#fakeattack roleplay
ask-talkshitgethit · 6 years
“It’s just a blog.” Chad had said.
Sam wasn’t really sure what to do with that information. At some point, someone had stolen his laptop for a full hour, which is hard to pull off considering he always keeps it within arms reach. Sam hadn’t found out who it was yet, but right now, he isn’t really concerned with who. Right now, he’s concerned with why. When he stepped back into his room in the penthouse, his laptop was waiting for him like it never moved. Exact same position on his desk. Exact same cursor position. Exact same laptop. It was hard to figure out if one of the guys is trying to play a prank on him, but was this their idea of a prank? A full-on website where he can answer questions and talk to people on the internet? He already has social media, why does he need to be introduced to another? But also, what kind of a fucking prank is this?
Skeptical, Sam wheels himself back to his desk on his chair and moves the mouse experimentally, clicking a few random icons to see what they do. Texts, pictures, videos, people--Sam blinks at the URL of the website. He knows he should probably be wearing his glasses right now, but he’s pretty sure he’s reading it right.
“What the fuck is a Tumblr and why’s it misspelled?”
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ask-talkshitgethit · 6 years
Tumblr media
Finally, Sam reaches for the cup of coffee that was offered to him earlier and takes a cautious sip before looking up at Barbara, “Told the kid to run before the cops came. I never touched the kid, but ya betcha ass I beat the guy. You came too quickly, though. Guy’s lucky I didn’t finish the job.” 
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