#love my body shes doing her best even at her worst shes still hot <3 anyway! time 2 find a movie to watch
toastsnaffler · 1 year
u know what. one thing im grateful for is that ive worked rly hard on developing an exercise routine that I both enjoy & that fits around my depression/adhd tendencies + even tho its taken years to stick, at the end of the day when nothing else is going for me in life, at least I have nice arms 😙🙏
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127rkives · 3 months
</3 hotline bling || j. jaehyun </3
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about? jaehyun misses her, but she’s on to bigger better things. (world’s worst synopsis but it’s the best i got bro) warnings? angst!!! fwb? non idol au. fem reader. mentions of sex, alcohol use, drug use (weed). i think that's all. wc? 1.7k notes? another old repost👹
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you used to call me on my cellphone late-night when you need my love
************************************************ 3 months, 1 week, and 4 days. that’s how long it had been since jaehyun last saw you. but, hey, who's counting? if he had been, he would have succumbed to that void feeling in his chest by now. the one created by you but ultimately worsened by his own actions. his own actions ruined the best thing he ever had. but it was your fault too, right? 
if you didn't have such an illuminating smile, such a feather-light yet addicting touch, such an effervescent personality, such a radiant aura, then he the both of you wouldn't be in this situation. no. if you hadn't wanted something more and jaehyun hadn't been too scared of ruining a good thing even though he knew you deserved more—deserved better. he knew you deserved the world and the stars along with it, but he was so afraid he couldn't give it to you. so he cowered behind his thoughts; he dismissed the relationship you had, shutting you out in the process. 
thankfully, you had a mind of your own. you knew better than to remain where you weren't wanted. you knew your worth. that's probably why jaehyun had that constant ache in his chest, that pang in his heart. the void. 
he was expecting you to dismiss the fact that he couldn't come to terms with himself you and continue with the late-night phone calls. sneaking out of the apartment at 1 and 2 in the morning—when he thought everyone was asleep—to spend hours at your place. half naked smoke sessions with deeply thought out conversations lingering in the air with every puff. or hot nights in your room that always seemed to end with clothes scattered here and there, fluffy comforter somehow still clinging to a corner of the bed, and the sheets tangled around only you because he was never there when you woke up. ’he had better, more important things to do.’ you would convince yourself. but when you finally stopped gaslighting yourself with that excuse, you realized he couldn't face his own music.
************************************************ ever since i left the city, yougot a reputation for yourself noweverybody knows and i feel left outgirl, you got me down, you got me stressed out'cause ever since i left the city, youstarted wearing less and goin' out moreglasses of champagne out on the dance floorhangin' with some girls i've never seen before
************************************************ guilt. jealousy. anger. sadness. utter outrage. one of these emotions—possibly even a mixture—was grasping at jaehyun's heart and yanking at the strings right now. even so, he couldn’t stop rewatching the clip on his phone in front of him. it wasn’t like he meant to find you. he just happened to be scrolling through the explore page on instagram and much to his sudden disbelief you were the thumbnail on some video. against his better judgment (of course) he clicks the video, watching you hold a cup of God-knows-what in the air as your body hazily sways in a sea of people inside of what looks to be a club. jaehyun’s face is still one of shock as the girl recording yells something cringey about all of her friends being ‘badies’ and ‘hot girls’ and continues to survey each of her friends, including you, while everyone gets more excited with the new song’s change of pace.
it could’ve been all in his head but that video seemed way longer than the allotted one minute. jaehyun doesn’t know how many times he watches the video before he decides to click on the girl’s profile (a bad decision on behalf of his 2 functioning brain cells). his thumbs seemed to move on their own as he scrolled down her page and searched through countless posts of herself, her with her family, and her with her friends. jaehyun couldn’t pry his eyes from the screen as he clicked on a picture with you in it, hoping you would be tagged. you were, of course, so he clicked. another mistake on his part.
your username and bio were both different. even though jaehyun hadn’t visited your profile in a while, he did remember the main details of it. jaehyun repeated his earlier actions and examined your page this time. there were posts of yourself. you and your dog. you and your family. you and this new group of friends he had never seen until now. you and some man? you and this man hugging, holding hands, kissing, traveling, eating out together? you and jaehyun used to tell each other about everything, and you had certainly never mentioned him before. you people aren’t supposed to move on this fast. hell, jaehyun hadn’t even moved on. he still listened to the playlist you two had created together. he still dreamed about you. he still woke up with the lingering touches of you on his body as if you had been beside him moments before. he still had late-night venting sessions with taeyong as he sniffled and wiped his teary face after genuinely expressing what he was never able to tell you face-to-face.
but, here you were. you had completely evolved from the person jaehyun knew almost 6 months ago. you weren’t the same girl who posted simple photos of herself in cute, comfortable outfits captioned with inspirational quotes, or wholesome reviews of the new greek mythology book you had bought at your favorite, cozy bookstore. this was some girl who had grown to almost a 80,000 followers in just 6 months. this was some girl who posted pointless photos of her newest hermes purse; some girl whose wardrobe would alternate between burberry pantsuits and louboutin heels, to nike tracksuits and air force ones, to what could very well be some bundle of strings fashion nova tries to pass off as a dress. this new girl—this new you—was copacetic, thriving, and glowing. you were happy with this seemingly very outgoing group of people who the old you would’ve never thought about fraternizing with. worst of all, the new you appeared to be enjoying life with some guy that wasn’t jaehyun. jaehyun’s a complete mess without you laying next to him at 2 in the morning and you were supposed to be the same. he was supposed to have the same crippling effect on you as you did on him. 
apparently, jaehyun had been sitting in his whirlwind of thoughts long enough for his phone to lock. he pulled himself out of his trance and made his only decent decision of the day. he went to find taeyong, knowing he would still be awake and available to examine whatever emotional baggage jaehyun had this time. he told taeyong about his earlier revelations (leaving out the part about your apparent love interest). “why don’t you just talk to her? tell her how you actually feel.” weren't the words he expected to hear. he didn't know what to expect, honestly. 
as jaehyun laid in his bed he picked up his phone with shaky hands. when he unlocked it, he felt another tug at his heartstrings, forgetting that his phone had locked on a gorgeous post of your beaming smile while he was in a daze earlier. the time on his phone read 1:46 A.M. he didn't want to call you. you might not pick up. but he wanted an immediate response. jaehyun needed validation right now. he silently prayed that your number hadn't changed along with everything else during your productive time away from him. he opened his messages and clicked on your name; ’y/n💛’. jaehyun smiled to himself as he looked at the last messages sent between the two of you. you had been sending memes back and forth, with the last message before the hiatus being three emojis expressing your laughter. 
jaehyun pondered for a few moments on what to type. ’yo y/n it's me.’ ’hey it's me, jaehyun.’ ’hey y/n we haven't talked in a while.’ he wasted a good twenty minutes overthinking, typing, and erasing potential conversation starters. then he just decided to pour out what was left of his heart. fuck it.
he didn't expect you to reply quickly, but he wanted you to, so jaehyun kept his phone unlocked and open to your messages as he waited. he had peeked two minutes after hitting send, but he didn't notice it then. jaehyun let five more anxious minutes pass before checking again. he almost didn't notice it that time, but somehow he managed to spot it.
the small subscript under his message. ’read’
jaehyun didn't know if it was him being delirious with fatigue or the actual fact of you acknowledging but ignoring him, but his breathing got short and shaky and his tears started to roll. it was finally happening. that void feeling in his chest—in his heart—that place where special memories of you were kept, had finally drawn him in and suffocated him with the realization that you didn't want him anymore, didn’t need him anymore. you no longer needed jaehyun to bring you the pleasures of life. for all he knows now, you never really did.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
this work is property of me, 127rkives! no copying, reposting, translating, etc.!
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y11irfilm · 2 months
violet – chapter 3
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qimir x f!reader | chapter 1, chapter 2 & chapter 4
summary: she had no direction. a nomad who didn't choose a side. but when a vision makes her save people, she has to face her mind in the worst way possible: on a planet made of water with the man who reminds her of her past.
content: deaths, many mentions of blood, power bond, a kind of “chosen one”, dark past, sexual tension, dark confessions | wc: 1600+
notes: hello, i’m afraid to post this new chapter for having rewritten so many times that i even lost count, but i loved how i was with the ideas of the story from the first part and you deserved to know about — english is not my first language!
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I remember the feeling. I was disbelieved. I should have seen it coming, saved her from his hands. But how would she save her if she didn't even want to be saved? Finding her on the shores of the sea, as she swam against her own blood. I remember running to hold her in my arms, feeling her cold skin, the sand mixing with her blood and her lost gaze while she was still able to look at me. I put my hand on her face, not knowing how to help her. I was just a teenager who was learning to swim.
Her brown eyes.
I still see them.
I looked up, asking for some kind of help. Tears were uncontrolled on my face. Please save her. “Try to love him, he deserves salvation.” I heard it in the back of my mind. Flashes followed my mind. Young people walking on the sea marches, hands clasped with smiles on their faces. My parents.
I shook my head. "No, I can not."
His eyes piercing, trembling and dead. She was dead in my arms.
"Why? Why does he deserve salvation?”
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The food looked good. She started drinking what was in the pot, it had been a while since she had eaten something hot. Just a few seconds after Qimir gave the pot, she returned it. He watched as she walked around the cave, looking everywhere with some kind of admiration in her eyes. 
A few days had passed on the island, each day being in a working-class mode. Qimir watched his partner walk around the corners of the island every day, especially the beach. Him sitting next to the water and letting time pass while watching the sea. From the third day onwards, she started asking for his company on her walk to the beach, even though they knew they wouldn't say a word to each other.
“Can we go look at the sea again?” She asked without looking at him.
Qimir tried but got no answers in his thoughts as to why. Her thoughts were racing. "Of course."
They walked side by side as before. The ocean being the only communicator of the moment. The dark sky and stars being a backdrop for feelings. She hadn't brought up the subject of her attack and the fatal kiss, and she didn't seem to want to. Her thoughts meant something, he felt.
She stopped and sat down on the sand, watching Qimir do the same. Grabbing a handful of sand in your hand. “I always liked being close to the sea. Where I lived was close to the water.” She gradually crushed the sand, watching each piece of sand fall to the ground. “I remember always training with my father on the beach. Feeling my feet sinking into the sand, the cold wind ruffling my hair, and the pressure of knowing I could train as much as I wanted, he would always see me as weak.”
She sighed loudly, the memories were painful. Remembering her adolescence only made her think that she was still weak.
“But he loved me, so he knew it was for my good. He was a great Jedi, certainly the best, but he was devoted to his family. He left emotion behind for the comfort of a heart.”
“I'm still haunted by my mother's eyes. To feel her blood running through my fingers. Rocking a dead body in my arms.” She let out a sort of laugh. “She allows me to see the visions, she lives on in my mind.” She turned her head, looking at Qimir. “My mother brought me to meet her.”
Qimir approached her, letting her hand reach out and place it above her. Sliding his fingers over her hand in a caress, he wanted her to feel comfort.
“He felt so much love for her. He killed her, wishing they would meet in her dreams.”
Flashes and more flashes appeared in his mind.
“Let’s go back, please.” She pushed his hand away, getting up, starting to take steps back to the cave. Qimir got up from where he was.
“Did you kill your father?”
She stopped, without looking back.
"Yes." — “He didn’t deserve salvation.” He heard her voice in his thoughts. Her voice being dark. Qimir couldn't remember the last time a person could enter their mind and say words to them.
She turned to Qimir. “You remember him. Every part of your existence reminds you of him. That’s why I’m here.”
“That night I didn’t just kill a Jedi, I killed my mother’s love.”
She ruffled her hair, feeling immense frustration. “She preferred to die than love her daughter!” She screamed until her throat hurt. Her voice being heard throughout that island. “A woman who didn't want children and a man who was destined for evil. Now I ask you, what would come of this?”
Qimir observed how the waves moved, at an almost uncontrolled frequency. Was her. He was impressed.
She looked up at the sky, watching the stars. “They were afraid I would turn out like my father.”
"And you are not?"
Her blood bubbled just with the doubt of being compared to her father. She walked a few steps until she was face to face with him.
“I would rather stick a knife in my chest than become like him.”
“Why so afraid?”
“He was a monster.” She felt Qimir's hand fit around hers again.
“But didn’t you love him?” Her mind became cloudy, she closed her eyes.
"I love."
“I remember seeing it happen, the first vision. My mother was watching the waves like all morning, so he walked up behind her, hugged her and pushed the knife into her stomach. The first stab, then one more and many others until I felt her body fall into the sand.”
“They both knew what would happen and the only person who felt angry was me. I denied it, and I denied it until the last second that he would. He’s my father, why would he do this to his family?” She shook her head, still refusing. Qimir wrapped his arms around her, pressing her body to his.
“Is it possible for you to be him? She saw you, she chose you.”
“But I didn’t choose her.” He pulled away so he could look into her eyes. "I chose you. My eyes are on you.”
“How can you choose her?” The voice in her mind again, Qimir took a step back. 
The water continued until it reached their feet even though he knew they were at a safe distance from the sea, the clouds in the sky closing in around them indicating an upcoming rain, the waves becoming more and more aggressive and her eyes in a long, dark void. He knew she was losing her senses and letting the other take over.
He placed his arms on top of hers, swaying from both sides to see any reaction.
“Hey, I need you here. Don’t let her say it for you, she doesn’t have that right.” Qimir tried to see her in his mind, but it seemed like a lost cause. He felt the waves reaching her knees.
Not a muscle moved. She looked deep into his eyes, but it wasn't her. They were piercing, trembling and dead. Qimir felt as lost as she did. He remembered the same feeling some time ago. Then something clicked in his mind.
He slowly placed his hands on either side of her neck. "I saw you. So many times. Your warm hug, your words in my ear, your lips pressed to mine and your beautiful eyes looking at me. My heart burned. Then I would wake up and every time I would feel like I was in a maze with no answers, a lost navigator.” Qimir pressed his forehead to hers, releasing a sigh that had been stored for some time. “Please, come on. Come back to me."
Get back to someone?
My heart burned.
Did I deserve to go back to someone? Do my father and I deserve salvation? No, no, no.
But I looked at her face and my heart burned.
My heart was beating fast, like the waves of this strange night. I was beating for him. By Qimir.
She felt the strength in her body giving out and she slowly began to fall to her knees and hit the sandy ground. He joined her on the floor, enveloping her in a hug. She pressed her head on his chest, slowly calming her breathing, letting her hear Qimir's heart beating. Qimir placed one of his hands on her head and his fingers massaged her hair.
She walked away for a few seconds remembering the past moments, her consciousness away to let her mother take control. Placing his hands on either side of the man's face to assess him. "Everything is fine with you? Did she do something to you? I should have foreseen how this would affect my connection with her.” She stopped talking for a few seconds, with her nervousness and worry getting louder, not realizing how fun this was being for him, opening a small smile.
“Hey, I'm fine.” She sighed, lowering her hands from his face.
“I felt so, so scared.”
They spent a few seconds looking at each other.
A smile appeared on her face, she was just happy that he was okay even after being put in this hurricane.
The difference was frightening. As her beautiful brown eyes were shining like a sun star, he wanted to drown in them. He wished she could fight everything, he wished he could accompany her across the galaxy. Her heart burned again.
Qimir closed his eyes and slowly began to explore her face with his nose. Hearing some small giggles coming out of her throat. Not even the water wetting them could erase how a simple laugh warmed the man's entire body. He wanted the moment to continue forever.
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strawberryforks · 9 months
focus // finnick odair x reader
summary: it’s the 65th hunger games and district 4’s tributes are best friends. what’s unfortunate is that everyone knows there can only be one winner…
warnings: violence, suicide, underaged drinking (which i do not condone), no happy ending
word count: 2099
author’s note: this is my first fic and as i’m new to writing for “reader” or “y/n” the format may be different on others! but hopefully this is angsty enough <3 ALSO, REQUESTS/ASKS OPEN!
sitting on the train, in a booth, beside your best friend finnick you were the furthest thing from present. you paid more attention the the blur of trees and buildings than him and your mentor, mags. your cheek was pressed against the glass and your hot breath was causing it to steam up.
was dragging your finger overtop it and making various smiley-faces more interesting than whatever finnick and mags were discussing? well, yes. still you couldn’t delude yourself into thinking it was the best use of your time. just like you couldn’t be surprised when finnick’s elbow found purchase in your side. it wouldn’t bruise but it didn’t feel nice. “focus,” he scolded. “you have to listen to what mags is saying. she’s been through this already. she won. she can help us.”
finnick, with his hopefulness, blonde hair, blue eyes and fourteen years worth of boyish charm was perfect. sometimes too perfect because you would catch yourself staring. eyes stuck and cheeks turned redder than a tomato whenever he caught you. embarassing, really, because it’s common sense. you just don’t look at your best friend like that.
“sure. sorry mags. i’ll pay attention.” the victor nodded and continued her explanation—told you and finnick that your best bet would be getting away from the cornucopia as soon as possible. you nodded and though you did your best to listen, you just hoped finnick had, because wherever he went, you would follow.
“what are you doing?”
you were doing something you shouldn’t have–but caught, the sounds that spilled from your lips weren’t hurried explanations. you just giggled. “uhm,” you held one hand out in front of your face like a shield and sat the cup of bubbling liquid down on the dresser.
drinking. you were drinking. you moved in front of the dresser hiding the evidence with your body. finnick stepped forward quickly, crossing the room and making it to you in no time at all. he was frowning, he saw the drinks and he wasn’t happy which you didn’t understand because you were overflowing with the stuff. everything was greater than it had been, you were smiling, laughing at things that weren’t funny, and felt a bit like you were floating. “that’s not allowed—where did you even get that?”
“there was a buffet table and,” you burped, “they had drinks. y’wanna try?”
he didn’t. finnick shook his head–didn’t understand why you weren’t taking this seriously. usually he loved your attitude and outlook on things, ‘whatever happens, happens’ was usually said on your adventures but this wasn’t that. this was serious. now was not the time. he just wanted you to focus. “we’re almost at the capital. you can’t do this again, you understand?”
you bite your tongue so your inner monologue doesn’t get out. because yeah, you wouldn’t ever get to do this again (drink, legally or not). you wouldn’t get to do much of anything ever again. your days were numbered. in your last ones you would smile and wave, play pretend with your best friend at your side.
finnick was quite possibly the best and worst person to be in this situation with. on one hand, you’d be with someone you loved in your last moments, on the other… there was no world in which you won this.
finnick swapped your drink with a tall glass of water. sat by you while you sipped at it and helped you to bed. morning came and he was still there. your eyes cracked open, narrowed by bright light and confusion. “you’re good now, yeah?” he asked.
your head hurt but you nodded it anyways. there were purple bags below his eyes. “did you sleep?” you asked despite the answer being obvious.
“someone had to make sure you didn’t choke on your vomit and i didn’t want to tell mags.” lest you disappoint another person. is what he was nice enough to omit.
you weren’t fast enough with thanking him and he left you alone with the myriad of thoughts you just wanted to ignore.
“i know what you’re doing.” it was mags.
you turned around to face her—had just finished being interviewed by a loser in an extravagant suit, and felt like a loser, dressed in a blue frilly dress. you kind of looked like a loser too, one late for tea time.
“i don’t know what you mean.”
mags sighed and shook her head lightly. “it’s honourable but he’ll hate you for it.”
you shrug. you don’t care, your mind is more than made up, and has been since you heard his name called alongside your own. “if he’s alive to hate i’m okay with that. you know there can only be one winner.”
mags knew more than most. “i won’t tell him. don’t worry.”
“Tell him,” you made her promise, “that i’m sorry. you know, tributes are vicious but the capitol is worse. keep an eye on him for me please?”
“of course.”
then you trained.
“come help,” he called. finnick was practising tying knots, all which he was excellent at. “sure,” you said, allowing him to interrupt your people-watching. you were worried about the careers but figured that together you and finnick could handle them. they were adults but… most of the others were. it was fine, would be fine.
“think you should try something else? you’re pretty good at this.”
finnick laughed and you tucked the sound away in your mind. “thanks, but you? You’re not.” He gestured to the mess of rope on your end before scooting closer. his hands overtop yours, he moved them and showed you the right way to do what you had been failing at. “and there’s no way you’re telling me to train something else. have you even picked up a weapon?”
you shrugged. “i’ve just been watching. i know how to shoot a bow and use knives, i get either of those and i’ll be just fine. a few days of preparation with either won’t change much. i've used them since i could walk, y’know?”
“i just want us to be prepared.” he said.
you smiled and stood, you held his hands and pulled him up with you. “the arena’s usually have tridents, right? you’re great with those.”
and he was. you didn’t care about impressing the judges but finnick did so effortlessly.
“we’ll stick together in the arena, right?” you blurted once the two of you were alone and resting.
“until the end,” he said with a sad smile.
then, almost out of nowhere, his smile brightened. “sleepover?”
that was something you did a lot. Sleepovers under the stars, in your bed, on your father’s boat. it was your thing and somehow the idea of one last sleepover was enough to make everything okay, even just for a little while.
you crawled into the big bed the capitol provided, finnick at your side. you pulled up a blanket at the same time he pulled you into him. he held tight. so tight, for a second you forgot to breath. it meant so much. so, so much. your back was pressed against his chest and his arms were around you–hours later, you were grateful he was such a heavy sleeper. finnick was warm and safe. he was home. you were thankful he was a heavy sleeper because otherwise the way you shook as wet trailed down your cheeks would’ve woke him.
finnick’s knots came in handy. you stuck to higher ground, perching in trees and climbing cliffs, and managed to booby trap most of the area around us. after tributes were caught in a net finnick made, you would take turns finishing them off. you, who’d been preparing to kill since your name was called, went first.
a teen who killed without issue was concerning but so was a civilization that made their people fight to the death for glory and entertainment so what could you do?
you killed the first one with an arrow—having got both the weapons you wanted, and finnick took the second, ending a thirty year old man who had more muscles than brains with a trident that had been gifted to him by a sponsor.
two days later and you both were still kicking. In the final four.
you knew what had to be done. your plan only solidified when the other two–also allied, found you. the fight was fast. finnick went up against the remaining tribute from district ten and you fought against the tribute from district two
you were uncomfortable with the distance between the two of you. you both had stuck together like glue the entire time and now fighting and separated? you hated it. if something– “shit,” the man swung the axe and you barely threw yourself out of the way in time. you list some hair and some skin off your shoulder but nothing you really needed. the axe buried itself in the ground behind you and before your opponent could yank it back you struck. you buried a dagger in his stomach and twisted it. his hands found your throat and black dotted your vision but you kept slicing and he went limp.
you rolled the man off of you and immediately ran to help finnick.
another minute and his opponent was dead. you was down a dagger but one was enough. you smiled so wide my cheeks hurt and flung yourself into finnick’s arms. he hugged you hesitantly at first–like he was wary of you. like he expected you to bury a dagger into his back. you would never. besides, your last one was… occupied. “we did it, finn. we did it.”
“only one of us can win…”
you pulled back. both of your hands–both shaky, both covered in blood, cupped his cheeks. “i know, i know. it’s okay. you did… you did great.”
“what? y/n what are you–what do you mean?”
your legs picked that moment to give out. you dropped, knees slamming into the rock. still, you wore that lazy smile. you were losing blood quick and lots of it. you saw the drone that recorded everything begin to inch closer, zooming in as terror finally flooded finnick’s face. he fell to his knees beside you. “no, no, no, no.” his hands pressed on either side of the dagger you had yet to pull out. “what did you do?” his voice broke and his eyes glistened with moisture. you wanted to wipe them away. it was okay. it would be okay. you made sure of it.
“i helped you win...” you assured.
finnick pushed harder on your stomach and you sobbed. he pulled his shirt and pressed it around the blade. pushed again. “finnick. finn, no,” you told him—pleaded with him. you moved your hands… wanted to move his but was too weak. “you didn’t–this isn’t helping. ” he shook his head and more tears fell. “why? you can’t leave me. friends forever, remember? what about that?”
“you-you’ll be okay.”
“not after this. not without you.” agony, finnick was in agony. an ugly sound tore it’s way out of his chest. you couldn’t leave him, not like this.
“c’mere,” you begged. he did, how could he argue with you now? the damage, the irreversible damage, had been done. you pulled his head closer to yours as he choked on more tears. the capitol had taken many things from both of you—and you decided that they could have your life, your future, your finn (you hated that most, but at least he would get to live. get to have his shot at happiness) but they couldn’t have your last words. those… well, they were only for him. “i love you finn. focus… on that.”
“no. no! focus on me, on my eyes—dammit, don’t close yours. no, no, no.”
then your eyes closed again for the last time. he called your name over an over like a prayer, one that went unanswered. but you tried, you swear you did… you just couldn’t get them open again. not as finnick sobbed, not as he stood up and faced the drone. “help her!” he cried, “help her dammit!”
“kill me instead, take me instead. i’ll die, i will! just bring her back, help her! you can’t—you can’t do this!” he begged and when that didn’t work he screamed at the cameras, cursing the capital until the footage stopped being streamed.
when your heart stopped, he refused to let go. clinging to your corpse, to his best friend, he hugged you for the last time.
finnick had won, but he didn’t feel like a winner.
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karamad · 3 months
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mean!aeri x reader
cw: suggestive, mean aeri, degradation
have this draft i never finished😍
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who could have guessed that having a a fight with your ex would lead to you having the most mind-blowing sex ever? surely not you!
while aeri was over at your place to collect her things after your nasty break-up (that happened simply because she thought you spent too much time with your best friend, minjeong) you were walking around your room nervously. it's been 3 weeks since you've last talked to aeri before she dumped you over text. you could hear her aggressively pack her things in the living room.
maybe if you just stayed in the comforts of your room she'd be gone soon. but oh boy were you wrong. hearing aeris footsteps come closer to your room you prepared for the worst, you've accepted your fate, but to your surprise she didn't even look you in the eyes. she didn't even acknowledge you standing there and just started packing more things from your room.
you were speechless. first she dumps you over text after dating for 2 years without telling you why, and now she won't even look you in the eye? needless to say, you were pissed. at her and her attitude towards this whole situation SHE got you into.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" was the first thing aeri heard leave your mouth after those long agonizing 2 weeks. she simply scoffed "watch your mouth."
"watch my mouth?? how about you explain why you dumped me over text like I'm just some side bitch of yours? what the fuck is that all about?!" you semi-yelled, getting into her personal space. you couldn't hold back anymore, cornering her into the wall. "i gave you every part of me, i gave you all my love and undying support and this is the thanks i get? after two years? and now you cant even face me?" you started tearing up.
aeri however maintained a pokerface. oh how you hated it. just as you were about to give up, not expecting her to say anything to your frustration, you turned around and started walking away. well that was the plan at least!
aeri was quick to grab your arm and switch positions with you, cornering you into the wall and staring into your eyes with an emotion you couldn't pinpoint. anger? frustration? lust ? "why do you have to run your mouth? didn't i teach you any manners you dumb slut?"
there it was. slut. oh you were gone.. your legs were about to give out before aeri pressed her body into yours, making you gasp in surprise. she simply chuckled "still a whore for my attention even after i left you hm?" you couldn't talk, you were dumbfounded. all you could muster was a tiny nod. yes, she broke up with you, but oh was she hot when pissed. so why not push her buttons even more?
you tried pushing her away, muttering a small "fuck off". it was quiet but she heard it. instead of letting you push her away, she pressed her body into yours even more, pulling her hand up to your neck squeezing it lightly. your breath hitched. you couldn't give her more reactions. you stared at her blankly.
"fine, have it your way." she turned around about to walk away. this wasn't your plan! quickly grabbing and turning her around to face you once again "no please im sorry aeri" you looked at her full of regret. she simply put her hand to your cheek, gently caressing it. "still just my stupid baby hm?" she cooed at you, before slapping you. hard.
your cheek burned. you looked at her in surprise and fear. she's never hit you before, but for some reason, you couldn't find it in you to care much. "please" you whisper. "please what baby?"
"please make me yours again."
she smirked, before pulling you into a kiss, pushing you further into the wall and coaxing a moan out of you and pushing her tongue inside your mouth. you held onto her shoulders, not even bothering to fight for dominance in the kiss. you searched for one of her hands and pulled it up to your neck. pulling away from the kiss shortly just to look into her eyes pleadingly. what better way to get her to go crazy on you?
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hiddenfemme · 1 year
Pairing: King Steve Harrington x Female Reader (no use of y/n)
NSFW 18+: language, oral, fingering
A/N: I was planning on making this a short series, so depending on interest, this may turn into more. This is the first fic I’ve ever posted so I wanted to keep it short and sweet. This is not proof read, sorry if there are any mistakes :)
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You never meant for any of it happen. Well, definitely not the first time, or the second or maybe even the fifth time. But at some point you suppose you stopped caring about being a good friend because you’d be the worst if it meant Steve “The King” Harrington kept working your clit the way he was doing now.
“Steve m’gunna cum soon.”
“Yeah? You gonna let me taste it honey?” Steve lets out a groan, lapping at your folds like he has all the time in the world. “Shit, I love this filthy little pussy.”
“Everyone thinks you’re so innocent honey. But you’ve got your best friends boyfriends tongue in your cunt everyday. What would they think if they found out you’re just a giant slut for me.”
Fuck. Fuck.
You wanted everyone to know how you spent your free period. And your weekends and sometimes your Thursday mornings if Nancy had tutoring lessons before school. You wanted them all to realize that even when Steve had his big hands wrapped around Nancys waist, his face close to hers, saying those pretty words that make her blush pink, he was really just a slave to you.
On his knees daily, begging to worship you, pleading to taste you, crying while he stuffs you full with his cum.
Steve Harrington was yours. Nancy Wheeler could go to hell.
You could barley get your words out. Stomach bound tight and ready to explode.
“What was that honey? You know I hate it when you don’t speak up.” He looks up at you, bottom half of his face glistening with your slick, fingers prodding your aching hole.
“I want them to see.” You lean your head back against the tile of the locker room wall.
“See what?” He has two thick fingers stretching you out, hitting that sweet spongy spot over and over.
“Want them to see you fuck me out. Please Stevie, want them…” You mewl in between pumps. “to know I’m yours.”
“Shit.” His fingers move faster while he stands up to meet his face with yours. You can smell yourself on him and you love it. Oh my god you love it. Yours ears burn hot and your legs start to shake.
He kisses along your jaw, grabbing your throat tight with his free hand, moaning your name so pretty as you palm him over his pants. “No one can know it’s me filling this pussy. You’re not a good girl, you’re not like Nancy.”
His words tear your chest in two but they’re coated in sugar and you’re about to cum.
“But you’re still mine, right honey?”
But you’re still mine.
Still mine.
Right honey?
You’re completely and utterly gone. Seeing white while coming undone. Losing your balance and being held up by Steve’s body, mouth clamped shut by his palm. The noises being muffled nothing short of pathetic but you don’t care. You can’t care, not while he’s praising you and telling you just how sweet you’ve been for him the last 10 minutes.
You’re practically in tears, chest heaving and cunt still dripping when he straightens you out.
“I’ll see you after school yeah? Nancy said you’re going back to hers and asked if you could catch a ride. Don’t be late, you know she hates waiting.” He pulls your skirt back down your hips and squeezes your ass.
“Said you’ll be gone before dinner though. You’re coming to mine when you leave, yeah?” He’s got your chin between his fingers. Head dipped low to look you in your eyes.
You’re dumb. So dumb, so horny and so stupid for Steve Harrington.
You nod. “Yes.”
He didn’t have time to give you his cock this morning but tonight he would and when he was balls deep in you he never remembered her name and he always asked you to stay.
“I’ll pick you up 3 blocks from her place. Clean yourself up. You let me make such a mess of you honey.”
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✨ Might As Well Face It ✨
Summary: It started with sex, and it ended up with Pete Maverick Mitchell addicted to your love.
Words: 1.5k Tags:  masturbation, big smut allusions, love confession, age gap, student/teacher relationship, Pete is fucking addicted to you &lt;3
notes: Here is my contribution to @roosterforme 's playlist challenge Love is in the Air TGM. My song was Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love! Here, treat yourself with a video of Tom Cruise singing that song! This is also self-indulgent because I used my own call sign, Shark, for this xReader one shot. Enjoy! 💚
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He had kissed her.
No, worst than that. He had fucked her. 
His student. 
His twenty-five-years-younger-than-him student.
It all started two months ago when he decided to have a drink at the Hard Deck to relieve the stress of the day. Coyote almost crashed his plane for he had fainted during a maneuver. Fortunately enough, he managed to wake up before it was too late. Following this anxious event, all Pete wanted was a few beers, a hot shower, and a good night of sleep. When he sat at the bar counter, his eyes fell on you - you were dancing and singing to the rhythm of Addicted to Love’s electric guitars. You, the student who had driven him crazy since day one. 
He had sipped on his beer, his eyes burning with desire as he enjoyed the sight of your attractive body swinging. His focus shifted from your bratty face to your curves: first, he watched your breasts bouncing at each movement and could not help imagining how good it would feel to lay kisses on them. Then, he looked at your hips he could easily imagine grabbing while fucking you. Finally, he had bitten his lips when looking at your butt - Gosh, the only thing he wanted was spanking it to punish you for arousing him like that. He might have drunk a bit too much or maybe was it his young self breaking free, he could not tell.  Still, he had waited until you decided to leave and offered to bring you home with his motorcycle. The last thing he remembered was you, pinned against the wall of your bedroom, as he filled you with his cum.
Hot water was raining down on Pete Mitchell, who had buried his face in his forearm that was resting against the wet tiles of the shower walls. His heart sweated.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
He asked himself out loud, his breath shaky. He growled with pleasure. His free hand was holding his cock firmly, moving up and down along his length. Fuck - he had never been so hard in his entire life. The slow and languid strokes he had started with quickly turned into frenzied movements. Each time Pete closed his eyes, his mind was assaulted with the memories of your heated encounter. He could still hear your voice chanting, calling him “Sir” as he pounded you with his hips crashing against yours at each thrust.  His body shook.
After that first fuck, he had told her it was a mistake and that they should not do it again…Only to pound her harder two days later, right in the hangar in which he reached his lessons to the squad.  Another kiss was what it took.
“Fucking brat…” 
He swore, hating you for making him feel that way. 
“She could be your fucking daughter, you dumbass.” 
He swore again, hating himself for wanting you so bad. All his muscles tightened for the fire burning in his abdomen became far too much to handle. Pete threw his head back and let out a long, masculine, and final moan. His cock throbbed while releasing his seed. 
He remained there, motionless and panting, stars dancing in front of him. 
Damn, something was definitely wrong with him. 
That was why, two weeks ago, he left you in the morning. On your nightstand, there was a little paper plane with a note written on it.
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He tried. He really tried to resist - He even did his best to avoid you. But those last two weeks without you had been the worst of his life. And here he was, jerking off constantly, thinking about you, and suffering from both physical and mental withdrawal symptoms.
After a while, Pete got out of the shower and grabbed a towel he wrapped around his sharp hips. He ran one of his hands through his wet hair to slick them back and looked at his own reflection in the mirror. Despite masturbating in the shower two times in a row, the Captain’s throat was still tight and he could barely breathe.  It has been only two weeks but his body wanted more of you. His soul wanted more of yours.
He could never get enough of you.
His brows furrowed at the piercing green eyes that were looking back at him, afraid of the feelings blazing in his heart. He could not believe it. Pete Mitchell used to think he was immune to the stuff - and by stuff, he meant love stuff. He was the one who broke hearts. He was the one making girls go crazy - at least when he was younger. 
What was he supposed to do? The wiser thing was to eat something and go to sleep, but he could barely do that since your last encounter for his mind was clouded by all the thoughts he had about his hot student and her sweet liquor lips he craved so much it hurt. Maverick, the man and legend, might as well face it: he was addicted to love. Torn between his reasonable self and his feelings, Pete’s mind was tormented.
Should he stick to the good decision of not flirting with his student? Or should he risk losing everything to be by her side?  The man shook his head and grabbed his clothes to put them back on. He had made his decision - another kiss is what he needed. 
The entrance’s door slammed behind him, for he almost run to his motorcycle. Riding it, he took a quick look at his watch to check the time. It was 9 pm but he could not care less: he needed to talk to you. He needed to see you, to kiss your lips, to touch your body, and to sink in your arms, apologizing for the stupid decision he took when he left you all alone in that motel room. 
Pete drove to your house, enforcing the speed limits Maverick style. When he arrived in front of your home, he got up from his bike and knocked at the door. His heart beat in double-time as he waited for you to answer. One, two, three minutes passed but no one came to the door. Pete’s seductive smile faded from his good-looking face. Maybe you were not home?
He took a few steps back, his emerald eyes watching through the living room’s windows. His brows furrowed when he noticed that the lights were on inside your house. After another few minutes, Pete lowered his head, disappointment on his face. Why would you talk to him after he dumped you with a paper note and avoided you for two full weeks? A long sigh escaped from his lips before he pinched the bridge of his nose as if he could feel a headache coming.
“I’m a fucking idiot…”  He said to himself, out loud. Goose was probably facepalming himself up in Heavens, for he had never stopped being the same loser with girls he was when he was young.
“Yes, you’re a fucking idiot Pete Mitchell.” 
Pete jumped at the sudden feminine voice he heard right behind him. He turned around and was welcomed by the blessed sight of your beautiful silhouette. He opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out. Your beautiful eyes unsettled him.
Your instructor wet his lips with the tip of his tongue, realizing that he can’t be saved anymore. The mere fact of facing you again had him damned for eternity
“Cat got your tongue, Sir?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. Your mischievous eyes stared at him.
“I’m sorry Shark.” He finally managed to utter. 
“I know, that’s what you wrote on your stupid little paper plane.” 
“No, you don’t understand. I am really sorry.” 
Pete walked towards you. He was close, so close that your chest was almost pressed against his. You raised your head towards him to keep looking dagger at his green eyes.
“I was terrified. Terrified because I realized can’t live without you. I can’t and I don’t want to. I’ve felt more alive the past two months than I did in my entire life. But the truth is I am twenty-five years older than you, on top of being your teacher."
"That's why you fucked your student daily for two months and dumped her."
"I was afraid of getting fired but I don’t care anymore. All I want is to be with you and never leave.” 
"Seriously Pete. As if this Valentine's Day was not shitty enough... "
"I'm serious Shark. I don't want to leave anymore."
His eyes glimmered as he talked to you. He was struggling to hold back his tears.
A small twinge of pain pinched your heart at the sight of the legendary Maverick struggling to express the feeling he had for you. One look at his emerald eyes and all the grudge you hold against him disappeared.  What kind of superpowers he had, you thought.
“Pete.” You gently pressed the palm of your hand against his sharp jaw.
“I’m so sorry, I swear I am,” His gaze dived into yours. 
A smirk stretched the corner of your lips. Somehow, that apology was all you needed. Your fingers brushed his warm skin and traced the crow’s feet at the outer corner of one of his eyes. It was true, he was old enough to be your dad. And you could both get in trouble for your relationship... But you fell for Captain Mitchell.
And he fell. Harder.
“Might as well face it, Mitchell. You’re addicted to love.” 
“No,” he retorted, “I’m addicted to your love, Dear.” 
“Fucking idiot” You could not help but chuckle. The kind of bratty chuckle that sent Maverick to Heavens just by listening to it.
“Your idiot.” He whispered, his face coming closer to kiss you. Yet, you stopped him by pressing your index fingers on his lips. Surprised, Pete looked at you, perplexed.
"Another kiss, and you'll be mine." Your voice sang, quietly, words candy-coated with malice.
Pete snorted, amused. The way his eyes squinted when he smiled was irresistible. He chased away your finger with a head movement, only to capture your lips with his.
He was ready to risk it.
What did he have to lose? After all, he was already yours.
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Gif by @pohjanneito Mav's handwritting font by @k9effect
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aleatory-eyes · 2 years
Tw:kidnapping, wrestling.
Duo part 2 expectancy
Yandere erasermic x fem reader
Before starting, I don't think the 'reader' is dumb she just have a lot of positivity that clouds her thinking lol.
Part 1
When aizawa told you his husband was coming soon. You were dreading the arrival all day long, yet he didn't appear.
"Maybe tomorrow" the other person in the flat grunted. Even though he had his usual cold face, the way he angrily slammed the door was enough to notice his mood.
Inversely, you were relieved (a litle happy too). Being on edge with one insane person was stressful enough, but two people was bound to give you a heart attack. "Hold on..." A word escaped your lips as you come to a realization. "Maybe Present mic is not as crazy...he could save me. He is a real hero after all" you start rumbling, to yourself of course.
"And also they are polar opposites, they probably have almost nothing in common. That includes morals, right?"
Filled with hope, now you also waited patiently his appearance. Falling asleep in the living room sofa.
"Breakfast is served, get up" a male voice wakes you up. You can recognize it instantly by now and so you put on your best behavior. "good morning" you says cheerfully following his order and going to eat the food.
If everything went well you wont have to put up with this for much longer.
Suddenly the door is smashed open, a tall man entering with a colorful suitcase. "I'M BACK!" he shouted. Not waiting a second, he started talking to his husband "babe, this mission was sooo hard. But the hardest part was being without you love! I'VE MISSSSSS YOUUUU" after the cringe greetings he finally noticed you.
In less that 30 seconds he was already in front of you. He took his glasses off to get a better look at your face."Hel-" you started to beg but at the same time he locked eyes with the other hero, and a big smile appeared in their faces. You decided to keep your mouth shut for the time being, preferring to listen. As your expectations shatters.
"shouta... you didn't tell me" after a kiss between them the black haired man replied "I wanted to be a surprise, I didn't expect the job taking this much time".
While they were all smiles, you in the other hand were crumbling inside. Of course they were both crazy. You definitely had the worst of lucks.
With a sigh you looked to the opposite direction of the lovebirds. The door was still open, you notice. Maybe your luck wasn't that bad after all. Taking advantage of the hero's slip, you run as fast as you can towards the exit.
You hear rapid steps and even though you try to run faster, present mic manages to captured you. Throwing you to the floor and ending up with your wrists being held behind your back . Your Stomach smashing the ground as one of his knees keeps you down for good measure.
Aizawa approaches and lets go of a deep sigh, before looking at you disappointed. "I though she was adapting well for a second... but behavior wont be a problem now that you re back, love." He says looking at the other man getting closer enough for another a deep kiss. "I've also missed you, my body was beginning to ache for the waiting" shouta confess with chuckle.
Then the blond utter his request "Then...should we give our rebellious baby a punishment? That would be a hot welcome back"
If you liked don't forget to give me a heart/reblog 🥰 .
Do you want more? Check my masterlist.
Postdata: I wonder what her punishment could be... Perhaps she isn't that unlucky.
Part 3 in the making
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Destinies of Life - Aegon Targaryen x Reader
thank you for the kind feedback, I was expecting like maybe 3 people to read the first part lmao. I used an english to valyrian translator so forgive me if it was wrong. let me know what y'all think! also if anyone will show me how to to the line break, i thank you and send kisses.
TW: grief
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Fire and Blood/House of the Dragon, nor do I claim to. This story is my own and I ask no one to copy my work.
part one
You didn't remember what the servant brought you for dinner. After you ate, you changed into your nightgown and laid down, the servant tended the fire before she left after delivering your meal. You lay on your side, a slow stream of tears down your face, wetting a small patch of your pillow.
You once read in a book about how grief was different for everyone, which made sense because you didn't feel like sobbing or throwing things in anger. Maybe you were in the denial phase even though a part of you accepted your mother was dead. You remember when your brothers died, you didn't sob hysterically or throw bits of anger at anyone like your mother did. Instead, you did the same as you are doing now, silently suffering. You felt like you didn't want to bother anyone or share your pain. But you also didn't want to wallow around in it, because what good what that do. Maybe your Septa's teachings truly worked, a princess must always put on her best face through the worst of it all. Don't let them see you down or wounded, your enemies will only use it against you. though all of it was easier said than done.
You awoke with the beginning of sunrise, hearing the seagulls off in the distance calling to one another. Another cool breeze drifted through your chambers, lightly blowing the curtains from the slightly open window. You nuzzled the side of your face into your pillow; arms and legs coiling in an inwards pull to the core of your body, taking in any last bits of comfort and warmth from your comfortable bed.
You rolled onto your back and stared at the top of your canopy for a few moments before sitting up in bed. You looked around your chambers, it was still organized chaos as your stepfather would have put it. While it wasn't a mess, items were certainly in a state of disarray but you always argued if you needed to find anything you could, as you remember exactly where you last put it. Though now you had to remember there would never be another time of your stepfather making jokes about the state of your chambers or your mother scolding you to be a more organized girl. This would be your last morning here for all you'd know.
Knock, knock, knock.
You turned your head to the door, letting out a yawn, "You may come in." you called out, rubbing the last bits of sleep from your eyes.
The door was slowly opened by a guard who stepped in, holding the door open for the train of maids who came in with pails of hot water. They all apart from one went to your bathing rooms and began to fill the bathtub.
"Good morning, my princess. I thought you'd like a bath before you leave Dragonstone and head to Kings Landing." the maid, Myra said with a warm smile and a curtsy. It was impressive how she was able to do so whilst holding a pail of hot water.
You returned the smile, "I would love that, thank you, Myra. I believe my bathing oils are already in there. Do you believe there is enough time to wash my hair as well?" you replied, pushing back the heavy blanket and swinging your legs to the edge of the bed.
"Absolutely, princess, I hoped you would want to do that. The cooks are about to begin preparing breakfast and very few others are awake yet, I should have you all cleaned and dried off by the time breakfast is served." Myra replied.
"Thank you, you are always so on top of things." You replied, then standing up and giving a small stretch of your body.
Myra nodded her head and headed to your bathing chambers to prepare for your bath. You saw the other maids head back for more pails of water, usually it took 12 large pails of hot water to fill your pearly white bathtub, only 6 maids came with Myra this morning so they'd only have to make one more trip.
You walked across the chilly stone floor to the open window, pushing back one of the blowing curtains. You peered out the window, resting your arms on the sill. Another breeze came making you close your eyes and take in a deep breath before slowly letting it out and opening your eyes. It was beautiful outside, even with the sun just beginning its ascent in the sky. The horizon was a purple-pink color, the waves of the sea lazily coming to shore, the seagulls riding the winds effortlessly. You wanted to enjoy the calm serenity, even though you were starting to feel the weight of guilt settle in your stomach. How could you enjoy the beautiful sunrise and the warming morning winds when your mother, stepfather, and brothers were dead? How was it fair that they were dead and you were alive? A tear slipped from your eye and you quickly wiped it away as you heard the shuffling feet across the floor. You turned your head to see the rest of the maids back, heading to your bathing chambers with their large pails of hot water. You gave them a small smile, and in return, they bowed their heads as they walked quickly past you.
You took one last look out the window before turning on your heel and letting your arms fall from the window sill. You leisurely followed the trail of maids to your bathing chamber; as you walked in you saw the last pail of hot water being poured into the bathtub and Myra pouring in some of your favorite bath oils and salts. She dismissed the maids who bowed their heads as they walked past you out of the chamber with their large pails in hand.
"Well, princess the bath is ready for you and I've instructed the ladies to begin to pack your things whilst you bathe. Anything, in particular, you want to be put into your travel trunk that will be in your chambers on the ship for easy access?" She asked approaching you, motioning for you to raise your arms.
"Just a few books so I can read and a few changes of clothes." You said raising your arms for Myra to slip off your nightgown.
Goosebumps begin to form on your body feeling the chilly morning air.
"Of course, I'll let them know. I'm going to have them leave out a cloak just in case you decide to wear one on the boat if it gets chilly." She replied, setting aside the gown and offering you her hand. You accepted it and raised one leg up and over the rim of the bathtub and then the other, feeling the nice hot water welcome you. She let go of your hand as you begin to lower yourself in the tub, grabbing the side of the bathtub to steady yourself as you lowered down.
The warm water felt like a warm hug, you scooted forward bringing your chest to your knees and dipped your head back into the water, and submerged yourself, holding your breath for a few seconds before coming back to the surface. You wiped the water away from your eyes, as much as you loved being in the hot water and getting clean, you knew you had to be quick so you could get to breakfast before boarding the boat.
You heard muffles of Myra's voice only bits and pieces of her words, you made out that she was instructing the ladies on how to properly pack your things and what to leave out. You'd miss her dearly.
"Alright, my love, let's get to cleaning you up," Myra said walking quickly back into the room.
You grabbed a bottle of your favorite vanilla-honey liquid soap and began to pour a small bit into your hand.
"Good plan, you clean your body and I'll clean your hair." She said grabbing a bottle of your shampoo and putting little squirts on different sections of your head.
You let out a small giggle, "Did you think I'd be lazy and make you do it all yourself?"
"No, thankfully I'm lucky that you can manage quite well yourself," she said with a smile in her voice, hands massaging the shampoo into your hair.
You both began to work on cleaning your designated areas, You rubbed the soap onto your body quickly and diligently as Myra worked on your head, the amazing massage almost made you fall back asleep.
"Princess, may I ask you something freely?" Myra said, caution in her voice.
"Of course," you replied, finishing up with your soap, and grabbing a cloth to wash your face.
"I heard you are to marry King Aegon," she said with a pause almost contemplating her words, "How do you feel about that?" she asked, nervously.
You let out a breath, gently letting your hand fall into the water to wet it. "I haven't had much time to think, truthfully. I know people must think I'm mad to marry him after my mother's death, but if this is what ends the war and keeps my remaining brothers alive, then I will do it." You brought the cloth up to your face and gently scrubbed it behind your ears and down your neck, "Though I hope has changed from the irresponsible whore, as his reputation has been for years."
"Are you happy about it?" she asked, grabbing the last bucket of hot water and a cup.
You shrugged your shoulders, "I'm not sure, I just hope he is a somewhat decent husband to me. Gods know he barely paid any attention to sweet Helaena and slept his way through half the brothels on the Street of Silk whilst they were married." You began to gently scrub at your face.
She scooped some water into the cup from the bucket and tilted your head back to pour water over your head, using her free hand to rub at your scalp where the water was going.
She kept at is quietly on the different parts of your head until she saw all the shampoo was out and the bucket was empty. She squeezed what water she could out of your wet hair.
"All done, princess." She said giving you a small pat on your upper arm.
You stood up with Myra wrapping a warm, dry thick cloth around you and helped you step out of the bathtub. You were ushered over to a stool, where you rubbed your body oils on and Myra rubbed another cloth through your hair to dry it as quickly as she could.
One of the ladies brought in your small clothes and dress and helped you put the clothes on quickly so Myra could brush out your hair and put some braids in.
"Still damp underneath but it should be dry by the time you get to the boat, princess," Myra said, running her hands through your wavy silver hair.
You smiled back at her, putting in your earrings whilst a maid put on your stockings and shoes.
"Are you excited to become queen, princess?" the maid asked, slipping on your shoes.
Myra gave her a soft kick and a damning look. The maid muttered an apology sheepishly
"Truly Myra, it's fine." you said putting out a soft hand to calm, "I haven't had much time or training I'm afraid but I'm going to do my best," you replied looking at the maid who was now tying your shoe, giving her a smile. She sat your foot on the ground gently and looked at you with a smile before standing up.
You made your way down to breakfast after making sure your things were packed well and giving a final goodbye to your chambers.
You entered the dining room to find the only people there be the servants and cooks who were setting the table, each greeting you with a smile and a 'good morning princess', you smiled and thanked them before taking a seat. You grabbed a plate and picked a few breakfast items and grapefruit juice to begin. Quietly you ate for a few minutes, before a few of Aegon's advisors and men came trailing in as well, some taking a seat, others grabbing a quick bite and leaving. You wanted to enjoy your last few moments at home as long as you could. The sunlight cascaded through the windows of the room.
Minding your own business and eating quietly, you were startled when you heard chairs scraping backward and cutlery hitting the plates. You looked up to see Aegon had entered the dining hall as well. You carefully scooted your chair back and curtsied to him as his men bowed.
"Good morning, I hope everyone slept well, we will be heading to Kings Landing soon after breakfast. The maesters have informed me the winds are good for sailing, so I hope we can get back home in less than three days." Aegon said, standing with his hands crossed in front of him, looking around the room.
You sat back down and resumed eating as the men nodded and some gave their good mornings to the king as he made his way over to you, taking the seat on your right.
"Visenya, good morning. Are you ready to head to the capital?" he greeted you with a grin, grabbing a muffin and fruit for his plate.
You swallowed the grapefruit juice you were sipping. "Yes, Ae- my king. Though I do have a question," you replied, setting down your cup.
He hummed in response for you to continue, you noticed he looked clean and he had light bags under his eyes. You assumed he was up late not getting much sleep.
"Are Vermithor and Silverwing still alive?" You asked, watching him pour himself some grapefruit juice.
He looked at you and nodded his head, "Yes, I made sure to keep them well and looked after during the night." he said, taking his knife and cutting the muffin in half.
"Can I bring them to Kings Landing with us?" you asked hopefully.
He nodded his head again, "Of course. Though the dragon pit was destroyed, I hope to have it rebuilt within the next year or so. I don't know where we will keep them, perhaps let them reside in the Kingswood clearing like Vhagar did, though she preferred the beaches from what my late brother told me. I am not sure where Sunfyre will hang out until the pit is rebuilt." he answered, letting out a breath of stress.
You grinned widely, catching his eyes as he took a bite of his muffin. He smiled back shyly still chewing.
"Is it okay if I go tell them? I want them to know where I've gone and that they are welcome to come," you questioned, taking another sip of your juice.
He nodded again wiping his mouth with his cloth napkin. "Yes, you can, I just ask you to be quick since we need to catch the winds," he said, then softly touching your hand that was resting on the table lowering his voice so only you could hear him, "I do plead that you try not to make an escape or anything, Visenya. We made an agreement to marry for peace and life, I don't want any surprises at the moment, so please take a guard," he instructed.
You looked at him with confusion and furrowed brows, "Try anything? Aegon, sorry, my king, all I want is peace and for my brothers to be alive and safe, I give you my word I won't make an escape attempt, I just want to see my dragon." you whispered back.
He gave a nod of understanding before calling to a few guards, instructing them to lead you to your dragon.
After walking quickly down to the beach, catching a glimpse of your things being loaded onto the awaiting ships, you caught sight of your beautiful bronze dragon, Vermithor, nestled happily on the beach with Silveriwng close by. You practically ran to him, though nervous to alarm the guards.
"Oh ñuha dōna Vermithor!" you called out to him in a sing-song voice. Oh my sweet Vermithor!
The giant beast opened his eyes and raised his head, seeing you walk towards him, he let out a happy rumble. You reached out a hand to touch his enormous snout, feeling his warmth. You noticed the guards behind you stop a few dozen feet from the giant dragon.
"Iksan jāre naejot dārys tegorīr naejot jiōragon married. Isn't bona kirimves?" you said, giving him a rub which gained another happy rumble from him. I'm going to Kings Landing to get married. Isn't that fun?
You put your other hand on him and leaned your head against him, you felt a vibration, some sort of happiness for you.
"Jaelan ao se Silverwing naejot māzigon lēda nyke. Though nyke won't sagon able naejot kipagon ao konīr. Yn nyke kivio kosti jikagon sōvegon." you said, giving him a kiss on his warm skin. I want you and Silverwing to come with me. Though I won't be able to ride you there. But I promise we can go flying soon.
He let out a groan, making you laugh. It was some sort of, We will come but I wish you could fly. He loved flying, he was happiest with you and his mate.
"Iksi naejot henujagon aderī, sepār gīmigon skori ao jiōragon konīr, se zaldrīzes ripo iksis dombo. Nyke gīmigon ao couldn't fit isse konīr dombo. Yn kostā umbagon isse se Kingswood." you instructed. We are to leave soon, just know when you get there, the dragon pit is no more. I know you couldn't fit in there anymore anyways. But you can stay in the Kingswood.
He rumbled once more moving his tail in a happy way, similar to a dog, making the guards nervous. Vermithor communicated that he understood. You gave him another kiss and a few more rubs before returning to your guards. You felt a relief knowing your mount was alive and safe.
"Princess, it appears everyone is boarding the ships, it is time to leave." one of the guards said, looking over his shoulder at the dock and then back to you. You nodded your head and walked along the beach towards the ship, behind you, Vermithor made a cooing noise, almost as if to say, see you soon. You giggled at him.
You looked around you whilst making the walk to the dock, who knows when the next time you'd see Dragonstone and all of its beauty. You even enjoyed having to march through the coarse sand. As you stepped onto the dock and began walking towards the ship you felt the future begin to sink in.
You were to marry Aegon, the man who put your mother to death by dragon fire and who held your life, as well as your brothers in his hands. The man who cheated on Helaena and never took his birthright seriously. The man who usurped his throne and called your brothers bastards. The man was responsible for so much death and destruction. You put your hand to your stomach, starting to feel warm and slightly nauseous.
"You alright, princess?" one of the guards who was helping load the ship asked.
You nodded your head, "I'm not fond of sea journeys is all." you replied looking at him.
"You Targaryens are spoiled by your dragons, I reckon they make travel faster than what a boat for us simple men is," he replied, finishing up with the loading as you approached the ramp up to the boat.
You turned around one last time and looked at mighty Dragonstone, the seat of your ancestors and what had been your home for so many years. It had memories, good and bad. Maybe Kings Landing could be a new start for you, something fresh. You had little memories of it from when you were a child. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out, almost as if giving the island a kiss goodbye.
You turned, picked up your skirts, and headed up the ramp, boarding the ship to take you to your new home and destiny. You looked around, not quite sure what to do or where to go, just wanting to get out of the way. Suddenly another guard approached you.
"Princess, allow me to escort you to your lodgings until we get to the capital," he said, holding out an arm for you to follow him.
"Thank you, sir, for I feel useless and in the way at the moment," you said, following him as he lead you down the stairs of the ship and into small yet comfortable lodgings. You stepped into the room cautiously, looking around and noticing a small bed, a desk, and two chairs next to the window. It would do for a few days until you got to your new home.
Soon you had set sail with everyone on board, you sat in your chair with one of the books that Myra had left out for you, Queen Consorts of the Seven Kingdoms. You almost laughed as you saw the title, Myra had a sense of humor about things that most others didn't understand. At the moment you appreciated it, might as well learn from your predecessors. That's when you also remembered that the direct predecessor was still alive and waiting for your arrival in Kings Landing. You had to admit you were not looking forward to seeing her again. The woman who basically started the whole war.
You decided to push her from your mind and enjoy your reading, hoping the three days would go by quickly. After a few hours of reading and listening to the waves, there was a knock at your door, you looked up as it was opening revealing Aegon and a maester.
You smiled and stood up, giving a curtsy, only to see Aegon put out his hands and give a small shake of his head with a smile, "No need for that Visenya, not when you are to be my wife." he said, walking towards you and sitting in the chair next to you as the maester set down a few things on the table.
"How are you finding your lodgings?" Aegon asked, looking at you curiously.
"They are nice and comfortable, thank you," you said, closing your book.
"Of course, I'm glad they are to your liking," he said, playing with a ring on his finger. "I heard from one of the guards you get sea sick so I had the maester bring you an ailment to help, though it has some Milk of the Poppy in it so it will make you sleep." he finished, motioning over to the maester who was mixing the concoction.
"Thank you, that's thoughtful and kind of you," you said, accepting the cup from the maester who handed it to you. the liquid was a pale blue color and didn't have much of a smell. You quickly drank it before handing it back to the maester, thanking him as he left the room leaving you and Aegon.
You two sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Aegon spoke up, "I'm sorry," he started looking at you, catching your eyes, and you raised your eyebrows. "I'm sorry about your mother, about the war, all of it." he apologized, maintaining eye contact.
You nodded your head, feeling a tightness in your throat, "I'm sorry too, our family has brought so much death and destruction, I wish it didn't happen the way it did." you replied, almost choking on your words.
He nodded his head, gazing down at his ring and back up at you, "I know it's hard, but I want to move on from it all. I don't want us to be at each other's throats or hate each other for the rest of our lives over this. I want to try Visenya, I do." he confessed, looking back up at you, violet eyes meeting violet eyes.
You nodded your head, taking a breath, "I do too, I think we both have a lot of anger and hurt Aegon, but I want us to be cordial together. I have heard of husbands and wives who can't get through sitting at dinner together and I don't want that." you responded.
He pursed his lips and gave a small nod, "I never saw my mother and father be loving with one another, I don't want a repeat of that, I already had that once with poor Helaena," he said with a pause, "I've already sent a raven to Kings Landing informing everyone there about our marriage. I hope you don't mind but it's not going to be some big affair, just small." he said, moving his hands dramatically at 'big affair'.
You giggled slightly at his hand movements, "I don't mind at all, there are other things more important than a grand wedding. Us marrying is the important part, I don't mind foregoing festivities and dramatics for the sake of peace." you said, setting your book down on the table where the maester once was.
"I'm glad, I didn't want to potentially disappoint you, but a typical royal wedding would be too costly at the moment and I really need to rebuild the dragon pit and parts of the capital," he explained, reaching over and tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
You brought your hand up and caught him, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb, "I've never known a responsible Aegon, where did he come from?" you joked.
He smiled taking your hand in his, "He had to be forged together once he unwillingly became king. I had to learn quickly that I couldn't be sneaking off to brothels or ignoring counsel meetings anymore. I had to take things seriously for the sake of my family and kingdom. It's not like I could sneak off anymore, my grandfather had guards after me like a hawk after their prey. At the time I hated it, but now I'm thankful he did it for me." he explained, rubbing your hand with his thumb.
You felt a new emotion in your chest, something you couldn't describe but for now you would take it as a sort of pride for him. "Well I'm glad he was forged together, I don't think I'd want to be married to the Aegon you were before you were king, no offense at that." you breathed out.
He laughed, "No one wanted to be married to that Aegon, poor Helaena was a saint for putting up with me. But I'm much happier with myself now."
"Good I'm glad you're happier with yourself," you said with another surge of emotion you couldn't explain, maybe relief?
You felt yourself becoming drowsy and let out a yawn, covering your mouth. "I'm sorry," you said sheepishly.
"You're fine, I promise, like I said there is milk of the poppy in the ailment that he gave you." Aegon replied.
"I think I might take a nap. If I'm lucky I will sleep this whole trip," you said with a laugh, pulling your hands back into your lap.
Aegon stood up with a stretch, "Well consider yourself lucky because when you're king, no one leaves you alone until you demand them to. As much as I want too, I know at the moment it's all important war clean up so I can't ignore them."
You felt another yawn come on, "How is Sunfyre?" you asked, wanting to curl up.
"Still recovering from Rooks Rest, I can't fly with him at the moment so he's flying himself back to Kings Landing. I saw Vermithor and Silverwing heading that way as well," he replied, heading towards the door.
You nodded your head, "Hopefully he will make a full recovery."
"I'm going to let you rest, if you need anything let one of the servants know," Aegon said opening the door and stepping out, gently shutting the door behind him.
You sat for a few more moments in your chair before taking off your shoes and dress, remaining in your small clothes, and climbing into bed. Your last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were wishing you invited Myra along to Kings Landing and hoping your new feelings for this new-responsible-Aegon would not get crushed.
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youboredright · 6 months
Fate Cannot Be Changed
What happens if the strongest mafia known to be the coldest man alive gets arranged married with a sweet hearted woman? Can the innocent Yn change Gojo Satoru, biggest mafia in Yakuta? Maybe or maybe not..-
Mafia Gojo Saturo x Yn
(Part - 3)
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Yn's POV
I did not realise when I feel asleep, but waking up I met a quiet house. Gojo left. Grabbing my phone the first thing I realised was that I got the first ever message from Gojo.
Gojo : get ready by 7 we will go to my parents house.
My head was filled with who the people was and who was Nora. My head was filled with thousands of thoughts so the day passed away quickly. I could just do the house chores and nothing else. Soon as I sat to have my evening tea the clock caught my attention. It was 6:30. Shit. I have 30 minutes to bath and get ready. By the time I was done with bathing and touching up my makeup, I was left with 5 minutes. I hastily wore the first dress that was in my closet. It was from my mother. It was a long black silk dress. It had a lot of memories. Before I could get all nostalgic I heard the a knock on my bedroom door. When did Gojo come. Opening it I saw Gojo, in his tuxedo. He looks extra tall. Oh gosh his legs and his biceps. Snap out if it Yn. I reminded myself that I am just a tool for Gojo. I simply nodded and approached him. "Let's go". The drive was mostly silent. And it was me who always spoke. "We are staying there tonight" Gojo announced. Shit. I wore this dress which is.. well nice but for sleeping I don't think is the best.
It was deadly quite, so as a good wife I tried to break. "You look nice" I said looking at him for a clue that he liked my compliment. He did look nice but specifically hot. Those veins popping out while one of his hand resting on the steering wheel . God I am falling it has not been even a month of our marriage. But Gojo did not say anything or even look at me. Did I make it more awkward ? " Sorry I didn't mean to make yo-" "We are not going to a party why did you wear a dress like that." Our voices overlapped. "I didn't know that." Oh that hurts. This black dress was nice. I got a lot of compliments. Was it that hard for him to just say I looked nice? "You are wearing a tuxedo?" And he ignored me. "Um Gojo? About last night. Were they your friends?" I said. "Look Yn I told you it's none of your business. Why can't you get a simple shit in your mind, huh?" He almost yelled. I hate loud sound. He knew a lot about my life. But is it wrong for me to be curious about his? About my life long partner. I just deeply sighed . "Yn" he said in a firm voice. It was the first time in the car he spoke. I flinched as I quickly looked at him. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered. " I wanted to talk about our-" he was interrupted by my phone ringtone. I quickly tired to silent it but Jake called me. I got the same chills running through my body. I started getting flashbacks of my old days. It has been almost 2 months now. I should feel happy he called but no. I felt sad and also a bit angry. I wanted to hear what Gojo was saying. But I just answered the call anyway. Throughout my call I felt Gojo's dark auroma filling the car. Reaching home, Gojo slammed his hand on the steering wheel even without looking at me and got out. As I rushed to him, I saw him standing outside. Oh was he waiting for me? He grasped my wrist tightly and leaned forward. "Yn don't dare to make my parents suspicious or worried."
Gojo's POV
Last night I was sober enough to remember what happened. Even after treating her the worst treatments, she still cares. I told her about Nora. Did I hurt her? She looks so fragile as if I might break her any moment. In my life I only cared about Nora, my mom, Geto and probably Shoko. But there's is something about Yn I feel I need to protect her. A feeling I never got before. Yesterday I stumbled myself and told her about Nora. I do still love her. And yesterday and also today when Yn asked about Geto and Shoko I was, well very tired to answer. Last night I saw Yn's eyes filled with concern and care, like actual feeling. Nora was the last person I saw the concern and care in her eyes. It makes me want to melt. Her touch is so warm, makes me crave her touch more. But I will not fall in love with someone I am forced married with. I had and have to remind myself not to fall for her. Because if my plan works then this marriage will end within the next 4 months.
I can feel her soft breathing. Her warmth is radiating and I could feel that as she looked outside filled with thoughts. She looked so good in her silk black dress. Her breasts were pumped and I could see them. I wish I was the only one who could look at those. She had the perfect body. Big but not huge breasts and ass. And my favourite thick thighs. She is so pretty and innocent. It almost makes me want to ruin her. Make her dirty and show her what is my kind of love. This woman, only if she knew what she did to me within a few days of our marriage. But I will not fall for her. I learnt a very good lesson from my past. And I will make sure I divorce her as soon as possible, when I will be done with her parents. "Yn" I said in a firm voice. She flinched as she quickly looked at me. "Y-Yes?" She stuttered. Am I that scary? " I wanted to talk about our-" I was interrupted by Yn's phone. I nodded as she answers. "Jake? Hey? How have you been?" Yn spoke in a soft yet confused voice. I don't normally eavesdrop but who the fuck was Jake? I felt weird and agitated. Why would MY wife, who wore MY ring, lived in MY house talk to someone specifically a boy? But then again I had no right to be. What was worst is Yn let out a soft chuckle hearing something 'Jake' said. It felt worst. I looked at her as I realised that I got a sudden urge to stop the car roughly pull her by the neck and kiss her. And then make a lot of dark hickeys and show the fucker the hickeys specifically the ones on her boobs and nec-. What the hell did I just imagine, making out with my arranged wife? The one I hated the most? Shit, what was happening to me. But I got a feeling that I had to remove Jake from my wife. Probably murder him. He got some nerve to talk to wife and make her chuckle. As I stopped the car in front of my parents house I slammed my hand on the steering wheel out of frustration, causing Yn to flinch. Great. Why am I getting annoyed just by remembering 'Jake' ? Why do I even care? I couldn't answer as I got out of my car.
To be continued
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deepwithintheabyss · 7 months
writing patterns
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @waffleinator-inator @anawrites3 and @vellaphoria
as I don't have 10 posted fics I'll be sharing some wip lines as well
Stupid Things [Jason/Tim]
Gotham rarely saw such beautiful days as this one.
Catch 22 [Slade/Tim]
Slade grunted satisfied as his release hit him, and pushed his hips almost impossible deeper into the lithe body beneath him. He inhaled once, savoring the feel of hot cum sloshing around his cock, before he leaned back with a deep exhale, so he could smirk down triumphantly at the trussed up little bird. With a half-lidded eye, he drank in the sight beneath him.
Sometimes all it takes is Love and Time [Slade/Dick]
Dick had grown up with rigidous meal plans and a minimum amount of what he should eat. It just came with being someone who was very physical active. This hadn't changed when his parents died and he came under the care of Bruce Wayne, if anything his food intake was only micro-managed more. The man drew up many plans as to how much he should eat if he was to go out as Robin.
Trust bleeds Red [Dick/Tim]
“It’s okay to be scared Tim” he whispers, as he caresses one soft cheek, relishing in the touch of warm skin on his, the way his angry rosy flush contrasts so nicely with Dick’s pale hand. He skillfully ignores the glare being sent his way, as Tim tries to twist away from his cold touch and the eye-contact he’s forcing onto him. “But please don’t fight me on this, I only want what’s best for you”
And when the darkness comes, you shall call my name [Jason & Tim]
Hood grinned under the helmet, breaking into the tower had been a fun challenge, he had debated about if he wanted to test out his old codes but in the end decided against it. He still didn’t know how he wanted the reveal to go exactly so it was better to not give the old man too many hints and give up the game too early.
WIP Sequel to "Trust bleeds Red" [Dick/Tim]
They’re in one of the living rooms when Tim finally breaks.
WIP OJT Week Day 3 [Jason/Tim]
Jason’s body had been trying to kill him ever since he regained clarity in the pit.
WIP Rock Hard Tension [Dick/Tim]
Tim had always been too tense for anything and everything in his life, but he made it work. He did stretches and bending and being a vigilante even if his body screamed and protested him. He learned how to move with and not against his body to keep himself from harm.
running out of good wips to share here 😅
WIP Feral Alpha Tim wooing Omega Jason [Jason/Tim]
Struggling in Ivy's bonds Tim curses his luck. Of course he would get caught on the one night where he really could not deal with this. His brain and patience were equally fried from all the posturing he had to do and put up with in the last few hours. Galas were the worst and in Tims opinion they could all burn in hell, but being a public figure meant he had to attend them and play along, put on a nice face and smile as if he he enjoyed getting his nose assaulted by the posturing alphas and omegas that loved to crowd him for his status alone. And the few that didn't came for his appearance. Alphas crowding him about how he looked like the prettiest O they have ever seen. Talking about how they could give him everything he wanted if he just let them, how he would look so pretty dominated and bent down. How he would make a beautiful bitch.
WIP RedRobinYum [Tim/Any]
Red Robin groaned as Nightwing pushed him across the desk. “Careful,” he whispered, “I'm still quite sore from sparring.”
I know I already reached 10 but because some of these are wips that might or might not get rewritten I'm gonna share 2 more
WIP Waffle Prompt [Jason/Tim/Steph]
Tim groaned when he caught sight of Steph entering the library, she looked around for a second before spotting him and made her way over grinning like the maniac she was. He was sure that if they weren’t in a library she would have whooped as well, drawing the attention of half of the college just so she could embarrass him more.
WIP “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” [Dick/Tim]
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you” Dick breathed into Tim’s hair. Tim only grumbled and shifted closer in his sleep, pressing close to Dick. “Come on” he coaxed gently, shaking the sleeping figure softly. Tim grumbled some more, clearly trying to cling to sleep but failing. One eye opened up to glare at him, but the heat of the gaze was tampered by the haziness of sleep still clinging to him. Inwardly, Dick cooed at the fact that Tim felt safe enough around him not to spring to immediate attention at the slightest disturbance. 
Already I can tell I like to start with long lines
Wasn't sure if this meant just the first sentence or like the first complete line/paragraph, so I went with paragraph
and I'm tagging uuhhh
@bi-bats @ragnarokhound @littlemourningstarr @cadkitten @zeroducks-2 @disniq and myself because apparently tumblr wants me to do that @deepwithintheabyss ??
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eriexplosion · 8 months
Since I'm rapidly running out of time to catch up we're doing EVEN MORE TBB TODAY, so off to The Clone Conspiracy
Slip and Cade ;A; I'm already preemptively sad knowing what's going to happen to them. Cade talking about destroying Kamino, their home... I'm of course thinking back to the trooper that reported that Kamino had fallen to Rampart, voice hesitant as he reports the destruction of his own birth place. Slip says later he was on board when it happened. I wonder if that was him.
God though, sending a message to Rampart to give him "the chance to tell the Senate the truth before I did it myself." Cade, Cade, Cade, that is an insanely stupid move WHY did you do that and not just tell the senate directly? I know it's the urge to follow orders and chain of command but oh god of course Rampart has him killed.
Listen the first time I watched this I was SO scared for a hot second that it was Crosshair taking those shots, the last time we saw him he had killed Tawni Ames and the rapid shooting Cade and then shooting the blaster out of Slip's hand got me CONCERNED. Only when he started missing constantly did I go 'okay yeah this can't be him'
Still they really do let you think that, with how little we see Crosshair this season, it wasn't out of line to think he was there with new armor.
Can't believe "Cataclysmic Storm" is what they went with. Yeah it was such a big storm on the planet known for storms that it destroyed every single city on the planet simultaneously, very tragic.
"Shifting to a military of citizens swearing loyalty fundamentally goes against the principles of this body." I'm sorry I can't get over the fact that like, I get why the troopers don't want to retire (this is all they've ever known, they don't know how else to function, they have no other support) and the bill is objectively meant to push them out of service to essentially be abandoned but this is still an insane argument. We can't shift away from our slave army to a military of volunteers it goes against the Principles of This Body. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Riyo coming in with the actual 'hey what if we take the secret third option of treating them like people?'
I hate Rampart being so blandly pleasant, playing like he's soooo reasonable and understanding when we know he doesn't give a SHIT about the clones.
"If anyone were to dig further into what truly happened to Kamino" which I am happily discussing in a public hallway.
The scene in the bar HURTS because like, Riyo is trying but she's still locked into not treating the clones like people who should have options. She's trying to soften the being forced out plan, but they're still being forced out and thrown into a situation they were never trained for (because they were never supposed to be people) and they're pushing back against it because it takes away their choices in their own futures. There's just no option on the table that lets clones make their own individual choice whether to stay in the military or retire, and they always expected to be dead before they were too old to fight.
I want every clone to be given all the love and support in the world, all of them no exceptions.
Still the little nod at the end when they agree to work with her, my heart <3 Riyo really is trying her best she's just limited by both the Empire and the plot restrictions of how much they're allowed to criticize the Republics use of the clones in the first place and not just the Imperial treatment of them.
Riyo has been given the worlds worst and most alarming info dump and everything is happening at once, congrats your assassination risk just went up like 500%
God Slip calling Rex to try and get him out ;_; god this poor boy
Oh no not full pensions for millions of clones, god forbid we take care of the millions of clones that we literally purchased as cannon fodder.
"If I had been present, maybe more could have been saved" yeah bro your presence totally would have stopped the storm in this story you're building that makes total sense.
Bail pointing out the blatant insanity of blaming it on, of all things, a STORM.
I'm sorry I get stuck on that how was that the lie they went with how is Rampart SO stupid?
Godddd the tension of this scene with Riyo and Slip is so good, the building musical tension, the way it peaks a few times and nothing happens to keep you extremely on your toes and then Slip gets taken out just. DAMN they're good at this.
The way Riyo's guard gets shot and he KEEPS GOING.
I just realized that last time we saw Rex he disappeared into the fog, and when he comes back in he appears out of the fog. Turns out that whole time he was just in the fog.
HATE THE SCENE WITH THE BELIEVER CLONE. EVERY PART OF IT IS CONCERNING AS HELL. Including the part where he electrocutes himself to death and we get to see flashes of his fucking SKULL.
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softly-potter · 1 year
Still Friends | Chapter 18: New Day
Summary: After a chance encounter at a party, Wanda and Bucky find they have more in common than they realized.
This fic is heavily inspired by 'Friends' by my lovely friend Poppy. She is aware of this fic and I've been given permission for this marvel-version retelling! If you haven't read her dramione fic 'Friends', I HIGHLY suggest it. I fell in love with the story and couldn't help but wonder, what if it was Wanda and Bucky instead of Hermione and Draco? Thus "Still Friends" was born. Enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky X Wanda
Word Count: 33,068
Warning: smut, drug use, depression
A/N: Find the rest of the chapters here; Chapter 1: Greetings | Chapter 2: Unloading | Chapter 3: Cherries | Chapter 4: Worth the Wait | Chapter 5: Books | Cha pter 6: Grief | Chapter 7: Unlikely | Chapter 8: Happy Birthday, Solider | Chapter 9: A Christmas Moment | Chapter 10: The Best Holiday | Chapter 11: Permission | Chapter 12: Revitalize | Chapter 13: Backstabber | Chapter 14: Luck of the Dead | Chapter 15: Pain Reliever | Chapter 16: Apologize | Chapter 17: Specially Gifted
May 9th, 2028
Solitude is something he had always craved, but now that he had it he wasn’t so sure. He’s completely and utterly alone, and he’s the only person to blame.
I fucking hate you, is something that had crossed his lips.
Kate is only here because she needs parents, not because she actually wants anything to do with you, he had screamed.
I’m glad your family was fucking snapped, he had sobbed.
He’s pretty sure that was the last straw.
Bucky doesn’t know what cruel god had allowed him into the lives of Laura and Clint, but he knew it was an unfair one. They were nothing but good to him, and he despised them for it. They did more for him than Wanda or anyone ever could. Cleaned for him, cooked his meals, washed him. Held his hand, told him the truth.
And still he’d said all those things.
It was painful, watching them go. Knowing they wouldn’t come back. He’d finally broken them down, shown them who he really was. He was someone who didn’t deserve friends like Laura and Clint.
He was crushing them, holding them back. Ruining their family.
He gave them the push that they needed, freeing them of the burden that is himself.
Sam had reached out a few times, even stopped by his apartment, but Bucky had screamed at him, threatened his sister, and that had been enough to stop Sam from ever trying again. Good for him.
Sif stopped showing up in the mornings, but he was still able to get his alcohol, and he was happy that she hadn’t taken that away too. Maybe she had rekindled things with Thor, maybe they’d made up.
He hopes they did.
Curled on the floor of his shower, Bucky holds his knees to his chest, the tears mixing with the water and feels himself tremble.
This is all he deserves. The bottom of the barrel. He had thought that was Hydra, the brain washing, but he’d been wrong. He’s an alcoholic, but his super soldier body refuses to give in, refusing to let him succumb to the addiction.
The people in his life didn’t deserve to be around that. Not even her.
He loves them, all of them, with his entire being, but he wants them to think the opposite. Let them think the worst of him; that way, they won’t mourn when he’s gone.
May 27th, 2028
Bucky is so inebriated he can’t even attempt to workout. Not that he’s been working out these past few weeks anyway, but at least the venture had been made. He slouches on the front door, his feet wobbly in his view, and he lurches, feeling the vomit rising before it happens. Spilling the little contents of his stomach onto the sidewalk, he presses his face against the glass of the door, the cool feeling soothing against his hot skin.
The 24hour gym is completely empty, and he’s grateful no one is around to see him like this. It's pathetic really, and he sniffs, eyes trying to focus on the tv. He can’t hear it from outside, but he squints, makes out figures on the screen.
Lead is lighter than his blood when he sees her.
Dressed in white, Wanda is ethereal. She looks nervous, her hands twisting on the arm of Clint as he walks with her down a stretch of carpet.
Bucky is breathing harshly as he reads the headline outloud.
“Avengers…renew vows in..m-much anticipated w-wedding renewal.”
Clint pats the hand that is on his arm gently, handing her over to a patient and handsomely-dressed Vision. They smile at one another and lace their fingers. Bucky can’t hear but their mouths move as a priest opens his bible, eyes only for each other. The priest begins his sermon, and the camera panels over the crowd.
Now sitting with his family, Clint smiles brightly at them, his arm wrapped around his wife as their three children look on. Kate sits behind them, her face gleeful.
Bucky spots many other faces he recognizes, Sam and Sarah, Bruce sitting behind Pepper and Morgan.
His chest aches when he realizes he hadn’t even been invited.
He’s glad he hadn’t been. He isn’t sure he could’ve taken it.
Heavy tears clog his throat, blurs his eyesight. He weeps for nothing and for everything. Sobs for his broken heart and broken life. Sobs for empty promises and ruined moments. Sobs for the girl he loved more than anything, the girl that couldn’t love him back.
May 27th, 9:58AM
He stirs as he sleeps, his forehead banging on the glass door as he jolts awake. He had passed out, slept against the wall, and his body ached. He hears quiet mummers, a few snickers as he cracks open his eyes.
“Uh..you ok sir?”
Bucky snaps up, his head pounding. Three men and a woman in suits surrounded him, staring curiously. The woman had a cellphone pressed to her ear, speaking quickly into her device.
He pales, and scrambles to his feet.
“Sir, I think you should wait here,” one of the men warned. Bucky wants to melt into the floor with embarrassment. His sick is a few feet away, dry and multiple shades of green.
This is really what his life has come to, it’s worse than his nightmares.
Bucky shoves passed the suit-claded individuals, stalks to his bike. He drops his keys once, twice, hands shaking, pressing it into the ignition. The ride starts off bumpy, and his vision is watery as he tries to focus. His only thoughts are on her.
She should’ve been up there with him, not the other guy.
He had taken care of her, loved her despite it all.
The idea of him and Wanda exchanging vows, buying a house, raising a family, made his heart sore, and then dive bomb as it would never happen. He clenches the gas harder, speeds up.
He wishes he could hate Vision. The android had taken her away from him, had stolen his one chance; but he knew that was horseshit. Vision hadn’t done anything but exist. He hadn’t made empty promises, he hadn’t lied. Wanda did.
And Bucky still couldn’t find it in himself to hate her. Not really.
The wind is wiping so fast it chills his bones. It’s exhausting, the physical and emotional toll of being in love with her, and he wants to out-run it. His bike gains speed, and his teeth chatter.
It had been so long since he felt good, or at least didn’t feel bad. He needed it to stop, just for a moment. He just needed a break.
The wind roars in his ears but its silent in his head. Quiet moments where there’s nothing but the high pitched squeal of emptiness is all he desires, the only solace he has; he drives faster.
He swerves cooly around a slower moving vehicle, lane splitting between the left and right. A driver flips him off, honks their horn. He ignores it.
His pulse is pumping through his ears, the adrenal coursing quickly, and he feels nauseous hit him but he doesn’t slow down.
Moving around another car, his eyes flit from the road to his hands. The same hands that used to hold her, caress her face. They’re useless now.
Another car honks and he grunts, speeding up to split between the lanes.
Bucky wasn’t sure if he should go faster. He didn’t really want to, his cheeks ached and his head was pounding. But the world had treated him harshly and there’s only so much he can take.
He had tried, he really did. Gave it his best shot. But he had acquired happiness, and it seemed like it wasn’t supposed to be. Because of the after, after the dust settles and everyone moves on, his heart can’t heal.
The liquor had never been a part of his plan, not really. But it had been so easy, had hurt so little.
A horn sounds from his left and he swerves hard, narrowly avoiding a Nissan as it slowed down to avoid him, its horn blaring.
“May I give you a hug?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He would kill to hold her right about now.
Eyes stinging, Bucky bites down on his cheek hard, tastes the copper as he accelerates. He stops trying to weave around cars, instead lane splits completely.
“I was selfish, I wanted you for as long as I could.”
He wonders where they’ll go for their long-overdue honeymoon. He hopes it's somewhere nice, somewhere warm so she wouldn’t be cold. Somewhere without cameras so he can’t watch it on the news.
“I love you, I do,” she gasps, eyes rapid. “Don’t do this.”
Cars honk as he wizzes by, his handlebar clips a car's mirror. He can’t tell what time it is, but it must be early.
A brand new day. His last new day.
When the semi honks, he doesn’t hear it. Barely feels himself lose his balance, doesn’t really register that he’s airborne. He’s light as a feather as his bike collides with the truck, the sound of breaking glass and crunching metal is muted below him.
Maybe if he gets high enough, he can watch her fly away with the love of her life. She’s holding onto Vision's hand, the both of them smiling, and Bucky waves at her sadly, his muddled senses not registering that he’s descending.
He hopes she’s happy. It's all he’s ever really wanted for her; he just thought he could give it to her.
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Selfshiptember, Day 16; Plushies
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ship; tomjesse
prompt; plushies, but it's featuring a familiar toy <3
↬ tom gets sick... now he's under her care, would she want to risk speaking her love language of physical touch while he's sick?
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"It's my fault, please don't spend too much time trying to nurse me—"
Tom tries to excuse himself, but was cut short by a harsh sneeze. He's gotten a cold from trying to run back home in the cold, thunderstorms. What was he doing? Who knows, but it seems like he really regretted doing that.
"Yeah ... that's not a good tell..." Jesse plopped her fisted hands on her waist, her body and head tilting to a side as she ponders about her dear's current predicament. "I'm not going to ask what did you do outside, but,"
She looks at the darkened window, that had a few shots of fast raindrops flying past the view. It's a big one today.
"...before it gets worse, you'll be staying in bed and I'll make something hot for you in the meantime, okay?" He couldn't help but feel a little, uneasy. She sounded a little strict ... as if the strictness stemmed from the uneasiness she had when he was being a little bit dismissive of the weather report. He'd argue that weather patterns are inconsistent, but now's not the time — he can tell she's both disappointed and worried.
"Okay..." he awkwardly fumbles with his fingers, even pinching a bit of skin to express his internal discomfort.
That's why he tries to beg that he'll manage himself, but nothing gets past her when it's Tom who's gotten himself in really stupid scenarios before, and he's not even the clumsy type! He doesn't like seeing her like this, it almost scares him sometimes. But that's her usual self, not much people would know that though. Jesse is an incredibly patient person, it's rare to see her act differently. Sad to say that he's flipped a switch today.
So here he is, stuck to the twin sized bed they share, except that it's all his for the night, and his guilt continues to rise higher than he expected. He's covered in blankets, a different set of clothing, and his little To.mee Bear friend laid next to him for companionship as he forcibly lazes around to recover. The sound of the thunderstorms echoed his mind as nothing really was in his thoughts, except for Jesse — he's worried what she'll say next.
The door knob twists, in comes Jesse with a bowl of warm soup, and a mug with what's pressumably hot tea. His eyes turns to her, she's dressed in a more comfy set of clothing, a t-shirt that's tucked in with her cute short shorts. It's more of her sleeping wear since it's evening time. Her hair was a bit messy, but it's all laid on her shoulders beautifully, just a few brown strings popping out.
"Hi, Tom."
"Agh, you made soup as well?" he winced. "You didn't have to go that far."
"No, the worst part is that we both get sick. So I'm doing my best to help you recover, okay?" She places the soup and tea next to him, and proceeded to stir the tea with the spoon that sat with the mug.
Her voice was soft, but man, did her words stab his heart in fear, bit by bit.
He sat there quiet, so did she. The clink and clank of the teaspoon against the mug filled the silence momentarily.
"Are you mad at me?"
The clinking stopped, she turned to him who had a face of worry, he's been agonizing over her emotions since he got here, and it's better he'd try to apologize or else he'd suck it up and seem ignorant about it.
Her eyebrows furrowed a bit, as she took time to respond to his questions.
"No, I'm not... I was just, nervous."
"For what?"
She clears her throat.
"Actually... I just don't like it when you're not in the living room with me," she replied, awkwardly darting her gaze somewhere else. "It would feel like I'm back to my old house, where it was only me, myself, and I."
Oh, how he suddenly felt so relieved. Still, it's his fault. Because unless he recovers quickly, she's going to be by herself again while he would be forced to sleep a whole day's worth for who knows how long.
"Aww, love." he spoke, sympathetically. "I'll make it up to you for the hours I spent here on bed. Maybe we watch a movie, your call." he tries to lighten the mood.
"But then again... sorry. I probably should've listened to that weatherman guy earlier today."
Jesse smiled, appreciating his simple yet genuine response. She tries leans closer to him for a little kiss on his cheek.
Suddenly, she was halted by his hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.
"Wait, don't. You might catch the cold — sorry."
Right, he's still sick. This is just getting even more disappointing for her, she can't be as physically affectionate as she usually is with him.
Retracting back to her original position, she sighs and pouts a little. Trying to not mind this, she goes back to preparing his little snack and bobs the teabag on the mug a little bit, to let the flavor spread out.
It's happening again, she already accepted his apology but he still feels terrible about this. He definitely wanted that kiss but it's for the better that she didn't.
Scanning for some ideas, he looks at his little fuzzy, familiar friend. Boom, idea!
"Okay. Tom, your tea is rea-" her head turned to his direction, but was met with a soft texture on her face. It's Tom.ee Bear, his soft nose booped her nose. She chuckles at this little bit. "What, am I feeding him today?"
"A kiss from me to you, through this little guy." He's adorable when he smiles. He thought this was clever for his part. Tom continues to make the plushie boop her face, and she starts to giggle at his goofy self.
"Stop, that's so cute..." she smiles, her cheeks are rosy in joy.
He hands her his little toy best friend, and she hands him his hot tea in exchange.
"Say, pretend To.mee Bear is me today. Do whatever you want with him." he teases, not really sure if he's taking this idea seriously or not, but its worth the shot. Sipping on the warm tea, he feels his throat cleanse from his clogged passageway. Refreshing.
Jesse notes his suggestion, and stares at the cute bear that somewhat resembles her boyfriend. The hair definitely gives it away, it's so him.
Holding the toy close to herself, she plants several kisses on it, and rubs her cheeks against the soft fur. She's projecting really hard, huh... cute.
"Get better, because I'll definitely be like this to you again," she giggles to herself, the familiar scent that the plush exudes makes her really feel that it's just Tom, but soft and miniature. Tom looked at her wonderfully drowning his dear toy in cuteness aggression... part of him suddenly wishes that was actually him.
"Wow, that—" he stuttered, he feels his cheeks warm by seconds. "I can totally feel your lips on my cheeks right now." It came off as a bit sarcastic, but it was because he was a little jealous of that little furry friend.
He continues to watch her cuddle the hell out of that toy, looks like she's not that mad in the first place either. She still loves him no matter what, everything feels so much more lighthearted now.
But, he's struggling to finish his tea. Oh how he wants to be in that position right now. How dumb he was to walk out in the rain like that! He's finally had it.
Placing the mug at the side of the desk, and ensuring it doesn't tumble over, he calls out to her.
"Uhh, Jesse?"
She was too busy being adorable with the toy, she looked at him in response with a giggly voice. "Heheh, yeah? I'm really liking this so far."
"Well. Uh, yeah that but—"
He's not gonna word his way out of this one. He throws his arms on her shoulders and hugs her despite his sick self.
"Forget that Tom.ee Bear idea. Can I have a kiss, please?"
*A text conversation below, from Edd to Tom
E: hey, did you make it back home? it got suuuuper cold and suddenly, hard rain!
T: yea, i got sick tho. messed up big time
E: oh no. im guessing jesse is taking care of you?
E: shes a great caretaker, really! it's good you have her around
T: uhh about that.
E: what
T: we're both sick.
E: tom......
T: im literally making this day worse for everyone i know sorry sorry sorry ughhh
T: the kiss was worth it though.
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↬ GUYSSSS MY HEART WAS DOIN FLIPS HALF WAY THROUGH AAGHHGHAHH!! fun fact this was inspired by an old comic dub I LOVED THAT'S LIKE... 6 years old now. (it's my.stic mess.enger SHH SHHHHHS HHHH)
I'll probably try to write more around the end because I refuse to do this in November 😭😭 this isn't proofeaded properly so excuse any errors eheh
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marciego · 2 years
marciego and leonetta for the ask game ofc <33
girl here we fucking GO
they love each other on purpose. like honestly i could stop here because what else do you need. what else do you need when you start watching violetta and you see them genuinely and constantly going "i will love and care about you through it all. i choose love instead of enduring it and i choose and want you" like it's perfect
second lead syndrome that ended up being endgame and we all know second leads are always where it's at <3 leonetta quite literally defeated the writers' evil schemes to be together and what other ship can say that
what i like to call the vilu effect is quite literally one of the best things about leon, the way he can be the biggest, most brutal bitch on earth anihilating everyone every time he opens his mouth and the SECOND his eyes land on vilu he softens completely and is just "hi love <3" is just so endearing and wholesome and cute
how NATURAL their relationship is, how outside of their obvious chemistry it took them MONTHS to develop these feelings that'll stay with them forever, how they never rushed things, how they never went into this relationship being "Yes That Is The Love Of My Life" but rather let themselves be and be together just because they genuinely wanted to
01x35 te creo and 02x75 podemos <3
actually just podemos as a whole that's a good enough reason
they see and love each other fully and completely, they've seen and loved the worst of each other through it all
quite literally a match made in heaven: they get to be completely themselves with each other because they're just that romantically compatible, yes marco is a sweet and loving person, but he's also selfish and his love is so unconditional he keeps putting it before his morals and diego is perfectly able to handle that, yes diego got redeemed but he's still diego, he's not going to be the uwu soft boy he was in s3 for the rest of his life, that's still a man capable of going very far to get what he wants and his personality didn't do a complete switch after his redemption, and marco is possibly the only one (in the main cast) capable of handling that without it affecting him, he's proven that multiple times in s2
talking of s2, the way marco is the ONLY person diego has NEVER hurt or betrayed. like it's one of the things that gets me the most about them, the way that even in his worst moments diego loved and cared for marco enough to do his goddamn best to keep him out of his mess
let's face it they're that one couple that gets everyone to turn around in the street to look at them because they're just that hot together
the ridiculous amount of times diego sang yo soy asi to marco in s2
kings of owning the most explicitly gay moment of the show like hell yeah marco i bet you felt love in madrid
the entirety of s3. like the marco/fran/diego arc is a whole fever dream i'm sorry i still can't consider any scene that came out of this as anything but diego pining for him
speaking of this. the iconic "you can't treat me like this" scene and the reconciliation after this and diego looking the happiest he's ever looked in the show when he was hugging marco like marciego stans were FED in s3
actually all of their hugs, like men hugging in violetta isn't rare but it's bro hugs most of the time but on god i swear every time marciego hug it's with their whole body and holding as tight as they can for 30 whole seconds it's PERFECT
fran sadly singing verte de lejos thinking about diego and getting even sadder when she notices marco watching her, like i have no idea what the writers thought they were doing here but with THIS song choice the only possible conclusion is that marciego are kissing as we speak
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admiringlove · 3 years
hurtful things
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+synopsis: genshin boys and the hurtful things they said.
+genre: angst; headcanons.
+characters: kaeya; diluc; childe; zhongli.
+warnings: swearing; crying; implied panic attack.
+order: hey bubs! i saw you doing requests and i HAD to ask for genshin angst :) spare me some tears pls <//3 preferably w kaeya or diluc or childe :) [submitted by @crackheadsara​]
+author’s note: okay so i included zhongli bc he’s the love of my life, also i needed comfort from him after writing such hurtful things :D
+navigation: main menu, genshin menu.
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“i’m better off without you.”
you know from the way your door was knocked in the middle of the night on a weekday after months, that it’s kaeya. you rub your eyes sleepily, trudging towards the door as anger and doubt fuse into a nasty green in your mind. 
you unlock the door, pulling it open to see the man with the eyepatch tapping his foot on the deck of your home impatiently. he smirks when his eye lands on you, attempting to walk in but stopping himself when he realizes you're standing at the door, unmoving. 
"kaeya, it's three in the morning. and it's monday. i have to report to jean in three hours," you mumble tiredly as you look up at him. the lamp grass by your windowsill outside and the moonlit night accentuated his cerulean eyes and contrasting coffee-colored skin. he frowns, peering down at you as he asks, "may i come in?"
you shrug, opening the door wide as you let the man in. he places his sword on the table and proceeds to walk into the bedroom when you ask, "where have you been for the past two weeks?"
"work," his reply is the same. you let out a sigh in impatience as you retort, "that's the same excuse as always."
he was tired and wanted to sleep off the fatigue from his latest mission. but when he hears you say that, something in him snaps and he turns around, his jaw clenched and a fixed glare making you a little agitated. he raises an eyebrow as he says, "well, unlike you, i am an actual important member of the knights of favonius."
"kaeya, all i meant was that you're always gone. you never write a letter back even if i send you one, and you somehow manage to come back every single time, expecting that it doesn't hurt me. what am i supposed to do?" your voice is small as you look down, hair drooping towards the ground. you're not even yelling at him, you're just worried. he always leaves you alone(sometimes you tag along, but you couldn't tell why nowadays he'd leave you alone without some sort of warning).
"does it ever occur to you that you're just a hindrance?" he bites back, thinking that you're trying to put up a front. you flinch at his words, causing him to force a jeer before he starts again, "you always come along, so maybe i wanted to be away from you for a bit. that's why i leave without a warning so i don't have to tend to your yapping all day. because i'm better off without you."
you gasp as you look up to his figure, now retreating to your shared bedroom. you hear him fall onto the bed with a content sigh as you stand there, wiping at your tears incessantly as hiccups escape your lips. you bit your tongue to stop yourself from crying, pressing a hand on your mouth to muffle the sounds so you don't disturb kaeya. you get a quick peek in, eyes widening when you see him sound asleep and tucked in. 
so that's how it was, you think. 
the next morning, kaeya wakes up to a cold bed as his arm reaches out to an empty space. his eyes immediately pry open as he wakes up, to see that you weren't here. 
ah, he ponders to himself, you must've gone to tend to your duties. 
he stretches, letting out a yawn before walking out to the kitchen. he smiles when he sees a plate of food left for him on the countertop with a note from you. but somehow, something felt very wrong about this whole ordeal. this had happened before—he had come back from insanely long missions to you before, so what felt different?
and then it hits him. the things he said last night. he frantically looks around, his azure eyes completely drowned in horror as he notices small changes in your shared household. a few picture frames are missing on the living room walls, your keychain isn't on the bookshelf anymore, and worst of all, when he runs into the closet, half of your clothes are gone. 
did you really feel that bad about what he said?
in panic, he runs out and keeps going till he reaches the headquarters of the knights. he barges in this time, not returning the greetings of the guards upfront as he walks into jean's office. 
"where are they?" he pants, "i-i messed up, do you know where they are?"
jean's eyes widen as she says, "our associates were having a hard time handling with the fatui in liyue harbor so they volunteered to go there for sometime."
"how long has it been?"
"they left long ago, it's about to be around ten hours since," she says. kaeya's heart shatters as he hears those words. he hadn't expected you to outright leave like that, but if you had said the same things to him, he definitely would've stormed out. his voice cracks as he looks at the ground in shame, "h-how long until they'll be back?"
"i.. don't know."
he regrets everything he's said. he truly does because he doesn't even notice that tears are streaming down his cheeks until jean comes to his aid. he hates himself for all of it—he hates that he has to live in a home where traces of you are visible everywhere; worst of all, he hates how he knows he lost you for good. even if you come back, he knows you wouldn’t run and melt into his arms like you did before. you’re gone now, fading into the darkness and away from him. 
maybe it was for the best.
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“you’re nothing but a burden.”
after taking on a few abyss mages and mitachurls, diluc lets a grunt out in pain before you see the slash on his right arm. you gasp, pulling him to the side of the lake as you pull out a bandage and cotton from your bag to clean his wounds. he's reluctant to it at first, but he sits there quietly and broods as you clean the blood with cotton and some type of healing ointment. 
you tie the bandage on his arm, a tiny bit of vermillion liquid seeping through the white cloth before sitting down next to him, finally catching a breath. sighing, you look up at him and say, "that was reckless."
"no, what you did was reckless. who told you to come along with me to dadaupa gorge? you knew what you were getting into when you came along, so don't put this on me," he grumbled, frowning as you look at him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. you are sort of hurt, but you know he's only saying this in faux indignation, so it's okay. you chuckle out, beginning, "diluc, i was-"
"i don't know why i even bother with you at this point," he exasperates, looking into the distance behind you. he curses slightly under his breath, his rouge eyes filled to the brim with anger as it finally overflows, "you're nothing but a burden."
your eyes suddenly flick to gape at him in disbelief. you stand up, your voice hitching in your throat as you ask, "diluc, you mean that?"
and it all simmers down into ashes when he mumbles "of course i do" under his breath. your vision is blurry as you walk away from the red-haired man, your body trembling as you almost give away that you're crying your eyes out. you walk back in the direction the two of you came from, leaving your broken heart in the hands of diluc, who sat by the lake not muttering a word after. 
he knows he's said things he doesn't mean; he does that all the time, but you probably knew that. he figures you're leaving to catch a breath of fresh air—to be away from the tension-filled environment for a bit, you had a habit of doing that at home. he sighs as he ponders over his words for a bit. he knew it was wrong to display such harshness to you, but you probably knew he didn't mean anything by it. he always bubbled over rash things when he was frustrated. 
the sun sets in front of him, painting hues of aubergine and peach as it flows down. he wonders where you are, getting up from his spot by the lake to venture towards the path you walked off. 
only when he can't find you, is when he thinks that you might've actually taken offense to his words. although he cares about you sincerely, he finishes his mission first, getting a lead on the abyss order—because protecting monstadt was his first priority. you lingered in his mind every second of every day till he finally got back home. and when he didn't find you there, he asks adelinde about it, who only shakes her head and tells him, "i'm sorry, master diluc, but i haven't seen them come back. i thought they were with you."
it all pieces together in his mind now, how a small gasp had escaped your lips when he had called you a burden. the way you nodded begrudgingly, getting up and walking away from his presence as your shoulders trembled. the way he could hear you choke back a sob, but still ignored it, thinking you had overreacted in the situation. 
he searches the whole city for you. he searches every nook and corner, and even walks into the headquarters of the knights of favonius(he ignores kaeya's teases instead of biting back this time). and when he finally sees you, he holds himself back. his hand is suspended awkwardly in the air as he reaches out for you, your back turned towards him. 
maybe this was better—maybe it was a good thing that you had walked away from him. this way, the abyss order won't be able to harm you. this way, he won't be able to harm you. this way, you'll be safe and sound, away from the storm known as diluc ragnvindr.
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“it’s not like you mean anything to me.”
it's not often you see childe. he's always in liyue, and you're here, stuck in monstadt or snezhnaya. it's cold today(as it always is) in snezhnaya, the snow covered almost everything outside as you looked out of your window, sipping on hot coffee as you sigh at the wilting roses on the sill. they'd wilted when you had gone to monstadt and you didn't have the heart to plant new ones.
just thinking about the blue-eyed childish man would make your heart bloom and cheeks flustered. you longed to spend more time with him, really. if only he wasn't affiliated with the fatui, he'd be able to spend more time with you. it had been months since you had seen him, and you longed to be in his arms once again, but who knows when that'll happen again? whenever he comes home, he chooses to spend a night with you and then head back. he'd laugh alongside you, tell you about his adventures, and give small reactions when you told him about yours. and the next morning, you'd wake up to an empty bed with a small note by the table, saying how he has to leave for work.  
a knock at your door snaps you out of your entranced state. as you open the lock and look out, you see childe, standing there with a tired grin and disheveled hair as he walks in without a word. he hands you a small paper bag, saying, "i brought you back something from liyue this time."
the same excuse, you think. it's always the same. he brings back small mementos and souvenirs as a pretense for staying, and by the time you think you can forgive him, he's gone. he plops down onto the sofa, stretching his arm out so you could join him. the thought of confronting him crosses your mind, but you shake it off—since he had only just gotten back. 
the night is the same as always. talking about each others' adventures, eating dinner by the fireplace, laughing alongside one another until you hit the bed. it's quiet now as you watch over his sleeping figure, his lapis-colored eyes now hidden. you sigh as you lay there for hours on end, twiddling with his brown hair as you wait for him to wake up(so this time you can actually say goodbye). 
when his eyes flutter open, he's a little taken aback when he looks over at you to see you wide awake. his brows furrow just a smidge as he says, "you're up."
"well, i wanted to say goodbye this time," you chuckle dryly, "you always leave without waking me up."
"i don't like the way you said that," he says, getting up from his position on the bed. you look away from him, your eyes displaying hurt as you murmur, "i don't like the way you leave."
"well, it's my job. it's not like i'm an adventurer like you, wasting my time around. i'm a harbinger and i have responsibilities," he says. his voice is neither too soft and nor too prickly, and you can tell that he's a little worked up by the way he lightly nips on the skin of his bottom lip as his gaze bores into you. 
"i didn't say you don't. all i said was that you could maybe sometimes stay for more than one night. it feels like you're using me, and when you're bored, you leave."
"oh?" he cocks an eyebrow as he stands up, "i'm using you, huh?"
you grimace at the tone of his voice, and when you look at him, you notice the sheer annoyance he puts up towards you. your voice is small when you ask him if he loves you—because you don't know anymore. seeing him once in a few months for the past few years has sure hurt you more than anything, and if you don't tell him now, then you might never get a chance. 
"what if i say i don't?" he smirks, walking up to you, "it's not like you mean anything to me. what if i agree that i am using you to make myself happy until i'm bored, so i can then throw you away?"
he doesn't like what he's saying either. his mind is screaming at him to stop, but he's worked up. he's irritated by the way you jabbed at him first thing in the morning, even though he knows you're right. his heart almost stops when he looks at the expression on your face after he says those words, and as he reaches out his hand for you, you turn away. 
your voice cracks, and he's sure his heart did as well when you mumble, "i-i'd like you to leave, please."
"wait, i didn't mean-"
"tartaglia," your eyes look into his, perhaps for the last time, as you give him a sad smile, "you don't have to come back to me anymore."
it hurts him as he leaves your home that morning. it hurts him when he comes back months later to see that your home is now empty. it hurts him because he tarnished the you that was once his. 
it hurts him, but he thinks it's for the best if you stay away from him if all he does is bring you pain.
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“i’d like you to leave me alone.”
zhongli was never one to pick fights. he was peaceful; his thoughts were positive(most of the time), and he almost always preferred to talk about his problem rather than fighting about it—he believes that fighting will only bring pain, so why not confide in one another about our problems instead?
he's quiet. he's not shy(it's quite the opposite, actually), but he's one to prefer to only talk when absolutely necessary. he's the type to listen rather than speak, saying something like, "we have two ears and one mouth. speak less than you listen."
he smiles when his mind goes back to the time when he said that to you while having a cup of tea together, and you'd replied, "my mother used to tell me that when i was a child."
because it's true; every child in liyue harbor has heard those words at least once in their lives. the quality of listening is appreciated more than the quality of speaking—and zhongli, for one, was a listener. 
you, on the other hand, were a speaker. you always woke him up every morning with a smile as bright and everlasting as the sun, babbling about breakfast and tea as he got up from the bed. you were the one that carried conversations on your shoulders on morning walks, you were the one that intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you walked amongst flowers, adoring them as you talked about the contrasting colors of silk flowers and glaze lilies. he loved you for that. he loved you because you were a speaker. he loved you because you were a perfect balance, the only one who could soften his hardened heart. the only one whom he'd chosen to wake up next to in the mornings, the only one whom he'd let ruffle his hair without asking(because he secretly liked it). 
so why had he reversed the roles tonight? why was he the one to bubble out his frustrations to you, speaking in a cold and stern manner instead of the loving tone that was only reserved for you? why was he the one to speak tonight, and why were you the one to listen?
it's not like he was actually frustrated—he was only thinking about something else as you asked him what he wanted for dinner. it surely wasn't your fault when he had poured over turbulent words to you. and he knows that the ones that hurt the most probably were, "i'd like you to leave me alone."
he looks up at the stars, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he walks back into his shared home with you. he looks around, and when there's no sign of you, he feels himself break apart even more. 
had you actually left? he wants to run to you and tell you he hadn't meant any of those words because he hadn't. he wants to touch you, to caress you, to please you, to make you smile—and he wants to admit he was wrong. he wants to make it right, but he doesn't know where you are. 
he walks into the empty bedroom, sitting on the cold mattress as his eyes sting. he doesn't understand what's happening, or why there are small drops of water falling from his eyes. he doesn't understand why everything feels heavy all of a sudden—his heart, his throat his lungs, everything. he doesn't understand why he feels like he's trapped in a box, and the water seems to be filling up more quickly than he'd prefer. he wants to reach for air, but he can't.
he couldn't breathe without you. 
he hears the door close and immediately gets up in haste to walk to the living room where he sees you take off your boots. you turn around to see him, his disheveled hair and frantic eyes finally calming as he walks over to you and engulfs you in a warm embrace. his throat cleared up, and so did his heart and lungs as he mumbles against your ear, "i'm so sorry."
you smile smally, looking up at him as you cup his cheeks and wipe a stray tear, and mutter, "it's okay, zhongli. stress gets to the best of us."
god, how he loves you. he places a small peck on the top of your forehead as he feels his lips turn upward at your touch and the scent of glaze lilies lingering over you tells him that you'd been to the flower garden. he sleeps with your fingers weaved with his that night and pulls you even closer if you untangle with him in sleep. 
he makes a promise to himself saying he'd never hurt you like that again, and he keeps it.
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