
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Minhyung Kim (goes by his English name Mark)
meaning: Min means "quick, clever, sharp”, Hyun means “older brother”. Mark means "consecrated to the god Mars", and also may mean "God of war" or "to be warlike"
pronunciation: /mɪnhjʌŋ/
nickname(s): Mork, sneeze, markipoo, hyungie
age: 19
birthday: 2nd August
star sign: Leo
star signs traits:
hometown: Vancouver, Canada
occupation: Performer, songwriter & ice skater
○ f a m i l y
mother: Su-Hwa Kim née Shim (goes by Sunny)
His mother has always been there, she’s a constant in his life. Sunny has always adored her children, including Mark. Though she isn’t the best mother out there, a lot of the time she is at work rather than with her children, they know she is trying her best and that she loves them more than anything. Sunny had a rough two years after what happened with Rose and Samuel and then with Joseph, but after getting help from her brother, she was able to take on the company left to her by Charlie and is now back on her feet. Mark adores his mother more than anything and she was extremely accepting of him when he came out to her, despite the hate both of them got from her parents. Sunny is over the moon that Mark has found someone that he loves and has even started loving Haechan herself. Sunny is currently saving money, unknown to Mark so that he can go to university and do the degree he has always dreamed of doing; creative writing.
father: Kyung-Ho Kim (went by Joseph)
Joseph was the one who brought them into the wealthy life they live now. When he was younger, he and his brother Samuel joined forces with their love of music and created a company. It went fantastically well but it did mean the families had to move around a lot; hence the reason Mark and Yeri were born in Canada. Mark and his father got on perfectly well, he was the one who taught Mark guitar and took him and Yeri ice skating all the time; it was something he adored doing when he was younger. The two clicked together perfectly. When Joseph committed suicide, Mark was broken. Though Min took most of the weight when Sunny got mentally unwell, Mark took some of it too in an attempt to shield Yeri from it. Mark misses his father more than anything and hopes that Joseph is looking down on him fondly and is proud of him.
★Yerim ‘Katy’ Kim (goes by Yeri)
Mark and his twin sister are joined by the hip (not literally but basically). Yeri was born 5 minutes earlier than Mark and therefore claims to be the older sibling. Despite them not being identical, it is not hard to know that the two are twins. They have the same attitude to life and share the same mannerisms. When Joseph died, the two became even closer. Not even separating at night and sharing a bed together. Yeri helped Mark through his more severe depression days and often cleaned him after he’d cut himself. Though Mark stayed in Korea with his uncle to finish school after the family moved, the twins stayed in contact and now Mark is back, he couldn’t be happier to be back with his other half. Yeri helped Mark a lot with his struggle with his sexuality and stood up for him when their grandparents lashed out; knowing what it’s like. Mark would be lost without his twin and is so happy he has her always by his side.
★Minseok Kim
Mark has always looked up to his older brother, even when they were little. Min always had this aura around him that made him almost unapproachable to Mark. Min didn’t like that, he wanted to be the big brother that Mark knew he could come to and so he set out to change it. Min took him and Yeri on weekly days out to the park, showing them nature and singing with them. After Joseph died, Min became a lot more protective of Mark and Yeri and tried to comfort them as much as he could. During Sunny’s rough two years, Min basically became their parental figure. Min was heartbroken when he found out about Mark’s depression and what he was doing to himself, and with some help from their uncle, they got Mark a counsellor who got him through it. Now, even though Min has moved out and doesn’t see Mark often other than through practice, he adores his older brother and is so thankful to have him and to see how happy he is.
aunts + uncles:
★Chae-Young Kim née Ha & Kyung-Sam Kim (Rose and Samuel)
Rose and Samuel were always the perfect aunt and uncle. Rose was a beautiful woman and a stereotypical mother who baked and did crafts. Samuel was an amazing musician with a bright mind and always seemed so happy and carefree. Though they mainly resided in New Zealand, they would always call and send parcels with toys, handmade things and food. When the two families moved to Korea, they would always come visit. Mark loved his aunt and uncle, with Rose always calling him ‘hyungie’ and Samuel helping him with writing. It came as a shock to him when he found out about Samuel snapping and ending up fatally wounding Rose as he never thought his uncle was capable of that; he didn’t know about the secret beatings. Mark misses Rose terribly and still wishes for her little parcels in the post. The last he heard of Samuel he was in prison, trying to get out so he could get his company back. Mark hopes he rots in hell.
★Changmin Shim
Changmin is much younger than his mother and not too much older than Min, which makes Mark think of him more as an older brother than an uncle. Changmin is an amazing singer and incredibly talented and passionate about his music and encouraged Mark to be too. Mark always thought he was so cool and still does. Changmin helped Sunny through her rough patch; finding her the help that she needed and taking the weight off of Min’s shoulders by staying with the family and supporting them through money he got off performances and gigs he did with his singing. After a year, Changmin moved and encouraged the family to leave Korea. He wasn’t expecting Mark to come back soon after so he could finish his studies there. Changmin agreed to let him stay and was an amazing host to him and helped him a lot. Mark misses Changmin now that he’s moved and hopes he comes to visit soon.
★Hongseok Kim (Harry)
Mark hasn’t heard from his uncle since his father’s funeral. The other man disappeared and was never heard from by the family again. Harry was always very kind to Mark and even though he was the youngest brother and wasn’t interested in music, him and his brothers had a very good bond. Mark hopes that wherever his uncle is and whatever it is he’s doing now, that he’s happy. He also hopes he reunites with his uncle one day.
★Charlie Kim
Charlie is one of Mark’s inspirations. Even from a young age Mark looked up to his older cousin with such delight and awe. The boys talent in singing, rapping and lyric writing blew Mark’s mind and he knew he wanted to be exactly like that. Charlie started to help him with just that and the two became close. When everything happened with the families, Charlie stopped helping and stopped talking to the family for a while. Mark missed him but knew he needed time; they all did. Once Samuel was sent down, Charlie came back into contact, apologising for leaving. The family welcomed him back with open arms; they understood. Now, Mark still looks up to Charlie and he has resumed helping him with writing and creating music. Mark spoke to Charlie about his sexuality; knowing the other boy could help and he did.
★Aurora Kim
Aurora was 2 years older than Mark and though she spent more time with Yeri than him, Mark always enjoyed her company and loved her. Aurora was a kind soul who wanted nothing more than to adventure. She would often take Mark and Yeri on adventures where they’d come home with scratches and blisters but grinning with joy and showing off the things they’d found. When Aurora was diagnosed, Mark was only 8 but he was hit hard by it. For the next 3 years the twins would go on adventures of their own and collected their findings in a small box which they gifted to Aurora on her 14th birthday. A few weeks later, Aurora died but left a note to the twins telling them that now she’s on her biggest adventure. Mark gets emotional when thinking of her, wondering what she could of brought to the world if she had been alive.
other family members:
★So-hyun Shim & Byung-woo Shim
Mark hates his grandparents. They were never the kindest anyway, always up themselves and always looking down on them. Mark knew they didn’t approve of Joseph and thought Sunny had just married him for the money. After he died, they were slightly thrilled and tried to get her a new husband but Sunny had refused. It’s no secret that they are homophobic, Mark practically grew up with them throwing abusive comments at Min, Charlie and then his own twin. He tried his hardest to push down any feelings he had towards the same sex and even went as far as to having a girlfriend just to please them. Not for their benefit, but just because he knew they would hate on his mother. When Mark accepted his sexuality, he came out to them plain and simple during a family dinner. They begun to shout abuse at him and Mark was made to stay at Yeri’s apartment for a few days until they left town; they refused to stay in a home with him. Sunny said she did nothing but argue with them and said she wouldn’t contact them again and that she prefers her sons happiness over her relationship with her ‘backwards fucked up thinking parents’
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❇︎Johnny Seo
Mark is the only one of Johnny’s current friends to have known him before the older boy began getting hurt by his parents. And Johnny is one of Mark’s only friends to have known him before his father died. Johnny knew of Mark’s severe depression after his father died and tried so badly to help him out but as he was struggling himself, it was difficult for him. Mark looked up to Johnny as an older brother and so when Mark found him almost gone one the floor from a cut with glass, he immediately informed his mother and his family took Johnny in. Mark was thrilled that he could finally help out his best friend and with Johnny’s encouragement, he started sessions to help his depression. To this day, Johnny and Mark remain like brothers and tell each other everything.
❇︎Jung Jaehyun
Mark first met Jaehyun when the other boy auditioned for the company. The two boys became closer after Mark taught Jaehyun rapping once the boy inquired about it. Mark thought Jaehyun was hilarious and they clicked, especially with their mutual friend Johnny. Him and Jaehyun get on so well that they actually started calling each other their ‘other half’. Jaehyun helped Mark a lot with his sexuality and comforted him countless times when he got upset with fear of it. They’re still best friends and Mark is so thankful to have a friend like Jaehyun.
❇︎Chenle Zhong
When Mark first met Chenle, the other boy was quiet. He only knew Chinese and wasn’t really able to talk without a translator. Mark taught him and as time passed, Chenle slowly came out of his shell and Mark realised just how loud and cheeky the other boy was. Mark and Chenle get on extremely well, even if the younger boy constantly teases the life out of him. Mark was jealous of Chenle, he was young and yet so sure and proud of his sexuality and Mark was too scared. He often asked Chenle for help in regards to figuring himself out but Chenle always told him it’s something he has to do by himself. They’re still extremely close and Mark considered Chenle one of his best friends.
❇︎Jaemin Na
Mark and Jaemin met at a support group for young people going through loss. They were paired up for an activity and slowly realised that they had similar interests. Mark knew that Jaemin was a talented singer and encouraged him to audition for the company. It was there that they became closer and were Jaemin became one of Mark’s best friends. There was a time when Jaemin actually tried to kiss Mark and they ended up falling out big time because Mark was still convinced he was straight at the time. They soon sorted things out and Jaemin apologised. Jaemin was another that Mark was jealous over with his confidence in his sexuality, he wasn’t afraid of it at all. Jaemin was so proud when Mark came out and even bought him a card. Mark still thinks of him as one of his best friends and is happy to see Jaemin has found someone who adores him.
❇︎Doyoung Kim
Doyoung is like a mother to Mark. They met after Doyoung auditioned for the company and he immediately took a liking to him. Mark was amazed by Doyoung’s talent and so was the older boys with his. Doyoung once cried when he saw Mark’s scars and made him promise that if he ever felt like doing it again to immediately call him. One night, Mark did, and if it wasn’t for Doyoung, he believes he would of got back into hurting himself again. Doyoung still acts like his mother and tries to shield him from all the bad things in the world. Mark finds himself lucky to have Doyoung as a friend.
❇︎Jungwoo Kim
Mark find Jungwoo adorable but with his height Mark was shocked to find out the boy was only a year older than him. Jungwoo was also incredibly quiet when they first met Mark but soon came out of his shell. Mark is one of the only people to know that Jungwoo actually has an incredibly dirty mind and isn’t as innocent as he seems. Mark loves being around Jungwoo and is glad to see how happy he has become.
❇︎Yuta Nakamota
Yuta scared Mark when he first met him. Yuta was an extremely confident muscular man that loved sports but after seeing how much he loved dance and music, Mark slowly warmed to him and the two boys became friends through Jaehyun. After everything that happened with him and Jaehyun, Mark was one of the only ones that actually wanted to see what happened and so he was the only one to know about Yuta’s disorder. For the whole time Yuta was in hospital, Mark went to visit him a couple times a month. Mark is thrilled to see how much better Yuta is doing now.
❇︎Kun Qian
Kun is like another mother to Mark. Him and Doyoung sometimes friendly argue about who is more Mark’s mother because they both adore him. Kun was also quiet when he first met him but after Johnny’s lessons, the boy grew louder. Kun confessed his feelings about Johnny to Mark and Mark told him to at least try it out but don’t get his hopes up. He wasn’t surprised when he found out Johnny had rejected the other boy. Kun always takes Mark out for food and has tried several times to teach the boy how to cook but failed. Mark loves Kun a lot and would probably be lost without him.
❇︎Donghae Lee
Mark didn’t expect to become friends with Donghae but when he auditioned for the company, he found himself often in the elders company. Mark often teases Donghae about his short height and how he is older but it’s simply just friendly banter and the two are almost like brothers. Mark was upset when he found out about Donghae going to Korea to be a policeman for two years but wished him look and kept contact with him when he could. Mark is thrilled that Donghae is back now.
❇︎Irene Oh
Another unexpected friend; his sisters best friend. Irene always stuck up for Mark from people who would tease him about his scars and actually helped him through some of his depression. Irene calls herself Mark’s 4th mother as she mothers both him and his sister. Sometimes Mark is scared by Irene but he knows its nothing personal; she just hates all men.
❇︎Wong Yukhei ‘Lucas’
Yet another unexpected friend. His first interaction with Lucas didn’t go down too well and Mark actually resented the boy for a while. Mark saw himself in Lucas with him denying his sexuality until the last minute. The two somehow became friends ‘bros’ and often talk like typical straight guys; Mark doesn’t know why Lucas brings out his inner straight guy but for some reason he does. Mark is glad to have a guy his age as a friend.
❇︎Mina & Daniel Kang
Mark first met these two siblings through Mina at the support group; they’d lost their mother through cancer. For a small while Mark thought he had a crush on Mina but wasn’t able to do anything about it due to the fact he was already in a relationship. Mark met Daniel when he came to greet Mina outside one week and Mark found himself getting shy and blushing over how handsome looking the other boy was. Now, years after, he is still in touch with the siblings but not as much now.
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: Gay
past relationships:
❥Herin Seo
Herin had been at the company basically since it began. Her family was close with his father and Samuel and knew about her passion for singing and so encouraged her to audition. She quickly became best friends with Yeri and was introduced to Mark through her. Mark was somewhat infatuated with her. In his eyes she was perfect and even though she bossed him around slightly, he was happy because he was weak for her. They were together for a few years and it was perfect. Herin helped Mark throughout everything with his father and stuck by him but he never told her about his depression. Mark then became fearful and begun questioning his sexuality, and mix that in with his worsening depression; they began arguing and eventually broke up not on good terms and soon after Herin moved back home to England and he hasn’t spoken to her since. Though it ended badly, Mark is thankful for his time with Herin and does actually believe he was in love with her despite now being completely gay.
current relationship status:
❥Lee Donghyuck ‘Haechan’
Haechan was Mark’s main sexual awakening. Mark was content with the fact that he was straight until he saw the cute boy in a coffee shop. He was weak for him but brushed it off, thinking they’d never come into contact again. Then he realised they had mutual friends and soon did. Mark was still pushing down his sexuality but slowly allowed himself to become friends with him, enjoying spending time with him. Then one day Haechan kissed him. Mark was shocked, he had never been kissed by a boy before and it scared him the fact he liked it. It took him a few days and several breakdowns before eventually coming out to his family and getting together with Haechan. Mark couldn’t be happier and even though they’ve only been together a couple of months, Mark is already completely in love. Haechan’s living conditions scares Mark as he wants to wrap him in a ball and protect him from everything bad, but he understands why he stays with his mum. Mark already knows he doesn’t want to live without his sunshine and wants to spend the rest of his life with him.
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any disorders:
☞ Suffered with depression after his father died
☞Mild case of insomnia
any past or current illnesses:
☞ N/A
accent: Due to living half of his life in Canada, he still has a very strong Canadian accent mixed in with American because of living in America for such a long time. However, because he was so used to speaking Korean for several years, he messes up on grammar some time.
appearance: Mark is slightly tanned with rather big eyes and eyebrows shaped like brackets. He has rather sharp cheekbones that are only visible in some angels. He has rather thin lips and his face and body are dotted with moles. He isn’t the most muscular of people but does have some muscle in his arms and has those thicc thighs and ass if ygm👀
style: He tends to wear caps often and tends to stick to a casual style with comfy t-shirts, jackets and jeans. He does love his converse and his denim jackets and hoodies too and often wears them. He doesn’t take too much interest in fashion and mainly just tends to wear whats clean.
height: 5’9
☞A few self inflicted ones on his arms
☞A self inflicted burn marks on his arm, legs and chest
☞His whole body is dotted with little moles
☞ Ears, standard ones and a helix and a orbital
beliefs: Up until his dad died, Mark was a firm believer in God and went to church every Sunday, and though some of his faith still remains, most of it has gone.
○ b i o g r a p h y
Mark grew up in a wealthy family surrounded by family and luxury. He spent his first 6 or so years in Canada where he was born but then the family moved to Korea where they had been living before the twins where born. It wasn’t until Mark was 10 that everything went downhill. Mark had been training for an important figure skating competition for juniors but ended up not competing due to everything that happened. After his cousin Charlie was found out to be gay and his younger sister Aurora died a few years before, his father Samuel snapped and ended up fatally wounding his wife Rose. The family was struck with grief for Rose and Aurora and Mark’s father Joseph ended up getting severe depression. When Mark was around 14, Joseph committed suicide through overdose on medication he’d been given to tackle insomnia. Sunny then had a rough two years brought by alcohol and anti-depressants that hadn’t been prescribed to her. Mark was terrified and tried to help his older brother Min with looking after both their mother and Yeri. Throughout this time Mark began developing depression and insomnia (something brought on by the fear of dying in his sleep). Mark hid this from everyone but by the time he turned 16 it was bad. Bad enough that almost all his arms had been cut up and he’d even turned to smoking and putting them out on himself, self harming through burning his body. After he broke up with Herin, his depression went even worse and he ended up actually running away from home for a day and was found passed out in a park over an hour away from their home. That’s when Changmin moved in. With help from him and Johnny, Mark found a counsellor who helped him through his depression and stopped him smoking. After his mother was better, the family moved away from Korea but Mark stayed to complete school; Yeri had been homeschooled due to mental issues. Charlie was given his father and Samuel’s music company as just before Joseph died he gave his half of the company to Samuel, not wanting to burden Min with it. Charlie knew he wasn’t ready and so made Sunny the official CEO. Charlie still owned it but Sunny was the manager and the one who made major decisions; she still does ask his help for some though. Now Mark is back with his family and performing and starting back figure skating, he feels truly happy again. Though he still suffers with insomnia due to the fact he refuses to take any medication for it, he still manages to get by. Mark is happy to be surrounded by his family and friends and can’t wait to start trying to get into figure skating competitions again.
school life:
Mark’s school life wasn’t the best. He had friends in Herin, and a few others but after everything had happened, his grades started slipping. Mark was excused from school for a few months, hence the reason he had to stay back a couple years to finish up. After he finished school with good grades, he stopped with education, focusing on skating and music. His mother is secretly saving up for him to go to university as he’s got the grades from extra classes that served as a college and she knows he’s always wanted to go to university to study creative writing.
dreams + aspirations:
▹perform on stage ✓
▹get over his depression mainly ✓
▹be happy with himself ✓
▹write his own song/wrap as well as compose/produce ✓
▹fall completely in love ✓
▹go back to Canada
▹visit his fathers grave back home
▹come in the top 3 in an ice skating comp
▹go to university
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾cuddling haechan
✾being with his family
✾the dark (he has a night light)
✾being alone
✾writing songs
✾playing guitar
talents / skills:
✾figure skating
✾writing songs
✾guitar (& some piano)
movie: The Avengers
food: Bagels, chicken, watermelons
drink: Banana milk and Cola
book: N/A
character: Totoro
game: Doesn’t really play games other than subway surfers
tv show: A massive hoe for cheesy dramas but keeps it a secret
band / singer: Coldplay
colour: Blue
song: Yellow - Coldplay
place: His bed, the studio or Canada
season: Winter
quirks + habits:
✾saying ‘oh my god’ at almost everything
✾very easy to make laugh
✾scrunching his nose
✾dying in his sleep
✾being in the dark
✾losing his family and friends
✾losing his voice
usual mood: he’s usually tired due to lack of sleep but hides it well with acting rather cheery and hyper
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? used to during the time he was depressed but never has since
do they drink? not often but sometimes
- what are they like drunk? he’s very loud and weird and often embarrasses himself, a complete lightweight
do they do any drugs? no
do they have to take any medication? no
notable objects:
▫︎a family ring all of the family have
▫︎his house key, the key to Yeri’s apartment, a charm from his father and a locket with a picture of his family and Haechan in it on a necklace around his neck
▫︎a bracelet him and Yeri both have, they made them for each other when they were younger
hogwarts house? Gryffindor
patronus? Lion cub
if they could live in fictional place, where? Marvel Universe
faceclaim:: Mark Lee
2 notes
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○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Jaehyun Jung
meaning: Jae means respect and Hyun means virtuous
pronunciation: /dʒeɪhʌn/
nickname(s): Jae, Casper, Jeffery, Honey Pig
age: 21
birthday: 14th February
star sign: Aquarius
star signs traits:
hometown: Seoul
occupation: Piano teacher, part-time radio DJ
○ f a m i l y
mother: Haneul Jung nèe Kim
Jaehyun and his mother were always very close and often spent time together. It was his mother, professional musician, that got him into music and taught him singing. Jaehyun wanted to be just like his mother as she was caring and loved her family yet took passion in her career and never gave it up even when Jaehyun was born. Instead, she took him with her and so he grew up loving music and it was one thing that calmed him when he was a baby. After Jaehyun came out to his mother, their relationship faltered and she basically disowned him. Jaehyun hasn’t seen his mother since that day and has made every attempt to keep it that way, even if he does miss her like crazy sometimes.
father: Yoon-Soo Jung
Jaehyun’s father was in the military and had been serving for several years. Jaehyun hardly saw his father when he was younger and therefore didn’t really have a bond with him except for through small visits and several letters. When Jaehyun’s father died in an accident while out in the field, Jaehyun didn’t feel the grief he should have felt and instead to him, it felt like he’d lost an acquaintance rather than his father.
★ N/A
aunts + uncles:
★Ha-eun Son nèe Kim & Kwang-ho Son
His mother's sister was always kind to him before she was married that is. Her husband isn’t the nicest of people and is severely upper class while Jaehyun and his mother aren’t. Ha-eun still always invited them around for dinner to their mansion to eat fancy dishes off fancy cutlery, even if he and his mother had no idea what they were doing. Kwang-ho always looked down on them and for Jaehyun’s birthday often gave him some bread as he thought he looked like a beggar because he wasn’t dressed in designer clothes. Jaehyun sometimes misses his aunt, but never his uncle.
★Yunho Jung
His fathers younger brother acted more like a father figure to him than his father did. Yunho himself adored music and often took him to music classes with him and taught him dancing and rapping. Even though Jaehyun tried his hardest to hide from his family, Yunho found him after some years and got in touch with him. His uncle never told Haneul and promised he never would. Yunho often calls him and makes sure he’s okay, he even promised to visit him one day when he’s not busy with work.
★Hyuk-Jae Son
Hyuk-Jae was only 3 when Jaehyun left the family and Jaehyun had only met him a handful of times but the baby was adorable and loved playing with him, even if his father looked down on it.
other family members:
★Ga-yoon Kim
His grandmother was married when Jaehyun first met her and then 5 years later she suddenly wasn’t after travelling the world with him. She had told Jaehyun that he didn’t buy her enough pearl necklaces as a joke, but Jaehyun knew he had hurt her and was determined to find out why. Jaehyun did find out a few years later. The man that she had been married too was actually hurting her physically and had ‘made it up to her’ by buying her expensive gifts. Jaehyun thought his grandmother was amazing for getting rid of him. Just before Jaehyun left, his grandmother died but told Jaehyun that he was the amazing one and that he would do great things. Jaehyun misses his grandmother and hopes that maybe she was right.
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❇︎Johnny Seo
Jaehyun met Johnny when he auditioned for the company he is currently under, ran by Mark’s mother. He found the boy rather amazing due to his experience with the company and his talent. One day, Johnny walked in on Jaehyun practicing and asked if he could teach him, he found his vocals amazing. Jaehyun was shocked but accepted on one condition; Johnny would teach him piano. Jaehyun had always wanted to learn. They became quite close through this and one day Jaehyun came in complaining due to his bills being too high and he couldn’t pay them alone. Johnny said he needed a place and so Jaehyun allowed him to move in. Now, they’re the best of friends and Jaehyun is so glad his bills were high.
❇︎Mark Kim
Jaehyun met Mark when he first auditioned for the company. Despite the other boy being younger than him, Jaehyun was intimidated by him. He was extremely passionate about music and talented too. As time passed, Mark taught Jaehyun how to rap after he sparked interest and they came close; also through their mutual friendship with Johnny. Jaehyun soon realised that Mark was cheeky and him and Jaehyun get on so well they call each other their other-half. They remain close to this day and Jaehyun is amazed to see how much he’s grown up since he first met him.
❇︎Yuta Nakamota
Jaehyun and Yuta met through a mutual friend; Hansol. They were first best friends but then they became more. After a strong almost 2 year relationships things went sour. 2 years after they broke up, the two found each other again but promised they would never try again. Jaehyun now understands what happened and forgives Yuta but will never get over how broken he was. The two are now friends and Jaehyun is happy that Yuta is getting better and that he is getting back into dance.
❇︎Doyoung Kim
Jaehyun and Doyoung had been friends for a while before getting closer while at the company. Doyoung was Jaehyun’s rock through everything with Yuta and even though their relationship progressed a little further, it was only for a small while before they realised that they didn’t feel anything more. They remain friends, even if Doyoung does act like his angry mother, he wouldn’t change him for the world.
❇︎Jungwoo Kim
Jaehyun met Jungwoo through Doyoung and the company. Jungwoo was extremely flirty to him and so he responded back. They became more than friends for a small while before Jungwoo and Doyoung became a thing. Jaehyun became happy for his friends, even if it was only temporary. Jungwoo and Jaehyun are still friends and still shamelessly flirt with each other but just for banter.
❇︎The kids
Chenle, Jaemin and Yangyang are technically his kids but he feels like they are. Jaehyun met Chenle through Johnny and through the boy himself as he once ran into him screaming very high. Jaehyun loves him and finds him adorable and often babies him; which Chenle doesn’t like. Jaehyun is also his piano teacher. Jaemin tried to flirt with Jaehyun the first time he met him, but Jaehyun just laughed and ruffled his hair; the boy had charm but he was adorable. Jaehyun and Jaemin often spend time together singing and Jaehyun really does adore his little Nana. Yangyang spilled hot chocolate on Jaehyun the first time he met him and then proceeded to spill banter while crying out of guilt. Jaehyun finds the boys duality rather hilarious.
❇︎Yeri Kim
Jaehyun doesn’t really know why him and Yeri are friends. They didn’t get on at all at first with Yeri kicking him in the crown jewels when he tried to jokingly flirt with her. He quickly apologised, telling her he was about as straight as a bendy ruler, Yeri told him she was the same. Jaehyun always seems to go to Yeri for advice and it seems the advice her gives always helps him out positively.
❇︎Hansol Ji
Jaehyun was always out of the loop when it came to Hansol, Yuta and Johnny, even after Hansol introduced him to Yuta. They were the three musketeers and no one could separate them. Hansol and Jaehyun soon became friends after Jaehyun realised he had fallen for Yuta and went to Hansol for help. Soon after an incident between Hansol and Yuta happened and the boy moved with no warning. Jaehyun misses Hansol and finds it sad he moved without wanting to keep in touch.
❇︎Iggy Wang
Jaehyun and Iggy instantly clicked as soon as they met in one of the practice rooms at the company. They slightly argued over the room as both of them had been booked to have it but as they settled it with a water bottle challenge they somehow became friends. Jaehyun is glad to have a friend his age and is a complete meme and although they don’t see each other often, whenever they get together Jaeyhyun always cries with laughter.
❇︎chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
Jaehyun didn’t expect to become friends with Cas but he is glad that he did. Although he feels like Cas is the complete opposite to him, he likes the side that Cas brings out of him. He likes the other boys enthusiasm and passion for what he does and looks fondly on how much happiness he has brought his best friend.
❊ N/A he wants one though
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: Gay
past relationships:
❥Park Jihyo
Jaehyun doesn’t regret his first relationship, even if it was with a girl. Jihyo was one of his closest friends when he was younger as her family was close with his own. So naturally they became closer and closer. One day, Jihyo kissed him at a school dance for valentines day; she said it was his birthday present, and they soon started dating. They only lasted a couple of months before Jihyo began thinking it was weird and they ended things on good terms. Jaehyun doesn’t see her often now but when he does they always have a small catchup.
❥Yuta Nakamota
Jaehyun fell for Yuta after watching him dance. The way he moved was mesmerising and he quickly became infatuated. He was now fully aware of his sexuality and confident in it and after gaining some advice from Hansol, he confessed. Their relationship was perfect for a while and Jaehyun thought he would be with Yuta for the rest of his life. Coming up to their 2 year anniversary, Jaehyun found Yuta in a cafe kissing another guy who Jaehyun had never seen before. When he confronted him, Yuta laughed and acted as though he didn’t know who he was. Jaehyun was heartbroken and immediately broke up with him and lost all contact; Yuta even left the company shortly after. 2 years later, Jaehyun saw Yuta in a supermarket and Yuta explained everything to him. He had been suffering with a multiple personality disorder and had been in a hospital due to it until recently. Jaehyun forgave Yuta but told him he was still to blame for the heartbreak he had.
❥Doyoung Kim
After everything that happened with Yuta, Jaehyun went to Doyoung. After several nights together drinking and eating pizza, the two boys ending up having sex and becoming a thing. It only lasted for a short while but Jaehyun doesn’t regret it. They broke it off, realising they should just be friends and they remained just that.
❥ Jungwoo Kim
Due to the result of much sexual tension and flirting between the two, they became sort of friends with benefits. They saw each other almost every week to have sex and then acted like they hadn’t every time they were at practise. Jungwoo broke it off, saying he didn’t want just friends with benefits anymore but also didn’t see himself dating Jaehyun even if he was a lovely guy. Jaehyun understood and let him go. He is glad they are still friends, and they have kept the whole thing a secret even to this day.
current relationship status: Taken
❥Taeyong Lee
Jaehyun thought Taeyong was slightly scary at first. Yet after spending time with him Jaehyun saw a completely different side to him, a nicer and softer side. It wasn’t long until Jaehyun fell for him and yet when he confessed, the other boy didn’t do anything; still being confused about his feelings. Jaehyun was hurt by this but knew he would wait centuries for him, he was different. Now, they are dating and Jaehyun couldn’t be happier. Though they haven’t been together all that long, Jaehyun knows he would be lost without him and already knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Taeyong has made him so much happier and he completely adores him. He’s over the moon that his boyfriend has moved in, now he doesn’t have to miss him.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
☞ N/A
any past or current illnesses:
☞ N/A
accent: Jaehyun’s voice is pure honey. Despite his Korean accent still being slightly prominent, Jaehyun’s English is perfect due to him learning from a young age.
appearance: Squishems. That’s how to describe Jaehyun. Though he is muscled and slightly tall, he is extremely squishy. He has cheeks like mochi and two massive dimples that come out almost with every movement of his. His hair is also very fluffy and is almost always in a side parting bar the one time he had an undercut.
style: Jaehyun likes to be cozy. Whether in oversized t-shirts, jumpers, hoodies or cardigans, he likes to be cozy. He is also very fond of all hats and uses his glasses more as an accessory than a necessity; he is short-sighted but mainly uses contact lenses unless he’s feeling lazy.
height: 6’
☞ A couple from chicken pox and small accidents as a child
☞ N/A
☞ N/A
☞ Each ear and helix
beliefs: Jaehyun is a complete atheist and doesn’t believe in any god at all.
○ b i o g r a p h y
Jaehyun was born Yoonoh Jung and had a good childhood. Despite never seeing his father and him dying when Jaehyun was only 10, he was mainly happy. Jaehyun never severely mourned for his father due to not having known him properly but knew his mother was heartbroken. Jaehyun had loved music from when he was small and always knew he wanted to be a singer and surround himself with music. After breaking up with Jihyo at 14, Jaehyun started questioning his sexuality. He realised he wasn’t majorly interested in girls and started developing a crush on his neighbour. At 16, Jaehyun told his mother that he was gay. His mother did nothing other than pack his things and give him enough money to leave. Jaehyun realised his mother had disowned him. He went to live with his uncle for a year until he gave him money to move and buy an apartment. The apartment wasn’t the greatest but it was a roof over his head. Jaehyun even changed his name in an attempt to hide from his mother or any other family finding him. He soon realised even the money from the company; he had started a while back thanks to connections with his uncle, wasn’t going to pay rent. Once Johnny moved in and Jaehyun found Yuta he truly began to feel at home. That’s when his uncle found him. He was surprised but not upset. Yunho simple told him he was always there and said to keep in touch. After everything with Yuta, Jaehyun went to alcohol and random hook-ups. He only stopped the hook-ups when he met Taeyong; he stopped the alcohol after Johnny had forced him to. At the moment, Jaehyun is unbelievably happy. He has found the love of his life, is living with his best friends, gets to perform every 6 months and has landed a new better paying job.
school life:
Jaehyun didn’t pass his exams due to being kicked out of home but was able to retake them once living with his uncle. He just about scraped through but wasn’t too bothered about school anyway. He mainly stuck to himself, Jihyo and a couple other close friends.
dreams + aspirations:
▹ Perform on stage ✓
▹ Find the love of his life ✓
▹ Be happy with himself ✓
▹ Move into a new apartment
▹ Start a family
▹ Get a dog
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾Cuddling Taeyong
✾Being laughed at
✾Being looked down upon
✾Not performing well
talents / skills:
movie: Beauty and The Beast
food: Meat, any meat and peach
drink: Americano
book: Courage to be Disliked by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi
character: Captain America
game: Spyro
tv show: Agents of Shield
band / singer: doesn’t have one
colour: white
song: Get You - Daniel Ceaser
place: his bed and the kitchen
season: spring
quirks + habits:
✾drinking water when he wakes up
✾making a ._. face, his dimples appear
✾playing with his bracelet
✾his mother finding him
✾losing those he loves
✾not performing well
✾hurting himself
usual mood: he is rather quiet but cheery
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? no
do they drink? yes
- what are they like drunk? He doesn't drink as often but he is a lightweight. He is a very affectionate drunk and rather horny too.
do they do any drugs? no
do they have to take any medication? hay fever tablets
notable objects:
▫︎his bracelet, a charm one from his uncle, he sends him new charms on his birthday and Christmas each year
▫︎a ring his father left to him for his 18th
▫︎his wallet, he can’t be anywhere without it
hogwarts house? Gryffindor
patronus? Golden retriever
if they could live in fictional place, where? Marvel universe
faceclaim:: Jung Jaehyun
1 note
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*.·:·.☽✧Johnny ✧☾.·:·.*
character bio
character: Johnny Seo
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: John Seo
meaning: Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name John is: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor.
pronunciation: /dʒɒn/
nickname(s): Johnny, ferret, noodle
age: 23
birthday: January 9th
star sign: Capricorn
star signs traits:
hometown: Chicago, USA
occupation: Vet
○ f a m i l y
mother: Mary Seo née Garner
Johnny and his mother used to get on very well. They were always very close until he reached about 11. That’s when the abuse happened when Johnny skipped a bible study school to go to the playground with his friends. After that, she stopped being close with him and hardly spoke to him unless she had to at events, dinner time and to shout at him. His mother was more of a mental abuser than a physical.
father: Joshua Seo
Johnny always found his father quite cold. They were never close, he was only interested in Johnny when he thought of the grandkids he could have and the greatness he could bring to the family. After the incident, his father became worse and was often the one the inflicted the physical abuse, he often lashed out on him when something went wrong that had nothing to do with Johnny.
He isn’t in contact with any of his parents now.
★ Unknown sibling
His mother was pregnant when he left home. He never found out whether it was a boy or a girl or whether it even survived.
aunts + uncles:
★ Joseph and Juliette Seo
His aunt and uncle never liked him. They disliked him from the moment they first met him. They didn’t know about the abuse he was receiving but Johnny doubted they would have cared if they had known.
★ Audrey Garner
The only family member that was ever nice to him. She lived alone and never married and hated the heavy practice of religion that his parents did. She always offered him a small safe haven. After she moved away, he felt truly alone. Johnny found out she had passed after a supposed mugging a month or so after moving in with Jaehyun when he was 20. Audrey had managed to track him down and sent him all her remaining money in her will, telling him to do with it what he wished.
★ Chloe and Adam Seo
His cousins often look down on him. They’re the perfect straight-A students that want to be a teacher and a doctor and have a perfect family of their own. They’re the perfect children for a heavily religious family. Johnny always tried to avoid them when he came into contact with them as they tended to bully him often. Adam once beat him up while Chloe just laughed.
other family members:
★ Charity Seo
His grandmother never cared about him. Never bought him birthday or Christmas presents. Never acknowledged him whenever she came to visit. Johnny didn’t know why she disliked him so much, as she acted like this before the incident. Afterwards, she was worse.
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Mark Lee
Johnny met Mark when the other boy was only around 10; before the beatings started. Johnny acted like an older brother to him and they became close very quickly. Johnny found happiness with Mark and constantly tried to get away from home to hang out with him. Once Johnny left home, he knew exactly where to go. Mark’s family took him in instantly and treated him like their own. Even to this day Mark and Johnny remain best friends and constantly tell each other everything.
❇︎Jaehyun Jung
Johnny met Jaehyun when the other boy auditioned for Mark’s mother’s company that Johnny was a part of. Johnny found his vocals amazing and asked him to teach him, in return Johnny would teach Jaehyun piano, a skill he’d known since he was young. Jaehyun came in complaining that he needed a roommate quickly because he couldn’t pay the rent of his apartment alone, Johnny offered as he felt he should leave Mark’s family home soon. They came closer after Johnny moved in and still live with each other now. Johnny feels thankful to Jaehyun for letting him move in.
❇︎Doyoung Kim, Yuta Nakamoto & Jungwoo Kim
Boys from the company that Johnny always hung around with. Doyoung and he always tease each other but he knows he’d be there for him no matter what. Johnny and Yuta always play pranks on everyone and are constantly being called little devils by others at the company. Johnny wants to protect Jungwoo and thinks of him as a little brother, even if one-time Jungwoo almost murdered him when he was mad after a prank him and Yuta had played. He remains friends with them still.
❇︎Hansol Ji
Johnny and Hansol used to be inseparable for a while. They were constantly together along with Yuta and often got called the ‘twin towers’ due to their heights. Hansol was quiet but Johnny could bring out the loud and hyper side of him. Johnny considered him a best friend for a long time and told him everything. After an incident concerning Hansol and Yuta, Hansol moved without warning and fell out of touch with them. Johnny misses him a lot and wishes to come into contact with him again.
❇︎Kun Qian
Johnny helped Kun out when he first moved as he couldn’t speak the language very well and often get rather shy and anxious around people and didn’t speak up. Johnny gave Kun lessons and the two grew close. One time during their lessons, Kun attempted to kiss the other boy but he moved away and denied it. It turned out that Kun had a crush on him and had for a small while but after finding out Johnny didn’t feel the same he decided to not push the matter further. The two didn’t let the unrequited feelings get in between them and still remain close friends, just friends, today.
❇︎Sehun Oh
Johnny has known Sehun since he can remember. The younger boy’s family actually attended an event that Johnny’s family did and Johnny and Sehun immediately came close after going on an adventure together and both ending up being stung by nettles and bees several times. Johnny didn’t go to Sehun after what happened to him because he was scared Sehun’s mother would contact his family to try and sort it out and when he told Sehun, he agreed with him but said he was always welcome at his home anyway. Johnny was one of Sehun’s best men at his wedding and he still can’t believe he has settled down. They still remain best friends despite not seeing much of each other.
❇︎The kids
Johnny calls Chenle, Jaemin and Yangyang the kids as his basically tries to be their father. He met Chenle through Kun after he arrived at the company, he also couldn’t speak much and so Johnny helped him like he did Kun. Johnny met Jaemin through Mark, he is the one he has known the longest, the two had known each other before Jaemin arrived at the company and Johnny absolutely found the boy adorable, even if he was a flit. Yangyang, he met through Jaemin. He was quiet and shy at first but after coming out his shell Johnny and Yangyang often joke around together and he really likes him. Johnny loves his ‘kids’ and is happy to see them growing up so well.
❇︎Sunny, Yeri and Min Lee
Mark’s family were like Johnny’s second family even before they took him in and afterwards they became even more so. They took him in with open arms and treated him like one of the family and still do today. Sunny did so much for him such as buy him new things he didn’t take from home and pay for therapy for him. Yeri acted as though Johnny was her real big brother and often teased him a lot. Min helped him through a lot of his trauma and was there for him. Johnny now considers them more his family than his actual blood family.
❊ He had a poodle named Flower when he was younger but she was given away just after the incident to a family down the road from him.
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: Gay
past relationships:
current relationship status:
Johnny was slightly intimidated by Cas when he first met him. Even if he thought he was utterly gorgeous, he was far too flirty and Johnny didn’t think they would ever happen. It came as a shock to Johnny when he found himself opening up to the other boy and found there was a softer more adorable side to him. Johnny couldn’t be happier to have him in his life and even though he was terrified at first as he thought Cas wouldn’t really want him, especially after showing him his several scars because he seemed so out of his league. Although it still scares Johnny sometimes, he trusts Cas enough to know he wouldn’t ditch him over something like that, especially now that he has moved in. Johnny doesn’t want a life without Cas and he utterly adores him and wants to be with him for the rest of his life.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
☞ Did suffer from light PTSD after the beatings from his parents but after therapy that Sunny paid for, the disorder has lessened a lot, although he does still have some nightmares.
any past or current illnesses:
☞ N/A
accent: Johnny speaks with a typical American accent but with a rather heavy lisp that makes his pronunciation of words different to others, he tries to hide it as much as he can but it’s still very noticeable.
appearance: Johnny is rather lanky due to his height and has very long legs. He is rather muscular but you wouldn’t be able to tell under his clothes.
style: Johnny goes between two looks; a rocker look with band t-shirts and ripped jeans or a comfy look with gigantic jumpers and cardigans and oversized t-shirts.
height: 6’3
☞Several across his body from the beatings he received from his parents
☞One severe one on his chest from the last beating before he left home
☞A few self-inflicted ones on his wrist
☞His birthmark on his arm which looks like a bruise
☞One on each ear
beliefs: Johnny is really not religious, and after his childhood believes that your blood family isn’t your family unless they act like it
○ b i o g r a p h y
For the first 10 or so years of his life, Johnny lived the high life. His parents were well off citizens in their small neighbourhood with good jobs and paid for Johnny to have a good education; which included a Sunday school as his family and town were highly religious. Young Johnny never cared about religion but obliged anyway, he never wanted to disappoint his parents. Johnny had wanted to be a vet since he was younger but his father told him to try and be a government man and focus on people rather than animals. On the fateful Sunday were Johnny and two other boys from his Sunday school decided to skip, his life changed. He got his puppy Flower taken away and all his privileges and became the target for his parent's anger. They stopped buying him expensive clothing and presents and didn’t give him dinner money, forcing him to go hungry at school. Johnny told his best friend Mark what was happening, Mark immediately informed his brother Min; someone who went to the same school as Johnny at the time, to take an extra lunch. Johnny was 16 when he left home, meaning he endured 5 or so years of being his parent's punching bag. He left home after his father slashed him with a cut piece of glass and allowed him to bleed on the floor. If it wasn’t for Mark walking in on that moment, Johnny would have died. Johnny spent 4/5 years with Mark’s family, even visiting their hometown of Canada with them, he truly became part of the family but after turning 21 Johnny thought he should start looking for a place of his own. During the time he was with Mark’s family, he became a part of their families entertainment company and became heavily interested in music and further developed his piano skills from when he was younger. It was there he met Jaehyun, and around a year later, he moved in with him after the boy complained about needing a roommate. After his aunts passing, Johnny used the money from her will to finally go to University and become a vet. Recently, Johnny has passed his final exams and has gained a job at a local vet he trained at while on his course. Right now, Johnny couldn’t be happier. He is in love and is surrounded by his closest and best friends.
school life:
Before everything happened to him, Johnny was a good and bright student with straight A’s and at the top of his class for everything. Yet after, he slipped. He didn’t concentrate as much and just about passed high school thanks to tutoring from Min once he moved in. Johnny didn’t go to college and instead spent a few years at the entertainment company and working part-time in a bar. Then he went to university after completing a few month online programmes to allow him to enter. He passed his exams with flying colours despite his nerves.
dreams + aspirations:
▹To be a qualified Vet✓
▹To work in a proper Vet✓
▹Perform piano in front of a crowd✓
▹Get a new puppy
▹Find his true love✓
▹Move into a small home
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾Scented candles
✾Stinging things
talents / skills:
✾Singing / Rapping
movie: Lion King
food: Hot Dog
drink: Green Tea
book: A Passage To India - E.M. Forster
character: No Face - Spirited Away
game: The Legend of Zelda series
tv show: Supernatural
band / singer: The Beatles
colour: Blue
song: Yesterday - The Beatles
place: His window seat in his room
season: Summer
quirks + habits:
✾Biting his lips
✾Trying to make himself seem small
✾Losing Cas
✾Breaking friends with Jae, Mark etc
✾His parents finding him
usual mood: Rather sleep but happy
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke?
Did once, but never again
do they drink?
Occasionally but not a lot due to his father being a heavy drinker and that causing most of the beatings.
- what are they like drunk?
Johnny gets rather flirty and clingy when he is drunk and likes hugging and holding people.
do they do any drugs?
Did once, but never again.
do they have to take any medication?
He was on a small dose of anti-depressants but only for a short while
notable objects:
▫︎A friendship bracelet him and mark have had for years
▫︎A small picture of his aunt and him
▫︎His earrings he always wears
Hogwarts house? Gryffindor
patronus? Ferret
if they could live in a fictional place, where? Pride rock
faceclaim:: Johnny Seo
3 notes
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character bio
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Sehun Oh
meaning: generation; world; era and meritorious deed
pronunciation: /seɪhʌn/
nickname(s): hunnie, baby, little oh, seahorse
age: 23
birthday: 12th April
star sign: Aries
star signs traits:
birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
occupation: dancer
○ f a m i l y
Ji-hye Oh née Kim
Sehun’s mother has always supported him through all his struggles and always made him believe in himself even when he felt completely lost. Sehun feels like he hasn’t got that bond with his mother anymore but he knows he can still talk to her whenever he needs anything and he is extremely thankful for that. His mother does tend to spoil him quite a lot but also knows to not do it too much so he doesn’t end up depending on her.
Jung-nam Oh
Sehun feels like he has never been close to his father. Especially when he was younger. His father was always away on business trips or busy with work and so he never got much time with him. When him and his father did hang out, it never felt comfortable. He was one of the last people Sehun came out to, and though his father was hurt but that, it was mainly because he felt like he had failed as a father because Sehun felt like he couldn’t tell him and not because Sehun had chosen not to tell him. He continued to support him and still cheers him on.
★ Irene Oh
Sehun and his eldest sister have always had a love-hate relationship. Irene can seem quite cold but she and Sehun always used to be close when they were younger. Despite their love-hate relationship, Irene was the first person Sehun came out to, simply because he knew she’d except him no matter what and she did. She helped him through his struggles and supported him a lot.
★ Amber Oh
Amber was always the sibling Sehun got on with most, simply because they knew the other was different too. Sehun came out to Amber pretty soon on and was welcomed with a lot of tears. He knew Amber would be fine with it as she had come out to the family earlier on. Amber tried to help him most through his struggles and it backfired one night when he ended up hurting her. Sehun was horrified with himself and immediately got himself on track. He was terrified he would lose his sister because of it but she stuck by him and still does.
aunts + uncles:
★Ji-yeon Kim & Florie Kim née Richards
Sehun loves his aunties, he feels like he sees them more than he sees his actual parents. They’ve always been there for him throughout everything and have supported him most, helping him out with housing and making sure he was okay. He couldn’t ask for better aunties.
★Eric Park née Kim
Errie has always been like his mum, always worried about him, especially when Sehun had his problems. It scared Errie a lot and even though he hid it very well, Sehun knew. Errie offered Sehun a room in his and Kai’s apartment when Sehun was about to move back home and he was so thankful, not wanting to go back home. Errie is one of his best friends, not just his cousin and he is so happy he has him.
★Kai kim
Kai is basically his best friend, he doesn’t know what he’d do without his brother from another mother. They’ve been best friends ever since Kai came home with Jiyeon and Florie. They both had a love for dancing and constantly spent their time making up dances and performing them for their families. Due to the fact they’re the same age, they stuck by each other in school and college and now work in the same company. He and Kai fell out slightly during Sehun’s issues because Sehun pushed him away and Kai didn’t know why. After what happened with Amber, Sehun explained and they became besties again.
other family members:
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Minseok Kim - Minseok is one of his closest ever friends. The elder boy is like a mum to Sehun and always makes sure he’s okay. Sehun always feels calm and happy whenever he’s around him and that’s because he knows he can completely be himself around Minseok. Sehun didn’t have to come out to him, he just knew, and they didn’t say anything about it which Sehun was very thankful for. Sehun thought their relationship would falter when Sehun started dating his little sister, but Minseok knew both of them weren’t taking it seriously and was happy his sister's first boyfriend would be someone nice.
❇︎Lu Han - Despite the fact the two dated, they remained friends even after their quite bad breakup. Sehun kept Lu in the dark when it came to his problems, even though they were together at the time. He didn’t want Lu to know that he was dating someone who messed up this badly. They became friends again a few months after Sehun had become clean, Lu had found out about his problem through Minseok and Lu wished he had been there for him. He and Lu remain close friends.
❇︎Kris Wu - Sehun and Kris became friends when Sehun entered a group to help him through his problems, Kris was there for the same thing. He found out that him and Kris had mutual friends and they bonded. Kris helped him get back on track and they both helped each other through their problems. Sehun owes a lot to Kris as he feels he wouldn’t of gotten through it without him. Even though they’re both clean and have been for ages, the two are still close friends due to the fact they work at the same company and still hang out.
❇︎Huang Zitao - Him and Zitao used to date, he was Sehun’s first boyfriend and the first person he felt truly himself with on a more than friends basis. After their breakup, they stopped speaking but have recently been reunited and have become rather close again. Sehun has missed having him around and they’re now good friends and he is someone Sehun feels he can gossip with. He’s also very happy with Zitao’s relationship with Kris as he feels the two are perfect for each other.
❇︎Leonardo Wang - Him and Leonardo met when Sehun went over to China one time to meet up with Zitao. He knew Leo was friends with people he knew which is why they met up, Leo gladly gave him a tour of the city. They became friends quickly, Leo taught Sehun Chinese and so Sehun and him met up and spoke often, even if it was via Skype. Sehun is glad him and Leo are still friends now that they live close by to each other.
❊Vivi - bichon
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: gay
past relationships:
❥Yerim Kim - He doesn’t really remember how him and Yerim happened considering they both knew that they weren’t properly interested in each other. They both just wanted some experience in the dating department and they were close so they decided to try it out. Sehun had been questioning his sexuality for a long time before her, but decided he was gay when they were dating, realising he didn’t feel anything. Despite that, Yerim was his first kiss and he did love her but in a purely platonic way. They still remain friends, but not as close as they used to be. Yerim is closer to his sister now.
❥Huang Zitao - This was his first romantic relationship where Sehun felt comfortable and really fell for someone. He adored Zitao from the moment he first saw him, finding him gorgeous and adorable at the same time. They quickly began dating and Sehun fell very hard very fast. The downside was that it was mainly a long distance relationship and Zitao was very busy with schedules a lot of the time that they didn’t talk much. This took a huge toll on their relationship. Sehun tried to keep making it work because he loved him but after a while he decided he couldn’t anymore. While Zitao was visiting, Sehun broke it off, explaining why he couldn’t continue and saying that they can just remain as friends. They fell out of contact but have recently started being friends.
❥Lu Han - After Sehun and Zitao ended their relationship and Lu and Minseok ended theirs, these two began seeing each other to help console each other, both of them being pretty sad about their ending relationships. Suddenly they began dating, realising that they liked each other after spending so much time together. Sehun, like he did with Zitao fell fast and their relationship was perfect. They saw each other all the time and constantly spoke to each other. However, things took a turn when Sehun’s drug problem began. He hid his problem from Lu, not wanting to show that he was failure. Lu didn’t like the fact that Sehun was clearly hiding something from him and then began arguing. After one heated argument, Lu broke up with Sehun. Sehun was devastated and instead of fixing himself, it made his problems worse.
❥Donghae Lee - Once Sehun fixed himself of his problems, he began talking to Donghae, someone he works with at the company. Donghae had helped him practise for a dance audition and they became lovers, meeting up every week for a bit of playful fun. To Donghae, it was nothing more than that, but to Sehun it was more. He really began to like Donghae quickly and confessed that he was falling for him one day after one of their meetups. Donghae then got a call, apologising to Sehun and said they’d talk about it later. For a week, Sehun tried calling Donghae but got nothing. He found out from his sister, who is good friends with him, that he’d enlisted into the military. Sehun was broken and promised he wouldn’t fall quickly ever again.
current relationship status:
❥Engaged to Kim Junmyeon - Sehun was scared of falling in love after his past relationships, and he promised he wouldn’t fall so quickly. So when he met Junmyeon, he told himself he wouldn’t do anything too quickly. Yet Junmyeon quickly stole his heart with every smile and laugh and Sehun found himself falling again. He was so scared of this considering every other relationship he had ended in heartbreak. So far, this one is different. He can’t believe his luck, he’s now engaged to Junmyeon and couldn’t be happier. Sehun never believed that he’d find love like this and end up getting engaged. He can’t wait to see what their future brings and just hopes that Junmyeon is his happily ever after.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
☞past drug addiction
any past or current illnesses:
accent: Sehun has quite a baby voice and speaks with a slight lisp due to his braces and has trouble pronouncing ’S'. His Korean accent is still very prominent due to him only moving away in the past 2 years. His English is very good but sometimes he isn’t quite good with his pronunciation and may sound things quite literally.
appearance: Sehun is tall and thin with a sharp face and long legs yet still looks slightly like a baby. He has pouty lips and always has quite a bored look on his face. He is well toned and rather muscular due to his dance.
style: Sehun likes to dress in designer and always has done. He likes to look pretty with his outfits and may sometimes dress rather smart casual just to make himself look nicer. He loves jumpers because they’re nice and soft and does also take into account how comfortable an outfit is. He is a big fan of caps on days where he isn’t too confident with his face. Sehun tends to wear some makeup on his face to hide up acne scars and other patches on his face.
height: 6'0
☞ a few light acne scars
☞ a scar on his cheek from a mugging
☞ a few on his arm from his addiction
☞ a few on upper thighs and chest from when he harmed himself
☞ N/A
☞ a small mole on the back of his neck
☞ one mole under his jaw
☞ both his ears
Sehun was made to go to church by his parents when he was younger. He doesn’t believe, never has done and never will. He thinks that if there is a god, then why is there so much sadness in the world.
○ b i o g r a p h y
Sehun was raised in a very upper class family. His father the CEO of a company he created when he was only 20, his mother a very skilled and accomplished writer. Him and his sisters were spoon fed everything when they were younger. Living in expensive houses, wearing designer clothes and going on luscious vacations. However, his parents taught their children not to be greedy or act spoilt and they where quickly put on to chores to earn the good they got. Sehun fell in love with dance at a young age along with his cousin Kai and their parents encouraged them. His father and Kai’s mums paid for the two to go to a very prestigious dance school where they could learn their everyday subjects while learning dance. They loved it there, and quickly became the top of their class. Sehun’s flamboyant side wasn’t love by his fellow classmates though and he was picked on. Sehun began hating it and failed almost all of his classes. His parents took him out of the school and made him homeschooled until university where they sent him to another prestigious dance school along with Kai. Sehun’s bullying became worse. People abused verbally and one night physically. He was walking back to his and Kai’s dorm in their final year of university and was mugged by a bunch of kids from their class, they cut him with a knife and laughed at him for being gay. This turned Sehun to drugs. He was friendly with one of the kids in their class who dealt and did drugs and so he bought some. He quickly became addicted to all sorts, both him and Kai took up smoking in school but he began smoking weed, taking heroin and all sorts of other mysterious drugs. His life began falling apart. He ended up failing a big dance competition he had been working towards for years, being kicked out of his apartment he’d gotten after university due to falling behind on rent and breaking up with his boyfriend. He argued with all his friends and family and even stopped talking to Kai for a period of time and began harming himself due to the hallucinations and thoughts he was having. One night, his sister Amber came to talk to him and told him to stop, they ended up arguing like they always did around this topic, but this time he ended up hitting her. This was his turning point. He immediately broke down, apologising and regretting what he did. He promised he’d get himself back on track and would go to meetings that Amber had told him about. He told his family and friends about what he’d been going through and they all supported him. Now he is clean, apart from smoking and is planning on quitting that.
school life:
Sehun failed almost everything other than dance but his father paid for him to take online classes after he had gotten over his drugs problems. He is still taking some classes for basic maths and science.
dreams + aspirations:
▹ become a professional dancer (done)
▹ be able to compose his own piece of music (done)
▹ dance on stage as part of a show (done)
▹ rap a personal piece on stage
▹ repay his parents for his schooling
▹ make a piece of clothing
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾ dance
✾ fashion
✾ music
✾ movies
✾ his braces
✾ not being able to help people
✾ going outside without makeup
✾ being put on the spot
✾ dancing
✾ making music / rapping
talents / skills:
✾ dancing all types, mainly street dance
✾ fashion
✾ music
movie: anything action
food: meat and sushi
drink: bubble tea
book: he likes picture books
character: mickey mouse
game: League of Legends, he likes watching
tv show: action and adventure tv dramas
colour: white and black
place: the park
season: spring
quirks + habits:
✾ sensitive to heat
✾ he often touches his hair
✾ he constantly plays with his braces
✾ any illness
✾ going back to drugs
usual mood: quite whiny, mostly quiet
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? yes but he’s trying to quit, he tends to vape
do they drink? yes
- what are they like drunk?
He’s energetic and very very clingy. Sehun is much like a baby whenever he is drunk. He loves to be complimented and will always tell people how much he loves them.
do they do any drugs? Not any more
notable objects:
▫︎ a silver locket that has pictures of his family and Junmyeon in it
▫︎ his bubble tea shop loyalty card
Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff
fave Pokemon character? Umbreon
if they could live in a fictional place, where? Study Ghibli movies
faceclaim: Oh Sehun
0 notes

character bio
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Kai Kim
meaning: has a number of meanings depending on language, it can mean chicken in Thai
pronunciation: /kɑɪ/
nickname(s): Nini, chicken
age: 24
birthday: 14th Jan
star sign: Capricorn
star signs traits:
birthplace: Suncheon, South Korea
occupation: dancer
○ f a m i l y
Ji-Yeon Kim & Florie Kim née Richards - Kai loved his mothers as soon as he saw them. They were so kind and nice and Kai couldn’t remember anyone treating him with such love. Even to this day, Kai loves them more than anything in the world.
father: N/A
★ Errie Park née Kim - Errie has always been Kai’s rock. His earliest memories always have his brother as the centre of attention. Though he can’t remember much of their time in abandonment, he remembers that Errie would always look out for him and still does. He loves his brother and is so thankful for him.
aunts + uncles:
★Ji-hye Oh née Kim & Jung-nam Oh - Though he doesn’t see them often, whenever he does, they’re very sweet. He used to see them a lot more when he was younger as them and his mothers always but him and their son together because they were the same age and both liked to dance. They would and still do treat him kindly.
★Sehun Oh - Kai and Sehun have been attached at the hip ever since they met when Kai and Errie were first introduced to the family. The two boys being the same age and having the same interests, they found it very easy to get along. Kai tells Sehun everything and visa versa, and although Sehun is just a cousin, Kai classes him as one of his best friends.
★Irene Oh - Kai used to be scared of Irene because she always has this powerful look about her and always seemed to look down on him. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, she was just cautious of him. And so he was of her. They aren’t that close but their relationship has gotten better over the past few years.
★Amber Oh - Kai hardly ever sees Amber due to her work meaning that she lives in another country. Yet Kai always feels safe with her and that he can tell her anything. Amber was one of the first people, other than Errie that Kai came out too, he asked her for advice on what to do. Amber helped him and he’s always been so thankful for her since.
other family members:
★Seo-Eon & Seo-Joon - Kai met his nephews when he volunteered at the home. He remembered them well as they remind him so much of himself and his brother. He loves the idea of Errie and Chanyeol adopting them and can’t wait to start his life as an uncle.
★Chanyeol Park - Kai is extremely happy that he gets on so well with his brother-in-law. The two are official bros™ and Kai loves the older boys company. He’s thrilled that Chanyeol has brought so much happiness to his older brother and let him live out so many of his dreams and is glad that he has such a good friend as his brother.
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Taemin Lee - Taemin and Kai have been friends for years. Ever since Kai moved to his school, Taemin took him under his wing. They both grew up together and both adored dance. Him, Taemin and Sehun used to always be together, known as the three dance musketeers. While the two were in university, they ended up having a one night stand with each other while drunk but both laughed it off and just remained as friends. Still, to this day, Taemin remains as Kai’s best friend and he will forever love him.
❇︎Sungwoon Ha - He met Sungwoon through Taemin and other friends. Sungwoon is like Kai’s son, despite him actually being older than Kai. Sungwoon is always there to give very good advise to Kai and he feels like he can tell him everything and he will always be comforted.
❇︎Minseok Kim - Kai doesn’t know why he and Minseok get on so well but they do. They’re very opposite people yet they’re very close. Minseok is always there for Kai and helps him to accept himself for who is and comforted him when Kai was upset. Despite the fact that Minseok is very serious, the two can have their moments where they’re laughing and joking and Kai is thankful to have a friend like that.
❇︎Lu Han - Kai and Lu used to be much closer when they were both younger, due to Kai’s friendship with Minseok and the fact Lu was dating Minseok at the time. Though they aren’t as close anymore, they still have days where they meet up and talk about life. Kai is happy the two have stayed as friends.
❇︎Timoteo - Kai met him through mutual friends and would now be lost without him. They’ve been friends for years and have so many memories together that Kai has lost count and probably can’t even remember half of them. He’s so happy him and Sungwoon are back together, two of his best friends being in love means the world to him.
❇︎Jace Hyun - Kai and Jace didn’t like each other at first, in fact, they hated each other. Kai just didn’t take to him at all, especially when he found out he was dating Tae, someone who Kai had liked a lot. They eventually became friends through their mutual love for dance and now Kai would be lost without his other son.
❇︎Tyler Kang - Kai and Tae had a cat and mouse chase for almost a year. Tae liked Kai, then the opposite. They never actually got anywhere because as soon as Kai was ready to confess to Tae, the other boy had moved on and decided to move away, it hurt Kai slightly and he was a little cautious towards it, but he knows Tae is happy and is happy for him. The two remain friends and Kai is thrilled that Tae has found the one for him.
❊Janggu, Janggah and Monggu - all poodles
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: GAY AF
past relationships:
❥Krystal Jung - The two were friends due to Taemin introducing them to each other, and they stayed friends for a while. That was until Taemin told Kai that Krystal liked him. Kai thought he should give it a go, he was still rather confused over his sexuality and wanted so bad to be straight. They dated for around a year, Kai had realised about 8 months in that he didn’t feel the same way she did but he didn’t have the heart to tell her. Eventually he felt bad on her as she confessed to him that she’d fallen in love with him. He told her that he didn’t feel that way for her and told her that he’s gay. Krystal took it very badly and ended up breaking his nose through a rather aggressive punch. The two still despise each other to this day.
current relationship status:
❥Married to Kyungsoo Kim née Do - Another reason that Kai is happy over Errie and Chanyeol as its through them that he met Kyungsoo. Kai had been in the phase of sleeping around with people and not really wanting to be tied down to any relationship, fearing that it’d go badly just like his last one. That was until he met Kyungsoo. Despite his angry face and the fact people seemed to be rather intimidated by him, Kai was fascinated and curious over this boy. He didn’t know why, but he was. They begun dating and Kai couldn’t believe it, he just felt so lucky to have this amazing human being and promised himself that he would try his hardest not to mess it up. The couple do have their arguments but it is always resolved and normally ends up in teary cuddles. Kai has never been happier, the love of his life having said yes to his proposal was the best thing to ever happen to him and he can’t wait for their future.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
any past or current illnesses:
accent: Because of his dyslexia, Kai’s accent is still very hard to understand while he’s speaking English. He has been able to keep it under control but he has to take his time while speaking.
appearance: Kai is quite tall with a very stereotypical pretty face. He has brown eyes and rather big pouty lips with a very sharp jawline. Due to his dance, Kai’s posture is very elegant and he is very well toned. He has rather long fingers with quite veiny hands.
style: Kai can go from 0 to 100, it depends on his mood. He likes to dress rather formally in nice dress shirts and blazers but also likes to be lazy and therefore will go out in his pyjamas. Kai tends to wear some designer clothes due to his interest in fashion and sometimes wears glasses. He also tends to dress in rather light colours.
height: 5'9
☞ a few light acne scars
☞ one on his ankle from an injury
☞ N/A
☞ a small mole on his hairline behind his ear
☞ two moles on his stomach
☞ both his ears, his upper lobe, two helix's
Kai is a Christian, not a hard one but he definitely believes in a higher power
○ b i o g r a p h y
Kai and Errie were abandoned by their birth parents when they where young, Errie being 5 while Kai was only 3. This was because their parents often spent time dealing drugs and spent the money that should of been used for rent for their 1 bedroom apartment on drugs and alcohol. They where way overdue their rent and severely in debt and knew they needed to get away from the people they where in debt from and knew they wouldn’t be able to do it properly with two kids and so they left them. They where found a few weeks later by their landlord, who had come around for the rent. Kai was severely underweight and sick, despite the fact Errie had been trying to feed him and clean him. Kai also had several cuts and bruises from trying to find a way to get out their apartment and find their parents, Errie didn’t allow him to, saying that they’ll come back eventually and wouldn’t want him to go out looking for them. They where both sent to a mental rehabilitation centre where they where fed well and taught how to get back into normal life after being in abandonment for several weeks to over a month, the doctors weren’t sure. They were sent to a children home after being deemed fit, Kai still had to visit doctors and therapy sessions after they left. They where there for 7 years and many people came into the home, wanting to adopt just one of them but they both didn’t want to leave the other. Then their now mothers came in, the couple adored both of the boys and immediately wanted to take them home. Kai fell in love with them the moment he saw them, they gave him care and affection that he couldn’t remember anyone ever giving him. He helped Errie like them a bit better. Kai can’t remember his birth parents at all and still has some nightmares over being abandoned but he’s thankful for his mums at giving them a second chance of being someones children and letting them stay as brothers.
school life:
Kai was bullied in school. Not because he was nerdy or people found him ugly. It was because he dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer. The other boys all wanted to play football and although Kai did enjoy football somewhat, to him it was just a hobby and nothing too serious. He found a friend in Taemin and the two joined a dance class together. Though people still bullied Kai every now and then, he focused on his school work and his dreams and blocked out the bullies with the friends he’s made. Kai did well in school, not so well in English class due to his dyslexia but passed with some extra help. He then went on to university to study dance and found love in music too, he wanted to be able to appreciate the music he danced to.
dreams + aspirations:
▹ become a professional dancer (done)
▹ choreograph a piece that other people dance to (done)
▹ dance on stage as part of a show (done)
▹ find his true love (done)
▹ adopt
▹ create a piece of music and choreograph a dance for it
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾ dance
✾ football
✾ music
✾ billiards
✾ vegetables
✾ horror movies
✾ having to speak in public
✾ being around people he doesn’t know
✾ dancing
✾ playing games
talents / skills:
✾ dancing all types, mainly ballet and contemporary
✾ fashion
✾ gaming
movie: Billy Elliot & Pirates of the Caribbean
food: fried chicken
drink: herbal tea
book: autobiographies of anyone
character: will turner
game: League of Legends
tv show: soppy tv dramas
colour: black, red & sky blue
place: the dance studio & the small attic space in his mothers house
season: winter
quirks + habits:
✾ he bites on his fingers and lips
✾ he likes to tap peoples shoulders
✾ he always puts a leg over Soo’s whenever they’re sitting together
✾ not being able to dance again
✾ losing his family
usual mood: rather sleepy and quiet
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? yes but he’s trying to quit
do they drink? Only on special occasions.
- what are they like drunk?
He’s very clumsy, he always falls over and knocks things over. This resulting in one night him falling over and hurting his ankle meaning he couldn’t dance for a while, which is why he doesn’t drink as much anymore.
do they do any drugs? No.
notable objects:
▫︎ a penguin plush that Soo gave him the night before their wedding, he’s named it Kaisoo ;)
▫︎ a silver bracelet that matches with one Taemin has
Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff
fave Pokemon character? Teddisura
if they could live in a fictional place, where? Any musical
faceclaim:: Kim Jongin
0 notes

character bio
○ b a s i c f a c t s
full name: Eric Park née Kim
meaning: ever or eternal leader
pronunciation: /ɛɹɪk/
nickname(s): Errie, corgi, smol pup
age: 25
birthday: 4th May
star sign: Taurus
star signs traits:
birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea
occupation: musical theatre actor
○ f a m i l y
Ji-Yeon Kim & Florie Kim née Richards - He adores his adoptive mothers more than anything in the world and he is so thankful that he has them. He thinks of them as his real parents and so he is very close with them. He often goes to see them whenever he can.
father: N/A
★ Kai Kim - His little brother means so much to him. They’ve been through a lot together, and although he hates his birth parents, Kai is the only thing he thanks them for. He is very protective of him and would probably consider Kai his best friend.
aunts + uncles:
★Ji-hye Oh née Kim & Jung-nam Oh - He doesn’t see his aunt and uncle often other than family get-togethers. That doesn’t mean he isn’t fond of them though. They’re very supportive and friendly despite being a lot more upper class than him.
★Sehun Oh - Sehun is one of his closest friends, let alone his cousin. Despite the fact he is always teasing him and complaining about him, he loves him a lot. Sehun is one of the few people that Errie feels like he can talk too in complete confidence.
★Irene Oh - Errie isn’t as close to Irene as he is with her younger brother, nevertheless, he still adores her. He always finds it fun to wind up Irene, she pretends to dislike it but they always end up laughing about it. Irene always gives him very good advice and so he turns to her often.
★Amber Oh - Errie doesn’t see Amber often as she has moved away to work on her music, but whenever she visits, Errie loves it. He finds her hilarious and always loves being in her company. She always knows the right thing to say at the right time.
other family members:
★Seo-Eon & Seo-Joon - Errie has adored the twin boys ever since he first saw them. He still can’t believe they actually get to be his boys. Every time he sees them he tears up. He loves how cheek they are and how much they remind him of himself when he was younger.
○ f r i e n d s h i p s
❇︎Minseok Kim - Errie and he have been friends for a long time. Ernie always teases him and sometimes thinks that Min actually hates him but is reassured soon later. Errie relies on him for a lot of things and couldn’t ask for a better friend.
❇︎Tyler Kang - Errie met Tae during university. He was the third year while Tae was a first year. The two became friends due to someone in their shared society saying that they looked alike. Errie and Tae found it hilarious and even ended up wearing matching clothes. Even after Errie left university, the two have stayed close and now work together.
❇︎Kris Wu - Errie was scared of Kris at first and kept his distance from him. They first met when Errie started at the company, Kris had been there longer and had more experience and this frightened Errie. They got partnered up for a small task and Errie found that Kris was actually a sweetheart and is very passionate about music.
❇︎Lu Han - Errie met Lu through Minseok when the couple were together. He found the older yet younger looking boy intriguing and adorable. Though they aren’t too close, Errie still considers him a friend and knows the other boy would be there for him if he needed him.
❇︎Heechul Kim - Errie and Heechul have been friends since Errie was around 6. Heechul was in the children's home along with Errie and the younger boy found comfort in him. He always makes him laugh and Errie feels like Heechul knows him better than he knows himself.
❇︎Taeyeon Kim - The two have only become friends recently to make one of their late friends happy. After their relationship, they hated each other but now they’ve made up, apologising for their mistakes in the past and vowing to be happy for the other in where they are now.
❇︎Charlie Kim & Vincent Min - Errie works with the two but doesn’t see them outside of work too often. He still considers them friends though just because he finds them very easy to talk to.
❇︎Kyungsoo Do - Errie was very scared and intimidated by him at first. Despite the fact he was small, he had this look and power about him that made Errie scared. He didn’t expect him to start dating, let alone get engaged and married, to his shy little brother but Errie couldn’t be happier. He considers Kyungsoo one of his very close friends, he finds him fascinating and is thankful that he’s made his brother so happy.
❊Donut - his pet Corgi
❊Toben - not his dog, but Errie believes he is co-owner
○ l o v e l i f e
sexuality: Bisexual
past relationships:
❥Taeyeon Kim - Tayeon was his first and only girlfriend. He was infatuated with her for at least 2 years before they finally got together. He found her amazing; her voice, her talent, her everything. If he could of made a new religion after her, then he probably would of. They where together for about 3-4 years before Tayeon was assaulted and things started decreasing, especially because Errie blamed himself for what happened to her. After losing her 2 month old son, Taeyeon’s mental health began decreasing and so she began to lose feelings for Errie. She decided to stay with him though, but had begun to cheat on him. Errie found out a few months later and was heartbroken. He begun to not believe in love because of her.
current relationship status:
❥Married to Chanyeol Park - Errie is so thankful for his husband. He allowed him to begin believing in love again and has made so many of his dreams come true. Errie knows that Chanyeol is his soulmate and can’t wait for them to have the twins and to start their little family together properly. He adores him and always will.
○ f a c t s
any disorders:
☞slight bipolar
any past or current illnesses:
☞past of depression
accent: Despite the fact that he is now fully fluent in English, his Korean accent is still very much there. He messes up on his pronunciation sometimes.
appearance: Errie has a baby face, with a small nose and very pouty lips. His hair is naturally black but he dyes it very often. He has a small mole above his lip and one near his eyebrow. He has very slender and thin hands, with a large mole on his thumb.
style: He often doesn’t care what he looks like. He values comfort above style and will often leave the house looking like he’s dressed in the dark. He loves wearing his husbands clothes, from t-shirts to hoodies to flannels to coats. He does like to dress up too. Normally loose fitting shirts with tight jeans. He loves wearing makeup and often has fun eye looks, and always with eyeliner.
height: 5'7
☞ a few on his arm
☞ a small one on his back from when he was younger
☞ N/A
☞ a small mole above his lip
☞ a small mole at the side of his eyebrow
☞ a larger mole on his thumb
☞ both his ears and his cuff
Errie believes that everything happens for a reason. He has never been a devoted Christian, despite the fact his mothers always used to take him to church when he was younger.
○ b i o g r a p h y
Errie and his brother where abandoned was Errie was 5 and Kai was 3. Their birth parents dabbled in drugs and often spent their rent money, for their small 1 bedroom apartment, on that and alcohol. They were way overdue on their rent and were in severe debt. They knew they needed to get away and they couldn’t do that with two kids and so they left them. Errie and Kai where found a few weeks later when the landlord came around for the rent. Both weren’t fed and washed and Errie hadn’t slept in days, too busy waiting and hoping their parents would come back. Errie had also been trying to look after Kai and had burned and hurt himself several times trying to make sure Kai was fed and looked after. The boys where sent to a mental rehabilitation centre after they where treated at the hospital for their hunger and medical issues from not being cleaned properly. After they where more healthier, both mentally and physically, they where sent to a children’s home. They would be there for 7 years, until Errie was 12 and Kai was 10. When their mothers adopted them, Errie was cautious that they too would abandon them. He soon realised that they weren’t going too and thought of this as his second chance at having parents.
school life:
Errie did well in school, despite the fact he wasn’t interested in any of the typical lessons and was constantly causing trouble. He was a quite popular kid, with many friends who also wanted to be musicians. In their second to last year of school, they formed a band. It was awful but they loved it. Errie moved to university, majoring in music and acting, knowing he wanted to be a musical actor. He got his degree with flying colours and was soon graduated to be a proper actor in the company he’d been working with since he left high school.
dreams + aspirations:
▹ believe in love again (done)
▹ get a pet corgi (done)
▹ get engaged on a beach (done)
▹ be married (done)
▹ adopt (done)
▹ be in a musical film
○ f a v o r i t e s + p e r s o n a l i t y
✾ music
✾ dogs
✾ baking
✾ video games
✾ being tickled
✾ cleaning
✾ losing
✾ being upset
✾ singing/acting
✾ playing games
talents / skills:
✾ singing/acting
✾ baking
✾ hapkido
movie: Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix
food: Japanese food
drink: Green tea
book: Harry Potter series
character: Scooby Doo
game: League of Legends
tv show: Game of Thrones (he’s also a secret lover of soppy tv dramas)
colour: black, grey & white
place: a small park by his mothers house
season: spring
quirks + habits:
✾ his always chews on his fingers
✾ he licks his lips a lot
✾ he’s very clingy and likes to hold people
✾ losing his family and loved ones
usual mood: quite happy and excited about life
○ e x t r a s
do they smoke? He tried one once and threw up.
do they drink? Yes.
- what are they like drunk?
It depends but usually he is a lot more excitable than usuals and loves to flirt with everyone he lays his eyes on. He never wants the night to end.
do they do any drugs? No.
notable objects:
▫︎ his promise ring, on a chain around his neck
▫︎ a bi-pride bracelet he always wears
▫︎ a polaroid of his mothers in his wallet
Hogwarts house? Slytherin
fave Pokemon character? Pikachu
if they could live in a fictional place, where? The Harry Potter universe
faceclaim:: Byun Baekhyun
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