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Even more Amazing Devil inspired tattoos!

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to have a drama where they didn't fumble with the storyline even for once is so rare these days but lovrun did it all and gave us everything we needed and it has made this past 1½ month the best one for everyone and I've never felt this happy the way i did during watching lovrun every mon tues and a drama that makes you feel like getting engulfed in a warm blanket, soft kisses on forehead, makes your heart feel so warm every single time, a feeling of first raindrop on your cheek on a hot summer day and comforting hug that takes away all your problems??? yeah that's what lovrun was for me and idk how im gon move on from this but one thing ik is that I can always come back to my soljae and my f4 whenever i feel down and feel like escaping from reality! i never thought I'd love wooseok, hyeyoon, seunghyub and geonhee this much but I've been proved wrong they've been promoted to my elite employees now and means so much to me that I'll forever cherish the characters they brought to life and gave us a new meaning of real romcom with their excellent acting and set the standards way too high for everyone!
just wanna say thankyou for making my life so much better with your presence and giving soljae to me who've became sucha precious part of me
#lovely runner#kim hyeyoon#byeon wooseok#soljae#lee seunghyub#song geonhee#episode 16#loverun f4#sol#sunjae#inhyuk#kim taesung
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Punirunes as the main Pepper Ann trio!
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Seriously, because of lovely runner I'm really contemplating on learning korean. There are so many news articles on the show that i didn't understand and never bother looking for translations.
This is also the first time that i want to watch and read everything the casts have done like interviews and variety shows guesting. Unfortunately not knowing korean i have to wait for someone to translate everything and sometimes I can't wait and forget about it.
I love this drama so much that it influences me to learn a new language. Sadly I'm still busy learning Spanish huhu.
#lovely runner#I WILL LEARN KOREAN FOR YOU LOVRUN#snsd and exo didn't make me do it but for loverun i will
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Feliz halloween a todos
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Run for metal! Run for life! 🤘🏻🏃♂️🤘🏻 Some Speckmetal to help running 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 #running #loverunning #runforlife #worlderunners #sports #runner #runnersofinstagram #runningislife #runningismytherapy #runninginspiration #run #runningaddict #runnercommunity #5km (em Votorantim) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqRfYUkJwGo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The SkySide Redacted Awards! [Rec List Edition]
(Once more, there's a few NSFW mentions here so mdni, please and thank you)
This segment was titeled The Exhibition of Admiration! The main rule was that your submission couldn't be something you made, and we had quite the collection of submissions! So, without further ado, let's go!
Category: Shaw Pack
They Broke The Mould When They Made You // Written by BlueWhispers
Moments That Flash By // Written by @bratty-telepath
House Call // Written by @romirola
Bedroom with a View // Written by @/romirola
At Your Altar // Written by @angelicaether
An Unexpectedly Good Night // Written by LiveRandom
This lovely art of David by @sincerelywhistler
And this lovely art of Milo by @hotmcrodz
Category: DAMN Crew
Stress Relief // Written by @calicostorms
honey, baby, love // Written by @/calicostorms
Secret OP Dominant Side // Written by CatArsenal
Formidable // Written by @lovelylonerliterature
This art of Gavin and FL by @ryoko-san
And this oh so scrumptious art of Gavin by @/sincerelywhistler (Wes, you're in here a lot, fair warning /lh)
Category: Carpe Deus + Sovereign State
V1309 Scorpii // Written by @/calicostorms
And That's Why We Broke Up // Written by @dominimoonbeam
resist and elongate // Written by @gingerbreadmonsters
easy pickings // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This DIVINE art of Vega by @yoteako
And this lovely art of Hush by @nortyourself
Category: The Imperium
All (For Nothing At All) // Written by @agentplutonium
the devil's threesome // Written by @ejunkiet
Weighted Blanket // Written by @teafairywithabook
Two pieces of art, both from @/nortyourself! One of Imp!Damien and one of Imp!Vincent
Category: Contemporary/Unempowered Stories
Oh, Baby, Baby // Written by @/lovelylonerliterature
Nine to Five // Written by @bicyclepainting
This oh so fun art of Aaron/Smartass by @thefablefoxart
And this funky fun art of Guy by @slushiepizza
Category: House of Solaire
Get Me Out Of Here // Written by @/dominimoonbeam
五二零 // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This tasty art of Porter by @pycth
And this cozy art of by @sri-rachaa
Category: Sadism's Hold (+ Yandere Friends)
alone with you (does that make sense?) // Written by @/nortyourself
Still Here // Written by Anonymous
No One Is Coming To Save You // Written by LoveRun
This chilling art of Regulus by @/sincerelywhistler
And this bonus Regulus art by @dyswarpia
Category: The Balance
Face to Face, Miles Away // Written by troubadour_main
motion capture // Written by @/gingerbreadmonsters
This nostalgic art of Blake and Bestie by @androgynouspenguinexpert
This DELICIOUS (sorry my demons) art of Blake by @/sincerelywhistler
And this lovely art of Brachium also by @/sincerelywhistler
Category: Project Meridian
you touched me (and suddenly I was a lilac sky) // Written by @autisticempathydaemon
Canon reminiscent art of Michael (Yes, Angel's ex) as an ETS worker by @/pycth
And this moody art of James and Asset by @itsdaifuku
Thank you all for submitting all of these works! Go check out everything here for yourselves!
#redacted audio#mdni#I'm super excited to read a few of these#*Especially* the Lasko/Vincent fic like HELLO? /pos#Also it's funny and fun how some of y'all got a ton of recommendations /pos#Just goes to show how top tier some of y'all are /pos
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I'm loving Love Next Door, but it doesn't give me the same visceral feelings as Lovely Runner. Like the hold that LoveRun still has on me is ridiculous. Just the opening of the first episode. And pretty much the ending of every episode. And the kiss scenes?
Time will tell, but I'm pretty sure LoveRun is gonna go down as one of my fav dramas of all time. It definitely tops all my other dramas already - like 2521, Our Beloved Summer, The Red Sleeve, and Alchemy of Souls.
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What do I watch to get over the hangover of lovely runner???
This is the problem with really sweet perfect dramas. Your heart aches that they're over. Happened to me for Homcha and I sort of drifted away from kdramaland after that. And now this.
Maybe I'll just rewatch Homcha and then Loverun and them repeat till another one claims me heart and soul.
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©️Credit ig @piniaaa91
#run #running #rungirl #runners #runforfun #runhappy #runforlife #passione #loverunning #motivation #sport #active #outside #scotland #polishgirl #happy #staystrong
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Good things come slow—especially in distance running.” —Bill Dellinger ☀️🏃
„Dobre rzeczy przychodzą powoli – zwłaszcza w biegach długodystansowych.”
#trailrunning #trail #running #bieganie #fit #fitness #instatrail #runforfun #loverunning #loverun #whyirun #instarunners #whyirunwarsaw #suunto #suunto5 #suuntorun #slowlife #slowjogging #nbrunners #nbrunning #minimalrunning #nbminimus #slowlife #motivation #motivationquotes #runningmotivation #merellshoes #merelltrail #merelltrailshoes
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Achieving a parkrun milestone
I finally ran my 500th parkrun. It's taken me since August 2010 to achieve this milestone. Read about it on my blog #loverunning #loveparkrun
2024 was a long slow countdown to my 500th parkrun. I had hoped to do it on 21/12/24, but I missed a parkrun because of Storm Darragh. This meant that my 500th event would take place on Christmas Day. My last parkrun milestone was in May 2018, when I completed my 250th run. I love Christmas Day parkrun because everyone is so happy and the event is relaxed and friendly. I’m not sure the rest of…
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Loverun, Closed Day Mission!

Hari ini, 16 mei 2024. Rumahku tercinta mengadakan closed day, yey! Dan hari ini, aku akhirnya... bisa pake faceclaim legal HAHAHHA. Ya, aku temporary switch menjadi Park Taejun yang di perankan oleh Chae Jonghyeop senior dalam drama Love All Play!
Alasan aku milih jadi taejun sih, karena... aku ngefans. Ya, aku ngefans berat sama jonghyeop senior. Terus iseng nonton dramanya dan ternyata... woooooow park taejun ini definisi cowok fiksi yang super duper ijo neon mengalahkan deretan karakter fiksi ijo neon diluar sana (untukku).

Karakter taejun ini bisa dibilang karakter yang super duper keren. Kenapa kubilang keren? Karena dia pantang menyerah! Dia nih terlahir dari keluarga biasa, dia merupakan anak bungsu, dan dia mempunyai kakak perempuan bernama park joonyoung, yang dimana ia merupakan mantan atlet nasional bulutangkis.
Karena kakaknya ini cukup dikenal, taejun hidup dalam bayang bayang kakaknya. Bisa dibilang dia gak pede sama bakatnya dia, sampe akhirnya dia masuk yunis! Darisinilah, dia mulai membuktikan kalau dia bisa jadi atlet sesungguhnya, dan bukan karena dia adalah adik dari seorang atlet terkenal.
Tapi.. perjalanan dia tentu gak semudah itu. Dalam karirnya, dia juga sambil ngebantu park taeyang buat bangkit lagi. Karna ya, sebelumnya taeyang terlibat kasus, yang dimana kasusnya ini berhubungan dengan kakaknya taejun.

Singkat cerita, taejun dan taeyang pacaran. Setelah pacaran apakah dia lupa dengan niatnya untuk menjadi seorang atlet top markotop? Tentu tidak. Dia justru makin giat lagi, dan justru dia bisa menang beberapa lomba bareng sama taeyang. Keren kan?
tapi.. lagi lagi, namanya hidup. Gak semulus itu, disaat namanya mulai dikenal... di justru.... cidera dan masuk rumah sakit. DUAAAAR. Tapi apakah dia menyerah dengan niatnya tadi? Oh tentu tidak, dia masih bisa bangkit dan akhirnya nama dia semakin dikenal oleh banyak orang.

Jadi... itulah kenapa aku memutuskan buat ts jadi park taejun. Karna dia sekeren itu, dia nggak pernah putus asa sama impian dia, disaat dia terpuruk sekalipun, dia masih bisa buktiin ke banyak orang kalau dia ini mampu!
Dan yang terpenting, dia ijo neon daaah. Mending ditonton yuk, judulnya love all play!

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I'm Very Quiet Now, Like To Keep To Myself
I’m Very Quiet NowLike to keep to myself Keep everything in, bottled upYou never knowWhat world I’m inA fairy taleA memoryGood or bad Or hellI never knowEvery bad thoughtEvery self doubtEvery put downEvery sinEvery regretEvery hurtEvery let downEvery lost loveRunning on repeat in my headIt’s the only constant in my lifeThe only thing that haunts meIs my own mind I live in daily I’m Very Quiet…
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LoveRun and how kindness is love and how love makes you kind !
'Lovely Runner' continues to live rent-free in my head <3
She showed him kindness.
Shielded him from the rain, thanked him for delivering her parcel, apologized for the trouble. Gave him her umbrella. Pressed candy into his palm. Her presence a bright, warm ray of sunshine amidst the rain he so loathed.
One small act of kindness. That forever changed him.
He saved her life.
Risked everything for her. Loved her with every fiber of his being. A love so pure. Selfless. Enduring.
He showed her kindness.
Reached out to her through the radio, through her blinding pain. Gently encouraged her to take one day at a time, one moment at a time. Reminded her about all those who loved her, cared for her. Helped her cope with the cruel hand life had dealt her. His words a soothing balm for her soul.
One small act of kindness. That forever changed her.
She saved his life.
Risked everything for him. Loved him with every fiber of her being. A love so pure. Selfless. Enduring.
What else could destiny do, but change itself in the face of such an extraordinary love?
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Run for metal! Run for life! 🤘🏻🏃♂️🤘🏻 #running #loverunning #runforlife #worlderunners #sports #runner #runnersofinstagram #runningislife #runningismytherapy #runninginspiration #run #runningaddict #runnercommunity #10km (em Votorantim) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqO2TegpuGD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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