#love you james/maria what would i do without you
defensivelee · 7 months
i know like two people know what im talking about but i really do have to appreciate hazbin hotel for including my highly specific favorite trope, the "man who thinks he's hot shit routinely abuses a damn good looking italian"
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
So I asked a while ago about which of our main men would change the most/least of their novels if they went back to the start (and I really loved the answers)…
But how do you think it would work vice versa? If our leading ladies went back to the start who do you think would change the most of their respective novels?
I feel like Marianne and Emma would probably change the most… but most of them would change things quite a bit I think.
Except maybe Fanny not out of lack of want to change things but because she has so much difficulty speaking up. I’ve got to admit I’m swaying back and forth on Lady Susan and Anne though. Bc Lady Susan is just arrogant enough to think that if she knows when/how things are going to go wrong then she can prevent them even when it’s something out of her control or that she doesn’t know the actual cause of. And Anne is quite a lot like Fanny in that she has trouble speaking up and also bc up until Lyme Wentworth is still very angry with her and I’m not sure there’s anything that she could do to mitigate that before then…
Thoughts? 💜
This question is in reference to this question.
I think the person who would change the most is Elizabeth Bennet, she's the only one who has someone she absolutely needs to save. (And Jane Bennet if we are counting her as a heroine.) Fortunately, I think rescuing Lydia would be in their power. Elizabeth would actually flirt with Darcy and she could drop hints about Jane loving Bingley. I think they could prevent Bingley from leaving and through that, prevent Lydia's trip to Brighton (ie take her somewhere else exciting with their wealth, as they take over the care of Kitty in canon). Also, knowing his true nature, they'd likely start some sort of whisper campaign against Wickham.
If only Elinor time travels, she would hopefully be able to inform Colonel Brandon about Willoughby earlier and stop W's romance with Marianne, but I don't think she could stop W&M on her own because she doesn't have any evidence of Willoughby's wrongdoing. She'd at least be prepared for the Lucy reveal and she knows it will turn out okay. I think she'd be intelligent enough to just not touch that and let nature take it's course.
Marianne would go for Colonel Brandon and snub Willoughby, it'd be delightful!. Poor Willoughby would have an ego crisis losing to an "old" man.
Anne Elliot doesn't have trouble speaking up, in my opinion, she just knows it's useless. She's been living with her father and Elizabeth for long enough to know that they won't listen to her. However, she would know the future which would be comforting at least and maybe she could prevent the Lyme fall. I think Wentworth would still wake up to his true feelings even without the fall and Anne is selfless enough to risk it.
Catherine Morland would likely avoid Isabella and her best to keep James from entering into his engagement. She would eagerly look forward to each time she knows that Henry Tilney is coming and would not even accuse General Tilney of being a murderer, not even once!
Fanny Price is actually kind of cruel, because the future would horrify her but I don't think she could do anything to prevent it. Edmund is ineffective, Maria wouldn't listen, and I don't think Fanny would dare approach Sir Thomas. So she'd just be EVEN MORE of a Cassandra and in acute pain the whole time. The fact that she ends up with Edmund would only be a minor consolation, given her personality.
Lady Susan would try again with her better knowledge, she might even succeed 😬 the horror!
Lastly, Emma. She's a tricky one because I don't know what she would do. She knows Elton sucks, she knows Jane and Frank are engaged, she's ashamed of her behaviour... Does she encourage Harriet to accept the first proposal or do the same thing as last time so she can enjoy a year with a friend? I think she would refrain from encouraging Harriet about Elton, and therefore avoid that heartbreak. Could she wiggle out of Elton's proposal? I don't know. It's going to happen eventually. She may discover that without her flirting with Frank, Knightley doesn't discover his feelings, so she's got to stick as close as possible to her original actions to prevent disaster! However, she would avoid the Box Hill debacle and refrain from bringing up Mr. Dixon with Frank.
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mxltifangxrl · 9 months
You, Me, and the Sky Above
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Pairing: old!Bucky x old!f!reader
Summary: R has been married to Bucky for several decades, the two old and grey together with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of their own. What happens when they pass away in the arms of the other?
Warnings: mentions of death, fluff, female pet names
As I laid in bed attempting to fall asleep, I could tell my time was approaching quickly. I knew for a while that I didn’t have much longer being 96 years old. My precious husband, Bucky, had always taken care of me but now I know he won’t have to worry his heart anymore about making sure I’m okay. I can finally rest knowing my life was filled to the brim with joy.
“You alright, doll?” Bucky asked softly as he entered our bedroom.
I opened my eyes to look at him, tears filling them as a smile formed on my face. “More than. I hope you know how much I love you, James.”
As we slept that night, he held me in his arms for what neither of us knew would be the last time. I dreamt of my life; all the memories I’ve made on my own and with my own family.
I opened my eyes to a beautiful scenery. Sunny, bright skies, lush green grass, vibrant colors. And him.
“There’s my beautiful wife…just you, me, and the sly above” Bucky said.
“My God…Look at you, handsome. You look just like you did when we met all those years ago.” I told him with a grin, walking over to him happily.
“I can say the same about you, my dear.” He said, pulling me into a loving kiss.
“What do we do now?” I asked softly, missing my children deeply.
“We wait to welcome our own miracles to this beautiful place. In the meantime, There’s some people you’ll be happy to see.” He told me, taking my hand and leading me toward a beautiful home.
“When did you pass, honey?” I asked, curious as to how long he had been here without me.
“Not long after we went to bed. At least you were in my arms.” He told me, caressing my face gently.
When the door opened, I was greeted by several familiar faces. In front of me stood Sam, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Maria, Tony, Rhodey, Happy, Scott, Hope, Sarah, Nick, and Yelena.
“Oh my gosh… You’re all here..” Tears filled my eyes quickly as I went to them all, pulling them into hugs that have been missed for several years.
Years passed as Bucky and I made Heaven our home with all our closest friends. It was like getting to experience a whole new life together.
A knock sounded on our front door as we read together in the living room. Upon opening the door, we were greeted by our eldest daughter.
“Rebecca! Oh my goodness, my dear! Your father and I have missed you so much.” I said, hugging her tightly.
“I’m finally home, mommy..” She replied with tears and a smile.
“You, me, your father, and the sky above… forever and always.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Gale Reviews: Netflix Avatar: the Last Airbender (Book 1)
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(Thanks @knightsweeties for this cute GP)
Now I have AVOIDED looking at spoilers, and opinions of others until After I had made my own conclusions.
A lot of people are mixed on this series. With only one thing being consensus:
The last airbender movie < Netflix Avatar the last Airbender < Avatar the last Airbender
Aside from that, opinions have been all over the places. On how great or how bad the show is.
I will be going over my thoughts on it in the following categories.
The Action (fight scenes)
The Effects (from bending, CGI, and costumes)
The characters
The Plot
The changes
Does it capture the Spirit?
How does it stand on its own?
(Spoilers below, but let’s get Right into it)
The Action
So I’m going to say this. The action in this series is great. In my opinion it’s the strongest point in the series.
The battles from invasions, to simple one on one fights are very well done, some aspects even surpassing the original. Like the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe, you really feel the place is under attack.
And the bending battles are pretty gorgeous. It’s impressive to see the fight between Katara and Paku done serviceable well.
Though one flaw is the fact that sometimes showing the fight or attack actually took away from the impact of story beats done in the original. Seeing the attack on the Air Nomads actually took something away from it. Seeing Aang discover that horror is much less impactful.
And seeing Zuko fight in his Agni Kai against his Father also took a lot of bite from the scene. If Zuko never fought back it would have been so much more traumatic.
But they were still good fighting scenes.
Solid 9/10
The Effects.
The Costumes in this are Gorgeous! Especially Kyoshi warriors. The characters mostly look as if taken straight from the cartoon. The Face stealer himself being ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING to look at in Live action. He is a sleep paralysis demon.
Appa and Momo both look great. The effects of the cities, and the blending are beautiful.
The bending also looks pretty clean. Though I admit the water bending was a bit lacking but the Fire looked ESPECIALLY fierce.
There is so much detail jam packed in this it’s amazing.
Though, I will say that it’s not flawless, some of the things do come off a touch goofy. But that could be more of uncanny valley with some of the bending.
The Characters
And it wouldn’t be Avatar without the Characters in it.
And before we do anything, let me say, ALL of the characters look like the character they are playing. It’s like Netflix genetically modified them to Look like the character.
Dallas James Liu’s Portrayal of Zuko is PERFECT. Matching Season 1 Zuko’s personality to a T.
Zuko actually gets more development and his relationship with Iroh and the Crew are expanded upon more. That Funeral scene with him and Iroh broke my heart.
Maria Zhang’s Suki is also an incredible performance.
DANNY PUDI AS The Mechanist. (They cast Abed!) that was a fun surprise.
But now that we talked about what I loved about the characters… now to get to the negatives.
Aang feels so mopey. Yes Aang has his sad moments. But instead of being a hyper optimist with a penchant for fun, he is more like a depressed kid that has occasional bits of being a kid. I don’t blame the Actor, I just feel it’s more the writing
But if Aang got a downgrade in character, Katara was SHREDDED to practically nothing. The strong yet caring Katara was so… Passive. Even her big moment fighting Paku felt so… lack luster. It pained me to see this girl who was so strong come off so… passive.
Sokka did lose a chunk of character and development, but it wasn’t AS detrimental as one would believe. It’s still cruddy. But there was some stuff added that helped cushion the blow.
Appa and Momo were not as present because expenses (but at least they were fine)
King Bumi is dead. I don’t know WHAT was the plan behind Bumi, but this felt so… twisted and off. This isn’t the Bumi that taught Aang the lesson about how not everything is as it seemed. It hurt me to see such an accurate look be so inaccurate.
Azula and her friends felt like a down grade. I know what they were trying to go for. But I just didn’t feel that EDGE she had. It felt so.. pitiful.
On a positive
Jet and his team were still fun and a bit psychotic.
Ozai actually coming off as more competent.
And Admiral Zhao being incompetent yet super Egotistical was a change I welcome.
The bounty hunter Jun, flirting with Iroh was a change I wasn’t expecting but loved.
The Face Stealer may have looked more terrifying… but his actual action was mid… aside from the nightmares.
The rest of the character acting was a mix.
I gotta put this at… 5/10
When most of the main cast feels so bland it really takes away from the story.
The Plot
So the season still follows the general plot of Book 1 of ATLA.
Katara and Sokka find the Avatar who got frozen for a long time. They go travel to help Aang find a Waterbending master so he can start learning to bend and save the world.
Now interestingly since it only has 8 episodes it sort of Blends together several plots into one episode. And this causes a lot of changes… and the effects of it are… well… a mixed bag at best and almost completely undefinable at worst.
Episode 4 being especially messy.
Now there are additions and changes from the original because of the constraints of Live Action.
Like not specifying that Aang has been gone 100 years, and actually changing certain story beats to references in order to save on time.
In some cases, it’s understandable. In facts being a one to one retelling would be boring.
The problem is that the story feels more like it’s pushing the characters rather than the characters pushing the story. Aang had agency, but now there is even more forced Agency.
I did like the changes that made the fire nation more competent. (I’ll discuss further in the next section)
But overall, I felt that the story was speed blitzed and super monologue heavy at its worse. It’s nothing incoherently awful. But it’s very lacking.
The Changes
There were a Lot of changes done to this in comparison to the original series. So for this. I decided to make a new system.
I will list the change. If you see this Symbol (+) it’s a change I am fine with. If you see (-) it’s a change I didn’t like. And if you see (\) it means I’m indifferent to it.
-Fire Lord Sozin wiped out Air benders in person (/)
- Aang got lost in a storm by accident, not actively running away (-)
- Katara and Sokka lose the feminist development (-)
-No penguin sledding (- -)
-No Haru (-)
-Avatar Kyoshi take over (+)
-Zuko has a journal about the Avatars (+)
- Jet in Omashu (/)
-Teo and his father in Omashu (+)
-Bumi is jaded. (-)
-Secret tunnel early (-) (it’s weird that Sokka and Katara go in there, there is more I don’t like but I will just leave that out for now)
-The Funeral for Iroh’s son. (+++)
-The Agni Kai with Ozai was changed (-)
-The crew of Zuko is revealed to be the division that would have been sacrificed. (+)
-Aang never Water bends (-)
-Azula’s whole character alteration, and earning the blue flames (-)
-Less Serious Roku (-)
-Koh’e whole deal (-)
- Zhao’s death is different. (-)
-Yue having a bigger connection to Sokka (+)
-Fire nation demonstrates far more competence (+)
There are more but most of them I’m more understanding because of Time Constraints.
I will give credit that a lot of the changes I didn’t like but they did try something.
Does it capture the Spirit?
This is where I have to say Kind of.
When you see the references, Cameos, and the small details. You can tell there is some love for the original series. The attention to details and the bending choreography is gorgeous and Almost seamless.
It’s where we get to the core of the show that feels different.
For example. The Netflix version of One piece. There are a TON of differences, but the core of the characters felt the same. The spirit of the show was still clear. It was handled with love.
With this series, I can say there is a respect for ATLA, but the core seems to have a different focus.
So I put this at 5/10
As there are some things that you can see have reverence, but other things that don’t.
The stark defenders of the show say you shouldn’t compare it to the Original because it will seem worse. While also then comparing how much better it is compare to the live action movie.
Here’s the truth, if you watched ATLA, you are not going to expect this show to be better than the original.
If you didn’t watch the original show, you would probably be entertained, and since this show explains basically everything, you won’t need to know as much as the viewer going in… but there is also a lot going on.
If you were to go in and watch this show with 0 understanding of the show. I’d say 6 maybe 7 out of 10.
But if you are a fan that cares about the show. I have to put it at 5/10
And that’s where I put it.
It is watchable, but I’m not absolutely smitten with it.
I’m willing to give book 2 a chance… but I’m iffy. On it.
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areiton · 11 months
Current Fic Ideas:
Here's my current fic ideas--all of these are up for grabs to whoever wins my @marveltrumpshate auction. (Gonna do these in a few reblogs)
Fic Idea:
Steve and tony are outted by the press 6 months into a healthy happy relationship and it takes less than 2 months for them to fall apart due to the pressure and scrutiny. How they find their way back and manage leading the Avengers is a bit messier and takes longer.
Fic Idea:
Bucky has a one night stand before he goes to war. He goes missing in action and months later, Steve is sent his personal belongings. Including letters from an omega he's never heard of, named Tony, sending pictures of a pretty baby. Bucky's baby.
Steve finds Tony--if for no other reason, than to tell him about Bucky and to meet what amounts to his nephew. But he realizes how broke Tony is, alone and disowned and trying to finish school. Maybe Tony didnt mean much to Bucky--no one ever did--but he smells like home and safety, like everything Steve didn't know he wanted. And Peter fits, in his arms, a way nothing ever has. It's easy, to welcome them into his home, to help them. It's even easier to fall in love.
And then--Bucky comes home, and finds the pretty omega he barely remembers in his brother's clothes and home, and holding a baby.
Fic Idea:
Howard finds Steve in the early seventies. He marries Peggy but she's killed and he's left lost and angry and without any real purpose. Until Howard calls and asks for a favor. His son has been getting in trouble and could use a bodyguard.
Fic Idea:
After Endgame, Steve and Tony are together and life is good but there's the small matter of the cults that have sprung up worshiping them. Because Steve wielded the power of a god and Tony wielded the Gauntlet. And people are trying to process that so cults.
Fic Idea:
Today I'm thinking about that fic I started, in which Tony is an Omega in need of an Alpha chaperone at MIT and Rhodey takes the job. And then, when Howard & Maria die, Bonds with Tony so he can inherit SI and not be forced to Bond with Obie.
So for twenty odd years, it's very common knowledge that Tony Stark is Bonded to his college 'sweetheart' Rhodey, and then--Steve shows up and Tony falls head over heels for him and that's 100% mutual but TONY HAS AN ALPHA OH NOS!
And Tony can't figure out why Steve who is OBVIOUSLY into him won't make a move, even when he's in heat and throwing himself at Steve, until Steve explains, a little confused and a lot conflicted, that he's not gonna steal another Alpha's omega, and James deserves better.
And that's when Tony calls Rhodey from the other room and says, hey baby, do you mind if I break our Bond to get with Steve and he's like, FUCKING FINALLY, DUDE! And Steve finds out that it was only ever a platonic Bond because Rhodey would literally do anything for his bestie.
Fic Idea:
The PR agent responsible for Steve getting a Twitter is also responsible for every time he gets fighty online, which happens every time Tony is insulted. Tony is DELIGHTED he isn't PR's problem child anymore.
Fic Idea:
Tony watches WWII unfolding and knows that something is necessary to help win, so he sends a piece of himself to earth--the Tesseract. And when that's not enough, he falls, giving up his place with the stars, to help humanity.
And then he meets Steve, and uses his fading power--he's dying but he's not going to tell any of them that--to power Project Rebirth. I think probably too he's part of why Steve survives the ice, but I need to work on that.
Fic Idea:
Dragon rider SteveTony AU.
They're from different clans. But they're forced together because of blah blah reasons (oh maybe the dragons are mating?) And Tony loathes Steve who is a big damn hero his father won't shut up about. And maybe he's projecting a little--
He wasn't supposed to Bond with a dragon, he isn't supposed to even be here--but he's never going to live up to Cap's expectations, not the guy who rewrote the rules on dragon bonds and single handily turned the course of the war.
Steve meanwhile cant get a single word out because gosh Tony is pretty and smart and when he rides his dragon--🤯
Their dragons would Very Much Appreciate if the idiot humans would get their shit together.
Fic Idea:
Steve never had a soulmate. Never had a mark. But one night in late may, he wakes up to a burning on his arm and his name in almost illegible scrawl. Howard calls and tells him about the birth of his son the next day.
He goes to see the baby a week later and holds Tony and he can see it, his words too large on Tony's little chest, but he murmurs them anyway. It's terrifying and everything he wanted and Tony is a BABY so he puts the kid down and swears to himself to keep his distance.
But he has a half formed bond with Tony and he doesn't always stay away and then when Tony is two--he's brilliant but talks late--he says 'steeb' at a Christmas party. It's his first word and it completes the bond. Tony grows up with it. He never realizes that they're soulmates.
Because he was so tiny when they bonded and it's all he's ever known and Steve is convinced he can't be with Tony and Tony--wants nothing to do with the nameless faceless person responsible for his words, he just wants Steve.
Fic Idea:
Steve is a successful happy security contractor. He's kinda slutty but that's ok, he's not hurting anyone and he's always honest. And then one day he gets an email that he's pretty sure isnt for him but intrigues him anyway.
Tony is miserable. His company is on the verge of collapse, he hasn't talked to his best friends in years, and his husband is a distant asshole--and those are the good days. He emails a private investigator and somehow ends up contacting a security contractor instead.
isn't a working number, hell it doesn't even have enough numbers--they keep talking. And Steve maybe stops sleeping around because Tony, Tony is fascinating. Tony smiles more, even if sneaking around is dangerous.
And there are things that are…off. little bits of conversation that is just a little bit wrong. Not enough to concern them. Eventually they decide to meet, Tony's husband be damned. But when they go to the coffee shop they agree on--there's no one waiting.
And through the argument and hurt,they finally peace it together. They're in parallel universes.
More THOUGHTS: ok but when they realize this it spooks them both and they kinda retreat from each other. But. They both look, in their worlds. Tony find a Steve Rogers but he died as a little boy. He didn't have a best friend to protect and help him. Steve find Tony too.
He was killed by a buisness rival a few weeks after his father's death. Vanko is still in prison for it, but--Tony is still dead. It terrifies him, losing that Tony without ever knowing him, and it drives him back to his Tony, desperate to know he's safe.
It's heartbreaking because they're so close to each other, but they're universes apart, too, and Tony can't tolerate that. Won't. He's a genius, even if Ty's abuse broke him and made him small, and he's willing to try, if it means making his way to Steve.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
The Monsters Within (N.R) Pt. 4
Dark!FemReader x Natasha Romanoff (Modern AU)
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Summary: You like Natasha and you are keeping her to yourself. Natasha's true self slowly shows up.
Warning: This is Dark Fic, 18+. A lot of swearing words. Graphic and gore descriptions, kidnapping, mind manipulations / brainwashing, death, violence, bone crushing and stockholm syndrome, blood kink (if you squint). Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: Hello hello! I'm back with the last part of this series then next is the epilogue! Thank you Lou @honey-sweet-hiraeth for helping me n for the brilliant ideas for the ending. Also thank you for encourage me to step out of my comfort zone on writing it. Happy reading! and forgive me..
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
After you let Natasha go, the house feels empty. She left a hole in your heart. Just like her, you miss her immediately but you love her and you want her to be happy. You were sure that she would come back but you start to doubt it. It has been a month she hasn’t shown up to your door. You are mad and disappointed, not to her, but to yourself.
Missing her is already hard to deal with and all these other feelings are just making it harder for you. You have nobody else. This is just another “Wanda” all over again. You killed for her but just like Wanda, Natasha left you. All the special moments both of you had, did it mean something to her? What about the kiss? You asked the same question about it.
A similar internal fight happens to you. Part of you doubts her that she will come back and make your hope disintegrated. Another part of you still believes that she loves you and will come back.
All this leads you to your old coping mechanism even though you doubt that it will fully do its job but you still do it anyway. You are on a killing spree. Like the angel of death, you take souls more often than usual. Like a judge, you give death sentences to any random people you pick to feed the unending blood thirst monster in you.
Without any question, James helps you and he tries to keep up with you on getting rid of the soulless bodies. The loyal man stands by you every night you are dismembering your victim and passes him limb by limb so he can squeeze them into the bathtub before soaking them in the pool of acid.
You usually drown the whole body in the bath of acid but tearing them apart to pieces before that, helps you a little to let out your dismay and keeps your mind busy from thinking about Natasha.
The feeling when the big sharp steel knife forces its way through the skin, cutting through the muscle until it reaches the joints drags out your anger of you slowly but so relieving for you. It makes you feel that you gain back the control over your emotion.
The rusty blood scent spreads strongly when it flows out, shakes your senses and triggers the hemoglobin flow rapidly in yourself like it’s a shot of steroid that keeps your adrenaline rush going crazier. The slicing sounds of the cut tendon and that weird yet satisfying noise right when the joints are separated forcefully playing around through your ear releasing something indescribable in you.
Victims after victims and no matter how many limbs you cut, you still feel empty. None of them can tame the insatiable urge of killing nor the feeling of having Natasha around you.
Natasha’s eyes are watching the T.V but not her mind. Her body is there sitting with Maria, watching the news but her thoughts are busy thinking about something else, or you, to be precise.
Her mind ponders the questions of how are you and what are you doing right now. She can’t lie to herself, she has the wanting feeling to know if you are okay after she left you for over a month. Her heart is barking orders at her to go back to you.
She is far lost in her thoughts. The sounds of the TV flew past over her head right away. Her eyes look empty, staring at one spot of the screen without even following what’s on it.
Maria’s voice that’s calling her name and a nudge on her arm drag her attention suddenly. Her gaze shifted to her friend next to her. “Huh? What is it? Sorry I didn’t hear what you said.”
“Are you okay? I was talking about the news. Look, they are talking about the number of missing people has been increasing in a little over a month.” said Maria in concern.
Her stomach turns into a knot and lungs are emptying on their own without her permission as soon as she hears Maria’s words. “Oh yeah, that’s horrible.” Natasha lets out her sympathy as her response.
“Do you remember our regular customer, Ms. Harkness?” Maria asks.
“Oh yeah. She is a cop, right? What about her?” the redhead returned a question back.
“Yeah, her. This is supposed to be classified but she told me that they might be all dead and the suspect might be a very smart serial killer because there’s no trace found until now.” more details flow out of Maria’s lips.
Natasha starts to feel unease from everything she hears as she swallows her nervousness down. Her brain connects all the lines of information straight to you. She knows that it was all your doing.
“Did–did they find any clue who it was?” The Russian stuttered in her question.
“Unfortunately they didn’t. Not yet. Why Nat? Do you want to tell me something? You haven’t told me about everything that happened to you while you were gone. Are you ready to tell me more?” Maria asks back to back, pushing Natasha to an edgy point.
“I–I–need more time to talk about it, Maria.”
“I know, Nat but the earlier we tell the police that you are back the sooner you get the help you need. I don’t want to get in trouble for letting you stay with me without reporting the cops that you have been back for over a month now. Did you see the face of your captor or what they did?” The more Maria asks, the more anxious Natasha gets.
“No, I didn’t. It was all dark, no window. All walls. I couldn’t see the face and the person didn’t say anything at all whenever she came to give me food or clean clothes.” she rambles whatever false answer she can give to her curious friend so she would stop asking immediately. Her heart wants to protect you. She internally doesn’t want you got caught.
“Wait..wait.. She? So it’s a woman? She gave you clean clothes? I thought you said that an old lady found you on the side of the road, gave you a lift and helped you clean up? So the suitcase you brought wasn’t hers? You also told me that the clothes are some of her daughter's. I’m confused now, Nat. Which one is the right story?” Confusion and suspicion gradually grows in Maria’s thoughts when she recalls some part of the story that Natasha told her doesn’t match at all.
Maria tries to look at her eyes but she avoids them and her face slowly turns white pale. Natasha knows that she is on thin ice right now. She realized that she told Maria false details. Small unmatch details with the previous one and that definitely digs her own graveyard. All she can do right now is to cover the lies with another lie. “I don’t know, Mar. Okay? I don’t know! Please don’t push me. I need more time, damn it!” her voice was raised against Maria.
"Okay.. okay.. Nat. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
Without answering her bewildered friend, Natasha rushes to her room, locking her door and hoping that Maria won't demand the truth.
As silence dominates the whole bedroom, you easily come into her memories. Shortly, you are all she thinks about. She misses you, a lot. Internally, she is longing for you. As she is sitting on her bed while trying to calm herself from the pressure that Maria’s question gave her, her suitcase got caught in the corner of her eyes.
She remembers that you mentioned the burgundy envelope then opens it as soon as she finds it. There are some numbers that are indicated as the front gate and front door lock code of your house right after your address.
She proceeds to the lines of words you wrote.
“You can always come home to me whenever you want.”
Her heart wrenches yet warmth soothes inside her. She can’t deny her feelings any longer. She misses you and wants to be with you. Without any assurance whether Yelena is still alive or not, now you are all she has. To Natasha, you are her home now. Living with Maria won’t make her life easier if she wants to keep your secret safe. Sooner or later, Natasha will be trapped in the corner of truth.
Without a doubt, Natasha decides to run away from everything and come back home to you. She packs her only belongings in the suitcase you gave her and waits until the right time for her to leave.
She sneaks out in the middle of the night and takes a taxi ride to you. The closer she is to your residence, the more sure she is that she made the right decision. Her doubt and denial evaporate. She is leaving her past life behind to be with you willingly. Filled with thrills, Natasha can’t wait to be in your arms again.
As soon as she gets off her ride home, she quickens her steps towards your gates. The beeping sound as the gate automatically unlocked right after she pressed the numbers sending a dash of feelings that made her walk even faster to the front door.
She presses the other lock codes and she opens the door right away. She scurries to the living room but you are not there.
With a smile, she naturally led herself to your shared bedroom by passing the kitchen. Her heart wrenches yet warmth and joy bubbling inside. She can’t wait to see you, give you the hug that she actually craves.
As soon as Natasha's feet led her to the kitchen, her smile quickly dropped and turned into a frown. Her excitement and the joy in her shredded into pieces in a second and they are quickly replaced by anger. The warmth that bubbled in her is now turned into a hot boiling jealousy mess.
Her heart pounds and her face feels warm from how she is feeling right now. The redhead is furious right after her green eyes catch another woman in your house with you. A brunette who is slightly shorter than you is standing in front of you with her hands touching all over you and her lips catching yours in a kiss.
Her body feels like she just got hit by a huge wave that weakens her knees but her anger supports her to stand strong.
Both of you and the woman don't see that Natasha is in the kitchen and she takes advantage of it.
Natasha doesn’t make any sound no matter how much she wants to scream. As the silence shut her mouth, her mind and eyes were moving fast in a few seconds. Her brain is thinking what she is going to do as her eyes are spotting the kitchen knife that she knows where it is.
Natasha goes ballistic and marches furiously towards the brunette right after her right hand grabs the sharp huge kitchen knife. The redhead is livid and she quickly grabs the stranger that pisses her off so badly by the hair, dragging her away from you. The startled woman screams from the pain from the pull of her hair.
With all the energy she has, Natasha pins her to the wall then her left hand quickly chokes the woman in front of her as hard as she can.. She looks at her with so much jealousy and hatred while the woman gasps for air and speaks at the same time. “Let..me..go. Who are you?” as she tries to pull Natasha's grip of death.
Everything happens too fast. By the time you try to grab Natasha, she tilts her head and watches her gasp louder as she stabs her and pulls out the knife right away out of her abdomen. Blood flows out of her wound and drips off the sharp weapon that sliced through her. From where she stabbed her, you know it’s fatal and too late to save her.
Natasha watches the crimson fluid out of her mouth and overflow her hand as she loosen up her grip then throw her to the ground.
Natasha turns her head to you but she hears the dying voice call your name. “Y/n. h–help”. SHe hates her calling your name and it drives Natasha crazy into a whole nother level. She quickly turns and straddles on her bloody and wounded lower body while the woman tries to fight weakly.. With both of her hands Natasha raises the knife and stabs her once more and that's when she took the first life out of someone.
You watch Natasha stab her again..and again..and again. Burying the knife in any part of her body she can. She doesn't even care if it thrusts into the same wound.
The sound of every lunge mixed with her grunts sound so clear in your ear delivers an indescribable feeling in you.
Blood pools around the now lifeless body and splats around the cabinet doors. Natasha's hands are now drenched in deep red colors.
You are appalled yet proud of her that she finally releases and accepts the monster in her. You just didn't expect who would be the first person she killed.
After the 16th stabs, Natasha finally stopped. She is trying to catch her breath as she stands up and turns around to you. She tossed the bloody knife away and wiped the splattered blood off her face with her forearm only ended up leaving some more smudges on it.
"Fuck, that feels so good." She said it casually and in a relieved tone as her forest green eyes looked at you.
You always knew she would look a lot more attractive with someone’s blood on her skin. Your brain is stunned with not just how she looks and what she did but it is also thinking what to do next to the dead body on the floor. You can’t deny it, no matter how proud you are of her, you are still a little shocked.
You look at her and finally break your silence. “That was Wanda.”
As soon as she hears the name out of your lips, Natasha quickly looks at the dead body with wide eyes as she bites the inside of her cheeks shortly before she asks “Are you mad?”
“I probably should be.” you answered as you glanced at the body as well then looked back at Natasha.
Silence covers the atmosphere in the kitchen along with the rusty blood scents that slowly spread. None of you say anything. Natasha is waiting for what you will say next while you are thinking.
After a good few minutes of silence, you start laughing a little. Her lips slightly open in a pinch of surprise from your reaction. She sees you walk closer to her. “Let’s clean this up.” you suggest slightly before you kiss her lips and you can taste a little bit of Wanda’s blood off her lips then you walk to do what you have to do next.
Natasha smiles from the giddy feelings your kiss gives her.
You could’ve dragged Wanda’s body to the basement by yourself but Natasha insisted on helping. “This bitch..She touched and KISSED you and now even when she’s dead, she’s still a pain in the ass to get rid of.” she complains in between grunts as she helps you on putting Wanda into the tub.
“Watch it, Natty. She’s Wanda. No matter what, she’s part of my life.” you look at her in a teasing smile but there’s still a pinch of seriousness in your words.
“What? It's true. She is a pain in the ass. She’s so tall and it’s hard for me to put her in this freaking bathtub.” another complains out of her pouty lips, complete with a frown on her face.
“How did she get here anyway?” she asks in a more irritated tone yet curious as she shoves Wanda’s hand into the bathtub.
“I saved her from her ex-boyfriend and she didn’t want to be alone.” you shrug your shoulders at the same time you give her your answer. “Vision? What did he do?” Natasha pitches back another question.
“Turns out he is abusive just like her father.” you explain as you gather a bunch of big jugs of acid next to the claw footed tub.
Natasha lets out a sarcastic chuckle. “Funny world. Anyway, did you kill him?”
“Unfortunately, no. We were in public.” you let out a disappointed sigh with your answer while you open each cap of the prepared jugs. Natasha can see and knows just from your sigh how much you wanted to kill him. A question popped up in her mind.
“Will you love me more if I kill him for you?” she questions as her eyes search for yours, waiting for your answer like a little puppy.
You can’t help yourself letting out a little laugh. “Cute.” It was the only word that you said.
“I’m serious. I will kill him for you, Y/n.”
“Oh believe me, darling. I know you will.” You give another quick kiss on her lips then you grab the acid.
A second before you pour it, Natasha stops you. “Wait! Allow me to pour it on my first victim.” Natasha expresses her bone chilling request in a disturbing playful proud tone along with a small giggle then takes it from your hands.
You smile and let go of your grips. She takes it as a yes from you. In silence and with gentle eyes, you look at her pouring the dangerous liquid. Amazement screamed so loud on her facial expression as her eyes rounded with thrills while watching the effect that the chemical substance gave on Wanda’s skin, slowly..inch.. by..inch.
Natasha even makes sure that she doesn’t miss any spot. A soft satisfied gasp crack the silence and flew straight to your ears as soon as she watches it burn the skin and forcefully rip its pores.
As soon as she thinks she is done with it, Natasha takes a delighted deep breath and exhales. She turns her head to you with a smile. “So, any other ex’s I need to take out?”
You laugh. “You are horrible.” and shake your head while you fill up the bathtub with more acid.
“I’m no worse than you.” she replied with a smile. And just like that, both of you casually talking and teasing each other as if nothing happened in front of Wanda's slowly dissolving dead body.
You smile at her with such adoration.
"Then we are just a couple of monsters aren't we, Natty?"
"Yes, we are." Natasha finally accepts the monsters within.
A/n: Welp, that's it for today! Let me know what you think. Feel free to come to my ask or message. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Follow me for more and see you in the epilogue or my other works.
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rainbow @cristin-rjd
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Dreams That Answer: A Feysand Playlist
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Happy @officialfeysandweek2023! Day 1!
Would any of us be here were it not for Feysand? Would we be goofing around in this fandom if we didn’t love Feyre from the moment she took down the wolf? Would we be such simps if we hadn’t ever read, “Hello Feyre, darling.”? I love them. I love their journey and their growth. I love their blunders and mistakes. The very best kind of epic love story is the one that takes the most time and struggle, but defies all odds. Feyre and Rhys forever, baby! This is especially dedicated to the queen of all Feysand's @the-lonelybarricade.
If my initial character playlists for Feyre and Rhysand represent them as individuals before they meet each other, this playlist is when they come together. I wanted to show their strong bond and love for one another. So LISTEN HERE, and come on behind the cut for lyrics!
After Hours-The Weeknd
Thought I almost died in my dream again Fightin' for my life, I couldn't breathe again I'm fallin' in too deep Without you, I can't sleep 'Cause my heart belongs to you I'll risk it all for you I want you next to me This time, I'll never leave
I could be you, you could be me Two raindrops in the same sea You could be me, I could be you Two angles of the same view And we share the same blood
Holiest-Glass Animals & Tei Shi
Climb until you're getting high Be a part of the scene like you're living your dream Walk the room like you're on fire Like your chasing the truth, gripping tight to your youth
But you're the holiest thing I know Yes, you're the holiest thing, holiest thing I know
Eavesdrop-The Civil Wars
Let’s let the stars watch, let them stare Let the wind eavesdrop, I don’t care For all that we’ve got, don’t let go Just hold me I can’t pull you closer than this It’s just you and the moon on my skin Oh, who says it ever has to end?
Fade Into You-Mazzy Star
I wanna take the breath that's true I look to you and I see nothing I look to you to see the truth You live your life, you go in shadows You'll come apart and you'll go blind Some kind of night into your darkness Colored your eyes with what's not there
Night Terror-Laura Marling
If I look back and he is screaming I'd left him dreaming; a dangerous feat And I'll run back and shake him tightly And scream, "If they want him, oh, they're gonna have to fight me Oh, fight me"
Starry Eyed-Ellie Goulding
So we burst into colors, colors and carousels Fall head first like paper planes and playground games
Next thing, we're touching You look at me, it's like you hit me with lightning Oh, everybody's starry-eyed And everybody glows
Empire-Of Monsters and Men
I find comfort in the sound and the shape of the heart How it echoes through the chest from under the ground As the hills turn into holes, I fill them with gold Heavy stones fear no weather And from the rain Comes a river running wild that will create An empire for you Illuminate There's a river running wild that will create An empire for you
But You-Alexandra Savior
Speak soft, speak slight now, honey It feels a little empty in the night now, honey Drift back, drift right down on me I know that you can feel it 'Cause nobody else can heal it but you
Hold Back The River-James Bay
Lonely water, lonely water won't you let us wander? Let us hold each other Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes Hold back the river so I Can stop for a minute and be by your side Hold back the river, hold back
Only In My Dreams-The Maria's
Baby stay here The whispers in the trees Are getting near You're everything I need To bare this fear The demons in my bed They're always here It's only just a dream
Lips-Marian Hill
Overwhelmed, hazy eyes Staring at tinted skies And I like, what we do Running wild, just us two
Can't Deny My Love-Brandon Flowers
What's going on in your head now? Maybe something I said? I know that you've been living in the past
Locked up in your room is there any room for me? In the spoils of your mercy In the reverence of your bed In the cradle of the morning What was it that you said?
telepatia-Kali Uchis (please note, much of this song is in Spanish)
You know that I can see right through you I can read your mind, I can read your mind What you wanna do? It's written all over your face, times two 'Cause I can read your mind, I can read your mind I can hear your thoughts like a melody
Wild Green-Foals
Spring is on its way now, lilac April rain Mayfly spreads its wings at the end of a day Let me fold myself in the corner of a day Never leave, never leave, let me stay Let me lay my head down, let me while away Holding back the hours, I'll keep them all at bay Let me fold myself in the corner of a day Before the rain comes and washes us away
Sea of Love-Cat Power
Come with me, my love To the sea The sea of love I want to tell you How much I love you
Ultralife-Oh Wonder
Days passed slowly, lost and low You gave me hope and now there's only Blood running in my veins I've never been here before And I got love falling like the rain I never could've asked for more I got so much soul inside my bones Take a look at me now I'm young, forever in the sun
Cosmic Love-Florence + the Machine
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you
taglist: @wilde-knight @c-e-d-dreamer @climb-the-mountian @damedechance @eyllweambassador @gaeleria @itsthedoodle @kataravimes-of-the-shire @krem-does-stuff @kingofsummer93 @lidiacervos @labellefleur-sauvage @lucienarcheron @octobers-veryown @popjunkie42-blog @reverie-tales @rosanna-writer @spell-cleavers @separatist-apologist @thesistersarcheron @ultadverb @asnowfern @ablogofsapphicpanic @vulpes-fennec @velidewrites @melting-houses-of-gold @wittyrejoinder @bagelfyre @xtaketwox @brieq @thelovelymadone
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horrorknife · 2 years
here it is yall. the famed mary and james tumblr essay that i keep talking about doing
i’m gonna break this up into chunks because it’s just. easier for me to think that way. also wrote this in one sitting so im really sorry if some of it is grammatically horrific or phrased weirdly lol
part 1: james and misogyny
so first off, yes, james’ misogyny is prevalent and actually a bit of a theme throughout the game--this mostly manifests as his struggle with his sexual frustration (as the meme goes). it’s so potent that people who don’t even know anything about silent hill know that a theme of sh2 is sexual frustration.
looking at the bubble head nurses and mannequins, we can see that james’ sexual frustration may have led him to fantasize about the nurses tending to mary. the mannequins are just two sets of legs put together at the hips, which suggests that james sees women only as sex objects. whether or not he was always like this is uncertain, though i believe these thoughts were always present in the back of his mind since...i mean he’s living life as a white man somewhere between the 70′s and 80′s.
more misogyny springs up with maria’s appearance. maria looks facially identical to mary, but she’s got a less conservative hairstyle and shows much more skin, complete with a tattoo on the exposed skin of her stomach. i find maria’s sexualization to be the most in-your-face of all of these examples, simply because her colors are so loud compared to literally everything else in the game--it really gives you the feel that, before all else, james wants to have sex with his wife. this idealized version of her that silent hill provides to him is what he wants from mary. we don’t know much about their marriage prior to the game’s events or mary’s sickness, but it’s possible that she was once a lot more sexually present. i believe this to be true simply based on the fact that their relationship is described as being “very intense” in the first few years before plateauing into a normal, homey love.
part 2: did james really love mary?
of course james loved mary! everything that happens in the game suggests that james loves his wife more than anything. i don’t believe that their relationship was ever onesided or abusive prior to mary’s sickness, and even then, i strongly hesitate to use the word “abusive” in reference to their relationship at any point.
anyway--james’ devotion to mary is the driving force of the game. as far as we know until the end, james got a letter from mary, who has been “dead for 3 years”. when angela tells him that the town is dangerous, james’ response is that he doesn’t really care that it’s dangerous. from what the player knows, james has fallen into a depression so deep that he is passively suicidal and without hope for pretty much anything. the mere possibility of seeing his dead wife is all the excuse he needs to thrust himself into the pits of hell, because that would make any suffering at all worth it.
i would say that, in my personal opinion, the most damning evidence to prove that james loves mary is the fact that he was so distraught by what he did to her that he became delusional to the point of driving back to their beloved vacation spot in the hopes that he would see her again. he has her body in the back seat of his car and is so horrified by what he’s done that he forces himself to forget.
part 3: if james loved mary, why would he kill her?
okay. now we’re getting into the meat of this. i’ve seen people argue that james couldn’t possibly have loved mary because he killed her. this take is problematic because it completely disregards all of the onscreen evidence that suggests the complete opposite. is james a horrible person for murdering his wife? YES! is that what you are supposed to understand about him? YES! silent hill, and pyramid head in specific, is literally punishing him for his sins. pyramid head is a product of his own desire to be punished for his actions, which he realizes at the end of the game.
so, why does james kill mary? let’s dissect the complete situation first.
part 3 part 1: mary’s sickness
silent hill 2 does something very effective (at least in my opinion) by putting you in the shoes of someone who is watching a loved one die in real time from a terminal illness. despite james’ unforgivable actions, the player gets a very close and personal look at what he was going through while watching his wife wither away. james indicates to us that he did as much research as he possibly could about what could possibly be wrong with mary, to no avail.
it’s implied that james stopped visiting as frequently and instead turned to drinking. we’re allowed to overhear mary’s end of a conversation from when he visits, bringing her a bouquet of flowers. mary, at this point, is convinced that she is ugly and unlovable, and above all else, is suffering through a disease that is killing her. she’s frustrated and upset, shouting at james to leave, get out of here, don’t look at her, etc. i’ve seen people reference this as abusive behavior, which, like i said before, is something i hesitate to call it. this is typical behavior from someone who is dying. it doesn’t justify her treating him poorly, but i don’t think james is mary’s victim at all. i don’t think james sees it that way, either--he knows she’s suffering. directly after this, we hear mary break down and apologize. she tells james that she wants to die, for her pain to end, etc, and then quickly takes it back, because as any sick person would be, she is having a very complicated relationship with her mortality.
part 3 part 2: mary’s death
james kills mary when she is allowed to come live at home for a few days because she is clearly nearing the end of her life. james kills her via suffocation with a pillow, directly after kissing her on the forehead. at the end of the game, when james is speaking with mary, he first says that he killed her because he wanted her to be free of her illness, and then backtracks and says that, no, it’s because he despised her and wanted his life back. mary (who is not actually mary, remember, but james’ projection of her) responds by saying something along the lines of, “if that’s true, then why are you so sad?”
since we understand that this is not james and mary conversing, we know that this is an internal conflict that james is resolving by talking it out with his approximation of mary. james’ resentment for mary is not deep; it’s quite common for these feelings to arise in people who have to watch their significant other die when they can do nothing about it. i don’t read this as resentment specifically for mary, rather a frustration with the entire situation that ends up seeing its fruition in the only place it possibly can: the person causing the pain. he can’t be angry at something intangible, so he ends up feeling angry with mary.
this is as true as it is that he also wanted mary to be relieved of her suffering. james did not have one singular reason for murdering mary--he had justified it to himself as both of them getting relief. in the end, this clearly wasn’t what he wanted, but it does speak volumes to his desperation that he actually went through with it. i don’t believe that he thought this would solve anything; i don’t think it was even premeditated. it’s presented to the player that he just wanted both of them to stop going through what they were going through.
james’ instant horror at his own actions (the ultimate betrayal of his wife, the murder of another human being, and the intrinsic selfishness of the act) speaks volumes to me from a character standpoint. i’m not sure how people are able to miss this, but then again, *gestures to the silent hill fanbase*
btw, i wasn’t sure where to fit this in, but mary’s up and downs are clearly reflected in maria, based on how her attitude fluctuates so intensely with james.
anyway: james’ love for mary is ultimately what ended up killing her, because it became unsustainable the worse her situation got. i think it’s worth pointing out that despite everything, james never cheated on her (as far as we are told--though i think if he had done this, it would have been seen or mentioned in the game). also, please don’t come away from this with the idea that i’m defending james, because i’m not--i just think that he actually has a lot of depth and he gets very one-dimensionalized by fans! james isn’t innocent, he’s a horrible person who let his love warp him into a toxic, angry person. this can coexist with the fact that he loved his wife beyond all measure!!!!
i’m not super sure on how to wrap this up but this is...most of my thoughts on their relationship. it’s skewed towards james just because we don’t have too much of an idea of what mary was like but i will defend her with my life because this woman was not abusive, she was fucking dying and lonely. honestly i could say a lot about her, laura, and james as a group but i feel like that’s probably suitable for another post sometime. :-)
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im-akira · 1 year
Joel Miller x F!Reader | 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 | 🌿
Chapter 8 : Nightmares | Chapter 7 | Summary
Series Summary : Joel Miller is no longer the same man after losing his entire family, except his little brother. A few months later, after saving Ellie from the Fireflies. He now lives in a community of survivors with Ellie and her younger brother, Tommy.
He has only one goal, to ensure his own survival and that of those he loves. Until the day he crossed paths with a young woman and her son in the community. The young woman’s face was particularly familiar.
Are you and Joel strangers or are you a lot more than that ?
Warnings : Mature content angst, smut, romance, blood, violence...
Do not : Claim, Repost, Copy, or Translate my stories anywhere else.
Notes : The gif I chose will allow you to imagine the scene where Joel carries this look in the conversation between him and Ellie. ✨ Reference to certain scenes of the series and the game.
I apologize in advance but English is not my mother tongue. 💙
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James got back with Jesse earlier than some groups. They were lucky because they had no danger on the road, which is why they were there much earlier. With the equipment in its place and the horses in the stables, James took a tour around town to find out which groups had already returned from patrol.
Y/N and Joel did not seem to have returned yet, their horses were not present in the stables and they had been gone for almost two days. James feared the worst, but remains confident that they will come back alive.
James is going to do his check in town before going to Maria and Tommy's. He wanted to see if everything was okay in town, that no one needed help, adult or child. This side, he had inherited it from Y/N for sure, Y/N had this softer side and attentive to everything that was happening around her. His mother always taught him to balance things, and especially to help those who needed it most, even if it was just a small gesture, it was better than doing nothing.
Even if the world was destroyed and could not be healed, for Y/N, that was no reason for her son to end up on the wrong side and Joel would agree with her. She had to fight every day to keep it with her in the light, but unfortunately sometimes things happen that we can't predict. What marks our mind and body forever. - After his walk, James went to his destination for the day. He knocked on the door several times, Maria answered him on the other side. « Between James, I finish something with Noah and I’m yours. »
Once James entered the house, he could hear a door closing, presumably Maria leaving to finish helping the inhabitant in question. James then walks through the living room of the house. Of course, he wasn't going to search the whole house. Already it was not in his habits and because he had been invited to enter.
James found himself face to face with a chalk board, there were several names with dates” Sarah, James, Y/N and Kevin.” It was a good number, but that’s not what surprised the young man the most. Before he can say anything, the front door opens quickly, which slightly surprises James, making him quickly turn to the noise in question. Maria arrives alone in the room and surprises James in front of the fireplace. It seems that she had just caught him red-handed.
- « Are you okay James? » Without asking any more questions, the young woman understood that the chalk board on the fireplace had something to do with her physical agitation. Tommy had spoken vaguely about the assumptions he and Joel had about the Green family.
Was it possible? Would James be the son of Joel and Y/N his wife?
James didn't want to lie to Maria that the names on the board intrigued him deeply inside. It's as if his body was pushing him to ask questions because he was close to missing out on something he might regret. He therefore waited to ask his questions, James wanted to observe Maria's behavior first. She was not blind and neither was he, this little altar had awakened things.
- « Yes, I am fine. And yes, I was looking for you. I would like to know if you know if my mother and Joel were back from patrol? Because I couldn't find their horses in the stables. » Through the questions he asked, James tried with some difficulty to relax his body, so that he appeared before Maria in a completely calm attitude.
- « No, they haven't returned yet, but as soon as Tommy or I see them, you will be promptly notified of their arrival. Does it suit you? » Maria started to put away a few things Tommy had left before leaving to help Thomas in town. Papers on the living room table and an empty whiskey glass. Seeing the empty glass, the young woman called out, « Do you want something to drink? »
- « Maria, her names, who do they belong to? » It's as if James' mind has control over his body and speaks for him. James knew the answer in advance, but he needed to hear the truth. Arms firmly crossed and lay against his chest. He prepares his body and mind to absorb what he was about to hear and the potential events that were to follow.
- Maria quietly went on with her housework, not caring too much about James's question. She knew he was going to ask her that question because her body said so clearly when she came in and found it next to the frame. « Well, Kevin was my child that I lost like many here. As for Sarah and James, they were Joel's children and Y/N was his wife. »
James gently passed his hand over his face. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. He laughed instead. For him, it’s like he got a big slap in the face. The truth sometimes hurts, and it hits James hard from the inside. Other feelings will be added later. Like anger, sadness, disgust...
It was the first time he felt so much in such a short time.
- « James? Does t- » Before Maria can ask her, the voice of one of her men is heard from across the room. « Maria! Y/N and Joel are back! I'll let Tommy know they're coming! » She then turned her head towards James, but he had already taken the exit.
James didn't say anything, so he walked out of the house quickly. He wanted… He had to face Joel, his father. Who would have told him that he could one day speak to his father again? Younger, very soon after he and his mother separated from Joel and Sarah. James often dreamed of his father and sister and how they would see each other someday.
Fate is what happens to us when we least expect it.
Those who must find each other, will find each other one day or another.
James ran without a word towards the two adults. He hasn't taken the time to hug his mother, James is out of control, his body and mind are drowned in anger and sadness. After getting close enough, he punches Joel hard in the face, pulling him back slightly. Y/N didn't believe what she had just seen. His body will come between the two men.
- « Oh hey! What's wrong with you James!? »
- « I forbid you to touch or approach my mother, do you understand me Joel?! »
Joel let himself be done, deep down, he had himself and Y/N also knew it. The truth had just hit him hard in the face. The hit didn't hurt him, what hurt him was being hit by his own son, his own child.
But he deserved it, and at no time did he regret the gesture James had just made to him despite the pain he felt in his heart.
- « Mom, Joel, this man, he's lying to you, he's been lying to us since we arrived. » James stays in front of his mother, he doesn't look away from Joel who is getting up. « Tell him Joel, the truth! I know you fully understand what I mean by truth! »
Y/N didn't have the words, a few minutes ago she and Joel promised each other to face the truth together and now it comes to the surface, and violently. Like Joel, Y/N felt pain, not physical but rather internal. Seeing her son, her baby, being in this state and she can't do anything to appease him because she is one of the reasons he is in this state, broke his heart.
Instead of responding to his son's request, Joel said nothing, he let the silence settle so that he could understand for himself that his mother was already aware of the whole truth.
- « I already know the truth, James. »
His mother's words echo in his head, it's like James hasn't seen it coming all this time. His father and mother played a dangerous game, for James there was a form of disappointment and anger towards them. How could they let this lie take hold and act like nothing was wrong when it was quite the opposite.
Disappointment doesn't kill it teaches.
James moved away from his mother, she could see in his green eyes that his look was very different said a few minutes ago. She knew that look and she didn't like it.
- Too many things went through James' mind, he didn't know what to say or even how to react. So he stopped thinking and let out words that would potentially hurt his mother. « It’s hurtful to be disappointed in the one person you never thought would hurt you. »
- « James please wait…»
He could have been even more pissed at them, hitting Joel as many times as it took to make him understand all the anger and sadness he felt. But James chooses to do nothing, to leave his words there and leave his parents alone with this truth. Violence doesn't solve anyway.
Y/N drops her trembling body, until today, she had managed to fight and withstand the trials of this lost world. But now it was unlike anything she had seen before, it was like someone had just taken her son away from her.
To take a child away from a mother is to take away more than we can give back.
- « Joel, what did we do… »
Joel promised her that they would face the truth together, but he didn’t expect it to be here so quickly. Especially so soon and with James. That would have been the first, of course, to know the truth.
Neither Y/N nor Joel would have imagined that this would happen with their son. But his behavior was understandable and fair. James hadall the reasons for being angry with his parents. Y/N and Joel were two, two adults who had to be responsible for their choices.
That morning, James was the most adult.
Joel already knew that feeling of losing a part of himself, his world, his child. Even though it was just a physical feeling, Joel fully understood the pain that Y/N was feeling.
The difference is that Joel lost Sarah, even though Tommy was there he knows felt alone. This time Joel wouldn't let his wife face it alone, he's by her side as she has her turn.
- Joel will kneel in front of Y/N. He could see his whole body shaking from James's words. It hurt her to see her like that, she didn't deserve it, no one deserved it. « Y/N raise your head, please, for me, look at me. » The young mother barely looks into Joel’s eyes, he gently puts his big hands on his cheeks and one of his fingers wipe tears from his face.
- « I know what you're saying, that you're a bad mother? That you failed? That James won't forgive us for the ones we've done? » Joel did not take his wife's gaze away for a moment. « You are a superb mother, the best you can dream of for your children. James has become the man he is partly thanks to you. This choice he made, not to choose violence towards me, is It's thanks to you because you taught him the right things to stay upright in the light. » Joel then puts his forehead against the young mother's, trying to bring his softness and comfort there as well.
- « You see the good in others, and when they don't see it, you create it. You made me want to come back, to be better. So if you doubt yourself for a moment… Look in my eyes and you’ll see. »
And Y/N listening to Joel’s request, she plunged her eyes filled with tears into her own. He stood before her with the greatest of looks.
If Joel had to stay with O/N all day in that position, he would. Because he loved her and he was gonna keep his promise to face this together. No matter if some people could judge what he was doing, his love for his wife was much stronger than others' eyes on his actions.
The young mother responded with a gentle, slow gesture. She placed her lips against his and let it travel through him. He loved her and she loved him to death.
A few hours later…
- « I see James hasn't taken the news very well. »
- « Tommy, please don't add a second layer. Now really isn't the time. » Joel was getting out of the shower a few minutes ago. He had put on clean clothes, he only had a large white towel on top of his head. She allowed him to hide his face to avoid meeting his brother's murderous gaze. Joel was sitting on the couch in the living room, staring straight ahead, his thoughts spinning in circles. « If you came to lecture me, move on. »
- Tommy has settled into silence on the sofa, directly across from Joel. He crosses his arms and observes his brother's behavior. « Are you really going to sit here and do nothing? »
- « Tommy, I'm not going to fight my son. I have to leave him alone, let him digest all this, he needs time like me and his mother. » Joel looked slightly at his brother, he only saw part of his face, the other was covered by the towel.
- « Joel, I told you before, you can stop fighting, but time doesn't wait, it keeps moving forward. I don’t want to see the only chance you have of reconnecting with James, passing you by. » Tommy rises from his position to stand right in front of Joel's gaze, he is determined to say what was on his mind. « Yes, James needs time to digest the truth he just learned. But despite everything, you and Y/N, don't let him face it alone. Even if we are adults, we remain human, we are not stronger than children. James needs you, his parents, by his side, do you know what I mean? »
Joel was particularly surprised by his brother's behavior and words. He wasn't expecting it at all, but what Joel hasn't figured out yet is that Maria and Tommy are going to have a baby. So obviously Tommy sees himself in Joel's situation if this happens with his child.
Tommy would have done exactly what Joel did, which is why he fights to make him understand that he shouldn't just sit there doing nothing.
- « You must be wondering why I'm telling you all this, why I reacted like this. » Tommy will take his place on the living room couch directly across from Joel. The atmosphere was heavy, and the two men could feel it just by looking at each other.
- Joel pulls the towel off his head to face his brother. He could feel that the atmosphere had just changed in an instant. The expression on Tommy's face said a lot but not enough for Joel to understand what was really going on inside. « What's going on, Tommy? You look concerned. »
The truth ? It's because Tommy is afraid of the reaction that Joel might have. But now that he was in the process of revealing things, he couldn't back down from his last words. So he set out to tell her the news.
- « Actually, Maria and I have great news for you. She's pregnant, Joel. We are going to have a baby. »
And to Tommy's surprise, his brother reacted in a whole different way.
- « Oh..., Tommy, that's... That's great. Congratulation. I'm really happy for you both. »
Joel is not someone who overreacts, but he was sincere in his words.
- « Really? Are you happy for us? »
- « Yes really. I know I don't often show my emotions, but this time it's different. I'm your brother, Tommy, and I care about you. This is important news, and I want you to know that I am sincerely happy for you and Maria. »
- « Thank you, Joel. It means a lot to me to hear that from you. But knowing that you share my joy is comforting. »
- « I know I'm not always the most demonstrative bro, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I want to be there for you, especially in the important moments of your life. You are going to be an amazing dad, Tommy. »
- « I really appreciate your words. I know you care about me, even if you show it differently. And I'm sure you'll be a great uncle. You have a big heart, even if you find it hard to show it. »
- « I'll be an uncle, huh? I'm sure Ellie will be very happy to hear the news as well. »
Joel and Tommy, two brothers who can sometimes be strangers, but when the bond is strong, they become pillars of trust and support in their lives.
A few hours later…
Joel had spent the morning looking for James, but without success. Maybe he had gone somewhere alone? To join friends? There were so many possibilities that Joel decided tostay calm.
What blocked him? It was fear, Joel knew that. He got scared several times with Ellie, and now it's back with James.
Night slowly settled in, shrouding the town of Jackson in a veil of soothing darkness. The sky was tinged with shades of purple and orange, testifying to the sunset that had passed moments earlier.
The air seemed cooler and calmer, imbued with a tranquility that invited relaxation. The noises of the day gradually dissipate, giving way to a subtle symphony of nocturnal sounds. The crickets sing their rhythmic melody, sometimes accompanied by a distant owl sounding its melancholy call.
In this enveloping atmosphere, Joel sat on his porch with his guitar by his side. He silently contemplated the changing landscape, lost in thought.
Joel gazed up at the starry sky, lost in the endless vastness above him. The stars seemed to be points of hope in the dark, silent guides on her inner journey. Thoughts raced, memories flooded. Moments spent with his family, moments of happiness and pain, all mixed up in his mind. The night offered a space to explore her emotions, to deal with her deepest feelings.
But something, or rather someone will suddenly interrupt his thoughts.
- « Joel! You are here?! Please open it's urgent! »
It was Y/N, he could hear through his voice and words that something had just happened. He then quickly withdrew from his position to join the young mother at the entrance to his house.
- « Y/N? Dear? What is going on? »
- « It's... It's.. » The young mother had difficulty breathing, too many words wanted to come out to answer Joel's questions.
- « Hey hey, slow down, take a minute to breathe before you answer me. » Joel gently takes Y/N's hand to pull her inside the house where they can talk quietly about what's going on.
- « It's James, when I got home there was a note on the kitchen table. He promised me in his letter that he would come back later. » Y/N's grip on Joel's hand intensifies further. « It's evening and he still hasn't come home. I feel like something happened to him, Joel. Something happened to our son. »
- Before Joel responds to his wife's concerns, he will lure her this time into the living room, so that she can sit down and manage to calm down and breathe properly. Joel stands right in front of her, his eyes never leaving her. « I know what we're going to do, we're going to go find him. If he left Jackson, he'll probably have borrowed a horse from the stables. Which means he has left a path behind him, nothing and still lost to find it. »
What Joel had forgotten was that he wasn't alone at home, Ellie had come home earlier than usual. The young teenager could not help but listen to the discussion. James had disappeared and it was out of the question for Ellie to stay there doing nothing, she didn't leave the choice to the two adults to accompany them.
- As the young mother is about to say something, Ellie comes out of her hiding place and surprises the two adults. She was already dressed to leave, the bag on her shoulders, her weapons and her jacket. « I accompany you. »
- « Ellie? No you don't- »
- « And that's non-negotiable, Joel, I'm coming. » Ellie looked at Joel then Y/N with wide eyes. She expected the young mother to understand her behavior, James was important to her even though they hadn't known each other for years.
- « Joel, I think you should let her come with us. I can see, and you too, that in his eyes there is great determination. » The young mother gently and delicately grasped Joel's hand to place small caresses with her fingers.
- Ellie gets closer to the two adults, always keeping the same look on them. « James, me, you and Y/N, we're family now aren't we? So I won't let anything happen to you, that's how it is. »
- « Kiddo… »
Joel could see that Ellie was tense, her body said a lot about her. The biggest thing in the house was fear. Fear happened to everyone, whether it was for an adult or a child, it was the same thing, the same feeling.
The fear of losing someone is proof that we have found something valuable.
This was the case for everyone present, even across this world they had managed to find something, someone precious. This fear shows how important this person is in our life.
Over time, Joel learned from Ellie what it was like to be afraid of losing someone so important to him. This makes him aware of the importance of Ellie's presence in his life.
After everything they had been through together, it was unthinkable for him to lose her again. He was happy to hear his offer to come and accompany them, since the last time they spoke was at the old store, a certain distance had then established between them.
But it was stronger than him, Joel couldn’t give him an answer.
Y/N could see the silence between Joel and Ellie. The young mother knew Joel better than anyone on this planet, after Tommy of course. Joel had things on his mind that he wanted to tell Ellie, but he was stuck.
- Y/N will release Joel's hand and rise from his position to join Ellie. She will stand by his side and now face Joel. « Honey, you trust him, don't you? So you have nothing to fear. » Y/N lets his gaze land on Ellie, the young teenager will do the same and let a smile appear on her face. « If you trust me and leave your fears behind, I promise you, Joel, you'll be fine. »
Joel had a bad intuition, and usually he's not wrong when that happens. However, watching Ellie and Y/N together, he wanted to laugh and smile. They were two of the most important people in his life, and seeing them together today almost melted his heart
After this great moment of silence and hesitation, Joel gave his answer.
- « I love you, both. »
Y/N smiled at her husband's statement, but conversely, Ellie never expected to hear Joel say his three words one day. Saying I love you with difficulty shows that our feelings overcome our fears and that our love is stronger than our reluctance.
Joel was fighting against himself, against his fears, against his own barriers.
Maybe something will happen, or maybe not. But Joel wanted no more regrets on his heart. So if this was the last hours he has with his family, he had to say his three words.
- « You're getting sentimental, Joel. You know? You are old, which means you will be older in the years to come. » Ellie had a smile on the corners of her lips but she was happy and grateful to have heard him say his words. Even though he didn't say yes, his three words mean just like.
To be sentimental is to embrace our vulnerability and let our tears be the messengers of our love and compassion. It is also to offer our sensitivity to the world, thus revealing our ability to feel the beauty and intensity of each moment.
Joel was amused by the situation, which is why he doesn't respond to Ellie and just rolls his eyes at her words.
A few hours later…
- « How are you James? Do you remember me ? Good old days? » The man wore a mask over his face, he had no weapon in his hand. « That scar must surely tell you something. To put your mind to it, you did it to me to get revenge for what I did to your mother. Do you remember? Because for me, it feels like yesterday. »
- James had his hands tied, he couldn't do anything. He looked around, but couldn't tell where he was. Worse still, the snow storm didn't help either. « No, I don't know who you are. »
- « Are you sure? » The man ordered one of his men to bring back an infected person tied by a chain. « I will help you pull yourself together. » The man picks up a knife from one of his men and approaches James. « Carlos? This means nothing to you? »
James' expression had changed in an instant, and the man, Carlos, had noticed.
- « Oh, I see you remember me, interesting. » Carlos slowly runs his knife over the skin of James' arm. « Tell me… How has your mother been since the last time? You know, ever since I got it- »
- James comes to butt Carlos' face. The man receives the blow violently. His men started moving, as well as the one holding the infected by a chain. They are waiting for one thing, an order, and James is a finished man. « You have no right to talk about my mother, son of a bitch! »
- Carlos smiles, amused by James' gesture, then wipes the blood from his face. « I see you haven't changed. » He recovers from his position to find himself face to face with James. « One thing you should know is that tonight your mother and your whole little town will be ruined. Tell me, how does it feel to know that and you can't be there to save everyone, hmm? »
James didn't answer, but his body was burning, he was burning inside.
- Carlos circled around James, playing with the knife he held in his hand at the same time. « We have been watching you for weeks, you are really comfortable, but tonight the dream comes to an end. »
- « You, on the other hand, have changed a lot, where has good old Carlos gone? The one who promised us a lot of things but did not respect anything in the end. The one who runs away whenever danger arises against our group? This one- » James didn't have time to finish his sentence when Carlos came over and punched him in the stomach.
- « You know, James, that attitude you have, always wanting to have the last word. It will kill you. But not tonight, you're lucky. Because you will be able to see from afar how your mother and this town will die. » Carlos gestures to the man who was still holding the infected by a chain to approach. Carlos sets up the infected close enough to James that he doesn't think of trying something stupid. « I'll leave our friend with you in case you want to run away. See you later. »
~*.♪。★*・゜・*♪*.♪。★*・゜・*♪*.♪°~ If you want to be marked on my future stories, let me know in the comments. Thank you again for reading ! 😊
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ao3-elle1991 · 9 months
elle1991’s 2023 round-up!
Wow, it’s hard to believe the year is almost over. It’s been an exciting one, so let’s take a look back on what’s happened!
The stats…
In 2023:
I wrote 5 stories
I wrote 144,870 words
14,595 of you read my stories
The fics…
Here are the stories that I wrote in 2023:
Let Me Go (134,185 words) - A sequel to my Black Widow origin story Fearless. Coming to terms with death is difficult, particularly when that death is your own. When Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself on Vormir to help bring back half the Universe, she did not expect to survive. But whilst her physical body perished, her soul awakened in a place that different cultures have named the Soul World, the Afterlife, or Heaven. This is not the end of her story; it is a new beginning.
Kinktober 2023, Day 3: Hate Sex (3,533 words) - Harry hates Riddle with a passion. He hates his fake smiles. He hates his stupid perfect face. He hates his holier-than-thou, model student, sensible Prefect act. Because it’s all an act, Harry can tell. No one can possibly be such an insufferable goody-two-shoes. And he’s going to prove it. His plan is foolproof: use the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauder’s Map to sneak out after curfew and follow the other boy around on his so-called “Prefect patrols”. Riddle is bound to do something suspicious - right? What could possibly go wrong?
Kinktober 2023, Day 13: Size Difference (2,698 words) - It is the 13th of June 1943. Sergeant James “Bucky” Barnes ships off in the morning, joining the war in Europe with the rest of the 107th Infantry Regiment. He wants to spend his last night at home making sure his tiny twink boyfriend Steve knows just how much he is loved. Steve wants to give his darling beefcake Bucky the night of his life.
Kinktober 2023, Day 20: Mind Control (3,070 words) - Auror Harry Potter had just entered his home after a long shift at work when he felt it: his instincts screaming that something was wrong, wrong, wrong. He drew his wand, but too late, his assailant already hitting him with a spell that made his thoughts and worries float far away. “Imperio!” Against his will, Harry’s panic melted away like smoke, a sense of calm that was not his own invading his mind and making him drop his wand with a clatter to the floor. “Don’t scream,” said a dark, honeyed voice from behind him. “Walk to the bedroom. And take off your clothes.”
Double The Fun (1,384 words) - “What is THAT?” said Natasha, staring between Maria’s legs. Maria shook her hips from side to side, making the silicone monstrosity strapped to her crotch jiggle and sway. “It’s a dildo,” smirked Maria. “Well, a double dildo, I guess. Double the fun.”
A special message for you…
And last but certainly not least, I cannot talk about 2023 without giving a huge hats-off to you guys, my readers! I love writing and would do it even without an audience, but the fact that there are thousands of you out there who read my fics makes it a million times more rewarding!
THANK YOU for your readership, your loyalty, your kudos, your comments, your love, your excitement and your enthusiasm for my stories. You make writing so much more fun, and knowing that you guys enjoy reading my works and that these stories touch your lives in some small way is such a humbling and wonderful experience.
I look forward to sharing more stories with you next year, and reading your thoughts in the comments section of AO3! And if you’ve been a silent lurker so far… come and say hi! I’m not scary, I promise, and I love to connect with readers ❤
All the best for 2024, folks. See you on the other side!
Lots of love,
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hetagrammy · 7 months
Your fan kiddos are interesting :0 (maybe it's because I also like making fan children lmao)
I would love for you to elaborate more on them
Aw thank you! <3 Not sure what to elaborate on, so I'll elaborate a little more on their personalities and relationships with each other (feat. some relatively old art) under the cut. Warning for my word vomit haha
So first of all, there's the age differences. The kids are sort of grouped together in two halves with the oldest four and the younger three. Sebastiano and Caterina are twins, Felice is two years younger than them, and Una is a year younger than Felice. Saoirse is a little less than four years younger than Una, Brigid is three years younger than her, and Maria is three years younger than Brigid. Therefore, there's a roughly 14 year gap between the twins and Maria.
Sebastiano and Caterina were the first to really come into being, Sebastiano especially because he'd originally just been Seborga. Sebastiano being the only boy came from this ongoing joke about him sort of being the James Maguire of the family, and it got boosted by Lovino just sort of having girl dad energy. Sebastiano kind of got the best of both his parents: he got all of Molly's amiability and Lovino's charm, but neither of their tempers. He's a bit of a lady's man like his dad was, albeit a lot less subtle with how he goes about it. He 100% uses his younger sisters to get girls to like him because he's doing the bare minimum by taking care of his baby sister (don't be fooled though, he would do anything for Brigid and Maria):
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He also tends to act with his heart before his head a lot of the time, so he doesn't come off as the sharpest tool in the shed.
Caterina got the brain cells Sebastiano didn't, and her personality tends to be a bit bigger. She's very blunt and exacting when she needs to be with people, but she's more patient than she seems. She'll get annoyed and she'll show it, but it takes a lot for her to blow up. She's the first to take charge, she has a strong sense of herself and her authority as an older sibling. She's a lot like Lovino in the sense that she cares a lot about the people she's close to, she just doesn't know how to express that in a typical way. She's also got an interest in things like the occult on the down low that a lot of people don't expect out of her, which can be kind of funny. She's superstitious like her Ma.
Felice is the quintessential middle child. She got Molly's mischievous streak and Lovino's penchant for dodging work, all of which comes from a sense of play. She jokes on people and roasts them, but it's rarely meanspirited, even if it can go too far sometimes. She and Caterina tend to snipe at each other, because Felice is really clownish while Cat is more reserved and responsible. At the end of the day they both have things they are jealous of and admire in the other (Cat's drive and Felice's sociability). Felice and Sebastiano on the other hand have a very ride-or-die attitude with each other and get up to shenanigans a lot.
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Una is the most mellow of her siblings, but she's still got a lot to her. Though quiet, she's spacey and eccentric rather than shy. When she does speak, she doesn’t have a filter, so she tends to ask or state things that are socially inappropriate. She also often takes things literally and is slow to pick up on sarcasm. Only thing shielding her from being a target is that she roasts people without even meaning to. However, she’s also much smarter than people perceive her to be in an academic sense. She's also rarely judgmental of others even if she's blunt about them. Caterina is actually very close with her because Una ironically tends to misconstrue her the least.
Saoirse has some of the bigger age gaps within the siblings, and for a while people thought she was going to be the last child. As a result, she tends to act with so much youngest sibling energy even if she isn't. She's very dramatic and reactive, and she will snitch if pressured or incentivized because she is her father's daughter through and through. She's also good at measuring risk, and she is very attentive and loving and bubbly when she's in a good mood. She just has a lot of emotions and a lot of anxiety, and is still learning how to manage that. She starts to channel that into gardening when she gets older though, she and Lovino run that garden like it's the damn navy.
Brigid is perceptive and precocious, and very book smart. She's like Molly was at that age but if you replaced the mischief with sarcasm. She's the most introverted, and she's really content to stay out of the spotlight rather than compete with six other strong personalities for it. She likes to help Lovino cook, which she seems to have a talent for. She and Maria are two peas in a pod. Saoirse also loves Brigid, they had that deal where Saoirse hated the idea of a younger sibling until she was actually born and then was just sold. Asking to carry her around, dragging her everywhere, talking to her all the time. Brigid is used to it.
Maria is very much so the tagalong kid type. She looks up to Caterina so so much and they have a very Lilo and Nani sort of dynamic. Surefire way to tell them apart when I draw them as young children (aside from Maria's freckles) is that little Caterina wears two bows on either side, Maria wears one bow at the back of her head because she's trying to imitate Caterina (who started wearing that style as she got older). She's more sheltered and she's also very nosy, she wants to be in everyone's business. She's always underfoot with one of her siblings, if not one of her parents. They're all also very protective of her, but she's like Molly in the sense that she cares a lot about being self-sufficient and playing an active role in things. Essentially, she's the baby who's getting it figured out.
But yeah, that's the kids and how some of their dynamics are!
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3!
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James “Bucky” Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveler, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 53: Liar, liar, pants on fire.
“Fine, let’s do it.”
The three of them stood around the cauldron.
“Y/N, hang on to it.”
She did as told, remembering the first time she came here, when she found out about her powers. Then Strange got closer to it, as Natasha stood on his side.
Pouring both bottles of blood into the cauldron, he muttered the words he had muttered years ago.
“Ahenum mundi ostendit veritatem. We summon Freyja, goddess of knowledge, wisdom and courage. The völva’s children need guidance.”
A few minutes passed and nothing happened.
“Is this supposed to take so long?” Natasha asked the sorcerer. Then, suddenly, an explosion of colors came out of the Cauldron of the Cosmos. White, green, purple, gold. Then, a figure began forming out of all the colors, a woman. Long black hair and her eyes were completely black too.
“Astrid,” her voice boomed in the sanctum.
“Freyja,” Y/N said. “We need your help.”
“How wondrous to see you, my child. I see you have built a beautiful life here.”
“You… see me?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.
“I see everything, my darling.”
“Did you see me before? In the other universe?” Freyja smiled.
“Yes, I did.”
“You didn't do anything.” Y/N told her, on the verge of getting angry.
“I could not. The prophecy-”
“The prophecy didn’t force you to abandon your child! That's on you.” She argued.
“My love, my dear Astrid, I have never felt more pain than when I had to part ways from you.” The floating woman said, voice laced with pain and sorrow. “My daughter, you have grown into a strong and beautiful woman.”
Y/N swallowed harshly and then pursed her lips.
“Freyja… mother, we need your help. It's about Sigyn.”
“Ah, I knew this day would come.”
“What does the prophecy say?”
“You know it, I told it to you.”
“The völva will leave a child on a foreign land, for them to be the communicator. I know but… what is the full prophecy?”
“My love, close your eyes.” Y/N did as told without arguing. “Try to remember. Listen to my voice and let it guide you.”
At first she couldn't see or hear anything, but then she heard it.
“Hello my baby, you are so beautiful.” A woman's voice rang out. Freyja. “My little Astrid. My goddess of strength and wisdom.” The woman sighed. “I am terribly sorry for leaving you, I hope one day you will be able to forgive me... Do not cry, your mother loves you. You will be a hero, my love. The prophecy must come true.”
She was about to open her eyes and protest but then something else appeared. Images passing as fast as the flash of a camera filled her mind: her on a throne, being named the next völva. Then a war with… Sigyn? Yes! It was her sister. Images of them fighting flooded her mind and when they got to be too much she opened her eyes.
“Astrid… you are meant to be the next völva, you were always meant to be the next völva, but Sigyn, my poor daughter, could never accept it.” She told Y/N. “One day I caught your sister trying to curse you… she denied it but I knew. You were not safe, so I had to put you in another universe to protect you… from her.” Freyja shook her head. “Or at least until she inevitably found you. And then I had to banish her.”
“She didn't… find me. I came here.” Y/N frowned.
“No, my darling, you did not.”
Everything hit her at once. She had done it. Sigyn was the reason for every single bad thing that happened in her life. All along, it was her.
“So she… she hurt them, didn't she?” Y/N asked, eyes full of tears. Freyja gave one nod.
“You must not forget, her greed got the best of her. She was not born like this, no one is.”
She shook her head frantically.
“No, no, no, no.” She kept repeating.
“Y/N,” Strange held up his hands in front of him, trying to calm her down. “Try to breathe!”
“No!” She shouted at him. “No! I- I need to leave.”
Then she let go of the cauldron and ran away, with one place in mind.
“You killed them, didn't you? Say it!” Y/N said as she grabbed Sigyn by her shirt.
“Y/N, calm down!” Steve tried to push her away but she used her magic to make him fall backwards.
From the sanctum, she went directly to the compound, where she found a few of the avengers lounging around with Sigyn. At the sight of her, she immediately went to attack.
“You killed them, you two-faced bitch!” Y/N screeched into her face.
Everyone was on alert, not knowing what was happening. Tony, without Y/N noticing, used his smartwatch to call Loki.
Right after he clicked the “OK” button, shattering glass was heard. Y/N, with her magic, had thrown Sigyn out the window and into the garden. She then flew down to meet her on the grass.
“Y/N, I do not know what you are talking about!” The Asgardian said, looking terrified.
“Oh, save it! I talked to Freyja, I know everything.”
At that, Sigyn's terrified face transformed itself into a smirking one.
“It did take you a while.”
From the distance, a car could be heard. Natasha.
“Y/N! Don't do something you'll regret.”
Y/N didn't even look at the redhead before blasting her sister with her magic. The Asgardian did the same after getting up, sending Y/N flying away.
The rest of the avengers gathered in the garden, including Loki.
“Y/N,” Loki tried to call to her calmly but she was too far gone.
“I'm going to kill you. I swear to you, if it's the last thing I'll ever do, I will kill you.” She said, with so much sincerity it made Sigyns blood run cold. But she hid it perfectly behind a malicious laugh.
“I remember their screams,” she said, “as I appeared in the middle of the road.”
Y/N began trembling from so much anger and tears began staining her cheeks.
“I remember their scared faces,” she continued, “their pleas.”
“Stop it!” Y/N shouted at her and flew over to her.
“Couldn't kill your brother there, I had to go to the hospital and pull the plug.” She told her, pouting mockingly.
Y/N screamed and blasted her so far away she landed on the edge of the woods, her back hitting a tree and hissing in pain.
Tony tried to come up to her but she blasted him away. Then she created a barrier, so they wouldn't be able to pass.
Walking slowly towards her, all the magic she could muster on her fingertips, she prepared herself as the avengers watched helplessly. But before it hit her, she disappeared into thin air, making the blast hit the tree instead and cutting it in half as the remaining part burned in flames.
“No!” Y/N shouted. “No, no, no, no.” She repeated as she looked at the place where her sister was mere seconds ago. “No!” An agonizing sob wrack through her body and she fell to her knees.
Suddenly the barrier went down and Loki ran to her.
"Y/N!” He said as he wrapped his arms around her.
“She killed them, Loki. She killed them.” She sobbed.
“Shh, my love. You are alright, you are alright.” He repeated as he casted a powerful spell to make her fall asleep.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. What was that sound? Where was she? Where was Sigyn?
“Sigyn!” She exclaimed, sitting up quickly on her bed. Loki was startled by the sudden noise. “I need to find her!”
“Darling,” he said. She looked at him with wide eyes. “Breathe.”
“Where is she? How long have I been sleeping?” She asked frantically.
“She escaped, and you have been sleeping less than a day.”
“Loki…” She suddenly told him, face twisting in a pained expression. He rapidly went to wrap his arms around her.
“I know, my love. I know.”
“She killed my family…” She sobbed on his chest. “I thought she… I thought she was my family. I thought-”
“I know you did darling, but it is not your fault. You simply always see the best in every person.”
“But how could I have been so stupid?” She pulled away to look at him with tear filled eyes. “I let her into my family, into my home… I shared secrets with her.” She sniffled as he wiped her tears with his thumbs. “She knew how much it hurt me what happened to my family.”
“Listen to me.” He said with a firm tone. “You are not stupid. You could never be stupid, least of all for trusting someone who claimed to care about you, who showed you no sign of lying. You are kind, the kindest, and you trusted the wrong person, but you trusted so many right people.”
She tilted her head to the side, frowning while she thought.
“I did. I did. Trusting you was the best thing I've ever done in my life.” She told him and he smiled softly, then she pursed her lips to stop them from quivering. “I just… It makes me sad.”
“I understand that.”
“Of course you do.” She chuckled breathily. “Loki just… whatever happens now… please stay with me. I hate saying this but I'm gonna need you more than ever.”
“My love, I'm not going anywhere. Ever.”
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough Ch 19
Catherine's greatest strength is also her greatest weakness: she thinks the best of people. In general, Catherine is a lot like Bingley, she is outgoing, happy, and looking for a good time, but I think in this trait she's more like Edmund Bertram. He is also unwilling to attribute bad motives to bad actions at times...
Catherine does have the best of intentions, she wants to help her brother, but she is unwilling to see that Isabella and Captain Tilney are doing this on purpose. She is unwilling to accept that a person who behaves like Isabella Thorpe is showing their true colours, not merely confused!
She wished, by a gentle remonstrance, to remind Isabella of her situation, and make her aware of this double unkindness; but for remonstrance, either opportunity or comprehension was always against her. If able to suggest a hint, Isabella could never understand it.
Baby girl... take a hint yourself!
Isabella could not be aware of the pain she was inflicting; but it was a degree of wilful thoughtlessness which Catherine could not but resent.
There is something very similar between Isabella's conduct here and Henry Crawford's during the play in Mansfield Park. The common thread between Catherine Morland and Fanny Price is their focus on the suffering caused by these flirtations, Fanny thinks of Rushworth and Julia, Catherine is focused on James. Unlike Fanny, Catherine becomes very focused on action, but then Catherine is coming from a much more secure position and she's far more among equals than poor Fanny. We will see though, there isn't a whole lot Catherine (or Henry) can do.
Now I haven't talked about Captain Tilney much yet, but he seems to be a very similar man to Henry Crawford from Mansfield Park. Catherine generously worries that Frederick will be harmed in the end, but I suspect as with Henry, he "did not mean to be in any danger!" It's a game, Isabella is pretty and Captain Tilney is bored. As with Maria Bertram, her engagement might make it all the more fun and easier for Frederick to get out of.
“Yes, and I like her the better for it. An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion. All is safe with a lady engaged: no harm can be done.” - Mansfield Park (Henry Crawford)
Henry Tilney is very delicate in his responses to Catherine's requests about his brother. He must know that her heart is in the right place, he's trying to make it clear to her that this isn't her battle. I am curious about how the younger Tilney siblings feel about their older brother. I can't imagine that Henry or Eleanor likes what he is doing with Isabella!
Now obviously, much harm can be done, and while Isabella is not quite as careless as Maria Bertram, who basically dropped all her attention to Mr. Rushworth, Isabella's divided attention is too obvious not to be noticed. James is visibly hurt and jealous.
No man is offended by another man’s admiration of the woman he loves; it is the woman only who can make it a torment.
I love this quote so much, because it's so true. And what Henry says next is also true: if Isabella won't be faithful with James on her own, removing a single source of temptation will not save their relationship!
This line says a lot more about Henry than Isabella & John:
Their hearts are open to each other, as neither heart can be to you; they know exactly what is required and what can be borne; and you may be certain that one will never tease the other beyond what is known to be pleasant.
Henry Tilney knows when to tease and when to be serious. As he understands how distressed Catherine is about this situation, he gives her increasingly clear and serious answers (within reason).
Catherine would contend no longer against comfort. She had resisted its approaches during the whole length of a speech, but it now carried her captive. Henry Tilney must know best.
Dying of cuteness once again. But also, lovely phrasing. I don't understand people who say the prose is bad in Northanger Abbey! Comfort carried her captive ❤️
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yulsbabymama · 2 years
Rosa Maria: I wasn’t that drunk.
Lake: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Maggy: Don’t make fun of me🙁 If I didn’t wake up tomorrow, you’d never forgive yourself🥺
Yul: I’ll risk it!
Krystal: Karol isn't answering her phone...
Aiden: I'll call.
Krystal: Oliver and I have called her like six times each, what makes you thi-
Aiden: Hey Karol, where are you?
Aiden: What are you doing?
Karol, surrounded by kittens and puppies: Building a family
Ally: I would like to climb on the roof and shout out “I am a homosexual in love with Tess, who is also a homosexual!”
Tess: Okay, well, let’s have breakfast first, and then go to work, and then let’s not do that.
Lake: I love girls.
Maggy: Like, in the feminism way or the gay way?
Lake: Yes.
Maggy: Getting a brain scan today.
Yul: To check if you have one?
Maggy: Thank you so much for your concern and support.
Connor: how did you know i was going to propose?
Riya: Rosa Maria and Lake haven’t been able to look at me without crying for the last month
Tess: You know when I'll be the happiest?
Yul, smugly: When you'll be dead?
Tess: Actually, I was going to say...but you know what, you're right.
James: Look at us. I don’t even know what to feel right now.
Aiden: Shame, guilt, fear?
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themculibrary · 8 months
Outsider POV Masterlist 3
part one, part two, part four
Access Granted (ao3) - Suaine bucky/sam T, 22k
Summary: Redwing comes back to life with an upgraded AI and has opinions. Especially on Bucky.
A Quiet Morning (ao3) - iam93percentstardust bucky/tony G, 751
Summary: Natasha figures it out on a Saturday. She hasn't known up to this point what brought Bucky and Tony together but she figures it out on a quiet morning
As Subtle As Cognitive Recalibration (ao3) - petroltogo T, 8k
Summary: “Your sole job as Director of SHIELD is to keep track of global threats and you’ve narrowed down the whereabouts of the mad god with mind-control Jedi tricks to the planet Earth,” Tony summarizes flatly. “What’s the plan? We wait till he blows up another super secret facility whose mysteriously undocumented existence doesn’t make me suspicious at all?”
“Germany!” Rogers blurts out, interrupting Tony’s epic stare-down with Fury.
In which the surviving Post-Endgame Avengers find themselves back in 2012, trying to stop Loki from invading the Earth. Without tipping their not-in-the-know team members off. Things go— sideways.
At Home With Captain America (ao3) - WhiteRoseCottage sam/bucky G, 7k
Summary: “What can you tell me about how you got to know the Winter Soldier?”
Wilson chuckles. “The first time I met Buck—Sergeant Barnes—he ripped the steering wheel out of the car I was driving on the freeway. He got on the roof, punched through the windshield, pulled the steering wheel off. Just like that.” He mimes with his hands as he describes it.
This doesn’t sound like an auspicious beginning to me, but Wilson is laughing.
Avengers Ameliorated (ao3) - whitchry9 T, 25k
Summary: a·mel·io·rate (verb)- to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve
Miranda thought she was done with dealing with ridiculous patients after Sherlock Holmes died. But apparently word of her medical prowess has spread, even across the ocean. And when Fury shows up in her flat one night, basically telling her that she is going to New York to be the go-to medical person for The Avengers, she figures they can't be too much worse, right? Hint- she's wrong.
Captain America Finds His Fella (ao3) - PR Zed (przed) steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: When she reached her eighties, Audrey though she was done with change. She thought things would continue as they always had.
Instead, Steve and his friends have brought her more change than she'd gone through in the twenty years before. She gets used to one routine, and then a new one crops up.
Or what happens when an elderly USO showgirl helps her super hero friend and his boyfriend.
darken your door (ao3) - chaosy steve/bucky G, 6k
Summary: A series of visitors to the door of Rebecca Barnes, over the years.
home for wayward (genius) youths (ao3) - ikarakie G, 1k
Summary: there is a kid on tony's couch. it is not peter, and rhodey is having a breakdown.
How do you solve a problem like Maria? (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky G, 26k
Summary: Maria knows that the Winter Soldier was a ghost story, and nothing more.
Papa Hawk's Collectibles (ao3) - anarchycox clint/phil G, 27k
Summary: Tommy likes the memorabilia shop that opened a few months ago and he really likes the grumpy owners who love to bicker with each other. Clint and Phil are such dorks. He just wonders how they have such cool Avengers collectibles in amid the baseballs and jerseys.
Reasonable Suspicion (ao3) - Laimelde clint/phil T, 8k
Summary: Clint's new neighbours are a friendly bunch, and enjoy having him and Phil over for drinks on occasion. But pretty soon they notice that Clint often comes home with bruises, and start to worry.
Sauced (ao3) - ABeckoningCat G, 742
Summary: Clint encounters three drunk girls in a hotel elevator.
The Practical Application of the Lives of Saints (ao3) - Sassaphrass G, 1k
Summary: James Barnes and Steve Rogers have just started going to the local Catholic school.
One of the nuns watches in amusement as their friendship forms.
The Public Perception Game (ao3) - Amerna background darcy/steve T, 2k
Summary: Bucky Barnes' return from the dead and the Winter Soldier revelation could have quickly unraveled into a PR disaster for the Avengers. But thankfully they have Darcy Lewis on their team to play press and public like a fiddle.
The Scoop (ao3) - hollimichele G, 5k
Summary: The week after I moved to New York City, aliens invaded. Which is pretty much typical.
User Since (ao3) - rageprufrock
To: PC ([email protected]) From: Buck ([email protected]) Subject: Report! Date: May 10, 2012
Phil — where the hell are you, man? Let us know if you're all right, or if there's anything we can do to help. HQ's freaking the fuck out.
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mouseratz · 10 months
idk. SH2 is just so crazy.......the idea that the resolution must be not "people are secretly good" or "people are secretly bad" but instead "judgement & punishment is ultimately self-imposed, regardless of the outside perceived severity of your crime , and whether you live or die isn't decided by morality, any notion of what you 'deserve'. you either do or you don't. and you can make that decision, at least, but it won't change what happened." & "sometimes people do bad things for good AND bad reasons. for just and injust ones."
James was tired of taking care of Mary. But he was tired of her suffering, too, and complying with some of her desires- the trouble is Mary herself has complicated wants. she wants to live and is afraid to die. she wants to die and is afraid of more pain. (which is even reflected in Maria's fears, ironically she is created solely to experience pain and death.) both are true. James denied her that ultimate choice, because he BOTH felt it would be how she wanted to go/the least suffering possible (without knowing she was going to die right then, while in a place she loved, happy) AND he was ready for her to die and tired of waiting (angry with the way he has nothing else in his life but her and her illness, that he can't make any process towards grieving because she's still here, frustrated that there's room for no one or anything else but her slowly dying; Knowing this was selfish, but the denial of these feelings not making them go anywhere). He loved her deeply and would do anything for her. He saw her as burdensome and was tired of caring for her. It was wrong, but the only time he's really inaccurate in what he says is when he says it didn't happen- he was tired and frustrated with her illness, and he also wanted her to suffer less. Some part of him really did do it for her. Another part of him absolutely did it for himself.
as a sidenote no I'm not saying just fucking kill disabled or terminally ill people (I do think in the latter case it should be the person's choice fully. I don't think it's wrong to want to go earlier in hopes of suffering less, and I don't think it's wrong to stay until the bitter end because you want to have as much time here as possible, either. I don't trust the government to have any say in that kind of decision, I'll tell you that, and a loved one shouldn't be making that choice For you.)
idk regardless I think simplifying James ending Mary's life one way or the other is extremely frustrating (he's a shithead who never really loved her and never cared about anyone but himself vs he's a poor little boy and bc his life was totally consumed by her illness he couldnt have made any other choice.) because the games representation of this is so nuanced and multifaceted.....don't even get me started on the shit people say about this games themes around suicide....the entire point is James himself is never really going to know if he can still be a good person after what he did to her, and that's just how it is. he can never ignore it, but he can never absolve himself of this guilt, either. he can either choose to live with that, or not, but the ending (in water or leave) still gives him clarity- he knows what happened and why he did it now. not free of guilt, but free of denial, and free of the need to punish himself (in water, perhaps, can be seen as finally giving in to it, but it's framed moreso as him being unable to go on without her because he misses her, as opposed to another way to hurt himself.)
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