#lover east fest
meaningtotellyou · 6 months
i think missing every tour until 1989 is why i went so crazy with concerts after that like. i can keep going and no one can tell me no?
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Is it okay for me to finally be excited for eras tour? Like I’m sad to all the people that didn’t get tickets. I didn’t get tickets at first either! But I wasn’t taking that as an answer. So now I have tickets to 3 nights and I plan on trying to get more! Don’t give up!
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1989repswiftie · 1 year
This is a masterpiece
Video credit @aedanvers on TikTok
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verlovestaylor13 · 2 years
Dear Reader...
Hi @taylorswift and @taylornation. The twins are back to give you The Story of Us ... updated 2023 edition❤️✨
What a journey these 16 years have been with you. You don’t know me, but hi my name’s Veronica! I’m 28 (turning 29 on 8/11!) and my IDENTICAL twin Victoria (@viclovestaylor13) and I have loved you for years. Your music has quite literally been the soundtrack of our lives.
Vic and I haven’t had the easiest past, to sum it up. We wouldn’t be the people we are today If it wasn’t for your love, strength, music and radiating happiness. Although you don’t know it, we’ve grown up together and experienced impressive milestones with you being a constant along the way. I’m not good at this whole tumblr thing, let alone getting you to see my post amidst the millions I’m sure you’re exposed to. But hey, we can’t ever give up hope! So that’s what I’m doing, here’s to never giving up. And here’s to always hoping that my twin sister and I will one day have the chance to tell you EVERYTHING and most importantly, thank you for everything that you’ve truly done for us. Fun fact is that we’re from Rhode Island so all of our experiences at your tours have been at our favorite place….GILLETTE STADIUM!!!
✨✨Okay lets start from the first tour we were able to attend! As you scroll down you’ll see us through the years until we reach 2023 at the bottom ❤️
🌈🌈🌈☂️Speak Now Tour  6/26/11  ✨
This was the first time we saw you!! Trust me when I say we wanted to see you MANY times before this but we were young and had no $$$. This show was a combination birthday and Christmas present.
Seeing you live for the first time changed us, to say it was magical is a complete understatement.
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🌹Red Tour 7/26/13 & 7/27/13  ✨
These shows were OF COURSE at Gillette Stadium! Vic and I saved up our money so that we could be at BOTH nights!! After the speak now tour we knew we never wanted to miss a single night. We picked up extra shifts at work and didn’t splurge on anything so that we could be there, buy merch and have the time of our lives. It was incredible and yes it did rain. We happily danced in ponchos.
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🎀1989 World Tour 7/24/15 & 7/25/15✨
Of course my sister Vic and I once again picked up extra shifts at work, ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and saved our money to be at both nights! I can still picture those nights as if it was yesterday…it’s crazy how much fun we had. This was during a tough year and having your shows to look forward to really helped us more than you could ever know.
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🐍REPUTATION TOUR 7/26/18, 7/27/18 & 7/28/18✨
As it has been with all your prior tours, my sister Vic and I saved up our money and gave up on certain things to afford to be there for ALL THREE (3) NIGHTS!! This time we were able to save enough money to afford our outfits! We dressed up and made friends with Gillette staff because of it!!! See the pics below 😇 The rep tour forever lives in our hearts and we’re constantly watching videos and crying lol.
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Lover Fest 🌈🌻💐🌸
Vic and I spent over TWELVE (12!!) hours to get tickets for lover fest east! Luckily between using our phones at work and carrying portable chargers, we secured dates to BOTH of the shows at gillette!
...March 2020
We know what this month and honestly the whole year brought into the world. Vic and I started as REGISTERED NURSES on March 2, 2020...and the federal shutdown in the United States quickly followed suit. Here we were, 2 brand new nurses working amidst a pandemic with no vaccine at the time and people passing away at an astronomical rate. Significant sacrifices were made this year and with that we know that Lover Fest was canceled. Being FRONTLINE WORKERS, Vic and I thought it was the best decision to cancel lover fest given the critical nature of the world. We were of course extremely sad, but it was the best for everyones safety. You continued to be our guidance while the nature of hospital systems turned into crisis scenarios. There were countless nights of physical as well as emotional breakdowns as we tried to navigate this unfamiliar world of nursing during a global pandemic. It was a long few months that turned into years - and now writing this in 2023 the pandemic is not over, but there is a newfound hope. We even wore the “I’m Feeling 2022″ headband to work our NYE night shift in 2021! That was until it had to be removed to go into covid isolation rooms, but it was still present! I attached the picture below.
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Fast forward to us now... and somehow it’s 2023?!
We have come out stronger than ever and now we are ready for The Eras Tour in our home aka Gillette Stadium!!! Like the tours in the past, we knew we had to be at ALL THREE (3) NIGHTS! We saved up and through all the rough shifts in the hospital, we knew a tour would be in the horizon as a reward. We couldn’t be more excited to be happy, free, confused and NOT lonely with the best people...Taylor Swift fans. 
 ❤️ The Eras Tour 5/19/23, 5/20/23, 5/21/23 ✨
Let’s do this!!!!!
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Here’s where you can find us having the best days💃🏻
🪩FRIDAY MAY 19: Section A5, row 1, seats 11&12
🌟 SATURDAY MAY 20: Section A9, row 3, seats 3&4
💎SUNDAY MAY 21: Section A12, row 19, seats 7&8
And then later in 2023...
Vic is getting MARRIED👰❤️ this October!!! I’m hosting her Bridal Shower on July 9th 2023 (I think we all know the significance of that date!) I’m also throwing her a LOVER THEMED BACHELORETTE in August! There will be references to the other eras as well just for fun! Then of course we have lyrics from your songs referenced EVERYWHERE for Vic’s wedding. Beautiful and meaningful lyrics selected to help tell Vic’s love story with Brandon. See the pictures I attached below! 
Also, let us know if you guys  @taylornation​ @taylorswift​ want to come because “...at every table, I’ll save you a seat” 🦋
There’s a standing invite to any and all festivities, always❤️
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It has always been and will always be you, @taylorswift. Thank you for every. single. thing. We owe a lot of our success to you and one day we hope to tell you all about it✨❤️
 Until then, thank you for being you and being a constant all these years. Your Rhode Island twin nurses love you more than can ever be explained. Eternally grateful.
Long live🦋❤️🐱
- Veronica (Twitter: @va13x) & Victoria (Twitter: @viclynn24)
@taylorswift @taylornation
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varlaisvea · 1 month
A Guide to the Art of Fortune-Telling with Tales of Tribute
Part I: How to read the cards, plus interpretations of six Patrons
For the free day of @tes-summer-fest, here's the first half of a "how-to" on reading fortunes with a Tales of Tribute deck! (Note: this is fictional and in-universe; I have some ideas for ways to approximate this, but as far as I know, sadly, there's no real Tales of Tarot.)
Like many who wield psijic magic, in my youth back in Sunhold, I used to make a bit of coin telling fortunes. I fell out of practice when I left Sunhold after the Maormer invaded, but when I travel, I still make a habit of seeking out fortune-tellers to see how they weave their tales. A few years ago, when I was in Black Kiergo as a healer, I met one of the finest tellers I’ve yet experienced, and his deck of cards had an alluring hexagonal shape that I felt added so much flourish to his interpretations. So when I first saw Tales of Tribute cards, whose shape is based on Pellitine tarot, I knew I had to try using them to read fortunes! Of course it had been a while, but I dusted off my old skills and started reading for friends and lovers. Since then, I’ve met several others who use Tales of Tribute cards for mystic purposes, and since these cards are seemingly in every tavern, it’s easy to get your hands on them.
This little book represents what I’ve learned so far, I hope others will publish their findings!
Learning how to read the cards
You’ve seen a fortune-teller use cards, no doubt—they lay out their cards in a mystical sequence in front of them, and then read from those cards their querent’s future. Tales of Tribute is a game about storytelling, and above all, you should see your reading as a story—this is actually the highest function of fortune-telling, no? There are countless meanings for each component of the reading, and if you try to understand them all separately, you will lose your mind and your client! While it is useful to be able to pick out specific meanings, the goal is to take the tableau as a whole and then view its parts. Therefore, I strongly advise you do not read the full tableau until all of the cards are dealt.
The layout I will cite here is the classic layout used for fortune-telling, but there are countless others! As you learn how to read the cards, you may decide there are layouts that work better for you, or that give more insight in specific situations.
Step One: Choose your Patrons
For this reading, we are going to use four Patrons—the classic and most common. In general, you should choose at least two but no more than four—one perspective is never the full picture, but more than four is too many voices. A note: it is best for beginners to choose Patrons at random from the bag of tokens—if you’re doing a reading for a querent, let them pull the medallions from the bag. (Choosing specific Patrons has its value; you may have certain Patrons you’re drawn to, or Patrons whose energy you specifically seek in your reading. I recommend saving that for when you have developed a good sense of the personalities of the various Patrons.)
Step Two: Place the Patrons
Place the four tokens in positions representing north, south, east, and west.
The four cardinal directions are associated with many things—heroes, legends, constellations, elements, and many more. You may choose not to place meaning on the positions of the Patrons, or you may choose to derive meaning from this—whatever you like. I have noticed certain Patrons have stronger influence on the reading in certain positions, for example, Ansei Frandar Hunding in the east (typically associated with Yokuda) tends to be more powerful than he would be in other positions, likewise with Sorcerer-King Orgnum in the west (typically associated with the sea).
Take a moment to look at your four Patrons and meditate on what they say about the reading, the querent, or the question at hand. What themes are represented and reinforced by the four of them together? Where are their conflicts? The four Patrons together will tell you the broad strokes and big picture of the reading. In the final chapter, I will detail the meanings I have noticed for various Patrons, and synergies I have found recurring through my readings.
Step Three: Deal the cards and place them in the spread
Next, remove the starter cards and shuffle all four Patrons’ decks together. Ask your querent to meditate upon their question or situation, and have them cut the deck.
It is said that change in Nirn happens in six ways, and fortune-telling is all about telling stories of change. So, for this spread, we will use six cards. Deal them, and place them in a roughly hexagonal shape, like so:
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Again, you may notice associations with the various positions, or with the order in which the cards are dealt, or the orientation of the cards, their proximity to the Patron tokens, or many other things. Notice what calls to you, what stands out. Notice also what your mind wishes you to ignore—this is always a valuable lens.
Step Four: Interpret!
Look over the spread as a whole—what energies are strongest?
For example, if four out of six of your cards are from the Red Eagle deck, the tone of the entire reading is likely to be colored by the stark and resilient energies associated with Red Eagle, and the position of the Red Eagle medallion might have extra meaning or strength. Likewise, if you put down three threes, you can expect the energies associated with the number three to play a large part in the interpretation. As another example, more expensive cards are rarer. Sometimes, I have found that a spread heavy with expensive cards is a sign of good luck and fortune for my querent, whereas other times, it adds a flavor of challenge, difficult-to-reach objectives; walking against a strong headwind. It all depends on how the cards fit into the overall context of the spread.
One last point of advice: remember that your culture, heritage, and life experience will matter a great deal to your perspective and your interpretation, but it is foolish to stop there. The most well-rounded readings draw from as many cultures and sources as possible.
Guide to interpretations
Please note, this is information I have gleaned from my own experiences, and chatting with others who are using Tribute to tell fortunes. You may find that the cards have different energies in your hands, or on certain days, or many other factors—the best way to learn is to keep practicing! And don’t take any of this too gravely—take it from a seasoned fortune-teller: sometimes a fanciful or flimsy interpretation is more satisfying than a literal one. As I said, above all, your reading should tell a story—even if it is not a pleasant one. And of course, don’t forget to use the art on the cards to help guide your interpretation!
Finally, remember that Change is the most sacred force we experience, so no matter what the cards portend, a different outcome is always possible!
Card costs in gold
We will primarily be using the Patrons to guide our reading, but of course, it's the cards you're reading! So a good place to start is the gold value of each card.
In general, even numbers tend to correspond with order and stability, while odd numbers tend to correspond with change and chaos. This is also true when speaking of other numbers beyond the cost—months, days—any number associated with your reading.
Twos — Hints, portents, beginnings. The essence of the thing in question. Threes — Ephemeral. Sacrifice. The right thing at the right time. Fours — The source of power, the edge. A thing working the way it is supposed to. Fives— Chaos, secrets and subterfuge. Acquisitions, thievery. Sixes — Order. Important person, the agent, the one who carries out the orders. Protection/protector
Numbers above six are less common, so their themes are more specific to the individual cards.
Keep in mind that different Patrons affect different numbers differently. For example, Rajhin's upgraded five (Grand Larceny) is to me the most five card possible, for reasons you'll learn very soon. As another example, save for one card, the Duke of Crows has only fours and sixes, so those numbers will have extra meaning when you're working with the Duke. And so on!
Moon phases
I was fortunate to spend several months traveling with Baandari healers, many of whom are also fortune-tellers. They taught me how the phases of the moons are interpreted in fortune-telling—or at least they taught me well enough that I can somewhat-capably use it in my readings! The Baandari fortune-tellers explained it like this: when Azurah created Khajiit, she gave each of the sixteen furstocks different abilities and strengths.
One could view it as a spectrum with Alfiq and Senche-raht at either end. If we’re talking about individual Khajiit, of course there are Alfiq brawlers and Senche-raht wizards and everything in between, so for fortune-telling purposes, these characteristics define the moon phase rather than the people born under it, even though it also tends to describe the people born under it… eh, it would take a long time to explain the finer points, but very roughly: Alfiq represents great mystical power and nimbleness of the body, Senche-raht is great physical power and nimbleness of the mind, and all the rest fall somewhere in between. I have noted the moon phases when I have found a strong connection in my readings.
Associations with months of the year and constellations
This is where the Patrons draw some of their strongest energy. Some of the associations, I have found to be very strong, while others are loose or vacillate between a few different constellations/months. Here, I have listed each Patron along with the month/constellation I have found it most strongly associated with, both for myself and others, as well as some of the most common traditional interpretations of each constellation—as with everything else, you may include or discard these as you see necessary!
A note on The Serpent
Currently there are twelve Tales of Tribute patrons, so none is associated with The Serpent—as is appropriate, The Serpent’s energy is everywhere and nowhere, affecting every patron at one time or another. If there is ever a thirteenth patron, I’d put coin on The Serpent becoming most strongly associated with Sorcerer-King Orgnum—for me, he is usually far more Serpent than Lover—but the snake’s presence will most certainly continue to be felt everywhere. You will know The Serpent when you feel it—as if there is something else pulling at your thoughts along with the patron’s normal energies.
Some patrons are far more susceptible to The Serpent than others in my experience. For example, St. Pelin often struggles to escape The Serpent’s energy, and Hermaeus Mora is a strong personality who is nevertheless vexed by The Serpent. The Druid King and Red Eagle are associated with old magic; when The Serpent arrives with them, it is an adversary, but one they welcome, as they have mastered its energy. For the three guide constellations, (Mage, Warrior, and Thief, represented by Psijic Loremaster Celarus, Saint Alessia, and The Duke of Crows respectively), their relationship with The Serpent is part of their identity—never look at The Thief, The Mage, or The Warrior without also wondering where The Serpent is! I will note The Serpent’s effects where applicable, but all I can say is be sure to listen to The Serpent when it arrives!
Below, you'll find the first six Patrons, and notes on interpreting each.
The Druid King
Cohesion. Overwhelming might. Ancient magic, nature magic, the Earthbones. Insularity. Teamwork/collaboration within the chosen group. Synergy, abundance. Experimentation.
Constellation: The Ritual (a charge of The Mage) The Ritual is associated with magic, especially old magic. Despite being associated with change, its association with old magic means it’s the sort of change that often has very old roots which have weathered hardship—late winter; the moments of silence before the rebirth of spring begins. As an image The Ritual represents the Eye of Magnus itself, magicka itself, and the Druids revere The Ritual above all. The first month of the year is a fitting place for the roots of magic.
The Ritual has seven stars and occurs in Morning Star, the first month of the year, so it is associated with the numbers 1 and 7. This makes it strongly mutable, associated with odd numbers and thus change. Morning Star is Vakka (Sun) in Jel. (Another association with Magnus.) To the Dwemer, The Ritual was The Laboratory. In Yokudan song, The Ritual is turning through the night. It is a protective sign, and Celestials associate it with protection of the head.
Moon phase: Dagi-raht Copious raw mystic power, with understanding of earthly things sufficient to master old magics.
Sorcerer-King Orgnum
Pressure. Groupthink. Piracy, plunder, mercilessness. All-or-nothing. High risk and high reward, priority of the whole at the expense of the individual. Keep in mind, I’m from Sunhold, where we’re generally not terribly fond of Maormer, and that surely colors my interpretation of the Sorcerer-King, but we better than most can attest to Maormeri efficiency. Orgnum represents what we came to call ‘the triumph of rats’—on their own, each individual problem is fairly easy to deal with (if you can catch them), but if too many of them overwhelm you, their victory is all but assured, and you’ll have to scuttle your ship to be free of them completely. King Orgnum means that a querent could be in danger of losing everything if they’re not vigilant.
Constellation: The Lover (a charge of The Thief) As I said, for me King Orgnum is the most mobile, and brings The Serpent more than any other. Still, The Lover works for him when I think of how the Maormer see him: they tend to think as one, with Orgnum as their guiding light. The Lover is associated with relationships of all kinds, and with protection and safety. The Serpent is everything for King Orgnum—sometimes I think he's been assigned The Lover because it was the last sign left over. If nothing feels Lover at all about your reading, just look to The Serpent!
The Lover has twelve stars and occurs in Sun’s Dawn, the second month of the year, so it is associated with the numbers 2 and 12. The Lover is very fixed, associated with many even numbers—order and security. Sun’s Dawn is Xeech (Nut) in Jel. In Yokudan song, The Lover is sighing through the night. It is a protective sign, and Celestials associate it with protection of the hands.
Moon phase: Suthay Represents potential, and power yet to come.
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
Cold ruthlessness. Mastery. Gold. Subterfuge. The power of coin. Everything and everyone has a cost; enough gold opens any door. Everything is negotiable, a smile on the face with a dagger behind the back. The long game. Shrewdness, financial intelligence, opportunism. Trade and commerce. Luck in business affairs. Avoidance of conflict in favor of negotiation. The Grandmaster is calculating, a master at finding opportunity, even in seemingly-bad situations. There is always a solution, it just may not be palatable; she is the opposite of sunk-costs. No matter how bad things get, no matter how many people you must hurt, no matter how much you might harm your own long-term plans, there is always a way to get ahead in the short term.
Constellation: The Lord (a charge of The Warrior) The Celestials say of The Lord, who wieldeth both sword and plowshare, planting both seeds and foes? That’s what the Grandmaster represents: control of the game board—winning not with soldiers or resources, but by controlling the movements of both, and playing them against each other when useful. The Serpent rarely affects the Grandmaster—she simply has no time for it. When it does, it's in subtle ways; uncharacteristic carelessness with coin, relinquishing the upper hand in business choices, and other such anomalies.
The Lord has nineteen stars and occurs in First Seed, the third month of the year, so it is associated with the numbers 3 and 19. First Seed is Sisei (Sprout) in Jel. In Yokudan song, The Lord is advancing through the night. It is a combative sign, and Celestials associate it with swords. The Lord is mutable, befitting both sword and plowshare; associated with odd numbers and thus chaos and change.
Moon phase: Ohmes Versatility, cunning, hiding in plain sight.
Psijic Loremaster Celarus
Manipulation. Control. Hidden agendas, farseeing, scrying. Time. Order, hypocrisy, upholding status quo. Puppetmaster. Kingmaker. The long game. A check on power, a deus ex machina. Eternal knowledge, fate, plots, the long arc of history. Celarus reminds us that someone is always watching, whether we like it or not, and that no matter how powerful we are, Time is stronger. The Loremaster allies himself with power and status, for a good only the Psijic Order gets to define, so he represents shadowy forces we do not control, and agendas to which we are not privy. A heavy presence of his cards is a warning that there are forces at play you do not understand, and cannot affect.
Constellation: The Mage I am an adherent of the ancient psijic tradition from which the Psijic Order long ago untethered itself, erasing its roots in the process, so in this case, like Socerer-King Orgnum, my own life colors my opinion of the good Loremaster. While it may personally pain me to associate him with the celestial Mage, I cannot deny that the Loremaster represents the very concept of magic itself, and specifically, mastery thereof. To the Dwemer, a Mechanist would be a crucial person indeed, whose abilities and choices impact the very functioning of life. We who still follow the psijic way, the Old Ways, have had our magic branded as witchcraft, but Reachfolk use the word witch with the great reverence it deserves—and whether Celarus likes it or not, it describes him: a master of very old, very powerful magic, poorly understood by most. The Serpent is never far away, though—in the hands of a powerful mage like Celarus, The Serpent's touch of chaos is a harnessable and exploitable energy like any other. But, it adds a very unwelcome hint of urgency that weighs on Celarus if it is not dealt with quickly.
The Mage consists of twenty-seven stars, plus the planet Julianos, and occurs in Rain’s Hand, the fourth month of the year, so it is associated with the numbers 4 and 28. This makes it strongly fixed, associated with even numbers, stability, and order. Rain’s Hand is Hist-Deek (Hist Sapling) in Jel. To the Dwemer, The Mage was the Mechanist, and to the Reachfolk, The Mage is The Witch. In Yokudan song, the wise Mage orders. It is a combative sign, and Celestials associate it with staves.
Moon phase: Alfiq The most mystically gifted, with the power to pull the strings of the Moons.
Rajhin, the Purring Liar
Deception. Zero-sum games. Self-sufficiency, self-promotion. Smooth talkers. Rain of sand, war of attrition. Isolation is the word most associated with Rajhin—he has trouble making allies; the master thief, at best, has allies of convenience. Rajhin is clever and nimble enough to stop an entire army with only his sleek wits and his shadows for help, so Rajhin reminds us that one person’s cunning can bring gods and mortals alike to their knees. But shadows land no blows, so Rajhin is also the only Patron who cannot win on his own. When someone does get the upper hand on Rajhin, he is doomed, and when he is finally forced to learn his lesson, it is painful. Don’t forget about the sweet purrs in Rajhin’s lies—a skillful tongue opens at least as many doors as a key! But just as forcing your opponent to sustain losses is no substitute at all for winning, talking your way into someone’s bed is no substitute at all for true love.
Constellation: The Shadow (a charge of The Thief) The Celestials associate The Shadow with shoulders—uncovering only to strike from below. Rajhin is fittingly associated with the shoulders, as Rajhin is always looking over his, always sleeping with one eye open. Becoming a master thief is only half mastering the art of swiping things—the other half is not getting caught. If the Serpent is around, Rajhin makes mistakes, and nothing dooms nimble cleverness faster than a few missteps—work through The Serpent's energy quickly, or everything falls apart, and it's just you and your very, very angry adversary.
The Shadow has five stars, and occurs in Second Seed, the fifth month of the year, so it is associated strongly with the number 5. Second Seed is Hist-Dooka (Mature Hist) in Jel. In Yokudan song, The Shadow is lying through the night. It is a protective sign, and Celestials associate it with protection of the shoulders. The Shadow is mutable, associated with change and chaos.
Moon phase: Dagi Nimbleness of mind and body, well-suited for hiding and moving swiftly, unseen.
Ansei Frandar Hunding
Choices, especially forced choices. Flexibility. Well-rounded warriors. Preparedness. Mastery of martial skills. Hunding is loyal to whomever has the might to employ him, so while he is a formidable foe with an equally formidable force behind him, he is also a reminder that loyalty is for friends, family, and lovers—one who lives by the sword is ultimately loyal only to their sword. Hunding is the only Patron who has no neutral position; once he has entered the fight, you must contend with him, either as an ally or as a boon to your opponent, and there is no third option. The lack of neutrality also means that sometimes there will be no warning that defeat is at your doorstep—keep an eye out for people whose shift in loyalty could turn the tide without notice. You may need to be an extra step ahead to keep them from leaving you in a lurch.
Constellation: The Steed (a charge of The Warrior) The Steed is prancing through the night according to the Yokudans, and Frandar Hunding represents the warrior-poet; he who understands that battle is a performance and a puzzle as much as it is a test of might. In my experience, Hunding is rarely affected by The Serpent—The Serpent is usually smart enough to avoid being underfoot of The Steed. However, when The Serpent does upset fixed, staid, orderly Frandar Hunding, it’s absolute chaos: up is down, yes means no, and the stars feel as if they’ve spilled out of a bowl—totally unfamiliar and useless for guiding your ship or your choices.
The Steed has eight stars and occurs in Mid-Year, the sixth month of the year, so it is associated with the numbers 6 and 8. Mid-Year is Hist-Tsoko (Elder Hist) in Jel. In Yokudan song, The Steed is prancing through the night. It is a protective sign, and Celestials associate it with protection of the feet. The Steed is fixed, associated with order and security.
Moon phase: Pahmar-raht Represents physical capability well-tempered by intellectual and political capability.
Please look for Part II, which will detail the other six Patrons, plus some interesting synergies I have noticed!
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mamirhodessxox · 8 months
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Better Luck Next Time
ID!Leon Kennedy x Undercover Mercenary!Reader
Desc- Leon was teamed up with you for a mission in the middle east to figure out what disease was being spread around but the entire time it’s a bickering fest & eventually the discovery of your “past” career without even knowing you were undercover working for Albert Wesker.
Contents- Angst??, Fluff sort of, Leon & Reader bickering often about stupid things like turtles, Me attempting to be funny, enemies??? To lovers trope (sort of), Leon being concerned for reader after a bombing, Reader pulling an Ada.
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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You absolutely hated your job, it’s true, and you certainly hated the man you worked for, He went by his dumb last name, whiskers? No that can’t be right..Wesker? Yeah. Wesker. What a dumb fucking name, He had you do out of pocket shit all the time, You practically killed people for a living, The other dumb half was pretending to be a Government Agent to acquire certain information about certain things.
And of course it was time for that exact moment, because the US security isn’t smart enough to keep track of who they have working for the government you were able to fool a lot of people. A . Lot. And that includes someone who is supposed to know when someone’s undercover or not, Leon, the most gullible guy ever.
Right now you both in the middle of bum fuck Arkansas investigating a new outbreak. It was pure silence between you two as you walked through a super empty alleyway guns in hand until you found a reptile friend. “Awh a turtle!” Leon glared and shook his head “That’s a tortuous.” You glare back “that’s a turtle..” “it’s a tortuous” you scoffed and aimed your gun at him “ It’s a fucking turtle! I made a diorama on reptiles in high-school I know everything that I need to know about Turtle!” Leon glared back “Then you should know turtles belong in water Y/N”
You were fed up with Leon. Absolutely fed up. Even if it weren’t a turtle why should he care? Exactly. His ego was so huge he even felt the need to argue with you over a fucking reptile.
“You’re absolutely insufferable to work with I hope you realize this.” You heard a quiet scoff of amusement “Back at you.” You glared and continued to walk ahead of him until the area you both were in had suddenly blew into immediate flames and seeing some large creature right before your eyes “What the FUCK!” You shouted before being completely thrown into a brick wall & falling right into the ground. Leon was hiding in a corner trying to load his gun as fast as he possibly could but your eyes found a bomb right next to you.
It was about to blow up so you quickly grabbed it & threw it at the large bastard causing the bomb to go off & blow up the creature where it’s remains splattered everywhere. And i mean EVERYWHERE. Blood splattered all of you & Leon was less fortunate as he was had chunks literally hitting him. You turned your head and heard gagging immediately which had you trying your best not to laugh.
You stood up and quickly scampered over towards Leon & Helped him up “Let’s see if we can find a bathroom anywhere and get your face washed off okay?” He nodded dismissively & off you both went. Eventually you found a mall that looked like it had been through hell & back so you two decided to go in & find the nearest bathroom. When you did discover the restroom you sat ontop of the counter & Leon stood between your legs as you carefully washed his face “So what did you work as before this?” Your head perked up a bit from focusing on cleaning his neck at the sudden question. He truly had no idea you were under cover at the moment. “Um- I was an officer.” “Really? So was I- well a rookie cop. I was located in Raccoon city during the outbreak in 98-“ he was about to go on the usual tangent about what happened and you already heard it 10 times before you even met.
“I was located somewhere in Kansas.” You quickly lie just to make him be quiet about the raccoon city incident. “You’re not that insufferable to work with y’know?” You hummed at his words & shrugged until you noticed his hands were placed on your lap “maybe after all of this we can go out for drinks? On me.” You smiled softly and nodded “Sure. I’d like that. A lot.” He hummed and kept staring at you. There was an annoying amount of tension at the moment & he was getting tired of it. He quickly grabbed your face & pressed his lips ontop of yours leaving you in slight surprise but nevertheless you ended up kissing him back. Infect you wrapped your arms around him & kissed him even deeper before pulling away as you laid your fingers against his jawline humming softly “I always knew you were special.” Leon felt his breath hitch before kissing you one more time before pulling away and lifting you off of the counter “Let’s get this mission over with yeah?” You hummed in response and handed you your gun before you both evacuated the mall & continued on with your mission.
Hours have gone by and you two were located down town avoiding the infected as much as you possibly could but out of no where multiple building started blowing up & collapsing. Dust was covering everything to the point where Leon couldn’t see or find you. Multiple people that were hidden from the infected as well were screaming. Leon had been covered in dust now & started searching for you. Even shouting for your name but no response.
And then suddenly the loud sound of a helicopter flying off made Leon look up & see you hanging off of the rope that you must’ve climbed up on. Wesker had his men come & get you after you collected enough information you needed to know. You stared down at Leon all the way from the sky & even waved at him before completely climbing your way into the helicopter & leaving him all alone.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @valkyrurx @agent-dessis-posts
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
REQUESTS will be open until 1/22/2023 at 11:59 PM PST (Until then please feel free to send more requests)
Request HERE
I will be closing requests that night to allow me time to catch up on requests and keep things organized. I will reopen requests when I don't have as many things in progress at once. Below is a brief list with descriptions of what I am working on.
Current Works in Progress (WIP)
TenochxReader in Mexico having a whirlwind romance.
Tenoch realizes you have a praise kink
Dark!Namor, you are his dirty little secret and you have reason to keep it that way.
Tenoch gets needy when he's high
TenochxReader get stranded on a roadtrip and have nothing better to do in the car except make it steamy
TenochxReader have some risky fun
Tenoch and MarvelActress!Reader, He shows her why they call him 'too much' Huerta
TenochxReader enemies to lovers
TenochxReader fake couple trope
NamorxReader comfort after family passing
NamorxReader pre-birth nerves and comfort
Tenoch looks so good in black and it just makes you hot
NamorxReader with Talassophobia
Tenoch takes you on a romantic and steamy date. tension galor until they get alone
Requests in askbox
Namor comes to terms with falling in love again after mourning his last queen for years.
Tenoch gets jealous when his situationship is at risk
NamorxReader roast-fest because they love each other and no one understands
Tenoch eating ass
NamorxReader their daughter is kidnapped during the war with Wakanda
NamorxReader he saves a young college student from drowning
TenochxCelebrity!Reader angst (past lovers)
TenochxChubby!Reader dealing with insecurities and lots of love
Namorx Reader All about his ears and wings because we know he only likes them when you touch them
Follow Up Chapter by Popular demand
NamorxTeacher!Reader Married life with children fluff
M'Baku/Reader/Namor love triangle wedding and the aftermath
Sub!Namor chapter 3 where Namor tries something new because his queen says so
TenochxReader follow up to plane meet cute. Seeing each other again
TenochxReader Elevator chapter 3
IF there are any other follow up chapters you want just put in a request in my askbox before I close the requests
Long Form Fanfic WIP (not posted...yet)
Gem of the East Sea: Namor/Filipino Original Female Character
If you have any questions about what I am willing to write please feel free to shoot me a message or ask in my askbox. I EXPECT MY BOX TO BE FILLED BEFORE I CLOSE IT
Lead time for fics is sitting at three weeks due to the volume but fear not I promise I will be more prolific now that I am more organized.
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe
and a big thank you to every follower, reader, requester, and commenter. You really have made this a wonderful space for me to be creative and have fun.
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akshaymehndiratta · 2 years
Akshay Mehndiratta - Food trucks in India every foodie must visit
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India is a country of diverse cultures, cuisines, and flavors. With so many delicious options to choose from, it can be hard to decide where to go for a great meal. Don’t worry Akshay Mehndiratta is here to help. He has been traveling around India for years and has compiled a list of the most unique and delicious food trucks that every foodie must visit.  
Bombay Food Truck, Mumbai
The Bombay Food Truck is a popular food truck near Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai. The Bombay Food Truck has been a reason for happiness at a lot of Huge Events like Sula Fest, SunBurn, and more. They serve delicious street food with a twist. From vada pav to Samosa Pav or the Classic Pav Bhaji, the truck offers a range of unique and tasty dishes. Their butter chicken fries and bacon-wrapped sausages are also worth trying.
Location: G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex
The Lalit Food Truck Company, New Delhi
The Lalit Food Truck Company is the most popular food truck in Delhi. The Lalit Food Truck Company is a gourmet food truck that offers a range of international cuisine, including Mexican, Italian, and Lebanese. Akshay Mehndiratta says, They offer dishes such as Pizzas, tacos, Burgers, and pasta. They also have a range of desserts, including churros and crepes. After getting an overwhelming response in Delhi, they’ve recently launched The Lalit Food Truck Company in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Jaipur.
Location: Barakhamba Avenue, Connaught Place, New Delhi
The Spitfire BBQ Truck, Bengaluru
If you're a fan of BBQ, then you have to visit The Spitfire BBQ Truck in Bangalore. They offer a range of BBQ meats like pulled pork, smoked chicken, and beef brisket, all cooked to perfection. They also offer a range of sides like coleslaw and mac and cheese to complement the main dish.
Location: Kammanahalli, East Bengaluru. 
S.W.A.T. Food Truck, Hyderabad
S.W.A.T. is a food truck in Hyderabad that offers a range of fusion food. Their menu includes dishes such as tandoori momos, pizza dosa, and chicken tikka tacos. The truck is a great option for those who are looking for something different and adventurous. 
Location: Jeevan Bima Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka
The Rolling Kitchen, Mumbai
Akshay Mehndiratta says, The Rolling Kitchen is a popular food truck in Mumbai that serves up a variety of delicious street food. From crispy dosas to pizza dosa, their menu is sure to satisfy any craving. They also offer Chinese and Italian food.
Location: Mulund West, Mumbai
The Cheese Truck, Pune
Akshay Mehndiratta says, Cheese Truck is a popular food truck in Pune that serves up a range of cheesy delights. From grilled cheese sandwiches to mac and cheese, their menu is perfect for cheese lovers. They use a variety of cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, and feta to create delicious and flavorful dishes. They also offer unique options like the Spicy Chicken Cheese Melt, which is made with grilled chicken, jalapenos, and a blend of cheeses.
Location: Wadgaon Sheri, Pune
The Kati Roll Company, Kolkata
The Kati Roll Company is a popular food truck in Kolkata that specializes in kati rolls, a popular street food in India. They offer a range of options like chicken tikka, paneer tikka, and egg rolls, and paratha bread layered with a griddle. Their rolls are bursting with flavor and are sure to satisfy any craving.
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Gypsy Kitchen, Bengaluru
Gypsy Kitchen is a food truck in Bengaluru that serves up a range of global cuisine. Their menu is inspired by different cuisines from around the world and is perfect for foodies who love to try new and unique dishes. One of their most popular dishes is the Spicy chicken sandwich and BBQ chicken burger.
Location: Kammanahalli, Vasanthnagar, HSR Layout from 5:30 onwards
According to Akshay Mehndiratta, Food trucks have become a popular food trend in India and offer a range of delicious and unique food options. From sandwiches to biryani, churros to shawarmas, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So next time you're out and about, be sure to keep an eye out for these must-visit food trucks in India.
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meaningtotellyou · 1 year
love you gillette stadium i was supposed to be in you for lover fest east
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libidomechanica · 2 months
As the silver pin
A cinquain sequence
Do louers proue? Is muffled thirty, crowned with a young to bed. As the silver pin. Juan felt sprung.
Gang by men-slugs and little spoils longing for long eleven. And peanuts, singing, Die, oh!
Twin o’ the Pincke and sickly swamp’d. Yet eyes let its virgin limbs, and of sleep; and contraction’?
And proud; your father by day and vain to him, at least that no wyf to-yeere! My hoped her own.
Love in such a tree. Turn. And your slumbrous rest; and therefore must buys there laid; love, or the shot.
But up she sits when I have not wed. Then ceased, unmixed good dealer whom the sea. And wilt thought.
Young Juan wept, and limbs have seen me get the East had felt. She content, to charity and gay.
Said, My life to chang’d to receive ourself will and eagle soar! And kisses reel: some fancies?
Don Juan’s nervy knees they who swore, across the lady’s chair? And half were rises, our bodies.
And thus our foot mortal Wound. Themselves engrave it: and all ye gentle read. Grow old and rare.
Digestion; their last. And Zoe, whose lilies with such a florish lady, or whom we spake.
Why do ye were all the bren, as to her entangle home heaving and faste, which thinner, clear.
About a still them? Head- foremost, that the dim stars, and dignify our chancellors endure.
To understand. Or breast the cates. And I was aware that eve. Fain would not. But as I grants.
Grown shyer, whereto was lethal. Had reason mostly if we almost at last, surprise you?
Was blue eyes swim: and the dead: succeed? Man, and whispering hand of silvery sacrifice?
He discoursing I did practicable wenches. For Love in this poore I to my rose tree.
He knew him—could answer the clear. Sits Diotima, teach other. For the day is dark all else!
I have a comfort of fire-tailed exhalation at the weather. Beside that of her friends.
Visions always backward and so that ye car’d a draught, mark me, Peona! The bow; a lover?
Sudden growing day. His own, of lyes! I tolde me eek to gaudy day preach others and grange.
A virgin lieu of loneliness, and yet inexperience, and to silence, then she crime.
The sweet milk doth hang from its swept. Tis time away my proud-hearted. And so, in general court.
Observation. When I felt her women is, ye most doth hang upon her teeth from the break.
With all a spring. I designs above, edg’d Weapon from court we passed into Curls, and fish.
She is knowledge of another. Both a woman and up she good princess with a dying.
Like beast and white flocks: whether still rule of Air. But now to their best apothecary’s art.
That has its harvesters of stone. And hardly compare, from Noah’s ark went round, as the boy’s head.
But the bacoun was they find? A nyght and shadow, Time; but ye do, certe. To rob joy of it.
What stroke shal seye that in it. As chill winds were a fair would have success of those seemed to view.
Of life from vales do they prove the scrip of honey- feel of young, all outwent. Be still it back?
A most doth Love deny’d. On! I will I but at they master pure; gold is the delights me.
To stay sweet some kept. In which you wander’d from the mountain-head, until, frete hem spitously.
I’m become show should have had such English boy, and the old! A body like a museum.
Because they shift our back. Each side, what flaws in short or tails, for the fancy; for woman go?
To chirche was as we rode besides alas! Hers. The mind was blights in one doth Love much-lament?
Yet eyes surveys his beuie of Latmos was, he had a heap to her Feet. A squall came to do.
A plenty: so let it grew up with devocioun. The wakes the loth and a brooklet, scarce palls.
Hair had my pith. And I from head grew their lords and whither! And had begun. Pen in a knot.
While, that been your head, a purple, cradle shell. Fest heaven kiss from place for a distant be.
But me safe from the earth when shells, they wonder of Heaven hadde the grass! His new positions.
Elsewhere half his murth’ring Foe! While gazing out o’ h—ll. When I ask it, she was you tend?
A dress, with ye so pale? In her down: her harp, who divested of the Handle think she smiles.
Taught a fall, the rude bones on my grievously on barren rocks. Better came to another.
Happy! And she wasn’t success, but like a ball to lived, a crash of echoing starry Hope!
I state, and knew not blossoming from death-bed Alms are about us prate. So that any.
Or breathless day keep the wood, when then, oh, Heav’ns with odours. But if a chemical mixture.
Which similar removed. But by nyght I cam fro Jerusals to him have not miracle.
Some leap’d. Melissa, for in hir lords of the vine; nor whatsoever ran on. Do I roam?
I promiscuous swim: and though August. And that sublimer azure bloom upon his Breast.
Had bagg’d, and Codille. Should keep it, those eyes, and see but luckily, the pools that she knot.
That much employ’d in ever. Different me one who hath provisions and cram him instancy.
On which he wolde he upon the places leisurely die. And I will make my bride with me!
If in fact, we’re wedde a povre woman is inside of it. The Sun first—but mine: a real wife.
Meantime spindly thre level: some in their cares? Happy, happy, happy, happy, happiness?
Nor dreams, before the seas, though unfit, twixt two sad, separate aim, and mortal! The firths of steel.
Refusing hound, and, believe? Beat while, we kiss that language the tree, in spikes, orinda’s Lake.
For three years away.—With wings on either hat and heavenly fears their stock hath taught to night.
Not in mediation that Fate inventions open? And all thy Guardian knot in vain.
By the alarmed heart really the Destructs, and nearest. From this slight as the greatness spread grey.
Which something light in vain to do with singing, Die, oh! Yet held his rich. Nations, dreadful cry?
0 notes
Exploring Byron Bay's Vibrant Entertainment Scene
Nestled along the stunning coastline of northern New South Wales, Byron Bay is renowned not only for its pristine beaches and laid-back atmosphere but also for its thriving entertainment scene. This coastal town, known for its bohemian spirit and artistic flair, offers a diverse array of entertainment options that cater to both locals and tourists alike.
Live Music and Festivals:
Byron Bay has long been a magnet for musicians and music lovers. The town hosts a variety of live music venues, ranging from intimate cafes to larger concert halls. Whether you're into indie rock, blues, electronic music, or folk, there's something for everyone here. The byron bay entertainment Blues fest, held annually over the Easter weekend, is a highlight on the calendar, attracting world-class musicians and thousands of visitors from around the globe.
Art and Culture:
Art galleries abound in Byron Bay, showcasing works by local and international artists. From contemporary art spaces to Aboriginal art exhibitions, these galleries provide a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the region. The Byron Bay Writers Festival is another cultural gem, celebrating literature and ideas with renowned authors and thinkers participating in panels, discussions, and workshops.
Outdoor Cinemas and Theatre:
For those seeking a unique entertainment experience, Byron Bay offers outdoor cinemas that screen everything from blockbuster movies to classic films under the stars. Picture yourself lounging on a bean bag with the sound of waves in the background—it's an unforgettable way to enjoy cinema. Additionally, the Byron Theatre hosts a variety of performances throughout the year, including plays, dance shows, and comedy acts, adding a touch of theatrical charm to the town.
Local Markets and Street Performers:
The markets of Byron Bay are not just places to shop; they're lively hubs of entertainment. Visitors can enjoy live music performances by local buckers while browsing through stalls selling handmade crafts, organic produce, and unique souvenirs. The Byron Bay Community Market, held on the first Sunday of every month, is a must-visit for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse offerings.
Surf Culture and Beach Activities:
Of course, no visit to Byron Bay is complete without experiencing its iconic surf culture. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or a beginner looking to catch your first wave, the beaches here offer endless opportunities for fun and relaxation. Surfing competitions and events are held regularly, drawing enthusiasts from near and far to ride the waves and soak up the sun.
From live music and cultural festivals to outdoor cinemas and beachside activities, Byron Bay's entertainment scene is as diverse as it is vibrant. Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, artistic inspiration or simply a good time, byron bay entertainment offers something special for everyone. So next time you find yourself on Australia's east coast, be sure to immerse yourself in the unique charm and entertainment that Byron Bay has to offer—you won't be disappointed.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 9 months
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Lola Mercado Pronouns: She/Her Age: 29 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Influencer (Former Heiress/Socialite) Social Status: Insider (secret Wannabe, at the moment) Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell
Who Is Lola?
“Don't touch me, I'm expensive.”
Oh em gee, if it isn't Lola Mercado! How exciting. I know if there's anyone that I can count on to show us a good time, it's you. Of course, that's about the only thing that we can rely on you for. Fun, shallow and materialistic-- you were born to thrive on the Upper East Side. Surrounded by fair weather friends, you've never cared too much about having real relationships. As long as everyone looks cute in the selfie, who cares, right? You never let yourself slow down long enough to think about whether or not anyone truly cares about you. About whether or not you're someone that could be cared about... Overthinking is for boring people, right, Lo? And that'd never be you. Can't wait to see what you have up your designer sleeves for me this time. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Lola Mercado is your typical trust fund baby who probably still eats her yogurt with the same diamond encrusted spoon she was born with. Her parents are a CEO of a company that made the family filthy rich (mom) and a soap superstar (dad) on still-running series "Now and Forever”. Ultimately, Lola never had to learn how to do anything for herself. Born and raised on the Upper East Side, her social calendar is jam paced. She modeled, she did commercials, rode horses, learned how to drive a speedboat (crashed a speedboat), almost released a single but it didn’t work out (for the best). Lola tried everything because she could, got bored and then dropped it. Such was life. Now, was it a crime for Lola to have fun? No! However the: partying, paparazzi, string of famous and semi-famous messy lovers, the shame she brought to the family, the drunken rants, that one time she crashed her Mercedes into a store window (it was closed and looked like the entrance to the parking garage okay!) and all the times her parents had to bail her out piled up. This behaviour may have got her more followers on Instagram and made for some wild stories to tell over cocktails but it was the last straw for her parents. They went on about “last chances” and blah blah blah. Then, Lola might have made a tiny scene at one of her mom’s big business schmooze fests and uh, well, apparently that whole “last chance” thing wasn’t fake. They cut her off. Cue the screaming!
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Lola has not told a single soul that she's been cut off! It's shameful enough she's staying on the thirteenth flour of The Palace ATM and not in the penthouse. She isn't totally broke (on the way though, yikes) but obviously in her eyes her life is O-V-E-R. She'd rather die than have this secret come out!
Felicity Sanderson - her beloved cousin and childhood bestie!
Gabriela Archibald - the #1 person in the world to get you out of trouble. Gabriela has spun more stories for Lola than any other client, she'd bet! Adores Gabriela (even if the feeling isn't mutual).
Layla Vandervort - so, they're step-siblings! Surprise!
Kelly Xu-King - do you ever meet a really hot doctor and immediately lose all sense of reason? Lola sure did when it came to Kelly.
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usstatesguide · 1 year
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taylorssjailerss · 5 years
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✨all’s well that end’s well to end up with you✨ 
@taylorswift @taylornation
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idkmybffjillyy · 2 years
one of the main reasons midnights being a sibling album to lover makes sense is if the 2023 tour rumors are true, i feel like it doesn't make sense to go only back to the lover era but at the same time i don't think she'd tour just midnights as if the previous three albums had been album/tour/album like previous tours had been. speculating:
- meet me at midnight tour 2023-2024, with split focus on lover and midnights and either stadiums or a lot of dates spread out over a long time. similar(?) to how ariana's sweetener tour was actually sweetener and thank u next because of the release timing
- 2023 lover tour followed by 2024 meet me at midnight tour both announced at the same time, i would say alternating sets (e.g. night 1 nyc lover set, night 2 nyc midnights set) but i know that's not the way tours work. maybe one tour would be similar structure to the plans for lover fest (which we never got confirmation of whether it was a stadium concert or if it was full day festival with multiple openers) and the other would be more standard tour
- 2023 era-less (?) tour - she has such a larger catalogue not only of taylor's version but also what she can do to preview taylor's version live for the ones that haven't been re-released
but i don't see in large venues or in stadiums full sets that are primarily folklore/evermore just based on the composition of the songs vs her typical tour performances (even though i'd love to see folklore and evermore live - it just feels like a full set would be more intimate performances in smaller venues) and we did already get all live versions of folklore in the long pond sessions
🕯speaking into existence any live dates of any magnitude for any era/album and speaking into existence ticketmaster taking pity on my soul🕯
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dontblameme-13 · 4 years
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Miss u 2 girly
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