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howdylogan · 6 months ago
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halloween draw? nah, better two lovers dancin' tango. keep scrolling.
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shrimparts-blog888 · 11 months ago
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Y'all.... shoes are so hard to draw....ESPECIALLY THE EAH ONES LIKE OK THEY SLAY BUT HELLO??? Anyway have a quick raven and maddie sketch imma go sleep 👩‍🍳
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curufiin · 2 months ago
eol and aredhel having an actually vulnerable conversation:
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ghosting-fox · 2 years ago
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some brainrot of these two because i can't get enough of them
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8-possums-in-a-trench-coat · 3 months ago
finally read the world well lost…………..:: wwugh :(((
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star--stilinski · 3 months ago
I would absolutely LOVE to request a buzzcut stiles smut omg😭
If you are comfortable and if this is not too much detail could you write something about Stiles being insecure of his buzzcut thinking it makes him unattractive but when he tells his other bsf/reader she’s like flabbergasted and tells him how hot it makes him and it makes him all cocky. Then he’d probably like ask her is she’s serious and when she says yes finally act on his feelings. Maybe soft smut? If that is okay
HALLELUIAH YES GAWDDDD i love this sm omg
stiles frowns at his reflection. scott is ranting in the school bathroom again, but it's all stuff stiles has already heard before and he's distracted anyway. he runs an absent hand over his short hair before following a still-rambling scott out of the bathroom and down the hall.
it's been getting on his nerves lately, how slow his hair is growing. he thought it was pretty cool at first, until he was slapped in the face with the reality of his best friend getting girls left and right and leaving stiles completely dry. not that it's scott's fault- he's just easy to get jealous of with this kind of thing.
"dude, are you even listening?" scott abruptly stops and whirls on stiles. "you've been dead silent for, like, three minutes."
"yeah, i heard you. but it's a little hard to care about your girlfriend strife when she actively wants to sleep with you. speaking of,"
allison is leaning against a locker, watching scott with a dreamy look. she waves and smiles softly, leaving scott to return the smile-wave combo with a lot less charisma.
"listen," stiles sighs, trying to keep the bite of envy out of his tone, "you probably just need to talk to her. girls love confidence. just, i dunno," he waves wildly with his hands. "do that."
scott squints at him. "i think that might be the worst advice you've ever given me."
"worse than killing derek?"
"possibly. now, i'm gonna go-" scott throws a look towards allison and swallows thickly, "figure that out. i'll see you."
stiles calls after him; "don't be an idiot! remember i'm living vicariously through you right now!"
once scott and allison are far enough down the hall, he rubs a hand over his hair again and huffs. stupid, stupid freshman stiles and his bad hair decisions.
"you're gonna rub right through your skull."
"GAH!" stiles jumps back from you, snapped out of his spiraling thoughts. you laugh at him behind your hand, looking up through your pretty lashes. "jesus, your footsteps are like feathers. i need to put a bell on you."
that makes you frown, shoulder-checking him as you start walking. "you're just not used to anything other than two-left-feet scott mccall. i have perfectly regular footsteps."
he jogs to catch up with you as you make your way to the school parking lot, eyeing your choice of shorts. your legs being out is a big plus for his racing mind today.
"hey, you busy today? scott ditched me to go play loverbirds and i don't want to do my homework." he hums, pushing one of the heavy doors open and letting you through.
"hmm, that depends, do you have food at your house?"
"not even a little," he smirks at the almost-yes as you both trot through the empty lot towards his jeep. "that's why we're getting drive thru."
"who's paying?"
"who do you think?"
you cheer excitedly as he unlocks the jeep.
you're sat criss-cross on stiles' bed as he paces, tracking his movement with your eyes. he's on a tangent about scott, actually, and how his decision-making skills are subpar. you're listening intently with a tilted head, watching his hands flex as he talks, and the way his biceps bulge without his flannel on, and how his jawline is so sharp-
"and girls are confusing, y'know? sorry, no offense, it's just-" this catches your attention, making your eyes flit up to his as they dart around the room. "it's just that you're all so... so... what do you guys even want? can't be money, because scott has a girlfriend. can't be personality, because jackson has a girlfriend. definitely can't be looks, because i'm pretty sure greenburg is going out with abby right now."
he sighs and turns on you, taking a dangerous step closer to the bed. his brow is upturned, eyes pleading, lips parted.
"it's this stupid buzzcut, isn't it?"
you blink, just once, before squinting. "what?"
"my hair, it's so-" he pushes a frustrated hand through it, and his jaw clenches. "so not hot."
and when he says it, with his narrowed eyes all sharp and his pink lips pressed together, you think for a moment he must be joking. "...what?"
he turns his glare onto you. "you know what i mean, okay? it's unattractive, it must be. i mean, i go completely unnoticed-"
"wait, you actually mean to tell me you think your buzzcut is ugly?"
stiles huffs, clearly not liking the bluntness of his feelings being laid out. "that it makes me ugly, yeah."
this makes you pause. maybe you're a minority, but when stiles drives his jeep and starts talking fast about something nerdy, you imagine climbing into his lap and making him crash the car. one time you two were arguing while he was in his lacrosse uniform and you genuinely wanted to offer to suck his dick. and even right now, with his too-tight t-shirt and his frustrated face, you want to ask him to take his frustration out on you... in- in a hot way. you may have gone a little far with that one-
"would you stop looking at me like that?" he snips, eyes darting over your whole face and then your body like he's looking for the off switch. you frown up at where he stands.
"like what? i'm just in disbelief."
he rolls his eyes. "like you're gonna tackle me. it's weird, after what i just told you."
"well, maybe i do want to tackle you." oh shit, that was supposed to stay in your head! quick, make it look like it was on purpose! "the buzzcut doesn't make you ugly."
his face screws up in confusion. "well, then, what does it make me?"
you both kinda falter, like there's nowhere to go from here. his mouth gapes open and you watch his cheeks grow pinker, much similar to your own. and since you've already dug the hole and he doesn't seem too bothered, you make it an inch or two deeper.
"you're pretty hot, stiles. i mean, you hang around scott and stay in your room, so it's not like you're around enough girls for them to tell you. and you never ask me, so... that's probably why you're unaware."
he gapes at you, a hand going to his hair like it has a whole new purpose to him. "i didn't know asking you was an option...."
"apparently it is." you shrug. your oversized t-shirt and shorts suddenly seem not pretty enough for where this conversation seems to be going, but it's too late to linger on that thought now. anyway, his eyes are on you like sniper lasers... or something... and he takes another step closer to you.
"okay, um... i'm asking you."
you raise your eyebrows. what, he just wants you to lament on how sexy he is? you're not that easy, he's probably going to use that information to chase the skirts of some long, skinny-legged girl at school. besides, there's not even that much to-
"please." he hums.
you swallow, turning your face away from him. "okay, well, you've got the whole secretly smart guy thing going on. and your nose is really nice. mix that with the way your eyes are...-"
"my eyes are what?"
you glance up to glare at his impatience. he tilts his head at you, and you swear you can see a mischievous glint in those stupid, stupid (aggravatingly sexy) eyes. bastard.
"they're, um, provocative. when you're frustrated. or focused." you turn your eyes awayyyy from his reaction, for your own safety. "and your jaw is nice, so. plus your hands-"
"my hands?"
"are you gonna keep interrupting me? 'cause i'll stop." you gripe up at him, but looking back up was a big mistake. his cheeks are tinted pink but his mouth is quirked up into a knowing little smirk, like your embarrassment is suddenly clay for him to play with. yeah, no. you are not getting stuck in this position with stiles. "okay, yeah, that's enough."
"no, nonononono wait." he crosses the rest of the distance to crouch in front of the bed, looking up at you. "i'm sorry. i'm just not used to this. or you, like this." his hand rests atop your knee. "i won't even react. keep going, just a bit?"
you pout and look at his hand as his thumb rubs back and forth on your bare skin. it's warm and relaxing and makes your whole body burn hot when his hand inches up your thigh just barely. you look back up at him, but his face is earnest, promising. you sigh.
"your buzzcut makes you look good."
his eyebrows inch up his forehead.
"really good."
stiles grins.
you're not really sure if you left stiles' house or escaped it, after that. all you know is that last night did some serious damage to your ego... and some serious maintenance to his. as you leave school, your mind replays the series of events and the blush that has been plaguing your cheeks and making you overheat returns.
dammit! you had to avoid stiles all day because of this stupid embarrassment. which proved difficult, since you guys had plenty of classes together and ate lunch with each other every day since forever. you slap your cheeks as you shoulder your way past the school doors and into the parking lot, glancing over at the field where lacrosse practice is in full swing.
your eyes catch on something odd, and coach's voice fades into the background when the image registers in your mind. stiles is leaning on the fence with his helmet in hand, sweat making his skin glow and a cocky look on his face. he's leaned over the fence, chatting up three soccer girls, who all seem very interested in whatever he's saying.
this, unfortunately, does not make you happy. but alas, what are you going to do? pull him away by the ear and chastise him for... talking to girls? you just wish you hadn't said anything about his stupid buzzcut (which looks unrealistically good with his lacrosse uniform).
all three of the girls throw their heads back laughing. and it's not even, like, pretty girl flirtatious laughter. it's loud, and one of the girls slaps her friend's arm. you want to rip the arm off.
but you keep walking instead, because you decided the bus was too much and walking home was the best option. better than standing in the parking lot, staring like a creep as your best friend (who you want to messy-make-out with) finally gets girls (who you want dead).
this is going to be a pathetic walk home.
you barely get to the end of the parking lot when you hear stiles shout your name as loud as he can.
part of you wants to stomp your feet and cry, or ignore him (as if the echo didn't reverberate off of the school building), or flip him off. like a middle schooler. because right now, you don't want to deal with the humiliation of telling stiles (through mumbles and attitude) how hot he is and how badly you want him to fuck you into his mattress, only for him to use you as matchmaker for hotter, more experienced girls.
but you're not a child, and he's still your best friend. plus, his lacrosse uniform.... yum.
jesus christ, you need a drink. there is no way that thought just consciously happened.
you drag your feet walking back, and the soccer girls skip off with their ponytails swinging. stiles is smiling all big and bright when you finally reach him. you are not smiling at all. "you needed me?"
"yeah, i wanted to know if you were coming over tonight." he stands taller than you, and his buzzcut looks so touchable right now, you want to bend him down to your level and run your fingers through it. you blink up at him as you stare, and the silence stretches. his hand comes up to the back of his neck. "uhh, just 'cause i could help you with the homework we skipped yesterday-" he interrupts himself. "are you okay?"
"i'm fine. for both. the homework and the question." you press your thumb into your palm and turn towards the lacrosse field, away from his searching eyes and worried lips. "see you tomorrow, yeah?"
you start to back away from him when he steps forward, the fence catching him from coming closer to you. "well i just- you should come over. i want you to."
"stiles, i can't wait for lacrosse practice to end-"
"i'll skip. they don't even need me." he clenches his jaw when you look back at him. there's a determination in his eyes you've never seen directed at you, and it makes your stomach flip. you've never fell victim to being his prey before, when he wants something so he gets it. the feeling is unrivaled. his lips part. "please."
you can feel your cheeks flush. why does that always have to work on you?
"okay, alright, no need to beg." you nod your head to his jeep, on the far side of the parking lot. "let's go."
he does a subtle fist pump that he doesn't think you see, and hops the fence to follow you, leaving literally everything in the locker room except his car keys. "how was your day?"
you glance up at him, but only for a second when you see how he's staring. all curious and excited, probably from the attention he was getting from those soccer girls. your lips press together in distaste before you even realize.
"it was fine." you shrug, watching as he gets ahead of you to open the passenger door. "got an A on mrs. martin's project."
stiles hums in approval, which may or may not make your lower stomach fizz with butterflies. then he closes your door and makes the short jog to his side, clambering inside. "good job. you hungry?"
you shake your head as he pulls out of the parking lot, doing your best to ignore the vein in his neck when he looks over his shoulder as he backs out, hand resting on your seat. yeah, you totally don't notice that. "no thanks, i'm okay."
"are you sure? i didn't see you at lunch. or english. or-"
"i wasn't feeling well today."
this shuts him up, but not in a good way. you feel his eyes on you, even as he drives, and it makes you squirm a bit. but he doesn't comment on your icy tone, and you drive the rest of the way in silence.
in fact, you're silent all the way up to his room, where you toss your bag in the corner and toe your shoes off. stiles huffs out a sigh and scrubs over his buzzcut self-consciously, tracking you with his eyes as you trail aimlessly around his room and admire the things on his walls.
he's been dying to ask it. he has to. the girls on the soccer team said... he squeezes his eyes shut while you're turned away, repeating what they said to him in his head for nth time. just be honest, and confident. that's what you'd want.
stiles takes bold strides across the room right up to you. he gives you enough room to turn around and face him, but not much more.
you scrunch your face up just a bit in confusion. "...hi?"
he clears his throat, his jaw flexing on it's own accord. "the...- okay, when you said my buzzcut makes me look really good-"
"stiles," you scoff and push past him, walking to the middle of his room as a means of escape. "i'm not doing this with you."
"no, wait, doing what?" he scurries around you to face you again, holding you lightly by the shoulders. "waitwaitwait. you gotta let me-"
"no. stop." you're embarrassed, he can tell now. the way you turn your face away and narrow your brow, he never knew he'd be able to read you so well. but he's doing it now, and he's not happy with what he's seeing.
"no, you stop. let me ask you what i want to ask, alright?" he huffs through his nose, and watches as you seem to come to attention. it gives him an odd thrill to see you react so readily when he corrects you. "are you gonna listen to me?"
you glare up at him for a second too long before nodding slowly. he nods too, and in a impatient, annoyed tone, he grumbles: "good."
and then stiles watches your eyes flicker as you fluster much more than he expected. he didn't think much of the words when he was saying them, but here you both are, weirdly into it. he blinks hard to clear his head.
"when you said my buzzcut makes me look 'really good'," he repeats, "did you mean really good to you or to other people?"
he feels you shift your weight by the movement of your shoulders. looking away, you hum, "i don't understand why this is important to you."
stiles narrows his eyes. "yes you do. you know you're into me and you just wont say it."
you snap your eyes to his and take a challenging step forward. "who said i'm into you? just because i said you're good looking doesn't mean you get to use me as some matchmaking machine. i won't inflate your ego just so you can hook up with popular girls, stiles. you can't-"
"i'm not asking so you can inflate my ego." stiles takes a step towards you, making you step back. "i'm asking because i want to know if you were serious." another step. "because i want you to think that about me." another step, and your back hits the wall.
you watch, doe eyed, as stiles brings a hand up to push some of your hair away from your face. his eyes meet yours, but dip down when your lips part. he swallows.
"so," stiles hums, towering over you. "were you being serious?"
stiles watches in awe as your pretty mouth forms around his new favorite word.
he half expects himself to tear both of your clothes off and go wild. but his body moves on its own accord; taking your face gently in his hands, kissing you like you're made of glass. when you reciprocate eagerly, he feels his pants start to strain. fuck. seriously? can you please pretend you've had at least some action before?
he can't believe he has to talk his dick down when he's kissing you.
pressing you back up against his bedroom wall, he feels goosebumps rise as your nails rake lightly over his buzz, and it makes him hum. stiles gently removes one hand from the curve of your jaw and slides it onto your hip instead. he loves your hips. he loves them even more when his hands are on them, apparently, because the feeling of it is otherworldly.
what's even better, though, is when your tongue collides with his and you let out a small noise. it's high-pitched and whiney, and it almost makes him finish prematurely. he licks eagerly into your mouth to try and draw it out of you again, but you seem to silence yourself from embarrassment. this does not fly with stiles. his knee draws forward and splits your thighs apart, resting in between them, and he moves down to kiss at your neck. he'll make you whine again, he's sure of it.
"wait," you breathe out. he almost doesn't catch it, too busy with the way your skin feel on his lips and how he has you up against his wall, breathless and pliant. but he pulls back (albeit reluctantly) and meets your dazed look with one of his own.
"what? is this okay? do you wanna stop?" he might actually die on the spot if you want to stop. but he'd do it, for you. his hand massages your hip where he's got you gently pinned, and he watches as it visibly makes you sway (swoon, but you'd never admit that).
"no, no. but, your dad-"
"he's out."
"he could get home anytime."
"we can be quick. we don't have to do anything more than this right now."
"stiles," you're laughing at him. it's airy, and mostly just a teasing smile, but you're still laughing at him. "are you just saying that to get me in your bed? i mean..."
your thigh, which is in between his because of his being in between yours, slides up and presses lightly against his hard-on. his jaw goes slack as the unexpected pressure washes pleasure all over his nerves, and his shoulders bend over for a moment as his hips react on their own. he stops himself, thoroughly embarrassed, and glares at you. you giggle behind your hand, raising an eyebrow. "how're you gonna say you don't want anything below the collar with that going on?"
he pushes your thigh away, shaking his head. "i never said i didn't want anything more, i said we don't have to do anything more. plus, you're the one making the noises and touching me and... so, if anything, this isn't even my fault." stiles gestures vaguely to his dick.
"i'm flattered." you deadpan, before your hand trails from his chest to his stomach. he watches in awe, still half disbelieving that he got you here. you hook your fingers into his waistband and look up at him. "promise your dad wont walk in on us?"
"can you not talk about my dad while turning me on?" he groans, scrubbing a hand over his face. "swear on my life, you have nothing to worry about."
you nod and lean back against the wall, tugging him by his pants to meet you there. he follows suit, lining his body against yours as he kisses you, hands on your hips with yours running through his buzz. he captures your lower lip in his teeth and gently as he can, and you make another short, high-pitched noise again. his dick twitches in his pants.
"you wanna, um," you suck in a breath as he kisses your neck, "move to the bed?"
"yes," he sighs, and immediately pulls your hips forward and directs you to his bed. when you drop onto it and scoot back, stiles hesitates. your hair is a bit messy, lips are full, and your eyes have a glint in them he's never seen before. he's assaulted with the thought of you being his wife and having his kids and growing old and dying together, and then he blinks it away. jesus christ, you're a powerful woman.
he wants to do anything to make you look like this all the time. needy, pretty, all your insecurities and doubts kissed right off of your lips, even if it's just for a bit. is this what being horny is going to be like for him now? is he gonna be a sap when you want to fuck?
stiles crawls over you slowly, laying you back against his pillows. you're excited and it shows, and you're both smiling when he kisses you this time.
he's a mess for days after, head full of the faces you make when he touches you just right, the noises coming from your mouth when you finish. the feeling of skin on skin, the picture perfect look of you wearing his shirt after. it takes scott about two and a half seconds to scrunch up his nose and make a disgusted face at stiles when he starts thinking it. your beauty is just seeping out of him, like he soaked you up and now every werewolf in a one hundred mile radius can smell the lovesick puppy on him.
you want to go on dates, too. real ones, all the time, and you think he's hot and cute and sometimes pretty, which is confusing to him but he likes it anyway. and he wants to save up his money so he can take you to a fancy restaurant. and he is so whipped.
which he's fine with. as long as it's for you. honestly, he's fine with almost anything, as long as it's for you.
i didn't write smut and i apologize but my writing process is to blackout while my fingers fly across my keyboard like i'm a hacker spy until i come to and there's a story on the screen. so. smut didn't happen naturally so it ain't gonna happen at all, i guess. i dunno. ask writing star, not editing star. sorry i've been so absent, holidays is super busy with extended family and such. wish me luck. xoxo!!!
BONUS!! stiles asks some poor soccer girls for help before you went to his house after lacrosse practice. the advice is... really somethin'.
"hey, um, lily?" he had to guess the name of the girl jogging past, but he got it right. she stopped and approached him skeptically, glancing at her two friends in front of her.
"yeah?" she threaded her fingers through the fence as he strided the rest of the distance to her. her two friends had begun making their way over as well. she had to squint past the sun as she stared at him. "what's up?"
"hi, hey, we have bio together. fourth period? i've sat behind you all sememster?"
her face showed no recognition.
"...anyway, i have a question. actually, i can ask all three of you. since you're, um, girls."
her two friends had approached at that point, and looked equally as put off by stiles as lily did. he cleared his throat and started on his ramble:
"so, let's say i'm best friends with this girl, and i like her. like, a lot. and she's kinda totally way out of my leauge, but we never talk about it because she doesn't see things like that anyway. and one day i get on a rant about girls and how confusing they are because, y'know," he gestured to his face like it was a tell of itself, "and she says that my biggest insecurity- err, physically- is actually really hot. and she says my hands are sexy. and my eyes are seductive. and she's like, kinda blushing a lot? but she blushes anyway about stuff around me so it doesn't really-"
"she likes you." one of lily's friends piped up behind her. "if that's what you're asking."
"are you sure? i'm not her type, plus-"
"dude," sighed the other one. the three girls shared a look, making stiles gulp. "girls don't call guys' hands sexy unless they're dying to have them in their mouth."
"mazie!" lily whirled around to slap her friend's shoulder, which did absolutely nothing to censor her. when she turned back to stiles, it was apologetically. "sorry, but she's got a point."
he slumped onto the fence in relief. "you think so? i want to put my hands in her mouth, if she's asking for that."
"nice." mazie nodded as the other two girls made noises of disgust. ignoring them, mazie continued. "honestly, she probably likes you but thinks you don't like her. especially if you're chatting up three soccer girls, looking like that."
the only girl stiles hadn't gotten the name of nodded solemly, and lily put her hands on her hips, determined. "okay, skinhead. how're you gonna confess?"
stiles smiles awkwardly. "uh, i'll just tell her when she comes over tonight?"
lily barked out a laugh, and her two friends followed suit. it was loud, like three crows making fun of him while they toss their heads back. it ended abruptly, too, and lily glared daggers at him in the silence. "no, idiot."
stiles whimpered a little "oh."
"girls love confidence." the unnamed girl declared, tilting her head. "when i flirt with girls i always make them like, say how hot i am. always gets them going."
"god," lily scrunched her nose, "are you both ovulating? we do not need to know all of that."
"so... what should i do?" stiles blinked at them, and they refocused their attention on him.
"be confident. be honest. that's always a rare, and hot, trait in a guy." lily said, before her eyes roved over him analytically. "anyway, you're attractive. it'll be fine."
"he's attractive?" the unnamed girl said, making all three of them laugh again. lily slapped her arm, and stiles let himself get distracted as his eye caught on someone walking across the parking lot.
oh, it's you.
his body feels a bit warmer, buzzing with nervous energy, as he shouts your name.
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missurbruhh · 3 months ago
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Who’s cutie couple right now? Yeahhhh it’s back, stupid loverbirds lmfao
AND FEW FANARTS! 😍😍😍🙏 it’s not mine heheh
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tothearkz · 2 months ago
hey, so you know...tumblr is actually a public community...!
does anyone wanna be my valentine
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seonghw4ffles · 8 months ago
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falling asleep on his arm
" i said i love you to death "
playing pretty u ..
ateez hyung line x gn!reader
au: a table of four in a class lecture
genre: fluff, a whole joke, trolling, comfort, js two young silly loverbirds
w/c: 1.8k
summary: no matter how much you try to stay awake you fell asleep anyway...... on your untrustworthy boyfriend. (except for seonghwa's ngl)
tw: physical bashing out of love, "i hate you" = i love you, minor swearing, immaturity, rocket ship drawings
note: BARELY PROOFREAD!! i slept in robotics class and i wish this happened to me 😭😭 and WHY is my ult bias the SHORTEST ONE
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the time passes and the class gradually comes closer and closer to its end. that's what you kept telling yourself.
"it's still twenty minutes into a double session, dammit," you whisper to yourself, slamming the table so slightly.
"y/n?? are you sleepy?? little snoozle pook can't stay awake :3" your boyfriend teases, leaning over to your side, to look at your front with some baby ass face.
"oh shut up," you laugh, placing your falm right on his face and pushing it away.
for a while, you kept fighting your heavy eyelids, all to no avail. if you were a candle, you would have already been a plate of soup.
you fold your arms against the surface of the table and you close your eyes. you're just closing your eyes. you're listening, but maybe just rest your eyes for a little.
you trusted yourself a little too much. you fell into slumber, without the intent. but you know what else you didn't intend? sleeping against your boyfriend's arm.
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he's just so sweet
he's talking to mingi, when he feels weight on his right
"y/n?" he says, right before discovering that you're asleep
oh he freezes
his heart goes ballistic
he's a stone he literally DOES NOT MOVE
you make this very uncomfortable position feel so nice :(
he's so much better at freezing when you sleep on him,, rather than when he is asked 'english or spanish'
my guy feels so so lucky that you're on him
he's so distracted by gazing at your effortless beauty, with your natural, rested face
he keeps staring at you like a loser he's just so immersed
he's so worried for you and your sleep schedule, so he tries his very best to keep you asleep
and when mingi from his opposite side was gonna say something to him, he immediately gets shut down
"aye seo-"
seonghwa widens his eyes as a gesture, and stares at mingi demonically.
make a sound, and he will burn down the entire campus.
yeah and mingi just goes back to his business
seonghwa turns back to you, now with softened eyes
the way you look so comfortable on him makes his heart flutter
and then you move and mumble, and he turns pale, as if your consciousness is his biggest fear
"oh.. seonghwa…" you mutter.
when you try get up from his arm out of embarrassment, he immediately takes his other hand and gently wraps it around your hair, softly pushing you back down on him.
he gently caresses you a little bit. "please sleep more," he whispers to you in a voice of worry.
you smile, and your heart beats a little faster as you feel his hands embracing you. the way he allows you to do these things. it's so sweet, the way he makes it so obvious that he loves you.
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okay this guy just trolls you
he immediately sees that youre asleep. "y/n?" he mutters, and no response.
surprised or not,, he only said that to make sure you're ACTUALLY asleep, and oh this kids taking it to advantage
ngl he's now drawing on your notebook with his other hand, conquering the edges and the sides wholeheartedly with a BLUE PEN
all youre beautiful and colourful and neat pretty notes are now absolutely demolished with his DOODLES in BLUE PEN
and its definitely rocketships (that consists of two circles and a big fat oval 😓😓)
im sososo sorry i js have a spot in my heart where i believe in a childish immature 12 year old hongjoong
he's all smiling as he does all this, knowing you're gonna beat him up, but thats the fun adrenaline part
OOOO he has an idea
he opens his large pencilcase, before taking out a stack of posted notes that he had never used before. his smile is so grimacing that it's almost terrifying
he writes down: 'shh i am mewing' on a sticky note
and then he carefully, so carefully sticks it to the back of your sweater
along with many other sticky notes and now youre back is just full of tiny yellow papers
oh hes having a bit too much fun rn hes losing it😭😭
he's mega uncontrollably laughing but no sound comes out of him
but then he accidentally wakes you up HELP
oh hes so fucked
he holds his laughter as you start to breathe deeply, slowly rising from your sleep
"hongjoong…" you mumble, to your boyfriend, stretching
you notice that hongjoong's being weird. he's refusing to speak, frozen in place, and shoving his fist in his mouth
what is happening
you're confused as you look to the notebook in front of you, and you realise
"joong, what the fuck," you mutter, and he bursts out laughing HELP EMEJDNDKSN
youre both screaming whispering as you speak, of course, due to A VERY SPECIFIC unforgivable lecturer
and youre in FURY while hes just laughing silently but maniacally
"when do you grow up," you smack his back. he giggles, turning to you with a wide smile.
"never cus you love me too much," he replies.
you smack him harder, now giggling too.
despite him being annoying, his childlike self is what brings you peace. someone who sees with a youthful perspective embraces all the beauty of the world. he makes you believe in eternal joy, that everything is magnificent, and your worries are always so little when you're with him.
"uhm.. y/n…," wooyoung states with a giggling voice from your other side, and you feel his fingers prickling your back.
you immediately look back, and you see sticky notes in his fingers
its full of 'shh i am mewing' and 'im stupid' and doodles of questionable rocket ships
is he… is he trying to stick these disgraceful notes on you?
"what the hell are you doing??!?>?!?>!?>"
oh you jump him
joongie now has his fist so much deeper into his mouth, facing the other side and just crying at this point
oh and ur being a bit too loud
"WOOYOUNG AND Y/N BEHAVE" the lecturer yells
you both settle down just for the sake of the lesson
you side eye wooyoung like CRAZY and he replies wide eyed with a massive shrug mouthing "WHAT DID I DO"
hongjoong leans into the conversation maturely and says "guys calm down, and wooyoung apologise cuz thats so rude"
wooyoung bursts into tears
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; YUNHO — ☆
he just immediately tries to wake you
oh as soon as he knows he immediately wants wakes you up
he leans into you as you sleep, like he's observing every part of your pretty face
he loves, loves your face so much
like you look so beautiful
and for fun, he blows your face
he just blows on your face, and your hair flies but you STILL dont wake up
your cluelessness entertains him
he pats your head,, messing with your hair
so he starts singing lullabies to you
not really lullabies but kick back yk chainsaw man opening cus why not
and he's NOT sweetly singing to you with a soft voice but rather the opposite
he's emphasising every syllable to annoy you
happy de ume tsukushite rest in peace made ikou ze ykykykykyk
"what are you doing" you say, louder than expected with your eyes still closed. you jumpscared him a little
bro he JUMPED at your sudden response
and then his fright turned immediately to joy and smiles and he starts poking ur face as you're on his arm :3
he LOVES to annoy you
he mercilessly just pokes every part of ur face out of ur severe cuteness
"boop oh who's a cutie little patootie boop boop oh its you ofc boopboopboopboopboop"
you wrap your fingers around his wrist and push him away, like you're more than just frustrated. even though you refuse to lift your head from his arm; he knows you're having fun, really. and you know he knows.
"i hate you," you say, with a tone that heavily matches the phrase.
"i love you too <3"
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he loves to mess around with you
"dude what are you doing," he says, interrupted from the lecture as soon as he realises the weight on his arm from your side
you don't reply, and he immediately finds that you're sleeping
it was all silent but the lecturers voice, but we don't talk about that old grumpy hag piece of shir
yeosang catches san who's sitting beside you, staring and wildly amused by the situation
san is no1 yeo(y/n) shipper frfr
yeosang is KNOWN to be playfully refusing affection half the time, so why not mess with you now
he leans his head closer to your hair and sniffs, before immediately making the most disgusted nasty nauseous ahh face
he starts moving his arm that you're on as if he doesn't want you on him
that's also while he makes unappealing sounds for the attempt of waking you, imitating the sounds of throwing up to the smell of your hair when he thinks deep down that it isn't even CLOSE to smelling bad
san is astonished and does a hand gesture of concern, mouthing "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" in the most silent and respectful way possible
and then you wake up.
you hear these weird noises that sound like yeosang's voice as you shuffle yourself out of sleep
your brain starts working again
youre completely ASHAMED of yourself for falling asleep on his arm
and not only that, you SWEAR you heard him making gagging sounds as if you're gross
but for a second, just a second, you denied it cus hes ur nice and pretty boyfriend
and immediately out of the gate he WIPES HIS WHOLE ASS ARM ON YOU as if you're some sort of unhygienic monster
"ewwww *gags*"
you're pissed. oh you're SO pissed rn like you JUST woke up and THIS is how you're treated???????
you instantly look around the room, and you're eyes land on a seat in the corner.
"yk, the empty table looks real sexy today"
yeosang chuckles wickedly. "too bad that im sexier"
san loses it and dies of some fuckass laughter
'hehehahahuhu' nah bro you get up to move u don't care what the teacher says getting out of here this kid has violated you 9487393 times
"wait y/n wait im joking wait come back"
yeosang's lightly laughing as he catches your wrist with his absolute sleeper build strength that he so easily pulls you back no matter how much you fight
you regret standing up cuz now you're locked
"you're a jerk," you huff, feeling his arm around your shoulder now tightened beyond an extent.
yeosang laughs. "i know," he teases, pressing his forehead to yours with a wide, pretty smile.
you love the way that this bond is so full of warmth and enjoyment. you love the way he has a soft side for you. you love the way he loves you, and you love him too.
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months ago
Laura Kinney and her S/O reuniting in Void after being separated by the TVA?
Laura gasps as she sees Y/N walking towards the base…
Laura: Y/N?!
Laura takes off in a mad dash towards them…
Y/N; L-Laura!!?!
Y/N runs the distance…
Laura jumps into Y/N’s arms, hugging them tightly…
Laura: (cries) I missed you! So much!
Y/N; I’m never leaving you again
Gambit: awwlookatthem loverbirds
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psykheofthestars · 7 months ago
(Credits to @/linkeduniverse)
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Adventures of Loverbird and Haterbunny
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He's eepy
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Look at this dude. He's the embodiment of '>:c'
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bird-everyday · 3 months ago
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Sticker saga #2: loverbirds
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blu3monster · 5 months ago
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We need more of these loverbirds like Rogert Rabbit and Jessica
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nynevefromthelake · 7 months ago
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In process of a fervent discussion of ruling the realm
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al-dusty33 · 4 months ago
Don't know if I'm going to use this for my Jason Todd x reader story, but I wonder what everyone thinks of this.
Dialogue and scenes used from Arkham Knight, Arkham Knight: Genesis, Deadpool, and Batman: Under the Red Hood.
⚠️!Warning!⚠️: Torture, blood, branding, rotten/poisoned food, freezing, extreme violence with and without crowbar, electric shocks, waterboarding. Pretty much everything about Joker being a monster.
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Joker struts over to the young, fractured Robin hanging by his wrists in the middle of the dimly lit room. It’s a beautiful, awful sight and the Clown Prince of Crime loves it.
“Wakey Wakey, Loverbird!” Joker cheerfully says as he gets closer to Jason.
The moment Jason hears his voice ringing in his ears, he whimpers and tries to shy away from the clown, but no amount of tugging on his restraints will allow him to escape.
It’s been… Two, no, three months since Jason fell into the clutches of the madman. Joker blackmailed Jason’s biological mother into turning him in before being betrayed herself after it was revealed Joker was never going to let her go. Despiste what she did, Jason couldn’t help but still love her.
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Joker’s fingers ghost over the smooth metal bar of the branding iron, “Don’t look at me like that,” A cruel, twisted smile creeps up on Joker’s red painted lips, “Actually, do keep looking at me like that; it just makes it more fun.”
“What’s wrong, little bird? You think I’m going to hurt you?” His gloved fingertips briefly touch the glowing metal J to test how hot it is, “Why?” His head lolls back in a creepy, unsettling way as his green eyes stares deep into the very depths of Jason’s soul, “I’m not the bad guy here,” He shakes his head while almost mockingly saying, “Oh, no, no, no, no,” He walks closer to Jason then softly says, “It’s Batman. He’s abandoned you…” He gently, yet firmly, cups Jason’s chin then shakes the younger man’s head a little, “thrown you away like an unwanted puppy.”
Give him two lips like roses and clover (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Joker backs up and clasps his hands together like he was begging to someone, “Can I have him, daddy?” He asks in a playful, high-pitched voice, “Oh, please, please, please, please, please? I’ll take real good care of him.”
He turns around to act as the other person then continues speaking in a deeper tone of voice, “Anything to make you happy, princess,” He slowly turns his cruel attention toward Jason, “Just make sure people know he’s yours.”
He snaps his fingers then one of his goons walks into the room, removes Jason’s bound wrists from the hanging hook off the ceiling, and then lets Jason drop to the floor with a thud.
“We don’t want him to end up back here, do we?” He leisurely strides over to Jason, his grin twisting more and more cruel with each step.
With what little strength he has left, Jason tries to crawl into the shadows to bring some form of safety to himself. In some small, hopeful way, he believes Batman would be hiding in those shadows to save him.
Joker stops for a moment to taunt Jason by saying, “No we don’t, daddy,” He steps closer with the burning branding iron getting closer to the young man, “I want to keep him forever!”
Jason’s eyes widen in fear while he tries to crawl farther away. He feels all movement stopping the moment Joker’s foot lands on his back, and the fear he’s feeling intensifies, “No! No please!” He tries to push Joker off of him, but he has no strength left. Instead he continues to beg like a dog, “Please no! No!”
The sound of sizzling skin, Jason’s pained screaming, and Joker’s cruel laugh are the only horrifying sounds that can be heard inside the darkness.
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
Sandman, I'm so alone (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Jason sits hunched over in a wheelchair with barbed wire keeping him in place. Through his ripped costume, he can feel it poking into him and making him uncomfortable; he has to be careful if he doesn’t want to open any veins or arteries.
A door opens behind him, his heart skips a beat thinking Batman was finally here, but the familiar, awful laugh quickly dashes that hope.
“Happy birthday, Jason!” Joker says cheerfully. He walks over to Jason with a pep in his step, “You’re a whole year older! How does that feel?” He sets down a plate of wiggling cake in front of Jason.
Is it really already his birthday or is Joker trying to warp his sense of time?
Don't have nobody to call my own (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Joker smiles down at Jason as he continues speaking, “Don’t you worry, Loverbird,” He snaps his fingers and the door behind Jason swings open, “I made sure to invite some friends for your big day!”
One by one, Jason sees other patients of Arkham Asylum fill the room.
Bane, Calendar Man, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Victor Zsasz, Two-Face, and Scarecrow, all wearing birthday hats. On the looks of the faces visible, it’s obvious no one wants to be here, but they must be here for something else.
Please turn on your magic beam
“Happy Birthday to you~” The villains all start reluctantly singing to Jason, besides Joker who seems to have something up his sleeve for this event.
Jason looks down at the wiggling cake and he can see the crude writing of “Happy Birthday” on the cake and the worms trying to escape the brown frosting. The sight of it is sickening and he can feel his stomach churning, yet his mouth still watered at the sight of food.
Joker grabs a fistful of Jason’s dark curls and continues to sing happy birthday, “Happy birthday, dear Jason~ Happy birthday to you~” He leans in close to whisper in Jason’s ear, “Make a wish, pumpkin,” Before slamming Jason’s face into the cake.
The clown keeps Jason’s face in the cake for a couple more seconds, almost like he’s trying to suffocate the young man, before pulling his face away while laughing, “That never gets old!”
Joker lets Jason go then turns around, “I have somewhere to be; sorry for not staying longer for your big day,” He looks over his shoulder and smiles, “You have fun with your guests, but remember to brush your teeth, finish your homework, and be in bed by nine.”
And with that, the clown exits the room and leaves Jason with the other patients, who seem excited to have some “fun” with Jason; as evidenced by their sadistic smirks, Bane cracking his knuckles, and Zsasz playing with his sharp knife.
Jason can already feel the dizziness and sickness coming in.
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Joker takes his time walking to the chest freezer sitting in the back of the walk-in freezer at the asylum. Walking just behind is Officer Frank Boles holding a flashlight. The officer was bought off by Joker when the clown first obtained the boy blunder six months ago to help keep Jason a secret from everyone else in the asylum and to the people outside.
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
“Oh, lamb chop! You’ve been hiding in here for nearly half an hour,” Joker stops in front of the chest freezer. He flashes Officer Boles a crazy grin before opening the lid and taking a peek inside, “How are you feeling?”
Jason’s body was violently shivering, his nose was completely red, and his skin was pale, almost like a dead body. He can feel the light shining on him, but his eyes refuse to open too wide, “B-Batman…? Is that y-you?”
Joker reaches out and lightly taps Jason’s cheek, but due to how cold the younger man was, those small slaps hurt a lot. Joker leans his elbows on the edge of the opening then whispers, “Batman’s not coming to save you, Jason.”
“He’ll come…” Jason mutters through chattering teeth as his eyes peer up at Joker’s.
Joker leans back then rests his hands on the lip of the opening, “It’s been six months now, Jason,” He tilts his head in a cruel manner as his smile turns upward even more, “I think it’s time to face facts.”
Jason’s eyes narrow into a glare and he spits out, “S-Screw you!” Despite the cold, the fire still burns in his eyes, albeit a bit dim.
Joker laughs then pats Jason on the head, “That’s the spirit! You’re a real chip off the ol’ Bat block,” He looks down at his hand like he was checking his nails, even though he’s wearing gloves, “Not that it’ll do you any good.
Jason closes his eyes, almost like in a defeated way, “Why w-won’t you just kill m-me…?” He mutters slowly.
Give him the word that I'm not a rover
Joker acts shocked after hearing Jason’s question, “What? No, no, no, no,” He places his gloved hand on his chest to emphasize his point, “I’m not going to kill you,” He shrugs with a sadistic smirk on his face, “not yet anyway,” He leans closer with a big smile on his face and gently taps Jason’s frozen cheek, “You’re my sidekick now. Imagine it,” He waves his hand outward like he was trying to show Jason the scenario, “You and me, out on the streets, starting fights, picking on the weak, a regular dynamic duo,” He reaches into his coat pocket then pulls out a picture while saying, “Just like Bats and that new kid of his.”
Jason tried his hardest to shake his head in disbelief, but his neck felt like it was frozen solid, “No, h-he wouldn’t…” His voice is barely above a whisper.
Joker playfully smirks then tilts his head mockingly, “You think?” He looks down at the picture in his hand, “So this isn’t Batman then?” He shows the contents of the picture to Jason, “The pointy ears are usually a dead giveaway.”
“No…” Jason can feel any hope he has left for Batman to save him slowly draining away.
Joker carefully puts the picture back into his coat pocket, “I didn’t want to show you that photo, really I didn’t,” He looks down at Jason with a mock look of pity, “But, well it was the only way for you to get closure,” He crosses his arms and looks off as he continues speaking, “Now I know it hurts but sometimes,” A big, cruel, sadistic smile appears on his face as he backs up from the chest freezer, “you gotta be cruel to be kind,”
Joker gives a nod to Officer Boles then the officer closes the chest freezer, leaving Jason cold and alone in the dark.
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
Sandman, I'm so alone
Jason’s hands is tied behind his back, he’s bloody and bruised, it hurts to breathe, his vision is blurry, and his head feels like it was being split open.
Through his daze he looks up in time for the crowbar to swing and hit him square in the jaw then causing him to fall onto his side with groan of pain coming from him.
He coughs up some blood onto the floor then tried to catch his breath.
Joker steps closer to Jason with the bloody crowbar in hand, “Wow, that looked like it really hurt,” The smile on his lips curls upward into a more twisted grin, his yellowish white teeth on full display.
He raises the crowbar into the air then swung it down on Jason as hard as he can; Joker does this two more times.
Jason falls onto his back and grunts in pain, he can feel blood dribbling down the corner of his mouth. He knows for sure he has fractured and even broken bones in his body that will never properly heal.
Don't have nobody to call my own
“Whoa, now, hang on,” Joker walks closer to Jason breathing heavily on the floor, “That looked like it hurt a lot more,” He carefully pats the crowbar in his hand as he continues speaking, “So let’s try and clear this up,” He cocks his head to the side in a mockingly questioning way, “okay, pumpkin?”
“What hurts more?” Joker raises the crowbar above his head, “A?” Then swings it down onto Jason’s chest, “Or B?” Then swings the crowbar down onto his leg.
“Forehand?” Joker swings the crowbar into Jason’s face, “Or backhand?” He raises the crowbar across his chest before swinging it into Jason’s shoulder.
Joker continues beating Jason with the crowbar, each time causing Jason to grunt and groan in pain, his body to jolt with each swing.
Please turn on your magic beam
Joker maniacally cackles. In his eyes, these past nine months have been a blast. Batman has been miserable, Jason is afun plaything to beat, and Joker loves it!
Jason looks over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing at Joker, then mutters something inaudible under his breath.
Hearing this, Joker gets down onto his hands and knees to better hear the young man, “Ah, uh, ah…” He mocks. He cups his hand over his ear then leans in a bit closer and whispers, “A little louder, lamb chop,” He places his hand in Jason’s hair, “I think you may have a collapsed lung,” While speaking, he ruffles the young man’s hair, “That always impedes the oratory.”
With some strength, Jason lifts his head and spits blood onto Joker’s face. Despites months of torture, Jason refuses to give up; he’s been through hell before growing up in Crime Alley and that didn’t break his spirit.
Joker is shocked, angry, and a bit disgusted by the act and in retaliation grips a fistful of Jason’s hair painfully before slamming his face into the concrete ground.
Joker stands up straight as he glares at Jason on the ground, “Now, that was rude,” He takes out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket then dabs away the blood on his cheek, “The first boy blunder had some manners.”
Jason looks over his shoulder and with a small, cheeky smile on his face, feeling proud of himself for that small act of defiance.
Joker finishes cleaning his face then puts his handkerchief back into his jacket pocket, “I suppose I’m going to have to teach you a lesson so you can better follow in his footsteps,” He looks up in thought for a few moments before a wide grin crosses his face and says, “Nah, I’m just gonna keep beating you with this crowbar,” He steps on Jason’s back and presses more pressure onto his spine.
Jason stares up at Joker then closes his eyes to mentally prepare himself for the beatings.
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Mr. Sandman (yes) bring us a dream
Harley Quinn is the one handling Jason now while Joker is away. The clown gave her a list on what to do with Jason for her to follow. Since she’s madly in love with the madman, she made sure to follow it to the T.
Jason’s wrists is cuffed to the metal bedframe with a bag over his head to block his sight; as Harley Quinn described to him earlier, when a person loses one of their senses, the brain rewires itself and enhances the other senses to pick up the slack.
With Jason’s sight temporarily gone, he feels the things around him more than he would with his sight, and that was Joker’s goal. He can feel the cattle prod shocking the metal of the bedframe before feeling the shock course through his tense body.
Give him a pair of eyes with a "come-hither" gleam
Harley Quinn giggles in delight and claps her hands together, “Isn’t this fun, birdbrain?” She looks down at Joker’s list in her hand and traces the hearts she drew around his name, “Mistah J was so kind to leave us a list of activities to have fun with,” She giggles again before stopping, “Why aren’t ya laughin’!?” She shocks the metal bedframe with the cattle prod and causes Jason’s body to tense up and yells out in pain.
He doesn’t know how much longer he can go on like this before finally breaking; he’s been trying to distract himself from the torture by thinking of his life before going after his biological mother, but it sometimes ends with him hurting himself emotionally. He misses his friends and family and would love nothing more than to go back to them, but he still doesn’t regret going after his mom.
Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci
“M-Mama…” Jason weakly calls out through slur mumbles. He can’t give up, his mom still needs help; even though she was the one who ratted him out to Joker.
Harley Quinn snickers and walks over to Jason. “Shelia ain’t comin’ to get ya, birdie,” She twirls the cattle prod in her hand as she speaks, “Don’t forget, she sold ya out to Mistah J.” She shakes her head and softly chuckles like she was remembering something funny, “Man, I don’t know if ya remember, but the look of her face when she came back with Mistah J was hilarious.”
Jason angrily huffs. He hates hearing her talk about his mom’s misery like that, “Screw you!” After that he was immediately met with the tingling feeling of electricity flowing through his nervous system.
Harley Quinn keeps the cattle prod against the metal for a few more minutes until Jason was a babbling mess. She smiles and lifts the bag to show the drooling, dazed mess underneath. She grabs his hair and forces him to look up at her. She sniffs the air then comments, “Smells like chicken,” Then she let's his head drop.
And lots of wavy hair like Liberace
Mr. Sandman, someone to hold (someone to hold)
Jason was drowning. He was tied down to a chair, on his back, and drowning. He wasn’t actually drowning, but the soaking cloth over his face makes it pretty damn hard to get any air into his greedy lungs.
Harley Quinn checks her nails while she continues to pour water over his covered mouth and nose. She seems bored and over with the whole thing; all she wants to do is spend time with Joker instead of some kid, “Jeez, it’s been almost an hour. How long I got to keep this up?”
Jason gurgles and sputters as he tries to breathe underneath the cloth.
Would be so peachy before we're too old
Harley Quinn cups her hand over her ear and leans down a little while still pouring the water over Jason’s face then asks, “What’s that? I can’t understand ya. Speak up!”
Jason tries moving his head around to get some air, but that only lasted for a few seconds before Harley Quinn was pouring water over his mouth and nose again.
So please turn on your magic beam
Soon the water in the jugs runs dry and Harley Quinn throws it over her shoulder, not caring where it lands. She leaves Jason on the floor for a few more minutes to let him catch his breath and not die of asphyxia.
She looks to her right at the other jug filled to the brim with water to pour over Jason, but her arm was getting tired and she really wants to get out of here to be with Joker.
Harley Quinn looks down at Jason with a big grin on her face, “Good news! I’m wrappin’ up your morin’ constitutional early!” She claps her hands cheerfully then grabs his chair to sit him upright, “We’ll take a quick break, sweetums.”
She takes a few steps away from Jason toward the door, “You and me got another big day ahead of us, Toddy Woddy!”
She opens the door then steps out and closes the door behind her.
Mr. Sandman, bring us, please, please, please
Jason was left sitting alone, dripping wet, struggling to breath, with Mister Sandman by the Chordettes playing in the room. It was a song Joker likes playing when torturing Jason; in some twisted way he finds it a bit comforting to just hear the song when the sounds of his screams, his laughter, and whatever Joker is torturing him with doesn’t mix with the lyrics.
He’s heard from a passing conversation between Joker and Harley Quinn about April 27th is right around the corner; it’s been a whole year since Jason was captured.
Mr. Sandman, bring us a dream
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guilhernunes · 5 months ago
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loverbirds + fruits + vegetables
buy a print
painting of vegetables and lovebirds who looks like them: strawberry, papaya, corn, carrot, banana and apple
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