#love this silly dragon apple wyrm thing
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prince-ically · 1 year ago
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I just think they're neat (Hc that his original Applin was named Lilac, but since evolving he's slowly started to name them all. Silly lookin one on the very right is Rose.)
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years ago
WOW have I got a lot of bull to put down on paper. the voices in my journal seemed to have stopped too, just like Twi said they would, so Im feelin real good right about now!!!
so yeah its been like 5 days or something. (the dates on the top of the pages kept track of time, which, WTB??? gotta ask Twi about that—actually. maybe not, not after all the juicy gossip that I learned and gotta write down. AWWW BUCK IVE GOT SO MUCH I HAFTA WRITE ABOUT)
ive got so much to write about, but i really wanna write about what happened today... today...♡
ok ok so ill breeze through the other three days or whatever between the 19th and 25th
20th: First of all, Tavi hadda go to frickin' Manehattan by the express and wouldnt have come back until 10 so bleh. My day was going badly and i was a grumpypants, but Pinkie showed up and got me a whole-ass Chocolate cake so I was pretty good. I insisted upon saving 7/8 of it for Octavia's sake once she got back, much to Pinkie Pie's chagrin, but I simply had to, for there is no more romantic gift than Chocolate.
Otherwise, Pinkie took me to see her friends like she Pinkie Promised. eh. lemme give you the run down on em.
~Pinkie~ yeah she introduced me to herself and I buckin love her for it to no end!!
~Twi~ back to the weird-ass treehouse library thing and the purple unicorn who tried to take my journal from me. I swear that mare... she was in the middle of a very delicate experiment or something when we galloped in (literally) but that's not really important because she really DOES have a dragon for a little brother, and his name is
\_~SPIKE~_/ cool bro, y'know, just a chill wyrm. yeah, I'm kinda freinds with a dragon, but it's not like it's a big deal or anything. Pinkie wanted me to give him one of my bottles of Berry's Super-Squeezy Pan-Galactic Fizzling Champagne and I wholeheartedly agreed, but Sparkle said Spike's just a baby dragon and can't have alcohol. (but shouldn't dragons be able to drink way more than ponies...?) Spike protested and threatened to give me juicy gossip on Twi if she didnt let him have the bottle, and she didn't, and he did. HOLY BUCK. no i am not writing it here because that... euhg.
but yeah I would definitely invite him to my raves or to play at the arcade if only Sparkle did't say that Spike's too young to be out that late or to spend his bits on something so silly as an arcade game. i gotta find a way to get him a party of his own, at least, since he really is chill. only thing I can fault him on is that he has fingers and he talks about Rarity Belle a bit too much but at least he wasn't trying to scold me for 'corrupting a baby' like a certain somepony i know. I swear she's almost like a mother to that dragon, it's weird.
~Rarity~ Rarity Belle. Menace.
~Rainbow Dash!~ i did not get to bucking see rainbow dash. damn you, Pinkie! Damn you and your adorableness that makes me forget all about being angry at you and notn being able to find the rainbow mare... awwwwwww. I'd kiss you, but I'm 100% committed to Tavi. (especially AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
~Applejack~ I get the feeling she didn't like me very much. Still gave me a free apple fritter that Pinkie forced me not to save for Tavi and had me eat right in front of Applejack, deliberately. kinda sus...
~Fluttershy~ Classic blushing wallflower. I bet Pinkie 10 bits she's a fillyfooler and that is 10 bits i intend to collect after I set Shy up with a nice mare. Maybe Tree Hugger? Well, by any means, Fluttershy sure is shy. Don't know what I expected, but it wasn't awkward manic conversation completely predicated on Pinkie Pie's motormouth. I loved it, as usual, as it meant I didnt have to talk a lot, and I think Shy loved it too, which was basically a prerequisite to being friends with Pinkie. Strangely enough, Shy knew I was a fillyfooler even before Pinkie brought it up...
I think she's the most sensitive mare I have ever met. She also rocks the emo hair-over-the-eye thing like a boss! I invited her to come hang with me and Octy since we weren't doing anything but she got real nervous and shaky like a puppy and made an excuse to not come, something about her animals. Which, fair. But I'm pretty sure her cheeks were blushing with the force of Celestia's sun under her pink hair, which is another Point in favor of the fellow fillyfooler fheory... She knew that me and Tavi've been fillyfoolers, so surely
Pinkie Pie really looked like she was 2 seconds away from hatching a harebrained scheme about herself looking after Shy's animals so Shy could come have a night with us but I made her back down. It's actually really easy, you know; all it takes is a hoof to her chest, closing your eyes, and shaking your head mutely. So we went from the cabin, Pinkie with unbridled joy in her heart and I, I with an evil plan to get my ten bits from Pinkie by getting knowledge of Shy's preferences through a straight conversation, a chat between girls, if you will >:)
Pinkie asked me what we were going to do that night, and I told her that we would be doing the same thing we do every night: trying to take over the world. By which I mean going back to my and Tavi's apartment and between us three, and a bottle of that Fizzling Champagne, making a party we can all enjoy. and yes, she did indeed bucking love the Chocolate cake i saved for her. (the parts Pinkie didn't eat, anyway :/)
21th: so i mean, well, when we were drunk on the 20th Pinkie Pie made me Pinkie Promise to 'spin my magic mare, make the music fly and we can have streamers and wubbalishious (sounds good to me) cakes flying around and we can give out kazoos (blashpemy) so ponies can humalong to the songs (even worse, but don't worry, l put a stop to it. too bad she just gave out free mini accordians to everyone...)' on this day.
this Pinkie Promise, though, was really a crazy idea, or whatever the right metaphor is. (i dont care, im tired as fuck and i wanna get to today AAAAAAA I CANT WAIT UNTIL I GET TO WRIITING WHAT I DID TODAY). anyway, A Pinkie Promise to have me hang out with a buncha ponies I dont know a thing about with totally incompatible tastes of music AND accordians???? in not just a rave, but a PINKIE-STYLE rave??????? BONKERS.
so I was setting up for the Pinkie-style rave and it suddenly like dawns on me that this is the perfect opportunity to finally convert the dishwasher so that it cleans dishes with wubs! heh lol. so I did.
aaawwww, whom i kiddin. it was a disaster. think of whatever disaster you're thinking of: technical malfunctions? angry drunks fighting? police intervention? raids against Lunar cultists? earthquakes? tornadoes? the CMC?
yes. multiply it by 10 and you get the party on the 21st
oh faust Tavi's askin me if I wanna go for round 2 rn. to whom it may concern, I think this is where I die. ill write about the other days tomorrowbutigottago
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