#low IQ prince harry
Grifter's House video set to the tune of Full House
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Created by Meghan Markle Parody @queenofmemes80
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skippyv20 · 2 years
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Netflix has shown us more proof that Meghan & Harry setup a private photo shoot near/in QEIIs private residence.
Skippy & friends, does this remind us of the rumor from December 2016 when M, then girlfriend, was allegedly caught taking unauthorized photos around private spaces at KP?
I find it interesting (and a bit satisfying) that Meghan is confirming all the "rumors" about her morally corrupt character & behavior: she sis it first through the interviews (tv and print), then via her spotify flopcast, and now through their so-called LIE-Flix docu-series.
This DL comment summed it up:
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We remember how angry they were at the BRF for their seemingly lackluster public response to their televised "chatfest of lies" with HARPO, "recollections may vary."
There is something Meghan desperately wants the BRF to do (besides prince & princess dolls) but they wont take the bait. Although she flaunts around as the Duchess of "Sussex," we all know she loathes the title (sus + sex). But just like she convinced her low IQ squaddies to embrace her "Brazen Hussey" title, she pretends to embrace "sussex." Historically speaking, Sussex has historical ties to the magna carta, so it is a fitting title for their union.
Her childhood goal was to become a "princess." She shopped multiple PR agencies who were tasked with developing a plan to make her Diana 2.0 in 2 years.
I believe she always wanted to drop Duchess and Sussex to become Prince & Princess. Now that Catherine has become THE Princess of Wales, it is even more important that she copy-kate.
I think the BRF should remain quiet as these 2 liars ("children of the corn") globally victimize themselves, but parliament must respond to their treason.
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This is great thank you! Love the pic…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
mail, Interesting one
A) anon, possibly casino, maybe he missed a disco in United Centre cave and maybe a strip bar for Sidney Crosby. I don't care I say it's always better to be a party boy/girl in your 20s rather than late bloomer hitting a dance floor with daddy dance and moves in late 30/40s like Crosby. Maybe he has been doing it for 20 years lol at least we know Tazer Captain Grumpy can dance not just on the ice so good , sign,
B) anon, Tazer's recent head on bad blurry cropped close up but from yesterday. No he is not all right and he was not bloated months ago closer to his ,illness,
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C) anon, you can ride a pony after scoring a goal in NHL. I guess it needs a low IQ for playing a pond hockey or majority of elementary things to have a look on , someone's' IN with boring grid of shoes, coffee etc to scroll down to one or two photos of the horses.
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I am speaking about Marketa and Meghan Markle who married into the family of horse riders. If you dig a dirt and create fabrications it is good to have a base. She is stupid and so Czech ex communist ice hockey officers with Jagr linked to ex KGB STB ex PM Andrey Babis. His children did not ride horses but the Windsors as not just UK royal family do. Also wealthy UK people and aristocratic girls. At least Meghan Markle should know it. You don't need to go into her Stories with boring stuff, Croatia not just last summer for special forces to train there and horses. Marketa Windsor has been apolitical for ages until Markle with fat UK politician and his bedmate dragged her into political trashing for different reasons from army info to just personal vendetta and low self esteem and J Jagr threw her to the wolves for the same reason to ex kGB Babis. Markle has contacted Babis as well as Jagr and ex communist Czech ice hockey mafians with her bs about M but we know that Markle is not so sharp and Marketa is not a zero and ugly as they orchestrated her Czech ID photo. Beside her super IQ and skills she is ...
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Very smart princess and a commander who is able to skate out from all scrimmages and melees with head up grace and class wit and without harm. With a plan..she did not comment some mayor of Prague and so Babis but they monitor him and so not so secret pact that he hopes to be Czech President with recent court for corruption and one candidate less ..
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I'd not go further and Babis with Jagr should stick to their Czech level of corruption and mafian tactics bcs it smells by bigger troubles linked to Arthur Landon and a man called Jack Mann linked to very stupid (Prince) Harry. We know the prince I'd stupid big mouth run by his Narciss wife and unable to run a tap of water, just playing games on Play station. No helicopter license, no way out of US army base in Afghanistan. Stupid with media posing and lack of reality check like his uncle Andrew who saw the action . The father's of Mann, Landon were warmongers, arms smugglers. They are around Harry, they got Markle into his set before she kicked them out. Jack Mann's father planned a coup in Africa., Jack Mann was seized as a mercenary up to Libya. It is not about Babis and Jagr's home turf and their Crimean trips. Even fat Kim of North Korea parade's with his daughter aka a girl in front of the rockets..Marines called Markle as Mata Harry, that exPM falls and rises with Markle as an abuse of the power and more serious stuff linked to UK princess and NATO army security than his illegal subsidies in the case that will continue with numerous appeals and playing about time than his Cray timing about the election of Czech President. He will not get there. He gets just a bigger blame and huge punishment linked to Markle. Marketa candy co watches him and autographs of Nagano gold medailist's son in Sherbrook or a brother of Columbus Blue Jackets prospect getting a play as a 26 yrs old junior with huge ice time. M waits until Harry finishes his whacking his drivel and Czech elections with more stuff. Her book out and so more stuff...it is not read and react but read and dictate the game, Jagr's political chum in cobra lullaby led into mine field as she called him stupid for getting BAbis and Bures with the same number of letters and places for vocals as well as the same letters, stupid like 4 bit show girl Markle than 264 bit encryption. Lion King, not by Markle leaving Royal Marines behind. M is a lion cub not a dove. Out of ice hockey topic, poking a bear in dangerous murky waters outside 9f Czech carp pond. Rambling about Marketa and ice hockey by hiring Czech NHLers David Krejci or prospects by Czech police for recruitment by exPM is nonsense. Not Margaret Maultasch. Little Big Horn.
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
Prince Harry went Mental ~ The Sun~ Emily Andrews ~ not good~ Harry looking bad on his wife spilling this one, I could be wrong
Prince Harry went Mental ~ The Sun~ Emily Andrews ~ not good~ Harry looking bad on his wife spilling this one, I could be wrong
[contentcards url=”https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7927914/prince-william-harry-feud-relationship-meghan-markle-kate-middleton/”%5D
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
CC, does the Royal Family understand how sick Prince Harry is with his obsession with Prince William and being king? To say nothing of the way Harry covets William's wife? Are the Royals beginning to understand just how truly mentally sick and perverted Harry really is? I'm concerned the Royal Family sees Harry as a low-IQ spoiled brat when in reality, Harry is a very sick, perverted, dangerous man who needs long-term therapy and has to be kept away from the Cambridges as well.
Hi Nonny,
I think the Royal Family are, if not 100% aware of Harry's mental condition, aware enough to treat him with caution. I can do a reading on this and check if you want.
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
"Well, every family has a black sheep. I guess that is Harry's thing. Literally." -- LOL! Remember when Diana wore her famous red sweater/jumper with all white sheep except for one lone black sheep? Conjecture at the time was that she was sending a (not so) subtle message that she was the black sheep of the RF. And didn't she also famously say that JH took after her (especially in the low-IQ department lol)? Thanks, Di, for the idea! Prince Black Sheep.
What's crazy is that Harry was always super close with Bea and Eugenie, and his other cousins.
It was William who kept more to himself. He didn't attend his cousin Peter's wedding to attend the wedding of his ex-girlfriend's brother's wedding. I guess he had committed prior to Peter's wedding date being announced. But I guess I am the type that a cousin could trump a friend.
So there were always rumors that it was William who kept his distance from the family and that Harry was the life of the party.
Now it has switched it seems.
Never heard about that quote from Diana...anyone know if this is true?
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gstqaobc · 3 years
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
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florenc-ia · 4 years
These are my last reads, took me some time but oh well. Enjoy
Give Me Truths 110k
Louis is a psychology student with a tattoo count as high as his genius IQ. Harry is in a (sort-of) relationship with a homophobic man and hates himself a little more every day. Things fall apart and Louis puts him back together.
Or, the one in which Louis falls in love with a fragile boy and tells him every beautiful truth in the world, as long as it makes him happy.
chances under the purple sunrise 28k
“You’ve been taking my shoes?” Louis asked, scoffing. “I paid a lot for them!”
“How unfortunate for you.” Harry smiled bitterly. He peeked over Louis, eyeing the hook that still had the worm.
The red box was open right next to him. Harry saw that inside, it had a couple of transparent containers that were filled with worms, too. He eyed Louis skeptically before nodding. “Right. I’ll give you your, er…. little boats back if you let me have the tub of worms.”
A groan crawled out from Louis, his head falling back and his eyes landing up at the clear sky. “I need those.”
“They’re food for myself and others, not to be used as bait.”
Or the one where Harry is a merman, prince of the Atlantic Ocean, whose curiosity and healthy envy takes over him and he steals Louis' shoes every time he fishes.
Absolutely amazing it’s so beautiful and cute I loooooved it
Oh Glory 21k
Tomlinson looks Liam over, tilting his head. “Are you a swimmer as well?”
“Yeah,” Liam says, a little cautiously. Harry wonders if it’s Tomlinson’s fame or the unimpressed eyebrow that’s making Liam wary. “Distance, I’m doing the 1500m. Harry here’s a sprinter.”
“Ah,” says Tomlinson, turning his glinting eyes back to Harry. “So you’re not an endurance man.” A beat passes, and his grin grows, wide and filthy. "Shame."
Harry Styles is Team Great Britain's newest swimmer, and has spent his whole life training for this moment, a chance at the gold medal in the Rio 2016 Olympics. All his training, hard work, and dedication to no distractions is tested when he's assigned to the same Rio apartment as Louis Tomlinson, British gymnast and Harry's childhood crush.
Torn On The Platform 27k
AU where harry and louis are strangers but they always get the same train to work in the morning and one day harry falls asleep on louis’ shoulder. louis wants to be annoyed because harry just broke a least seven rules of tube conduct but he looks so soft and peaceful that he just lets him sleep and wakes him ever so carefully when it’s his stop. it happens again and again until it becomes a regular thing where louis will let harry snooze and then gently nudge him awake, hand him the cup of coffee he took from him so it wouldn’t slip and spill everywhere and send him off with a “have fun at work, love” and after the tenth time harry isn’t even embarrassed anymore.
In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights 13k
It's one of those nights there's nothing on the telly that Louis absently scrolls through Tinder. After swiping left on a bunch of profiles he comes face to face with a picture that stops him in his tracks. The picture is..almost sweet. It’s a boy with brown curly hair, wearing a very low cut yellow blouse, paired with a black jacket. He’s got a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out, but it’s not in any way lewd or suggestive. He just looks like he’s having a good time, and something about the innocence of it has him swiping right rather than left.
He’s barely checked the other pictures on the boy's profile before Tinder confirms that he’s got a match. The shots are so different from the pictures Louis is used to on Tinder - half naked boys who are smoldering at the camera - that he can’t help but smile.
It quickly turns into a frown when he opens up the message he’s just received.
Harry: Hello!
Harry: Thank you for swiping right
Harry: I have a proposition for you
baby we could be enough (I’ll make this feel like home) 52k
“Did you clean the table?” Harry asks Louis once Rose is done speaking, now occupied with trying to see if she can reach over and touch Harry’s hair from where she’s sat. At Louis’ nod, Harry frowns. “You didn’t have to do that. You’re my guests here, I could’ve dealt with it later.”
Louis just smiles easily, though, adjusting Rose on his lap so that she’s facing Harry better. She manages to tug on a loose wave of hair, and she makes a noise of triumph that both Louis and Harry smile at.
“I don’t mind,” Louis murmurs to Harry, even though he’s looking at Rose. “This one here seemed very excited to talk to you.”
And, okay. Harry can’t help but think of how domestic this feels, all of a sudden.
[harry is a photographer who's trying to find his place. louis is a single father with a smile that feels like home.]
That’s How I Know 19k
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees.
Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
Never Too Late 18k
Harry’s confused for a moment before it hits him: the little boy is signing. Harry squats down to get to the boy’s level again and mirrors the same action.
“Dad?” He inquires. Harry learned basic sign language after having met a fan who was deaf. He made it his mission to learn signing so that he’d be able to communicate with other fellow hearing impaired fans.
The little boy smiles brightly, his tears now long gone. He goes on to extend both hands, palms up as if he’s asking where? Followed by the previous sign which means Dad. Harry smiles to himself at the amazing little guy standing in front of him.
He stands up taking the boy’s hand, “Let’s go find your dad,” he tells him making the motion with his hand.
Just having come out of the closet and recovering from vocal surgery, famous recording artist Harry Styles needs to get away from LA to work on new music needing to prove to his label that his career isn't over. Little does he know that his life is about to change forever when he runs into an old friend at the city he's decided to escape to.
Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) 76k
Harry watches Louis as he scrunches up his nose and bites the end of a pen in concentration. He’s been working on seating arrangements for the past hour and getting more frustrated by the minute. Louis huffs out a breath and glances down at Harry with a soft smile on his lips before he returns to the task at hand. It’s easy, right then, for Harry to let himself believe that they’re planning a seating chart for their own wedding and bickering over who is going to sit where from a list of their own family members. He can let himself daydream about a white picket fence and a dog that they could have within the next year.
It’s like a cold slap in the face when Harry looks to the top of the page to see “Aiden and Louis Grimshaw” at the head table, and Harry has to mentally remind himself for the thousandth time that Louis is not his. Never was, really. He’s just the wedding planner that’s been in love with Louis since he was sixteen.
(or the one where Louis and Harry have a complicated past, Louis is getting married to someone that’s not Harry, and the universe has decided to have a laugh and make Harry the wedding planner.)
Even Angels Have Their Demons 53k
Louis is appointed the role of Guardian Angel, and his first mission is a boy named Zayn Malik. Unfortunately, it seems that a certain Demon has gotten to him first.
Or... an Angel/Demon AU where Angel Louis hates Demon Harry, but somewhere along the way that stops being so true.
Three French Hems 20k
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
In Dreams 23k
AU. When Harry moves to a new city, his new flat come with a number of sweet, anonymous gifts and surprises that brighten his days. Could it be a friendly ghost? Another friendly presence in his new building is his tattooed neighbor, Louis, who seems determined to put a smile back on his face.
Say It Somehow 129k
Louis Tomlinson may be one of the most respected actors on the West End, but he's terrible at knowing how to act around Harry Styles.
The story of two people who find each other at just the right time, featuring first dates, sleepovers, heartbreak, lots of sex, baked goods, overpriced bedsheets, and musical theatre references galore.
A Darker Shade of Love 750k
Louis is a 30 year old multi-billionaire with a very dark past. He is violent and is a sadist with a taste for pain.
Harry Styles is a 19 year old student who sets out to London after being kicked out by his homophobic father to follow his dreams. He wants to go to the best University to study but he needs a lot of money so he starts to work as a part time stripper at a gay club to support his studies and his life.
The club he works at, Garland's, is part owned by Louis Tomlinson. When they meet, its life changing for the both of them.
Ok so this one has very sensitive content. It’s very well written but if you can understand this is all fiction then you’re good. Be careful reading it if you think you might get triggered
A Sea Without Water, A Compass Without Direction 84k
”Tell me, Louis,” Captain Styles said, leaning forward a little. ”D’you think I’m an idiot?”
”I—what?” Louis asked, surprised by the blunt question. He had expected something different, something along the lines of how he learned music, or how he ended up as a prisoner on the other ship.
”Do you think I’m an idiot?” The captain repeated, putting emphasis on each word as though Louis couldn’t understand him otherwise.
”Of course not,” Louis said, shaking his head. He’d be a fool for thinking such a thing, and an even bigger fool for saying it out loud. ”Captain.”
Captain Styles nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. ”Then why did you lie to me?”
”Out on the deck. You lied to me,” he said. He held up his hand, three fingers up.
”Three lies total. I hate liars.”
Waiting for the tides to meet 59k
Louis lets out a deep breath, thinking about Harry’s soulmate. Thinking about how Harry’s soulmate is probably as beautiful as Harry, some person that Louis cannot compare to, and how the universe has chosen them to be Harry’s. Fuck the universe. “Fuck you,” he calls out to the universe. He’s aware of how crazy he sounds.
Maybe he is crazy, with how he’s falling for Harry. And fuck that, too.
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
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theunderdogwrites · 5 years
Shut Up Internet (Part One)
My Grandmother (of Scottish descent) was a bit of a “royal watcher”. I clearly recall her excitement when Prince Charles married Diana Spencer. She even purchased the commemorative plate. And she adored the Queen and all the history attached to that family. I’ve always loved this about her. Knowing she had this interest and it was something that brought her enjoyment adds another level of appreciation for the person who could see right through me and nurtured my sensitive, rambunctious soul. 
I wonder, now, what her thoughts would be on recent events surrounding the Royal Family. She always had a compassionate view on life and while I’d like to think I inherited some of that class, I don’t suffer fools very well. I’d love nothing more right now than to sit down with her and a cup a tea and listen to her speak. But that’s not possible, so instead, I’m going to pour a glass of scotch and do what I do well – rip on shitheads.
I Googled myself once. There are A LOT of people with my exact name (including a greatly wanted criminal who messed up airport travel for a while) so it’s easy for me to be on the down-low. And I like it. I’d be a terrible famous person. To have cameras follow me around every time I left my house would be unsettling and expose all my idiocy. I can see the headlines now:
“Julie leaves the gym a hot mess! Does errands! Smells like salty garbage! 
Doesn’t seem to care who she offends!”
“Julie screams at other drivers! Like, a lot!”
“Julie trips over an invisible line! Tweaks knee! Cries!”
“Julie punches paparazzo in the face! Kicks another! Threatens to troll a third on Instagram!”
Just take a moment and think about the things you do out of your home on a daily basis and imagine those things being on display for the world, if they care to look. When you go to the grocery store and forget your cloth bag and purchase a plastic one – international incident! Off to the pub two nights in a row for a few pints – crazed alcoholic! Wear yoga pants to the doctor – you’ve given up on life! 
Now imagine being a member of the Royal Family.
I believe it is a well-known fact that the media/paparazzi were greatly responsible for the crash that ended the life of Princess Diana. I’m not going to get into the history of that tragedy except to say – the person who learned the most from that was the Queen.  After Diana’s death, the Queen failed to properly navigate the tautness between her lack of imagination and her staunch need for tradition when failing to recognize that this death impacted the world and was not just a family matter.  And the public let her know they were unhappy. She has since embraced some flexibility and understanding, which she proved in how swiftly she dealt with Prince Harry’s request to step back from royal duties. 
Let’s get to the point….
The majority of us are free to live our lives with a minimal amount of scarring scrutiny. My cat, who often sees me foraging through the fridge and eating like a bear from a trash can while standing in the kitchen arguing with myself, isn’t judgemental about all the strange things she witnesses me do. Only when it comes to my unwillingness to keep her dish completely full at all times and sharing my bacon. 
We are not followed by cameras. People probably are not publishing stories about us and then providing spaces for total strangers to make callous remarks about our appearance or life decisions. Most of us will never understand venom on that level. 
When it came out that Prince Harry and his wife Meagan Markle wanted to leave royal life for a much more peaceful existence together while raising their son, I for one applauded the bravery. Going up against the Queen (your Grandmother) and her deep-rooted love of tradition and facing tremendous backlash from royal-watching zealots could not have been an easy decision to make. But I felt this difficult choice was made not only as a young loving couple but also as adoring parents wanting the best life for their family. So, imagine my absolute repulsion when people, upon hearing the news, pulled out their freshly sharpened talons and started ripping apart Meagan Markle and essentially blaming her for “Yoko-Ono-ing” the royal family. 
What the actual fuck is wrong with people? And I don’t ask that as a rhetorical question. 
Technology has given all the dimwitted, sad-sack shit stains of the world a global platform in which to exercise their right to be heard. It truly is a shame that an IQ test isn’t required to log onto the internet. But maybe I’m the tool. Totally possible because I fail to understand the desire… the need… the moral audacity of people wanting to take to their keyboards so they can insult, shame and judge those in the public eye. And do not give me the “well they need to get thicker skin if they want to be famous as intense criticism comes with that life” spiel because that is merely defending a bullying culture. 
I blame the media A LOT. The calibre of writing and the content of reporting is being sacrificed for sensationalism and “clicks”. Catering to the lowest level of human being doesn’t make you cool and an industry titan. It makes you a scumbag. The “journalism” community should be embarrassed. And those who are not apart of this circus sideshow should be using their talents to expose and dismantle these hacks.  
There are many ways to express your possible dislike… or unappreciation of people and their choices. It doesn’t have to be cruel or intended to cause serious emotional harm. Because let’s face it, we are all armed with an OPINION ABOUT EVERYTHING. My favourite is humour because not only does it require intelligence to execute correctly, it also requires intelligence to realize when you’ve been slammed in style. And that is why Mariah Carey never gets my jokes about her.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/us-election-world-leaders-who-havent-congratulated-biden/
US election: World leaders who haven't congratulated Biden
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US election 2020
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image copyrightReuters
image captionRelations between Washington and Moscow were frosty when Vice-President Biden met President Putin in 2011
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With Joe Biden projected to win the US presidential elections on Saturday, many world leaders hastened to congratulate him on his victory.
But not everyone has been so keen – in fact some have been conspicuous in their absence. Here are some key international figures who have not sent messages of support or who have appeared lukewarm in their congratulations.
Some have gone even further, congratulating Mr Trump or backing unsubstantiated claims he has made about voter fraud. At least one minister has paid for his remarks with his job.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin
Four years ago Mr Putin was among the first to congratulate Donald Trump on his election victory, but there has been no tweet, telegram or phone call to Mr Biden this time.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the reason for the delay was the legal challenges being launched by the Trump campaign.
“We believe the correct thing to do would be to wait for the official election result,” he told reporters.
But the BBC’s Steve Rosenberg in Moscow says there is a suspicion that the lack of congratulations reflects the fact that Moscow is not excited by the outcome.
Mr Biden is a vocal critic of Moscow and recently identified Russia as the biggest threat to America.
Mr Trump has rarely criticised Russia or Mr Putin, and Russia was accused of interfering in the 2016 election to get Mr Trump elected.
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How will Joe Biden change US foreign policy?
What a Biden victory means for the rest of the world
Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa
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image captionMr Jansa has shown support for Mr Trump in the past
Mr Jansa has made no secret of his support for Mr Trump, even tweeting his congratulations to the incumbent president on Wednesday, long before the vote counts were anywhere near completion.
Since then he has repeated allegations of voter fraud carried out by Democrats.
On Saturday, he appeared more conciliatory, describing the US as Slovenia’s strategic partner and said that friendly relations would remain whoever was president.
But he has still not offered any congratulations to Mr Biden.
Mr Jansa, from the far-right anti-immigration Slovenian Democratic Party, is an ally of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has also expressed support for Mr Trump in the past.
Mr Trump’s wife Melania is Slovenian.
Other Slovenian leaders, including President Borut Pahor, have congratulated Mr Biden, as has Mr Orban.
Estonian Interior Minister Mart Helme
Mr Helme announced his resignation on Monday after he and his son, Finance Minister Martin Helme, made allegations about widespread fraud in the US election on a radio talk show on Sunday.
Mr Helme senior also repeated unsubstantiated corruption allegations against Mr Biden and his son Hunter.
His son said that “all normal people should speak up” about the alleged falsifications.
“There is no point in talking about any kind of democracy or the rule of law if elections can be so rudely, so blatantly and massively rigged,” he added.
Both are members of the far-right Conservative People’s Party, of which Mr Helme junior is also the leader. The party is in a coalition with the Centre Party and another right-wing party,
Prime Minister Juri Ratas has criticised the two politicians, and has congratulated Mr Biden.
But he stopped short of sacking them, critics argue, because he relies on their party’s support to stay in power.
Mr Helme senior said he was resigning because of the “slander” he was facing in the Estonian media.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro
Mr Bolsonaro is often considered to be an ally of Mr Trump, so much so that he has been described as the “Trump of the Tropics”.
media captionJair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump swap football shirts in the Oval Office
The Brazilian leader’s failure so far to congratulate Mr Biden, therefore, comes as no surprise.
He has crossed swords with the former vice-president in the past, describing his call during an election debate for the US to push Brazil to protect the Amazon rainforest better as “disastrous and unnecessary”.
Brazilian media reports quoting government sources suggested Mr Bolsonaro planned to wait until Mr Trump’s legal challenges were completed before addressing the issue.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
image copyrightReuters
image captionMr Netanyahu said Joe Biden was a big friend of Israel
Mr Netanyahu is another world leader who has never hidden his affinity for Mr Trump.
And while he congratulated Mr Biden, observers have noted the absence of the words “president-elect” and “vice-president-elect” in his message.
“”I would like to open with greetings to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. For almost 40 years I have had a personal, long and warm relationship with Joe Biden and I know him as a big friend of the state of Israel,” he said in a video statement.
Mr Netanyahu concluded the message by paying tribute to Mr Trump for his friendship towards Israel and him personally, and thanking him for recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, overturning decades of US policy, and for his hard-line stance on Iran.
Saudi ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
The Saudi crown prince has congratulated Mr Biden on his election victory – but only on Sunday, 24 hours after the news broke. Other Middle Eastern leaders responded on Saturday.
It was pointed out that Mohammed bin Salman had wasted no time in congratulating Tanzanian President John Magafuli on his re-election that day.
Mr Biden has vowed to reassess relations with Saudi Arabia, in particular over the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the civil war in Yemen.
Chinese President Xi Jinping
President Xi sent congratulations to Mr Trump in 2016 the day after his poll victory.
But this time China has so far held off on giving any reaction to the US election results.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin noted Mr Biden’s declaration of victory in a briefing on Monday, but said Beijing would watch while “US law and procedures” were followed.
Mr Biden is expected to be more measured and nuanced in his approach to China while maintaining a tough stance.
Mr Trump has sharply criticised China over coronavirus and became involved in a trade war, imposing tariffs on numerous Chinese imports.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un
There has been no response to the election result from Mr Kim, indeed as of Monday morning North Korean state media outlets have been silent on the US elections.
However, no mention was made of Donald Trump’s 2016 victory until two days after his election.
image copyrightReuters
Mr Trump and Mr Kim have had a stormy relationship, though they have maintained contact through three historical face-to-face meetings.
Mr Biden, though, has described Mr Kim as a thug and says he is not interested in any personal diplomacy with him. The North Korean leader has called Mr Biden “a fool of low IQ”.
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20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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If I Were Queen:  A Management Consultant’s Guide to Sorting the Harry/Meghan Challenge
If I Were Queen: A Management Consultant’s Guide to Sorting the Harry/Meghan Challenge
 Well, my middle name is Elizabeth and I cannot help but think that somehow my mother meant to remind me that I am a queen—in many ways.  At least that is what I choose to believe.  I have conveniently adopted this line of thinking three years after her assent to Heaven, but then she isn’t here to yank me back into reality—at least not in the physical realm.  But wait—what is that ghost that I see hovering in the corner with her hand on her hip and ephemeral lips poised to read me the riot act?  Oh well, let me pin this quickly before she causes my computer to crash.
 As a proud African American woman born of a southern mother who was fiercely proud of her heritage, I decided to analyze the Harry and Meghan choice to “step back” from their royal life from a different perspective.  I have owned and run my executive coaching and organization development consultancy for over 15 years.  I am Stanford/Harvard educated and I fully embrace my culture.  African American culture can help solve the challenge that the Duke and Duchess face with a certain amount of clarity and grace.
 First of all, I am bringing a throne into the meeting room.  I know that the meeting with Charles, his two sons, and Meghan (virtually) will be at Sandringham, but I am Queen—so bring in a throne.  The other participants are seated on low couches.  As any good consultant knows, layout of the room sends clear signals.  Oh, and I would have both Doria (Meghan’s mom) and Meghan Facetime in—you need both Grandmama’s in place.  
 Next, I would have each of the errand people for each of the princes (the private secretaries, equerries, foot people—whatever they are titled) positioned behind each of their respective courts (i.e. prince) with a flip chart and markers.  Meghan would also have her own flip chart and person to scribe for her because her voice counts equally.  However, I would have a large digital flipchart next to my throne that would be populated by my comments by the head court person because, well—I am Queen.
 Here’s how this would roll-out in a nutshell.  I am seated on the throne with one of my most brilliant crowns on ace/deuce (which means tilted slightly to the side—a sign of style and of being large and in charge). It is probably cold in that castle so even though I might have on royal fleece, I would still put on one of those red robes with ermine trim.  I might even have a scepter in one hand (leaning in the same direction as the crown because style and visual presentation matter).
 I would engage in a four step process.  Oh and let me mention that we would be having “tea” but it would be of the alcoholic variety, namely over 30 years old, and it would commonly be known as Scotch.  It would be served straight.  All Black folk know that when it is serious, good brown liquor is required.
  I would instruct each of the princes and     Meghan to list their top three concerns on their flipcharts (well their     people would scribe their comments).     I would tell them to be succinct because Grandma has a kingdom to     run.
I would next ask them to     list their BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal from Jim Collins’ Good to Great) for all of     this.  What is their ultimate     desired goal?
I would then give each of     them 5 minutes to present their flip charts.  As Queen, and as a Black woman, I know     that you must let folk have their say.     As my genius IQ mother used to say, “I need to see their eyes and     hear their tone.”
I would then use my Mother     Wit (i.e., intrinsic emotional intelligence and keen intellect) to     rule.  And yes—I am Grandmama so I     am ruling.
 The Ruling (Yes, like all Grandmama’s—I already knew what I was going to say):
 The Sussex’s do not have     to return money for the structural changes on Frogmore because the     property is a historical building that is now brought up to “code”.
I would strongly recommend     (i.e., Charles you had best do what I say) that his contribution to the     Sussex’s finances be reduced proportionate to their time spent carrying     out royal duties (65% of their time on royal duties = 65% of the income     that he has been giving them, adjusting for inflation annually). This way     the naysayers arguments are pre-empted.     Black Grandmama’s are expert at devising preemptive strategy.
The Sussex’s would decide     their domicile issues and the court people and outside consultants would     sort out taxes, legalities, and other such requirements to keep them out     of orange jumpsuits.
I would then instruct my     court people to populate my royal digital flip chart (it has my face as     background wall paper—you know that subtle, ghost like imaging that serves     as distracting wall paper on Powerpoint) with the three key points from     above.  Yes all of this would be     decided in our two hour meeting.  I     am in my early 90’s.  I DO NOT HAVE     THE PATIENCE TO TARRY.
 The Conclusion of the Meeting.
 I would stand and switch my scepter to the other side.  I would straighten my crown.  Everyone knows that this means that Grandmama the Queen is finished.  I would tell Harry that I will hit him in the head with a royal cast iron skillet (the ones with my image emblazoned on them) if he releases this communique before I do.  I would have the skillet under the throne and I would point it out.  Granny does not play.
 I would then issue the formal edict (known by offspring of Black grandmothers, aunties, and mommas the world over—in whatever language):
 Then the royal court people would immediately begin playing “Respect” by Aretha Franklin, Al Green would follow with “Let’s Stay Together”, and we would retire to one of my other rooms for sweet potato petit fours.  Oh and more good brown liquor.
  Tracey Webb owns Tracey Elizabeth Webb Associates, an executive coaching and organizational development consulting firm in the San Francisco Bay Area.  She can be reached at [email protected] or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamauthentic/
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Chapter 2
Reveal the Remedy
Harry couldn’t get her out of his mind.
 For a week, he had nothing else on his mind apart from Bella. He couldn’t understand why but he couldn’t take her smile out of his mind when he should be thinking about ways of how to get Meghan back. He couldn’t understand why instead of checking in on his recent ex-girlfriend, he chose to ask his Personal Assistant to look for a woman named Bella from University of Oxford.
“Your Royal Highness.” Troy, Harry’s royal assistant, greeted politely and Harry looked up from his seat inside one of his parlour inside his apartment Kensington Palace. “I have the information you asked me to look for.”
Harry nodded and beckoned Troy to come in; awaiting the information that the latter holds. Troy settled in the seat in front of Harry before opening the folder that he held. “Well, her name is Doctor Isabella Margaret Clarke, she had just recently finished her medical studies and research at University of Oxford thus, explaining the ‘doctor’ in her name. 26 years old, born on July 5th of the year 1993.”
 “Isn’t she too young to be a doctor?” Harry piped in,
 “Had been the top of her class ever since a young age, skipped 3 grades of middle school, 2 years of high school.” Troy explained and Harry nodded.  “She was rumored to have a photographic memory and the IQ of a genius.” Troy breathed out. “Christ.” He mumbled shocked of the accomplishments.
 Harry blinked, shocked as well. He figured that he’s 35 and she’s 26- and she’s a doctor. “She’s a smart one then”
 “She lives in Waybridge. Her parents are owners of Mary Mediatrix Medical Center on Southwark Steet. Doctor Clarke started her duties as doctor in MMMC yesterday.”
 “Wait. MMMC?” Harry cut off and Troy nodded . “We visit that for charity, do we?”
 Troy blinked back at the prince before nodding in confirmation, “The Duchess of Cambridge do. Actually, she has a scheduled visit there next week.”
 “Next week?”
 “Yes, Your Royal Highness.” Troy said slowly, confirming. “May I ask, what’s with the sudden interest with Doctor Clarke?”
 Prince Harry smiled at his PA. “I would like to accompany Kate next week.”
 “I am free next week, am I? I want to accompany Kate.” He repeated firmly and Troy nodded, taking down notes on his folder.
 Doctor Isabella Margaret Clarke
 Bella couldn’t help but smile whenever she sees her name on her table. Doctor. Everybody calls her doctor now. She couldn’t believe that at the age of 26, she’ll be a doctor specializing as an OB/GYNE. She’s on cloud nine.
 “Bella?” a knock came on her door and Doctor Georgia Clarke, Bella’s mother, peeked her head through the door and smiled at her daughter. “Are you busy?”
 Bella shook her head and closed the folder of her first special case. “Come in, mom.” She said standing up from her seat.
 Georgia came in looking around Bella’s office. “I hope everything is to your liking?”
 “Of course, mom. You even gave me a coffee machine.” Bella said walking over to her mother and kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you.”
 “Well, we all know how you are without coffee.” Georgia laughed and looked at her daughter. “Such a beautiful woman, you are.” She said cupping her daughter’s face and smiling making Bella blush. “Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you.”
 “Sure. What is it?” Bella said walking back to her chair behind the table and sitting on it with a soft smile on her face. “Do you need me to handle a case?”
 The older woman shook her head and went over to the coffee machine sitting on the table at the far corner. “You like yours with cream, right?”
 “Mom.. You’re stalling. Is this something major?”
 However, the mother remained silent as she continued to make two cups of coffee. She knew her daughter doesn’t do well with crowds- or people with high status. Bella likes being low key and so she also likes low key people; however, her favor would help Bella especially since she had recently became a doctor. “So..” Georgia started carefully placing a cup in front of Bella and a cup in front of her. “You do know that Kate Middleton is visiting us next week?”
 “As she does quarterly.”  Bella nodded taking a sip off her coffee.
 “And, unfortunately, your father and I are away for a Medical Symposium in Los Angeles at that time.” Georgia said and she watched her daughter’s face scrunch up in confusion. “Come on, darling. Don’t pretend you’re confused.”
 Bella sighed, “You want me to accompany her.”
 “Excuse me?” Bella asked now honestly confused. “You said it’s only Catherine Middleton.”
 “Well..” Georgia trailed off in thought before continuing. “The palace called and Prince Harry is coming with her.”
 Prince Harry. Prince Harry of Wales. Bella paced around her office a week after her mother told her that she’s going to be accompanying Catherine Middleton and Prince Harry of Wales. Prince Harry of Wales, she might of had been drunk when she met him but she remembers him clearly. And suddenly, her heart started pounding in her chest once again. She couldn’t understand why her heart reacts weirdly at the mere thought of him- she barely knew him and growing up, she didn’t have any interest in him or even the royal family altogether. For her, they’re all just normal people but with a bigger responsibility for the country. And besides, Prince Harry is currently in a relationship with the woman from Suits- as Bella remembers.
 “Don’t be ridiculous.” Bella mumbled to herself before breathing in and out deeply. “Calm yourself, woman.”
 The prince had to do his best to act nonchalant as he sat beside Catherine Middleton but inside, he’s absolutely jittery. He couldn’t wait to see her, he couldn’t wait to see the reaction on her face, and he wanted to see if she remembers him.
 Catherine Middleton can see through Prince Harry and she smiled shaking her head. “Did you and Meghan made up or something?” she asked suddenly making the prince look at her suddenly. “I know you too well, you know.”
“We didn’t.”
 “Must be a new woman, then.”
 Prince Harry remained silent for the rest of the ride and looked outside his window. Isabella Margaret Clarke. The name sings in his head but he couldn’t. It’s just another flying fancy. He’ll probably forget about her once he gets sick of her. They stopped in front of the hospital and he can already see her- she stood just outside Catherine’s side looking as serene as ever- her face is a bitter contrast of what his chest feels like.
 “Your Royal Highness.” Bella curtsied a little bit before smiling softly at Catherine Middleton before offering her hand. “Welcome back to Mary Mediatrix Medical Center. I’m Doctor Isabella Clarke.”
 Catherine smiled and accepted the handshake. “It’s nice to be back, Doctor Clarke.” She said before going over to the next person.
 “Your Royal Highness.” Bella curtsied once again, this time for Prince Harry who gave her a slightly impish smile. “Welcome to Mary Mediatrix Medical Center.”
 “It’s nice seeing you again, Doctor Bella.” He said and offered his hand and Bella smiled taking it. It was electricity; it took his breath away and he pulled his hand away more confused than ever. What’s more confusing is that Bella doesn’t look affected.
 However, Bella felt it. The jolt of electricity when he touched the prince and her heart started pounding uncontrollably inside her chest. She breathed in deeply as she followed the royals inside the hospital- on their way to the Children’s Wing. She noticed the glances the prince gave her while they walked and she smiled at him whenever he does so.
 The Duchess of Cambridge noticed the familiarity Harry has for the doctor she just met and it is obvious that he knew her and this is not the first time he saw her. She smiled at the kids and started talking to them, Harry did the same. Catherine couldn’t help but keep glancing at the woman that seems to have the interest of the prince as well. She’s a looker. She commented inside her head as she discreetly watched Isabella Clarke who stood by a door carrying a small toddler on her arms. She’d be good for the lot. She added referring to the Royal family.
 “Doctor Clarke.” One of the head nurses suddenly whispered on Bella’s ear. “Your patient, Mrs. Masen, is in the emergency room.”
 Bella smiled at the little girl on her hands before giving her back to her mother. “Is she bleeding?” she asked the head nurse in a low whisper and the nurse nodded. “I need you to keep an operating room open for me as soon as possible. Inform the family that we might need an emergency C-section. I’ll be there soon.”
 The nurse scurried off and Bella went over to the Catherine’s assistant with an apologetic smile on her face. “I apologize but I have a patient for an emergency C-section.” She whispered. “Please send my apologies towards the Highnesses.”
 Prince Harry watched Bella leave the room in a hurry with a nurse handing her a scrub suit just outside the door. He made his way towards Emily, Kate’s PA. “Where is Doctor Clarke going?” he asked in a whisper in fear that others might hear.
 Emily gave the prince a puzzled look. “She has to perform an emergency operation on a patient. She sends her apologies.”
 Prince Harry nodded and the disappointment is very visible on his face. He thought he would have a chance to actually talk to her and so he went back to the children looking less enthusiastic than a while ago. Well, that’s the life of a doctor.
 “You can stay longer, if you want.” Catherine suddenly said as they both sat side by side in the conference room where a small program is being held for them. The prince looked at her slightly confused and shocked. “Oh come on, you don’t think I’m thick, do you?”
 Harry shook his head. “No, absolutely not.”
 Catherine smiled and looked back at the program watching children sing in front of them. “She’d be a good catch for the family.” She said, her eyes never straying from the show. “Her Majesty would love her.”
 However, he couldn’t stay back because the press would notice but instead, he decided to come back using a different vehicle. And when he did, his PPO came in first to ask the head nurse of Bella’s office and had her swear to confidentiality. It’s just typical protocol to prevent anything leaking to the press. He was then led through the back where deliveries for supplies are passed through to prevent anyone from seeing him and after almost ten minutes of avoiding people, he was led into an office with Bella’s name posted on the door.
 Bella had a toxic shift. After doing two emergency C-section for two special cases, one of which being her mother’s, she is ready to go home and lay down on her bed. However, she is not excited for the hour drive to her house. She signed some papers for the prescription drugs for her patients and checked her wristwatch. 10:17pm. It read and she breathed out giving the nurse from the maternity ward a smile before waving and making her way towards her office.
 “Jesus!” she breathed jumping, her back slamming lightly on her door when she came in her office and saw Prince Harry sitting on one of her chair playing with his phone. “What are you doing here?” she asked. Stupid! He’s a prince! “I mean, what can I do for you, Your Royal Highness?”
 Prince Harry watched in amusement as Bella tried to calm herself by the door. “Good evening, doctor. Call me Harry.” He said coyly and Bella arched an eyebrow at him. “Have you eaten dinner?”
 “Are you asking me out?”
 He bit his bottom lip. Well, to anyone who can see the situation, it would look like he is asking her out. “Sort of.” He said slowly, his mind going to the fact that she thinks he’s taken. “A friendly one.” He added to avoid being rejected by her.
 “You waited until this hour just to ask me for dinner?”
 “I didn’t know your number.” He shrugged and Bella shook her head incredulously. Prince Harry watched Bella take off her stethoscope and place it on top of her table before taking off her white coat off. “Is it too weird?” he then asked after the silence.
 Bella sighed when her stomach grumbled as she slung her coat on her chair. “No security or anything that will alert the press.” She stated looking straight at Prince Harry’s blue eyes; her heart did a leap. “And your treat.”
 “You drive and help me lose the security.”
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givenchyic · 4 years
It is no secret that reading is highly subjective, but that doesn’t rid it from biases.
Writers – especially women: Don’t let anyone sneer at you for writing “fluff.” Fluff is an insulator. Correctly used, it can stop you from freezing, or burning to death. Fluff fiction is designed to protect you from the relentless toxicity of the real world. Fluff saves lives.
— Joanne Harris (@Joannechocolat) January 8, 2020
Never not thinking about the grace of this reply from @MarianKeyes for @guardian about the idea of shame surrounding literature pic.twitter.com/ownskfJfPC
— Pandora Sykes (@PINsykes) May 6, 2020
What, for you, determines a book you want to read? Is it an acclaimed author, a particular genre, a recommendation from a friend or a book shop, or is it the accolade of prizes it has been shortlisted or awarded? 
“Fluffy” literature fits into all of these frames, so why is it looked down upon? What even makes a good book “good”? 
For me, generally, I define “fluffy” literature as often romance serialised novels that provide a strong degree of escapism. These types of novels are often viewed as “silly” or “fantastical”. A few examples are:
E.L James – Fifty Shades of Grey Franchise
Mills and Boon Novels
Bridget Jones Franchise 
Novels that have cover designs like these below: 
Yet, this definition comes with multiple caveats and cachés, “fluffy” literature could also largely be written from a women’s standpoint, it could be set within a young adult dystopian world, or it could be set within our own ordinary everyday timeframe. 
 “Fluff” in fiction itself is a pejorative connotation, often referring to written elements of the story, like elaborate and hyperbolic description, that doesn’t serve the development of the overall plot. Yet, this just generally makes it seem like reading is a means to an end, rather than enjoying the act of reading itself. 
What we perceive as high vs low is constantly changing. For example, Charles Dickens is today perceived as ‘high fiction’, but during his time he was actually writing serialised fiction for the masses. What’s more, as he originated from a working-class poor background, this also affected how people viewed him at the time. 
“High” fiction could also have a plethora of terms and connotations. Most of the time, I view high fiction to be classical literature, books that have won multiple awards, and books that are being recommended to you at every twist and turn (like Sally Rooney’s Normal People!). However, unlike the latter, a lot of people feel disengaged from classical literature, and it can also be argued that classical authors like Jane Austen adhere to many of the “fluffy” literature tropes.  
It cannot be denied that fluffy literature can have an engaging plot, making you hold the pages tight between your fingertips. Whether you are reading it on holiday or at home, fluffy literature can hold you in its grasp like a crime, dystopian or fantasy novel. Soon the pages will curl from the hot condensation as you read it in the bath, or the spine will crackle in the heat from hours reading on a sunlounger. Yet fluffy literature is so often disregarded, sometimes given measly one-star, two-star reviews. And even if it did get a five-star review, it would be placed in the realm of women’s fiction, women’s reading. Because, of course, the only books worth caring about are ones that are written for men. 
I have been thinking about this for a while, about how the books that are deemed “womanly” are not equal to others, even if they are beautifully written with intricate plots.
I often find myself confronted with my own ‘womanliness’ when wanting to read these books, and struggle with overcoming the negative stereotypes society has placed upon them as lesser literature; this is exacerbated by feelings that I should be reading from the higher echelons of accepted literature, especially because I have an English literature degree from a Russell Group University. 
I not only like reading these books, but I’m tired of the negative snobbery surrounding them. On a micro-scale, it is dismissive of this style of literature, but on a macro-scale, it discourages the act of reading for pleasure. 
In fact, a few of the narratives of fluffy literature is no different to many of the plot lines within revered classical fiction. Take Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones Diary, they mirror each other in so many ways. But Pride and Prejudice is considered a must, whereas Bridget Jones, an icon in its own right, isn’t pushed onto young men and women in the same way.
As a culture, we are reading far less than we used too, and discouraging people from reading just because of their book choices is completely alien to me. 
The act of reading in itself is freeing, but reading for pleasure is tight in the grips of criticism. We are now, more than ever, scrutinised for our hobbies, and what we devote our time to is apparently indicative of our personality and our intelligence. 
I remember the first time I felt misled for some of the books I chose to read. I had chosen to do 16th-century A-Level History because I had enjoyed reading Phillippa Gregory’s various novels on the Wars of the Roses and Tudor Queens, each written from a woman’s perspective. 
On the first day of teaching, we had to inform our teacher as to why we had chosen 16th-century history. My history teacher scoffed at me, saying that these novels were largely false and nothing in them was accurate. Not only did this make me feel inadequate for my choice in literature, but my reasoning seemingly paled in comparison to my friend who then pronounced she had been reading Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’. I know that in the historical novel genre circles Gregory is looked down on more than others because she engaged with the “fluff” per se, and she extensively has used her artistic license rather than her historical one. But, isn’t it more important that her books got me interested in this period of history? That it fed an appetite that I didn’t know I had and encouraged me to learn more? 
However, as the year progressed, I couldn’t help but notice something. At this point, EVERYONE was talking about the explosion of Game of Thrones. Perhaps now regarded as a bastion for the fantasy genre, sitting amongst Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, Game of Thrones captivated a global legion of fans. Yet if you dismiss the TV show (which I digress I am a fan of) and if you look at the historical inspiration of the Wars of the Roses, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, a time period that George R.R Martin has stated inspired him, is Game of Thrones really any different from Phillippa Gregory’s The White Queen or The Other Boleyn Girl? 
Yes, those who are die-hard Game of Thrones fans are likely going to balk at that statement especially if they are dismissive of Gregory’s books. I don’t deny that both of the Game of Thrones books and series were incredible with their visceral raw depictions of a meticulously thought out society. But, amongst all of the fanfare, those who were reading Game of Thrones weren’t made to feel as if they were dumb or had a lower IQ because of the books they had chosen to read, whereas, I think, the same couldn’t be said for Gregory’s readers. 
These thoughts had been cooking in my mind for many years, floating about like hot stewed dumplings, simmering, boiling and cooling, until I saw the tweet from Joanne Harris, the award-winning author of Chocolat in January and recently, I saw the tweet from Pandora Sykes about Marian Keyes. 
“Fluff is an insulator” Harris writes, a distraction away from the ordeals of everyday life. And now, with everything, (and ‘everything’ itself is a loaded word) isn’t that just true? But regardless, Harris makes an astute point also “especially women”. 
And, it is women isn’t it? 
It is no secret that history is patriarchal, written about men by men, and the history of the novel itself is no different. The history of the novel as we know it ignores the genuine importance of both women writers and readers. In fact, novels were pretty much invented for women, and in the Victorian period, fiction novels were largely written by women for other women. Yet, the patriarchy did want some control. They feared that women would get fancy “ideas” from the books that they were reading, so certain themes were encouraged like romance and domestic discourse. However, the themes they wanted to contain and control women with, were also the themes that they soon dismissed. Soon, the ideas of reading and writing became entrenched within the world of men, which meant that for women writers to be taken seriously in literature circles they had to adopt male pseudonyms. 
In fact today, some women still write with male pseudonyms, J.K Rowling is an obvious example. Common discourse seems to be to look back and praise these women for their ‘bravery’ in overcoming their restrictions and falsifying themselves, yet when this practice is still being employed today, it is clear that these constraints are yet to be dismantled. 
Another case study that I put forward is Mills and Boon. Founded in 1908, Mills and Boon were known for making “escapist” fiction for women in the 1930s. Considered “low brow” and “formulaic” in its iterations of a similar romantic narrative arc where the woman is submissive to the man, it was believed to play to women’s inner fantasies. Mills and Boon were widely successful because they provided escapism during the Depression years, and most importantly they were read by women of all backgrounds. What’s more, today they still attract three million readers in the UK.  Now, whilst the dominant alpha male and submissive women rhetoric is problematic in their own right, it’s also the denouncement of some novels as “low brow” and reserved for only women is another problem that people overlook. I find the word “low brow” offensive to not only women but also working-class women too. I think it is assumed that people from lower classes are not only interested in reading “low brow” fiction, but also that it is the only type of fiction they can “access”, yet “low brow” fiction is also criticised in itself. 
Reading is and always will be a tool for pleasure, but also no matter how escapist or fluffed out a novel is, it always will be a tool for education. The allusion to romantic liaisons or the meticulous details about the buttons and folds of a woman’s dress can open up a reader to a wider vocabulary or teach them more about romantic relationships. You shouldn’t just be recommending the classical giants or booker prize-winning authors, you should be recommending readers of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Not to mention that fluffy literature isn’t just for women, men might want to read it too. 
All in all, A novel can still be a good novel if it doesn’t give a veiled critique on society or written in elevated language and syntax. In fact, I think the disregard of this said novel is more revealing of society’s inner prejudices against class and women as a whole. 
  The Defense of [Writing or Reading] Fluffy Literature It is no secret that reading is highly subjective, but that doesn’t rid it from biases.
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Meghan's Prostitution Resurfaces amid her Links to Prince Andrew
I think everyone on tumblr knows that when Dorito told Joshua Silverstein that Meghan was "traveling the world as a MODEL" (5'2 ordinary looks and political ambitions) she was doing more to earn money than take photos in tacky clothes.
I'm a big fan of TRGs work. In a video, she addressed the recent article that connects the transactional relationships that put Meghan Markle into Harry's orbit.
What surprised me most was the large number of comments from people who really had no idea that Meghan's past most likely put her in Jeffrey Epstein's orbit. Even Lady C has spoken about rumors that Meghan allegedly met Prince Andrew before she actually met Harry. Lady C also said she knows things about Meghan that are encased in cement: "the press knows, everyone knows."
While I'm glad TRG finally told her audience that both Harry and Meghan were in Istanbul Turkey in April 2015 she did get several other details wrong. It's important to connect the dots but the people in her comments section aren't doing their own research like what we do here on Tumblr which is the reason I get concerned when misinformation is spead on YouTube etc because it makes people question the validity of the entire thesis.
Here are my notes to TRG:
1-According to Bower, Fitzpatrick---- MM met via golfer Rory McIlroy. MM pursued Rory like everyone else, via her social media & she used the ice bucket challenge to meet him. He sent her the challenge and she told him to come over and do it himself. Rory was staying at John Fitzpatrick's nyc hotel. Rory helps John with good PR for Ireland.
I think you actually spoke about this mtg bc I recall you speaking about the notorious late night parties at Chiprioni's. Perhaps you forgot. Use the Revenge index to read the full story. Mm pursued Rory. Fitzpatrick seems to tag along with Rory for the celebrity social scene. Back then, Mm was desperately searching for an athlete (or prince) boyfriend bc Chef Cory wasn't good enough to be the future father of her kids (clearly she didn't consider harry's low IQ). Whatever she has been trained to do in bed, it ruined Rory's golf game and yet he still went back for more the next day. Mm also documented their mtg on her social media & featured Rory on the blog something she wouldn't do for cory.
2-Fitzpatrick & Sarah Rafferty are also close. He may have known Rafferty b4 markle. He works to unite Irish celebrities & to back ($) globalists like the Clintons on behalf of Ireland. I consider him to be a lobbyist. He's rumored to be gay but perhaps like mm he's fluid. He has met Charles on multiple occasions in his "lobbyist" role and he knew charles b4 he met mm. He invited her to meet Obama at the WH. Allegedly they flew or met up with her buddy Ron Burkle (Soho House owner) whose plane she frequented as did Bill Clinton. BTW-When Clinton staffers were asked why they allowed Clinton to hang out with slimy Ron Burkle they said, "let us know when you figure it out." Check the daily mail for a pending sexual assault law suit against bill clinton filed by 3 or 4 females who were teenagers when bill was flying around with burkle on air*uck1. The law suit resurfaced about 3 or 4 years ago. Of course our American media didn't cover it. The Daily Mail helped the girls reach out to Burkle & Clinton for hush money.
3-Fitzpatrick is responsible for hillary obtaining that ridiculous "chancellor" position in Ireland after she lost the 2016 election & after the UK approved Brexit.
4-mm wasn't the 1st girl "sent" to date harry. Several years ago, the brf was warned that their participation was expected & if not, "they" could put someone in their inner circle.
Enter the Obamas. They invited Harry to Chicago & filled up his head with woke nonsense. He decided he wanted to find his own "michelle obama." He specifically was interested in a left wing, black woman.
A very brown skin black woman (who lived in Texas) was asked to date harry. We know this bc after mm popped up, the very sweet, pretty young woman revealed that she had been asked to date harry but she turned (the backers) them down. She said, "I couldn't do THAT to harry. This explains Barack Obama's hot mic-ish convo w/harry during an invictus basketball game. Instead of watching the game, Obama had made a special trip to Toronto to check-in with harry on how things were going w/mm.
This also explains the reason mm thought she could gatecrash Michelle's London book event to meet her. Mm really thinks of herself as that vip who infiltrated the brf on behalf of the world's globalists. She feels like they owe her and she's one of them. She thinks she became a first lady who deserves billions of dollars bc she slept w/harry. She's delusional.
Remember when she cleared the stands at Wimbledon? Watch the video and you'll see her friend Lindsay Roth Jordan telling her "smile. look happy." The other friend said "put your hat on." That hat is a message, a symbol to her clients & in this case those backers. Shortly after the Wimbledon fiasco Hillary Clinton went on the record to say the press was racist. You can watch both of Hillary's statements- one recorded w/Chelsea & the other for a uk radio program.
5-Allegedly mm was involved with Jean Luc Brunel's MC2 model management which was financed by JEpstein. There is an infamous photo of Mm with Epstein's Rachel "Ray" Chandler.
6-we know mm was traveling the world "modeling" bc Dorito told Joshua Silverstein those exact words. We've seen many of the hideous photographs & a few videos🤢 Remember she also knows Harvey Weinstein who labeled her hopeless as an actress but told her she should use her long legs.😂
7-there is evidence to indicate that she attended NXIVM training---the clintons (& soros) used nxivm to blackmail the majority of new york state. It's possible that mm even recruited for nxivm nyc or toronto. NXIVM was also THRIVING on Vancouver island.
Fun fact: Trump had no idea that mm had made ugly comments about him during the campaign. So why did he go on the record and say I'm not a fan of hers & Harry's gonna need a lot of luck? He said that BEFORE he was told about the things she said during the campaign.
I believe he had classified info on her. He probably also knew about her nyc reputation w/business men like those at cantor fitzgerald. And we all know she allegedly slept with Trump's former treasury secretary who attended the UK state dinner (steve Mnuchin)
8-we also know that mm is desperate for security. Harry's job was to clean up her past which included IPP status. She wants to wear blood diamonds, but she wants to be protected from the men who gave them to her. She's afraid of her past. The rumors are that Tyler Perry is her next mark. The irony is that she would have invited him to the wedding had he been white. But back then, she was too good for Madea. Now she's desperate. Perhaps she will seduce Tyler Perry into a marriage for his billions, his island & for SECURITY. He's revealed himself as a thirsty liar who can be bought. (btw-he's trying to purchase BET).
No one else cares about her. She & noprah had no idea how those manipulated headlines and the lies out of their mouths would cause even the LA paparazzi to despise her. She went from being a wanna be covergirl whose covers didn't sell magazines to a lying "royal" that the paparazzi don't want to photograph.
9-no one seems to know what issue the Queen was told (or Charles) "they" (the world's globalists) or rather threatened over. I think it was Brexit but it also could have been global warming??? But Hillary and Obama were so bold in their UK appearances & threats over Brexit that I tend to think they wanted QE to persuade the people to go against it. Good for her letting the people decide. Too bad Charles seems to be so wishy washy.
Allegedly Mm went to Tony Blair and requested his help. She wants an ambassadorship or something similar. Why did she think Tony Blair would help her??? IMO Tony might have been the person who shared the "your participation is expected" message, meaning he's in on this mess & most likely some UK judges & church bishops as well.
10-Harry wasn't allowed to marry Meghan because of her "proximity" to Prince Andrew. It was the RACE card. Meghan did however play the Prince Andrew card during MEGXIT negotiations and we've watch her deranged squad bring up Andrew everytime there is a criticism about Meghan.
Even now, Meghan allegedly demanded HRH for the invisibles because Beatrice & Eugenie still use their dad's HRH. I've always thought that the Sussex attorneys have been using Prince Andrew as their benchmark in negotiations with the BRF.
Edit: it is important to note that mm made anti-brexit posts on her ig the same week she "officially" persuaded violet to become their public matchmaker. She also fed the writers of the lifetime movie script a racist narrative that stemmed from brexit. I dont think any of this was a coincidence.
The world is upside down. Maranatha!
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Was it worth it Sparry?
"Band aides Don't Fix Bullet Holes..."
AFTER Sparry's unconsciously biased conversation about fathering ginger kiddos, he chose NOT to seek clarification from the offensive family member(s) about what he may or may not have said or heard. Instead, while Sparry & Megain were dating, Sparry (as he told Colbert) assumed that IF their relationship were to go the distance: Megain's African genes would dominate his Ginger genes; however, low IQ Sparry only relayed to Megain whatever he overheard or misheard the Windsor's say so they could document the incident in her middle school girls' burn book as leverage for post-wedding blackmail.
Sparry certainly wasn't shy about entertaining multiple pre-engagement discussions about money, Megain's acting career/income, clothing, security, etc
These discussions led Charles to describe Rachel Megain Markle as "Tungsten."
Megain & Sparry were willing to challenge and debate The Queen of England and The Prince of Wales concerning material things, but refused to address the most important elephant in the room: Megain's DEMAND to work and reside amongst Sparry's unconsciously biased family.
The family came to a workable agreement about Megain's BRF "service" opportunities and Megain eagerly awaited Sparry's proposal.
The public knows that Megain expected Sparry to propose marriage because she phoned Mulroney in the midst of his proposal and said "it's (finally) happening." Rachel Megain immediately accepted Sparry's marriage proposal and wanted to "hit the ground running" for the family and institution that she & Sparry defined as racist unconsciously biased.
These two-faced, full grown, able bodied adults scripted and recorded their very first global lie-fest before the entire world and included how "wonderful" everyone, (particularly Catherine) had welcomed Megain into the Windsor family. Megain proceeded to invade the private homes & intimate spaces of Sparry's family without once telling them the truth about their racist unconsciously biased words concerning Megain's unfertilized eggs.
Megain even gave an unconventional Christmas speech to the ENTIRE extended Windsor family. She recycled how THIS (unconsciously biased) family (unlike the Engleson's) is the family she never had.
If the Meghans were so victimized, why didn't they ask Megain's therapist mother for advice? Megain requested a fast track entrance to the Anglican Church. The Arch Bishop could have coordinated private extended family counseling sessions.
Megain chose to lie before God and to the clergy. As Samantha (BP employee) said, "we have been duped" because Megain always planned for her relationship with the BRF to fail.
While preparing for the wedding, this middle school (adolescent) couple prepared to sell tell their story to NOprah for a biased, 1-sided, televised, air out "hearsay" and our dirty laundry faux therapy session.
These victimized Meghans should have visited with Megain's mom & father over that Christmas holiday. They could have used that holiday to plan for a simple beach wedding in Megain's CA USA hometown. Instead, they invaded the privacy of multiple family members at Sandringham. These intimate engagements provided deceitful opportunities for Me-Me to take note of even more unconsciously biased Windsor family offenses.
This selfish couple displaced the homeless population and billed the UK tax payer for the pre-engagement events, as well as millions of dollars to cover the security costs of their Spring "Spectacle."
The Duke and Duchess of Deceit:
Sparry asked his unconsciously biased father to walk his BLACK fiancee down the aisle.
Sparry asked his unconsciously biased & heavily pregnant sister-in-law to host his BLACK fiancee in her home at Christmas.
After the NOprah lie-fest, Sparry personally contacted CBS & Gayle King to clarify that his racist (unconsciously biased) "conversation" did NOT occur with his elderly grandparents.
The world heard Gayle King relay Harry's "message" and yet today the story has been revised to: "a sussex representative" stated that neither Sparry's grandmother, nor his grandfather were present for "that conversation" (convo Sparry vowed never to discuss).
As of December 2023, "THAT conversation" (relayed to Megain by Sparry) BEFORE they were engaged, BEFORE they were married, BEFORE megnancy has now been revised: an increase from one (1) to two (2) conversations and a decrease from "several conversations" to two (2) conversations.
How thoughtful of Sparry to use his wife's paranoia & her self-hatred to blackmail the entire Windsor family & markle his kids' royal heritage.
Megain hates The Royal Tea House. Please follow the link to subscribe & LIKE
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