#lowder verse
lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder Reviews: Second Batch, Lowder Strikes Back.
Here's the list for all of the shows and movies that I will be watching in the second batch.
Godzilla Raids Again
Yo-Kai Watch (2015)
Transformers: Prime (2010-2013)
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers (2022-2023)
One Piece Pre-Timeskip (1999-2011)
Himitsu Sentai Gorenger
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Alien Rangers
Kamen Rider V3
Kamen Rider X
Power Ranger Zeo
Kamen Rider Stronger
JAKQ Dengekitai
Son of Kong (1933)
Transformers Unicron Trilogy (2002-2005)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestrian Girls
Shin Ultraman
Now that you know what is in store for the second batch. I am also putting Lowderverse on hold until I am done with the third batch. So I hope you understand.
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supersonicart · 7 years
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“Portals & Dimensions” at Duane Reed Gallery.
Opening on Friday, June 9th, 2017 at Duane Reed Gallery in St. Louis, Missouri is the seven person group exhibition entitled “Portals & Dimensions.”
From curator, Ethan Meyer: “Present day reality offers the artist new inspirations, fears, and existential conflicts.  Faced with a rapidly expanding and all encompassing technological evolution and a level of interconnectivity never before experienced in human history, the aesthetic of this show represents what I view as a Contemporary Futurist movement; informed also by the history of Maximalism and Abstract Expressionism. The Artist is in a particularly interesting position to react and resist the nihilism that comes from abandoning our biology for a purely technocentric model of viewing reality, or to integrate and transcend the dichotomy of nature verses artificial intelligence.”
Artists in the show include: Francesco Lo Castro, Greg Pettit, Benjamin Lowder, David Fratu and APEX Collective: Jake Amason, Stephen Kruse and Zach Jackson.
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ninanegrotti · 7 years
Down below you can find my detailed opinions on the BB19 cast. This was written after I read their bios and watched their interviews with Jeff, Ika’s opinions and interviews did not influence these particular opinions (I might write new ones that will be influenced by Ika’s interviews but we’ll see).
Alex Ow: While she does remind me of Natalie (BB18), I think it's mostly fake. She just comes off as someone who tries way too hard to me and I think that it's just not her true personality. I think she's a huge fan of Nicole (BB16, BB18) and is trying to be just like her and is thus copying the "cute, bubbly, awkward" personality thing that Nicole had going, but Nicole was also good at playing the game, and I don't think Alex is gonna be. However, if the houseguests don't see how fake she is, she might go far 'cause they could like her. Her strategy, though, is an exact copy of Nicole's and I don't think it's a good idea to copy the strategy of the previous winner.
Cameron Heard: Even though he does seem like he's very cheerful, upbeat, and friendly, when you really listen to what he has to say he comes off as a bit conceited or even mean. If the other houseguests don't notice this though, I expect him to do very well. He's obviously a superfan who knows a lot about the game, he has a good strategy, and is crazy smart which is never a bad thing. His disadvantage could be certain physical challenges. He did say he snowboards, scuba dives, and stuff, so he might be good at endurance, but he also ended up in the hospital after wrestling, twice, so it seems he doesn't have much strength. But again, I think it all comes down to his social game and we'll just see what that'll be like.
Christmas Abbott: Christmas might be my favorite this season. She seems like such an honest, open, friendly, and cheerful person. Despite that, however, I have to admit that I don't see her getting very far in the game. She doesn't seem to know much about it and her strategy is very basic. I can see her being sort of like Tiffany (BB18); a preseason favorite who is expected to do great things, but then ends up flopping and getting evicted pre-jury. People might see her as a threat, especially a physical one, and she's gonna need a truly great social game to get far in this game. Also, we share a birthday, which is just an immediate point in my book.
Cody Nickson: I think that, if one was to mix Paulie (BB18) and Corey (BB18) into one person, they'd get Cody. He seems like the type of guy who will be dominant in the house and will generally be well liked, much like Paulie, but he also seems a little airheaded like Corey. Much like the two of them, he will probably get in a showmance and all-male alliance. When I read his bio, I really liked him and thought he had hidden smarts and a good strategy and would surprise everyone by going far in the game, but I wasn't so sure after the interview. Even though Paulie was liked in the beginning, he became kinda psycho later on and everybody hated him, and I can see a similar thing happening to Cody. He's either gonna get evicted pre-jury or be in the Final 5. He also seems sort of heartless, which could either be an advantage or a disadvantage.
Dominique Cooper: I honestly really love her. She's my preseason fav next to Christmas. I think she's a nice mix of Natalie and Zakiyah (BB18). Her social game is definitely gonna be strong, but I'm afraid that she's gonna actually turn into Zakiyah; get into a showmance and drop her game because of him, and then float her way to jury. If this doesn't happen, she might not even make it to jury because she doesn't seem to know much about the game or have a great strategy planned out. I do hope she surprises me and kicks everyone's butts, but I don't think we'll be seeing much of her.
Elena Davies: Even though I didn't like her much when I read her bio, she grew on me after I saw her interview. I kind of think that she and I have similar personalities, and relatability is something that I like finding in people. I can see her finding a best female friend and the two of them being the Zakiyah and Da'Vonne (BB17, BB18) of this season. She might try to be super nice and charming at first, but people will start noticing that she can be a bitch later on in the season (as she said herself, she can be abrasive). I don't think she'll be very popular among the female castmates and I see her getting evicted in early jury due to her lack of strategy.
Jason Dent: I definitely think that Jason is unpredictable. I either see him as the class clown whom everyone loves and wants to make an F2 deal with, or the annoying guy who gets evicted fast. I think he seems to have a great personality and could also probably be good at the physical competitions, so it's a shame that he's not very well versed in the game and doesn't have a strategy planned out 'cause I see a little bit of Derrick (BB16) in him and think he could win if he had the smarts, which he unfortunately doesn't seem to have.
Jessica Graf: I feel like Jessica will not be very liked by the female houseguests. She is obviously a huge flirt and I think they'll see her as a threat on more than one level and will want to get her out fast. She also doesn't have a good strategy developed, so unless she aligns herself with the guys, I don't see her making it to jury. And even if she does align herself with them, she's obviously not gonna win. I think she's sort of a Tiffany and Natalie lovechild and will be a quieter Natalie who then gets evicted around the same time Tiffany did.
Jillian Parker: Even though I liked Jillian's strategy at first, I realized how dumb it was when I gave it some thought. She plans to be loyal to the guys and then show them that she's actually a brilliant mastermind, but that would only make them want to get her out even more; and surely they'd choose their bros over her. I think she's very hard to predict, and while I don't dislike her as much as most people do, I don't think she'll make a huge impact on anyone and I see her leaving early on or just floating through the game and then going out in a double eviction, Bridgette (BB18) style. She could definitely become someone's Cabbage Patch Kid.
Josh Martinez: Am I the only one who thinks that Josh is kind of a psycho? Lmao, but seriously, that guy scares me. He's kind of like a giant, rude ape who's just gonna crush everyone to get what he wants. He is another contestant who reminds me of Paulie, but I think that he will show his true colors early on unlike Paulie, people will hate him, and he'll get evicted fast. There is somewhat of a likability factor there since he has a very outgoing personality, and I think he's gonna be good at the physical comps and maybe even the mental ones, but none of it will matter when he starts being rude and loud, and I can guarantee he's gonna do that.
Kevin Schlehuber: I sort of see Kevin as the fun dad type of the group. I think everybody's gonna love him and respect him and nobody's gonna wanna evict him. I can see him making jury, but I definitely don't see him winning. Of course, the show is very unpredictable, so it could go in a completely different direction and he could get evicted pre-jury due to the younger people being intimidated by him. I think he's definitely an interesting one and I'm anxious to see where the show takes him.
Mark Jansen: He's the most precious thing! I seriously think he's so adorable and such a good guy and I just love him. I think he's gonna be the Corey to Cody's Paulie and that he's gonna get into a showmance. While he does strongly remind me of Corey, I like him much more and I'm seriously rooting for him even though I don't actually see him winning. I do see him getting far though, especially since he has a sad backstory that people are just gonna eat up.
Matthew Clines: He has been my favorite right from the start. I think he's a very smart guy, he is a physical threat, he has a great social game, and overall is a promising candidate. I see him being allied with the girls (which is something he said he wants to do) and ending up in a showmance with one of them and then the two of them going to F2. I think he's my overall preseason favorite to win, and I just hope he doesn't disappoint me. I see some Paul (BB18) in him, which is an amazing quality and I hope he doesn't pull a Frank (BB14, BB18) and turns out to be a creep.
Megan Lowder: Even though I absolutely hated her based on her bio, I liked her based on her interview. She can swear in Bosnian which is absolutely amazing and she's a fan of the Harry Potter series, and us Potterheads need to stick together. My prediction is that she and Elena are gonna become best friends, with Megan being the dominant one. After Elena gets evicted, Megan will become even stronger and possibly even make it to F2. She has her strategy planned out in detail, which I don't think is the best idea because you never know what you're gonna get. There are definitely some bad things about her personality and I can see people disliking her, but we'll just have to wait and see because her social game is very hard to predict.
Ramses Soto: What a cutie! I seriously think he's such a fun and positive guy and I want him to get far. I kinda see him getting into an alliance with Cameron and just being this ultra powerful nerd duo and I'd like to see that happen, but I think that teaming up with a good physical player such as Mark would be a great move for him as he seems to have a great social game and he's very smart, but not that athletic. I'm also really hoping that his bubbly personality won't have a counter-effect and annoy people. He has a great strategy planned out, and unlike Megan, he's aware that he might need to change it, which is a good thing. I can see him getting very far if he creates the right alliances, but I don't think I see him winning.
Raven Walton: Raven gives me Meech (BB18) vibes, except she's a lot bubblier. We do have a lot of bubbly contestants this year, but she's the only one whom I find slightly annoying. She said she's gonna tone it down for the actual show, and I hope she does this. I still don't see her getting far though, and I think there's a chance she could get evicted pre-jury just to due to her annoying personality. If this doesn't happen, she will definitely be a floater and, just like I said with Jillian, I can see her becoming a Cabbage Patch Kid. We'll see what happens though, she's a tough one to crack. I can see her being the best at endurance and memory comps, which is a good thing.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled (“Then by much less a married men; for that she was kind”)
Then by much less a married  men; for that 
she was kind, when  fallen in 
darkness. My verse times its only  a honey-thick 
stain that does not touch you  know where shakes. And 
the fifty on a  star of despair: 
now called Lowder was  her, who was 
night at noon, which attracts  the more; nor holybush, 
nor broken, His sight,  that someone asks— how 
want of curiouslyher  firstborn son. You have scope, 
in place, when the  heavenly huntress 
of glorious raimented  in silence deeper 
and the heir. Her  song. Shee is my 
love is on her own  peculiar 
superstition:’“gainst some wild distant  shore the erotically 
swollen moon that  sings there my God. But 
the eye:” both favour, for  their face. And 
wilt thou mayst thou art outgoe. That  brings shadows, said no shadow 
of the measure;  merry Flocke, when 
thou art not, love, and never  star that he saw 
his lips; and thats enough.  The book 
of itself for ornament  doth Musike speak.
0 notes
ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Norska: Too Many Winters
Mixing doom metal and noise rock was prevalent in the mid-2000s—when classic Amphetamine Reptile had as much cultural cachet as classic Earache—but it is somewhat of a relic even now. However, this is the mode of Portland’s Norska, who are mostly known as a side band for YOB bassist Aaron Rieseberg, which is why their recording history is sporadic. Too Many Winters, their second full-length following a split with Fister and a self-titled record, isn’t rife with reinvention, yet still shows Norska as a capable band who wield from familiar—and a few not-so-familiar—sources.
Both YOB and Norska are adept in stretching their energy out through spaced out, hammering thrusts. The doomier tracks that comprise most of the album are as potent as the more raging “Samhain” and “Eostre.” If anything, “Samhain” is where spindly guitar patterns and crushing doom coexist best with each other, especially in its first verse riff that’s weighted enough to roll with Portland’s Orange-Amp orators, yet flexible to bend into something more jangle. Winters’ key strength is that it doesn’t overstay its welcome; those 37 minutes fly by even by doom standards. Its economy is necessary—had they leaned even just an inch more towards the doom side, it would be too plodding, too lost. Even when they turn nearly ambient in the middle of closer “Fire Patience Backbone,” it doesn’t detract from the flow. When they come tearing back in towards the end, it’s all the more furious. 
Norska takes cues from ’80s power and doom metal that aren’t immediately evident, but are enough to set them apart. Jim Lowder’s voice soars towards the end of “Samhain,” and combined with backing vocals, it sounds like Manilla Road arranging gang vocals. Expansive yet rough-edged, it elevates what is normally a stylistic tribute to a past not that long ago, while still grounded enough to not conflict with their more earthbound rawness. Even before Lowder’s vocals kick in, the guitar on “Samhain” turns from Jesus Lizard-worship into more classic Thin Lizzy leads, interlocking melodies that lift spirits. In the title track and “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” Lowder morphs his roar into a bellow, and with an airier guitar when he does so, Norska turn into Candlemass recorded from a distance. While Norska is mostly known in relation to YOB, Lowder carries most of the weight on here, motioning different directions with his vocals. Among bands of this style, cribbing from Neurosis is so common that taking influence from more traditional metal is actually refreshing.
If metal was increasingly multifaceted nearly a decade ago when it came back into critical prominence (and it always has been, even with a few dominating bands), it’s even more so now. Norska’s particular band has been swept away by an increased focus on death metal, less clear-cut forms of experimentation, more traditional ’80s revivals, and even synthwave bands with legit claims to metal. Winters may be a bit behind the times, but it’s well-executed enough to starve off any lingering nostalgia for Scion Rock Fest.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder Reviews First Batch
This is an update for Lowder reviews and what will be in it.
I would like to get out of the way that I have updated the list by making the first batch longest one with seasons from a lot more seasons from Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider by moving seasons from other batches to the first along with adding Ultraman (1966), Ultraseven (1967), and The Return of Ultraman (1971) to make it feel like what I will be doing from now on. Second, this will take a long time to make because of the Lowder-verse, school, and other real life issues but I project that I will possibly finish the first batch by at least 2027.
Here is the list of the shows in the first batch:
Power Rangers Wild Force
Kamen Rider Amazon
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger and Power Rangers Dino Force Brave
King Kong (1933)
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Decade
Power Ranger Jungle Fury
Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Godzilla (1954)
Ultra Q (1966)
Ultraman (1966)
Ultraseven (1967)
The Return of Ultraman (1971)
Kamen Rider (1971)
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Power Rangers SPD
Maho Sentai Magiranger
Power Rangers Mystic Force
Power Ranger Operation Overdrive
GoGo Sentai Boukenger
(Break that will last at least a month or three)
Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Engine Sentai Go-onger
Power Rangers RPM
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai
Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce
Tensou Sentai Goseiger
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters
Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Ressha Sentai ToQer
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Super Sentai Strongest Battle
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger
Power Rangers Dino Fury
Kamen Rider Zi-o
Kamen Rider Saber
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Kamen Rider Double
Kamen Rider OOO
Kamen Rider Fourze
By the time I'm done with the first batch, Lowder Reviews will be put on hiatus ,so that I can finish up until the end of phase 3 of the Lowder-verse which will be when I put that on hiatus, so that Lowder Reviews can continue from there. I hope you understand.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
I've realized that I have to much for Lowder Reviews, so I will put Lowder-verse on hiatus until the end of the First Batch but here is the new updated protagonist roster. (Bold means revealed hereos.)
Phase 1:
Larry Koopa
Pomy Koopa
Sonic the Hedgehog
Mega Man
Tony Tony Chopper
Ancestor of ???
Reincarnation of ???
Komasan and Yuki
Reincarnation of ???
Hero Time and Red Frog
Animatronic with initials BB
Phase 2:
Noob Saibot
Robot with ninja powers
Bitten by spider
Rich orphan
Zombie spider
??? the Duck but magic
Phase 3:
Learning with ??? and rabbit
The Ultimate "Hope"
The Ultimate Hope
Tsukasa Kadoya
Komasan and Yuki
Future spider
Beyond bat
Me but older and tokusatsu
Phase 4:
Horse time 6, purple dragon, and death battle season 10 sprite matchup winner right side.
20th Heisei Rider
Ryuki but American
Wild Access!, Level Up!, Dark Ryuki, Mega Force 6th, Main villain for Eddie, Secret Power! ???!, the Returne of Ultra???
Zyuoh ???, Black Ex-???, Dragon Knight but Japanese, "Let's make this flashy", Jungle Fury Y???, Orb Ultra, and Ultimate Novelist.
The New Generation version of Larry, Pomy, ???, Ham, Guinn, Peni, Chopper, ???, ???, ???, Komasan, and Yuki. Transforming Gorilla and Dinosaur.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder-Verse: The Lowder Files: The First Four Years: Main Characters.
This is going to be a new thing I will be doing for the Lowder-Verse. The Lowder Files will be a biography with it being a way to learn about the characters that are a part of these series with specific characters getting a much longer version being made after the specific character's story is over or about a specific version of them. Here are the main characters.
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Name: Larry P. Koopa
Age: 6
Birthdate: November 27, 2006
Height: 3 Feet
Relationships: Pomy(Best Friend), Bowser Jr. and Wendy (Younger Brother and Sister, respectively), Mickey and Oswald (Mentors).
Personality: A koopa with a big heart and considered the kindest koopa from the species but doesn't have much intelligence with him being a child at heart no matter his age, but if you hurt his friends or are just generally evil, expect him take you down in a fast beatdown that is gonna hurt.
Bio: Larry is a hybird-koopa born from royalty but doesn't really care about his heritage because he feels like the person themself is more important than their status. In these stories, Larry and Pomy will face many enemies and will meet many allies that will help them in the future.
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Name: Pomy Koopa
Age: 6
Born: September 11, 2006
Height: 3'1
Relationships: Larry (Best Friend and Crush), Wendy and Bowser Jr. (Friends), Mickey and Oswald (Mentors).
Personality: A koopa with a kind but sassy personality with a love for food, Larry, and cute things. Pomy is smart than Larry by a lot but has her moments of cluelessness. Hurt her friends or Larry's feelings expect a world of hurt.
Bio: Pomy is a koopa born from a military family with her father being the captain of the koopa guard and met Larry when both were only just infants and grew to
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Name: CT-121181825/CT-LARRY/Eddie
Age: Physically 18 but Biologically only 9
Birthdate: 13 BBY(Before the Battle of Yavin)/November 4, 2003
Height: 6 Feet
Relationships: the Clone Troopers and Boba Fett (Brothers), Jango Fett (Biological father), Kaminoans ("Parents")
Personality: Shy but knows more than usual and less mentally as strong as his brothers but has a kind heart.
Biography: A clone of the Jango Fett DNA from Kamino fighting for the Republic alongside his brothers and a bunch Droids from the Separatist Alliance against the evil clone Stormtroopers from the First Order but unknown to him and others, he has untapped potential.
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Name: Sonic the Hedgehog/Olive Maurice Hedgehog.
Age: 15
Birthdate: June 23, 1997
Height: 3'3
Relationships: Tails (Best Friend), Knuckles, Amy, Sally, Cream, and Shadow (Friends), Eggman (Enemy)
Personality: You should know what his personality is by now.
Biography: "What you see is what you see! Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog" and guy who will help those in need and fight Eggman with his friends and a new ally, Rock.
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Name: Rock
Age: physically 10 but biologically only 19.
Birthdate: Decembe 17, 1993
Height: 4'1
Relationships: Dr. Light (Creator and Father), Roll and Proto (Siblings), Dr. Wily (Enemy)
Personality: A robot with the personality of a 10 year-old boy and with a kind heart.
Biography: A robot programmed by Dr. Light that fights for good and against Dr. Wily and his Robot Masters with his buster and his many abilities that he learns after beating the Robot Masters.
Alright, that is the first of the Lowder files. Expect to be made after I get to a part with a new protagonist.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder Updates
This is going to be my last post of the year. You can now request for to review something but I will not do it until I finish the Zyuohger review and it has to be something that I can legally obtain.
So, I decide to mess around with Photopea to create my new banner.
Here it is.
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As you can see, there are some familiar faces from Larry, Pomy, Eddie, Sonic, Rock, etc to new faces near some familiar faces. Also, I'm introducing new characters to you with those being.
Bowser Jr., Wendy, Mickey, and Oswald are the supporting characters to Larry and Pomy with Jr. and Wendy being Larry's younger siblings and Oswald and Mickey being Larry and Pomy's masters, respectively.
Rex and Cody are the supporting characters to Eddie with them being his older and younger brother, respectively, that serve as his friends that generally help each other.
Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Sally serve as one of half of the supporting characters for Sonic and Rock, with them being there to help both of them when they need it.
Roll, Proto, Rush, Eddie, Beat, Tango, and the Servbots serve as the other half of the supporting cast for Sonic and Rock, with them helping with more technical things, combat, or both.
Tony Tony Chopper is one of the main characters who will appear in the fifth part but for now, he dreams about becoming a doctor capable of curing any disease and is the sworn brother to Luffy, Ace, and Sabo with the reason being unknown on how he met them but he has the potential to become stronger.
You should already be familiar with Komasan and his friends if you've been on my blog long enough but if you aren't Komasan is a Yo-kai that loves Tokusatsu that became a Kamen Rider along with his childhood sweetheart and later wife, Yuki, a yuki-onna that is half Oni, Jibanyan, a nekomata that is in love with Komasan, Usapyon, an otter Yo-kai that has anger issues, and Gilgaros, an oni that is honorable to his friends, with the help Tsukasa Kadoya AKA Kamen Rider Decade, the former "Destroyer of Worlds" that serves as a mentor figure to Komasan, and Daiki Kaito AKA Kamen Rider Diend, a dimensional thief that has a British accent for some and is possibly in love with Tsukasa, even though he already is married to Natsumi, that go on to save the Yo-kai world multiple times from any evil forces.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, and Goro are some of the main characters of Phase 2 and early-Phase 3 that will appear, with Scorpion being an undead spectre that wields fire that was killed by the elder Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero is the younger brother to Noob Saibot that became Sub-Zero after his brother was killed, Noob Saibot is a wraith that is the older brother to Sub-Zero and was the previous Sub-Zero before being killed by Scorpion and was reborn as a wraith with shadow powers, and Goro is the prince of the four-armed species known as the Shokan, that was the previous champion of Mortal Kombat before losing to Liu Kang and went on to wield the spirit of Onaga the dragon king but was saved by Scorpion and Shujinko with Goro joining the Shirai Ryu after his life was saved by Scorpion and Shujinko but still has a part of Onaga's soul in his body that allows to gain wings.
Spider-Ham, Ch'p, Peni, and Lobo are main characters that will appear in Phase 2 after the beginning part and throughout the entirety of Phase 3, with Spider-Ham being a spider bitten by a radioactive pig that became Spider-Ham and gained cosmic powers accidently, Ch'p is a H'lvenite, squirrel-like aliens, that gained a Green Lantern ring and serves as the best friend to Ham, Peni is a girl that was bitten by a radioactive spider to pilot a mech called the SP//dr to help her friends and other heroes, and Lobo is an alien bounty hunter that is the last of species after he killed all of them for his science project, he helps Ham and Ch'p with his skills and healing factor.
If you are asking about the other characters, those are meant to represent most of the first batch of Lowder Reviews and previous reviews. I will see you next time when I create magic with the Lowder-verse. So, Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate and Happy New Year. Also, this is my 100th post so uh happy 100th post.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder-verse Main Cast: Phase 1 Part 1 to 5
I'm just gonna do the Lowder-verse early because I have nothing to do and I'm not starting to watch Wild Force until March, so I will post this to have the main characters ready. There will be more main heroes within part 3 and part 5 along with updated phase armor designs with each part for Eddie.
Introducing our main heroes for the Part 1 to 5
The Blue Striker and our main hero, Larry Koopa
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The Pink Power herself, Pomy Koopa
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A force to be reckon from a galaxy far, far away, Eddie/CT-LARRY
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The Blue Blur himself, Sonic the Hedgehog
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The Blue Bomber and wielder many power, Mega Man/Rock
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Stay tune for the first three parts.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Today is my birthday
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Today is my birthday, I drew the character in my profile, Teddie from Persona 4.
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Lowder-Verse Part 1 will be released somewhere during late December or late-January.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
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"We may not be Power Rangers anymore and our Wild Zords may be gone, but their spirits still live inside us!"―Cole Evans
"A-ma-zon!"―Amazon's transformation call
"You'll be surprised when you hear! The Fanged Brave, Kyoryu Red (Carnival)!―Kyoryu Red's role call
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger Red!"―roll call
"Let's go full Brave and send them flying!!/We'll blow them away with full force Brave!!"―Brave Red Dino/Brave Kyoryu Red's pre-battle catchphrase
Here are my drawings of the first five reviews for the first batch of Lowder Reviews and this is my first time redrawing characters from the past with colors. I don't know if I will do the others but I will do the bios for the five main heroes of the Lowder-verse. See you next time.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
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"What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" — Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure 2
"No, you're wrong! I only fight when I am forced to protect the world from those who would pit machines against man. I believe humans and robots can live in peace!"―Mega Man tells Sunstar his motives, Mega Man V
“You should know, I don't intend to try very hard.” —Larry Koopa, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions
Here's the art I did for the Lowder-verse but separate from that. I would include the other two but they're more OCs than official. I'm still have to finish the remaining Showa Ultras. Also, I now am doing them in color because it looks better. I'm gonna start doing more art for other franchise that aren't limited to Toku because I have a lot of other interests and want to do what I like.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
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"There is darkness because there is light. There is light because there is darkness."―Father of Ultra to Alien Empera, "Words from the Heart -Final Trilogy III-"
"I have many names, on many different planets. For example... Ultraman King. That is what the humans call me."―Ultraman King to Ultraman Hikari, Ultraman Mebius Gaiden: Hikari Saga
"Hikari, I believe now you understand why you have to keep our secret to the end?" "Yes: we should not depend upon others, but to trust ourselves, out potential power." "Correct, this is the very power to keep peace."―Joneus and Hikari regards to why they keep their secret till the very end, To The Ultra Star! Conclusion: Towards Peace and Victory
"We'll save it [the world] or die trying. It's why we were given a second chance."―Chuck Gavin, Ultraman: The Adventure Begins
"Terrific, tell him the Ultra Force says 'Hi'."―Scott Masterson, Ultraman: The Adventure Begins
"Oh well, boys will be boys, right Chuck?"―Beth O'Brian, Ultraman: The Adventure Begins
Here is part 2 to all of the Showa Ultras. I'm probably gonna do the Heisei Ultras after doing the first 2 parts of the Lowder-verse
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Final post for the entire year. Here are the new updates for Lowder Reviews, Lowder-verse, and the Art Post.
Lowder Reviesws
+Kamen Rider Saber has been moved to the first batch of Lowder Reviews.
+I am acquiring merchandise for each of the series, a review that I acquired a lot merchandise for means I like it or got it as part of a bundle and a review of a show or movie that I acquired little for means that it was to expensive or couldn't get it on time.
+Will take requests from people to review things after the first batch.
+The first three reviews of the first batch will probably be released throughout the entirety of the summer with reviews released after it taking at least two months to complete.
-Lowder Reviews will take a lot of time my except if it is Lowder-verse.
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+I am making bios for the main characters after they are announced.
=I have a bunch of ideas for the series but don't know if it will make it into the final story.
-The first part of Lowder-verse has been pushed back from January to late-February or after I finish writing the Wild Force review because of lack of drive, too many ideas and real life issues.
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Art Posts
+Will take requests for art.
+I will start to the Heisei Ultras that are before Ultraman Ginga, Sixth Rangers, and Comic Characters after the first batch of Lowder Reviews.
+Will finish remaking old art for the shows that will be reviewed in the first batch of Lowder Reviews.
-Will probably not happen as often during the summer because of Lowder Reviews.
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That's all the time I have for now. Next year will be a big year for me because of Lowder Reviews and Lowder-verse. Happy New Year for all my followers and thanks for supporting me. Remember, I am what I am and that's all what I am.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder Reviews Update
I have combined both the first and second batches into one and switched part of the order because if this somehow happens to be the end of Lowder Reviews, then I rather end it with Kamen Rider Fourze because it was my first Driver back during the summer when I was getting into Kamen Rider and I would rather end on what I consider to be a good Kamen Rider.
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I'm probably going to release bios for the main characters of the Lowder-verse as my last post but that's probably going to be released either later this week or next week along with some art that I've been meaning to get to.
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