#lovely onceuponaladye
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skyward-floored · 2 years ago
Whenever you get to this -- it's not terribly important, but how would you describe each of the chain's personalities to be like?
You’ve found my writing weakness Ladye, I struggle immensely with looking at a character and writing out their personality XD
That’s an interesting question! One I think about a lot when I’m writing actually, because at their core? All the Links are made of the same stuff. It can be difficult to parse out what makes them individuals sometimes (especially writing it out 😂) but I did my best here!
Under a readmore because this is LONG
Time - stubborn, responsible, and serious, but not as much as you’d expect from his appearance. Most leader-y of the group, he’s stern yes, but mostly only when he’s trying to keep the other Links safe (the Like Like incident, when Twilight is injured and insists he’s well enough to fight, etc). His overall personality seems to me more lighthearted then you’d expect at first glance— after all, he enjoys teasing the other Links, and even pranks them now and then.
It seems like he’s largely moved past and healed from what happened during his adventures, (probably due to how it’s been longer since them unlike the other Links), and not much seems to bother him. He can even joke about them a little (“the moon”), though he stays mysterious about details. He seems a pretty private person as well, except around his wife and a few select others.
Twilight - protective and stubborn to a fault, he cares deeply for those he loves. Another leader of the group, but he doesn’t think of himself as the leader-type as much. He falls into the role though, since the others tend to look to him, and he manages it well.
He has a melancholic sense about him, one that he’s only partially-good at hiding. He’s still very much getting over his complicated feelings about Midna’s departure, and that sadness bleeds into his personality sometimes. Good with kids and animals, knows how to wrangle them both really well, but he can be a little overprotective on occasion, and forgets how age isn’t necessarily an indicator of how responsible and/or skilled you are, which the younger Links bristle at.
Warriors - polished, put together, and a bit prideful, but he’s well aware of what happens if he gets too cocky and keeps it in check. The other leader of the group, he seems to focus largely on making plans, and keeping up the overall morale of the Links. A charmer, good at saying what people want to hear, and also figuring out what makes people tick. His first impression of people is rarely incorrect.
Good at keeping the group organized, and one of the few Links good at working alongside others, he also seems to be the one to break up fights if they get to be less teasing and more serious. Has a strong sense of justice as well, he hates those who would betray their allies/beliefs.
Four - Calm and focused and very mature, so much that several of the others believe him to be much older than he is. He’s very good at keeping his emotions in check and staying collected, right up to the point where he... isn’t. Gets frustrated with himself if he gets to that point and lashes out, but this only happens rarely.
One of the quietest Links, he tends to keep to himself, but he’s one of the heroes most used to being in a group, and generally handles it very well. Very book-smart and eager to learn, but has a deep distrust of any sort of magic that’s even remotely dark. Also knows how to keep the peace, and generally smooth flaring tempers... unless he’s the one who’s upset.
Wind - the youngest but by no means the weakest Link, Wind is a skilled fighter for his age and the brightest personality among the group. Exuberant and cheerful, his happy attitude can sometimes be taken for frivolousness. But he’s able to take a situation just as seriously as the rest of them— he just tends to look on the bright side of it.
Tends to be underestimated due to his age, and he’s not afraid to call people out on it. He fights hard to be taken seriously, and greatly appreciates how Time treats him as just as capable as everyone else. He still has a childish side to him though, which can be both a strength and a weakness.
Wild - fond of exciting schemes, always willing to go along with what seems like a crazy idea, and deeply traumatized with an identity crisis on top. Tends to be very argumentative and quick to make jokes, but usually he knows when he’s going too far (...usually). Highly defensive of Zelda, and not afraid to argue against any conceived slight against her. She had enough bad things said about her when she couldn’t unlock her powers, and he takes his defense of her seriously.
Greatly insecure about how much of a hero he is due to how he failed— being around so many others who succeeded is difficult, especially when they rarely discuss how close they all came to failing sometimes. Has the greatest trouble working in a group, and it’s caused several issues in the time he’s been with the Links, especially with those that are used to it.
Legend - prickly exterior, soft all the way through. Quick to tease and throw jabs, but he doesn’t truly mean anything by it. It’s a defensive measure more then anything to keep people at arm’s length. Could be a leader, but he chooses not to be— he doesn’t like all that responsibility on his head, and will only step up if the others are truly out of commission.
Reliable and mature for his age due to all his adventures, he seems totally unbothered by what he went through (though Koholint especially weighs heavy on his heart). Seems aloof at times, but cares just as much as Twilight, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it. Is younger than he projects himself to be.
Hyrule - humble and kind, he’s also got a level of sass that sometimes rears it’s head and surprises people. Tends to downplay himself and his skills, doesn’t think he’s a true “hero” like the others, despite being skilled in almost anything he puts his mind to. Has incredible tenacity and refuses to give up no matter the odds against him— he’s made of stronger stuff then he thinks.
Very decisive, knows when to act, and would make a great leader someday if he ever managed to get past his poor view of himself. Has a mysterious side to him as well, similar to Time’s in a way. Not the best in a group, generally prefers to be in either a smaller group or by himself.
Sky - seemingly open with his emotions, kind and cheerful, Sky seems a bit airheaded at times. But he has a great strength of spirit, and is deadly on the battlefield— those who have underestimated him have not lived to tell the tale.
Has a mischievous side that isn’t immediately evident, but it’s there, and its quite a sight to behold when his sassiness comes up with it as well. Tends to keep his heavier thoughts and emotions close to his chest though, and prefers to push through and not dwell on them, which is bad news later when it gets to be too much for him.
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milkyplier · 1 year ago
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
Horses can and will eat a lot of things you might not expect! Aside from classic snacks like carrots and mints, I know a horse who likes Mountain Dew, PBJ sandwiches, and 14 Hands wine! She also used to like pickles :D
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Loyal, kind, and lazy.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
I’m not much of a history buff and don’t know many extinct animals, but that one doggo with the unhinged jaw feature is really cool!
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kikker-oma · 1 year ago
I’m giving Sky as much hugs as humanly possible 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
Sky would be very grateful💔💔🥺🥺 we need to convince this boy he deserves love
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whyoneartheven · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for being the most amazing friends!! I haven’t talked to a lot of you in a while since I’ve barely been on tumblr at all, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you! May God bless you all :)
@akchimp75 @kiwi-der-vogel-alt @unclemoriarty @margindoodles2407 @ginjusttalkaboutnothing @almost-an-artist @taddy-cat @phoenix-arts7 @bluevaractyl @cal-the-duende @uniquevoidflowers @luciennelune @cheerfullycatholic @endlessartpumpkin @jullbnt @mrmedimedes @kommandantpinks @onceuponaladye @star-ocean-peahen @snowiwyvern @cextra-loz @candy8448 @adrift-in-thyme @prince-of-red-lions @marsnoodlesoup @grenapple0547 @isasan347 @sparkledragon04 @anime-obsessed @yeriah
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have this picture my dad took early Christmas morning!! (at like 1 am XD)
Also here is my church, all lit up with candles for Christmas Mass :D
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louwhose · 24 days ago
Thanks for the tag @fan-girls-r-us! This looks fun (& I am trying to be better about actually doing tag games)
What I listened to last: The last song I specifically remember listening to was Hold Them Down in Epic the Musical because my brother sent me an animatic
Favorite color: Blue! More of a teal maybe? idk I love both blue and green and exact shade depends on my mood more than anything
What I read last: uhhhh I started Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik too long ago to reasonably still be reading it. might help if I actually read it more than I have been.
What I watched last
Last movie: My sister was watching Suzume last night and I saw a few of the scenes does that count?
Last show: Dungeon Meshi? idk I do not watch things often and I haven't even finished that one
Sweet/spicy/savory: depends on the mood but I love my sweets
Relationship: single but it can stay that way
Last thing I googled: forest
Current obsession: All things LoZ and Zelink. Real shocker to everyone who follows me, I'm sure. I suppose I've had an especially high brainrot about Minish Cap lately? And ALBW since I'm playing that one (ravio my beloved he's so cringey)
Things I’m looking forward to: apparently my school has a fencing club now and I'm going to try that out!!
not sure who has/hasn't been tagged so here I go: @aheavenscorner @linktheacehero @dawn-the-rithmatist @whogirl2011 @onceuponaladye
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anadorablekiwi · 5 months ago
Oh goodness me /pos
@silvercaptain24 @onceuponaladye is love you two gosh thats a lot to log in to 🤣🤣🤣 (/pos /lh)
Silv, remind me tomorrow and ill watch the things and read your fic!! For tonight, i gotta eat dinner, shower, and cut my hair because i need a trim 🤣
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kuramirocket · 2 years ago
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers <3
I got an ask like this sent a while back which I answered here, so I'll try to list 5 different things not mentioned in that post. That way I can look back and remind me of the happiness 😊
1. Listening to music. I love listening to music. It always helps me regulate and manage my emotions if I'm upset. It also makes chores less boring. Lol. Just for fun - a song I recently found that I liked:
2. Learning more about my culture and people. I love who I am and my ethnicity/race (Mexican/Native American) . So, when I learn about my people's history, Mexico, and just gain more knowledge about it, ofc, makes me happy. Especially if it's my family's own history and traditions that have been passed down.
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3. Kind of mentioned before, but dragons, for sure, make me happy. I love dragons. They are so powerful and beautiful. This is a dragon appreciation blog.
Especially love what the dragons of Daenerys Stormborn represent in Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice And Fire - freedom.
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4. My current fandoms/fixations - in this case the Mario franchise, specifically Mario and Luigi. I just love their bond so much!! I am so soft for them. They have such a healthy and strong brotherly love. I love it so much 😊❤💚 I will never be over the forehead touch 🥺❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚
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5. Honestly, knowledge makes me happy; learning and gaining new knowledge, whatever it may be. Understanding and remembering info. I am a nerd. I really like learning even if it can be and is a headache sometimes. Lol.
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I'm just going to tag people to make it quick and easier :)
@shipcourse-sideblog @cemitadepollo @piccolopapichulo @cityoftheangelllls @astronomicalgarbage @yaofandechoco @a-cerulean-wonderland @aceaoki1316 @megandog21 @onceuponaladye
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year ago
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
Ooooo doodle requests?
Twilight with a remlit maybe?
​I don’t like how he looks in the first one but I said these would just be doodles so they’re just being doodles!!!
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year ago
@whyoneartheven @kiwi-der-vogel @unclemoriarty @onceuponaladye @uniquevoidflowers @wanderingnightingale @anime-obsessed AND ANYONE ELSE I FORGOT TO TAG BUT LOVE JUST THE SAME
Reblog if you’ve made amazing friends online and are grateful for their existence
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anadorablekiwi · 7 months ago
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@onceuponaladye my pics from today 🤣
I love how in most of these neuvi is just standing there like 🧍‍♂️ and navia is just ✨💖🫶✨ 🤣🤣
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
Eating now :3
Got any recent whumps?
For sure >:3 most of them aren’t written too much yet, but this one has enough that I can share a little bit hehe
“Legend, run,” Hyrule whispered.
Legend couldn’t move.
Suddenly he was eleven again, staring at a wanted poster with his face on it, wondering why the reward was so high. He was eleven, screamed at by the townsfolk, surrounded by guards just for trying to walk into the village to buy food. He was eleven, chased down by brainwashed knights and forced to fight them, some of them people he knew, his uncle’s friends, raise his uncle’s sword against them and hurt them—
“Legend RUN!”
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silvercaptain24 · 4 months ago
I jokingly have a love/hate relationship with tacos because they’re good but they also set off a gallbladder attack that ended with me in the hospital and surgery to get the thing removed
@anadorablekiwi @onceuponaladye @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto
it's so weird to me that everyone on this website is a human person outside of their weird internet niche so rb this with a random bit of your lore
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
The reason why we love fictional men is because all the good ones are taken 😭😭😭
They’re either taken or don’t exist, this is a sad world we live in 😔
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skyward-floored · 2 years ago
I definitely admire the way that you write characters and their interactions. They just seem so real and you're truly an inspiring person! Plus you're not afraid to make silly aus and they're the best! Castletown Wedding is still my favorite and I go crazy thinking about it :D
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LADYE abdgjgdjbffjh 😭
Why does everyone think the opposite of me, I literally always worry my characters are flat and boring??? hhhhhhh thank you
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artemistorm · 2 months ago
Thanks for the tags Riv, @zarvasace!
I love you people: @anadorablekiwi @onceuponaladye @bluevaractyl @nancyheart11 @zolanort @maddreax @stqrmyskies and a bunch of other people too
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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