. 
“We’ll continue our conversation later.” Dr. Roberts told the nurse as he started walking motioning for the guard to follow him down the hallway as they made their way towards the security room. People moved out of the way when they saw Dr. Roberts stalking his way down the hallway the guard having to jog to keep up with him. 
The entire security room fell silent as Dr. Roberts walked into the room, everyone turning to face him silently staring. 
“Well?! What the fuck does it say?!” Dr. Roberts shouted and everyone jumped into action.
“Over here sir!” The head of security called and Dr. Roberts made his way towards his desk. Leaning down against the desk Dr. Roberts eyes scanned over the message his face hardening as he stared at the screen rereading the message.
“Did this get out?” Dr. Roberts asked not looking away from the screen.
“No. He was able to get through the first firewall but the secondary one we put in place after he was grabbed managed to stop the message from getting out, barely. The wall took a massive hit apparently he had enough time to put a bug in the message that would eat through any other firewall that it came across.” The head of security stated and Dr. Roberts hmmed as he looked at the screen. 
“Did he know about the second firewall?” Dr. Roberts asked and the head of security shook his head. 
“No, we don’t think so. We’re guessing by the nature of this message he was attempting to reach his adopted father, the bug was meant strictly to get through that firewall judging by the quickly put together code. Our guess is that the message was meant to go through a backdoor in his security that would have been week enough for this coding to break through.” He said and Dr. Roberts nodded along with him a thoughtful look on his face as he stood up. Bringing his hand up he rubbed his chin while still staring at the screen, biting the inside of his lip as he thought. 
“Ok. Save me a copy of the message, bug and all I want everything that comes with this message saved on a flash drive and then transferred to me, once that’s done send the message to its original destination.” Dr. Roberts said. The head of security’s eyes widened as they looked up at Dr. Roberts like the man had suddenly grown two heads.
“What?” The guy asked and Dr. Roberts looked down at him with any annoyed look on his face.
“Did I stutter?” Dr. Roberts asked and the guy rapidly shook his head as he turned to face the screen, typing at the keyboard. 
“No, sir, it’s just that… are you sure that’s a good idea? This is most definitely being sent to Batman what if they manage to trace it back to us? What if they manage to find us?” The man asked and Dr. Roberts rolled his eyes. 
“They won’t and even if they do it doesn’t matter we’ll be able to handle it so don’t worry about it. So do what I asked you. Now.” Dr. Roberts ordered as he stalked away from the guys desk and paused at the door looking to the two guards standing there. 
“You two go get me subject 314695, now.” Dr. Roberts ordered as he walked out of the hall and towards the elevator the two guards jogging down the hallway in the other direction towards the stairs.
“Well?” Dick asked as he stopped pacing the length of the room looking over to Tim, Barbra, and Roy who had stopped working the computer just seconds ago. 
“It’s clean. Came in through the back doorway, the one that Jason usually uses.” Tim said turning around to face Bruce in the chair and Bruce hmmed as he looked at the screen.
“Do you think it’s actually from Jason?” Bruce asked before any of the others could say anything and Tim was silent for a moment as he glanced over at Roy and Barbara who looked back at him before looking at Bruce.
“We think it’s a possibility.” Barbara stated her hands clasped together behind her back. 
“It is the same back door to your system that Jason always uses when he wants access to your computer, so it’s a pretty high possibility.” Roy added on and Bruce was silent for a moment everyone staring at him as they waited for him to respond. 
“Open it master Timothy.” Alfred finally commanded when Bruce didn’t say anything after a couple of minutes. Tim spun around and clicked on the message opening it up.
“B, it’s JRH. Nabbed by Void. Dr. Roberts.” Tim read aloud as he stared up at the screen rereading the message about five times before anyone said anything. 
“It's certainly from Jason that’s his short hand message technique. But how did he get a hold of a computer though to send the message?” Roy muttered as he reread the message trying to see if there was something hidden inside the message that might indicate something worse. 
“Maybe he got a hold of someone’s cellphone?” Dick offered up and Selina shook her head. 
“With how organized and careful they seem to be I doubt they would allow their people to have their phones on them when handling the people they captured, especially someone like Jason. Especially since they now know who we are, there’s no way they would let their people keep their phones.” Selina said watching as Dick began pacing again.
“It’s more likely that he tried to escape, and judging by the fact that he’s not currently walking through that door, it’s more than likely that he failed and there’s no telling what they do to people who fail in escaping.” Kate stated her arms crossed over her chest as she thought about all of this. 
“Tim find who this Dr. Roberts is, what hospital he belongs to. Whichever one he works for will be the one that the Void is at.” Bruce finally said and Tim nodded as he moved the message to another screen and started typing again.
“What makes you think it’s actually the hospital Bruce? The plates don’t match the van we found at the hospital or any plate that we have in our system, plus Dr. means nothing that could just be what-”
“Found him!” Tim called out interrupting Dick’s anxiety fueled rant and Dick froze mid stride looking over at Tim.
“You’re kidding right?” Dick asked and Tim shook his head pulling up the information that he had found.
“Dr. John Roberts is the Dean and chief of staff over at Central Gotham Medical Center, it’s one of the smaller hospitals in Gotham’s lower side.” Tim said as scrolled through the web page on the hospital.
“Alright. Dick, Tim, Damian I want you two to head out to check out the hospital see what we’re working with, more importantly see if you can find any indication that the Void is located in the hospital or has any connection the hospital to begin with.” Bruce said and the three of them nodded as they got up and made their way over to the armory before heading out. 
“The rest of us are going to work on coming up with a plan to infiltrate the hospital if this place really is connected to the Void then we’re going to need to be able to get into there without getting caught. They’ll be expecting us.” Bruce said as he walked over to the computer taking a seat as everyone started getting to work.
~The Void~
~Jason’s P.O.V~
Jason was sitting on the floor of your shared cell his back pressed against the wall  next to the head of your bed with one of his knees pulled up to his chest so that his arm could rest on top of it. He had his head tipped back so that he could stare up at the ceiling a small smile on his face as he replayed a memory inside his head. 
“I’m tellin ya (Y/N) you should have seen it I’ve never seen Alfred so mad at us before I swear I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes again.” Jason muttered with a small chuckled. He continued to stare up at the ceiling for a little bit remembering how the four of them had to sit through what had to have been four hours of lecturing for having had a paint ball war inside the batcave. Sighing he looked over at you the smile on his face turning bitter as he dropped his head down, properly looking at you.
“When you wake up maybe I’ll tell you this story again, so that way you’ll actually remember it.” Jason added on as he looked away from your face, watching as your heavily bandaged chest rose and fell for a couple of seconds before looking back at your face. He was silent for a couple more moments before sighing heavily again as he dropped his head and furiously scrubbed his hands through his hair. Dropping his head back against the wall he groaned heavily.
“Christ (Y/N), I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just waited like you said, or hell if I hadn’t decided to try this in the first place then none of this would have happened to you. If I had just been a little better then maybe we would be out of here, but we’re not and it’s all my fault and I’m so, so, sorry (y/N). You were the last person I wanted getting hurt in all of this.” Jason mumbled as he reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. His heart clenched and his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the sight of the darkening bruises that littered your face and the twitch of your facial features when the tips of his fingers accidentally brushed against your black eye.
He had to make this up to you somehow, had to find a way to make this better, to show you that he was sorry about what happened, he had to do something, anything to show you he was sorry… Christ when had he gotten so attached to you? So concerned about what’s happened to you? Sure he thinks you deserve to get out of here because clearly you’ve been here and suffered more than anyone else here but there was no need for him to get this so attached especially since he knew so little about you. He’d never gotten this attached to anyone before, especially not someone he was trying to save and yet here he was caring far too much about you but not enough at the same time.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you never talked to me again, I know I deserve it for causing all of this but I just want you to know that-” Jason cut himself off as his gaze snapped to the door his body tensing as he saw the guards standing there. 
Gritting his teeth Jason pushed himself up on to his knees, ignoring the flaring of pain as he moved to a standing position. His hands balled into fist at his side as he stepped forward so that he was between you and the guards. He watched them s they opened the door, a sneer forming on Jason’s face and a barely suppressed growl growing in his chest as he glared at them. 
“Stay away from her.” Jason growled out and the guards shared a look before looking back at him. 
“Get him.” One of the guards ordered and they all moved forward at one.
Jason growled again and took a step forward fully intending on attacking the guards but he was easily subdued one guard grabbing each of his arms and pulling him back and away from you as they forced his arms behind his back. 
“No! No! You stay away from her you bastards! Stay away from her!” Jason shouted struggling against the guards even as they cuffed his hands behind his back. The three of them surprised at how much fight he still had in him despite the beating that he had gotten and the pain that he most certainly still feeling. 
“Oh, don’t worry. We’re not here for the little bitch. We’re here for you.” The first guard said and Jason’s brow furrowed as he stopped struggling and stared at the guard. 
“What?” He asked and the guard smirked before punching him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and causing his knees to give out on him as he gasped for air. 
“Get him out of here.” The guard said as he nodded towards the door and the other two guards nodded as they began to drag, Jason out of the cell the first guard following after them.
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oooh how about a Houdini!style Gavin who gets kidnapped or arrested by the police and no one expects it, but he just vanishes on them as soon as their backs are turned?
(Omg Missy I’m finally getting to this I swear. Clearly this is your punishment for STILL NOT FINISHING DOGS god woman)
Gavin Free could not be contained.
No one really knew why it seemed to always happen; the young Brit was often the first of the Fakes to find himself caught when a heist went tits up while he was on the field, and typically the hacker would patiently wait for one of his cohorts to rescue him, irritating whoever happened to be stuck on duty in holding with inane questions and pointless comments. The LSPD had all but accepted their fate when it came to trying to hold the man- usually, a well placed cherry bomb would draw the on duty cops away from the room, and when they returned the man was gone, a cheeky note taped to the two way mirror announcing his departure. Sometimes the Vagabond would simply waltz into the station and declare he was there to retrieve Free; occasionally, Ramsey would just pay the man’s bail with an irritated sigh.
Not this time.
At least, that was what Lt. Miles Luna thought as he marched Free down the hall towards the solitary holding cell set away from the others. He hadn’t had the joy of being on duty any other time Free had been brought in, though he couldn’t understand why everyone seemed to grow anxious whenever the man was brought up in conversation. He didn’t seem too dangerous- foolhardy, yes. Destructive? Certainly. Annoying? More than Kerry after he won Mario Kart, for sure. But he had seen Free on the news feeds, and there was no way one clumsy, ridiculous criminal would be escaping his this time.
He had a plan. 
“Are you putting me in solitary? Miles. Lovely Miles. Why would you ever do that? I thought you were trying to get prompted?” He ignored the Brit as he marched him into the small single occupant room, taking a precautionary look around the area to ensure there was nothing the man could use to escape. 
“I’m pretty sure even you can’t escape from Solitary, Free. Just sit there and be quiet.” He glanced at the man- blond hair still perfectly coiffed, a smudge of ash on his face the only thing out of place on tanned skin. They’d caught him during what had appeared to be a simple robbery; a shot of luck where the others of the Fakes had taken off too quickly into the night. “Your little crew took off pretty quick. Do they just abandon you often?” He smirked as the man frowned, and took a step back towards the door, wary to turn his back on the criminal. 
“What? No. Well. I suppose Geoff and Michael sometimes leave me places just to laugh when I’m caught, and if I’ve done a silly Rye and Jack might just leave me wherever but that’s just how we are. I’ve left them to get caught plenty of times, if it’s just you lot.” Free grinned, leaning forward from where he had sat on the single cot occupying the room, hands braced on his knees. “Anyways, I won’t be here long.” Miles narrowed his eyes, bending slightly to bring them closer to eye level with each other. 
“You’re not going anywhere, Free. You’re in solitary, no one can rescue you from here.” Free raised a brow, before reaching forward to poke Miles’ nose with a smirk. 
“If you say so, Lt. Luna. Why don’t you go have a coffee? I’ll be fine in here...all alone.” Miles glared as he slapped away the hand, straightening up and turning to leave. 
“You’re gunna be all alone for a long time Free. Life without parole, they’re saying.” Free snorted behind him, and Miles shook his head as he left the room. Slamming the door closed, he ensured it was properly locked before heading to the break room, feeling pleased with himself. He made his way to the coffee pot, pouring himself a mug full before moving to sit with Kerry and Barbara, grinning to them. “Well, Free’s not going anywhere any time soon.” Kerry snorted, and Barbara reached across the table to pat his arm, giving him a condescending look. 
“Miles. Oh poor, sweet Miles. You poor naive man child. Where’d you stick him?” Miles shook off her hand, frowning at her tone as he glanced towards the door. 
“Solitary. He can’t get out of solitary, Barb. C’mon.” Barbara gave a snort as she picked up her coffee, and Kerry sighed, shaking his head as he glanced at his watch. 
“He’s probably already gone, dude.” Miles shot Kerry a look, downing his coffee and standing before pointing at the two. 
“I’m going to go check on him. And when he’s STILL THERE you both owe me tacos.” The two waved, smirking to themselves as Miles made his way back to the room he had left Free in, shaking his head. 
There was no way he could escape in the five minutes Miles had been gone.
Sliding the view window open, he frowned as an empty room greeted him. Sweeping the room with his eyes, he unlocked the door and pushed it open, giving a groan as he realized that the room was, in fact, empty. He cursed, entering the room and taking a look around. It was completely empty- as though Free had never been in the room at all, no marks or marrs on the door, nothing. He moved the cot, frowning as a bare, empty wall greeted him. 
“What the hell?” He spotted a piece of crumpled paper taped to the wall next to the door, and snatched it up to look at it, giving a groan of frustration at the words that greeted him. 
‘Sorry mate, better luck next time!’
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ao3feed-mavin · 5 years
The Difference Between Living and Being Alive
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38OjSi7
by rebel_raven
For the RT Writing Community Secret Santa! I combined Soulmates + Pranking the LSPD and created this, somehow.
If you asked him, Ryan Haywood would say he was perfectly content with his life. His best friends would say otherwise, though he would just ignore them. Having two soulmarks, and knowing how stupidly rare that is, he's fairly certain he's just the butt end of a cosmic joke. But, life has an odd way of working out and a curse is sometimes a blessing in disguise.
Words: 45518, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Ryan Haywood, Gavin Free, Jeremy Dooley, Lindsey Tuggey Jones, Meg Turney, Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo, Geoff Ramsey, Alfredo Diaz, Fiona Nova, Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins, Barbara Dunkelman, Chad James, Sarah Weems, Steffie Hardy, Mentions of rest of Support Team, male OC, Female OC, OCs
Relationships: Ryan Haywood/Jeremy Dooley/Gavin Free, Lindsay Tuggey Jones/Meg Turney, Lindsay Tuggey Jones/Meg Turney/Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo/Geoff Ramsey, Alfredo Diaz & Fiona Nova & Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins/Barbara Dunkelman
Additional Tags: Soulmates, FAHC, Soulmates but with a twist, Modern magic AU, Magical Creatures, Selkies, fae, Phoenix - Freeform, Druids, Vampires, Magical prejudice, Trans Male Character, Trans Jeremy, Trans Female Character, Trans Jack, Almost Drowning, Canon-Typical Violence, ER Nurse Ryan, BAMF Ryan, BAMF Gavin, BAMF Jeremy, Protective Alfredo, Mild touch adverse Ryan, Protective Lindsay, Protective Meg, Making Out, Explicit Sexual Content, handjobs, Blow Jobs, Flirting, So much flirting, Bottom Ryan, Ryan needs a hug, BAMF Jack, Fiona is fearless dear god, Blood, Secret Santa, RT Writing Community, Protectiveness, Found Family, Happy Ending, Pranks on the LSPD, Non-lethal pranks, Ryan needs to fix his shit, Mild Angst, Anxiety, mild depression, but there is a happy ending, we get there, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Poly Relationships, Prejudice against fae, Healthy communication and respect of boundries, Shenanigans and silliness, Fainting, Healing, warm cuddles, cuddling for warmth, Gavin is almost literally a furnace, Soulmarks, graphic descriptions of pain, Holidays, new years eve kisses, mild embarassment, glamours, Fluff, Softness, just so much fluff, Street Racer Gavin, Magic, Minor wounds, No lasting damage, Ryans so good he needs a hug, Protective FAHC, Empath, Getting to Know Each Other, mild slow burn, Hurt/Comfort, Tags to be added as asked, Ryan gets migraines from his magic, And general migraines, Foresight magic, Being able to feel soulmates pain, Attempted break in thats stopped, Michael just got turned around, Mild mix up, Feeling Soulmates emotions, Alternate Universe-soulmates, Alternate Universe-GTA V
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38OjSi7
0 notes
ao3feed-jackeoff · 5 years
The Difference Between Living and Being Alive
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38OjSi7
by rebel_raven
For the RT Writing Community Secret Santa! I combined Soulmates + Pranking the LSPD and created this, somehow.
If you asked him, Ryan Haywood would say he was perfectly content with his life. His best friends would say otherwise, though he would just ignore them. Having two soulmarks, and knowing how stupidly rare that is, he's fairly certain he's just the butt end of a cosmic joke. But, life has an odd way of working out and a curse is sometimes a blessing in disguise.
Words: 45518, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Ryan Haywood, Gavin Free, Jeremy Dooley, Lindsey Tuggey Jones, Meg Turney, Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo, Geoff Ramsey, Alfredo Diaz, Fiona Nova, Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins, Barbara Dunkelman, Chad James, Sarah Weems, Steffie Hardy, Mentions of rest of Support Team, male OC, Female OC, OCs
Relationships: Ryan Haywood/Jeremy Dooley/Gavin Free, Lindsay Tuggey Jones/Meg Turney, Lindsay Tuggey Jones/Meg Turney/Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo/Geoff Ramsey, Alfredo Diaz & Fiona Nova & Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins/Barbara Dunkelman
Additional Tags: Soulmates, FAHC, Soulmates but with a twist, Modern magic AU, Magical Creatures, Selkies, fae, Phoenix - Freeform, Druids, Vampires, Magical prejudice, Trans Male Character, Trans Jeremy, Trans Female Character, Trans Jack, Almost Drowning, Canon-Typical Violence, ER Nurse Ryan, BAMF Ryan, BAMF Gavin, BAMF Jeremy, Protective Alfredo, Mild touch adverse Ryan, Protective Lindsay, Protective Meg, Making Out, Explicit Sexual Content, handjobs, Blow Jobs, Flirting, So much flirting, Bottom Ryan, Ryan needs a hug, BAMF Jack, Fiona is fearless dear god, Blood, Secret Santa, RT Writing Community, Protectiveness, Found Family, Happy Ending, Pranks on the LSPD, Non-lethal pranks, Ryan needs to fix his shit, Mild Angst, Anxiety, mild depression, but there is a happy ending, we get there, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Poly Relationships, Prejudice against fae, Healthy communication and respect of boundries, Shenanigans and silliness, Fainting, Healing, warm cuddles, cuddling for warmth, Gavin is almost literally a furnace, Soulmarks, graphic descriptions of pain, Holidays, new years eve kisses, mild embarassment, glamours, Fluff, Softness, just so much fluff, Street Racer Gavin, Magic, Minor wounds, No lasting damage, Ryans so good he needs a hug, Protective FAHC, Empath, Getting to Know Each Other, mild slow burn, Hurt/Comfort, Tags to be added as asked, Ryan gets migraines from his magic, And general migraines, Foresight magic, Being able to feel soulmates pain, Attempted break in thats stopped, Michael just got turned around, Mild mix up, Feeling Soulmates emotions, Alternate Universe-soulmates, Alternate Universe-GTA V
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38OjSi7
0 notes