#lowk got ;_; by my answers like . some of these people have done so much for me
xianyoon · 4 months
okay so . . . i did the love letter asks last time , but lowk im not too proud of it bc it became pretty bland "( - ⌓ - ) so let's try this again !
mutuals , send me a 💌 to my inbox and i'll give u a small surprise !
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takamishinko · 3 years
karasuno and nekoma scenario + headcanons for ftm reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: dead naming, slight harassment and tranphobic comments like using the wrong pronouns.
a/n: this was a request from @mi-ts i hope you enjoy this and this is what you're looking for :) i added in some headcanons of my own as well. pls tell me if i said anything offensive in there by accident, i was also super tired when i wrote this so pls excuse me for any mistakes :'D
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i feel like the entire team is pretty supportive and definitely not transphobic
the only person that i could possibly think of that doesn't understand transitioning would be tanaka but even then he'll still support you in whatever decision you make
let's start off with the first years
hinata and kageyama definitely uses correct pronouns though i feel like kageyama might forget sometimes but he'll just use they instead
tsuki doesn't care much and i don't think he cares a lot about anything other than maybe yamaguchi
yamaguchi would be really sweet about it, correct pronouns 100%, no mistakes or mess ups. he'll probably pay more attention to you and help you with whatever you need
kinoshita and narita are both super supportive people so they wouldn't care that much but they would definitely use right pronouns and all that
ennoshita is kind of the leader of the group right? i feel like he would advocate your pronouns only if ur comfortable with it though
alright third years
supportive supportive supportive super supportive
makes sure your absolutely 120% comfortable with your surroundings and if there are people bothering you he's not scared to get asahi and daichi to square up with them
daichi is pretty lowk about it. respectful of course. always tries to help you with suga but doesn't end up helping a lot but that's ok
lastly asahi would be…
pretty nervous about making sure he doesn't use the wrong pronouns or make you uncomfortable
like overly cautious but you find it funny and adorable
"yo y/n! what took you so long? practice started 10min ago." tanaka shouted from across the gym.
"sorry…i got caught up with something." you replied with a sad tone in your voice.
the team immediately noticed something wrong. you were usually a pretty cheerful person and sulking like that didn't seem right to them. 
"woah woah, you good man?" noya said while tapping you shoulder.
"yah i'm fine guys, thanks." you lied.
"even a dumbass like hinata and king over there would know you're not fine, what's wrong." said tsuki.
"hey we heard that! but seriously y/n-kun, is everything ok?" hinata said while walking over with kageyama. 
"it's nothing much really… some second years called me uhh… "baby girl" today and asked me if i had anything to do after school. they wouldn't let me go either even after i told them i had somewhere else to be…. and the fact that i'm not a girl anymore." 
"they fucking what now?" suga said with an incredibly hostile smile on his face. 
"do you know their names?" daichi asked.
"yah its f/n l/n and f/n and l/n…" 
"those two sons of bitches??" tanaka and noya screamed in unison. 
"yah do you guys know them or something?" 
"they're in the class beside ours, we don't know much about them except that they're annoying as fuck. they've been making girls uncomfortable all year long." noya replied.
"oh… they must've thought i was a girl since i didn't wear a… y'know." 
"that's still no reason to do that to you y/n. first of all you weren't comfortable with them flirting with you, second of all you also told them that you're a guy and they still called you that." asahi said 
"yah that's true." daichi said with the rest of the team nodding their heads in agreement.
"don't worry y/n, we all know it's not your fault the binders don't work. no matter what you wear or how you look, the team will always see you as who you want to be!" suga said with a bright smile on his face this time.
a smile appeared on your face with warm thoughts entering your mind. knowing you have friends that care about you this much is truly a blessing you don't want to lose. 
"on a side note, suga and i know those 2 as well. in fact we know their homeroom teacher too, i'll go report to their teacher tomorrow. he loved suga and i, we were his best students." 
a small giggle came out of you and so did some happy tears. 
"thanks guys! it really means a lot." you said to all of your friends.
the rest of the practice was filled with joy and laughter. a few days later you received a handwritten apology from the two assholes you were talking about.
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same as karasuno i'm almost 100% sure none of them are transphobic and they would all be supportive. same case of tanaka with yamamoto though if anything
after you came out kuroo just gave you his signature smirk and a big thumbs up and continued to do his chemistry.
omg don't even get me started
he is SO supportive and just the nicest person possible
he's not aggressively supportive like suga but he's literally just always there for you. before you even realize you need something he already has it.
water, food, whatever it is.
yaku (personal nekoma fav), super chill about it
"oh cool, just let me go tell lev so he doesn't mess up your pronouns."
"lev for the last fucking time it's y/n and he/him it's not that hard to remember."
bonks lev everytime he messes up but he eventually got it
fukunaga just goes: 
":3 👍" 
so precious, never messes up your pronouns and names
kenma definitely doesn't mess up, remembers it well and i think he would just be like:
"cool, make sure you let the team know. especially lev…"
yamamoto would maybe mess up but he's trying his best
inuoka and shibayama:
i love these 2 so much btw^
inuoka would be excited cuz this is the first time someone ever came out as trans to them.
shibayama is just beside inuoka also being excited and nodding his head agreeing with everything he says
in conclusion these 2 are baby
"hey guys what's up!" 
"ah y/ns here." kai said with s bright smile on his face, greeting you to practice.
"yo! what's up we're just getting started can you help me set up the net?" yaku said while waving over to you.
"yah i'm on my way give me a sec." 
"kenma go help yaku-san get off your game." kuroo said while poking at kenma.
"give me a sec. I'm almost finished." 
inuoka and shibayama were on the side listening to yamamoto talk about something. you and shōhei rushed over to help yaku with the net. 
"there, all done. thanks guys. kuroo let's start practice." yaku yelled
"yah everyone get ready-" 
just as kuroo said that, two boys entered the gym. they didn't look like they were up to anything good so kuroo stepped up and asked them what they're here for. 
"how can i help you two?" 
"we're just here to find d/n, oh there she is. hey~ you haven't answered our question yet, you free this weekend sweetheart?" one of the boys said as he attempted to move closer to you.
kuroo lost his shit immediately and pushed them away from you. 
"first of all his name is y/n, second of all it's he. lastly if you don't have anything else to say, please leave, our practice is about to start." 
"chill captain~ we just wanted to talk to this beautiful lady over here." 
"for the last fucking time you bastards it's-" yaku cut off kuroo before he could finish.
"leave it to me. you, tall one on the left, f/n l/n from c/n right?" yaku asked.
“y-yah why?” 
“your chemistry mark, 53% and you didn’t pass the test you took on thursday.”
“w-what ??! i don’t even know my mark yet how do you-”
“and you, the stick on the right, f/n l/n. you’re even worse, 49% as your total and your test? i’d embarrassed for you.”
“what the fuck?? w-who are you?!”
“yaku morisuke, 3rd year. the assistant for your chemistry teacher. now if you don’t want your marks leaked to the entire school i suggest you leave y/n here alone and get out.”
“tch yeah whatever !” the 2 boys said as they scurried away. 
“yaku-san!! that was so cool!!” everyone said.
“don’t worry about it! it’s what y/n deserves” he said with a huge thumbs up.
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tendouluvr · 3 years
Share some hcs you have about Karasuno please ! Literally anything. 💕🥺
where do i start😪
ok high school, pre timeskip hcs
tanaka and nishinoya will hold doors open for you but you’re like 20ft away so you have to awkwardly speed walk
i think they would also coordinate roaming the halls together at specific times. they would both ask to go to the restroom and if theyre in different classes they’ll just pass by each other in the hallway and laugh for the fun of it
if they’re in the same class then the teachers tell them one person at a time because they know not to let them out together
you always see at least one of them in the hallway any time you need to use the restroom or refill your bottle, you’re all friendly with each other so they would def stop to talk to you in the hallway and youre just tryna get back to class
yamaguchi knows everything about everyone. he just happens to overhear a lot of things even if he didn’t mean to (lowkk be gossiping but he just knows too much he has to tell someone)
yK HOW HES Really Tall. Ugh he helps you reach for books if you can’t reach it. that’s so polite of him 🙄 also helps you carry books and boxes if he sees you in the hallways
yamaguchi is in theater club.
hinata (& bokuto) is emotionally intelligent. my smart boy💭💭
i wanna say he waits for you when you need to tie your shoes, but he might not even notice you stopped walking in the first place until he’s like a bit ahead and realized you weren’t there to answer his question
but dw he sprints back and apologizes a lot and waits for you
on the other hand, daichi does notice if you stopped walking and would politely wait for you while you finish tying your shoes
also waits for you at the end of lunch to walk back to class together
one time you forgot your water bottle with him and only realized when you were already in class so you walk back out to get it but daichi was actually walking towards your class to give it to you at the same time so you guys were going in circles and you came back into class seeing your water bottle on your desk </3
sugawara is happy to help you always but he’s kinda passive aggressive about it for whatever reason
intentional or not, everything he says always sound like it has subtext and you’re just ,,,, 🕴🏻
he is helpful though so you just ignore whatever you think he’s trying to say
tsukishima actually slacks off on schoolwork a lot, he’s smart and has really good grades but he’s also tireeeeddd
if it’s due the next day, he’ll start on it late at night because he claims he’s more productive at night. if it’s not due until a few days later, he’ll keep it till the day before. he does get everything done eventually but he puts it off and it stresses him out even more
comes to school purposefully looking stressed sometimes so no one bothers him
kageyama would unintentionally remind the teacher about homework.
he didn’t mean to.. all he did was asked, “is there homework?” to the person beside him because he genuinely didn’t know, but he was a bit too loud and the teacher heard
he can’t decide whether he’s sorry or not :// he doesn’t care about his classmates honestly, but now he has homework too :((( not like he does it
asahi gets mistaken as a teacher by new students all the time and the other third years just laugh while he stands there trying to tell the newbies he’s also a student
yachi 😆 always has the best looking projects, slideshow, presentation, poster, etc. her teachers are always looking forward to seeing what she comes up with every time. she never runs out of ideas. the people who takes school seriously are jealous of her, and the ones who don’t care still thinks it looks nice but they don’t really care lol
she’s like 4 feet so some people who don’t know her thinks she’s like some super smart middle schooler who got to skip grades and go to high school early
you see her in the hallways a lot and she will always wave at you. it’s so cute
kiyoko,, hmm she takes any school assignments a little too seriously. it’s not a bad thing, she’s doing this to keep her good grades, but if the class/assignment is something that can just be quickly googled and the teacher doesn’t care kiyoko would still research as much as she can and then memorize everything she wrote to do a maximum-of-5-minutes presentation
in which the teacher does allow you to look at your notes if needed TT
ennoshita he thinks anyone that looks at him a bit too long has a crush on him
whether they do or don’t, he doesn’t do anything about it either way but he would definitely subconsciously start acting mysterious so he can seem hard to read,, -_-
lowk thinks this way cuz it helps him with his confidence
idk abt kinoshita and narita that much D: they got like 10 mins of screentime and all ive seen them done is react during games and play a little :/
but i assume they’re best friends (all those bench warming bonding moments am i right) so hc that they have a third bff who’s not on the team but you guys hang out together all the time
they play a lot of video games
hang out together on saturdays a ton
the typical neighbor friend
kinoshita secretly says pog and epic a bit too much :// his little sisters are tired of him
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leightaylorwrites · 7 years
Leigh Dissects YA Fiction: They All Fall Down (Chapters 9 - 12)
Chapter Nine
Levi certainly wasn’t grieving Olivia’s death…
Of course not. Why would he be grieving his ex-girlfriend? That would imply that he cares about anyone other than you and with this being a YA book, it’s unlikely that a romantic lead would be so complex. 
[...] his open varsity jacket making his shoulders look even broader.
A specific sport isn’t named. Does the author think all varsity athletes get the same jacket? There are emblems, symbols, and other things that are specific to certain sports. This is what happens when you base your YA book on your own nerdy high school experiences and don’t do basic research: you get things wrong.
“Why is everyone so certain Levi Sterling is going to jail?” I demand.
You can’t demand a question that has to be answered by multiple people when you’re only with one person. Also, didn’t you, like recently, say he might’ve been a murderer or rapist?
I nod sympathetically, supposing that’s a legit enough connection for a guy like Josh to shed a few tears.
Because for a masculine boy to cry, it has to be legitimized.
Was he kidding? Girls like Olivia and the rest of them on that list didn’t hang out with nerds like me. But guys don’t always know that.
Okay, even if we’re going with the ridiculous idea that people don’t have friends in different circles, the same would be true for boys. Geeky boys and jocks wouldn’t hang out. Why wouldn’t he know this?
“I missed you last night,” he says right into my ear, with a secret, sexy voice that should have every cell in my body jumping up and down.
You’ve spoken for a total of three minutes.
“I had…” Movie night with mom. “Something else to do.”
Why can’t she just tell him the truth? I get it’s geeky but it’s not like you were committing a crime.
A flicker of distaste crosses his expression as he conciders what could possibly have been more important than his game, and his gaze shifts in the direction where Levi had been. “Out with your parolee?”
Dora doesn’t tell him the truth about her whereabouts as a way for the author to throw in cheap tension. If she had a legit reason or given an explanation (like how I said spending time with her mom is ~geeky~), then it would’ve worked. Without that, this is just lazy writing.
“Good thing, ‘cause they're saying he was there and was having a deep and heated conversation with Olivia before she died.”
Did this book have an editor?
“Good thing you weren’t with him.”
He’s said good thing twice in the past quarter page. Either the author discovered a new phrase while writing this chapter, or someone stans NCT.
“Listen, I know it’s not going to be really fun under the circumstances and all, but a bunch of kids are getting together at my house tonight. Will you come?”
Y’all really about to have a party when someone just died. I get the popular kids are supposed to somewhat suck but there’s sucking then there’s being horrible people.
“We’re changing clothes, you freakazoid!”
Outdated reference is outdated. Most of this author’s demographic does not know that song. Has she ever spoken with an actual teenager? In this century?
“His parents passed away many years ago.”
Please be related to the cult I’m probably totally wrong about.
“I never got into the house but I’ve heard it’s amazing, with an indoor swimming pool and a ten-car garage adjacent to some of the prettiest parts of Nacht Woods.”
Good Lord. First, it annoys me when characters who are loaded go to public school with a bunch of people who are nowhere near as rich. School zoning doesn’t work like that, with only one megarich kid and everyone else being middle class. Second, why are we getting this awkward splooge from Generic BFF’s mom instead of having this description when Dora gets to the party later????? Why is this writing so bad? Where is the editor?
“The grandfather, who’s retired, of course, made a killing on Wall Street, as I understand it.”
What is this SENTENCE?! I suck at grammar and sentence structure and all those technical things but damn, I know I could do a better job at this editor who works for an actual publishing house.
“Really hit it huge in the go-go eighties.”
“Where’d they go-go?” Kayla asks, making everyone laugh.
Not me.
“It’s the idiots who can’t handle the peer pressure. But, okay, you girls use common sense.”
Fucking hell. If they’re pressured into drinking then they’re not idiots. That’s why it’s called PRESSURE. And why are we acting like people with common sense don’t drink? They’re not mutually exclusive.
“(...) I’d love to just sit around that table for house with a family that is so whole and happy. But I only have myself to blame for that.”
Shut your melodramatic ass up.
Chapter Ten
God save me.
(..) what feels like a half-mile-long driveway (...) At least fifty cars are in the drive and along the street.
Driveway. It’s called a driveway. You just used it in the last sentence.
She’s cute - and has to be freezing - but, really, nothing extraordinary to look at.
What a fucking bitch. Honestly, Dora, please die.
“We’re going into the woods.”
Yes, now it’s the point in the book where a Native American burial ground is invaded by drunk suburban white teens who literally have no respect for the land. This includes our protagonist. And if you’re thinking she’s going to mention how wrong and disrespectful this is, bring your expectations of this author down. No, further. FURTHER. Yes, that low.
“We’re at Meesha mound.” She leans closer and lowers her voice. “Indian burial ground, you know. Cool, huh?”
To be fair, Dora says her “very” is sarcasm but like?? Nothing is done or said about how horrible it is that they’re doing this. Or even the improper and offensive usage of “Indian.”
She misses my sarcasm and takes me down a dark path.
Obviously bad metaphor is obviously bad.
“I like Sisters of the List,” Kylie Leff says, leaning into Amanda. “We’ve been blood sisters since kindergarten.”
Can I return this book and get cult lesbians instead? Side note, if you want to watch something about a cult lesbian, AHS: Cult was AMAZING and its best season since Coven.
She holds up a single knuckle and Amanda meets it with one of her own in the most feminine and lackluster knuckle tap in history.
We get it. Fem = bad, hot fem = bad, weak fem = bad.
Why was Dora expecting some epic knuckle punch when Kylie only used one knuckle? Does she think she has super-strength?
It’s Candace Yardley, number ten, who up to this point has been virtually silent. Once again, I take a second to admire her dark good looks; she is runway perfect.
Why is this book so racist?!! Having the Asian character be silent until Dora is ready to comment on her ~dark good looks~?? And she has to be at the bottom of the list? What IS THIS?!
She smiles at her best friend.
How many times must we be reminded that Kylie and Amanda are gal pals, heteros, and that this book has no room for lesbians? Petition to save Kylie and Amanda from this hetero dumpster fire.
I take the vodka bottle and let a few drops touch my lips, the flavor like bitter grape cough medicine.
One, you can’t taste much with your lips. Two, that’s not what vodka tastes like.
“You bitches cray.” She sings the last word on a laugh. “But I need to get fried.”
Let’s play “spot the Token black character.” I think the usage of the word cray is a testament to how old this book is. Back when white authors thought it was fun to use cringe aave. You gon finna catch me is SHAKING.
“Thank god that chapter is over” - me after every chapter.
Chapter Eleven
“YOLO, baby girl. Which translates into ‘have some fun.’
Petition to have white authors never write black characters again.
I can smell beer, and the sound of rap is barely drowned out by loud boys and girls laughing. Really? On the night after the girl they all planned to vote for class president next year has died? They either don’t care or… they don’t understand death.
You fucking asshole, Dora. Some people have different coping methods. And, how would you know they don’t care or understand death? Do you think you’re the only person in your whole school who has lost someone?
They don’t know how permanent death is. But I do.
Earlier, we learned that Generic Good Boy is a fucking orphan. He lost BOTH parents. You lost ONE brother. Shut up.
“Like I said… YOLO.”
Stop. I’m begging.
“You know what I remember about you in middle school?” (...) “You were hydrogen in our Dress Like an Element Day in science.”
Listen, I like the fact that Dora and GGB have natural chemistry as characters whereas Dora and GBB are forced like hell. But could the author not think of a more interesting element? Why would GGB remember this in particular? Even if he thought Dora was cute, it would make sense for the element to be something less common and therefore more easy for the reader to see why it was so memorable.
“You’re the Latin expert.”
She’s a junior in high school.
“(...) he lives to meet pretty girls.” The way he says it makes me feel like I really am one of those pretty girls.
Because he just told you his grandfather likes pretty girls? An old man? That makes you feel pretty? Really? That?
“Wait--I want to kill her, er, say hi.”
Ignoring this horrible attempt at humor, Dora is upset with her friend for drinking at a party. I’ll point you to Dora’s weird grape cough medicine vodka from her cult meeting in the woods.
“I play on two travel teams--hey, Ryan--and lots of these kids are from all over this side of the state.”
They came all the way out here for one party? Are there no parties in their own neighborhoods?
“Kenzie.” The older man nods in approval. “Of course.” Flashing an easy, wide smile, he looks down--way down--at me. Instantly, I can see where Josh gets his gifts--his height, the build, the sort of raw masculinity mixed with charm that rolls off him. That’s hereditary, I suppose.
I just threw up.
This man is at least sixty, given that his grandson is a high school junior. And Dora just spent a paragraph lowkey lusting after him. I haven’t witnessed something so grossly uncomfortable since Throne of Trash the series we don’t acknowledge.
“You were absolutely correct, Josh. She is a refreshing change.”
Get it? Because she’s not like those other girls.
“You’ve taught me everything, Josh says, a respectful note in his voice. “Including how to pick quality girls.”
Women aren’t avocados.
He pats my hand and shifts in his seat. “Let’s change the subject. I understand you’re on that list that does nothing but objectify lovely teenage girls.”
You can’t call out the list for objectifying them when 1) you’ve done that since you met Dora, 2) you act like a fucking pedophile while you’re touching her, and 3) you follow up the fact that the list is objectifying the girls by calling the girls “lovely.”
“But his legacy lives on, right back in Nacht Woods.” He angles his head toward the back of the house. “He’s buried there, too.”
So not only has this author disrespected Native Americans with using their burial ground for horror aesthetic reasons, but she’s also allowed a white character to be buried there.
“Not him, per se,(...) but the things that mattered to him. I made a place to honor him.”
I know we need exposition but it makes no sense here. They’ve spent half a page talking about this dead dude, rather than the scholarship Dora wants.
“How do I apply?”
“No application necessary, dear. You just have to finish the ropes course Jarvis built in Nacht Woods (...) You look fairly athletic.”
Oh my god. How many ways can this author metaphorically shit on this burial ground?
“Quit hittin’ on my chick, Rex.”
Dora’s next thought is her freaking out about Josh calling her his girl, which okay, I get. But… shouldn’t she be a tad bit concerned about this creepy pedo man who just offered her a scholarship as long as she completes The Hunger Games?
“She’s a total brainiac (...) I think that’s hot.”
“Quite,” his grandfather agrees.
Chapter Twelve
I haven’t had anything to drink since my one sip of grape vodka, but Molly’s borderline tipsy(.)
We’ve got clarification that her vodka was grape flavored (ew) but what the hell is “borderline tipsy”??? Either she’s tipsy or she’s sober. Tipsy is the full in between of sober and drunk.
“But the weirdest thing of all was the texts disappeared about ten minutes after I got it. I can’t find it in my deleted texts, nothing.”
(...) ready for dark looks from my list sisters(...)
We’re really using this name?
But I won’t tell these girls that. They’re wack.
I love 2001 slang.
Also, you guys don’t know how hard it is for me to not make a Malibu’s Most Wanted reference right now.
Having to post all my notes/opinions means I’m having to read over some of the book again and if you can believe it, these are considered the good chapters compared to what comes later.
Using my irritation as free entertainment? Enjoy my writing as free entertainment, too. I’ve got a freebie book called Epic here.
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