#love me a yautja mate to wake up with
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jack-o-cel · 2 years ago
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Lazy morning ♥️
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 months ago
I don’t usually request second parts but after that cliffhanger I’m BEGGING for a second part🙏🙏🙏
They Both Reached For The Gun Part 2
Pairings: Wolf (Male Yautja) x AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 2512
Summary: Wolf finds blood pouring a deadly wound on your side. He has to act fast.
Author Note: I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if this was for this one or the other one. But it's a fifty-fifty chance to hit the mark. I do love my cliffhangers, don't I?
Part 1
For the first time in all of your time spent together, Wolf’s eyes filled to the brim with fear. He’s looking at the vibrant, red blood on his hands. It dripped to the floor of his ship, staining it a color he never wish to see. Not from you.
One moment passes until he acts. Determination fills his entire being. You swallowed down the lump in your throat and find yourself looking at the blood as well. It’s weird. There’s no pain. Not that your brain has registered. You do feel a bit loopy and weak in your limps. “Wolf?” you slurred in a soft voice. But the Yautja was already up, on his feet.
As he moves, he doesn’t look at you. Not truly. The bright yellow of his eyes never meets yours. All he focuses on is the blood pouring from a wound covered by a shirt. Fabric that Wolf simply tears from your body after he retrieved the necessary items for you. You don’t try to cover yourself up in surprise. Instead, you simply watch him scoop you up into his arms and carry you to the nearest counter or table.
Wolf lays you flat on the table. Despite the fact he worked wound far longer that you’ve been alive, his hands trembled. The Yautja growled angrily to himself and redoubled his effects. You wanted to reach up and comfort him. To tell him everything will be all right. All you felt was exhaustion. Oh-so tired. You just needed a small nap. The day had been long and grueling. You deserve a nap. Then, you’ll be fine.
The moment he saw your eyes starting to flutter shut, panic struck him. Both of his hands were wet with blood. He used one to pinch your chin and gave your head a harsh shake. You jolted at the movement and whined when he interrupted your sleep. Wolf could care less if you were mad. Good. He wanted you want. Be angry at him. If it meant you stayed away. He’ll take it.
“Stay. Awake,” he demanded with one last shake of your head. He needed both of his hands. All he could hope for is that you listened to him. For once.
A low grumble fell from your lips. “I’m tired,” you complained to him. How dare he wake you from a nap! He knows not to disturb you from a nap. “Let… me sleep.” Your words began to slur.
He cursed lowly to himself and finished up the paste. His next actions will surely wake you up. Through the blurriness of your gaze, Wolf scooped up a bright blue gel that stung your nostrils. You curled your upper lip and turned away from the smell. He brings it to the side of your body he was cleaning. The movements were soft and gentle. Then, he brough his fingers to the wound. They were pressed the gel and smeared it across injured flesh.
The scream that left your throat terrified and pained your mate at the same time. Yet, his hand didn’t move. Wolf firmly held you down on the table with one hand on the center of your chest. You fought him. With every ounce of strength you had left. You did everything in your power to make the pain stop. It burned with the heat of the sun to your skin. You sobbed for him to stop, pushing at his hands. But, the Yautja pressed on. Even after you lost consciousness.
Your body went limp on the table. Wolf instantly checked for a pulse and found one. Relief flood him. The Yautja didn’t stop his work. The paste was pressed into the wound, burning the flesh. No more blood poured freely. Finally, Wolf started to clean the rest of the affected area.
Once he cleaned the skin, an adhesive patch was placed over the open wound. For a moment, Wolf stepped back to give you a once over. No other spots were leaking of life essence any living created needed. Including himself.
Wolf scooped you off the now dirty counter and carried you out of the medical wing of the ship. Somehow, despite the huge weight difference, you had dragged him to safety. The alien, your mate, was insanely proud of your accomplishment. Without you, he would’ve been captured by the oomans. Over his head body would he ever let that happen.
Battle hardened eyes turned soft when they gaze down at your peaceful features. After the events of the day, he was thankful to see you rest. He believed you to be fine now. Since the wound was closed. Their medicine will heal you.
You are set down on the comforts of the shared bed. A blanket is tugged over your form, until it reached your shoulders. Wolf sat down next to you. His now cleaned hands brushed two knuckles against your cheeks. A reminder at the stark difference between his thick scales to your soft, pliant skin. How fragile you are to him. The fact you had taken a bullet and still carried him up to his ship, go it started, and off into space. Wolf leaned down and pressed his mandibles to your forehead in a mock kiss. How brave and strong you were. He knew he found his permanent mate when he first laid eyes on you.
For a few heart beats, the Yautja stays there, watching as your chest rises and falls slowly. Wolf abruptly stands up from the bed and strolls out of the bedroom. You sleep away, deep into the haunting darkness of your mind. A sleep you desperately needed.
When your brain finally decided to wake up, you sat up with a deep, croaky groan. Pain ached at your side. You fingers grazed over a bandage and whined. “Ow,” you grunted then rubbed at your crusty eyes.
It feels like you’ve slept for twenty hours straight with how tired you were. You gave a loud yawn, arms stretched high above your head. You slumped back down and looked around the room. At your side, Wolf slept, slightly curled towards you. A smile broke across your features. You leaned towards him. The movement annoyingly pulled at your injured side. You grunted again and still moved to give the alien a soft kiss to his upper mandible.
His eyes snapped open; his entire body jerking awake. You reeled back with a gasp as he hauled himself up into a sitting position. Wolf turned towards you rapidly and gripped your jaw with both hands. His gaze flickered all over you, landing onto the white patch of gauze attached to your aching side.
One hand touches at the bandage. You whimpered with a fling and tried to pull away. Wolf keeps you in place. “You’re awake,” he whispered before leaning in to give you a mock kiss/nuzzle to your cheek. You returned the gesture, eyes softly closing. “I was worried. You continued to sleep on longer than usual.”
It took you longer than you liked to admit to put the pieces together. Yesterday or something like that… Your sister, Kara, had shot Wolf. The two of you had to narrowly escape. In the process, you had been shot. That’s why you had that bandage on your side. But Wolf! Your eyes scanned over him, only finding the area you had clean up there. He was okay though. He was alive and well by the looks of it.
At first, you snorted. That snort turned into giggles. Those giggles turned into laughter. Then, tears started to stream down your face. You started to sob, gripping onto Wolf tightly. Your nails created crescent moons into his scales. Tears stained your cheeks while you blankly stared at his chest. The two of you almost either died or got captured. All because of your stupidity to trust your sister. She was your sister and had betrayed you and your mate. All for money? Fame?
Your crying grew louder and more violently. Wolf’s head jerked back, no expecting the mental break down that was hitting you. He instantly tugged you flush to his chest. Strong, muscular arms circle around you. You dobbed harder, blabbering on about stuff he could barely understand.
“It-it’s all my f-fault!” You heaved to suck air into your lungs. “I’m so-so sorry. I-I shouldn’t have let her know.” This could’ve all been resolved if Kara never knew. Then, Wolf wouldn’t have been injured; you would be back home with Wolf. Nothing wrong with the world, with your life. It’s all your fault.
A deep growl vibrated form the chest you were pressed to. You tensed up by accident, your crying coming a near stop. A few hiccups still escaping. Wolf snags you by your shoulders and yanks you backwards to find your eyes. He lowers his head and pushes into your space.
“No,” he states firmly and tightens his hands on your shoulders. “No, it’s not. You wouldn’t have known. There was now ay of knowing she would’ve done that.” You started to cry again and shook your head to deny his words. How could he lie to you? You knew he was trying to make you feel better but lying wasn’t the way.
You look into his bright yellow orbs. “But Wolf, it is!” you tried to refute against him. He must know the error of his words. “If she never came over that day, she would’ve never know. We wouldn’t be in this situation!” Despite the ferocity of your words, Wolf doesn’t budge. Not one bit. He doubles down actually.
One of his hands releases your shoulders and pinches your jaw in a firm grasp. “Listen to me, little ooman. Listen to me good. None of this is your fault. None of it. Understood?” he grounded out. You stared at him, trying to read if there was a chance to dispute his claims. But the Yautja was set in his ways. You released a sigh, shoulders sagging then attempted to nod. Wolf held onto your chin tightly.
“I understand,” you relented finally to him. Wolf didn’t immediately let go. He continued to stare directly into your eyes until he found something. Whatever he was looking for pleased him enough to release you from his hold. You sagged down on the bed and timidly wiped away the last of your tears. Wolf tilted your head back and used his tumbled to clean off the rest.
Wolf responded with a grunt and pulled away. “Are you hungry?” he questioned. You swallowed thickly, attempting to clear your throat before nodding your head. “What would you like?”
After being asleep for so long, you were unsure what time it is, you carelessly shrugged. “I don’t care,” you responded and played with the blanket in your lap. A single brow was raised in your direction. “What? I know I’m hungry, but I don’t know what for.” After everything that’s gone down in the last two days, your brain is still scrambled. The last thing you wanted to think about is what to eat. He could set anything in front of you and you could be happy to eat. Food was all you cared about in the moment.
The lean male snorted before slipping off of the bed. Even though he tried to hide it, you say the way he flinched. You reached out towards him. Wolf softly caught your wrist and brough it to your touch. It was a silent reminder that the survived that horrible day. The two of you get to tell the story at a later date.
Then, he releases your hand and leaves the room. You wait until the door closes before flipping backwards onto the bed. The movement pulled on your wound but you didn’t care. You laid there, staring at the ceiling. Would it be worth it to take a shower before food? A groan left your lips. Wolf had cleaned and dressed the wound before putting you onto the bed. The grime and sweat from before still stuck to you. It made you feel sticky and gross.
That helped settle the internally debate.
With a heave, you’re able to sit back up and scoot off of the bed. You stand on shaky legs and wobbled your way into the ensuite bathroom. Due to the placement of the injury, Wolf had discarded of any clothing on your torso, apparently. All you had to do was shed your pants and turn the water on.
Hot water poured from the shower head and over you aching body. A deep groan fell from your lips. You relaxed against the show wall, letting the water wash away the evidence. It soothed over your tired and sore muscles, taking away the bits that hurt the most. This with some food then either snuggle with Wolf or taking another nap. All that sleep made you tired. A well deserved nap. With Wolf, of course. He deserves to sleep as well.
Soon enough, the shower came to an end. As you go to step out, a dark, scale hand held out a fresh, clean towel for you. Instinctively, you jolted at the appearance of a hand before realizing it was just your mate. You sent a half-hearted flare at the silent alien then took the offered towel from him. “I’m guessing the food is ready?” you asked and dried yourself off. The towel was set off to the side. Wolf gives you a pair of boxers and shorts. Which you slipped on with a thankful smile.
From there, Wolf take you to the small kitchen the ship had to offer. Two plates were set up on the counter. The portions matching each size of person.
He scoops up each plate and bring them to a two person table. You take your seat across from him. The lunch style food wafts up into your nose. You groan like you’re in heaven then started to snack on it. Wolf follows suit.
Lunch finishes up after about thirty minutes. After the first bite, that’s when you realize how hungry you are. You eat every last bite until the plate was empty and your belly was stuffed. Your mate had to carry you back to bed and laid you down on the comfortable sheets. You snuggle underneath the blankets and wait for him to join.
The large, lean male slips in after you and pulls you on to of him. You nuzzle into his neck, taking in his delicious scent. His arms tightened around you, careful of the wound on your side.
“Thank you,” you told him. “For everything.” Wolf was far too good for you. But you would never give him up. No matter what. Till death do us part.
A purr started in the back of his throat, soothing any worry in you. You completely relaxed on top of him. Your eyes finally closing as sleep takes a told of you.
Unable to return back or anywhere on earth, the two of you take refuge among the stars. Your new home.
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just-some-trans-nobody · 2 years ago
Female Yautja x Trans Reader During a Period.
Thank you @silverclawz for some of thr great ideas for this one all suggestions are greatly welcomed.
Reader is afab but it's trans or nonbinary no prounons used though.
Minors do not interact
Warnings: blood, swearing, aggressive behavior
If I missed any please tell me
Writen on phone light spell checking but things might fall through the cracks sorry.
Female Yautja
She was with you from the start, you had finally come to the realization that you were trans a little while after starting your relationship ship with her. Being there before you started transitioning she saw how absolutely horroble your period's were. Especially if you had endometriosis. She was absolutely horrified seeing you curled into a ball screaming in agony from the pain.
Every time this happened she would always craddle you in her arms trying to sooth you with her purrs and praises. If they got really bad she would bring you to her ship so she her medicines on you, even bring you to one of her doctors if it was really bad. She hated seeing you in so much pain but it really did make her see just how strong you were going through that esch and every month.
So when you start to transition she immediately thinks the period's have ended. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept that you have to be approved by a therapist AND a doctor to get on testosterone or have a hysterectomy. She thinks because you have declared you are no longer female that it will simple stop. That's why she absolutely panics when you have your first period after telling her your trans. She thinks something else is wrong there's no way you can be on your period your not a girl.
Wanting to do everything for her tiny ooman mate will rush you to her ship so she can get ypu to the healers thinking your dying. Words won't work right now she can't her you over her growls, she's not growling at you honey don't worry she's growling at the situation and at herself.
Once at the healers she demands they fix the problem immediately, she still doesn't understand it's only your period again and the healers are very confused but get to work anyway.
After she will be so embarrassed about how she acted, comfort cuddles for you both are absolutely needed. She'll purr as she gently nuzzles your face with her mandles. When your on your period she is much softer to you than she normally is, she knows how bad it is for you and just wants to show her support and make things easy for you. If you don't live with her on her planet then she'll bring things from her home. You'll wake up covered in the pelts of animals she had killed to keep you warm and safe. If you let her she'll feed you all your meals and bed. She'll dot on you even more than normal. This is a big deal as yautja males are the ones doting on the females and the other way around. She loves you so much that she will break the social norms for your comfort.
Get ready for the best baths ever she's pulling out the whole bath kit and absolutely spoiling you woth it. You'll smell like flowers from her planet for weeks before the scent fades, your skin has never been softer. She was very happy about that part, she couldn't get her hands off you constantly wanting to touch your soft skin. She always pulls her fancy bath kit out when your on your period for a special treat.
She'll spoil you more when your on your period but she'll also be far more possessive of you durning this time. Even more so if you live with her on her planet. You give of pheromones of needing to be breed of course males will be sniffing around. She's far more aggressive around this time constantly working on protecting her ooman mate. This is a good opportunity for her to show off how strong she is and how well she can protect you though. Please watch her beat someone up for you, she'll be purring in your arms after her victory.
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thenomadclan · 2 years ago
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The Day of Fathers
(A Yautja Predator Short Story)
The sounds of the plasma engine hummed through the ship, the steady like vibrations upon laying in the bed was almost relaxing or even therapeutic. Nomad slowly began to wake up, having his eyes meet a feminine pale white as snow Yautja with pink stripes. The female he was looking at was his mate Cji’ru’öld (Snow), he admired her sleeping beauty as she purred from whatever that head was dreaming. Gently he caressed his mates cheeks to her dreadlocks, while in response she sleepily leaned into the caressed palm. Gently he pressed his forehead against her which then began to wake her up, she looked in confusion but allowed it. “Mmmm what are you doing Red” she asked still trying to wake up, Nomad replied “I’m just admiring my lovely Snowflakes beauty and Grace”. She blushed/clicked in embarrassment as she placed her head against his chest, what was a moment of hiding turned into one where she began to listen to his steady heart.
Nomad didn’t pull away not pushed her off, instead let her head rest on him as he pet her dreadlocks down her back, purring lovingly. As this moment stretched longer they were met by the sound of their door WHOOSHING open, quickly Nomad looked at the sight of two red & white blurs tackling him and Snow. He groaned in pain but saw his two children, La’kee was the eldest, he was just like Nomad with long dreadlocks and red skin but the difference being the white stripes he got from his mother. Pok’I was the youngest, sporting a lightish red but had dark red stripes with white secondary stripes.:“Wake up! Father! Mother! We are almost there!” La’kee said excitedly, Nomad teasing said “Mmmmm whatever could you mean?” Trying to have his sons believe I forgot what this trip was about. “WAIT! MOTHER PLEASE DON’T TELL US FATHER FORGOT!?” Pok’I said as she was on Snow, cuddling next to her. Snow have a look of ‘okay cut it out’ to Nomad, he replied that he’s excited to bring them home and begin their first day of training.
A couple of hours later they arrived at the planet of Yautja Prime, flying directly to a city that was made as a meet up. Upon arriving at the docking port, Nomad was met with two big Yautja’s built like human tanks. As intimidating as they looked, they instantly welcomed Nomad and Snow with hugs so tight bones could accidentally turn to dust. It was Boulder & Basher, Nomads half sisters, they had been holding down the fort of Nomads Clan while he and his Mate were having some family time alone with their children. “Brother! It’s good to see you! How was trip?!” Boulder asked as she placed Nomad down while playing with her nephew and niece, much to the jealousy of Basher. “It was great, a nice vacation that was well earned. How is everyone back at the Clan?” Nomad replied as he got La’kee & Pok’I off Bolder and set them on his shoulders.
“They miss their leader, understandably having itchy trigger fingers, they are desperate for a hunt” Basher said as she put down Snow, Nomad agreed it has been awhile since a worthy hunt had been conducted. “Tell you what, why don’t you take Snow & Pok’I to the Clan to get situated while me and La’kee here do alittle bonding. I promise as soon as I’m done we will hunt something that’ll quench the thirst of the impatient hunters.” Nomad stated which Boulder and Basher were happy to report as they escorted Snow & Pok’I to their home hut. Nomad breathed easier as he held La’kee on his shoulders, walking around the streets of Yautja Primes City. His son watched as many passed by, either giving his father a dirty look or one of praise.
“Father, is being apart of your clan bad” he asked almost concerned, Nomad looked up at his son alittle worried “Never my son, being a Nomad is a great honor, being apart of a Clan that saved Yautja Prime? Who wouldn’t wanna be apart of it!” He said hoping to calm his son. “Then why do others look down on us” his son brought up, and it was a fair question as Nomad took his son off his shoulders. “La’kee I won’t lie to you, the Nomad Clan originally was that of Bad Bloods simply wanting to survive, but when pushed they pushed back harder to the point that every hated them. It was my job to redeem the clan and I did…but not without the help of your Elder Drago” Nomad said as he then showed a statue of a Yautja with a mechanical arm, samurai like armor, and a flag he held showing the clan symbol. La’kee looked up at the statue and at the words on the stone, written was the names of all the Nomad Clan that had lost their lives in the pursuit of redeeming themselves and the Clan. “Who was he to you” La’kee asked looking back at Nomad, “He was a Father that I never had” Nomad replied as he held his son close and looking up at the statue that just like Drago, forever stood tall.
-The End-
Happy Fathers Day ^^
-Nomad (Art by Tsitra1288 on TikTok)
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-Boulder & Basher (Art by Jaid_Wing)
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-Snow / Cji’ru’öld
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-Drago (Art by Takkel)
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friendly-alien-fucker · 2 years ago
A Fire Which You Can't Put Out (1/?)
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of blood, roughhousing turns into gentle meaningful sex, non-conish, Yautja in heat, angst, this post is an emotional trainwreck, Mating season isn't as easy as it sounds, may not be canonically accurate
Pairing: Yautja x gender neutral! reader
"Love" you called out, standing waiting outside their door. "Please, let me in."
There was quiet as your pleas were ignored once again. They didn't usually act this way.
Usually, they left their door unlocked so you could get in whenever you wanted. They knew how much you liked their giant bed, how you loved to go over the rough textures of their trophies with your hand and arrange them by size and species. So your worry was understandable when they locked themself up, not responding to any of your calls, no matter how desperate they got.
You shook your head. They hadn't even told you when they'd come home.
In fact, you only noticed once you'd made food for the two of you and went to bring theirs into their room and the door wouldn't open. You'd heard a whimper then. Painful, like a wounded animal, and not at all like your mate. And yet the low growl that followed seconds after told you that it was.
You'd tried prying their door open, guessing the access code, tried convincing them to come out on their own with sweet promises of love and comfort, but nothing worked. They simply stayed quiet. And your worry grew.
Defeated, you finally backed away from their door after the tenth attempt to get them to answer. Perhaps they simply needed some alone time. You sighed.
"It's late, I should go to bed now. If...if there's any way I can help you, please... let me know." you waited a few seconds, hoping for any indication that they had heard you, or that they were still alive, anything. But as none came, you swallowed the lump in your throat and turned around "...I love you."
And after you left, the ship went quiet once again.
You had begun going about your business as usual, cleaning and showering and making yourself dinner. And with each task the strings of your heart tried pulling you to their room again, your brain yelling at you- just to check up on them. Just to see if they need me now. Just for a second.
But you tried to forget your pain and went to bed without them in your arms, almost letting a tear escape your eye as you put the blanket over you. Usually, you never had to use it. Their body was so warm that it was almost completely decorative. But now, you were so so cold.
You put it over your body completely, curling up fetal position and tried to even your breath. Maybe you'd wake up and see that they had joined you while you slept. The thought brought a little peace to your aching heart, and you closed your eyes. But the second you entered a dreaming state, you suddenly heard a loud crash.
Eyes still closed, you almost fell as you instinctively bolted out of bed. You felt your way around, moving along the familiar walls until you reached the hall your mate's room was located in.
And as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you saw that it wasn't so dark after all. The light in their room was on and, most importantly, their door was open.
Without thinking, you ran towards it, almost tripping over something in the dark, but catching yourself before you hit the ground. You looked behind you in confusion. There should be nothing in this hall for you to trip over, so why?
But as a hand weakly grabbed at your ankle, realization hit you, and you instantly turned around to embrace the towering body that was laying on the floor.
"thank God, you're here!" you let your body drop on theirs and threw your arms around their neck. "Why are you on the ground? Are you alright? Do you need something, anything? Did you hurt yourself?"
But your worried babbling got cut off by the sudden sound of whining. Their voice distorted and shaking as they kept reverting to their own language, moaning a mixture of "please" and "can't wait"
It was such a strange sound, you almost couldn't believe it was coming from your mate. But as they continued and you could feel the vibrating of their chest below you, there was no way to deny it. You leaned back to get a better look and what you saw disturbed you deeply.
Their eyes, they were fixated on you completely. And they were oh so very.... desperate. Like they were asking for something, something only you could give them. Almost like a puppy, but way less innocent.
Like they were in pain, but as you trailed your hands gently over their body, you couldn't find a single scratch on them. You furrowed your brows as you felt them shiver against your fingertips.
Their chest heaved shakily against your body and their breath formed a slight fog in the air. It made you realize just how cold it was here. Had they lowered the temperature? But Yautja disliked the cold, didn't they?
You felt along their neck to discover their body didn't seem phased by the cold at all, instead it was practically burning. They leaned into your touch, purring louder than you knew they were capable of.
Their hips slowly but roughly grinded up against yours and you put a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from reacting. Something was very wrong here. You tried to push yourself up from their lap, wanting to search up on this behavior, try to find a way to help them, but they dug their fingernails into the flesh of your thighs to keep you in place, not flinching when you hissed in pain.
"y-you're hurting me" you breathed out, but they held you tighter, blood forming at your new wounds. "Let me go, you're hurting me!" you yelled now, only stopping as you got cut off by their own plea for release.
"you're - you're hurting me" they croaked weakly, imitating you before letting their hands drop from your body and to the ground with a loud thud.
You shuffled away from them to run your fingers over your legs and the sensitive wounds that were now coloring your pants a deep red. They...had never hurt you before. You looked up to find not regret or fear in their eyes but determination.
Like suddenly you were prey, bound and gagged in front of a predator ten times your strength, with no means to fight or escape. Like your fate was already sealed. And with a poorly repressed whimper, you became eerily aware of the small skulls decorating their hips.
You're going to join them soon the voice in your head commented drily this is what you get for mating a monster
You almost slapped yourself as soon as the thought entered your mind. They weren't a monster, you knew this better than anyone. You had braided flowers into their dreadlocks not too long ago, watched them try to make a flower crown with their big hands and being impossibly proud when they finished making one- you'd seen them weep over their fallen comrades, saw them swell with pride at their brother's younglings.
But as their hands shot forward, gentle hands now nothing but big razor sharp claws to you, and they took hold of your arms before you could even realize what was happening, it became harder and harder to convince yourself. And the cold of the ship's floor pressed against your back as they towered above you was making you all the more aware of your situation.
It was quiet for a few seconds. But not the kind of quiet you had come to find comfort in, the kind of quiet the dark emptiness of space offered, the eternal peace that the stars brought with them- but the quiet in which you were being suffocated by your own breathing. By your heartbeat. By the sweat running down your temple and mixing together with your tears on the ground.
It was a sort of tension you had only known of a battlefield, right before someone strikes. The few seconds between life and death, the moment history is written, the moment fate picks up her golden feather. And the more seconds passed, the surer you were that you needed to act if you were to survive this.
Consciously shoving your fear together with your common sense into the back of your mind and allowing instict to take complete hold of you, you lurched forward. Your canines were meant for tearing meat, but you'd always fancied yourself a vegan. Still, the green seeping from your mouth made sure you'd never forget your true nature.
It was a moment of complete loss of self. Followed quickly by deep, frantic fear. Of them, of yourself, of the taste on your tongue.
They roared above you, pupils shooting big enough that you could see your shaking reflection in them. They clutched you tighter, shoving you into them as their mandibles secured themselves at the spot between your neck and your shoulder.
And before you could scream for forgiveness, glowing green was replaced with metallic red. It was almost poetic how your blood mixed together. How you somehow chose the same place to leave your marks. Only that yours were a crude attempt at survival while theirs was-
What were they doing?
Their fangs were still buried in your pulsing flesh, soaking in the wet heat of your bruised body, but you could hear the low rumbling of their voice still. "Please" it was difficult to hear if it was a question or a demand, either way it sounded too sweet for the way they were behaving. Too innocent, too kind, too much like your mate.
"Please- I'm scared - I'm scaring you" they strung together sentences, and your hand moved to draw circles on their back in an ironic display of human stupidity. Always loving, always giving, always soft. Soft is what they loved about you, soft is what they swore they weren't. Soft is what they were right now. With their teeth rammed into your neck.
"I need thi- you"
They purred rythmically with every word, their hips rutting slowly against your inner thigh
"You, you, you"
and you slowly began feeling less like prey and more like devine medicine, like a cure-it-all. But in this position you were nevertheless still terrified.
One of your legs carefully wrapped itself around their outer thigh, helping you in pulling yourself up. And surprisingly, they actually let you.
Their grip faltered ever so slightly and their mandibles released from your flesh with a goosebump-inducing squelching sound. You let out a low groan and bit your tongue trying to ignore the pain, instead focusing on dealing with the issue at hand.
Your mate was in front of you, eyeing you like their last meal and waiting for another opportunity to pounce. An opportunity you were not going to give them.
"Can... C-can you lay down?" You ask with a shake in your voice, gaze looking for any sudden movements, yet none came. They moved not an inch, eyes still focused on you and you could practically see their control slipping away slowly.
Swallowing, you repeat yourself with a lot more (albeit fake) confidence. Something which seemed to work.
"My love, please- will you lay down for me?"
You almost let out a laugh of relief when they did as you said. But you kept yourself from cheering just yet.
Your legs wobbled slightly as you moved to sit on their lap once again. It was hard to put your full weight on them, they were like a furnace, burning your skin with every touch. But this was more important than your comfort, or your fear- you'd sworn to stay by their side no matter how dangerous it'd get.
Tracing your hands over their stomach and up to their chest, you reminded yourself of this. Memories of your first time getting to know them grounded you. Their patience with a species far more primitive than theirs, their courage to choose peace over violence whilst coming from a race that worshipped death and the bringers of it.
Their purring started slowly reminding you more of your own heartbeat. This was not a monster. This was not a monster.
Your eyes, which had involuntarily closed now opened, looking down at your mate with more rationality. Their upper body was bare and littered with fresh scratch wounds that you hadn't noticed before.
Their lower body was bare as well, with only a small cloth covering what was in between. Something which it was not doing well, since the outline of their erection was just as visible as the natural lubrication running down their thighs.
It had been obvious before, but with them laying underneath you now, begging for release, for salvation... Why they'd barely eaten the past weeks, why they'd forfeited their training, why they suddenly avoided touching you, you realized now with horror-
They had been preparing for mating season.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you whispered, leaning down to put a kiss to their shaking form, your fear dissipating and replacing itself with love and understanding.
Their claws reached up to your hips to hold you gently, painfully gently, like they were trying their best not to crush you in their embrace. Your mouth moved up to their face to place a kiss between their eyes, which they closed in response, leaving them completely vulnerable.
It was a strange form of power you felt in that moment. The power of being a warm meal in front of a starving man, but you didn't let yourself delight in in too long. Your hands trailed over their torso, down to where their throbbing member strained against their abs, and took it into your hands.
You jumped when they grunted underneath you, their lubrication becoming stronger as you rythmically stroked them. The rutting of their hips breaking that rythm, almost throwing you off them with how brutal it was.
Oh, you tried hard to keep yourself from tearing up, they must be in so much pain.
In any other scenario you would've found the sight erotic, but there was nothing erotic about it now.
You knew the risks of mating an alien, knew there was a difference in anatomy. They had been so self conscious about it once they trusted you enough to see them unsheathed, and it completely shattered your views on their species.
Overly confident, arrogant, beastly- those were the words most humans would use to describe them. And though you always tried to be open and understanding, even you had your biases.
Yet growing out of those wasn't hard once you'd met them. They were everything you didn't expect. Intelligent, helpful, kind and so adorably sweet against your tongue.
Their eyes that told you they wanted to devour you whole then averted, timidly glancing between the ground and your body. Their hands trembling as you guided them to lay above your chest, letting them know that the heartbeat they were feeling was for them, only.
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rzyraffek · 2 years ago
Everyday life with slashers!!!(part 2)
(Swf) Request open
The Collector
Can somone explain why people call him Asa Emory, i never seen this name in movies
Has No clue how to cook, you leave this man alone in kitchen for 3minutes, your house is going to be in fire
He will give you Moths from his collection
He let you name his dogs, but dont get attached they might die
If he knows that you are sensitive to gore stuff he will ban you from going to his hideout(maybe you are allowed but only with him constantly next to you)
Hes not fan of physical touch, if you hug him because you are scared or need support, hes alright with that but dont expect him to hug you every time he gets a chance
Thomas Hewitt
Great at cookin, and suprisingly, cooks not only meat. But please buy him a new pan
Will pick you up, no matter how much you weight, have you seen this man? He stronk
Loves cuddles, but only in privite places, but He holds your hands very often
Somedays theres a lot of victims to deal with and he is so tired and stressed afterwards
He never dated anyone, so basicly anything 'sexy' you do will make him blush and giggle like teenage girll😳😳
He is definitly into tights, will hug them and lay on them
Billy Lenz
I know this silly possum men was in part 1 BUT I Just love him too much okay
He will steal all your blankets and make cocoon
due to horrible traumatic past and never diagnosed mental illnes he has weird relationship with girls. So you better be a man or the most Saint and patent girll ever (or another nonbinary possum person)
He talks to your plushies and figurines(if you have any).
Billy has 2moods: 1 😳please hug me😩hell yeah huggies😈I may not commit crimes today🤯 AND 2 hissss👽stay away🤨u smeel?😒(stink), Billy no like you anymor🙄
He is huge simp, one complement and you got this man doing backflips just for you babe
The man from Hush
Probably knows how to fish, buy him one of this hats that say "fish fear me, women love me"
Wants to tattoo your name on his arm😨
Probably plays COD
Loves kisses on cheeks
If you find masks atractive, and he will find out, he will wear mask around you wayyy more often
Hugs from behind>
Loves watching boring movies with you so you can Fall asleep on him(he wont move a muscle)
Loves when you try to kiss his face( hihih human shmol can reach him)
Loves to pick you up and just walk around with you
When you fall asleep on him he wont move till you wake up. He is patent dont worry he enjoys it
Gives you Skulls, claws, theeth, ect as sign of undyjng love to you
If you are an artist he secretly wants you to paint his nails and armor. Will wear it with pride
He is like cat, when you scrach him in good places he will just instantly lay down and sleep. Will hug you, so prepare for heavy arm resting on you for about a hour
When you try to tickle him he will be like🤨🤨"mate if you trying to attack me, try using fists, not fingers?".After that you explain to him what tickling is, he probably will pretend that he has some just to see you try your best in tickle fight😈😈😈he may let you win. "Oh nooooo*totaly dramatic gasp* my human mate wooon aaaah those tickles aaaa myy weakness nuuuu *explodes* " (the lack of commas and big leters was on purpose, he did not change his voice even once)
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mintymarabell · 2 years ago
Sfw alphabet with elder yautja
Warning: there is implied suicide at W.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s a clingy puppy, he always wants to be touching you. If it’s not holding your hand then he’s pressed up on you. He loves any and all affection you give him. Kiss his face and he’s gone..
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, he’d probably find you on earth and maybe you invite him in, from there he comes to your house and you spill all the drama about your ooman life. He listens intently and even adds in what he would’ve done.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddling with you, he isn’t used to being touched in this kind of way, when you first introduced cuddling he was a little stiff but as time passed he became more comfortable with hugging up on you..
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s old, he’s retired most likely, he’s settled down.. He's not really good at cooking but will learn if you want him too, he’s the type to wake you up in the morning with breakfast in bed that’s halfway burnt.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Unless you're unfaithful, he’ll never leave nor break up with you. He loves you and is loyal to you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
You’d most likely have to tell him what marriage and all that is but as soon as he finds out he’s getting down on one knee right then and there. He’ll have everything planned to get married in the next month, the wedding would be perfect and you might even see him sniffle as you walk down the aisle.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
So very gentle with you.. You’ve most likely seen him in battle or in a fight, this man can be a lean mean killing machine. But with you, he’s careful. He once scratched your side with his claw and never forgave himself, he now keeps his nails dulled. He treats you as if you are a glass figurine.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
His hugs are warm and welcoming. He hugs you as a greeting, on occasion he’ll pick you up but most of the time he just gets down on his knees so he can be eye level or lower than you. (Depends how low he’s slouching)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Probably isn’t a word in yautja, you’d have to explain it to him. Butttt as soon as he knows the meaning he’ll say it all the time, “goodbye ooman, love you” or “I love you ooman, stay safe for me.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s only jealous when your around male humans, he doesn’t like the thought of them having a better chance with you only because they are more ‘handsome’
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He can’t kiss… but he does rub his cheek on your face or body very often.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s a little awkward, he’s never raised his own as the mothers always kicked him out. Though he’s open to having a kid or two with you..
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
They are mostly depending if he has something going on. If he does you almost never gonna wake up with him still in bed. Though if he doesn’t have anything going on then it will be a lazy morning, he’ll have you on his chest while he rubs your back and legs, waiting for his sweet little ooman to wake up to give him kisses. (He enjoys morning kisses)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He usually massages your body before bed. When you both are in bed he is big spoon, subtly rubbing your sides.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s an open book. You're his mate, he will tell you anything you want to know.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s impossible to make him angry, he has tons of patience. If however he does get mad it’s almost never at you, if you're in the room when it happens he almost immediately walks out. He never wants you to see him like that..
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything about you, every detail, every word said. He would get a 100 on all quizzes about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When it was early in the morning, he walked out to the kitchen only to see his ooman in one of his coats making him breakfast.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is so very protective of you, he would die if it meant you were safe. Anytime you both are in public he always has a arm around you or is holding you hand.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He almost goes too all out, know what I mean? Like he once took you to an exotic planet all because you had wanted some fish. He had speared a fish and cooked it for you. On your one year anniversary he went out and bought that whole market you both went shopping at. He bought every single thing, even the things he didn’t need
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s possessive, anywhere you go without him he’ll ask a million questions, where’d you go? Who’d you go with? And so on. Another trait of his is that he sometimes expects you to lift heavier things that shouldn’t be lifted by an ooman. He’ll just say “oh you can do it just put your back into it.”
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Only when you both are visiting earth. He doesn’t have a handsome man face and sometimes he feels like you want a human face that can actually kiss you back.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depression. That’s all. He’d pull his quills and rip at his tendrils. He would stop eating and doing any basic care. He would lay in bed clutching your pillow and just smelling it. Anything around the house that subtly reminds him of you will just break him down, falling onto the floor clutching the item and just curling in on himself. He’ll eventually just end it, just so he can be with you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He likes making you those cute little beaded necklaces and other jewelry pieces. When he can’t go out hunting it’s his only hope..
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t want a soulmate that’s rude or rough. He’s had to deal with female yautja his whole life, he doesn’t want to deal with another one.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sometimes puts you in a choke hold, he doesn’t squeeze but at the same time he doesn’t let you go. So if you have to go use the restroom in the middle of the night you’ll have to find a way to wake him up. (Blow on his face)
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fics-a-plenty · 3 years ago
I love your predator writing! It made me love this character more! Could you please write something where reader gets kidnapped by humans or other aliens and predator gets PISSED that they took his mate so he goes down to find them and teach those who took reader a lesson, please?
The Attack
Yautja x Human!Reader (Both GN)
Word count: 1,727
TW: Violence, fire, knife, child engagement
Thank you so much for the ask.
Honestly, reading the ask back as I'm coming to post this, I'm starting to realize this might not have been what you wanted. So I'm sorry. I'm fairly sleep deprived at the moment, so I'm not sure how much sense this is all gonna make anyways.
If this isn't what you were wanting, feel free to let me know and I'll write something else.
If this is what you wanted, great! Happy unbirthday... unless it is your birthday, in which case, happy birthday.
I'm gonna stop before this goes to far. As usual, please enjoy!
Waking up at odd hours to a chorus of loud Yautjas had become normal to you, between hunters returning with trophies and small fights over dominance, a ruckus was a fairly normal occurrence on this planet. It had taken you awhile to get used to, especially considering that this strange alien race had a completely different sleep schedule than you. But with the help of your mate, you had been able to adjust to the new environment.
As you wiped the sleep out of your eyes, trying to shake the drowsiness from your head, the noise outside continued on, and soon you began to realize that this wasn't the normal joyous and teasing sounds the clan members passed back and forth. These sounds were much more panicked and angry, something was obviously wrong.
You reached over to grab the knife your mate had left with you in case of an emergency. Having just gone to the next planet over to watch over some young bloods practicing a hunt, they should have been back by now. You struggled to push down the dark thoughts that began to invade your tired brain, trying your best to convince yourself that they were safe and on their way to you at that very moment.
Finally getting your emotions to calm some, you carefully pulled yourself from your bed, taking quiet steps towards a nearby window. You didn't have to get there to see the dancing lights of fire outside, and a quick glance outside confirmed your fears as you saw multiple buildings around the area broken into and ablaze.
An approaching shadow caused you to gasp and drop down to press against the wall, doing your best to hide and hope that whoever was attacking wouldn't have the ability to see your heat signature as your mate and their tribemates could. The footsteps were quiet but just loud enough for you to follow. The path towards your window was inevitable. That is until the air was split by a loud roar.
You had heard the sounds the Yautja could produce in anger, but this was unlike anything you had heard before. The tone was familiar enough for you to know it was an ally, but aside from that, you had no idea who or what had made it.
The footsteps quickly turned and began to head towards it, allowing you to peak out again, trying to find the source. Unfortunately the area you could see from your window was limited, and you weren't able to see anything of use. Your fingers tightened around your knife as you took the chance to climb out the window, making sure to head the opposite direction of the roar you had heard.
It may have sounded like an ally, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to take on whoever was invading the village, if anything, you would probably just get in the way and cause more trouble. You were quick to fall into some of the lessons your mate had taught you, checking around corners to make sure the coast was clear and trying to move as quiet as you could.
You didn't know what sort of tech or skills these intruders had, so you tried to keep as close to the fires as safely possible, using the smoke and heat to try to mask your scent and position. Not far from your home, you began to hear a sad cry, and after hesitating for a moment, you were able to pinpoint the source, the pup of a local Yautja female was wandering between the buildings, obviously terrified as they looked around.
As soon as you saw them, you began to run towards them, completely forgetting about keeping yourself safe or hidden. You were luckily able to reach them without incident and were quick to pick them up to try to comfort and hush them. The scared child seemed relieved to see a familiar face, but continued to cry. You couldn't blame them, currently fighting the urge to break down yourself.
The sound of voices caused you to tense and duck into one of the charred homes. You knew it wasn't safe to be in the building, not sure how stable it was, but you were willing to risk that over the unknown of whoever these strangers were. You were lucky for the natural hunting instincts of the Yautja as the pup went silent, wether it was your own demeanor or the threat of these invaders you weren't sure, but either way, you weren't going to complain.
As you listened to the approaching footsteps and voices, another roar rang out, much closer this time. Every muscle in your body began to scream as you heard the pup in your arms release a call back. You realized then who the roar was coming from, and you cursed under your breath as the voices became louder and headed straight towards you.
You tried your best to slip out and run before they got to close, but the invaders were way ahead of you. The two beings having split to cut you off in either direction. You heard the pup release a growl, and normally you would have swooned and cooed at the child, but your body could only mimic the sound and try to take the best defensive position you could.
As the invaders came close, you tried your best to keep an eye on both, swiping your knife at their hands when they reached towards you. Luckily the pup was strong enough to hold onto you on their own, helping to swipe their claws at the attackers as well. As one made an attempt to grab your knife, the other jumped forward and was able to wrap an arm over your shoulder. The pup quickly moved and bit down on the arm.
The invader let out a screech in pain, the pressure of the arm releasing as quickly as it had appeared. You took the chance to spin and make a run past the injured attacker, now changing your tactic to head straight towards the roar from before. Now knowing that the safest place for you and the pup was going to be with their mother. If there was one thing you had learned from your time on this planet, it was just how protective these giant Yautja mothers could be over their offspring, and you could only hope that this protection included you in the current situation.
Your feet stumbled to a halt as you approached the scene, and you were quickly flooded with the magnitude of this attack. As you saw multiple of the elders and young tribe members tied down, most injured or to exhausted to fight against their captors. The one still struggling against their binds being the mother of the pup in your arms. In your frozen state, it took to long for you to notice the multiple sets of hands grabbing your arms, and you were quickly pushed to the ground.
As your face was pushed into the hard dirt and your hands tied behind you, you began to piece together everything going on. Just how much these invaders had planned, waiting until a large number of the high ranking hunters and the young bloods were off the planet before making their move. The tribe now just mostly consisting of those too weak to defend themselves against the strong enemies.
You were ripped out of your thoughts as you were literally tossed into the group of your captured tribe members, a shock of pain jolting through your body as you hit the ground. As you struggled to sit up, your mind began to race. What were they going to do with you? Could you all manage to get out of this? And as you listened to the roar of the mother, watching as the invaders picked up the struggling pup and speaking to each other in an unfamiliar language, you assumed trying to figure out what to do the the fiesty child, you couldn't help but hope to anything listening that your mate and the others would come back in time.
Everyone in the area froze and turned towards the boom of a blaster and the quick response of a giant explosion, the ground under you shaking from the force. You couldn't stop the tears welling up in your eyes as you saw the familiar ship of the hunters coming down through the atmosphere. Seeing the invaders begin to panic, you pieced together that the hunters had blown the enemy ship, giving them no way to escape from their deadly mistake. Nobody messed with their tribe, and the hunters were going to make sure of it.
As the ship came down nearby, you watched as many of the invaders began to flee back in the direction of the explosion, many of them probably having a false hope that the damage wouldn't be to bad. The sound of familiar footsteps caused you to whip your head around, letting out a gasping cry as you saw your mate and other hunters approaching. Most seemed to go after the invaders, but your mate and some others came towards you all.
The others began to cut their tribemates free and started dealing with their injuries. Your mate headed straight to you, kneeling down to cut you free and began quickly checking you over for injuries. "I'm okay." You choked out before you threw yourself into their arms, not able to control the freely falling tears. As they held you tightly for a moment, you began to hear a slight sniffing. Once you realized they were scenting you, you released your hold on them to sit back and explain quickly what had happened. Even motioning towards where the now free mother was holding her pup close, the two seeming to purr to each other, explaining to your mate how the little pup had helped you the best they could.
After hearing your story you mate was quick to stand, signaling for you to stay there when you went to stand with them. As you sat on the ground, watching them turn and stalk off, you began to actually feel sorry for any of those poor souls that had touched you, knowing their scents would lead your mate straight to them to deal with.
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beeswithnoknees · 2 years ago
Being the mate of a yautja retired elder is just mwah chiefs kiss, first off you won’t get messed with and second off you’ll be living the luxurious material life.
There is also the factor that the retired elders are more likely to get jealous, especially if you’ve been living with him on his planet. There’s more than likely gonna be that one elite or newly blooded that’s gonna try and make a move to which their neck will be broken but late at night when your long passed on his chest he just thinks to himself “Should you have just gone with the elite? I mean they were younger and could get you more trophies and impress you.” This leads to him being insecure.
Queue the waking up in the morning to being held tightly, the clinginess, and the protectiveness.
One day he’ll come up to you be like “Why are you still with me when you can be with someone much younger? I have aches and pains from old battles, I cannot get you the heads of beasts I cannot do anything an elite could do, so why are you still with me?” Then you’ll have to explain that your not with him for his trophies or skulls and that you love him for him and his aches and pains.
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slasherhaven · 4 years ago
Oh! I had an idea for something cute! Slashers (All up to Bubba) awake in the middle of the night, their S / O wakes up, looks at them and starts to cry, she says "I dreamed you said you hated me! You don't hate me right? You won't leave me, right? "
Thought I might as well do it for everyone so I did, here you go!
The Slashers’ S/O Asks if They Hate Them Because of a Bad Dream:
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas wakes up immediately when you utter those words. He couldn’t believe you were asking him this, that you could ever think that he would think anything other than love and perfection of you.
He shakes his head, cupping the side of your face in one large palm, brushing his brush over your cheek to wipe away the stray tears.
His other hand pushing your hair out of your face.
Might force out a rough, possibly painful “...love you” just to make sure you don’t have a single doubt in your mind.
Either way, Thomas always manages to makes you feel better and wipes away any worries you have.
Reassuring you as much as you need as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
Michael Myers
Michael is completely unsure of how to react.
He knows that he isn’t always great at treating you the way you deserve and now he feels...bad.
Did he do something to lead you to believe that he hated you?
But he shook his head at your question. Of course he doesn’t hate you.
Everything he does is blunt, even when he pulls you against his chest, just holding you there and letting you calm down.
He might even stroke your hair.
He’ll hold you all night as you sleep. He had a bit of a tendency to sneak out in the middle of the night, either to go on the hunt or just because he can’t sleep, but this time he just stays. Holding you until you wake up in the morning, hopefully feeling better.
He may still seem pretty stoic but that question is going to playing on his mind for a while.
Jason Voorhees
Your question instantly has Jason frowning, how could you ever think that?
All because of a dream? Still, he’s not one to belittle your concerns so he’s quick to comfort you.
Instantly shaking his head to answer your question before pulling you into a secure embrace.
Jason can’t speak and he can’t exactly sign anything when he’s focusing on holding you so close to him. 
But the plenty of cuddles and little kisses offer you the reassurance that you were seeking.
Lets you nuzzle into his chest as he tightened his hold on you, stroking your hand up and down your back affectionately.
Brahms Heelshire
Your question just confuses him. He’s never done anything to give you that impression, has he? He didn’t think so. He was sure that you knew how much he cared about you and liked having you around.
He knows that he shows you plenty of affection and seeks your affection and attention, so how could you ever think that he hates you?
“Why would I hate you, Y/n?” Brahms asked, still just confused.
And you didn’t have a good answer, shrugging at him.
“I have bad dreams too sometimes, it’s okay” he soothed you, guiding you down to lay with him. Instead of laying with his head on your chest, he let you lay your head on his.
He’s used to being comforted rather than comforting but he would just do what you would do if the roles were reversed and he was the one seeking reassurance.
“I love you” he whispered as the two of you settled down on the bed, burying his face in your hair as you slowly fell asleep together.
Bo Sinclair
“What are you talking about, go back to sleep” Bo shook his head at you at first.
To him the question was just...stupid. Of course he doesn’t hate you, whatever you were talking about was just a dream, nothing for you to actually worry about.
“But you don’t hate me, right?” you looked at him with those big teary eyes and he realised that you really were worrying about it.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he had done something to make you think that way, and that had never been his intention at all.
“Of course I don’t. It was just a dream. C’mere, darlin” Bo held his arms open, inviting you in.
You instantly shuffled closer, against his chest, and let him wrap his arms around you.
“I could never hate ya, sweetheart” he promised you, making you smile before the two of you drifted back to sleep in each other’s embrace.
Vincent Sinclair
You’re facing away from him when you ask the question, making him freeze and frown at the back of your head.
He places his hand on your waist, gently turning you around to face him, and you repeat the question.
Vincent can feel himself tearing up at the question. How could you think he would ever leave you? It just brings up a lot of thoughts because it’s him that finds himself thinking the same thing about you and he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if that happened.
He took hold of your hand, lifting it up and placing it against his scarred cheek. He turned his head to press a kiss to your palm before releasing it but leaving it against his cheek.
Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you closer and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you too, Vinny” you whispered as you wrapped your arms around him and cuddled into his chest.
He didn’t speak but he didn’t need too, you knew what he meant and it already made you feel better.
Lester Sinclair
Your question instantly threw Lester off. How could you ever think such a thing?
“What? No! Of course I don’t hate ya, I love ya!” Lester’s eyes widened as he sat up to face you properly.
“It was just a dream, don’t you worry about that. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, couldn’t hate ya if I tried” he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into an embrace as you both lay back down on the bed.
“Tomorrow it’ll just be me, you and Jonesy. Promise I’ll show ya how much I don’t hate ya” he promised, pressing a few sleepy kisses to your face, making you giggle.
The two of you fell asleep cuddling, like usual, with Lester stroking your hair and occasionally pressing light kisses to your face or shoulders.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba’s eyes went wide at your question. How could you ever think he hated you?!
Lots of confused and concerned babbling as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
He’ll let you cry into his chest, just holding you until you calm down.
He just loves you so much and never wants you to think otherwise.
Despite not being able to talk, his actions speak louder than words. The secure embrace, the little kisses, how he stroke your hair and back.
But despite his quiet babbling being incoherent, you understand it’s meaning. He was reassuring you and telling you that he loves you.
Billy Lenz
Your question has Billy sitting up in the bed in an instant. Why would you even ask him that?! He knows that he’s never given you a reason to think that.
Dream Billy is awful and he’s sorry that he hurt you like this!
“Billy doesn’t hate you...I love you” he cupped your face in his hands, brushing away any tears.
“So, so, so much” he spoke between scattering kisses over your face, making you smile.
“I love you too, Billy” your worries were quickly put to rest as the two of you lay back down.
Billy wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his nose in your hair and mumbling various affirmations and loving words as you both fell asleep.
Otis Driftwood
Your question is met by silence at first as Otis processes it and wakes up properly.
“What did you just fuckin’ ask me, darlin’?” he asked, needing to hear it again to make sure he had heard correctly.
“Do you hate me?...are you going to leave me?” you repeated the question shyly, staring down at the sheets of the bed.
“‘course I don’t” Otis sighed as he shifted up the bed, wondering what was going on with you. “C’mere” he lifted his arm, letting you tuck yourself against his chest.
“I’d never hate ya, y’know that. You’re the only person I can say that about” Otis told you softly as he rested his chin on the top of your head as he stroked up and down your arm.
He sincerely hopes that he hadn’t done anything to provoke that dream of yours as you fall back to sleep in his arms.
Baby Firefly
Your question instantly made Baby look up at you with a pout. Had she heard you right? She did? Now she just can’t have that!
“Of course I don’t hate ya, honey. I could never hate ya. Now, what would make ya think that?” she asked as he cupped your face in her hands, stroking her thumbs against your cheeks.
You sighed, telling her that it was just a dream but it really upset you.
“That’s just a silly dream, doll, nothing for ya to ever worry about. I don’t hate ya and I ain’t ever gonna leave ya, okay?” she lent in to press a quick kiss to your lips.
“Okay” you nodded with a small smile, receiving another quick kiss.
“Now, let’s get some sleep, yeah?” Baby asked and you nodded, the two of you cuddling up together again.
Baby made sure to hold you a little tighter this time, leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek.
Yautja (Predator)
The question wakes him right up. You’re clearly distressed about something and all he wants to do is fix it before he even knows what the problem is.
He’s sitting up and lifting you into his lap in an instant, as soon as you get your question out.
He’s already purring in a comforting manner and stroking your hair affectionately.
Lots of reassurance. He is not letting you doubt him, yourself, or your relationship for even a second.
You can’t help but smile and instantly feel better as you curl up on his lap, resting against his strong but comfortable chest as he caringly strokes your hair.
You’re feeling better in seconds, already starting to fall asleep in his arms.
Of course he doesn’t hate you and he is never going to leave you, he could never leave his precious little mate.
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aboard-the-yautja-ship · 4 years ago
Things I’ve Heard While Working On A Yautja Mothership
- “What do you mean I have internal bleeding? Isn’t that where the blood is suppose to be?” *Surprised Yautja Face*
- “Alright, I’m done. Wake me up when September Ends.”
- “Hey, Hoffman?” “Yeah?” “What’s with those four lumps on your chest?” “Those are boobs?” “???” “Oh, right.”
- “Hey, what’s this do?” *Injects self with Fentasoline and puffs up like a puffball* “Pa’tha, love of my life, the sun to my moon, my dear mate....I think you’re allergic.”
- “What’s wro-Ohmystars.” “Is it that bad?” “How are you even breathing?!”
- “Fix this.” *Drops Hell-Hound on table who just lost a limb in battle*
- *Drops jar of Clininadryl on the floor and it breaks* “Whoops.”
- “What a small and puny-AH!” *Gets attacked by apex predator on my home planet**
- “You ride these hogs?” “That’s what they were bred for.” “But they’re so large and they seem so slow and bulky!” “Yeah? You think so? I’lll race ya. You on your horse and me on Bow-Wow.” *We take off and his horse immediately dumps him into ice water (Cue injecting him with Clininadryl and rushing him to the Med Bay)*
- “I think I’m losing my mind. Why am I seeing multiple of Da'sto-Ha?” *A side affect of Enacor Optivate*
*Note: These all happened within 24 Hours. Yes, Yautja are very smart but they also have dumb moments that not many people seem to notice or see.
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yaut-jaknowit · 10 months ago
I LOVE your work!! And I love Gawtin so much!! Can I request a Gawtin scenario in which the reader is (consensually) touchy with her muscles?? Like squeezing or feeling up her biceps, praising her for being so strong, etc.
Thank you!!
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1181
Summary: Gawtin has taken care of you since she took you to her home planet, Yautja Prime. That's around two years. She's protected you, laid down her life for your safety, keeps the fridge stocked, and most importantly, showers you with her love. Now, it's her turn to be showered.
Author Note: Muscle mommy needs some praise and love too! This is short, I know but I made it as sweet and fluff filled as possible to make up for it!
Target spotted. A grin widened on your face. You acted innocently in the kitchen, pulling a snatch from the fridge Gawtin was laxed in the living room, a book in hand. Every minute or so, she would turn the page. Qui’oky was down for his midday nap, the young child worn out from being a kid.
The bowl of strawberry-like fruit was set down carefully on the counter once Gawtin turned another page. Your eyes darted side to side to ensure no surface could reflect your presence to her. Not until you were ready to reveal yourself.
After living in this cottage for so long, you’ve grown to learn the ins and outs. Specially which floor board squeaked so you didn’t wake up any of the other occupants if you could help it. You took a known route to get to the couch Gawtin was on. She was none the wiser, focused strictly on her book that you could partially read. You’re getting there.
“I offer you my heart, little artist but why do you think you could sneak up on me?” Gawtin turned her head and glanced at you from the corner of her purple eyes. A pout turned your features down.
A shrug drew your shoulders up and down before you padded to the other side of the couch to face her. “Well, I just thought I could surprise you, love,” you excused then looked at her prettily. You shuffled closer to her hulking frame. Even sitting down, the giant still dwarfed your form. Now, you stood between her open legs, up close and personal with your lover.
Her book was set on the nearby coffee table, marked. Gawtin’s full attention returned to you. This could either go in two different directs.
You cleared your throat then placed a hand on her shoulder to lean in closer to her face. Your other hand reached up cupped her cheek. “You’re so pretty,” you whispered and stroked her ridge of her upper mandible. “My pretty girl.”
The forest green Yautja quirked a brow and mandible at your actions. But, she tilted her head into your palm and nuzzled against it. You let that hand drift down to her muscular shoulders and gripped it. “Look how strong you are too. Such a good protector for your child and your mate.”
Though, Gawtin was confused at first, she was more than pleased to let you continue. At first, you glanced down at her lap and got the nod to go ahead. You couldn’t wipe off the smirk on your face and climbed onto her. Gawtin threw her arms over the top of the couch and watched you preform your next actions.
The couch offered some added inches to you, but that wasn’t enough to be eye level with Gawtin. You stood on your knees, hands now cupping both of her lower mandibles. “I probably say this a lot but I love you so much. My big strong protector, keeping me safe any harm or males attempting to court me.” That was a jab towards the first and last time a young male offered you skull. He got a life lesson: Don’t mess with another’s mate; let alone Gawtin’s mate.
A purr began in the depths of her chest. Gawtin even titled her head slightly back, baring her throat to you. “Oh? What’s all this praise for, artful one?” she questioned with a trill, eyes hooding over. Gawtin was more than happy to let you have your way currently.
One of your hands slid down to softly grasp her throat, fingers not even reaching the sides. An innocent look was thrown at her. “I can’t tell my mate how amazing she is? Is that so wrong?” you cooed, lips turning into a small pout. You leaned forward and placed kiss on the column of her throat. A place only ones she trusted most were allowed to even see, let alone touch in your case.
“You don’t know how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me, Gawtin,” you continued and drifted the palm on her mandible down to the area between her shoulder and neck. Your lips pressed another kiss a little higher on her throat. “You do so much for me, love.”
The purr deepened. Gawtin sunk further into the couch. Your hands continued to roam, both going to her biceps to squeeze her muscles there.
From the two years you’ve been around Gawtin, a lot has occurred. Even your meeting with her was a whirl emotions that you weren’t prepared for. Meeting a pregnant alien then going out of your way to protect her. Neither of you expect that from the measly human just trying to enjoy their last couple days at the cabin. An artist that only wields pencils.
It still shocks you to this day that a Yautja, a species born for the hunt and lives to prove their prowess, wants you. You’re just… you. A human that didn’t have a lick of fighting skills. Now, under Gawtin’s protection and watch, you’ve grown stronger, faster, more of a hunter than ever before. You had a lot to thank her for. If it wasn’t for your walk into the forest, you’d never have met her. Worst of all, she could possibly be dead, with Qui’oky.
You kissed a line down one side of her throat then up the other side. Your hands squeezed at her biceps. “Look how strong my pretty hunter is. You can take down anything you want, anything you set your mind onto.” Gawtin’s arms slipped off the top of couch. Both of her hands grabbed yours and carded her fingers through yours in a firm grip.
Gawtin leaned forward and bumped her forehead against yours. “I offer you my heart and bare my unarmored body to you, my exquisite mate.” The Yautja’s voice rumbled. Your grip tightened, nails biting into the back of her palms.
“You are beyond anything I could ask and more. More than anything I could dream of. You are all I need in my life. You are all I want in this life. My life is yours,” you whispered and held your lips to the little snout between her mandibles.
Your eyes fluttered open and stared into her soul entwined with hers. Gawtin shifted her hold on one of your hands to hold the back of it then held it to her chest.
Between layers of muscles and bones, you felt the strong, thundering beat of her heart. The organ in her body that beats for you.
In return, you slid the hand still entwined with hers out then did the same action on your own chest. Your heart beats for her as well.
“My little artist, I will forever protect you. You are mine. My ooman. My mate. My lover.” Her upper mandibles brushed against your cheek bones. Your eyes drifted shut again as you simmered in the affection that poured between the two of you. This is a love you’ll forever hold onto.
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wthtorke · 5 years ago
Someone sent an ask about yautjas and bad dreams and asked about my ocs (big mistake), so of course i had to write Juju a whole thing lmao I love this boy somebody stop me
Juju knew when Daya was having a bad dream. 
They slept near each other since the beginning, when Juju was so gravely hurt that Daya thought he'd pass while she was asleep. They tried sleeping separately when they got a decent ship and Juju was recovered, but it just didn't work. Daya had grown used to the low purring that her partner would produce while sleeping and Juju felt uncertain of his surroundings without his smaller companion pressing at his side like she had been from day one.
Daya often had bad dreams, Juju noticed. Her hands would twitch, her breathing would sometimes quicker and sometimes go completely still, it was unnerving. So Juju always moved her a little, be it pressing his hand to her back to show her she was safe or just straight up shaking her a little, if she was suffering in her sleep,he'd rather stop it.
Daya would sometimes wake up on her own, jumping up and sitting, staring straight ahead as she gasped for breath, then nervously laughing as she'd notice Juju staring at her, his slight concern not entirely visible to her but there nonetheless. Daya would brush it off (or pretend to) and lay back down, complaining once more about their mattress and how they needed a better one soon, hoping Juju wouldn't press her about the nightmare, which he didn't.
Juju never took notice of when they started behaving as mates would, and never did they say a word about it, no confessions, no heartfelt words, no agreements, one night he just decided he felt more comfortable if he had his arm around Daya's waist as they slept, and judging by the way she held his arm, she didn't mind it either.
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wind0wg0blin · 6 years ago
Would it be alright if i requested a Predator match up? I'm about 1,78 m , female and bi. I have really short brown hair and wear mostly simple clothing. I really like fantasy and horror and i am a passable artist. My favourite music genre is metal. I am an Introvert, but if you get me to talk i will talk a lot. I am way better with animals as with people and have two budgies. Nsfw is alright and i hope my english isn't to bad
I match you wit Wolf! [The Awesome pred from AVP:Requiem!]
NSFW Warning below the cut! 
As wolf is older he is much more content to just sit and enjoy your company. He will often work on his equipment, cleaning and sharpening, while you draw or watch TV or even cook.
Wolf secretly loves when you cook for him or make him things. He just likes being pampered by you please just spoil him with love.
You will never be truly alone unless you ask for alone time cause he wants to be  around you as much as possible as he knows he will inevitably out live you and the thought of one day he would have to wake up without you makes him want to go out on a “final hunt” of sorts.
Wolf has phantom pains where his mandible used to be. So to help him you’ll often hold a warm washcloth or a homemade rice heating pad (He is weird and likes how they smell)
At the start of the relationship wolf didn’t honestly know if what he felt was love or curiosity but now he can unquestioningly say that he is in love with you, immensely so. Its to the point where he can without question or thought lay down his life for yours
When Wolf comes home from hunts he is always so hyped up from his friends and the thrill of it all that he immediately seeks you out for some good old fashioned bed romping. He won’t let you leave until he’s either exhausted to the point he can’t move (Very rare occurrence but it happened once and now you wont let him live it down) or you’re practically running from him sore and tired.
For a long, long time at the start you both avoided going past anything other than heavy petting as you were a bit timid to find out if your anatomy would be compatible with his. despite his reassurance that humans and yautja could couple didn’t make you feel better. Instead it raised questions of how did he know to begin with? Though one night when you both found yourselves in the bathroom together your first time ended up in the bathtub where the vast majority of the water ended up outside of the tub and wolf learned that soap was slippery when he suddenly lost his footing after a particularly hard thrust and squished you between him and the bottom of the tub unceremoniously dunking you.
You can both laugh about it now but at the time wolf was mortified he had almost drowned his mate during their first coupling
[Hope you enjoy! Sorry for any spelling mistakes!]
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
Hey! Hi
I love your work too much I love Mai'tuiudh too much 🥹
If you don't mind, could you do an mlm with a reader who has problems with selfharm and his Yautja tries to console him even though he doesn't understand why his boyfriend hurts himself?
I have been feeling bad these days and if you do it would be a huge consolation 😞 Sorry if I don't know how to express myself well, English is not my native language 😔
A Battle Mai'tuiudh Can't Fight For You
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Yautja) x Reader
Warnings: self-harm, blood, thoughts of suicide, relapse of self-harm, comfort, happy ending.
Summary: Away from prying eyes, you wallow in your sorrow. By yourself. Mai gone. Fresh cuts on your arm. A relaspe.
Word Count:2108
Author Note: I just want to say that if you or anyone needs an ear to vent to, you're more than welcome to. I'm not just a writer but a friend to anyone. I'm here for you. Anyone.
P.s. Don't fret, your English is amazing. Works perfectly for me. If you are wanting more, just let me know. I'm one message away.
P.s.s. Happy Thanksgiving! Here's the second one I'm posting today
In the lonesome apartment, tucked away in the tiny bathroom, you sat on the cold, unforgiving floor. Dried, salty trails of tears have evaporated long ago. Time has been a blur. You’ve been stuck inside of your mind since the start of this day. Thoughts running rampant. Thoughts you had to get rid of.
Everything wasn’t fine. No matter what you told yourself. No matter how many times you thought of it, repeating it in your mind. Just hoping that saying it so many times would make it true. But, your wish never became a reality.
It started as a steady decline. Friends seeing you pull away from them. Family hearing from you less. Coworkers seeing you slack in your work. Did anyone help? Did anyone grab your hand and lift you up? To guide you softly back to a safe mindset? No. None of them. Your work grew worse and worse. People screaming at you for messing stuff up. Your friends complaining about never seeing you. Family not taking the initiative. They all left you to be barricaded in your meek bathroom, blood dropping to the floor.
This was the only way of relief you could find without ending it all. You didn’t have the balls to do that. You’ve been so good too! You’ve had dealt with troubling times before. Past scars marring your skin. You’ve been clean! Until today. Your relapse. The day you sought a blade from the kitchen and sliced through your healing skin.
And fuck, it felt good. It released everything that has been building up. All the anguish, the heartache, the pain. Every slice cutting through the past marks to create new ones in their wake.
Your head thunked against the drywall. The sobs that once shook your fragile body had left, left you feeling meek and even more miserable. Both nostrils were plugged up, snot running down. Your throat ached and was dry. Here you were, the mate of a power species. Pathetic and useless to him. Despite the feeling building inside of you to cry all over again, you have long lost the energy to do so. Instead, you just stay on the bathroom floor.
Dried blood stuck to your fresh wounds, staining the linoleum floors dark red. You didn’t even have the energy to get up and wash yourself from the mess you created. No, you just stayed there, limp and wanting to be lifeless.
The bathroom door slammed opened, nearly splintering from the force. A new hole smashed into the wall. You couldn’t even lift your head to see who just about demolished your door. A second didn’t past when you felt hands, hot palms, grabbing at you. Clicks and chitters sounding from an alien tongue you didn’t register in your mind.
Then, you were lifted up, over the tubs edge, and place inside the off-white tub. Cold water touched at your toes, finally forcing you to rouse. You whined and tried to weakly climb from the empty bath. But, a firm grip on your shoulder was all it took to keep you there. Finally, you lift your head to find the alien mask of your mate. His biomask covering his face as he fretted over you.
For a moment, you just stared and realized he was calling your name. All you gave in return was a low hum and going lax. The only thing you wanted to do was lie there. A hand cupped at your face, forcing your head back up to look up at your mate. His free hand pulled at the tubs connecting to the cover and yanked the thing off. It was discarded to the side.
Mai’tuiudh leaned in close. His bright eyes dirtied with fret as they darted across your face then down at the marks on your arms. Chitters and even light whining produced from his throat. Once he had your attention, he released your face to grab a washcloth close by. With it, Mai’tuiudh wet it and began to wash away the blood.
New, unfortunate pain rose inside of you. You squirmed and tried to break free from the unrelenting washing. Mai’tuiudh didn’t have any of it. His voice hardened, though he was speaking in rushed Yautja. At this point, he hadn’t realized what language he was in, just flipping to default at the sight of you bloodied and out of it.
You go lax once more, lazing in the tub, warm water running over your toes. It pointless to fight. You weren’t anywhere close strong enough to fight against him. Useless. Can’t do anything right. Not at work. Not with your friends or family. Not even with your own lover. How can he even look at you without disgust? Just a weak little thing who has to hurt themselves to feel better.
A fresh, hot, single tear rolled down your sticky cheek. Your name is called again. You’re staring at the off-white tub when you hummed in answer. A clawed finger gently picks up your chin, drawing your attention back up to your mate. But you couldn’t look him in the eye. You weren’t good enough for him. You’re a fucking male like him but couldn’t even compare to a quarter of his strength.
Two fingers pinched at your cheeks and slightly shook your head. Mai’tuiudh called your name once more. He didn’t understand what was wrong. For the moment though, he wanted to know who hurt you, who hurt his mate. He’ll hunt them down, tear their skull and spine from their body, and present it to you. A sharp snarl sounded from his chest. Yet, you gave no notion that you even heard him.
His years have taught him virtue and patience. So, he returned to cleansing the slices to your arms. The wounds… Mai’tuiudh found strange. They were purposeful but didn’t look to be aiming to kill. The amount of them as well. Mai’tuiudh couldn’t come up with one conclusion: torture. Someone wanted to torture you. But he couldn’t scent anyone else. Just him and you.
Dislodging the pack on his back, Mai’tuiudh brought out his medical supplies. In your dazed mind, you weren’t paying much attention to him. Not until a blinding, stinging pain raced up your arm. You about shot out of the tub and out the door if Mai’tuiudh hadn’t grabbed you. He forced you to stay but you didn’t stop. So, he had to take drastic actions.
Carefully, Mai’tuiudh climbed into the tub to trap you with his size and legs. This freed up his hands to continue working on the wounds on your arms. Despite the hoarse cries and squirming you did, nothing worked to throw the hulking Yautja off of you. Soon, the pain just dulled to the back of your mind as he slathered the blue paste on your skin.
White, sterile bandages were wrapped around your arms. Mai’tuiudh climbed off of you and stayed knelt by the tub. A hand came to rub his thumb on your cheek bone, soft purrs pouring from his throat. Unlike usual, you barely even reacted to the sound you loved so much.
Mai’tuiudh couldn’t help the whine when he realize he hadn’t won you over. Determined as ever, he scooped your laxed body from the rub and carried you over to your bed. He wanted to make you as comfortable as possible; despite wanting to take you to his ship, though shared with his hunt brothers. He knew you wouldn’t be able to rest easily there.
Thick, comforting covers were draped over you. Warm, muscular arms were wrapped around you, securing you to a chest you were familiar with. The purrs vibrating throughout your body.
After a long, silence-filled time, Mai’tuiudh spoke up. “Who hurt you?” his voice gruff with tension. The fact someone had hurt you while he was gone made him feel uneasy. His mate, wounded, on the verge of Dhi’ki-de – walking death. It had his heart clenching at the thought of loosing you. He didn’t understand how this could happen.
But you didn’t respond, again. With a grunt, he sat up and brought you with him. You were maneuvered to sit in front of him, facing the Yautja. Your head was bowed to blankly stare at the blankets on your bed. You name was called. “I asked who hurt you?”
The words entered your brain, rolled around for a bit before you shrugged. How weak would he think of you if he knew the truth? He’s seen worse, dealt with worse. And you couldn’t handle something that he could brush off. Pathetic. Weak. Meek. A little bug in his way.
He grunted with frustration again. Both of his hands were placed on your shoulders and he shook you to gain your attention. You raised your head to look him in the eye this time. “Who hurt you?” He was adamant. You had to admit that. And he wouldn’t stop until you answered him.
“Me.” Mai’tuiudh blinked. You? You hurt yourself? He shook his head, confused. His tresses swaying with the motion. Both of his hands cupped your face and wiped away tears you didn’t know had fallen. “It was me, okay?”
“Why?” It was the only word he could come up with. It didn’t make sense. If you hurt yourself, that makes you a target, makes you more susceptible to being hunted. You would be seen a prey, weaker so predators could kill you. So why in Paya’s name would you hurt yourself on purpose?! He whined, brows furrowed.
You released a deep breath and let him hold your head up. “Because.” He didn’t want to hear about your problems. You were useless to him, nothing more than an annoying fly. You didn’t know why he stuck around? Is this how he plays with his prey, his food before a hunt?
His brows fell into a deadpanned look. He grunted and shook you again. “Why?” he bit out harsher, hoping it would get you to open up. He knew oomans were more emotional then his own species. This wasn’t something he was used to but surely read up about after he realized he had fallen for you.
You tried to ducked your head in reaction but he held steady. He wasn’t doing to give up easily. This is a hunter, born and bred to wear down their prey. “I’m useless,” you spoke in a voice that he barely could catch. His head jerked, puzzled on why in the universe you, his mate, would think of such a thing! “I can’t do anything right. Everyone hates me.”
His spine tensed at your words. The feeling to dig his claws into something grew inside of him. Someone had planted those vile thoughts into your susceptible mind. He snarled, hands growing firm on your face, then yanked him towards his face. He pressed his forehead against yours and made sure you were looking at him.
“Who hurt you?” he asked again. His English wasn’t strong. He didn’t know how to ask why you thought that way or who told you that. So, he just repeated his words from before.
Mai’tuiudh say the frustration grow in your tired eyes. “Me! Mai’tuiudh. I hurt myself. I cut myself because it feels good! It dulls the ache in my chest. Makes me feel something besides all of this sorrow!” you screamed at him with hot, fresh down your face.
Then, it hit him. Wei mo’wei-te. Great sadness, his best translate he could come up with. This sorrow you feel is internal. Yautja have emotions, despite being able to hide them so well. They feel happy, angry, sadness. All of it. Maybe in less physical displays, but they still do. This sadness. He’s heard of it before, from Elders or Hunters who could no longer hunt.
To take a Hunter from the hunt was worse than thei-de. Like… like cutting the wings off of a bird. Leaves feeling this sadness that was hard to heal.
But it was possible. His brows drew together, determination filling his veins. His mate would not suffer this sadness alone.
“What you need?” Mai’tuiudh asked, ready to scour this plant or others to cure this sadness.
You couldn’t believe his words. Instead of turning away in disgust at how weak you’ve become, he stays like a sturdy statue at your side. For the first time, your sobs are from the sorrow that filled your hollow body. You launched yourself forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, face buried into his neck.
Mai’tuiudh understood what you needed.
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