#lsdln cast drabble
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choccocake · 9 months ago
Serindipia (Enzo Vogrincic)
Serindipia: es descubrir algo bueno sin buscarlo.
Estoy escribiendo esto sin ningún tipo de corrección final ni nada, solo surgió. So, espero que les guste girls ‹3
Ojo, esto no tiene nada que ver con la encuesta que hice. Lo que tengo planeado aún sigue en borradores
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No tenías la costumbre de viajar y muy pocas veces podías darte aquel lujo.
Aunque se podría decir que gracias a tu trabajo -y personas que pedían de tus servicios- podías salir del país alguna que otra vez debido a la buena paga que te daban por tan solo fotografiar zonas turísticas para que así sean publicadas en folletos o en páginas web.
De todas formas.
Habías planeado viajar a Uruguay para darte unas pequeñas vacaciones después del arduo trabajo que habías hecho alrededor de los últimos meses, te sentías agotada mental y físicamente.
¡Y las calles de Uruguay eran realmente hermosas! Una de las cosas que te habían cautivado de ese hermoso país. Claro que hubieras podido fotografiar con total calma los lugares.
Si no fuera porque una bicicleta casi te mata.
Quizás no sean las mejores palabras para haber descrito el momento; pero en el momento casi pensaste que se te había formando un moretón por el choque que habías recibido (un poco dramático).
El repentino choque que habías recibido por parte de la bicicleta -y su dueño- te había dejado perpleja durante un par de segundos, sobándote la espalda por el repentino choque.
Los primeros segundos hiciste oídos sordos a la persona que había chocado contra ti, sus disculpas siendo ignoradas por tratar de volver a la realidad.
Cuando ya estuviste en sí, lo primero que escuchaste fue la voz grave del muchacho disculpándose una y otra vez sin parar, con el ceño fruncido y su mirada en busca de que no hubieras sufrido de alguna herida grave aunque lo único que surgió fue el dolor en la espalda y ya.
—Ay, ¿te encontrás bien? De verdad una disculpa, no fue a propósito, te lo puedo compensar si querés-
—Tranqui, son cosas que pasan ¿no? Aunque me harías un gran favor si me dices dónde hay una farmacia cerca. —Le interrumpiste, dándole una sonrisa para que no pensase que le tenías algún tipo de rencor u algo parecido.
Pudiste notar como la figura del muchacho ya no era tan tensa y la manera en la que soltó una risa nerviosa provocó una extraña calidez en tu estómago. Que raro.
La única cosa que rondaba por tu cabeza ahora era el cómo sería fotografiarlo. ¿No será modelo de casualidad? Su figura y rostro podrían estar con facilidad en alguna revista de una marca de ropa lujosa.
—¿Querés que te lleve en mi bici? No te dejaré caer. —Habló el uruguayo, sonriéndote una vez más.
Tu pequeña nube de pensamientos explotó al oír la voz del muchacho, dejándote procesar sus palabras durante unos segundos.
Pudiste sentir como la sangre calentaba tus mejillas, provocando un pequeño rubor de vergüenza al captar que habías tardado en responderle. Que pena.
—Ah, ¡claro! —Respondiste, dirigiéndote a la bicicleta, pudiéndote apoyar en dicho objeto.
Te fijaste en como el uruguayo se subía a la bici una vez más y se giraba para verte.
—Que maleducado de mi parte, ¿cómo te llamas?
Una vez más su pregunta se quedó siendo procesada en tu cabeza durante segundos, intentando entender su pregunta o cómo su acento te logró enganchar tan rápido.
Le dijiste a la final tu nombre, preguntándole el suyo luego.
—Enzo Vogrincic, un gusto chiquita.
No sabías con certeza si era que la temperatura estaba empezando a subir o solamente eran tus mejillas que estaban ardiendo a mil por cada minuto que pasaba. Que vergüenza.
Esto fue demasiado corto, pero ya no sabía con que más rellenarlo jnkdsabhk
La próxima semana termino clases y escribir sobre los chicos del cast me está enganchando poco a poco, quizás y el próximo finde publique el shot de juani que lleva guardado en borradores desde hace tres semanas
Espero que les haya gustado, ¡bye!
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madame-fear · 1 year ago
would u do prompts 21 and/or 30 w Enzo pls?? i might die from cute but it'll be worth it
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : request above. ♡ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 623.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : fluff, friends to lovers, drabble. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : enzo vogrincic x (fem!)reader ˗ˏˋ ꒰ prompts used : ⤿ 21. goofily smiling in your very first kiss. ⤿ 30. playfully wiping away their kiss, and getting tackled with more kisses by them.
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You had no idea how you had gotten to this far with your “best friend”. To be fair, you had crushed on him for the longest times — but you wouldn��t have guessed that your feelings were reciprocated.
Enzo had invited you to spend some quality time together on his home, alone, as friends. But somehow, while you were quietly talking about the thoughts that randomly passed through your mind, at one moment you turned to face him. Both of you were dangerously close to each other, merely inches apart.
The vehement impulse of kissing him lingered on you, but you held back. Until, it was him the one who acted upon his feelings. Initially a bit reluctanctly, but managed to lovingly cup your face with his warm hands, and sweetly kiss you. Perhaps it might have been a surprise to you the very first few seconds you felt his lips against yours, but eventually, you happily gave in.
And there you were, delicately kissing each other’s lips in silence; your hands copied his previous actions, cupping his face as well. Meekly, you helplessly began to smile back at the feeling of a grin growing leisurely on his lips. Softly, you pulled apart from the kiss, but your hands remained cupping his cheek; the toothy grin on his lips was contagious, feeling a rosy haze creep upon your own expressions from the fluster. He was endearingly sweet, and even adorable.
“Your lips taste sweeter than I imagined,” he sheepishly admitted, continuing to grin dumbfounded at the fact that he had just kissed you, after fantasising about doing so for a very long time. You arched an eyebrow at his response, feeling a stinging, burning pain on your cheeks due to how you kept goofily smiling along him. “I didn’t know you had imagined this, En.” you teased, making him faintly scoff in response. “I did. And it wasn’t just once — I fantasised about this moment more times than you could imagine.”
Delicately, he leaned closer to you once again, pressing his lips on the corner of your own. Playfully, after that small smooch, feeling his coffee eyes lovingly admiring you, you wiped away the kiss he had just left on your skin with the back of your hand. “I didn’t know you were this sappy, either.” it was fun to see his reaction when you teased him, and it was hard for him to hold back his impulse of showering you with love when you playfully “rejected” his affection. In response, an even greater smile took over his face. “Did you just wipe away my kiss from your skin? You just broke my heart.” he feigned being hurt by your actions, making a quiet chuckle spur from your lips, rolling your eyes.
“I’m getting my revenge on you.” before being able to answer anything, his hands gripped your face more firmly — yet, still gently — as he pulled you closer to him. His lips made their way to filling every bit of your face: your forehead, your cheeks, cheekbones, the tip of your nose, your chin, jawline, and ocassionally pressed some smooches to your lips, as he held your face in place. His lips tackled your face with tons of small, yet adoring kisses. All the while, you squirmed and giggled under his playful smooches, flinching your face very slightly. The heat on your cheeks increased with every bit of affection he showered you in, feeling more free to express all the love he had wanted to give you.
You couldn’t complain. You adored him, and you loved being tackled by his kisses. Perhaps, you could tease him this way more often, if it meant to be showered in his kisses.
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star-elysiam · 10 months ago
oiiii, você pode fazer um em que a reader tem um irmãozinho mais novo que é apaixonado por futebol e fica grudado no pipe o tempo todo por motivos óbvio né e o pipe até fica mimando ele com coisas de futebol
AAAAAAAAAA que coisa mais fofa 🥹🤏
Nossa mas ele seria muito paciente com o mini cunhado que ama futebol igual ele e ama ele por amar futebol kkkkkk
Começando pelos encontros de família, que o Pipe super faria um campinho improvisado no quintal para brincar com seu irmão enquanto o almoço não fica pronto.
Seu irmãozinho vai ficar com os olhos brilhando, pois desde que começou a namorar com o Pipe, seu irmão passa a ver ele como uma espécie de herói 🤏
Ele vai ser super paciente com o menino, mesmo que você ache que ele está super irritante com esse grude todo, o Pipe por outro lado amava e se divertia muito. E não pense que era porquê ele era seu irmão não, ele realmente gosta do garoto e ver essa amizade deles era de deixar seu coração quentinho 🥹
Se por algum motivo seu irmão nunca assistiu um jogo num estádio, ele vai fazer questão de levar seu irmão para assistir um jogo de futebol ao vivo. Seu irmão vai ficar em êxtase com o passeio e o Pipe vai ficar mega felizinho por poder proporcionar esse momento especial para o mini cunhado.
E não ficaria só na realidade não ☝️ Sempre que puder vai jogar uma partida de FIFA, onde você assiste do sofá os dois jogarem no vídeo game. Principalmente se for um dia de chuva, com direito a dancinhas da vitória quando um deles ganhasse
Sabe aquele campinho/praça perto da sua casa? Ou na quadra do prédio que você mora? Ele com toda certeza do mundo vai querer levar o garoto pra ensinar alguns passes e truques. Ainda mais se o seu irmão comentar que quer participar ou já está participando do time da escola.
Inclusive, se tiver interclasse, o Pipe assumiria o papel de técnico particular para ajudar seu irmão no campeonato.
E vai funcionar. Ele vai fazer um esforço e vai ir assistir a partida final, para ver seu irmão e os coleguinhas ganharem o jogo. O Pipe l��gico que vai ficar todo orgulhoso, principalmente quando seu irmão vai correndo mostrar a medalha que ganhou e agradece ele pela ajuda.
É meio que óbvio mas o fato do seu irmão ver o Pipe como um exemplo, um herói, vai fazer ele virar um torcedor do River também. Tudo pela forte influência de Pipe kkkkkk
E quando chegasse o aniversário do seu irmão, Pipe iria presentear o pequeno com uma camisa do River autografada pelo jogador favorito do time. Seria capaz da criança chorar de emoção, o Pipe quase chorar junto, ficando todo vermelhinho e você também, vendo toda aquela fofura
Também acho que na primeira oportunidade em que fossem para a Argentina, Pipe iria levar seu irmão no museu e estádio do River. Iria ser um tipo de guia, contando toda a história do time, os jogadores importantes que já passaram por ele e os prêmios que clube já ganhou. Além, é claro que garantir que ele assistisse um jogo do River no estádio dele ☝️
Você que acompanhava tudo isso como figurante, a cada nova situação só ia tendo mais e mais certeza de que Pipe seria um pai maravilhoso, por todo o zelo e paciência que ele tinha com crianças. Ia tendo a certeza de que queria que ele fosse o pai dos seus filhos ❣️
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creative-heart · 10 months ago
I've heard you want requests? 😏
You know how to make me happy 🥹
I still l o v e the newest pictures... could be something you can work with? Quiet and peaceful vacation with Enzo, away from all the trouble of life🙏🏻
I definitely could need it... ❤️
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Lucia's notes: Thank you my lovely @lastflowrr for this request, it was so cute to write this little Drabble/One Shot based on these pictures, I really hope I make justice to what you had in mind 🤗🤗🥰🥰.
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"Hidden haven"| Enzo Vogrincic
Content Warning: Just a little slight reference to sex, but in general, just a fluffy little piece.
Word Count: 1k
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You know  Enzo has been so stressed and tired with all the press tour and award season for his last movie, in almost two months you’ve rarely seen each other all three consecutive days, being a last year neurosurgery resident you can’t go away for long. Luckily enough, the universe, the gods or whatever you want to blame it on have aligned for once to your favor and your yearly holidays are coming up just as your raven haired boyfriend finishes with all this madness; so to celebrate and without telling him, you’ve organized a little roadtrip to a cabin in the mountains, just a week or so just for the two of you and you couldn’t wait to surprise him with it. 
As soon as the tan skinned man walked inside your shared home you run to hug him as if it is the last thing you’ll do in your life and you need it to stay alive “I missed you so much Zo” you mumble in the crook of his neck holding yourself up to try and match his height. He holds you up as he peppers your face with featherlike kisses “I missed you too chiquitita mía” he spaces each word with a kiss ending up on your lips with a soft, loving kiss. 
“I’ve got a surprise for you…I know you’ve been traveling so much, but…I’ve planned a roadtrip getaway for us, we’re going to Bariloche for a week, just us two, no phones answered, nothing” you smile looking at him “We’re leaving tomorrow, I’m driving so you’re relaxing and in charge of the aux chord”
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Early the next morning you two set your course out for the sweet and long awaited retreat from the world. You glance over in your boyfriend’s direction to see him laid back on the passenger seat, coffee mug in hand, sunglasses on. Enzo sighs relaxed and glances at you “I love you so much for this, I really needed this, thank you so much bebé”. You smile and the drive goes by smoothly while singing oldschool songs in the most out of tune way possible, snacking on your favourite chocolates and fries and just enjoying the time being just you two with no one from the outside world to derange you.
You arrive at the little cabin in the woods just before the sun starts setting behind the beautiful mountains, and you know it’s been snowing not long ago, the white carpet fresh on the ground. While you go and set your things down in the master bedroom upstairs, Enzo starts trying to work the fireplace and get it started, it’s an old school one with actual logs. After everything is settled, you longue on the couch in your pj’s cuddled up to your boyfriend’s chest playing with his fingers absentmindedly as he hummed eyes closed enjoying being this close to you “You know, I love the fact that getting more well known allows me to work and keep making a living out of this, but….getting recognized everywhere and people staring or asking for pictures is something I definitely do not love” you smile softly keeping your eyes closed as you hear Enzo’s deep soothing voice behind you and you give his forearm a soft squeeze, you knew he didn’t like people looking at him, and you definitely didn’t enjoy not being able to do as many things as you once did together because of that, but on the other hand, you also knew how much he loves acting and that this is what helped him keep doing it.
“I know darling, but I just think you are so good at what you do, that people just get too taken with you and your characters, take Numa for example, you touched so many people with him it was unbelievable”. You feel him humming against the skin on your neck as he trails soft kisses up and down, and you know exactly what he’s doing, it’s his tactic every time he wants to shift the conversation from himself, and in all honesty, it always works. “Zo…” you whisper in what wants to be a warning tone but ends up being more a pleading tone and the little sucker smriks against your warm skin “you can’t blame now, can you princess?” and all you can do is hum when you hear him call you that, he knows just what to say and what to do to make all your stress melt away and your brains turn into mush.
The next few days go by in a haze of late lazy mornings in bed looking out the window, limbs all tangled up together after having some coffee, once you both can master up the will to get out from under the bed covers, usually after some lazy love making as well, you sit down to work on a puzzle Enzo insisted on bringing over, it has like a thousand pieces and you most definitely do not have the patience to do it, but if that’s what the love of your life wants to spend his hours doing, then you’ll sit next to him mostly pretending to help before getting bored and taking his camera walking around snapping silly candid pictures of him working on his project the surrounding mountains, you even go out on little walks around the place to capture some nature through the lens.
Time definitely goes by differently here because when you’re feeling at home and Enzo and you have fallen into a sweet rhythm of slowed down life, you need to go back into the real world and as you pack up your clothes back into the suitcase you sigh, you have definitely enjoyed this time you’ve had here being just the two of you, no prying eyes and screaming girls asking for pictures with your boyfriend feeling left aside. You try to push those intrusive thoughts away as Enzo has made it his life work to reassure you that there’s no one more important in his life than you, well…maybe Ada, but you’re a close second to the cat you share custody of and you know that’s absolutely true, for wherever you may be, his eyes always find your own, and you feel as if you were right here, in a secluded spot just the two of you know.
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P.S: This hasn't been proofread, so if you see any mistakes, please do let me know, I appreacite it. Also, my girlies, keep the reqs coming, don't be shy, fluff, smut, angst whatever you have for me, for Enzo, Kuku, Simón and Santi 💖💖💖💖
@madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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chiquititamia · 9 months ago
HOLIIIIII Me da tremenda vergüenza pedir esto, so, momento anónimo (—🌻) Podría pedir algo que sea sobre juani? Estoy urgente de oneshots o cosas parecidas con él y no encuentro casi nada help En el que contenga un poco de angustia, ya que cuando juani muestra a su pareja en un stream hay una pequeña cantidad de gente que termina acosando a la lectora solo por andar con juani Espero que no sea una molestia, ¡y suerte con tus exámenes! —🌻
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-¡Y bueno chicos, eso es todo! Un beso, chaaooo – Juani le tiró besos al móvil que le enfocaba desde el pequeño trípode de mesa. Después de eso dijo adiós con la mano y cortó la emisión de twitch.
Tú estabas tirada en el sofá intentando leer un libro, pero francamente no te concentrabas y tenías que pasar por el mismo párrafo varias veces para conseguir enterarte de algo.
Juani entró en la habitación frotándose los ojos, tanto rato delante de la pantalla y del foco de luz que usaba para iluminarse le terminaba cansando la vista.
-¿qué fue, neni, qué hacés? – se tumbó a tu lado acurrucándose y acariciándote el vientre por encima de la ropa.
-Nada, aquí esperando a que terminases…
Juani te mira con sus grandes ojos azules apoyando su cabeza llena de rizos en tu pecho.
-¿Me estabas esperando?
-Y sí, Juani, quería decirte hace un buen rato si querías que pidiésemos delivery porque tenemos la heladera vacía, pero se nos pasó ya la hora y todos los restaurantes están cerrados – habías intentado sonar menos enfadada de lo que realmente estabas, pero el hambre que sentías no hacía si no agriarte más el carácter. En realidad, no le estabas culpando por hacer el stream, ni por demorarse; en el fondo estabas molesta por algo que no querías decirle, pero que ya llevabas demasiado tiempo guardándote para ti misma.
-Él frunció el ceño con preocupación más que con enfado.
-¿Y no podías haberme preguntado antes de que eso pasase?
-¡Estabas en tu stream! - contestaste molesta olvidando que Juani no podía leerte la mente y no sabía por qué tus pensamientos estaban escalando hacia un lugar de enfado que no estaba siendo del todo racional.
-No sería la primera vez que apareces en un stream mío – se incorporó apoyándose en sus brazos para mirarte mejor a la cara – ¿se puede saber porqué estás tan enfadada, amor? Si el hambre es el problema estoy seguro de que te puedo preparar al menos un buen bowl de cereales o una tortilla…
La forma en la que Juani estaba intentando resolver la situación y pensando en soluciones te ablandó el corazón, era una de las cosas por las que te habías enamorado de él. Ahora te sentías culpable por haber saltado así y sobre todo por no haber sido sincera con él desde que te comenzaste a sentir mal.
-No es eso… - bajaste la mirada avergonzada.
-Pues decime que es, por que no quiero que estés mal, gorda… - al ver que estabas bajando el tono y te estabas relajando tomó tu mano entre las suyas y la besó.
-Es que la última vez que aparecí por tu stream no sabes la de gente que me escribió diciéndome de todo por Instagram…hasta encontraron mi Facebook, y eso que no está ni mi nombre real… y, no quiero que además te molesten conmigo, dicen que no soy tan guapa como para estar contigo y…
-¿Que qué? – en la mirada de Juani había fuego – no me puedo creer que te hayan dicho semejante pelotudez, ��¡pero quién se creen que son?!
-Dale, Juani, pero es lo normal cuando alguien es público y yo se que no debería tomármelo así – antes de que pudieras continuar hablando tu novio te interrumpió.
-¡Que no, nena, que no! Vos sos lo más importante para mí, y si me quieren a mí te tienen que querer a ti – nunca habías visto a Juani tan furioso. Tenía que reconocer que ese impulso protector te estaba derritiendo por dentro – La próxima vez que haga stream vos te vas a sentar en mis piernas si te da la real gana, ¿ta?  Además, me jode que te lo hayas callado para no hacerme sentir mal, que te conozco… - se lamentó.
Tú le acariciaste la cara y le volviste a recostar sobre tu pecho para que ahora fuera él el que se tranquilizase. Pasando los dedos por sus rizos suaves no pudiste reprimir una sonrisa. La validación que no sabías que necesitabas te había quitado un peso de los hombros y ahora te sentías aliviada.
-Además, vos sos lo más bonito del mundo, ¿de qué están hablando? – murmuró aún contrariado.
-Está bien, amor…- seguiste dándole caricias.
Él sonrió y te dio un beso breve antes de levantarse de un salto.
-¿Querés también una fruta con tus cereales?
Bueno anon, espero que te haya gustado aunque sea un poquito solo, no estoy acostumbrada a escribir nada que no acabe en smut 🤣🤣. Y siento haber tardado tantísimo en responder, pero quería hacerlo cuando terminase los exámenes. Un abrazo!
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florinaranja · 1 year ago
about me ...  ꕥ
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 ── mía. she. xviii. writer. spanish !
hola! la verdad es que es la primera vez que escribo en tumblr, pero tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo. de momento solo escribiré cosas sobre el CAST de LSDLN! (porque el brainrot me consume).
── los pedidos están abiertos ! ・゚✧ (no acepto nsfw)
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azulmiosotis · 10 months ago
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@ salomé ✩︵ ela/dela ! . 彡 18 · 4w5
‧₊˚ 🖇️ ✩ sigo do main @ sylphgf !! 🎧 ₊˚𓂃⊹
@ ꗃ masterlist ! ✩︵ abt me 彡 regras ⸝⸝ ˎˊ˗
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amethvysts · 11 months ago
☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ SIMÓN HEMPE !
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⋆⁺₊⋆ navigation | masterlist ⋆⁺₊⋆
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nenhum ainda.
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simón!br. simón!footballer.
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AMANTE AMADO ❨ simón e matí ❩ : seu namorado só quer ser mandado, adorado, acariciado, machucado e amado por você.
BFB ❨ simón!bfb ❩ : só alguns headcanons aleatórios sobre o simón, o irmão mais velho da sua melhor amiga.
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MILLION DOLLAR BABY! ❨ simón!footballer ❩ : tagalerando sobre simón!jogador de futebol.
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nenhum ainda.
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deepinsideyourbeing · 4 months ago
¿CÓMO QUE VAS A ESCRIBIR PARA FRANCO? LU SOS UNA REINA 🫵👑 Me alegra leer esto porque no encuentro personas que escriban sobre él en español, solo en inglés, y siento que las yanquis no saben retratar bien su personalidad...
Hace un tiempo (influenciada e inspirada por los escritos de la más genia @moviestarmartini, vayan a leerlos) quiero escribir sobre él y estaba esperando poder hacerlo antes de que termine la temporada.
En teoría estos días voy a tener mucho tiempo libre para escribir y después de terminar con lo que tengo pendiente del cast de LSDLN -todavía siguiendo con la lista de drabbles, claro- me gustaría publicar algún oneshot de él. Todavía no tengo el plot. Acepto sugerencias.
Ustedes no se imaginan cuánto me emociona poder escribir -aunque indirectamente- sobre F1 but ✨en argentino✨. Los sueños sí se cumplen.
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madame-fear · 1 year ago
could you write a drabble for Francisco with these prompts? please 🥺
50. “i don't recall asking you to stop. keep kissing me.”
20. goofily smiling in between kisses.
27. “if only you knew the effect you have on me.”
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ೀ amira speaks! : nonnie this was so sweet and fun to write, thank you for requesting this !! this is literally the first thing I ever write for our sweet man, I hope you enjoy this! 🤧💕 also, tagging my sweet girl @luceracastro in case you are interested! <33 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : request above. ♡ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 550.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : fluff, established relationship, drabble. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : francisco romero x (fem!)reader ˗ˏˋ ꒰ prompts used : ⤿ mentioned above in request!
→ click here if you want to request a drabble for my followers milestone celebration! drabbles open from February 14th, to March 1st.
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A silly grin quivered at the corner of your lips. Your hand was placed on the back of Fran’s head, having your fingers interwined between his dark blonde curls.
Fluttering your eyes shut, your lips softly pressed against his own thin, rosy ones; tilting your head gently to deepen the kiss. Sitting on his lap and exchanging small, sweet kisses was your favourite activity to do with your boyfriend — you could spend an entire day like this, and none of you would grow bored. In between the kiss, you could feel his own lips turning into a smile.
Humming, you reluctanctly pulled apart, feeling him breaking away the kiss for a brief moment — but his lips still grasped against yours tenderly. His light green eyes moved to stare up at you admiringly, noticing how his smile grew wider at the sight of you. He was absolutely dumbfounded at how pretty you were, in every sense. It wasn’t unusual to catch him admiring you like a fool in love, which made you feel flattered — and a bit shy sometimes, even.
“I don’t recall asking you to stop.” you retorted teasingly, moving your fingers to play with his hair lovingly. “Keep kissing me.” a soft scoff spurred from him, becoming flustered at your playful remarks. “Sorry,” Fran replied meekly, still stupidly smiling to himself. One of his hands cupped your cheek, as his other free hand was placed in your waist while his lips were pressed against the corner of your lips, placing several small pecks. “I can’t help it. I have to admire just how lucky I am.”
Closing your eyes once again, you sighed out of satisfaction at the way your boyfriend showered you in love, filling your face with loving, and delicately small kisses. Grinning widely — as the fluster in your cheeks spread across your face — you moved your face to meet his lips again, firmly cupping his cheeks with your hands One of his hands went to the back of your head, pressing you against his lips, ravenously kissing you.
In between the chaste, affectionate kisses and smooches you continously pressed against each other’s lips, occasionally humming in delight against your mouths, you smiled in a giddy manner. The corner of your lips grew leisurely with each smooch that was given and received; both of you feeling content of having one another in this manner. In a way, it felt comforting - the rest of the world didn’t exist, it was just the two of you, and the faint sound of your kisses.
Eventually, both of you softly pulled apart from one another, faintly panting, trying to catch some air after the makeout session you had. Feebly, he pressed his forehead against your own, keeping his hand in the back of your head so you would remain as close to him as possible, while his other hand moved to your arm - caressing your skin with the tips of his fingers. The amount of pride he felt at the thought of having you with him just like this overwhelmed him; he couldn’t be any more satisfied.
Pressing a final smooch on the tip of your nose, making you squirm and giggle very lightly, he whispered. “If only you knew the effect you have on me.”
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madame-fear · 1 year ago
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ೀ amira speaks! : some of the titles are very vague so far, sorry !! I promise I will change them soon! 🤧 I will be posting some drabbles for him these upcoming days. 💕 → check out my prompts here! 彡 last updated : 28/05/2024 — ♡
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ HEADCANONS :
→ Dating headcanons.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ ONE-SHOTS :
→ Period Sex | NSFW. → Two is Better than One | Fran Romero x Reader x Esteban Kukuriczka, NSFW. → Addicted to You | NSFW. trigger warning ; contents of stalking & obsession. → A Dose of Baby Fever | Fluff. → Shameless, part one | Fluff. → Shameless, part two | Fluff, friends to lovers, oblivious pining. → Vortex | Fluff. → I Wanna Ride It, Baby! | NSFW, stripper!reader.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ IMAGINES:
→ None yet.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ DRABBLES :
→ Meddle About | NSFW, prompts 37, 96, and 106. → Kiss Me | Fluff, prompts 50, 20, and 27. → Night Warm | Fluff, comfort. → Green Eyes | Fluff, prompts 84 + 112. → Taking a shower together, and him leaving new bitemarks on your neck, in the same area where your old marks are disappearing. NSFW, prompts 86 + 91. → Him admiring during sex the necklace he gifted to you with his initial on it. → Bruises & Bitemarks | Slight mentions of explicit content!
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creative-heart · 11 months ago
Sunday Fluff to make your heart melt.
Lucia’s notes: OK, so, this drabble came about from this ADORABLE tiktok here that my lovely @cyliarys-starlight sent my internet’s lil sis @madame-fear. ENJOY 💗💗💗💗// PLEASE let me know if I let any grammar mistakes behind.
"Little Mousy" | Esteban Kukuriczka.
TW: none, Kuku is just adorably and sneakily munching away on cheese. The fluffiest fluff to ever exist.
Word Count: 477
You half wake up in the middle of the night, not feeling kuku’s arms wrapped around you like they usually are, and knowing sometimes he has a hard time sleeping, you asume he’s downstairs playing video games; you reluctantly get out of bed and throw on one of his t-shirts- that are a couple sizes too big on you- you usually sleep in and paddle barefoot out to find your boyfriend and usher him back to bed.
Still rubbing the sleep from your half open eyes you walk towards the kitchen, seeing the dim refrigerator light on and stop in your tracks as you reach the doorway; seeing Esteban hunched over halfway inside the fridge, back turned to you,  munching away on the parmesan cheese you had brought back from the store that afternoon. He is so into his cheese eating endeavour he doesn’t even realise you are standing behind him until you clear your throat, causing him to startle with a little jump banging his head on the edge of the freezer door above him. “Fuck” he mutters half from the hit he takes to his head half from being caught in the middle of that little act,as he scrambles to put the cheese back in its bag and into place in the fridge before turning around to look at you with a sheepish smile.
“Were you just eating away on the parmesan I bought today for lunch with your parents?” you cross your arms trying so hard to fake being mad at him, but finding the situation absolutely adorable as some crumbs are left on his moustache. When you catch that you just can’t help but laugh walking towards him to brush the rest of the evidence off of his adorable face. The blush on his cheeks noticeable even just being lit up by the street lights coming in from the window.
“No…” he is quick to reply before letting a nervous chuckle fall from his lips “well…maybe just a little, you know I can’t control myself with cheese my love, I love it almost as much as I do you” that declaration alone could have made your heart melt, he definitely knows how to swoop you off your feet in every way. You reach your hand upwards to his face bringing him down to your level sharing a short, soft loving kiss. As you part ways you let your hand fall to his chest and smile.
“Come on mousy, let’s head back to bed, it’s late, and you clearly cannot be trusted to be unsupervised here at these time”, as you hold his hand he lets you guide him back to your shared bedroom, knowing full well you won’t let him live this scene down easily, and smiles at the picture of your feigned annoyance when you for sure tell this story on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@koiibiito @lastflowrr @candycanes19 @castawaycherry @espinasrubi
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madame-fear · 8 months ago
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So, you want a good variety of specialty coffee with sweet desserts? Welcome. You came to the right place ! For this milestone event, requests will be officially open from July 4th to July 10th— and I will give you several options to choose.
How does it work? It’s really easy! As you will see down below, there are different types of coffee, and some desserts. Each coffee name, represents a genre you want to request, while desserts represent types of fic. Whatever coffee + dessert you select for your request, you will have to give me a character + scenario.
Here are some examples of how you can order: ‘hi, can I get a doppio + mousse for Jacaerys Velaryon?’ or, ‘can I have a caramel macchiato + red velvet for Fran Romero?’
Before taking a look at the menu, the links below will take you to very important sections. You’ll need to keep these in mind before, and while requesting !
requesting rules ⊹ prompts: one / two.
Now, after checking out the links, you can take a look at our menu displayed down below, tell me what you’d like to order, and I’ll get it prepared for you.
CARAMEL MACCHIATO. choose this one if you want to have your teeth rotten in fluff. ORANGE AMERICANO. modern!au? coming right up ! applies only for HOTD. IRISH COFFEE. want to drown in some smut? this one’s for you ! ICED COFFEE. the only thing you’ll drink, are your tears. this one’s for you if you want angst. CAPUCCINO. if you choose this one, you can send me any trope you’d like in your request. DOPPIO. opted for a dark / yandere fic? for the freakiest souls only.
Selected the coffee you want, already? Great ! Now choose a dessert before leaving, and your order will be coming right up.
RED VELVET. for one-shots. RASPBERRY CRUMBLE. chaptered series. CUPCAKES.for songfics. TIRAMISU. for headcanons. MOUSSE. for drabbles. CHAJÁ CAKE. for imagines.
Remember what I said above about attentively reading the requesting rules ! This is to avoid getting your request rejected. And remember as well that the more specific you are with your request, the better. If you need to add more than one character to the request, feel free to do so.
Chaptered chapters are only accepted for Lucerys Velaryon, and the cast members of LSDLN.
Please keep in mind that author might be a bit of a slow writer due to the adult life. So please be patient with me !
If you have any questions left about it, don’t doubt in sending a message ! My ask box is open 24/7. Have fun ordering, and hopefully, you enjoy your order !
(( NOTE. también acepto pedidos para el cast de LSDLN en español. de momento, acepto sólo drabbles & headcanons en español hasta sentirme al 100% cómoda para escribir one-shots. ♡ ))
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madame-fear · 11 months ago
sending kuku dirty texts in a room full of the rest of LSDLN cast 😶‍🌫️
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ೀ amira speaks! : two fics in one day?? zoo wee mama! anyways,, (n/n) means ((your) (nickname),, enjoy this my baby! 😘 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : request above. ♡ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 503.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : suggestiveness, mentions of smut, drabble. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Esteban Kukuriczka x (fem!)Reader, Matías slightly appearing.
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(n/n) 💗 is typing. . .
The Argentine man’s coffee-coloured eyes stared down at his phone attentively, awaiting for your message. Despite his insisting, you preferred to stay at home, rather than go to the small getaway the boys of the cast organised— and your boyfriend respected your decision.
But you still managed to get your fun, somehow.
(n/n) 💗: Kukuuuu (n/n) 💗: Tebiiiii (n/n) 💗: Miss me, darling? Because I do. (n/n) 💗: I wish you were here with me, I feel horny as fuck for you, you have no idea
A warm fluster occupied his face, his pale, freckled skin turning into a crimson haze. Gods, you were such a teasing girl. It was hard for him to ignore such bold texting.
It didn’t matter what the other boys were talking and laughing about, all the background noise faded away, as his eyes were glued to the screen of his phone.
(n/n) 💗: I don’t know where the fuck are you, (n/n) 💗: but if you are sitting on a chair and have a table in front of you, (n/n) 💗: Don’t doubt for a second that I would be fisting your cock under the table (n/n) 💗: and you’d have to keep quiet (n/n) 💗: Unless you want someone to find us, right? 🥰
Fuck. You knew exactly what to do, and say, to get to him. Had you stayed at home just to tease him like this? Maybe you did.
It was a bit of an impossible task to keep himself, pretending he was simply on his phone. It was already a dreadful pain to fight back his growing erection from appearing, not when you sending messages like that.
“Demanding girlfriend, eh?” Matias’ voiced surprised him, making him rapidly stare away from the phone, right when Kukuriczka was about to reply back to you. Was it too obvious? Perhaps it was because his phone was constantly chimming, and his eyes wouldn’t leave the screen. The younger Argentine scoffed.
“Don’t answer that. I can tell.” he retorted teasingly without allowing Kuku to answer, before leaving once again to be with the rest of the cast. It was too obvious, and who wouldn’t be in that state in his place?
(n/n) 💗: Wouldn’t it be fun if I were there, (n/n) 💗: And I took you to somewhere more private with an excuse... (n/n) 💗: And I sucked your cock until I milked every last drop, having me drooling and gagging? (n/n) 💗: in exchange, you could fuck my wet, aching pussy. ♥️
That’s it. He wouldn’t stay any longer on the little organised getaway by the cast. Kukuriczka could come up with an excuse, after all. Not being able to bury his cock deep inside your dripping pussy was painful enough, already.
Kuku 💍 is typing. . .
But after all your messages, you wouldn’t so easily get away from this. He’d make it clear, the horny feelings are always mutual.
Kuku 💍: I’m going back home. And you are keeping your promises, nena.
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` taglist .ᐟ
@luceracastro @castawaycherry @creative-heart @deepinsideyourbeing
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madame-fear · 8 months ago
I’ve been receiving several requests for my coffee themed milestone event— and since all of you have the GODLIEST ideas,, I don’t know which one to start with! So, I will leave that to all of you.
I didn’t include all of the requests, but I did add most! If you want to request something for my event (please read the event rules if you do so!) you can do it until July 10th. ♡
note. I made this HOTD centred because I only have 1-2 new reqs for the LSDLN cast rip lmao
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madame-fear · 10 months ago
ooo, what’s this? a list of my LSDLN cast-related requests + wips that I will be uploading? possibly maybe.
these are in no particular order. this contains both drabbles + one-shots. hope I didn’t forget anything!
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𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 moving in with enzo, and adopting a kitten together → requested by my darling sofía hempe, @castawaycherry ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 priest!kuku x nun!reader | nsfw
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 stargazing with fran → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo meeting actress!reader at the oscars → requested by nonnie.
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo x uni student!reader | nsfw → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo x inexperienced!reader | nsfw → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 calling enzo after breaking up with your partner, and him comforting you → requested by my sweet wifey @koiibiito ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 bumping enzo on the street and him immediatly falling for you. all eyes are on you! how come you’re still single? → requested by @koiibiito ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 talking fluently (and seductively) on another language, and kuku thinking that’s hot → requested by @koiibiito ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐enzo trying to encourage a burned out!college student!reader to take a break, leading to smut when he can’t convince you | fluff to smut → requested by my lovely @cyliarys-starlight ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 kuku getting shy around you, the relative of one of the LSDLN cast boys, and you teasing him because you think it’s cute → requested by my amazing internets big sis @creative-heart (if you want it to be for enzo instead, lmk babe!!)
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo being a protective gentleman around you → requested by the lovely @andyrubei ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 fran admiring in the mirror the bitemarks you left on his body the night before | mentions of smut, suggestiveness → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 being on a small party with the cast, and fran pulling you to a quiet, private place | smut → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 taking a shower with fran, and him leaving hickeys and bitemarks on your body | suggestiveness → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 fran admiring the necklace he gave you with his initial on it, while having sex together | smut → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo getting jealous at another man (who’s actually your cousin and he didn’t know) while you are at a club | smut, fluffy aftercare → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enzo encouraging you, shy!reader, to sit on his face | smut → requested by nonnie
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 enjoying your post-sex afterglow with kuku, and the cast boys accidentally catching you in the room thinking he was alone | suggestiveness → requested by @koiibiito ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 you never had sex with enzo before, and you bring the subject of intimacy up | suggestiveness, fluff → requested by @koiibiito ♡
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐 turning away to conceal your emotions after a tense moment, and kuku wrapping his arms around you and holding you from behind | fluff → requested by @koiibiito ♡
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