#love lettee
saelterlude · 9 months
i get lctwt (and the overall lc fandom) obssesion with Cai Qi. genuinely, i do. he's cute, he's all smiles, his dynamic with Wang Minhui is fun (theyve given up the rock paper scissors choreo at this point, its great).
I get it, i love him as cxs too.
But ive been watching too many Shu Rongbo clips and I cant lie hes my favorite cxs actor.
his voice is great! his face is cute! his acting is superb! his demeanor is adorable! ive been calling him bangs cxs in my head bcs hes the only cxs actor with bangs lol
and he got a lot of iconic clips from the lc musical! THIS IS MY PROPAGANDA POST! YOU WILL ALL START LOVING SHU RONGBO! in this essay on appreciating Sh-
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calxfornia · 6 years
It’s been flitting in and out of my head whether to do this or not, but lately, I’ve been feeling more and more like this is a necessity.
I don’t care about whether you, reader, scroll past this and completely ignore this. There’s only one person I hope will see this; one person that I’m scared will see this; one person that I’m almost absolutely sure will not see this. I’m about to bare all - no cryptic messages, no sad love quotes, just me finally saying what I should have said a long time ago, only it’s taken me a while to come to this conclusion.
I have no idea whether I was in love with you, or whether I was lonely and vulnerable. What I do know is that we instantly clicked. It felt like we were indestructible - me and you against this savage world, musing about everything and anything from complicated families, mental health, running away to live in a solitary house up in the mountains. We were a coming-of-age indie teen romance movie. Like I said, I have no idea if it was love I felt with you - I sometimes think it must have been if I was in that much pain when you left - but how can you be in love with somebody you have never met, somebody millions of miles across the ocean from you?
When you left, days turned into weeks turned into months where it constantly felt like I was drowning. Three months could pass and I wouldn’t notice. I was beginning to think whoever said “time heals” was a sadistic and compulsive liar. February up to the around August 2016 was a blur. I wish there were better words to describe how it passed by, but simply, rawly and honestly - it was just a blur. There are few things within that period I can pick out that had nothing to do with missing you, if any at all. I mean if The Walking Dead were holding auditions for members of a zombie horde in my hometown, I would be the protagonist.
In my room, between the bed and the window, is a narrow space far away from the door and easy to hide behind. I would sometimes sit there and cry in the middle of the night. It would be the place where all my emotional pain would seemingly manifest into actual, physical pain - one where I couldn’t breathe and I was falling, never landing on the ground but always fearful of the prospect, always feeling close to the inevitability of death. I would sometimes sit on the windowsill, dangle my legs down the window, and watch the stars twinkle against the sleepy backdrop of the night. I would occasionally check your feed to see if there was any semblance that you missed me just as much as I missed you; any semblance that I meant something. There was nothing. Nothing but a faint clue that you had moved on, connected with somebody else.
Things got easier in the moments leading up to August/September, as your name and the ghost of you walked less often across my mind, and by the time I started university and joined the gym, I had felt mostly free of the pain of losing you. I was starting a new chapter in my life, I had crushes on other people, I stopped checking up on you, I finally didn’t care, and I accepted that you weren’t coming back, that our paths would never cross once again.
That was until February 2017, a year later, I was rushing to the bus to my placement. Once I was on that bus I could relax. I checked my emails and tumblr had sent a notification that I had an anonymous message. Two actually, both from you, saying pretty much the same thing. That you were sorry. I don’t know how I felt. Confused? Angry? Happy? It felt bittersweet, really. If you had sent that message a couple of months prior then I would have been jumping for joy; ‘He really does care!’ But all I could think was just ‘why now?’
I kept myself reserved at first, knowing that I was starting to get my shit together and didn’t want to unravel that progress. As we talked more and caught up, I started to ease up. I realised this is the final thing I needed: closure. I began to accept all the reasons why we never worked in the first place, I began to value you as a friend, not a lover. We lost touch after a while, and I don’t quite remember why, but it didn’t hurt when we did - but that isn’t a testament to say that I don’t care about you, because I do. I love you, not like I used to, but I do. You changed me, you shaped me at a time where I was easily mouldable. The pain you exposed to me is a factor in the making of the person I am today. And do you want to know something? I couldn’t think of a better, more honourable person to have come into my life like a tornado and destroy me.
Why? Because when I’ve gotten hurt by the men after you, I can deal with it a little better. It still feels like I take too long to move on from people, but each time the ‘broken-hearted period’ gets a little shorter and hey, I’ll take that as progress. When I’ve gotten hurt by the men after you, I think about how they have not held even a candle to our admittedly brief but intense and fast knowing of each other. I’m glad you were my first love, because your first love is special, and you are special to me. I almost despise telling other people about it when they ask me about past loves. One asked me, and I very briefly flitted over our experience together and detailed in grandeur others after you, not because you meant little, but because you meant the most. I wanted to protect that. I didn’t want other people’s leer and criticism and judgement. I just simply did not want them to know, because I felt they had no right, because telling them about you meant that I would be baring the very inner workings of my soul, the very person that I have lead to become. And I’ll never let another get that close to me.
I don’t want you to read this and think that I hate you or am in love with you - I am sure at some point in the past I felt both towards you, but I want you to know that I value you as a monumental contributor to my life. Sure, I will always love you (I’ve also learned they weren’t kidding when they said you’ll never forget your first love), but I know how to live without you, although I am disappointed we don’t speak as friends anymore. Like I said, just like you told me my name flitted in and out of your head at various times after you left, yours flits inside mine now and again, wondering how you are, hoping you are happy and have found peace and love and whatever it is you need to live a full and meaningful life.
And although I am scared to death, I sincerely hope this finds its way to you somehow.
Love you always.
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robertsbarbie · 3 years
the music or the misery >>>>>>>>>>
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felidthing · 3 years
"covid vaccine has a tracker in it" u already have a tracker its called ur fuckin phone -_-
dont rb
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raulfernandez · 3 years
Do you know how sad I get everytime I wake up and I'm not a dinosaur
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girlsworlds · 4 years
my best friend from elementary school is turning 18 tomorrow. i've known her since she was fucking 6. twelve years!!
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Eloni in trickster mode?
Will he ever receive a not lewd fan lettee...or a fan letter? I want him to feel love since he does not seem to get any.
#Generate love for the Green Teletubbie.
I want some love for my green son.
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Here's your trickster boi ùwú
And yeah I'm sure he'll receive lots of wholesome fan mail and love! ùwú
(also I'm sorry for the very very very very very very very late answer
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yintsukareta · 2 years
CONGRATS FOR 200+ FOLLOWERS BTW!!! also as you can probably tell im here for the letter event ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
dear aether,
good day sunshine! i hope this letter finds you well. i'm writing this lettee to say how we haven't really gone out in a while. not to be clingy or anything but i really miss your comforting touch,, and your smooth hair,, and you pretty little smile,, and your... oh and i miss paimon too!
also before you ask, the shop has been going well! i got a few new customers since last time and they're all super supportive! when im packing uptheyre order they always have a story to tell! theres also a specific customer that i would love to tell you about but i'm gonna wait until i can do this in person!
i could go on more and more in this letter but i wont so i have more stories to tell when im with you! so im gonna end it here. i hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a li i hope that this letter comes in due time and makes it to you safely <3
your lover,
starlight ☆
Dear Starlight,
Hey darling, I'm sorry about traveling a lot. I'm just preparing to go to Sumeru, although I can come back just to see you. I'd stay with you for as long as I can but.. I still have to find my sister. (Oh and Paimon says hi too, haha.)
That's amazing! I'd love to hear about your new customers! The specific customer seems like someone very interesting, if you really want to talk about them in person. If you'd let me, can you also let me tell some things about my travels? I've met a few new people you might want to know about.
Thankfully it did. And about the stories, I'd love to hear your voice as you talk about what's happened while I was gone. I love you ❤
Sincerely yours,
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tsgsavannahgeorgia · 7 years
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“August brings into sharp focus and a furious boil everything I've been listening to in the late spring and summer.” - Henry Rollins
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August: hot hot heat, rain showers every afternoon and me personally, in hibernation. But there are still some things to love!
1. BLUEBERRIES : i’ve been eating blueberry pancakes from The Sentient Bean sunday brunch, blueberry muffins from Back in the Day and raw blueberries from Forsyth Farmer’s Market. YUMMMMMY!
2. SANGRIA : chilled wine with fruit, can’t be beat for summer time drinking pleasure.
3. SUNFLOWERS: one of my favorite wild flowers and they never fail to make you feel happy and sunny.
4. OLIVE GREEN: love the army green as we start to think about fall wardrobe. It is also a great neutral with bright neons and tropical colors too!
5. FROZEN CUSTARD : super creamy and delicious, there is nothing better than a cold dessert for the hottest temps of the year.
6. TROPICAL NAILS  : love to use bright colors on my nails this time of the year, with a little tan on the skin, bright colors POP!
7. AIR CONDITIONING : see above, i am in hibernation!
What do you love about August?
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
To my love,
I'm writing to you from my beloved Bentley, as I await for Aziraphale to get his angel backside over here and help me with a little issue. Nothing you need to worry about.
Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, I'll be back before you know it. This is why ik sending you this letter, so it feels like I'm still there beside you.
I'll bring you something nice back to make up for it. I promise.
I'm missing you. I know I don't tell you enough after being apart from you, but I am missing you. Very much. I wish that you were sat here with me right now, I know of youwere we would be laughing and getting on Aziraphale's nerves.
I suppose that will have to wait for another day.
If I sit here and close my eyes, I can almost hear your voice. I miss the sound of it. I really do.
Now shut up. I know you're laughing at that since I only saw you yesterday, but I mean it. I can almost hear your laughter now.
I hope you're missing me just as much as I'm missing you. I'll be beyond disappointed of you're not. Remember love, I'm a demon, I'll have to do something about it of you haven't missed me.
I see the angel coming my way, I'll have to wrap this up before he sees it. Can't have one of Heaven's finest angels teasing me over something as sappy as a letter.
I'm not sure how long we'll be gone, but just know that I'll be giving you tons of kisses when I see you next, you can hold me to my word.
Keep thinking of me, I'll be thinking of you.
Yours always,
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Yan: love is a five lettee word
Silver: five?
Yan: yes! Because it's incomplete without you!
Host: awww
Silver: lovue?
Yan: n-no
Silver: luove?
Host: stop it
This is why I love Silver Shepherd 😆💜
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The LOVE LETTEE FROM THE GREAT AL I AL YUHAUUHA THE GREAT BREATH See’s your Loneliness and Fears, your Quiet Frustrations. I See your Endless Search For Love and Fulfillment. All this Must be, in Order for you to Come to the End your own Understanding-Then you Can Hear MY voice. Listen carefully amid the noise of the world and your inner noise I AHABAH Love you; I GAVE AL YUHAUUHA AL TU SYUN THE SON MY TO shed HIS Blood for you to make you Clean, Give yourself Completely to ME AL YUHAUUHA I Created you to be just as you are, and you are Lovely in MY Eyes. Do Not Criticize yourself or become Depressed for Not Being Perfect in your own eyes. This leads only to Frustration. I want you to Trust ME one step, one day, one second at a time. Dwell In MY Power and MY Love and be Free, be yourself. DON'T allow other people to Control you. I will Guide you if you let ME. Stay Aware of MY Presence In everything. I give you My Love, My Patience, My Shalum. LOOK to ME AL YUHAUUHA for the Answers for I AM AL YUHAUUHA YOUR SHEPHERD and Will Lead you. FOLLOW ME AL YUHAUUHA ONLY! LISTEN AND I WILL TELL YOU MY WILL. Let MY Love flow from you and spill over all you touch. Be Not Concerned with yourself, you are MY Responsibility. I Will Change you without your Knowing it. You are to love yourself and others simply because I LOVE(AHABA) you Take your Eyes Off yourself, LOOK AT ME AL YUHAUUHA THE GREAT BREATH AB FATHER your Creator YUTSUR The ALMIGHTY AL YUHAUUHA THE HEAVENLY FATHER HEAVENLY MOTHER THE NURTURER of YUHAUUSAAL. I AL YUHAUUHA LEAD , I Change, I Create, and even when you were Struggling IN Your Blood I WAS AND I STILL ARE HERE WITH You. You are MINE Let ME have GLADNESS making you Like in THE IMAGE OF ME AL YUHAUUHA ALTUSYUN Your only INSTRUCTION is to LOOK to ME AL YUHAUUHA AND ME ONLY THE GREAT AL YUHAUUHA Never to yourself and never to others. Do not struggle, but REST SHABATH BE STILL In MY LOVE. I Know what is Best and I will do it in you. Stop Trying to become and let ME AL YUHAUUHA make you what I Created you to be. MY POWER MY WILL IS PERFECT IN your weakness MY LOVE AND MY FAVOR IS SUFFICIENT. I WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS PLEASE ONLY LOOK TO ME AL https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcZjeVJbc9/?igshid=1q94h5rlfzhh2
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throwbacktears · 7 years
i literally just had THE MOST terryifyinh dream and my whole body is numb like i can move but its tingling and i cant go back to sleep anymorebc of how petrified i am
it was about me waljing on campus to my doem but it was in a nieghborhood/city setting and then i slowly see these cops accumulate like its nothing and the scene suddenly changes to night time and i look back and everything is in slow motion and all of a sudden i see a guy with a gun (he loooks scared) from the other aide of the street walking across and hes looking eight arvthe cops and he nervously pulls out the gun and i hesr screMs around me already and somehow i immediately dive into the ground james bond style so im looking back ar whats happening still and he shooys but doesnt get anyone and he gets more confident and shoots again and i can see the light in the gun when thebuller fries but it doest hit anyone and the cops spring into action ad try shooting him but then he runs down the street and disappears. one cop car chases after him. im on yhe grounsvthinking to nyself oh my goah, i just witnessed and survived a shooting but tHen a guy is walking up the same sidewalk as i was a couple minutes ago wearing a jean hacket black skinnies and shoes a buzzcut ans a sinister hard look on his face and i juts know he has a gun and he looks like hes ready to kill no emotion on his face other than bent up hollow anger and my eyes wifen as soon as i see him swiftly take the gun out of his picket and confidently points it at the cops and immediatelt things get more chaotic than before and its all in slow motion again but its like i hear nothing evergying starts to sound muffled and blocked like in the movies to the point wheee i can only hear the pull of the tirgger and the gunshot and hes shooting everywehre and somehow there was this cardboard cutout shielding mw idk how it tot there but he shoots and it misses me just barely and hen the guy stops and gets in his car and drives off
i try waling back to my dorm shaken that i just survived two shootings. i go home to my mom in a small but really nice LA modern looking home w white brown furtniture with succulents and shes chopping veggies and i tell her about everything and we walk outside togwther just for whatever all of a sudden idk i guess cus she wantsd to i felt v hesitant to go out but i waa like itso ger its fine dont be afraid so we walk out its birhgt and sunny like the movies people are strolling the neighborhood too ud never kno anythinf bad happened so my mom and i are talking about it for a lil but then she moves on and as we wait to cross the street (of the same two sidewalks where either gunman came from) all of a sudden i seee the fricking car of the second gunman come out of the blacktop where children play. everytging seems fine since the kids are still playing basketball and the playgorund seems fine but i freeze in fear bc i see him putting on tloves in his car and then he anggeily but swiftly turns and druves diwn the road in a sligtly dirty but clean lighr hlue 80s car like my neighhors have from my hometown. then the coast is clear for ppl to cross so my momabd i cross the streest same time as othee ppl as if jothing happened but once we’re at the other wide and startvwalking up the jill to the blacktop and the driveway the gunman juts drove off from i grav har arm and sat quietly mom i just saw the gunman and she said what and i said we have to go
it didnr immediatslt occur to me that he was after my mom i had the feelingbut i didnt know for aure until we were back home and my friend fdom high school was there (a girl that was nice to me and were aqcuantines but jothing swrious so it aas weird in hindsighr) waiting for my mom and me for tutoring help and just hanging out and my mom just goes back into the kitchen and sits on the tanle w her laptop and says wow its a good thing we left then huh and i still remember watchig him drive down the road secondsbefore so i try to shake off ny trauma and my friend goes omg u will not believe what i went thru today amd i was like u qanna bwt? i just survived 2 ahootings and i saw one of them drive down the street jyst know (i alao remembered when i saw him w my mom i needed to get his license plate just so he wont hurt my mom or anyone else so i snapped 2 terrible photos of the backplate but theyre forner pics so u only get one or two lettees from the top right and thebottom left) and then i suddenly hesr banging on the door of this guy and I GO COLD abd my mom greezes and my friend doesnt say anyting and he just keeps banging and says “HEY can u PLEASE open Up i just have to ask a qhick QUESTION” ovee and over again but he gets increasingly aggresive w the door (banging and trying to unlick it. we hearx him twisting the knob a lot) as we dont andwer and he just starts goinng CMON i just gave a QUICK question and HEY open the DOOR p LEASE and in a panic i violently whisper MOM WE HAVE TO GO COME ON and i get angry when ivsee her just slowly slip out of her chair im like ars uvfreaking kididmg me thsi is life or death rn why are u moving so slow and i push past my friend and unlock the backdoor and we try to silently walk downcthe strest w/o him seeing or hearing us and i suddenly remember i have a picture of his rull lifense plate from google bc i looked it up when i coyldnt get a good pic ans hes committed oher crimes so thne i piece the number andcrecognize they match w my pictures and i swiftly take my lhone from my pocket and call 911 as calmly as i can and thet ask whata my emergency andvthen i can hear the tunman tuen around as we walked down the sidewalk of our neighboorhood b4 we get to the makn road where everything happened and he shouts HEY and then my mom and my friend cry and screech in my ear bc of the approaching gunman and idk whathe wantscw my mom it freaked me out someone went after slmeone i love so mych and ivwas talking to 911 aw the guy got close but i was like this is a dream thisi s too real this is too real i hwve to waleu p now and i DID and it was only 6:30 or 6:49 or 6:50 AM and its 7:11 bow and my bones are still bent ovwe this
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jassey13-blog · 7 years
I never knew but now I wish I knew.
Its only been 8 hours since i talked to you last, i never would have thought that those 8 hours could be so heart breaking. I never knew not talking to you for 8 hours can my my heart shatter. I never knew.... i never knew writting lettees would make me my to shed thousands of tears... i never knew how bad i wanted to hear your voice until now.. i never knew.. i never knew being so in love like this could hurt when ones not around.. i never knew it would be this hard.. i never knew. Perhaps if i did know i would have never let you go... if only i knew how bad it would hurt.. if only i knew where you were ib this world so i could cone and talk to you... if i knew love could hurt this bad with out talking to you why are you not talking.. if onky i knew id beg you to keep that phone until you got a new one... if only i knew how bad it would hurt id never let you go. If only i knew.
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tsgsavannahgeorgia · 7 years
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Above: Paprika Southern captured this gorgeous shot with the bright red lips and hair in the beautiful denim colored interior of this classic car. A perfect shot to serve as inspiration for our May color of the month: denim!
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Above, from top left, clockwise: shopSCAD’s Summer Wheat uses beautiful blues in her piece titled Excerpt from a Prison Letter, Bleu Companies of course has wonderful blue jean inspiration, first with the walls in their space and secondly with this bright blue dress and beautifully painted door. A custom Satchel bag, in two tone leather, dusty blue with navy denim colored leather contrast and tassel. Bleu Companies racks are filled with fashion in pretty denims!
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Above, from left, clockwise: LIly Bay stocks these beautiful linen aprons that are PERFECT! Noble Jones Tours has the perfect denim shade in their logo. shopSCAD artist, Megan Proctor, made this beautiful tanzatite ring that is perfect as a nontraditional engagement ring! Also from shopSCAD is this silk scarf by alumni Paige Russell. There is something magical about Lapis Lazuli and in this ring by Amy Petkus it is just dynamite!
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Above, top left, moving clockwise: Lettee’s has these beautiful blue beads layered with one of their recycled tee necklaces which would look great with jeans! Mamie Ruth has got the blues with this duster, short and lace top combo! Lily Bay Studio + Bazaar has this fun Open sign on one of their hand painted cabinets which also has a little bit of a denim vibe to it. E. Shaver, Bookseller has the most wonderful shade of blue for their front doors. White Whale Craft Ales has their signature blue koozies for taking that cold can right out the door to the park to enjoy! Sherry’s Honey Pot had these samples of dhurries they are about to carry last time I was in, I love the blue and the subtle textural feel to them.
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Above, top, clockwise: Krisztian Lonyai captured this beautiful marsh shot with gorgeous sky and water in perfectly denim shades. Jessica Bassett added in some beautiful blues on this hair that make me swoon! The offices at Pediatric Dentistry of Savannah are so well designed with the perfect shade of cabinets! shopSCAD bee pouches are so cute for little trinkets. Southern Sugaring carries the BEST swimwear like this cross front two piece in the perfect shade of blue. Mamie Ruth tie dye skirt is perfect for summer temps. Andaz Savannah all dressed up with these gorgeous blue chairs and greenery bough.
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Above, from top left, clockwise: Mamie Ruth’s graphic tees are always fun and this one with we got soul has the perfect worn in look. Satchel’s airline blue leather is perfect in this travel bag. Lettee’s recycled tee beads are in the perfect denim friendly color. Summer Wheat’s painting Peanut Butter and Jelly is one of my favorites from the shopSCAD fine art archive. M. Liz introduced me to chrysacolla and I am now in LOVE with this stone, especially in their bib necklace! Christina Edwards has the perfect pop of egg yolk yellow in this otherwise blue composition. Watson Works logo is the absolute stunning shade of denim blue and we just love it!  Mamie Ruth with the matching bikini top and shorts makes for the perfect summer festival outfit! Angela Burson’s Unflattering Buttocks is such a fun painting from shopSCAD. These kite earrings from shopSCAD artist, Hsiang-Ting Yen are just BEAUTIFUL! I can see them paired easily for dressing up or dressing down. 
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tsgsavannahgeorgia · 7 years
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Palm Frond Party with fun bio shots of founder Caty Cote, from Flourish Collaborative. This diptych of encaustics from Christina Edwards transports us to summer time in Miami, where Christina splits her time. Another great palm shot from Flourish, and a peek into the queen of spiky foliage, Alison Seeger’s home, where she has stuck a few fronds into that gorgeous vase on her buffet.
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Another great shot of Caty, from Flourish Collaborative and those amazing brows with a perfect frond. The queen strikes again with this shot!  Alison’s kitchen which is perfect with the simple color scheme and a fun shot of a handmade bracelet from Lettees.
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And Casey Schivera’s spread in volume three features tons of great greenery but those palm fronds right beyond the gate are super beautiful, don’t you think?
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