#lower Creatinine treatment
Let's open with a case report, like we're on an episode of house.
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Case Report
35 yo otherwise well, suddenly presents with 2/52 of high fevers and a headache (usually this means > 39)
a/w chills and rigours, responsive to medication/presumably panadol and intermittent (would resolve then come back)
no respiratory symptoms
She had neutrophilia and intrestingly, a CRP of merely 30.
CXR revealed nonspecific consolidation in 2 lobes, they followed this up with a CT revealing pretty impressive ground glass opacities (or GGOs)
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She was empirically treated on IV tazocin only (I'm used to atypical coverage empirically started if there's even a whiff of resp, which she may not have had symptoms but her CXR confirms this)
eventually she was on referred to the authors, who felt her CT findings with consistent with psittacosis and treated her with doxycycline which resolved her symptoms in 48 hrs
on further history, it was revealed that she had parrots at home, one had died 2 days preceding her symptoms and she was sleeping next to its body at night (crazy)
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What is it:
psittacosis is a zoonoses (transmitted by animals, animals = reservoirs), in this case, transmitted by birds. Orthinoses if birds in general, but psittacosis if referred to macaws, parrots etc. YOu can also catch it from chickens and turkeys.
Some what related is Bird fancier's lungs. Which just sounds fancy.. I'm sure it's just an old term.
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Bird fancier's lung refers to a hypersensitivty pneumonitis (ILD) caused by bird exposure. DIfferent disease process, but birds is the come denominator. INhaled bird particles
Psittacosis specifically refers to the infective disease process caused by a bacteria. It was 'identified" or reported in the 1870s, when a cluster of 7 swiss patients developed the same symptoms and found to have possessed tropical birds.
Similarly, in the 1930s there was an outbreak in the US with a mortality of up to 20% (80% in pregnant women), also attributed to parrots from South America.
Eventually, with further scientific development, the causative pathogen was identified as chlamydia psittaci, an atypical intracellular organism.
Psittacosis is a significant differential to consider in community acquired pneumonia as it has a high mortality if left untreated. But it is rare, and causes about 1% of cases in the US. Part of this is due to improved hygiene practices and strict importation guidelines of tropical birds.
It's spread through the inhalation of dust with either dried faeces or respiratory secretions from infected birds.
Clinical features
Variable! but the key thing on history is birds
incubation time can be anywhere from 2 days to 20
Flu-like (fevers/chills/myalgias/arthralgias/malaise/headache)
high fevers is key
respiratory symptoms - does not always present as per the case report, and can be mild on spectrum (dry cough) to more severe
if systemic, can also get photophobia, deafness and epistaxis
Rare (particularly where doxycycline or azith are prescribed at a low threshold): hepatosplenomegaly (look out for LFTs), GI symptoms (remember CAP can present with diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting --> always do a CXR)
even rarer: endocarditis or myocarditis, encephalitis or hepatitis (usually the complications of untreated disease)
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Increased risk groups:
pet shop owners
bird owners
zoo, lab workers where birds are kept, vets, avian quarantine station workers
poultry handlers/workers
So ask if they live or work with birds, or had recent exposure.
serology is gold standard - so looking for antibodies in blood tests
it's intracellular - so hard to culture if even possible on standard blood cultures
elevated ESR/CRP may see LFT derangement and creatinine rise in systemic illness
CXR- usually lower lobe changes, if CT is done, you can get pulmonary infiltrates with GGOs
usual culprits for atypical coverage: azithromycin 3 days or doxycycline 100 mg BD for 14/7
always broad if systemic features only (also consider IE and other causes of sepsis)
with resp symptoms - legionella, Q fever, mycoplasma, tularaemia (except for tularaemia, the rest are also covered by doxycycline)
In clinical practice, I'm so used to just having atypicals on board for any cases of atypical pneumonia. I really take it for granted. But will consider this differential more myself in cases of PUO - but I feel like there should be at least CXR findings regardless.
Anyway, prognosis is very good so long as it is treated.
CDC guidelines
Case Report: Importance of Clinical history in Psittacosis
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petfurri · 25 days
Captopril for Dogs: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More
Captopril for Dogs
Captopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor commonly used in veterinary medicine to manage heart conditions in dogs, particularly congestive heart failure (CHF) and systemic hypertension (high blood pressure). Initially developed for human use, captopril has found its place in treating canine patients with cardiovascular issues, offering numerous benefits but also requiring careful administration and monitoring due to potential side effects.
Understanding Captopril and Its Mechanism of Action
Captopril works by inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is responsible for converting angiotensin I into angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Angiotensin II causes blood vessels to narrow, leading to increased blood pressure and making the heart work harder. By blocking this conversion, captopril allows blood vessels to relax and widen, reducing the workload on the heart and lowering blood pressure. This action is particularly beneficial for dogs suffering from CHF, as it helps to improve blood flow and reduce fluid buildup in the lungs and other tissues.
Benefits of Captopril for Dogs
Managing Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): CHF is a common condition in dogs, especially in older or certain breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Captopril helps manage CHF by reducing the resistance the heart faces when pumping blood, thus improving cardiac output and reducing symptoms like coughing, difficulty breathing, and lethargy.
Lowering Blood Pressure: For dogs diagnosed with systemic hypertension, captopril can effectively lower blood pressure, preventing damage to organs such as the kidneys, eyes, and brain, which can result from prolonged high blood pressure.
Improving Quality of Life: By easing the burden on the heart and lowering blood pressure, captopril can significantly improve a dog's overall quality of life. Dogs may exhibit increased energy levels, better appetite, and greater overall comfort as a result of treatment.
Potential Renal Protection: In some cases, captopril may offer renal protection by reducing the progression of kidney disease, particularly in dogs with proteinuria (protein in the urine), which is often associated with high blood pressure.
Dosage and Administration
The dosage of captopril for dogs must be carefully determined by a veterinarian, as it varies depending on the dog's weight, the severity of the condition being treated, and the presence of any other health issues. Captopril is usually administered orally, with or without food, typically two to three times a day.
Typical Dosage: The usual starting dose is around 0.5 to 2 mg per kg of body weight, given every 8 to 12 hours. The dosage may be adjusted based on the dog’s response to the medication and any side effects observed.
Monitoring: Regular monitoring is crucial when a dog is on captopril. Blood pressure, kidney function (via blood tests for creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels), and electrolyte levels should be checked periodically to ensure the medication is working effectively without causing harm.
Potential Side Effects of Captopril
While captopril can be highly beneficial, it also carries the risk of side effects, particularly if not used correctly. Some of the potential side effects include:
Gastrointestinal Issues: Dogs may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. These symptoms are usually mild but should be reported to the veterinarian if they persist.
Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure): As captopril lowers blood pressure, there is a risk that it may cause blood pressure to drop too low, leading to weakness, dizziness, or fainting. This is more likely to occur in dogs that are dehydrated or have other underlying health conditions.
Kidney Dysfunction: Captopril can affect kidney function, particularly in dogs with pre-existing kidney issues. It’s important to monitor kidney parameters closely during treatment to avoid exacerbating any renal problems.
Hyperkalemia (High Potassium Levels): Captopril can cause an increase in potassium levels, which can lead to dangerous heart rhythms if not managed properly. Regular blood tests are essential to monitor electrolyte levels.
Coughing: A persistent dry cough is a less common side effect but can occur due to the buildup of bradykinin, a substance that captopril can increase in the body.
Allergic Reactions: Though rare, some dogs may have an allergic reaction to captopril, manifesting as itching, rash, or swelling. Immediate veterinary attention is required in such cases.
Precautions and Considerations
Captopril should be used with caution in dogs with pre-existing kidney disease, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalances. It should not be used in dogs that are pregnant, as it can cause harm to the developing fetus. Additionally, it’s important to inform the veterinarian of any other medications the dog is taking, as captopril can interact with other drugs, including diuretics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), potentially leading to adverse effects.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
If you miss three or more days of Lamictal, you have to restart it at the low dose and titrate up. If the patient gets any sort of rash whatsoever, they should stop Lamictal and never receive it again. It can cause Steven Johnson syndrome. Lamictal (lamotrigine) and Seroquel (quetiapine) are both okay for treatment of bipolar disorder in pregnancy. Lamictal is not as safe for breast-feeding a seroquel is. Lamictal can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills. Although Lamictal can decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills, the likelihood of getting pregnant by accident is low. You start with 25 mg QD for two weeks and then increase to 50 mg QD for two weeks and then increase to 100 mg x1 week, and then increase by 50 mg every week if needing higher doses. You can go up to 200 mg a day if necessary. If you need more than that, then you can divide the dose b.i.d. You should use the lowest dose with the best effect.
Depakote and lithium should not be used in women of childbearing age.
So I asked her about lithium for bipolar disorder as well. Before starting you can check some baseline labs. At least check calcium, TSH, creatinine; monitor these as well as the serum lithium level. The therapeutic lithium level range is between 0.5 and 0.8. If the patient is acutely manic, 1.2 is a therapeutic level. When the patient is manic, serum levels of lithium are lower. When the patient is not manic anymore, he can have toxicity from increased doses that you needed during the manic episode. So you need to increase carefully and decrease it after they’re out of the manic episode. Monitor the patient two times a week with labs until they’re stable.
You can use mood stabilizers that are antipsychotics or mood stabilizers that are not antipsychotics. The mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder that are non-antipsychotics and therefore have no risk of causing tardive dyskinesia include lithium, Lamictal, Depakote, Trileptal, Tegretol. Lamictal is a moderate mood stabilizer and is not strong enough for patients with bipolar 1, who you have episodes of mania. It may be better for patients with bipolar 2, who have hypomania or not really any real manic episodes. Lamictal works for irritability as well in patients with borderline personality disorder. The antipsychotics that can be used as mood stabilizers include olanzapine, seroquel, Abilify, Latuda, vraylar, caplyta. The antipsychotics cause tardive dyskinesia because they occupy the D2 receptors. She doesn’t use Latuda as monotherapy. Vraylar has no sexual side effects. She said to stick with the lower dose, which is 1.5 mg, unless the patient is really manic. It takes 2 to 3 weeks for Vraylar to work. You can stay at the 1.5 mg dose for four weeks and then see the patient again and evaluate whether or not you want to increase the dose. Caplyta is sedating and you should tell patients to take it two hours before bedtime. Don’t start at the 42 mg dose. Use the 10.5 mg dose for elderly patients or the 21 mg dose for younger patients.
Ingrezza can treat tardive dyskinesia (send to Genoa pharmacy). Austedo is an older med for TD. Amantadine can also help.
Elderly patients should not receive benzodiazepines. You can use melatonin or trazodone for sleep problems in elderly patients. If they come to you and they are on benzos, she said you can slowly convert them to Valium (but Valium is a benzo so I’m confused by that🤷🏽‍♀️). There’s something called the UK benzo taper which is done over eight weeks.
Medication for schizophrenia include olanzapine and vraylar. Thorazine increases the risk of QT prolongation. Vraylar and caplyta do not increase weight gain. Injectable meds are also effective and are good for patients with poor compliance. If someone is of Asian descent you do gene screening before starting Lamictal. You can use Wellbutrin to treat ADHD but it’s not as effective. For children you can give them strattera, qelbree, or guanfacine, which are not stimulants. There are two classes of stimulants that can be used for ADHD which are the amphetamines and the methylphenidates. Some people have better success with one drug class or the other. So if they don’t do well on the amphetamines you can try the methylphenidates.
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happy-smile-flowers · 2 years
Does Metformin, a glucose-lowering drug, hurt the kidneys?
Metformin is a biguanide compound that reduces blood sugar mainly by reducing hepatic glucose output, improving insulin resistance, and reducing glucose absorption in the small intestine. It is currently one of the world's most widely used oral hypoglycemic drugs. Drug safety evaluation studies have found that Metformin has a good safety profile, no carcinogenic or mutagenic effects, and no evidence that Metformin can increase the risk of lactic acidosis. Medicilon has a professional team and experience in preclinical drug safety evaluation services, providing high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support all drug safety evaluation studies.
Many patients are concerned about the effects of long-term metformin use on the kidneys. The drug does not directly damage the kidneys but can lead to drug accumulation when taken by patients with existing kidney damage. Both the Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes (2017 edition) and the Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Metformin (2016 edition) suggest that Metformin is the drug of choice for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in the absence of contraindications and intolerance, and should always be retained in the glucose-lowering regimen.
1, Benefits of Metformin.
Metformin can reduce hyperglycemia with no hypoglycemic effect on those with regular blood sugar; the drug has the following benefits in addition to hypoglycemia.
(1), Metformin has the effect of reducing body weight.
(2) Metformin has apparent cardioprotective effects and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in newly diagnosed and established type 2, diabetes patients.
(3) Metformin can improve lipid synthesis, metabolism, and lipid profile.
(4) Metformin significantly improved liver serological enzyme profile and metabolic abnormalities in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver.
2, Adverse reactions and countermeasures
The main adverse reactions of Metformin are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastric distension, and other gastrointestinal responses, which mainly occur in the early stage of treatment (the majority happen in the first ten weeks). Most patients can gradually tolerate them, or their symptoms disappear as the duration of treatment increases. Start taking small doses, gradually increase the amount, adjust the quantity at the right time, take with meals, and choose enteric preparations and other methods, which can reduce gastrointestinal reactions.
Three 、Does Metformin hurt the liver and kidney?
Metformin has no hepatic and renal toxicity; Metformin is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract for blood circulation, almost does not combine with plasma albumin, does not go through liver metabolism, does not compete with liver P450 enzymes, and does not degrade in the body, but acts directly on the liver and muscle, reducing hepatic glucose isomerism and increasing muscle glucose enzymes. Therefore, Metformin is not hepatotoxic.
Metformin is mainly excreted from the urine in its original form by the kidneys and is cleared rapidly, with approximately 90% clearance in 12-24h. The renal clearance of Metformin is about 3.5 times higher than that of creatinine, and renal tubular excretion is the main route of metformin clearance. Therefore, Metformin itself is not harmful to the kidney.
However, caution should be exercised when using Metformin in people with impaired liver and kidney function. Metformin should be avoided when serum transaminases exceed three times the upper limit of normal, and patients with renal insufficiency need to adjust the dose by estimating the level of glomerular filtration rate. Clinicians or pharmacists can assess the above.
4, long-term use of Metformin, the need for appropriate supplementation of vitamin B12
Studies have shown that: the incidence of vitamin B12 deficiency in glucose patients using Metformin is 5.8%, while the incidence of vitamin B12 deficiency in glucose patients not using Metformin and people without diabetes is 2.4% and 3.3%, respectively. Therefore, long-term metformin users should monitor vitamin B12 concentration regularly and increase the intake of vitamin B12-rich foods appropriately (vitamin B12 is mainly contained in animal proteins, such as meat, animal liver, fish, shellfish, eggs, etc.) to prevent and correct vitamin B12 deficiency. If this condition occurs, vitamin B12 should be supplemented in an appropriate amount under the guidance of professional doctors.
Five 、Stop taking Metformin 48 hours before and after doing a CT examination
Diabetic patients should stop taking Metformin 48 hours before and after doing enhanced CT because it is necessary to play contrast agent before doing CT. The contrast agent belongs to macromolecular substances excreted through the kidneys. If you retake Metformin, it will increase the burden on the kidney and cause contrast nephropathy.
6, the icing on the cake: combined with other glucose-lowering drugs
There are several different drugs when taking glucose-lowering drugs, often more than Metformin. This is because the combination of glucose-lowering medications mutually increases the hypoglycemic effect, improves insulin resistance, or reduces adverse reactions.
All diabetic patients should choose the appropriate hypoglycemic drugs according to their different conditions and pay attention to the indications and contraindications of each type of drug. At the same time, it is essential to emphasize that diet therapy and diet control are the cure for diabetic patients and must be adhered to for life. Diet therapy should not be relaxed or abandoned because of oral hypoglycemic drugs or increased dosages of hypoglycemic medications.
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Ayurvedic Medicine to Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally
If you're struggling with high creatinine levels, Ayurvedic medicine offers a natural solution to bring them down without harmful side effects.
Problem: High Creatinine Causing Kidney Strain An increased creatinine level can strain your kidneys, leading to further health complications.
Solution: Ayurvedic Medicine to Lower Creatinine Herbal treatments like Siberian Ginseng and Gokshura have been proven to lower creatinine levels by improving kidney filtration. Combined with dietary advice, these herbs can help naturally maintain healthy kidney function.Lower Your Creatinine Levels Naturally! Get in touch for a personalized Ayurvedic consultation today. Discover more about Ayurvedic treatments.
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bharathomeopathy2 · 2 days
Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis: Alternative Medication for Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
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What is kidney disease? 
Kidney disease, especially chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be a very serious health condition in which the kidneys slowly cease to remove the excess fluids and waste from the blood. The condition can cause an unintentional accumulation of wastes within the body, which can cause numerous health problems. Kidney diseases can lead to kidney failure, called end-stage renal disease in which the kidneys can no longer function as they should. If you don't get timely and effective Treatment for kidney failure, kidney disease could cause life-threatening complications.
Understanding Kidney Disease 
The kidneys are vital organs for filtering fluids, maintaining electrolytes in balance and ensuring overall fluid balance. Kidney diseases can be classified into two major kinds:
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): This is an abrupt decrease in kidney function that may be reversed with the right treatment.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): A gradual decline in kidney function with time, usually leading to kidney disease.
CKD is more prevalent and is usually caused by conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure as well as glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney's filtering unit). Other causes include genetic diseases, long-term incontinence of the urinary tract and chronic kidney infections.
Complications of Kidney Disease
The High Blood Pressure Kidneys damaged are less capable of regulating blood pressure, resulting in hypertension. This is then able to further harm the kidneys, resulting in an unending cycle.
Anemia: Kidneys that are healthy make the hormone erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells. The damage to kidneys can lower the amount of erythropoietin in the body, causing anaemia.
Bone Disease: Kidneys assist to regulate phosphate and calcium levels. In CKD the balance is disturbed, resulting in bones that are weak and an increased possibility of fractures.
Fluid Retention: Kidneys that are failing cannot eliminate excess fluid from the body, which causes swelling of the ankles, legs, and hands, and shortness of breath as a result of accumulation of liquid in the lungs.
The high Creatinine Levels: it's a waste product that is removed through the kidneys. Creatinine levels that are high in the blood signify decreased kidney function. They are also utilized as a way to determine the degree in kidney diseases.
Kidney Failure: One of the most serious consequences that can occur with CKD is kidney dysfunction, in which the kidneys lose their capacity to function. The stage of kidney failure is a need for immediate treatment, usually with dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Homeopathy for Kidney Disease
Homeopathy cure for chronic kidney disease is a holistic and natural type of medicine that is an alternative or an alternative strategy to treat kidney disease. The treatment aims to increase the body's ability to heal itself and restore balance without harsh medications or harmful procedures.
Homeopathic Approach to Kidney Disease:
A Personalized Treatment Approach: Homeopathy emphasises personalised treatment based upon the patient's specific symptoms, medical history and general health. A doctor of homeopathy will take into consideration the emotional, physical and mental health of the patient prior to making a recommendation for a remedy.
Natural Remedies Homeopathic remedies originate from natural substances, such as minerals, plants, as well as animals. The remedies are prepared in highly dilute forms, which makes them safe and free of adverse side effects.
The root cause of the problem instead of merely treating symptoms, homeopathy seeks to treat the underlying cause that causes kidney problems. For instance, in the case of CKD caused by diabetes or high blood pressure, homeopathic treatment focuses on controlling these conditions to avoid further damage to the kidneys.
Enhancing Kidney Function Improve Kidney Function: Homeopathic remedies are commonly utilised to improve kidney function and lessen inflammation. These remedies aid in eliminating toxic substances, ease pain and enhance urinary function.
Lowering the Creatinine Levels of High-Creatinine Patients: Homeopathic remedies that are specific to the patient are believed to lower the levels of high creatinine by improving kidney function and aiding in detoxification.
Preventing Kidney Failure with Homeopathy is a method to slow the development of CKD and to prevent kidney damage by helping to support the kidneys' capacity to regenerate and heal. 
The Role of Homeopathy in Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
Homeopathy can be extremely beneficial as a complement to chronic kidney disease treatment in conjunction with conventional therapies. It may help alleviate symptoms, lessen the need for dialysis, and improve patients' quality of life.
Advantages of Homeopathy in CKD Treatment:
Safe and non-invasive Homeopathic medicines are not invasive and are free of negative side effects, which makes them an ideal choice for long-term usage.
Holistic Methodology: Homeopathy treats the patient in a holistic way, taking care of the physical, emotional and psychological aspects that are essential in chronic diseases such as CKD.
Preventing Kidney Failure By controlling the underlying factors that cause kidney problems homeopathy may be able to stop or delay the development of kidney failure.
Kidney failure treatment without dialysis for patients looking for alternatives to dialysis homeopathy may be the best option, as it aims to enhance renal function in a natural way.
Kidney problems are a serious issue that requires careful treatment to avoid complications, such as high levels of creatinine as well as cardiovascular diseases, as well as kidney disease. While conventional treatment is essential, homeopathy provides a holistic natural method for high creatinine treatment, which focuses on addressing the root of the issue and assisting your body's process of healing. Through the integration of homeopathy into a treatment regimen, patients can benefit from an improvement in kidney function, better treatment of their symptoms, and even be able to avoid dialysis.
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bharathomeopathy778 · 23 days
Comprehensive Guide to Treatment for Kidney Failure: Options, Approaches, and Care
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About Kidney Diseases and Natural Medication
The most obvious reason for impairment in kidney function is the presence of too much creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product usually removed from the body by the healthy kidneys and excreted through urine. The presence of higher levels could suggest that the kidneys aren't functioning as they should, which is not healthy for general health. In this respect, homeopathy can be a comprehensive solution to high creatinine treatment and, possibly, the restoration of the efficiency of kidney function.
How Elevated Creatinine Levels Impact Kidney Health
Kidneys are charged with cleaning blood, removing waste, and ensuring the balance of fluids throughout the body. When kidney function starts to slow lower in function typically, it is evident by an increase in creatinine. A rise in creatinine can indicate that it could be an early sign of organ dysfunction and, therefore, fails to supply the required filtering by these vital organs.
Many health issues arise because of elevated levels of creatinine:
Fluid Retention: An insufficient elimination of waste by the kidneys could cause an accumulation of fluids which can cause swelling, which is typically in ankles and legs.
Electrolyte Imbalance: The kidney is responsible for electrolytes that include sodium and potassium that can become wildly out of balance due to decreased organ function. That's risky.
Toxin Accumulation: When the kidney function is reduced the toxins and wastes accumulate in blood. due to this the person experiences fatigue, nausea and fatigue as a result of the accumulation of these waste products in the bloodstream.
Progression into Kidney Failure: If the creatinine levels are not controlled, it can lead to CKD and eventually progress into end-stage kidney disease, which will require replacement therapy, which can be in the form of dialysis or transplantation of kidneys.
Benefits of Homeopathy in Preventing Kidney Failure
Homeopathy is a complete method of kidney problem medication. The use of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's healing process naturally. In the field of kidney health, homeopathic treatments are used to help improve kidney function and stop any further deterioration.
Below are the advantages of homeopathic treatment for kidney failure: reducing high levels of creatinine and ensuring kidney health
A Holistic Approach: Homeopathy aims at treatment for physical as well as emotional and mental wellbeing and creates a treatment program that is completely customized to the individual.
Individualized Medicines: The medicines for homeopathy are administered following a careful analysis of the specific symptoms of each patient and their general health status.
Non-Toxic and Natural remedies: These are natural in homeopathic medicine and are derived by extracting herbal compounds from plants and are highly dilute, making them a non-toxic, gentle alternative for managing kidney health.
Well-being for the whole body: The treatment can address all fundamental body imbalances and assist in returning general health and an effective effect on kidneys, by reducing the creatinine levels.
Prevention of progress: Treatment with homeopathy at an early stage may help prevent the disease process from highlighting nephropathy, which is what causes the need for dialysis required later, and also other interventions to treat the problem.
Bharat Homeopathy Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Gurgaon
The chronic kidney disease treatment is available through Bharat Homeopathy, which is located in Gurgaon. The method of treatment at Bharat Homeopathy is focused on individual treatment and includes a broad range of techniques designed to tackle the many challenges associated with kidney care.
Clinic with Experienced Homeopaths has experienced homeopaths who are able to identify and treat CKD with the best methods of homeopathy.
Individualized Treatment Plans: For all patients who come to Bharat Homeopathy A treatment plan that is designed and tailored to the patient's symptoms, their history, and the nature of the problem being treated is offered.
Integrative Treatment: Bharat Homeopathy blends homeopathic treatments with lifestyle and diet guidelines for integrated treatment, promoting kidney health and offering cure for chronic kidney disease.
Monitoring and Assistance: This involves monitoring and checking in regularly to assess how the patient is doing and whether there is any reason to modify the treatment program.
Patient Education: Education of the patient regarding the management of their health in The clinic will be encouraged which allows the patient to take an active interest in maintaining their health. In the previous discussion, it is clear that the presence of high levels of creatinine may be a major problem for the kidney, especially when it suggests the possibility of a kidney failure treatment without dialysis. This could lead to more or more serious problems if proper care isn't followed. The homeopathic approach is an integrated treatment and offers a great deal to treat kidney-related problems, which could help prevent the onset of more serious phases of kidney disease. Hospitals such as Bharat Homeopathy located in Gurgaon, focus on the needs of people who are looking for something different or an alternative beyond what conventional therapies can provide. By addressing kidney health in an integrated and proactive way, homeopathy can be beneficial in maintaining kidney functions and improving the quality of living.
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rmlpathology · 2 months
Understanding Kidney Stones: Causes and Diagnostic Testing
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Kidney stones are solid deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. They can be incredibly painful and may lead to complications if not addressed. This article explores the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of kidney stones, with insights into how RML Pathology can assist in the diagnostic process.
What Are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are crystalline structures that can form in any part of the urinary tract. They occur when certain minerals become concentrated in the urine and crystallize. The stones can vary in size, from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. While small stones may pass through the urinary tract unnoticed, larger stones can cause significant pain and may require medical intervention.
Causes of Kidney Stones
The formation of kidney stones can be attributed to several factors, including:
Dehydration: Inadequate water intake leads to concentrated urine, which can cause minerals to crystallize and form stones. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of kidney stones.
Dietary Habits:
High Sodium Intake: A diet high in salt increases the amount of calcium in the urine, which can lead to stone formation.
High Sugar Intake: Excessive sugar, particularly fructose, can contribute to stone formation.
High Protein Diet: Animal proteins, especially red meat, can increase uric acid levels, leading to uric acid stones.
Medical Conditions:
Hyperparathyroidism: This condition causes the parathyroid glands to produce excess hormone, leading to elevated calcium levels in the blood and urine.
Gout: A type of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood can lead to uric acid stones.
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Chronic UTIs can lead to the formation of struvite stones.
Genetic Factors:
Family History: Genetics can play a role in the predisposition to developing kidney stones. If someone in your family has had stones, you are more likely to develop them.
Medications and Supplements:
Calcium-Based Antacids: Overuse of these can lead to excess calcium in the urine.
Certain Antibiotics: Some medications can increase the risk of stone formation.
Metabolic Disorders:
Conditions like cystinuria can lead to the formation of cystine stones.
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
Kidney stones often do not cause symptoms until they move around within the kidney or pass into the ureter. When this occurs, symptoms may include:
Severe Pain: Intense pain in the side and back, below the ribs. The pain may radiate to the lower abdomen and groin.
Painful Urination: Discomfort or pain while urinating.
Hematuria: Pink, red, or brown urine, indicating blood.
Frequent Urination: An increased urge to urinate, often in small amounts.
Nausea and Vomiting: Often a result of severe pain.
Fever and Chills: Indicate an infection, requiring prompt medical attention.
Diagnosing Kidney Stones
Diagnosing kidney stones involves a combination of imaging and laboratory tests. RML Pathology offers comprehensive testing services to help diagnose kidney stones and assess kidney health:
Checks for crystals, blood, and infection in the urine.
Identifies the type of stone and its composition.
Blood Tests:
Serum Creatinine Test: Measures creatinine levels to evaluate kidney function.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test: Assesses the amount of nitrogen in the blood to gauge kidney performance.
Imaging Tests:
CT Scan: Provides detailed images of the kidneys and urinary tract, identifying stones and their size.
Ultrasound: A non-invasive test that uses sound waves to create images of the kidneys.
24-Hour Urine Collection:
Measures the amount of urine produced in a day and the levels of minerals that cause stones.
These tests help determine the presence of kidney stones, their size, location, and type, enabling healthcare providers to recommend appropriate treatment.
Treatment and Prevention
Treatment for kidney stones depends on the size and type of the stone. Small stones may pass on their own with increased fluid intake and pain management. Larger stones may require medical procedures such as shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, or percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Preventive measures include:
Staying Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water to dilute substances in urine that lead to stones.
Dietary Changes: Reducing sodium, sugar, and animal protein intake.
Medication: For individuals prone to certain types of stones, medications can help control the levels of certain substances in the urine.
Kidney stones are a common and painful condition that can significantly impact quality of life. Understanding the causes and symptoms can help in taking preventive measures. RML Pathology offers comprehensive testing services to diagnose and monitor kidney health, helping you take proactive steps to manage and prevent kidney stones.
For more information and to book your kidney function tests, visit www.rmlpathology.com or call 7991602001. Address: B-171, Nirala Nagar Lucknow, A-21A Nirala Nagar, Lucknow. Taking proactive steps with timely testing and diagnosis can help manage and prevent kidney stones effectively.
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pranalip · 2 months
Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market – Latest Trends Analysis And Forecast 2024-2033 | Global Insight Services
“Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition”.
Global Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market is expected to reach $3.6 bn by 2031 growing at a CAGR of 14.7% between 2021 and 2031.
The urine albumin to creatinine ratio test is a common way to screen for high levels of albumin, which is known as albuminuria. This screening is most often done on people who have a greater risk of kidney disease comprising people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of kidney problems. Screening may also be recommended in older adults and people in some racial and ethnic groups. Screening for kidney disease may combine a urine albumin test with another kidney function test, known as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) test, that assesses how well the kidneys are filtering the blood.
View The Full Report Here –https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/albumin-creatinine-tests-market
Market Drivers
Rising prevalence of kidney disorders
Kidney disease is one of the major causes of death worldwide. Such cases—comprising multiple kidney treatments—require the continuous monitoring of components such as creatinine and albumin and their ratios, for which multiple urine analysis products and techniques are utilized. Urine analysis has extensive applications in the diagnosis and management of kidney diseases. Biochemical urine analysis enables clinicians to assess the level of chemical compounds (such as creatinine, urobilinogen, bilirubin, ketones, and glucose) in the urine. Atypical levels of these compounds in the urine indicate chronic kidney diseases, acute kidney injuries, and acute renal failure. So, the growing incidence of kidney diseases will be the primary growth driver for this market, as it will ensure sustained demand for albumin and creatinine tests.
Market Opportunity
Integrated and automated systems for overall urine analysis
The combination of automated urine sediment and urine biochemical analysis in one system allows rapid and easy urine analysis. Currently, standalone automated urine sediment analyzers help standardize sediment & biochemical analysis with minimum operator interference and enable the fast analysis of urine samples. Such integrated systems have a high potential in the automated devices market and can help large hospitals and diagnostic labs to manage their workloads ecologically. Owing to that, this area has been identified as an opportunity in the market.
Market Restraints
High cost of automated analyzers
Most small hospitals and clinics with lower workloads still prefer semi-automated devices or manual analysis. Automated devices are primarily used by large hospitals with higher workloads; so, the revenue generation can justify the costs incurred in installing automated analyzers. This makes it difficult for automated analyzers to penetrate the market, specifically in developing economies, which is a major restraint factor to market growth.
Unlock Growth Potential in Your Industry – Get Your Sample Report Now-https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS10235
Impact of COVID-19 on Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market
Acute Renal Failure (ARF) is generally detected and confirmed by increased creatinine levels in the urine, coupled with a sudden drop in the urine output. Adding to that, the rise in and high rate of hypoalbuminemia caused by COVID-19 (coupled with the rising geriatric population and other factors) is likely to increase the cases of AKI/ARF and thus support the market growth during the early half of the projection period.
Market Segments
By Product
Dipsticks & Kits
Cartridges for POC Analyzers
Cartridges for Table-Top Analyzer
Reagents & Other Consumables
By Type
Urine Tests
Urine Albumin Tests
Urine Creatinine Tests
Glycated Albumin
Blood & Serum Creatinine Tests
By End User
Hospitals & Clinics
Diagnostic Laboratories
Research Laboratories & Institutes
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Rest of the World
Market Players of Global Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market
The key players in the global albumin & creatinine tests market are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Roche Diagnostics, PromoCell GmbH, Abbott Laboratories, Siemens Healthineers, Danaher Corporation, Sysmex Corporation, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Randox Laboratories, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, Abbexa Ltd., ACON Laboratories, Inc., Arbor Assays Inc., ARKRAY Global Business Inc., Aviva Systems Biology, Axxora, LLC, BioAssay Systems, Nova Biomedical, Quantimetrix Corporation, RayBiotech Inc., Sekisui Diagnostics PEI Inc., Teco Diagnostics, Tulip Diagnostics, ulti med Products GmbH, and URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd. among others.
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 Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
With Global Insight Services, you receive:
10-year forecast to help you make strategic decisions
In-depth segmentation which can be customized as per your requirements
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Contact Us:
Global Insight Services LLC 16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes DE 19958 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1-833-761-1700 Website: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/
About Global Insight Services:
Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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pranalipawarshinde · 2 months
Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market – In Depth Insight Analysis to 2033
“Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition”.
Global Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market is expected to reach $3.6 bn by 2031 growing at a CAGR of 14.7% between 2021 and 2031.
The urine albumin to creatinine ratio test is a common way to screen for high levels of albumin, which is known as albuminuria. This screening is most often done on people who have a greater risk of kidney disease comprising people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of kidney problems. Screening may also be recommended in older adults and people in some racial and ethnic groups. Screening for kidney disease may combine a urine albumin test with another kidney function test, known as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) test, that assesses how well the kidneys are filtering the blood.
View The Full Report Here –https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/albumin-creatinine-tests-market
Market Drivers
Rising prevalence of kidney disorders
Kidney disease is one of the major causes of death worldwide. Such cases—comprising multiple kidney treatments—require the continuous monitoring of components such as creatinine and albumin and their ratios, for which multiple urine analysis products and techniques are utilized. Urine analysis has extensive applications in the diagnosis and management of kidney diseases. Biochemical urine analysis enables clinicians to assess the level of chemical compounds (such as creatinine, urobilinogen, bilirubin, ketones, and glucose) in the urine. Atypical levels of these compounds in the urine indicate chronic kidney diseases, acute kidney injuries, and acute renal failure. So, the growing incidence of kidney diseases will be the primary growth driver for this market, as it will ensure sustained demand for albumin and creatinine tests.
Market Opportunity
Integrated and automated systems for overall urine analysis
The combination of automated urine sediment and urine biochemical analysis in one system allows rapid and easy urine analysis. Currently, standalone automated urine sediment analyzers help standardize sediment & biochemical analysis with minimum operator interference and enable the fast analysis of urine samples. Such integrated systems have a high potential in the automated devices market and can help large hospitals and diagnostic labs to manage their workloads ecologically. Owing to that, this area has been identified as an opportunity in the market.
Market Restraints
High cost of automated analyzers
Most small hospitals and clinics with lower workloads still prefer semi-automated devices or manual analysis. Automated devices are primarily used by large hospitals with higher workloads; so, the revenue generation can justify the costs incurred in installing automated analyzers. This makes it difficult for automated analyzers to penetrate the market, specifically in developing economies, which is a major restraint factor to market growth.
Unlock Growth Potential in Your Industry – Get Your Sample Report Now-https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS10235
Impact of COVID-19 on Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market
Acute Renal Failure (ARF) is generally detected and confirmed by increased creatinine levels in the urine, coupled with a sudden drop in the urine output. Adding to that, the rise in and high rate of hypoalbuminemia caused by COVID-19 (coupled with the rising geriatric population and other factors) is likely to increase the cases of AKI/ARF and thus support the market growth during the early half of the projection period.
Market Segments
By Product
Dipsticks & Kits
Cartridges for POC Analyzers
Cartridges for Table-Top Analyzer
Reagents & Other Consumables
By Type
Urine Tests
Urine Albumin Tests
Urine Creatinine Tests
Glycated Albumin
Blood & Serum Creatinine Tests
By End User
Hospitals & Clinics
Diagnostic Laboratories
Research Laboratories & Institutes
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Rest of the World
Market Players of Global Albumin & Creatinine Tests Market
The key players in the global albumin & creatinine tests market are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Roche Diagnostics, PromoCell GmbH, Abbott Laboratories, Siemens Healthineers, Danaher Corporation, Sysmex Corporation, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Randox Laboratories, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, Abbexa Ltd., ACON Laboratories, Inc., Arbor Assays Inc., ARKRAY Global Business Inc., Aviva Systems Biology, Axxora, LLC, BioAssay Systems, Nova Biomedical, Quantimetrix Corporation, RayBiotech Inc., Sekisui Diagnostics PEI Inc., Teco Diagnostics, Tulip Diagnostics, ulti med Products GmbH, and URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd. among others.
Buy Now@https://www.globalinsightservices.com/checkout/single_user/GIS10235
 Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
With Global Insight Services, you receive:
10-year forecast to help you make strategic decisions
In-depth segmentation which can be customized as per your requirements
Free consultation with lead analyst of the report
Infographic excel data pack, easy to analyze big data
Robust and transparent research methodology
Unmatched data quality and after sales service
Contact Us:
Global Insight Services LLC 16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes DE 19958 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1-833-761-1700 Website: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/
About Global Insight Services:
Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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Natural Treatments for Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure treatment Without Dialysis
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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects millions of people worldwide, leading to a gradual loss of kidney function. Traditional treatments often include medication and dialysis, but many seek natural remedies to manage the condition. This article explores various natural treatments for CKD and kidney failure treatment without dialysis, focusing on homeopathic and holistic approaches.
Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease is characterized by a slow, progressive decline in kidney function. Common causes include diabetes, high blood pressure, and glomerulonephritis. Symptoms may not appear until the disease is advanced, making early detection and management crucial.Chronic Kidney Disease treatment focuses on slowing disease progression and managing symptoms. Key approaches include dietary changes, such as reducing sodium and protein intake, herbal remedies like dandelion root and nettle leaf, and homeopathic treatments. Regular exercise, stress management, and adequate hydration are also crucial for maintaining kidney health.
Natural Approaches to CKD Treatment
Dietary Modifications
Diet plays a pivotal role in managing CKD. A kidney-friendly diet can help reduce the workload on the kidneys and slow the progression of the disease. Key dietary recommendations include:
Reducing Sodium Intake: High sodium levels can increase blood pressure, further damaging the kidneys. Opt for fresh foods over processed ones to control sodium intake.
Limiting Protein Consumption: Excess protein can strain the kidneys. Choose high-quality proteins and consume them in moderation.
Managing Potassium and Phosphorus Levels: Patients with CKD need to monitor their potassium and phosphorus intake to prevent complications. Foods high in these minerals should be consumed in limited quantities.
Herbal Remedies
Several herbs are known for their kidney-supporting properties. Incorporating these into your routine can help manage CKD symptoms:
Dandelion Root: Acts as a diuretic, promoting urine production and helping detoxify the kidneys.
Nettle Leaf: Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, it supports kidney health and reduces inflammation.
Turmeric: Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce kidney inflammation and protect against further damage.
Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure offers an alternative approach to CKD management, focusing on individualized treatment plans. Key remedies include. This treatments aim to address individual symptoms and improve overall kidney function, offering a natural alternative to conventional therapies.
Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine
High creatinine levels indicate impaired kidney function.Homeopathic medicine for high creatinine can help manage these levels.High creatinine treatment for kidney health includes dietary adjustments to reduce protein intake, using herbal remedies like nettle leaf and turmeric, and homeopathic treatments. Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and stress management techniques also play essential roles in lowering creatinine levels naturally
Lifestyle Changes for Better Kidney Health
Regular Exercise
Engaging in regular physical activity can improve overall health and help manage CKD. Exercise helps control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, both crucial for kidney health.
Stress Management
Chronic stress can exacerbate CKD symptoms. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can reduce stress and improve kidney function.
Adequate Hydration
Staying well-hydrated is essential for kidney health. Water helps flush out toxins and reduce the risk of kidney stones. However, patients with advanced CKD should consult their doctor to determine the appropriate fluid intake.
Treatment for Kidney Failure treament Without Dialysis
For those with advanced CKD, kidney failure can be a daunting prospect. However, several natural treatments can help manage kidney failure treatment without dialysis:
Acupuncture has been shown to improve kidney function and reduce symptoms of kidney failure and acupuncture is the best option for the treatment for kidney failure. It works by stimulating specific points on the body, promoting blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
TCM offers a holistic approach to treating kidney failure, focusing on balancing the body’s energy. Herbal formulas and dietary recommendations are tailored to the individual’s needs, aiming to restore kidney function naturally.
Managing chronic kidney disease and kidney failure naturally requires a multifaceted approach. Dietary changes, herbal and homeopathic treatments, lifestyle modifications, and alternative therapies like acupuncture and TCM can all contribute to better kidney health. kidney treatment by homeopathy avoid or reduce reliance on dialysis.
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kidneytreatment01 · 4 months
A Comprehensive Method: Homeopathic Therapy for Advanced Kidney Failure
When the kidneys are unable to remove waste and extra fluid from the blood, the disease is referred to medically as treatment for kidney failure. As a result, the body may accumulate fluids and poisons, which could result in a number of problems. Homeopathy offers a comprehensive approach to managing renal failure, whereas mainstream medicine offers therapies like kidney failure treatment without dialysis. By treating the underlying causes of the ailment, homeopathic treatment seeks to restore balance and promote the body's inherent healing abilities.
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Understanding Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is a natural medical approach that operates under the tenet that "like cures like." To encourage the body's self-healing processes, it employs highly diluted compounds that are sourced from plants, minerals, and other natural sources. Homeopathic remedies are individualized treatments that are chosen according to the patient's particular symptoms, temperament, and general state of health.
A comprehensive and customized approach to treatment for kidney failure is offered by homeopathic treatment, which emphasizes reestablishing emotional, mental, and physical equilibrium as well as promoting the body's self-healing processes. Although homeopathy cannot heal advanced kidney failure treatment without dialysis, it can relieve symptoms, enhance general wellbeing, and improve quality of life when used in conjunction with conventional treatments. For individualized care catered to each patient's needs and health objectives, speaking with a licensed homeopath is imperative.
How to Reduce High Creatinine Levels Naturally: Using a Homeopathic Approach
Since the kidneys are in charge of removing creatinine from the blood and excreting it in the urine, elevated blood creatinine levels are frequently a sign of compromised renal function. high creatinine treatment levels may indicate renal injury or dysfunction, which needs to be addressed right once to avoid worsening the situation. A comprehensive approach to treating the underlying causes of elevated creatinine levels and promoting kidney health is provided by homeopathy, whereas conventional treatments concentrate on symptom management and halting the progression of the condition.
Understanding homeopathy: 
Homeopathy is a natural medical approach based on the individualization and "like cures like" tenets. It stimulates the body's self-healing systems by using highly diluted natural sources of chemicals. Homeopathic remedies are customized to each patient's distinctive symptoms, temperament, and chronic kidney disease causes and treatment.
Lowering raised creatinine levels and promoting kidney health are the two main goals of homeopathic high creatinine treatment levels. It is customized and comprehensive. Although it cannot heal advanced kidney impairment, homeopathy can relieve symptoms, enhance quality of life, and support conventional treatments. For individualized care that is suited to each patient's needs and health objectives and that promotes renal function and general well-being, speaking with a trained homeopath is crucial.
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bharathomeopathy2 · 2 days
Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis: Alternative Medication for Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
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What is kidney disease? 
Kidney disease, especially chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be a very serious health condition in which the kidneys slowly cease to remove the excess fluids and waste from the blood. The condition can cause an unintentional accumulation of wastes within the body, which can cause numerous health problems. Kidney diseases can lead to kidney failure, called end-stage renal disease in which the kidneys can no longer function as they should. If you don't get timely and effective Treatment for kidney failure, kidney disease could cause life-threatening complications.
Understanding Kidney Disease 
The kidneys are vital organs for filtering fluids, maintaining electrolytes in balance and ensuring overall fluid balance. Kidney diseases can be classified into two major kinds:
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): This is an abrupt decrease in kidney function that may be reversed with the right treatment.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): A gradual decline in kidney function with time, usually leading to kidney disease.
CKD is more prevalent and is usually caused by conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure as well as glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney's filtering unit). Other causes include genetic diseases, long-term incontinence of the urinary tract and chronic kidney infections.
Complications of Kidney Disease
The High Blood Pressure Kidneys damaged are less capable of regulating blood pressure, resulting in hypertension. This is then able to further harm the kidneys, resulting in an unending cycle.
Anemia: Kidneys that are healthy make the hormone erythropoietin that stimulates the production of red blood cells. The damage to kidneys can lower the amount of erythropoietin in the body, causing anaemia.
Bone Disease: Kidneys assist to regulate phosphate and calcium levels. In CKD the balance is disturbed, resulting in bones that are weak and an increased possibility of fractures.
Fluid Retention: Kidneys that are failing cannot eliminate excess fluid from the body, which causes swelling of the ankles, legs, and hands, and shortness of breath as a result of accumulation of liquid in the lungs.
The high Creatinine Levels: it's a waste product that is removed through the kidneys. Creatinine levels that are high in the blood signify decreased kidney function. They are also utilized as a way to determine the degree in kidney diseases.
Kidney Failure: One of the most serious consequences that can occur with CKD is kidney dysfunction, in which the kidneys lose their capacity to function. The stage of kidney failure is a need for immediate treatment, usually with dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Homeopathy for Kidney Disease
Homeopathy cure for chronic kidney disease is a holistic and natural type of medicine that is an alternative or an alternative strategy to treat kidney disease. The treatment aims to increase the body's ability to heal itself and restore balance without harsh medications or harmful procedures.
Homeopathic Approach to Kidney Disease:
A Personalized Treatment Approach: Homeopathy emphasises personalised treatment based upon the patient's specific symptoms, medical history and general health. A doctor of homeopathy will take into consideration the emotional, physical and mental health of the patient prior to making a recommendation for a remedy.
Natural Remedies Homeopathic remedies originate from natural substances, such as minerals, plants, as well as animals. The remedies are prepared in highly dilute forms, which makes them safe and free of adverse side effects.
The root cause of the problem instead of merely treating symptoms, homeopathy seeks to treat the underlying cause that causes kidney problems. For instance, in the case of CKD caused by diabetes or high blood pressure, homeopathic treatment focuses on controlling these conditions to avoid further damage to the kidneys.
Enhancing Kidney Function Improve Kidney Function: Homeopathic remedies are commonly utilised to improve kidney function and lessen inflammation. These remedies aid in eliminating toxic substances, ease pain and enhance urinary function.
Lowering the Creatinine Levels of High-Creatinine Patients: Homeopathic remedies that are specific to the patient are believed to lower the levels of high creatinine by improving kidney function and aiding in detoxification.
Preventing Kidney Failure with Homeopathy is a method to slow the development of CKD and to prevent kidney damage by helping to support the kidneys' capacity to regenerate and heal. 
The Role of Homeopathy in Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment
Homeopathy can be extremely beneficial as a complement to chronic kidney disease treatment in conjunction with conventional therapies. It may help alleviate symptoms, lessen the need for dialysis, and improve patients' quality of life.
Advantages of Homeopathy in CKD Treatment:
Safe and non-invasive Homeopathic medicines are not invasive and are free of negative side effects, which makes them an ideal choice for long-term usage.
Holistic Methodology: Homeopathy treats the patient in a holistic way, taking care of the physical, emotional and psychological aspects that are essential in chronic diseases such as CKD.
Preventing Kidney Failure By controlling the underlying factors that cause kidney problems homeopathy may be able to stop or delay the development of kidney failure.
Kidney failure treatment without dialysis for patients looking for alternatives to dialysis homeopathy may be the best option, as it aims to enhance renal function in a natural way.
Kidney problems are a serious issue that requires careful treatment to avoid complications, such as high levels of creatinine as well as cardiovascular diseases, as well as kidney disease. While conventional treatment is essential, homeopathy provides a holistic natural method for high creatinine treatment, which focuses on addressing the root of the issue and assisting your body's process of healing. Through the integration of homeopathy into a treatment regimen, patients can benefit from an improvement in kidney function, better treatment of their symptoms, and even be able to avoid dialysis.
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drchiraggupta · 5 months
How are kidney stones diagnosed?
Diagnosing kidney stones involves a combination of medical history assessment, physical examination, and various diagnostic tests. Here's an overview of the process:
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Medical History and Physical Examination: The first step in diagnosing kidney stones is usually a discussion about the patient's medical history, including symptoms they're experiencing. Common symptoms of kidney stones include severe pain in the back, side, lower abdomen, or groin, along with nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, and frequent urination. A physical examination may also be conducted to check for signs of pain or tenderness in the abdomen or back.
Imaging Tests: Imaging tests are typically ordered to confirm the presence of kidney stones and to determine their size and location.These tests may include:
Ultrasound: This non-invasive imaging technique uses sound waves to create images of the kidneys and urinary tract. It can detect the presence of kidney stones and help determine their size and location. However, it may not always detect smaller stones or stones located in certain areas of the urinary tract.
CT Scan (Computed Tomography): CT scans are highly accurate in detecting kidney stones, even small ones. They provide detailed images of the urinary tract from different angles, allowing healthcare providers to visualize the size, location, and composition of the stones. CT scans are often considered the gold standard for diagnosing kidney stones because of their precision.
X-ray: X-rays can also be used to detect kidney stones, especially those made of calcium or other minerals that are visible on X-ray images. However, they may not always detect certain types of stones, such as uric acid stones, which are less radiopaque.
Urinalysis: A urine sample may be collected and analyzed to check for the presence of blood, crystals, or other substances that may indicate the presence of kidney stones. Urinalysis can also help rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
Blood Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to assess kidney function and to check for elevated levels of certain substances, such as calcium, uric acid, or creatinine, which can indicate the presence of kidney stones or other related conditions.
24-Hour Urine Collection: In some cases, healthcare providers may request a 24-hour urine collection to measure the levels of various substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, citrate, and uric acid. This can help identify the underlying causes of kidney stone formation and guide treatment decisions.
Medical History and Physical Examination: The first step in diagnosing kidney stones is usually a discussion about the patient's medical history, including symptoms they're experiencing. Common symptoms of kidney stones include severe pain in the back, side, lower abdomen, or groin, along with nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, and frequent urination. A physical examination may also be conducted to check for signs of pain or tenderness in the abdomen or back.
Imaging Tests: Imaging tests are typically ordered to confirm the presence of kidney stones and to determine their size and location.These tests may include:
Ultrasound: This non-invasive imaging technique uses sound waves to create images of the kidneys and urinary tract. It can detect the presence of kidney stones and help determine their size and location. However, it may not always detect smaller stones or stones located in certain areas of the urinary tract.
CT Scan (Computed Tomography): CT scans are highly accurate in detecting kidney stones, even small ones. They provide detailed images of the urinary tract from different angles, allowing healthcare providers to visualize the size, location, and composition of the stones. CT scans are often considered the gold standard for diagnosing kidney stones because of their precision.
X-ray: X-rays can also be used to detect kidney stones, especially those made of calcium or other minerals that are visible on X-ray images. However, they may not always detect certain types of stones, such as uric acid stones, which are less radiopaque.
Urinalysis: A urine sample may be collected and analyzed to check for the presence of blood, crystals, or other substances that may indicate the presence of kidney stones. Urinalysis can also help rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
Blood Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to assess kidney function and to check for elevated levels of certain substances, such as calcium, uric acid, or creatinine, which can indicate the presence of kidney stones or other related conditions.
24-Hour Urine Collection: In some cases, healthcare providers may request a 24-hour urine collection to measure the levels of various substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, citrate, and uric acid. This can help identify the underlying causes of kidney stone formation and guide treatment decisions.
Once kidney stones are diagnosed, the appropriate treatment plan can be developed based on the size, location, and composition of the stones, as well as the patient's overall health and medical history. Treatment options may include pain management, medications to help pass the stones, or procedures such as lithotripsy or surgery to remove the stones. Additionally, lifestyle changes and dietary modifications may be recommended to prevent future kidney stone formation.
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bharathomeopathy778 · 2 months
Best Alternative Medication for High Creatinine Treatment: Kidney Problem Medication
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What is kidney disease?
Kidney disease develops when your kidneys are damaged and are unable to remove blood correctly. If you suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes there is an increased chance of developing kidney disease. If the problem isn't addressed properly, it could cause damage to the kidneys. If you're dealing with the same problem, homeopathy may be able to help with kidney failure treatment without dialysis.
The causes and prevention of kidney failure:
It is important not to delay the urge to urinate. The poisonous substances in it trigger an infection within the body, which is why the issue of chronic kidney disease can be seen and this chronic kidney disease treatment is long duration kidney problem medication.
Because of a deficiency in water within the body, harmful toxins are unable to escape, which can cause kidney issues. It is essential to drink plenty of fluids.
It is advised to eat a fast every day of the week to ensure that your digestion stays well-balanced.
Fast food and junk foods are detrimental to kidneys, therefore avoid these. It is also recommended to limit your intake of salt as it can increase blood pressure and double the kidney's work. In the end, a variety of kinds of issues begin to manifest within the kidneys.
Painkillers can cause issues for your kidneys, which is why we must stay clear of them. They can harm the kidneys, as well as the liver.
Keep blood sugar levels in check and prevent hypertension.
The consumption of contaminated water can lead to stomach issues and kidney issues. Additionally, it is also because of stress and drinking alcohol.
You'll also have to change your lifestyle, for example, get better sleep and be active. If you're having more problems, you could consider seeking medical treatment for kidney failure .
What is the reason why the kidneys shrink because of BP?
Due to a bad lifestyle, your kidneys aren't functioning properly because of blood pressure. Because of it, the kidneys become smaller. Your kidneys get damaged. In the event that a patient's BP is 120/80, the kidney of any patient is not damaged. As the BP increases, the kidneys begin to shrink. If the kidneys don't work properly, they'll receive less blood, and the kidneys won't be able to get oxygen effectively. Because of this, the kidneys begin to shrink.
What are the most common mistakes kidney patients make during summer that can cause their kidneys to cease to perform in a way that is optimal?
As you are aware, a variety of fruit varieties are available during the summertime, among which are sour fruit. We do not recommend patients with kidney disease to consume sweet fruits since when the kidneys begin to deteriorate and work less efficiently, they will, and contaminants begin to build up in the blood instead of being released. Because of this, the blood turns acidic. If you consume sour foods, the blood becomes doubly acidic and harmful to the kidneys.
Kidneys assist in eliminating toxic substances from our bodies. They also help maintain the levels of a variety of minerals, like potassium, sodium and acids. A variety of fruits are beneficial to eat, and some are particularly beneficial for kidney patients. Keep all of these points in mind, we'll tell you about the top 10 fruits.
Apples' anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and the quantity of phosphorus and potassium in the human body. In addition, the fruit's antioxidant properties lower the level of creatinine.
Papaya is a source of fibre as well as an enzyme known as papain which is excellent for digestion.
Sapota helps to maintain your creatinine levels and BP; however, if you suffer from a kidney condition that is diabetic and you are diabetic, you need to stay clear of it.
Berries can help your digestion.
The very low levels of potassium and phosphorus in the pear make it a kidney-friendly and healthy fruit.
Melons and watermelons have large amounts of water. This can be beneficial for the formation of urine.
Pomegranates contain little potassium. Beware of the seeds in pomegranates, and only eat the red portion.
Guava is also a good source of phosphorus and potassium. It is also recommended not to consume the seeds of guava.
Peach can be included in your diet; however, those with diabetes must stay clear of it.
Bharat homeopathy treatment for kidney disease:
The cure for chronic kidney disease with homeopathy is based on extremely specific medicinal compounds and dosages and can help eliminate waste products. First, the patient's prior medical records are carefully examined. The doctor then prescribes the best homeopathic kidney problem medication. Homeopathy treats patients depending on the state of the disease, irrespective of whether it's chronic or acute. For instance, homeopathic kidney problems treatment can relieve patients suffering from unintentional disturbances as well as other signs of kidney failure. It also prescribes appropriate medicines to lower the level of creatinine that is high in the patient and also prevents the return of kidney diseases. Many positive and healthy effects are seen in patients with kidney disease who are suffering from high creatinine. This is a result of homeopathic high creatinine treatment. Additionally, patients with kidney disease are completely content with homeopathic treatment. It is the most secure and fastest method of treatment that heals the patient physically as well as provides an excellent experience following the treatment.
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sandhyajanidevi · 6 months
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