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carlyspenguins · 9 years ago
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Great day with the Fam at Choir Day 2015! #selfie #inc #iglesianicristo #kadiwamember #kadiwa #thankyou #lovinit #lovethis #loveissomuchmore #boundtotheonesilove #foreverboundtotheonesilove #filipino #fobforlyf #pinoy #pacificislander (at Fox Riverside Theater Foundation)
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timelesspoet · 9 years ago
The Fantasy Of Love
Don't believe what they say because love is not a battle.
Love is a castle you fantasized when you were younger with walls so high all you wanted to do was climb to the top and see your very own kingdom.
Love is watching the moon in envy because all you ever wanted to do was be the boy from DreamWorks, casting your line out to see what dreams you could catch that night.
Love is a dance with a partner you don't know but always wanted to. It's awkward while you both learn each others hearts through movement and the slightest of touches just to make sure you both don't fall over. Though step by step you begin to sync and mirror each other until whole conversations can be spoke without a word, because all you need is your partner's movement.
Love is not always easy but its not a battle, its an adventure who's path you wish to walk with another.
-Timeless Poet
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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"Peter Pan continued in a voice that no woman has ever yet been able to resist, 'Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys.'" Dear Peter Pan, I left my window open so you can take me away from all this pain... So I can forever live as a lost girl, no longer being the burden I am to the people I love.... Please come soon.. Sincerely, a lost girl... #peterpan #pinoy #pacificislander #disney #disneyland #imissyou #imissdisney #imissdisneyland #ilovethis #ilovethem #lovethem #loveissomuchmore #thesekids #filipino #fobforlyf #friendssinceever #DL #me #thisisme
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Talk about a good time! Congrats Chanelle! #iloveyou #ilovethis #chanelle2015 #goodluck #lovethis #loveissomuchmore #pinoy #pacificislander #filipino #fobforlyf #kadiwa #kadiwamember #inc #incforlife #torrancecrew
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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I wear this ring around my neck to help me remember to good times and the happiness my loved ones have brought into this extraordinary life. One day, my happy ending will come, and one day I'll bring happiness to one special person. Until then! Thank you all for being who you are and making my life 200x better! I love you all! #thisisme #lovethis #fobforlyf #filipino #pacificislander #ilovethis #remembering #thanks #thankful #thankyou #iloveyou #istillhavethis #iwillalwaysloveyou #loveissomuchmore #boundtotheonesilove #foreverboundtotheonesilove #uglygirl #betternow
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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As annoying as this little girl can be, she is still my sister. My sister may be annoying, a know-it-all, can be over dramatic, mean, dumb, and so many other things. BUT! She is my sister, and she can be caring, nice when she wants to be, and can be considerate. No matter how irritating or mean she is to me, I still love her as my sister and I will always be here for her. I love you Rizzo, have a great 19th birthday. #foreverboundtotheonesilove #fobforlyf #filipino #pacificislander #pinoy #loveissomuchmore #littlesister #thiskid #thisisher #tbt #grownup #lostintime #lovethis #remembering #tb
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in my life, along side to this special woman to me! I love you mom! #iloveyou #ilovethis #ilovemymom #ilovemyfamily #iwillalwaysloveyou #pinoy #pacificislander #lovethem #loveissomuchmore #mymom #mymother #happy #family #forher #filipino #formymom #fobforlyf #foreverboundtotheonesilove #boundtotheonesilove #thankyou #thisisme #tbt
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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No, I don't use tomorrow as an excuse to buy my mother anything. She deserves to have more than just two days a year to be appreciated, and that's what I do. Appreciate and love my mom. But... I had a very long day at work, and because my mom was sleeping when I got home, I decided to hide her flowers from my brother and I in plain sight. #iloveyou #ilovethis #ilovemyfamily #ilovemymom #mymom #loveissomuchmore #boundtotheonesilove #family #foreverboundtotheonesilove #fobforlyf #filipino #pinoy #pacificislander #mymother #forher #formymom #thankyou #thisisme #iwillalwaysloveyou
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
Oh my gosh... He is SOO cute! He "vibrates" his body when he's excited 😍😍 #socute #toocute #omg #whatacutie #lovethis #loveissomuchmore #foreverboundtotheonesilove #boundtotheonesilove #cute #thiskid #thislittleboy #thishelped #betternow #happy #enjoyedthis
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Whoops! It's National Sibling Day 😅 #NationalSiblingDay #siblings #thesekids #mysiblings #filipino #fobforlyf #pinoy #pacificislander #littlebrother #littlesister #theyreallgrownup #ilovethis #iloveyou #family #ilovemyfamily #lovethem #loveissomuchmore #boundtotheonesilove #foreverboundtotheonesilove
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Wow, well this seems accurate 😅 #thisisintereting #thisisme #fortune #fortunecookie #loveissomuchmore #lovethis #pinoy #pacificislander #wow #okay #omg #filipino #fobforlyf #familytime #foreverboundtotheonesilove #boundtotheonesilove #chinesefood (at Seafood Port Chinese Restaurant Inc)
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Happy Birthday Tito Leo and Kayla!!!! #disney #disneygirl #disneyland #loveyou #lovethis #loveissomuchmore #selfie #adorable #birthday #happybirthday #withthecrew (at Disneyland & California Adventure-The Happiest Place on Earth)
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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I miss Disney 😢 #disney #disneybound #disneyland #imissdisneyland #disneygirl #iglesianicristo #inc #cantwaitforfriday #damnitstuesday #disneycaliforniaadventure #lovely #loveissomuchmore #boundtotheonesilove #ilovemyfriends #ilovedisneyland
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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Ending my night with these magnificent people!! Happy Thanksgiving all! I am thankful for every single person in my life, no matter what has come between us or if we have stopped talking, I will always be thankful for the moments we've had So thank you for everything! #happy thanksgiving #turkey days#happy turkeys at #thankful #filipino #fobforlyf #pinoy #pacificislander #foreverboundtotheonesilove #boundtotheonesilove #love #lovely #loveissomuchmore #wonderfulday
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carlyspenguins · 10 years ago
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I woke up to my kitten laying like this next to me 😍 #goodmorning #whatacutie #mykitty #kitten #whatasurprise #pinoy #pacificislander #filipino #fobforlyf #cutie #cute #mondaysneedtogoaway #lol #loveissomuchmore #love #lovely #adorable
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