#love how they cracked tf out of the song
eomcheong-keun-megi · 6 months
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the-moon-files · 6 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (ur here!)
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (you/they/them), Guide Reader!
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Scenarios?
Stars: Wind, Wild, Sage, C*urage, K*ridai
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: i included the link from K*oridai (faces of evil), and the brunette Link from that old cartoon tv show,
& Trigger Warnings: none known.
Wind (Wind Waker):
Misses being a big brother
ok chill chill he's doing okay
He's just not used to being the youngest in any given group, he used to be the oldest kid in charge of the younger ones and his little sister too
But dont get him wrong! He rlly does love the advantages that come with it,
and when he's feeling down abt not being older u usually cheer him up by reminding him he can be the biggest little shit he wants and every single Link will forgive him once he pulls out his baby seal eyes lmao
Ur the easiest to rope into horse playing/goofing off and he's very happy abt that
The others can be too serious for too long so he appreciates how u and him lighten them up by trying to give each other noogies (he loses most of the time)
As soon as Wind found out the others could play instruments, he immediately demanded they do campfire songs every night lol
(Most of the time one person caves, even just to idly play smth)
Likes inventing weird new games to play that'll convince as many other people to particpate, he used to do it back home too, like finding the prettiest rock on the island, that way his grandma and even adults could play too :)
Needs to sleep beside someone at night, bc he secretly likes it, back on his adventure going to sleep all by himself (unlike living with his grandma/sister) always was a little hard for him
Very hard to wake up in the morning, sleeps in the latest out of all the Links
("I'm a growing boy? Ofc i need my sleep, whats ur excuse??" @ the other Links who sleep in late lol)
Likes to sew! He's still learning, but his grandma used to teach him how so he could help her keep up with his growth spurts/recklessness tearing his clothes up
Idolizes u forever if you embroider, and will watch u like those videos of someone's cat who's fascinated by watching owner craft smth lol (like this ⚫️v⚫️)
Enjoys making stoic people crack their persona and laugh
Also has the wheeziest laugh youve ever heard, it makes u laugh every time, even when he started laughing over a dumb pun
Oh yeah, makes a foul amount of dad jokes for someone whos only like 14 💀
(He once managed to break Time and Legend, which then broke Wars and Twi, and it just continued down the Chain until everyone was crying or on the ground, he wears that shit like a badge and it literally made his confidence go 📈 puffed his chest out and everything lol)
Wild (Breath of the Wild):
U already know everything there is to know abt him??
I dont even have to say it, and it shows when ur around him lol
Like he'll go to do smth stupid like shield surf down death mountain in a unknown Hyrule, and before anyone can even realize thats what he's planning to do you've caught and stopped him and made a compromise to shield surf down some snow bluffs later instead
Or when u know he's gotten new ingredients in some other Link's Hyrule and is going to try and cook with them tonight, so u help him make a regular meal of smth else along with so the boys dont suffer stomaches
Like u can absolutely predict his bullshit all the time, just imagine the most adrenaline junkie thing he could do in that moment with the combination of things around him and you always know what tf he's up to, ur always right lol
Ur the only one who can get him to stop the chaos (besides maybe Time, weirdly enough Sky/Hyrule/Four bc they are the least likely to tell him to stop, so when they do, its usually a very, very bad idea)
Likes hair ornaments, he's got long hair for a reason after all
Likes u to style his hair, and esp if u teach him how to braid or do diff styles <333
He loves that u help cook/at least prep, and u make sure another Link helps too, bc thats a lot of ppl to make food for with little to no help 💀
(Makes u ur fav foods at even the slightest mention of them, like u wont even have to say ur craving Link's already whipped the pan out best housewife fr)
One of the few Links who's adventurous with his clothing, and trying new stuff
Wild was worried abt his Champion tunic getting messed up but was sad he couldn't wear it as much anymore
So u handmade him a new shirt that imitates the old one but with some new designs to represent the Chain! :)
He started crying.
He either hugs so lightly he seems like he's not enjoying it (no true, he's just trying to be polite)
Or he squeezes so hard be pops ur back and nearly breaks a rib
U got the latter for that shirt lol
Any new thing he doesnt remember how to deal with, like how to sew (he knows 1 stitch help), how to wash clothes (dont mix whites and blacks, and colors), how to soothe headaches/muscle aches etc.
He just wanders pitifully over to ur side and looks pitiful lol
Like he's a confused and saddened puppy
And just holds up whatever mess he's made like, "im so sorry, i dont know how to do this pls"
Bc he trusts u to know (the other Links may be hit or miss too tbh lmao)
And ur the least likely to clown him for it too, at least nothing he doesnt also find funny
Sage (Tears of the Kingdom):
So sue me, i enjoy this stupid-definitely-not-canon-unhinged-Link thats done with everyones bullshit and wants to be a hermit
The first time u saw his hair nest and immediately clapped ur hand over u mouth in shock and tried to take a brush to it on sight
He fucking hissed at you.
Feral bitch.
Sage isnt like that all the time, but he was certainly the most distrustful and prickly out of all the Links
(U could smell it was like a defense mechanism from his adventure/past from a mile away, and knew with time that it'd fade away into his true self... like how u just knew Wild that well too)
U are the only person allowed to casually touch him, he shys away from the other Links, let alone strangers,and the first he allowed to help him with his hair
Tbh after u washed it out and got tangles and mats out and cut split ends off etc.
He almost teared up, and was extremely confused why
Def the type to not have realized he felt insecure lowkey abt it until it was fixed (he also was embarrassed to say he didnt rlly know how to take care of it)
Energy of a stray feral cat that leaves dead birds on ur doorstep without fail every morning and u leave a food bowl out in hopes he'll actually be your cat 💀
Extremely protective of you, and eventually the Chain, to the point where he might set someone's hair on fire or use runes on them
Like not enough to seriously injure but enough to scare tf out of ppl and have them running for their lives
(Did he literally growl at someone when they tried to flirt with you?? ... why is Twi encouraging him.)
Was unnerved by Wild at first but slowly got used to him and often butts into whatever private convo u two are having
Like just casually struts up and plops his head on ur shoulder and waits for attention, may complain loudly depending on how grumpy he is that day
(Wild's not getting jealous and constantly hogging u for cooking to get even more time with you what-)
Okay but unfortunately
Once those 2 got comfy with each other, they started tag teaming everyone
Like u can now bet that if an explosion happens in the distance, Sage definitely caused it, and if he's there, then Wild's there making him the explosives
(Same for if Wild's there, then Sage's there)
Def the Link that likes showing the most skin, he "gets overheated easily" - local half naked man justifies his nakedness
Absolutely grievous clowning on the other Links, like its getting into bullyinggg 😭
His words are E rated for Everyone, no ones safe not even you
Sage: "wait, all those rings and nobody's ever put one on you? And you've never put on one someone else??🤔🤔"
Legend: ...😦
The rest of the Chain: 💀😭😶
Time, trying to hide he's choking on laughter so hard he's abt to fall into the firepit
Will occasionally team up with Wild to make a protective little border on either side of you while in towns/new Hyrules
U once offered to sing/hum for him after a nightmare while it was ur turn on watch (he sleeps up trees btw) and after u switched off w/other Link, u both went to edge of camp to sleep next to each other and he had the best sleep of his life like that
Now demands begs u to sing him to sleep every night, wont take "i dont sound that good tho" for an answer
Courage (The Legend of Zelda, 1989 Cartoon TV show):
Yeah... he's here too.
Just dont read this tbh
Enjoys being ✨️special✨️ by being the only hero twink out here with brunette hair
Was insecure abt it being curly/wavy until u slowly built his confidence
Bc he's got the most confidence in his strength, but not in much else tbh 😭
Actually will randomly have moments of responsibility or capability you didnt expect out of him bc he can be so silly and jokey all the time
Youll be lost as hell and he just "hey its ok the stars look like this so we go this way" and it works
Like the type of person u sort of avoid relying on bc he's like a playful jock type and then they randomly show theyre the captain of the team for a reason
Dont ask why, but hes good at knitting, shhhh no, no, no explanation he just secretly is he wont even tell u why or how or when he learned this he just "hehe, wouldnt u like to know princeyyy/princesssss/your majestyyyy"
Hyrule, and rest of Chain standing by, went to talk to one of the Great Fairies in a Hyrule once to try and get some info abt where to camp tonight or where nearest town was and before he could get close enough to ask,
Courage was already yelling like "YOOOO BIGGEST FAIRY WHATS UP?! u mind giving some poor lost fellas like us somewhere to go with ourselves tonight??"
They kept talking super casually and she laughed so hard that she let u guys stay near her that night to camp and be under fairy protection like no fairy boy Link needed 💀
Everyone was shocked, and thats how u all found out Courage is rlly good with fairies/their best friend no matter the Hyrule
Every time u guys learn smth new abt him it feels so unexpected, like out of left field or smth
It just never seems to fit his usual persona, or at least not what youd expect from him
So needless to say the first time u guys learned he could talk to magical objects that were powerful enough (like the fucking triforce)-
(this was apparently so normal he literally lived with a piece of it just in his room all the time????)
Has weird mixture of country boy vs. royal prince sensibilities?
It alarmed several Links. 💀
He can talk to Fi.
(Sky and you nearly cried)
Like he lived in the castle alongside Zelda so he inherited some spoiled/etiquette stuff, but he still would absolutely go splash in mud puddles in the rain
Would literally do fucking anything if it meant youd give him a kiss on the cheek
Likes to hug you a lot too, with his huge ass arms lifting u up (no he does not care how much u weigh ur going UP) and spinning u around
Its his favorite, almost as much as kisses
No but he's slay fucking Majora to get a kiss, like it's actually unbelievable and kinda endearing how excited he gets if u promise him one lmao
Koridai (Link: The Faces of Evil):
Omg not them putting Link's name in the title of the gameee i didnt know that 😭😭
Geezzz,, i dont know what im on
But ig heres that other silly ass Link if anyone feels like reading it
Will also fight any god, including Hylia, for a kiss
Actually astoundingly good at strategizing
Like after a few times in heat of battle him organizing Links, Time and Wars practically jumped him to include him in planning shit
He was similar to Courage to in that he just was cracking jokes all the time u didnt expect it, also he's significantly more sarcastic than Courage
U introduced him to dark humor and the laugh he laughed practically burst out of him, he looked shocked by his own laugh lmao
So he also now has a streak of dark humor he shows when u talk for while/sees someone also enjoys it
Its like his not-so-guilty-pleasure
Really good at baking? He apparently learned a lot of miscellaneous skills to better court someone and he now uses them fully to seduce you,
thru gift giving mostly, its is love language besides acts of service :)
(All Links do some amount of acts of service tho <3)
Rlly good at styling hair surprisingly, and at shield surfing??? What
Actually down to try Wild's experimental dishes...
And by that i mean he pranks the rest of you by sneaking the inedible bits into ur food
U may or may not have nearly choked him out for it and now he doesnt do it to you, and even was trying to act all pitiful abt it like "sorry lovely, but i just wanted to tease u bc ur so cute!! 🥺👉👈"
Like,, stfu u little shit 💀
He has the energy of a male orange cat, dont ask why he just is, and specifically the orange cat getting on top of the fridge or stuck between the the screen door and glasss door comically or smth 😭
Hes also loud as hell
One of the worst at stealth unless he just keeps his mouth shut completely, like his whispering is loud
He proclaims his affections very loudly too, like gettin u flowers and chatting ur ear off with what he likes abt u lol
No, like he can go for 20 minutes or more if u let him, u better stop him before he gets into the personality based compliments
Bc those sound wayyy too personal to be aired out in public ngl, like its so soft and domestic itll kill u lol
And he means every word too 👀
God fuck this hellsite stop doing this meee
Thats it im just do what i do for the other blog and write it smwhere else and then copy paste onto the post this is ridiculoussss 😒😒
Well anyway, i hope if u read this before i updated and actually FINISHED THIS u come back and read it again!! :(
Sorry guys, but blame tumblr pls before u blame me 😔
(Yeah theres a lot of emojis leave me alone i feel strongly abt this)
Peace out,
🐤 Peep
I think ill start signing off my name ig, unless u guys wanna call me Moon that works too
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wqnwoos · 11 months
seventeen — vocal unit as your boyfriend
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okay so technically i already did this in dating hyung line / maknae line but — part 2 i guess? requested by @glowunderthemoon 💗
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evil!!!!! likes to play around with you so much
especially if you guys are playing games or something he just makes up rules that get wilder and wilder until you draw the line
apologises to you afterwards w backhugs and kisses on your neck but he’s still giggling so how sorry is he really?
sends you all his boyfriend photos and then when he finds out one of them is your lockcreen he’s sooooo cocky about it (“i didn’t know you liked me that much” “jeonghan we have been dating for two years”)
takes you shopping but then gets antsy if you guys stay too long in one shop 😭 he won’t hurry you but he’ll just be shifting around awkwardly until ur done
has unflattering pictures of you as his lock screen. think fast asleep mouth open drooling a little. that’s his lockscreen and he won’t change it no matter how much u ask (he actually thinks it’s adorable)
gives you bites of his food without you even asking
takes loads of random selfies on your phone,,, like you open the photos app and ur like ?????? because suddenly there are 78 new photos of his face that you definitely did not take
gets sulky if you leave him to go out with friends or something 😭 ofc he’s just kidding but he dramatically throws an arm over his face and pouts (“i thought you loved me!!!!” “joshua you don’t even like this restaurant” “what if i changed my mind????” “we tried it last week!!!!”)
i feel like he’s the worst to have by ur side in an awkward situation bc you guys look at each other and you’re suddenly trying to hold back your laughter SOOOO bad and there’s not even anything funny😭
or if you’re talking to someone annoying he just stands behind them and makes faces to try and get you to crack tf up
tries to learn your favourite song on the guitar and then when you’re like “show me :))” he just starts playing sunday morning
omfg. the SWEETEST.
i think i said this in the other one but lets you play with his equipment and teaches you how to make basic beats and stuff (if u don’t know already) — tells u things like “good job!!” when you finish one
he’ll let you do whatever you want for dates and go along with it because you want to do it even if he’s reluctant <3333
if you don’t watch anime congratulations now you do!!!!! catch him at the right moment he’s gonna give you the rundown on all his favourites and the plots and the characters and everything (like his six hour live omfg)
genuinely believe he really is not cold as a boyfriend i think that is a Misconception — i saw this post the other day and HARD AGREE like this is mr i love my team i love my crew we are talking about ??? the same man who wrote darling which is arguably one of their sweetest songs????????
i’m convinced this man is an angel ? he acts like your guardian angel anyway he takes care of you so hard it’s crazy
he makes sure u eat well and u rest well and everything omg :(
also feel like he randomly bursts into a skit in the kitchen and you hAVE to play along you have to get invested!!!!!
also just a sidenote can u imagine just being in the same house as him and you can just hear him singing from the other room :( i am so sad :(
i feel like he takes note of what you really like and remembers (or notes it down). like if you have flowers in a vase the first time h comes over you best believe he’s going to keep that vase STOCKED for however long
even if he’s away or on tour or something you’d still get weekly deliveries with a card or something AHHHHHH
compliment battles 😭 even if you just say something small (“i like your hair today”) he immediately returns the compliment x10 until eventually you guys are just arguing about who’s sweeter or something weird which just ends in giggles once you realise how loud he’s saying “oh yeah? well your eyes are even prettier!!!”
MY LOVELY SEUNGKWAN 😭💗😭💗 convinced he’s sooo boyfriend material
like the most caring kindest sweetest boyfriend he texts you reminders every day (“don’t forget to eat~” “drink some water please~”) HES SO CUTE 😭
randomly squishes your cheeks and goes “pretty” and then moves on like nothing happened but gets so flustered if you do it back 😭 acts annoyed but he kinda loves it <3
if you’re cooking with music on you’re not getting him out that kitchen he is dancing like there’s no tomorrow !!!!! makes you join him and teaches you the steps if you don’t know them already until both of you are just giggling messes and oh fuck the food’s going to burn
wants your approval for every outfit and hairstyle 😭 the stylist is about to dye his hair and he holds up a hand like. “WAIT.” and facetimes you quickly like “hi baby what do you think about dark blue hair???”
and if you tell him something like “seungkwan you’re always handsome” he just clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes 😭😭 “just tell me yes or no!!!”
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keresnotceres · 1 year
TF 141: General Headcanons
[sfw] cw: substance use, mention of injury
some of these are so stupid i’m sorry
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Has never taken a nap in his life. Literally never. If he says he’s “going to take a nap” no he’s not. He’s going to lay in his bed and talk shit about people to himself.
Is not allowed to watch any war movie whatsoever. Will either complain about how inaccurate the warfare or death scenes are or will pass the fuck out. Head tilted back on the couch, arms crossed, legs spread. Neck pain for DAYS.
Prefers handheld consoles like the DS or Gameboy to any home consoles. Likes to feel that it’s his and if anyone wants to take it away from him, they’ll have to pry it from his strong ass grip.
SPEAKING OF. If you hand him like anything to hold onto he will have the tightest fucking grip on it. Bro it’s not gonna run away from you!!! Be gentle!!!
Casual smoker. Picked up the habit from being around Price too much and now he likes to smoke away stress with a cigarette or two.
Constantly hits his head getting out of cars. Literally cannot catch a break due to underestimating how tall he is compared to any vehicle.
Finds it very difficult to smile, even if he’s happy. Showing emotion in general is really hard for him, usually will only do it around people he trusts the most. Showing emotion to someone makes him feel vulnerable and weak, the complete opposite of how he presents himself.
Finds comfort in making tiny wood trinkets. Likes the motions of carving and having complete control over the little statue. Usually makes them when he’s on leave so that he doesn’t have to go out and that he isn’t distracted on base. He often gives carvings as gifts to his teammates/loved ones.
Shows affection through smaller, less noticeable gesture. Remembers small details about yourself or stories you tell; likes to bring you small trinkets he’s made that resemble things you’ve mentioned you like. Will talk to you about your interests, like what books or movies you like, and will have in depth conversations about your favorite parts of them.
Cracks his knuckles like way too much for it to be normal. He’s gotta have joint pain, because god damn the entire team hears it throughout the day. Just woke up? Cracking his knuckles. Doing paperwork? Cracking his knuckles. Does it on purpose to tick off Soap sometimes.
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Absolutely LOVES making playlists/mixtapes for his friends. If you ask him to compile a list of songs that reminds him of you it will be in your hands in less than a day.
Is the friend that you go to when you don’t know what you need, but it’s something. You wanna go out and drink? He’s down. You just want to hang out at home and watch something? Get cozy! You need to gossip about someone? Fuck yeah.
Was probably the kid in school that everybody knew of but nobody was like good friends with. Like everybody liked him, he was cool, but he just didn’t like anyone else.
The only person in the 141 who can somewhat dance. Can he bust a life-altering move if the dance floor? Not really, but he definitely can do a few basic moves and can actually get with the rhythm. Prefers to listen to music than dance to it.
Probably called Price ‘Dad’ accidentally when talking to his civilian friends and had to backtrack so hard he almost choked on a saltine cracker.
Mastered the art of looking like he’s paying attention when he’s really not. Useful when it comes to the boring ass stories some of the COs go off on tangents about.
Terrific at word games, especially Scrabble. Catch him with only vowels and he will be making words you didn’t even know existed. However, he’s not the greatest at Monopoly. He thinks he’s going to win when he doesn’t buy much first round but ends up going bankrupt after having to pay everyone for their properties.
Will not let you live any embarrassing moment down. Never. He is no man’s peace. You tripped over nothing? He’ll remind you of it for the next four days. You misspelled a word in a message or on paper? He’s repeating it until he forgets it. You opened a cabinet and proceeded to whack yourself in the face with the door? He’ll be laughing at the image in his head for WEEKS.
Can braid like a motherfucker. You have no idea how he learned how to braid, but holy shit he’s good at it. Literally just loves playing with your hair regardless of length. The feeling of twirling little pieces between his fingers his just really calming to him.
Was absolutely a Pokémon kid. Has an obnoxious card collection at his parents’ house that he constantly sorts through whenever he goes to visit them. Can and will show off pictures of the rarer, expensive cards he has to anyone who understands.
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Likes people-watching because he likes to make up random stories about everyone who walks by. The woman talking aggressively on the phone? Her fiancé is trying to get her to sign a prenup.
Can only cry if he’s watching a really sad scene from a movie or show. Marley and Me had his ass sobbing in the theater.
Likes babysitting his nieces/nephews whenever he’s on leave. He likes having some sense of normalcy and the feeling of having a family of his own, even if they’re just his siblings’ kids.
In his flat, he sleeps with like six blankets year-round. Even in the midst of a heatwave he’s got all six just piled on top of him, sweating his damn ass off.
Likes picking up random bullet casings he finds when on missions. Like a crow.
Hates the beach with a fiery passion. No, he doesn’t wanna go get sand in every crevice of his skin and article of clothing. He also doesn’t want to feel that weird mixture of sticky and smooth for an uncertain amount of time after getting out of the ocean.
Will NEVER be caught lacking when it comes to working out on leave. Rises with the sun and hauls ass to the gym so that he can keep those tasty biceps looking good. Has Ghost’s leg day routine memorized due to being subjected to it for so long.
Likes to be close to you no matter what. Eating? Sat right next to you, eating his own meal. Debriefing? Standing halfway behind you. On a mission? Standing right next to you, gun in hand, just a hair away from physical connection.
Loves going shopping, especially when it’s with you. Will pick out the most obnoxious shirts, put them to his body, and ask “would this look good on me?” Gives constructive criticism on anything you pick out, uses it to comment on how good he thinks you look lmfao.
Almost burned his house down after burning a candle and is now afraid of ever lighting a candle ever again. No, he doesn’t care if it smells good. Do not light that damn thing in his house!!
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Had a lighter collection when he was younger, but somehow managed to lose all of them except the most boring, plain white one. Has never bought any other color of lighter since.
Is not allowed to recommend movies because it will either be a boring war movie, a really old movie, or a really old and boring war movie. His music taste is somewhat better than his movie taste.
Can hold his damn liquor but refuses to get involved in drinking games because he doesn’t want to partake in “alcohol poisoning the game.”
Has the dad sneeze. It could be nice and silent and then all of a sudden there’s just an ungodly noise coming from Price’s general area. It encompasses the entire room. It strikes fear into new recruits. It’s not until Soap says ‘bless you’ that anyone realizes it was even a sneeze.
Has gotten drunk in his office with Laswell on more than one occasion and ends up talking about dumb shit he’s done in the past. Gaz walked into Price’s office to scrounge up a pen and instead left with the knowledge that Price split his head open when he was 15 after riding his bike straight into a wall.
Calls you names like “Love” or “Dear” by reflex. You don’t even have to be together for it to happen, it just slips out of his mouth. He apologizes more often than not until you tell him that you’re okay with it.
Literal heater. Exudes heat like no other. Oh, you’re cold? Stand next to him for like five minutes and you’ll be warm in no time. 9 times out of 10 his hands are warmer than yours.
Isn’t really into soccer/football but will always watch a game if it’s on. Is always stood up, hands on his hips, watching intensely and making weird noises at every move made on the field.
Is like, astronomically good at cooking but only when it comes to basic foods. Makes an absolute banger grilled cheese but dear god don’t let him attempt any sort of casserole. His fettuccine alfredo? Fantastic. His steaks? Phenomenal. Any baked goods however��� Good luck.
Owns a shirt that just says “Father.” and will wear it out occasionally when he’s on leave. Has never told anyone about this shirt, he doesn’t even know why he has it.
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chadillacboseman · 9 months
Hiii :)))
I saw your Makarov posts and I am obsessed with how you write him! I was wondering if I could request a writing? Could you write a oneshot where the reader is completely unaware of just WHO Makarov is and thinks he's a regular guy (established relationship) but she somehow finds out what he does/ has done and he lowkey kinda panics bc how tf did she figured that out??? And is she gonna leave??? But he explains how much he's doing to make sure she never is exposed to his work and he becomes more desperate to make sure she stays? Idk i like him lowkey kinda OOC 😌
If not that's totally ok! Have a good day!!
ALSO- Jason Isbell has a song called "Live Oak" that I feel fits really well:
There's a man who walks beside me
He is who I used to be
And I wonder if she sees him and confuses him with me
And I wonder who she's pinin' for
On nights I'm not around
Could it be the man who did the things
I'm living down?
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Makarov had worked very hard to keep his "work" away from you. He crafted believable stories, spun from whole cloth, to explain his extended absences and late nights spent away from home. When his men kept an eye on the house, he made them do it in secret, hoping, no- praying that you wouldn't notice the familiar cars that parked on the street every night.
As they say, though, even the best laid plans can go awry.
Makarov's phone rang in the middle of the night, the soft thrum of the vibration just enough to wake him, but not you. He scrambled from the bed, quickly swiping to answer the call while making his way into the hallway.
"What is it?" he asked, sleep still clinging to his voice as he paced in the small space.
An errant creak in the floorboards made him curse in Russian, glancing over his shoulder to make sure it hadn't awoken you.
In the bedroom, you stirred, reaching a hand over to his side of the bed and blinking awake when you found it empty.
"V?" you croaked out into the darkness.
No answer.
You could hear the soft sound of his voice coming from the hallway, words muffled by the distance between you. You rose to your feet quietly, trying to shake the tiredness from your mind.
Makarov had his back to you, his phone pressed against his ear; he was whispering, but you could hear the angry hiss in his voice.
"I told you to tie up the loose ends!" he paused to listen to the man's response and scoffed quietly, "Make sure he's dead before morning, or I'll put a bullet between your eyes myself."
Your heart hammered out an erratic rythm in your chest, so loud that you were sure he could hear it. Had you misheard him?
Makarov ended the call and immediately swiped his thumb across the numbers, dialing a contact you didn't recognize.
"Ivan just called me," he hissed into the phone when the person picked up, "After that stunt at the train station in London-"
His next words were lost to the ringing in your ears.
Train station? Your memory flashes to the news articles, the tv coverage- dozens dead, and hundreds more injured in a blast that NCA and Interpol were still investigating.
Before you could stop it, a small gasp fell from your mouth, impossibly loud in the quiet space. At the sound of it, Makarov's shoulders stiffened, his broad frame becoming rigid in the darkness.
He ended the call abruptly and tried to swallow his heart down out of his throat. His mind was on fire, racing with what to do- what to say-
When he finally turned to face you, his face was pale and his eyes were full of desperation.
The two of you stood in silence, neither willing to break it and confront what had just happened. You'd shared your life with him for the last four years- had laid in bed next to a killer. How many plots had he orchestrated? How many people had died at his behest?
Makarov finally broke the silence with a whisper of your name, "Please- let me explain."
You looked so afraid, wild-eyed like a doe that hears the errant crack of a twig in the forest. His heart was in his stomach now; he felt as if his entire world was about to fall down around him.
Part of you wanted to leave. To pack a bag and find a cheap hotel to put some distance between the two of you. But another part of you, a bigger part, wanted a fucking explanation.
But what could he possibly say?
Makarov closed the distance between the two of you, one of his hands coming up to cup your face. You flinched at the movement, and he felt his heart break.
"I did everything I could to keep you safe," he murmured, his dark eyes never wavering from yours, "I didn't-" he paused for a moment, searching for the words, "I didn't want you to know who I am- what I am."
"You'll never have to find that out. I promise."
"And what are you?" You whispered. You felt as if your life had been upended entirely, pieces of your broken image of him scattered like a shattered piece of china.
"And what if the enemies you've made come for me?" You asked, defiantly, pulling your face from his grip.
A possibility he'd considered thousands of times. That you pulled away from his touch while you asked it pierced his chest like a knife.
How could he begin to explain the details his men kept on the house? The late nights he spent awake when a noise roused him from his sleep, ears strained in the darkness and a grip on his pistol?
"My men watch the house when I'm gone," Makarov searched your face for any sign of relief, "I will always keep you safe, Любимая."
There was so much more he wanted to say-
Don't leave me.
You're the closest thing to normal I have.
I love you.
"No one will ever lay a hand on you," he brought his hand to your face once more and you let him, closing your eyes as his thumb swept across your cheek gently, "Please, give me a chance."
You wondered, now, how many sleepless nights he had spent making sure you were safe. How many times he'd been away, nerves on edge with worry of your safety.
Could you still see him as the same "V"?
"Promise me something?" You stared up into his eyes, sparkling in the dark hallway.
"Anything," he breathed, bringing his face closer to yours, the tip of his nose brushing against yours as he spoke.
"I want things to stay like they were. I don't...I don't want to know about what you do."
You weren't even sure that was possible. But you had to try.
Makarov brought his lips to yours, his stubbled chin grating gently against your skin as he kissed you. For a moment, everything felt right again as he pulled you tight against him, the warmth of his body such a familiar comfort you could almost forget what you'd heard. When he broke the kiss, he was breathing heavily, his eyes flitting to yours once more.
"I promise."
381 notes · View notes
shaarlslec · 1 year
when we were young
little follow-up of this part
words: 7871
warnings/notes: angst, fluff, being divorced of seb ?? (tf miss), conflict, jealousy;
songs i've listened to while writing this: new west - those eyes, the rare occasions - notion, harry styles - love of my life, stephen sanchez - until I found you; matt maltese - as the world caves in;
Where you and Sebastian are co-parenting your sixteen-year-old daughter after your divorce and you drive her to her somewhat date at the movies.
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“Have fun, we will be back to pick you up in two hours.” Sebastian aggravatedly spoke as you cracked a laugh from the passenger seat watching Anne slightly embarrassed as her whole group of friends heard her father faking the strict-parent tone. 
Sebastian was everything, but not the strict part amongst the two of you, and even Anne’s friends were aware of that. They all remembered that one time when they got invited back at your place for Anna’s birthday two years ago and ended up staying up all night playing video games with Sebastian in the living room while you were getting worried sick calls from their parents explaining to each and every one of them that their children do not want to get home yet because the almighty Sebastian Vettel is teaching them how to play on the Racing Simulator he bought for Anne when she was twelve and wanted to be “just like father”. 
“Oh jeez.” You muttered, waving your little goodbyes to Anne who you immediately saw wrapping her hands around the boy she liked in a timid hug, “Cut her some slack – it is just the movies.” You added, giving an inquiring look to Sebastian whose glare was trying to pierce the said boy through the car’s window, “It is just a hug!” You amusingly continued, touching Sebastian’s chin with your fingers to retract his view from Anne to you – which he did right away as he felt the warmness of your touch on him. 
That took you by surprise for no reason whatsoever (it was not for the very first time when Sebastian Vettel looked down on you with worried shimmery eyes) and your heart skipped in a short and quick leap almost as your daughter’s chest when her crush started to walk closer to her rather than their other friends through the cinema’s entry. With a softened gaze and a heavy sigh, Sebastian buried his chin into your palm searching for maybe something more than just relief and support – looking for the familiarness within your touch in the vagueness of your relationship.
Your chest sunk as your ex-husband’s eyes closed for a while, “I know – I am panicking for no reason.” Sebastian then added, giving you a quick kiss on the inside of your palm before retracing his chin from there, “Thank you for bringing me back to earth.” Vettel uttered; lips close to your skin. 
You chuckled just like back in high school. Divorced or not, still in love or not, just co-parenting or not – Sebastian’s kisses always managed to make you giggle as if you two were still teenagers. Oh, and how much complications do Seb’s kisses bring into your life – again, and again, and again. You wanted to push him away, you wanted to be able to see him as just Anne’s father, as your ex and sort of your friend and nothing more. And yet, that was quite impossible. You shared most of your life with him, and sometimes the way in which Sebastian’s touches made you shiver after more than two decades still, you had this deepen feeling caged inside your chest that you two share more than life itself.
Rubbing your palm with two fingers you leaned back into your chair, “I need you to stop doing this.” You breathlessly almost sobbed, looking anywhere else but not back into Sebastian’s eyes. 
Sebastian figured out right away what you were referring to as the taste of your skin engraved still on the top of his lips started to fade and oh, how much and for how long Sebastian would have desired for it not to go away. Not now, not three years ago, not never. Your ex-husband nodded, “I know.” He shortly spoke, “I am sorry – force of habit.” He bittersweetly apologized as the engine started and hands gripped around the steering wheel turning left in the parking lot instead of right to the exit of it – snatching you completely away from the thoughts that were running inside of your head.  
“What are you do-“ You wanted to ask, seeing how Sebastian was now looking for a parking spot instead of getting out on the street, “Oh no.” You chuckled, instantly figuring out what he was cooking inside the back of his mind, “Don’t tell me that you are planning on spying on our daughter.” You straight up mocked him at this point, watching Sebastian now as he was parking the car and getting ready to zoom out of it in any moment. 
“Not just I.” Sebastian articulated, “We.” He then stated, getting out of the car, and speeding his steps towards your door to open it, “What about a classic Sebastian and Y/N mess around?” Your ex-husband then winked, offering his hand for you to grab to get out of the car and rush to the cinema’s entrance.
You shook your head as you laughed but like in any other situations of classing mess-arounds with him, you firmly took Sebastian’s hand and joined him like you always had done in the past and like you will always will until eternity holds no matter your relationship, and the complications of it all.   
The classic Sebastian and Y/N mess around was one of your things and has been always one of your rituals, inside-jokes since you were in high school just like Anne. Sebastian would always come with sly little plans of spying your teachers, parents’, and friends to get something out of it – test answers, unshared secrets, messy gossips, and whatnots. 
somewhere in the past
The first time you two did this was back when you were stressing about your biology test in your junior year. Back then, you and Sebastian were just friends, sharing the same old bench in the back of the class, kicking legs underneath the desk, and slightly touching knees. You had not kissed yet, but the chemistry was there and everyone around you teased your friendship and thought of it as being something more than just shy giggles and stolen glances across the class, parties or even community gatherings. You denied it countless times, and yet both of you were aware of the feelings you childishly so nurtured for each other. Right then, in the back of your class during your biology class was the very first time when you became partners in crime, and never looked back.  
“I am stressing out.” You confessed to Sebastian who was fascinatedly watching you as you stretched the back of your palm, “I cannot for the love of God understand how biology works until tomorrow’s test.” You cried out, taking your face in both of your hands. 
Sebastian’s giggle – music to your ears – echoed next to you as his hands departed yours from your face, “I have a plan, no worries.” He then announced, throwing you a cheeky little wink, “I do need you.” Sebastian then confessed, and nothing more would have thrilled a sixteen-year-old Y/N rather than her desk mate saying that he needed her while looking straight into her eyes with those big blue eyes. 
“What for?” You immediately asked, not even questioning Sebastian’s plan for too long because no matter the reason, you were in before Sebastian could have had a chance to explain the plan. 
Trusting him with your whole life was something Sebastian had earned right from the start, building on the foundation of that trust only followed in the next decades. Sebastian told you all about his plan of stealing the test answers from the teacher’s desk right after that. No matter how fraudulent that was, and no matter how injudicious it was for you to distract the teacher’s attention outside the class for Sebastian to unlock the cabinet’s door with one of your bobby pins – you followed his plan suit. And yes, as absurd as the plan was, it ended up working and both of you aced that test. From then on, from cheating on a test together to hiding in your parents’ closets to spy on them and playing “good cop, bad cop” within your group of friends, classic Sebastian and Y/N mess arounds became habits. One of your inside things – one of your many inside things: three seconds before locking eyes, scratching the back of your hand after a kiss, profiting on every occasion to rub shoulders, touch knees and steal glances, and oh how so many others. 
You were doing that exact same thing twenty years later: sillily teaming up to watch Anne many rows behind in the dark cinema just for Sebastian to make sure that the guy she was all gushing about was not even placing his arm around her neck. Sebastian was now at ease, his sixteen-year-old daughter was all safe and sound from a shy-timid boy that managed to gather all his courage just to sit next to her at the movies, nothing more and nothing less. You watched Sebastian all tensed up in his seat for the first couple of minutes before he made sure that little rascal was not going to make a move on Anne, not even paying attention to the movie and closely watching the group of teenagers instead like a creep. You softly chuckled, there was nothing more amusing to you rather than Sebastian being all worked up about Anne’s crush. 
“See?” You whispered leaning towards Sebastian, “They are not even touching.” You said, pointing to Anne’s back and talking in a low tone just to make sure that Anne was not hearing anything.
Imagine your parents' sneaking up to your not-even-date to watch over you. You rolled your eyes, Sebastian needed to tame that protective side of his regarding Anne a notch. You knew that was improbable, and you feared the moment when Anne will tell Sebastian that she dates a boy for real. What will Sebastian do then? Track the little fella? Let Anne speak with him only in the same room as Sebastian? Your eyebrows twitched, you will be the one to act as an armor to your daughter when that time will come, protect her from your insanely protective love of your life. 
“I know – he needs some game.” Sebastian then joked, leaning towards you as well and giving you those shimmery eyes for the second time that evening, muscles relaxing underneath the fabrics of his clothes.  
You smiled, “Like that one time when you thought me how to count shoulders?” You teased, watching Sebastian’s smile widening as well on his face, “Or any other of your classic moves?”
somewhere in the past
Being friends with Sebastian first rather than just flirting meant that you and him never had to hit on each other with corny cheesy lines or any out of the pocket moves. You two just worked right from the start and there was no need for those. Therefore, when Sebastian was trying to somehow “court” you at the beginning of your relationship, his attempts on “hitting on” you were laughable in the cutest ways possible – like the first time you two went to the movies on a proper date. 
“Has anyone ever thought you how to count shoulders, love?” Twenty-years old Sebastian asked you in the back of the cinema, watching you paying full attention on the movie. 
You confusingly looked back at your now new boyfriend and denied with a nod, “What do you mean?” 
Sebastian cleaned his throat and then started to “count shoulders” beginning with his right one, “One, two, three, four…” He shyly spoke with pauses, tracing his fingers from his right shoulder to his left, and then touching yours up until the point his arm was all around you, pulling you closer to him and his body locking his fingers on your left shoulder, “That is how you count shoulders.” Sebastian then confidently spoke, giving you a quick peak on your cheek as a bonus after counting both of your shoulders. 
You laughed then, you laughed too loud for a cinema and few heads turned towards you and Sebastian flirting – trying to flirt. You apologized with a nod to them, and then snuggled your head at Sebastian’s chest for the rest of the movie. That was your shelter for many years to come, and the fingers glued to your shoulders was Sebastian’s safety net – both of you thinking that there was no way for them to be shattered or torn apart. And yet, time is ruthless and you two had learned that lesson in the most poignant way.
You were now sitting next to each other not even touching, each of you pined to their seats. You both knew that what you said back in the car just minutes ago was the right thing to do. You needed to stop acting out of habit with each other – touching, kissing, holding hands needed to be out of the picture. There was the need to move on, you needed to learn how to do the co-parenting part without you two being involved in any other endeavors (physically or romantically).   
Sebastian smirked at your remark, “I am forty years old now Y/N, counting shoulders is not working anymore.” He spoke, and that made you indubitably and irrationally think about the possibly of Sebastian hitting on another woman. All the sudden, your mind unlocked a new possibility that was not occurring up until now, and all that talk (or non-talk) you had back in your car seemed pointless now because you could not comprehend Sebastian touching, kissing, holding hands with another woman. 
The thought consumed you whole for the rest of the movie. Fuck – it got deep inside your head as minutes went by. You were fuming, and yet you had no reason to do so. You were the one who wanted the divorce in the first place and three years have passed since your split, Sebastian was very much very allowed to meet other people and so were you. You never took those chances, though. None of the men who had shown any interest in you were not him, no one was him and no one could ever be him. 
You remined silent up until Sebastian signed you that it was time to go out twenty minutes before the movie was over so you could pretend to pick Anne up like nothing had happened and like you two were far away from that mall. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked Sebastian on the way to his car walking side by side with him. 
“Yes, you can ask me anything.” Sebastian muttered watching your worried lifted eyebrows, “And no, I am not seeing anyone.” He replied away ahead of you opening your mouth to ask him about that. 
“How did you know that I was—” You wondered slowing your steps, watching his back relaxing underneath your glare. 
“Liking it or not – I know you Y/N.” Sebastian spoke, watching you and your guilty look over his shoulder, “I regretted right away after I made it sound like I still use pick-up lines or moves.” Your ex-husband spoke waiting for you to keep up the walking pace, “You went completely radio-silence on me after that which meant that the little, teeny trundles inside of your head were moving, and I was expecting you to ask me such a question after overthinking all the possibilities.” 
You gulped, catching him from behind, “You are right. You know me.” You muttered in a short breath, hugging your body until you got back into the car together checking the clock to match the time with the end of the movie. 
“Can I now ask you something?” Sebastian asked, leaning into his seat, and staring back at you as you nodded, “Would you be bothered by that?” He then asked in all his seriousness, “Because I would.” Your ex-husband confessed, “The idea of you remarrying keeps me up at night – honestly.” Sebastian accentuated with a very dehydrated throat, “I want nothing more than you and Anne to be happy, and if that can be attained with another man by your side, I will pretend to be fine for a while – and after that, I will just lose my mind.” 
You laughed with a shook of your head, “There is only you, Seb.” You intoned, not even daring to look at him although Sebastian was staring right back at you. 
somewhere in the past
It was an odd feeling even then, knowing that there is only him and that the likelihood of another man was out of the question for the rest of your life right from the point you kissed him one first time. You were foolishly in love with him, Sebastian swept you out of your feet utterly and completely, and so was Seb – childishly smitten with you right from the start. 
The thing with young love nonetheless is that it consumes you whole and makes you act in all mad kind of ways, and you two had to learn how to mature through them together. Oh boy, was that a rocky road indeed that seemed to be still shaky more than twenty-years later when you would have not guessed that your heart would still ache in such a fashion at the idea of somebody else in Sebastian’s life. You can never perfect a relationship, and you and Sebastian never claimed to have succeeded in doing so. 
 Everybody tells you that when you find “the right one” the rest goes easy, there are no fights, no pauses, no sobs, and cries. You and Sebastian went through all of them, and the first time that the idea of mending your relationship was when you both figured out that long-distance sucks big time. 
You were studying far away from your city; Sebastian was travelling all the time due the nature of his job. Barely speaking, seeing each other two to three times a mouth was challenging, but you promised yourselves that you can make it work and that three years from that point on you will write in any city racing takes Sebastian and then you will rest when needed in your own little studio apartment when you get back home. You had all the time in the world, you would say but time was distancing you more than the actual miles in between your bodies. Sebastian was in different time zones almost every weekend, and you studied and worked part-time by day and wrote by night, using the little to no free time you had in between to be social, go to parties, meet people, and build a life of your own that Sebastian was unable to take part of. 
It tormented him – day and night – it tormented Sebastian, that you had a whole different life he had little to no idea about in college so far away from him.  
“You are going to a party?” Your boyfriend sarcastically inquired over the phone, “I thought you hated parties.” 
You chuckled at the end of the call, “I don’t.” You spoke with a silly smile all over your face that was always present whenever you two were talking over the phone after a long day of not reaching each other, “I just was not invited to parties in high-school, so I always claimed I don’t like them – when, in fact, I do.” You paused, position in the bed shifted as you heard Sebastian’s breath into the phone, something about the way he sounded made your knees weak and your spine shiver. 
You two had not been physical with each other for mouths, and that drove both of you insanely crazy. Therefore, a simple breath was enough for you to gulp your words and for your body to heat up. 
“Can I come too?” Sebastian inquired, and your smile not just widened on your face, but your cheeks were about to burst from their rosiness and for how much they were pushed up by the arched corners of your mouth. 
Sebastian should have seen you then, and that would have been enough for him to kiss you all over your face. That man was whipped, your smile was his kryptonite, the weakness of his heart and the craving of his soul. 
“You are free this weekend?” You happily spoke, patiently waiting for your boyfriend’s answer. 
Sebastian was most definitely not free even tough that was not a race weekend, the young German driver had media duties to attend all weekend being back home. The Torro Rosso win just happened two weeks ago and people (his people) wanted him in interviews, in magazines, in papers to talk all about that and to praise their championship-material racing driver for being the youngest winner ever. And yet, none of the people who could fuel his fame by meeting with him for interviews and photoshoots were worth to prologue the absence of your smile.  
“I have to shift some things, but I will come.” He spoke, already thinking ahead about whom he should call to cancel his meetings. 
“That’s amazing, Seb.” You almost sobbed, “I miss you so, so much.” You simply spoke, throat aching in a dry pain. 
“I miss you too, so, so much.” Sebastian spoke after a short chuckle, and you could basically still hear the smile into the tone of his voice, feeling the warmth of it too spreading in an empty room that cried for Sebastian’s presence.  
Sebastian’s heart felt heavy once the call ended, and that was because he felt you slipping form between his fingers for the first time ever since you two kissed in front of your door years ago. You were becoming your own individuals, and yet you and Sebastian had completely different pathways that you hopefully made ends meet. Closing his eyes, Sebastian dreamed of the time promised: watching you writing your books first thing in the morning as he awakes, having you all for himself inches away instead of miles, seeing your smile instead of only picturing it somewhere in the back of his mind. 
After three to four rounds of showing him how much you missed Sebastian, leaving him tireless and sweaty pinned to your dorm bed, you took your silk robe and tightening it around the waist so you could take a shower and get ready for the said party. Sebastian watched you as you departed, almost convinced that his hand was unable to leave yours as you rose from the bed. 
“That was something else,” Sebastian paused, gutted almost. With one hand glued to his forehead, he took a full breath of the tensed air in the room, “I think we must have broken a personal record or something, love.” He laughed, and you could not help yourself not to give him a sly smile in return. 
“In time or pleasure?” You inquired with a curved eyebrow, and Sebastian arched his back up to straighten it on the bed frame leaned against one of the walls just to take a better look at you after a short and vehement nod of approval before saying, ‘both, I think both’. 
Sebastian took your hand again in his as you were hurryingly passing by the bed to lure you in again, but the man only managed to steal a short kiss from your lips as you departed once again. 
“I have to get ready, Seb.” You urgently breathed, “You need to help me choose in between two outfits.” You spoke, steps hastening to the bathroom. 
Your boyfriend leaned his head back on the pillow, “Oh, so you really want to go to this party.” He intoned, hopping that maybe what just happened in between the two of you would convince you to skip the evening and go back to bed.
 Just you and him for an entire afternoon, evening and night, Sebastian has been longing for twenty-four hours like this for so long now. And yet, just now – your boyfriend had realized how much you wanted to go to that party, seeing you all flustered about the choosing of your outfit fact that had never happened before to any of the events you two went too. 
It aroused uncertainties, those kinds of suspicions that crawls into Sebastian’s head too quick and for too long, without reason or logic when it came to the fear of losing you. You were changing before Seb’s eyes, quite literally and figuratively, and your boyfriend had the understanding for the very first time ever that he needed to not only cope with the idea of you having a chuck of life that was not involving him, but also supportyou and your decisions.
Just as you have been doing with him being a driver in the past few years, just as you got used to not seeing Sebastian that much and with reading rumors about him dating some other girls, constantly doubting yourself of not being good enough for him, just as you dealt with his whole different person when Sebastian was racing. 
And yet, knowing that you were able to put an front up until now about all of this without saying once that it is bothersome, arose another type of inquiry for Sebastian – what if one day you decide to leave him because someone who is not there for you all the time was not suitable to the kind of life you wanted to have?
Getting to know each other as best friends at first was something, dealing with the insufficiencies of your relationship now was a whole different ground that you had to have it paved through trial and error, mistakes and apologies, hot tears and soft kisses on burning cheeks. 
Your boyfriend got to know a whole different you at that party. You acted like a natural extrovert with everyone that was present there. You hugged people, you kissed their cheeks, you even took more shots that you could handle. You were never like this before with people at high-school, Sebastian has never seen you so genuinely happy when people that were not him were around – and that made him extremely jealous, utterly protective of what he thought it belonged to him and only him. Children, both of you. 
“Your boyfriend?” One of your college friends spoke as you introduced Sebastian to him, and your boyfriend could not help himself not to stare at what seemed to be a Greek God glimpsing at him and then at his girl, “You never told me you had a boyfriend before, glad to meet you—” The man paused, waiting for Sebastian to utter his name. 
Auch, a punch in the groin. Yes, Sebastian was sane enough to know that not everyone follows sports, and yet lies would have been involved to say that Sebastian’s ego was not hurt right then and there by this mysterious wavy-haired, sun-kissed, hell of a man for not knowing who he was, and by you for not telling him sooner that you were all spoken for. The insecurities made room into the nets of your boyfriend’s mind once again, why you were not telling him that you had a boyfriend for? 
“Sebastian Vettel,” He then replied, lifting his hand in the air just to be cupped with strength by the man. 
“Robert.” He simply replied, giving a firm shake to Sebastian. 
You adjusted your voice by coughing twice sensing whatever was going on between two males shaking hands for the first time, “Robert is in my creative writing class, he mostly writes slam poetry at which he is pretty good.” You explained to Sebastian with an awkward smile, wrapping one of our arms around Sebastian as soon as they dropped the handshake. 
“Oh? He does?” Sebastian replied, having no idea how slam poetry sounded like and not intending to hear from this godlike of a man who was now gazing at you a little bit too much to be just friendly what was that. 
Sebastian’s blood boiled, especially after Robert thanked you with a smile, “Oh, thank you. You do flatter me, Y/N darling.” He paused, Sebastian’s jawline hardening as Robert continued with, “Your girlfriend’s poems are something else, tough!” He then explained, words to which Sebastian’s straight lines turned into a smile, “Now I can see where the inspiration comes from,” Robert continued, giving Sebastian a short head-to-toes check-up with scrutinizing eyes, “I can see why I could not stand a chance now.” He then commented slightly patting your shoulder, Sebastian’s mouth returning into a straight line. 
You awkwardly laughed and dragged Sebastian out of there, waving goodbye to Robert and going straight to the bar for yet another two shots. 
“That man wants to fuck you.” Sebastian bluntly spoke after the liquid went down on both of your throats, the harshness of your boyfriend’s words standing as a sign that you were not the only one who drank up their limit – and you knew better than to be hurt by drunk words coming out of Seb’s mouth that he will for certain regret in the morning. 
“I know,” You simply replied as you leaned on the bar, “You heard him yourself; it is not like he could stand a chance.” You continued, as you and Sebastian both could feel Robert’s eyes across the room. 
“He is an attractive man; I am pretty sure he thinks he will have a chance at it in the future.” Sebastian noted, part of his voice crumbling as Sebastian spoke the words to you and part of his tone collapsing inside his throat as the thought of you touched by hands that were not his own crossing his mind. 
You almost gagged on another shot, “Do you hear yourself now?” You questioned, hands locked at your chest now as you deeply sighed, “He is an attractive man?” You laughed, “How about: Y/N, you are an attractive woman, and I am aware of the fact that other people might want you, but I trust you enough that you will not cheat on me.” You mouthed, harshly looking at Sebastian as his words were cut short, not expecting of you to give him a full lecture. 
“Y/N I—” Sebastian paused, not knowing what to say next for this to not escalate into a fight, waiting to avoid conflict with you as much as probable, “I—” He stumbled again, not finding the right next step. 
You are the person Sebastian loves the most right then and there, why would your boyfriend want to pick a fight with you out of something so ordinary as a good-looking man about whom Sebastian knew essentially nothing about fantasying of having a shoot with you? 
Your lungs filled with unbreathable air, “You?” 
“Come on, love.” Sebastian muttered, taking one of your hands in his to kiss the back of it, “I really don’t want to fight.” He then confessed, and as soon as the words reached your ears, you retracted your hand from his. 
“Of course.” You exhaled, “You never want to fight.” You added watching your shoes rather than looking at him, “I am tired, let’s go back to the dorm – we can “not talk” about it on our way back.” You sarcastically spoke, hopping from the high-bar chair and making your way to the exit with pressed steps, Sebastian following right after you with his heart up to his throat knowing that dodging the fight was not worth it. 
You walked ahead of him without saying any word back to him, not even giving him a glimpse over the shoulder. Your eyes were watery, and your neck was dry, not the very best combination if you were to lock eyes with Sebastian. You knew you would burst right into crying if you were to look at him, because all these mouths were you seemed to not be bothered by doing long distance with him were just an act. You hated every single fucking minute of it, and that piled up with each missed phone call, each rumor about some sort of a girl, each interview with him all giggly and happy wondering, searching, glooming somewhere in the back of your mind that would it have not been better for him to not be tied up by some high-school crush of his in this fame hunting ride? 
And now this? Sebastian hinting at the idea of you being with Robert under any circumstancing whatsoever? On top of all, Sebastian’s inability to fight with you showing up again. Always wanting to avoid fights, never wanting to upset you, and always protecting you seemed to be the right ways to go at first. And yet, no relationship survives without conflict, there is no calm after the chaos if there is no chaos to begin with. Bottling all your feelings up, burying them deep into a coffin – this will not work out, you both thought. 
“I cannot “not talk” about it.” You said at the same time, Sebastian’s hand catching yours from behind and you turning your glare at him as you stopped your steps blocks away from your dorm. 
Soft breezes of spring blew into your faces, icing the tears at the corners of your eyes that Sebastian touched with the tips of his fingers as he cupped your face to kiss it. Yes, smiling you must be Sebastian’s weakness, but watching tears fall down your plumped cheeks might just as well be his eternal damnation. 
“I sounded like a jerk back there, please, please –” Sebastian begged with closed eyes and lips glued to your forehead, “forgive me for being such a fucking prick.” He added, one of the hands now on the back of your neck as the thumb could stroke your cheek as Sebastian dearly looked down at you, “I just got very jealous.” 
Your fingers cupped the man’s wrist, “I should have told you about Robert before,” You recognized right away, “I was just scared that you will not trust me if I tell you that he tries his luck with me.”
Sebastian shook his head, “No, no, no.” He repeated vehemently, “I trust you completely, is not even about that.”  He then confessed, “The thing is,” Sebastian then stopped, lips on yours for just a moment so Sebastian can remember how courage tasted like. 
You chuckled, there was not even a moment in which this man could hold himself back from kissing you, “The thing is?” You smiled, repeating his words. 
“I am untrusting of myself.” Sebastian muttered the words, taking one step away from you as he spoke, “You have this whole new life that I know nothing about, Y/N.” He then begin, as if a tap has been flipped up or a switch lighted on, “You have your new friends, and your book that you are writing, and parties to attend, and literature to study, and places to see, and people to meet, and I—” Sebastian stopped with a gulp into his chest, “I feel like no matter how much I try – I will never fit in your life.” 
Your eyes softened, oh love. This evening was a turn point in your relationship, you were both twenty-one and unexperienced in what love was. And yet, you wanted to learn – and you did that together in time, not feeling worthy of each other both in different ways was just the beginning of the learning curve. 
“I feel like I don’t fit into yours either.” You added with a sob, “You are always away, people are taking pictures wherever you go and somehow they never follow you when you and I are together, so they think you are dating all those random girls that show in the paddock, and I feel like I am holding you back.” 
Sebastian nodded in understanding, “That is why you did not tell your friends yet about me?” He asked with widened eyes, “I thought you want to keep all of this private.” He spoke, pointing to the two of you. 
“I wanted to do so.” You confirmed after scratching the back of your head, “I thought I will be fine reading rumors about you and some supermodel that supports Red Bull, but man – I hate them.” 
“The supermodels or the rumors?” Sebastian joked, and you huffed a short giggle again. 
“Both.” You replied with furrowed eyebrows. 
“So, now you can understand my jealousy towards Robert?” 
You nodded, “Yes, I do.” You confirmed after another short sight, “Foolish of us to think that loving each other is enough.” You commented, being the one now to take the extra-step in between the two of you for the distance to dissolve to zero as Sebastian’s eyes were all over you face, lips, neck, and shoulders, “It seems like we need to do more than that.” You continued, arms around Sebastian’s neck now. 
“Avoiding fights is not the answer, that I know now.” Sebastian shortly laughed, and you could not help yourself but smile, letting him kiss what he adored the most, “What a fucking stupid name Robert is, tough. “Sebastian spoke in a playful tone as you tightened your grip around the man’s body. 
“There is only you, Seb.” You replied as you buried your head into the man’s shoulder, “There is only you.” You reassured your boyfriend, making sure that the words were heard as your lips caressed Sebastian’s skin across the man’s neck. 
Sebastian said nothing to your words, you were wondering if the same memory played inside of your ex-husband’s mind. And yet, you were welcomed with nothing but radio-silence coming from him as the car was started. Sebastian drove in silence from the parking spot to the cinema’s entrance where Anne was spotted right away by her father’s peering eyes. Your ex-husband went out of the car, crossed his hands at his chest and tried once again to look fierce and intimidating. You remined in the car with the window open, right at Sebastian’s right shoulder watching him with the same amused smile as when you dropped Anne. After saying her goodbyes, Anne went straight to the car completely and bluntly avoiding Sebastian’s gaze over her and that boy. 
“How was the movie, darling?” You intoned, sensing right away that something was bothering Anne. 
“It was good.” She simply replied, watching her friends outside the window leaving one by one but evading from within her little crush’s gaze. 
You muttered a short “mhm” as Sebastian got back into his seat, evidently confused as well by the lack of talk coming from Anne, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Sebastian asked, both of you turning your heads to her. 
“Nothing.” She continued; eyes still glued on the window. 
“Are you sure?” Sebastian worryingly asked, patting his girl’s leg to make her attentive towards her parents, “Do you want to talk to us?” He continued, but Anne was adamant still as she disagreed with a nod. 
“I don’t have anything to say, nothing happened.” Anne highlighted with furrowed eyebrows, “Can we go, please? I am hungry.” She spoke, glancing from Sebastian to you – signaling that you need to convince her father to drop it. And yet, none of you wanted to drop it, but Sebastian listened to her as he always has done and started the engine, the three of you getting out of the parking lot in a heavy silence. 
“Oh,” You mouthed once Anne’s words clicked for you, “That is why you are upset – nothing happened.” You spoke, clapping your hands once before turning back to Anne and catching her glare on you, “You wanted him to do something?” You questioned Anne, watching your daughter’s lips plucked in a puppy pout as she nodded. 
“You are upset because of that?” Sebastian stepped in, opening his mouth even wider to continue speaking but being interrupted by one of your fingers at the front of his nose. 
“Shut up, pay attention to the driving.” You commented, giving him a sharp look from which Sebastian has understood that playing the overly protective father card right now was not the time. 
“I am literally a professional driver.” Sebastian teased, and both you and Anne’s faces lighted up with a smile as soon as you heard Seb’s sarcastic tone, “Ok, but I will behave.” He accentuated, slightly rolling his eyes as a drama queen. 
You took Anne’s hands in words, and she poured her soul right in was she watched your lovely eyes looking right back at hers and Sebastian’s worried ones through the rear mirror, “I know he likes me, and I like him too. And yet, we have not held hands yet! Also, he stood right next to me during the movie and not a word shared – like I don’t even exist.” She almost sobbed, snatching your hands tightening into hers. Your eyes softened, oh my dear girl. You patted the back of her hand, opening your mouth to speak. 
“Very good.” Sebastian stepped in again, “You are sixteen, holding hands should be banned until you are at least eighteen.” He added, throwing a look over the shoulder to forewarn Anne. 
“Eyes on the road, Sebastian.” You intoned in a somewhat harsh tone, sharpening him with a look that had the intention of being mean, but being unsuccessful so as yours caught his and you saw the spectacle of luminated lights on the road flickering within the margins of his irises.  
Sebastian nodded, “You are right, I will shut up.” He spoke, being scolded even by Anne’s glare reflected in the rear mirror that piercing him. Sebastian wanted for his daughter to just be the happiest girl in the world, and if holding hands with that boy was what she needed at that moment to become that, your ex-husband had to accept it. 
“You said he was shy, right?” You asked, playing it cool as if you were not just seeing the boy trembling next to your daughter minutes ago in the cinema, “It was not the place and the moment to hold hands, perhaps.” You assured Anne with a warm smile, “Next time, maybe be the one to catch his hand in yours. Boys are not really that great in catching subtilities, and to act accordingly of their thoughts, especially when they are young. They try to seem tough, rough and like they are not touched by anything, especially when they are with their friends.” You highlighted, slightly pointing to Sebastian as you titled your head. 
“I saw that, love.” Sebastian laughed, realizing right after that stopping this force of habit was going to be tougher that it seemed, “And yes, Anne. Your mother was right, we are the stupidest beings when it comes to catch signals, and we like to put on a persona around friends, this will change as he grows up.” 
You nodded, “Yes, you just have to be up-front about it.” You added, glaring at Sebastian as you were both thinking about the very first time you got into a huge fight due to exactly this reason, “Ask him if he likes you when you feel ready to do so, avoiding the talk will only do worse – trust me, and your father.” You spoke, hands still cupped with Anne. 
Sebastian nodded, and Anne could see his toughened glare in the mirror watching you two, “Feelings can be little intricate branches that crawl into your mind, body and soul trying to fool you into sheltering them deep down, your mother thought you and me how to cope with them, and for that we should be forever grateful for.” Sebastian spoke in a soft tone much contrary to his eyes, “Maybe, your little friend was not that lucky yet.” Your ex-husband commented, filling Anne’s heart with big hopeful flakes of light for her to be that person, for her to show him how to learn love. 
“Do you want to come in?” You asked Sebastian as the car stopped outside of your house, “I am hungry, and I am sure Anne’s famished too—” 
“I am not, I want to go to bed early.” Anne interrupted, jumping straight out of the car, and going into the house, probably locking right away into her room to text the boy, “Goodnight, mom, dad!” She yelled, slamming shut the door after she got in. 
You laughed, “Oh, she is head over heels over this guy.” You huffed, amusingly watching the light of her room blasting at the second-floor sight that she basically bolted in 0.2 seconds on the stairs. 
“Reminds me of someone.” Sebastian teased, rubbing shoulders with you as you were both out of the car and leaning on the side of it. 
You laughed, “I stole my mom’s phone once to text you.” 
Sebastian laughed back, “I know, I stole my father’s car to impress you.” 
You shook your head as you faked disbelief, “You were already impressing me by winning races, there was no need to steal a random streetcar from your father.” You spoke, side-eyeing him from time to time as you talked. 
“I have not won a race in a hot minute.” Sebastian pleaded, watching his feet rather than your face. 
“You will, no worries.” You spoke, gently stroking the man’s shoulder with your fingers for comfort. 
“Most unlikely.” Sebastian bittersweetly uttered before he took a huge breath of air in, “I am resigning from Formula One by the end of the season.” He then exhaled, clean blue eyes locking yours now.   
You could not help yourself but slightly smile, you have seen what more than twenty-five years have done to him doing this job. You witnessed that all, all the highs, all the lows, and all the in-betweens. You said nothing on the matter, and Sebastian knew that you will not – that was the reason why you divorced him the first place. In that moment, watching you staring at him back with a little smile sprung on your face and glistering eyes, weary skin and a bittersweetly usage of tone, Sebastian wished for him to have been able to deliver this type of news sooner – three years sooner. 
Your shoulders shrugged and then twitched back up, the tension in your body releasing at once, “Are you hungry or not?” You asked departing from the car and making your way into the house. 
Sebastian nodded and followed you, like the man had always has done. At the door frame, Sebastian’s steps slowed, and you inquisitively stopped yours, “What happened?” You asked, the hungriness that took over your body being replaced with a short amused smiled as you watched Sebastian just standing there and staring right back at you. 
“There is only you, too.” Sebastian simply replied, confirming that you were both thinking of the same evening back in the car, “And yes,” Seb laughed, “I still think that Robert is a dumb ass name.” He spoke, and you two busted into laughter as the door of your house opened, both spending the rest of the evening in your kitchen trying to make something comestible to eat out of what laid in the back of your freezer. 
You were all that the other one knew, and such evenings as the one more than twenty-five years ago and the one just now were mere reminders of that. There were only you two, always. 
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starityslife · 3 months
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Quackity with a reader who drifts and stuff
Why do you do it? People ask this question all the time. Why do you risk your life and others? Simple answer, cause your a girl who things that cars and speed can mend her heart. But maybe it's not the answer...maybe theres a boy who can stop covering the hole and actually heal it♡
☆ Warnings: none really just life shit
☆ Genre: fluff, angsty? Idk
Another day of just mindlessly drifting around a circle while people jump infront of you and trap you in a circle, yeah it's the shit. But lately you've been feeling like even your coping method isn't bringing you the thrill anymore. You speed your drift so you can match the speed of your spinning mind.
When the show comes to an end you try to drive away but your stopped by the cars blocking the entrance, you speed around the place when you accept defeat and exit your car. Maybe if you just got out and chatted then the time would fly by.
You got out of your vehicle and people came up to you and said "that shits cool" "dope" just casual shit. But another boy and his friends come up to you. This may sound weird but it's like he just caught your eye.
His hair covered by a beanie while strands fly and raise at certain ends, his eyes dark in the smokey sky. "Hi" he said "h-hey" you said. God why did you have to stutter? Did he notice it? Lord help me. He smiles and says "that was really cool." You couldn't tell if it was him dragging his words or you wanting to savor the moment. "Thanks" you say awkwardly. His friends realized the awkward flirtatious tension(is that even a thing?) and leave the two of you. Out of the corner of your eye you realize that the exits clearing. But now you didn't want to leave. The boy was talking and you were mindlessly just staring at him when you blurt out, "do you wanna go for a ride?" "Um sure" he laughs. Great you felt like shit. He gets into your car and you exit the place. After an awkward silent car drive you find a remote spot that looks perfect for drifting.
You look over at the boy and ask, "you trust me?" "I-for what?" He looks at you, obviously with other intentions(might make a smut abt this lmk) "To drift" "After seeing you drive, anything" he says. You change the gear, place your foot on the gas and next thing you know your drifting to psycho dreams by kill eva(this is a bomb drifting song) he rolls down his window and smiles like a child. After a while you slow down and say,"guess I should get you back to your friends huh?" He frowns and says, "yeah,they might think I got murdered"
He picks up his phone to reveal 7 missed calls and 20 texts. Ranging from "ALEX WHERE TF ARE YOU" to "BRO ARE YOU OKAY?"
While you drive him back you actually have a nice conversation about how you got into drifting.
"So why'd you start"
"Start what?"
"Honestly as a way to cope"
"Sorry for asking but with what?"
"Parental issues" STOP BEING SO DRY GODDAMIT you thought to yourself. But it was a difficult topic. Even with the cute boy.
"Oh, I understand"
"I never got your name yk."
"I'm alex"
note: pretty boy = alex♡
the rest of the ride was just you two listening to music and occasionally cracking a joke.
When you got there he waved goodbye and left but came running back before you could pull out.
"HEY" he yells waving his arms
you roll down your window
"Hi?" God your so awkward
"Can I get your number?"
You exchange numbers with the pretty boy
He leaves with his friends and you decide to get some food and go back home
The next morning you wake up with a text
Hey dude,I met the most beautiful girl,her names y/n. She does like drifting and shit and she's so hot. She took me drifting and I think I'm in love bro.
This definitely was not meant for you.
Honestly this was shit but I needed to do something<3
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aaliyg · 15 days
Liyah and KK Sister Dynamics HC's
Warning: cursing
Dialogue Color Code: KK, Liyah, Ice
Kinda short but ayee
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(basically little sister KK, big sister Liyah 😊)
She's stealing Liyah's food most definitely
"Aye KK have you seen my chipotle?"
"...Why is there rice on your cheeks? Nobody cooked rice today- Kamorea."
"WHY THE FUCK- bitch you're paying me back."
"I don't have the moneyyyy!!"
"Figure it out then."
Liyah is a decently early sleeper (like 10:30 the earliest) so uh... KK has ALOT of candid pics that she uses as memes in the gc
Aubrey: When I say I slept like a BABY last night....
Liyah: You and Aliyah was having fun huh 🤭
Aubrey: stfu
KK: Aubrey rn: *insert pic of Liyah sleeping*
Liyah: ...if u don't delete that rn istg
KK: hmmmmmmm no💙
Liyah: i hate you.
KK: oop not the punctuationnnn...love you too bookie 🤭
Liyah: 😒 Aubrey how bad would it be if i committed murder
Aubrey: honestly i support it
KK is THEE biggest Liyah+Azzi truther Lizzi™ for short (yes KK did trademark it. deadass.)
"Soooo how are you and Azzi doing? Yall kiss yet??"
"Girl wtf- no..."
"Are you gonna?"
"Please leave me alone man."
"Aww trouble in paradise?"
*Liyah side eyes her*
"My bad girlie my bad."
EVERY SINGLE TIME Uconn mics KK up there are two people on the top of her hitlist: Ice and Liyah (free them)
"We back with another videoooo!!"
*in the background* "Oh God.."
*side eye* "ANYWHO let's go ask the people some questions. SO Icey Baby. Ice Cube if you will-"
*Ice side eyes tf outta her*
"....sassy much. Anyways what song are you listening to right now?" *leans the mic*
"Um Snooze by SZA."
"Ouuuuu I CAN'T LOSE WHEN IM WITH YOUUUU!! I like it I like it." *bolts over to Liyah*
"Heyyyy big sister!!" *purposefully looks down* "Or little sister..."
"Aight now what do you want?"
*looks at the camera* "You see how she treats me yall? Anyways...why did you eat the last of my pringles?"
"You literally told me to?"
KK will always drag Liyah into a tiktok dance. Liyah doesn't mind, but KK starts regretting it when Liyah starts making the dance even more complex
"Ouuu we could do it like this..."
"Liiiiiiiii PLEASE it's just a simple dance."
"But it could be SO much better. Let me cook dammit."
"Oh my fucking God." *throws hands up in surrender*
KK almost busted her ass once 😭
If Liyah is driving KK is GLUED to that passenger seat. She loves it there
"Hehe yeahhh I get aux." *shuffles music and plays God's Plan by Drake*
"Playing Drake during these trying times huh?"
*busts out laughing* "Don't blame me blame Apple!"
KK will always brag that she has scary big sister privileges and she's not wrong at ALL
*Aubrey and KK play fighting a bit TOO hard*
"Aye cut that shit out."
*Aubrey and KK IN SYNC* "Yes ma'am."
*cue Ice cracking up in the background*
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I'm very glad you love it. There is one scene I had in mind for him taking a blow to the head that doesn't take out his internal speakers but does gouge open the side of his helmet. Meaning it's no longer sound proof for non super hearing people and those around him can hear the music flowing through his speakers. Of all things, he's currently listening to Beethoven's Virus. Which is an amazing song.
As for his speakers being fully turned off, I like that idea. Perhaps something similar where he takes a blow to the head and is now stumbling and tripping over his own feet? It would definitely be infront of the other members of the JLD, who have no idea he can't fight without music. They just see Dancing Belmont take a blow to the head and when he gets up, his visor is cracked and glitching and he can hardly walk a straight line. He tried to fling his whip at the enemy only to sweep his own legs out from under himself and take another nasty looking fall. He lays there for a few seconds before getting up and trying again, not hurting himself but missing by nearly a foot (due to Tim being mostly blind thanks to the visor glitching tf out.
I don't think they would just let him vanish like he normally does after a fight and is whisked off to the Watch Tower because he's clearly seriously injured. However he is violently protective of his helmet and even though he was just nearly limp in WW's arms to be carried there, the moment someone touched his helmet he starts swinging his fists. They have to sedate him and he's so glad he wore a domino under his helmet today.
Or maybe he doesn't have the domino and instead of connecting him to Robin, they connect him to Tim Drake. The Bats find out because they have programs in the watch tower that scan for any use of their civilian names Just In Case.
Yeah! I am super curious how everyone would react to his identity reveal or even just the secret that he needs music in order to utilize some of his skills. He's still scarily competent even without music. He just can't use the whip. Does the music help him recall information, or is it primarily about the fighting style?
I'll have to give that song a listen to when I'm not at work, lmao
It also makes sense for him to be protective of his helmet. Does he enchant anything on it (idk remember the magic setup of Castlevania, but that would work for DC magic)?
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alicenightingale · 5 months
Percy Jackson Review/My Thoughts
I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher
The opening scene is absolutely perfect. 10/10 Uncle Rick.
Please, please, please, pleeaaassseee tell me the Pegasus on the rooftop was Blackjack. I am begging.
Sally told Percy, "Not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero. And not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster," foreshadowing to Medusa.
Gabe is more of comic relief and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Sally Jackson listening to Logical by Olivia Rodrigo is the best because 1. I love that song and 2. she's listening to it in the rain.
d'Angelos sandwich shoppe?? Like Nico di Angelo? Please, please, please, please, please.
"You fell in love with God? Like Jesus??!" crying laughing. "A God..." followed by Sally sloppily trying to tell Percy he's a half-blood
No, mom, I'm not a God's kid there's something wrong with my brain. OMG I didn't know whether to laugh or cry in this scene.
"Grover, why is there half a goat in your PANTS?!?!" "So the important thing is not to panic."
"Is that the (voice crack) Minotaur??" Oh my, Walker you are perfect.
"I'm actually 24.." This had me rooollling.
Sally is already badass and I can't wait for The Last Olympian when Mama Jackson is shooting monsters with a GUN.
Grover swearing to Sally that Percy would be safe made me sad but it would have been 100000x worse if he swore on Styx.
"You are not broken, you are a miracle, and you are my son. Hold fast Percy."
Sally evaporating into dust hurt watching a lot more than reading, and
OMG OMG OMG baby Percy holding riptide and it glowing and my heart is crying I can't tell if it's tears of pain of joy but my heart and my eyes are crying.
"He's the one." "Hush, Annabeth." I was hoping to see her but we don't see her yet lmao
The end credits scene looks a lot like the same illustration for the covers of the paperback books.
When I saw this ep was only a half hour I was genuinely disappointed.
Dior's acting in this and her emotion when Clarisse's spear broke is perfection.
Never picked up on Annabeth calling Percy Sunshine
2. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
My first thought: scary lightning and delirious Percy.
My second thought: "You drool in your sleep," Annabeth said, arms crossed and glaring at Percy while Percy is confused.
My third thought: this is the scene in the books where Percy notices Annabeth looks like an actual Princess lmao.
Camp Half-Blood t-shirt!!! I want one and it looks soooo cooollll
Dionysus and Percy already getting into it lmao
Dionysus is funny.
"Actually, I think I can, son." "Dad?!?!"
Chiron is sooo tall I never realized how tall a centaur is.
Chiron telling Percy he isn't his son is the funniest thing.
But imagine Mr. D doing that to all the kids lmfao
I love the waterfall that is shown
I want to see the strawberry fields...
Never surrender riptide, Percy. Never
12 cabins for 12 Olympians (for now; the Gods banished Zues and he doesn't have a cabin which is completely unfair. And only a few would be occupied. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Artemis are empty).
OMG Luke I hate that you're going to betray Percy like thatttt
Who tf is the wood nymph Grover talks to? And will she be the one to introduce us to Juniper?
Introduced to the Cloven Council early and we find out about Sally Jackson really early.
"I don't want to lie to him anymore," and we love you for it Grover. You are a schmol bean too pure for this world.
Luke comforting Percy
Percy already wanting to Gods to pay their child support is the best thing in the world.
Clarisse is so pretty and I love her.
Percy not being able to be good at archery is a great detail from the books.
I can't tell if I'm more in love with Luke, with his morally greyb self, or Chris Rordiguez because Damn he's fine.
Percy praying to his mom :'(
"He can ignore me but he doesn't get to ignore you."
The Ares kids are so mean and then they got their butts kicked by Karma lol
Clarisse def knew that he was a Poseidon kid or that she was gonna kill him.
I love Annabeth and how Luke is always on her side.
The Yankees cap !!!!
Literal war between red and blue lmao
Luke saying "When it's time, he's gonna be ready. I know it," immediately followed by Percy flossing, peeing, petting a lizard, and laying doing nothing is the absolute best.
Percy being naturally good at sword-fighting is the best.
Dior's acting when Percy breaks Clarisse's spear is great and Walker said in an interview that when the camera pans back to him he was actually scared.
Annabeth: Offers Percy her hand. "Listen, Percy... I'm sorry." And then him immediately being claimed
This is a change from the books because she didn't know who his father was and wanted him to be a Zeus kids.
Everyone else: OMG you're Poseidon's kids.
Percy: I'm Sally Jackson's kid, actually mf
"I am Sally Jackson's son!"
Percy immediately going from "good luck finding three idiots to complete this quest" to "When do we leave."
3. We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
Walker's voice cracks are so adorable.
Am I the only one who was confused when Gabe showed up as the Oracle???
I love that Percy immediately chose Annabeth bcuz "I don't see us ever being friends"
Grover talking to a Pegasus is the best thing ever.
Why does Poseidon's cabin have a pool in the middle of the floor? Seems like a hazard in the middle of the night.
Yayy, Golden Drachmas.
And the shoes, curse those converses.
We actually get to see Luke's scar in this ep and i feel like in the books it seems a lot more... seen rather than just a thin line.
Thalia's treee
I hate that Grover often talks about himself in third person when he's not proud of something.
"Does she think she's in charge?" "Who else would be in charge?" Smart answer, Grover. Smart answer.
And we all already hate zeus
"I really hate to be the tie breaker" lmao
Annabeth getting all the snacks.
And then immediately noticing a fury is how we all knew she was Athena's kid before we were even told.
Yayy, Alecto is back. And she went after Annabeth? Not Annabeth, Luke, and Thalia?
Annabeth's knife hits another Fury in the chest and dies.
I love Jessica Parker Kennedy's Medusa. she's both flawed and the victim and I couldn't decide whether to hate her or root for her. Like I love her outfit.
I would eat the hell out of the cupcakes lmao.
"Do you think it's safe to eat?" "Percy, I'm not gonna lie to you I'm really hungry and I'm willing to take that chance." Grover, I stan you.
I absolutely worship Medusa's story. It's so sad. And while she is telling the story, if you focus on her hair, you can see the snakes moving on her head.
Oh, Percy, my sweet, sweet boy. Of course you would help. Future wifie is like "Uhm, no. We need to leave."
I love the color of Medusa's eyes
Ohhh, these pre-pubescent kids fighting and making up is adorable <3
"They will see this as impertinent." "I am impertinent," another quote from the book.
Percy singing consensus is everything.
Min Manuel-Miranda is Hermes!!!! I love that man. "You guys are not gonna believe this."
4. I Plunge to My Death
This episode caused the most of my tears
Baby Percy is sooo cute I swear he is my life. I love the flashbacks. Except when they turn bad like this
Annabeth's story is identical to the books from what I remember
We find out Grover's interest in Pan a lot earlier than in the books. We don't see that until at least book 3.
We get to see the echidna. I really wanted it to be the Chimera to look like a poodle.
I hate Athena because she sent the echinda into her temple because annabeth "embarassed" her. Like really? Worst mother of the year.
Percy looking deathly ill breaks my heart.
Grover is literally me when I don't get enough sleep LMAO
The start of Percabeth's bickering and joking!!!
"It's like you need me to make fun of you."
The Policeman looks familiar.
Annabeth looking legit offended when she was called a little girl
The male police officer is played by Alessandro Juliani who plays Sinclair in the 100 on the Cw, another great show 9/10, highly reccommend
Percy and Annabeth bonding over Grover and their parents is adorable.
"careful I think you were about to call me a friend." more bickering and joking
Percy pulling a reverse uno card lmao
The fight with the chimera was terrifying but so worth it. Also why do you out my bby boi through this torture Uncle Rick???
Also the naiad?? what was with that? Why can't Posei-don't-wanna-pay-my-child-support just face Percy himself. That's gonna be a fucking emotional scene.
5. A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Percy climbed over the rail and was like : Hi :D
Thought Annabeth was gonna punch him not hug him but my percabeth heart was a puddle of fluff.
OOH. What's in Santa Monica?
Our baby is a fugitive.
Our three babies hiding behind the cement block from Ares: No we're good, thanks :D
Percy freaking out bc he thought Annabeth was freaking out she hugged him.
In the books Grover was always on Percy's side, but I love seeing him not choosing.
Ares is not as terrifying as I thought he was in the books lmao
"That's my cousin?" Percy said it with such disgust in his voice lmao.
Ares and his Twitter fights lol
Annabeth is fearless. I love it
Ares and Percy immediately having beef is the funniest thing because (in bellatrix voice) I KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN! I KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN! I KNO-
First use of Celestial Bronze!!
Annie geeking out over the mechanisms after trying to make a joke lol
Hephaestus was not at all ugly like Rick made him in the books. Or like Greek mythology made him.
The whole Tunnel scene was beautiful and sad and I love it
Grover and his psychological gaslighting is my world
"Percy stand up, I mean it!" and then him repeatedly saying he was ok broke my fragile heart.
Annabeth "I'm not leaving for my friend" is my favorite Annabeth.
Annabeth just likes to tell off Gods. Go off Queen!!
Percy likes to fight Gods lmao
"So thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers."
6. We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Have seen TikToks where Nico and Bianca's names are called out and I will keep an eye and an ear out for it.
Why did they have to make Hermes an obstacle? He wasn't at the Lotus in the books!
Kronos is kinda creepy ngl
Iris message to Luke! In Chiron's office??
"Toss it, Seaweed Brain!" EEEKK
"How do you know" Luke had a Panic attack.
"When did you turn into an old married couple?"' Luke is the best and the worst.
Grover is the empathetic one, poor animals.
I wish we got the scene where Percy talked to the Zebra like in the book.
WISE GIRL !!!!!!!!
The satyr Agustus was not in the books. I actually think he was in the Cloven of Elders in the 4th book.
12:37 we hear Nico calling Bianca's name, faintly in the background so the tv has to be on full or almost full blast.
Lotus nectar in the air??
Hermes playing Blackjack?
"Hey, demigods! Welcome!"
Hermes eyebrows arch makes Lin Manuel look so evil.
"We're friends of Luke's!" and it looked like Hermes was gonna help but nooooooo!
Percy is so proud of his wifey for pick-pocketing Hermes
"Man, Grover got really old. How long have we been here?" hahahaha
"To the Dumb Kids" Damn, Hermes that hurts.
I love that since Grover is 24 they think he's qualified to dribve.
Percy driving is the best thing. I don't know anything about driving or New York or driving in New York but I do know about road rage and Percy hitting the horn after almost getting t-boned.
Percy finding out that they were actually late for the summer solstice was sad. Like he was freaking out.
"save the world. And then save your mother."
7. We Find Out the Truth, Sort of.
Underworld time!!!
Okay, but what the hell happened between the ending of the last ep and the beginning of this one??
Crusty is dead.
"You've got dad's eyes," reminds me of "You look exactly like James. Except your eyes. You've got your mother's eyes."
"It's either the realm of the dead or someone left a carton of milk in there in the 1990s.' LMAO
I wish the demigods' ADHD and dyslexia was more openly discussed.
I love Cerberus
Poor Grover. Loosing his pearl
I want to see Annabeth flashbacks
Seeing the flashbacks are so, so sad.
I will forever be in awe of Hades's Palace.
What were the regrets that Annabeth had to get her bound to Asphodel? I think it has something to do with her dad and step mom. Or Thalia.
"I trust your dad" says a lot coming from Annabeth because in the books, she hated Poseidon at first.
Why is there sand by Tartarus?
(Sarcastic gasp) Percy had the bolt? No way.
"Is this--?" "NO!" "This looks" "It absolutely is NoT!!" Grover my precious angel.
Another flashback. Poor Percy doesn't understand the situation and poor Sally can't tell him.
I love Hades. He's perfect and fruity and I can't wait to see him interact with Nico.
Poor Hades just wants his helm!
And Percy had decided to think without the wifey and decided to get Hades helm after figuring out Kronos was behind everything. And Grover is so insulted at being called a goat lmao
I want to know the science/mythology behind how Sally conjured Poseidon and why she put a match in an empty milkshake to do it.
We actually see how much Poseidon loved and cared about Sally.
What happened between when he was 7/8 to 12 that made Sally not want to drop him off at camp like she had discussed with Poseidon?? She wanted to, to keep him safe but then it seems like Poseidon talked her out of it?
Sally believes in Percy so much even from such a young age.
Ares with the sword and the final scene.
8. The Prophecy Comes True.
Dramatic instrumental music and Luke talking in the intro?? Yes pleaSe!
And then flashback to Luke training Percy.
Ares laughing at Percy when he offers to spar with him is the funniest thing because he's about to get his ass kicked!!
Did Ares work with Kronos in the book? I can't remember.
"when you die, say goodbye to your mommy for me" Low blow Ares!!!
Go Percy!! Fight with water! And Ares is pissed. Even more!
Riptide and Percy in one corner, Ares and another celestial bronze sword in another. And Percy wins!! By a mudslide! LMAO
I thought Alecto died? When she was turned to stone??
Alecto saying "Good luck on Olympus," is scary. Like hella scary.
Percy calling Zeus a monster is so, so, so fucking fitting like I swear.
We get to see Annabeth's dad's college ring!!! On her camp necklace! That she gave to Percy.
"I'm here to see Zeus. I don't have an appointment."
My roommate is watching this ep with me and when Luke said "You don't want to be small and scary" she said "like spiders! :D" he said "cus things that are small and scary get squished" we both laughed out loud.
RIP Lance Reddick but Zeus is an absolute DICK
and scary (said in meek voice)
Poseidon fighting Zeus is amazing!!!!!
Zeus: "He's a forbidden child"
Poseidon: "So was Thalia"
Me: "What about your Roman form Jupiter with JASON GRACE!!!!"
I squealed and clapped my hands
I wanted to see who they cast as Athena
Like will she be white or black?
Percy and daddy bonding over Sally has my hearts in pieces.
"Do you ever dream about mom?"
Percy run away from Luke! He will hurt you!
Why is Luke crying???
We get to see Backbiter!!!!
"I heard everything!"
Percy got his first bead!!!
The third seaweed brain!
Percy calling Kronos grandpa is freaky
And Sally saying no absolutely fucking not
And Sally seeing right through Percy's bullshit lies
Sally is divorcing Gabe!! He is turned to stone LMAO
How long until season 2????
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onedayimgonnasnap · 1 year
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Lucio Slander
I’m choosing to be a menace to society starting with this ugly ass mother fucker.
Lucio desperately needs some mother fucking eye drops.
His hair is so gelled it cracks after he takes a shower and they’re still hair gel in it.
Mother fucker would go up to any Hispanic and say “My garden needs to be watered.”
Bro Fr deadass a colonizer
He makes Rika and J*sper look like saints. How tf is that even possible-
Bro dead ass is hated on by the whole damn city.
Bro is throwing tantrums at 40.
How tf does he cheat on Nadia- NADIA IS TO GOOD FOR HIM- WTF
Bro dead ass built like Ken from Toy Story 3
Bros hair line is dead ass reciting. It’s leaving to a whole ass another country.
bros the type of mf to say every single slur A-Z to remember his ABCs because he’s to dumb to memorize them.
Bro dead ass looks like a depressed uncle
He’s the type of mf to say he’s not white but say he’s actually 0.001% black so he can say the N- Word
Bros nose is built like a right triangle.
He’s allergic to anything spicy. He adds salt and pepper and says it’s the height of luxury.
How tf do you screw up so badly for your own momma to hate you 💀✋
I bet his mama really regrets not having an abortion
Bro dead ass in Muriel’s route cried “MAMA” and no one was there to help him 😭
Bro when you open up the app and press everyone they all have a cute smile and then there’s HIM- AND ITS SUCH AN UGLY FACE.
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Bros hygiene is so down bad that a plague was coming back when he was coming back. Do you know how bad that fucking looks? 😒
Plague or no plague, the deepest HES ever been in a hole is the one that he came out of his mamas.
Everytime we see him as a goat it’s a whole ass jumpscare.
Bros Fr apology video is gonna be a Travis Scott one.
I bet he doesn’t even wash his ass in the shower.
His nails are so fucking dirty they’re all black and it’s not even from the plague.
Bro has an ugly crying face. How tf do people get manipulated by him 💀✋ like dead ass I could tell him the trash Can has 5 dollars in it and he’d jump in without worrying about anything.
Bros fake robo arm has all the damn diseases, AIDS, cancer, bitchlesscosus, diabetes, rabies.
Actually if he bit you in his goat form you would proceed to her rabies.
I like how everytime he appears everyone is so sick and tired of his always seeking validation ass.
He has the posture of someone who didn’t get enough love and validation from their father.
I bet he has lice, like both head lice and pubic lice. And some of the head lice are dead because of all that hair gel he be using. So they’re stuck there in the middle forever.
The remaining live lice sing gospel songs on his head and praying that someday they will escape his greasy head ass because even they can’t breathe.
He would make out with a guy and still refuse to wash his ass because he thinks it’s gay.
Bro is not on gang with his rizz gang.
Bros the type of mf to be so happy when someone gives him a Pat on the back. But when that person does give him a pat on the back their hand now has a fowl Oder that only Jesus can stop.
Mf has only a face a mother Can love. Actually I lied, not even his own mother could love what ever that is. 😟
I like how no matter the fan art and etc he’s still FUCKING UGLY- NOONE CAN DO HIM JUSTICE
Bro has enough ear wax to make him a candle for days.
Bros eye brows are some how splitting I bet his eyebrow lice also be singing Christmas carols
These bitches look the same 💀✋
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lavena · 7 months
Tmnt headcannons and a psa for those like 3 toxic ppl
- Raph can get the highest flips pit of all his brothers
-Leo found out how to make the brushes used for Kanji n such for fun and will sometimes make wallpaper with his favorite quotes
-donnie breaks the fabric of the universe at least once a week and no one is surprised
- mikeys accent is fake, he actually has a Bronx accent, he just liked the sufer persona so much he decided to commit
-Leo got the go ninja go song stuck in his head for years
-Raph is the best break dancer and will go to clubs with his brother sometimes
-Donnie will sometimes escape to scap yards for hours on end just tearing appliances apart
-mikey has anger issues, as seen by him beating the shit out of a punching bag in the deleted scene (April's drawing of mikey)
-leo will get "the batman" voice whenever he is stressed
- mikey has night terrors
-Raph knits
-dons guilty pleasure is Celtic sings (tir na nog, teir abhaile riu)
2007 (dint mind me leading this tf up)
- raph learned Spanish because one of the kids he met on the street as Nightwatcher spoke it and raph wanted to be able to talk to the kid and make sure he ls alright
Leo get vivid nightmares after the Winters debacle
-mikey after working as cowabunga carl has nightmares
- Raph got shot when he first started being a vigilante
-don and mike are twins
- Dons tech support leaves him more sarcastic than ever, which is really funny for his brothers, but leo gets whiplash for the first bit after he gets home
-don holds a grudge against raph and leo, and sometimes their father but never enough for it to affect their family
- Leo got really good at hiding in the shadows to the point he scares the shit out of raph in the mornings
-raph started watching tellanovellas with their father after his nightwatcher thing
-mike will bake custom cakes for his cowabunga carl gigs for an extra price, at first it wasn't very successful but then word spread that they were the best goddamn cakes around and people started to ask for cakes even if they didn't have a kids birthday. Let's just say having a turtle at your quinces or receptions became an inside joke.
-don and mike are up at the crack of dawn, mike cause he likes to bake the cakes the day of so they don't dry out and the frosting doesn't get the weird hard bits after refrigerating and don because he needs to inject coffee and acetometaphin into his veins to deal with these stupid fcuking people
-leo had to use an automatic rifle once in the jungle and he vows to never again
-raph and Casey spent one too many times out till the break of dawn, Casey almost got fired, but raph and him made up a story, put on voices and treachcoats all that jazz. Now Caseys boss thinks he has ties with the mafia... it gets really runny when April finds out and chases them down
-don and mike spend mornings listening to lowkey but hyping songs to get ready in the morning " a boy named pluto" mainly because don can't handel anything loud and mike will cry if the song doesn't have some kind of sway to it
- Raph became the nightwatcher after witnessing the og guys death, poor guys traumatized
- mikey is the best at disappearing, but only after don invested the egg shell smoke bombs
- Leo voice box was permenatly damaged when he was attacked b4 the farm house arc, it gets really bad when he is stressed
- Raph after the whole brainworm thing (is that cannon or fannon, im like 70% sure it's cannon but idk) gets really spooked around insects and worms, especially if he can hear them moving
- Donnie got a chem set for Christmas from his brother, but he knows they really just stole stuff from nycu, he loves it
- Raph gets sad sometimes that he isn't smaller cause he wants to be help, his brother make sure to give him a really big group hug, doesn't solve anything but he knows he is loved
- Mikey spray paints, it started with the sewer walls, but now he does abandon buildings too
- Donnie built himself the best noise canceling headphones, and then built all his brothers pairs because they kept asking to borrow them
- Leo ugly laughts at the fnaf sb freddy memes, all of them, it makes everyone who hears it wheeze
- Leo is so goddamn anxiety ridden, this poor boy
- Finally a raph that does violent right, yeah it might (read deffo will in hs) end up bad, but never for his brother, cause he protects them with that violence and anger
- Don definitely learned how to speak Korean so he could watch k-pop interviews as they aired
- Mikey is a natural at martial arts
That's all I got for now, but quick psa
There has been a bit of toxicity regarding raph fans, like 3 of them. Everyone else is great, so for anyone experiencing hate from those people like @theunicorncomic-blog and @incorrect-2003-tmnt-quotes ( like people are being toxic to them not that they are toxic) along with anyone else experiencing toxicity from the 3 Raph fans
I am so sorry, I know it can be stressful and they seem to like to target things that are personal. So just remember it doesn't matter who your favorite is, it doesn’t matter if you hate a character, we are tmnt. We are TMNT and we love our ninja boys, and we always will. Embrace the new iterations, learn of the old, no matter what it will bring you joy to see our boys out n about getting love.
Spread love and affection, and ignore those who are violent without reason.
And for those like 3 toxic raph fans, I get that you are upset about people disliking raph or feeling like his personality is costing other characters, but something to remeber is that, we love raph, he is a great character, what we are upset about is that the writers make him "angry, strong, rule breaker" and nothing else, they don't let him grow, they don't let him experience, for example the other characters start out as this. " Mr. Rules, Ninja, Leader by name only" and then let him grow to " leader through experience, kind, and willing to risk it all for his family" another " know it all, annoyed, non confrontational" and let him grow to " empathetic, strong willed, smart" they allow the other characters to grow, while sticking with their base. So the Raph we want to see at the end of a series is " willing to do anything to protect, strength through family, and angry at injustice" we can see it be set up in 07 and 03, but the others leave him as an angry, violent jerk who is funny mind due, but non the less we are left wanting more from someone who tends to be one of the more focused on characters.
TLDR, we are upset that Raph suffers as a character from lack of mobility, in a main position he has the options to, but the writers don't give it to him, and by doing so it costs the other characters. So stop being toxic and giving your character a bad rap by using slurs against the people who have different views from you. Just remember there is way more good than there is bad, don't let these 3 ruin things for everyone else or warp your view of others
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Across the Stars (Marc Spector x desi!reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist
Warnings: panic attack, injury
Summary: How tf did you end up stargazing with Marc Spector?
Word count: 1.5k
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A/N: Kinda based on Marc liking Star Wars as a kid and I always had a small feeling that Marc loves space in general <3 (the poster in the show almost made my heart crack) This song is kinda mandatory innit~
There are a lot of things in this world that you love. The little things in life that give you a short notice of peace such as the smell of fresh coffee, the quiet sounds of an early morning, melodic carnatic music, the smell of incense and flowers at the temple and the clear blue sky on a hot and sunny London afternoon. All of these things gave you a sense of surety, solidity and purity.
But nothing could compare to the love you had for Marc Spector. He was, and still is, an enigma wrapped in questionable life choices, a painful past and many other issues that he could not resolve. But he was still there for you and for someone who had normalized feeling alone, you too had found it quite easy to cling to Marc Spector.
You could almost ignore the debilitating anxiety that was placidly squeezing its fist on your already shattered heart when he was around you. You could almost forget the mangling pain that filled the already occupied parts of your lungs, that would often make it hard for you to breathe when he held your hand. For a while, and just a while, you could escape from the unbearable thoughts of suffering and self hatred, all because of him.
He was your neighbor but you hardly ever saw him at first, just sometimes when you were in the old rickety lift or walking down the dusty hallways. He’d always wear a monotonous expression that you could not read. You would give him a big smile whenever you saw him but he would rarely return your smile, sometimes just replying with a small nod. Other times, he looked lost or confused and you were slightly intrigued by him.
For a good while, he was just Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. His beauty was undeniable and definitely something to behold, even features which people considered as flaws complimented his strikingly handsome looks. You didn’t even realize he was American. The first time you spoke to him, you were taken aback by his deep, steady accent, fully expecting a British drawl. He also gave no intention of getting to know you, although you wanted to undercover what was under his hardened shell.
This is why your first official meeting with Marc Spector was really unexpected. You were curled up on the couch one night after a long day of work, when you heard a small hesitant knock on your balcony window. You had thought you were hearing things and you were about to ignore the sound when a little gut feeling told you to go and investigate.
You were completely horrified when you found a man covered in a white shroud collapsed on your balcony. His face was turned away from you and you thought that he had passed out. Slowly, he turned to face you, eyes wide and mouth pulled into a grimace. For a few shocking moments, you stared into Marc Spector’s scared face. He was afraid to move and you didn’t understand what was happening.
“Marc, is everything alright?” you started and he quickly shook his head, moving the shroud, now looking more like a cape to reveal that his body was covered in beautiful armor and a worrying gash across his stomach.
You had gasped and reached forward to move his hand away from the gash and Marc flinched, making you draw your hand back quickly.
“Hey, Marc, sorry, I should have asked you first. I’m going to help you now, okay? Everything is going to be alright.” you slowly said and reached out to slowly touch his hand.
He had slowly nodded and you helped him into the apartment. Marc barely made a sound as you helped him limp towards the couch but his angelic features were contorted with immense amounts of pain. You set him on the couch and instructed him to lay down as you went to gather supplies.
Before you started, Marc stopped you, grabbing your wrist and making you look at him.
“Y/N could you maybe just talk to me, just about anything, I just want to hear your voice.” he whispered, voice cutting off with the pain he was enduring.
So that's what you did. You told him everything you did all day, from start to finish, adding in sly little details and gossips from your office as you cleaned, sewed and dressed his wound. He kept slipping into sleep and you lightly tapped his face to keep him awake as you worked on him, trying to keep calm and not question him at all.
After you were done, you had given him a glass of milk and some cookies and he eyed you suspiciously when you had set them down in front of him.
“My father used to give me milk and cookies whenever I fell down or sustained some type of silly injury, like a paper cut. I know your injury is slightly bigger than a paper cut but it doesn’t hurt to give you milk and cookies.” you said shyly and a small smile graced Marc’s face.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N, I really didn’t know where else to go to, you know?” he said softly, his fingers playing with one of the cookies on the plate.
“It’s alright, Marc.” you had said, smiling reassuringly at him.
That is what kickstarted your relationship with Marc. The day after the balcony incident. Marc had brought you an ice cream cake and you started telling him about yourself. Marc would listen intently and eventually he started asking you questions to clarify details. The both of you would go grocery shopping together and sometimes take walks at the nearby park. The conversations between the two of you became more relaxed and you certainly started to crave Marc’s company.
A turning point of your relationship occurred during one of the most challenging points in your life. You had just been laid off from your job and you had returned to your apartment feeling numb. You didn’t know the reason why you and a lot of your colleagues but you had taken it in stride when your boss had announced it to all of you. You had managed to get yourself home but you sank to the floor the second your front door had closed behind you.
You sat there for a long time, not feeling anything until a loud bang sounded, startling you. Then the tears started running down your face uncontrollably and you felt distraught. Hyperventilating, you clawed at your throat trying to gasp for air. Eventually you gave up and crawled to the front door and pulled yourself up with the handle, pulling the door open and stumbling out.
You crossed the threshold until you felt your body slam into the door opposite to yours with a loud ‘thump!’ The door opened almost instantaneously and you let yourself fall. Marc had caught you and held on to you, his strong arms bracing you.
“Hey! Y/N, sweetheart! Breathe alright?” he said, loud enough for you to hear as you try to gather yourself together.
Marc brought you close to him and swayed slightly until your breathing slowed and tears stopped flowing. You found enough energy to wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer.
“Come on, let's go get some air.” he said, guiding you through the apartment to the balcony.
He sits down onto the floor and pulls you down. You rub your nose with your sweater as you watch him lay down. He pats a spot beside him and you follow suit. Hesitantly, he pulled you closer until your head was comfortably settled on his chest. You were surprised by the gesture but you didn’t complain.
“I’m not expecting you to tell me what’s just happened, but I think I know how you feel. Whenever I would feel like this, I would come out here and lay down like this, watching the stars.” Marc whispered as you averted your eyes from his handsome face to the sky above.
You softly gasped at how clear the sky was, despite the fact that London was constantly shrouded with light pollution. You looked back at Marc who sent a small wink your way. Mars grabs your hand, pulling your pointer finger out, tucking the rest of your fingers into a fist and covering your hand with his. He circles your finger around a large portion of the sky above the both of you.
“That right there is the Orion constellation.” he said, as you moved your eyes towards the sky again. “That there is, obviously, the moon.” he said, using your finger to point at the gorgeous crescent in the sky.
“That suit I saw you wearing had a beautiful crescent moon.” you said softly and his grip on your hand tightened slightly.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I’ll tell you about it sometime, we have all the time in the world, Now focus.”
You smile at Marc as he continues to tell you about each star that he pointed to in the Orion constellation.
We have all the time in the world.
That was the same line he had used before pushing a beautiful ring onto your fingers a few years later. You knew from the second he showed you the universe beyond, that your fate with him most definitely lay across the stars.
Tagging: @brekkers-desigirl @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart @swiggy-needs-mental-help @pakhiya @mintpurplemnm @soumya-13 @violet-19999 @dystopian-reverie @softieekayy
Next few fics after this are gonna be requests that i took way too long to complete heheheheheh
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Avatar Au Headcannons
- Listens to Kaytranada for sure.
- Is organized chaos 🤣 stuff is everywhere but he knows where everything is.
- Shy baby
- Super quiet and respectful
-Everyone loves him ofc
- Mommas boy but not toxic mommas boy “mom do you need help.” “How are you mom.”
- Was a dads boy when he was a kid
- Does anything tuk wants him to
- Definitely eats everything in the house along with Lo’ak
- Lo’ak stays in his room
- Takes Kiri to the mall , it’s their bonding time
- Everyone tells him all the tea , “you’re lying..” is always his response
- Great driver but speeds
- Mild road rage rolls his eyes most of the time
- Only one that drives besides his parents because Kiri is a passenger princess and Jake and neytiri does not trust Lo’ak behind the wheel
- Ask his dad for advice , Jake loves it
- Going against the grain but Lo’ak is pretty clean , has everything on his bed tho and sleep with them there
- Streams with Ao’nung they’re hilarious
- Scary games are ofc their favs
- Neteyam plays with them too occasionally
- Neytiri always bust in the room to tell him stop screaming
- Hangs out with his parents , him and Jake have neytiri cracking up
- Stays in Kiri or Neteyam’s room
- Shows Neteyam new music, they have concerts/dance parties in Neteyam’s room
- Jake joins in sometimes but hates the language in the songs
- Can dance , eats the tik tok dances upppp doesn’t post them tho
- Short attention span
- Eats all the time
- Hates anyone in his room “get tf out.”
- Is an angsty Person but it’s unpredictable
- Locked in his room when he’s in his moods everyone let’s him be
- Great style
- Lowkey the main character in the fam
- Clothes everywhere
- Room smells immaculate
- Has fairy lights
- [m Plant mom ofc but they’re all dead
- Always sleeping
- Hangs out with neytiri and tuk
- Is with Jake occasionally
- Reads fics
- Loved mako mermaids
- Is daydreaming 24/7
- Starbucks queen
- Picks some tuks clothes , doesn’t like the stuff neytiri picks sometimes
- Tuk sleeps with her
- Tells neytiri all the tea
- Pescatarian
- Is in her room most of the time
- Her and Lo’ak send eachother every tik tok they see
-Has a septum
Tuk tuk
- Ipad kid
- Is always on that damn ipad
- Loves outdoors
- Clingy always in someone’s lap
- Roblox
- Watching unboxing videos on YouTube
- Always following Jake so close that he turns around and almost trips over her
- Daddy’s girl
- Daddy please is all it takes to get jaje to fold
- Loves the healthy snacks neytiri gives her
- Favorite color is purple
- Loves the lol surprise thingys
- Always falls asleep the same time no matter where she is
- Cry’s when her hair gets done , breaks jakes heart
- Very smart
- Gets up early but stays in bed until she hears one of the kids
- Skincare routine down
- Always looks and smells good
- Gives her kids the look , they stop immediately
- Always at target and Marshall’s
- Hates doing laundry makes her kids do it themselves
- Makes sure the House is spotless
- Doesn’t care about the kids rooms it’s their space
- Spend 30 minutes smelling candles buys none of them 😂
- Loves shopping for the kids , Lo’ak hates it but loves the pajamas she buys
- Her Kiri and tuk go to the salon Together
- Loves her boys sits in Neteyam’s room with him , cooks Lo’ak his favorite food when he’s in his mood.
- Takes pictures of the kids together
- Likes some of Kiri’s music
- Always on the couch
- Laughs at everything
- Sucker for his daughters anything they want they get
- Him and Lo’ak make everyone laugh
- Beer 🤣
- Ask neytiri for his credit cards when he needs them
- Watches sports with his sons
- Ask your mother , what did your mother say
- Wears glasses
- So cute with the glasses trying to figure out how to work his phone
- Ask Neteyam to help him all the time
- “Cuts” the boys hair and his
- Tuk is always in his hand
- Falls asleep anywhere
- Dad snores , hella loud but only if he’s exhausted
- “Heyyy” if he hears the kids making a ruckus doesn’t actually go see what’s happening
- Don’t be mean to you brother/sister
- “My crew” when it’s time to leave
- Does the dad hand thing in the car
- Says gosh darn it
- Loves watching Lo’ak and Ao’nung play but doesn’t like playing too creepy for him
- He’ll say he came to hang with the kids but he came to hang out with Jake
- They’re always on that damn couch watching something
- If he isn’t at the house he’s on FaceTime with Lo’ak
- Grunge aesthetic
- Has a secret tattoo
- Sensitive baby
- One of those kids who’s mean to their parents
- Loves animals
- Really a softie at heart
- Skates , got Lo’ak into skating , they film their tricks
- Ask Jake for advice
- Tells Jake everything
- Loves Kiri says she calms him
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waitformethistime · 6 months
The Church on Ruby Road review
Well that was fun, for the most part. Weird pacing issues and it's mostly used as set-up for the oncoming season. But also a fresh new jumping on point for those who are interested in starting the show.
So let's dive in.
To start, I think Ncuti is a very charismatic actor. But, and this is an RTD problem more than a him problem, he plays the Doctor like a superhero. I was fine with the rope gloves the first time around, but by the end of the episode with him dramatically pulling down a ship like he's in a comic book movie, I was ready to see the back of them.
Then we get Ruby, our other lead, who is...Fine. She's just like every other NuWho companion we've gotten. This isn't a knock on her, but there's only so many times you can do plucky modern girl who also happens to be uber special in some way without it becoming stale and unfortunately NuWho has done it too many times at this point. So I'm a bit jaded now I guess, but she hasn't sold me yet.
Interestingly enough though, she, and by extension, what looks to be this season's main plot, very much reminds me of Moffat's era. So if this is RTD's attempt at doing a Moffat plot, I'm interested to see how he pulls it off because his writing is quite a bit blunter than Moffat's is. Say what you will about Moffat, but I love a good mystery, and I'm very interested to know who dropped baby Ruby off (bootstrap paradox maybe?) I thought at first it would just end up being 15, but apparently RTD has something else in mind.
This whole episode kinda played like a Moffat plot, but with none of the build-up or emotional pay-off (Doctor going back to meet his companion as a child, crack in the ceiling, timey-wimey nonsense) except I barely know these characters so it was really hard for me to care. And with how reckless 15 was with baby Ruby, I'm left wondering what the point was. Why would he destroy a ship that she was still on?! Get her off first, you idiot! Not to mention with how far she fell, the impact of falling in his arms would've probably broken her neck. Newborn babies are very fragile. Not to mention, just leaving her outside in the snow. Damn, atleast open the door and put inside or something where her cries will echo. What if they hadn't heard her? I remember a similar scene from Meet the Robinsons. But that was a cartoon so I can let it slide more.
The direction of the warm tones turning cool once adult Ruby disappeared was really good and immediately clued me in that something was wrong. Though I thought the dialogue afterwards with Carla was very heavy-handed and unnatural. Why was it specifically taking care of baby Ruby that made Carla a better person? The fact that Ruby is white also has some unfortunate implications since Carla and Cherry are a black family, but that could just be me being cynical with how RTD has done his previous black characters a disservice..And why was she telling a whole stranger her whole life story with this dead look on her face? I would've been asking why tf he was in my house...
Then we get the Goblins. First of all, they're massively underutilized with a total of 5 minutes of screentime, and most of that is used on an overproduced pop song that made me think I was watching a Disney Channel movie. 15 getting in on it certainly didn't help that impression. I'm a big fan of musicals, but this just felt out of place. I could forgive 15 singing if it was obvious he was just BS-ing his way through an escape and it was acapella. But the excessive autotune just really took me out of it.
Also don't like that 15 just automatically knew what goblins were and how they worked. When did he encounter them? This isn't the first time Doctor Who has used fantasy creatures, but I like when the Doctor's scientific mind is a bit more skeptical. And again, the carelessness with the baby was annoying. A baby's about to be eaten and all 15 is focusing on is "ooh cool singing!" And then after that, him and Ruby leave Lulubelle alone again. Are you guys stupid?
I did like how we incorporated Timeless Child here. It's clear that despite the rehab, his heritage is still very much a sore spot for him, so it's nice that he was able to find that common ground with Ruby. She's not the first adopted child (Bill, anyone?), but she is the first to come after his own shocking news, so it's significant. And even though she's happily adopted, there's still this curiosity about where she comes from, and I appreciate that she isn't shamed for that.
Another thing I appreciated was the casual trans rep. The singer for Ruby's band is a transwoman and RTD opted for subtlety this time instead of whacking me over the head with a lecture about it. I appreciate that. Sometimes the best rep you can have is where they're just casually existing and not you checking off diversity points.
Cherry Sunday (and what a name) was a delight. All she wanted was a cuppa tea.
Who is Mrs. Flood? If this were Moffat, I would say she's meant to be older Ruby, but this isn't Moffat, so I feel like she could be anyone. She could also just be no one.
I get this was meant to be a jumping on point, but I am a little sad we missed out on all these firsts for Ncuti (picking out his outfit, getting his sonic, etc.) and that it all happened off-screen. And coming right after the specials it just feels a bit jarring to not get it. How long has he been an established Doctor? Why hasn't he decorated the TARDIS yet? (Seriously, it's so huge and empty. Get a couch or something. This is why Capaldi's console is >>>). The night rave scene just felt a bit pointless and didn't really add anything to the episode, same with the taxi scene. There were quite a few scenes that just felt like pointless filler honestly, while the plot was resolved in 5 minutes. It was kinda frustrating.
Overall, kind of mid, but a solid start for 15. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him atleast and seeing what RTD has in mind for the mystery of Ruby's origins.
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nortism · 5 months
doctor who liveblog pt 27
s5 ep4 the time of angels
- i personally would love to go to the biggest museum ever
- great dress
- i knew the fuck ass noise was a mistake
- oh not the fucking angels again
- nah bc how are they gonna kill the angel bc last time they needed multiple
- very mysterious from river
- omg she’s got angel dust in her eye
- ohh they’re all weeping angels
- uh oh the dead guy’s talking
- it was just mind stone
- wowo cliffhanger
s5 ep5 flesh and stone
- i was too busy crocheting to liveblog but what in the ever loving fuck was that ending? moffat i am in your walls
- pretty fun episode but very much overshadowed by amy coming on to the doctor THE NIGHT BEFORE HER WEDDING?!
s5 ep6 the vampires of venice
- i’m very excited for there to be a vampire episode
- great outfit from signora
- oh they’re gonna eat her
- ohhh rory is so sweet i can’t do this
- hello doctor
- oh his t-shirt
- oh god is this couples counselling with the doctor??
- rory is very much taking this in his stride i’ve got to say
- not the hair ruffle, amy girl,,,,
- uh oh she got bitten
- the fucking cracks again
- saving the day with your mum jokes, what a man
- “careful” very helpful amy
- full time companion rory!!
- her boys !!
- i almost wanna say poly vibes but the last time i did that things ended badly so i won’t jinx it
- i really enjoyed that episode though it did have vampire aliens in medieval venice so i don’t think there was any universe in which i wouldn’t have enjoyed it
- what happened to isabella tho?? justice for my girl
s5 ep7 amy’s choice
- this is idilic as fuck
- oh fuck is she giving birth
- i hate hate hate his ponytail
- oh she’s fine
- the tardis!!
- right i’m a little confused
- oh it was all a dream
- collective dreammmm
- oh they’re back
- uh oh dead time machine
- who tf is that
- wait wasn’t he in sherlock?!
- uh oh eye mouth
- oh thank god he cut the fucking ponytail off
- that was crazy and i’m too tired to elaborate further
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