xeno-aligned · 5 years
Hi, I’m still tryna figure out my gender, so I hope there’s a term for this: so basically, I’m always boyflux, but sometimes my gender changes to the person I’m with, but depending on the persons gender, it changes to either more masculine, softer, or fantasy-like. And if the gender is female, or turns feminine (so my gender can be feminine, but never female),, aaaaa I hope this made sense!! I’m not good at explaining qwq
you could be bigender, with one gender being boyflux and the other being one (or more, you could be tri/quint/quadgender/etc) of these:
(a lot of these genders are the same/have similar definitions, so i guess just choose which label you like the best)
Mutogender: A subset of genderfluid; describes when your gender changes depending on your situation.
Ludogender: A gender which has a core, but the individual “tries on” different genders because they are mirroring another individual. A neurodivergent only gender.
Mirrorgender: A gender that changes to fit the people you’re around.
Expecgender / Pivotgender / Swivelgender: A gender which changes depending on who you are around.
Evaisgender / Evainsgender / Locugender: A fluid gender that’s easily influenced by things, thoughts and beings around it, thus it tends to change a lot, even within a single day.
Amorgender / Erogender (or Filkogender, when regarding QPRs): When your gender changes whilst in the presence of an individual to whom you have developed a deep connection for. This could be a romantic attraction, platonic connection, a spiritual affinity or anything similar. For example: An amorboy would identify as male only to someone they felt connected too.
Amicagender: A gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with at the moment.
Aerogender: Where an individual’s gender relies highly on their setting and/or atmosphere, which can be composed of a great number of things (ex. who they’re around, their level of comfort, the temperature, the weather, the time of day/year, etc.) .
Absorgender / Absorbgender: A gender identity that is heavily influenced by the people around someone. For example, an absorgender person would feel more feminine when surrounded by women, or more masculine when surrounded by men. If a particular gender has a stronger influence on a person’s identity, they may choose to use this identity as a prefix (absorboy, absornonbinary, etc).
or, you could be boyflux, with your gender fluctuating from boy to one (or more) of those genders.
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