#lowkey want to hug Ichimatsu
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hrayna · 4 years ago
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I'm pretty sure 99% of this fandom can relate.
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stxrmxtsu · 2 years ago
I know this sounds wierd af but um…how likely do you think the brothers would touch S/O’s boobs or butt (WITH THEM ENTHUSIASTICALLY CONSENTING OF COURSE)
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also i added a little personal touch to this since at first i didn't understand your ask, and i kinda just rolled with how i read it, so IM SO SORRY IF ITS NOT WHAT YOU MEANT
(small update: i got a little lazy and 'to the point' with these because this fandom is slowly slipping through my fingers :( so sorry if it isn't top tier)
tag(s): talks about booties and boobies so slight NSFW warning, ichimatsu being lowkey obsessed with you (as he should), etc.
you don’t understand, he NEEDS to have a hand on you at all times. especially on your ass. he would constantly ask if he can touch your tiddies, even in public, and with your ENTHUSIASTIC consent, you’d mostly say yes and not care that others are watching but when its an actual inappropriate time, you’d be like “BOY SHUT UP”.
i think he likes touching your ass more tho and he more often than not, does the ‘put hand in the back pocket of your jeans’ thing.
kara is also a 'put hand in the back pocket of your jeans' kind of person, but i think it's more of a 'im being protective of my woman/ kind of thing', but we all know....that's only half of the case.. i believe that karamatsu is a pervert but he chokes that shit down and hides it with his 'omg im so cool' facade. he gets nervous when he gets close to your tiddies tho, even if you consented or just did not care if he put his hands all over you, he would be like 'nope respect women juice comes first before my sick perversions'
its a given, he's awkward as all fuck. listen, you consented, you told him you didn't care if he touched you, and he still sits there and stares at you awkwardly waiting for you to initiate something first.
one time though, he actually mustered up the courage to touch your boobas while you were making out and then he got cocky and started squeezing your waist, down to your ass and you moaned, of course, but his brain processed that as 'oh my god i hurt her' and he pulled AWAY.
you didn't forgive him for that one and he has apologized so many times since that day.
he's also a pervert that chokes it down, but i think in a relationship, his sick mind comes out more. OF COURSE, he would ask you first, he would never just let his intrusive thoughts win. and with your surprisingly enthusiastic consent...
all hell breaks loose..
what have you done, [name]?
that man is just as bad as osomatsu, his hands are EVERYWHERE on your body.
i think his favorite place is your ass tho. idk, its the perfect place to rest his hands on and he especially loves laying on it when you two have your lazy days.
he's just happy you exist tbh and he can do whatever he wants without having to feel bad about it.
alright let me just make this clear, jyushimatsu is just as perverted as his other brothers, he just also drinks his respect women juice.
but once you give him free reign over touching you..
he's so 'cute' about it though, i think? he likes to mask the fact that he's tryna touch your tiddies with 'aww a hug from behind! how cute' kind of thing.
totty is.....totty. of course he would wanna touch your tummy more because of your belly button, but this is about boobs and booty. i think he's in the same boat as jyushi, 'mask the fact that he's tryna feel you up with a cutesy act' thing.
if you're taller than him (this is gonna get self indulgent), he likes to rest his chin on your chest (boobs) and look up at you all innocent, like, YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE TODOMATSU.
i think in general though, he doesn't really touch you anywhere, even with your spoken consent. the only times he'll probably touch you there is when you guys are getting....steamy.
the end! im so sorry this took so long to get out to you, anon. my life is just really busy and i never really have time off to myself anymore but hopefully this makes up for your wait! as i said, i did get a little lazy and just came up with some things on the spot but i hope its still worth reading! (i mean any matsu content is matsu content).
and as stated, my hyperfixation for this fandom is slowly dwindling but i really hope i can get back to it and get this content out for you guys!
also mini life update: i started my ear stretching process for gauges! its still very small and hopefully i can get it to a decent size, i don't want them TOO big because...ew.
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kuroosdumbslut · 5 years ago
Ichimatsu Matsuno x Reader: Lunch Date
Osomatsu led the brothers to follow you and Ichimatsu. They all had their own suspicions about what the two of you do, so the brothers decided to follow you and Ichimatsu around “discreetly” to just...see what happens. It started off a bit boring to them, seeing as the two of you spent a good while just feeding stray cats and chatting lightly about whatever topic you felt like. It didn’t get particularly interesting until you invited Ichimatsu to get lunch with you. Ichimatsu seemed like he wanted to reject the idea, but he ultimately nodded and agreed to go with you.
You led Ichimatsu to a nice little restaurant, a fairly unknown one, or maybe it was just during their down time, but very few people were there regardless. You found seating and idly chatted with Ichimatsu, knowing he was nervous by the way he wrung his hands together to satiate his nerves. Each brother (they decided to hide in the bushes on the other side farther away from your table) was in slight shock that Ivhimatsu was so...well behaved and not trying to take a dump on the table out of nervousness.
You noticed Ichimatsu’s hands shaking slightly and carefully reached over, tapping the top of his hand to silently ask permission to hold his hand. Ichimatsu responded in turn, flipping his hand over as you gently grasped it. “Feeling a little anxious, Ichi?” Said man nodded, looking down almost as if he just got in trouble. You laughed and gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with getting anxious. I get it too, but know that you aren’t alone and don’t have to deal with it alone.” Ichimatsu hummed softly, squeezing you hand back gently.
“You’re a sap, (Y/N).” You scoffed and grinned at him. “Well, you’re also a sap so we’ll call it even.” Ichimatsu gaped in faux offense before grinning back at you. “Oh fine, whatever...I, uh, I do feel bad though that I don’t... or can’t really pay.” You shook your head. “No, I asked you if you wanted to come with the intent if me paying. I don’t care about trivial things like that, Ichi, you know that.” He huffed, but accepted the statement, only pulling his hand away to flip through the menu of what they had.
Before long, you both had your meal and ate, chatting in between every few bites. Ichimatsu’s brothers, however, were shocked and lowkey highkey proud of their brother for chatting with someone so cute and act semi-normal. Granted, you had been a family friend of theirs for a good 5 or 6 years now, but still! Progress is progress, and Ichimatsu certainly exceeded his brother’s expectations for a setting like this.
The brother hid in the bush once more, peeking out only slightly when they noticed the two of you walking out. They continues to follow you to the park where you and Ichimatsu sat on a bench and continued to just hang out. Their interest was piqued, however, when they heard you ask Ichimatsu something.
“Hey, Ichimatsu, I know this is out of no where, or maybe you did see it coming, but feel free to answer whenever. So, I...I really like you, like, romantically. And I’m just curious if you-” You were cut off by Ichimatsu leaning foward and hugging you close, hiding his face in your shoulder. You held him close and waited, knowing he need his time to do things his own speed. After several minutes, he sat up properly and let you out of the hug, opting to hold you hand instead. “I...like you too. I-If you want, would you wanna be my g-girlfriend?” You smiled and nodded, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, laughing happily when his face bloomed a bright red that rivalled Osomatsu’s sweater.
Of all the brothers, Ichimatsu seemed the LEAST likely to get a girl, at least to them, but they were happy for him.
...Though, when Ichimatsu got home later that day, they all still tackled him and roughhoused with him, showing their happiness by making him scream out, “I GIVE, I GIVE! YOU ASSHOLES!!”
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bigenderteruki · 6 years ago
ichimatsu or karamatsu for the ask thing
favorite thing about them - I just think he's funny tbh,, I like the faces he makes
least favorite thing about them - I relate to him too much its scary
brOTP - him n chibita!!! N suuji too I love suuji
OTP - I'm lowkey an ichinyaa stan but yanaichi n ichiot3 is good too
nOTP - oh, you know.
random headcanon - this isn't really random but I heavily hc ichi has having ocd
unpopular opinion - idk how unpopular this is ichi angst is just as overdone as kara angst,, I'm not saying it can't be done just ppl should do smth new w it
song i associate with them - https://youtu.be/TVeIDmk3rBo
favorite picture of them -
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favorite thing about them - OH HES JUST SO NICE hes really comforting,, I want to hug
least favorite thing about them - dont really have one hes perfect <3
brOTP - UH totoko!!! N suiriku,,
nOTP - o h , y o u k n o w
random headcanon - I like to think he has written songs on his guitar and has recorded them on a CD but his actually too nervous to put them up anywhere......
unpopular opinion - apparently some ppl think hes not shy,,? He is?? He literally vomited when he kabedon-ed a girl, he cant talk to grade schoolers, the whole thing with his natural voice....... I'm sure theres more Icr but yeah
song i associate with them - https://youtu.be/YWR2evw55xw
favorite picture of them -
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(His eyeliner...)
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thebardisabird · 7 years ago
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@phoofbingo You got it love! I did the best I could! Under the cut~
“You want me to what now?” he called out from the hallway. You were busy fixing your wig just right and rolled your eyes when you had to repeat yourself. 
“Cosplay with me, dummy. There’s a costume contest in Shibuya and first place wins money!” you let a sly grin cross your lips, knowing full well he’d do just about anything for some dough. Your sentiments were proven correct as he burst through your bedroom door, determined look on his face. 
“Who am I dressing up as?” tone serious as he stared in your direction. 
You didn’t miss his eyes as he looked over you in your bathrobe. That charming smile crossed his face, “That’s your costume? I don’t know if we’re gonna win with you in a bathrobe, babe. Though the hair makes you look kinda cute!”
Your eyes rolled once more as you handed him his costume. He flipped through the clothing curiously; simple enough - white half-button down, blue slacks, white shoes. It looked like regular clothing. 
“What are we even going as?” he asked, slipping his sweatshirt over his head in order to switch it for the other. 
“It’s an old anime, Urusei Yatsura. We’re gonna dress as the two main characters. It’s a little before our time, but it was a really good anime.” 
You heard him humming in agreement as he had his back to you, adjusting the pants on. Slipping off the bathrobe, you glanced over your costume in the nearby mirror. That money was basically yours, you had Lum’s look in the freakin’ bag! 
“Alright babe, I’m do- holy shit” he started, stopping only when he looked in your direction. Seeing you sport the skimpy tiger-stripe outfit nearly made his nose bleed. 
“You look hot!” exclaimed Osomatsu, greedily eyeing your body. You felt a wave of shyness wash over you under his gaze. 
“When we win, I wanna be the one to take that off you!”
God how you wish you could shock the hell out of him. 
You brushed his hair to side gently, meticulously trying to recreate Ataru’s part to the best of your ability. It helped that your boyfriend was very close in visage to him as is. He had no problems dressing up with you, though he was a little disappointed he couldn’t wear his shades or leather jacket.
“It has to be accurate, Kara” you reminded him, spritzing a little hairspray at the top of his head. 
“But my love, it’s only Totoko’s Halloween party,” he pouted, and when you narrowed your eyes at him he stuttered back his words, “I-I-I mean shouldn’t the t-true costumes be our real selves?” 
Then came the cool guy routine, “Heh...truly the masks we wear everyday would make for a great Halloween ensemble.”
You giggled, kissing his nose, “Nice try, smart guy.” 
He bashfully tittered, blushing a little when you came close to his face to fix his collar. 
“There,” you finally said. Had to pat yourself on the back for this one, he mimicked Ataru pretty damn close. Now for you to change. You excused yourself, taking careful preparation to make sure every detail was in place. The endless hours of teasing that bluish-green wig and sewing your outfit from scratch was finally catching up to you as you sighed in front of the sink. It would all be worth it though; to see everyone stare at your costumes in awe made you feel proud of your handiwork. 
You adjusted the horns into your wig and took one good last look making sure everything was in place. 
“All done, darling! Let’s get ready to go to Totoko’s!” you called out to him. 
You knew he’d love the costume on you, as it was pretty revealing, but accentuated your curves very well.
You didn’t however, expect to have to pick up your boyfriend off the floor. 
“Oh wow, that’s a classic!” he said, doting on your idea. You had came to him with a cosplay idea for Akatsukon next month. Knowing Choromatsu to be a little more in tune with anime (and his otaku culture that you rode him for when you first met him), you weren’t surprised when he recognized the cosplay costumes right away. You both agreed to try on the costumes as soon as you got yours in the mail. His costume was fairly easy to replicate, nothing a regular guy wouldn’t wear. 
He came to your apartment first day of Akatsukon with a bagel in hand for you for breakfast. When you heard the doorbell ring, you inwardly cursed still needing to put your wig and makeup on. You pulled your long carding around your body and ran to let Choromatsu in. Playfully you whistled, earning a deep blush from your boyfriend. He pulled off Ataru pretty nicely! You thanked him for the bagel, munching on it immediately as you let him in.
“I-I asked Todomatsu to help me with my hair. I knew I wasn’t going to get it right...” he said shyly. He motioned over himself, eyes gauging you for a reaction, “How does it look?”
You laughed softly, puling him gently by the collar for a kiss, “You look great, Choro...thank you for cosplaying with me.” 
He barely squeaked out a ‘You’re Welcome’ before you were off to the bathroom to complete your costume. A few brush strokes to your wig and some green eyeshadow was the last of your finishing touches before you were truly ready. You exhaled, the excitement for the convention finally bubbling up inside you. 
“Okay Choromatsu! Off we go!” You opened up the cardigan, and pulled your crossbody bag over your chest. 
He made a choked noise at the sight of your outfit and you giggled. Sure it was showing quite a bit of skin, but he had to applaud your accuracy. At the sound of your laughter he relaxed. This was a couples cosplay after all, and he was sure you’d be happily holding onto his arm just like in the anime. 
He wasn’t big on cosplays and you knew that. So made sense of your hesitance to ask him. However the manga store from down the block was doing a free photoshoot for any couple dressed as anime characters and you couldn’t say no. Clutching the costume nervously, you headed toward the Matsuno’s living room. Thankfully his brothers were out playing pachinko, so he was alone, playing with one of the neighborhood cats as he usually did. 
“Ichi?” you said, barely above a whisper. When he turned to you, he half-smiled. He lifted himself off the floor, arms coming around in a gentle embrace.
“You sounded nervous over the phone...what’s wrong?” 
Any other person would think by his tone of voice he was coming off as callous, but you knew better, there was genuine concern in his monotonic voice. 
You were ready to nestle into his embrace when he realized your arms weren’t available to return his hug. He looked down to see you holding some clothes.
“What are those?” he asked, head bobbing to the side. You were starting to sweat bullets now, the need for explanation presented to you. Without thinking you shoved the clothes into his chest,
He was taken aback, half by your shouting, half by your request. Ichimatsu’s face flushed as he hesitantly took the clothes. They looked like something he used to wear as a kid, or maybe something his dad would wear now; but they were simple enough for him to wear without complaint.
“O-Okay...but who am I supposed to be?” his eyes trailed toward the floor, a little embarrassed he didn’t understand.
You quickly pulled out your phone, scrolling to show him the ensembles you wanted to wear with him.
“The anime is called Urusei Yatsura...I was thinking we could go as Lum and Ataru...” your face was growing more red by the second; but you paled in comparison to when you finally looked at him.
He had a devilish grin on his face as he eyed over the photo of Lum on your phone. You? In that little outfit? What he’d give to see you dressed like a cute oni girl. He was also lowkey pretty thrilled that you wanted to take pictures with him - but he wasn’t going to lie that you in your cosplay outfit played right into a wicked fantasy.  
“You know what?...” he purred, “Sure. I’ll dress up with you.” 
He leaned in close, eyes narrowed in a smug look, “Just promise me you’ll wear it more than once”
He freaked out when you fainted. 
“Costumes?! I love costumes! What are we gonna be?!” he was bouncing on your bed as you rummaged through your closet. 
“Lum and Ataru, from that old anime Urusei Yatsura.” you explained, pulling out your tiger striped strapless top, “I was thinking we could dress up when we handed candy to the kids!”
He hopped up, taking you in his arms and twirling you around, “Okay Okay! Let’s do it! Where’s my costume?”
You handed him his outfit, thankful you knew his sizes already so you were sure they’d fit him just fine. He thanked you with a kiss, hurriedly yanking on the white button down.
“Ah? But where your costume? Aren’t you gonna change?” he asked, that cheek splitting grin tilting with his head. You booped his nose,
“I’m gonna change now, just get the candy ready. It’s almost trick or treating time”, with that, you turned toward the bathroom. About 20 minutes had passed before you finally finished fussing with your wig. Just some shadow and false eyelashes to complete the look and you were done. You laughed softly to yourself when you heard tiny voices yelling trick or treat accompanied by your boyfriends shouting of “HAPPY HALLOWEEN, HERE YOU GO!”
When you were finally done, you joined him at the front door, grabbing fistfuls of candy to give to the next set of young ones. At the sight of you his cheeks turned pink, eyes widening a little. 
“Sexy! I didn’t know your costume looked like that!” 
You giggled softly at his ogling, dropping candy into the thankful kids’ baskets and shutting the door. Hands on your hips you stuck your tongue out at him playfully, 
“Does it look good on me?”
He lifted you in his arms, pressing kisses all over your face, “I love you, sexy demon lady!” 
Your eyes rolled, but you laughed anyway, you’d have to remind him later of the characters names.
“But I wanted to go as Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon together” Todomatsu whined, head falling onto the pillow.
“You should’ve said that before, Totty, I already made my cosplay.” you shook your head at your drama queen boyfriend. 
He huffed, “I don’t even know this anime, isn’t it like super old or something?” 
You sighed at his reaction, the cute little asshole. If he was going to make this difficult, then you had no choice. Playfully humming, you pretended you were in deep thought. Then you snapped your fingers quickly, getting his attention. 
“Okay...fine. You don’t have to dress up with me.” You didn’t miss the look of silent, relieved victory. 
“I guess...” you drawled out, face turning to him with an evil smirk, “Atsushi will just have to come with instead.”
The instant horror on his face was almost enough to make you feel terrible until he screamed, “GIVE ME THAT COSTUME!”
Half an hour later and he was looking over the outfit in your mirror. It actually wasn’t half bad - the fashion was a little dated for his tastes, but he had to admit he could pull it off. It gave him sort of a preppy look and he was okay with it. 
“See? Wasn’t gonna kill you to cosplay with me, now was it?”
He was about to refute you with something sly, but when he saw you there in your tiger-striped bikini outfit, he lost his words. Only a slight blush and then a low giggle, 
“No, but you’re killing me with that outfit, cutie~” 
You both laughed softly when he took you in for a kiss. 
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