#i love gawtin so much
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yaut-jaknowit · 10 months ago
I LOVE your work!! And I love Gawtin so much!! Can I request a Gawtin scenario in which the reader is (consensually) touchy with her muscles?? Like squeezing or feeling up her biceps, praising her for being so strong, etc.
Thank you!!
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1181
Summary: Gawtin has taken care of you since she took you to her home planet, Yautja Prime. That's around two years. She's protected you, laid down her life for your safety, keeps the fridge stocked, and most importantly, showers you with her love. Now, it's her turn to be showered.
Author Note: Muscle mommy needs some praise and love too! This is short, I know but I made it as sweet and fluff filled as possible to make up for it!
Target spotted. A grin widened on your face. You acted innocently in the kitchen, pulling a snatch from the fridge Gawtin was laxed in the living room, a book in hand. Every minute or so, she would turn the page. Qui’oky was down for his midday nap, the young child worn out from being a kid.
The bowl of strawberry-like fruit was set down carefully on the counter once Gawtin turned another page. Your eyes darted side to side to ensure no surface could reflect your presence to her. Not until you were ready to reveal yourself.
After living in this cottage for so long, you’ve grown to learn the ins and outs. Specially which floor board squeaked so you didn’t wake up any of the other occupants if you could help it. You took a known route to get to the couch Gawtin was on. She was none the wiser, focused strictly on her book that you could partially read. You’re getting there.
“I offer you my heart, little artist but why do you think you could sneak up on me?” Gawtin turned her head and glanced at you from the corner of her purple eyes. A pout turned your features down.
A shrug drew your shoulders up and down before you padded to the other side of the couch to face her. “Well, I just thought I could surprise you, love,” you excused then looked at her prettily. You shuffled closer to her hulking frame. Even sitting down, the giant still dwarfed your form. Now, you stood between her open legs, up close and personal with your lover.
Her book was set on the nearby coffee table, marked. Gawtin’s full attention returned to you. This could either go in two different directs.
You cleared your throat then placed a hand on her shoulder to lean in closer to her face. Your other hand reached up cupped her cheek. “You’re so pretty,” you whispered and stroked her ridge of her upper mandible. “My pretty girl.”
The forest green Yautja quirked a brow and mandible at your actions. But, she tilted her head into your palm and nuzzled against it. You let that hand drift down to her muscular shoulders and gripped it. “Look how strong you are too. Such a good protector for your child and your mate.”
Though, Gawtin was confused at first, she was more than pleased to let you continue. At first, you glanced down at her lap and got the nod to go ahead. You couldn’t wipe off the smirk on your face and climbed onto her. Gawtin threw her arms over the top of the couch and watched you preform your next actions.
The couch offered some added inches to you, but that wasn’t enough to be eye level with Gawtin. You stood on your knees, hands now cupping both of her lower mandibles. “I probably say this a lot but I love you so much. My big strong protector, keeping me safe any harm or males attempting to court me.” That was a jab towards the first and last time a young male offered you skull. He got a life lesson: Don’t mess with another’s mate; let alone Gawtin’s mate.
A purr began in the depths of her chest. Gawtin even titled her head slightly back, baring her throat to you. “Oh? What’s all this praise for, artful one?” she questioned with a trill, eyes hooding over. Gawtin was more than happy to let you have your way currently.
One of your hands slid down to softly grasp her throat, fingers not even reaching the sides. An innocent look was thrown at her. “I can’t tell my mate how amazing she is? Is that so wrong?” you cooed, lips turning into a small pout. You leaned forward and placed kiss on the column of her throat. A place only ones she trusted most were allowed to even see, let alone touch in your case.
“You don’t know how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me, Gawtin,” you continued and drifted the palm on her mandible down to the area between her shoulder and neck. Your lips pressed another kiss a little higher on her throat. “You do so much for me, love.”
The purr deepened. Gawtin sunk further into the couch. Your hands continued to roam, both going to her biceps to squeeze her muscles there.
From the two years you’ve been around Gawtin, a lot has occurred. Even your meeting with her was a whirl emotions that you weren’t prepared for. Meeting a pregnant alien then going out of your way to protect her. Neither of you expect that from the measly human just trying to enjoy their last couple days at the cabin. An artist that only wields pencils.
It still shocks you to this day that a Yautja, a species born for the hunt and lives to prove their prowess, wants you. You’re just… you. A human that didn’t have a lick of fighting skills. Now, under Gawtin’s protection and watch, you’ve grown stronger, faster, more of a hunter than ever before. You had a lot to thank her for. If it wasn’t for your walk into the forest, you’d never have met her. Worst of all, she could possibly be dead, with Qui’oky.
You kissed a line down one side of her throat then up the other side. Your hands squeezed at her biceps. “Look how strong my pretty hunter is. You can take down anything you want, anything you set your mind onto.” Gawtin’s arms slipped off the top of couch. Both of her hands grabbed yours and carded her fingers through yours in a firm grip.
Gawtin leaned forward and bumped her forehead against yours. “I offer you my heart and bare my unarmored body to you, my exquisite mate.” The Yautja’s voice rumbled. Your grip tightened, nails biting into the back of her palms.
“You are beyond anything I could ask and more. More than anything I could dream of. You are all I need in my life. You are all I want in this life. My life is yours,” you whispered and held your lips to the little snout between her mandibles.
Your eyes fluttered open and stared into her soul entwined with hers. Gawtin shifted her hold on one of your hands to hold the back of it then held it to her chest.
Between layers of muscles and bones, you felt the strong, thundering beat of her heart. The organ in her body that beats for you.
In return, you slid the hand still entwined with hers out then did the same action on your own chest. Your heart beats for her as well.
“My little artist, I will forever protect you. You are mine. My ooman. My mate. My lover.” Her upper mandibles brushed against your cheek bones. Your eyes drifted shut again as you simmered in the affection that poured between the two of you. This is a love you’ll forever hold onto.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
I did know we could ask about your OCs! I would love to know more about Gawtin 🥺🥺🥺 is there any headcanons or backstory you can share that won’t come up in one shots 👀
Did people not know this?! Of course anyone can ask about my characters. Actually, I encourage it! Make me write more about them. Make me get up and actually use my brain to figure out their stories.
I already have some information about Gawtin written. I use this wonderful app called Campfire to help keep my stories in order. Specially The Monarch.
Alrighty *cracks knuckles* Buckle up, I've got some history for our loving Yautja.
Her full name is Gawtin Yot Vernt-oilq. She's left handed and prefers to use a crossbow for her main weapon. Though, you don't get to see her fight often since she stays home. But, when hunting for food, she'll bring it out.
Positive Values: Loyalty, self-control, determination, persistence.
Negative Values: meanness, abrasiveness, upfront, unnmercifulness.
Very Confident. Like, how could she not be. This is Gawtin we're talking about.
She's more in the middle for extrovert-ness and introvert-ness. Like, she's not a hermit but won't put herself out. If she's invited to go somewhere, she'll join you. Only leans slightly towards extrovert but still closer to the middle for those two.
She comes in at a whomping five hundred and seventeen pounds without any armor or clothing. It helps when she's 8'8, easily towering over any human she comes into contact with.
As for her tribe/clan, she's part of the War-ak'ox. Don't ask me how to say that because even I don't know. Before I forget, I pronounce her name like Guh-jaun-tin. It is a made up name so, the way you say doesn't matter to me.
We all know she has her current child Qui-oki that you helped slightly through the pregnancy. She's also has sixty-seven children throughout her life. I would probably say about half are still alive. A high number for Yautjas.
Her mother's name is Mother Ma'tan-Aih. She was part of the council of the tribe. Gawtin didn't follow her steps but is still thought as a high member of the tribe due to her mother (who is still alive).
As for her age, she's four hundred and seventy-nine years old. About middle life for a Yautjas life span if they're not killed. She knows you won't grow old with her but she'll have to watch as you wither away. She prefers quality time for a reason, prepared for the day you leave her to join Cetanu. But she'll do everything in her power to increase your life span, even if it's for a day.
That's all the information I have written down for her. I have more about her than the boys combined. If you or anyone has any questions about any of my OCs, please, please shoot a DM. I love talking about them. I also love that you guys enjoy them maybe more than I do!
If there any grammar mistakes, please ignore. I just typed this up in the middle of the night and I'm too tired to check. Plus, words get mixed up in my head. You all have probably realized this by now... and English is my native and only language. Ugh...
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yaut-jaknowit · 6 months ago
Gawtin x female reader
Reader doesn’t have the best experiences with flames, due to a accident, somehow their home manages to catch on fire, while Gawtin was away, and reader risks her life it to protect the little one, gaining a bad burn mark in the end
(I don’t remember Gawtin Childs name 😥)
Fighting the Impossible
Pairings: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2864
Summary: A day like any other. Gawtin is out during a hunt for dinner. You are left with Qui'oky and happily watch over the little one in your care. Yet, when danger strikes, your worst enemy, you have to act. Fast.
Author Note: My inbox has already gotten pretty full! I'm going to try to knock some out this weekend since I do have it off. I can't believe you forgot about little Qui'oky! Such a sweetie! (I'm just joking! I'm having to have things written down to remember somethings in my stories now. There's so much going on now!)
P.s. It's my birthday! I'm one year older. Yay! (I got called old by the teenagers at work a couple of days ago. I'm sad now.)
One thing about living on an alien planet with a different atmosphere is the weather. The jungle takes up a vast majority of Yautja Prime. It spans on this continent from ocean to ocean practically. With the jungle, comes varying weather. Like now.
A lightning storm had sudden sprouted to life an hour after Gawtin had left. This was nothing new. Plenty of storms have rolled through with little issues. The cottage like house was built sturdy, just like a Yautja. It has held for plenty of years. There was no reason to fret.
Qui’oky waddled around the house, chasing something imaginary. Similar to human children, they have an imaginary mind. It was adorable while the little one played in his own mind, making things up as he went. He would babble in Yautja. You tried to listen to the words but only a mother could understand what he was saying.
A gentle smile graced your features when the child came racing around the corner. You had to catch him before he ran straight into your knees. “Whoa, kiddo!” You picked up Qui’oky and sat him down on your hip. “What’s happening, Oky?” The toddler blabbered the same nonsense before and reached for your face.
With his arms open, you dive into his chest and blow raspberries. He squeals and writhes in your grasp. You keep it up until your lungs are out of air. Then, he’s set back down on the ground. Qui’oky looked at you for a moment before returning his fully sprint waddle around the main area of the house. You laughed to yourself and shook your head. The kid was adorable, it was hard not to.
You walked into the kitchen and pulled some dried meat. Gawtin has told you the name of the creature before. After so many different names of the Yautja species, it was starting to remember which was which. Yautja Prime was extremely diverse with so many subspecies and whatnot. Don’t get you started on the ocean itself.
The meat was delicious. Gawtin is a great cook and loves to pamper with whatever is the catch for the week or day. You find yourself in the living room again, on a spacious couch meant for a Yautja, not a human. A very light, breathable blanket was pulled onto your lap. It would be too hot for a normal blanket.
A sketch pad and pencil were pulled onto your lap as well. After a long day of reading and drawing, you decided the best way to treat yourself is to… draw some more. With snacks, of course. You hum away, pencil in hands, as you planned out a painting to defeat the next you were feeling it.
Ideas poured out onto the page. The storm outside only grew worse and worse. Trees shuttered and groan with powerful gusts against window. Sheets of rain battered the windows, attempting to break down the glass. In the house that Gawtin built long ago, it stood mighty strong, like the Yautja herself.
Thunder cracked like a whip outside and caused the walls to tremble and shake. You jolted at the first sounds of the storm. Qui’oky stopped his running and glanced over at you, gauging your reaction. Like Gawtin has taught you, you steeled your nerves immediately. A strong façade falling upon your features the second he looked at you. You weren’t scared of the storm but if he saw you jump, he’ll follow in your footsteps. To be a strong hunter, that was a bad trait.
Hesitantly, Oky started up his run again. His bright blue eyes were on you for a few more seconds before he fully focused on whatever played in his mind. You were more than relieved. If he had started to cry, it wouldn’t be until Gawtin returned from her hunt that he would quiet down. Gawtin says he’s spoiled because of you. She does little to stop you though. Maybe a little human in him won’t hurt. It could make him into a better hunter in the end.
When another roar of thunder rolled through the jungle, you were more prepared for it. Oky’s blue gaze snapped over to you but found you undisturbed, eating at the jerky. He was quicker to return to his game. You continued to doddle away through your sketch book. Different eyes popping in your mind.
All these ideas have been boiling for some time. You had lost the motivation to draw as of late. Today, it feels like the switch had been flipped.
As the page filled, more cracks and roars filled the electrified air. Your nervousness entered the air as well. Gawtin was out there, baring the brunt of the storm. The hunt had to have been cancelled. No animal would stay out in this kind of weather. No matter what creature on this planet.
The end of your pencil was covered in bite marks. Your focus drifted off of the current page to gaze out one of the windows.
Being this far inland, you don’t believe this was hurricane. The weather was ferocious but it was unheard of a hurricane or tropical storm to get this far into the jungle. You continued to gnaw on the eraser while your eyes tracked the weather.
Some time later, close to nightfall, the rain finally relented. That’s when Oky climbed up next to you on the couch and snuggled against your side. The sweet child chittered and yawned. His own day had been long and tiring. Those imaginary friends won’t chase themselves.
All the hairs on the back of your neck rose. Your stomach dropped to the floor. An instinct Gawtin helped hone blared a loud alarm. You were on your feet and hauled the child with you the moment it happened. Your gaze pinned on a window. Something was wrong.
Qui’oky whined and writhed in your grasp, demanding to be put down. The parent instinct in your to protect the child bared its head. You held onto him tightly, still watching closely.
Smoke. White smoke. Barely visible with the dying suns. But you always know the signs of smoke, the signs of a fire.
You were rooted to the spot, breath caught in your throat. It took Oky’s claws into your arm to get your attention.
The only thing on your mind was to run. Protect the child. You tightened your arms around Oky and began to sprint towards the door. It was ripped open, slamming into the hidden pocket with a loud bang. You were out of the dwelling the very next second, forcing yourself to dash out of there.
In the air, the heavy smell of smoke was pungent. It took everything in you not to freeze on the spot. Memories flashed behind your eyes, reminding you how deadly a fire could be. You knew the dangers of what a fire could do.
That day, you had lost everything. Everything.
Today, you wouldn’t allow harm to touch Oky.
Qui’oky was heavy. The two year old was bigger than a human toddler. At least a foot taller and thirty pounds heavier. The adrenaline in your veins was powerful. It pushed you past your limits as tree flew past you. Foliage was nothing but a green blur in your vision. All you knew was to get away.
Bziut-ty’s small cottage came into view. You were on the verge of skidding to a stop to make sure Gawtin’s sister wasn’t inside when you spotted her form ahead of you on the trail. The older Yautja’s eyes found yours, relief flooding them. She had been helping another person in the village. Two children were hanging off of her hips.
The large female motioned with her head to follow her. You instantly race up to her, already panting.
“Where’s Gawtin?” she demands and glances over your head, finding no one following you. Gawtin’s home was the furthest from the main area of the village.
“She was out hunting,” you panted and lugged Oky back up further on your side. Your head turned back towards where the plumes of smoke were towering over the massive trees. Trees that easily rivaled the red woods back on your home planet.
Your heart dropped. The bright light of fire was gaining as the wind pushed it into your direction. You could’ve broken down at the sight. A sight that haunted your dreams and waking hours. You stumbled backwards and accidently bumped into Bziut-ty.
The brown female grunted. A dark look passed over her features. You hadn’t thought about it besides the fire. But, you trusted Gawtin. She’s skilled. This jungle is where she grew up in. There’s plenty of lakes and rivers for her to take shelter in. You had to trust in her to save herself while you did the same thing with her child.
“She’ll be fine,” you reassured Bziut-ty or else you’ll drag yourself down.
Bziut-ty’s bright eyes looked down at you. The Yautja nodded her head. She, too, knew Gawtin had the skills needed to survive the wildfire.
“We are heading to the lake. Follow us.” With that, she turned and began to race down the trail again. There were no other Yautjas. It was just the five of you. The three children, Bziut-ty, and yourself. Everyone else had already made their escape.
The lake that Bziut-ty talked about isn’t far from the village. It’s where mothers would take their young so they could learn to swim. It’s plenty large to hold everyone in the village in case of situations like this. You knew where it was. So, you followed a well known path, easily paved from thousands upon thousands walking through here.
Your heart raced, thundering in your ears with each step you took. Oky continued to get heavier and heavier, dragging you down. Bziut-ty was lost from sight, blending into the tree line. You couldn’t blame her. She had two children to look after. They may not be her own, but they where her responsibility.
One look over your shoulder had the world’s end nearing. Your jaw dropped at the sight. The fire! It was licking at your heels. The wind feeding it more and more. You gasped and tried to quicken your speed but the energy in your body was coming to an end. Sobs left your lips. Life as you know it would be gone. It would be you this time to meet your end in a fiery way.
When the path began to curve, you were forced to continue forward. Your feet left the safety of the trail. The unforgiving ground of the forest was harsh on your bare feet. Somehow, you find it in yourself to push forward.
Heat lashed at your back. The fire never leaving you alone. It was like it came back with a vengeance. It hadn’t gotten you that night and now it was back. Ready to consume you.  
This couldn’t be. Your lungs gulped down the receding oxygen in the air. Each breath getting harder to consume. Your head felt light. The little oxygen your body already fought for in the atmosphere was disappearing. But, you kept running, kept fighting. You may not be a warrior but you can still fight.
Ahead of you, you noticed a fallen tree. A young one of the massive trees that made up the jungle. The center hollowed out. That was your only hope. Your speed didn’t change. It felt like it was faltering, allowing for the fire to catch up. You pushed passed the ache in your bones, the need to stop and catch your breath. There wasn’t a chance to.
The log grew closer. You cradled Oky in one, tired arm and dove into the space barely big enough to fit the two of you. You shove Oky in front of you and forced him into the tight space.
Splinters shoved into your skin with each shuffle further into the log. You bite down the pain. Pain was fine. It meant you were still alive, still fighting not only for you life but for Oky’s as well. The poor toddler was sobbing due to your rough handling and the splinters that were intruding into his flesh as well.
His cries didn’t die out. He was alive. He was okay. He has to be. You wouldn’t allow the fire take anymore. It could take the house. That can be rebuilt. But you won’t let it take Gawtin or Oky from you. No more.
As the fire roared over you, your felt the sweltering heat lick at your back. The inside of the log barely able to protect you from the embers following you. It made it hard to breath. You were on the verge of passing out. The lack of oxygen finally catching up. Your body could no longer fight.
A stinging burn on your back is the first thing you awoke to. You hissed and squirmed only to freak out when there was limited space. Your eyes snapped open to find the space dark, barely any light filtering in behind you. Through the darkness, you spotted a familiar form softly napping. Your fingers brushed against his cheek. He was alive.
Relief flooded you. You sagged in your sitting position and started to sob. The fire. It hadn’t won this time.
The worst of it was over but now, you had to get out of here. You patted at Oky’s cheek until his eyes fluttered open. “Hey, sweetie. We need to move. Your mom is probably out looking for us.” If she survived.
No. She had to. You couldn’t lost her too.
Oky groaned and weakly sat up. “Mama?” he babbled in Yautja. You nodded your head with a timid smile. “I hungy.” A light snort escaped you. Food was the last thing on your mind.
The two of your began to crawl backwards. Both your knees and elbows ached terribly. Splinters had made their way into your skin. It hurt to move. All you wanted to do was pass out again but you forced yourself to stand up on the outside of the log.
Destruction met your vision. The jungle around you was ash, black and white. It was dead silent, as the jungle mourned over the loss of its lush green foliage and towering trees. You glanced up to find the tops of the trees mostly fine. Some were lucky, others weren’t.
Oky stopped on the edge of the log to find the same sight. “Oh no,” he muttered and looked he was about to sob again. His home had been wiped out in a single night. You solemnly scooped the kid up and hoisted him onto your hip. He felt heavier than ever. But the ground… you didn’t know if there still hotspots. You would happily take the burn over him.
Both of you started the long trip back home. Your heart directed you where to go as if it knew where the ashes of your home once laid. You could cry at the sight.
When you reached the outskirt of the village, you saw the burnt down homes of families or other Yautjas. You noticed some of them had come back to salvage what they could. None of them you knew personally. So, you continued on, pushing towards the last house on the trail.
Bziut-ty’s home was gone, just like the rest. The female hadn’t been one of the ones to stand outside of her lost house. She survived. She had to.
It wasn’t much longer until you came upon the ashes of a place you once called home. There, on path right before the house, stood an all too familiar form. Your legs nearly faulted underneath you, staggering only a few more feet before they gave out.
Pain shot through you. Every injury on your body jerking from the fall. A broken cry left your lips. Tears clawed at your eyes and fell down your cheeks, leaving behind sticky trails.
Gawtin’s head snapped over at you. Then, the green giant was upon you in a moment’s notice. She knelt down in front of you, hands cupping your dirty cheeks. Her mandibles move quickly, chittering to you and Oky. You weakly offer her child to her, your arms ready to give out. There was no need to be strong anymore. Not with Gawtin right in front of you to carry you.
You cried. Hard. The pain. From your home turned into ashes before your very eyes, to the burns that stung on your back, to the splinters embedded into your skin. You placed a hand on her thigh to lean on her, sobbing uncontrollable. Gawtin scooped your up in her free arm and held you close to.
Purrs poured from her throat. “It is okay, little artist. You are okay. You both are,” she soothed in deep rumble of a voice. Your arms shook as your wrapped them around her neck, securing yourself to her. She lifted you a little higher with her arm under you and tugged closer as well.
Everyone was alive. Everything will be okay. Homes could be rebuilt. People lost couldn’t. Your family was okay.
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 months ago
Black smith fem reader x gawtin.
Reader recently started up smithing again and made a armor piece for gawtin for the first time after managing to get it her measurements without her noticing, paying attention to every detail so it’s perfect and could only fit gawtin and only her.
A Shield For Your Heart
Pairings: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3068
Summary: After a near life ending injury, you've finally gotten back your life. The first thing on your list was to make sure Gawtin knows you are beyond thankful for her. It may have been a year since you've last touched a hammer and fired up the forge, but you are able to settle right back in.
Author Note: This is such a cute idea! I filled this one with as much tooth rotting fluff as possible. Enjoy!
Dust collected over the old tools and ironwork you once poured your heart and soul into. Your fingers skimmed over the top of an anvil and sighed at the dust that built up on your skin. It had been so long since you’ve last stepped inside of here. All those months trying to heal from a devastating injury that nearly left you paralyzed from the neck down. It’s a miracle that Gawtin was able to save you from a horrible end.
That moment will forever be melded into your mind like the metal you used to forge. A shudder run down the length of your metal infused spine. A piece of you forever changed. Hours, upon hours under a knife as they reconstructed your spine and melded metal to it to protect it. You can still remember the pain once you woke up afterwards. The fear. The horror.
At first, you couldn’t move. After time, you relearned how to twitch muscles to gain a response. From there, you were able to shakily lift your arms.
This all took a year to come back from. A whole year to learn how to be you again.
All of the skills you’ve obtained from the years of working as a blacksmith felt lost. You were thankful Gawtin hadn’t moved a thing. Everything was left in the same position like the day you lost yourself. Today though, you were ready to take back your life and breath life into metal once more.
And the first thing you were craving to make was for Gawtin. A thank you gift for her saving you. For not abandoning you in hard times. For being there, no matter what.
The front door slid open and closed. A soft sound you knew to listen for. You perked your head up towards the door of the forge for a moment before returning to work. The metal in your tongs was rare and extremely strong. It took a small fortune to retrieve but thanks for Gawtin’s extensive network of knowledge, you were able to hunt it down. All of the money you paid for came out of your own pocket. From the business you used to run as a blacksmith.
Said metal was carefully placed into the blazing fire. The door behind you opened up. Without even turning to greet her, you instantly knew it was Gawtin. Her presence always filled any room she walked into.
“Hey, love,” you greeted your mate without taking your eyes off of the piece. You hoped she wouldn’t walk in here while you were working on this specific piece. She had come home earlier than you expected. You couldn’t just stop either. Once the metal has begun to be heated, you had to keep working at it until the drawing process was done.
Gawtin stepped up behind you but kept a distance that didn’t disturb you and your work. “Little one.” You always loved when she walked you that. Yes, as a human, you are small to everyone and thing on this planet. Many would think it as derogatory but you loved it.
“I am glad to find you in here once more. You have talked about returning,” she remarks about past conversations. All about returning back to blacksmithing. Not only did you miss it, but many others enjoyed your work. Even some Yautja blacksmiths. You would share information from things you learned back on earth and vice versa.
A smile graced your lips behind the respirator covering your nose and mouth. A design of your own with a touch of Yautja to ensure your lungs stay safe. You take a moment to glance over your shoulder as the metal continued to heat. “Me too. I’ve missed it so much.” Your back still twinges every once in a while. Something that can’t be fixed. But you pushed past the pain to make yourself happy. This was your passion.
The blaze of fire reflected into those gorgeous purple orbs of hers. You could get lost in them. Forever. You snapped back into reality with a shake of your head. “Are you cooking tonight?” you asked her and hoped she would leave. The metal needed to be pulled out shortly.
“Of course,” she stated as if your question was stupid. Maybe it was. Ever since your injury, Gawtin waits on you hand and foot. Not as much as before since you had a sit down with her after you’ve healed enough to do things yourself. You appreciated every single second. Every one. But… you needed to be independent more.
“Does three hours work for you?” she questioned back and stepped closer to her. Though the heat of the fire blazed brightly behind you, her warmth overpowered it. Your instinctive reaction is to lean towards her, take in all she could give you.
“That’s perfect for me,” you told her honestly. It will take some time to draw the metal after bending it. Three hours should give you enough time to get to a point where you are able to stop for the night. This would be a multi-day project. Since you want to keep it a secret from her until it was finished. With your aches, who knows when that might be.
Carefully, the giant green alien reached out and cupped your jaw. Gawtin’s moves were soft and slow as she leaned down and nuzzled her forehead to your temple. Your eyes drifted shut as you took in the comforting feeling of her touch against you. A feeling you always craved even if she was touching. Somedays, you just want to crawl under her skin and live there. In the comfort of her presence and safety.
“Okay, I will go make dinner for us.” Gawtin gave you a mock kiss on your forehead before taking her leave. The moment the door closed, you sighed and wiped off the sweat on your forehead. That had been nerve-wracking. You knew Gawtin was suspicious of what you are up too now. From now on, you must be as secretive as possible to make this a surprise.
The question now is: how in the world were you going to do that?
Over the course of the next week, you worked tirelessly over creating the perfect piece for Gawtin. Hopefully, she didn’t know a thing. When you were done for the day, you would take a bath or shower to rid yourself of the smell that stuck to your skin. All in hopes that Gawtin couldn’t figure it out. She, of course, would question if you had worked today or were going to. Yet, you brushed it off. Just using the excuse of your back or not feeling up to it.
Not that either of those were a lie. Striking the metal into shape pulled on your spine with each hit. The pain only reminded you there was a reason you were doing this. To protect Gawtin from the dangers of her own planet. From the things that nearly took you out in the first place.
The callouses you once had on your hands had long disappeared from the lack of use. Starting up the grueling time of rebuilding the callouses through pain and lots of blood. To the point you had to wrap your hands to prevent those scabs from ripping apart and bleeding all over the metal and any tools. The wraps definitely gained Gawtin’s attention. She never verbally mentioned it, but you saw the suspicion floating around in her eyes.
From the pain of your hands to your aching back, the process had slowed down along side that Gawtin’s presence. She had been staying at home more after her latest catch will survive the two of you until the end of week. You were getting antsy, needing to finish this off before Gawtin completely figured it out. The surprise would be ruined then.
Once the front door closed behind Gawtin and Qui-oky, you swiftly rushed towards the forge. There was around four hours before she’d returned. It wasn’t long but enough to give you time to work.
Sweat dripped down your face as you slaved over getting this stupid piece of metal to soften in the heat of your forge. It had a stubborn heat temperature that made it difficult to maintain for long periods of time. That’s why its been taken so long to draw out the metal into the desired shape.
For it to fit Gawtin in the first place, it had to be a large piece. The flattened out metal was held in the pit of a fire while you took a moment to gulped down some water. You looked down at the worn down gauze that was wrapped around your palms. They had been dirtied already by the handle of your tools. You sighed then wiped off the sweat that collected on your brow. Some more water was consumed before you returned back to work.
Two hours passed before you got the desired shape finally drawn out. You pumped an exhausted, shaky arm in the air in victory. The muscles in your arms were crying out from the constant, painful usage. Another thing you lost after the near-death experience.
The piece was placed back in the fire once more. A constant thing that happened every three or so minutes. This type of metal was the worst you’ve ever used. You also had to be careful of any miniature cracks during the drawing process. Or else the whole thing would had to be redone. From the start.
You lugged it over to your anvil once more and began the grueling process of hammering. This time, you were softer with the hits and aimed more to smooth out the previous hits. Before your eyes, the metal became smooth and dent free. You grinned to yourself, proud of your abilities and skills that still resided in you after so long.
Then, the front door shut again. Your head snapped over to the door of your forge. A curse slipping past your lips. Swiftly, you rushed to hide the piece and killed the fire of the forge. With an air of calmness, you stepped into the main area of the dwelling while wiping your hands with a rag.
“Oh, hey love!” you smiled at Gawtin’s return, happy to have her back. “Did you get what you wanted?” Gawtin had gone out to the market to get some items the house needed. That’s why it took so long for her to return. The markets can be crazy. This was far away as well.
Gawtin sets down a bag on the counter then placed her child on his own two feet. Qui’oky squeaked when he saw you. On two stumbling feet, he ran over to you and latched onto your pant leg. You snorted as he buried his face into the fabric of your pants. He loved the smell of the forge but you didn’t let him in there. Plenty of things he could hurt himself on.
“Yes, I also got you those fruits you liked as well.” Your eyes brightened up at her. Those fruits she was talking about were a mix of what a dragon fruit and banana looked like. It has a slight spicy taste to it. The name for it was alien and hard to pronounce so you call it a spiky banana.
Oky was scooped up into your arms before you walked up to Gawtin. You stood up on your tippy toes, head slightly tilted back, and lips pursed for a kiss. The towering, green Yautja easily got the message and bent at the waist. You place your lips against one of her upper mandibles. “Aw, thank you so much, baby. I love those things, weirdly enough.”
She pulls away to put away the groceries she had gotten. “I will be out tomorrow for most of the day. Bziut-ty wants to go hunting. If that’s alright with you.” Blessed by Paya, you were given the golden opportunity to finish.
It took everything within you stop from grinning like a mad man. “Of course, love. Do bring me back a pretty rock or-ooo, maybe a piece of bark!” She finds it weird of what you liked to collect but goes along with it. She just marks it off as you being human.
A snort came from her before she leaned down to nuzzle her brow to yours in a soft, loving gesture. “I can do that for you, little one.”
Tomorrow. Tomorrow you would finally finish up your project.
Hours upon hours. Blood, sweat, tears were put into the piece of metal you were finishing up. A little more polish was added before you held it out, proud of the work you’ve finally completed. You beamed with pride before setting it down on your work bench. There was no way you could easily wrap it up. It was too awkward for that. The next best idea came to you.
The last remnants of the forge had been washed away from your skin when you felt the shift in the air. The front door could be heard closing. Gawtin’s return. Your heart began to pound in your chest. The ultimate gift after she saved you from certain death or paralyzation for the rest of your life. You washed off the soap that still clung to your body before stepping out of the shower.
A towel is wrapped around your waist once you had dried off. You are quick to redress and stepped out into the main area of the house. Instantly, your eyes scanned over Gawtin in concern. No matter how many times she assures you, you are frantic about her getting injured. Not that you don’t just her skills and abilities. You did. But… it was human nature to fret about the person you cared about most.
“Welcome back,” you greeted her with a skip in your step. Gawtin’s purple eyes scanned you up and down. Suspicion growing in them. “How was the hunt?”
“It went well. Bziut-ty was able to get what she wanted. A great skull for her collection. The scales will decorate her house well.” You couldn’t wait to see what she’s taken down. You’ll have to visit her in a few days to see it.
“I’m glad.” You stopped in front of her and looked up at her with an innocent look on your face. “Are you busy? I wanna show you something.” Your hands are clasped behind your back as you rock up and down on the balls of your feet. Gawtin’s head slightly tilted to the side.
“I am not.” A small smile broke across your features. “What is it you wish to show me?” A pout claims your smile.
“Nuh uh. You’ll find out.” You latched onto her arm and began to pull her towards the forge. Something changed in her eyes. Gawtin allows you to pull her along and follows you. You stopped just shy of the door and pointed a finger at her. “Okay, close your eyes now. Please.”
One brow is raised down at you for a moment before Gawtin listens to you. The pulling continued as you lead her into the safety of your forge. The air still warm from the dying heat of the fire. A heat you quiet enjoyed to bask in.
You stopped just shy of your workbench and took one step back. “Okay, open.” With bated breath, you watched as her eyes opened and scanned towards the table. They widened once they found the piece you worked so hard on.
A chest piece.
Nervously, your head bowed down as you looked at the floor. A foot kicking at the hardwood floors. “I… I know you said there’s no need to thank you for saving me from that, that male.” The memories were still hot and fresh in your mind. The way he tried not only to kill you but to rip you into pieces. “But, you’ve done so much for me. You’ve given me a chance to return to what I love most.”
“So… I decided to use my skills to create this for you.” You motioned towards the metal chest piece sitting on the work bench. “A shield for your heart.”
Your bottom lip was trapped between dull teeth, chewing on the soft skin. The giant alien stepped closer and laid a hand gently on the smooth metal. “This is… Moskite. How were you able to get this?” Disbelief filled her voice. She was more than appreciative of the piece but her astonishment of how in the universe you were able to get one of rarest metals.
“Oh, uh,” you trailed off and rubbed at the back of your neck. “Connections. Plus, I had saved up every credit I made since I had no reason to spend it. It was luck, I guess.”
Gawtin turned towards you and cupped your face with both of her hands. With precision after being with her for so long, she tugs you towards her mouth. All of her mandibles widened to allow you space. She shoves her tongue into your mouth and hooked her mandibles around your face.
A deep, throaty growl vibrates from her chest. One hand goes to your throat and wraps around it, easily swallowing up the limb. She pulls away enough to look you in the eye. “You are the best thing to ever walk into my life,” she whispers. “I do not deserve you, little one. You…” It almost sounded like she was about to cry.
And you’ve only seen her cry once.
You surged back up and placed a kiss on her snout, pouring your love and passion into it the best you could. Then, your hands gripped the sides of her face and pulled her even further down. “Don’t you dare say that. You deserve me. You saved me from certain death that day. This is the least I can do for you.”
It’s almost like she was watching the scene unfold right before her all over again. The way he cracked your spin over his knee and attempted to pull your head straight from your body. Your nails dug deeper into her skin.
The two of you held each other for a long, long time. Life had changed. Death had almost been certain. You had Gawtin to thank for the life you will finish.
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yaut-jaknowit · 9 months ago
Idk if this has been asked before but can we get a little something of Gawtin in heat?
- 🥤
Pairing: Gawtin (female Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: cunnigulius, wlw, Gawtin in heat, mean Gawtin, rough sex, face fucking, crying, oversensitivity.
Word Count: 2632
Summary: When you wake in the morning to find your bed empty, you aren't concerned. Yet... with a sweet scent in the air you've never smelled before, you follow it out into the living room. In all of her glory sat Gawtin, your goddess, waiting for you.
Author Note: To be honest, I can’t remember if I’ve written one about her being in heat. I’ve written so much that it’s starting to get jumbled around. Even if I did, I will always write for Gawtin. I love my girl.
There was this sweet, alluring scent in the air when you first woke up. Not one you’ve ever smelled before. You groaned and stretched out in your expansive bed, only to realize that there wasn’t a warm body pressed against you. Concern dripped into your veins. You stood up from the concave bed and wandered out into the living room.
In all of her muscular, massive glory was Gawtin, the goddess herself. Her head was thrown back, neck fully exposed to the world. A position rare for her to be found in. Both of her arms were thrown over the top of the couch, leg spread as wide as possible.
That’s when you realize how thick that scent filled the main area of the house. Without realizing it, you felt yourself growing hotter, more bothered. You toed into the living room and walked up towards Gawtin. It was her that emanated that odor.
The very second you were within range, Gawtin swiped out and snagged you. You were jerked into her lap as she heavily rubbed her jaw all over you. Her scent being messaged into your skin, forever stuck there.
“Whoa! Gawtin, love. What’s going on with you?” you questioned, truly worried if something had happened during the night to this morning. She’s never acted like this before.
Her muscular arms surrounded your waist and kept you pressed tightly to her sweaty chest. There was no chance for escape, not like you wanted to anyhow. You hummed and pulled your head away from all the scent marking. Your hands cupped her jaw and gave a small scratch to distract for a moment. “Love, what’s wrong?”
A growl built up in the back of her throat. Her claws gripped your covered skin and refused even a hair of space between the two of you. She dove back into the comfort of your neck and began to nip at the fragile skin. The flesh becoming flush with warmth and bringing blood closer to the surface. You gasped at the slight stinging. Your bottom lip was caught between dull teeth as you endured her strange treatment.
“Need,” she groaned into your neck and latched on with a particularly harsh bite. Her hips rocked up and forced yourself to grind down onto her waist. You sputtered a gasp and tightened your thighs around her hips. “Need you.”
Out of all the time you’ve been around Gawtin, for her to act this way was completely different. She was in such a needy, desperate state, you almost didn’t know what to do. You had to act fast.
You wrapped your hand around her throat and pushed back with all of your strength. If she didn’t want to be moved, she wouldn’t. But, the Yautja was feeling generous and all for you remove her from your neck.
Drool was dripping from her mouth, some of it wiped across the expanse of your throat. “Gawtin, what is happening to you?” You needed answers before continuing with this. You wouldn’t allow her to continue until then.
Gawtin huffed, hips rutting up but only causing you to grind against her. Your hand faltered around her neck before you tightened it and kept her pinned to the couch. Her mandibles twitched with irritation. “Heat. I’m in heat,” she answered with a gruff voice then caught your hair and yanked back on it. Your entire throat exposed to her now. Which, the Yautja happily took up the opportunity to latch on again.
“And that heat drives me beyond insane when you’re around,” Gawtin snarled against the column of your throat and nipped on the fragile skin. The sharpness of her fangs sliced your flesh and drew blood. The red substance dripped down from the opened wound. Her tongue was quick to swipe it up.
The vibrations of her growl tingled against you skin, causing goosebumps to rise. You squirmed in her lap, hands tightened before falling away.
“It’s your scent in the air. Tasting it, smelling it.” She groaned and dug deeper into your throat without realizing it. Her arm around your waist moved so her hand cupped your hip and kept you snug to her torso. She needed you pressed against her at all times. Not an inch of space allowed to disturb the two of you. “I need you, little one.”
The sweet scent in the air didn’t help your situation at all. You curled your hand into a fist on her chest and held back a groan that wanted to be released. “Okay, okay, Gawtin. I’ve got to go the strap on, alright?” You attempted to push back on her to gain some space to move off of her lap, but she wasn’t having it. She snarled dangerously low, claws biting into your skin. You hissed at the flare of pain that rushed through you. But you didn’t do anything to stop her.
“Gawtin, I have to go grab it,” you explained and tried to push again to no luck. You found yourself on your back with Gawtin shoving into your space, nearly suffocating with how much of her weight she forced upon you. Her talons pierced into the flesh of your hips and forced you to stay to her.
“Mine!” she snapped and growled from the back of her throat. A warning for all. Even to you. Not to touch what is hers. Including you. Especially you. You are hers.
You groaned at the pain and clenched your teeth. It hurt yes, but you knew you weren’t in any actual danger. She slotted herself between you legs and forced your thighs to your chest. A mating press. You gasped as she pinned you to the spot. Only one hand needed to keep you trapped to the spot. Gawtin leans up to admire her prize.
The smell only grew stronger the more she played with you. You began to pant, squirming underneath her. Your clit started to throb and swelling with blood the more she rubbed against you. It grew to a point that it hurt not being touched. All because of Gawtin.
In an instant, Gawtin rips every last shred of clothing that blocked the two of you. Her skin was hot, blazing to the touch. It nearly felt like it burned. No kidding this was called a heat.
One of your legs was let down, the other still forced to your chest. She placed a foot to your side and lowered her soaked pussy to yours. Everything that has been effecting had made you sensitive to the slightest touch. You groaned and clawed at her scales, causing her to jerk her hips up. The slickness pooling between the two of you caused her to easily glide.
This position opened both of you up. Her three clits bumping into your lone one. You jerked your hips up and causing a spike of pleasure to race up your spine. It hurt so good. Your toes curled as you gripped her scales. “Fuck, Gawtin. Ca-careful,” you warned her as if that would do a thing.
She growled again and buried her face back into your neck, taking in your scent. Her tongue dragged across your skin while her hips jerked between your open legs. Your jaw dropped with a pitiful whine, head thrown back.
In the back of your mind, oversensitivity raged but the pleasure she forced upon you was hard to deny. Your brows furrowed together, hands gripping her shoulders firmly. “I-I think I’m, ah, too sensitive for this, lo-ve.” Your voice trembled, trying to keep it together for a second longer. Yet, the electric shocks sprouting from your engorged clit crumbled any walls.
All you got in return was a snarl and her harshly grinding her hips down. Your hands flew to cover your mouth to stop yourself from screaming out. Every muscle locked down tightly, pinching you in place. Gawtin gasped herself then latched down on your shoulder, teeth piercing your flesh. Another mark added the many others she adorns you in.
A muffled cry sounded from behind your hand. Blood pools from around her teeth and drips down onto the couch. The Yautja ruts faster against you. Your combined slick making the movement swift and smooth. You bite down on your knuckle as an outlet. Tears began to well up in your eyes. You attempted to angle your hips a little down, hoping she was distracted enough not to notice. But, Gawtin only followed the movement and continuously assaulting your puffy, swollen clit with each thrust.
It was all too much at once. Every thought between your eyes were wiped clean, fading away into nothing. Your teeth go slack on the knuckle, mouth dropped open as you pant. Your hands shake, unsure where to grab. They didn’t know where to go.
Gawtin snatches both of your wrists and pins them far above your head. You were strictly at her mercy.
Fire blazed to life and flew across the expanse of your skin. A silent cry on your lips. Your back arched off of the couch and pushed you chest to chest with Gawtin. More slick gushed out to join the pile pooling between the two of you. Your walls pulsed around nothing, pushing more of juices out.
Gawtin didn’t stop.
Your thighs attempted to shove the massive giant of muscles back in reaction. But, if she didn’t want to move, the goddess wouldn’t budge a centimeter.
The oversensitivity stung harshly and caused big, fat tears to drip down from your eyes. Her jaw locked down and kept your shoulder trapped with deadly teeth. The pain long gone washed away. You trembled and shook tremendously underneath her lumbering form. She did not stop, not even for a second to allow you time to breathe. She was taking what she wanted, not caring about your pleasure.
Her jaw squeezed hard and pushed her teeth into your muscle even more. She shuttered and groaned above you, muscles tensing. You felt a new warm gush of fluids cover your already sticky, messy mound. If it wasn’t for the fact you were brainless and driven to oversensitivity, you would praise her.
She had stopped moving and slowly unlatched her fangs from you. The warmth from your blood poured from the newly created wound. The green Yautja was quick to lean down and swipe up some of it. Your taste on her tongue was paya grounds sent. A groan tumbled out from the back of her throat. Her pruple eyes narrowed down on your sweaty, shaky form spread wide underneath her form.
The beast was hungry for more.
Swiftly, the Yautja pinned you to ground with her huge thighs on either side of your head, framing it. Her dripping alien cunt in front of your face. The sweet smell you’ve only taste once before was before you, taunting you just out of reach. You looked up at the towering Yautja. Gawtin ran her fingers through your hair before clenching down on the strains. A low moan slipped pass your lips.
Sweet, tangy. You eyed her cunt before she lowered herself down onto your face. Your eyes snapped open. A curse ready to fall from your lips was prevented. Both of your arms blindly curled around her muscular thighs and clutched onto her scales. They were barely able to reach the halfway mark of her thighs.
Instantly, you got to work tongue swirling around her three swollen clits. The longest one nearly reaching two inches. You sucked the nub into your mouth, muscle drawing the tip. Gawtin’s dangerous claws dug into your scalp and tugged you somehow closer into her soaking heat.
By the end of this night, you were going to be a sweaty, bloodied, crying mess. The good kind.
You tilted your head to get to her entrance and shoved your tongue in. Her essence easily dripped free and onto your awaiting muscle. Your taste buds sung while you lapped away, taking in every drop she offered.
She jerked your mouth back to he clits shoved them against your lips. Happily, you opened your mouth to allow them entry. They filled your mouth as you laved at them, bring her pleasure.
The Yautja bowed her head and moaned at the feel of you between her thighs. Gawtin squeezed her legs, reminding you are trapped. In the best place possible. You would latch your lips around the three and attempt to suck on them in fervor but found yourself unable to. The dizzy effect of lack of oxygen to your brain just made you want her even more.
It was only her taste that filled your mind. That was all you needed in life. You whined around her three nubs and sent vibrations up the sensitive nerves. Gawtin gasped and dropped more weight down on your face and chest area. You could barely take in a breath from the weight. But you pushed through, not caring if this was the way you died.
A moment of clarity must have hit Gawtin as she removed the added weight off of you. Not that you cared. You kept your face forcefully buried in her soaked heat and gulping down her sweet juices.
Her hand left your scalp to rest on the ground. Both of them side by side. Long tresses curtained around the two of you, letting the world just be two lovers. Her hips began to rut harshly and stole any pleasure you gave from you. You did your best to keep up with the chance of pace while slurping her taste down your throat.
Grunts and growls surpassed the wall of muscles fucking your face. Her mandibles flared then snapped shut and roughly clicked against one another. Despite your arms on her hips, there wasn’t a force in the universe to get Gawtin to slow down.
Fluids dripped down your chin, neck, and finally falling to rest on the floor. A mix of Gawtin’s slick and your drool created a mess underneath the two of you.
A bellow sounded from the female in heat, back arching. Talons that have killed grounded into the floor and dug marks for someone to see. Your head was smashed between two thighs that could crush your skull if not mindful. You groaned at the headache flaring to life but still dug into the meal before you. The last thing to be on your tongue before you perished.
The pressure that nearly made you black out was released. Your lungs greedily sucked oxygen in. The black growing in your vision started to fade away with each breath. Still in a dazed mindset, you lightly giggled at just the thought you nearly died to Gawtin in heat. It was funny to you.
Purring caught your attention. You weakly picked your head up and looked over at Gawtin. The giant had gotten off of you. She had her legs spread still wide and leaned back on her hands, purring away with a content tone. When she noticed you gazing at her, she moved to kneel at your side.
Gawtin leaned down and pressed her forehead to yours. “What have I done to deserve such a sweet think such as yourself, little one?” she hummed then licked a stripe through the slick that clung to your chin.
A soft smile graced your blazing face. Love sparkled in your glassy eyes. “Feeling better?” you croaked out, throat hoarse from your former screaming and guzzling of her juices.
Something flashed in her eyes. Gawtin cupped your cheeks, claws just lightly pressing into your scalp. “This is just the beginning,” she snarled then shoved her tongue into your mouth. You gasped harshly through your nose then moaned at the feeling of her exploring. Your eyes slide shut as you let her have her fun.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
I love your writing for Gawtin, and I was just wondering if you had the time for a request! Like, Gawtin is mated to a female reader, but the reader is pregnant with a yautja baby? Qui-koy will have a baby sister? Something fluffy and smutty too if you are comfortable! (If you do not have the time I understand, thank you for reading though! ❤️)
-🥹 anon
Baby Sister
Pairing: Gawin (female Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, lactation kink (now you guys know where that question came from), wlw, angst,
Word Count: 6014
Summary: The father died and Gawtin helps take over the care and grows to love them. The brother of the Gawtin dies due to a hunt gone wrong. Reader is pregnant, early pregnant that not even a Yautja could smell it just yet. In the grieving process, the scent hides the pregnancy for some time before Gawtin picks up on it and lets Reader know. Reader takes the news as good, seeing this is the last gift to them from their dead lover. Due to the grievance, Reader searches for something to fill the hole in their heart. Gawtin is there.
Author Note: I'm so glad people love her as much as I do! This had me thinking. I had two different lanes to take. I choose the sadder one. Hopefully the fluff and smut make up for it.
P.s. There is 11 pages here. 11. I say to myself I need to do smaller to get through requests.... I can't. So, I hope the 11 pages of angsy, fluff, and smut make it up to you since it took a while to get to this....
Part 2
He wasn’t coming home. Your home would be void of his presence now. Empty and silent. His laughter would never fill the rooms, the halls anymore. No children would roam the dwelling, running, sprinting.
A happy family.
Broken by his death.
It was a known fact every time he went out on his hunts, he may not return. But Bgiwl… This was Bgiwl. Nothing could take him down. He’s been in your life for a couple of years. Not a single creature he’s faced has dragged him down to meet Cetanu. He’s… he’s too mighty, too strong to be taken down and, and killed.
Nothing could kill him.
Until now.
Gawtin, his sister, had brought the news to you. You’ve met her before when she came over to catch up with Bgiwl or vice versa. She’s stunning, beautifully crafted both by genetics and hard work. The fact she doesn’t have a permanent mate at her side surprised you.
Then, there was Qui-oky. The sweet, adorable child that made you hopefully during all your intercourse with Bgiwl, it would take. It never did. Now, with him gone, you would have nothing of him to live with. You wiped away the tears that had stained your cheeks only for more to wet your cheeks. The tears would not stop, after an hour of the news was broken to you.
During that entire hour of your life, Gawtin stayed by you. Through haze, you can tell she’s struggling to figure out how to support you. The action alone has your broken heart aching even more. You cried a little harder and gripped tighter on her arm. Your head buried into her bicep as she stayed seated at your side, taking the drool, salty tears, and sobbing into her arm. With Gaston’s other hand, she reached over and began to softly pet your head. You sniffled at the action, tiredly coming down from sobbing to your hearts content. The Yautja began to purr a gentle tune that had your eyes beginning to droop. It helped slow down your heartbeat.
A hiccup broke the calm quietness in the room. With your brows furrowed, you glanced over to the origin and found a small form standing at the threshold of another room. Qui-oky.
At first, you smiled through the pain before the battle was lost. Tears poured down your cheeks all over again. The family you wanted with Bgiwl would never come. He’s gone. The only child that’s been able to run through the halls of your home was the child before you. You swallowed down the thick saliva in the back of your throat; struggling to get it down.
The female at your side gave your head a couple more pats before lifting herself to her feet. All the warmth was stolen back. You whined but stayed planted on the couch, unable to find it within yourself to leave this spot. She strolled over to Oky and bent at the waist to scoop him up. The child chirped at his mother and happily grasped at his mother’s face. Gawtin twitched her mandibles in reaction and tried to deter him. Qui’oky bonked his head to her temple in a love tap then pulled back, expectedly looking at her purple eyes. All he got was a deadpanned look from her.
Then, the little bugger twisted his upper body to look at you. You down casted your gaze to the ground and curled tighter into a ball on the cushions.
From the corner of your eye, you watched as Qui’oky nearly toppled over if it wasn’t for Gawtin’s hold, outstretching his arms towards you. You feel yourself tense, unsure if you were in the mood to handle the child. He wasn’t little for a one-year-old in terms for humans. He’s already walking and talking, though the majority of it is gibberish. But he’s much further along than any kid on earth. Would your kids be like him?
Fresh, hot tears stung your eyes at that internal question. You turned your head to the side to hide the fact you were going to cry again. A thick lump returned to your throat, blocking any words from being voiced. There are no children. There never be children. 
The sobs couldn’t be held back. A process stating all over again.
Days turned to weeks. Those weeks, your sadness still dragged on, pulled by your very own strength as you struggled to find your footing. Yet, every step of the way, Gawtin was right there with you. She held your hand the entire time, guiding you through the hours of the days and when the days turned weeks.
Later in your time Gawtin, you were curled up in her lap, head resting on her midriff. Such a minute little thing compared to the giant she is. She offered you comfort whenever you asked. Sometimes, you didn’t need to even use words. Just a look and she have you pressed against her.
Qui’oky is such a sweetheart. For the most part. As a kid, he still gets up to no good, learning the ropes of his world. He likes to figure out how soft human skin is, at your expense. There’s been a few added scars to you body from him alone.
Your fingers were slotted between her thick digits. Today was a lazy day. If there was a reason to be moving, that be your only motivation to be up. With your ear pressed to her chest, you felt and heard the rhythm of her heartbeat. Strong, loud. She was here, she was staying. She only went out to hunt for food and gather water every other day. You needed this. You needed her.
Her thumb rubbed along the back of your hand, engulfing the entire thing. The motion soothing and nearly lulling you into a slight slumber.
It’s been hard to sleep, even with time passing at the rate it has been. Yet, you believed every day that she allowed you to rest in her bed gave you a better night. A little less dead, a little less drowning.
The rubbing stopped and pulled you from your nearly unconscious state. You whined and tilted your head up to see if she would continue. Her chest filled deeply. Instantly, you began to grow nervous and pulled off of her midriff. “What’s wrong?” Those words falling your from lips immediately. Something was off.
Her free hand came up and cupped your chin to ensure you were looking her in her purple, piercing gaze. “When is the last time you have bled?” is her first question. Instead of answering you.
Bled? Like, a cut? Or… or that.
“You oomans bleed for their cycle. When is the last time you have bled?” Again? Why was she so pushy about it? But, her words confirmed your suspicions. You gave a week a shrug.
“I don’t know… it’s been a couple of months at least. I, I haven’t been paying much attention to it since,” you trailed off, unable to say those damning words. “But probably before… then. All this stress can through off the cycle.” It was the truth. You didn’t think about tracking it, especially after. There was no point. You had no one to have a child with. Those thoughts were bitter in the back of your mind.
Gawtin pushed you back to give her enough room to place her mouth to the crook of your neck. You shuttered at the feeling of her forked tongue slithering out and tasting your skin. “H-hey! What are you doing?” You wanted to be in the loop at all times, needing to be in control of the situation. Especially after everything came crashing down on you.
“You’re pregnant.” You blinked rapidly and jerked your head back. Then anger overcame the shock. You tore yourself from her lap and pointed firmly up at her.
“Don’t play games with me. Don’t!” you raised your voice at her. Hot tears prickling the corners of your eyes and blurry your voice. “I’ve not been near a male since then. It’s impossible!”
She followed suit and rose to her own feet, towering over you. You barely reached her waist. Her actions showed neutrality but your fear of angering rose to take control. Your feet stumbled back but caught the corner of a coffee table. As you fell back, a massive hand wrapped around your wrist and swiftly pulled you back to your trembling legs. All you could do in the moment was stand there, submissively lowering your head. You didn’t want her to be mad at you.
Her calloused hand returned to your cheek. “I do not lie. I smell the hormones, taste them even. Perhaps your sorrow overshadowed the scent but I can now smell it as clear as day. You are pregnant,” she assured and held you there, not allowing you a chance to even bolt from the truth.
The first thing you start to do is sob. It should be from happiness, relief but that’s not what you felt. The sorrow that filled you to the brim. Even as your knees give out, unable to hold you up, Gawtin scoops you up into her arms and hold you close. Her scent consuming everything. She sat back down on the couch and cradled you to her chest. A purr erupting from her sternum and vibrated across your skin.
The next thing you realize was waking up, face cleaned and body well rested. Confused as all can be, you slip out of the bed you’ve grown to know. Must’ve been a bad dread. You rubbed at your eyes and strolled into the kitchen.
An unfamiliar form stood in the living room. You immediately paused; muscles locked tight, ready to hide back away into the safety of Gawtin’s room. Expect, two sets of eyes found you first. Gawtin lifted her upper mandibles at you then motioned with a hand to come closer. You swallowed nervous and took the long route to stop just shy of Gawtin’s side.
Before Gawtin, another female stood in the main area of the living room. Face neutral and at ease. You can see by her scales she’s seen plenty of battles herself. For your own safety and assurance, you used Gawtin’s body as a shield. You kept a steely gaze on the new Yautja but didn’t dare step away from her.
Gawtin called your name and guided you from behind her to stand before her. “This is Fourta. She is the head medic for our village. I have requested her presence due to your pregnancy.” Your eyes widened. It wasn’t a bad dream. You gnawed on your bottom lip, the only thing holding back a sob.
Fourta gave a slight dip of her massive head. Her dark sea green blue scales shimmering in the low light. She’s from the sea clans. You recognized her form from times Bgiwl has taken you over to the coastal clans for supplies. What was she doing here? Your eyes narrowed again on her frame. She acted indifferent and stepped closer.
You tensed and stumbled backwards into Gawtin’s legs. The imposing female at your back placed her hands on your shoulder to hold you there. You swallowed nervously again and kept your gaze on her.
The sea green Yautja stopped her movements and knelt down to get closer to your level. It felt like someone trying to calm a terrified, stray puppy. You continuous eyed her. “I will not injure you, ooman. It goes against my oath as a medic. Yautja or not, you’re safe in my care,” she spoke in a soft voice that called to you like wind through the sails.
“I must check your vitals and ensure you are physically sound to carry this pregnancy through. There’s only been two recorded counts of a ooman carrying a hybrid. With little data, we have to be careful every step of the way. For both of your safeties.” The way she spoke, confident in her ability but also not cocky to show off.
A doctor, patient relationship to make this pregnancy as smooth as possible.
Yesterday wasn’t a dream. You were pregnant. This was Bgiwl’s last gift to you. Over your dead body would you let this fail.
Your head leveled out. You steeled your nerves with a full chest of air and stepped into her reach. Gawtin’s arms slipped off of your shoulders. “Okay, okay. I will allow for you to check me out but-“
“But anything that goes against her command, you will have to face me,” Gawtin interrupted and ate up the space you created between the two of you. Her heat washed over your back, blanketing you in a safety net. Her hands returned to your shoulders. Your body filled with confidence, head held up high and shoulders squared.
Fourta stilled and looked at the two of you before dipping her massive head. “Yes, of course, Gawtin.” Then, she stood back up. “Whenever you’re ready, I will begin my examination. At your speed and comfort.”
The new Yautja was true to her word, more so with the shadow of Gawtin being casted over her. Fourta was smaller than Gawtin by five inches, both by size and bulk. Gawtin was a hefty creature, yet not the largest Yautja out of the village. Fourta had a thinner body which is normal for the coastal clans, chest deep for the need for bigger lungs. Her arms having a slight fin on the outer sides to help with swimming.
A coastal Yautja wouldn’t dare to mess with a jungle Yautja in their own land and vice versa.
Once you were done with being poked and prodded, Fourta gave you more news. Three months. Three months along. Three missed periods you believed from the stress. Which, if you weren’t pregnant, you believed it still wouldn’t be working properly from everything you endured. So you don’t have a reason to worry at first.
Until now.
She left, leaving Gawtin with all the data they have about a hybrid pregnancy and birth. Information Gawtin would share with you at a later time. It was time to lax, to keep yourself calm during the duration of your pregnancy.
A way Gawtin knew was by drawing you a bath in her massive tub that could easily fit three female Yautjas comfortably. With soap and scents from a flower similar to lavender.
The clothing that was both a mixture from her and Bgiwl was pulled off of you and folded to the side. She didn’t even allow for you to take another step towards the tub. You were scooped off the ground and carried into the water. The perfect temperature for your body and newly growing baby.
Gawtin sat down on a ledge hidden under the water with you in her lap. You straddled her wide waist, arms surrounding her torso. The water drew away the tension in your body until you were lax against her. She rubbed the length of your spine, filling the curve of the bone. You groaned and tilted your head up. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you muttered and put your face on her sternum.
Claws zipped down your spine and drew a shutter from you. “I will be here for you.” Your eyes clenched shut, feeling the familiar burn of tears all over again. He said the same thing and looked where you are now.
“How’s this going to work? I-I’ve never be-en pregnant befo-re. I’ve never had a ch-ild before. I don’t know what I’m doing!” The hands left your back to cup your face and force your head up at her. “And-and without him! What am I go-ing to-to do?!” Your mewls and blubbering started again in full force. Your view blurred by the fresh set of tears staining your face. “I-I could die!”
As you opened your mouth to rant once more, a thumb brushed over your lips and silenced you. You looked up at Gawtin expectingly. “My brother chose you for a reason. Permant mates are not something we fool around with. He saw the potential in you. Though, he has gone to meet Cetanu, you are not alone in this.” When you tried to dip your head to curl into a ball, she followed your head with hers while keeping her grip firm.
“Each step through this pregnancy, I will be here for you. Along the way, the entire way. You will not be alone,” she stated with no room for an argument. You whimpered, cried slowly turning into hiccups. You raised your arms and placed them on her chest, water dripped off of your elbows.
“G-Gawtin,” you stuttered her name, doubt and hope both swirling inside of your eyes while gaze at her. Slowly, the green Yautja leaned forward and rested her forehead to yours. Your eyes fluttered shut and enjoyed to the peace brought to this moment. “Thank you.”
All she did was hum and began to purr. Even though you knew the position couldn’t be good for her back, she stayed for as long as you wanted. Her hands holding your face, forehead to forehead. A little spark burning to life in the ashes.
Your belly grew, your ankles were swollen almost all the time, and your breasts ached so badly. All of this affected your back. At times, you cursed your lost mate for the predicament he put you in without him being here to help you. As time continued on, you wouldn’t trade Gawtin for anyone else. Her knowledge of pregnancy, though alien, was extremely helpful.
Every week, you got a checkup from Fourta, taking what was necessary and making sure you were well. And you were. Well, besides the constant body aches but Gawtin let you know that’s okay. Every time, she would run you a bath to relieve aches and pains. Every time, your eyes would sparkle while looking at her.
Qui’oky, as if sensing your discomfort at the current moment, waddled over to you. He does this adorable little run, hands nearly up to his arm pits and head slightly bowed. Like a little bull charging towards you.
At nearly two years old, twenty-two months, he stood a head taller than your knee. His hands slapped against your thigh as he stopped, chest to your leg. Oky doesn’t speak English just yet but you were teaching him a little every time he was willing to sit down. Yautja children rarely ever stop. Always on the move, testing their limits about everything.
This was a precursor to your new life. You were thankful that Gawtin was allowing you time around Oky and learning the ropes before it becomes a real deal.
The child at your feet chirped again to gain your full attention. With how round your belly has gotten, you weren’t able to lean forward. Instead, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong, little Oky?” you cooed to the toddler and offered a hand to him. He clicked at you in a mixture of baby talk and true Yautja. You were able to pick up a couple bits and pieces but it was hard to truly understand him.
He gave a huff then ran away from you, doing that precious run. Your shoulders shook with laughter at his antics. If he was trying to cheer you up, he sure did it.
Your hand rested on your profound belly and softly rubbed the stretched skin. Fourta was slightly concerned on how big your stomach had stretched to accommodate your growing kid. She first thought it was twins, but a quick scan only showed one heartbeat. Big and mighty. Just like their father.
Her biggest concern was the birthing process. Despite every Yautja striving for a vaginal birth, for the safety of you and your child, a Cesarean section would be the best option for you.
Of course, it’s up to you if you would like to process down this road. Getting cut open and your baby pulled out doesn’t fit with your dread of birthing them. You wanted to hold them, cradle them close, be the first one they see. And the healing process afterwards. Everything would be left to Gawtin, more than usual. At least for a month, you would be useless. You had time to think. Every second was used.
A shadow cast over your form. With a hum, you titled your head up and was met with the gaze of Gawtin. There stood your goddess adorned in casual clothing nearly like your own, except the bra holding up your grown breasts. More stretch marks lined the skin there. Your body sensed as if your baby was large and needed a heavy supply.
In her arms was Qui’oky, a moss green blob with short, maroon tresses. He began to blabber nonsense to his mother. She responded as if she understood every word that fell from his mandibles. Then, Gawtin lowered herself to her haunches, still holding her little one. One of her hands rested on your knee. “Would you like for me to run you a bath?” she questioned, eyes soft as they gazed at you.
You smiled at her. “If you can peel me off of this couch, then I will happily accept your offer,” you jestered with a light laugh. Her own upper mandibles raised at your comment.
“Your wish is my command.” The green giant offered her arm for you to grapple onto. To which, you did with a firm grasp. As she stood back up, she pulled you along for the ride, eyes observing your entire movement. Once you were settled back on your feet, she guided you carefully to the bathroom, taking every stride at your pace.
If you were to ever move from this place, you would demand a tub like this to be in place. It was larger than an average hot tub, which was perfect for both you and Gawtin to fit in comfortably. The nudeness of the two of has long been a forgotten bother. Bgiwl drove the disgust and terror out of your system long before you met Gawtin. Gawtin has helped further.
Though before, you were grossed out by all your stretch marks appearing, they were a sign your baby was growing healthy and strong. Same with how large your belly has gotten. Your growing child was okay. Everything was going to be okay.
Gawtin settled you on a ledge under the water. The perfect temperature to fight off the ever-growing soreness that has woven its way into your very bones. “I will return,” she explained before spinning on her heel and taking her leave. You were saddened to see her go.
When she returned the room, it was without Oky. Every step she took towards the tub, a piece of clothing was stripped from her body. At the edge, she was fully naked like yourself. Gawtin carefully lowered herself into the calming waters. Then, the Yautja picked you up from your spot, took it as her own, and deposited you in her lap.
This time, you have your back to her torso, head leaned back to expose your throat. Your eyes fluttered shut as you go lax against the other mother. Her hands rested on your hips, thumbs running over the newly created bumps. There wasn’t enough coconut butter to save your body from the marks it has received. You reached above your head and carded your hands together behind her neck. The Yautja purred slightly and ran her hand up your side, gaining a shutter from you.
“There’s never enough words for me to show you my appreciation,” you uttered softly. Without her, you would be completely lost, even before learning about this pregnancy.
Bgiwl’s death still hurts, it forever will. But that hole he left was slowly being healed by Gawtin. Her presence, her words. Everything about her was healing. She filled what needed to be complete. You needed her more than she would ever know.
With your eyes shut, you felt her head shake. “There is no need.” That earned a huff from you. The hand petting your side left the skin there to softly grasp at your throat. Her thumb rubbed along your pulse, feeling it flutter like bird wings. “I told you in the beginning, I would be here for you. I am a Yautja of my word. I will stay. Through thick and thin.”
A whine built up in the back of your throat, eyes opening to stare at the blank ceiling. You shifted in her lap, still in slight discomfort. It was one growing for a while but you didn’t know how to relieve it. Your hands trembled, on the verge of rubbing at your tender breasts but stilled before making yourself a fool. You couldn’t do that in front of her!
Yet, the discomfort never vanished. It only grew worse even in the warm water shrouding you. You groaned and body your head with shame, doing everything in your power not to rub at them.
Your body was picked up and turned around to be chest to chest Gawtin. Green hands cupped your face and forced your head up again. You wouldn’t met her eyes. Not with the heat blazing to life beneath your cheeks.
“Your breasts, they hurt. Do they not?” Gawtin asked, as if reading your mind. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded to the best of your ability. She understood. Gawtin hummed and let a hand drift down to rest on top of your collarbone. “If you consent, I can help relieve you of the pressure. My own would ache before the suckling came. My second to last one was the worse. A giant suckling too. Needed every last drop.”
The palm of her hand was incredibly warm against your skin that it was making it hard to say no. You should. You really should. No one’s touched you since… since Bgiwl. And this… this would damn you.
“What would that entail?” you returned, eyes wide and finally meeting hers. There wasn’t an ounce of judgment within them. Just understanding and something else you couldn’t pick up on.
Her hand didn’t move but her claws flexed, creating indents in your feeble skin. “I would help push the milk out. You are in pain from the pressure build up.” You knew she wouldn’t dumb it down. Most Yautjas don’t beat around the bush and just get it out. No reason too. It wastes precious time, especially in a hunt.
Your eyes still jumped wide. “Like-like a cow?!” Her explanation did make sense but… it felt wrong to do that. Yet, to ease your pain? The pressure was bothersome that just rubbing or using hot water couldn’t solve.
“I do not know what that is. Would you like me to?” Gawtin still offered to you, letting you have the chance to deny her. It was all up to you.
You gnawed at your bottom lip then glanced down at your swollen breasts. It sounded both alien and heaven sent to have her relieve you of this annoying pain. You pushed down your nerves then raised your head to find her purple irises. “Okay. Just, just be gentle. They really hurt,” you relented, inhaling a shaky breath.
“If you are worried about waste, if you would like, I can bottle it up?” Gawtin offered as well. That got you thinking. Yet, if your body is producing this much before you have given birth, you will be fine. You shook your head in denial. “Okay. Remember, you control this. If you want me to stop, say so. It is your choice after all.” You could help the way your body nearly sagged against her due to her words. She was a blanket of safety you’ve been craving for a long time now.
A calloused but softened from water hand first engulfed the entirety of one of your swollen breasts. You flinched at first but we’re swift to nodded your head to encourage her. Your bottom lip was trapped between dull teeth, eyes fluttering shut in reaction. The hand still on your face pinched your chin. “Open your eyes, pretty little thing. Need to see those eyes.”
Instantly, the room felt ten times hotter.
“Keep-keep going,” you begged with a shaky voice that didn’t portray confidence, but it was enough.
The first squeeze had you choking on your own breath. Your nipples highly sensitive. Beads of white milk dribbled out and rolled down the curve of your under boob. “Oh, fuck.” She ate up your noises like sweet treats. Some beads collected on her hand. She released her hold and brought her hand up. With her long, skinny tongue, she licked off the milk. You watched the way her pupils widened, turning black before her eyes.
Before you had a chance, Gawtin picked you up and placed you on the tubs ledge. She stood between you open legs, head closer to your chest. “Let me taste you. You won’t be in pain anymore.” If you didn’t know better, she was begging. She wouldn’t ever admit being as prideful as she is. All you could do was nod your head rapidly.
This time, both hands found their spot on your breasts. One squeezed again. You found her shoulders to be your anchor and groaned. The giant leaned her head in, tongue darting out and licking up a stripe to catch the drop. The roughness of her tongue laved over your nipple. You moan, legs spreading wider to accommodate her size. She was more than happy to eat what space you offered to her.
You slightly knocked out of the moment when her fangs opened close to your teat. She felt your body tense up and stopped before her mouth was too close. “Ease, little ooman. I will not hurt. Just taste.” You took a deep breath in and nodded to allow her to continue. She took it to heart.
With her mouth awaiting, she pinched your boob again. More milk was released with the extra force. She was quick to lick up the spilled milk. “G-Gawtin,” you moaned her name, body growing warmer.
It was onto the next teat. Your hips rutted down on the tiled floor dragging against nothing, not gaining any friction. You released another soft cry, nails digging into her shoulders as more was drawn from your nipples, drinking from you like a spring stream.
She may not be able to suckle. Yet, the way she messaged your swollen breasts, each given the same treatment every passing minute was heaven sent. Your bottom lip growing heavy until you could only pant and writhe in her hold. She drank from you, easing up your pain with gentle caresses.
The longer this drew on, the more clouded your brain grew. It made it hard to think, of anything more than just her sipping away at your milk.
The entirety of your body was on fire. Every nerve a lit anew. You’re buzzing with energy and ready for more. You tilt your head up with a pleasing gaze. “More,” you begged and canted your hips downwards, grinding against nothing but air. All the while, Gawtin watched and consumed in rapture. Your milk sweet on her tongue. She became greedy for more, pushing more out to swallow down her throat. “Please.” You were going to be the death of her.
Her hand not actively pulling your nectar out found its way to your hip, claws biting at your skin. If possible, you shuffled your thighs more open, inviting that hand to find your twitching clit. You knew she had to smell your arousal thick in the air.
A spike of frustration hit you. You snatched her wrist and forced it between your legs to ease the new, growing ache she created. “Touch me.” With the dizzy effect she caused you from just sucking your breasts, you were mindless and acting on instinct for the pleasure building up inside.
Gawtin was quick to act. Her thick digits rubbing circles around your puffy, swollen clit. You moaned out and leaned forward, head resting on her broad shoulders, back arch slightly due to you belly. A combination of water and your growing slick dripped down from the insides of your thighs. It didn’t take long for Gawtin to make you a hot, sticky, sweaty mess in the palm of her hands.
At first, you tried to get on your knees to allow her more access to your slick cunt. Yet, Gawtin forced you onto your back and pinned you there. Her mouth refused to leave its spot latched onto your nipples. Her hand continued to rub tight circles around your clit, drawing out moans. Your hands clawed at the tiled floor, unable to find a lick of purchase anywhere.
Your hips lifted off of the wet floor and grinded down on her hand. She growled in reaction and sent vibrations up your sensitive nipples that had you seeing stars. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out, scrambling for an anchor but coming empty handed at Gawtin’s mercy.
All of your muscles locked down tight, more slicky drippling down to stain the floor and your thighs. Gawtin did everything in her power to draw your orgasm out, drowning in the very pleasure you begged for. Gulping down every drop of milk you produce, Gawtin soothed the ache in your breasts.
Your back relaxed to the floor while you laid there as a twitching mess. Your eyes drifted shut, chest heaving with each deep breath. A groan sounded from your drained body. Gawtin purred above you and gave each other your nipples a cleaning lick before pulling off.
“You have given me a taste, Treasure. Now, I will be hungry for more,” she growled while trailing her fangs across your skin up to your ear. You whimpered underneath her, back arching up again.
After caressing the shell of your ear, she pulled back to peered down at your lax form. “How do you feel?” her voice rumbled from deep within her chest. You cracked up your eyes to find her still hovering above you. One of her arms holding her weight by your head.
“Fucking amazing,” you breathed out. She laughed, shoulders shaking with the movement. With her free hand, she caressed with the back of her hand your cheekbone. “Anytime you want to do that, I will not deny you that.”
“Good. Your milk is so sweet and delicious. It would be hard to part with it after gulping it down.” Her free hand slid down to your emptier breasts and gave each a light squeeze.
“God, they feel so sensitive.”
“How long have they ached? I am surprised you had not done anything to relieve the pressure sooner. They were quite full,” she asked and swiped off a bead of milk that had been freed. Her tongue licked it off of her thumb.
All you did was shrug. “Probably for a couple of weeks. To be honest, I didn’t know if I could.” Again, this pregnancy was completely new to you. You didn’t know what you were doing.
“Oh, sweet ooman. From now on, if they ached, just a little bit, let me know.” She leaned down and got into your face. “I will be more than happy to relieve that ache.”
Fuck yourself twice. Your clit throbbed against your will at her words washing over you. To have this massive Yautja more than willing to drink you dry as your will was something you didn’t know you liked. But now, you could check that heavily on your list.
“I will allow free access to them.” A growl pierced the air. One of her mandibles twitched.
“I would not offer that up so freely, little ooman. You do not know what you are giving up.” You looked her straight in the eye.
“Take what you want.” Though, they were softened from the lack of milk, Gawtin found a different spot to drink from.
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months ago
Hi. What if the reader wants a child in common with We're ar-oh? What will she do? And how will he react?
Calling For The Impossible
Pairings: We'ar-ow (Female Yautja) x AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 1930
Summary: The culture of Yautjas are widely different when it comes to humans. There are some things you wished your own kind would adopt while thankful there are others you aren't apart of. You wish for a child with We'ar-ow. There are plenty of means of producing one with a different, advanced species. But hybrids are frowned upon in many, many clans. We'ar-ow's including.
Author Note: I tried my best to make it gender neutral since I didn't know what gender you wanted. I did lean a bit more male, sorry if that's the wrong side though. We'ar-ow's different compared to Gawtin. Different backgrounds and clans. So, this is the other side of the coin.
After the rise and fall of Dwainet, you have grown more than comfortable in a life of luxury. We’ar-ow is still her normal, Yautja self. Hard outer shell, but soft and mushy inside. All for you. With this calm and laxing situation, up came an idea that nagged and nagged at you. Until the words finally slipped from your lips.
In the calm quarters of We’ar-ow’s shared home, you were strewn across the pink Yautja’s lap. Your trusty tablet in your hands. A game for breeding hunting dogs had your attention. After a year, you’ve had grown quiet a large collection of dogs. Plenty of them well bred and the perfect creature. The game offered you plenty for the selling of the best of your dogs. As a soft-hearted human, it was hard to depart with them though. They were so ugly that it made them cute!
We’ar-ow’s hand rested over your stomach and ate up the majority of the free skin. An action you’ve grown used to, even craving it. The warmth she produces had a calming effect on you. The lack of clothing as well. After the day in and day out of seeing Yautjas practically naked, you’ve adapted to live like them. On their ship, in their culture, it was kill or be killed. A fact you learned the hard way throughout the year under her care and love. She may not say it in human terms, but We’ar-ow loves you more than anything.
Her thumb lazily stroked at the exposed skin of your stomach. You hummed and let your eyes drift shut. A comfortable silence engulfed the area. The game playing on your tablet forgotten about. Said tablet lowered down to rest on the edge of your ribs.
“Did you not sleep well, little one?” she asked to you once she realized your eyes were closed. Maybe you were a little tired, slightly exhausted from the long day. Yautja’s days were two hours longer than earth’s. It has led to problems where a midday nap was required to keep awake the rest of the day. Some times those naps would run much longer than you intended. That’s when your sleep schedule was messed up.
Your head shook in denial. “I did, love. Your presences… it calms me in ways I never thought was possible,” you explained why you were so lax. Yautjas aren’t used to a life like that. But, you were well protected. Not only because of where you were at. No, because of the hunk you offer your heart to every single day. She deserves it. She’s done so much for you.
Long, black claws grazed over your skin. You shuttered with a soft gasp. We’ar-ow kept doing that, tickling you in the process. Giggles erupted from your throat. You squirmed in her lap and tried to warn her off. The Yautja leaned over. Her long, black and pink tresses created a curtain around the two of you.
“And you, my dear ooman, hold my heart in your bare hands,” she purred to you in a rumbling voice. Goosebumps rose at the feeling. A soft smile broke across your features. You reached up and cupped one side of her features. Her eyes hooded over while she nuzzled against your touch. “Hmm, your hands.” She still wasn’t used to your softness. Maybe, that’s what drew her in. A touch she’s never experienced before.
She turned her head enough for her tongue to flick across your palm. Another hum rumbles from deep within her chest. You snorted at the feeling and gently looked into her eyes. The bright yellow is a stark contrast to your own. A color a human could never achieve. They were… phenomenal.
The tablet was laid down on top of your chest. You used both hands to hold her head. Your thumbs gently rubbed at the slightly wrinkling scales along her cheeks. The page book in her grasp was discarded to the side. Her massive hands gripped your hips and simply lifted you up. You giggled again, not surprised by her sudden use of strength. We’ar-ow loved to show off in front of you. A display of might.
Your thighs were forced wide to accommodate her size and hips. The same smile still was spread across your features. Pink hands continued to grasp at your waist and held you in place.
One of your hands rested on her breastbone to steady yourself. The Yautja peers down at you, features soft and open. You were able to read her like an open book like this; and she allowed you to. “What’s going through your head, love?” She was thinking. Something hard to. The gears were moving.
A hand gently grasped your chin and pulled you in closer. Deadly claws were close to your pulse point. A place where your life essence flowed quickly. You let her access, freely letting her have it.
We’ar-ow’s thumb grazed over your bottom lip. “That is a question I should ask you. You are thinking but holding in these thoughts. Let me here them. I am curious,” she states and leans in close to you. It was impossible to get away from her strong, powerful gaze. She looked directly into the soul she holds in her hands.
Instantly, you froze on the spot while a heavy heat rushes to cover your face. Though, you might think how in the worlds would she know? But this is We’ar-ow we’re talking about. This amazing leader and mate knows you better than yourself.
You swallowed hard and tried to turn your face away from her ever-seeing gaze. But, her grip prevents the move. We’ar-ow clicks her tongue then tsks with a shake of her head. “Keep those pretty eyes on me, little one,” she ordered and darkened her eyes. You felt even more in the spotlight and didn’t know how to react. Now, your thoughts were scrambled. From the deep rumble of her voice to the way she demanded your attention. She wanted to pluck the thought straight from your head. She wanted to know.
It was hard to keep looking into those piercing eyes of hers. It took everything in your power to finally speak the words.
“Well, I want…” you trailed off at first but she was a hunter. The predator was patient in her hunt. One she’s endured countless times throughout her life. A tug on your jaw got you to spill. “I want, want a child with you.” It’s been hard to hold onto an idea such as that. Such a life changing proposition.
A family with We’ar-ow, the leader of her clan and your mate. But, it came down to biology. Was it even possible between two different species?
For the first time in a long time, you saw her brows jerk up subtly. If you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t have noticed. As her mate, you saw the change clear as day. You had caught her off guard.
She cleared her throat, mandible twitching. “A child?” she repeated the words. Clearly, she hadn’t believed you at first. “Why would you want a child with me?” You don’t completely understand why but that had your chest aching a little. But, you had to remind yourself that Yautjas don’t bullshit around. They are straight to the point. We’ar-ow, mate or not, was no different.
Your hands were folded in your lap, nervously playing with each other. You couldn’t look at her anymore and down casted your gaze. “I just thought… it would be night. To have a part of each other in someway or another. I-I don’t know.” You grew incredibly timid after spilling that information to her. We’ar-ow hummed and forced your head back more to make you look her in the eye.
“I will let you know the possibility for a hybrid to even make it to gestation it very low.” Her hand lets go of your chin and trails down your torso. “I, myself, dislike hybrids. They are an abomination. They are to die.” You jerked, eyes flying wide. That was the last thing you expected from her.
All you could say was, “oh.” Not another word could be formed after such a declaration. How could possibly think of something after that? If the two of you somehow had a child, she would kill it. You sagged in her lap and sorrowfully looked down.
A soft sigh came from the Yautja. Both of her hands cupped your jaw and drew your sight back to hers. “It may be harsh, I understand that humans aren’t as such. But, it is the truth.” We’ar-ow paused so her words could hang in the air. As a human, you were seen as soft and mushy. This was a reminder. “But, if you are desperate for a child we could raise together, we do have adoption.”
That got you to perk up with a smile brightening your face. The gloominess of the situation leaving from the forefront of your mind.
This was the first time you heard about adoption withing their culture. Yet, the idea of it existing made sense more than not. A race and culture built on hunting. Hunting always came with a risk of death. Though, mothers rarely left their children home while going on a hunt. Food had to come from somewhere. The fathers weren’t part of the picture most of the time unless they were mates.
A new sparkle flickered to life in your eyes. “We can adopt?” you cheered and sat up in her lap, thighs clenching. Both of your hands rested on her chest.
For a fleeting moment, you saw a flash of relief entered her eyes before it was gone. The two of you were continuing to run into issues due to the cultural differences. As adults, you talked it out and figured out a solution. That’s the exact opposite with Dwainet. It was a relief for yourself to have someone who will talk it out with you.
Her pink head dipped down to confirm your question. “Yes, it’s a possibility. There aren’t many in that situation. Yet, not many Yautjas are willing to adopt. It comes from thought process of blood.” She gripped your hips again and pulled you an inch closer to her. “I have had my fair share of children. I don’t have the need to have anymore. I am willing to adopt if that’s something you wish.”
From the beginning, you knew she was willing to lay down at your ask. The leader of her mighty clan. The mate of a human she adored. It all came down to the whole talking thing again.
You wiggled happily in her lap then threw your arms around her. An excited cry left your lips. “Yes! Please, I would love that.” It was the perfect compromise to this conflict of ideas.
She returned your hug and cradled your head to her shoulder. Her other hand roamed the expanse of your back. “Alright, I shall make contact with them. We will do our research. There are different places where these younglings come from. I expect you to do the same thing.”
Again, you nodded rapidly then pulled away, hands resting on her shoulders. “I will, I promise. Thank you, love. Thank you so much for making my wish come true.” This was a different turn of event than what you originally thought would happen when the question was asked. Yet, after the solution came, you were still happy with the situation. You were finally going to have a child with We’ar-ow.
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yaut-jaknowit · 4 months ago
Hi, this is my first time making a request so I hope I'm doing it right. If I am may I please request a part 2 to the "you are not hunted" because I am currently OBSESSED with Gawtin (a little to much) and just re-read the whole masterlist and came upon this post making me want to know what happens next. You can ignore this is u want but I want you to know I love your work and hope your having a great day/evening <3
You Are Not The Hunted Part 2
Character: Gawtin (female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 3019
Summary: This giant alien takes you from your friends, from your home. She traps you in her bedroom, the safest place to be. You are claimed to be her pet from that moment forward. And well... you don't take that very well.
Author Note: Ehehehe, I'm so glad you are obsessed with her! There's no such thing as too much with Gawtin. Love her as much as you want! I appreciate all the love!
Part 1
Now, onboard Gawtin’s ship, reader is both terrified and angry that this thing took them. Reader tries to fight their way off the ship but Gawtin easily overpowers them and pins them to a wall. So, they tried to escape by wedging the door open or smashing the keypad. They get electrocuted by accident. When Gawtin tries to feed them, that doesn’t work. Reader refuses to eat even when Gawtin uses her presence to scare them.
Despite the pounding of your fists against the creature’s sturdy back, it did nothing to make her even flinch. She continued to strut through the forest you were once enjoying. Your screams rung through the trees. Your friends lost between the trunks and foliage. Tears slowly ran down your cheeks. The world taking a darker turn as you’re carried away from them.
In this position, you spotted a weapon hanging from her waist. A machete. You instantly reached for it and attempted to pull it off of its fixed position. A hand engulfed yours before you could make contact with it. It held a firm grasp but not enough force to crack any bones. You struggled again. Your hand couldn’t be retrieved.
Her feet stopped. Your body slid down her front and landed unsteadily on your feet in front of her. The large alien snatched both of your wrists and crowded into your space. Instinctively, you took steps backwards to get away from her. Until the curve of your spine met the rough texture of a tree trunk. A gasp sounded from your throat.
Each of your wrists were lifted high above your head and pinned to the bark. They were easily held in one of her hands. A snort sounded from the creature. “You… do not think,” she uttered. Her free hand pinched something out of a pouch on her side. Rope was held between two fingers. She brings it up to your wrists. Your brows jerked up towards your hairline. You doubled down the fight and tried to slip out by taking off the weight on your legs. That only pulls painfully on your shoulders. The creature still has a firm grip on you.
Talently, the alien is able to tie your wrists together with one hand. Then, she throws you back onto her shoulder like you weighed nothing to her. With her size, you believed that as a fact.
The journey began once more. She carried you through the forest. The speed she took only made the trip short but sweet. Her form stopped. Her arm holding onto your thigh lets go for a moment. You hear a beep then a hiss. Curiosity got the best of you. You tried to lift yourself up to peer over her shoulder. She makes a short but warning growl. Your survival instincts force you to lay back down against her back, limp.
All you had to do was play along and hope for survival.
A new scene greeted you. She had walked up some sort of ramp and entered… something out of this world. Alien. This was a ship. A spacecraft. The angle hurt your neck but you took in everything you saw. From what looked to be storage all the way to main area of the vessel. She passed a door before one opened up for her.
Muted colors made up the interior of the ship. In the room she took you into, skulls were the first thing that greeted you. A terrified scream pierced the air. The fight entered your veins again. You kneed and punched and even bit to get her to let go you. It didn’t matter if your hands were tied together. You fought for your survival.
Snarls erupted from the creatures throat. Your body was harshly tugged off of her shoulder and dropped onto the floor. Your knees gave out. You were forced to lay back while peering up at her. Her metal mask made it impossible to see her expressions. The muscles that lined her shoulders and chest were tense. You whimpered and scrambled backwards, legs kicking to get away from her.
“Stop,” her rough voice demanded. The green creature ate up the space you desperately put between the two of you. Her hand grasped at the limited space between your own tied up ones and pulled you closer to her. You kicked at her shins.
A sharp huff escaped her. “Stop. I will not harm you.” You could see the blurred reflection of yourself staring back at you. Your head rapidly shook no.
“Let go of me!” you yelled at her and tugged harder. The rope painfully dug into your wrists. Yet, it didn’t budge. “Please, don’t kill me.” Her words had gone flying over your head. You were in such a state of panic, you weren’t listening. Your ears had blocked out all other sounds besides the race of your heart. Survival to see another day.
The grip on the bindings didn’t loosen or falter for even a second; despite your constant kicking. She held strong in her stance. Her other hand came around and grabbed you by the throat. It easily encircled one of the most fragile parts of your body. You instantly froze, paralyzed to the spot. One wrong move and she could snap your neck like a twig.
“Now, listen. I will not harm you. You are my pet now.” You accidently yelled out a ‘what?!’ which caused her to squeeze your neck in a threatening manner. A whimper fell from your lips. “No harm shall come to you under my care. You will be cared for, fed, clothed.” You fearfully looked into her purple eyes that kept you froze to the ground.
“W-why?!” you sputtered out and fought back the tears desperate to dribble down your face.
Her thumb on your neck caressed along the artery hidden between skin. “I have watched you for some time, little one. You intrigue me.” Heat blotted your features. How long has she been watching you?! Oh god. You’ve not felt eyes on you in what was thought to be the safety of your home. “I have made you mine, under my kinds law. I lay claim to you as my pet.”
Every time she called you ‘pet’ made your stomach twist with a sick feeling. Out of all the things to happen to you in your life. To be made a pet to an alien wasn’t plausible in your mind.
Yet, the new situation that surrounded you was evident of your new issues. You swallowed hard, chest stuttering with each intake of air. Your ribs felt like they were constricting your lungs, squeezing out the air in them.
The corners of your vision began to darken. Each new breath was faster than the last. Your eyes glazed over. Her grip around your neck loosened to the point you could almost just drop down the floor. That didn’t help ease up the issue you were causing to yourself.
Both of your hands went to the center of your chest, feeling them move underneath your fingertips. You tried to slow down your breathing. The danger no longer as high of a threat now. But, your body didn’t feel that way. The panic kept building and building. Until darkness overtook your sight and left you limp in the creature’s hold.
When you awoke next, you sat up with a gasp, hands flying to your throat in terror. Nothing held you in place. Your body acted before your mind had a chance to think. All of your limbs forced you to back peddle until you smacked into a hard, flat object. The wall. You pressed yourself against it, limiting the places something or someone could come and attack you.
Your hands gripped at your unkept hair. Whatever dream – or nightmare – that had controlled you during your sleep caused it. You swiftly swivel your head back and forth. The room was empty, bare from anyone or anything. All besides the three skulls on top of the door frame across from you.
One of them was a human skull.
Instantly, your chest began to heave. She was going to turn you into that. Every word from before had flew straight over your head. Actions speak louder than words. And if by the looks of the other skulls that decorated the… bedroom, she’s lying to you. You were no pet, nothing more than another trophy on the wall. These were all trophies.
Wait! Her bedroom?! You finally took in the space and its contents. Currently, you had been placed on top of what looked and felt like a bed. Furs covered it. All from different looking creatures she’s probably killed herself. And that was going to be you next. You shuddered and hugged yourself, slightly rocking yourself in a pacifying manner. It did little to quell the quaking of your lungs or the stuttering of your heart.
One wall had an open doorway that seemed to lead into a bathroom. You were unsure in the darkness that nearly consumed the whole space. Only a low light came from the running boards that lined the walls. It was just bright enough to barely make out the skulls and other animal bones that decorated the bedroom. All of them signs of what will happen to you next.
Light flashed bright. It temporarily blinded you. A yelp echoed back at you. Your face scrunched up, eyes unable to accommodate the sudden light so quickly. But the click of talons on metal had a shiver running down your spine, rattling your bones. You tried to fight off the pain to find her.
A warm hand cupped your chin and tilted your head up. The touch had your heartrate spiking even higher than before. Your hands shot out and smacked against a firm, muscular arm that didn’t yield to your attacks. She didn’t even make a single sound of distress and simply held you in place. It was evident that her strength greatly outweighs your own. In multiple ways she’s shown you.
“Calm down, little one,” she grumbled and pinched your chin only slightly harder to gain your attention. You whimpered. Finally, your eyes worked with you to open and find the giant alien leaning over the side of the bed. One of her hands was holding up her weight while the other held your jaw. Your gaze flickered down to the arm on the bed, knowing there was a chance you could kick it out. That may drop her to the bed. Then what? She’ll easily roll over, sit up, and tear your head off of your shoulders for doing such a thing.
“I have told you, you are not in harms way. There is no reason to panic.” Her voice was a rumble, deep. A tone you weren’t use to when it came to feminine figures. Nor did she fit the standards for humans. The only thing you could notice was a slight pronunciation of her chest and wider hips. Besides that, the thickly corded muscles that lined her figure, deep voice, and aggressiveness made you think of her otherwise. That only made you wonder what the male looked on her side of the species.
Your eyes completely stopped hurting from the light and opened all the way. Shyly, you had tucked your head to the side. Not once did you take your eyes off of her. If you were going down, you were going to take every chance to survive. No matter what.
The alien chuffed then released your chin and straightened her posture. She reached towards the end of the bed and push a tray towards you. “Food. Eat. You will need your strength.”
That through you in for a loop. Why in the world would you need your strength if she was going to turn you into one of her trophies? Your gaze narrowed on her, questioning on her intent. What was her point? What was she doing?
“I’m not hungry,” you stated, eyes flickering down to the steaming plate of food for only a second. The scent waft up into your nose and caused your stomach to growl loudly. Heat flushed to your cheeks instantly. “You didn’t hear that.” Now, she won’t believe you for even a second.
Her head tilted to the side. Her mask was still in place, covering whatever lay underneath. All you could read was her body language and hoped it was at least similar to humans.
She pushed the tray close enough to knock it against your shin. You refused to take your eyes of her for even a second. Every moment in a fight counts. Even in one that looks like you won’t win. You’d rather go down trying than willingly give up. “I told you, I’m not hungry.” Thankfully, your stomach decided not to interrupt the conversation.
Clicking sounded from behind the mask. Your brows furrowed, instantly trying to make sense of the noises. It didn’t sound like tongue clicking. It was far too fast. You leaned away from her the best you could with a wall behind you.
“What will get you to eat?” she asked of you in an annoyed tone of voice. She seemed done with your antics. Your heart began to thunder in your ears. Panic settling back into your veins again.
The food smelled wonderful. It was hot and fresh by the looks of it. But, she had made it. There’s a chance she poisoned it. Who knows? She may have the strength to kill you with her bare hands, but what if she’s insane. She has to be since she kidnapped you out of all of your friends. And her wording from before. She had wanted just you. As if she had been stalking you this entire time, picking out a target to become a new plaything.
Fear drew you away from her, scooting towards the side. Until you had the chance to slip off and get onto your feet. “Just let me go, okay? I don’t know what I’ve done to get kidnapped but please. All I want is to go home,” you pleaded with all of your heart. You knew it was going to get denied. There’s a hidden reason she wanted you. More than her calling you her pet. That had to be.
She bowed her head and shook it with disappointment, flowing off of her. “Paya, give me strength.” You heard her uttered barely above a breath. Her head raised so the eye sockets of the mask found your face. The intense stare from her behind the mask was nearly paralyzing. “Listen to me closely: you are my pet now. You will not be harmed. You are not leaving. I have laid my claim over you.”
With the words repeated straight to your face for the fifth time, you paused in your tactical retreat.
The nearest object appeared in your hand a millisecond before it went flying through the air. “No!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, face flush with heat. The next thing you went was nearly in your hand when you felt a presence behind you.
One thickly corded arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you up and off the ground. Your feet kicked wildly, striking every part you could reach. None of it did the damage you wished to see. She only grunted when you hit her knee in a particular spot. Then, she was sitting down on the bed and hold you in her lap. Your back to her chest. That same arm still snug and secure around your waist.
A deep, vibrating purr erupted from her throat and skipped across your skin. Goosebumps arose across your flesh, pebbling the tissue.
Before you had time to realize the effects, your tense muscles began to loosen. Confusion overridden your features. You struggled weakly in her grasp. Then, you went slack against her chest. The purr acting like a drug had added to your system.
“Good,” she interrupted the sound for only a second. Her other hand came up and petted the top of your head. You further relaxed against her, eyes nearly drifting shut. Your heart even slowed back down to normal.
“What… what did you, you do to me?” you slurred and titled your head back to see the underneath of her mask. In your dazed, doused state, you reached up and poked the exposed portion of her jaw. Weird looking jaw. You attempted to hook your finger under the metal and tug it free. She caught your wrist before you fully committed and put it down by your side. “What are you…?”
The alien paused, including the purring. It still affected you heavily despite the silence now entering the air. You were able to think clearer without the constant sound. She let go both of your waist and wrist and reached for the mask. Your eyes grew to the size of saucers. Was she truly going to expose her features to you? Oh god, what did she look like?!
When the mask was pulled off, a hiss of depressurized air sounded in the room. Your brows furrowed at the noise. She continued the move until you tensed back up. All the dopamine in your system instantly went out the window.
She was surely alien and completely inhuman. But… not ugly? You felt weird to think such a thing. Her head was massive with a dome-like shape that elongated the back of her skull. Piercing purple eyes were sharp and deadly to look in. Four mandibles acted like her lips, each ending in a lethal looking fang. Expect one had signs of a fracture. On the out edges of the dome had beige colored spikes that almost created a full crown.
You gulped down the lump in your throat and stayed still. It wasn’t just her claws and strength that could kill you, those mandible could easily gouge an eye out.
“I am Gawtin,” she announced and set the mask off to the side. “And, like I have said, you will be staying with me.”
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yaut-jaknowit · 8 months ago
So I saw the post about Gawtin doing anything in her power to increase the readers lifespan. So I am thinking perhaps she is researching ways on how to do that when she stumbles upon something about their blood being able to increase a humans lifespan by quite a bit. So she goes and gets permission from the council (maybe a bit of arguing cause I don't think giving blood to a ooman is looked well upon) then ya giving blood to the reader
- 🥤
Forever At My Side
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2118
Summary: With your time around Gawtin, she has come to dreadful thoughts you lifespan compared to hers. You will only live at most for a hundred years. That is far too short to experience your love and passion. Gawtin sets out to find what she can do to help. This gains unwanted attention.
Author Note: This made me do some worldbuilding and I love it! We get to see who is part of Gawtin's life and hear about a city on Yautja Prime as well. Of course, the city I've created isn't part of canon. I can't find much about Yautja Prime so I just get to worldbuild about it.
There are special properties within Yautja blood. Many of them helpful to other species. Yautjas are seen as a superior species among the universe. The research of what their blood could do for others has been dove into. Not deep, but enough to know.
When Gawtin came to conclusion that she wants you till the end of either of your lifespans, she calls upon a favor.
Amongst the Yautja as a whole, the scientific side is reclusive. Not many will give up their life for science, believing the hunt is everything to them. Yet, despite this group being so small compared to the amount of Yautjas alive to this day, they’ve discovery plenty. This includes their main way of travel: their spacecrafts. Or their biomasks when a planet’s atmosphere doesn’t fit their own needs. Or even for a ooman living on a planet who’s air would suffocate you. All this done by those willing to sacrifice their livelihood to further the advancement of the Yautjas.
This is where Gawtin shots a message to a scientist in Kov; a major city on Yautja Prime. Someone who owes her favor. One she’s cashing in for you. Always for you. If there’s a chance to extend your life, she’s willing to do it. Anything to keep you with her longer.
In the beginning, Gawtin knew of the risks of taking on a ooman mate. Mainly their short lifespan. That was a concern. Of course, it was. But, she’s never seen a ooman like you before. So willing to put yourself between the scum who captured and hunted her while heavily pregnant. You even killed for her, protecting her from said scum. Though, she was forever in debt to you. She’s not doing this to repay such debt. She’s doing this for you to be at her side until her heart gives out.
Until Voth-ocheb gets back to her, Gawtin has wait as the patient hunter she is. The moss green Yautja has a feeling this won’t fail her. She feels it in her blood.
On one of the many days the two of you are relaxing, you find yourself in your mate’s lap. With your butt between her thighs, legs thrown over one thigh while your back rests against the other. It’s a seat you would die for. There was nowhere better to be.
One of the advancements you were extremely happy Yautjas have was the fact you could connect with earth’s internet. Even if you were hundreds upon hundreds of light years away. It was only one tap away. You find yourself tapping away on your tablet to fill the day. Today, you didn’t feel like drawing and wanted to snuggle up to your mate until sunset. Not that Gawtin minded. Not one bit.
In the middle of her reading, she turned her head towards the front door. Someone was coming. A little unusual. Yautjas are known to be mainly solidary. You knew you would be forced to get up so Gawtin could answer the door. In preparation, you shimmed off of her lap and next to her. Gawtin pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and began to make her way towards the door.
Halfway towards the entrance, Gawtin hesitated then cursed lowly under her breath in Yautja. Your burrows furrowed at the strange antic. Never have you ever seen the female act such a way. In all honesty, she almost looked… nervous.
Yet, that apprehensive expression was washed over by a neutral expression. Years of training falling into place.
On the couch, you peeked over and watched as Gawtin opened the door. Your eyes widened at the sight of a massive female standing a couple of inches taller than Gawtin in the entrance. What adorn her told you exactly who this is; only having met the Yautja once before when Gawtin had make her case to keep you.
Gawtin’s mother: Ma’tan-Aih. Ruler of this tribe. The War-ak’ox tribe. Baroness Ma’tan-Aih. It’s the closest title that could translate into English from Yautja.
An expression you were famialir with was etched into the moss green Yautja’s face as she looked down at her daughter. “Gawtin, may I enter?” Her voice was commanding in every sense, causing you to shutter. Her Yautja accent heavy and thick, nearly making it impossible to listen to her words. You jerked down to hide behind the back of the couch from her steely gaze. The last thing you wanted was for those purple eyes to be directed at you.
“Yes, Baroness Ma’tan-Aih,” Gawtin allowed and called her mother by the proper title. You tensed up, white knuckling the tablet at the knowledge Ma’tan-Aih was entering your safe space. Before either of them could come into the living you, you attempted to look busy on the tablet so the attention was off of you.
Their footsteps were light on the soft wooden floor. Both of them made their way into the living room. Right where you were. Gawtin returned to her seat next you and even scooped you into her lap. Your muscles refused to relax under the scrutinizing gaze of the baroness. This couldn’t be happening. Why did she even want to speak with Gawtin? The two of them rarely even say a word to each other. Now, her mother wants to have a sit down in Gawtin’s cottage.
Your hands trembled holding onto the device. Gawtin was quick to cup both of them in one of hers. It took all of her might not to purr. She despised the fact you were uncomfortable in your own home due to her mother’s sudden, unannounced appearance. Yet, this is her mother she was talking about. Unless she challenged for the baroness title, there was nothing Gawtin could do in this situation.
Despite your eyes glued to the screen, you felt the laser focus of the baroness’s gaze zoned in on you. Your chest rapidly moved with each intake of air. You attempted to focus again on the tablet, anything to get your mind off of her. That unfortunately failed.
Baroness Ma’tan-Aih sat down gracefully on a chair across from the two of you. Gawtin watched each twitch, each movement made by her mother closely. She knew this was farthest thing from a catchup. This was business.
“Daughter,” Baroness Ma’tan-Aiu started with, “It has come to my desk you are fiddling with something you shouldn’t be wasting your time on.” With her heavy accent, it was hard to know if you heard right. Your burrows furrowed while gazing up at your mate’s beautiful face. Questions whirled to life inside of your scattered mind.
“Dam, what I do in my free time is none of your concern,” Gawtin stated and laid down a firm boundary. Not that her dam had to listen to her at all. “I have my favors. I can use them to my liking.”
A single studded brow rose due to the borderline rude words of Gawtin. “Yet, you use them in a foolish way. Why waste such a favor on trivial matters? Things can be replaced for good riddance.”
Though, you didn’t know what the subject was about, you instantly felt the tension in the air grow increasingly taunt. You gnawed on your bottom lip and watched as one of Gawtin’s mandibles twitched.
“It can never be replaced,” she grounded out in a tone you felt yourself fear. “I will never replace such a thing.” Her hand clenched down on yours, causing the bones in your hands to creak under the sudden pressure. “My mate is here to stay. I have already completed the challenges you laid before me.” Wait, what? This has something to do with you?
The Yautja before you waved off Gawtin’s words with a flick of her wrist. “Yes, yes. I know,” she scoffed. “But to ask someone in Kov to research such a dangerous topic? Daughter, you are a fool. You must know to go through with this, you must go to the council of Cu'stouirll before you go to the monarch herself. Cu'stouirll is known not to be pleasant.”
Gawtin sat up a little higher in her seat. “I will do what is needed to follow through with this.”
It was all too much information at once. They were supposedly talking about you and either someone or something named Cu'stouirll. Which sounded to be a bad thing. You gazed up at Gawtin in hopes for an explanation but received none from the focus hunter.
Baroness Ma’tan-Aih bristled at her daughter words. “As much as I loved your sire’s stubbornness at times, this is not the time to flare it. You must know what this could mean… Especially for those who have also taken an ooman as their mates. This could be opening pandora’s box for the worse.”
It’s not hidden that many of the other Yautjas in this tribe dislike your presence. If it wasn’t for the fact you saved Gawtin and Qui’oky from death, your case would’ve collapsed before your very eyes. The baroness does not want other ooman mate’s to have the same opportunity to whatever Gawtin is planning. You knew whatever Gawtin was fighting for was for the good of you.
Yet, Gawtin didn’t change her stance on the subject and kept the same gaze upon her mother. “Then, let that happen. I will do whatever it takes to keep my mate at my side for as long as possible.” Even with that, you couldn’t piece together what was still happening.
On the other side, the green Yautja sat up from her seat to tower over the two of you. In that moment, you didn’t feel scared or intimidated by the baroness. Not with your mate at your side, prepared to do anything to keep you safe and out of harms way.
“Lady Gawtin, when this falls upon my court, you will have to ensure your case is concrete. I can already tell you, I will not accept this. Letting an ooman be injected with our blood?! It’s an abomination!” Baroness Ma’tan-Aih snapped then spun on her heel and marched out of your cottage.
Your lungs seized with a sharp gasp. Your eyes snapped up to Gawtin with uncertainty swirling inside of them. “Gawtin? What does she mean?” you asked immediately after her mother’s departure.
Her dark purple eyes watched the closed door for a few more seconds before she gazed down at you. One of her hands cupped your cheeks and gingerly ran a coarse thumbpad over your cheekbone. “I had wished not burden you with this theory until I have received the results,” she whispered, this time in English.
“What do you mean, love? I’m completely confused,” you begged for answers and hoped she could soothe your worries.
A sigh escaped the female Yautja. “Ooman’s do not like as long as Yautjas. It is a known fact. A fact that I have come to terms with. But, you, my mate, are everything to me. If I can do something, anything in my power to ensure you stay with me longer, I will go to the ends of Yautja Prime to make sure that happens. Even if I have to fight my mother for this, I will. She nor anyone else will not stop me from reaching my goal.” You smiled softly up at her, eyes closing to nuzzle into her hand.
“Oh love, that’s so sweet of you.” You reached up and cupped the back of her massive hand against your cheek. You carded your fingers through her own. “You don’t know how much I appreciate all that you do for me.” When you reopened your eyes, you glanced down at the couch cushions. “Your mother wasn’t very happy about that though.” A statement but made to be open as a question.
Gawtin shook her head, tresses swaying with the movement. “No, she’s never happy. I could care less about her opinion. Yours is the only one that matters. If wish for me to stop, I will. But if you are wanting to continue, I will let this go on. The choice is yours,” she offered wholeheartedly. Every step you’ve made in her world has been at the hands of you. You are in charge. As always.
You opened your eyes to look directly into hers. “If it means I get to stay with you longer, then the answer is yes. Anything to be with you longer is an easy choice.”
The Yautja burst out purring and leaned down, practically breaking her back to rub her head against yours. Vibrations raced along your skin. You giggled and nuzzled with her. A life by Gawtin’s side is a life you would never trade for.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
I love ur writing so much like 😻 ur stories are like the best I’ve seen.
Anywaysss simple request I think ?
Human female hunter , is a part of a clan on yautja prime, known for their skill with staffs/spears, is respected amongst many other hunters, while also owning a rather big snake that hangs out on readers neck/body a lot, good use for poisoning the prey, Gawtin caught word of the said reader is rather curious of her. Later on Gawtin runs into reader hunting on a planet that reader kills a queen xeno. (Reader wears xenomorph skin as armor to protect themselves from their acidic blood) and Gawtin has catched feeling for said reader
Pairing: Gawtin (female Yautja) x F!Reader
Word Count: 3755 (not ten but seven, close enough)
Summary: Born to human parents yet found by a female Yautja who raised you as her own wasn't destiny. Life finds away. Raised to be a hunter from the moment you could crawl, you sought out the life as a warrior. You grew to the top and live amongst other hunters. Gawtin hears your name in rumors and couldn't help her curious nature to hunt you down.
Author Note: Even if it was a simple request, I never make it easy on myself. I'll write ten pages for a two sentence ask.
P.s. Heads up, I'm on the other side of the US right now for a vacation. I'll try to get another post out this week but I can't promise anything. I'll be sipping soda and relaxing in either a pool or a beach. Thanks for your patience!
Different clans will specialize in different fighting styles. They have to. They have to adapt to the path craved for them in this universe. Spears are known mostly along the fishing and jungle clans. Bows are also used within the jungle clans and the forest. Machetes for the forest. As for those who live on the freezing poles, traps are their chosen weapon.
In the one of the clans that resides in along the coasts, a ooman lives within a species that hunts them. To hear of such news was jolting. Yet intrigued the moss green Yautja. Let alone, rumor has it the ooman has a pet of their own.
Though, not from Yautja Prime, the creature was rather deadly with one single bite. Enough venom could take down a fully grown Yautja. No wonder the ooman has such a pet under its care. Yautja Prime was a dangerous place, even to its native inhabitants. Everyone is born with the instinct to sleep with one eye open. The ooman had to use what it had to survive on such a planet.
This ooman, from word of mouth, is respected amongst her clan. A ooman with respect from a Yautja, let alone a clan size. However did she accomplish this? Gawtin prayed to Paya for the chance their paths to cross.
Paya is merciful to answer a prayer once in a while.
The atmosphere that struck you in the face was similar to the lands you called home. Warm, hot, high humidity barreled down on your form the moment the ramp lowered. You breathed in through your mask for the semi fresh air that filtered in.
This was a hunt you’ve trained long and hard for. Years upon years of harsh, tiring workouts that had you collapsing onto furs at the end of it. Only to wake up hours later to rinse and repeat.
In the clan you call home, you are a respected, blooded warrior that has earned their title like any other Yautja who hunts. But this, this here will change things back home. The head of a Queen Xenomorph will forever have your name in their scrolls. With the addition of the skull, you will be have a better status, further upholding your mother’s name.
From the bits and pieces you remember so long ago, she had to fight tooth and nail to keep you. You knew you weren’t like them. It was a quick realization that stung as a child. You were treated different, nothing more a worm that didn’t offer much besides being bait.
Those that once looked down on you will now have to look up at you. The skull of a Queen will be strapped to your back and carried off your ship. Your head held-you stopped yourself from getting ahead. Don’t count the skulls before they are obtained. Or else it’ll be your downfall. Cocky Yautjas usually either lose their personality trait in two different ways: death or they learn.
Your name won’t join the ever-growing pile. It’ll be a name Yautjas will learn about in history scrolls.
From the weeks you’ve done your fair share of research about this hive alone, there’s a reason no one has taken it. Tucked away in tight tunnels that a Yautja wouldn’t dare attempt to squeeze themselves into, hid away a smaller species of Xenomorph. They’ve evolved this way in a short span of a year by what you’ve read.
Yet, the queen hasn’t been seen ever. No one knows if she’s also changed in size due to this evolutionary trait or if she’s the original queen who dug her way into this tunnel system.
Many have tried with solo teams and hunting parties of twenty to bring down this hive. No one has succeeded. Yautjas are just too stocky and large to fit in these narrow holes.
But you? Are the perfect size to get past the first entrance and fight your way to the queen. This was a fight you had to plan every step, every breath, every thought carefully or else you could die. No one wanted this hive, but you did. You will succeed and return home. You will.
With your gear strapped secure to different parts of your body, you strode out of the ship and stepped along the dark, volcanic rocks. It crunched at every step you made, alerting enemies to your position.
The sharp rocks clawed at the bottom of your durable shoes but couldn’t pierce the finely woven material. You’ve done your research and for every needed supply to have a fighting chance of surviving.
From the ship and up to the closest recorded entrance, it was only a short ten-minute hike up. You wanted your ship close in case of a retreat and reform of a new plan. Said entrance was small. A manageable size for you to crawl into on your hands and knees. Just enough space for you to sit back on your haunches and use the collapsible spear attached to your hip when you’re attacked.
In the quite warm, morning, you stood still, tilted your head back. The sounds of an empty location echoed back at you. A gentle breeze ruffled your hair but didn’t bring any concerning scents with it. That didn’t mean you could relax. Anytime you were on a hunt, you had to be ready for anything to come your way. The only time you’ve been able to receive some peace and quiet is traveling in your craft. The hum of the engines always lured you to sleep.
A few buttons were activated on your wrist gauntlet. The hunt begins.
The trek from base of your ship to a hole further up the mountain would’ve proven difficult for a novice. You planned every step of the way up, mapping what ways were easier to get to what was thought to be the main chamber. The least you knew about the inside was that it opened back up. The mountain hollow from once being an ancient volcano that once blew.
Your ears strained for every little sound, every pebble that shifts in what looked to be a wasteland. The coast was clear. You knelt down and inspected the hole thoroughly before starting the crawl inside.
Every muscle in your body is prepared to launch if the need arises. Your hand ready to spring three moderate sized blades out from your gauntlet. All of it coated in a mixture that protected it from the acid spray of a Xenomorph.
About fifty feet into this tunnel, you had to flick up a HUD from your mask to cover your eyes. The area that once was blanketed in darkness turned all different shades of green.
No movement ahead of you. A good sign in your eyes.
Before you left the tunnel, you paused and timidly peeked out to scan the larger tunnel. It reeked of recent activity. You didn’t like that but knew it was part of the situation and adapted to it.
Slick, sticky substance coated the walls. You peered at it and knew instantly what was. A helper in the situation. You used a hand to scoop some of it off and began to cover every inch of your body. It was disgusting to feel this latch onto your skin but it was a necessary evil to keep yourself alive. You gave a quiet huff and followed the mental map of areas known to the archives. These tunnels larger and allowed you the chance to stand fully.
No one knew where the Queen’s chamber was. You were here not only to find it but destroy it in the process. Everything was planned up till then. From there, as you’ve learned, your species is well known for: adapting. You were to adapt the plan at the end and claim the skull as your own.
Skittering of claws had you pausing and lowered yourself, ears picking up every little sound. Something was coming up behind you. You fought the urge to instantly go into fighting mode and pressed yourself against the sticky walls.
Hard meats aren’t technically blind but they don’t have eyes to see the way you see. Smell and hearing is a large factor to finding prey. Also, a use of echolocation helps them perceive the area in a different light. You’ve learned that the imagine they create in their mind is a general picture. Still blurry and unclear but enough information to move about. That’s why you took to smooshing yourself against a wall.
On your HUD, a bright, hard meat shape patrolled past you, tail posed. You stayed calm and watched the creature move on and down the tunnel you traversed through. With a breath of relief, you continued onward in the same direction. The gunk stuck to your skin was a horrible feeling that was hard to ignore. For the sake of your life, you are able to push the thought down and focus on your predicament: finding the Queen’s chamber. If only you had more information…
The longer you trekked through the tunnels, the more uneasy you grew. At any point, one of the Xenomorphs could catch you slacking. Then, you would lose all the hard work you’ve put into this life and join Cetanu. That’s something you refused to let happen.
This didn’t seem like a large hive with numbers but the amount of tunnels that led to the outside world or to different chambers was astonishing. In its prime, this place would’ve been amazing to see and study.
Today, it would fall.
Some time later, you stumbled across the largest of the chambers. Instantly, you knew this was the Queen’s chamber. Not only the size of the place itself but due to all the drones gathered here. Then, a massive form appeared on your HUD, slow in movement.
The Queen herself.
Your eyes widened behind the screen covering them. You could confidently answer the fact this Queen was the original queen from when the hive was established around a year ago. Her large body easily dwarfed her smaller than average drones that cared for her.
For a moment, you heart thundered in your ears. Not from fear. No, from the adrenaline beginning to filling your veins. You may not have been born a Yautja but the love for the hunt still exists in your blood. A grin grew on your features, hidden behind the mask that covers the lower portion of your face.
Careful, calculated, controlled movements allowed you to grasp the collapsible spear at your side. Any closer to the would draw the attention of a drone to you. You held the shrunken weapon in your hand and watched the group.
From what you could speculate in a language you didn’t understand, they were none the wiser to your presence. The goop used to hide your scent worked wonders to keep the hive calm.
You prepared for when the hive would be alerted to your presence the moment you stepped closer. A drone paused and turned its head towards you. It tilted its elongated skull and made a short screeching noise. Not alerting, just curious. You paused once more and could only wait.
When it opened its mouth again, you instinctively opened your spear and threw it at the hard meat. Before it could release a horrifying call, the sound died with it. The weapon now out of your hand and pierced into the skull of your prey. You unleashed the three blades attached to your gauntlet and rushed forward to gather the lost spear. You wrenched it free and began the berate of relentless attacks on the newly alerted hive.
A screech sounded from the largest of the beasts that lived within the quarters. You sliced the throat of a Xenomorph. A spray of acidic blood arching out and landing straight on the armor that protected you. A mixture between past battled against the very species you aimed to kill today and metal shielded the weaker parts of your body. The blood hit in varies areas, landing mostly on the armor. The pain that flared to blazing life only fueled your instinct for the hunt.
Claws raked across the air you stood a second before. You were moving and swung out the three blades to slice the thickly scaled beast the towered over you. More blood threatened to sear off your skin and dripped off the armor that kept you free. The Queen roared out and wiped its deadly tail around. Her long legs stepping back to get you withing biting range.
Drones came to her aid. In swift, deadly waves, you used your trusted weapons to keep the drones at safe distance away that didn’t have you ending up dead.
One of the tinier ones was able to push past your defenses and latched onto the break of your armor. A joint in your elbow and slightly above it was free from either the hard scales or metal that shielded you. Teeth bit harshly into the free chunk and flesh. You yowled in pain and immediately ran your three blades through its skull. The little vermin died with its fangs still buried deep into your arm.
Anger fueled you.
The distraction brought the group closer than you possibly could deal with. Claws raked at armor and exposed skin. Red blood crying from the spilt skin. You gritted your teeth. The spear in your hand was used in a terrifying arch.
Those that pushed past your defenses were battered and sliced by the deadly end of your weapon. They retreated and were already testing what they could do to get through again.
You tore the small creature off of your arm and threw it at one of the larger ones. Blood poured freely from the newly created wound. The worst one of them all.
Above you, the Queen snarled swiped at you with one of her spindly hands. You narrowly dodged a killing blow and rolled. Out of the roll, you reared your spear up into the exposed belly of the Queen. She choked out a roar and moved faster than you could perceive.
Once on your feet, the very next second, you found your back to a wall. All of the air rushed out of your lungs. You sputtered to gain new oxygen through your mask. It left you vulnerable for a second too long.
A massive hand pressed your firmly to the ground. You snarled once you gained enough air and glared at the hide crown of the Queen’s head came into view. She opened her mouth. The inner mouth slithered out. She hissed a deadly tone into the space that could be your last.
The raging drones behind her slowed down in their vicious actions since the threat had been contained. But, you weren’t going down.
It some strength but you were able to shimmy your forearms underneath your chest. With your legs, you started to push against her bony hand. It worked. Just enough to rest on your elbow and jab your three blades into her wrist. The Queen howled and reared back, opening you back to the battle.
Your discarded spear was snatched from the ground and wielded once more. You pinned a glare on all the drones that surrounded you. They all sounded their cried of offence at you attacking their queen. You brushed off the calls and returned to battle.
In a mess of acid blood and red blood yourself, you returned your attention back to the Queen. Behind her, her tail snapped wildly. You twirled your spear and pointed it at the largest of them all. She swiped at the air before her, challenging your dominance in hand. You cared less about the challenge before sprinting forward, thrusting the spear forward.
It left your hand and soared through the air. It pierced the thick hide that protected her upper shoulder and rendered the limb useless now. You stayed moving in full force and leaped up. Your other weapon rammed into spot lower than the spear. You kept the same momentum upwards and used the spear as leverage.
Now on top of the Queen, you shoved the same three blades drenched in acid blood into her back. She gave another cry. You turned the blades a certain direction and pulled them through her scales more. Then, her body fell to the ground.
A special spot along her spine had been severed, rendering her paralyzed to the spot. You grinned once more behind the mask and leaped off of her back. A new wave of hard meats came to intercept you.
The battle ended. You stood victorious, surrounded by a sea of dead Xenomoprhs and a Queen who would not move. You knelt before the large beast and placed a hand on her expanse crest. “I thank you for your skull and what new titles it will bring me,” I praised the creature before moving around and driving the spear into her throat.
The life in her body fading until her heart beat one last time.
A new silence entered the chambers and left you feeling… watched. The hairs on the back of your neck rose as you scanned the area, changing the different vision modes on your HUD.
Up top in one of the larger tunnels, a blazing yellow figure appeared. From the overwhelming scent of the dead Xenomorphs and their smell alone, you couldn’t tell what this thing was. You growled and positioned yourself into a fighting stance, ready to take it on. Anything to defend the trophy you had earned fair and square.
The figure stood up, forced to hunch over. It dropped down into the chamber with barely a sound and stood a safe distance away. The form itself you recognized as a Yautja but not the being itself. Still on end, you kept your weapons up.
She, you got a whiff of her scent, stopped and held her head a respectful distance up. Not in a challenging way nor submissive. She had to be observing you the same way you did to her.
This new Yautja was average sized for a female. Tresses hung from her head freely. Your eyes darted without moving any other muscle to the recent kill at your side. Was she here for this? Was she mad that you had gotten the kill before her? And the fact she was in here. No other Yautja has ventured this far without meeting a terrible end.
Yet, here she stood.
Due to the fact all you could see was her body heat, you couldn’t tell what clan she represents. You didn’t trust her, already knowledgeable about how many Yautjas feel about oomans. The weapons in your hold never turning away from the possible threat.
She took a step forward. Only one. “Paya has answered my prayer to allow me to meet such a creature as yourself,” her voice velvety but with a harsh undertone. Your skin pebbled with bumps. “I have heard of your existence on Yautja Prime.”
It was an infamous situation of your existence. Some clans allow oomans such as yourself to live amongst them. Some offer better treatments than others. Yours, clearly, allows you life but only if you live as one of them. Since you could remember, that’s all you’ve known. But it’s a lifestyle you would never give up. You felt born with the need to hunt like many of your clan.
To ensure she didn’t see you either as a threat or submissive, you kept your chin level and eyes neutral pinned on her. “Who are you?” You wanted an introduction. Some sort of clue on who she was and why she was here. From her first words to you, it seems like this was planned in her eyes.
“My name is Gawtin, ooman,” she answered freely. You felt a smidge better at her willingness to answer your questions. But you refused to let your guard fall.
“And why are you here?” You also wanted to ask how she got in here. You’re the only survivor to get in here. You could only reason with the fact you had distracted the group for her to make her through one of the larger tunnels towards the top of the mountain.
Her mandibles clicked together. “You are infamous on Yautja Prime. Your name is whispered among clans both in good and bad tones. A Yautja grows curious to meet such a creature to capture a rumor.” You already knew yourself to be known on Yautja Prime. Oomans aren’t a rarity but to live on their planet was. Either as a pet or a warrior.
“What is it to you?” you snapped, unsure of her intentions still. Even around those in your clan, you knew you had to keep your guard up. Any of them would be more than willing to claim your skull for their own collection.
This time, Gawtin stepped closer into your space. You hunkered down, muscles taut as you readied your weapon. She didn’t react and stayed that step closer to you. “I would like to offer a chance to hunt with you.”
Now, that took you off guard. “You want to hunt with me?” you reiterate for her. Puzzlement filled your voice. You stood up taller and tilted your head at her.
“Yes. That is what I said.” You kept your gaze on her, studying all the details possible with what the HUD allowed you to see. She showed no challenge, no sign of a threat towards you. She was polite and calm. Plus, the opportunity to hunt with someone outside of your clan was a chance you didn’t dare give up.
You dipped your head. “I’m willing to let you join in on one of my hunts.” You didn’t want to sound excited and kept it cool and level. Don’t act like an unblooded.
“Good. I shall meet you outside once you’ve collected your trophies to discuss our hunt.” With the ended, she turned on her heel and strutted to a nearby tunnel. You watched her get down and crawl her way in before disappearing. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
With her gone, you returned your gaze on the dead Queen at your feet. Not only was this a turning point in your life, but the fact a Yautja from a different clan asked for you to go on a hunt with her. Your life was becoming ten times more interesting now.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
You Are Not The Hunted
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x Reader
Word Count: 2439
Summary: In a group of five, deep in the forest, you and your friends are camping, enjoying each other's company. It's a lovely time... until something appears. Her.
Author Note: I first want to apologize for forgetting about this request and how long it took for me to finish. I decided to stray away from the spooky feels since its November now. I went with the orginal idea as well! I hope you enjoy and thank you for understanding!
Dedicated and requested by: @avaleigh16
Part 2
Embers cracked and popped softly in the forest. Some flying up before dying out like stars. Engrossed in the sight, you ignore what your friends are conversing among each other. To be this far from civilization was a blessing. There was no other place you would rather be right now. A gentle smile fell upon your features, mind somewhere in the stars above.
A nudge shook you from your mindless thoughts. You shook your head and looked over at the offender with a raised brow. Said friend stuck his tongue out at you. In returned, you did the same thing when you felt something soft hit you. You jolted slightly then looked down to find a now dirtied marshmallow and scanned around the circle of five friends.
Everyone had their head turned, glancing away as if they hadn’t seen that. “Who did it?” you questioned. But no one owned up to the attack. “Guys?” Not a peep. None of them were going to either give themselves up or each other. So be it then.
You reached down and plucked the marshmallow from the ground, twigs and all. One glance around the group confirmed none of them were going to spill a thing. Without much thinking, you chucked it at your friend across from you. It flung through the air and smacked her right in the face. Boom.
Said friend yelped your name and glanced. Now, it was time for you to place innocent. You whistled and gazed around the dark forest. It wasn’t you. “What?” you feign innocence and cocked your head in confusion. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I didn’t do it! It was Mark!” she relented the name over to you. Perfect. Your head snapped over to Mark with a mischievous grin. “Whoops.” Poor Mark nervously smiled as if that could ward me off.
“Oh, Marky,” you sung and gave a knowing look to him. “Are you able to finish something you started? Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to start things? Because mine did… but they sure told me to finish the damn fight!”
In an instant, you were on your feet and surge over to the bag of marshmallows. Before you could reach it though, Sarah, sitting next to Mark, snatched the back and tossed it across the fire to Brad. Monkey in the middle. Unfortunately, it was you in the middle, careful of the fire pit that was blazing with life.
Brad shook the bag at you with a wild grin on his face. Fine. So be it. You rushed him but he was quick to toss the bag to Emily who wasn’t expecting it. That was your golden opportunity to lunge for it. And you did. Emily was swift to swipe the food and chuck it back over to Brad before I could get your hands on it.
This happened between the five of you for some time until your foot caught on a rock and caused you to stumble. With a yelp, you roll into the foliage that surrounded your group and laid there in defeat. Ow, that hurt.
A clicking sound had you snapping your head up, whipping it around to find the source. Yet, it felt like it echoed around you like a barren room. You glanced over at your friends to seem them all frozen, eyes widen. Mark is trying to look around like you but coming up with nothing. The others were tense in their spots, unable to come up with anything.
“Guys?” Sarah whispered harshly, loud enough for everyone to hear, and whatever was out there. There was more chittering that caused a rough shiver down your back. Then, you were back on your feet but still away from everyone. Out of the fray.
Electricity seemed to crackle. Everyone whipped their gazes to find… what the fuck?! In a panic, your friends began to pelt this green humanoid beast with all they had. Shrouded in darkness, you stayed out of the way, eyes wide and breath caught in your throat.
This thing just stood there and took the onslaught. Well, until Sarah had the great idea of chucking one of the stones from the fire pit at its head. The rock was heading straight for its head when a blur of dark green snatched it from the air. It moved faster than anything you’ve ever seen before. Paralyzed in fear, all you could do was watch as the monster slowly swiveled its head to look right at Sarah. Like you could see the words in a bubble over its head, you knew it was thinking: ‘what did you just try to do?’. You pressed your lips together, either to stave off a laugh or in anticipation of its reaction.
Tension was thick in the air, enough to cut through. Brad’s legs were shaking, knees on the verge of clacking together.
Emily had the balls to speak up. “W-what is it?” she whispered quite loudly if you could hear it over your pounding heart. No one dared to tempt fate, all focused on the creature.
You took note of it finally after little action. It towered, completely towered over your older teenage body. If you had to take a guess, you were probably only a head over its waist. That was being generous about how massive it was. Thickly corded muscles encased its tense body; sharp, black claws decorated the tips of its nails. Primitive clothing was adorn its frame, confusing on what this creature could be. It was shaped similar to humans besides its head. That stumped you.
In the low light, you weren’t able to make out much details on its face besides the fact it was wearing some sort of metal mask. It disguised its face but the mask had its own terrifying expression. A predator. Deadly.
Mark, the idiot he was, stood up straight and gave a peace sign to diffuse the situation. “We come in peace,” he stated with a nervous look in his eyes. You wanted to smack him for his stupidity.
If you didn’t die to this thing.
The creature scoffed. Those that laxed their muscles, you included, tensed back up at the sound. It made no other intentions known. “Peace-“Mark’s voice echoed back and came from the creature. Mimicked? Did it mimic Mark?! What was this thing?! Your jaw dropped.
Mark jerked his head back before the widest of grins split his face. “That’s so cool!” he cheered and threw his arms in the air. The creature whipped its head over to him and snarled, body lowering into a defensive position. Yet, it eased out of said position and scanned around the group. “Sorry.” He shied away and lowered his arms slowly this time. A lesson learned.
It didn’t react to his apology and kept moving its eyeless gaze around before it stopped on you. Terror filled your body at the heavy, dread inducing stare. Then, it began to stride across the tiny clearing to you. All you could muster to do was back away enough for your back to be pressed against a nearby tree. It kept a full force march over to you before stopping right at your feet.
The heat its form produce was enough to keep the night’s chill away. Shyly but bravely, you peered shakily up at the creature. Its head tilted slightly, reminding you of a dog.
Your former predictions were nearly correct. Your shoulders were below it waistline of the primitive half skirt-like clothing it wore. It completely towered over you.
Behind it, your friends could only watch in rapture terror. This thing was massive and agile. The rock from before was proof enough of that. The muscles that lined its well-worked body was a sign it could hold its own against the group of five friends. None of them dared to move, attempting not to anger it in the slightest. Anything to make sure you weren’t injured in the fray if they could help it.
Out of all the things worthy to say to this thing, you could only come up with a meek ‘hi’. You could almost see the eyeroll with the mask in the way. It leaned down, bending at the waist to get closer to your face.
Thick, dark rubbery strands of hair but not hair tapped against your shoulders and chest by accident. They swung from the move and touched you. The creature acted no different, only to move closer into your space. You couldn’t help the whimper and fully wedging your body to the tree. In the moment, you could only hope to be a second skin the bark.
Like a predator observing its prey, the creature tilted its head this way and that, studying you. Your throat bobbed in anticipation, something you knew it saw.
A hand reached from the limited light and rested at the juncture where you neck attaches to your body. The lightest of pressure settled there. You felt light headed, ready to faint at the drop of hat at its gesture. Your heart was fluttering like a bird in its cage as all you could do was look at it with fright. You knew it could probably feel the way your chest nearly vibrated. What was it doing?
The heat from its palm was a near blazing in the cool forest night. You shivered at the feeling.
Clicking sounded, slightly muffled, from beneath its metal mask. The pressure only grew just sliver. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “W-what are… you?” The creature didn’t react outwardly but seemed to still.
It huffed and shook its head after a few drawn out seconds. Courage started to drip into your veins, yet you were still wary. “What do you want?” You didn’t stutter this time.
A pregnant pause filled the air again then it leaned in so the mask was on the verge of brushing against your nose. “You.” Your voice filled the air. Though slightly choppy from the sentence you said before, it was your words.
All of your friends made noises of shock and whispered to each other. In your position, you weren’t able to hear anything over the pounding in your ears. “Me?!” you screeched, nails digging into the bark. It hurt but didn’t stop you. This thing, you… It wants you? “What are you?!” You had to try again.
Thick, lethal fingers moved up and fully encased around your throat. Terror filled the entirety of your body. Was this how you die? Your heart was about to explode.
“Stars.” An unknown person’s voice filled the thick air. That did nothing relieve the pressure suffocating you emotionally.
“I knew it!” Mark yelled and pumped both fists in the air. Brad slapped him with the back of his hand to get Mark to stop. Mark dropped his arms again and muttered an apology before flickering his gaze around. “I knew he was an alien,” he whispered mostly to himself but loud enough for everyone to hear. Including the creature.
Oh shit. Alien. An alien. Stars. That… he? It? Alien. The crea-alien scoffed. “She.” Another recording. She? The alien was a she? Fuck, she was massive. And she wants you.
“W-why me? What do you want with me?” Another pregnant pause. It seemed usual for it-her when it came to answering. That made sense she was an alien. But how does she know your language or understand it. That would mean she’s been here before. The government has been hiding stuff.
From the mask covering her eyes, you couldn’t see them but felt them burning holds into your skin. It made you more nervous than you already were. “Mine.” A male voice responded, soft and subtle. That didn’t help ease you at all.
“I-I don’t know what that means… but I think, I think you might have this all wrong,” you tried to defuse the situation and slip from her grasp. As you attempted to do so, the iron shackle around your throat grew tighter. You were pinned back to the tree, underneath her. “Like come on, do-don’t you think this is silly.”
One wrong move and her hold on you could end your life. Your throat bobbed. She moved her head further down to the crook of your neck. A deep lung full caused her chest to expand considerably. She was sniffing you. Then, she grunted and returned to her previous position. “Mine.” Same voice from before.
“Guys?” you called out to the group of four still around the fire. All you could see though was the hunk of muscle before you, blocking everything out besides herself.
Someone cleared their throat but made a yelp sound. “What do you want us to do?” Brad asked cruelly. In a harsh reality, he was right. What could four teenagers, one already twenty, do against her? She looked like she could bench press all of you. Without breaking a single sweat.
Before you had a chance to reply in the same tone, the hand around your throat slipped away. Instantly relief flooded your system. Maybe she’s just joking with y-ah!
An arm captured your waist then lifted your entire body. A grunt escaped your lips as you were tossed onto a thick shoulder. Your hands scrambled for purchase and dug into the fabric that adorn her upper body. “Put me down!” you screamed and kicked your legs, anything to get free. She wasn’t hurting you, no. Far from it.
She didn’t entertain your words and strode past your friends. Sarah looked completely horrified and stuck in her spot. Everyone else rushed to your aid and grabbed onto your hands. You couldn’t help the hiss that escaped your lips when they begun to pull. One mighty force to three trying to free you wasn’t pleasant. But the alien acted no different. She continued on as if there wasn’t an aided five hundred pounds at least trying to stop her.
Brad was the first to slip off and stop at the edge of the tiny clearing you once relaxed in. Next, was Emily, nails digging into your skin. But she wasn’t watching where her footing was and tripped. Last, was Mark who held on the longest until the alien whipped around to face all those close enough. You yelped, disorientated but frozen at the bellow that rumbled like storm clouds.
After your friends weren’t able to free you, the alien spun back around and just walked off with you on her shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes. From your new perch, you watched as your friends disappeared in the foliage. You would never see them again.
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years ago
hi there! first off I'd like to say how much I love your stories! rare to see F/F in the Yautja fandom so l can't tell you how much I appreciate reading your Gawtin x femreader stories.
may I request an ask? a smutty one specifically ? I recall in one of your stories that Gawtin and reader mention having a strap on. Could we see Gawtin use it on the reader? Maybe the reader is ovulating (horny) and that really brings out the dominance/ service top in Gawtin. Especially with so many other male Yautja around it'd be so hot to see possessive Gawtin. Well, more than she usually is 😏
Cared For
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x AFAB Reader
Warnings: very possessive Gawtin, protective Gawtin, light fighting between two Yautjas, biting, slightly pain kind (if you squint) because of biting, marking kink, use of strap on dildo, WLW, lesbian couple, blood licking, squirting, fingering, choking, multiple orgasms, size difference, size kink, overstimulation, cunnilingus, light aftercare.
Word Count: 3604
Summary: Yautja's have a keen sense of smell. It can be used to aid them in most terms, or to embarrass you. You don't know why it didn't hit you earlier when you're ovulating and everyone is staring at you. Someone decided to have the balls to approach you... he'll come to learn his lesson by a towering force.
Author Note: I love when people request for her. I wish there were more out there with female yautjas. But like my cousin once told me, if there's nothing out there, write about it. And that I did. Thank you for the ask as well. This fits her so well too!
This was probably a mistake. Almost every pair of eyes were stuck to your form, watching you sitting underneath a tree. The leaves and trunk offered you protection from the bearing, blazing sun that hung in Yautja Prime’s sky. It was the only way to be outside with your Yautja without being burnt to a crisp. Well, you could wear a protective layer of UV blocking clothing. It wouldn’t be the sun killing you then.
To ignore them the best you could, you bared down on the sketch book in your lap. The pencil you had twirled around your fingers as you tried to fix whatever was wrong with this drawing. Something didn’t look right, but you didn’t know what.
A dull pain twinged deep inside of your lower abdomen. You silently groaned and clenched your teeth in quiet protest. For one day, you wanted to enjoy the good weather. Though, everyone else in the town had the same thoughts as well.  That wasn’t going to stop you. Nor would these stupid ovulating cramps. They were rare to occur, didn’t stop them though.
While all this happened in your little bubble, a male broke off from the group he had been in. Sweat and a thick layer of humidity clung to his scales as he made his way over to you. He couldn’t believe everyone else was just ignoring the sweet scent you were producing. If no one was going to try to gain your hand, then he would.
Oh, how oblivious he was as a newly blooded.
Before he had the chance to get into the shadow of the tree of you sat underneath of, something grasped the back of his shoulder straps and yanked him backwards. With the sudden move, the Yautja was forced to tumble and fall onto his rear. He still wasn’t given a movement to collect himself when a Bo staff shoved into his throat. A heavy foot landed on his chest and pushed what air he had left out.
The blazing sun was blocked out by a female he’s seen before around town. The light haloed her head, giving her a deadly look any female had. He gulped thickly and laid perfectly still on the ground. Nothing was going to make him move unless it was her.
Her weapon was further pressed into a vulnerable spot. It made him gag and choke for air that she barely allowed him to get. She leaned down. Long, thick, red tipped tresses tickling his chest when they touched. A predatory, throaty snarl ripped out of her with a claim.
If he didn’t feel as terrified of dying in this moment from her, he would’ve been so incredibly horny then. Instead, he watched her closely as she stayed above him, seconds away from either killing him or just teaching him a lesson.
One of her massive hands that dwarfed his own, snatched a mandible. The female pulled him up and forced his neck at an awkward, strained angle. “Ooman is mine!” she snapped and tugged on the mandible. For a moment, he believed she was going to break it off. The Yautja released her hold on him and stepped away. He finally was able to breath in a lungful of air.
The female walked over to the ooman and left him to his storm of thoughts. If all females were like this, he’ll need some time to prepare for the upcoming mating season. Paya, bless him.
After the first sound of commotion, you had watched the whole thing through. By God, she didn’t help your situation at all. The dirty thoughts that plagued your mind were an indication of what Gawtin does to you. She made it worse as she strode over to you, plucked you from the ground, and forced you to wrap your legs around her. Well, the best you could with how wide they were.
Gawtin threaded her fingers through your hair and pulled on the strands. Your throat was left to be completely exposed to her. Sharp teeth mindfully pierced the fragile skin that lined the column of your throat. The muscles that lined your legs clenched around you, hips accidentally jutting against her. Pleasure sparking to life.
Curse words were swirling inside of your head, unable to escape. Blood pooled into drops from the newly created wound. A pink, spilt tongue was quick to lick it up. Gawtin purred heavily at the taste and kept you exposed for her to steal more. As she did, her purple eyes found the male she had pinned earlier watching. Not a sound or a move was made as she just stared. The Yautja’s eyes darted away. He had learned his lesson.
This was her ooman.
A massive hand shoved you firmly against the edge of the counter. In reaction, you yelped at the sudden movement. Then, a sturdy body pressed into your backside and kept you trapped. Immediately, you knew who it was, felt the familiar heat roll of her form, heard a husky growl filling your ear.
It hadn’t been long after the two of you arrived back home. Gawtin had made a pit stop to good ol’ Bziut-ty’s and little Qui-oky had been dropped off. Bziut-ty had said something to her sister in Yautja. It was far too hush-hush for you to understand. You were also high strung after her display earlier. That hadn’t gone away as you stayed still for Gawtin as she had you pinned.
Embarrassingly enough, you felt yourself clench around nothing. More slick drenched your underwear. You felt the predator behind you tense, chest expanding to take in more air to smell you. Gawtin hunched over you and forced your body further up the counter.
The floor left the bottom of your feet. The edge of the tile counter bit into your waist yet not in an uncomfortable way.
Fingers curled into your waist band and pulled. One simple move tore your clothing from your body. They were thrown off to the side. That same hand grasped the back of your knee and tugged up that leg. Gawtin had your thigh pressed into your side, cunt more exposed for her.
Before continuing with you, she stood up. Barely a second passed and you were turning your head to see her undress herself. Every piece of clothing removed to expose her perfectly formed frame that has borne many children. A feat that had you swooning for her even more. So breathtaking.
A new thought entered your mind. It had you acting it out before Gawtin could pin you back down. Yet, the moment you started to shift around, a mighty hand was placed on your spine and had you restrained. “Gawtin, I want to see you,” you explained with a pathetic whine, filled with hunger for her. She was hesitant before removing her palm, fingers featherlight as they traveled down. They skimmed over the swell of your butt cheeks and fell away.
Now, with a new opportunity, you were able to twist around on the counter. Gawtin’s naked body stood before you in all of her glory, muscles twitching as she eyed you. Your eyes drifted down, admiring every mark and scar that decorated her. Until you noticed something that wasn’t part of her. You bit at your bottom lip and almost tore at the skin there.
Her bottom mandibles twitched before she lunged.
You groaned at the added weight she carefully placed upon your small frame. Gawtin was fit snug between your legs. The feel of something hard rubbed between your slick folds, coating itself for your benefit. Gawtin distracted you and nibbled on your shoulder. Scratches were created, red and irritated looking. You moaned and tilted your head back, exposing more to her in hopes she do more.
The move pulled on the newly clotted bite that she had created. You couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs around her waist.
“I will mark you up. So, no male will even think about getting close to you. You are my ooman. Mine to begin with. Mine to pauk. Mine to please. Mine to mark,” she stated with no room for arguing. Not that you would. What she had said was the truth. Gawtin licked a stripe up from the crook of your neck towards your chin. That’s where she let a lower mandible pressed into the sensitive skin there. Not yet piercing there.
“He could smell you. Smell your honeyed scent fill the air around you.” It took you a moment to process what she said and even longer to connect the dots. She had wanted you to go with her out there. Of course, you were more than willing to go.
She nipped particularly hard at the back of your neck. “Ah! Fuck… you wanted to t-tease them. DI-hm. Didn’t you?” you questioned but already knew the answer. An easy read about her.
A hand shimmed its way between your two bodies and cupped your breast. “What I wanted was to pin you down in front of that male and mate you. No one would dare get close to you again.” God, she was so hot when she talked like that. Your cunt throbbed emptily. In the moment, you would’ve probably let her. But you would have to test that when sober and horny.
Sharp nails teased your nipples. With Gawtin pressing her body into you, you couldn’t arch your back. You couldn’t handle it anymore. “Stop teasing me, Gawtin. I need you inside of me,” you demanded and squirmed underneath her.
Talons bit into the flesh around your breast. This time, her teeth sunk into your flesh and drew a pitiful cry from your lips. Both of your hands came to scratch down her back, leaving nothing in their wake.
Gawtin pulled back to admire her work and watched as red blood pooled at the new wound and dripped down on to the counter. The Yautja leaned back down licked along the marks. Iron met her tongue. She groaned from deep in her chest, eyes hooded over.
Your hands slid down to her hips where the harness rested and pulled. The predator didn’t more an inch. Yet, Gawtin’s gaze snapped to you, eyes pinned down on you. You knew she wouldn’t feel this. It didn’t stop you from grasping the thick, textured, long dildo attached to the harness. The silicone like material was slippery as you stroked it.
“You are a needy little ooman, are you not?” she whispered into your ear, tongue licking the shell. Gawtin let her right hand drift down the length of torso; nails scratching along the way, making you wiggle and writhe. She moved your hand out of the way before letting her two middle fingers tease your entrance. Your back muscles tensed as you tried to arch off of the tile counter with little luck.
With those same two digits, she pushed into you. The sound it made had you burying your face into her neck. She let you. Her fingers – claws dull – curled once about two inches in. The pleasure that sprung to life had you gasping harshly and biting more at your lip. Gawtin started up a sawing motion, slow and mindful. Every three thrusts, she would stop to press her fingertips into that spot. The coordination and speed had you whimpering and keening, hips jutting to meet her. With a simple shift of her body, she had you trapped. You had to turn to different methods.
“Faster,” you begged and forcefully clenched your muscles around her digits. Gawtin listened. Her speed doubled yet she still took time to play with your g-spot.
It took you some time to finally feel the pressure building inside of you. It almost felt like an orgasm but not. At this point, it was far too late to warn her of the enviable as it hit you full force. You tried to curl in on yourself and buried your face into her neck. Gawtin didn’t stop, she refused to. Her fingers solely focused on your g-spot now until you begged her to stop. She did.
You sagged into the counter, legs falling away from her sides and head resting on the tiles. Your eyes were heavily hooded over as you took a moment to breathe and gather your thoughts once more.
The Yautja above you pulled her hand from between your legs and lapped away at the sticky fluid that coated her fingers. You couldn’t help the whine that built up in your throat before biting once more at your lips. Gawtin leaned back down and placed her elbow back next to your head. “I know you smell divine when you are in heat but the taste… Paya, can’t save you from me.”
With that stated, Gawtin shifted her hips back. Her free arm snaked between your two bodies. The tip of the dildo pressed against your entrance for a moment. Then, she sinks it into you.
An overwhelming wave of emotions crashed into you. Your hands clawed at her back, not creating a mark. That didn’t stop Gawtin from pushing further and further into you. “You can take it, you’ve done it before,” Gawtin cooed softly into your ear. She went slow, careful. Every time she felt resistance, she pulled back to the tip and started all over again. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head as you panted heavily with whines and moans.
“Just a little more.” Then, Gawtin’s hips met yours in a soft clash. With that same free hand, she placed her palm below where your uterus would be and pushed with a bare fraction of her strength. Your muscles rippled down the length of the textured dildo pressing into your cervix. You couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping again. “How does that feel? Can you feel me deep inside of you?” she asked if you could coherently answer.
One look down at you was enough for Gawtin to pull her hips back, to the tip of the dildo and shoving it deep. You desperate, filthy noise released from your throat, echoing back down at you. And she didn’t stop. Deep, fast, and punishing.
Each slap of her hips created ripples down your thighs. Red skin appeared instantaneously with each stinging thrust. Gawtin, the goddess herself, had you singing her name in broken syllables. “Good! So good. Shit, I- You’re so deep!” you sobbed and babbled.
The texture was dragging across your g-spot with each move. Gawtin moved her hand to have a thumb resting on the hood of your clit. The pressure alone had your muscles throbbing. Then, she started to softly rub the callous pad of her thumb.
Fireworks exploding inside of you without warning. A scream entered the air and bared back down on you. But you were already deaf, white noise filling your ears. Nothing blocked your view of Gawtin hunched over you, mandibles twitching with unspoken words. Her tongue darting out quickly tasting the air. The next moment, her head darted down out of the corner of your sight. Pain pulsed in heady waves. Her hips still pounding into you without any indication of stopping, even as your high started to faded.
You weren’t given a moment to rest as Gawtin straightened her back to tower over you. Red coated her inner teeth. This freed up her other hand which was quick to wrap around your throat. It was the only thing keeping you from crashing into the wall behind you.
She continued to rub at your clit, keeping the same pace as before. Every few swipes though, she would press down hard. It sent a shockwave of pleasure up your spine and to the tips of your fingers and toes. You mewled, toes curling and knuckles turning white.
All you could see through the tears beginning to pool was someone passionate about you. Every slap of her hips had you blabbering for either more or for her to stop. In the moment, you couldn’t tell. And it didn’t matter. She was all you needed right now.
Your pussy was still throbbing from the earthshattering orgasm earlier when you felt the tall tale signs of another one. Words fumbled from your loose lips, unable to form anything worth listening to. In all honesty, she looked to be smirking down at you. Your hands – unable to reach for her – claws pathetically at the tiles underneath you. Nothing gave you purchase for what was soon to hit you worse than a planet.
The noises that pierced because of you grew in pitch again. Your chest heaved quicker and quicker, the air whistling from your nose. You were switching from breathing through your nose and mouth. Anyway to quiet your sounds just hare. Gawtin wasn’t having any of that. Why else would the window close by open?
The Yautja’s hand pinched the side of your neck tighter, restricting blood flow to your brain. All thoughts of staying a minute of modesty were thrown out and forgotten. Your sounds grew and grew with each pound of her powerful hips. She could feel how wet you were as it coated her waist and thighs thickly. She softly trilled at the knowledge she and the kitchen will smell like you for the days to come.
With all the signs of your end nearing, the massive alien leaned back down. “You are mine, ooman. Mine!” She emphasize with a few particularly hard and deep thrusts that rubbed perfectly against your g-spot. “Mine to pauk. Mine play with. Mine to care for! All. Pauk-de. Mine!”
As she saw your eyes permanently roll into the back of your head, she lunged once more. Her teeth harshly sink into your soft, malleable flesh. The sharp talons on the hand around your throat scratched and drew more blood. A mess to be cleaned up later.
You screamed out again, voice hoarser this time, cracking at times. All of your muscles contracting as you were hit with a breath taking, shockwave filled orgasm that touch you to your soul. Your hands were desperately claws at tough scales, doing little to even cause discomfort. The muscles that made up your cunt pulsed with each beat of your heart. So strong, it felt like you were on the verge of pushing her out of you. Or trying to pull her impossibly deeper inside of you.
Once the fall began to happen, your body went completely lax in her hold. Your arms were strewn out to your sides, legs hanging helplessly over the edge of the counter. It was only her keeping you up, from slipping to the floor in bile of a boneless body.
Gawtin kept snug inside of you and let the last of the aftershocks faded away. Afterwards, the soaked dildo was pulled free. You keened, body trembling. It dripped heavily with your sticky, thick fluids. Your goddess pulled at the harness until it became loose and tossed into the skin nearby. It would be cleaned, but she had more important things to worry about now.
Two strong, firm arms scooped up your thighs and threw them over her shoulders. You didn’t have even the energy to make a noise of question on what she was doing. Until her long tongue lick up between your rubbed raw folds. You cried out. A hand shaking as you reached out to claws desperately at her. You didn’t have enough strength and let it fall away, boneless.
That same tongue drifted over your clit and sent an overstimulation wave of pleasure throughout your body. Your hips squirmed. Gawtin kept a steel hold on your thighs and started to feast upon you.
Each swipe of her tongue had you pathetically crying out with tears staining your face. “This pussy is mine.” Lick. “Your ass is mine.” Another lick. “Your heart is mine.” Her tongue pushed into your soaked cunt to scoop out what she could get. “Your body is mine.” She dove into you again. The muscle rolled against your g-spot.
Fluid squirted out to cover the dome of her head. Gawtin snarled and plunged back into you with a passion you’ve never seen before. You continuous sobbed out incoherent words. She didn’t stop until you were licked clean.
She scooped you off of the counter and held you to her body protectively. One arm underneath your knees while the other was across your back. In this position, she carried you to the bedroom and set you down in the sea of pelts and blankets. All collected by her. For you.
Fingers danced over the cuts and bites that marred the skin on your shoulders and neck. You drew in a sharp breath with your eyes closed. Some of Gawtin’s tresses rested on your chest or rolled off of your body as she leaned down. Her tongue cleaned over the wounds before she pulled away a couple of minutes later.
Your eyes finally opened. A knowing look thrown carelessly up at her. Gawtin caressed your cheek with a thumb. “I won’t apologize for marking you up, everyone should know you’re taken,” she determined.
An airy snort escaped you. You couldn’t your eyes rolling because of her. “I-I won’t ex-pect you to, love,” your voice cracked, dried and scratched from screaming. You attempted to swallow any saliva down to help.
“Good.” Gawtin stood up gracefully, as if she didn’t just pound you into next week. Her hips swayed as she strode away from you. Your eyes fully watching that naked ass jiggle with each step. God, you’re just as bad a man.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year ago
first of all I absolutely love your work honestly it is amazing!! And that last gawtin ask hurtttttt I was wondering if you could make a part two? If you want to of course maybe communication saves the day? I hope you have a good day!
Argument with Gawtin Part 2
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2276
Summary: For hours, you stay in your art room, sobbing away the time until the tears run dry. Now, it's the time to figure out what to do. You don't want to leave, you never want to leave Gawtin or Qui'oky. They're your family. You'll find a way to fix this or die trying.
Author Note: Communication in relationships are incredibly important! Here, it does save the day. Thank you so much! It hurt me too to write it because I hate conflict and to have my favorite pair fight...
Part 1
Once the tear ran dry and left stick, crusty lines down the lengths of your cheeks, you picked your head up enough and looked around. The space was the same, empty and void of Gawtin. Old paintings and drawings covered the walls from floor to ceiling, making this place yours. A room that the green Yautja had given to you. She done so much for you.
An ache started behind your sternum as you hung your head in shame again, unable to cry again. In an instant, you shoved it back into her face while flipping the middle finger at her. You sat up in your desk chair, chin level. You had to fix this. You wouldn’t let her go, wouldn’t let this go. Not her love, the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted before. The two of you were meant to be together, no matter who or what said otherwise.
How would you show how sorry you are though? You glance around the room. It’s not like you’re a hunter like her. You couldn’t bring how creature five times your size. No, you were her artist. You wield pencils, not knives.
What could you make? Something she could understand in her own culture, something that would be of great value. Then, you shook your head. No, if it came from you, it’ll be enough. You dipped your head.
A newfound determination filled your veins. You stood up abruptly and walked towards the only exit. Once you’ve reached the door though, you paused before hitting the button to open it. What if she was out there? You couldn’t just ignore her and walk out. That would be incredibly rude and inconsiderate of Gawtin. Well, you’ll cross that bridge if you reached it.
All was quiet and dark in the main room of her hut. Your shoulders sagged both in relief and disappointment. Where had she gone? Qui’oky wasn’t here, meaning he had to be with his mother. She wouldn’t leave him to his lonesome.
You left the safety of your art room. The door sliding close behind you. The floorboards barely made complaints as you walked over to the front door. A satchel hung off your shoulders, a knife sitting in one of the pockets. Not much more than for cutting stems rather than the throats of animals that could consume you whole. In another pocket sat a device similar to a GPS and could lead you back home.
So be it. You wanted to show you cared about her, that you truly did. An argument would not ruin everything you’ve built with her. You wouldn’t let it, no matter how much you wanted to take the next flight off this planet. This was your home.
Out the door you went. Cool, humid air smack you straight in the face. It was far better than the burning binary suns that would bore down on your skin during the day. You braved your way through the humidity and started a path in a random direction. You let your heart led the way.
For a few miles, you traversed with little thoughts of where to go. Only thing that filled your mind was the flashbacks of the argument. The skin of your bottom lip had been worn down till the taste of blood, an action you couldn’t help. Not when Gawtin’s voice echoed in your head to go home. You wished you had said this was your home.
And it was. You belonged at her side, holding her hand with Qui’oky perched on your hip. This was your family, you were going to fight tooth and nail for it.
A gut feeling told you to stop. For a moment, you prayed it wasn’t an instinct you were being hunted. The hairs along your neck never raised. You relaxed and scanned the surrounding area until a feeling drew you towards your right. A feeling you followed until you found a shiny rock. The colors that matched the same hue as Gawtin’s dark, forest green. It was slipped into the main pocket and sealed off from the world it once sat in.
For what was probably hours, you continued to do this even after the yawn broke across you face. When your satchel began to dig into your shoulder uncomfortably, you called it a night.
Flowers, tied together with a thin string were held in one of your hands. The other held onto the GPS tracker, helping you to trek in the right direction home. You couldn’t believe you had found yourself five miles away from the hut. The walk back would take you forever especially with how the terrain was. This is a jungle that ranged from steep mountains to gushing rivers. A few rocks had been picked up from the riverbeds and snuck their way into your satchel as well.
Though it took at least another three hours to return home, the two suns beginning to peek through the trees, you made it. Your clothes were soaked through with sticky sweat. Hunger twisted your gut with each desperate call for food. You were smart enough to have a waterskin attached to your satchel so you didn’t perish from dehydration that far from home.
The familiar forest green roof/walls met your vision as you pushed through the thickest part of the foliage that surrounded the cottage. Home. You smiled in relief and trudged up to the door. Without even thinking, too exhausted to even think up thoughts, you pushed your way into the home. Gawtin still wasn’t home. You huffed and entered your art room.
Your satchel’s contents was dumped onto tabletop. The flowers were untied ands laid out as well. It may all look like junk you’ve picked up from the jungle’s floor, but to you, it was unmade art. All it was needing was to be pieced together, like a puzzle. You had the hands to do it.
Like the artist the whole town knew you as, you began to piece what items could go together. Even with the need to collapse and sleep for ten hours straight pulled at your mind, you pushed through.
When you grew irritated when some pieces didn’t want to fit with one another, you set it off to the side and looked at the flowers. All of them had long stems, perfect for what you wanted to do. You had also grabbed a lot, possibly too many but you didn’t want to trek all the way back out there and get more.
Covered in dirt, your hands began to weave the stems carefully with one another. A pattern you had pulled up on a tablet Gawtin had given you long ago. On the screen, it looked ease to follow but grew harder with each newly added stem. At times, you were ready to rip it apart and set it on fire. Somehow, you soldiered through and finally finished the piece.
It was far too large to sit upon your head, which was exactly what you were aiming for. You didn’t have any measurements for Gawtin’s head and only estimated on her size. Not like she was home for you to measure without her growing suspicious in the first place.
Now feeling better at the fact you finished one of the projects, you moved back towards the mess of rocks and wires on the other side of your desk.
Almost a year ago, you had given Gawtin a necklace you had specifically went out to the market for. That led you into a mess of going from one vendor to another before getting captured in the end. Gawtin had to save you from the trouble but she was never mad. She expressed that after she got you to the safety of the hut.
Everyday, she wears that necklace. A sign of either pride or love, maybe even both. But you loved it and it seemed like Gawtin did too. Now, you were designing two bracelets. Either for both arms or one. Whatever she choose to do with them was up to her.
Back in the seat of your desk chair, you sat crisscross and stared upon the rocks once more. Ideas flowed freely inside of your mind, anything for this to work.
With these being on her wrist, they had to be incredibly durable. Once a hunter, always hunter. They would be put under great distress due to her everyday routine.
The wire used to keep the rocks secure was the strongest one you could find within a reasonable price and at the nearest market. Though, you used one of the young bloods to retrieve it for you for a small price. But, you had to use what you get your hands on without Gawtin knowing. You could be resourceful yourself.
You set to grueling work of designing a bracelet that could hopefully hold up to any added stress. A thick, durable band was used to tie the rocks to. The wire themselves were difficult to for around the rocks with no heat source to soften the metal. You did your best in the moment.
Before you on the wooden desk table, sat two bracelets, large in diameter but could also be tightened or loosen if need be. Again, you didn’t have her measurements on hand.
As a breath of relief left your lips, you heard the front door open then close. Even in the near dead silent house, you couldn’t pick up on the footsteps of the lumbering giant. Just one slab of metal kept the two of you away from each other.
Both of your hands began to shake. This was your one and only chance to fix this. You took in a lung filling inhale, leveled your chin, and grabbed your three items off of the desk. Your feet marched their way over to the door. It opened a second after you pressed the need button.
In the small kitchenette stood the goddess of your life. Qui’oky was at her feet and holding onto his mother’s leg. But when he saw you exit the art room, he made a noise of excitement and waddled over to you. You bend down and scooped him off of the ground. He would’ve climbed you to get into your arms if you hadn’t. You couldn’t wait for him to get older…
Timidly, you stepped over into the edge of the kitchen, eyes pointing downwards at the ground. A submissive position you hoped would be please her.
“Gawtin,” you called out softly then picked up your gaze to find her purple eyes already on you. She was lax but not letting a single ounce of emotion fall through any cracks of features. “I’m-I’m sorry. I want to start off by apologizing.”
Qui’oky grew too heavy for you to hold and got in the way. You put him back down, hoping he would loss interest in you for the moment. The prayer was answered.
The items in your hands were offered to Gawtin. The flower crown held out first. “I don’t know what way you guys apologize so I did my best. I was out all night and searched for the best because that’s all you deserve. I should’ve never said those things to you. This is my home. I want to be here. You never took me, I wanted to come with you.”
The bracelets were shown to Gawtin next. “And… and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else besides here, with you. I love you so damn much. More than I could ever speak or gift to you. You are my family and so is he.” You fall to your knees and clutched the gifts in your hands as if you where praying. “Forgive me, please. I don’t want to leave. Please, let me stay. With you.”
It was only a small crack at first. The twitch of her gem studded brow before her walls came crashing down. Gawtin knelt down in front of you and wrapped her arms around you.
“I must apologize as well. I apologize for mocking you, for telling you to leave. This is your home. You belong with me, with us,” Gawtin whispered, voice rumbling deep in her throat as she held you close to her warm body. “I do not have excuses. I should have not taken my pent up anger out on you. That is my fault. A mistake I will not make again.”
Being in her arms was the best thing you could ever ask for. You sagged against her and sobbed into her chest. New, fresh, hot tears ran new rivets down the length of your cheeks. You did your best to encase her torso with your arms but came up short. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you cried and held onto her as your lifeline. Because she is. She’s your lifeline.
Her massive hand ran up and down the length of your spine. “It is okay. Everything will be okay.”
An eternity passed until the muscles along Gawtin’s arms loosened up enough for you to pull back and look her in those beautiful purple eyes. She still kept you in her grasp, as if afraid you’ll disappeared. “Now, let me see what you have made for me, my little artist.”
In that moment, you knew everything was going to be fine. She was right. This was only a bump in the road you’ve gotten over. This is life. There will be more but as a power couple with your sweet child, you’ll make through it all. You smiled up at Gawtin through the blurry tears blocking your vision. Alien or not, you love her.
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years ago
Hi, can I have some fluff/comfort with a bit of angst please? I have a very bad memory and am quite an anxious person. Sometimes (quite often) not remembering something makes me paranoic. I would really love to get some comfort from a Yautja (male or female, can be a specific like Gawtin or Vic'tao). Thanks!
Pairing: Gawtin x GN!Reader
Word Count: 3688
Summary: No matter what you do, you lose something. A pencil you just had eyes on. It's gone. You get up to eat and fill up your bottles. The moment you step out of the room, the thought has been plucked from your mind. Beyond everything, you are growing with frustration. It's starting to pile up.
Author Note: I'm sooooo sorry this took so long to get to. Work has pushed my hours past what I want lately (not that I'm complaining about hours, never). It just leaves with no energy or time to write or have freetime. I will be keeping my asks closed for a little longer. I have a couple personal projects I need to finish first.
P.s. Thank you so much for letting me do Gawtin. I love writing about her!
This is not beta read, sorry!
One step into the kitchen and the thought on your mind was plucked out. All you could do was staring blankly at the wooden floors. Thoughts were running wild inside of your brain. What were you doing? There was a reason you had come to kitchen. What was it? You chewed at your bottom and tasted blood. Crap, you had torn open the newly scabbed wound.
Your fingers started to twitch, buzzing with energy. With a disappointed shake of your head, you pivoted back around and marched back towards the extra bedroom. Your art room. Gawtin had gifted it to you when the supplies she had been collecting were piling up. You had felt bad for taking up more of her space in her own home. Gawtin wouldn’t let that pass though, stating this was your space as much as hers. All she wants in ‘return’ was to watch you work sometimes.
Gawtin liked to reference watching T.V. on earth. You retorted with the fact it must be a boring show to observe. She never complained. The amazement in her eyes at each stroke of your pencil or brush made you blush.
Art colorful and bland covered the walls. Some painted, others sketches. The last little bit were colored with pencils. That’s a skill you still struggled and didn’t like to put up those finished ones yet. They weren’t up to your standards.
At this point, you had even forgotten that you had forgotten what you were originally doing before leaving here. You sat heavily down in your chair once more and set down your water bottle. It squeaked underneath your weight but stayed sturdy. Another present from Gawtin, the goddess herself.
Said yautja had left earlier, closely after the morning sun had breached the horizon. Rosy, soft fingers spreading out on the yellow-blue sky. Yautja Prime vastly different than earth. Even when the sun fell below and hid away for countless hours, the forest produced a sweating heat during this season. You’ve come to feel a frustrated anger for the hot season. You weren’t built for this weather, no matter where you lived before.
Being human could have it perks out in the universe. When it came to adapting, you did that well. A biting cold, a jacket would do you good. This heat though. A swim in the lake nearby could cool you, if it wasn’t for your ankles getting bitten off a danger. Come to Yautja Prime where everything wanted to kill you and more!
Don’t kid yourself though. Yautja Prime was extraordinary in its own way. It’s not as diverse to biomes as earth. It holds a constant warm climate over everyone, gripping it in a tight grasp. The humidity was horrible. You’ve taken a trip to Hawaii before. This didn’t compare to that. In the end you wouldn’t trade being here than being back on your planet.
Your stomach growled and twisted. Hungry? How were you hungry? When was the-you were going to the kitchen for food! And to fill up on your water bottle. How in the world were you alive at this point with forgetting things like that? Important things as well.
Some days you wondered if Gawtin truly likes you or a small part of her thundering heart pities you. Maybe she thinks of you like Qui? Small, frail, weak. Nothing more, just to protect you from the harsh world you live in. Well, now it was the universe. You shook your head though to clear those thoughts and stood up from the chair. The once discard bottle returned your hand.
The kitchen was midsize. It fit well in Gawtin’s dwelling. Not too big nor too small. A portion had been changed to fit for more variety for yourself. You smiled at the reminder of how much she loved you before going to the fridge for water.
Unlike Gawtin herself, you’re unable to drink straight from the spring nearby. You learned that the first few days you were here. Never. Again. That was one day you wished to perish to the depths of hell and never come back. Worst of all, it was embarrassing. Right in front of Gawtin. But like the steady Yautja she is, she didn’t waver. She just fretted over you, questioning what had happened. One day you hate to recall.
So, Gawtin retrieved a water purifier just for you. It’s design similar to those back home. Praise the lord. You filled up the metal bottle you had and scanned through the fridge. The goddess herself hadn’t let you know when she would return. It couldn’t be long since she left Qui for a nap. She trusted you to care for the child but knew it could overwhelm you at points. God, you loved that alien so much.
The door was closed with your hip once an assortment of berries in a bowl had been chosen. Nothing poisonous, that you’ve learned of yet. You strolled back towards the art room when you heard the front door slide open.
Instinctually, you twirled around to face the known form at the door. There, in all of her glory, stood Gawtin. Not a thing was out of place on her. Perfect, as always. “Hey, love!” you greeted and changed your path to move towards her. Said alien moved into the dwelling and spread her out.
If you were Yautja, you would take offence at the dominate display. You weren’t though. You bounded over to her and embraced her. Gawtin returned not a second later the action and purred. “It is good to see you, artful one,” she said, voice vibrating with her purrs. She gave one last squeeze then released you. “Hmm, those a good choice for a snack.”
That sparked an idea inside of you cranum. You plucked one of the berries from the bowl and held it up to her. With a skill that takes years to master, she pinches the round fruit from your hands and eats it. How she is able to do that? You have no clue.
The pencil. Gone. Poof! Where had it gone? One moment it was in your hands. The next, gone from sight and mind. You had just set it down. It had to be right here, on your desk. You had set it down for one second to grab something else. Now it was gone. A groan vibrated your ribcage as you slid down awkwardly in the comfortable chair.
Why does this happen to you? It keeps happening too. One day… it’s going to escalate. One day, it’s going to be a damn pencil. The next, the child. Said child was more than happy on his spot next to you.
Similar to a cat, you created a blanket nest he loves to curl up in and watch you. Those eyes, just like his father, observed every move made. Maybe one day, he’ll have a little artistic side like yourself. It’ll be overpowered by his mother’s side of hunting and learning to survive. But one day, you would love to see what can create with his hands.
Qui clicked something, small mandibles tapping one another. This drew your attention fully down to him, painting, food, and water discarded. “Wassup, kiddo?” you questioned. He was you responsibility for the moment. His mother placed that into your hands to care for him. Plus, a tiny part of your brain saw him as your own kid. You won’t bring that up, ever. You don’t want to confuse or ruin the little family you had going on here.
All he did in response was garble baby talk at you. You snorted with a shake of your head, unable to understand a lick of what he had said. Almost two years of learning of Yautja for yourself and it did nothing to save you in this situation. “Okay then. Have you seen my pencil though? It has decided to disappear.”
Those big eyes of his stare deep into your soul. Hmm, right. No translator either for him. He has listened to you and Gawtin speak in English, but he first needs to learn Yautja. You made motion with your hands as if you were drawing or writing. This seemed to connect the dots inside of his head. Qui-oky brough up a stubby hand to the side of his head and patted. This confused you. Well, you should save, you must’ve puzzled the child with the motion.
When you seemed to not understand him, he reinforced the patting then pointed past you, by your head. Dumbfounded, you turned to see what Qui was motioning towards. As you turned, he screeched with frustration. Your head whipped back down to him, brows heavily furrowed. What in the world?! You’ve only heard him make that noise twice.
With a grumble, the kid stood up on wobbly legs and stumbled over to you. His tiny hands grasped at the clothing on your legs and pulled. It took you a moment to realize he wanted up. You helped him in your lap. Qui unsteadily stood up and tugged on something tucked on top of your ear. That’s when it hit you, hard.
The pencil. It was right there. The whole time. Your lips pressed together as you chewed at the inside of your cheek. With all of your efforts, you were able to stop tears from springing to life.
Qui held the pencil in front of you with a knowing look that you easily read: ‘I was trying to tell you this whole time’. Out of the years of your life, this was one of the most embarrassing times you have ever experienced. A heavy, hot blush raced up from your neck, all the way to the tips of you ears. “Th-thanks, Qui,” you mumbled and grasped the pencil.
Once he believed you could be left with the pencil, he carefully clambered down. The small Yautja returned to his blanket bed and pulled a pelt over him.
It left you stumbling about with your trembling emotions. In the moment, all you could do was peer at the piece of wood and graphite in your shaking hand. How could you fail so hard with simple tasks? Every. Single. Day.
Forgetting to eat. A normal person wouldn’t do that. Or drinking. How could anyone forget to do that? You. You could. An object gets placed down, for just a second and its lost to the voids of the universe. Like this damn pencil. But that’s not all you’ve lost and found – or not. Canvases, brushes, paint, books, etc. The list could go on and on and on.
Your bottom lip wobble. Your eyes burned. No! You weren’t going to cry. You’re stronger than that. Get over it. Any words of encouragement you gave to yourself wasn’t working. With a push harder than you meant to you, you stood up from your chair and marched out of the room. Moving was good. It helped you work out buzzing nerves.
In most cases.
Not this time.
It felt like moving just made your shaking worse. Why was it so hard to remember things? Such a simple thing part of human life and you can fucking do that. And the kid. You fully heartily knew he didn’t mean any harm but it pushed you over the edge.
All of this was piling over the course the day. Probably the course of the month. This had been getting worse lately. For what reason, you had no clue. It kept nagging at you each time you had remembered what had been forgotten. Such a failure. What was Gawtin thinking when she had to help or see you like this? Forgetting easy things around the house. A cup left in the wrong place. A pelt tucked away somewhere you never had put it.
The front door slides open. Your pacing – one creating a hole into the ground – stopped at the sound. Your head whipped to find the goddess in green standing in the doorway. Those vibrant purple eyes already locked onto the moment she was revealed. Your heart stuttered at the sight of her, haloed by the bright, harsh sun that beats down on this planet.
Her predatory eyes softened. It was like she could read your mind and emotions. She knew what was happening before she even saw you. Her long bottom mandibles clicked against one another, nothing of words. “Tressure.” You don’t know what happened but you flinched as if Gawtin had raised a threatening paw. Your shoulders drew up, face twisted with fear. Why? You had no answer.
A sound you’ve never made heard her make pierced through the tense air. She had whined. Not even when the two of you had sex, has she ever made that noise. You kept that pathetic position, unable to look your lover in the eye. How could you? You were a failure at the most easiest things that you human. Can’t do anything right with your life.
“I’m sorry,” you squeaked and played with the hem of your shirt. It was pointless to hold back a dam worth of tears. The walls crumbling underneath the weight. Tears poured down your face and dropped onto the tile floor. “I’m sorry.” It’s all you could say.
The air shifted with movement. Carefully placed steps stalked their way over to you before stopping right in front of you. There was no other person besides her.
Pads of well worn fingers softly scrapped against the skin of your cheek. You fought against her, not wanting her to see the shame and embarrassment that painted your face. Gawtin always won.
With your eyes still closed -not daring to look her in the eye, you easily felt that heavy, piercing gaze settled on you. The course scaled on her thumb grazed the length of your cheek bone. It felt like it slowly softening you up, coaxing you to open up for the goddess.
And it was working.
“My artist, look at me,” she gently demanded of you. The last of your resistance flowed from your veins, vanished with her words. Kind eyes filled with love and concern peered closely at you. Your heart and breath quickening at first. A dreadful fear filling your body from head to toe. An unreasonable reaction to your goddess in green.
“There you are. What is the matter?” she questioned, usually gruff voice quieted with her demeanor. Your eyes darted away, finding anything and everything to look at. Gawtin’s other massive paw joined on the other side of your face. You sagged into the feeling, relishing in the comfort that settled into your bones. It fought against the terror in your veins. “My ooman, I need you to tell me your problems. I will requifiy them.”
By the grace of god, you loved her so fucking much. Her words soothed over you like a warm shower, washing away every bad feeling inside of you. “I-I,” you take a deep breath in, hold it, then released it. “I can’t do anything right,” you finally relented, letting your greatest fault be known to her. Not that she didn’t know already.
This took the Yautja by surprise. She jerked her head back, trinkets and jewelry attached to her tresses slapping against her back and chest. Her mandibles spread out in displeasure. Then, Gawtin started to push at you, crowding you with her massive body towering over you. Soon, your back met the wall, pressed up against with some of Gawtin’s weight.
“No.” Stern. Firm. There was no arguing with the tone she used. One, a mother would use on their child. “Do. Not. Say. That.”
Heartbreak. Gawtin felt a whirlwind of emotions sweep through her body. Yet, her main focus was settled on you. Always on you. She desperately needed to know why you were thinking that way. What had happened while she was gone and fix it. She couldn’t bare to see you like this, broken and upset.
You kept your mouth shut, closed without a sound. Your eyes set on her only. It was fear that paralyzed you once more but not because of her. Never because of her. You don’t know why you were scared but it held you in a tight grip, unable to move or make a noise. It left you trembling in her hold, pressed against the cool wall.
“Why do you think that?” First, assess the situation. Figure out the roots of the problem and work your way up. It broke her mighty heart to see you like this, shaking worse than a leaf. You bit at your bottom lip, kneading it between dull teeth. “You know you can tell me anything, tressure.”
From the bottom of your heart, you desperately knew that. All the time. She was here for you. Caring and keeping an eye on you. “I… things. I can’t remember where I put things. I set it down and poof, it’s gone forever. Why do you keep me around if I can-“ a course palm settled over your lips, silencing you from saying anymore.
“I bear my heart to you,” she said and ended with your name. That caught your attention. She rarely says it. It was always terms of endearment or others. “I adore having you around. It feels lonely, empty in my heart when you are not nearby. I ache for your presence. Do you understand?” Gawtin removed her hand from your mouth to let you speak.
With a drop of hesitance entering your veins, you dipped your head. “That is my answer. You’re my answer to everything, artful one. You color my life with your love, making me realize that I need you. Forever.” Your bottom lip wobbled again, fresh tears filling your eyes. Her words… They way she spoke. How can she just say that?
“Would you like for me to make an appointment for a healer? They could find solutions to the reason on why you forget so much. And, my ooman, it is okay to forget things. Please don’t get frustrated with yourself. Come to me and we can figure it out. Together.” Gawtin backed off, relenting the pressure that pressed you into the wall. “It is okay to be okay.”
And that’s all you needed to hear.
Tears flowed freely down the length of your cheeks before dropping down to the floor. Gawtin used her thumbs to wipe away a majority of the salty water. “What would you like to do, artful one,” she questioned, voice continuing to low and soft. It felt like it was a brush soothing over the shell of your ear.
“I really want to cuddle, right now,” you answered, eyes darting to the side.
Gawtin dipped her head, thick tresses swaying with the movement. “We can more than happily do that. Let me grab Qui. Then we can cuddle out on the couch,” Gawtin explained and pulled almost fully away from you. Her warmth stolen by the goddess herself.
Your eyes widened. The kid. Qui! Shit, you’ve… forgotten. You are supposed to be watching over him, like a parent. How co- Gawtin nuzzled her temple against yours. Without words, she knew what you needed at the moment. All she needed to do was read your face and bring you from that mindset once more. She grabs at one of your hands and engulfs it with her own.
The tension that clawed through your shoulders was released, falling away like rain. Gawtin began to purr and kissed with her mandibles folded in on the back of your hand. “Qui-oky?” Then she clicked something in Yautja at the child.
Pitter-patter of bare feet slapped against the wooden floors. At the sound, an amused smile graced your chewed lips. Qui appeared in the doorway. Without stopping, he ran all the way to his mother and latched onto her leg. Yautja tumbled from his small mandibles. To you, it sounded all like baby talk. Not a word understood with yourself.
Gawtin bent down, scoop the child off of the ground, and held him in her arms. Qui leaned over to you and plucked something tucked on top of your ear. It was your pencil. He held it to you, in a similar manner compared to earlier. You pressed your lips together and took it back. “Thanks, kiddo.” Your usually soft voice towards him had turned dead. Just another reminder on how you couldn’t function like a normal person.
Out of nowhere, Gawtin grasped the pencil from him and tucked it into a pouch on her clothe belt. Her hand returned to swallow yours and tugged at you to follow her. Without complaint, you shadowed behind the behemoth that she is.
The three of you had settled on the expansive couch. Gawtin was the only one truly sitting on it. Qui had taken his spot between the two of you. You had taken roost on one of her thick, muscular thighs. Your legs straddling her own. You had snuggled underneath her chin, content with the warmth that radiated off of her heavily.
Qui-oky chose to bury himself on the same side as you into Gawtin’s side. She wouldn’t allow you to move either. The two of you stuck against her like this. Not that you were complaining.
A course finger ran up to the base of your skull before threading into your hair. You instantly sagged against her, eyes hooded over. “Good ooman,” she purred softly and scratched at your scalp carefully. Mmmm, that’s the spot. You knew she had to be mentally saying you’re so easy to mess with.
She kept you against her for an unknown amount of time. Nothing else mattered besides your little family. Each one of you had your issues, more than others. None of that mattered to any of you. Just the love that flowed in each of your veins and gulfed everyone.
You may have trouble remembering things. Misplaced items or something just disappearing out of thin air. What you will never forget is the fact that Gawtin and Qui love you with all of their hearts and more.
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years ago
Let’s eat Gawain out
Tasting Her
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x AFAB Reader
Warnings: Cunnilingus, oral sex (female recieving), dom!Gawtin, sub!reader, alien pussy, smut.
Word Count: 2942 (still not enough for our goddess)
Summary: Gawtin is extremely dominate. Even if you think you're in control, she controlling on what you do. This time is no different but it's well worth a try to get her to loosen up. You finally get to taste her.
Author Note: Fuck yes. Fucking yes. I've been waiting for this for so long. I have it in my writing prompts but I've been wanting someone to ask this. Thank you so much. I full heartily agree. I love her so much.
It took countless times of begging, pleading, using puppy dog eyes to get Gawtin to relent. The Yautja males weren’t kidding when they said she was very dominate and stubborn. That you’ve learned after the time you’ve spent with here on her planet.
Qui’oky was over at his Auntie’s, Bziut-ty, The poor child didn’t need to be here while you and his mother played with one another. You blushed at the thought as you walked away from Bziut-ty dwelling. She called out to you, “Tell Gaw I say to take it easy on you this time. You poor thing needs to walk.” Your lips pressed together at her words, eyes widening.
When the first time you and Gawtin learned about each other’s bodies and went to retrieve Qui, she smelled the scent of sex on you. A bath didn’t get rid of it for a couple days, according to Bziut-ty and Gawtin. At that moment, you wanted the planet to swallow you whole. Even the males avoided you, you had been marked by her as hers.
Your footsteps quickened to return home to Gawtin. Who was waiting. Who was waiting for you. For you. Fuck. The nerves were starting to eat you alive. It was accompanied by excitement for what’s to come though. This was the first time you’ve done this before. Book and research do help but it can do so much compared to physically learning. Your hands tremble at your sides. God, you can do this. Its just Gawtin. She’ll help, guide you. She won’t get mad. She’s never been mad at you. You are learning, there nothing to be angry about that.
Everything is going to be okay.
Gawtin lied back on the concave bed covered in furs, completely naked and open to you. You’ve seen her before like this. So exposed to you. Yet, your eyes were pinned to her toned body like you’ve never seen the Yautja before.
As a breastfeeding mother, her breasts were slightly enlarged for the time being. A little weight had been gained during pregnancy from what you’ve been told. Not that you could tell. She was still toned like a body builder. She knew this was something you liked and happily showed you her body at every chance.
Your eyes drifting down to her open legs, lips pressed together at the sight. This was your chance, your first time at this. You couldn’t mess up. Not now. Be confident. You can do this. You took a step forward. Gawtin started to purr, resting on an elbow and eyes zeroed on you. The next step, you tripped on air and fell to your knees.
Immediately, you scrambled back to your feet and rushed the rest of the way into the bed, still clothed. You were knelt between her open legs when a hand softly wrapped around your neck, eyes snapping up to her. “Nervous?” she quietly questioned, easily reading you like an open book. All you could do was nod. Even as you tried to dominate her, you were already falling back into the submissive person she loved to devour. So adorable. “It is alright, artful one. We learn together. Do not fret.”
Her voice was honey and worked like a medicine. Your tense shoulders slumped, body softening. “Good ooman. So good.” A yelp escaped from you. She knew how to mess with you, push all the right buttons. “Now, please me.” You dipped your head down confidently. Gawtin squeezed your throat before releasing.
Foreplay was a must for you when it came to her penetrating you. Lube was always in the nightstand nearby, but this was different. You wanted to make this feel good for her. She deserves it after all the times she’s pleased with little thought about herself. This was your one chance; you couldn’t mess up.
It was a little difficult to straddle her lower stomach and not put much weight on her. Your knees didn’t even meet the ground on either side of Gawtin. Her only free hand came up and rested on your spread thigh.
Your hands trembled as you reached out and cupped a lower mandible. The purr that rumbled vibrated from her skin up that limb. A sweaty palm drifted down to rest on the column of the predator’s throat; though your digits didn’t even reach the sides where an important artery sat. Her eyes immediately narrowed, body tensing underneath you. Your heart thumping wildly within its bony cage.
Instead of freezing as your form so desperately wanted to, you leaned down, eyes locked onto her before her jaw got in the way. Your tongue licked up a stripe then teeth softly latching onto the flesh there. The Yautja tensed underneath you, breaths becoming shallow. Her claws starting to bite into the muscle that made up your thighs. “Good girl,” you tested the waters, now hiding from her sharp gaze.
A keen broke the quiet afterwards. Your jaw dropped at the sound before a wicked, confident smirk graced your face. Perfect. Exactly what you wanted. This meant Gawtin was opening up to this. Letting loose of the reins so you can show her the pleasure she bestows on you in the heat of the moment.
This gave you what was needed to continue. Your tongue started at the base of her throat on the other side again, repeating the earlier actions.
This time, Gawtin’s hips thrusted up, knocking you further up her body by a little. If only you had the strength to pin them down. “Does that feel good, love?” you questioned, voice becoming raspy. Your heart rate increasing as you felt yourself dampen your underwear. But this wasn’t about you. There were more important things at hand.
A few more licks and bites was feeding into your confidence, making you cocky. After releasing her from your teeth, you straightened your spine to stare down at the goddess panting. Her purple irises were overtaken by the black pupils. Her mandibles were twitching with energy. God, she was striking like this. She had to let you do this more if she looked and act like this. The power was phenomenal.
In the start of the moment, you paused any sexual action to bring your hand back to her lower jaw. “You look so beautiful, Gawtin,” you whispered underneath your breath, barely heard to your own ears. This was Gawtin we’re talking about. She heard you alright.
Green flew across your sight. Something sturdy latched around the column of your throat and shoved you back. Once you were off of her, it tugged your head forward, straight towards her glistening vagina. She released her physical hold on you but her blazing eyes were pinned onto you.
You placed your hands on her thighs as if that’ll keep them open if she closed them. Gawtin purred at you, vibrations could be felt throughout her body. You eyed up her exposed vagina, trying to figure out a game plan. This was your first timenas the giver.
It was definitely alien. Three clitorises, ribbed folds. Alien looking but beautiful. And it would be your first time eating her out. You hoped not to disappoint her.
With a hesitant thumb, you placed it on the upper clit, eyes snapping up to Gawtin. Her reaction was just deepening her purr and eyes slightly hooded. That thumb slid down then back up, your eyes still watching as Gawtin’s mandibles tightened to her face. You continued to do that action.
The Yautja laid a hand over yours and helped guide you. “Like this, artful one.” The limb was twisted, thumb still nested on her three clits but the middle two digits were placed on her moist entrance. Yet, your thumb was used to swab a little of her slick then it was returned back to its former spot. “Light circles.” You followed her command to a T.
The purr deep within her chest grew louder, hips thrusting up just an inch. “Yes,” she hissed as you played with all three clits at the same time. When the slick dried up each time, you kept dipping your thumb back down for more. “Like that. Keep do that.”
Whatever she commanded, you listened. No matter what position the two of you were in, she was always dominant. Even if you thought yourself would be. It was in her nature and yours to be.  
As this continued in the same fashion, you grew hungry. You wanted a taste. This was what all this was about anyhow. She’s tasted you so many times before in different positions. Now, the opportunity has risen, and you were happily going to take it. With that, you leaned forward, hand twisting so your middle and ring finger were no longer in the way.
Your tongue flattened against the bottom of her entrance before dragging up. The taste and smell of Gawtin was striking. It wasn’t like anything you’ve ever had the chance to experience before. Your eyes narrowed. Gawtin keened again, stomach muscles flexing as she started to pant again. You were quick to go in for a second testing, tongue running over her three clits. This drew an actual moan from the alien before you.
Her gorgeous sound struck you deep within your core, your own clit throbbing. It was hidden beneath the layers of your clothing.
When you had to breath, not yet figuring out how to, “God, you taste delicious, love.” You dove back in for two more licks, letting your thumb play with her upper clit again. “Why didn’t you let me do this earlier?” you whined to her, burying your face back between her legs. By the gods, she should’ve given this opportunity to you ages ago.
The hands on her thighs switched to underneath them as if you could pull her closer. It was a hopefully action. Gawtin silently laughed at this but let you do what you wanted to. She wasn’t complaining at the feel of your tongue dipping between her folds. It wasn’t something she has ever felt before. Your words were completely truth. Maybe she should’ve let you do this more often when the opportunity appeared.
Then an idea came to your mind. When your tongue reached her upper clit, you paused then wrapped your soft lips around them. You sucked.
Gawtin keened, elbow failing to hold up her weight and back arching off the bed. Her deadly claws grasped at the pelts below, doing everything not to pull you closer and possibly injure you. Yet, the alien’s thick, powerful thighs locked around your head, completely trapping you. All sound blocked, leaving to just her taste and watch her back arch. You didn’t stop.
If you were to die, this was the way. You kept the same amount of pressure, unsure if sucking harder would over sensitize her. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt her. Everything was going good. Then you realized something worrying.
Your lungs were burning for oxygen.
But the way she looked so pretty and enticing. How could you be the monster to take that away from her? The beauty of her back arched, hands clawing for purchase, and the sound she made. Fuck, you wished she made more noises when she fucked you into the bed, marking you up for the males to know who you belong to.
The need overcame you though. It was instinct. You released the suction on her up clit. Gawtin’s thighs fell away from you. You were swift to pull back, lips glisten and puffy, drool dripping down your chin. Or was it Gawtin’s slick?
Shallow, rapid breaths filled up your lungs with air. Yet, your eyes were pinned down at the alien. Her eyes closed, chest doing the same as yours. Your gaze drifted down to find that upper clit to be bright green and engorged, two inches in length. You weren’t done with her though. She hadn’t come yet and it was your mission to make sure she did.
Before you dove back in, you smiled at her, love pooling in your irises. “I’m going to make you come. I’m not done. Don’t worry, love,” you promised her with a throaty voice. You returned back to your former position before she could speak a word.
Now you knew her weakness but would use it sparingly. Breathing was an, unfortunate, need for you. Instead, you went back to shoving your tongue between her folds to lick at her slick. It coated your chin at this point, something you were loving on. This is what you’ve been missing in life all these years: your head buried into an alien you loved’s cunt.
Gawtin’s hand finally released the pelt to grasp at the back of your head, entangling your hair. The purr started back up in full force, stuttering here and there. “So good, ooman. You’re doing so good for me. Keep doing that and I’ll come for you. You want to taste when I come?” She had gathered back her dominant personality to tell you that. She was in charge. There was no arguing about that.
You refused to pull back, away from her, and nodded rapid with a groan. She would get the point. God, she was so perfect like this. Still commanding you on what to do while you ate her out like a thirsty dog.
Nothing in the universe could stop you. Every three drags of your tongue, you would wrap your lips softly around one of her clits until each one was engorged and twitching. She tasted so different, but it was heavenly. She had to let you do this again. Maybe she will if you use those dear, sweat puppy eyes on her.
When you took a moment to breathe as the edges of your vision darkened, you laid wet kisses on the inside of her thighs. You even dared to suckle and bite them. Her claws dug into your scalp at the feeling. “Yes,” she hissed, “yes, keep going, artful one. I’m so close.” Your eyes were set ablaze at her words. This was all your doing. You were going to make her come with just your mouth.
At that thought, you continued licking up a stripe between her ribbed folds. Her thick thighs trembled on either side of your head. If she used her full strength, your head would probably pop like a grape but oh well.
Her moans gained pitch, on the verge of sounding needy as she tried to compose herself. Yet, the way you licked and suckle on her most intimate parts… she was falling apart quicker than she could gather herself.
Blazing heat exploded in her stomach, the band snapping. A deafening roar echoed in the room. Both of her hands grasped at your head and pulled you into her, nose squishing against her mound. You didn’t stop sucking, mindful of how much was too much. Gawtin’s thighs completely encased your head, pain flaring to life, but you pushed past it. This was about her. If you were to die, so be it.
Yet, that nagging, irritating need for air started to burn within your chest. Shit. Your vision first went blurry the long this went on, but you couldn’t stop. This was about her. So be it. You kept your lips locked around her clit, tongue lightly lapping at it. All your mind was saying was how good she was being and how gorgeous she looked like that.
She was goddess in the streets and sheets. The way she moved as she sparred or hunted. It always had you throbbing for her.
Gawtin’s thickly corded thighs and tensed arms finally released their deadly hold you. Your first reaction was to surge back, lungs harshly gasping for air. Tears were prickling the corner of your eyes as you peered down at her. She didn’t stay still.
Instead, she rushed towards you, hands coming to cup your cheeks. Your own holding onto her arms. “Are you okay? I apologize, I did not know-“ she asked, concern thick in her voice but you interrupted Gawtin by giggling. You pushed forward to straddle her torso and wrapped your arms around her neck.
“I fucking loved that, love. Please, I beg you, to let me do that again. If I have to, I will get on my knees,” you pleaded with her, eyes shining with tears. Your head was lightly pounding from the lack of oxygen and the shear strength of her thighs.
Nothing came from her. Gawtin stared at you for a few long moments. You hoped she was at least considering it. “You would look so pretty on your knees,” she trailed off at the thought quietly. Your lips pressed together. It was a possibility. Then, you licked at your lips. “And you did so good for me.” There she is. The dominate Gawtin we all know and love. Your cunt clenched around nothing.
She leaned forward, breath tickling over your moist skin. Then, her pink tongue darted out and licked at the slick probably dripping from your chin. Without meaning to, your hips jutted forward, clit dragging along her tensed torso.
“I am impressed. You did good. I shall allow you more opportunities in the future. But for now, think I should repay you.” Then an idea came to mind. You smirked.
“How about I show you a position we humans do?” Sixty-nine will be hard to with her size but lying down should help with that.
Once your explained it to her, Gawtin’s face broke with a smirk just yours. “You oomans do have good ideas once in awhile.”
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years ago
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN Reader
Word Count: 1978
Summary: Like any other day, it's training day. You start in the early morning before the sweltering heat gets too much for you feeble body. This was like the other days: failing to pin the Yautja. So Gawtin gives you some motivation to help you.
Author Note: I love her so much. I want to write some more lesbian stuff but also work on a different first. Gotta get my life into shape first if I'm going to do anything.
All the air within your lungs was forced out, harshly. A bo-staff shoved into your chest. You were unable to do anything, still in shock at what happened and trying to regain the lost oxygen. Someone above you said something at you, the alien language lost to you. All you could do was stare dazed up at the sky.
A large shadow passed over you, blocking out the harsh Yautja Prime sun. The bo-staff no longer was pressed into your skin. Green flashed in your vision, a hand coming down patting your cheek. You made a noise of complaint and pushed it away. “Ooman, up. We are not done,” a familiar voice stated and patted you again.
The headache growing wasn’t helped with her actions. You grasped her wrist and pulled with what strength you had at that moment. Gawtin did not move a single centimeter. One of her brows quirked up. A silent ‘really’ passing from her. You huffed before sitting up, back of your hand swiping away at the sweat building on your forehead.
Gawtin watched as you did, standing tall to the side with the wooden bo-staff in her large hands. Over the course of the day, you’ve improved with little breaks in between. The air was different compared to your planet but your body has adapted well to it after two years. In general, you’ve adapted well to the environment, including your Yautja mate.
Said being rested a hand on your shoulder after you got back to feet. “Breath and take a break. We’ll resume shortly,” she said with a calm voice and stepped over to where you had a water hide. One she created for you. Gawtin picked it up and offered it you.
There was a gentle smile on your features as you stepped out of the sunlight. Your skin already turning pink in the short time within it. Gawtin didn’t mean to force you out into the light. A soothing bath will be required after this. You were doing so good for her. “Thank you, love.” You took the bag from her and poured fresh, lukewarm water into your mouth. One thing you would have to complain, no ice or cool drink safe for you. Again, you’ve adapted though. You swallowed greedily at the pouch before setting it down back in its place.
Your Yautja chuffed and stepped into your personal space. You took a chance and leaned into her overly warm body. It was uncomfortably hot but you didn’t care. That’s what happens when you loved someone. Her hand came up to rest on the top of your head. “You are doing great, artful one. You are learning well to wield something bigger than a pencil,” she teased. You used the back of your hand to smack at you stomach.
“You didn’t say that when I used the strap-on on you, love,” you returned fire, hiding your face from embarrassment. “I feel like I wielded that well.”
Her body tensed against yours, claws biting into your scalp. “There are children present,” she mutter as she bent down so her mouth was close to your ear.
Off to the side, Qui’oky sat playing with a couple of wooden toys. He was completely oblivious to what his mother and mate were doing. “You didn’t care about that two nights ago,” you jester again. At this point, you were digging your own grave deeper and deeper. But oh well. If it’s her that kills you, then it shall be.
A snarl rolled throughout her entire body, sending vibrations to yours. Uh oh. You’re in it now. She let her free arm slither around your waist and pulled you to her body. You giggled though and was able to pull away from her. “Come on, lover. We aren’t done yet.” Teasing Gawtin was always fun. Sometimes, it would surprise her enough that she doesn’t know what to do in reaction. Such a strong, sturdy, immoveable creature… until it came to you. You’re hers.
You stepped back into the invisible ring, a twinkle in your eyes. The Yautja watched you closely; your hips swaying. Then, you bent over and swiped the shorter bo-staff off of the ground. Yet, you were slow to rise. Gawtin tensed her jaw before marching over to the ring. This whole day, you’ve been testing her, winding her up. A bow string can only take so much.
Paya, the way you moved as her purple eyes watched with rapture… She felt young again. The new blood rushing through her veins, ready to pounce on you. Her years though have taught patience. She’ll get her chance. All she has to do was wait.
As the two of you stood across from each other in the ring, you attempted to show off. The wooden bo-staff twirled amateurly within your grasp. One late hand movement caused the weapon to leave your grasp. Fuck! You were swift to snatch it back but heavy footfalls had your head snapping up.
All in her goddess, five-hundred pound glory was Gawtin sprinting at you. The ring wasn’t big since it had trees growing within to block out the raging sun. You yelped and brough up the bo-staff. Any later, you would’ve been pinned to the ground like prey.
Gawtin’s wooden weapon bashed into yours with half of her strength. Yet, it was enough to make your muscles ache the moment it happened. Your bones jarred in their places as you struggled to hold her back. The weapon was starting to bend, causing spikes of fear to race through you. You and your big mouth!
This was sparring, of course. The love of your life wasn’t going to seriously injure you. That doesn’t mean she won’t push you past your limits, something she liked to test with consent.
The bo-staff’s pressure was pulled off. You weren’t safe though. It curved edge whistled through the air as it came straight for you. There wasn’t enough time.
It smashed into your open side. You gasped at the sudden pain yet clenched your teeth, not doubling over. Gawtin has taught you it’s okay to be in pain but don’t let it stop you. Push past it. Your own stick was finally brought up to deflect one of hers. But, it was like she could read your mind.
Her leg stuck out and swiped out your own from underneath you. Same position. The breath knocked out of you. Bo-staff poking into your upper torso as Gawtin stared down at you. A new, serious look in her eyes. “What have I told you about listening to your gut more? It is smart. Do it,” she demanded then let the staff’s end rest by her feet.
You’re allowed to get back to your feet in a timely manner. Once you do, you sighed and rolled your shoulders. Your hand rubbed at the back of your head. A possible bump was probably going to rise later in the day. You used a foot roll your staff back and picked it up. You stared down at the weapon in hand before curling your fingers around it. Listen to your instincts. If Gawtin believes in you, then that means you can do it.
A deep breath filled your lungs before releasing it, gaze now set on the tall Yautja. She returned with the same look, a fire within them. You lowered yourself into a fighting position. Gawtin did the same. But, you didn’t let her strike first. That would be giving her power, the advantage. The last thing you wanted to do. Like she’s told you time and time again, use her size and weight against her. Come on, you can do this!
The staff in hand whooshed through the air, aimed for the tender spot of her ribs. Gawtin raised an eyebrow as she used the palm of her hand to stop it from touching its designation. Aw shit, here we go again. You tried pull it back from Gawtin put she just twisted it and it was hers. She discarded it to the side.
Your eyes were scanning the surrounding area for anything useful. Only thing nearby was Qui’oky. The little guy wasn’t going to help you. He’s a momma boys. You gritted your teeth and dodged out of the way of her weapon. It bounced against the dirt ground next to you. Miss.
This continued. You kept close, limiting her reach with the weapon, and played defense. This was pointless without a staff. There was no way to tire her out. Years upon years upon years have built up her stamina. That’s why she’s your goddess. So your next plan was to dance around her to grasp your fallen weapon.
From every time you’ve seen her spar, only a two have you seen her truly fight, this was beyond easy mode. Thankfully so. You would be getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter by a professional butler. How could you be so bad at this?! “Don’t think, ooman! Move. Let your body fight for you,” Gawtin demanded and brought down her staff, knocking it against your exposed side. “Arms down. Protect your side.”
A yelp escaped you at this, elbows immediately coming down as she tried to jab you there again. This time, you caught the weapon and jerked it in your direction.  The Yautja was surprised at your sudden offence and stumbled a step forward. Just enough for you use a leg to swipe her unsteady limbs from underneath her.
Pain flared up your leg the moment after at how much strength it took to take her down. The ground underneath you trembled lightly as her back slammed into it. You were quick to hop on top of her and used her own weapon to hold against her throat. Both legs on each side of her expansive chest, yet your knees weren’t touching the ground.
Your shoulders rose and fell heavily as you stared deep into her eyes.  A rumbling purr starting in her chest. Some days you wished she had lips that you could press yours against.
One moment, you were on top… The next, all the air in your lungs was pushed out. A hand wrapped securely around your throat as a great weight held you down. Your jaw hung down as you tried to gasp but your body was too much in shock to even breath. Both arms pinned simply in one hand above your head. Your legs were pressed into your chest as the Yautja’s face hung close to yours.  Gawtin stared down at you, an upper mandible raised.
Her slithery tongue licked a stripe along your cheek. She rolled her lower body, gaining a moan that you were quick to shut down. Your eyes wide at the realization on what you had just did and what had happened. You couldn’t believe how aroused you were in this moment after pinning her down then the tides being turned around on you.
Another thought hit you that had embarrassment rolling through you. “There’s a child present!” you whispered at her, eye softly closely. The Yautja kept gently rolling her hips against yours. A glint appeared in Gawtin’s eyes.
Gawtin leaned back down and licked from the back of your ear and along the edged of your jawline. “You were not concerned earlier.” You gasped at both the feeling and her words.
The human was too stunned to speak. Gawtin chuckled lowly before standing up. You couldn’t move, too afraid you couldn’t even stand. She raised a brow as you before offering a single hand. More than enough to pull you back to your feet. “Come on, artful one. If you can pin me by dusk, you make get your wish to taste me.” That gave you the energy to rise swiftly to your feet. One she smirked at.
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