#loved what they did with eloise and portia
colinfeatherington · 3 months
I have very mixed feelings!! I think it’s hard for me to say how I actually feel because the hype was so intense and my intial feelings are probably skewed but I’m kinda disappointed right now. would love to hear others thoughts and have my opinion swayed!
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pass3ra · 3 months
cressida's storyline was genuinely shameful tbhhh it's like they started rewriting it in the first half of the season then completely forgot about the changes they'd made to make it fit the book plot and it just ends up making everyone else look bad😐 every character in the second half got a "penelope did nothing wrong" lobotomy so we ended up with eloise completely ignoring cressida being sold off to an horrible man (when she made every effort to support her in the first half of the season) and for some reason resenting her for pretending to be lady whistledown? Then they somehow frame her ignoring colin's offensively bad pleas as it being her turning away from redemption when all she's trying to do is escape being trapped in the country with her likely abusive aunt... and it ends with her meeting her horrible fate and it still being framed as tragic only to immediately juxtapose it with the bridgerton family winning the idgaf war while gleefully seeing off francesca and her future dead husband. The bridgertons were the villains of the season frfr
#bridgerton#almost as bad as marina's plot in season one. every horrible decision in this show revolves around penelope meeting no consequences ever#this is not an anti post or anything idc about the fandom ill forget about this show tomorrow but i need to get this off my chest#they had to give penelope a fairy tale ending WHICH IS FINE but they somehow did it by surgically removing everyone's personality#INCLUDING HERS#benedict's bi storyline was bad also im sorry. paul literally has like 4 lines of dialogue and he was really cool#i love tilley but she should have been cut😭 if they wanted to establish he was bi (given we know theyre not genderbending sophie)#they should have made the whole subplot about him being attracted to a man instead of a 5 minute footnote in the last episode#i liked francesca and her husband whose name idr but it felt like they were framing it as him not being her 'great love'#considering what happens to him i fjnd it childish and meanspirited soul mates aren't real and he deserves a lttl respect considering.. lmao#what else. the dialogues were horrible. especially the ones between penelope and colin in the second part im sorry#they need to fire the make up and hair department. every reference to queen charlotte felt like a wahh pls watch my show ad#i miss anthony they should change the books to make him the villain of every season bb please come back to ruin your sibilings relationships#portia and philippa were peak as always. violet deserves her own season. we need to put eloise out of her misery pls leave her in scotland#rant overrr#publishing it on my sideblog actually i feel like im gonna lose followers just for having watched this show lmaoo
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Fourteen - Scandals in abundance
When you sat down for breakfast, you expected a peaceful morning between you and your mother. However, the knock at the door was urgent, and quickly did the butler come rushing in with the latest Whistledown column. He handed it to your mother instantly.
You sat there and watched many expressions cross her face, wondering what on earth had been written to have her react in such a frenzy.
Only when she was done reading, and only then were you given the paper to read. You took it from your butler and looked st the first column.
The gasp you let out was louder than you anticipated. Your eyes rose to meet your mother's.
"I must go."
She simply nods and calls for the carriage to be prepared for you. You head upstairs to get yourself ready immediately.
The Bridgertons must be beside themselves.
Marina Thompson is pregnant and has been since she arrived in Mayfair. Poor Colin had no idea. He couldn't possibly have. You were certain of it.
You had no idea that just the night before, he had devised a plan to run away with Marina to marry her in Scotland. Not that he could now, surely.
The carriage ride to the Bridgerton house felt like a long journey, though you were certain that had to be because you were anxious to get there. When the carriage finally did stop, you didn't even wait for the footman. You opened the door, startled the poor man, and hurried out. He watched you rush up to the front door and knock rather urgently.
The butler answered the door and called your name into the house. You entered and found your way into the drawing room. Violet was fanning herself on one of the sofas, Colin was nowhere to be seen. You made your way over to Lady Bridgerton and held up the glass of water that was sitting on the table to her. She took it and sipped it.
Benedict and Eloise were also present in the room, neither of them said a word.
"Did he know?" You had to ask.
Benedict and Eloise both shook their heads at you.
"Where is he?"
"In his room," Eloise answers rather solemnly.
Violet waved her fan a little more quickly. It would appear that one could not be a Bridgerton without coming close to a scandal. Lady Whistledown sees and hears all.
You feel for poor Colin. Apparently, he believed himself in love with the woman. Though Anthony took the blame for that. Colin was still young.
"Eloise, dear, we must get ready for the modiste." Violet closes her fan and stands from beside you.
Eloise groans.
"Now, dear."
You watch in silence as Eloise stands and goes with her mother. Before Violet exits the room, she turns to you. "It was nice of you to come by, my dear."
You smile at her and watch her go. Once she's out of the room, you turn to Benedict. "Tell me everything."
Benedict leans forward and tells you all he knows. From Marina's arrival to the pregnancy, she had kept secret. The man she was under love with and his absence. It had all been in Whistledown. You didn't learn anything particularly new other than that Marina had intended to keep her condition quiet and then tell Colin she was pregnant after they were married.
Portia Featherington knew, of course. It's why she was so keen to marry Marina off.
"Yes, I know."
"How is Colin?" You ask. "Truly."
"Not great, I admit. He hasn't spoken a word to us since the paper arrived this morning. He has kept much to himself."
"Do you think he will speak to me?"
"I do not know." Benedict says softly. "Do you wish to try?"
You shrug lightly. "No harm in attempting."
Benedict leads the way to Colin's door, and you knock gently on the hard wood. You hear no response, but with one nod from Benedict, you talk.
"Colin? I'm sorry to hear of what happened. I hope you are well."
You sigh. "Know that you may call on me for anything."
You turn and face Benedict. You have no idea what else to say. What does one say in such a situation?
Benedict leads you back to the drawing room.
"I believe there is to be a family meeting. Daphne is coming down too."
"Daphne? Goodness. Word reached her door, too?" You sigh.
"She is family."
"I know. I envy that."
"Envy?" He looks at you curiously. "Envy what?"
"That bond you have with your family." You sit down again, not sure what else to do with yourself.
"You do not have that bond with your mother?" He asks, sitting opposite you.
"Having a bond with your mother is one thing, but you Bridgertons are a family. You have siblings. Anthony, who looks out for all of you, though admittedly, not always in the best of ways. Daphne, who adores you all so dearly she will make such a trip just to be here for her brother. I have no sibling. No father. Just mother. When something happens in my family, we only have each other."
Benedict fights the urge to reach out for your hand.
"I shouldn't complain. I am lucky to have what I do, and I am grateful. I just wish I had siblings to look after and rely on. I hope I have several children one day who can experience that."
Benedict listens to you talk about your hyperthetical future again. Every time you talk about it he feels a strange twinge begin to turn in his chest.
"I'm sure that will be a reality one day."
You smile wistfully.
"I shall be good to see Daphne again. I have missed her. Have you not?" You ask.
"Of course. She is my most sensible sister." He grins.
You laugh. "I have to say the most sensible of the lot."
Benedict laughs, too.
It feels good to laugh.
Daphne doesn't arrive until the evening. You have long since left the Bridgerton house by then. Benedict had seen you out, and you spent the rest of the day at home.
A family meeting was just that, for family.
You don't see the Bridgerton family for a couple of days. As you understand it, Colin and Marina meet, chaperoned by Daphne, to talk. It wasn't the most cheerful conversations, you hear.
The queen's luncheon was the first time you saw the Bridgerton lot after a few days of absence. Daphne had been the one to reach out to you after securing an invite. You accepted, of course.
You stood in the gardens and awaited their arrival. All eyes were certainly on them upon their entering the garden.
Benedict caught your gaze and offered a small flicker of a smile. You smiled back. He looked relieved to see you. Perhaps all this drama surrounding his family was a bit much over the last few days.
You wanted to approach them, but your mother kept a firm hold on your arm. You sip your drink quietly, eyes drifting away from the family you so wished to greet.
As people approach the Bridgertons and the Bassetts to greet them, Benedict finds himself greeted by Granville.
"I have missed you in the studio of late. You must join me for another drawing lesson," Henry says to Benedict. "As I said, improvement is all a matter of practice."
Benedict glances over in the direction you're standing in. His mind briefly recalls the day he let you see into his sketchbook. Your words rang clear in his head.
"At least, that is the excuse he gives for coming home with paint in all kinds of peculiar places," Mrs Granville says with a chuckle.
Benedict giggles awkwardly and then spots someone just beyond the garden talking to Cressida Cowper of all people.
"Ah! Were you able to meet my friend Wetherby at my party? Come, I shall introduce you."
"No, thank you." Benedict says quickly. "I- I see my mother requires my presence. Good day!" Benedict leaves quickly.
Truth be told, he hadn't visited the studio since you asked him where he went off to on his evenings. He couldn't bring himself to go back.
That, and you complimented his art so wonderfully. He often heard your kind words in his mind as he sketched these days.
He was rather starting to like his work.
The Featheringtons arriving had all eyes on them. No one whispered a word about Colin. However, that did not mean they wouldn't talk about the family that had hosted the girl mentioned in the gossip column. If anything, people defend Colin.
Eloise rescues Penelope from the stares her family are retrieving.
Portia tried to talk to Violet. It was rather awkward to watch. You turned your eyes from them and tried to speak to your mother, but even she was watching with keen eyes.
The Featheringtons are asked to leave once Violet walks away without saying a word.
You watch Penelope follow her family out.
The next to walk off is Daphne, and you know not why. You hadn't even had the chance to talk to her.
Something seemed to be upsetting her too.
Your heart ached to see the people around you suffering. It seems it doesn't simply rain. It pours.
Managing to free yourself from your mother, you stroll along the outer hedges of the party. Benedict manages to intercept you there, smiling softly at you.
"Hello." You repeat softly.
"It's been a bus few days."
"Yes. I imagine."
Benedict stands there and stares at you for a moment. He's not sure what it is he wants to say. That is, if there is anything at all he wants to say. All he knew was that he wanted to see you.
"You look sad," he says.
"Sad? I'm not sad."
Silence falls between you both. He scans your face quietly. You're avosiign his gaze, and he can see the way you lightly pluck at your gloves. Rather pretty gloves, he might add. Did you always wear such pretty gloves, or did you pick these out, especially for this occasion.
Benedict frowns. Why did he care so much about your gloves?
"What is the matter?" He asks softly.
"I can't help seeing the sadness in others around me. Colin. Daphne. Penelope. Your mother."
Benedict remains silent.
"Everyone seems to be hurting in one way or another, and I either do not know why, or do and cannot do a thing. Can I confide in you about something? Without judgement and disdain against me?"
Benedict gives you the slightest nod.
"I hate society."
You see the way his brows raise. Yet you see no judgement in his eyes.
"I hate the way it judges, discriminates, gossips, and picks and chooses. I hate the way it functions." You speak so passionately, from the heart. "Society turns its back on someone the moment they step out of line or even slightly bend the rules. One wrong move or word and its all over."
Benedict is intrigued by your views. So many thoughts must be occupying your mind, and he's only heard a fraction. It's in this moment he realises he doesn't know you. The real you, that is. He just knows a fraction of who you are.
There's a goofy crooked smile on his face.
"What?" You ask, looking at him.
"You think I'm silly, don't you?"
"I never said that," he defends himself.
"Then why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" He chuckles.
"That!" You say, trying not to raise your voice too much. You weren't fond of the idea of drawing attention to you both.
Benedict merely laughs, and you groan softly. Now you're getting agitated, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat enjoying that.
"I think you're fascinating."
You state at him blankly. "Huh?"
Benedict chuckles again, and you quickly jab him in the arm without anyone noticing.
"Shut up," you hiss at him.
"What? What did I say?"
"Nothing! Forget it. You're infuriating me." You sigh.
Benedict tries to hold back his giggles.
At least someone can smile despite the rain clouds over everyone else's heads.
You crack a smile and then giggle. Benedict laughs, too. You both must look so silly giggling in the hedges.
"Oh, Benedict, you do make every miserable thing seem more positive." You smile at him.
"How so?"
"Just by being you."
Benedict swears he could fly from the amount of joy you have just bestowed in him. Never has anyone said anything more heartwarming to him than that.
As you travel home in the carriage with your mother after the luncheon, you cannot stop yourself from smiling. You have been cheerful from the moment you left.
"Whatever has you grinning, dearest?" Your mother asks you as you gaze out the window.
You keep your eyes trained on the passing scenery, your lips ever grinning.
"Nothing, mother. Nothing at all."
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
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myfairstarlight · 3 months
Alright, let's talk about Colin's entrapment line and why Penelope offering an annulment was significant, shall we? Arguably the most controversial part of this season, isn't it?
I'm not going to delve too long on the entrapment line again actually, but to summarise, Colin has been traumatised by a similar situation before, and right now, he's hurt. And the thing about being angry with your best friend is that you know what to say to hurt them the most. We see it in Eloise's and Penelope's fight, as they threw each other's insecurities in the other's faces. Colin, two episodes ago, was defending Penelope against Portia, who was accusing her of entrapping him, so yes, his mind will jump to that first. But also note that the whole time he refuses to look at her, because he knows his words are cutting and will hurt and he knows his resolve would break if he looked at her, which is contrasted by Penelope directly looking at him to tell him she loves him and did not mean for this to happen like this. He does not look because he knows she loves him, this is not Marina's situation exactly who only wanted a way out and did not see him as much else than a means to an end, and that's why it's so much more difficult to deal with for him. Penelope loves him.
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And he's already almost lost her once, as angry and hurt as he is, he cannot fathom the idea of letting her go, when he remembers how empty he felt without her letters, or at the idea of her with Debling. So he's still here, determined to marry her.
So now we get to e8. The marriage was not technically consummated, and the Lady Whistledown business is finally settled. So Penelope offers the annulment, to set him, and his family, free from her mess.
They never directly address Colin's entrapment comment again, but with Penelope offering the annulment, it is now implied she's been thinking about this the whole time. It is a very real possibility that by that point, Penelope already knew she was pregnant, and it's been speculated if she told Colin in that scene after Francesca's wedding or not (I personally don't think she did, to not add to his guilt at that moment, and perhaps to not influence his decision, knowing she would be offering the annulment soon) and it parallels Marina's situation again, except in this case, Penelope does not wish to trap Colin with a baby, even if it is his. She knows how much Marina impacted Colin, and does not wish to do the same thing she had prevented Marina to do. The best part about this though? Colin is stunned (Edit: I changed the adjective here as someone rightfully pointed out I was exaggerating by saying "flabbergasted" when his reaction is more on the subtle side the English language is the bane of my existence). Frankly, he probably forgot he even said that, the same way he forgot about his "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington" comment - those were words said in the heat of the moment he never actually believed. Not once has Colin thought of either breaking the engagement, or get an annulment even after the betrayal.
He could have still eloped with Marina even after learning the truth, but he didn't because she was not honest with him from the start. He learns Penelope has been living a double life this whole time, and yet he stays.
It is significant that Penelope listened and acknowledged Colin's point of view, the same way she asked him to simply stand by her side and support her. Also note that she never says "our family", she says "you or your family".
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Despite already being married, this whole time, it did not feel like they were, and she knew that as long as there was still this barrier between them, she could never truly be part of that family, but it's alright, she could live with that, she has mended things with her own after all, and she can support herself. Whatever the outcome, she'll be alright, she believes.
Fortunately for her, she does not get to find out what that future would entail because Colin absolutely hates the idea of letting her go.
Because after all, she's a mess, but she's his mess.
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kdelarenta · 4 months
who, me? what am i thinking about? oh, nothing in particular - just penelope visibly upset after her one chance at an engagement had been ruined and her mother asking her what she did wrong to cause that, penelope downright asking her if she cared about her beyond having a ring on her finger and portia ignoring her in favor of her other daughter, penelope calling herself stupid and everyone around her calling her stupid for thinking she could ever find love, cressida ripping her dress, the ton calling her pathetic and constantly making fun of her, telling colin not to concern himself with the featherington girl because she simply does. not. matter. people ignoring her or scowling at her, colin asking eloise if she wants him to drop penelope and eloise saying no because he's all penelope has at the moment. penelope comparing herself to the dead stag on the wall.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Initial thoughts on first watch through of Part 2
I will need to watch the season again a few more times as I was overwhelmed to be sure as a lot was going on. But my quick thoughts on storylines...
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I'll start with my least favorite part. Sorry but it's the elephant in the room.
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I cannot. Every time they wasted screentime to go back to him fucking, I was like. God no, please make it stop. I mean I got it the first three times we showed it. Was it really necessary to keep harping on it. Honestly, shit or get off the pot with Ben's story. I'm bored and I don't know where they are going with this. I'm disinterested now.
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This got better for me in the back half than the first half. I took no interest in them in the first 4 episodes. it was a snooze fest and while I would not watch a full season of them, they were cute in the back half and while the "dying breath" line was a bit harsh (seriously writers was that necessary) I'm even less interested in exploring a full season of Fran's actual story, not because it's been gender bended to Michaela, I just don't care for Fran's character. Personal opinion, sorry.
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Loved competitive Anthony at game night, we are the same Anthony, truly first borns. Kate has relaxed him for sure tho. Loved how he seemed to truly support his siblings, first with Colin and again with Fran in their choices to marry. Wished we could have seen his face when Pen announced she was LW after he was so clear that there was no way anyone could be her under his nose as RULER over the Bridgerton lands or some shit. Would have been a delight to see, yet...he did once again run off and leave his duty as leader of the Bridgerton family once again. For all this fandom screams that Anthony is the only man of the house with the actual job and responsibility he has yet once again disappeared from it yet again. No matter, there was little of this duo for me to take true aim at this season and thus not much for me to say other than what I have.
So moving on....
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What is there to say...Who's afraid of the big bad BITCH. Well not Pen. And no one else, for off to the country she goes and good on ya! Sorry, don't let the door hit ya on the way out. I'm not sad to see you and your big ass sleeves go.
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Tend that garden girl. TEND THAT GARDEN! That's all I gotta say, S4 is gonna bring Mama Bridgerton her just desserts! It was lovely seeing her navigating the dating mart and being nervous herself. I can't wait to see her needing to lean on Lady D and her children as she tries to figure this out herself next season.
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I was up, I was down. I was on the floor in anger and tears and then crying with joy. I understood you, I swore at you, I still love you dearly. There is much for you to learn about love and the world and I will welcome you home to do that. I did feel like she grew a lot this season. She was confused by love. Love of Pen, Love of Colin, love of being a woman in society and finding her way in what all of that means again. It was nice to see that. I loved her scenes with Colin and Pen and even with Benedict. I do look forward to her season as I feel like she had the most growth this season and while I feel like Ben's is next (boo) she can't be far behind, though I would welcome them doing her and Ben together in 4 at this point since it takes so fucking long to film these.
The Featheringtons
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The most growth came from the family. Portia, Pru, and Phillipa had a lot of growth. Between mama being put in her place, then having to face how she has treated her daughter, how she sees her daughter, and then realizing how her daughter is stronger than she realized was quite the journey. And then beyond that seeing the jealousy the sisters had for Pen all along, the way it burned in them because some part of them always felt that their mama loved her most, favored her most even with her treatment. That all the girls really wanted was love of their mama. Seeing that family all together at the end, not jealous of who had the heir, just happy, with their families was beautiful.
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Oh dear sensitive Colin Bridgerton. You really are a soft angel boy. He was so in love, so smitten and we needed that for him to understand how he felt up front but the moment he found out about Pen, you could feel the heart break, the confusion, the anger, the loss. And it didn't just magically heal. He loved Pen, he knew that but the burn inside to reconcile that he couldnt tear LW from her, couldn't rip it from her soul was literally a dark cloud over him for the back half. I took no issue with his words in anger, the were to be expected. He no more meant them or believed them than the stupid ass words people say in anger or stating he would never court her. They were simply words.
His mother was right. He is sensitive. Sleeping on the couch, pouting everywhere. He could not reconcile his thoughts. Could not get her to give up LW for anything and his brain could not comprehend. It was only when he went back to her letters that he realized Pen was not LW, LW was Pen. He loved ONE woman and they were the same woman. He also needed to stop taking control and stop trying to save the day. Pen was a capable woman and he needed to stop trying to control her.
I think the greatest thing about Colin as a character is that he is a sensitive person who loves wholly. He is able to put away the notion of the MAN needing to be the one who runs things. He lets her be a partner with him, in sex, in life, in their roles. This is shown not just in the fact he lets her take on how to fix the LW situation in the end, but also having her on top in the bedroom in their final sex scene. She's a participant in their marriage, not a submissive wife. This is refreshing in this world and I'm happy to see it in Colin.
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What a ride for Pen she had. She was faced with giving up her dreams to let Colin thrive in his. And she was willing to do so, lets just preface they gave us that scene where she put away LW for us to transition to Colin finally losing his writers block and happily writing away. She gave it up only to be faced with a challenge and needing to take up the quill again. Pen needed to save the Bridgertons and did so later on but she was willing to give everything up for Colin.
I loved her convos with Gen and how it was another woman who allowed her to see that women did not need to give up their worth for men. AMEN! No one said, Colin needed to give up his dreams but Pen absolutely was able to have hers too. I loved this and then to see her stand up to Colin in their second fight, to let her voice be heard to him and not let him talk over her was also important.
The fact that Pen stood up for herself, diverging from the books where Colin does this for her in the books, having Pen stand up for herself thus saving herself and outing herself to the ton, I liked this. Pen was able to put LW away and use her OWN voice to the ton and explain to everywhere why she created this entire empire. I thought this was beautifully done and then having her let Colin out of the marriage afterwards so that she basically put them now on a level playing field was perfect. His speech at that point should be put in a museum because it leveled me. I think this put them finally into the right place for their marriage and lets them begin as equals. They both have a career, they both have a purpose, they have each other and they do things together. She's not out there alone anymore.
What a fucking journey. God I love this show.
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So yeah, I know I'm seeing people upset, they didn't get the spoilers they wanted, didn't get some pieces they built up and you are allowed to feel that way. I think my only gripe I have is that our sex montage was cut from the show and instead we got too much Ben and his tiresome threesome that went no where. So that is my only gripe. Give me that deleted scene and I'll be happy forever. Otherwise....
Polin is life! I loved everything they gave us and I have no complaints.
A+++ They have a happy fan from me.
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consoledacup · 2 months
Favorite handhold of mine is undoubtedly the wedding shot. First of all, I'm just thrilled that Polin is paid homage with a classic hand shot like the other seasons.
And just like the other seasons, this hand shot perfectly encapsulates their journey. They kiss for the first time as man and wife, and they turn to face the wedding guests. They mutually reach for each other and meet in the middle. There is some awkward fumbling which is a cute little portrayal of their will they/won't they dynamic. They're also not as in sync with each other as they'd like to be, so it takes them a little more work to get there.
But the important part is that they're still choosing to be together, despite everything else. They face their loved ones, not to mention the entire ton, holding hands. To me, that's Colin and Penelope against the world. They have not yet fully resolved their very serious, very complex issues. And it might be frustrating to watch Colin process Lady Whistledown as he does.
But from the very first moment he finds out, he confronts Penelope, and he confronts Eloise who he's certain already knows. That's it. He even suggests he accompany his mother for wedding breakfast planning to ensure her that the wedding is on. He lowers his voice when he reminds Penelope that she's compromised, well aware of the mamas within earshot, in order to protect her honor.
His friends and Benedict question his mood at his stag do, and he provides them with nothing. Anthony straight up asks what happened, and he refuses to share. He offers his name to her as freely as he did when they were newly engaged.
Penelope only confides in Eloise and Genevieve and is incredibly understanding about Colin's irate reaction when she seeks counsel from them. She's very tightlipped with her mother about his attitude, even as she acknowledges that something's off. She never once disparages Colin to anyone.
She is strongly advised to keep her blackmail situation a secret, and she can't do it. No matter what she fears he may think of her, she values him too much as her partner to keep him in the dark ever again.
And Colin even adjusts his tone when he sees Portia behind Penelope the day after the wedding so as not to reveal his frustration with her. He confronts Cressida, begging for her to understand Penelope as he does. He is all in on lying to Benedict for Penelope's sake.
Penelope fills Colin in on her potentially ruinous plan, and he's there for his mother, readily available to answer her questions as Penelope's ambassador.
He asks Penelope to dance with him five minutes after she exposes her identity, publicly revealing his support and admiration of Lady Whistledown to the ton.
The wedding handhold is a beautiful reflection of their partnership. As the audience, we were privy to a lot of the tension and internal conflict that kept the two privately apart. But to everyone else, it was incredibly important for both of them to present a united front. They have far too much love and respect for one another to behave any other way.
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yaltghoul · 4 months
This is not written with any hatred nor criticism, which I will get into more in a bit, but I feel like, among the three daughters, Penelope is the most like Portia.
Prudence and Phillipa are dense. There is no kind way to word that. They lack both emotional and intellectual quotients. There is no street nor book smarts. On top of that, they both are, especially this season, intentionally cruel to Penelope.
Portia tends to also say cruel things to Pen, but they seem to be based on a jaded perspective rather than being malicious. Like saying she shouldn’t expect to find a marriage in her third year on the Mart and that True Love is fictitious, or even scolding her for reading. Those statements were not said to hurt Penelope’s feelings, rather to advise her based on her own experiences not only as a past debutante, who we all know did not marry for love, but also as a mother who has now had to shepherd three daughters simultaneously through the Mart and hear the gossip that is said against all the girls. She always speaks with good intention, but we all know that those pave the path to Hell.
No, Portia isn’t deliberately mean. She is a huge gossip, cunning, steadfast in her convictions, a great liar and schemer, witty, and truly devoted to those she cares about. Every action throughout the series has been to assure the comfort and security of her daughters. Again, good intentions and all that.
Who else have we seen in this series who is witty, cunning, a great schemer, a huge gossip, and truly devoted to those she cares about?
Penelope, who is cunning and scheming enough, not only to have her own business, but to keep it a secret. A business that relies on her using her wit to spread gossip. When she opens up to someone, when she begins to care about them, that wit and cunning come out in such a force that it is only matched by her devotion to them.
Like Portia, she has good intentions when she schemes. Such as revealing Marina’s pregnancy or divulging Eloise’s unchaperoned trips to the printer. She doesn’t do both of those to be cruel or malicious. She does it to ensure the Bridgertons, namely Colin and Eloise, are safe. Safe from entrapment, in the case with Colin, and safe from the Queen’s unjustified wrath, as was the case with Eloise.
You see a lot once Penelope comes out of her shell in S3 pt1 that she matches her mom’s sharp tongue in their interactions. Squares off to her. The apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree.
But despite her cunning and scheming, she is also naturally more kind and soft than her family, which is where the Bridgertons come in. The Bridgertons are the Featherington’s Foil. Without them, Penelope would no doubt turn into Portia; unhappy, unkind, and ruthless. But her relationship with Eloise and Colin steer her toward a life of love and happiness.
Portia never cried after stabbing the young Lord Featherington in the back. She never wracked her hands over the forgery of George’s note to Marina. We never see the guilt. But Penelope… We see her sob and run to Eloise after writing about Marina. We see her break her quill after writing about Eloise. We see the grief, the shame, the guilt that she is wracked with, feelings which are only made possible by her relationships with The Bridgertons. With the love and kindness that they all exude.
This is what makes Penelope such a rich, dynamic, complex character that I love. She is flawed. She is diverse. She makes mistakes, lies, schemes, and loves with all her heart. She pines and frets. The complexity of her character is what makes her relationship with her mother feel real; makes it feel tangible, like I could grab it with my hands. It makes her relationship with the Bridgertons all the more sweet.
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Rewatched everything carefully. And i stand by my opinion: i love season 3. Do i have things i wish we had more and things i wish we had less? Of course, but it's the most satisfying one so far. I'm always not one to justify things much, if i like, i like it; if it touches me, it touches me. I cheered, i cried, i was upset, frustrated, i smiled and i finished with a soft smile on my lips and happy for the characters and hopeful for what's to come for them. And when a show does that, it worked. Sure, we all wish we had more Penelope and Colin together but what we did get is so touching and theirs was a season about the depth of love and the idea of keeping oneself while still giving everything you can to love. About loving and accepting yourself and the realities of love. I also like they kept the integrity of Colin as a character. He's an introspective character, he needed to handle a lot of feelings by himself, and his struggle, turmoil is important to understand everything, including himself. He's very vulnerable and his insecurities were very well portrayed by Luke Newton. He was so compelling to me, with his eyes shining with love for her but trying to repress it, because of his own self-doubts, but eager to protect her. As for Pen...Nicola, the strength you gave Pen within her own vulnerability, her traumas and her apparent conflicted aspirations. I love how Pen never lost who she is, she let her personality free and she didn't settle for what could be easy. Because she learned to love herself, she was able to love Colin deeply, better, without losing her sense of self. Her identity and her courage to take her life on her own hands. I think we could've had at least one more scene of them with real intimacy, i don't even mean steamy, i mean intimacy, with a deep conversation about them. But his love confession was, in my opinion, flawless. I also think the way they conducted Eloise and Penelope's friendship was beautiful. The Featheringtons were a welcomed surprise, Portia and Pen finally trying to see eye to eye, trying to understand each other was something i really needed to see. I love the little nods to the book and the focus on the letters Pen sent Colin, how he missed her and how much she influenced his decisions and actions. I love the very end, their little family. As for Cressida, Benedict and the Mondrichs. I understand Cressida was not to be given a redemption, just that we could understand her better. But i think less would've been more with her. Same with Benedict, we get it, no need to have so many scenes with him having threesomes. The Mondrichs...i'm sorry, but completely irrelevant to the story. With that said: I enjoyed very much and i'm really happy. Because i think compared to S1 and S2, it was a much more engaging season. It had deeper conflicts and romantic love, profound discussions that elevated the plot.
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lachicavoltron333 · 4 months
Sometimes i do wonder, back in the last episode of the 2nd season when Portia is speaking to Jack, she tells him that she is a mother and then talks about her daughters telling him that they are hers, but my question is, was she talking about Philippa and Prudence, or was she talking about all 3??? Cause she mentions "three young ladies."
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But everytime i see her she is always fussing about Philippa and Prudence, but with Penelope she is always scolding her and often diminish her achievements.
Even saying that she is happy that one day she will take care of her (wich pen is obviously against and even dreading)
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And then in season 3 ep 2 she is telling her "do you earnestly believed you might find a husband in your 3rd year out?" Wich in general is just cruel to say that to your daughter who is being laughed at by the Ton.
1. I think she was suposed to be presented around the same time as Eloise, wich would be her 2nd year, she wouldn't really be a spinster (pen was probably against it, but once again had no say in it ).
2. She never tries to teach her anything about the marrige mart or even try to help her find a husband, unlike the other 2 who already have husbands (although for Philippa it was easy, for Prudence idk what happened other than the fact that they are already married)
3. She always let's Philippa and Prudence make fun of her and mock her weight, and instead of telling both to stop it, she continues to let them do it.
4. Calling pen a spinster even though she shouldn't be one and shouldn't say that about her.
Honestly watching scenes like this makes me believe more on that one theory i saw (i forgot where i saw it☠️) that said the reason why Portia treats her like this is because of the fact that pen is a constant reminder of what she used to be when she was younger (another thing that i would have liked to see in queen Charlotte Is a young Portia before she was a featherington , kind of like Violet for example)
And then comes debling, and all of a sudden she says that she has done very well, and is very proud of her, and poor pen feels like she finally did something right.
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And then debling steps away and chooses not to propose, and once again we see Portia say "what did you do?" Instead of asking her if she is all right. And then pen calls her out on it and she is stunned, she probably never had heard Penelope speak like that, ever.
Don't get me wrong, i love Portia, i think she is funny as hell and a great character, but why do you encourage your first two daughters but don't even try on the third one???
Idk maybe I'm just thinking too much about it (apologies for my grammar error, english Is not my language)
One thing for sure, i cannot wait for that confrontation between Colin and Portia.(I just saw a leak on twitter about it and I'm really excited)
Anyway thanks for hearing my rant.
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eww-y-tho · 3 months
I loved this season. I decided to watch it with part 1 fully and I got the direction and flow they were going for.
I agree with most when I say that I would have liked more polin, and I think especially the Mondrich plot was very dull and uninteresting and I don't like how much time was wasted on it.
I did think it was a bit crowded.
But I still loved how each plotline was handled (except for Cressida, because I still wanted to at least know what happened to her other than assuming she's leaving.)
I loved the flow of the season and part 2 was a great helping of angst that I enjoyed to see from polin, despite all of the people saying otherwise.
I do mourn the polin sex montage and I do think the cuts to Benedict were a bit tone-deaf. I personally didn't need as many sex scenes as you other people, though. I think the amount of tension and angst was just right for the story and the amount of sex scenes reflected that.
But I would have enjoyed at least a longer make-up sex scene.
The structure of the story felt right and the only thing that made me a bit iffy was Colin reading the letters because I would have appreciated something like a series of flashbacks to the previous seasons and finally the memory of their meet-cute with some child actors.
But Colin's jealousy arc?
Completely makes sense.
We love canon bisexual Benedict and Francesca.
We love Michaela Stirling.
We love Portia's (kind of?) redemption arc.
We love the Lady Danbury, Marcus, and Violet thing going on, even though it felt a bit excessive.
We love Penelope and Colin dancing to You Belong With Me and their Pride and Prejudice moment.
We adore the mirror scene.
We love Kanthony being cute and their fun moments.
We love the polin wedding.
We love Colin crying (even though that sounds weird.)
We love the epilogue and polin winning the baby race.
We love Colin writing a book and Penelope going by Penelope Bridgerton.
We love Penelope revealing herself as LW and owning it.
We love Queen Charlotte.
We love the nod to Penelope and Lady Danbury's book relationship.
We love Colin's last episode confession and they made me cry multiple times.
We love Hyacinth for being a sunshine child in her support for polin.
And despite Eloise kind of annoying me constantly, we love how Penelope and Eloise made up.
People are shitting on this season WAAYYYY too much from what I've seen, and I think it's in part because people, again, overhype things. I was expecting a good season and some great moments, but I think the general vibe was that people were somehow going to see perfection and that's just the wrong mindset to have.
Was is mind-blowing? No.
Was I wanting more polin? Yes.
Was I hating it? No.
Was it a hell of a ride? Yes.
Would and will watch again multiple times.
Like, calm down guys.
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sleepyfireball · 4 months
I loved Season 3 of Bridgerton so much
I loved Colin and Penelope's romance, how it was evident she was still in love with him and yet was trying to be practical. Not to mention the fact that he was down bad after one (1) kiss, like she got him good with that one! Also, love the fact that Colin was trying to get Penelope to not be herself and yet it was by being herself that she attracted Debling (decent guy through and through, low key thinking him and Cressida might be a good match) and Colin's jealousy was phenomenal, just the yearning, amazing. And of course, the carriage scene, damn did it deliver or what.
I loved seeing Francesca in a more prominent role and I'm so pleased with Hannah's portrayal. I was a little worried that it wouldn't feel like Francesca but she just nailed it. Francesca and John were so cute together, just sitting there silently confusing the hell out of the Bridgertons.
I enjoyed Violet immensely this season. I'm so glad that the writers are showing how she has learned from previous seasons, especially with Eloise and her role in society. I think Violet isn't entirely sure how best to help Francesca because she is quite different from Violet herself and from her own sisters, but it was evident from the scene of Francesca playing the sheet music that John got her that Violet recognises how happy he makes Francesca. Violet also clued on about Colin's predicament very quickly, thank goodness otherwise we would have needed another 5 years for Colin to work up the courage to tell Penelope his feelings. Ruth Gemmell really shone in her scenes where she was advising any of her children, but particularly with Colin, amazing, no notes.
I adored the scenes between Marcus Anderson and Violet. They had a really palpable chemistry, but they aren't going to fast with it, which I appreciate, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how their story continues to develop into Part 2. Ruth Gemmell really made it feel realistic with the small hope of more while still primarily focusing on her children and not getting carried away too quickly.
Queen Charlotte was phenomenal this season alongside Lady Danbury. They've really played into the friendship that was established in QC: ABS which was a wonderful call because these two actors are amazing together. I only wished we had gotten more Lady Danbury and Penelope scenes, to establish that relationship, but perhaps it will come in Part 2.
Marcus Anderson is an enigma, especially with whatever happened between him and Lady Danbury, I really hope he is as good a guy as he comes across as, because him and Violet have really got something cute going on. Also, Lady Danbury can either keep her mouth shut about it, or be confronted by Violet about loving her dad. Lady Danbury really doesn't have a leg to stand on here.
Eloise, this season, made perfect sense to me. She is finally starting to embrace a little of what the Season can offer and I wasn't expecting to like her and Cressida's friendship at all, but it does seem to have helped Eloise a little, especially after her falling out with Penelope. I'm pleased they didn't go for the outright villain route of her revealing Whistledown even accidentally. I think by the end of the season Eloise and Penelope will hopefully be friends again, or at least something nearing it, because while Cressida has helped Eloise, it is clear the Eloise's morals feel a bit torn about this due to Cressida's actions, particularly towards Penelope.
It was interesting to see more of Cressida this season and some of the pressure she finds herself under due to her family. I also appreciate that the writers are like we'll explain why she does it, but it doesn't excuse her actions.
I think the Featheringtons continue to be comedic relief, which is highly entertaining. The Featheringtons may not be my favourite family and their treatment of Penelope is reproachable but when it is just Portia, Prudence and Phillipa, the entertainment is amazing. Polly Walker, particularly, did amazingly in her scenes.
I'm not sure how to feel about Benedict and Lady Tilley Arnold, it felt a little unnecessary for Benedict to fall into bed with another person and Lady Tilley certainly seems to be questionable in some way, especially with her lawyer.
I liked seeing the Mondrich's, even if it felt like their story was a little unnecessary. Like we've had stories about trying to fit in society, I feel like the writers could have used the time to explore the other stories they had, but I didn't dislike their scenes.
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vocallywritten · 4 months
People who think Lord Debling was the better choice for Penelope are just Portia Featherington alt accounts. Colin wasn't the only one putting up a front this season. Maybe people don't pick up on it as easily because Penelope also has the Whistledown thing going on as a more obvious through line to the overall theme of the season.
But Penelope, from the moment she decides to make herself over and find a husband, is trying to be someone she is not just as much as Colin is.
Penelope is a romantic. She is starved for love in every aspect of her life, especially after her falling out with Eloise.
She says so herself to Debling that she enjoys reading romances because they give her hope for a better life. All Penelope truly wants is love, and that desire is also the greatest source of pain for her because she does not believe she will ever have it. That she is even worthy of it.
So yes, Lord Debling was kind, and even charming. He had money, and a title, and in many ways he was the smartest match Penelope could ever hope to make.
But he did not love her, and explicitly told her that he was unsure he ever could.
Penelope spent the first part of the season talking a big game about finding a smart match. A match that would get her out of her mother's house and also give her the freedom she required to conduct her Whistledown business. Her needs are utilitarian and she believes she cannot be too picky and probably thought herself capable of marrying the first halfway decent man who showed an interest.
Only when she is confronted with the reality of this "ideal match", her first instinct is not to feel pleased with her success. If she had truly wanted to marry Lord Debling, she would not have been so hesitant when he asked her mother's permission. Instead, Penelope tells her mother that she "hasn't told him yes yet." That she is unsure if she WANTS to say yes.
Because when Lord Debling was discussing the possibility of marriage with her, Penelope only had eyes for Colin. And that, dear reader, is because Penelope is still a romantic. She cannot help it. And that is why she is so hesitant about Lord Debling's possible proposal.
Penelope is not the extreme pragmatist her mother is and while her mother sees the title, the money, and above all the security that marrying Debling will bring, she is blind to the truth of the situation. That the life Debling offers would be empty and lonely to a woman who longs for love and connection.
To say that Penelope should have chosen Debling is to fundamentally misunderstand her character. For all that she is ambitious and, yes, even pragmatic in her own way, she is also an idealist. She wants to believe in love, in the possibility of a better future. If she were to accept Debling's proposal, she would end up even more alone than before, even more cut off from the love she so desperately wants.
I have a theory that Penelope was never going to actually accept Debling's proposal after he admitted that he would probably never grow to love her. I think that was the final nail in the coffin for her. I'm pretty sure that the only thing that made her run after him to try to fix things was the fact that she was so annoyed with Colin that she was motivated mostly by spite. And even if she did accept him, I think she would have experienced some pretty severe cold feet very quickly.
Because, again, PENELOPE IS A ROMANTIC. She longs for love and romance. I've seen some people act like Penelope should have accepted Debling because she 1) should have been grateful to be noticed at all (ew) 2) she should have been smart and gone with the "smart match" 3) they hate Colin. These people are just Portia Featherington in disguise, I swear. Not a romantic bone in their body. This show is a ROMANCE not a gritty period drama. Choosing your heart over logic, or over what society tells you to do is a staple of the genre.
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pensbridge · 3 months
S3 First Reactions 🪞🐝🦋🪶
❤️ Already fangirled about the whole engagement night - the hugs, Hyacinth!!!
Colin not being able to stay away for that long after their engagement announcement and immediately excusing himself at Anthony's suggestion is exactly what I'd expect of him. ×
❤️ Colin calling out Portia. "out of love." 😢
❤️ "OUR BRIDGERTON NAME" is so important, because it's reiterating that Penelope's getting to choose her family when the one she was born into is so awful
He was so nervous when she didn't respond to their new home.
"Because I love you...Pen." 😢
"Are you sure?" PEN, no 😭😭😭
❤️ That mirror moment (i love how he said "the way your eyes shine when you look at me..." callback to her complimenting his eyes) "...And other things..."
bxtch they stuck with the thread of Colin not opening his eyes to stay in the dream and Pen checking to see if it's real when they kiss
The eye acting of Nicola and Luke! (they are being doe eyes x the intensity of his gaze or w/e it is)
The gulp <3 Nicola
"You are so beautiful."
❤️ The first time!!!
"I hope my husband.." - Fran, AND John -"I would not dream of it" 😯 asdfjgkglyl
Kate & El (got their s2 vibes)
Ahh, the "Do I look a mess?" "You are my mess" was delivered so perfectly.
cute, cute, cute riding through town in carriage (no personal space)
The hand kiss in front of portia!
Colin handing Eloise the spoon 🤣
❤️ the charades game - the cutest thing (they're holding hands)
Also, fuckin Anthony being tooo competitive 😆
Peneloise rights! The back 'n forth in the game 😬
The panic attack was high-octane; the concern in the scene was cute xxx
❤️ Fran looking at John & Violet hating this story lol.....and then, me noticing her realization to another child in love
❤️ The look & collar tug in the church (polin is so dorky & domestic already)
❤️ Soooooo....the spontaneous dance in the church is better than I thought it was gonna be...their goofy footwork, spinning in a multitude of circles "dancing with MY FUTURE WIFE in THE CHURCH WHERE WE WILL BE MARRIED" bye
Part 1, the ton jokes and bullies them and Part 2, we just see people that can't help but get happy and giddy when they see their young love. Violet and Lady Danbury awwing at polin and embracing them in the park!!!
❤️ "I am going to look at the very fine wainscoting" -John, please! 😅
"Not every attachment must be dramatic and hard-fought." - Francesca 😢 bby, you're right
I legit went from this man has the crazy eyes ppl talk about to *tired eyes Wide-Open*... Bi Benedict?! ..I'm getting Bi Benedict?! (I was like: Why?Is?He?Staring?at?him?Like?That? (i knew i sensed the vibes! The Best Surprise!!!)
"This dance does not compare to a private waltz in the church where we'll be married." She's SO cute! "Well perhaps we shall have to add some flourish." Stop. km now (that's so him! he is so dumb; they're married already and dumb as they should be! ×)
Props again with the deaf representation & the sass when Miss Cressida enters the ball
"A scandal writer for a daughter. Can you imagine?" - Portia (i'm sorry i love this whole sequence)
Polin gets more perfectly dork w/stepping on feet being included during their dance at The Mondrich Ball (that's very them)
Thank god for Bridgerton giving us hour long episodes in this 2nd part.
❤️ Eloise admitting she's wrong (and so casually) 😢 ps i think they both have faults but i just love this
❤️ "The column began because I felt powerless in my own home." - Pen (well, i'm glad she said it!)
ok, now Pen admits her faults. all is right again
❤️ Irish accent again
"You are Lady Whistledown." This reveal was everything
omg, was this the scene where he wasn't supposed to cry, but did?! What would I have done without this reaction in such an important moment?! 😢
I love how Penelope highlighted the voiceless as she said she should with Eloise in her new edition of Whistledown
Violet to Agatha - "..but I hope you know that my care for you is not contingent on your aid." 😢 (she sees her)
This whole fight outside the modiste's. 😭
"I have been careful. You have been foolish.."
❤️ "I LOVE YOU" and he was shocked (an 'ily for you' moment) [i was not expecting the follow up to his line to go like that]
❤️ They deserve a hot passionate makeout before they are married where they get completely caught up after fighting.
"What am I chopped liver?" yes Anthony in this situation you are.
❤️ Violet calling in Kanthony for Colin marital advice
❤️ Yellow
The look at each other down the aisle.
❤️ Vows. Weddings on this show are usually so unhappy, but I appreciate that Colin is still so reassuring & clearly beaming about this when there is residual upset/confusion.
❤️ Eloise cryyinng
Ben's line to El- "..The friendship you have with Penelope... As the one you have with Colin." xxx (she doesn't wanna lose them)
"OUR child will always be a Bridgerton, but I should like them to know that they are a Sharma as well." fxck 🥲
"I should like to dance with my husband.."
The disappearing people in the wedding dance. like they're the only 2 ppl in the room! (Bridgerton either has it out for me [to cry] or loves me so much)
ANTHONY 👁👁 Marcus & Violet
Colin's hand caressing on Pen's face at the end of the dance they're really coming for me (bro did he almost kiss her?!??? i freaked out; had to rewind)
The queen excusing all non-Bridgertons + "Penelope, you are a Bridgerton now."
I kind of love that "Everyone except the Bridgertons are to scatter," but Lady Danbury's just there
GOD (I knew it as soon as it was coming) Eloise hugs Pen <3 🥲
ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod bi Ben
❤️ The hair grab!
This printer's assistant is on my shit list
"It is not up to you what we do." 🤭❤️🤣 Colin mad but still ready to defend his wife (as it should be)
"I know my father was a good man and you are a good friend." Violet-Agatha feels
🙀He kept the letters!
💛John's words to Mama Bridgerton (her children's traits)
She said she was a fumbling mess in front of Edmund like 5 minutes before she is fumbling in front of Marcus
"Then how am I meant to help you?" ❤️ "By loving me."
❤️ Pen's love confession
"....to be a young lady to whom no one listens." - Pen!~Eloise shared look
Philippa + her "bugs"
😲 Lady Danbury x Pen (she knew! ❤️)
❤️ Colin's love confession (them crying together x)
El traveling with Johncesca
Mi-MICHAELA Stirling ... Bridgerton I swear if you are queerbaiting
OH MY GOD! Mama Bridgerton's words -FRANCESCA is fumbling her words.
❤️ Colin focussing on the hands in bed
Pen on top!
"Your father is always trying to distract with a clever word &..." "You think my smile is beguiling?" x "I could not have written without the help of Auntie Penelope." They are so obsessed with each other
Philomena?! did i hear that rt? omg Philippa
Yay we got confirmation of Colin's book! (I can only hope they're sitting in bed reading next season).
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
So I did a full analysis/reaction to the trailer because it dropped as my plane was about leave and I was going out of my mind and I needed something to do. Thank you @polinsated for sending the video of the trailer for me to obsess and hyperventilate over while stuck on a tiny chair in a very public place.
Also I apologise for how long this is going to be. I literally had to break it down in parts because tumblr can’t process it but also I had so much fun making this that I just really want it on my blog 😂😂😂
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She seems way to happy with herself for someone’s whose carefully constructed life is hanging by a thread. Pen what are you up to?
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Everyone is so happy and Eloise is just holding on for dear life and some sense of normality. She’s carrying such a heavy secret from her favourite sibling and she’s loosing Pen in a whole new way. The very fragile ground she’s been walking on is collapsing right under her feet. But also please El be kind to Pen and understand that this girl has been wanting this boy her entire life, finally has him and now is being put against the clock to drop this huge bomb that will destroy everything. It’s terrifying and understandable, give her time.
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Give me more of mama Bridgerton with baby Pen. This girl is about to receive so much motherly love she’s been lacking her whole life. Violet has probably been waiting for this moment since Colin was like 5. She’s so happy to welcome the 5th daughter she never had into her home and her family.
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Tbh their reaction at the engagement was my reaction at the trailer drop, jaw on the floor, choking on my tea. Also Finch is just the happiest brother in law??? Like let this man and Rae be the best man and bridesmaid at the wedding at this point. You know it would make his entire year.
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Pen is dressed entirely, from head to toe in lilac, she’s so in love and we love to see it ❤️
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Pen, love, please be happy about your upcoming nuptials. Why do they all look like they’re about to go to a funeral and Portia’s the one planning it excitedly?
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This is the moment we all started to die. Like the fact that we all collectively lost our shit precisely at this moment??? The way they just gravitate towards each other when everyone is going outside? I have always loved you Colin, there’s nothing that makes me happier than being with you??? The way there’s a huge grin on his face and he proceeds to twirl her around?? Just both of them happy and so so in love??? Oh god it is too sweet in here for me to breathe properly.
Then we collectively just kept loosing our shit but for another entirely different reason
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El, darling, I know you’re stressed and unhappy but please be kind to your bestie. It’s hard, it’s terrifying, she just got the boy of her dreams and you’re giving her a clock to drop the bomb that will destroy her dreams. Although we all agree with El, Pen you really should tell him before he finds out on his own and kisses you in the dark alleyways of London
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lady-margaret · 4 months
bridgerton season 3 episode 4 screaming thoughts (unedited)
AW DEBLING THAT WAS SO CUTE 😭 colin step it up jeez
lol she likes that window cuz she can see the bridgerton house from there
oh ben is back at it again
me and the queen thinking same thoughts cuz?????? how the hell brimsley reading all that from back there
i just know the queen is gonna hate the bridgertons when franny doesnt pick the marquis
JOHN FCKING STIRLING JOHN STIRLING IS IN THE HOUSE YALL ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
wait theyre so funny 😭😭😭😭 not them literally sitting in silence
alice is gorgeous i cant wrap my head around their family storyline when shes onscreen
eloise 😭 read the room 😭
o god colin
oh :((((((((((( oh lol nvm :>>>>>> theyre in agreement
hes so cute 🥹🥹🥹
hElp why am i rooting for debling COLIN DO BETTER !!!!!!! DAMN U COLIN what is it with him and 3somes
franny is so cute 🥹🥹🥹
pausing the ep to say that the visitor for cressida is def eloise
yep i was right
boys rly are boys at any period of time *sigh*
colin get out of there buddy … is he gonna wank it out
look okay portia does have a point but but but 🥺 love
did kate and anthony seriously go on an extended honeymoon 🙃 shes gonna be pregnant when they get back
violet knows what she’s doing and i love her for that
its the hairstyle of the queen the went viral
oh alice ur so beautiful
idk about this violet storyline 🥺 between me and her i feel like im the one who’s not over edmund 😭😭
i want eloise cressida and pen to be just friends and for cressida to say sorry to pen and grovel
philippa really selling the pregnant thingy 😭😭😭 o are they both pregnant
SNOW ON THE BEACH !!!!!!!!!!
eloise is back
debling is connecting the dots
okay so colin, honey, listen. you will only resolve this if u like propose like rn
portia pls love ur daughter
COLIN YES GO COLIN wait he ran after the carriage 🤭🤭
wait did they not play jealous at all yet? or have i missed it
despite being the writer of the bridgerton family, and yes he is good with words, he has yet to have like a distinct monologue or line that becomes the pinnacle of the season
omg omg omg omg omg
i forgot what song title it is but omg its the pitch perfect song 😭
seggs scenes are so awkward for me lmao
okay wait i love this
oh no now he has to find out shes lady whistledown
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