#love the arena look it slays
cauliflowercounty · 6 months
Mornings in the Mirror
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
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Summary: a little vignette about getting dressed in the morning with Feyd. Established relationship.
Same universe as Knives Dance based on some of the exposition from part 3 because I’m having trouble saying goodbye to Knives Dance. You don’t have to have already read the series to understand, but there are some spoilers to the series. Set between parts 2 and 3.
Warnings: some suggestive content
Word Count: 2.1k
Written on mobile cause I’m on a bus
You step out of the bathroom attached to the bedroom you share with Feyd, using a towel to gently blot the last of the water off your hair to finish drying it. As you do so, you look outside the window to observe Giedi Prime’s cityscape with its dark, expansive architecture filled with imposing, black structures.
The city is already humming with morning activity. Ships fly through the air, taking people where they need to be like clockwork. You hear the beat of the Harkonnen armies marching on the ground far below your quarters. The sound has become a comfort to you since coming to Giedi Prime. Without fail, the marching would start at the same time each day, ringing in a new day as the black sun shone on the city. Just like all those times before, you feel the aura of Giedi Prime wash over you. Everything is in perfect order, which puts your mind at ease.
Looking over to the large bed behind you, you see Feyd has gotten up since you’ve been in the shower, leaving the sheets untidy over the mattress. You smile. You’ve come to learn his habits over the weeks, and he always does this, knowing the servants will come and replace them with fresh sheets later once you’ve both left. He’s always said that he has more important duties than making his own bed. Now that you’re living together, you know he’s right, especially since he’s Baron Harkonnen now. His daily meetings with advisors in the Harkonnen War Room or diplomats on his throne with you by his side often keep him occupied. His time is precious, as is yours.
Making your way over to the closet, you see your husband through the crack in the doorway. His back is to you, allowing you to see his muscled shoulder blades and admire his slim waist. He’s standing in front of his side of the closet, running his fingers along the series of clothes on hangers. You slip into the closet and approach him from behind. You know he’s already heard you approach when you see his shoulders relax. He turns to you, his Baroness. When he does so, you can see how his eyes soften, a small smile on his lips as he looks at you. He extends his palm outward to you and you gladly walk over and slide your hand into his.
“Good morning, my love,” he says to you before pulling you closer by your hand and wrapping his other hand around your waist before dragging it up your body and cupping your cheek. He brushes his thumb across your skin, sending shivers down your spine
As you look at him, your heart fills with pride, knowing you’re the only one who gets to be with him in this way. You get to see him for more than his reputation. Anyone would scorn the idea that Feyd-Rautha, the psychotic nephew of Vladimir Harkonnen, may he rest in peace, who slays countless slaves in a gladiatorial arena and kills servants at will, would be able to do something so tender. However, here you are, the only one to behold his love and affection.
“Good morning, Feyd,” you whisper back to him against his lips, and he gives your hand another firm squeeze. “I hope you slept well.” You both break reluctantly, knowing you both have to get ready now. “What are we doing today?” you ask him, turning to his closet and thumbing through his clothes yourself.
“We have another meeting with our generals today in the War Room,” he says as he stands back to watch you at work. He was surprised the first time you went to pick out what he wore for the day, but he quickly grew to appreciate the ritual because of how much thought you invested in it every day. “We also have to meet with our Directors of Commerce concerning spice on Arrakis. We should also be receiving news about the status of spice production.”
“I hope Rabban has gotten his act together,” you say, pulling one of his outfits from the hanger and taking an undershirt of his out of a drawer beside you. It’s a deep blue almost black pair of pants with a matching jacket with a high neckline. You hand it to him, and he immediately puts each item on.
You bring your arms to his shoulders to smooth the fabric of the jacket over his body. You grab the seams at the shoulders, lining them up with the edges of his body so that it hangs perfectly on him. The clean lines accentuate the broadness of his torso and bolster his imposing stature. He really looks like a Baron now. You make a mental note to have the seamstresses make more outfits like this for him.
“...And I hope Rabban has figured out how to acquire a brain,” Feyd mumbles, savoring your touch on him.
“Whatever will we do with him…” you sigh in return as you kneel down to smooth out his pant legs.
“Thank you,” Feyd says as you rise to your feet again when you finish.
“Of course,” you reply, starting to make your way over to your side of the closet. He follows you and brings a hand to your shoulder from behind. You twist around to look at him with your brows knit. Why did he stop you?
“May I… return the favor today, my darling?” He asks, his voice wavering for a moment. Your lips part in surprise. He’s never asked to do this before, but his nervousness that he’s trying to conceal makes your heart swell. From that small moment of hesitation, you can tell he’s been wanting to ask this of you for some time.
You step back to allow him access, and Feyd raises his gaze up to the exposed rack of clothes. He starts at one end, pushing the outfits on the rod one by one to take a close look at each one. As he moves down the line, you can tell he’s deep in concentration. Should he pick a Harkonnen gown, or one you’ve brought from Youra? He’s taking great care in this task, which makes you sigh in appreciation.
He finally decides after many moments of consideration. He pulls down a floor length Harkonnen gown with a Queen Anne neckline and cap sleeves. It’s made of layers of fabric that seem to swallow all light that touches it, creating a rich obsidian black. The bodice is an intricately detailed corset adorned with elegant lace and prominent ribbing atop fine mesh. As he turns it around, he drags his gaze up and down the dress. The back is also beautiful, the design stretching all the way around.
“I haven’t seen you wear this one before,” he says, as he admires the open upper back, the edges of which are lined with the same lace as the bodice.
“It has a lace-up corset. It takes longer and requires another person to get into,” you explain, which makes Feyd’s eyes glimmer with excitement.
“What am I here for then?” he asks with a grin.
“Ruling Giedi Prime perhaps?” you jest. He scoffs and brings the dress over.
“Other than that,” he says, taking it off the hanger.
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you, Feyd.”
“It really isn’t any trouble, my love. Please? May I help you?” You see a hint of longing in his eyes and you nod at him, abandoning your towel as Feyd loosens the laces of the corset. He helps you by gathering the dress, giving you the ability to dive head first into the gown. As you pull down the dress over your body and put your arms through the armholes, you immediately notice how luxurious the fabric is against your skin. Even though the corset has not been tightened, you know that it will be a perfect fit by just feeling it on yourself. Turning your back to Feyd and holding yourself straight, you silently signal to Feyd that you’re ready.
“Let me know if it’s too tight,” he whispers in your ear from behind. His breath on your neck makes your skin tingle, and you try to resist turning around, grabbing his head and kissing him. At your motion he begins to tug on the laces little by little, causing the corset to perfectly conform to your figure. His touch is precise and the way he pulls at the strands is decisive and firm. To your surprise, he’s rather good at this and seems to know exactly what to do. Once he is done tightening it, he uses his fingers to gently tie a knot then a bow at the back of your dress with the excess ribbon. As you move around a little to settle into the dress, you feel how the corset isn’t too loose on you, and you don’t feel like you’re being suffocated either.
Before you can thank him for a job well done, he’s already at your feet, placing a pair of strapless patent leather shoes in front of you. He takes your hand in his. You use your free hand to grab your skirt as you slip the shoes on one by one. Feyd beckons you to follow him and takes you both over to the mirror in the closet. He positions you in front of him in the center of the mirror.
“Look at you, darling,” he whispers to you, his eyes wandering up and down the portrait of you in front of him. Feyd could look at this image all day. The bodice fits your body perfectly and the dress flares out from your waist beautifully, making you look like a goddess descended from above. He brings his arms around you and smooths his hands over your front, feeling the lace pass under his fingertips. The look of you together is truly gratifying for Feyd with him in his clean cut ensemble and you in your gown. You both look powerful next to each other. Together you are Baron and Baroness of House Harkonnen and you look the part. “You’re exquisite, my love.”
He dips his head down and brings his lips to your neck, pressing small kisses over the area. Feeling the heat within you rising, you turn around in his embrace and bring your arms up around his neck. Capturing his lips in yours, you kiss him fervently. He brings one hand up and combs his fingers through your hair, which makes you feel like a surge of electricity has shot through your veins. As you kiss him back, all of your surroundings seem to melt away into nothingness. All of it is insignificant compared to your husband. You can tell he’s also lost in the sensation of you against his body and in his hands as he rakes his hands through your hair. His grip on your waist tightens as his kiss becomes hungrier, and you feel him tug at your bottom lip with his teeth.
Breaking away from him, you see how heavy his lids are now, his firm grip on you not letting up. You smile at him and give him another quick kiss, this one much lighter. You didn’t want to stop, but you must attend to your duties. “Later, darling,” you sigh into his ear. “I just got dressed, after all. I wouldn’t want to undo your expert work.”
He lets out an amused huff and nods in agreement. You go over to the mirror and realize your hair is completely disheveled. Your dress is still beautiful, but you can’t say the same thing about your hair now that Feyd’s had his hands on it.
“I bet none of the Harkonnen women you’ve had in the past had to deal with this issue when leaving your quarters,” you joke as you open a different drawer near you, which contains all of your hair care tools that you’d brought with you to Giedi Prime. You take a moment to make the necessary adjustments to your hair, trying to salvage it.
“You need not mention them,” Feyd says, his jaw tightening. “They are of no concern to you or me anymore.”
“I know,” you smile, turning back to him and extending your arm. “I’m only teasing. Let’s go.”
He relaxes and gladly takes your hand, allowing you to lead him out of your quarters. With that, you begin your day side by side as Baron and Baroness of House Harkonnen.
Thanks for reading! 💛
Let me know if you’d like to be part of my Feyd taglist
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sebastianswallows · 5 months
Dreamed of you
— PAIRING: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: A Bene Gesserit sister is sent to kill Feyd. She hesitates as she watches him sleep, all the way until he wakes up and catches her.
— WARNINGS: none, just reader simping for one cute boy
— A/N: First of all, this isn't necessarily movie!Feyd, it's more based on the books, but I love him in all his forms. I wrote this in a bout of madness this evening, and it's just a love letter to how beautiful and soft and sad Feyd canonically is. That is all.
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A shadow in the corner moved. The door shut behind her with a hiss. Outside, the chanting of his name resounded like a distant wave. Feyd. A myriad of emotions raged inside the way that sylphic syllable was said. So mangled and intense were they that she could hardly tell, even after weeks of being on Giedi Prime, if the feeling in their voices was that of fear, or love.
He had won another battle in the arena tonight. Half-fight, half-play, all a spectacle of violence kept elegant and grim with the flourished motions of his blades in inky black and white. The celebrations were kept modest afterwards. This was no birthday.
His chambers smelled of sweet sweat and bitter blood. It filled her lungs as soon as she stepped in. He slept now, quietly, in a surprisingly small bed. As she approached him, dagger in hand, she realised it was not so small — he just took little space on it.
He slept huddled to one side, his body curled within the black sheets as if he were in a womb.
The na-Baron was an arresting sight, like a work of art left interrupted. His marble-white arms hugged a pillow to his chest, and from beneath a curve of silk draped over him, the corner of a knee peeked through. The soft line of his eyes revealed a dour bend in sleep, delicate dark lashes resting like butterfly wings on his cheeks. His full lips, decadent and lustful, were pulled into a pout. She wondered what he was dreaming of.
Beneath this impressive amalgam of his features, from the dainty to the sultry to the broad shoulders and strong arms, he was just a little boy. Motherless and far from home, preyed on by his uncle, worshipped by a distant crowd. Useless, now that the Atreides line had ended and a child had been secured from him by Lady Fenring.
The Kwisatz Haderach would have to be reached through other means, and from a bloodline less volatile than that of the Harkonnens. They had proved uncooperative, hostile — the Baron, his nephews, even Lady Jessica. Born to be an asset, they made themselves a threat. That was why Feyd-Rautha had to die.
She stood over his black bed.
The guards outside were dealt with, the courtiers were asleep, and the drunk and maddened crowd outside would not realise what happened until it was too late. This was the result of years of planning, months of preparation, and weeks spent on that polluted planet pretending to be one of the new interrogation trainers.
Torturing was not her forté, but there were worse fates than cutting men’s tendons clean or gouging out their eyeballs. All the “noble” prisoners were already long dead before she got there. Failed Harkonnens was all that was left. And all men bled the same.
She stood over his black bed with a knife.
“He must die,” she thought to herself, an angry frown blooming on her brow. Her body was already rebelling. “The Reverend Mother demands it. He must die.”
She stood over his black bed with a knife. And faltered.
The blade shone silver in the low electric light, hanging like a teardrop from her fist. Her body refused to move.
Should she really kill him now? Perhaps she should wait for him to turn on his back. What would it hurt to look at him a second more, just another, and another…? He was a good fighter, no matter the arrangements of the arena. Would it not be ignoble to slay him this way? Generations of genetic planning had culminated in him, and to let it all go now...
Her mind’s motions, the fleshy resistance, it all came to nothing in an instant, blown away like snowflakes on the sand. There was a change in the air all around them, a stillness where unconsciousness was before, a presence, like a horn blown through a storm in the lighthouses of old, sounds swallowed by sounds, an impact of cells in the air blooming into a single point of light. Feyd-Rautha opened his eyes.
She only caught the hint of an impish smile before she backed away as quickly as an indrawn breath. Her back hit the door and her hand scrambled for the handle, but he was upon her with the same speed he applied in his gladiatorial fights.
How could she have missed the signs that he had woken? Had his breathing even changed?
“Got you now,” he purred against her cheek, “Bene Gesserit.”
She bit back a scream, her skull pressed against the metal door, and with clenched teeth, she began a sharp command — the Voice. But her anger overwhelmed her and Feyd’s lips swallowed the words she hadn’t even finished speaking.
“Let me g—”
He kissed her like a lover. There was a passion in him that his ostentations of brutality had not yet killed and she found herself moaning, instinctively pleased with the full and masculine presence that swallowed her being — as if it wasn’t a murderer who had caught her just now.
His breathing was steady, as if he had planned all of that. From beyond the thick folds of her dress, she could feel his naked flesh. They clung to him, her clothes, as if they wanted to embrace him. His left hand held her fist, the blade trapped within their entangled grip. The other held her jaw, tilting her face high enough for his lips.
“I knew you’d come,” he breathed, pausing to rest his mouth on hers. She could taste ink on her tongue — the final traces from the coating on his teeth. “I dreamed of you.”
So that was how he knew. That was why he pouted in his sleep.
“Will you kill me?” he whispered.
She could feel it on her cheeks when that boyish smile of his grew.
“I have to,” she said, and her own voice betrayed her, sounding terribly broken.
“Try,” Feyd grinned.
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simpforfandom231 · 6 months
Numb leg
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A/N: enjoy this ;) warning: filthy smut sorry not sorry
As the sun dipped low over the ancient city of Petra, casting long shadows across the rose-red sandstone, Reneé Rapp and her girlfriend Y/n stood in awe before the magnificent façade of the Treasury. The intricately carved columns and ornate details seemed to hold stories of a bygone era, whispering secrets of civilizations long past.
Y/n's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the breathtaking sight. "Can you believe we're actually here, Reneé? It's like something out of a dream."
Reneé smiled, her heart swelling with love for the woman by her side. "Yeah, it's pretty incredible. And tomorrow, I'll be performing at the arena just a stone's throw away from here."
Y/n grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I can't wait to see you up on that stage, babe. You're going to absolutely slay."
As they wandered through the ancient city, marveling at its beauty, Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. "Hey, Reneé, do you think we could hike up to the High Place of Sacrifice before we head back?"
Reneé's brow furrowed with concern. She knew that Y/n had been struggling with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), a condition that often left her fatigued and in pain. "Are you sure, love? You seemed pretty exhausted from the hike to the treasury already."
Y/n waved off her concern with a smile. "I'll be fine, Reneé. I've been looking forward to this hike for ages. Besides, I'll have you to help me if I need it."
Reneé couldn't resist Y/n's enthusiasm, despite her worries. "Alright, let's do it. But promise me you'll let me know if you start feeling unwell, okay?"
Y/n nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I promise. Now, let's go make some memories."
Together, hand in hand, they embarked on the journey to the High Place of Sacrifice. The trail wound its way through rugged terrain, the ancient stones beneath their feet whispering tales of centuries past. As they climbed higher and higher, Y/n couldn't contain her excitement, while Reneé kept a watchful eye on her beloved.
"Are you doing okay, Y/n?" Reneé asked, concern lacing her voice.
Y/n grinned, though she could feel the fatigue beginning to creep into her limbs. "I'm hanging in there, thanks to you. This view is so worth it."
Reneé squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We'll take it slow. We don't have to rush."
With renewed determination, they pressed on, the promise of the breathtaking vista spurring them forward.
As they continued their ascent up the rocky trail, Y/n's determination was palpable, each step a testament to her resilience in the face of adversity. Reneé couldn't help but admire her girlfriend's strength, even as she noticed the telltale signs of fatigue beginning to take their toll.
"Are you sure you're okay, Y/n?" Reneé asked, her voice laced with concern.
Y/n flashed her a reassuring smile, though she could feel the familiar tingling sensation creeping up her leg. "I'm fine, Reneé. Just a little numbness, nothing I can't handle."
Reneé knew better than to push, but her worry gnawed at her insides. She had spent countless nights poring over medical journals, trying to understand every aspect of Y/n's condition. FND was a complex disorder, its symptoms often unpredictable and debilitating. But through it all, Y/n had remained steadfast in her determination to live life to the fullest, refusing to let her diagnosis define her.
As they climbed higher, the air grew thinner, the path more treacherous. Y/n's pace began to slow, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Reneé could see the strain etched on her face, the lines of pain creasing her brow.
"Maybe we should take a break," Reneé suggested gently, her heart aching at the sight of Y/n's struggle.
Y/n shook her head stubbornly, though she knew Reneé was right. "I can't stop now, Reneé. We're almost there."
But Reneé wasn't about to let her girlfriend push herself to the point of exhaustion. With a gentle hand, she guided Y/n to a nearby boulder, urging her to sit and catch her breath.
"You've done amazing, love," Reneé said softly, her voice filled with pride. "But it's okay to take a break. We'll get there when we get there."
Y/n leaned into Reneé's embrace, grateful for her unwavering support. "I'm sorry, Reneé. I just... I hate feeling like I'm holding you back."
Reneé's heart broke at the sadness in Y/n's eyes. "You could never hold me back, Y/n. You're the strongest person I know, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
As they sat on the boulder, catching their breath and taking in the panoramic view before them, Y/n couldn't shake the frustration bubbling up inside her. "I hate this disorder, Reneé," she muttered, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I hate how it makes me feel weak and helpless."
Reneé's heart ached at the pain in Y/n's words. She reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair away from Y/n's face. "I know, love. I hate it too. But you're not weak, Y/n. You're one of the strongest people I know."
Y/n's eyes brimmed with tears as she leaned into Reneé's touch. "I just don't want to disappoint you, Reneé. I don't want to be a burden."
Reneé cupped Y/n's face in her hands, her gaze unwavering. "You could never disappoint me, Y/n. And you're not a burden. We're in this together, remember?"
As they sat in companionable silence, the pain in Y/n's leg began to intensify, a sharp ache radiating through her muscles. Reneé noticed the discomfort etched on her face and reached into her backpack, pulling out a granola bar.
"Here, love," Reneé said, offering the snack to Y/n. "This should give you a little energy boost."
Y/n accepted the granola bar gratefully, taking a few bites before tucking it away for later. "Thanks, Reneé. You always know how to take care of me."
Reneé smiled, her heart swelling with love for the woman beside her. "It's what I'm here for, Y/n. Now, let's finish this hike together. We're almost there."
With renewed determination, they rose to their feet, the summit tantalizingly close on the horizon. Each step was a testament to their strength and resilience, a testament to the unbreakable bond that held them together.
As they reached the summit of the High Place of Sacrifice, a sense of accomplishment washed over Y/n, mixed with relief and a touch of exhaustion. Reneé, ever prepared, pulled out a self-cooler from her backpack, knowing exactly what to do next. Y/n smiled as she watched her girlfriend set up the cooler, already familiar with the routine.
"Thanks, babe," Y/n said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You always think of everything."
Reneé flashed her a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Anything for you, my love."
As Y/n strapped on her stabilizer, Reneé knelt beside her, helping to adjust the straps and set the harness to the softest level. "There you go, love," Reneé said, her touch gentle as she secured the stabilizer in place. "This should give you some extra support on the way down."
Y/n leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Reneé's cheek. "You're so cute when you take care of me, you know that?"
Reneé chuckled, a hint of pink coloring her cheeks. "You're not so bad yourself, sweetheart."
With the stabilizer in place and the harness adjusted, Y/n took a deep breath, steeling herself for the descent. "Alright, let's do this."
Reneé offered her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand tightly. "You've got this, Y/n. And I'll be right here beside you every step of the way."
As they made their way down the unsteady trail, Y/n felt a sense of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. Despite the stabilizer and Reneé's constant support, each step felt like a precarious dance on the edge of a cliff. Reneé walked in front, her presence a comforting reassurance that if Y/n were to fall, it would be into her waiting arms.
Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at her insides. She knew the consequences of not listening to her body, of pushing herself too far. But the desire to experience life to the fullest, to explore every corner of the world with Reneé by her side, often outweighed the warnings of her own limitations.
As they descended further down the trail, Y/n's leg began to grow numb, a familiar tingling sensation spreading through her muscles. She stumbled, her foot slipping on a loose stone, and before she knew it, she was tumbling to the ground.
Reneé's heart leaped into her throat as she watched Y/n fall, her instincts kicking into overdrive. She rushed to her side, her hands gentle but firm as she helped Y/n to her feet. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.
Y/n nodded, though she could feel the frustration welling up inside her. "I'm fine, Reneé. Just a little shaken."
But Reneé could see through the facade, the pain and disappointment written plainly on Y/n's face. She sighed, her irritation bubbling to the surface. "You need to start listening to your body, Y/n. You know what happens when you push yourself too hard."
Y/n hung her head, unable to meet Reneé's gaze. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Reneé. I just... I hate feeling like I'm missing out on life."
Reneé's expression softened, her heart aching for the woman she loved. She reached into her backpack, pulling out a water bottle and a snack bar, before handing the bag to Y/n. "Here, take this. I'll carry you down."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, knowing full well that Reneé was angry with her. "But Reneé, I can—"
Reneé cut her off with a stern look. "No arguments, Y/n. I don't want to hear it. You need to conserve your energy, and I'm not going to let you push yourself any further."
With a resigned sigh, Y/n accepted the backpack, feeling the weight of Reneé's disappointment heavy on her shoulders. But as Reneé hoisted her onto her back, her arms strong and steady, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for the unwavering support of the woman she loved.
As Reneé carried Y/n down the trail, her frustration simmered just beneath the surface, her muscles straining with the effort. She muttered to herself in exasperation, her mind racing with thoughts of how Y/n's stubbornness had once again landed them in this situation.
Y/n clung to Reneé tightly, her arms wrapped securely around her girlfriend's neck. "Sorry about this, Reneé," she said softly, her voice tinged with guilt.
Reneé sighed, her irritation momentarily forgotten as she felt Y/n's warmth against her back. "It's okay, love. Just focus on holding on tight, alright?"
Y/n couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, despite the pain throbbing in her leg. "Well, at least I have a great view from up here," she teased, her fingers tracing the outline of Reneé's arms peeking out from beneath her tank top.
Reneé couldn't help but smirk at Y/n's attempt to lighten the mood, though her frustration still lingered in the back of her mind. "You're lucky I love you," she replied with a playful roll of her eyes.
As they continued their descent, Y/n felt the numbness in her leg spread, a cold, tingling sensation creeping up from her toes to her hip. She knew what it meant—a sign that she had pushed herself too far, ignored the warnings of her body once again.
"Reneé," Y/n said softly, her voice trembling with fear. "My leg... it's numb."
Reneé's heart sank as she felt the panic rising in Y/n's voice. She tightened her grip on Y/n's legs, trying to steady herself against the onslaught of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "It's okay, Y/n. Just hang on tight. We'll get through this together."
With each step, the weight of Y/n's limp body grew heavier on Reneé's back, the strain beginning to take its toll. But she refused to falter, refusing to let her own frustration get in the way of helping the woman she loved.
And as they finally reached the base of the trail, the exhaustion evident in every line of Reneé's body, Y/n felt a sense of relief wash over her. Despite the challenges they had faced, they had made it through, their love for each other shining bright even in the darkest moments.
As Reneé gently lowered Y/n to the ground, their eyes met in silent understanding.
As Y/n lay on the ground, her leg completely numb and useless beneath her, Reneé's heart clenched with worry. She knelt beside her girlfriend, her hands trembling with fear and frustration. "Y/n, we need to get you help," she said urgently, her voice tinged with desperation.
But Y/n shook her head stubbornly, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "I just need a minute, Reneé. I'll be okay."
Reneé's patience snapped, her irritation boiling over as she watched Y/n struggle to stand. "Enough, Y/n," she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We need to get you out of here."
With a heavy heart, Reneé surveyed their surroundings, her eyes landing on a group of jeeps parked nearby. She knew that they were used to transport tourists back to the entrance of the park, a quick and efficient way to navigate the rugged terrain.
Reneé's anger flared as she realized that Y/n's stubbornness had put them in this situation. She couldn't understand why her girlfriend insisted on pushing herself to the brink, ignoring the warnings of her own body.
"Get up, Y/n," Reneé said, her voice cold and clipped. "We're getting in one of those jeeps and going back to the hotel."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise at the steel in Reneé's voice. She knew that Reneé was done with her stubbornness, done with watching her push herself beyond her limits.
As they climbed into one of the jeeps, Reneé's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. She knew every symptom of Y/n's disorder, knew that they just needed to get her back to the hotel so she could lay down and rest.
As the jeep rumbled to life and began the journey back to civilization, Reneé held Y/n's hand tightly, her heart heavy with worry.
As they approached the entrance of the park, the hotel mere steps away, Y/N could feel the tension radiating from Reneé. Knowing her girlfriend well, Y/N decided it was best not to push any further, silently offering her support as they made their way back.
Meanwhile, Reneé muttered to herself, her thoughts consumed with what needed to be done once they reached the hotel room. "I need the cool pack for the pain shocks in the knee, the electroshock travel thing to stimulate her neurological nerves, and the pulsing thing to stimulate the brain to signal the leg again," she murmured, her voice a mix of determination and concern.
Y/N gave Reneé a reassuring smile, appreciating her partner's meticulous care and attention to detail. Reneé always had those medical supplies on hand, just in case of emergencies like this one. She had even taken courses to officially carry the necessary equipment and provide care to Y/N in case of need.
As they entered their hotel room, Reneé wasted no time in helping Y/n to lay down on the bed, her movements gentle and precise. She could see the discomfort etched on Y/n's face, a mixture of pain and frustration.
"Let me help you get more comfortable, love," Reneé said softly, her voice soothing as she began to unfasten Y/n's shoes. "I think it would be best if we changed you into shorts. It'll make it easier to place the electrodes on your leg."
Y/n nodded in agreement, grateful for Reneé's practicality. Despite her dislike for the electroshock therapy, she knew it was necessary to help stimulate her nerves and alleviate the pain.
As Reneé helped Y/n change into shorts, she couldn't help but notice the grimace of discomfort that crossed her girlfriend's face. "I hate these electroshocks," Y/n muttered, her voice filled with frustration. "They're so painful."
Reneé sighed, her heart aching for Y/n's suffering. "I know, love. But they're helping to give small impulses to your nerves, to encourage them to start working again. We just have to keep trying."
With Y/n settled in shorts, Reneé set to work placing the electrodes on her leg, her movements confident and precise. She knew exactly where to position each sticker, ensuring maximum effectiveness of the electroshock therapy.
"It won't be long now, love," Reneé said softly, her voice filled with reassurance as she activated the device. "Just try to relax and let the shocks do their work."
Y/n closed her eyes, trying to focus on the rhythmic pulses coursing through her leg. Despite the discomfort, she knew that Reneé was right—the electroshocks were a necessary part of her treatment, a small price to pay for the hope of relief from the constant pain.
As the therapy continued, Y/n could feel a faint tingling sensation spreading through her leg, a sign that the nerves were responding to the stimulation. She let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Reneé's unwavering support and expertise.
"Thank you, Reneé," Y/n murmured, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Reneé smiled tenderly, pressing a kiss to Y/n's forehead. "You'll never have to find out, love. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
As Y/n lay on the bed, Reneé watched her with a mixture of love and concern, her heart swelling with admiration for her resilience. But as her gaze lingered on Y/n's hand, she noticed the cut from her fall, the dirt still embedded in the wound.
Reneé's concern deepened as she saw the injury, her protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Without a moment's hesitation, she retrieved some pure water, disinfectant, a cloth, a pair of tweezers, and a plaster from her suitcase.
"Let me take care of that for you, love," Reneé said gently, her voice filled with reassurance as she approached the bed.
Y/n nodded gratefully, trusting Reneé to tend to her injury with the same care and precision she had shown with the electroshock therapy.
Reneé began by carefully cleaning the wound with the pure water, gently dabbing away the dirt and debris. She then applied the disinfectant, her touch gentle but thorough as she ensured the cut was properly cleaned.
Y/n winced slightly at the sting of the disinfectant, but she knew it was necessary to prevent infection. She squeezed Reneé's hand in silent gratitude, drawing strength from her unwavering support.
With the wound clean, Reneé used the tweezers to carefully remove any remaining dirt or debris, her movements precise and deliberate. Once satisfied that the cut was free from contamination, she applied a plaster to protect it from further irritation.
"There, all done," Reneé said softly, her eyes meeting Y/n's with a mixture of tenderness and relief. "You should be good as new in no time."
As the electroshock machine signaled the end of the session with a soft beep, Reneé carefully peeled off the stickers from Y/n's leg, her movements gentle and precise. Y/n, though still not fully feeling her leg, trusted in Reneé's expertise, knowing that her girlfriend was doing everything she could to help.
"Thank you, Reneé," Y/n said softly, a small smile playing on her lips as she shifted slightly on the chair in the bathroom.
Reneé returned the smile, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "You're welcome, love. Let's get you cleaned up, alright?"
With gentle guidance, Reneé helped Y/n to the bathroom, settling her onto the chair with care. She then proceeded to undress Y/n, her touch tender and respectful as she ensured her girlfriend's comfort and dignity.
Once Y/n was settled, Reneé fetched another chair and placed it inside the shower, making sure it was stable and safe. With a mischievous glint in her eye, Reneé decided to join Y/n in the shower, knowing that her presence would bring comfort and support.
As the warm water cascaded down, Reneé stepped into the shower beside Y/n, her wet skin glistening in the light. Y/n couldn't help but stare, captivated by the sight of Reneé's beauty and strength.
Reneé caught Y/n's gaze and smirked teasingly, the corners of her lips quirking up in amusement. "Like what you see, love?" she teased, her voice laced with playful affection.
Y/n blushed furiously, feeling a rush of warmth flood her cheeks. "I, um... well, yes," she stammered, unable to tear her eyes away from Reneé's captivating presence.
Reneé chuckled softly, her heart swelling with love for her shy girlfriend. "You're adorable, Y/n," she said fondly, reaching out to gently wash Y/n's body with the sponge.
As Reneé continued to help Y/n wash, their laughter and teasing filling the air, Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and happiness she shared with Reneé. And as they stood together under the warm embrace of the shower, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment, Y/n knew that with Reneé by her side, she could conquer anything that life threw her way.
As the warm water cascaded down, Reneé stood between Y/n's legs, gently washing her girlfriend's body with the sponge. Y/n couldn't resist the temptation, boldly planting kisses along Reneé's thighs, her lips trailing a path of warmth and desire.
Reneé let out soft noises of pleasure, her heart racing with excitement at Y/n's boldness. As Y/n's kisses grew more insistent, Reneé found herself unable to resist, her hands instinctively tangling in Y/n's hair, urging her closer.
Y/n's hands began to roam teasingly over Reneé's legs and ass, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from her girlfriend. Reneé tried to playfully ignore the sensations coursing through her body, focusing instead on washing Y/n with care and attention.
"Y/n," Reneé murmured, her voice husky with desire as she continued to wash her girlfriend's body. "We should... focus on getting you cleaned up."
But Y/n couldn't resist the temptation, her hands exploring every inch of Reneé's skin with eager anticipation. "I can't help it, Reneé," Y/n whispered, her breath hot against Reneé's skin. "You drive me wild."
Reneé let out a soft laugh, her heart swelling with love for her daring girlfriend. "You're something else, Y/n," she said fondly, unable to resist the urge to lean in and capture Y/n's lips in a passionate kiss.
As the water continued to cascade down around them, Reneé resumed washing Y/N, her touch gentle yet firm. Y/N couldn't resist the temptation, her hands still lingering between Reneé's legs, feeling the heat and desire radiating from her girlfriend's body.
Sensing Reneé's arousal, Y/N teased playfully, her movements slow and deliberate. Reneé, unable to resist the temptation, softly opened her legs a bit more, inviting Y/N's touch.
Y/N's fingers danced over Reneé's skin, exploring every curve and contour with eager anticipation. As the desire between them grew, Reneé couldn't hold back any longer. With a soft sigh, she sank down into Y/N's lap, her lips seeking out the sensitive skin of Y/N's neck.
Y/N gasped in pleasure as Reneé's lips trailed hot kisses along her neck, igniting a fire of desire within her. Feeling Reneé's need for friction, Y/N eagerly responded, her hands moving to grip Reneé's hips as she began to grind against her lap.
Reneé moaned softly, the sensation of Y/N's body against hers sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. Lost in the moment, she surrendered herself to the passion, moving in rhythm with Y/N's movements, seeking the ultimate release.
As Y/N's fingers trailed down Reneé's body, igniting a fiery passion within her, Reneé couldn't suppress the sounds of pleasure escaping her lips. With each touch, she felt herself unraveling, lost in the ecstasy of Y/N's touch.
"Babe, please," Reneé gasped, her voice filled with urgency and desire as she begged for more. "I need you."
Y/N responded eagerly to Reneé's plea, showering her with love bites on her chest and teasing her sensitive nipples. "You're so beautiful, Reneé," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with adoration as she lavished praise upon her girlfriend.
Despite the lingering numbness in her leg, Y/N was determined to keep the passion alive. With each movement, she felt the desire building between them, fueling their connection with an intense heat.
Feeling Reneé's need for more, Y/N reached for the strap-on in the cabinet, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Are you ready for this, babe?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.
Reneé nodded eagerly, her eyes blazing with desire as she got on her knees in front of the strap-on. With trembling hands, Y/N secured the harness around her waist, the anticipation building with each passing moment.
As Reneé knelt between Y/N's legs, the anticipation hung heavy in the air. With a playful smirk, Y/N watched as Reneé took the strap-on into her mouth, her gaze filled with desire and longing.
Feeling a surge of excitement, Y/N couldn't resist the urge to grab Reneé's hair, urging her head deeper as she savored the intoxicating sensation. The sight of Reneé on her knees, pleasuring her with such enthusiasm, sent waves of desire coursing through Y/N's body.
"Keep going, Reneé," Y/N demanded, her voice husky with desire. "I want to feel you, all of you."
Reneé obeyed eagerly, her movements becoming more fervent as she pleasured Y/N with the strap-on. The sound of Y/N's pleasure filled the air, mingling with Reneé's own intoxicating moans.
But Y/N wasn't satisfied with just receiving pleasure. With a hunger in her eyes, she urged Reneé to start playing with herself too, craving the sight of her girlfriend lost in ecstasy.
"Touch yourself, Reneé," Y/N commanded, her voice laced with desire. "I want to see you lose control."
Reneé complied eagerly, her hands moving to explore her own body as she continued to pleasure Y/N with the strap-on. The sight of Reneé pleasuring herself while pleasuring Y/N sent a rush of excitement coursing through Y/N's veins.
With a playful innocence, Reneé looked up at Y/N and asked, "Can I sit in your lap on the strap-on, babe?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded eagerly, unable to resist the thought of having Reneé straddle her in such an intimate way. "Of course, love," Y/N replied, her voice filled with anticipation.
But before Reneé could even lower herself onto Y/N's lap, Y/N's mouth found its way to Reneé's wet center, eager to taste her lover's desire. Reneé let out a gasp of pleasure as Y/N's tongue delved deeper, sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through her body.
Reneé couldn't help but push Y/N's head deeper, craving more of the intoxicating sensation. With each flick of Y/N's tongue, Reneé felt herself teetering on the edge of bliss, her body humming with desire.
Feeling emboldened by Reneé's response, Y/N began to eat her out with fervent enthusiasm, her fingers working in tandem to bring Reneé to the brink of ecstasy. The sensation of Y/N's mouth and fingers driving her wild with pleasure, Reneé's moans filled the air, mingling with the sound of the rushing water from the shower.
With Y/N's tongue expertly driving her wild with pleasure, Reneé couldn't hold back any longer. With a gasp of ecstasy, she practically rode Y/N's face, her body trembling with desire.
Feeling the intensity of Reneé's passion, Y/N eagerly held her lover up to stand by her ass, their bodies pressed close as they reveled in the heat of the moment. Y/N's fingers danced across Reneé's back, scratching just enough to send shivers of pleasure coursing through her body.
Reneé moaned in response to Y/N's touch, the sensation driving her wild with desire. With a commanding tone, Y/N urged Reneé to ride the strap-on, eager to fulfill her lover's every desire.
Reneé obeyed without hesitation, lowering herself onto the strap-on with a shudder of anticipation. Y/N wasted no time in taking control, her fingers moving to play with Reneé's clit, sending waves of pleasure crashing over her.
With each thrust, Reneé felt herself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, the pleasure building to an overwhelming crescendo. And as Y/N's fingers worked their magic, Reneé couldn't hold back any longer, her body convulsing with pleasure as she reached the peak of ecstasy.
With a cry of release, Reneé collapsed into Y/N's arms, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.
Y/N held Reneé tightly, her arms wrapped around her lover as they basked in the euphoria of their shared passion. Reneé, still feeling the lingering effects of their intimate encounter, shuddered slightly as she moved, the sensation of the dildo still palpable.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Y/N couldn't help but feel a rush of desire at the sight of Reneé, her body glistening with water and flushed with pleasure. "You're so beautiful, Reneé," Y/N murmured, her voice filled with adoration.
Reneé chuckled softly, her fingers trailing teasingly along Y/N's skin. "As much as I love this view, babe, I think it's time we moved to the bed," she said playfully, her eyes sparkling with desire.
Y/N nodded eagerly, her heart racing with anticipation as Reneé helped her out of the shower and laid her down on the bed. With each touch, Y/N's desire grew, her body responding eagerly to Reneé's gentle caresses.
As Y/N lay on the bed, growing wet with anticipation, Reneé retrieved the strap-on and expertly put it on, a wicked grin playing on her lips. With a seductive glint in her eye, she crawled onto the bed, moving to straddle Y/N's hips.
"You ready for round two, babe?" Reneé whispered huskily, her voice laced with desire.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she nodded eagerly, her body tingling with anticipation. "More than ready, Reneé," she replied, her voice filled with longing.
As Reneé began to jerk the strap-on, her movements smooth and controlled, Y/N's fingers eagerly found their way to Reneé's nipples, teasing and flicking them gently. The sensation sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Reneé's body, her breath hitching with each touch.
With a hunger in her eyes, Reneé positioned herself between Y/N's legs, mindful of her still numb leg. As she pushed into Y/N, the sensation of their bodies coming together ignited a fire within them both. Y/N's moans filled the room, growing louder and filthier with each thrust.
Reneé, driven by desire and passion, moved fast and hard, her movements synchronized with Y/N's cries of pleasure. "You feel so good, Y/N," Reneé praised, her voice filled with adoration and longing.
Y/N begged for more, her pleas echoing in the air as she surrendered herself to the pleasure consuming her. Reneé, unable to resist Y/N's desperate cries, removed the strap-on and moved to taste her lover's desire.
With a hunger in her eyes, Reneé began to lick and suck on Y/N's clit, her movements skilled and deliberate. Y/N writhed beneath her touch, lost in the ecstasy of the moment as Reneé's tongue drove her to the brink of bliss.
As Y/N's back arched on the bed, her fingers tangled in Reneé's hair, she pushed her lover deeper, moaning Reneé's name loudly into the air. Pleasure surged through her veins, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment.
"Reneé, please," Y/N begged, her voice filled with desperate longing. "I need you."
Reneé, unable to resist Y/N's pleading, felt her own desire surge to new heights. With a hunger in her eyes, she eagerly obliged, her body moving to straddle Y/N's, their hips grinding together in a primal rhythm.
As their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their clits rubbing together in a symphony of pleasure, Y/N and Reneé lost themselves in the intoxicating rush of desire. With each movement, their passion intensified, building to a crescendo that threatened to consume them both.
Moans and cries of pleasure filled the room as they surrendered themselves to the ecstasy of their love, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.
As Y/n's moans filled the room, punctuated by cries of "yes" repeated like a mantra, Reneé couldn't help but speed up, the intensity of their lovemaking reaching new heights. With each thrust, Reneé threw her head back in ecstasy, lost in the pleasure of their connection.
Suddenly, Y/N's body tensed, her back arching off the bed as waves of pleasure washed over her. Without warning, she reached her peak, crying out in ecstasy as she came, her release triggered by the sheer intensity of Reneé fucking her senseless.
Reneé, still teetering on the edge of climax, watched with a mix of awe and desire as Y/N surrendered herself to pleasure. But as Y/N's command pierced the air, Reneé knew what she had to do.
As Reneé straddled Y/n's face, her own fingers teasing her sensitive nipples, she felt a surge of desire course through her veins. With each flick of her fingers, pleasure radiated through her body, intensifying the sensations pulsating between her legs.
Y/n, hungry for more, didn't hesitate to oblige, her hands finding their way to Reneé's ass, delivering sharp slaps that sent waves of pleasure reverberating through Reneé's body. Moans and cries filled the room as Y/n devoured Reneé with fervent enthusiasm, her tongue dancing over Reneé's clit with expert precision.
"Beg for it, Reneé," Y/n demanded, her voice husky with desire as she continued to eat out her lover.
Reneé, lost in the throes of passion, could only comply, her cries growing louder and more desperate with each passing moment. "Please, Y/n," she pleaded, her voice filled with need. "I need more."
As Y/n continued to pleasure her, Reneé felt herself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. With each flick of Y/n's tongue, she felt herself drawing closer to the brink, her body humming with desire.
"I'm close," Reneé moaned, her voice thick with desire as she neared the peak of pleasure.
As Y/n sensed Reneé's desperation for release, she embraced her dominant side, determined to push her lover over the edge. With a firm grip on Reneé's hips, Y/n delivered sharp slaps to Reneé's ass cheeks, the sound echoing in the room as Reneé's moans filled the air.
Feeling the intensity of Y/n's touch, Reneé arched her back, tipping her head back in pleasure as she sought support on Y/n's stomach. The sensation of Y/n's dominance drove her wild with desire, her body trembling with anticipation.
Y/n continued to assert her dominance, her hands roaming over Reneé's body with expert precision. With each touch, Reneé felt herself drawing closer to the brink, her body humming with desire.
Unable to hold back any longer, Reneé felt the tension building within her, the pleasure reaching an unbearable peak. And then, with a cry of ecstasy, she let go, her body convulsing as she released a torrent of pleasure, squirting all over Y/n's face.
As the waves of pleasure washed over her, Reneé collapsed onto the bed, her body spent from the intensity of their lovemaking.
As Reneé experienced her first squirting, Y/N was momentarily stunned, her eyes widening in surprise. It was a new experience for both of them, and while Reneé shuddered from the aftermath, Y/N could see a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.
But Y/N quickly reassured her, wrapping her arms around Reneé and holding her tight. "That was incredible, Reneé," Y/N murmured, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're amazing."
Feeling a rush of warmth at Y/N's praise, Reneé buried her face in Y/N's chest, her cheeks flushing with color. "I... I didn't expect that," she admitted softly.
Y/N gently kissed the top of Reneé's head, stroking her hair with tender affection. "It's okay, love," Y/N reassured her. "It's just another beautiful part of you."
With a contented sigh, Reneé pushed herself closer to Y/N, seeking comfort in their embrace. Y/N gladly obliged, spooning Reneé and wrapping the blanket around their naked bodies like a cocoon.
As they lay together in the aftermath of their passionate encounter, Y/N continued to stroke Reneé's hair, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. And as they drifted off to sleep, entwined in each other's arms, they knew that their love would only grow stronger with each passing day.
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raquellemonsta · 2 months
Hi girl! Me again!
Still can’t stop thinking abt that amazing tobio fic that u did which I requested, I NEEDD a part two or like a timeskip where they’re datinggg. I’m dying to know what their dating life is like when their pre-dating time is already as hot and fiery as u wrote it!! <3 along w the media n stuff like they’re obv they’re gn be so slay n espesh u write it so i alr know I’m gn love it sm!! So looking forward to it <33
golden (timeskip!kageyama x model!reader)
here it is! I love these two so much. I'm sorry this took so long, oops. disclaimer: you'll have to suspend your disbelief, I know in the manga he technically was 19 when he went to the Olympics but he's aged up here so that both of your career paths make sense. I am very sorry if that takes you out of the story at all </3 I hope you love it anyway!
wc: 2015 words
(part 1)
your relationship with kageyama tobio is nothing short of a dream. everyone can tell just how in love with him you are, and he's just as whipped for you. the two of you are meant for each other.
it's what all the tabloids, your closest friends, and even your parents say to you every-time you see them.
you can't agree more; he's the perfect man for you. tobio is able to understand the weight of being in the spotlight, millions of eyes on you, and he keeps you grounded. he's been your date to every social event, awards show, concert, sporting event, you name it. at the same time, you both are always there for one another, even with no cameras around. tobio's your safe space away from all of the pressures of being famous (and just being human, too). he's anything but a pr relationship, that's for sure.
which is why you're so excited, today of all days especially.
your boyfriend is competing in the 2016 summer olympic games, one of the most impressive feats an athlete can accomplish.
even if tobio can be quiet, not bothering to talk about what it is he's thinking about most of the time, you know that this has been a dream of his since he was a little boy. it's quite literally the farthest he can go in the sport he's loved forever, and he gets to do it with his close friends by his side, too.
your heart swells with pride just thinking about it. you're so happy he has this opportunity.
the unfortunate consequence of it, though, is that you haven't seen him in two weeks. well, that's slightly dramatic. he's able to text you occasionally, but nothings the same as waking up in his arms. other than games, of course, he's restricted to practice and the olympic village.
the only times you've really seen him in-person are watching his games, where you have a limited time afterwards to hug him before he's whisked away from you to start the same cycle over again.
it's been very lonely without him. your friend even sent you a twitter post someone had made about how sad you looked and how 'no one ever sees [you] without [your] boyfriend usually'. you kind of laughed at that, both at the ridiculous picture taken of you and at the fact that the caption might be true.
you miss him so much.
that's why you're both excited and nervous that today is the very last possible match: olympic finals.
entering the (at this point) familiar arena, you make your way to the side designated for japan. your seat is pretty close to the front, but still high enough so that you can see all of the court. that part is important, since your tobio rarely stays in one spot when he's out there.
you pull out your phone, shooting a text to your friend and then one to tobio, despite the fact that he definitely won't see it until after the game. you're pulled out of your focus by a man with a microphone held to your face.
"miss japan! miss (l/n), are you excited to be here today?" he looks at you excitedly, camera aimed at your face.
you can never seem to escape the 'reporters' from random news sites, especially here. it's not too surprising that they want to know your reaction to your boyfriend being in the finals. you don't want to seem rude, though, so once you recover from the shock of being interrupted, you respond calmly.
"of course i am. i'm lucky to have someone i know and love playing, too." you smile at the camera, waving to anyone who will end up watching this (which is always more people than you think). you can practically hear gushiken-san talking about what a great client he has. 'so humble!'
"yes, kageyama tobio. his performance has been amazing these past few games." he looks at you, expectantly.
"i think his performance is always amazing, but i'm also biased," you joke.
the man smiles at you, the two of you going back and forth for a few more questions, mainly about you and your most recent projects (shouldn't they be focused on the event you're at?), along with digging for any possible hints on where you'll be modeling next.
finally, he thanks you for your time and you're left alone. your attention then shifts to the court, where brazil has gone out to warm up.
your heartbeat picks up its pace, nervous and excited simultaneously.
it's almost time.
when the japanese team walks out, your eyes immediately fall onto number 20. even his warmup is flawless. you barely register the time passing, gaze locked on tobio like he's the only man on earth.
the whistle, signifying the end of warmups and for the teams to lineup, brings you back to reality. this is really happening. this is what he's worked so hard for.
this is his destiny.
finals. olympic finals. a game away from total victory, or bitter defeat.
his heart has been pounding for the entirety of the last set. tobio has always been able to keep his cool during matches, but something about the pressure of the biggest match in the entire world has managed to creep into his head. it even cost the team a point earlier. a foot fault has rarely ever happened to him before, yet here of all games it would. tobio knows he has to put that behind him, though, especially with the score now.
28-27. match point. and he's up to serve.
slowly moving back behind the line, a chill goes down his spine. the arena feels dead silent, despite the sheer number of spectators. he closes his eyes, pushing out a final exhale as his ears barely register the whistle.
this is it.
his entire life has led up to this exact moment. his serve undoubtedly making or breaking the game, and his reputation. it feels as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders, crushing him and depriving his lungs of air. like sinking deep underwater, he's nearly swallowed whole.
a saving grace is waiting for him, in the form of you. he pictures your beautiful face, smiling up at him like he's the only man in the entire world. like he's invincible.
tobio knows you're watching him right now. what are you thinking? about that missed serve earlier, and how lame he is? no. that thought is quickly swiped away. he thinks of how you'll run up to him as soon as the game is over, win or lose, take him in your arms and kiss him like no one is watching. he can't wait.
with complete precision, he tosses the ball up, going through his footwork as if in slow motion. he's done this a million times before, and yet this is different.
at the apex of his jump, he meets the ball. he swears he can see you now, hands over your mouth, gripping tightly in anticipation. he's sure he's never slammed the ball harder.
the ball drills into the back left corner, shanked by brazil's opposite.
the arena immediately becomes deafening, shouts and cheers erupting from every single side of kageyama as he barely registers that he ended the olympics on an ace. his teammates are crowding him, excited (especially bokuto), and yet all he can think of is you.
the next several minutes are spent awarding the medals, kageyama standing with his team on the first place podium. despite this being one of the greatest moments of his life, his face lacks a visible smile. he's glancing around the arena, searching throughout the crowd.
a tap on his shoulder finally pulls him out of it, though he turns around to be met with the girl he was looking for, you.
his eyes widen for a split second before you basically throw yourself onto him, hugging him so tightly that you can feel the cold medal through your shirt. tobio's arms quickly wrap around you, and even despite the sweat you move closer to him.
"i'm so proud of you." you smile brightly, amazed by this man that you're lucky enough to call your boyfriend. your hands have found their way to his cheeks, thumbs at the edge of his lips.
kageyama's never been big on pda, but he just won an olympic gold medal and has the prettiest girl in the world by his side. he can let a kiss with you slide, especially when you're looking at him like that.
you drown out the cheers and ignore the flashing of several cameras, lost in your love for tobio. it's only you and your lover, locked in a kiss full of emotion and yet simply enough to convey your feelings.
when the two of you pull away, it's like you suddenly remember just where you are, and you feel slightly shy (which is shocking, for you). tobio, on the other hand, is smiling down at you. really smiling, the smile that he told you people always thought was 'creepy', but you loved because you know it's genuine.
unfortunately, the two of you are pulled out of your moment together.
"kageyama, that was absolutely amazing! how are you feeling after such an amazing moment?!" a reporter rapidly speaks, trying to be heard over the loud environment. unlike the one interviewing you earlier, this woman appears to be from a more official american news station, trying to get an interview from the man who won japan the game.
tobio looks between her and the camera, confused, before he leans into the microphone.
"i love my girlfriend," comes his very choppy english. you can't stop yourself from smiling brightly, the camera turning to focus on you behind him.
he pulls you away after that, and you shoot the reporter and cameraman an apologetic look before following after him eagerly.
"thank you, hon." you joke, commenting on his earlier answer to the woman.
he looks to you. "it's true."
you lean up to kiss him again, hands tenderly holding his shoulders.
"i know. you're so sweet to me… can i wear your medal for a sec?" you eye the big circle of gold.
kageyama can only roll his eyes at your quick shift, though he still ends up taking the medal off and over his head, placing it on you like you've just created all of the stars in the sky.
"tobio, what flavor should we get? i'm stuck between strawberry shortcake and fudge brownie." you stare through the glass case at the grocery store, pondering about the endless assortment of ice cream.
in the reflection, you can see your boyfriend aimlessly looking around the aisle, before his eyes catch onto your figure. you catch his lips turn up so subtly that you'd have never noticed it if he wasn't the love of your life.
he ponders your statement for a second, before coming up next to you and opening the case, grabbing both of the cartons you listed. you look up at him, confused.
"why not both?" he turns back to you, small smile still present.
you smile brightly at him, entranced. he's so perfect.
"i love you, tobio."
"i love you, (y/n)."
you let yourself fall into his side (the arm where he's not holding the ice cream, of course), wrapping your arm around his back as he does the same to you.
on your way to the self-checkout, you snatch one of the magazines on the edge of an aisle, plastered with a photo of you and tobio after his medal was awarded. you skim the bubble in the bottom right corner, one questioning any talk of marriage between the two of you.
you jokingly point to the bubble, showing it to your boyfriend.
"what do you have to say to this, hm?"
tobio eyes it, quickly reading before he smiles at you and kisses your head. he turns away to pay for the ice cream, ignoring your question.
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i4bellingham · 2 years
INSTAGRAM FILES: jude bellingham x reader x jamal musiala
SYNOPSIS: in which you and jude announce your break up and the events that soon follow after.
NOTES: please ignore the errors i made lol i freaking love doing social media au’s can you guys tell? 😍
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📍Bavaria, Germany
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❤️ 💭 ↗️      • •
Liked by alphonsodavies, jamalmusiala10 and others
yourusername froh, wieder zu hause zu sein ❤️ glad to be home again
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user2 dortmund probably wasn't such a good place huh :/
alphonsodavies you should visit us at allianz arena soon!
yourusername will do phonzy!
user3 hasn't she just broken up with jude last month? 😟
user4 lmao she's been friends with musiala way before she even met jude 🤣
jamalmusiala10 lass uns bald mit den anderen losziehen ❤️ let's go out with the others soon
yourusername ja, lasst uns! yes, let's
user5 what on earth is happening 🙁
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by jobebellingham and 986,567 others
jamalmusiala10 herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag an meinen seelenverwandten. du hast das grösste herz und die grösste liebe für jeden, aber es ist eine schande, dass nicht jeder das schätzt und sieht. denk immer daran, dass ich für dich da bin. ich liebe dich, nochmals herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag ❤️ happy birthday to my soulmate. you have the biggest heart and love for everyone, but it's a shame that not everyone appreciates and sees that. always remember that i am here for you. i love you, happy birthday again.
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername danke, bambi. ich habe großes glück, dich als freundin zu haben. cih leibe dich ❤️ thank you, bambi. i’m very lucky to have you as a friend. i love you
user2 atp i think we can say miss girl dated the wrong football player 😭😭
user3 he stopped calling her that (& vice versa) when she was still dating jude omfg my heart
user4 y/n l/n, through the eyes of jamal musiala 🥺
yourfriend lass uns bald zusammen essen gehen! let's have dinner together soon
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by yourfriend, bvbfangirl87 and others
footballwrld_ig What do you guys think? 🤔🤔🤔
Also follow us for more football-related updates, news and gossips!
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user1 lmfao that's literally jude and y/n
user2 jude cheated? 😟🙁
user3 man i used to root for them to last too ://
yourfriend just shows you can’t trust most guys these days 😐
❤️ liked by footballwrld_ig
user4 that's so hypocritical of the girl lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣 miss girl be upset that her famous and well loved man is cozying up with diff girls when she's out there flaunting her flirty ass relationship with her bsf 🤣🤣
user5 you're so fucking stupid harvard’s knocking at your door.
user6 the difference is that j*de did it while he was still in a fucking relationship. y/n on the other hand had been best friends with musiala since they were kids and continues to be the best of friends until now. if she decides to start a relationship with him why not? she's known him longer than she's ever known jude and truthfully, musiala acts more of a decent boyfriend than j*de ever was to her 😐
user7 user6 slay bestie. roast that fatherless bitch
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by hekitike, alejandrobalde and others
yourusername and i still ride with my day one ❤️
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user1 that caption though 😍
user2 date night 🙊
yourfriend looking stunning my love ! 😍💋
yourusername i miss you! we should get that dinner soon when you're back!
user3 after their breakup went viral more football players started following her oh my lord 🤭
jamalmusiala10 ❤️❤️❤️
user5 lmfao u forgot jude that easily? 🤣
user6 it's been 7 months bestie move the fuck on
yourmom beautiful 😍
yourfriend2 the audacity to have to look this beautiful 😩
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mcyt-builds-contest · 6 months
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Builder : Goodtimewithscar
Series : Hermitcraft Season 9
Propaganda : With the mascot being our lovely Queen Jellie, Scar's beloved pet and winner of Mojang's contest to get her into a part of the game, Scarland incorporates the whimsy everyone wishes Disney still had. The strip is populated by guests (including the hermits and default skins, inclusive of races and disabilities) making it lovely with flashing fake-creepers and even a street performer playing the drums. There are even cameos from the Empires crew and the infamous hero HotGuy! Feel free to visit the Trading Card Game arena, any of the stores selling snacks and drinks, and take pictures with the mascots distributing cute hats and balloons. At dawn and dusk, our lovely CEO of Scarland, Scar himself, welcomes guests and sends them off in the evening. You, too, can download the Hermitcraft map and visit Scarland yourself with any friends you would like to bring with you.
La Cité Médiévale
Builder : Aurelien_Sama
Series : Holycube Season 5
Propaganda : I love that fucking village so much everyone need to see it. Look at the way the streets flows between the houses, this thing is so well constructed it looks like it could be an actual medieval village, a problem a lot of builds have that this one doesn't, it's believable! All the houses are able to coexist while not being copies of each others, but variation, so when you look at the build from an outside scale, it seems like a city, but the details make it that when you are exploring it on ground level, it become an adventure! And that castle and Montains are just so cool looking! | everyone should go and check out aurelien_sama holycube season 5 vidéo "une saison en timelapse" or at least the start of it, it's a timelapse of all of his builds in the season, including La Cité Médiévale (you can even see the flags change from belgian to french since they had a little prank war going on with those)! Everything in the image was made by him and a few friend, its no just a village, but also two castle and a full montain range, the build itself took almost a year to build and was made in survival, and how gosh does it look amazing
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Spoilers for Catching fire of the Hunger games series, if u havent watched it dont read.
Rewatching the 2nd hunger games film, Catching Fire for the first time in a years here r my thoughts chronologically, & I've got a lot to say about this one:
- They actually show Katniss's PTSD, flashbacks and nightmares.
- Gale being a "nice guy", christ hes a an sh*tty
- watching them back to back, they recast the cat!!!
- Snow is a fabulous villain.
- Caeser Flickerman's banger theme tune!
- The camera's interview is so awkward
- Effie deserved Katniss snapping at her on the train
- Peeta acknowledging that he cant hold her to wot they did to survive in the games! Peeta's already way above Gale. Peeta king 👑 of communication.
- just asking each other their favourite colour is adorable
- The Mockingjay!
- Peeta offering to talk to make it easier for Katniss
- Peeta giving Thresh & Rue's families some of their winnings. Katniss's speech about Rue is beautiful, I'm sobbing
- I love district 11, f*ck the peace keepers!! That poor old man! Haymitch: Who's going to protect them!?
- Haymitch knows better than anyone that you never escape the games.
- Jennifer Lawrence is fabulous
- Haymitch cares about them so much, we love him.
- Katniss barely holding it together on the victory tour. She looked so horrified at the little girl saying she would volunteer just like Katniss did.
- Caeser Flickerman has no right to be so iconic.
- Peeta is amazing! I love him and Katniss
- Does Effie have to say Mahogany in every film?
- Peetas disgust at the Capitol compared to what people in the districts are going through.
- I love the politics of catching fire
- Seneca decided to stop breathing - Plutarch
- F*CK GALE!!!! SHE DOESNT HAVE TO LOVE U ROMANTICALLY FOR BOTH OF U TO SAVE UR FAMILIES!!!!! Gale's right about rebelling, but he isnt even trying to understand her trauma.
- I love the anti corporal punishment, pro riots/rebellion, f*ck the police message of catching fire
- Peeta without question helping to save Gale cos he's not selfish
- Prim being a great nurse!
- I don't think Katniss has ever had any romantic feeling for Gale, he's just her best friend at most, a lot of the time he's barely that, she would've thrown herself in front of that whip if it was anyone she remotely cared about.
- The trauma of all the victors. Haymitcch is right they're not winners, they're survivors. Nobody ever wins.
- Effie actually kinda realizing the games arent the honour shes been indoctrinated to think they are.
- Katniss didnt ghetto say goodbye to Prim 😭
- Finnick & Maggs!!! We love them.
- Finnick Odair 🥰
- The Capitol is even more perfect in this one
- Johanna Mason is iconic and fabulous
- Wiress & Beetie r great
- Maggs is the sweetest
- Transition from Seneca Cranes hanging body to Caeser Flickerman's banging theme song!
- The Victor's interviews are very persuasive & interesting, they each show a lot about the characters
- Slay Johnnana!!! Make him pay for it
- The costumes in this one is a step up from the first.
- the fact she knows that Cinna is in danger for the Mockingjay dress
- Peter "We actually got married" Mellark, Peter "If it werent for the baby" Mellark
- All the Victor's holding hands in a show of unity
- CINNA 😭 (Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this scene)
- The arena is beautiful
- finnick: oh Sh*t Katniss might actually love Peeta.
- THE FOG ,, MAGGS!! 😭😭
- Tick Tock The arenas a clock
- bye bye district 12
I love this film, for me, it's my favourite in the series.
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spectrumos · 23 days
relaying a theory, and my narrative on it.
Edit: I said in this post I'd also write the narrative in a separate post, so here it is! It's also a slightly expanded and better edited version of it.
for two theory videos linked below.
This one was made pre-dlc
And this one post-dlc.
Send them both some love, they both have more to say on theory than I do.
Below is my attempt to convey both these videos and then my attempt to tell a narrativized version, which I will likely post again but separately.
"Solidified knotgrease made from a mixture of bone shards. The delightful festival is an old tradition; one old enough for the Erdtree to tacitly tolerate its endurance." Festive grease item.
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made of blessed bone shards and yet it's full of flowers. odd.
You know where else is full of flowers? The shaman village of course. But where else?
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The windmill village! Remarkably close to the Erdtree, and it contains a Godskin apostle! Why though?
Wouldn't you like to know!
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Near the outskirts of Bonny village lies this giant snakeskin. Quite close to the tree and statue where you get the "O mother" gesture.
This leads to a theory that I had always believed a little bit, but the snakeskin, despite not being referenced in any descriptions or dialogue, feels quite important.
Especially because it shares a head shape with
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and yet...
The skin near bonny village...
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Is far larger than the one that ate Rykard!
So what snake is this second one?
Now you may look at me like i'm INSANE and that's because I AM!
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"Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.
The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword." -Godslayer's greatsword
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"A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Sweeps a wide area before the caster with black flame. Charging enhances range. The black flame could once slay gods. But when Maliketh sealed Destined Death, the true power of the black flame was lost." - Scouring Black Flame.
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"Superior black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. 
Summons a circle of black flame pillars around the caster. Charging increases the size of the circle.
The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers." - Black flame ritual.
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Chosen by the fingers, huh? This is the symbol for the blackflame incantations. It looks quite a lot like Metyr, I would think.
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"Sacred cloth of the Godskin Apostles, made from supple skin sewn together.
Successive attacks restore HP.
The Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth. Soon they will grow to become the death of the gods." - Godskin Swaddling Cloth.
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"Robe made by sewing together patches of smooth skin. Subcutaneous fat makes it plump and soft. Worn by Godskin Nobles, known for their seven-face aprons.
Strengthens the Noble Presence incantation.
Nobles are the most ancient apostles who are said to have ASSIMILATED INHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Not unlike the crucible, the Erdtree in its primordial form." - Godskin Noble's robe.
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The Godskin noble has a snake tail! And the solo noble boss fight is in the fucking temple of Eiglay in volcano manor! Where one of the snakeskins is!
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The beast eye given by Gurranq/Maliketh is a rather similar color to
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You guessed it! Melina being the GEQ has always been a popular theory, given her eye color and close relation with destined death!
but the things connecting it all is this
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FIRST of all. Blaidd has near identically colored eyes. Why doesn't Maliketh have gloam eyes? The one who would have them is dead... mostly.
See there's some interesting lines Blaidd has.
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A part of her very being.
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Additionally, in Maliketh's arena is this statue.
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Marika wears rather serpentine bracelets here, and some people have pointed out there seems to be scars on her wrist. Tooth whip scars?
This is the last piece of information/evidence I'm gonna post.
Below is my headcanon and narrative.
The temptation.
Leda mentioned a temptation.
Imagine it. A girl running from the toothed whip. Into the forest, taken in by wolves. Led to the fingers, whether it's their mother or just one of the pairs.
potentially given the Elden Ring at this point.
I've been partial to the idea that Marika was the first successful ahem "jar saint" because it's cool and ironic and tragic.
She meets the wolves and fingers either before or after the jarring, if she was jarred at all.
The three wolves are the three shadows. Maliketh, Blaidd, and the baleful shadow.
But what would make Maliketh Marika's half brother?
That's just it. Maliketh is a piece of Marika! "But how would he exist before meeting Marika?" You ask? Because Maliketh is only HALF Marika! Half empyrean! Her literal shadow because he's partially her!
But how is Marika the gloam eyed queen?
She followed Metyr's orders in her ascension! She skinned her first god at the divine gate! What followed would be one of the greatest slaughters she participated in! A god hunt! The elimination of the society that ascended the gate before!
But within her grew her rage against the gods! The hornsent mutilated her people in efforts to make the divine! In efforts to reach the gods!
Within her grew her will to be free! She turned against the fingers, viewing them as simply another god to be slain, as they all deserve!
And Maliketh goes MAD. Under the control of the fingers. Just. Like. Blaidd.
He defeats Marika/GEQ, takes destined death, and slays the parts of her that the fingers no longer desire.
The Gloam Eyed Queen is dead and gone, but secretly, she left two pieces of herself behind. One, her COLD FURY, her HUNGER for REVENGE.
A hunger that could devour the very gods.
The other... We'll get to that.
What is left is a hollow, golden, and "pure" queen. Missing base parts of herself. What parts? Who knows.
But the swaddling cloth implies motherhood. The gloam eyed queen wanted to be free! Marika lost that too.
She didn't desire children anymore, they were a duty. She built a culture as the fingers desired. She warred against all who would resist her rule. The society she created adhered to the biases left within her.
A hatred of snakes, fear of her past self.
A hatred of horns, fear of her past.
A hatred of anything like the crucible.
A hatred of anything that can't be controlled.
Her first child was with Godfrey. But it was not an Empyrean. The fingers were not pleased.
Her second child was with herself. Messmer, bearing a curse from the fell god, like his father. But far worse. An all consuming flame.
A blessing from his mother's dead self, that would eventually snuff the fire out.
The fingers, and Marika, were not pleased.
She feared her son and sent him to do an act of pure evil in her stead! She abandoned him!
Radagon leaves and marries Rennala.
But he's a good father that loves his children, and he's a good husband that loves his wife? What makes him different?
He's a larger piece of her loyalty, an unconscious decision to give herself more freedom. He's a piece of duty. so as to let her take more time to search the depths of the golden order. He is their fatherhood. Their less prevalent, masculine half.
When his third child is an Empyrean, the fingers are ecstatic. But they want to assure their control. They have Radagon connect her to her own two fingers, her own shadow would be made.
But queen Marika throws the fingers for a loop, stripping Godfrey and so many others of the Grace of Gold. Sending them to war in distant lands. The only one who understands her goals at this time is herself.
The fingers call Radagon back, to lay with himself, now that they KNOW Their puppet can make another.
But Radagon's marriage to Rellana was a sacred vow. Our favorite turtle Dog pope has something to say on that topic.
The severing of the vow would have disastrous consequences.
Radagon and Marika's second union would curse their two Empyrean children. Rotting and Unceasingly-Nascent.
Time passes, the fingers are begrudgingly satisfied. Ranni plots, and on the 'night' of the eclipse, Godwyn the Golden is killed, sending Marika into a pit of despair.
Whenever Radagon is joined with her, his loyalty suppressed their thoughts of rebellion. Thoughts of her master plan.
A plan who's conditions were not yet met. But despair is quite the powerful emotion.
The ring shatters, Radagon understands. The beast emerges from them. They are imprisoned.
But in their very last moments of control... The last piece of them to ever be removed again, their last, tiny little desire for freedom, and their desire to die, is removed.
And so is born Melina, a woman with a vision of fire and death.
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catindabag · 10 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (42)
Pres.Ravinstill: My dearest Mentors, in spite of the recent tragic events-
Felix: You mean the Arena Explosion Incident that almost got us killed if not for Palmyra Monty being absent that day?
Pres.Ravinstill: Yes. That one.
Festus: But why are we calling it tragic? Nobody died.
Pres.Ravinstill: Correct! Nobody died except for our government’s budget for reconstruction that is. Now I have to borrow another large sum of money from Monster Cardew- I mean, from Mama Cardew again.😞
Livia: That sounds like good news to me.😌💅
Coryo: Of course it does.🙄
Pres.Ravinstill: However, that is not the reason for why I’m here today-
Androcles: Mr. President, Mr. President, are you here for your missing Bichon Frisé puppy-
Everyone: Andie!
Androcles: Nevermind. I’ll shut up now.
Pres.Ravinstill: As I was saying, I’m here to make an announcement. An important one that will either make or break the future of our country. So Felix, come up here and give your Gran Gran a hug-
Felix: Am I in trouble? If so, just know it wasn’t me. It was Festus-
Festus: Hey! I ain’t no criminal-
Felix: Or Hilarius-
Hilarius: Fair enough.
Felix: And Sejanus.
Sejanus: Coryo! Coryo, my love, they’re bullying me again!😭
Coryo: Babe, please stop crying in front of the President. It’s embarrassing.
Sejanus: Ok. I’ll stop crying if you first give me a kiss.😘
Coryo: On the cheek?
Sejanus: No.
Coryo: On the forehead?
Sejanus: Lower.
Coryo: On the nose?!
Sejanus: Lower.
Coryo: On your chin?!
Sejanus: You know where, Babe.😏
Coryo: I-
Sejanus: Pretty please?🥺
Coryo: Um-
Lysistrata: Kiss him! Kiss him, Coryo! Coryo, please! For the SnowPlinth Fan Club!
Diana: You do know that the President is still here, right?
Felix: Don’t worry about it. My granduncle is part of the SnowPlinth Fan Club. Just look at him.
Pres.Ravinstill: Kiss him! Kiss him, Snow!! Crassus x Strabo forever!
Apollo: Crassus x Strabo?! That’s the wrong SnowPlinth Fan Club!
Felix: Tomato, Potato.
Florus: I beg to differ. That’s-
Coryo: *faints from embarrassment*
Pup: Well, I’ll be off to call the medics again.
Sejanus: *princess carries Coryo* Oh, don’t mind me. Coryo and I will be going home together.🥰
Pres.Ravinstill: Fine. I’ll go straight to the point. Felix, my beloved grandnephew, I am officially promoting you to be my new son and heir.😊
Felix: Wait, what?! Why me?! What happened to my other uncles, aunts, and older cousins?!
Pres.Ravinstill: Fortunately, they were all disowned yesterday.
Felix: Disowned?!
Pres.Ravinstill: Fortunately.
Felix: What about my parents?!
Pres. Ravinstill: Them too. So starting today, you are now my one and only son.🥹
Io: Oh, that’s so sweet!
Juno: ✨Slay✨, Class Pres!
Clemensia: Congratulations, Class Pres!
Iphigenia: Nice one, Class Pres!
Domitia: Let’s party!
Dennis: Food’s on Livia!
Livia: Suck a di-
Felix: Granduncle, are you crazy?! Why would you disown everyone but me?!
Pres.Ravinstill: It’s father now. And Panem, it was quite a funny story-
Felix: Please just tell me the short version.😞
Pres.Ravinstill: Fine. Your parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins had a big fight yesterday-
Felix: That’s just normal-
Pres.Ravinstill: Which escalated so fast that one of them intentionally destroyed one of my rare #SnowPlinth merch and my #Crasca4Ever hate shrine!
Vipsania: The audacity!
Pres.Ravinstill: Sis, you don’t even know the worst thing they did!
Vipsania: What did they do?
Pres.Ravinstill: Those damn ungrateful kids of mine vandalized one of my exclusive Bichon Frisé puppy posters out of spite!😡🔪
Everyone:. . .
Pres.Ravinstill: So I disowned all of them. Lol.
Felix: What the heck?!
Lysistrata: Not the SnowPlinth merch!😭
Pres.Ravinstill: I know! They were all so cruel to commit a crime such as that!
Sejanus: Mr. President, Mr. President, we must swiftly punish-
Pres.Ravinstill: Don’t worry, Mr.
Plinth. I already gave them a befitting punishment for their actions.
Felix: Which is?!
Pres.Ravinstill: Peacekeeper duties for 10 years without pay.😊
Felix: *faints from the shock*
Gaius: Fainting must be trending today.
Urban: You don’t say.😒
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Anthem of the Post [BC]
previous part
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liked by krisgusti, janpeteh and others
yourusername bo, you've done so incredible these past months. so much passion went into writing this song and performing it and you gave so much love to everyone involved, and to those who weren't. the dedication I have seen from you was simply incredible. and my god, the performance you put on! I fall in love over and over and over again. You've been such a character around the arena, just by being your handsome charismatic self, and it has been so beautiful to see you build all these incredible connections through your love for music. I'm so incredibly proud of you and to be with you, words can't explain (I tried my best). I can't believe I get the same commitment from you that you gave this, because I've never seen anyone as involved, committed and dedicated as you. I love you, I'm proud of you and I really, really treasure you. tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
Posted May 19th, 2023
yourusername the anthem of the post is "home" krisgusti 💙💙 jokeroutfan i will cryyy omg you truly deserve each other paidatonriehuja we 💚 bojan randomfanacc WHAT how did we not realize they were dating bye yourbestie excuse me while I just jump on the highway bojan_cvjeticanin Hvala, ljuba. I don't know how I would have done it without you, I appreciate your support so, so, so much <3
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liked by janpeteh, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername and now... time for one of the most iconic raceweeks of the year, Monaco I am ready!!! tagged f1, charles_leclerc, bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 24th, 2023
lauracwinter good to have you back! randomfan you might be ready but i don't think bojan is 😭😭😭
bojan_cvjeticanin i was not ready for a train ride from London to Nice, i am ready for monaco 😂
ferrarifan let's pray for a good home race 🙏🏼 yourfriend oh i am SO jealous yourfan no anthem of the day?!
yourusername i'ts going to be "anthem of the weekend" for work-related posts from now on, since i post a lot during race weekends :)) personal posts will deffo have aotd though!!
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liked by pierregasly, juremacek and others
yourusername take your rockstar boyfriend to work vacation💛 (Anthem of the post is Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 30th, 2023
nace_jordan next time can we come too? randomfollower such a banger familymember looks lovely y/n! enjoy 🤗🤗 jokeroutfan bojan looks so good in these oh em gee motorsportsfan omg i LOVE those cards and posters, i neeeeed anotherfollower WHERE. do i find a bojan that will look at me like the first pic because 🫠🫠 friend hope the the well-deserved break is treating you well bojan!
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liked by janpeteh, paidatonriehuja and others
yourusername first 12h of Barcelona <33 Anthem of the post is EAEA - Blanca Paloma (As per Bojan's request) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 31st, 2023
wbuxtonofficial that paella looks fantastic, i'm going to need the adress of that one randomfollower looks like it's been a rollercoaster😭😭 jokeroutfan omg girl i'm so sorry, how many times did bojan sing eaea
yourusername (as much as i love blanca) too much for a short flight. and he continued when we landed.
motorsportsfan why isnt she with drivers? its media day soon bojan_cvjeticanin bebeeee did you have to with that last one :(
yourusername yes i have to show you ur just a lil guy bojan_cvjeticanin how am i supposed to project you from scary people like this
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liked by krisgusti, lauracwinter and others
yourusername barca with boja (n) post-race edition Anthem of the post: La camisa negra - Juanes (Bojan's version) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted June 6th, 2023
lilymhe girl slayed the dump 🤝🏼🤝🏼 jokeroutlover BOJAN WITH THE DOG?? randomfollower ahhh how have you been enjoying Spain?
yourusername i love it here so much!! I did a gap year in valencia before and I just love being back surrounded by the spanish language and good weather :)) also Bojan speaking lots of spanish is a big plus ;) randomfollower i can imagine 🤪🤪 hope to have you back soon!
jokeroutfan i can't with the selfie bojan is so yourfriend you need to come back to valencia asappp i miss you over here amor
yourusername i knowww, i'm so busy 🥲🥲 but i'll text u!!
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liked by liamlawson, bojan_cvjeticanin and others
yourusername some unseen eurovision bts 🫶🏼🫶🏼 (Anthem of the post; cha cha cha) tagged maemuller, bojan_cvjeticanin, paidatonriehuja
posted June 11th, 2023
jokeroutfan OHMYGOD randomfollower omg thanks for posting these icon 👑 motorsportfollower idk who these ppl are but theyre HOT maemuller omg i miss you queenie :( can't wait for you to be back eurovisionfan bojan and mae omggg😭😭 krisgusti y/n always providing the bts content
yourusername just you wait until tour
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continuation will be posted soon.
66 notes · View notes
abbofff · 3 months
Cat Distribution System is a bitch
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 I found Annabeth on the Arena along some few other campers. She was following their every move as they sparred. I kinda feel intimidated with how serious she is now, but I need to get this from my chest.
  — Annabeth, can we talk for a second? — I ask.
  She turns around surprised and she frowns at me.
  — Do you need something? — She asked.
  — N-no. I just- Can we talk somewhere more private? — She looked back at the kids, some where still sparring and others were pretending to do so to hear the conversation.
— Keep training, I'll be back. — She comanded, and everyone sighed in annoyance.
She signaled me somewhere far enough so nobody could hear.
— Go on now. — She crossed her arms over her chestplate, still wary.
— I wanted to say sorry for lashing out on you. I was... troubled and I lost it. You don't deserve that and I'm very sorry. —
  I started to pick on my nails from the nervousness. I never was a person of many friends and if she didn't want it to be after everything, I couldn't blame her; but I can't let her think that I hate her.
  — I know how hard it can be. — Annabeth sighed. I always knew that she knew. She had told me that she was an all year long camper but that her father lives in San Francisco. She didn't tell me the exact reason of why she never visited, but I know it's hard for her.
— I forgive you. — Her eyes softened softened.
  — I didn't meant what I said. About us not being friends. You have not been anything but wonderful to me and I would love to call you my friend if you would allow me. — I don't dare to move closer. I'm afraid of making this more awkward for her.
  Annabeth's eyes softened even more and she cleared her throat.
  — That would be... nice. — She said.
  I couldn't but help smile and she smirked.
  — Great! Uhm, cool. —
  Ok, so, when I met Percy everything went with the flow and didn't exactly ask each other if we were friends, we just kinda knew. So this situation right here is eating me inside. I have never felt more awkward in my entire life.
  — The sparring lesson ended a while ago but I teach the ones that need some extra help for a while longer. Do you want to join so you don't fall behind? — Annabeth asked.
— Yes, please. Thank you, Annabeth. — I smiled.
  — I'm sure you'll want to use the sword you got there. — She said with her eyes locked in my belt loop.
  — How do you know... It doesn't matter. I wouldn't be surprised if you just have the aegis hidden somewhere. Percy has- PERCY IS DEMIGOD. Luke's showing him around camp right now. Can you believe we fought for absolutely nothing? Sorry for that again. Anyways, he has a pen-sword thingy that when I saw for the first time I thought I was going nuts because he pulverized our algebra teacher but thats alright because she was a Fury in disguise. Not that I approve going around slaying old ladys without knowing that they are monsters but- why are you looking at me with that face? Oh, im yapping. Got it. Sorry. — This is why I had no friends.
  She chuckled.
  — Don't worry. It's seems that you two got quite the story. — Annabeth smiled.
  — Yeah. You should really meet him. He's a sweet guy. I'm sure you guys could be friends. —
  Annabeth thought about it for a second.
  — We'll see. Now, let's go with the others. I'll assign you a partner for practice. — We walked to where she was standing before and she analyzed the campers.
Her sight stopped on a girl with a pink handled sword and a boy who was about to pass out from exhaustion.
— Gabriel, you can go. — Annabeth said.
The boy smiled and ran before she could change her mind.
— Silena, this is Ada Williams. Ada, this is Silena Beuregard, daughter of Aprodithe. —
— Nice to meet you. — Silena raised her hand for me to shake.
— Nice to meet you too. — I shook her hand and smiled.
— I want you two to spar, just to see what Ada needs work with. — Annabeth said.
Visually, she was what you would expect from a typical Aprodithe kid. Her pink manicure was perfect, not chipped and not too long or too short. She had light make up on, just some gloss, foundation and rimmel. She was very pretty.
Silena nodded and put on her stance.
  You would think that I would instinctively know how to perform a fighting stance but when Annabeth came closer, she just Shifu'ed my every move. Silena chuckled at my clumsiness.
Annabeth told us we were free to start and she stepped back to take a good view of everyone.
— I've heard about you. — Silena said when she charged at me, I blocked her and stepped back.
— What, exactly? — I ask her as she circled around me trying to catch me slacking.
She talked when our swords clashed.
— That you have been on two fights with Clarisse and then you two got locked in a cabin together for hours. — She said slyly, smirking.
I can even feel a blush creeping on my face. Shit. I can't think, I'm too flustered.
Silena took advantage of this, kicking my knee and pushing me on the ground. I fell on my butt and she lifted the tip op her sword to my face.
— Hey, not fair. — Silena rolled her eyes laughing and she offered her hand for me.
— Thought you would have it easy because im a Aphrodite kid? — She asked bitterly mocking.
— I thought you were just bad. How would I have it easy with an Aprodithe kid? Your mom led a war. I think she would have won it if anyone had listened to Cassandra, but that's Apollo's fault. —
Silena frowned and she chuckled bitterly.
— It really shows you are new around here. Gods change when the meaning of what they represent changes. You wouldn't think that the God of War still is a protector of women, do you? —
I thought of Clarisse and what she had said to me.
My mom told me the story of Ares, Hera's favorite son and possible one of the least horrible gods. He had been the defendant in the first murder trial in history because he had killed a son of Poseidon for raping his daughter, something no male God ever did for their daughters.
I thought that Clarisse put pressure on herself because she was his father's pride and joy but if Ares had lost that part of himself and all that was left was war I couldn’t blame Clarisse for her doings.
Silena took an answer out of my silence and went back to her fighting stance.
— Come on now, don't let me distract you just now. —
I gave a deep breath and got to the fighting stance Annabeth taught me. I charged first, the blow between our swords almost sends hers flying away. I was quick to hit her sword again, I wanted to hit the tip of it so it would move out of they way and I could touch her neck but it took me some tries because I kept hitting the middle of her sword. I finally land a precise blow and did as I had planed.
Selina raised her hands in surrender and rolled her eyes.
— I think I know who I'll assign the most difficult pegasus to next class. — Silena smirked and I chuckled.
— Thank you, Silena. Everyone can go prep for lunch now! — Annabeth said when she got closer, and every kid cheered and walked away.
— Bye, Ada. I'll see you around. — Silena said as she walked away.
— Bye, Silena. —
— You won't go just yet, Ada.— The Athena girl said when I sheathed my sword.  
  — I'll spar with you now. — She said.
  — Don't you think that it's embarrassing how many times I ended up in the infirmary these two days? I'm afraid Will is going to see me again and kick me out. — Annabeth rolled her eyes at me.
  — Your attacks are fast but not precise. You need to be ready for any monster attack. Not every monster is as flawed and dumb as a lestrygonian or a dracanae. —
  — How do you know I faced them? — Annabeth's body stiffened for a moment.
  — I know Grover, he told me what happened. — She didn't looked at my eyes.
  The memory of the name that Grover screamed to me last night appeared on my head. He was so worked up last night, like if it was a nightmare he has go trought before; because he did.
  — He was... your satyr protector? — I asked. I focused in sounding chill, I didn't want her to think I didn't trust her.
  — He was. —
  — Yeah, I guessed so. I get why you didn't told me, its ok. I know him, he's a nice person and Im glad that he was there for Percy. — I smirked at her.
  The corner of her lips curled up for a second until she cleared her throat.
  — Are you ready? — Annabeth got on her stance.
  — Not really. — I chuckled and she charged at me.
  I barely managed to dodge and block her attacks. They were almost perfect, she was aiming for my weak spots with precise and fast movements.
  On a risky move, I succeeded to make her drop her sword. I smiled with pride and lifted the tip my sword to point her neck (with a lot distance tho; I dont wanna kill somebody).
  — Never underestimate your opponents. — She said to quickly put on her Yankees cap and dissappear.
  — Annabeth, what the fuck? — I asked turning around trying to cover all of my sides.
  Of course her attacks with her sword were just "almost perfect", it's not her preferred weapon. She had a dagger at her hip all the time and now she was going to stab me with it.
  Annabeth is scary. Her steps were impossible for me to hear, hell, i couldn't even hear her armor moving. I was getting nervous, exactly was she was looking for. I calmed down by taking a few deep breaths.
  I could feel the wind hitting my skin and everything in the Arena that stood in it's way.
  Annabeth approached me from behind silently, mistaken that I was completely helpless. The wind bouncing off her skin gave her away and I looked over my shoulder at her when I decided she was close enough.
  — I can see you. — I felt her movements stop and quickly fully turned my body to her to push her to the ground with my shoulder and knock her cap away.
  She fell to the ground with a thump and I kicked her dagger off her hand. I aimed my sword to her and she looked at me gobsmacked.
  — How? — She asked.
  I smiled and offered my hand.
  — Nivir indiristimiti yir ippinints — I responded at her offended face.
  — You are bluffing. I don't know how you did it but it wont work next time. — She went to get her cap and I went for her dagger.
  — You are contradicting yourself, my friend. — I say when I hand her her weapon.
  — Stop mocking me, lighthead. — She threatened but the smile on her face gave her away.
  — Wha- Wow, nicknames stage friendship. Alright, whoie. —
  — Whoie. Seriously? — Annabeth asked.
  — I saw a bunch of your mom's little flying rats yesterday. You really look alike. — She punched me on my shoulder and rolled her eyes.
  — Come on, lighthead, enough rest. Let's see you on proper battle. — She said "proper" harsher than the rest of the sentence, of course.
  I know that Annabeth is going trought the trouble of teaching me not only because she is a super nice person but because she likes the challenge of putting her skills at test and Im starting to see why myself.
  It was a beautiful day to train. Zeus wasn't pissed off and you could clearly see Apollo doing his daily journey, not the mention the chirping of birds and the owls hooting. The last part is weird because it broad daylight, but knowing that the Arena is one of Athena's spaces I guess that her sacred animal wants to know what's going on here. I prefer encountering an owl than a wild boar tho, so I'm not complaining.
Now with her dagger in hand, Annabeth put her stance back on and I followed suit.
  The sound of the horn got to our ears and we dropped our weapons in annoyance.
  — Come on, whoie. — I say offering my arm for her to interwine and she did.
  — Let's stop by my cabin first. I need to get out of this thing. —
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I entered Annabeth's cabin and waited for her as she got her armor off and placed it where the ones of her siblings where.
I took the moment to see the cabin well now that it's daylight. It is the neatest place that I have ever seen, like Pinterest level. I focused on the bed where Annabeth put her cap on and picking under her pillow there was a Polaroid of her as a kid and a Doberman .
  — Not to be nosy but you are a dobie girl? — I asked.
  Annabeth turned to look at me and saw what I was looking. She came over and smirk as she grabbed the picture.
  — I'm a Collie lover because they are fluffy and smart but Zeus was the nicest boy ever. — 
  — That's an accurate name for a dog. — I said and Annabeth restrained a laugh.
  — We made sure to neuter him. - Now I restrained a laugh. Im not eager to be struck by lightning again anytime soon. 
  — We didn't picked his name. When I was 4, I wanted a dog and when my dad took me to the shelter I saw that Zeus was going to be sacrificed for biting and after an hour of crying we took him home. This was on his first month of training school. He was a sweetheart. — She caressed the picture with her tumb and saved it on a book.
  — I'm sorry for you loss. —
  — It's ok. We had the greatest time together. — The tone of her voice dropped.
  I got up from her bed and gave her a hug. Annabeth hugged me back and she let out a single quiet sob. She broke the hug quickly.
  — Let's go, we are going to be late for lunch. — She started to make her way out of the cabin and I followed close behind. 
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  — Why is everyone flashing blue cloths at the Ares kids? — I asked Annabeth when we were getting closer to the dining hall.
  — The blue team won Capture the Flag thanks to my plan. That's why Clarisse is specially angry these days. Wouldn't be surprised if next Friday she brakes someone's bones to get the flag. — She smiled with pride.
  — That's a little extreme, don't you think? — Annabeth stopped walking and looked directly into my eyes. 
  — It's a warfare game that prepares us for whats out there and you need to be smart and ruthless if you want to win the real thing. Thats one of the few things we agree on. Besides, we banned maiming and killing, theres nothing that the Apollo cabin cant take care of. — She started to walk again, leading the way. 
— Delightful. —
  When I we were finally on the dining hall, I looked at Hermes table and noticed Percy sitting next to Luke. Also, there was no sight of Aaron, I think it was rude of me to not had say goodbye but I didn't even saw him leave.
I said goodbye to Annabeth to go sit next to Percy but I decided to approach him from behind to scare him. 
— Buh! — I taped his shoulders, he flinched and turned around with an angry look that he had never given me before. 
— Oh, it's you. — His eyes softened completely.
— I thought i was going to be trown in the mud again. - He said, taking a bite of his food. 
— Again? What do you mean again? — I just left his side for a bit more than an hour and I had left him with bloody Luke.
— That girl from the Ares cabin, I think. Luke made her walk away before she actually punched me or something. — Percy shrugged, I couldn’t help but frown. 
  I looked at Clarisse's table, she was chuckling about something with the minions she called half-siblings. She met my eyes and she had her cocky eyes and a smirk. Then she noticed at Percy, her face shifted into disgust and scoffed to later allow me to see only the back of her head.  
— I wouldn't worry, Percy. Ada is friends with Clarisse. — Percy looked at me like if I had grown two more heads. 
— I would rather die. — I made both of the boys laugh. 
— Well, then maybe you can join us on trying to find some glory. — Luke said, Percy sighed in defeat. 
— Beg you pardon? — 
— Luke told me that when demigods get glory, nobody messes with them and they get noticed. So I wanted to try to find something that im good at so my dad claims me. —
I looked at Luke and he gave me a "go with the flow" nod. 
— I'm all free, let's do this thing. — I say, moving Percy by the shoulders, cheering him up. 
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The first thing I did when we got back to the cabin was fall to my knees on my sleeping bag and lay in it with my face buried on my backpack. My whole body was exhausted, we tried everything until darkness arrived and no shiny sign appeared above our heads.
Percy was remarcable at swordfighting, learning fast and adapting to Lukes moves. I decided to sit that one out, the heart attack I almost got from watching Annabeth turn invisible still haunted me. We even tried archery again but with Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew's guidence now, I shot bullseye and Percy almost shot me. 
  I lifted my head a little bit and saw Percy on my left sitting crossleg on his sleeping bag, staring at his hands while they picked on his shoelaces. He didn't say a word on the walk back and now he was still suffering on silence. I sat up and grabbed one of Percys hands, making him look at me. 
— The most probable thing is that your dad is solving some godly issue and can't reach out right now. The important thing is that you are safe here and we are together. —
— He doesn't get to ignore me after what happened. I killed the Minotaur last night. What will it take for him to claim me? — His voice sounded angry and sad. 
— Percy- —
— Clarisse doesn't believe me and I have the horn and everything. What if my dad is just as stupid? —
— Percy, Clarisse can go fuck off. I saw you stab him and im sure your dad is just as proud as I am. I know how bad it sucks but we need to be patient. — I squeezed his hand to ground him and he sighed again. 
— How are you dealing with all of this? — He asked, grabbing my other hand. 
When I was younger, it used to hurt not having him around. Especially when my classmates talked about how they were their daddy's princesses. I used to think that I was missing something but I got older and learned how shitty a dad can be. Sometimes I felt like I dodged a bullet.
Now, to make things even worse, he was a god. To be honest, I don't know what that makes me. There were many demigods heroes but many more lived unnoticed. Maybe I'll end up living how I have lived to my fathers eyes: Irrelevant. Maybe that was for the best.
— I lived trought twelve Fathers Day and many Father-Daugther dances. I don't need him for me to know who I am. Neither do you. — Percy pulled me for a hug. 
— Thank you for everything that you've done for me, sis. — He said on the crook of my neck and hugged me tight. 
— Thank you too, bro. —
We broke up the hug and Luke walked to us.
— Hey guys, the camp fire is going to start soon. You should get ready if you want to be there. — He said. We thanked him and he left to chat with Chris.
— Do you want to go? — Percy asked.
— Nah, I'm just going to take a shower and get some sleep. You should go with Luke and the others. Just do me the favor of listen to people so we can discuss all the tea over tea tomorrow morning. — Percy rolled his eyes.
— Maybe you are Helios daughter. You know, the gossiper. —
— Helios is a titan. —
— Again with mansplainig. Don't you have to go shower? You smell so bad im gonna puke all over you. —
— Ew, Percy, you are gross. — I push him to the ground as I got up and we laugh.
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I got off my long shower and I could still hear the laughter coming from the camp fire. I gather my clothes and my towel in a tote bag and leave the showers.
— HELP! —
My heart dropped at the far scream. The despair in it wasn't what got me dropping everything and running to the woods, it was that that voice belongs to Annabeth.
The screams continued and they got louder and closer as I entered the woods area. I encountered a cave where the screams echoed and I entered without hesitation.
— ANNABETH. — I called as I ran trought the caves long entrance.
— ADARA. — She screamed, it came from way deep.
I only stopped because I got to the end of the cave. It was a round space with no way out or in other than the way I come from.
The openings on the roof let in the dim light of the moon, being the only way to see here.
It was dead silent.
I felt my brooch on the pocket of my shorts and unsheathed the sword.
— ANNABETH. — My scream echoed on the rock and nobody answered.
From within the shadows in front of me, a figure emerged growling. It was a lion, a giant one.
I gripped my sword tighter, bracing for was going to happen.
The lion made a deep, guttural roar and jump at me with his claws aiming for my head. I rolled to the side and slashed his front paw with my sword. It only made it angrier, not a scratch on the beast.
— ANNABETH, RUN AWAY! — Her silence was terrifying me. I didn't know if she was invisible or dead.
With every attempt to dig its claws into me, I would either block its paw or roll away.
It's so dark and cold here. I don't know how no one showed up yet. Annabeth's screams were loud and the camp fire was closer to the woods than the showers. I don't even know if Annabeth is injured or went to get help.
I feel so powerless and scared but I can't let my emotions take over. I needed to help my friend.
I decided to take deep breaths before the lion can feel I'm quivering.
I know the myth of the Nemean Lion. I know it can die but I'm not even half as strong as Heracles. I couldn’t choke him and his skin is impenetrable.
His skin is impenetrable. It can be killed.
He shows me all his set of teeth when he tries to bite me. I need to take action or he will tire me down and kill us.
I charge at him taking a claw on my left arm just below my shoulder, it tears my skin but my grip on my sword doesn't falter. I go face to face with the beast, he opens his jaw to bite my head off but I stick my sword deep into his throat.
The lion turns to dust leaving a cape where he stood.
— Annabeth? — I asked in the darkness.
My left arm went limp and I could feel the blood drops staining my leg. I used the light of my sword to see the corners of the cave but it was all empty.
I turn to the exit, desesperate to get out of here but I feel very dizzy, my legs are starting to become jelly and I was deep into the woods, far away from the part of them were the most dangerous threat was a humiliated nymph.
I grab the cape and place it on my shoulders so I wouldn't be a easy dinner for the monster that comes to finish me off.
I get out and the feeling of the sky above me relieved me. The fresh air allowed me to think clearly and I begin to stumble to the cabins.
— ANNABETH. — I kept calling for ger until my voice started to sound hoarse from all the shouting and I still didn't get an answer.
I could smell and see the big smoke come out of the camp fire but I couldn't continue walking, I felt so lightheaded.
I dropped to my knees and my sword slipped out of my hand. I saw my left arm, the four claw mark was deeper and larger than I thought, my arm seemed like a slices of ham and from the wound down it was all red.
I cursed myself for not saving my ambrosia bag on my shorts and leave it on the tote bag instead.
I feel so upset, scared and angry. I don't know what happened to Annabeth or what will happen to me. My vision is blurry and my ears are buzzing.
Thunder began to roar in the sky and the wind picked up. I raised my eyes to the sky and felt the need for it. I could feel the charges filling the air and the despairing distance between the cumulonimbus and me.
In a desesperate move, I raised my hand to try to touch the sky followed by a tug on my gut, the voltage raised and lightning strucked me.
It felt like drinking hundreds of energy drinks without having a heart attack and instead feeling like you'd been to a spa. The energy not only healed my pain, it also made me feel better rested than I have ever felt.
I let the energy ran trought my body for a few minutes with my eyes closed, drinking in the feeling until I remembered my duty.
The voltage dropped and my bliss died down.
I opened my eyes and saw Chiron and almost all campers in front of me, ten meters away.
Amongst all the campers I noticed Annabeth, unharmed, and she seemed to be expecting something. Then I saw Luke who had a stone face and a hand on my scared brother. I even noticed Clarisse and her angry face.
I stood up in surprise and the centaur was the first to approach me.
— Ada- — Chiron interrupted his talking and walking.
He looked above my head with worried eyes and cleared his throat, putting himself together, to then look at my eyes.
— You have been claimed by Zeus, Thunderbringer, Lightning wielder, King of Gods. Adara Williams, daughter of Zeus. —
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ilyasorokinn · 11 months
Hi hello happy anniversary!! I’m not sure if you take multiple requests for one blurb but I’d love to see what you come up with with both #20 from the nonverbal ways to show love prompts and #26 from the physical affection prompts for JJ Peterka. Or just whichever one you’re feeling more 💕
this is my first time writing for jj, so i hope it slays! this is probably going to flop but thank you to anyone who reads this. i know it's a little short &lt;3
20. "loving eye contact → bursting into a huge smile" (from this prompt list)
before you started dating jj, you weren't superstitious. but after you started dating jj, everything changed. not in a "step on a crack" or "never open an umbrella inside". you started to become hockey player-superstitious.
on game days, you were a different breed. if you were watching from home, you ate the same snack, sat in the same spot, and many other things.
if you were watching in the arena, you wore something with jj's number on it, ate the same snack, drank a beer during the first intermission, and most importantly, sat in the same spot.
usually, jj got your ticket, so he chose which seat you sat in and always picked section 107, row 7, seat 7 (he was very meticulous, and you never asked questions).
unfortunately, for this game, jj forgot to get tickets, so instead, you had to get the tickets and you didn't get a choice of where you sat. so, while you were still sitting in section 107, you weren't in row 7, seat 7.
you decided to not tell jj about you seat change because you wanted to see how long it would take him to find you during warmups. it was also partially his fault, not that you would ever blame him.
so, before warmups, you grabbed your game-tradition meal of chicken tenders and fries and then made your way to your seat. you enjoyed your chicken until the guys skated out.
you spotted jj easily and watched him look over to your section and watch the confusion on his face when he didn't see. he skated around a few times, shooting the puck into the net, all the while trying to find you.
it took him 4 goes before he finally spotted you. you were sitting a few rows behind where you normally would, but you could still see his face light up.
you couldn't help but smile when you saw him and waved. he shook his head and rolled his eyes at your trick before shooting the puck one more time and heading into the locker room.
a few minutes later, your phone dinged and you plucked it out of your bag.
jj 💙 okay, i know this is my fault, but you almost gave me a heart attack why didn’t you tell me????
yn 💛 you said it. it’s kind of your fault 🤷‍♀️ but also i wanted to see how long it would take for you to find me
jj 💙 oh yeah? how long?
yn 💛 four whole laps
jj 💙 🙄
yn 💛 love you 😭😘
jj 💙 ❤️
you smiled to yourself as you slipped your phone back into your pocket and waited for the game to start. the atmosphere in the arena was great, and it only got better when the pre-game song started playing.
luckily for the sabres, your seat change did nothing to sway the hockey gods, and the sabres managed to win with a 2-point lead. you met up with the other girls who were waiting for their partners.
when you saw jj coming towards you, he was already looking at you, a big smile on his face. you wrapped your arms around his waist and smiled up at him, "you know what this means?"
"what?" he kissed your head.
"i can finally sit with the other girls." you teased.
taylor's tumblr-versary!
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 5 months
Jay;”I’m miserable and I’m suffering and every day is a nightmare for me.”
Gillion;”The black rose- where’s chip?!”
Chip *in a grandma costume*;”I’m not gonna spell this out for you- I need you to figure this out yourself”
Gillion;”Grandma we need to get you to bed after this”
Bizly;”Chip had a revelation that rich people can steal, so we can just steal it”
The way I’m literally in love with Jay Ferin
Gillion;”I’m sure your family is very nice and accepting, if they’re anything like you.”
Chip;”Then they’ll show up and we’ll kick some ass.”
Chip;”I dunno who did lying ever hurt?”
Charlie;”I start building an ice arena.”
Jay and Gillion moments Jay and Gillion moments Jay and Gillion moments
Devil Chip in Jays mind;”You can always lieeeeee 🤗”
Chip;”How about we…play a game, or go make some food- or something,” Chip bbg I love you so much lmg sobbing
Gillion saying Jay’s grandma would make a great elder of the undersea 😭😭😭
Chip;”wagh! You just fuckin snuck up on me man-“
Grizzly;”No way he did.”
Chip;”What would I do if I had a family- that’s already hard enough-“
Chip;”she’s way smarter than both of us, times ten.”
Chip;”So about the grandma thing-“
Condi;”I’m so sad I’m depressed for this”
Astlana’s mom;”Hm, maybe you’ll find out one day”
Astlana and Jay >>
Jay and any women ever >>>
Astlana;”My mom is a queen!”
Chip;”No one wants anything besides- just friendship
Astlana;”You’re making it weird”
Chip;”I do that.”
Gillion;”Oh…oh fuck, oh the wom is hitting.”
Jay;”Mermaids lay eggs.”
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iced-cofi · 4 months
Another Crabs Treasure is very well my favorite souls like, and also one of my favorite games now. I would highly recommend it to anyone, even people who might be intimidated by hard games, due to its already tolerable difficulty, and plethora of accessibility options.
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This post will go a bit more into my review, so read if you want honest thoughts, but there will be spoilers mentioned, so here's a quick spoiler free one!
It somehow matches being very fair and challenging, with good balance, along side the ability to get absolutely busted late game if you are willing to explore and experiment. On top of being wildly fun (or fin, if you enjoy fish puns, of which this game has many), it also has an incredibly funny, touching, and important story about the damage capitalism can do to both society and the planet, and constantly reminds the player that it's important to act. And it's contextualized in an incredible story, with an endearing main character, and a phenomenal ensemble cast that is always evolving and adding to the amazing story. I would give it an earnest 9.5/10.
Now to the spoiler part, so if you don't want spoilers, don't read below this image.
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Ok first off, holy shit every boss in this game is so cool, and constantly shining with creativity and flair.
The bosses use every day trash as weapons, armor, buildings and more. It's amazing, and incredible unique and cool from an art design perspective, while showing a whimsical yet harrowing pseudo reality of the pollution in our ocean.
My particular favorites from a art design perspective are Roland and Heikea, with the former being an isopod dressed in a tall shoe collar as a vest, using 6 Allen Wrenches as weapons, while occasionally rolling up into a ball, to bounce around the literal pinball machine arena, and the latter being a samurai crab, who uses toothpicks and fake grass (the ones in sushi packs and stuff like that) as a loincloth, and uses a set of chopsticks, which he later breaks in too and dual wields, as a katana.
I also think this game has this ability to be... Beautifully melancholy. And also just... Beautiful. Like look at this shit, it's gorgeous.
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This beauty is carried in its story, and while it is a relatively grim story, with death and betrayal, and a real sense of existential dread, it is also an incredibly funny, whimsical journey, that perfectly balances these two dissonant tones perfectly.
Like, for the penultimate boss, you are fighting Praya Dubia, what is basically a god of the ocean, and an accumulation of all the souls lost to the Gunk, the rot of this world caused by pollution and trash. Praya feels this wrath at the way the ocean is being ravenged, and the people who can fix it don't do anything to help, and the people who can't just sit idly and take advantage of the destruction instead of trying to fix it, and so she uses this rage to take over the mind and body of Chitan, one of Kril's (the hermit crab you play as) best and most reliable allies, to slay the creatures of the land, and cure the world of its infection using the Perfect Whorl, a shell that turns it's wearer into basically a god. (Praya needs Chitan's body cause she can't use the shell without, and her godly ability isnt nearly as powerful as the shell.)
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You battle this collection of every enraged soul, which wails and curses the Gunk and all those who allowed it to fester (especially Kril) as Chitan begs Kril to free her from Praya, who, after Chitan is freed, begins to use all of her power to kill Kril, in one last push, which kills her. It's intense, and emotional, and beautiful.
And after that amazing battle, the final boss... Is a crypto bro, bootlicking, greedy prick voiced by Michael Reeves. It's a fun twist, and it's honestly funny as hell.
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And also, hard. It doesn't hold back. Firth is quick, strong, and uses all the abilities you've gained throughout the story against you. It's awesome, as all the bosses are.
I love this game, and I really recommend it. It maintains a funny yet foreboding atmosphere and story, while having amazingly fun yet challenging gameplay that constantly evolves, and rewards experimentation. Oh and I forgot to mention this, but the music goes absolutely fucking wild. Like wicked shit.
9.5/10, like i said. One of my new favorites. It's only 30 bucks, and you get more than a ton of 60-70 doller triple A games would give you. And not only would you be supporting a talented, inclusive, funny indie team, you'd get an amazing experience out of it.
Pick it up if you want!
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mhm-im-chaotic-good · 19 days
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[OOC] yes I run @if-chaos-was-a-boy @by-the-fates @emoti0nally-dead @mansplain-malewife-manwhore but on this blog im just a girl, so-
(This blog is probably the closest to my irl gender fluid ass)
“And it was all yellow…..And your skin…” -my dumbass irl ex who tried winning me back w this song while knowing I was ASIAN
↳HEY. I’m Aeryne Evans, mortal bitch of Athena. I think I’m adopted, but honestly I forgot because my brain is stuck on that one cat video from 2016. I’m like…..17 this year? I go by she/her and I’m one pansexual son of a bitch. Anyways, I enjoy mortal bands, TikTok, doomscrolling and small animals.
[I embody none of Athena’s qualities but a BuzzFeed quiz said I’m a child of Athena so-]
more information that you can SKIP:
Height: 5’3 or 162cm (you laugh, you DIE)
Godly Parent: adopted (I think) by Athena badass in the arena
Powers: my brain goes pew pew and my fighting goes vroom vroom.
Personality: you’re like halfway through my introduction, CANT YOU TELL????????????
anyways taglist:
@love-lightning-forethought [yas, cook, slay, eat] @that-girl-cupid [one of my favourite boss bitch]
@iceweavercatlover [ride #1] @everett-child-of-ares [ride #2]
@unhinged-waterlilly [anti Tay tay] @im-pretty-and-in-pink [strawberry girlie] @basically-a-god [dance girlie]
@demigod-jack-hearth (tea drinker)
@i-am-misery [depressed buddy]
@chaos-pers0nified [music taste????]
[i would tag all of my friends on the other accounts but i need to meet y’all first]
ooo….faceclaim [ I look nothing like that irl ] :
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berlinini · 10 months
some Thoughts about the 02 show (while the days of ltwt show recaps the length of essays are gone, I thought I'd share some stuff)(this of course got kinda long anyways, I am nothing but predictable!)
first of all it's so interesting to go online after a show and "consume" the show through different perspectives... I was in the pit close to the sound booth and could see a tiny Louis like tunnel vision (and not even always - I had to look at the screens a lot more than any previous shows). I had never been to such a big venue and it felt like the arenas I'd be previously - it's so hard to gage. Anyways when I saw Louis' IG post I realized how far I was and seeing pictures and videos of the venue - I truly hadn't realized the sheer number of people. Also the lights project from our POV seemed to have bombed but seeing the videos, it did create the intended effect. Also I was so far that I had to ask the gc for the color of the pants (#purple #slay) and only in the encore, when there was a camera on Louis' entire body, did I notice the shoes (unfortunately my eyes deceived me into thinking they were Nike). I missed all the little quirky faces and interactions that I now see in gifs. HOWEVER I did not miss the several times Louis teared up including during Chicago and during his speeches and I tell you my heart was bursting. I love that he talked a bit more than usual - I think he said something like "I can't put into words... well let me try" and he said everything so perfectly! The reference to his dreams and the "we" - I just listened to him and thought how much I love him. His special thanks to his band was super sweet.
setlist: HOTH safe! If I hadn't known DMD was back on the setlist I wouldn't have recognized it. No 7 :( I tolerate Angels Fly but tbh I don't understand how it's there and not like Headline or Always You or FEARLESS. High in Cali was hilarious because you could tell weed isn't legal in the UK lmao - the vibe was so different than back home. 505 still so good and now I can sing every single lyrics but in a very oh poor me, the show ruined my 5 x 505 streak this year since it's now 6. But 505 Laval you'll always be #1 in my Heart <3. We Made It is still the It Girl and Silver Tongues... I doubt a closer will ever come this close (hehe) to how fucking epic it is. Tbh I could hardly tell when the string section was playing but I'm glad I had a show with strings! Me still in LTWT mode wondering why the pyro didn't go off during Walls only to be told there hasn't been any for this tour ouuuups. The Megamix SLAYS so hard and the special effects were SO cool! I did miss the classic rainbow lights for SIBWAWC cuz the lasers didn't reflect on the crowd as nicely but the clouds and at the beginning of ATT were beautiful.
Talking about lasers I was eyeing this guy in the soundbooth that I'd never see before and was clowning about him being there for the LIVE ALBUM RECORDING. I even took notes to figure out later where he works (spare a thought for tumblr user bbrox who has to put up with my insanity). ONLY to figure out 1 hour later that the guy was the special lasers guy as made so obvious by the fact he packed up his stuff after Saturdays in a box that said "laser fx triangle C" lololol. Sometimes I think it's good to clown for nothing - be humbled!
I saw most of the crew in the soundbooth - the person I was with was trying to spot the Tomlinsons while I was looking for Oli and K and was mentally putting a check on names for the sound and lights guys - priorities! (Blaming Red Rocks for having us go down the rabbit hole of every single member of the crew)
Oh yeah the KMM lights! It was kinda spontaneous? He had a little shy smile like he was telling himself 'look at this lot' and it was soooo adorable. I'm glad I got to be a part of it <3 Which pretty much summarizes this whole show - witnessing a moment in history.
Finally - TANK TOP LOUIS WITH MY OWN 2 EYES!!!!!! And what a tank top!!! #blessed #cantspellslutwithoutlt
Everyone's been saying being a louie is for life and that just keep getting stronger and stronger everytime I get to see him perform! Can't wait for future shows!!!
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