#loved and adored by Christian and Visa versa
fcb-mv33 · 1 year
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"You are back. You were never away, but you are back.”😭😭😭😭😭😭
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monzamash · 2 years
red desert — daniel ricciardo
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summary - I'm a slag for boys on dirt bikes and I'm not proud of it. warnings - mostly fluff with a LOT of swearing (sorry), sexual references, crude language, smut adjacent content, aussie slang. 18+ word count - 2.8k a/n - This is my first attempt at writing for F1 and it's also my triumphant return to tumblr in like, 10 years so go easy on me! masterlist
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“At first I thought he was in his element but now he’s hooning around like a fucking loose unit.
“He’s a professional driver, mate. Don’t stress.”
Daniel really was in his element. After 8 months of non-stop madness, countless flights and sleepless nights – he was home. Home at last. It had been a day marked in his calendar since December last year when you had boarded the plane with him in Perth and bided farewell to his family who he adored so much. Every goodbye hurting more than the last until every ounce of energy had been sucked from his soul, resulting in him conking out a few minutes into your flight back to your home away from home.
He had been gifted a few extra weeks back in Western Australia over Christmas and New Years now that his schedule and commitments had dwindled down. Although it had been a hard pill to swallow in the aftermath of his new contract, the silver lining was more time with the people who mattered the most. The ones he had been neglecting for the better part of 15 years and counting. He had missed so many family events, so many birthdays, weddings, and even a funeral. Each time he missed out on being apart of those special memories, you could see his big, loving heart breaking from the guilt.
But Daniel was going to be damned if he didn’t make the most of his time at home, savouring those extra hours to start making up for lost time. And he was bloody going for it. Loud yahoos from the neighbourhood kids could be heard all the way from where you were sitting on the porch, cider in hand and a packet of salt and vinegar chips abandoned beside you. It was scorching hot as it always was this time of the year in Australia. 37 degrees Celsius but dropping as the sun slipped behind the large gum trees that lined the Ricciardo’s property. It really was every young country boy or girls dream out there.
Nothing but red dirt and a mouthful of blowflies as far as the naked eye could see. It was glorious.
“Now he’s just taking the piss!” You screeched to Michael who had surrendered to the blazing sun and sought shelter under the veranda beside you. Michael was Daniel’s right hand man and his personal trainer rolled into one. He had also been a dear friend of the Ricciardo family for many, many years and had been invited along for the festivities.
Michael chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly, “Your boyfriend, your problem,” He replied with a knowing look as you quirked an eyebrow and watched Daniel challenging a 12 year old child on a beat up PeeWee 50 that looked like it could’ve been from the 80s.
“Sometimes it feels like you’re the boyfriend and I’m his handler,” You stated as Michael shook his head and took a swig of his beer, “You know that’s not true, mate. That dickhead loves you more than you could ever know.”
You nodded and looked back out at the small crowd gathering to watch the love of your life jump a couple of shoddily built ramps on his revved up dirt bike. He was gonna kill himself, you thought.
“I know he does.”
Daniel’s love for you had never been questioned, not for a second. No matter where he was in the world, it didn't matter the time or place; he was thinking about you. And visa versa. When you were sitting alone in your shared apartment in Monte Carlo, he was on your mind, wondering what he was doing or what insane thing he got to do that day. You were each other’s world but you were also hyper aware that racing came hand in hand with your relationship with Daniel – no matter how much he insisted it didn’t. The proof was in the pudding.
“You know that he finally told Christian that he wouldn’t be at every race next year. Straight up. I didn’t think he would,” You said, fascinated to see if Michael agreed with that decision or not. Daniel’s career was at a crossroads and so was Michael’s if he wasn’t racing every weekend.
“’Bout fuckin’ time. He’s been working like a pack horse for over a decade and deserves some time to breathe and I’m sure that time will be well spent,” Michael nodded and brushed off his shorts as he stood up, “This is all he’s ever wanted, you know? All of this with you,” He pointed out to the man-made red soil racetrack with a wink.
“Make the most of it.”
“Cheers to that,” You smiled as you clinked your bottle with Michael. He got it. And he was the first person to advocate for Daniel when the going got tough, whether that be in the paddock or in the media. It was no secret that Daniel had been through the wringer not knowing if he had a seat next season, or if he’d be involved in the sport at all. It had been a shit-show and you and Michael had front row seats for the better part of 6 months watching it all unfold. The turmoil had nearly broken his seemingly unbreakable spirit but he was stronger than anyone could’ve imagined.
Daniel’s loud, boisterous laugh broke you from your thoughts and you watched as he pulled off the way-too-small helmet he’d borrowed from his brother-in-law. He dropped the dirt bike down on the small patch of lawn that was barely holding on in the sweltering heat and bounded towards you with that infamous shit-eating grin, “Heard you were worried about me up here?” He asked more as a question rather than a statement.
“Course not,” You scoffed, “You’re a big boy who can handle those small, yet extremely unsafe ramps out there.” You were half-joking and he could see the genuine concern behind your eyes. He knew you better than anyone.
“Oh, I know that you know I’m a big boy,” He murmured under his breath as he tried to sit down on your lap, still completely covered in dust and sweat, “Shouldn’t be tellin’ the whole world though, ay?” He teased as you pushed him off, refusing to let him dirty your perfectly clean clothes before dinner.
“Eww, you fuckin’ stink. Get off me,” You laughed, standing up from the rocking chair that you were lounging in and placing your small hands on his chest. “So handsome but so sticky,” You quietly grimaced as you looked up into his playful chestnut eyes and brushed your soft fingertips over the cotton shirt he was jeering you in.
Daniel’s eyebrow rose with intrigue as his tanned, tattooed arm wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer. He was wearing that damn sleeveless shirt that he knew riled you up at the best of times, but the combination of his relaxed demeanour, toothy grin and the way the thin material was sticking to every muscle on his body, it had you hot under the collar. That was the effect he had on you and boy, did he know it. Daniel took advantage of your close proximity and leaned down, pecking your pouting lips.
“I’ll let you join me in the shower if you admit you were a tiiiiny bit scared,” He taunted in a hushed voice, dragging out his words and making your eyes roll.  
“Please!” You mocked, “This is a lose-lose for you, Danny. You’ve never been good at blackmailing, darling and it shows,” You gently poked his tummy and spun around on your heel, making your way back inside to enjoy the air-conditioner that was blasting through the house.
“Fuck,” Daniel scolded himself, realising that there was no way you would admit to being scared, “I’m really off my game today. I thought doing those sickass wheelies would’ve reeled you in.”
He was playing with you, although watching him totally dominate a bunch of heckling teenagers did make you squeeze your thighs that little bit closer together. But you couldn’t tell him that.
You chuckled, secretly loving how defeated he must’ve looked sulking behind you like a sad puppy. Daniel’s beast mode was something you admired, craved even, especially during a race weekend or in your bedroom after teasing him with your wandering fingertips. He had a ferociousness that so many people got to witness on TV throughout his career and a level of intensity that was almost hard to believe he had when you got to know the man underneath the helmet. Most of the time Daniel was gentle, caring and an aspiring comedian if you asked him. He was always the life of the party but he was also the light in the life of everyone he knew.
You were one of the lucky ones who got to experience all the different facets of his personality, some you loved more than others. Sulking on Christmas Eve wasn’t one you were particularly fond of but you had a plan to rectify that – one that you knew would perk him up.
Daniel was taken aback when you turned and continued strutting down the hallway before entering the room you were sharing together while you were here. “Lock the door and please don’t make me regret this,” You said before kicking off your slides and turning around to see that cheesy fucking grin again. He was beautiful but insufferable.
“That’s it – I’m out!” You fake shouted and threw your hands up before Daniel surged forward and snaked his arm around you again, his smile dropping into a smirk.
“I’m just fuckin’ with you, baby. Come ‘ere,” He whispered, capturing your curled up bottom lip with his in a sweet kiss, “Let me love you.”
Your hands crawled up and brushed against his warm neck, small grains of dirt snuck under your fingernails as they dragged gently across his glistening skin. Daniel kicked off his Vans and a small whimper slipped from your lips as he slowly nudged you towards the en suite, one eye slightly open so he didn’t ram you against the tiled bathroom wall. Well, at least not yet anyway.
“We’re just showering. No funny business,” You mumbled against his perfect lips as if you could read Daniel's filthy mind, not wanting to break the spine-tingling kiss but needing to put down some ground rules.
“I should be saying that to you, ma’am,” Daniel nuzzled into your neck while skilfully unbuttoning the black denim shorts that were clinging to your hips, “You’re the one who loves getting railed in the shower, remember?”
Of course you did. You had countless memories of being fucked into a state of absolute ecstasy by Daniel either in your shower back in Monaco or that unbelievably lavish hotel shower in Abu Dhabi that was the size of a studio apartment. All of those visions came rushing back as you stood in your future parents-in-law’s spare bedroom, half-naked and wishing for nothing more than for their son to do exactly that. Fuck you.
“Don’t say railed,” You quietly moaned as Daniel focused in on the sweet spot just below your ear and tossed the white shirt you’d stolen from him aside, “So vulgar.” You were smirking and Daniel could tell from the tone in your voice. He also knew how much you loved his dirty talk.
“You fuuucking love it,” He deeply groaned and grasped your face in his large hands, quickly bringing you back to the present so you were looking into those gorgeous brown eyes again. You were a goner.
“I really, really do,” You whispered and reached for the waistband on his shorts, “Feels like you do too.”
Daniel was always just a couple of minutes from being exactly where you needed him in times like this. Hard. It never really took much besides a few sweet nothings whispered into his ear and maybe a touch or two to get the show underway. He had an unimaginable level of self-control but when you needed him, he was right there, standing to attention and desperate for what was to come. Pun-intended.
“Always ready for you, baby',” He whispered as his lips trailed over your chest that was on display and perfectly positioned for him to have his way, “Thank you god,” He playfully teased, praying up at the ceiling with a grin before you shushed him and reached for the shower taps.
“You’re a dork,” You jested sweetly as his fingertips slid your very colourful, polka dot undies down, making him chuckle. “Not as dorky as these knickers though.” He teased but deep down, he thought you looked cute.
“Don’t even try and pretend that this isn’t what you imagine when we’ve been apart for a month and you’re thinking about me in some ridiculously expensive hotel room, god knows where,” You sarcastically replied and posed up against the shower door with an exaggerated pout, “So hot, right?”
Daniel’s bravado dropped for a split second as his eyes glanced over you, taking in the image before him. He was mesmerised by your beauty every single time you stepped into a room, and when you left a room if he was being completely honest with his shameless self. This was what he imagined when he found himself desperately missing you, hand wrapped around his aching cock late at night, wishing it was you squeezing out everything he had to give. He wanted you. He needed you. 
“You will forever be my fantasy, baby. And probably the death of me too,” Daniel declared before guiding you under the lukewarm water. He didn't need to say much more because he understood that you knew how much he missed your touch on those lonely nights. And you were always a FaceTime call away if he needed that little extra push across the finish line.
Daniel took the lead. Deep down all he really wanted in this moment was to be close to you. All the teasing and flirting was just a bit of fun to pass the time. He was obsessed with you and god, did he want to do unspeakable things to you but right now, he just needed to feel you there. Physically having you by his side had been a luxury during the season and you both hated being apart but that was how it was. Like it or lump it. But being able to stand under a cascading waterfall and wash off the day you’d spent laughing and living life together was an indulgence that you never took for granted. Especially not now.
“Feel good, honey?” You asked, gently massaging his sun-kissed back. Every muscle contracted as the knots loosed under his taut skin, begging for a release and you delivered. “Feels incredible.”
Daniel closed his eyes and savoured the sensation of your hands moving down his tight back. Everything hurt all of the time with the intense training and relentless race weekends so having you take away all that tension and all that stress for him made him smile. He could feel his mouth tugging upwards as you pressed a firm kiss to his shoulder blade and a softer one to his spine before wrapping your arms around his slim waist, “I’ll wash your hair out before we run out of hot water.”
“Ta,” Daniel quietly mumbled, suddenly lost for words.
But he knew he could be quiet with you. The silence was comfortable as you turned him around to face you so you could run your fingers through his soapy curls, making sure every scarp of dirt, grass and more than likely a bug or two was rinsed down the drain. The water swirling around your feet was tinted orange as it washed away and Daniel couldn’t help but giggle when you gently scratched his scalp with your fingernails. His eyes were closed and an involuntary smile crept across your face as he groaned in pleasure. Scalp massages are the greatest, you thought to yourself.
“You’re such a little grub – look at the water,” You teased, moving your hands from his hair to his jaw, forcing him to look at the mess he’d made.
“That’s pure Aussie blood, sweat and tears right there,” Daniel retorted with his best Bogan accent as he shook his curls and wiped the running water from his eyes, sending droplets flying everywhere.
“Alright, Paul Hogan – let’s get out of here,” You tutted with a smile and gave his chest a light tap, motioning for him to grab you a towel to dry off.
“We could just air dry, you know? Save on laundry and all that,” Daniel winked and you fleetingly saw that naughty glint in his eyes before he stepped forward with a towel open, ready to wrap you up like a burrito.
“I’d be so into that if I didn’t think your niece or nephew could burst in any second,” You reasoned and Daniel wholeheartedly agreed, although still slightly disappointed. “Yeah, probably don’t wanna scar them for life with this rig, ey?” He chuckled and methodically dried off every inch of skin on your body with crude remarks aplenty. Obviously.
"We can have our own little christmas eve celebration later if you can hold off until then," You bargained as Daniel stood up and pushed his wet curls back off his forehead, causing small droplets to slip down his sun-kissed cheeks. His bright smile was back in full force and the fist pump of excitement was a nice touch.
"You know I can't make any promises, babe. Might have to wrap it up early," He winked and you couldn't stop the blush creeping up your neck. That was the effect he had on you from day one and that was how it would always be.
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a/n - I have so many ideas for Daniel and a couple of other drivers so let me know if you liked this one or any story ideas you'd like to see written! #monzamashmasterlist
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blepbaek · 6 years
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character bio
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Kai Kim
meaning: has a number of meanings depending on language, it can mean chicken in Thai
pronunciation: /kɑɪ/
nickname(s): Nini, chicken
age: 24
birthday: 14th Jan
star sign: Capricorn
star signs traits:
birthplace: Suncheon, South Korea
occupation: dancer
○ f a m i l y
Ji-Yeon Kim & Florie Kim née Richards - Kai loved his mothers as soon as he saw them. They were so kind and nice and Kai couldn’t remember anyone treating him with such love. Even to this day, Kai loves them more than anything in the world.
father: N/A
★ Errie Park née Kim - Errie has always been Kai’s rock. His earliest memories always have his brother as the centre of attention. Though he can’t remember much of their time in abandonment, he remembers that Errie would always look out for him and still does. He loves his brother and is so thankful for him.
aunts + uncles:
★Ji-hye Oh née Kim & Jung-nam Oh - Though he doesn’t see them often, whenever he does, they’re very sweet. He used to see them a lot more when he was younger as them and his mothers always but him and their son together because they were the same age and both liked to dance. They would and still do treat him kindly.
★Sehun Oh - Kai and Sehun have been attached at the hip ever since they met when Kai and Errie were first introduced to the family. The two boys being the same age and having the same interests, they found it very easy to get along. Kai tells Sehun everything and visa versa, and although Sehun is just a cousin, Kai classes him as one of his best friends.
★Irene Oh - Kai used to be scared of Irene because she always has this powerful look about her and always seemed to look down on him. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, she was just cautious of him. And so he was of her. They aren’t that close but their relationship has gotten better over the past few years.
★Amber Oh - Kai hardly ever sees Amber due to her work meaning that she lives in another country. Yet Kai always feels safe with her and that he can tell her anything. Amber was one of the first people, other than Errie that Kai came out too, he asked her for advice on what to do. Amber helped him and he’s always been so thankful for her since.
other family members:
★Seo-Eon & Seo-Joon - Kai met his nephews when he volunteered at the home. He remembered them well as they remind him so much of himself and his brother. He loves the idea of Errie and Chanyeol adopting them and can’t wait to start his life as an uncle.
★Chanyeol Park - Kai is extremely happy that he gets on so well with his brother-in-law. The two are official bros™ and Kai loves the older boys company. He’s thrilled that Chanyeol has brought so much happiness to his older brother and let him live out so many of his dreams and is glad that he has such a good friend as his brother.
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Taemin Lee - Taemin and Kai have been friends for years. Ever since Kai moved to his school, Taemin took him under his wing. They both grew up together and both adored dance. Him, Taemin and Sehun used to always be together, known as the three dance musketeers. While the two were in university, they ended up having a one night stand with each other while drunk but both laughed it off and just remained as friends. Still, to this day, Taemin remains as Kai’s best friend and he will forever love him.
❇︎Sungwoon Ha - He met Sungwoon through Taemin and other friends. Sungwoon is like Kai’s son, despite him actually being older than Kai. Sungwoon is always there to give very good advise to Kai and he feels like he can tell him everything and he will always be comforted.
❇︎Minseok Kim - Kai doesn’t know why he and Minseok get on so well but they do. They’re very opposite people yet they’re very close. Minseok is always there for Kai and helps him to accept himself for who is and comforted him when Kai was upset. Despite the fact that Minseok is very serious, the two can have their moments where they’re laughing and joking and Kai is thankful to have a friend like that.
❇︎Lu Han - Kai and Lu used to be much closer when they were both younger, due to Kai’s friendship with Minseok and the fact Lu was dating Minseok at the time. Though they aren’t as close anymore, they still have days where they meet up and talk about life. Kai is happy the two have stayed as friends.
❇︎Timoteo - Kai met him through mutual friends and would now be lost without him. They’ve been friends for years and have so many memories together that Kai has lost count and probably can’t even remember half of them. He’s so happy him and Sungwoon are back together, two of his best friends being in love means the world to him.
❇︎Jace Hyun - Kai and Jace didn’t like each other at first, in fact, they hated each other. Kai just didn’t take to him at all, especially when he found out he was dating Tae, someone who Kai had liked a lot. They eventually became friends through their mutual love for dance and now Kai would be lost without his other son.
❇︎Tyler Kang - Kai and Tae had a cat and mouse chase for almost a year. Tae liked Kai, then the opposite. They never actually got anywhere because as soon as Kai was ready to confess to Tae, the other boy had moved on and decided to move away, it hurt Kai slightly and he was a little cautious towards it, but he knows Tae is happy and is happy for him. The two remain friends and Kai is thrilled that Tae has found the one for him.
❊Janggu, Janggah and Monggu - all poodles
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: GAY AF
past relationships:
❥Krystal Jung - The two were friends due to Taemin introducing them to each other, and they stayed friends for a while. That was until Taemin told Kai that Krystal liked him. Kai thought he should give it a go, he was still rather confused over his sexuality and wanted so bad to be straight. They dated for around a year, Kai had realised about 8 months in that he didn’t feel the same way she did but he didn’t have the heart to tell her. Eventually he felt bad on her as she confessed to him that she’d fallen in love with him. He told her that he didn’t feel that way for her and told her that he’s gay. Krystal took it very badly and ended up breaking his nose through a rather aggressive punch. The two still despise each other to this day.
current relationship status:
❥Married to Kyungsoo Kim née Do - Another reason that Kai is happy over Errie and Chanyeol as its through them that he met Kyungsoo. Kai had been in the phase of sleeping around with people and not really wanting to be tied down to any relationship, fearing that it’d go badly just like his last one. That was until he met Kyungsoo. Despite his angry face and the fact people seemed to be rather intimidated by him, Kai was fascinated and curious over this boy. He didn’t know why, but he was. They begun dating and Kai couldn’t believe it, he just felt so lucky to have this amazing human being and promised himself that he would try his hardest not to mess it up. The couple do have their arguments but it is always resolved and normally ends up in teary cuddles. Kai has never been happier, the love of his life having said yes to his proposal was the best thing to ever happen to him and he can’t wait for their future.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
any past or current illnesses:
accent: Because of his dyslexia, Kai’s accent is still very hard to understand while he’s speaking English. He has been able to keep it under control but he has to take his time while speaking.
appearance: Kai is quite tall with a  very stereotypical pretty face. He has brown eyes and rather big pouty lips with a very sharp jawline. Due to his dance, Kai’s posture is very elegant and he is very well toned. He has rather long fingers with quite veiny hands.
style: Kai can go from 0 to 100, it depends on his mood. He likes to dress rather formally in nice dress shirts and blazers but also likes to be lazy and therefore will go out in his pyjamas. Kai tends to wear some designer clothes due to his interest in fashion and sometimes wears glasses. He also tends to dress in rather light colours.
height: 5'9
☞ a few light acne scars
☞ one on his ankle from an injury
☞ N/A
☞ a small mole on his hairline behind his ear
☞ two moles on his stomach
☞ both his ears, his upper lobe, two helix's
Kai is a Christian, not a hard one but he definitely believes in a higher power
○ b i o g r a p h y
Kai and Errie were abandoned by their birth parents when they where young, Errie being 5 while Kai was only 3. This was because their parents often spent time dealing drugs and spent the money that should of been used for rent for their 1 bedroom apartment on drugs and alcohol. They where way overdue their rent and severely in debt and knew they needed to get away from the people they where in debt from and knew they wouldn’t be able to do it properly with two kids and so they left them. They where found a few weeks later by their landlord, who had come around for the rent. Kai was severely underweight and sick, despite the fact Errie had been trying to feed him and clean him. Kai also had several cuts and bruises from trying to find a way to get out their apartment and find their parents, Errie didn’t allow him to, saying that they’ll come back eventually and wouldn’t want him to go out looking for them. They where both sent to a mental rehabilitation centre where they where fed well and taught how to get back into normal life after being in abandonment for several weeks to over a month, the doctors weren’t sure. They were sent to a children home after being deemed fit, Kai still had to visit doctors and therapy sessions after they left. They where there for 7 years and many people came into the home, wanting to adopt just one of them but they both didn’t want to leave the other. Then their now mothers came in, the couple adored both of the boys and immediately wanted to take them home. Kai fell in love with them the moment he saw them, they gave him care and affection that he couldn’t remember anyone ever giving him. He helped Errie like them a bit better. Kai can’t remember his birth parents at all and still has some nightmares over being abandoned but he’s thankful for his mums at giving them a second chance of being someones children and letting them stay as brothers.
school life:
Kai was bullied in school. Not because he was nerdy or people found him ugly. It was because he dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer. The other boys all wanted to play football and although Kai did enjoy football somewhat, to him it was just a hobby and nothing too serious. He found a friend in Taemin and the two joined a dance class together. Though people still bullied Kai every now and then, he focused on his school work and his dreams and blocked out the bullies with the friends he’s made. Kai did well in school, not so well in English class due to his dyslexia but passed with some extra help. He then went on to university to study dance and found love in music too, he wanted to be able to appreciate the music he danced to.
dreams + aspirations:
▹  become a professional dancer (done)
▹  choreograph a piece that other people dance to (done)
▹  dance on stage as part of a show (done)
▹  find his true love (done)
▹  adopt
▹  create a piece of music and choreograph a dance for it
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾ dance
✾ football
✾ music
✾ billiards
✾ vegetables
✾ horror movies
✾ having to speak in public
✾ being around people he doesn’t know
✾ dancing
✾ playing games
talents / skills:
✾ dancing all types, mainly ballet and contemporary
✾ fashion
✾ gaming
movie: Billy Elliot & Pirates of the Caribbean
food: fried chicken
drink: herbal tea
book: autobiographies of anyone
character: will turner
game: League of Legends
tv show: soppy tv dramas
colour: black, red & sky blue
place: the dance studio & the small attic space in his mothers house
season: winter
quirks + habits:
✾ he bites on his fingers and lips
✾ he likes to tap peoples shoulders
✾ he always puts a leg over Soo’s whenever they’re sitting together
✾ not being able to dance again
✾ losing his family
usual mood: rather sleepy and quiet
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? yes but he’s trying to quit
do they drink? Only on special occasions.
- what are they like drunk?
He’s very clumsy, he always falls over and knocks things over. This resulting in one night him falling over and hurting his ankle meaning he couldn’t dance for a while, which is why he doesn’t drink as much anymore.
do they do any drugs? No.
notable objects:
▫︎ a penguin plush that Soo gave him the night before their wedding, he’s named it Kaisoo ;)
▫︎ a silver bracelet that matches with one Taemin has
Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff
fave Pokemon character? Teddisura
if they could live in a fictional place, where? Any musical
faceclaim:: Kim Jongin
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