#low quality gifs of a high quality guy or whatever
silverraes · 4 months
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sources report 23 dead, 75 injured after yet another devastating case of Phum with plushies
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
You! 🫵 You have an excellent way of weaving words, it leaves my heart in a kerfuffle! (no better way to describe it otherwise xD)
If your inbox isn’t already exploding, would you be up for a little fluff scenario with good ol‘ Law?
Trope: „Can we keep him? Pleeease?“ - Reader found a snow leopard baby . . 🥹 (If you know you know)
I let you channel your inner Law, I‘m curious how you‘d set the scene :3
Hope it ain’t too dull of a trope - thank you ~!
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OUGH I'M HONORED 🥺 he really does just bounce around in my head like a lil dvd screensaver but also PLEASE that little baby 🥺🥺🥺
[Heads up!: fluff, Law is a sucker for puppy dog eyes we all know, Bepo is an accomplice]
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It's cold.
Dangerously so, the wind making it difficult to keep on your course ㅡ how you're supposed to see anything in the vast tundra of blinding white is beyond you, but you press on.
You have to.
You tug at the fur-lined rim of your parka hood, trying to tug it over the rapidly numbed quality of your lips and nose. You'll be fine, you know that ㅡ the others can't be far from here.
Longing for the warmth of indoors and needing to tell Law what you'd seen in your scout ahead (a whole lot of nothing, unfortunately), you hurry your pace, only to halt at a faint, muffled cry.
Was someone else out here? You still, eyes narrowing as you strain to hear above the whistle of wind.
It takes a minute to hear it again ㅡ raspy and high, like the cry of a child. Your heart sinks as you turn to search for the source. You know Law will scold you if he finds out, much less if it's a trap of some sort ㅡ but the likelyhood of an enemy is low, and you can't just leave a child out here to freeze.
It takes several minutes of searching and stopping to pinpoint the cry before you find the source, and you stare with wide eyes.
No way...
"Cocoa, Captain?"
Law looks over as Bepo places the mug of steaming hot chocolate down beside him, watching tiny marshmallows bob in it before his attention shifts back to the door of the little cabin they've commandeered as a base of sorts.
"[Name] should've been back by now." You'd gone out to scout ahead, take not of any potential enemy activity ㅡ but you've been gone for a while now. And though Law is concerned, he masks it with the rise of irritation.
As if summoned, there's the darkening of the window set into the front door and he tenses for a second before you step in, quick to shut the door behind you.
"Hey guys," you greet. "Sorry I'm late, I got a little sidetracked."
Your cheeks are flush with the contrast of cold to warm, as is the tip of your nose ㅡ but from what Law can see, you're unharmed. Good.
"Anything to report?" He asks and you glance over.
"Huh? No, no signs of enemy activity." There's something you aren't telling him, that much he can tell.
"Are you bleeding?" It's Shachi's question that snaps Law's attention back to your coat, spotting the smear of red that he'd missed on his first once-over.
"Oh," you say as Law stands, intending to assess whatever damage has been done, demand to know what actually happened ㅡ only to halt as you reach for the zipper of your parka. "No, it's this little guy's."
You tug the zipper down, and a rounded, fluffy head wiggles free. Wide, wet looking blue eyes blink at them before a mouth opens to reveal tiny, razor sharp teeth as the creature offers a raspy sounding mew.
"Is...that a snow leopard?"
Several eyes snap to Law for a moment, the familiar speckle of his cap ㅡ and then back to the cub you have cradled in your coat.
"He's been injured," you say as you shuck your coat entirely in favor of cradling the cub to you. It's far bigger than a kitten, but broad paws still curl against you. "I couldn't just leave him out there..."
"[Name]." Law's eyes narrow. "A word, please." He turns to retreat down the hall to one of the other rooms, listening to your footsteps in tow. He waits until you've shut the door behind you before he turns to you. "Explain."
"I scouted as far ahead as I could given the current environment and found nothing out of the ordinary. If there's really something going on here, it's higher up the mountain." Your tone is calm and cool, professional ㅡ and he sighs.
"I meant the cub, [name]."
Your expression crumples as you look down at the leopard cub, and Law notices the ragged cut in its side, fur wet with blood. "I couldn't just leave him out there, Law. He'd die."
"He's a wild animal, [Name]. It's the way nature works." He knows he sounds unnecessarily cruel ㅡ and there's the squeeze of his heart when you frown and cradle the cub tighter to you.
"That doesn't mean I have to let it happen." Your fingers curl into soft fur, stroking gently. "I know he's a wild animal, but I want to help. Can't we keep him? Just until he gets better?"
You look up at him, and Law tenses. There's a shine to your eyes ㅡ he's never seen you cry, and you're about to over a damn cat? No, he knows this tactic. He knows exactly what you're doing.
Damn Bepo for teaching you his weakness to puppy eyes.
His teeth grit, muscle in his brow twitching as you continue to stare, silently pleading. All you're missing is the jut of your lower lip, and he jerks his head, scowling.
"Fine. But he's your responsibility. Now stop looking at me like that, damn it!"
You smile, pleased as you adjust your hold on the leopard cub and step towards him, leaning to brush your lips against his cheek in a soft kiss. "You're cute when you're grumpy, Law."
And then you're gone, hurrying off to gather what you need to treat the cub and leaving Law to process the warmth of your lips on his cheek. "What a pain," he grumbles, but there's a faint upward quirk to his lips.
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hutahuta · 10 months
Desparate to get away from a creep that been harassing you, you rush to pavia despite not knowing each other yet saying he is your boyfriend what will he do? Plsss?
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GN ! Reader — <3
this is probably gonna be long, who knows. i'm writing before i even started LMAO <3
edit; i dont like the way i wrote this idk,, maybe i'm getting a little self conscious of my writing and jdskkdkdkd i'm so sorry.. ;;
thank you sweetie, ilysm for requesting (๑´ ˘ `๑)
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Running to safety hasn't always been your only option. Mostly because your friends encouraged you to carry weapons for your own safety, especially in these streets where you can competently get snatched, stabbed, mugged or any of the sort. In this era? Please. You think people could afford low quality security cameras, with a high price?
Weak hands trembled as you kept insisting that your time was not worth being spent on someone who was firm on the decision that you must simply travel with them to see the city's night scenery.
It's been at least 15 minutes at most with you trying to brush aside him or trying to speed walk out of the way, hoping he wouldn't go bother someone else but at least spare you the chance to get away.
Fortunately, you were not the gullible sort. Whether you've encountered this for the first time, or you've experienced such shuddersome and nightmarish situations for god knows how long, it doesn't matter. None of this is fucking okay.
And you knew that.
Loathsome hands traced the outer space around your bare back, and much to your disgust, it was unbearable to not break their hand as of this second. You had to wait, just so you could still walk with said person and hopefully get the chance to outrun them when you see a nearby crowd flocking up to the nearest street.
' Come, I insist. '
' You've ain't got nothin' to worry 'bout. '
' Aren't you being stubborn? This is what I get for being a nice guy.. What's so bad 'bout someone tryna' treat you out? '
The same shit you'd hear time n' time again. It isn't always the easiest, especially when you'd think he'd carry a weapon on him just in case.
Think, be smart.
Ah, up just ahead, a crossroad catered towards the corner of your eye. Your head didn't turn around too quick, but you'd have seen the elderly couple steadily cross the walk just then. Following suit, a flock of crowds parked themselves up just ahead to watch the physical activities boarded up for their enjoyment.
Fuck.. Okay. Pace yourself.. Three, two, -
Before you knew it, you dashed immediately.
Wind blew and slashed against your face as you carried your burning legs as fast as you could. You didn't know what the hell this freak carried on him and you weren't planning on finding out either.
The crowd proved no use, as he could manoeuvre his way around, shouldering past people aggressively with the occasional loud grunt you can surely figure out that it etched from him.
Dammit, alright. It's fine. It's totally fucking fine, right? You couldn't tell where you were going. You crossed and turned at every corner, and just beyond your reach —..
Stood a man near the corner shop that sold the usual cigarettes and loaded beverages. Stuff that you'd only resort to having when your shift at work really sucked.
White to black hair, black sunglasses with a lavender shirt that had intricate patterns, but not interesting enough to pay too much attention to as of this time.
Please, for whatever God is out there. Offer you some strength. Fortunately, he was quick to stop you in your tracks by halting his hand in front of you, like how one would halt a nearby bus to indicate you're about to get on. However, he essentially demanded your entire body be impacted against his hand. Regardless, it made you panic in a hurry but your uneven breathing made it impossible to speak coherent sentences.
Pretty sure if you saw someone crying and running away like your life depended on it, wouldn't you stop by to help? Pavia was a mercenary, and a merciless one at that, but he wasn't entirely soulless.
' Now, where are you running off to in such a hurry? ' He had an accent. A lollipop stuck between his lips. What is it? Cherry? Strawberry?
Words. Just use words.
' Help, please.. Creep. Following. Behind me. ' Behind your uneven breaths, and horrid panting that caused a crack in the tone of your voice, he seemed to understand.
Or, somewhat get it. If it's anything staining this world, it's filth like this random person trying to inflict damage on innocent people like you who are just trying to get by their day. You look innocent to him. Exhausted, but innocent. Like a little lamb fleeing the slaughterhouse.
If it's one thing he hates, it's seeing the poor souls who resemble the innocence he once had. The chance that they could have to flee themselves from trauma, is the chance I believe Pavia would be willing to give. He must despise seeing the fear inside eyes that used to resemble his own when he was tucked away from the rest of society, forced to grumble under nothing but the deafening silence within the basement of his aunt's home after wailing out apologies and horrid voice cracks just to plead for his own freedom.
So. Seeing yours is no different.
Regardless, you do know the impact of you being outside.. especially during the evenings where it's dark and the sky turned into a murky ocean blue haze, gradients shifting darker by the hour and minute..
Gripping onto his shirt, your pleas to beg him to act as someone you might be familiar with, or perhaps even wear the stalker off with claiming that he is your temporary boyfriend, might strike something within Pavia..
Standing still, you rested yourself against his steady arm, holding you in place. Swiftly, he moved you against the wall, whispering a soft 'Then forgive me.' And yet, here were the thudding footsteps of your attacker. With a quiet look on your face, he stepped out of the shadow, amidst his hounds that surrounded his feet by seconds.
You couldn't believe it??
' Problem, amico? ' Resonated that voice of his, something to admire. Glistening under such beautiful moonlight, you could tell how the silver lining had outlined the steel plate of the metal cutting into the familiar shape of a pistol embedded within his pocket.. Huh- Shit— was he dangerous too? You only needed protection, not some bloodied out battle to settle for your freedom?? You're not looking to go to jail this early, anyways.
' I sincerely hope that you aren't getting aquatinted with my.. beloved? Huh? Lest I take that pretty little tie of yours to add into my collection. Divertente~ '
You didn't ask for his name, but your slender hands placed itself on his shoulder, still unable to catch your breath beneath these minutes that were unbearably silent to surpass.
Behind him, your body rested upon his, one hand eagerly coiled warmly against his waist like vines on a old pillar.
The stranger didn't wish to be aquatinted with you in any sort at first, but he was a playful hound of a man. With eyes that looked at you, then back at your stalker. Maybe talking with you a little more after this wouldn't hurt, right?
' You know, amico. ' He approached.
' There is something quite thrilling to have the echoes of thuds of dead bodies fall flat against the surface when you hear that deadly gunshot linger in the back of your head, huh.. You know, my boss tried the same thing. '
And yet, it feared him in some way. Your eyes replicated that of a lost puppy. Those puffy cheeks, reddened and exhausted from running ever so much, oh my.. Something sparked inside of him.
Compared to his gaze, that had his pupils dilated so small, it reflected insanity upon them. He whispered a quiet ; ' I suggest you surrender before it gets ugly? aha.. '
All it took—; was the slow movement of his slender, yet ringed hands to reach into his lower pocket-
And by the second.
They left. You heard grumbled apologies.. and shuffling. But that was mostly it.
The stranger dressed in purple didn't bother to turn to look back around at you to see if you're alright or not, but there was a smirk on his face. A smile on it that he could only turn his head to the side which he could witness your breathing slowly starting to become tolerable; that lollipop twirled itself around his fingers.
Maybe a factor of it played into it because he just saved you, but some part of you could tell a fraction of him enjoyed teasing you with his playful gaze. As if you knew what he were to already say.
The public here avoid trouble but when they see terrible news on the media, they flock together like birds to ready themselves into war. It's nearly impossible to fight against society's norms, but you suspect that's why nobody but him offered such help.
And you were lucky.
Seems like it won't be the only time you'd meet this stranger by the looks of it. He said nothing more than patting your shoulder softly, then moving back inside the building.
Pavia wouldn't be the best at trying to offer comfort but he knows better than anybody else on how events like these tend to fuck you over. The shit people put up with on a daily basis makes him want to spit on lowly people for even thinking they have the right to breathe the same air as you.
Pavia merely reached his hand towards your trembling figure. He seemed to contemplate whether it was a good choice to get to know you, but under these circumstances, that stalker could still be lingering about. What better to do than to have him offered to sit beside you until you feel safe to go on your own again.
After all, maybe it's the safest option..
And who knows? You'll become acquainted with this stranger soon enough with time.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Nami x female reader ☆
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This gif is so high quality?! And she looks so beautiful here⁉️⁉️😍
I’m writing this with anime nami not opla but I just had to use this gif 😋
shopping w her WILL take hours!
not that you mind! It’s fun!
you guys laugh, make jokes, buy snacks and try on clothes
you two hype each up and “no! Your butt looks fine in those jeans!”
you two are fashion icons
anyone who says otherwise is jealous~
sometimes you do fun challenges where you buy each other clothes and see if you like them
(You always do)
if your silly like luffy/usopp
she doesn’t get as annoyed with you as she with those two but she still scolds you
at least you don’t get hit 🤷‍♀️
”WHY are you going along with those two MORONS’ plans?!”
”why not namiii? It’s fun, you should join us!”
*huffs and turns to get robin instead* “Robiiiin! Could you help me raise the sails?”
your more likely to convince her to goof off than luffy and usopp so they always make you do it
and sometimes she goes with it!
only because she loves you and your silly little smile 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😒(😊)
if your a more serious person though she low key appreciates that!
and by that I mean the fact that you are sane
you might’ve got together because your romantic
like as in you know how to go on an actual date and don’t have a nut for a brain 💖
you buy her paper and pens as gifts
and also clothes!
especially after pirate payday 😉😋👌
you guys likely talk about your past together and if you were there for hers you comfort her
vise versa as well if you joined after her
If your an affectionate person she doesn’t mind but she lowkey prefers to be in private
like little kisses, linking arms and hugs are more than fine (as long as you don’t overdue it)
but being straight up sappy?
That’s not how she rolls..
if you have a lot of energy…..
”calm down y/n! Enough with the kisses!”
”okay okay! Not now!”
never in a mean way or anything
Just do this later will you?! 😅
Stress Sunday <3
where you both vent your feelings to each other weekly (or monthly if chaotic circumstances happen-)
this started because Nami’s stubborn independence and somewhat wack communication skills (LOL)
you initiated it
she agreed because she needed it more than she wanted to admit and knew that
mostly just strawhat stress (luffy, usopp, chopper, sanji and zoro)
you guys go in the girls room, the aquarium (if luffy and usopp ain’t there) or the library on every Sunday you can
you guys talk about the past a lot (as well as some of the straw hats as well)
you both welcome robin with open arms if she wants to join too !!
she pours tea or lemonade and serves the snacks sanji made!
she’s an excellent advisor so listen up👂‼️
doing/washing each other’s hair is a thiiiiiingg!!! 💥💥💥
it’s so relaxing and goes hand in hand with stress Sunday 😍
you both take turns scrubbing the luffys and headaches away
really massaging the scalp and making the other melt in comfort 💗💥💗💥
then you put it up in a cute style for the day/night
and btw when this happens it’s it RELAX time
which means it doesn’t matter if the ship is sinking, flying or doing back flips the navigator is OFF limits
Whatever the straw hats do just don’t let zoro take charge 🤷‍♀️
Nami’s love languages are quality time and some gift giving<33
quality time doesn’t have to be special
as the one who enforces peace around the merry/sunny she appreciates any quiet she can get with you
although a refreshing hot spring/beach date would be ideal….
again it can just be doing simple things;
walking on a new island (that’s not chaotic)
creating maps while you do your hobbies in the same room
watching the ocean/sunset
chatting and eating lunch
all of those little things matter to her 💛
for gift giving 💝
It depends if you like flashy materialistic things or gifts with deep meaning
for flashy gifts she gets you luxurious dresses/suits (if your a more masculine female)
lots of rings
anything of the highest quality for your hobbies
your a writer? A pen that doesn’t hurt your fingers just for you! :)
a artist? Lots and lots of high quality paint!
for more sentimental gifts it’s bracelets with your birthstones
pictures of previous vacations you enjoyed
she’d honestly prob still get you stuff for your hobbies too
and tangerines 🍊🧡
you being a female doesn’t fluster her much or anything
she’s quite content before and after she realizes she loves you/when you start dating
if anyone wants to insult you they can try it-
it’ll only land them in a world full of hurt
and by that I mean Nami’s version of fist of love 😜
Robin is your biggest supporter
Luffy is like the most carefree guy ever
if anything you’ll get a “huhhh?? nami why are you dating a girl?”
😬😒 ✊ 💥💥
he never mentions it again..
zoro really doesn’t care
none of his business 🤷‍♀️
usopp supports! He’s aware of lgbtq+ and doesn’t mind at all<3
sanji is………utterly crushed and disappointed….(ROBIN-CHWAAAAAN~ [he’s going to vent and plead for her love])
chopper is a reindeer….so once you explain it he’s okay with it! c:
franky also knows about lgbtq+ and is probably one.. supports!
brook (♡) is educated and has no qualms<3
(dudes’ like 90 how could he not know?)
jinbei knows what lesbians are, he supports!
for the record if you tell luffy that two girls liking each other = lesbian = lgbtq+ = the thing bon clay is = queer…..he might get it !!
;3 -Brook
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obanais-koibito · 1 year
Kamaboko Squad x Reader Baking Halloween Treats Together Headcanons
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When you asked him for help in the kitchen, he wasn’t crazy about it but he certainly wasn’t opposed to it
He enjoys spending time with you doing things that you find entertaining 
He tries his hardest for it to be perfect but easily gets annoyed when he accidentally pours too much of something or sets the oven too high or low
He ends up getting really frustrated but immediately calms down when he hears your reassuring words and tries again
When you both finish the baking process, you began to decorate them
Genya was blown away by how your creative mind worked when he saw you placing chocolate on top of the cookies you made and drizzling some on the sides to make spider cookies
When he saw how proud you were of your guys masterpiece, he couldn’t help but smile
He will definitely try to get better at baking so that he could have more of these moments with you, it was all he could ever ask for
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He was overjoyed and excited to have the opportunity to bake along your side
He was the one that got you into baking so it warmed his heart to see that you enjoyed it this much
He would be extremely careful and accurate with the recipe, he was really good at baking!
 If you needed assistance, he walk you through the process with a smile adorning his face
While the cookies were baking, he would bring you into a warm embrace while you waited for the cookies to finish
He would watch in awe while you decorate the cookie and then he would decorate alongside you
He was in love with the smile that grew on your face once the cookies were baked and decorated
You both agreed to do this more often and while you were talking, Nezuko stole a cookie and ate it :p
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He threw you on his back and raced to the kitchen so that you could start immediately 
He watched intently as you showed him what to do and how to do it and he would swear that he would do whatever it takes to execute the recipe perfectly
Not even 2 minutes later, he is sobbing uncontrollably on the floor because he couldn’t understand why he can’t understand the labels on the recipe such as tsp or tbsp
He tried to get the measurements correct so he guessed and once the cookie dough was done, you put it in the oven (he was terrified of one of you getting burnt so you had to do it when he was distracted)
When the cookies were done baking, you showed him how you wanted to decorate them and he did fairly well on that part
When it came to the taste test they were HORRIBLE
They were so salty and fell apart, you concluded that Zenitsu got the sugar and salt mixed up 
You may not of been able to eat cookies that were decorated as spiders, but you were able to spend some quality time with you boyfriend
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Flour, eggs, sugar, and chocolate was EVERYWHERE
When you asked him to bake with you, he had no idea what that meant so he thought you were challenging him to a duel
This caused him to rush towards you, slam into you which obviously caused you to stumble back and knock over everything
He grabbed an egg and threw it at you and that provoked you to throw an egg back at him
You both started throwing all of the ingredients at each other and had a food fight
When Aoi came in to see what all the commotion was, her jaw dropped once she saw the absolute nightmare in front of her
Safe to say that you both didn’t make those spider cookies you were hoping for but at least you both spent time together and enjoyed it
You both spent the rest of the night cleaning the kitchen and once Aoi approved and asked if you learned your lesson, Inosuke replied, “No because I would do it again.”
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 157/310
2015 British GP
And we're back again in Silverstone. I still only have the race available, and it's in low res so sorry for the gif quality. And so I now have it all in better quality so it's all fixed, let's see what the prerace build-up has in store for us. 
Before quali, the race directors warned the drivers about the track limits. Guess how many drivers saw at least one of their times deleted for track limits violations? Eleven. Anyway it was, unsurprisingly, a Mercedes front row with Lewis on pole. Williams locked the second row, Massa ahead of Valtteri. 
And Lewis talked about his pole lap with Brundle. He's ahead of "his nemesis mister Vettel" in terms of number of poles, Brundle says. Lewis says it's crazy then chuckles like what Brundle said just registered and says he can't believe it. He credits the team and the car. They talk about very specific things in very specific corners, I'm not gonna go into details. 
Of course we get a Lewis segment, I mean it's the British gp. Johnny went to learn how to drift with him. They're laughing their asses off. They ended up in the gravel. Istg they're laughing so much they seem fucking high. Then it turns into an interview.
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Johnny asks why Lewis wasn't there for testing. He says he had health things he needed to get checked out and it was more important to him and also he doesn't feel like he gets a lot out of testing, but that's not why he didn't do it. His hair is a STRUGGLE jesus. It looks so dry. Johnny asks why the team has been so incredible. Lewis says it's been a year and half of dominance and such a special journey he's taken with this team. Collectively everyone is doing an amazing job. It's been his best year in terms of qualifying so far. Johnny says hopefully they fixed the clutch issue that fucked up his start in Austria. What about the track? He says he's been watching Nigel Mansel win at this track, and Johnny himself. Johnny says something about Nigel something one second a lap. Lewis repeats : "one second a lap?!" They're talking over each other I can't understand. "I don't know where he got that one second," Lewis says and they laugh. Then he says it's the best feeling when you win, when a Brit wins that race. It's hard to describe that feeling. Johnny describes the sea of flags. Lewis says British fans in general for whatever sport are so enthusiastic. He thinks Nigel is right and the fans do give you an extra boost. He says he doesn't know how much it's worth, maybe it's that second. They laugh again. 
And we cut straight to his side track interview. Natalie asks how energised he is by the support he's getting here.
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He says it never gets old, they just went around the track and there's no blank area, the fans are everywhere. He hopes they can do it for them today. She asks if the pole felt sweeter because he had to work for it, it hasn't been the smoothest of weekends. He says he never wants anything done easily, he likes to do things the hard way.
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Nico was doing really good as well. But the weather is getting better, there's so many fans there, so many British flags and caps, "guys I appreciate it, I hope I can do it for you today!" Natalie says they have a girl right there who's turning 21 that day. Apparently he's her favourite driver. But she's busy talking with Jenson at the moment. How did she get the opportunity to be there in the first place, I don't know lol. He ducks around and goes to see the crowd. Natalie taps on her shoulder. "You've just missed Lewis." The girl turns around horrified. "Nooooo!" – "You've just missed him!" Natalie repeats. He's climbing the fence to the fans in the background. Waving. He jumps back down and walks back to Natalie. We don't see what happens with that one girl in the end. 
On the way to the grid, Nasr's Sauber stops on the track. He can't seem to get it started again. 
On F1's YouTube channel I've found a video of the drivers' fan meetings and a segment about Lewis so let's watch that! 
On stage, Johnny asks Lewis if he's gonna do it this time, after his troubles in Austria. Lewis puts his hand in his pocket with a sigh and starts "you know…" but the crowd cheers so loudly he chuckles. "I can't believe how many people are here!" he says instead. Nico is expecting his first child btw, I didn't know that. He gets a lot of cheers too. A girl in the crowd asks Lewis who's his favourite team-mate. He says he doesn't think anyone has a favourite team-mate lol. "No one likes a team-mate. I'm kidding." Then he's off the stage throwing caps in the crowd. He signs autographs and says he's never seen so many British fans.
In his segment, Lewis is in Brackley talking about last year's championship. He says it feels like yesterday. Seeing the car he won with there brings back a lot of memories. "But it's strange cause the world never stops, it keeps going and you kinda have to move on so… So quickly to focusing on the next year, but it's an amazing feeling, 2 time world champion." He says at times his friends remind him, or they'll say he didn't drive too bad that weekend and he'll say "yeah well… I am world champion." He laughs. "And then they'd say 'no, TWO'" and it reminds him like that.
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They're looking at the 2014 trophy wall. The journalist asks if the trophies have come to mean something different to him over the years. He says they mean a "huge amount" to him. He says it's the end result of all that you go through with the engineers and the training and in your psyche and then the race itself. "And when you stand up there this is like the proudest moment." The journalist asks what trophy would catch his attention there in terms of races. He doesn't think long. "It probably would be…" and he put his finger on one of the glass doors. "Bahrain," the journalist says. "Bahrain," he repeats with a smile. He says he wasn't the quickest in the race and to be able to manoeuvre the way he did around Nico even though he was faster was the greatest feeling.
They walk to the W05 and he says it's probably his favourite car in his career." I actually just wanna take it home," he says. "But they would never allow that!" he adds with a chuckle. He explains that he had to adapt the ergonomics of the car when he arrived because what Nico had did not match his centre of gravity etc. "So when I moved that, it was interesting," he smiles again, "because then Nico followed. Same position and everything." He also says he does his moulding himself, the foam shaving etc, and doesn't let anyone else do it because he knows how he wants it. He enjoys doing it. Then the steering wheel is about simplicity. He says the engineers want to give them so much information and his job is to say what he needs and doesn't, what he'll try and test to decide if he needs it or not and then he decides how and where to put it on the steering wheel and how it appears on his screen. Nico's buttons aren't in the same order. 
They talk about the last few laps in Abu Dhabi last year. The journalist says of course Nico had problems then but Massa was getting closer and closer. He asks what it was like for him. Lewis says Massa was never really a threat, he could answer to him. He says 2007 in China, he only had to finish 5th but wanted to win, and was racing to win. (Remember what happened? It was the penultimate race of the season and Lewis could win the title right there, as he said, by finishing 5th. It was a wet race. And halfway through, his tyres were gone from how much he was pushing, he was losing grip. He tried to pit but ended up in the gravel and couldn't get out anymore. It was a terrible DNF.) He says if he'd known what he knows now, he would have focused on winning the championship more than winning the race. Then in Abu Dhabi 2014, in these last three laps, he knew Nico wasn't in contention for the race win anymore and he knew he just had to bring the car home. The journalist asks if he was talking to the car. He hums. "Sometimes. Sometimes I've done that, yeah." But he can't remember if he did it in that race. But he's absolutely done that some times. "You kind of rub the tub 'come on we can do it, we can do it, we can make it'". He says there's a special bond between the driver and the car as the car keeps them safe and you work with it to achieve your goals. He says he'll miss that bond when he stops racing. Then they talk about the bond he has with the British fans and he says he truly believes the energy they send makes a real difference.
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Lewis reports poor grip out of his grid box. Worrying for the start. 
And they're racing! 
Oh my god what the absolute fuck? Massa takes the lead? And Valtteri takes P2? What happened to these Williams? No, Lewis maintains P2 but he's wheel to wheel with Bottas! Valtteri is indeed ahead!!! WHAT IS GOING ON. At the back Maldonado and Grosjean made contact and went wide. Jenson is trapped in the gravel and Lewis just overtook Valtteri for P2. Safety car out. 
Jenson is out, Grosjean is out. Alonso pits. It's a bad one, they struggle to take his nose off. Maldonado has also stopped after all. That's 3 DNFs in one lap again. So both McLarens actually made contact which is the reason for both the stop and Jenson's DNF. 
The safety car is coming in. Lewis is basically ON Massa’s rear tyres he's so close. He attacks but locks up. He goes wide, and Valtteri overtakes him again! He's now defending against Nico. After a few laps, Lewis finally sets the fastest lap. He's put Valtteri back in DRS range. It's on. Valtteri himself is only half a second behind his team-mate but then he's informed he's not allowed to race him for now. They say the same thing to Massa, adding that they have to pull away from the Mercedes together. That seems dangerous at the moment. We're told Valtteri is complaining that he has more pace and Ted agrees he's Williams' best chance. And just then, on lap 10, he attacks Massa. 
So that's Massa, Valtteri right on him, Lewis 0.9 behind, Nico over a second further then Hulkenberg, Raikkonen, Kvyat, Seb, Perez and Sainz for P10. We hear Valtteri's engineer repeat he's not to attack and Valtteri says he has more pace, asks if he can overtake and says he can do it on the back straight. The answer comes shortly after : it has to be a "really clean move" and he has to pull away once in the lead. Valtteri doesn't let him repeat. "Copy." (It's hot, sorry not sorry, we love assertive Valtteri in this house.)
He can't make it on the next lap though, but both Williams are still faster than the Mercs. Interesting. Massa goes wide but still, Valtteri is behind. The Mercedes mechanics are readying themselves?! They go back in. Seb pits though. Daniel complains of a loss of power. Valtteri attacks again, he's so close! They need to let him through, come on. Lewis is called in. 
It's lap 20. 2.4 stop! Great job! He's out in P4. Massa and Nico come in as a result. They're side by side in the exit! Massa stays ahead of him although Lewis is virtually in the lead. Valtteri pits. Lewis is in the actual lead and Nico attacks Valtteri for P3, Valtteri stays ahead! The crowd is going wild for Lewis. Daniel retires his car. Now both Williams are told it's a race to the end including against each other. They're announcing possible rain before the end of the race and indeed dark clouds are gathering. Oh we also lost Verstappen at some point? Okay. 
On lap 30, then, Lewis is 5 seconds in the lead ahead of Massa, Valtteri is 1.4 seconds behind him, and Nico 0.6 seconds further down. Behind them it's now Raikkonen, Seb, Kvyat, Hulkenberg, Sainz and Perez. The rain should hit in 20 minutes and be an actual downfall. That might change things. Nico is told to give it everything. Yellow flags, Sainz slows down. That's the second Toro Rosso probably DNFing, yep. He's stopped. Virtual Safety Car. Here we go again. 
And it starts raining. 
Lewis : "So far it has stopped." Bono : "Nobody's stopped yet." Lewis : "No : the rain has stopped." But he might just be in a different part of the track because the Williams are struggling now and Valtteri goes wide while Nico closes on him but Nico goes wide as well! The Mercedes mechanics are getting prepared. Valtteri calls for a pit for the second time but his engineer maintains the rest of the track is dry and it has stopped raining. Seb overtakes Raikkonen for P6. Raikkonen pits. Nico overtakes Valtteri. Ted says if you believe the radar the shower has indeed passed and Bono says so as well to Lewis, who just went wide. He adds the next one should be 5 minutes away and light. 
It's lap 40 and Lewis is 5.5 seconds ahead of Massa, himself 3 seconds ahead of Nico. Valtteri is of course P4, Seb P5, Kvyat P6, Hulkenberg P7, Raikkonen now P8, Perez P9 and Ericsson is currently P10. Nico is closing on Massa very quickly or rather Massa is losing a lot of time. Nico overtakes him. And very quickly Lewis is losing insane amounts of time as well, as he says it started raining again, and Nico is reducing that gap very very quickly. And by that I mean 2 seconds a lap. LEWIS PITS fuck he says he has no grip! It's raining harder and he gets the inters, Seb does as well, is it the right decision? Nico wants to come in as well now. There's umbrellas in the crowd. It's a 3.4 stop for Nico and Williams are stacking their cars, Valtteri is gonna lose out in the process. No! He actually did not have to wait at all! His stop was even quicker than Massa's! 
Anyway, that's Lewis back in the lead 8.7 ahead of Nico, ahead of Seb! 5 laps to go. Nico is losing time on Lewis. Yellow flags, it's a Marussia going off and joining back without a front wing. Raikkonen has to stop again because he put the inters too early. 
It's the end of the race! 
And Lewis WINS! Again! Ahead of Nico and Seb!
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Niki says nobody can complain anymore after such an incredible race (remember at the time there's a lot of talk about F1 being boring). Ted asks who decided to pit Lewis right at the time he did because it was absolutely perfect timing. He doesn't really answer, he just says thank god. Lewis does a donut lol. 
In the cool down room, he's out of breath. He woos as he sets down his helmet. "The rain came…" he says. And he sighs. Nico is sipping water in a chair, Seb comes to shake his hand. (sorry for the gifs glitching, that’s from the video, nothing I can do.)
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Then Lewis walks to Nico to shake his. "Good job !" he says. 
OH MY GOD IT'S BONOOOO YESSS Lewis finally turns around and sees him as Bono tells him something that I can't make out ("it was a lot harder than it should be, innit?" I think) . "Aww dude!" Lewis exclaims as he goes straight in for a hug with much pats on the back.
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"So happy you're here man." – "That was brilliant," says Bono. Lewis goes back to his hair. Nico talks to Seb in German so Lewis goes back to Bono.
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Lewis thanks his fans. He says he was gunning the whole way and he really wanted to do it for them. He's thankful for the support, he could see them through the corner of his eye every lap. The interviewer asks him about the start. He thinks it was due to poor grip, but it made the race even more exciting for the fans. He says for the first time in his career he made the perfect decision with his pit stop.
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Then after the two others' interviews, he's asked if he has a message for the fans who came to see him. He says "hum… My Mom's down here!" and the interviewer waves his hand "hi mom!"
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He says he's elated, "you can't imagine how happy I am." He says he started tearing up on his last lap. "Really hoping that I could hold on to it for you guys." He says he felt them all the way. He finishes by saying he'll keep pushing for the championship and "thank you so much for all the support, now let's party!" 
Postrace, Valtteri said he was sure he could have pulled away if he was in front, but he also said that "no one should let anyone by. That's not racing, but it would have been nice to have been able to race when I had the best opportunities." 
There was a minor controversy surrounding the moment the merc mechanics came out to the pits and then back in, which Toto admitted was "a bit of a game", because according to sporting regs, the mechanics are only allowed in the pit lane for pit stops. In the midst of it there was a text from Susie Wolff to her husband apparently saying "you guys think you can fool us, ha, ha, ha." Anyway nothing came out of it but some fans were calling for a penalty on twitter or something. 
Lewis showed up in the media pen with the trophy.
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His name is not etched on it yet. He's buzzing. He says it was one of the trickiest races he's had for a long time but it was fantastic. He says it's fortunate it was a difficult start for the both of them and not just him. He was eager to get Massa at the restart but went deep. He couldn't overtake those guys. Great pit stop. And then it rained. "I was like 'oh my god'" he groans with a smile.
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He says it's difficult because when you're the first car you're the first to test everything out, to feel out what the track's doing. But he kept seeing the crowd from the corner of his eye and didn't wanna drop it for them. And then he came in for the wets just at the right time. (He's beaming, that one decision was really something. He looks so utterly satisfied with himself hehe.) "When I came out though I'm thinking 'I HOPE that it does rain'" he says with a chuckle.
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He sighs. He says those last laps, especially the final one, he felt really emotional. Just hoping he could keep on the track for everyone. Natalie asks if the perfectly timed pit stop was genius or luck. He says there's nothing genius about it and he also doesn't think it was luck. He says you can just see as you go how much is raining and what parts of the circuit are getting wet and he had info from the engineers. He says it was just "for once" the right call. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong. She asks if he was surprised by the Williams' start and their straight line speed. He says not the straight line speed, they've always had that. He says the Mercedes had a lot of wheelspin yesterday already, although his clutch actually performed really well, it was a grip problem. They'll analyse it to see what that was but, he smiles, he's happy with the clutch that he chose and will use it in the next race.
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She says interestingly he and the team said the Ferraris and Williams wouldn't be a threat today but it looked like at one point they might have been. He says with the Williams, it's a medium and high speed circuit and you can't follow. But he got close anyway and then he says something about traffic when he got out of the pits. She asks for a final word on the fans. They've been the best this weekend as they are every year. He does honestly believe they have the best fans in the world here, whatever the sport is. The energy was electric. 
Okay so now that I've watched the full broadcast I'm unsure where that was from because I didn't see it in it, maybe it was post quali idk but here's something I found before I had access to the full broadcast :
I've found the post race interviews but the quality's too poor to make gifs. Ted says it's difficult to stay focused and do what he's supposed to do and stay focused on what everyone wants aka for him to win the race. Lewis says he thinks what's important is to focus on what you want rather than what everyone else wants. So he does his own thing and of course his goal is to win the championship but that doesn't mean he can't do anything else outside F1 and he thinks it's strange how some people feel like that's the way it is. He says he's not doing anything particularly different this year compared to the previous years although he might be more visible this year. "I would say I'm enjoying myself more this year." Ted says he didn't ask about him doing other things. He asks if he's read thing about that. Lewis answers something but the mic isn't with him so I don't hear. He says something about Ted talking about focus and doing other things this weekend, "are you not?". Ted is genuinely baffled. "No, no," he says in a higher pitched voice. "I was just asking… I don't know, were you talking about people asking you about where, why…" Lewis is talking again but I can't hear. It's weird and confusing. I didn't understand Ted’s question at the start either, I thought I'd miss some of it. Lewis says he thought he meant about how he balanced his life with racing. Ted says again "no, no" and finally clarifies he meant how he balances the demands at his home grand prix. Lewis throws his head back "ooohhh…", smiles, looks at someone on the side and laughs. Ted goes on saying he doesn't get the same attention here than, say, in Malaysia. I see Lewis mouth "of course" and he gives him the mic. "I don't feel any particular demands here," he says. "I just feel it's, like a super positive weekend. This is the weekend where you know you're gonna have– it's gonna be like 130'000 people here, it's probably gonna be more over the weekend and you know that a good portion of them, a large portion of them, are there for the Brits. I want, you know, myself and Jenson and the guys to go out there and do the best that we can and at least one of us come out with a, you know, with the nation's flag at the top next to P1. So that's, you know– there's no real negative, there's no negative at all coming here. Naturally there's pressure within yourself because you want to do way better than perhaps you do in other places." Ted says he wanna go back to what he was saying earlier about doing other things than F1. I understand that he apparently missed a testing day or something. Ted asks if there was a reason why he asked to be excused from it. Mmh. Dangerous territory. Lewis tilts his head, adjusts his sunglasses, answers immediately. "You know I had– I had some doctor uh, some doctor checkups that I had erm, which I felt was more valuable– actually, actually it was, it was more valuable for me to get done and so that's why I chose not to do the test." Ted pushes his luck : "did it matter that Nico got track time instead?" Lewis answers : "Erm… I don't personally feel so." 
We cut back to the broadcast and Ted says "that was slightly awkward with Lewis Hamilton wasn't it? I think he thought I was asking a different question but he obviously is defensive. He was with Pharrell Williams the first day of the Austrian test, he put that on social media so he is gonna get asked when he makes on twitter things public." He's saying all that to Craig Slater, who says Paddy Lowe has been asked a couple of times about Lewis’ whereabouts and had to make excuses for him, "and try and explain, maybe without revealing the truth, why he wasn't there." He also points out that him then having apparently a medical issue is interesting. 
Ohhhh Carmen is in the team photo 🥺🥰
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Look at her talking with Bono 🥺
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Lewis is swamped by the journalists and cameras but climbs the barriers either way to salute the fans. They're ROARING. 
And Lewis is finally back for one last interview with them. He jokes with Johnny that he was driving better today than the other day when they were together. They laugh. He says that drifting experience definitely made a difference for him today. The crowd behind him is chanting his name. He says he loves racing and when the guys passed him at the start he was actually excited for a "natural race". They joke some more about the drifting.
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He's asked to talk about the start and he's interrupted by how loud the crowd is being. He chuckles and he explains the whole wheelspin thing again but behind him they're still chanting and they cheer every time he briefly turns around to smile at them.
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Johnny asks about the rain and the pit stop call. He confirms it was his call. He says he was trying to stay out as long as he could but he could see more and more droplets. He says he doesn't know if the people at home know, when you're driving through the rain it looks like it's pouring but in some places it's not. And then in other places it's worse and when you get there you start aquaplaning and it's scary, he says with the usual huge grin he has for scary things. It was getting slippery so that's when he made the call. Simon says they drew straws for who was gonna interview him because both Johnny and Hill have their names on the trophy. He says only 2 other Brits apart from him have their names on it three times : Jim Clark and Nigel Mansel. Does it mean a great deal to him? It does, being a part of British history and of this race's history. He turns around to talk about the fans. "We got the best fans here, man, it's crazy." The trophy holds so much history (it's one they can't keep btw, they have one they can take home but this one stays there) he knows that way after his time they're gonna be a part of it, he says to Johnny who's holding it. He says having the Hamilton name on it, he's proud of what he and his family achieved to be up there with it. Simon says he has to chase down Jim Clark's five wins, that's the next target, then he asks what he's gonna do tonight. He says he's gonna stay there for a few days but he doesn't have anything planned for tonight. "I'm gonna have a good meal that's for sure um… I'll have some sweets, and I might have a drink tonight." Johnny hands the trophy over, and Lewis walks to the barriers and climbs up to lift it up over his head for the crowd.
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dialsdrnk · 8 months
new muses added ! i also dropped a few who i hadn't done anything with. under the cut, there's some introductions. <;3 please like if you want me to come plot with you for any of them.
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phillip "lip" fry. jeremy strong. 45. bisexual. he/him — coo of a multi-billion media company, divorced, absolute failure of a father and husband. few redeeming qualities, overall public menace. disclaimer: highly inspired off of kendall roy, not even gonna lie about it. he's like kendall but written by someone who's never seen succession. me, i've seen like 3 episodes. selective muse.
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jeffrey love. timothy olyphant. 54. bisexual. he/him — starting out strong with another bad father, jeff. he's a sports agent who has been married once, young, had a son and promptly fucked off; however, he's now taking a turn and after years of partying and traveling the world, he's decided to get sober and try to get his life together. he's high energy, think chris traegar from parks and rec, a little wild, too charismatic for his own ( and your own ) good. semi-selective muse.
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jack love. wolfgang novogratz. 25. gay. he/him — good boy poet, turned calculated lawyer. pretty much all of jack's problems can be traced to ^ that guy — at least, if you ask jack about it, that's the case. he's full of himself, just as sickeningly charismatic as his dad is and mad about it, and is quite honestly a nepo baby who's had everything handed to him. struggles with his sexuality due to some traumatic bullying that left him unable to do athletics anymore in high school. despite his hard shell, he is still very much a hopeless romantic, and has a deep love for literature.
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aurora "rory" everett. kaylee bryant. 22. pansexual. she / they — comes from a deeply troubled family, the youngest half-sibling of my muse, axel. rory's studying to be a veterinarian and she's always operated with a dreamy kind of mellow demeanor — a stark contrast to her older brother. she's gentle, kind, patient, and a natural leader, but she also really struggles not to keep people at an arm's distance due to the nature of her upbringing.
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dani lee. hwang yeji. 21. lesbian. she / they / he — youngest of a very prestigious, very toxic family. not much was ever expected of dani as the fifth and most averagely skilled of her siblings, so she gets away with a lot more than they do — they're also not particularly close, except for her and flynn. she's coasting by in college, keeps changing her major, skates, basically just does whatever because she can. nothing but good times with this one. you know, until things start getting real.
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merlin aurelia. tom holland. 25. gay. he/him — i don't really know what to say about this guy. in human verses, which be the default unless requested otherwise, he hops from gig to gig and scams people he thinks are dumb. he's an every man for himself kind of guy, lost his mom young, and has no sentiment towards his dad that isn't vile. in supernatural/superhero verses, he's a bloodbender, caught up in crime, and extremely unpredictable. chaotic evil is probably the alignment here? mix of that and chaotic neutral.
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august "auggie" guidry. jonathan daviss. 23. pansexual. he/him — auggie's a part of a big, loving family and he is the definition of just a dude. low expectations in life, low worries; put out good in the world and it'll come back to you, probably, guy. he's autistic ( like me! my baby for real ), a college student, and he signs every one of his texts with the frog emoji. he can do frog impressions like you wouldn't believe. nothing else though, he's not a voice actor. he actually has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and could probably stand to be a little more curious about that.
0 notes
vbee-miya · 4 years
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[when it’s your birthday]
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✥︎ multi fandom x gn! reader || m.list
genre: fluff || type: headcanon
warnings: none
a/n: no cause it might be my birthday, but we don't talk about that
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➺︎Illumi Zoldyck
➺︎ This man would be the one to see if you’re awake and if you’re not he write you a letter before he would have to leave or what not.
➺︎ But let’s say you were awake. Except to be in bed a little bit longer than usual.
➺︎ He’d definitely make breakfast of your choice.
➺︎ You’re like his little highness/prince/princess. And he would definitely spoil you.
➺︎ I mean it is your birthday so why stress over what gift to give you when he could just give you almost everything.
Neji Hyuga
➺︎ He’s like a simplistic extravagant.
➺︎ The atmosphere of the date is simple but it looks very extravagant.
➺︎ He’d want the day to go everything as you planned. So he’d constantly ask you what you’d want to do. Or offer ideas that he knows you’d enjoy doing.
➺︎ Your birthday is about you so he’d put all your decisions first, not that he hasn’t been doing that already.
➺︎ At the end of the day, he’d ask if you had fun. And if there was anything else you’d need or want to do.
Madara Uchiha
➺︎ He’d be simple with it.
➺︎ Like a happy birthday kiss on the cheek and then he goes off to work or his duties and what not.
➺︎ However he’d let you tag along with him and he’d just be holding your hand as he’s going out and about.
➺︎ He’d end the day with some extravagant date that he had planned out like some time ago.
➺︎ And then he’d take you to like the first place the two of you had your first date. It’s cliché, but it brings back good memories for the both of you.
➺︎ Literally really simple
➺︎ If he wakes up earlier than you which is most likely the case idek if he sleep tbh. He’d write you like a really simple letter.
➺︎ He’d also probably give you a really simple birthday cake or something before heading off to whatever he has to do.
➺︎ He’d also make sure you end up having an okay day or something.
➺︎ If we’re talking about Boruto era Orochimaru Mitsuki would also give you a little note or something before heading out.
Atsumu Miya
➺︎ He’s probably more excited about your birthday than you are.
➺︎ Morning texts? No he’d rather drag you out of bed and give you a morning hug and morning kisses or he’d pull you closer to him. Same results really as long as he wakes you up first.
➺︎ He’d demand an off day, but let’s say that wasn’t possible he brings you with him. Because to him he doesn’t want you to be all alone especially during your birthday.
➺︎ Because he made you tag along with him expect him to also go to different stores and what nots. Maybe a little cafe if you’re hungry or like some food store that you guys passed by.
➺︎ Didn’t mattered what mattered to him is that as long as you’re happy and having a great day in your birthday he’s a happy boyfriend.
➺︎ God I love her. Best girlfriend ever.
➺︎ She’d be like semi awake, but not entirely awake. So if you try to get up from bed you best expect her to pull you back into bed.
➺︎ She’d like hold you and wrap a blanket around you because miss ma’am doesn’t need a blanket and she’d be like “it’s your birthday, so relaxe a bit will you.”
➺︎ But it’s kinda just an excuse to hold you a bit longer and spend more time with you. She would also give you many head kisses and then just shower you with as much kisses she’d deem necessary for your birthday.
➺︎ I mean dates with Yelena are pretty extravagant enough, but I feel like on your birthday she’d keep things on the low and would rather spend as much quality time with you at home.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
➺︎ He’d wake you up with a simple morning text.
➺︎ “Good morning, happy birthday love ❤️”
➺︎ He’s most likely going to have practice or have like a busy day. However he’ll make sure to end early if he must just to spend the rest of birthday evening with you.
➺︎ Cute little dates with Wakatoshi at a very simple restaurant of your choice seems like something he’d do. Think of it as a birthday treat.
➺︎ This man loves you and will probably spoil you with certain goods, however the best gift from him is when he gives you little head kisses while he hugs you.
Armin Arlert
➺︎ He’s romantic and very simple
➺︎ A simple stroll in the park and his whole day is completely brightened.
➺︎ He packs a little cupcake or treat that you both can enjoy. It’s like a little picnic date.
➺︎ As long as he’s able to see your smile he’s happy as well.
➺︎ Because to him you deserve the whole world to be happy and to be unbothered by anything. And because of that he’d earn the best boyfriend award.
Rock Lee
➺︎ He’d be really extra.
➺︎ Constant happy birthday greetings and kisses.
➺︎ He’d be awkwardly romantic. Like he’d try to take you out to some fancy place but accidentally screw things up, but he’d also come up with a plan 2.0
➺︎ And that date would be something he’d be upset about because it’s not as good as the original idea, but quality time with Lee is far better than going to some extravagant place.
➺︎ And then after that you both would crash at each other’s place and he would make both of you like a little fort to sleep in.
Mina Ashido
➺︎ She’s got your whole day planned out.
➺︎ She’s definitely throwing you a birthday party. Best girlfriend ever
➺︎ She’d want to make you feel special and loved. And she’d do everything in her power to make sure you’re mood doesn’t go down hill.
➺︎ She would make sure the party is something not only would the guest enjoy, but you as well. She’d also only make sure to invite people who you’re close to and trust so it’s not some awkward party you know.
➺︎ At the end of the day when you both are cleaning up after the party Mina comes running to you jumping up and down holding a present. And she makes you open it in front of her. And she’s so happy when you tell her it was something you’ve always wanted.
Neito Monoma
➺︎ He’d be lowkey with the “happy birthday”
➺︎ He’d also kind of be a tease and a little ass. Like he’d purposely irritate you, but just enough to not make you hate him entirely.
➺︎ He’d be more on the extravagant side of the date scale, so expect him to tell you to get ready for like an evening date.
➺︎ He’d be lowkey with pda but he’d try to hold your hand and he holds your hand with such pride and honor like yeah I’m dating them.
➺︎ He’d also do everything in his power to make sure no one ruins your day because he’d be an ass about it, but you mean everything to him.
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waatermelon-sugaar · 4 years
Under My Skin: Chapter 1
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Series masterlist
Word count = 4,6 k
Chapter Warnings = swearing, canon-typical violence, bad writing
Summary = You hate Poe Dameron. Simple, right?
Edit = Cross posted to AO3
Part 1 of 4 (I think)
Poe Dameron didn’t like you and you didn’t like Poe Dameron.
“Because!” You grouse to Rose as you make your way to the cantina, “he thinks he’s so much better than everyone else, no one could ever come close to his skills, and he always gets the best missions, and he’s good, but he’s not that good, he acts like he’s god's gift to women - no scratch that - to the galaxy, and he’s so arrogant!” You’re growling in frustration as you round the corner, suddenly lowering your voice as much as you can because Dameron is right there at the end of the corridor, deep in discussion with General Organa and Finn.
Rose’s only response is to whack you over the head as she walks through the swinging doors in the centre of the corridor. You’ve never been so glad you don’t have to walk past Dameron in your life. “What was that about?” You hiss as you catch up with Rose, grabbing your own tray and helping yourself to dinner. “You didn’t have to hit me in front of General Organa.” Rose snorts. “Yeah the General was the one you were worried about.”
Trays full, the two of you spot an empty booth and hurry towards it, sitting opposite each other. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You won’t shut up about Poe.” She jabs her fork at you, causing bits of potato to fall to the table. You can only gape, words escaping you momentarily.
“What! I won’t - Dameron - he - he and I - urgh! - never in my life - he’s annoying!” You settle on finally, fully aware that you’re now whining. “He frustrates me!”
Rose raises an eyebrow, “Well maybe you need to work out those frustrations.” You shake your head, deciding to ignore her for now as you concentrate on eating. “You do need to get laid.”
You yelp, coughing when you try to swallow too quickly in shock. And then- “I can help with that, sweetheart.” You whip round, eyes narrowing when Dameron’s behind you, his flight suit tied around his waist, exposing his dirty vest and irritatingly strong arms. The only person who can beat him in arm wrestling is Finn - you can no longer count the amount of times he’s beaten you.
You take another scoop of dinner before talking with a full mouth. “Ok, one, I’m not your sweetheart, and two, Rose is wrong, and even if she was right, I definitely don’t need your help with-” you pause, swallow, and gesture vaguely in his general direction. “That.”
This, annoyingly, only seems to make him grin more. “That? You’re not gonna call it what it is?” You lean back, pulling your most unimpressed look onto your face, as he continues, still smirking, even having the audacity to wink at you. “Hot, animal sex.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoff, turning back to your dinner. “Whatever you say, Dameron.”
“Does it make you feel better, being mean to me?” Dameron asks as he squeezes onto the small piece of bench next to you. You huff, moving up so that you’re not touching. You don’t like him, but you’re not rude. 
Ignoring his question, you deflect. “Where’s Finn? Don’t you want to sit with him?” It takes more effort than it should to sound like you’re asking out of interest, and not because you want him to go away. Which you do.
“He’s still talking to Leia.” Your eyes flick to Rose, and she knows what you’re thinking. You twist your body to face Dameron, bringing a leg up under you. “Is this about the mission?” Her voice is low as she leans across the table, forgetting about the rest of her dinner.
The last few days have been hell. Rumours have been flying around base, centered around a box full of Jedi crystals. Kyber crystals, you’d told Rose the other day, not that the name cleared anything up. You’d poked around the base’s library on your datapad when you had the odd chance, but the Jedi were now the stuff of legend, just stories told to children about ‘the good old days’.  
The rumours made things worse - you’re not sure how much of it to believe - there were so few people who were even Force sensitive but as far as you were aware there were no Jedi left. Luke Skywalker was lost, and therefore probably dead. And even if Jedi did still exist, weren’t they supposed to be the good guys? Why hadn’t they come to help fight along with the Resistance?
But Dameron decides to play dumb. “What mission?” His eyes are too wide to be innocent and it annoys you. “Finn’s talking to Leia about…” he pauses, eyes desperately searching the cantina as he tries to think of a good excuse. “The quality of the food!” Turning to you, his eyes are intense. “I know you want more chocolate pudding.” You ignore how he knows that, instead focusing on glaring at him. “Dameron do you think I’m a good pilot?”
“Look,” he turns to face you, ignoring his own food even as you continue to eat, “it’s nothing to do with your skills as a pilot.” He pauses, but you interrupt before he can give you some empty platitude. “I think it is - otherwise why am I not being included?”
“Hey, will you listen,” he turns to you, poking his finger at you for emphasis. “This mission is top-secret and the risk of the First Order finding out is high so-” This time you properly interrupt, flicking his finger out of your personal space.
“So you just decide to talk about it in the corridor by the busy cantina, where everyone and their mother will see you?”
This shuts him up.
The two of you are looking into each other's faces, inches apart. And it’s annoying because Dameron is unfortunately handsome. Why? Why is he of all people so good looking? Rose coughs obnoxiously loud, causing the two of you to break eye contact and turn to look at her. You lean back from him, trying your best to look thoroughly unimpressed as he stands, picking up his tray and when he speaks, huffing, his voice is sharper than it was before.
“Look, I only came over to say that we’re going to have a mission briefing tomorrow at 6. Ok? So, just-” He leaves, mumbling the rest of the sentence under his breath as he walks across the cantina towards Rey, leaving you with your mouth hanging open, looking and feeling like an idiot.
“Well,” you say as you turn back to Rose. “That’s why I hate him.”
“You’ve got a mission, aren’t you pleased about that?” You can tell you’re annoying her now, but you roll your eyes. “Yeah, with Dameron. He’s just going to be hanging over my shoulder and passing judgement whenever he can. I’m not getting my hopes up.”
Every time you came back from a mission Dameron was there. Always. Just waiting to tell you what you should have done, how you should have flown, how he would have done it. As though the only reason he hadn’t done it was because he was too important.
You knew you didn’t fly how most people did, it had cost you marks in your final exams at school, and it cost you a place in a higher squadron, but it was hard to find the will to change when the poster boy for the Resistance saw nothing but incompetence when he looked at you. Bastard, you couldn’t help but think as you stabbed the last of your greens, wishing it was his face.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
The mission had been going so well. You’d dropped into the planet’s upper atmosphere, bypassing the planet’s security, got inside the compound, obtained the uber-secret box (your briefing hadn’t quite covered what was inside, annoyingly) and you’d been about to sneak out when you’d decided a bit more snooping was necessary.
The box had been in the centre of a library/museum set-up and even you could tell that these were rare books. So you’d told Dameron to inspect the objects while you scanned the books, pulling out a few that caught your eye.
The first warning you had been given was a blaster grazing your arm, causing you to yelp in pain, dropping the books and duck to the floor as another shot had ripped through the shelves - an inch or two above where your head had been. So a crap shot then.
Paper had fluttered down around you as you looked for Dameron. The shelves would provide good cover but unfortunately it also meant you couldn’t see your shooter. Pulling your blaster out from its holder, you aimed a couple of returning shots into the darkness at the edges of the room as you looked for Dameron.
You found him near the exit, standing over a number of droids. He’d been holding the box with one arm, the other bleeding heavily, but you’d managed to escape, tangling with another droid who’d punched you as you left the way you came, avoiding the crap shooter on your way out. You didn’t want the First Order to know who’d been there.
So now you and Dameron were walking back to the ship, cutting through undergrowth as you desperately tried to remember the way, face throbbing in pain. Dameron had fallen quiet very quickly, and you were alarmed to see how much blood he had lost so far. His face was pale and all you could think was that it was your fault. If you hadn’t’ve tried to poke around and look for other useful bits and pieces, you would have got out with no trouble.
Oh shit.
You were definitely lost now. You’d taken a gamble on the last turn and this was wrong. There should be a stream somewhere to your left which led back to the ship. Where was it? This was so wrong. And how were you going to admit this to Dameron? “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You swore under your breath.
“What’s wrong?” Dameron’s voice wasn’t right. He’d lost a lot of his power, and you turned to face him, watching as a small drop of blood fell to the floor. You don’t want to say it, you know he’s going to hold this over your head later, your first truly important mission and you’ve fucked up so bad. “I -” you hesitate, mouth open, so unwilling to say it, especially to Poe, you have to force it out. “We’re lost...I don’t know the way back.”
And...oh god, you’re not going to start crying are you? You can feel the familiar burn on the back of your eyes so you blink, looking away from him. But Dameron starts struggling, using his injured arm to try and reach down, looking for something. You move closer, grabbing his wrist and forcing him to stop moving, to stop aggravating his injury. “What are you doing?” And your voice is mean and you don’t know why but his skin is cool, cooler than it should be causing your heart to skitter out of control.
Dameron looks up into your face and his eyes are a little unfocused. Shit. “Looking for a tracker - the ship -” His voice doesn’t sound normal. But you have to be the calm one, you have to be the one in charge so you push the panic down, trying to speak normally. “Where is it? You shouldn’t be using that arm.”
“In my pocket, I -” But you’re one step ahead, unceremoniously dropping his wrist and reaching in, pulling the tracker out. A thin disc with a central button, which you press, and a red light spins around the edge before settling a direction to your left, forcing you to turn about 45 degrees.
You set off, pushing through the undergrowth and snapping branches from trees, kicking any debris out of Poe’s path as he stumbles behind you. Panic is still rising in you, you can’t be the reason the Resistance’s best pilot dies. Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuckin’ motherfucker, please, please, plea-
You pause for a second, trying to get your breathing back under control, even as it skitters away from you. You glance back at Poe, who nods at you.
BB-8 is waiting back at the ship, preliminary checks before take-off having been completed. You help Poe lift into the co-pilot’s chair you’d been occupying earlier and squeezing into the pilot’s chair. You don’t remember the flight back, don’t remember dodging the planet’s security as you took off, all you remember is how pale and quiet Poe is. He watches you the whole way which would normally annoy you, but you don’t think his eyes are fully focused.
You’ve done better landings when you get back to the base, but you don’t really care, Poe’s breathing is different, you can’t stop the panic rising in you, and the second you’ve opened the door you’re yelling, voice already hoarse. “Medic! Medic! I need - I need a medic!” People swirl around you, when did they get here? But you don’t want to let go of Poe, one arm around his back, his uninjured one around your neck while you keep a tight hold of the box.
You fight as someone tries to unfurl your fingers, Poe’s weight disappearing and you’re crying now, hardly able to open your eyes. You don’t feel the sharp sting of the tranquilizer, instead blindly fighting the rising darkness inside you, unable to recognise it for what it is. Voices are all around you, muffled like you’re underwater and lights are appearing in bright spots above your head. You’re floating, falling backwards, further and further, until everything turns black.
The debrief was not fun.
Barely out of the medbay, you’d relayed to General Organa what had happened, how it had been your idea to stay back, how you’d got lost in the forest after, how you made a mess.
Due to your injuries, it had been just you and her, and even now, safely in your bunk, you couldn’t decide if that was better or worse than having to tell a whole command room. Sure, you’d been spared public humiliation, but at the cost of having General Organa’s full attention on your failure.
You’d pulled your curtain across your bunk, and you felt as though you might have to stay buried under your covers for at least a week to emotionally recover from the whole ordeal. The worst part of it was that General Organa hadn’t even seemed disappointed, or angry, just...like she expected it.
And Dameron was still in the medbay. It was coming up to 4 days later, but you’d maintained your distance, not sure your fragile heart could stand the pain of knowing his condition was your fault, no matter what anyone said.
You wanted to see him, to apologise, but at the same time the idea of facing him made you feel sick. It was your fault he was in the medbay, you should have prevented it. In fact, the only reason you even knew he was still in the medbay was because you assumed there would be some kind of announcement or celebration when he was better.
A knock on your door made you jump, and then frown, however the door began to open before you could respond which you supposed was kind of your fault, you should have locked it, now you were going to have to talk to someone-
And General Organa walks into the room.
You stand up so fast, you get a rush of blood to the head, your vision going black slightly at the edges. “General, I-” you start talking before you even know what you’re going to say, so shocked to see your hero in your room. Your eyes flick over to the mess of clothes you haven’t bothered to wash in the last week, tissues on the floor, half eaten snack bars and their wrappers littered around as you wished the room was a lot tidier.
“I wanted to check how you were getting on.” Her voice is soft, but still carries that familiar authority as she pulls out the chair from your desk and sits on it.
Your mind goes blank. General Organa...wanted to check...on you?
You manage to pull yourself together, sitting back down on your bed with a suddenly excellent posture. “Good, thank you General.” You can hardly look at her, it’s like she emits light, and it’s too bright, too much.
You’re hyper-aware of your every movement, this is the first time you’ve properly talked to her, you want her to like you, and oh my god she’s in your room? Her eyes never leave you, so you stare at your hands, fingers twisting in your lap. “Call me Leia.” She pauses, but it’s not enough time for the implications of that to sink in. “It’s understandable if you’re still feeling rough.” Oh stars you’re going to cry.
Your eyes are watery and you know looking down only increases the chances of them falling, but if you look up, she’ll see. “I wish I’d done things differently.” You say, and your voice sounds rough.
The room is swimming when you finally look up, but General Orga - Leia is smiling softly at you. “I think about every second of that mission and for every decision that I made, I wish, I wish I did the opposite thing.”
“Why?” The question is asked so simply, and there are so many answers, they crowd your mind. “You were successful, weren’t you?” Still you can only gape at her. Successful? Dameron is still in the medbay-
“I know what it’s like to blame yourself for a mission going sideways.” Leia continues, “But you retrieved the box, you’re both alive, Poe is healing well, the medics say the bleeding has stopped and his stomach is on the mend now.” His stomach? You frown, his stomach wasn’t injured, it was just his shoulder, but Leia mistakes your frown for further dissent.
“I know you think it was your fault because you said let’s stay behind, but what if you had found something important? And Poe agreed, didn’t he? It’s not just on you. You just have to learn when the risk is worth the reward.” With that, she stands, so you do too. “I’ll formally debrief the two of you together when Poe’s out of the medbay, but I thought you needed to know this.” You nod, unable to speak again, but this time for an entirely different reason.
It’s almost too late before you can speak again, Leia halfway out of the door, but she turns back when she hears your voice. “Thank you.” And you mean it. Leia didn’t say much, and nothing new, but she was right. The mission was technically a success. Things went wrong, but you were both alive.
Sitting back on your bed, you feel lighter, more like normal. And a part of that normality is annoyance towards a certain pilot. He was injured in his stomach? The more you think about it, the more a cold fury rises in you. Why wouldn’t he say? He was carrying that heavy box and - you let out a growl, surprisingly loud in the quiet room.
You make your way to the medbay, becoming angrier and angrier with each step. No wonder he had so much blood loss! How dare he not say anything! How could he not tell you? Did he not trust you?
You ignore the signs that tell you visiting hours are over, and maybe it’s the look in your eyes that stops any medics from reminding you as such when you march up to the front desk. “I need to see Poe Dameron, which room is he in?” You feel a tiny bit bad for being so demanding to an overworked medic, but you can’t think past how Poe Dameron lied to you.
You’re shaking as you walk to Dameron’s room, not bothering with pleasantries as you bang open the door. He’s lying in the bed, BB-8 charging in the corner and had you been calmer you would have noticed how Dameron jerked awake when you slammed his door shut. You ignore how he’s hooked up to various machines and drips, bandages covering his body.
“You were shot in the stomach?” Your voice is mean again.
Dameron just blinks groggily at you, a combination of drugs and tiredness, but you push down any pity, letting righteous anger flood your veins with fire. “What?” His voice is hoarse from misuse and sleep.
“You were shot in the stomach?” You repeat, keeping hold of that cold fury as you look down at his face. This extra minute is all Dameron needs to wake up properly and realise why you’re so upset. “No- just, just stabbed.”
“Just!” - and it’s like you’re watching yourself, no control over your actions and even to your own ears you sound hysterical, the volume of your voice rising.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You demand as he presses a button, lifting the top half of his bed up. Tears are once again pricking your eyes, but this time you will not be crying, so you wipe them away quickly, past caring.
“Because,” Dameron huffs, realising that's not a full sentence. “I don’t know - you...you had enough on your plate, I didn’t want to add to it.”
“You should have told me.” Your voice is dangerous now, your whole body thrumming with an unshakeable anger, even as you stand completely still. A strong undercurrent continues to carry you onwards in the conversation, and you know you’ll need to leave before it runs out. “You carried that box for fuck knows how long, and what? You were just hiding your injury? You just wanted to be a hero, or embarrass me?”
Dameron stays silent, glare heavy in his eyebrows. It’s too much, you want, you need answers.
“ANSWER ME!” You roar, lashing out in defence.
“I had to!” He’s shouting now too, pushing against the bed with his strong arm. “It was hard enough to snap you out of it when we were in the compound - I wasn’t going to add to it - I had to know you could fly us home!”
His words are like they punched you, a heavy exhalation, and it’s as though all the anger was tightly held in your lungs. “I flew us home.” Your voice sounds small as you take a step back. Dameron’s found the one chink in your armour again, just like he did when you first met, the one weak spot of your insecurity and smashed it to smithereens.
There’s silence in the medbay, pushing against your eardrums as though to emphasise just how the loud the two of you were. There’s a brief flicker of curiosity in the back of mind, wondering why the nurses haven’t intervened yet.
You can’t look at Dameron anymore, instead taking in the number of different machines he’s hooked up to, watching the drips, how his heart rate starts to lower as he forces himself to calm down. “So you didn’t trust me?” You don’t want the answer, but you can’t stop the words.
He takes his time answering again, but you still don’t look at him, hands playing behind your back with the hem of your jumper. “If you don’t trust me - you should have asked Leia to switch me out!” Shut up, shut up, shut up, why can’t you stop talking, you stupid-
“Maybe I should’ve!” His voice doesn’t change, there’s no difference in his heart beat, although it’s on the high side of normal, matching yours, but something changed. There’s a split in the room, a chasm separating the two of you that wasn’t there before.
“Well why didn’t you?”
“Because I felt sorry for you!” Your eyes snap up, looking at his face in terror. “I wanted to give you a chance! I didn’t think you’d fuck up like that.” If Dameron’s earlier words were a punch to your gut, these sent you sprawling. Short of an atomic blast inside you, any feeling left inside you was obliterated. Hot embarrassment crawls up your arms and you want Dameron to feel the same pain.
“Fuck you.”
The words hang there, each second an eon. Poe instantly regrets his words, knowing he’s gone too far. He opens his mouth to apologise, but the words don’t come.
Neither of you say anything, glares still spitting red-hot fire, when you suddenly want to leave. You don’t want to see Dameron’s face again, not for a long time. So you clench your jaw, throwing up your middle finger and slamming the door behind you.
Isolating yourself doesn’t seem quite so appealing once you’ve left the medbay, so instead you make your way to Rose’s room, grabbing a bottle of firewater from the cantina as you pass. You need a drink.
When you arrive, you’re not sure you want to talk about the recent shitstorm your life has recently become so the first words out of your mouth when Rose opens the door is- “Do you like Jannah?”
It’s a little mean of a conversation to spring on your friend, but you’re a lot of things, and blind is not one of them. You’ve seen how the two mechanics look at each other. Especially when they think the other won’t see. Holding up the bottle as a peace offering, Rose smirks at you before leaving her door open as an invitation.
Rose denies having a crush on Jannah as you work through the bottle, only conceding on the point that Jannah is very pretty. You’re probably a little too quick to agree, blaming it on the drink that’s currently making you feel like you’re floating a couple of inches above the ground.
Comfortable silence falls on the two of you as you sit there, the floor a little cold under you, leaning against Rose’s bed.
“I’ve been thinking-” Rose starts but you interrupt before she can get any further.
Rose doesn’t dignify this with a response, instead waiting until you wave a hand at her to continue.
“We’ve got a coordinating day off next cycle, if you wanna go to Sanctuary III. They’ll have a festival then, I can’t remember which but it should be good fun.” You can tell she’s keen, so you’ll go with her, but you find it hard to inject any enthusiasm into your voice.
Rose picks up on this, sighing as she refills her glass. “Alright don’t seem too keen on the idea.”
Your shrug, not really wanting to talk about the real reason you can’t find any excitement. “Sorry. I’ll go with you. It’ll be fun.”
“What’s wrong?” Her voice is gentle, and her hand is on your arm, and it’s so reassuring, so warm, your skin sings under her palm.
You talk to your feet as you tell Rose what Dameron said. “-and he - it was horrible, Rose,” you sniffle, tears springing into your eyes again. “And I - we’ve never got on, he’s, y’know, annoying, we’re always bickering, but I just - I never thought that he actually - it’s my fault he’s injured, and maybe he does hate me and-”
You stop your tirade and for the first time, just let yourself cry and breathe for a second. Rose’s arm comes around your shoulder and you lean into it, slightly. “It’s fine - I mean I never liked him anyway, now I can just move straight into the dislike section, maybe even hate I dunno.”
“Ok you should know that that’s not healthy first of all.” Rose’s voice floats out from above your head. “Second, I’m sure he didn’t mean it, and anyway, who cares what he thinks? Leia thought you did well. And third, this is all the more reason to do something on our day off!”
You give a weak chuckle and nod. You spent the rest of the night, playing cards and chatting about lighter topics until both of your eyes start to burn and you make your way to bed.  
Thanks for reading! Reblogs and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2
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geminil0vr · 3 years
𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 !
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the masterlist -> part one
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summary ✰ it's the night of the slytherin bash, and, intoxicated, you almost blurt out all your relationship troubles to pansy and the boys of slytherin.
tags ✰ @partr1dge <3
word count ✰ 3.4k
content ✰ alcohol, weed, rip. mill's hairbrush, a big party, drunk/high people and reader, mentions of sex, mild (but just as serious) sexual assault, boyfriend being pushy, arguments, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, pansy lowkey admiring the reader and vice versa, pansy taking off your makeup for you.
a/n ✰ yes we're having a lil party moment right on shedyool <3 i think i made draco too hot in this like have i forgotten this is a pansy fic ?? and i've been listening to the playlist on repeat for some inspiration but now all the songs are stuck in my head yikes... anyway, happy reading :))
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letting out a short yell, you bolt out the way of millicent bulstrode being chased by her own hairbrush in your dorm room, falling backwards onto your bed, then leaning up on your forearms to watch in amusement as she squeals.
"stop it, stop it!"
pansy crosses her arms, leaning in the doorway for a moment before speaking calmly despite the urgent situation, "mill, i already told you not to try any beautification spells for tonight. they take a certain finesse that you clearly..." she eyes the hairbrush, which has somehow grown teeth, "lack."
daphne fervently attempts to throw millicent's wand to her, having lost her own somewhere in the room, ducking whenever the hairbrush swings too low by her head and yelling encouragement to her as she wails.
"it's gonna bloody eat me!"
you glance over to pansy, your lips quirked but still fighting the brighter grin that tries to force its way upon your mouth, one brow raised. she looks back with a smirk, raising her brows lazily, then pulls out her wand at last.
sure, you have yours, but come on! this is quality entertainment.
muttering a spell under her breath, the hairbrush rises, letting out a sharp, plasticky sound, teeth gnashing at the unknown force which has suddenly halted its rampage. then, thin, dark cracks begin to show upon its surface as it travels higher and higher into the air, finally letting out one last high-pitched sound before exploding into hot pink shards of plastic onto the wooden floor of the room.
millicent makes a lacklustre attempt of trying to catch certain pieces that are still falling, whining about how it was her favourite hairbrush. daphne drops the wand and falls back onto her duvet, exasperated, and you watch ahead in shock.
"blimey, pansy, couldn't you have just done 'finite'?" you ask, eyes wide.
"'s not nearly as much fun," she grins, bounding over to the large, dark oak wardrobe in the corner of the room, "now, ladies. what are we going to wear for the slytherin bash?"
"i bagsy y/n's black dress!" daphne pipes up, bouncing to sit cross-legged on her bed.
"no, you bloody well don't!"
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you look in the mirror of the vanity, tucking back a few strands of hair out of your face and looking down at your silky emerald dress, the neckline dipping a little at your chest, the straps thin.
"whatever, i actually might look better in the green, anyway."
slinking out from the bathroom, daphne fixes the button on the back of the dress she's wearing, the black fabric clinging to her skin, "you definitely do."
"you're just saying that to keep my dress, aren't you?"
"maybe so. but you're still very pretty." she pecks your cheek and sits on her bed, fixing her curled hair in a compact mirror and swaying slightly to the thumping music already playing downstairs.
pansy pulls at her dress, leaning onto the vanity and applying a thin coat of red lipstick over her lips, looking at you through the glass "she's not wrong. you look nice."
you swallow, blinking at your reflection. you've brushed your brows, applied some blush, and a little smokey eyeliner, but nothing much. you don't mind letting your skin breathe a little, anyway.
"thanks, pansy." you eye her loose, sparkling, red dress, neckline dipping so low on her chest that you feel the sudden need to look away, instead focusing on her light-green eyes which never actually ceased intensely tracking the movements of your iris. "so do you."
"right. thank you."
millicent finishes tying her hair up, avoiding using any muggle products and therefore resorting to something simple, clipping it back with a claw accessory, "okay," she starts, and you and pansy quickly look away from each other, "so, are we going or not? can't be too late, they're still missing the life of the party!"
"mill, you pass out after three hours during almost every single party." daphne blinks.
"what's that saying, here for a good time but not a long time?" pansy snickers, zipping up her black boots.
millicent rolls her eyes playfully, crossing her arms. "shut your gobs, the two of you! now let's go!"
locking the door quickly on your way out so you won't have to deal with any arseholes doing it in your bed like last time (well, at least they were having a whale of a time), you bid goodbye to your dormmates who all part ways, immediately grabbing a bottle of firewhiskey from a large table in the corner, looking over at the youthful atmosphere suddenly claiming such a place as the slytherin common room.
pouring yourself a shot, although you're awful at doing those, you hold your nose (as if that's going to help) and gulp down the alcohol, finishing by setting the little glass down and placing your hands on the table full of drinks in front of you, hair falling down into your face.
feeling a hand on your waist, you tense and stand up straight, not relaxing much when your boyfriend kisses your cheek and whispers a 'hello' into your ear.
"ben!" you exclaim, turning around and smiling at him, though not genuinely, "i didn't know you were coming."
"some guys in the year above invited me, unlike my own girlfriend." he teases, gripping you by the waist and pulling you closer, and your nose scrunches at the sharp stench of beer on his breath. putting two and two together, considering how he's slurring his words, you realise he's already tipsy.
"right, sorry!" you genuinely are, though if he hadn't showed up, you wouldn't mind much, "i didn't really find out until the lesson before my free hour, and, well, you wanted us to go to your room, so —"
"oh, yeah. how could i forget?" he leans in, almost stumbling over his own two feet as he gets even closer to you, pulling you to him by your waist and kissing your neck, making you push your head down a little. the party having only just started, people are still piling in and the lights aren't turned off just yet.
you push him by the chest, gently, "it's still early, benny. not now."
ignoring your wishes, he nibbles at your neck, and you bring your shoulder up in discomfort, "but don't you want a repeat?" no, you really don't.
"ben, just, back off, please." you push a little more firmly now, shaking him off, and going to grab the bottle again to pour yourself another shot of firewhiskey as an excuse to not stay so close to him. but clearly that tactic isn't great, because he pushes up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
"come on, this party'll be lame anyway. your room's empty, right?" you freeze as his lips meet your throat once more, swallowing before finding it in yourself to stretch your shoulders back, and push his arms from your waist, quickly pouring the shot and keeping it in your hand, just in case you need to spill it on him as a distraction.
if he's gonna be pushy, he could at least be decent in bed.
well, at least, that's your cynical view on it.
"ben. no. my — my friends are here, and i... i don't want to leave them all alone." you fiddle with the shot glass in your hand, brows furrowed, and he exhales loudly before shrugging his shoulders.
"if you don't want me then you could've just said so."
your eyes widen, "no, i didn't mean it like that, just that... just not tonight."
"well, it kinda seems like you're not interested. but whatever, y/n, it's fine." as you try to reach out to him, he walks over to his friends, and you lean against the table, gulping down the firewhiskey and wincing at the burn in your throat.
"come on, y/n! they're dimming the lights now, i wanna dance!" daphne bounds over to you, dragging you by the arm before you can protest.
and you oblige.
two hours in, you're tipsy, worn-out from all the dancing, yet still going back between the many students for more adrenaline. grinning as a song you love comes on, you regroup your dormmates in the crowd, grabbing them by their hands and all winding your hips to the beat, millicent giggling and falling over her feet, daphne tearing away from her boyfriend to join with a smile on her face. pansy isn't very giggly when drinking, you've noticed. in close settings, sure, but in big parties like this, everyone so close, air hot, green lights strobing across the common room... she just dances. raising her hands above her head, swaying her hips, twirling her friends around by their fingers — it's almost sensual. well, to anyone else. not to you.
pansy eyes you as you spin — the exhilarated grin on your face from being able to shrug off everything burdening you, everything weighing atop your shoulders. and she realises that she likes the shine of the strobing lights against your skin, your nose and cheeks gleaming, eyes a little bloodshot and chest glistening from all the alcohol in your system, and all the dancing. and when you and pansy finally get off the dancefloor to join the slytherin boys on the sofas, she likes the way your eyes tear up a little after taking a long drag from the joint that's being passed around.
"this isn't laced with anything, right?" you clear your throat to speak over the music, passing it back to theo, head dizzy. you watch the lights entangle themselves between little clouds of smoke, and wonder which cloud is yours.
"what do you think i am, a drug lord? no, it is not laced with anything." he rolls his eyes, leaning back on the sofa.
blaise elbows him, looking at you and pansy who are both sitting next to each other, "don't mind him — you know he gets bitchy when he smokes."
"do not." theo huffs.
"yes, you do." draco deadpans, snatching the joint from his hands and inhaling the smoke, blowing it upwards from his bottom lip.
you chuckle, stretching to settle comfortably into the sofa and tapping pansy's bare thigh subconsciously, to which she tenses, "i feel like nott's always a bitch, regardless."
"not wrong there." theo winks at you, rubbing at his eyes. your head feels like it's spinning, and you giggle again, leading blaise to do the same.
"what's so funny, y/l/n?" pansy raises her brows nonchalantly, crossing her legs and studying you at her right. she's taken the joint between her plump lips now, inhaling deeply for a second, then blowing it up into the air.
"think it's the weed." you giggle once more, eyelids heavy, leaning your head onto her shoulder — you two are much more friendly when a little bit intoxicated and high. more so you, than her.
draco leans back into the armchair he's sitting in, looking over to the corner of the room and spotting your ravenclaw boyfriend drinking with his friends in the corner. and, being significantly less of an arsehole with something in his system, draco decided to be polite.
"how's the boyfriend, y/n?" you chuckle at this, smiling softly and lifting your head up from pansy's shoulder.
"my boyfriend is an absolute, grade O, cockhead."
the whole group is still for a short moment, exchanging varying levels of shock and amusement, before turning back to you. draco speaks again, "is that so?"
"mhmm." you nod lazily, as if your head is too heavy to hold up, pointing over at him from the other side of the room, "ben sucks. he's awful. if i could, i would — well, i mean, i could, but if i really could, i'd —"
"right, i think that's enough of that for tonight." pansy takes the joint from between your index and middle finger, interrupting you and attempting to change the subject considering your tipsy and high state. she’s been through enough non-sober confessions in her lifetime to know best.
"no, i mean it. and it would be worth it if he would actually fuck m—"
"i said, enough." pansy presses, trying to save you any embarrassment. being good enough friends with the slytherin boys of your year since you all first arrived, you know there'll be no judgement or rumours spread around. but, still. better not to air out all of your dirty laundry, or whatever the americans say. well, that's what 'sober you' would say. and right now, you're completely ready to confess how shitty your boyfriend is, to reveal the dialogue that usually only stays in your head.
"come on, pansy, the people wanna know." blaise raises his finger to her, grinning. the boy loved drama; he wasn't a sharer, but certainly a listener.
"i, the people, do not care." draco raises his finger as well, slouched in his seat.
"and i, the people, say you're not gonna let y/n humiliate herself. if she really wants to say this, she’ll do it when she’s sober.” pansy frowns, standing up and gripping your arm, passing the joint over to theo who was watching the scene casually.
“usually you love this stuff!” theo raises his arms lazily for emphasis.
“well, she’s my friend.” pansy gives him a blink stare.
"blah, blah, blah, parkinson." you slur you words a little, and she scowls, "i'm ready to say it. ben rowen is shite in and out of the be—"
she muffles your voice with her hand, forcing you to get up and follow her to the dormitory calmly, as you attempt to yell through her fingers, instead practically humming. it's not a messy, nor embarrassing scene -- you're at least sober enough to know better, and no one's paying attention anyway, not with the beat of the music thrumming through the room, vibrating the floor beneath your feet. but you're not sober enough to control your urge to break down and admit that you desperately want to break up with your boyfriend, even though you think you still love (the old, fake) him, even though you're scared to break his heart.
seeing the scene from across the common room, ben strides over with a purpose, and the boys on the sofa snort at his actions. "what happened?" he tears pansy's hand from your mouth (thankfully, you're not wearing lipstick), to which she scrunches up her nose, clenching her jaw and glancing to the side impatiently.
"your girlfriend had a little too much to drink and smoke. she's going to bed."
"she can just stay with me." he seems over his annoyance from before. shame his annoying personality continues to linger, you think.
pansy eyes him up and down rapidly, grip still firm on your arm. there’s something about your boyfriend, especially considering your change in behaviour around him, that pisses her off. you're looking between the two of them with wide eyes, considerably amused. "no."
"what do you mean, no?" you notice now that he's much, much drunker than before. the boys are still watching, leaning forward to hear over the music. well, theo and blaise are -- draco gives the 'altercation' a glance before setting his focus on the almost-finished joint between his fingers.
"i thought ravenclaws were meant to have an IQ of at least more than ten — no, means, i will not let her stay with you, she's going to sleep it off." you look over to the sofas and give a look the boys, half-grimacing, half-grinning.
"listen, i'm the boyfriend here —"
"are you? because i don't recall you ever being present the entire party."
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean, i was just over —"
"with her, i mean. why don't you go drown yourself in some more of that beer you obviously like so much," 'ouch', blaise mouths, "and i'll take care of your girlfriend, who... y/n?" you stop making frantic pointing gestures to the boys to ‘translate’ what they were saying since the boys couldn’t lip read, turning your attention to the people in front of you.
"yup?" you shrug, tilting your head up at her, being just an inch or two shorter.
pansy closes her eyes, sighing, then shakes her head, feeling a little wobbly herself, "nevermind. let's get you to bed, huh?" she shoots daggers at ben, whose nostrils flare as you're guided to the girls dormitory. he goes after you two again, but is quickly halted when draco's voice raises over the music.
"perhaps you should let them leave, rowen. just head elsewhere — don't be an arse."
ben sighs in exasperation, making his way to the group, but draco sticks his leg out through the gap between the armchair and the sofa on which you were just sitting, making your boyfriend stumble back.
"that wasn’t an invitation." draco deadpans, although the corner of his lip quirks up as he takes a sip of firewhisky and raises his brows.
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instead of casting a quick makeup removal spell, pansy opts to lean you against the bathroom sink at a safe distance, using a cotton pad and cleaning off your eyeliner and any sweat or blush left on your skin. you know, just in case the spell doesn't go well, and you end up being eaten by a magic cotton pad.
you close your eyes, gripping the cold sink behind you loosely as pansy wipes warm water over your skin.
"done." she nods, expressionless, as your eyes flutter open, easily casting 'incendio' on the cotton and not bothering to watch as it crumbles into ash on the floor. she certainly has a flair for the dramatics, and you can't help but think she's picked it up from draco malfoy.
you look into the mirror to smooth down your hair, eyes bloodshot, lips swollen from the firewhiskey (and a little from when pansy pressed her palm into them). she tosses pyjamas at you, and you wobble a bit when they hit your side.
"okay, sergeant." you snort as she shuts the door, clumsily picking up the shorts and sweater she'd thrown.
shrugging off your dress, you call out from inside the bathroom. "why did you get mad at ben?"
for a beat, there was silence, until she called back. "because he was being a 'cockhead'." pansy mocked.
"and why did you make me leave?" you pull up your pyjama shorts, squinting down and trying to tie a little bow at the front, rather unsuccessfully, "i was having fun."
"well, you were gonna embarrass yourself, y/n. i only helped you out."
after slipping on your large sweater, you peek your head out the door, seeing her tie her raven hair back into a tiny ponytail, most strands falling out due to the length of it (or lack thereof). she'd done a makeup removal spell on herself.
"you're going to bed, too?" you murmur, furrowing your brows.
"yeah, tired." she lies, sorting out her bed covers.
you bite the inside of your cheek before deciding to ‘confront’ her, “and, pansy?” her movements still, “i didn't need help. they're my friends, and i wanted to tell them —"
she turns around, cutting you off with a challenging look that makes you step fully into the doorway, "tell them what?"
you swallow. nevermind. maybe she was right to drag you out of the party. maybe she was right to have cut you off, instead of letting you indulge into your history and your barely-there sex life.
feeling like you're being frowned upon by authority, you duck your head sheepishly and clamber into bed, glancing over to millicent who has seemingly collapsed onto her bed and blacked out.
"is... everything okay with you and — you and ben, though?"
"yeah. i don't know what i was saying. he just pissed me off earlier and i started... talking shit." you lie through your teeth.
"right." she flicks off the lights with her wand, back turned to you as she sits on her bed, pulling off her dress and slipping into a big shirt. the lamp on your bedside table that she turned on beforehand faintly casts the room in a warm glow, and through the darkness you can see the pale skin of her back as she pulls it down. your eyes dart away, deciding to focus on the ceiling, instead, "and you're really okay?" she turns now, and relief washes over you — relief that she didn't turn sooner.
you eye her as she gets under her covers, propping her head up with her hand. you bury yours sideways into the pillow, wrapping the duvet tightly around your frame. "yeah. you?"
"yes, y/n. now, sleep off all that shit in your system. and lie on your side, not your back." you listen to what she's told you plenty of time before, and lean over to switch off the lamp, the entire room pitch black.
"'night, pansy."
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ravenadottir · 4 years
Do you have any um.. 😳
vampire headcanons for the S2 LI's? 👀
fucking hell aly!
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let’s jump right into it! this has been in my drafts for far too long lol
a hybrid between werewolf and vampire, and here’s why:
the number of people he bedded. he’s too young to have such high numbers, although, i don’t think it goes beyond the hundred something, but still!!
how fucking pale he is, despite of the time he spends under the spanish punishing sun
he loves biting and i’ve been pointing that out since the beginning, ever since the first kink list anons have asked
he likes watching the shipyard?? NO. HE LIKES SCOUTING FOR BLOOD TO SUCK, MY GUY. who does he think he’s fooling??
nan could easily be the one who turned him, and stuck around to guide him through a life of honest vampirism. (you know, suck their blood but ask first, nd give back to the community by serving in the soup kitchen)
girls that never see him as a potential? were never bitten by him so the news wouldn’t be spread! they never come back not because they don’t see him as a potential boyfriend, but because they had nightmares and night terrors after the sex! WHO WOULDN’T COME BACK FOR SECONDS, MY FELLOW SIMP?? riddle me that!
vampires have all sorts of power, and it’s still odd to me a petit girl like mc could ever bench him, unless, he made himself lighter so she wouldn’t lose face on that challenge. she can’t bench press elisa, and that girl weights less than my pen! i reckon he used his powers so later he could use his powers.
dog person, and so playful he’s actually one! hence, half werewolf!
doesn’t like cats and will eat them if one comes near him.
his sexual magnetism. every lucas stan says the same things about him, even though the game canonically doesn’t give us as much. “kinky” “best at sex” “sexy as fuck” “would kill a man that came near us” “the most volatile” even though none of those has ever happened. he’s hypnotising us through sex!
his kiss is undeniably sexy, and described as unique and hot. gary’s is alien (so it’s new and different) but vampires are known for seducing and enticing, and that’s what lucas does at all times
we saved him, even after he brought a girl back. face it! we’re under his spell!
once, i researched how much the islanders make with their occupations, and found out lucas makes less money than bobby. how come he has his own place, so many quality products, expensive brand clothes, unless... he’s been working since ever to accumulate such fortune!?
he says he was a school brat and that’s why he didn’t know what a pillow fort was. THAT’S A LIE TO COVER UP THE FACT HE’S SO OLD HE DOESN’T EVEN REMEMBER IF HE’D EVER BUILT ONE, MY DUDE!
why is he so good in bed having such a low bodycount? because he’s had at least three human wives that died on him!! and that’s why he has trust issues.
do you ever see lucas eating???? do you????? no! gary eats constantly, and lucas doesn’t want you to kiss him after breakfast. “it’s rough.” i’ll tell you what’s rought: lucas feeling sick about food, not you after eating!
lucas’ shirt ios honestly a giveaway. there’s so much sunblock you can put on before it gets suspicious, so that’s why he doesn’t take his shirt off!
cat person!!
irritable because she forgot to pack her blood supply.
calls herself lottie but truly only responds to charlotte. her master knows this is the only name she goes as.
out of fucking nowhere she has a cape. the only one that probably threatened the producers’ physical integrity to have another piece of clothing, and from all possibilities, she got a BLACK TRANSLUCENT CAPE??? VAMPIRE!! WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!
only thinks of sex, and not emotional connections.
doesn’t mention anyone by name, except for her pet tarantula and a “billy”, who no onE knows WHO they are, except they’re a close mate. that’s her master!! 
bisexual. (that’s already reason enough, but whatever)
connects so easily with hannah because book girl reminds her of a simpler time in her own life, when she was running through meadows in search of flowers, b before she was turned!!
cat person!!!!!!!!!!
he’s a vampire and you’re descending from a slayer lineage, and that’s why he rejects you all the time!! he’s not a unicorn, he’s a bloodsucker of the worst family in england!! (it has to the that, right?? nothing to do with our personality, it’s the vampire slayer thing!!)
hates dogs, don’t at me! look at him and tell me this motherfucker is a dog person. nope!
involuntarily hates felix because the boy is a puppy! a canine! a dog! one of the enemy clans!
he’s always in that ridiculous position because he’s protecting his chest, my dude!! he doesn’t want his heart to turn into a corndog, and that’s why he be cramping but won’t lower those hands!
the first time you have sex, he’s behind you. he needed to conceal his red eyes from his excitement while having sex with you!
doesn’t - know - how - to - emote. he’s new vampire so he’s still not used to this life and how to deal with humans, my friend!
the bags under his eyes prove he hasn’t fed in a while. that’s why he goes missing on one of the afternoons! banner shmanner! he was feeding on one of the production crew!
notice how clueless and awkward he’s during the day, but relaxed and confident he is at night! he’s struggling to keep himself together under the sun, but once the moon is out, so is confident carl!
cat - person - don’t - at - me!!
long hair.
smells amazing even though he sweats like a pig, no matter what the situation is?? that sounds like extra pheromones to me! he’s enchanting us with the scent of lavender, that’s so calming, so he can intoxicate us and bite us before we notice!
he HAD to give pupperino back! because his clan of vampires forbid him of having a friendship with the canines! hello!
he was upset because he believes vampires and werewolves can live with each other!
always outdoors? in the middle of nowhere??? an actual instructor of how to survive in the wilderness, yet so young?!?! that’s because he’s the predator, people!
who knows so much about literature if someone who actually has been alive for so much longer??
the guy works in a library, away from the modern world commotion and noise.
he likes staying close to the books not because of the objects they are, but because he can still remember the time they were written by his fellow writers! he feels an emotional connection with the books because he presenced the birth of them and knows the true hardship it was to lose those companions!
only a vampire to not have found love but experimented and known lust! this is why he has to have you, on the roof terrace. he can’t deny himself of the need of having you any longer. he’d never experienced that sort of craving, and now he finally knows what love is!
romford is the last place people go! why is he still living there?? unless is to hide his true nature!
he didn’t do shit and still got us simping? HELLO! VAMPIRE! full of tricks, i tell you! why else would we be melting over a guy that only glances at our direction?!!?
no toxic masculinity? vampires have lived enough to see where that takes ya!
man, i had too much fun doing these! sorry for taking so long, i was struggling a bit with my pain.
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ghostiewriter · 4 years
chapter one | tale of a slightly unstable teen hero
Summary: JJ is starting to gain recognition around New York as the new hero in town. However, some complications arise with his new chemistry partner. Oh, and turns out he isn’t the only bloke around here with powers.
Warnings: John B is a simp, I feel like that needs a warning tbh. Umm there’s a lot of swearing (I’m Scottish, don’t judge), again some violence and fighting, also some cute ass moments between JJ and his mum so enjoy that
Word Count: 8.1K
A/N: Sooo there’s finally some Jiara in this chapter!! Hope you enjoy👀and I’m not responsible for any feels caused by JJ and Georgia Maybank!!
masterlist // taglist // ao3
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“Spider-Man does it again! Report of our favourite web-slinging hero saving the day once again after a fatal accident left an apartment complex on the corner of 5th and 36th street in flames. The teen hero arrived at the scene not long after the distress call was made to the local fire department and managed to rescue over twelve people that were trapped on the top floor. New York thanks Spider-Man once again.”
JJ grinned as he leaned back in his seat, sparing a smug look towards John B in the driver’s seat. JJ didn’t usually carpool with John B but it was getting colder and his extra-curricular activities were wearing him exhausted by morning. Plus, the last time JJ skated to school when he was half asleep, Pope had to pull him out of a trash can. Turns out raccoons can be very territorial and did not appreciate the blond taking a small visit into their home. He was pretty sure he still had scars on his back from some of those little bastards.
“Three weeks on the job and you already have a little fanbase,” John B commented, reaching over to turn the radio down a little since the reporter moved onto some irrelevant news neither of the boys cared about. “Soon you’ll have a swarm of fangirls chasing after you while you fight crime.”
“Don’t be jealous, JB,” JJ grinned, both arms behind his head as he looked at the passing view. “I’m sure one of my groupies will slum it down for you.” He teased, only laughing when he felt the flick on his forehead.
As much as he hated to admit it, JJ had seriously enjoyed the past three weeks. They were intense, impulsive and unpredictable. Just how JJ liked his life to be. It wasn’t easy at first though, it took a good few attempts before the people of New York actually labelled him as a hero. Maybe it was because he was some young bloke who popped out of nowhere with abilities that no could really understand. Or maybe it was because he was going around in a red ski mask, blue shirt, a red vest with an awfully drawn spider on it and some blue joggers. He looked like a right on idiot, especially with the chunky goggles Pope added to his costume. But if it kept his identity secret, then so be it. The last thing JJ wanted was a bunch of journalists swarming his apartment, especially since he wanted to keep this whole alter ego away from his parents. In fact, he wanted to keep it away from anyone who wasn’t John B or Pope.
It was safer that way.
“At least that’s one more that Pope.” John B said nonchalantly.
“As if, dude!” JJ scoffed, grinning at the distressed—and fairly high pitched—‘WHAT’ that came from the brunette. “Oh, c’mon, Pope created a whole ass bat signal for me! You just sit there and look pretty! Pope gets at least two groupies.” He said with a shrug.
It was true. JJ knew Pope was smart, but this was next level. After realising that JJ wasn’t getting the recognition he needed to be labelled a ‘superhero’, Pope had come up with the ingenuous idea to infiltrate the police radio stations. Not only did they have full access to updates on crimes around the city, but Pope even felt a little fancy and made it so JJ would get a notification sent to his phone the second there was a job for Spider-Man. That boy was way too smart for his own good, but JJ was grateful for it.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” John B asked with a teasing grin.
“Yeah,” JJ smiled, reaching to place his hand on John B’s shoulder with a squeeze. “Pretty fucking ugly.”
John B’s smile instantly dropped as he scowled at JJ, who was happily snickering at the sudden change in mood. “Whatever, Spider-boy.”
“Yikes, low blow.”
The rest of the journey was spent in a similar vibe, except with JJ checking his phone every five minutes. He couldn’t help it, but the past three weeks had been some of the most exciting in his life. JJ had been labelled the troublemaker his whole life, the one that was throwing pencils into Mrs Ramirez’s curls because they looked like little hoops. Or even just doing his damn best to avoid the work he was given. It was a force of habit. JJ’s brain was running at a million miles a second. Nothing could hold him down, keep him entertained for longer than thirty minutes at most. And his teachers had constantly reminded him that his impulsive nature and high energy would lead him nowhere good in life.
All JJ had to say to them now was a massive ‘FUCK YOU!’ because how wrong they were. It was those qualities that made JJ the perfect hero. He could react quick to a sudden change, he was always on his feet, he had found something that not only could he channel all his energy into—but he was damn good at it as well. John B and Pope had warned him that it was best to keep himself humble, to not get too arrogant. But who was he kidding? JJ made a pretty fucking bomb superhero and everyone loved him. It seemed like he deserved to feel arrogant, to soak in his time in the spotlight. He enjoyed every single second.
So, can you really blame JJ for checking his phone, wanting an excuse to put that mask on and do the one thing he is good at? Except for skateboarding. Everyone knew JJ was the best skater in Queens.
Unfortunately, there was no sudden crimes that JJ could use as excuse to ditch school. A true tragedy, if you asked him. It seems like he will just have to suffer through another day of learning things that either happened way too long ago, didn’t make sense to him or he just truly didn’t care about. Which just happened to be basically every subject—excluding wood-shop. Except he was taken out of the class because apparently making mini bongs for birds is not okay. Who would’ve thought.
“I don’t see what the issue is—it’s a fool-proof plan!” John B argued as the two boys made their way through the corridors of Midtown High. Only stopping once they reached John B’s locker where he exchanged his books and JJ checked out the hallway for anything that caught his eye.
“Bro, you have a ten-year plan to end up with Sarah Cameron,” JJ stated bluntly. “And even then, you end up as her second husband—“
“No one can prove what happened to the first.”
“It’s fucking sad, JB.”
“It’s a solid plan.” John B stated simply and shrugged his shoulders, deciding to ignore JJ as he rolled his eyes, muttering something about John B being a ‘hopeless fool’. John B only grinned wider and glanced at his watch before whispering a small ‘shit’ to himself. “I gotta go, see you at lunch.” And with that, John B was zooming his way down the corridor.
“You know it’s really creepy that you plan when you bump into her!” JJ called down the corridor, but he doubted John B heard him. “Like really fucking creepy…like restraining order level creepy!
Once he noticed John B’s head turn the corner, undoubtedly on his way to ‘coincidentally’ bump into Sarah Cameron, JJ calmly made his way to his first period class, not in a big rush to get there.
You see, after the incident in wood shop and many others after that, the school had taken the decision to move JJ into a class they deemed more valuable of his time. Chemistry. Stick the ADHD kid in a room full of chemicals…seemed about right. However, JJ was being transferred half way through the term with absolutely no knowledge in chemistry other than how to make a Molotov cocktail. Therefore, he didn’t really see an issue in showing up to a class he was already hopeless in. His teacher disagreed.
“Mr Maybank, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Mr Marino—a middle-aged bald man who had looked as though he had been through one too many divorces and contained most of his knowledge in the form of his beer belly—commented as JJ entered the class.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me!” JJ sighed dramatically.
“Let me guess: your alarm didn’t go off.”
“It was my pet monkey, sir. Has a mind of its own.”
“Your pet monkey?”
“Yup, his name is JB. Nasty wee guy but I keep him around, he’s a good laugh. Could do with a shower though.”
“Take a seat, Maybank.”
“I can feel the love.” JJ grinned before he turned to look at the class. It was set up with eight workbenches, two seats at each. His eyes scanned over each one before he caught an empty seat at the back-left workbench, the only empty seat—and just his luck it was next to the curly haired beauty for the trip.
JJ was starting to think he might actually enjoy this class.
“We just keep meeting, sweetheart. I think it’s a sign.” JJ whispered to her as he took his seat next to her, definitely sitting a little closer than he had to. He tried not to smirk when he noticed her subtly moving away from him. JJ always loved a challenge.
“Or a punishment.” She replied bluntly, not even sparing JJ a glance.
“Aw, is this how it’s going to be for the rest of the year, princess?” JJ muttered with a pout. He tried not to smile when she finally turned to look at him.
“Rafe got a concussion.” She hissed.
“So?” JJ frowned.
“So? You caused it!”
“And I should care because?”
“He is banned from the football team for six weeks!”
JJ stared at her blankly. “And…?”
“He is the captain!”
“Boohoo, they’ll survive without him.” JJ shrugged, leaning back in his stool as he flashed her one of his usual girl-charming smiles. “But hey, if you’re really stressed out about it, I’m sure I can help you find a way to relax.”
“You’re a pig.” She stated with a small huff, stubbornly turning to face the front, planning to not even give him the chance to redeem himself. Trust me when I say Kiara is an open person, always there to give people a second chance. But JJ Maybank was not one of those people. In the three times she had met him, he had been nothing but a shameless flirt who had no care for the world beyond his sex life. She could be judging him too quickly, but in her defence, he hadn’t given her anything else to work with.
However, Kiara assumed her behaviour was clear enough that she didn’t want to talk to him, that she could gladly go the rest of the year without willingly speaking to him. But this is JJ. Hyperactive, unable to sit still JJ. He didn’t get the hint.
“So, do anything interesting this weekend?” JJ asked her, that classic smirk of his on his lips. But she didn’t answer him. Instead, she kept her gaze on Mr Marino and his oh-so interesting talk on bond orbitals within an atom.
JJ raised his eyebrows when he received no reply from her. “Giving me the silent treatment now? That’s a bit rude.” He commented.
“So is giving someone a concussion.” She stated.
“Do you want to know what I did?” JJ asked.
“Geez, princess, no one ever taught you manners?” He teased, taking the pen he was spinning between his fingers to gently poke her arm. She only huffed and moved her seat further away.
“Okay, alright, fine! I get it…” JJ trailed off, and Kiara couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. But she spoke to soon. She heard the scrape of a chair and suddenly she could feel the warmth of JJ right beside her, their elbows just touching.
“Is there an issue, Mr Maybank?” She heard Mr Marino call out but the boy next to her just shook his head, that mischievous glint shining in his eyes.
“No, please carry on, Alan.” The blond replied, his fingers tapping against the worktop counter.
Kiara sighed. She knew very well that she could put her hand up and complain, or even ask Mr Marino to change seats after class ended. But she was stubborn, and she would be damned if she gave JJ that satisfaction of knowing that he got under her skin.
This was going to be a long year.
“She called me JB! That basically takes three years off my plan!”
“Dude, I don’t know if this is really sad or creepy now…” JJ grimaced. He had spent the last fifteen minutes listening to John B and his ‘coincidental’ encounter with Sarah Cameron. And if he was being honest, he was concerned for his friend. And his stomach…this boy needed to let JJ eat his lunch before he had to hear one more comment about how ‘yellow is totally her colour’.
“I mean, it just compliments her complexion so well! C’mon, how many people do you know that can pull of yellow and not looked totally washed out!” John B argued. But JJ just met him with a blank stare.
“When the fuck did you become a fashion expert?” JJ spoke up, his nose scrunched in confusion.
“I took a class once.”
JJ looked at him with his mouth agape. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Piss off, I wanted to learn how to dress better.”
“Says the guy that wears horrible thrifted Hawaiian shirts.” JJ deadpanned. John B only rolled his eyes and turned his attention back onto Sarah.
JJ followed his line of sight towards Sarah Cameron and her group, and he was shocked at the sight. He noticed the usual people in their uptown outfits and obnoxious laughs he could unfortunately hear from his seat. But it was the sight of his chemistry partner looking quite cosy under Rafe’s arm that caught him off-guard. His eyebrows furrowed a little, but hey, JJ should have seen this coming. The uptown kids like to stick with each other. Yet, JJ couldn’t help but find the sight quite uncomfortable to look at—Rafe had that effect on people. It was a surprise he managed to score…JJ paused. He had spent a whole hour with her and yet, he didn’t even know her name.
He nudged John B, yet neither one of them looked away from the group. “Hey JB, who’s Sarah’s new chick?”
“The pretty curly haired one standing next to her, dumbass.”
“Oh…I don’t actually know—“
“—Kiara Carrera. Relocated here from Kernersville, North Carolina. Her father owns a large chain of restaurants around the country. She is also the only junior other than yours truly doing three AP classes, including environmental science, biology and English.” Pope finished, panting a little considering he had literally just ran into the cafeteria and heard the last few words of their conversation.
JJ looked up at Pope with a mix of awe and fear. “What, you forgot her national insurance number as well? How the fuck do you know all that?”
“The school files.” Pope answered easily as he turned his laptop around and with the screen facing them, JJ decided he was definitely a little scared of Pope.
“Those are meant to be locked away in some super, secret network thing!” JJ hissed, only to be met with a smirking Pope.
“As if, it’s easy as fuck to hack something as amateur as the school’s firewall. Could do it with my eyes closed.” He grinned at the two of them. “Why, JJ? Hiding something from us like…I don’t know…your middle name being Belinda.” He snickered.
“YOUR NAME IS BELINDA?!” John B gasped, looking at JJ with wide eyes.
“Shut up, would you!” JJ hissed at the both of them, leaning over the table to flick John B on the forehead. “I was named after my grandmother.”
“Aww, Grammie Belinda.” John B cooed. JJ only glared at him.
“Hey, Grammie Belinda was a saint, don’t disrespect her like that.” JJ huffed, pointing a finger towards John B. He then turned to Pope who had made himself comfortable in the seat next to him.
“Why were you asking about Kiara?” Pope asked JJ, snatching a few chips from his plate. JJ swatted his hand away but didn’t stop Pope from doing it again. “Does JJ have a little crush?” He teased, pouting a little.
“Piss off,” JJ laughed as he nudged Pope with his shoulder. “She’s just my chemistry partner.”
“Ooh, so you guys have chemistry together?” John B grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off, JB. Go back to stalking your little uptown princess.” JJ commented, returning the grin as both friends shook their head. They both knew the other meant no harm.
“Well, if you two little lovebirds are done having your moment,” Pope piped up, both boys looking over at him. “I need you to meet me on your rooftop at nine sharp tonight.”
“Damn, Pope, finally taking me out?”
“You wish, Spider-Boy,” He grinned, but the look he was giving made JJ a little nervous for what Pope had hidden up his sleeve. It could honestly range from a pet raccoon he befriended to creating some weird Frankenstein bug. “Just be there.”
John B pouted. “What about me?! Is this where I become the third-wheel?”
“In here!”
JJ dropped his bag by the couch as he made his way to the kitchen, the soft sound of the click telling him the door shut behind him. He sniffed the air as he walked in, seeing his mum at the stove and grinned a little, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“What’s for dinner?” He asked, peeking over her shoulder.
“Spaghetti,” She hummed, a soft smile on her lips as she peeked a glance at her son. “How was school?”
“The usual,” He answered with a shrug as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water before heading towards his usual spot on the counter. “Teachers still don’t appreciate my comments, Pope said smart things I didn’t understand and JB was a love-sick puppy.”
She grinned, shaking her head a little. “I find John B’s attempts to woo that girl quite admirable actually,” She commented. “It wouldn’t kill you to be a hopeless romantic every once in a while.” Yet, she only laughed when she saw JJ’s face scrunch up in disgust.
Despite JJ’s reputation for being an adrenaline junkie who loves to live life on the edge, these were actually his favourite moments. The little moments he shared with his mum, just the two of them. It is one of the few moments in his life where he feels relaxed, no expectations or pressures. And as sappy as it sounded—and no offence to John B and Pope—but JJ wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life he truly cared about. People like her are the reason he enjoys being Spider-Man, because despite the shit people in the world, there were some genuinely good people out there, like Georgia Maybank.
It was hard to believe JJ and Georgia Maybank were related. She was a sweetheart, the type of woman who would take time out of her own life to volunteer at local food shelters despite having just done a twelve-hour shift at the hospital. She is the type of woman to buy flowers and hand them to strangers on the street just to brighten someone’s day. She is the type of woman who would work her ass off to give her son all that she could, despite the struggles she faced with the bills and rent because her son was her life. She was the opposite of JJ’s hyperactive self.
But boy, did they look very similar. From the sandy blonde hair the two of them shared, to the bright blue eyes, to even the exact same smile. JJ really was a carbon copy of his mother. And there was a small part of her, one she would never outwardly admit, that adored the fact JJ looked so much like her. Like a primal mother instinct, she loved her son and she loved that everyone knew he was her son. She would be damned if someone ever asked her to hide that.
Georgia was the type of mother that had that warm aura around her, the one that made you just trust her with your life. The hugs she gives just makes you want to stay in her arms forever, because everything is just better with Georgia Maybank. JJ knew that and he always reminded himself of that. No matter what shit he gets into, no matter how much he may envy the uptown kids—none of them will ever have Georgia Maybank and he would gladly flaunt that.
He may not have designer clothes or a fancy car to drive to school. But they don’t have Georgia Maybank, dancing around barefoot in the kitchen while she badly sings along to some old 80s song that is playing on the radio, just to make him crack a smile.
JJ grinned as his mother grabbed his hand, pulling off the counter before they jokingly began to waltz around the small kitchen, some classical song playing from the small radio that sat on the counter by the stove. JJ only laughed as he apologized for stepping on her toes again, but she didn’t mind. She just smiled and continued to dance.
“Why do I have to do this? I’m starving, woman!” He whined playfully as he twirled his mum around a few times.
“Because, JJ, one day you’re going to have a beautiful girl—or boy, I won’t assume—that will somehow fall for that charm of yours,” She spoke softly, placing a hand on her son’s cheek, a proud glint in her eyes when he rolled his eyes at her statement but still had a small smile on his face. “And I will be damned if I don’t teach my son how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
“Nothing says romantic like stepping on a girl’s toes.” He stated bluntly.
Georgia only laughed and ruffled his hair before she turned back to the stove. She grabbed two plates, putting in a larger portion for JJ—which with his new transformation wouldn’t actually be enough but he will sneak out during the night to eat the leftovers when she’s asleep—before placing them on the small dining table in the corner, gesturing for him to join her.
The rest of the dinner was fairly uneventful, simply just JJ telling her about John B’s updated seven-year plan with Sarah Cameron and Georgia sharing any particularly interesting stories about patients she had to deal with during her shift. JJ really let this dinner sink in. As much as he loved his mother, her inability to say ‘no’ and be so giving kind of bothered him. Because she had taken up extra shifts for a few of her colleagues due to something about the ‘stress of wedding planning’. JJ had been seeing her less and less—and though it was good for his recent Spider-Man shenanigans—this dinner made him realise just how much he missed her. Just a nice, wee dinner with his mum, nothing else. And everything seemed to be going well, until he heard the radio presenter’s voice flowing through the kitchen.
“Locals say that Spider-Man is the next best thing to happen to New York since deep-fried pizza! But I don’t know, Janet. I mean, who is this kid? Where did he come from? There just seems to be a lot of unanswered questions with this so-called hero. Can we really trust some prepubescent boy who probably spends his day with his head in a textbook? It just doesn’t seem—“
The radio presenter was cut off by Georgia turning the volume down. “People can’t appreciate a good gesture anymore.” She huffed. JJ watched her closely as she finished off washing the last of the dishes before turning to face him, a small frown on her lips.
“I think he’s doing the city a favour.” JJ said half-heartedly with a shrug.
Georgia nodded, her fingers gently fiddling with chain around her neck, well more specifically the gold ring attached to it. “I know but,” She sighed. “What a shame, putting all this pressure on a poor teenage boy. Oh, I feel bad for his parents!”
JJ coughed a little. “It could be his decision, you know.”
Georgia continued as though she hadn’t heard him. “I could only imagine how stressful it would be have your son out there, throwing himself at danger.” She shook her head as she made her way to where JJ still sat at the dining table. “Promise me you wouldn’t do something so careless?” She asked sweetly, gently cupping his face in her hands as she looked down at him.
Now, JJ knew there was a teasing tone to her words. She wasn’t being serious because, how could she? Her son being a superhero with crazy powers? Not possible. She and JJ shared everything and it was because of that he couldn’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. He hated lying to his mum, he hated keeping secrets from her. They were always close, JJ never felt the need to hide things from her. There was always such a comfortable vibe between them. But he knew how she would react if he told her the truth. He knew she would freak out and make him stop. And JJ didn’t want to stop. As much as he hated the guilt that bubbled inside him, he pushed it away and gave her a grin.
“Of course not, I would come up with a better name than Spider-Man.” He joked lightly and closed his eyes when he felt his mum press a kiss to his forehead. He nuzzled his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against her stomach. He smiled softly when he felt her hands running through his hair, just like the way she used to do when he was younger and struggling to fall asleep. He tried to hold back a yawn.
“That’s my baby boy.” She said with a gentle laugh.
“Mama, I’m a not a baby! I’m a man now.” He whined but he didn’t pull away from her grip just yet. He missed his mum’s hugs, sue him.
“You’ll always be my baby boy.” She commented with a small shrug.
“Yeah, yeah,” He murmured. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at her, giving the best puppy-dog eyes he could. She was always a sucker for those. “Can I go hang out with JB and Pope tonight?” He asked with a sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Just be back before your father gets home.”
JJ rubbed his hands together as he stared at the view from the roof. New York looked absolutely stunning this time of year, especially at night. The sky was pitch black, and it should’ve seemed daunting. But the bright lights of the city illuminated everything. It was mesmerising, a sight that JJ would never get tired of seeing. And with his newly discovered powers, he found something therapeutic about swinging around the city and being surrounded those bright lights. It felt like he was swinging through the stars—he obviously didn’t share that with the boys, they would take the piss out of him. Speaking of which…
“Where the fuck is he?” JJ hissed, turning to look at John B who only shrugged in response. As much as JJ liked New York at night, it was cold. The lower body temperature caused by the spider bite really didn’t help the situation. He had a hoodie and a jacket on and still the light breeze was making his teeth chatter.
“I don’t know.” John B shrugged. JJ rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was 9:15pm and JJ was about five minutes away from freezing to death.
Just then, the rooftop door opened and a wild Pope was sprinting towards then, panting heavily as he ripped his backpack off and quickly unzipped it. Words were leaving his lips but between the panting, neither of them could work out what he was saying.
“Dude, calm down, breathe!” John B exclaimed. Pope nodded and took a minute to catch himself.
“Your lives are gonna change forever!” He grinned before looking at JJ. “Strip.”
JJ raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“Dude, it’s like fifty fucking degrees, I am not gonna fucking strip!”
“Stop whining and do it!”
JJ huffed and started to take his clothes off, muttering some very…colourful phrases towards Pope. However, he didn’t get much time to question his friend’s demands because the second he was stripped down to his boxers, he had a bunch of fabric thrown at him.
“Wait…is this…?” He trailed off, looking at Pope with a new look of excitement shining in his eyes.
“You bet,” Pope grinned. “Say hello to your brand-new suit, Spider-Man.”
JJ excitedly began to pull the suit on, suddenly forgetting all about his theatrics with the cold. But Pope wasn’t done with his surprise.
“The suit is a total upgrade!” He began, his hands moving wildly as he spoke. “The fabric is strong but flexible. I have added small web-shooters to go over your spinneret glands so you can have a more direct shots. There are a few extra things I’ve added like a small heater to keep you warm and a few sensors, so we can keep track of your vitals. Oh, and for us—” He paused before handing John B a silver bracelet.
John B looked at the bracelet in confusion. “Uh, thanks?”
Pope only grinned and showed John B that he was wearing a similar bracelet. He slipped it off before unclipping a small oval shaped device from the middle of the bracelet. “This is the coolest part,” He nodded for John B to copy his movements. “To be honest, these took the longest. I had JJ’s suit done like two weeks ago but—”
“And you made me wait this long? Dude, I looked like a weirdo running around in joggers!” JJ groaned, but there was no real hostility in his voice.
“Just put on your mask, dude!”
JJ rolled his eyes but didn’t answer as he slipped the mask over his face. He was a bit surprised at how easily he could see through it, way better than the goggles he had before. The suit was a perfect fit—props to Pope after it took an hour to get all of JJ’s measurements. The material was tight and breathable, practically clinging onto JJ like a second skin. Oddly enough, he felt far more comfortable in it than his last costume. Pope clearly liked the colour scheme, having kept the red and blue palette but with a massive spider on his chest, with lines wrapping around him to look like a web. He looked totally badass, he felt badass. He felt like a proper hero from one of those comic books and posters Pope has around his room.
“So, how do I look?” JJ asked, flexing as he gave the boys a little spin. Pope only grinned, proud of his creation. John B gasped, clearly just as hyped as JJ was.
“Dude, your ass looks great.” John B commented, causing JJ to snort.
“When does it not look great?”
“Guys! The last surprise!” Pope piped up, causing both boys to stop staring at JJ’s ass and instead turn to him.
“These little guys,” He said, nodding between the small oval devices in his and John B’s hands. “Are gonna help us keep in contact with you while you’re swinging around. Little ear pieces so we can help you out and keep tabs on you if you need any help.”
“Where’s my bracelet?” JJ frowned beneath the mask.
“You don’t need one, dumbass. Your ear piece is connected into your mask!” Pope grinned proudly. JJ let out a scoff, shaking his head.
“Pope, you fucking genius!” He yelled, and he pulled his friend into a tight hug. John B, feeling a little left out, quickly joined the hug.
“This is so cool, dude, now we are like an actual team!” John B grinned.
Pope was the first to pull back, looking at JJ with a wild look in his eyes. “I think it’s time for Spider-Man to show the city his new look.”
JJ grinned under the mask, already beginning to take a few steps back. “I think you’re right.” And without a second thought, he left himself fall off the edge of the building.
On that October night, New York watched their own hero swing through the streets, letting the cheers and whoops of the strangers sink in. They watched their hero in a new light, a more professional one. The next day, he was no longer that kid running around like some wannabe. He was Spider-Man, the new saviour of New York and a beloved hero.
It was wild what a good new suit could do for your reputation.
“Did you see the pictures The Daily Bugle released?”
“He looked so hot!”
“I’d let him save me any day!”
“You don’t even know what he looks like…”
“So? Have you seen those arms? Nothing else matters!”
JJ couldn’t help but let the smirk on his face grow as he walked through the corridors of the school. It was the day after his new suit reveal and he wasn’t going to lie, he was soaking in all the attention. He was particularly enjoying the twitter thread that was made about his ass. John B didn’t lie, his ass did look good in this new suit.
He continued his way through the sea of students before he made it to his chemistry class, not surprised that people were still talking about Spider-Man. His eyes instantly glanced over at Kiara, who was sitting at their workbench scrolling through her phone.
He grinned as he quickly past the other students and sat quite comfortably in his seat. His eyebrows raised slightly when she didn’t react at first to his appearance. His curiosity got the best of him as he leaned towards her, peeking over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Now, JJ won’t lie to you, but when he saw her staring at pictures of Spider-Man, his ego definitely inflated a little. Okay, maybe more than a little but you get the point.
“You a fan?” He couldn’t help but ask, trying to keep his smirk to himself.
Kiara quickly snapped her head to look at him, slamming her phone down screen first onto the desk. “Can you mind your business?” She huffed, trying to calm her heartbeat a little. She didn’t even hear him come in, which is odd since usually you could hear JJ from a mile away.
“Aw, c’mon, Kiara! I thought we were besties now.” He grinned to her, wiggling his eyebrows a little. He leaned forward on the desk, bringing him a little closer to her. His forearms were pressed against the desk, his body leaning on them. She noticed how close their hands were. But after yesterday, she refused to left JJ get under her skin again. Or at least let him see how much he is bothering her. So, she stayed where she was, not moving back like he expected.
“You know my name.” It wasn’t a question, more a statement.
“Surprised?” He whispered, smirking a little when he noticed he wasn’t moving away. JJ risked it a little more and moved a bit closer.
“Took you long enough.” She replied with a shrug. JJ’s grin only widened.
“Oh yeah, counting down the days, princess?” He raised an eyebrow. He noticed her lips quirk a little, like she was fighting back a smile.
“You wish, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up.”
“I think someone has a little crush, Kiara.” He grinned at her, only to witness her roll her eyes and push him away.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, Kiara.”
She rolled her eyes again but didn’t bother replying this time. She instead focused her gaze on the front of the class as Mr Marino entered the room, beginning the lesson. But if she had glanced over to the blond sitting on his right, she would’ve seen he was smiling throughout the whole lesson.
“Thank you, dear!”
JJ nodded his head a little in acknowledgement and gave the older woman a small salute. “Always here to help, ma’am.” He said, handing her the small handbag that he had just rescued from the hands of some man who had tried to steal it from her.
“Aw, you’re really starting to win over the senior citizens.”
JJ rolled his eyes when he heard Pope’s voice through his earpiece. “Dude, I think she pinched my ass.”
“Lucky you, older woman, that’s hot.”
“JB, shut up.”
JJ snorted a little at the bickering, extending his arm out before he was swinging between the buildings with no trouble. He had been using any free time he had lately to be out in his suit, getting used to all the cool, extra bits that Pope had added. And he won’t lie, the boy really outdid himself. JJ felt like a total badass, being able to swing around and save people and feel like a real hero. He also enjoyed the change in attitude people had with him. He was Spider-Man, the city hero. He was appreciated. He was wanted. Not something JJ felt very often.
“Anything happening around town?” JJ asked, his eyes scanning the streets below, waiting to see any conflict. He couldn’t help but feel as though there was a part of him that was on edge. He couldn’t really explain it, it was like a bad shiver down his spine. It was a similar feeling he felt before that bank robbery fiasco a few weeks ago. It was a nasty wee feeling, one that had him on alert. Something was wrong, he didn’t know what. But he could sense it.
“Nah, everything seems to be fine. Maybe you should take a break, you’ve been swinging around for, like, three hours. You need to rest, dude.”
“What?” JJ muttered, so quiet that the boys on the other side barely heard him. That couldn’t be right, he can feel it. Something isn’t right, something bad is going to happen. “Guys, are you—”
He was cut off by a series of screams.
JJ’s body was reacting way before his brain did, like his hero side just leaped into action at the alert of any distress. He was swinging as fast as he could, his arms burning a little as he got closer and closer to the sound of those screams. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears, could feel his heart rate pick up. The adrenaline coursing through him, making him forget about the burning in his muscles from the three hours of patrolling he had done.
“That’s fucking weird, there is no police reports coming through.”
JJ ignored the voices coming through the earpiece, his whole body feeling rigid as he crouched on top of a building, looking at the carnage below. There, in the middle of the square stood what looked like a moving black cloud. Civilians were screaming and running away, but the black cloud just remained. His eyes narrowed slightly, like he was waiting for it to do something, to lash out. But it didn’t. He opened his mouth, ready to ask Pope if he was just imagining something when he heard the black cloud speak.
“Spider-Man, oh Spider-Man! Come out, come out wherever you are!” It spoke in a raspy, demonic voice. Whatever this way, it wasn’t human. JJ may have failed biology, but he knew that for sure.
“JJ, don’t. We are have no idea what this thing is. It could be a trap—”
“I got this, Pope.” JJ muttered, ignoring his friends’ pleas to think this through as he swung down, landing a couple of feet away from the black cloud. “You called?”
Suddenly, in the middle of the cloud, JJ swore he could see lips begin to materialise. He frowned beneath the mask but didn’t move away. His fist was clenched at the side, ready to react if the cloud tried anything.
“Ah, we finally meet, Spider-Man.” The cloud spoke again. The voice sent shivers down his spine. JJ pushed away that feeling of discomfort. Something about the cloud felt familiar, but he couldn’t tell what. It was like an annoying itch he couldn’t reach.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” JJ questioned. “Look, dude, if you’re a fan, I appreciate it, but you don’t need to scare away a whole block of people to get my attention. You can just ask for an autograph like everyone else.”
“JJ stop provoking it!”
“You’ll know me soon enough.” The voice replied ambiguously. JJ furrowed his eyebrows together. Whatever this cloud was, it was being far too vague for JJ’s liking.
JJ winced, clutching his ears. His body was on high-alert, his ears sensitive to pick out any small noise or rustle. He looked at the cloud and then at his surroundings, noticing how every screen—every phone, every billboard, every electrical compliance in this vicinity that he could see—was projecting the black cloud. It was broadcasting to the whole city. JJ couldn’t help but wonder where the fuck the hidden camera was. How was it doing this?
“YOU LABEL THIS KID AS YOUR HERO! YOU TRUST THIS CHILD WITH YOUR LIVES! YOU ARE FOOLISH!” The voice boomed, suddenly the black cloud began to form tentacles that were slithering from whatever was at the centre of it. “LET ME SHOW YOU THE TRUTH! LET ME SHOW YOU WHO YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!”
JJ was a little too distracted by the concept of a cloud broadcasting to the city that he didn’t even notice one of the tentacles slithering towards him. It wrapped itself around his leg before swinging him into the nearest building.
JJ let out a small oomph as his body made contact with the brick wall. He could hear yelling in the distance, the sounds of people screaming. But nothing was overpowering the ringing in his ears as he slowly dragged himself to stand up.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” He muttered, blinking a few times before he turned back to look at the cloud. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and quickly rolled over to the side, the tentacle that threw him smashing into the wall not even a second later. That rush of adrenaline hitting JJ again as he quickly swung out of there, not even looking behind him until he knew he was a good distance away to assess the situation.
JJ swore under his breath, trying to catch up with his thoughts as he watched more tentacles appear from the cloud. “Where the fuck are they coming from?” He muttered before swinging down to a lower building rooftop, crouching at the edge. He narrowed his eyes as he extended his hand out, shooting a web towards the centre of the cloud. There had to be something solid within this thing, something he can grip on to, something he can fight. But he was met with nothing. “Fuck.” He frowned before he began to crawl down the side of the building.
“You seem a bit jealous, mate!” JJ called out, watching as all eight of the tentacles seemed to snap their attention towards him. God, that was scary. “Don’t you have to tell me some wild origin story before you kill me?”
“Oh, that’s really reassuring, thank you so much.”
“A bit of an odd wish, if you ask me.” He murmured to himself, quickly snapping his wrist before swinging around the black cloud. He watched as the tentacles reached out for him, just grazing him as he swung between the buildings.
“How the fuck do I fight something that isn’t solid? Get a vacuum? If you have one big enough, please do share. Call the ghostbusters or something!”
He heard more screams, some closer than he expected. He assumed everyone ran off, but when he turned his head to the side, he noticed a man standing there, frozen in fear. More importantly, he saw a car heading straight towards the scared man.
“Shit, shit, shit,” JJ yelled as he quickly yanked his web, spinning around and landing in front of the man, his hands extended out in front of him. Seconds later he felt the impact of the car, the weight and momentum it came crashing in at hit him strong enough to make him slide back a few feet. “Go, dude!” He yelled at the man, who had finally come to his senses and thanked JJ profusely before sprinting away. JJ groaned and threw the car away from him, huffing slightly.
“Oh, no shit, Sherlock! I thought it was Barbie’s Dreamhouse.” Only JJ would be sarcastic while his life is in threat.
But it was that sarcasm that distracted him long enough for one of the tentacles wrap around his ankle, yanking him down from the small jump he had taken so the web he was currently gripping snapped with ease, preventing him a quick escape like he planned. He didn’t even have time to scream before he noticed the tentacle bringing him closer to the middle of the cloud, his eyes widening slightly.
He wiggled around in the tentacle’s grip, trying to find a way out but it was relentless. He wasn’t sure what was real or not, not sure if he imagined screaming in his head or if he actually did as he was dropped into the centre of the cloud.
Then, he felt nothing.
JJ was vaguely aware of his surroundings. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or not, but it was dark. He tried to move his arm, but it felt constricted, like he was swimming in something really thick. His brain was screaming at him to call out for Pope and John B, to move his hands and swing out of here, to do something. But another part of JJ felt completely content in this situation. He couldn’t explain it, but something washed over him, like a massive electric shock that made him aware of just how…familiar this seemed. It was similar to the feeling he had earlier.
He felt safe, understood.
And then that feeling was gone.
Suddenly, JJ found himself being thrown around in circles, something holding a tight grip on his ankle. But soon enough, that let go too and JJ was soon flying through the air, too out of it to even react fast enough to web onto something or soften his eventual crash.
JJ felt the air be completely knocked out of him, his body bouncing off the concrete a couple of times before he rolled over. It took him a few attempts to finally open his eyes, take in his surroundings, to see he was in some dingy alleyway. He turned his head to the side, briefly seeing a black blob in the distance. He could hear some muffled yelling.
JJ vaguely furrowed his eyebrows together before turning his head to stare at the blue sky above instead. When the ringing and the muffling was over, he could hear the screams of his friends coming through the earpiece.
JJ frowned a little, his whole throat felt dry and numb. There was also a metallic taste in his mouth that told him he must’ve bitten his tongue at some point. God, he hated the taste of blood. “It…It felt…”
“It felt just like me.” He finally got out.
Then everything went black.
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
hi!! ʕ◕‿◕ʔ / could i get a matchup with a haikyuu boy?
my pronouns are she/her and i’m 18. i’m an INFJ and an aries. my enneagram is a tie between a 6 and a 9. i’m also a ravenclaw if that helps! i’m pretty reserved and independent. i’m also creative, organized, and responsible. i’m impatient, impulsive, straightforward, clumsy, and a perfectionist. i overthink a lot and am a people pleaser. i have a really bad rbf and have been told i look intimidating... i’ve also been told i’m very chill.
i tend to fidget a lot so i always wear jewelry to play with. and i have a bad habit of forgetting things like charging my phone. i prefer doing things alone but i do enjoy spending time with people i love. my love language is quality time and physical touch.
my hobbies include baking, biking, painting, and reading. i can also play badminton and the flute. i’m surprisingly good at card/board games.
thank you!! ( ´∀`)ノ~ ♡
Hello hello hello! You seem like such a sweet person omg!!! I match you with…
Hanamaki Takahiro!
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As a Hanamaki lover myself, I know that this man would be a top tier boyfriend to you. You guys would have a very playful and chill dynamic that would be filled with a lot of soft funny moments. But on top of all of that, you two would watch each other’s backs. Hanamaki is an ENTP, which is an ideal pairing. He’s also 6w7, so he shares the desire to have security, which he tries to provide and seeks in you.
You were Aoba Johsai’s manager, being in the same year as the Seijoh 4. While you knew Iwa and Oikawa well when you took up the position in your second year, you were only then just meeting Mattsun and Makki. From the get-go, Makki thought you and him had clashing personalities. He saw how intimidating you were from day one.
“Yo, our new manager’s kinda intimidating, isn’t she?”
“You’re intimidated by her?” Mattsun asked him.
“I didn’t say that - but like, she looked at me earlier and I she looked like she wanted to kill me.”
“Ehh, I don’t think it’s that. She just has rbf.” (It indeed was just RBF - you had no desire to kill Makki at this point in time).
After watching Mattsun’s face - another person notorious for his RBF, Makki shrugged it off.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter if she likes me or not. All the same to me.”
Mattsun watched his best friend closely, because while what Makki was saying was normal, the way he was acting indicated that he felt otherwise. (The truth was that he had a crush on you from first year but NEVER approached you - as a little nervous first year would).
“Uh huh.”
It didn’t take long for Makki to get to know you and learn that a lot of his assumptions about you were wrong. Yes, he was right about how put together you were - you were a very dedicated student with good grades, always ready to do things by yourself without asking for help. He was so impressed with how smart and independent you were (an independent girl was like, the hottest thing in Makki’s eyes). But you were still a teenage girl - you weren't scary or hateful at ALL.
One day, he watched you quietly pace the whole gym high and low looking for something without asking anyone else for help. When he finally called out to you and asked if you needed something, you told him you couldn’t find your sunglasses. He paused, walked up to you, and pulled your sunglasses out from the top of your head. “These?” He gave you a lopsided smile he was trying to contain and his heart did full tumbles when he saw you get embarrassed. You didn’t know it, but he’d continue to find your stuff and remind you of things you’d forgotten while in a relationship with you. It was through small moments like these, where he saw you be forgetful, clumsy, nervous, and in your own head, that he fell for you bit by bit. He’d take any opportunity to engage in banter with you. He was the teasing, bubbly type. So his energy was easy for you to flow with.
“You’re so down bad, I don’t know why you haven’t asked her out yet.” Mattsun said as his best friend hazily watch you doodle on your clipboard during your break mid practice.
“She won’t say yes.”
“Won’t know if you don’t try, dude.”
It was at the end of practice later in the week that Makki planned to ask you out. He dipped to go shower faster than everyone else so that by the time he came out you would still be around. But once he got to the gym, he wasn’t prepared for it to be just the two of you.
“Hey Makki, can you help me roll that cart of volleyballs back into the storeroom?” You weren’t one to usually ask for help, but you were exhausted from a bad day of school and really just wanted a hug - but you’d settle for going home ASAP and maybe just cuddling a pet (if you have one) or laying in bed with a bunch of comforting blankets and pillows.
“Yeah for sure.” Doing something might take his nerves off of asking you.
As he rolled the cart in, he said “Hey I have something to ask you, and you can say no, okay?”
“Yes! How can I help you?”
“Would you...go on a date with me?” He got the words out, but his face was flushed red and he had a hard time looking at you.
After a pause, you said “That’d be really fun. I’d like that.” You walked into his field of vision and smiled at him before walking out (to freak out by yourself HE ASKED YOU OUT AHH), leaving his heart pounding.
Let’s just say the date went amazing. You guys were friends and spent a lot of time with each other before, but being on a date with you was a completely different experience. You were so clumsy it was adorable to him. Though he wasn’t happy when you tripped on the sidewalk, he definitely wasn’t upset about giggling when you blushed and wrapping his big arms around you to help pick you off the ground. The date was full of lots of laughs and playful interactions. He didn’t know how chill you were. He sat down after the date and thought about how you were both so put together but so chill and cute, all at the same time.
She’s literally perfect. He’d be giddy as he thought about how much he liked you and how he got to spend time with you.
After a few more dates, you asked to make it official, which Makki was so happy about. You’d fallen for him and didn’t want to wait to officially have him be yours. You also weren’t the type to play games and be wishy washy with it, so you decided to just go for it and ask. But it was one of the best impulse decisions you’d made because he said “of course” while pulling you into a tight hug and spinning you around.
As a couple, you two made a lot of sense in a very nontraditional way. Makki was very chill, a bit of a procrastinator, spontaneous, and the type to watch out for his friends on the low. You were responsible, organized, put together, but subtly chill as well. It was the opposite balances of the same values that made you guys work (if that makes sense).
You guys helped each other out a lot, too. Especially as your relationship continued to grow. Makki learned how you were a people pleaser, a perfectionist, and an overthinker. And while he understood why, he always tried to reassure you. He knew how draining that could be. If he thought someone was taking advantage of how kind you were, I know he wouldn’t be one to hesitate in telling them to back off or chill out. And he’d try his best to get you out of your own head and remind you that you’re doing good and you don’t need to worry. I headcanon him to be really good at reassurance and advice, even if it’s mixed with lots of joking.
I also think Makki is a very observant boyfriend even if he doesn’t say much. He thought the way you played with your jewelry was the cutest. He’d always buy you new jewelry in hopes that you’d wear it and play with them to. But if he was with you and he saw you fidgeting, he’d try and get you to hold his hand so you’d play with his hand instead (you mindlessly playing with his hand, like tracing shapes or just gently stroking your thumb against the back of his hand made him sooo happy). I also know this man would just love to cuddle you at any given opportunity. He wasn’t big on PDA, so not really at school, but when it was just you two, he’d be very chill about wrapping his arms around you and holding you for as long as you'd let him.
And your relationship continued on like this for a long time, you both graduating together after your last year. it was after graduation when you two were hanging out during your break. Hanamaki was napping on the couch with you on top of him, reading a book, his arms hugging you tight. You’d both gotten back from a bike ride around town and were waiting for the cookies you popped in the oven. Waking up and seeing you reading quietly, Hanamaki realized he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet. He was hoping he’d get to love you, tease you, and care for you for much longer - and he hoped you felt the same.
AHHH sooo I got carried away... MY BAD HAHA
I hope you liked it though!!!! Thank you for being patient I'm sorry it took so long. I hope to see you in my inbox sometime! You really do seem like such a lovely human.
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blu-joons · 5 years
Dating Hoseok ~ BTS Headcanon
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Getting Together
Your dance moves were definitely what caught Hobi’s attention
He kept catching your eye throughout the night with his own dancing, continuously looking to make sure he’d seen you
When he finally approached you, he didn’t say anything, the two of you just danced for awhile like no one was watching
His smile was the first thing you noticed, it was big and beautiful
There was no fear to hold your hand and twirl you around
He was so excited to meet you and introduce himself, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off you all night
The two of you danced until you could no more, but had the best time with each other
You met up again for your first date a few days later at a local concert, once again dancing together
Hobi was hooked on you from the start, he wore his heart on his sleeve and was very open with you
He would always try and be in contact with you somehow, whether it be a text, call or in person
You would meet up with him every few days in different locations, but one thing always connected you
He was very affectionate with you, wanting you to know exactly how he felt
Hobi always planned your dates, he loved to surprise you with the most random of things
The boys knew everything about you, he just couldn’t stop himself gushing about you
He wasn’t one for labels, he didn’t see a rush in making you his girlfriend, he just enjoyed spending time with you
It was only when Jungkook asked him when he was going to make things official, did he decide to do so
He was very extravagant, very over the top in the date the two of you would go on
He went all out to make you happy, completely overwhelming you when you arrived
Hobi was so nervous, even though he always felt relaxed around you, he couldn’t help but panic a little
Finally, he built up the courage after a game of bowling, which he supposedly let you win
With a tarnished ego, he stopped you just before you got to his car for the next adventure
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, because you are just amazing, and I’m so glad you danced the way you did last night, would you like to be my girlfriend?”
The silence between you terrified him waiting for your response
“I would really love that Hobi, because you are just as amazing!”
He would let a squeal of delight, clapping his hands together making you laugh
There wasn’t a second that went by that night that you didn’t run through his mind, he was the luckiest guy in the world
It was at that moment he decided to go in for your first proper kiss, your hands tangling through his hair
He would constantly remind you how happy you made him, showering you with compliments
The whole day was just fun, that was one word that summed Hobi up perfectly
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Being In A Relationship
You were constantly in hysterics; he was so random you never quite knew what to expect next
Lots of cuddles, Hobi is very affectionate in his relationships
His family loved you too, you and his sister got on like a house on fire
Hobi was always telling jokes, or pulling funny faces, anything to see you smile
Lots of dancing, you loved to choreograph little routines together, not that anyone else would ever see them
You were always at the studio, Hobi loved when you spent your free time there, just happy to see your face
He loved your natural beauty, always encouraging you not to wear makeup
Taking photos of you was one of his favourite hobbies, storing them all up on his phone
Leaving you cute voicemails when you couldn’t pick up the phone or if he was away
Always coming to you for fashion advice, you knew exactly what he looked good in
Buying him bucket hats all the time as he loved to wear them
He’d try to write raps about you, but would get really embarrassed when it came to perform them for you
His hands were amazing, constantly giving you massages when you got stressed
On super hard days, he’d treat you like a princess, cooking, bathing you, cuddling you
Together everyone loved you, you bounced off each other so well
You definitely brought out the best in him, always making him smile, everyone noticed it
Taking long drives, especially at night when the roads were empty, it felt like only the two of you existed
Hobi took anniversaries very seriously, he’d write you a card and buy you lots of presents then take you out for a nice meal
Constantly on Sprite runs, this boy had an obsession, and didn’t you know it
Adorable pet names, his favourite would be to call you his ‘sunshine’
Tickle fights, you both were incredibly ticklish, attacking each other’s sides
Hobi was very traditional, he loved to hold the door for you, or pull your chair out for you
He loved to play with your hair, twirling strands around his fingers
The fans loved you, how could they not when all he did was talk about you
Staying up late at night having midnight feasts
Hearts everywhere, he was always drawing them or signing them to you around the house
Stealing his beanies, but hey, you looked better in them anyway
He would beg Big Hit to let you go on tour with them, finding something for you to do as an excuse for you to go
You always went to events with the boys, he wasn’t going to hide the love of his life from anyone
He would sleep with your hand in his, he couldn’t sleep without feeling you next to him
If you were sad, he’d dance around you, Hobi had rhythm, his hips were mesmerising
He would shower you with compliments, anytime he spoke to you he’d end it with a term of endearment
Life with Hobi was a constant surprise, he would act on impulse arranging fun things for the two of you
Usually you’d beat him, air hockey, bowling, laser tag, whatever it was you usually came out on top
Meaning you had to always give his ego a little boost that he was better at other things, if you know what I mean
He always woke you up with a kiss, morning breath wasn’t an issue, he just wanted your lips on his
Every week he was on tour he would write you a letter, telling you all the things he’d been up to
Somehow you managed to persuade him to go on rollercoasters, even if he screamed the whole way around
Helping him dye his hair, because the last thing he wanted was red dye all over his face
Playing demos for you always, it was surprising the impact you had on Hope World
He would try and get home from work as quickly as possible to spend quality time with you before you had to go to bed
Hosting lots of parties together, especially with your families as you didn’t always get to spend time with them all
Honestly, you just always wanted to be around each other
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If I hadn’t mentioned it already, this boy is very affectionate
He’s always searching for cuddles from you, and will steal kisses whenever the opportunity arose
Hobi always makes you feel loved, he appreciates every part of your body
No part of you goes unnoticed, especially when it comes to making laugh
Hobi has a very high sex drive, he’s got a lot of energy to burn
He loves to give, he loves to make you feel good, but never complains when the roles are reversed
His hands would get very touchy to let you know he wanted you
He would still love to cuddle you as soon as you finished, not letting you go
Whenever the two of you got intimate, he loved to see your face, peppering kisses all over it
There wasn’t a preference where the two of you had sex, he’d be up for it whenever
But; he did love the intimacy the bedroom provided, both of you relaxed in your own home
Hoseok didn’t mind quickies, he had the energy to make you orgasm as quickly as you needed to
Anytime his hands ran through his hair was bound to turn you on
When things were getting intimate his voice would go low, hoarse whispers
But, when he got excited, he was very noisy, shouting your name for all the neighbours to hear
Your kisses were usually very passionate, he’d only peck you if he was in a rush or didn’t want anyone to see
When he could, he liked to make sex romantic, he loved the build up of cooking for you and whisking you off your feet
You both took it in turns to dominate, it depended on how the situation played out
If he had to pick, he’d be a bit more submissive, he liked to let you do your thing, and just keep smiling
Honestly, it was concerning if there wasn’t a time when Hobi wasn’t right on top of you or touching you in some way
Sometimes I feel like cuddles would just be enough, your relationship wasn’t built around sex
Especially when you’d had long days, he loved to pick you up and carry you to bed
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You definitely were the cause of more arguments, Hobi was a little ball of sunshine he could never argue with anyone
Even when you did argue, he’d try and make things better, desperate to make you smile
He would pull a funny face or try and tell a joke because he was desperate for the argument to end
Reacting to arguments was hard for him, you had to tell him what you wanted him to do
Sometimes he could get a little snappy, but he always apologised after it
As with any situation, cuddles were a must after you resolved your conflict
As far as you could remember you’d never had a massive argument as such, one of you would usually break before it got too serious
The two of you were good at talking, with lots of laughing in between
It was impossible to really stay mad at him, as soon aegyo came out you just melted
Usually he’d talk to the boys and look for advice if he’d done something wrong, and they’d help him how to make things better
Hobi’s quite emotional, so expect a few tears as he realises, he’s done something wrong
He panics, he already thinks you’re too good for him so is desperate for you not to leave him
An argument never lasted more than a couple of hours; you couldn’t stand being apart for a long period of time
You were always quick to calm down too, just wanting to get a cuddle off of him
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Your Relationship With The Boys
Oh, they all adored you, you were just hilarious
You and Hobi were their little obsession, the two of you were way too cute for them to handle
Jimin was who you bonded with the most, the two of you shared a very similar sense of humour that caused trouble
Jungkook looked to you as a maternal figure, you really looked after him as the maknae and made sure he was alright
You loved just sitting and talking to Namjoon, sharing intelligent conversation, talking about the world
Suga gave you a bit of balance away from Hobi, he was so calm all the time and just sat and listened to you talk
Taehyung turned to you for advice, sometimes the opinion of a woman was needed, not that you minded helping him out
Jin was like an annoying elder brother, it was like dealing with Hobi again, jokes constantly, and always getting on your nerves
You just fitted in perfectly, you had no idea what you’d done to get six best friends alongside Hobi
And they were also very thankful to have you too
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The Future
Hobi always looked to the future with you, he just couldn’t wait for it all
He proposed on tour, dragging you up on stage, so all the important people in his life could be there to share the moment
There were tears, mainly from him, but you didn’t mind
Your wedding was very much the same, Hobi was an in-love wreck, barely able to make it through his vows
Of course, you had kids, three to be precise
Hobi was a fun dad, a bit of a pushover, he could never say no to their beautiful faces
You were his hope, there were no two ways about it, you’d given him hope that he’d have the best life ever, and you didn’t disappoint
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erideights · 5 years
Through history to get to you. (2)
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Summary: Reader's an angel casted out of heaven because, well, she's weird. She's in love with Crowley and, of course Crowley is in love with her. Our poor Aziraphale is just fucking tired of seeing how neither of them realize the feelings of the other.
Part one: here
Pairing: Crowley x Angel!Reader (Good Omens)
Word Count: 3219
Warnings: None, I think.
A/N: Okay so I actually have to wipe out some details because tumblr said it was too long to post it. Bitch, wtf? I've seen fics with 8K but yeah, you do you. For the record, I could (and I would love to) write a 3rd part if you guys like this so, let's go!
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What for any human being were seconds, for him seemed like hours.
The hours days, and the days weeks.
How could such a vain human feeling as that one destroy his world piece by piece and rebuild it upside down?
His heart was beating so hard inside his chest he truthfully believed it would come out of it at any moment.
But yeah, often, —from time to time—, Crowley also remembered past times, crucial moments in his life.
Crucial moments with her.
How each interaction by her side throughout history had achieved the impossible: to fall in love with her a bit more, a bit deeper, every-single-fucking-day.
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41 AD, we find ourselves again in the large and great Rome, its taverns still full and its people enjoying the wealth of their lives, but this time, the perspective of the universe will turn 180 degrees and will present us his point of view.
Just nipped in for a quick temptation, he thought, a simple job, going in and out, enjoying the best concoction he could buy and leaving as he had come; without friends, without insubstantial talks of any kind with drinking companions or beautiful ladies to enjoy a night of pleasure.
He would leave the same way he came there; alone.
Having clear his priorities and how events would develop, he should add that the presence of Aziraphale didn’t surprise him. Not at all. They had the strange tendency to meet once every certain number of years and exchange a couple words, like two old friends who meet in the darkness of the night to become a distant memory when the sun rises.
However, he saw her.
A young woman with long hair, smooth and immaculate skin and so bright, Crowley could confuse her with one of the many stars that he, before falling into darkness and the shelter from Hell, helped to build.
Not only did she stand out for her colorful choice of attire, which he no doubt saw reflected in him, but for her presence; It gave the impression that she could change the world if she wanted with a single smile of hers.
But Crowley didn’t see her smile, not yet.
She nipped her bottom lip nervously, eyes fixed on Aziraphale’s, who after inviting the demon to eat, had excused himself for a second without giving reasons. Without saying why.
She was the why, or so Crowley guessed, taking a long sip of the drink in his hand to hide a small, amused grin behind his pottery; what could it be that would hysterise so much the nerves of that beautiful woman?
He was dying to know it, and long before he had even known her name, he was already thinking of her with more interest than, perhaps, he should.
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1538, oh, the beautiful Venice during the heyday of the Renaissance in Italy, what a joyful time for artists, aristocrats, noble European families with their ornate clothes and eccentric homes.
Its intricate canals were full of life, of gondolas with lanterns as companions and lovers enjoying the calm offered by the night while the musician, unknown to his people but key to the romantic atmosphere that reigned there, dedicated his poems and songs to the most beautiful of the ladies, the one who lived in his memory, who stole his heart and prevented his rest when trying to sleep.
Oh, Venice, cruel your final sentence, the destruction that awaited you behind the darkest corner, because a demon without bad intentions but with a job to fulfill walked for your cobbled streets and through your low buildings, the smell of salt flooding his nostrils and filling his lungs until exhale a deep sigh that would be lost in the night air.
He couldn’t help but think that scenario would have been to the liking of his friend, the book-loving angel, because if he wasn’t misinformed, the magnificent city housed the first public library in all Europe. He could already hear Aziraphale eager about all the books he could read during his stay, or see reflected in his eyes the affection that the celestial being professed towards all the knowledge of the universe stored in those leather covers full of sheets of paper.
He’d thought of her, too. Crowley always thought about Y/N when visiting a new city, how he would enjoy walking hand in hand with her when discovering the hidden beauty in its streets or hearing her melodious voice, probably excited to discover a new artist to idolize; she loved art.
The problem was that each and every time he was thinking about her in that way, he felt disgusted with himself. He hated it. He hated that warm feeling that spread from his heart to every one of his nerves when he thought of her, when he met her soft gaze or, when by chance, he felt the brush of her fingers on his skin.
He hated love.
He was a demon, for fuck’s sake! He shouldn’t be able to feel love. He shouldn’t want to feel love. He shouldn’t even think about love.
But there he was, making a fool of himself whenever he could be with her.
He hated it, but at the same time, He needed it. He needed her.
Melody of soft, sweet violins then slid through the air and between the voices of those who walked down the avenue to reach the demon, who with slow but sure steps was heading towards his destination, ready to start the mission assigned to him and be able to move quickly to another place. Or enjoy the experiences Venice could give him, whatever first seemed to crave his exquisite persona.
A huge mansion stood out among all the houses at the end of the road, its eccentric facade screaming loudly that it belonged to Italian nobility that little wanted to leave to the imagination of others; showing off was a luxury that not everyone could enjoy. And so, its tall and ornate doors, wide open so that everyone could look inside, let the light escape from it to illuminate the street, successfully attracting the gazes of children, families, onlookers and other spectators who, by chance, passed by.
Two vast guards, whose clothes gave the impression of imitating the fates of The Death, made sure that no one who didn’t have an invitation could go inside.
Crowley, for example, was one of those people not invited to the party, but bold of anyone to assume something like that could stop him, because with a small, subtle and smug smirk adorning his lips and a snap of his fingers, both guards nodded at once and stepped aside, imitating for him a small corridor to get to the inside.
But that smile? Vanished from the moment he put a single foot in that place, feeling his whole body assaulted by a violent shiver that ran from head to toe and held his breath for more seconds than he would have wished.
He knew by heart that feeling, and from the moment he felt it ruffling his skin, he knew he was fucked up and that, most likely, he wouldn’t accomplish his mission. It couldn’t be that easy, right?
A deep and heavy sigh, followed by a shake of his head, accompanied him to the true interior of the luxurious home, crowded to the unthinkable by hundreds of people of high social status in the Italian community, their faces hidden behind masks of thousands of colors and different forms, their bodies, at the same time, wrapped in clothes, jackets and dresses of an exquisite quality that of course, matched the theme of each of their costumes.
A venetian masquerade wasn’t exactly the best scenario to search and identify someone from among all of its guests, but soon his slitted eyes scanned the huge room with hysteria running his veins and an iron pressure tightening his mischievous heart.
The positive side of all that? His mask —black, with golden and red details; what an unexpected surprise— fitted perfectly to a large part of his face, making unnecessary the use of sunglasses so that his peculiar eyes didn’t draw attention to him and, therefore, helping being able to see perfectly normal in the dim light of the hundreds of candles that illuminated the ballroom.
Couples dancing to the tune of the tender melody were gathered in the center of this one, the rest occupied by groups that chatted lively, young men waiting their turn to dance with the lady of their dreams and some more… unfortunate, who only dreamed from their corner with a glass of champagne between his fingers and his sad expression hidden behind a venetian mask.
Some collide against him, too absorbed in his search to bother to dodge people or find a safer route to move, but would he apologize? Never. Not only because Crowley hadn’t apologized in his entire life, but because he didn’t see it necessary to do so. After all, the reason for his hasty movements was far more important than anything that those idiots could ever imagine.
However, when he saw her, everything stopped.
Even his heart.
She had her back to him, her beautiful silky hair pulled back in a high bun that left a pair of curls falling down her shoulders, one on each side, towards her chest.
She wore an apple-green dress with white and gold details here and there, the tight corset making it inevitable to notice right away her beautiful body and the huge skirt attached to it, giving her the look of a gorgeous european princess.
No, from his perspective he couldn’t get to see her whole face, —he barely reached part of it thanks to a couple movements of her head—, but he knew it was Y/N.
There was no doubt.
She laughed, chatting with those she supposed were acquaintances of the angel and the cause and reason why she was there, that among all the times, among the hundreds of masked dances that Venice was witnessing, she was there, the same day, in the same place as him.
Oh, destiny was some capricious bitch and he ended up being a mere puppet that would dance to its tune.
Clearing his throat by positioning himself just behind her —so close that he would only have to put his hands on her waist and turn her around to finally kiss her— he successfully attracted the attention of those around them, who gave away strange glances at the demon; some confused, others suspicious, others distrustful.
The one Y/N gave him when she turned around and their eyes met for the first time in some years was the only one that really mattered.
Her hypnotic eyes, behind that mask that so gracefully embraced her sweet features from the middle of her forehead to below her eyes, opened wide recognizing the gold ones of Crowley, who without thinking twice, took the left hand of the girl, lifted it to his lips and left a kiss right on its back.
"May I have this dance?" He asked, more like a mockery for those presumptuous around him than as a formal request to the angel in front of him. It was easy to appreciate how his eyebrows were raised upwards in the slightest in a subtle grin and how that small and mischievous smirk that she loved so much was partially hidden only by the back of her hand that he still held against himself, and before she could prevent it, that same expression was drawn in her own features, hopelessly excited to find him in that kind of situation.
‘’I’ll be damned.’’ she answered in an incredulous, playful whisper, the demon the only being that could get to clearly hear her and, therefore, tearing a low and attractive chuckle from his throat as a result. She thought she was gonna melt in that very moment.
Saying that, Crowley rose from his bow and, pulling her hand, he led the girl —who didn’t have time to say goodbye to her company— to the center of the room, avoiding the rest of the guests as much as possible and when they arrived, the demon separated the angel from him, throwing her gently in the opposite direction to attract her to his body just a second later in graceful and elegant move thanks to the grip he had in her hand, making the chest of Y/N softly collide with his own.
In the blink of an eye, Crowley's free hand was at her waist and hers, on his shoulder, an amused expression adorning her face. ''I thought demons didn’t know how to dance.'' She teased, raising an eyebrow, her eyes fixed on his at absolutely every moment.
''I thought angels didn’t dance at all.'' he remarked in a flash, as arrogant as always, rocking the girl to the sound of the music that echoed between the walls of the room.
Not that much passed in silence between them until Crowley raised his voice again, trying to relieve the tension that was gradually forming inside his chest because, of course, she didn’t feel the same. Or so he thought.
Also, not looking at her lips having her so close to him and without his sunglasses that could conceal such act became more difficult each passing second. ''Are you going to tell me what are you doing here or will I have to take a guess myself?'’
''The question is not what I’m doing here,'' she said firmly, twirling in the demon's arms as the rest of the ladies swiveled in the ones of their partners as if that were a choreography with hundreds of dancers in perfect synchrony, only that in her case, when she resumed her position, her voice became just an audible whisper that went straight to the ear of the ginger, the soft velvet of his ornate jacket caressing the palm of her hand when gently pulling it towards herself to bring him closer to her. ''but what are you up to, Crowley. Nothing good, I assume.''
The hit of her breath against his skin and the seductive tone the woman used made every hair on his body stand up and his breath trapped at the beginning of his throat, unable to fight her words with some intelligent and sarcastic comment for his part.
He could only watch, in silence, as Y/N parted a couple inches to be face to face with him again, a smirk on her lips as she knew, she’d won that round.
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Nowadays. Again. Almost 500 years later.
''Crowley?'' Her voice echoed through the walls of the luxurious flat while the front door —its white glass showing a dim light inside— opened wide, braking just before reaching the back wall. ''I just saw your message, is everything okay?''
Not too many minutes ago she’d received a "strange" message from the demon asking her to go to his apartment as soon as possible, making the angel inevitably frown, worried, and teleport there with a simple snap of her fingers.
The strange thing definitely wasn’t him sending her a message, but everything else. It was 2 o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday night, there hadn’t been any serious event that required her attention —or so she thought— and in general, it was Crowley who always, no matter what time, was looking for an excuse to drive his beloved car through the streets of London to the destination he wanted.
That it was she who should move this time was... odd.
The only source of light in the room was a small lamp placed on the huge red marble table that occupied the center of it, which barely came to illuminate enough to know if she was or not alone there.
She didn’t have to raise her voice again, anyway, because the ornate throne next to the table slid back carefully and the demon could be perfectly made out from the rest of the shadows in the room.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ It was the first and only thing Crowley said once he turned around and fixed his gaze —which seemed to shine with its own light— on Y/N, who astonished, raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips in a thin and incredulous expression; it was the first time in her life that she’d listened him ask for forgiveness, no matter what or whom.
''What are you sorry for, hm? What have you done now?'' She asked in her usual playful tone, waiting for the most elaborate and mind blowing response ever from the redhead.
But it never came.
He moved quickly to erase the distance between them and without stopping to reconsider his next step, —although she could swear, she saw a glimpse of doubt and fear in his eyes—, Crowley took her face with both hands to caress her cheeks and kissed her right away, giving her all he got.
No, it wasn’t tender, romantic or typical for the first kiss you give to your first love. It was hungry, animal, passionate, needy and desperate, as if he’d waited his entire life to be able to taste her lips and lose himself in them while his heart hammered his chest and deafened his ears.
In fact, that was exactly what happened.
And he didn’t expect Y/N to kiss him back in that very moment, because an act as impulsive as that should have shocked her to say the least, but she did, and before they could really think about what was happening, the demon had his angel cornered against the wall, her hands lost in his reddish hair and his, squeezing and pressing her hips against his own body with such force he suspected, could leave bruises on her skin.
But she didn’t mind.
His kisses were all she ever dreamed of and more, a slight taste of whiskey and coffee lingering in his mouth while doing everything possible to steal her breath and make her addicted to him; she was intoxicated, she couldn’t think of anything else.
She didn’t have time to be shocked or to ask herself the most obvious question: why now.
And that's why, when he parted just enough to lean his forehead against hers and breathe on her lips, a heavy sigh left her without any oxygen in her lungs, displaying her annoyance at the lack of his wet touch.
''Am I going too fast for you?'' He asked, the same fear she saw in his eyes minutes ago now in his voice; it was, again, the first time in his life that he looked so worried about messing something up.
His slitted, golden, demon eyes scanned her face for any sign that would make him stop, so close that the image faded irretrievably, and when in his place he found the same craving he felt in his veins, he dampened his parted lips, knowing there was no going back.
‘’If anything, you’re being too slow.’’
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Club Utopia (Writers Wednesday)
I haven't posted this oneshot on my blog yet, so this is going to be a Writers Wednesday exclusive for today! 😲
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There was nothing on the exterior of the building that would indicate it was a sex club, not that you had particularly expected there to be a glowing sign saying ‘SEX CLUB’ on it.
You nervously walked into the lobby and approached the counter.
“Welcome to Club Utopia. I’ll need you to read over these rules for the club and sign a form. I’ll also need your ID,” the girl behind the counter told you. “We accept cash or card for the cover.”
You skimmed the rules that you’d already read on their website before you’d chosen to come, signed the form, handed over your ID, and paid the cover.
“You’re set now. Enjoy!” The girl returned her attention to her phone as you walked toward the entrance to the club itself.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but this wasn’t quite it.
The inside of the club was dimly lit with blue lighting, and the only other patrons you could see were two women sitting close together. They looked up at you for a moment and then returned to their conversation.
The televisions mounted to the wall were showing low quality porn, an orgy set at a frat party. Since no one was around yet that piqued your interest, you chose to ignore the porn in favor of paying attention to your phone for the moment.
Hopefully, you hadn’t just wasted your Friday night.
You got distracted on your social media and were quite startled when someone tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey, is this seat taken, love?” a smooth male British accent asked from beside you.
The accent was an immediate turn-on, not something you encountered often living an entire ocean away from England. 
You glanced up at him. The first thing you noticed was his pale blue eyes, striking even in the dim light. Although you couldn’t see him perfectly with the lights as low as they were, he was still definitely the hottest guy who had ever paid attention to you.
At that moment, you decided to go for it. You came to the sex club for a reason, after all.
“It’s not,” you told him with a smile.
“I’m Harrison,” he said.
“Nice to meet you, Harrison. You’re far away from home,” you commented.
“I travel a lot for work,” he explained.
You wanted to ask more about him, but you weren’t sure what was appropriate to ask a sex club patron, eventually blurting out, “so, what brings you here?”
“You mean what brings me to a sex club?” he asked with a chuckle, raising his eyebrows.
“Sorry, I’ve never been to one of these before, and I’m a little nervous,” you said, sheepishly.
“Honestly, I haven’t either,” he confessed. “This isn’t like meeting girls in a pub. I guess I’ll just outright ask. Would you like to go to one of the private rooms with me?”
“I can’t think of anything I’d like more,” you answered, so excited at the prospect of what was about to happen that you almost knocked over your chair as you got up.
He laughed softly to himself at your eagerness.
You followed him across the main floor into one of the private rooms, shutting the door behind you.
The room was small. There was a padded bed with no bedding and a small table containing a bowl with packets of lube and condoms in it, with a wastebasket on the floor next to it. A TV mounted on the wall was showing the same low quality porn from the main floor.
You stood in front of him silently, started to fidget.
“So, uh…” you trailed off awkwardly.
Harrison opened and closed his mouth, looking a bit lost. He leaned down to kiss you, but immediately pulled away. “Shit, one second.”
You were momentarily worried that he’d changed his mind, but you were relieved when you saw he just went to the wastebasket to spit his gum out.
“Sorry about that. I’m usually smoother than this,” he apologized.
“I’m not, if we’re being perfectly honest here,” you admitted.
He chuckled. “Now, where were we?”
“Right about here,” you responded, leaning up to kiss him as he leaned down.
You met his soft and warm lips with your own. The kiss was never really chaste, his tongue quick to dart out and slip between your already parted lips. He tasted slightly cinnamony as he brushed his tongue unhurriedly against yours.
He moaned quietly into your mouth when you stopped being a passive partner, your tongue making its way into his mouth. You traced his perfect teeth, then explored his mouth slowly and thoroughly.
You lost track of time, completely engrossed in the kiss, only returning to awareness when his hands slid down your mostly bare back to squeeze and massage your ass through the thin material of your tight dress. He tugged you completely flush against him.
One of his hands slipped up underneath the hem of your dress, finding its way in-between your thighs from behind.
He broke the kiss, breathing a bit heavily, eyebrows raised. “You’re not wearing panties, darling?”
You grinned. “Where are we right now?”
He smiled back. “Point taken.”
You spread your legs as much as you could in the confines of your dress, to give him more room to work with, but it wasn’t enough for your liking.
“Fuck it,” you mumbled, tugging the offending garment over your head.
He chuckled. “No bra either, I see. Not that I have a problem with that. Less in the way.”
His head dipped to take one of your nipples into his mouth, tongue swirling around it. His fingers now easily found their way between your folds, going for your clit immediately and rubbing slickly around the sensitive nub.
“Oh my god.” Your knees started to buckle, but he fortunately stabilized you with his arm from behind.
“Christ, you’re wet,” he mumbled against the skin of your breast, two long fingers pressing into you while his thumb took over on your clit.
“Talk to me?” you requested breathily.
“Like dirty talk?” he clarified.
“Yeah,” you responded, nodding.
“Love how wet you are for me. Tight, too. Gonna have to loosen you up some first before I can get my cock into you, though.” A third finger pushed in, next to the other two, scissoring slightly as he continued to pump them in and out of you and rub your clit. “Your pussy will feel so fucking amazing around my cock, I can’t wait. I promise I’ll fill you up better than anyone else ever has.”
The combination of what he was doing with his hand and the dirty talk in his delicious accent had you close. “Want to cum, please, Harrison.”
“Well, since you asked me so nicely.” His thumb worked your clit faster, and he fingered you a bit rougher, aiming more directly for your g-spot.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” you moaned as your climax hit you harder than a brick wall, burying your fingers in the fabric of Harrison’s shirt while the sparks of pleasure coursed through you.
As you came down from your high, his motions gentled, until he finally stopped. He let you slump against him bonelessly.
He lifted you like a limp ragdoll and carried you over to the bed, gently depositing you on it, before he stepped back to strip off his own clothes.
“Hey, what if I wanted to undress you?” you complained, watching as he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt.
“You’re in no state to do that right now, and I’ve been dressed plenty long enough. I’m in town for another four weeks anyway, if you’re interested in a repeat performance,” he offered.
“We’ll see. You might have a disappointing dick,” you teased.
“I seriously doubt it, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.” He undid his pants and shucked them and his boxers at the same time.
You looked him over, from head to toe. He was leanly muscled, with endless planes of smooth skin waiting to be touched. It left you eager to get your hands on him. You saved what you hoped to be the best for last, and you definitely weren’t disappointed.
His cock rested against his stomach, looking achingly hard, precum glistening at the tip. It wasn’t huge by any stretch, but it would be more than enough to fill you up. Maybe not the most you’d ever been filled up, or enough to ruin you for other men for the rest of your life, but you knew you were going to leave the club a very satisfied woman.
“Like what you see?” he eventually asked.
“I do,” you replied, simply. “You should come over here now.”
He smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”
You watched as he made a quick stop at the bowl of condoms and lube.
He grabbed a condom of the bowl, fumbling a bit because of how quickly he tried to remove it from the wrapper and roll it down his length. It was obvious that he was just as desperate for you as you were for him.
You spread your legs and waited impatiently for him to join you on the bed.
“Look so pretty like this,” he commented, hands brushing lightly against your knees as he slotted himself between your thighs.
“Thank you. If you want me to move some other way, I can. I mean I’m not sure what your favorite position is,” you said. “I’m happy with whatever you want.”
“This is perfect. Missionary is sort of underrated in my opinion,” he told you, lining himself up and pushing into you in one long thrust. After he was all the way in, he lowered himself on top of you and pressed a brief kiss to your lips. “Need me to stay still for a minute?”
“Thank you for offering, but I think I’m good,” you replied. “I really want you to move right now.”
“Your wish is my command.” He rocked his hips against yours slowly, increasing the length and speed of his thrusts gradually, until he was finally fucking you at a just about perfect pace and depth.
You rolled your hips back into his thrusts until you found a rhythm you both liked, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him tighter against you.
His mouth met yours in wet and sloppy kisses, sometimes barely more than moaning and breathing heavily into each other’s mouths.
You snaked a hand between your bodies to get yourself off again before he came, but he pushed it aside.
“Let me,” he breathed. His hand replaced yours, fingers collecting some of your wetness near your entrance. Then, he started rubbing slick circles around your clit.
“Getting close,” you told him as your second orgasm of the night approached. It came much quicker than you’d anticipated, and even harder than the first one.
Your body clenched and pulsed around his cock, milking him, and bringing him over the edge with you.
He came with a loud groan, thrusts growing rougher and more erratic as he spilled into the condom. When his climax finally ebbed, he collapsed on top of you.
A comfortable silence stretched between you as you both recovered, heart rates gradually slowing and breathing evening out.
“How do you feel about pancakes?” he eventually asked.
“Um, they’re fine, I guess?” you responded, confused. “What do pancakes have to do with anything?”
“That was me asking you if you want to join me at IHOP. I’m hungry, and I saw one around the corner. They’re open 24 hours,” he explained.
You laughed. “Sure, why not? Going to IHOP in the middle of the night with a guy I met at a sex club wearing a skimpy dress with nothing on underneath it probably wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve ever done.”
He smiled at you. “Sounds like you’ve got stories to tell me, pretty girl.”
“Sounds like I do,” you agreed, smiling back.
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