#love him dearly but he gave me SUCH a hard time my god
lemonyinks · 6 months
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PT. 6 of Drawing Legionnaires eyes: Jacques
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lizziesribbons · 6 months
wedding wanda please!! she’d just fall in love w u all over again and then the night of ur wedding she just goes feral and calling u “my wife” “all mine” and she just gets super possessive and proud that u are now hers !!!
I Do |
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summary: Wanda and you get married and then then Wanda goes all soft and fuckes you in your wedding dress ahhh
warnings: ****MINORS DNI***** *****MEN DNI***** fluff so much fluff 🥺 I'm going so aahwhwhwh, smut, praise ALOT OF PRAISE AHHH, name calling (Wanda calling you my wife, my love, princess, doll) I sobbed I wanna have soft sex with Wanda so bad I just know she will be the most gentle.
author's note: just reminding you guys that my first language is not English so if there's any grammatical errors PLEASE IGNORE THEM AND MOVE TF ON. Also I have no idea how weddings work so I did what I did
Word count: 2.1k
standing in your bridal gown, looking outside, and seeing Wanda standing there waiting for you, it was like a dream come true you've been waiting months for this day and now it was finally here. It seemed like everything around you just stopped. You could see nothing else but Wanda. In a white wedding gown, soon to be your wife. YOUR WIFE.
your dad came from behind holding your arm, breaking you from your gazing he said "Are you ready to go down the aisle sweetheart?" you took a deep breath and nodded as you both started walking.
as you walk down the aisle everyone cheers, "You are in Love" by Taylor Swift playing faintly in the background as you looked at Wanda and saw your whole world right there and then. It was like you were born to live this day and day alone. Everything seemed perfect everything made sense now.
Wanda looked at you and smiled. She smiled so hard that her cheeks started hurting. Tears in her eyes she saw you as you stood there in front of her, she wanted to kiss you so badly.
Clint was the one leading the wedding because Wanda insisted as he was the closest father figure to her and she loved him so dearly. "Wanda and y/n my two beautiful friends and my family members. I have known y/n ever since she was a little girl, she was always so compassionate and funny" he pauses and light laugh "So funny actually. She was always goofing around and her jokes oh my God I cannot forget them she was always joking about something or someone she would make me laugh in the darkest of times" he paused again looked at you and smiled. "let me tell you, guys, something, one time when y/n was wearing a pillow on her head as a wedding veil came up to me, she was only five at time. and asked me "Uncle Clint!!!! do I look good???" and gave me a twirl and haha I said "ofc you do sweetheart, who's your groom?" and she looked at me and rolled her eyes "Silly I don't have a groom I'm marrying my doll cause I love her the most" and then she forced me by giving me those pretty pleading eyes that still work to this day to come to her wedding and I went and now here I am standing in between y/n and Wanda at their actual wedding" with now tears in his eyes he looked at Wanda
"Wanda.. Oh, I've known Wanda for more than 10 years now I saw her grow up into this powerful beautiful woman she is now, I remember when she came up to me asking me if she should ask y/n out I told her whatever was in her heart she should just put it out, I saw there relationship grow stronger and stronger each day. They are the most for each other as one could be, I remember when Wanda asked me how she should propose to y/n I told her the same thing again that she should do whatever is in her heart, Wanda my pretty Wanda I love you and I'm so proud of you for the women you have become, my heart breaks into millions when I think about how both of you are not so little anymore but it screams in joy when I see you two together so in love with each other." that was it he stopped talking, he was softly sobbing now so are many of our friends and family members.
He speaks again after some silence clearing his throat, "We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Wanda Maximoff and Y/n Y/l/n We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends"
He turned to Wanda and said "Repeat after me.
I, Wanda take you, Y/n, to be my wife. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal, but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." and as Wanda did he looked at you next and said "Repeat after me.
I, Y/n take you, Wanda, to be my wife. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal, but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." "It's time for the vows," he says softly
You begin first "Wanda, darling, for so long, I wondered if I would ever find my love, my soulmate. Then four years ago, at another wedding, I turned to a friend for comfort, and instead, I found everything that I’d ever been looking for my whole life. And now, here we are, with our future before us, and I only want to spend it with you – my love, my soulmate, my friend… Unless you don’t want to.”
Wanda started tearing up but holding her composure she began, "Y/n, I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. But when I saw you walking down that aisle, I realized how simple it was. I love you. Any surprises that come our way, it’s ok, because I will always love you. You were the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with."
(An: these vows are definitely not stolen from friends)
"just to be sure" he laughs "Do each of you take the other to be your lawful wedded spouse?”
Wanda and you say together with eagerness "I do".
After exchanging the rings he speaks again,
"By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss" and took a step back as Wanda eagerly came forward and kissed me softly and whispered "oh I've been waiting all day for this" making you laugh and tear up.
"Ladies and Gentleman, for those of you who have come to witness this union, it is my pleasure to present the newly united couple, Y/N and WANDA Maximoff."
there's that. you and Wanda were married. Actually married. the rest of the evening went great everyone danced laughed cried.
(wedding night)
Your flight was tomorrow in evening so you and Wanda had the whole night to yourself, as you sat there on the bed taking off your jewelry Wanda came from the back rubbing your shoulders you instantly relaxed in her touch
She bent down so she could whisper in your ear softly "I want to fuck you in this dress" You could hear the smirk on her face, and as you hesitantly looked at her she immediately knew what you meant "I promise I'll be gentle no damage would be done to that dress" Wanda knew how much you loved that dress so she wouldn't dare ruining it
"I bought this just for tonight," she says holding a Scarlett strap out in her hand, it was just perfect not too big or too small
"lay down" she whispers in your ear and you did, she folds your dress to your waist and takes off your underwear Wanda was only in her undergarments she took them off and fastened the harness around her as she stood between your legs she caressed your legs and align the strap to your opening slowly entering you while maintaining eye contact as she watched your face confronted in pleasure, only light moans coming out of your mouth
you underestimated the size, it wasn't too thick but it was long. When Wanda was fully in she gave you a moment to get used to the strap
Her fingers entwined with yours, your foreheads touching lightly she thrusts inside you, slowly but hard, every thrusting was pulling a moan out of you as Wanda gasped in your ear throwing praises here and there
"you're doing so good princess"
"my pretty wife"
"oh baby you look so pretty like that"
she didn't stop the praises her thrusts only speeding up, not too fast just perfect sending you into ecstasy, her strap hit your g spot in every thrust "Wanda I'm cumming!!" without warning you came all over her strap.
"Can you give me one more doll? please?" looking at her pleading eyes you weakly nodded as Wanda gently fucks you through your orgasm, kissing your neck so softly she said "My wife only mine" She gasps her orgasm reaching her soon "All mine! cum with me baby," she says as she let out a moan collapsing over you, making sure not to put all her weight on you, you came soon after.
As you both came down from your high Wanda tried to get up but your arms stopped her "Noo please don't go" she cupped your face and said "I'll just be a minute princess" She got and undid the harness and threw it down, took your dress off softly and cleaned you up and herself
"here take some water baby" She gave you and glass of water and you drank as she took the wedding dress to the closet, peaking her head out from the closet she asked, "do you wanna sleep with clothes on or off doll?" "off please" you replied softly yawning
Wanda nodded and got out of the closet, as you made someplace in the bed for her she got under the cover immediately holding you, you lay your head on her chest clutching her like a koala
Wanda started caressing your back "Goodnight my beautiful wife", you smiled and muttered something out hoping Wanda would understand.
And she did. She always does.
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agendabymooner · 7 months
pocketful of sunshine || dr3 scenario
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dad!daniel ricciardo x mom!ofc (måneskin member!ofc)
Summary: Dark curls, wide smiles, clinginess — Beau Ricciardo, the birthday boy, checked off the list of things that made him the Alpha Tauri driver Daniel’s mini me and the Måneskin bassist Lester was the one to confirm that.
Content warning: WHOLESOME FLUFF, brief Italian dialogue + translation, mentions Lando Norris x OFC (Nicola), zoo trip + an Irwin appearing, Dad!Danny loves his boy so much I might cry, too much fluff, frowny and happy baby, nicknames (‘little par’ = see this fic for reference)
Note: My body is on an all time low rn but I’ve had this in my draft for a while so… enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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“Danny~ what’s taking you so—“ Lester Ricciardo abruptly stopped herself from saying anything more as her eyes were trained on her husband and son. 
It was as if they were caught in the act, both Daniel and Beau Ricciardo’s eyes widening after chatting amongst themselves over the pair of shoes that Daniel had put on the one year old. 
Well… it was more like Daniel was doing the talking while Beau would provide an input or two— a series of babblings that no one really understood. Apparently, putting on Beau’s shoes took longer than expected Lester had to check and see what they were on. 
“Wh- mio caro, it’s almost— eleven,” Lester told Daniel with a baffled voice. “The zoo staff will come looking for us if we don’t head there soon.” 
“Yeah, we’re done here, look at him,” Daniel presented Beau to his wife with a beam. “Handsome boy, no?” 
Lester’s frown softened when she laid her eyes on her son. This little being that once grew inside her body was bigger now and she hated it so much.
Beau Ricciardo was supposed to stay a baby, and it wasn’t as if she could fault him for growing so much. She just wished he didn’t grow this fast. 
Beau’s big smile, despite being small, lightened up her world as much as Daniel’s grin and cheeky comments did. He was so much like Daniel.
“Very handsome indeed,” Lester grinned after Beau’s smile widened at the sight of his Mum. “You’re a very handsome boy, bambino. Vorrei che tu non dovessi crescere così velocemente. Credo di poter incolpare tuo padre per questo, eh?” I wish you didn’t have to grow this fast. I guess I can blame your father for this, eh?
It was as if Beau could easily grasp the Italian words that escaped his mother’s mouth as he nodded eagerly. 
Daniel laughed heartily at his boy’s response and picked him up, allowing Beau to cling to him. “A smart boy, too. My little bilingual boy,” Daniel praised, giving a peck on his son’s cheek. “Only problem is— are your Zia Cola and Zio Lando ready?” 
Now, both Daniel and Lester loved Lando Norris dearly — as if he was family already (god bless his relationship with Lester’s sister and all that) but they both loathed how late he could get on certain occasions. If he was to do that on this occasion— during his godson Beau’s birthday trip to the Australia Zoo — then God only knew what Lester could do to him. He might get strangled or he might be able to get away from it but Lester would aim for the former. 
“Oh mio dio,” Lester swore beneath her breath, her face etching with annoyance before she sighed. “Let’s just leave them— we’re going to be late.”
“I’ll call them,” Daniel told his wife, a smile still resting on his face as he said, “You have to relax—“
“Beau is one today, my darling,” Daniel grinned, eyes widening as a warning as he said, “We can’t be cranky on such a happy day! That right, bud? Can you say ‘sì’, Beau-Bear?” 
“Sì!” Beau followed suit, raising his arms up to express his excitement and happiness. If only Beau wasn’t Lester’s adorable baby, his infuriatingly adorable smile would’ve led her to pinch his cheeks hard enough for him to cry.
“See?” Daniel gave Lester a reassuring smile before he reached over to kiss her on the forehead, “Happy day, Lori. Your son is growing big like his Daddy and we gotta be happy about it.”
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It wasn’t every day someone got to say that they’d spent their first birthday in a zoo with an Irwin. It was Beau Ricciardo’s lucky day, perhaps. Not that he knew; he was only one. 
As he continued to grow, his interest in animals became increasingly apparent. It was one of those things that Lester made sure he knew about, seeing as she spent her free time watching endless National Geographic documentaries about whatever. 
Her free time, or rather a maternal leave from her band and some time away from the media, was time spent with her son.
She knew that Beau wasn’t going to be little forever. She could freely stay at home in comparison to Daniel, seeing as she created her own schedule and built her band from the ground up with her friends. Her job wasn’t as demanding as Daniel’s, and perhaps that was why Daniel wished to retire from racing after Beau was born. 
The Formula One driver wasn’t able to see his son as much as his wife would, and every minute spent on the track was a minute that prevented him from becoming the best Daddy to Beau.
He never truly pointed that out to his wife, but Lester wasn’t blind and had immediately expressed that his career was what would eventually lead Beau to his successes; after all, they’ve got a future world champion in their hands. 
But for now, that future world champion was just spending his time with an Irwin at the Australia Zoo. Beau’s gaze never left the zookeeper as Robert Irwin continued to tell a story about the koala that clung to him.
Lester peered down at her son and caught him staring, making her chuckle quietly and nudge her husband. She gestured to the boy in her arms as Daniel looked down, now giggling as well. Nobody seemed to have caught the laughter shared between the two but Beau as the one-year-old snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to his mother. 
“Ha un accento diverso, no, il mio piccolo? Diverso come papà?” He’s got a different accent, no, my little one? Different like Daddy’s? Lester asked in a murmur, peppering her son’s face with kisses before she continued to listen to Robert. 
“…And she is extremely clingy. She loves physical affection so would anybody like to come say hi to her?” Robert offered. “Mrs. Ricciardo, perhaps? Would you like to give her some love?” 
Lester giggled, “I’ll watch from afar. I’ve got a koala in here myself!” Everybody laughed at the joke, grinning at the boy who continued to attach himself to Lester. “He’s quite clingy as well, too. Much like his Daddy, right, piccolino?” 
Beau’s curious eyes eventually led him to reach out to the koala, slightly pulling himself away from Lester as his fingers managed to reach for the fur of the animal. Sadly, his biggest enemy right now was the ground that was waiting for him to fall and Lester’s arms that kept him in one place. 
He grunted and squirmed in Lester’s arms. Beau’s curious expression turned sour before he exclaimed in frustration, “Ma!” 
“No need to get angry, lad,” Daniel’s typical happy voice dropped an octave, his fatherly voice correcting his son’s behaviour. But Lester’s slight smile had him laughing quietly; they both couldn’t help that Beau’s struggle was adorable. 
“Oh, d’ya wanna hold her… I’m sorry, what's his name?” Robert asked the people around him before repeating their answer, “Beau? D’ya want to say hi? C’mon, then lad. Would anybody like to hold Lily to get her close to Beau?” 
“I’ll do it,” Daniel volunteered, finding himself grinning at the mammal in his arms as the koala was shifted from Robert’s hold to his. 
A photographer, one that was hired for Ricciardo's private zoo trip, had angled to take photos of Daniel and the koala. He then shifted around to take some photos of Beau as the toddler cautiously approached the animal. 
When his tiny hand started to caress the fur of the animal, the koala had then nuzzled her face to his hand with a content expression.
Beau looked up to his mother with an amazed look, his mouth forming an ‘O’ shape before turning to his father who, too, shared the same surprised look as him. 
Daniel then asked, “What do you think, Beau-Bear?” 
Beau turned back to his mother and then his relatives before giggling, patting the koala on the head once more as he grinned endlessly. Lester could really die at the sight of Beau and Daniel smiling.
So much like his father, indeed.
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“Beau, Beau— look at Daddy,” the boy glanced at his father before giggling hysterically, hiding at his mother’s chest as Daniel pulled a goofy face. 
“A giggly one, ain’t ya?” Lando grinned at Beau, reaching out to Beau and tickling the boy lightly. 
“His dad is literally the colour yellow,” Lester’s sister, Nicola, laughed quietly. “Go figures, Lando.” 
Lester continued to wrap her arms around the boy as Beau nuzzled closer, her tattooed hand reaching out to massage his dark curls as his face contently cuddled against her skin. 
“Look at ‘im,” Daniel cooed quietly, reaching out to rub Beau’s back. “Such a momma’s boy, ain’t you, mate?” 
“All he wants is cuddle,” Lester rolled her eyes playfully, her wedding band glimmering under the sun as she continued to play with Beau’s hair. “Cuddle from me. Sound familiar?” 
“Oh, hundred percent,” Daniel joked, “that’s all his Daddy, a’ight. You’re also Daddy’s son, aren’t you?” 
Beau ignored everyone, only cuddling with Lester as he quietly rested on her lap. 
“And now he’s ignoring everyone, too— a true Ricciardo, is what he is,” Lando giggled, poking Beau lightly on the side. “Little par, are you becoming like Daddy? You clingy boy.” 
Beau sat straight for a moment, offering his godfather a scowl before resting back on Lester’s chest. 
The couple gave each other a look before laughing quietly. 
“That was a very Daniel thing for him to do,” Lester grinned. “Look at you and act so cranky? Oh my~”
“He’s so mean when he’s sleepy,” Lando’s mouth gaped open, looking at Nicola with bewilderment.
“Oh now that’s his Mum,” Daniel laughed, “you should see ‘er when she wants to stay in bed.” 
“Yeah but out of all the things he could’ve gotten from me, that shouldn’t be one of them,” Lester huffed quietly, nuzzling Beau closer. Then she spoke to her baby, “Bambino— Beau, vuoi vedere un canguro o un orso?” Do you want to see a kangaroo or a bear? She asked, making the boy look at her with a curious expression as he tilted his head. 
Lester sighed. Right, she thought, she hadn’t taught him Italian just yet. 
Nicola, Beau’s aunt and Lester’s youngest sister, repeated the question for the boy, “Which one do you want to see? Kangaroos or bears?”
Beau babbled, making the adults nod. They didn’t really know what he was saying, yet they nodded as if they knew what he wanted. 
“So, see some joeys then?” 
“Mm- no,” Beau said, his partial Italian accent thickening for a brief moment after hearing his aunt speak in that accent. Both Daniel and Lester knew that even if he was to grow up in Australia, Beau was going to have an Italian accent. After all, his Mama’s accent was as thick as it could be and she had family and friends from Italy. 
But Lando couldn’t help but laugh at the accent that escaped Beau’s mouth as he grinned playfully at the boy, “No? What a cute little accent you have, little par. Oh my god~”
“Alright we get it, he’s Italian,” Daniel rolled his eyes.
“No! But did you not hear him say ‘no’ like that before?” Lando almost fell over laughing, not even noticing the toddler as Beau scowled at his godfather. 
Beau’s reactions, despite being a little sunshine like his Daddy Daniel, were copies of Lester’s usual annoyed expression. 
Daniel first made this joke when Beau’s uncle Mateo met him for the first time— when Beau unwittingly scowled when Mateo spoke to him in Italian about moving the baby to Italy with him. 
Nobody gets this reaction from Beau Ricciardo most of the time. Unless, of course, they happened to be his Uncles Scott, Lando and Mateo. And of course, unless they happened to be Beau’s grandfathers Joe and Giacomo. Oh, and Daniel’s nephew Isaac was another usual victim of the ‘Lester stink eye’ despite hanging around most of the time. 
“Stop making fun of the lad, Lando,” Daniel cackled, “look at ‘im, he literally hates you right now.” 
Then Beau added, “Mmm— ba!”
“Argumentative point, Beau, but I’ll take it,” Lando stopped laughing and wiped his tear away. “Fine, I’m sorry for teasing ya, little par.”
“Mm- blav- do~“ Beau continued to frown. 
Lester and Daniel could cry at the sight of their little man. He was the cutest thing to have ever existed. They wouldn’t trade him for the world. 
But Lester was more in love than Daniel was. After all, Beau Lauda Ricciardo was his dad’s little carbon copy.
From the dark curls, dark eyes and cheeky grin— it was safe to say that Beau was Daniel’s little boy indeed. Not even her signature annoyed look could stop her from thinking that her son was, too, an epitome of sunshine and the colour yellow.
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen
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vibingandsimping · 9 months
What kinks do you think Dammon would have?
I received this ask JUST after reading a Dammon fic. Get out of my head, Jesus christ.
I adore Dammon, truly. Sadly, he doesn’t strike me as a hardcore guy. He definitely has a fair share of kinks, though.
He adores your body. Honestly, anything about you. He whispers it to you as he trails his lips down your chest. Along your sternum as you begin to writhe. Each kiss is followed by some sort of compliment. “Your skin is so lush.”, “I love to hear you.”, “I would do this all day, god.” Really anything to get you off. His hands will work your flesh until you begin to whimper. Dammon works with enthusiasm til you’re practically begging. No need, though. Once you’re ready he’ll happy turn to one of his other kinks. On the other hand… He flusters so much if you do it in return. His brain shuts off but the raging tent in his trousers is proof enough. His skin a deep bronze as he draws ragged breaths. He enjoys it both ways. He could never ask for it, though. It’d have to be something you initiate.
Oral Fixation
Between your thighs is his heaven. He’ll spend all of eternity worshipping your sensitive flesh, if you’d permit. God, if you gave him permission to do it whenever he pleased? Practically every morning and night you’d go to sleep and wake to him. Tongue working like a feral animal as he uses skilled technique. Hands flying to his hair as it drapes over his shoulders. He forgone his hair-clip in his laze. Truthfully, all he thought and sought was the wondrous cries and ambrosia that you leaked. If he could write a song or poem- he would. You grow used to climaxing by his tongue alone at least once every time you visit. God forbid you two live together.
Mating Press
Not sure if this is a kink but… it’s the way he can reach so deeply within you. He tells you he doesn’t particularly have a breeding kink (he’s a liar). No, he just settled down in his life and can’t spare the thought of raising a child. He’d love to grow a family when his blacksmithing is solid and there’s no threat of danger. Despite that, he does welcome a little thrill. Your legs thrown over his shoulders as he drills into you. Even if you can’t biologically have kids- he’ll relish in the position. Yes, when you two are ready… he’s going to put you in this every time. Until you two have the kid you wish. Til there’s a bundle of joy to take care of and run around the house. Better get used to the burn in your thighs, baby. It’s going to be so hard to say no when he gives you those puppy-eyes of his.
Prolonged Foreplay
He is torturous. Dammon will sit and whisper his wants into your ear for days. Fleeting moments of you visiting his smithery for new tools and armor. Grabbing your arm as your companions depart to tell you his depraved thoughts. How he misses you so dearly. When you two finally grab a drink at a tavern as everyone chats. His eyes take you in hungrily and he plays so innocently when you pointedly stare at him. Finally alone, his nails tickle your skin as does his lips. Locked in the passion of your make-out and groping. Groaning into your skin as you touch a particularly sensual spot on his body. You can feel him pressing into the inside of your knee. When you suggest taking things further he simply shakes his head. He’s adamant on making sure you’re ready. Even if you whine and say you are. He gets off on the desperation between you two.
Tail Restraint
This goes both ways. If you have a tail of any sort he’ll gladly let you use it on him. Takes a little reassurance but he trusts you so much. How could you ever hurt him? You wrap your tail around his ankles or wrists as your hand wraps around his cock. His jaw lowers in a choked moan as you begin to slowly guide your hand. His erection, leaking and aching, being slowly jerked off as his body twists in your hold. It’s a delicious sight. If you want him to use his tail on you… again he’s very willing with some reassurance. (Also with the solid establishment of a safe-word. He’s so paranoid he’ll push your boundaries.) The leathery texture of the skin coils around your wrists. Laying on your arms as he pins and restrains them underneath your back. He slips to his knees and begins to work his hands on your sex. He’s slow, painfully so, in working the seed of desire in you. Finally, when your sex begins to weep for him does he use his tongue. The feeling is gratifying and leaves you nearly forgetting the lack of movement in your arms and hands.
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xinupurin · 8 months
———————(´-`」 ∠)—————————
wriothesley x reader warnings : angst ! wriothesley accidentally snaps ! regret ! cuddling ! kisses
| this fic is : sfw . not proofread . reader is gender neutral
| used petnames : darling . dear
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Since Wriothesley works in his office all day, you felt as if this was the perfect time to visit him. He dearly loves you, there’s a mutual connection between you both lovebirds. You pack up some fruits to ensure that Wriothesley is eating no matter what—even if it’s just fruits, it’s better than nothing.
You made your way to his office with a smile on your face while holding a cute tupperware filled with peeled grapes, all peeled by your own hands. You could hear papers flipping when you opened the door, looking at him excitedly.
He looked up at you, a worn out face, but he still gave you a small smile before focusing back onto his work. You approached his table, putting down the tupperware. You even wrote a little note, leaving it inside the tupperware.
“Thank you, dear… I’m a little busy right now.”
Wriothesley smiled softly, not looking at you as he nodded in approval. You stood closely, looking at his work while gently rubbing small circles on his neck.
“Wrio, d’ya like green grapes better… or the purple ones?”
You gently asked him, hoping for his answer therefore you could pack his preferred fruits next time. Wriothesley seemed slightly distracted, he didn’t want to be distracted though he loved you dearly.
“I like both, whatever you choose.”
He gave you that sweet smile that you adore, finding your lips curving upwards as well. You pressed a soft peck onto his neck while watching him work. Wriothesley is calm and collected, there’s no way he’d ever get angry at you—or so you thought.
“Darling… I’m quite busy, could you please save those kisses for later on?”
He spoke softly yet a little sternly, still giving a small smile. Of course, you nodded in response, figuring that he was just trying to complete as much work as possible.
“Wrio, do you want me to make you some dinner? Oh! I was thinking about… hm, some pasta?”
You smiled at him softly, thinking about dinner as you listed down what ingredients you still had at home. That was quickly interrupted by a stern voice.
“My God—I said I’m busy! Can’t we talk about this later!?”
Wriothesley snapped, still not looking at you as his eyebrows furrowed and slamming his pen down. Your eyes widened, not expecting that kind of response as you felt your heart clench a bit.
“Oh… I’m sorry… I’ll just… go home, yeah?”
You quickly left his office, head overflowing with thoughts; did he get mad at you? As you left, Wriothesley realized what he did when you spoke in that tone, his head slightly dropped but he should just finish up his work first…
He got hungry pretty fast, opening the tupperware you packed for him as he looked at the note inside. ‘Make sure to eat properly, okay? These grapes aren’t going to fill you up. Love you.’ The note wrote. He felt an instant regret and guilt. Wriothesley knew he might’ve been too harsh with his tone on you, especially on his beloved.
You get home all tired, feeling a little guilty for bothering him. You wrap yourself in your blankets of your shared bed with your head clouded with thoughts. It was hard to brush it all off… knowing he’s angry at you. You felt especially bad… your heart squeezing around as you tried to fall asleep.
Wriothesley couldn’t even finish his work, seeing that note was enough for him to get up from his chair as he made his way back to your shared home. It wasn’t a short journey… nor was it a long journey but he wanted to ensure you comfort with his sweet words. As time went by, the bedroom door eventually opened. You still pretended to be asleep incase he’d argue with you when you woke up.
You felt a familiar big pair of hands wrap around you, his forehead against the back of your head as he softly spoke in a gently voice.
“I’m so sorry, dear… I didn’t mean to come out as harsh—I was just so frustrated with work. Please let me make it up to you… I’m so sorry.”
You let out a deep breath, feeling his lips on your neck. It’s like he knew you weren’t asleep. You weren’t sure what to say… nor did you know how to react but afterall, you did love him.
“Did you finish the grapes?”
That was what you asked—out of everything, you responded to him with that. His eyes widened softly as he gently kissed your nape, chuckling softly.
“Darling… I was harsh to you earlier and you’re worried whether I ate the grapes or not?”
Wriothesley chuckled as he snuggled closer, not letting you escape from his grasp. You put hardwork into peeling those damned grapes all for your dearest…
“How could I not? Those grapes took me so long to peel..!”
You smiled softly, feeling that you forgot about what happened earlier and brushing it off with a giggly conversation. He chuckled along with you, his cheek pressing up against yours.
“Okay, okay~ Still, I’m sorry for earlier…”
He worriedly spoke as he turned you around, pressing a peck onto your lips with a sneaky smile.
———————(´ཀ`」 ∠)—————————
A/N :angst is not for the weak like me T_T but !! ive had this concept in my mind for awhile even though ive never wrote fics before cjfndjdndn i love wrio though
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 6 months
Ari everything you write about Clark is an absolute dream! Thank you so much for sharing!
"What is it with you two, anyway," Clark asked, watching you navigate the downtown traffic at speeds that had him fidgeting with his seat belt.
You shrug carelessly, "When we were kids it was just easy to be friends. We were both too smart for our own good. And after his parents died; well. Shoving Bruce into whatever I was doing got him out of the house. And Jackie was a capable sitter and kept us out of too much trouble. So it gave Alfred a break."
Clark nodded. There was more. Everyone knew that. That had been Bruce's story for years. He'd ALWAYS talked fairly openly about how important you'd been to him. Especially then.About how much Alfred had adored you. Trusted Jackie. What he wanted to know was about Selina. That's what didn't add up. On paper, you and Bruce were a perfect match. The playboy and the Athlete. Young. Beautiful. Driven. Childhood Bestfriends. Beacons of a new and brighter age... If he tried he couldn't dream up a better story. Hell. Papers had been doing it for years. But instead, you were tooling around Metropolis thinking about getting a nice apartment there. And Bruce was still calling your phone and being ignored.
"When we got older of course, Bruce started to make other friends. Upper crusty, fancy friends. And that's where Oliver Queen came in. And about that time Selina was working her way in." You snort. Ollie, Bruce and I tended to make just enough trouble to be Salacious but not dangerous. To make a headline or two. Feed the Paparazzi. Get a little rambunctious. And between their money and my dimples we could get away with anything short of a felony."
"I believe it," Clark huffed. He'd been the victim of your pouting too many times to believe it had much to do with the money. You were too cute and too sweet looking when you looked up at him all doe-eyed and "Please, honey?" It was dangerous. He rolled over every time. And you knew he was gonna. Thankfully, you didn't exploit it for much more than getting him to carry you to bed. Or convincing him to clean your car off in the morning when it was frosty.
"And With Bruce being an awkward aloof little weirdo before he figured out how to act like a whore, it wasn't a bad thing having a couple pretty girls just in rotation. We laughed at his jokes. We teased him and made him blush- we made him human instead of an oddity."
"Until," you sigh, "Selina wanted him to herself and made it a competition. She wanted what I had with Bruce but she didn't understand what that WAS."
"Not romantic?"
"God no," you scoff, "At least not on my end. It's hard to want to kiss someone when you spend most of the time you talk to them wanting to choke them."
"Fair," Clark chuckled, refraining from pointing out that you liked that sometimes.
"I love Bruce. Dearly. But I'm not in love with him. I just- sometimes I feel more like I'm a security blanket to him than a person. Selina is a person. She gets to be complicated. She gets to be messy. She gets to fuck up. And I get to be there to put him back together."
"That doesn't seem fair," Clark said frowning.
"Life's not fair."
"Even after Jackie-" Clark broke off, biting his tongue. It was a sore subject. Painful. And he heard your heart stutter just at the thought. The sharp exhale, like it was still a gut punch made his own stomach clench.
"He wasn't there," you say simply. "He was training. He didn't even know- Alfred tried but. It's not like anyone could just call him. No one knew where he was. He just came back twice as ripped and twice as angry."
"And you were alone?" Clark said incredulously, "That whole time?"
"Alfred was there," you remind him. "And I did- do have other friends I just- it was hard."
"I know you told me to stay out of it, baby," Clark grumbled, "but Bruce really deserves-"
"What good would it do?" you challenge, "aside from make it harder for you to work with him later? I'm a big girl. I can handle it. And I will. In my own time."
"Alright," Clark said, claiming the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and kissing it softly. "But. I'm gonna step in if I feel like he crosses a line."
"Which line?"
"One I really don't like."
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eslypyiris · 4 months
Prologue (Hazbin Gods AU)
(18 years ago)
Alastor waited patiently as he stared at Lilith with an obviously forced smile on his face.
Alastor: Well, Lilith? You asked me to come here to discuss an important topic in private, but you've been silent the whole time. Are you planning to waste my time any longer?
Lilith sighed.
What she said next chilled Alastor's blood.
Lilith: I'm pregnant. I need you to help me giving birth when the time comes.
Alastor was having a hard time processing her words.
Alastor : Sorry, what?
Lilith frowned, unbuttoned her jacket and showed Alastor her slightly round belly.
Lilith: Me. Pregnant. You. Midwife.
Alastor stared Lilith's belly in silence for a while, still processing the situation.
Alastor: Ha! No.
Lilith: What do you mean by "No"?
Alastor: I mean that I'm not interested in helping you. What would I be gaining anyway? Probably nothing that's worth the trouble.
Lilith: I would give you Vox back.
A dead silence filled the place. For a matter of 2 seconds, Alastor's smile disappeared. The bearer of Apollo's Eidolon looked at the bearer of the Last Muse's Eidolon with contempt.
Alastor: Don't you ever joke about that.
Alastor warned her.
Lilith: I'm not. I found a way to take away an Eidolon without sending the bearer to Hades. If you help me, I will free your friend from the burden of being a fury.
Alastor: He's not my friend.
Lilith: That's what you always say, and yet you miss him dearly.
Alastor looked away to focus his attention on Lilith's belly, considering the offer.
Alastor: Who's the father?
Alastor asked after a while.
Lilith: Lucifer.
Alastor: And why aren't you asking help to him?
Lilith: I love Lucifer, but he is very bad at keeping secrets, and I want my child to grow away from all this greek gods's bullshit.
Alastor: Fair enought. But why me from all people?
Lilith gave him a sly smile.
Lilith: Because if someone is good at keeping secrets, that's you. Especially if something you care about is at stake.
Alastor: So you are choosing me only because I'm good at keeping secrets?
Lilith: That and your adaptability. I belive that I can trust you to be able to learn everything you need to know about childbirth in 5 months or less.
Alastor: You're putting too much faith in me.
Lilith: I know, but unfortunately you're my best option.
After considering the pros and cons of Lilith's deal, Alastor finally made his decision.
Alastor: Where do I sign?
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myunghology · 2 years
walk me home — hellovenus
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project sekai boys and how they love.
— akito, toya, tsukasa, rui x gn! reader (seperate) got this idea from a post user @/akiitos tagged me in 🫶🫶🫶 ALSO FASTEST WORK I'VE EVER MADE WITH 4 CHARACTERS? I DID IT IN ONLY AN HOUR
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✦ akito shinonome
he's a bit passive aggressive. but you know he loves you dearly.
he loves by telling you aggressively not to overwork, just because he seems distant doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. and then when you don't, he lightly scolds you, calling you stupid for not listening to him, but even after all that, he still takes care of you.
he loves by looking out for you. telling people to shut up because your sleeping— telling people to fuck off because you're getting uncomfortable and because he knows you're too nice to say anything.
he loves by treating you sometimes with his own hard earned money. akito wants to take you out with his own money. not anyone else's. refuses to buy anything for you unless it's with his money.
he loves by being attentive. you send a chat that you're tired, and he reads it immediately. you might think he ignored you but 7 minutes later he's outside your house with some snacks so he can help you with whatever your dealing with. he walks in before closing the door with the spare key you gave him, going inside your room saying, “i heard someone was stressed.”
he loves by being an asshole. you were so sick of him that you say, “why are you always such an ass to me? what the fuck did i do?” and he replies with “I'm 'such an ass' because I'm in love with you, you fucking dumbass.” that was basically how he confessed.
✦ toya aoyagi
toya is an interesting person, it's hard to tell what he's thinking, but besides that, you still love him.
he loves by being considerate without you asking. one time, he heard you were having difficulties with an exam. so he came over and studied— even if he was tired, he's still considering you. motivating you even though your also tired.
he loves by giving you gifts as appreciation. we all know toya has a habit of literally winning a lot of stuff in arcades, so most of his winnings go mostly to you. you know, your plushies have their own bed now because of him.
he loves by reassuring you with anything and everything. telling you even when you're stuggling, bad times and good times, that he's still in love with you, even in arguments. tells you he'll still love you as you are whenever your too shy. tells you it's okay to make mistakes.
he loves by doing what he dislikes the most just for you. even if you never asked for it. you could say you love piano covers and suddenly he sends you a recording of him playing your favorite song on the piano even though it brings him unpleasant memories, he knows you'd never do something he doesn't like, but he can't help but do it for the person he loves.
✦ tsukasa tenma
tsukasa is a very, very energetic person. which makes him hard to get along with especially if you're an introvert.
he loves by making you smile almost always. how he goes the most goofiest shit just to see you smile. the lengths he goes just to see you happy. wxs calls him a simp, but who is he to deny that? even before you both start dating, his focus is always on you. and saki
he loves by showing you off / flexing you. you just laugh it off, but he really likes doing it. he always goes "oh my god their so amazing how could I get so lucky" etc. people give him weird stares, but he says everything he says is true.
he loves by helping with your social skills. if you're anxious, of course. he isn't afraid to introduce you to his other friends, encouraging you to talk, even if you don't want to, it's okay. he'll talk for you, no problem.
he loves by always spending time with you. he's always with you to the point that when you two are seperated, something went wrong. but really, he's just really busy. even if he is busy, he always makes time for you, checkin up on you everyday, and gets worried when you don't reply.
✦ rui kamishiro
rui is also an interesting person. you question him sometimes, but you still love him.
he loves by flirting with you. will stop if you're uncomfortable of course, but if you aren't, pickup lines are daily. and it isn't those weird cheesy ones. it's the ones that come out of no where. when you say something— he always has a pick up line to say. it's a 6th sense at this point.
he loves by listening to you. when you tell him to eat and stop being picky, he's pouting while eating vegetables. listening to you also means while you're sad. he's all ears. giving advice there and then unless you only want him to listen. and he's greatful that you're willing to share with him.
he loves by always willing to help you with anything. especially with robotics if you take it. he's really smart, you know. but he just.. doesn't use his smartness well if you know what I mean. if you two listen enough in class, then you two are definitely passing.
he loves by always noticing you when you're left out. he sees your trying to talk but other people keep interrupting. suddenly his voice gradually gets loulder when he says "ah wait [name], what were you trying to say?" always considering you even in moments like these, and you always appreciate it.
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©myunghology — all works written are made by ©myunghology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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dogcatrabbitbirdfan · 7 months
on my satosugu bs
0 people asked, but i am such an insanely firm believer in 'geto fell first, gojo fell harder' and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
we don't see them when they first meet, but it's pretty natural to conclude that geto would've fallen first because why would it have been gojo? likely sheltered, self-centered, god-complex gojo? nope. i think it's pretty easy to fall for gojo, from geto's perspective, and it would've taken gojo a little longer to take down all the walls that he probably had up around letting himself love someone.
who fell HARDER though? oh my lord.
gojo, who showed literally no one else the same respect that he showed geto. gojo, who (despite having other friends) regarded geto as someone special to him on an entirely new level. gojo, who gave up his status as The Strongest so that they could share the title?? don't even.
what i think is the biggest part of geto's character is that once he realized what he wanted for the world, he never sacrificed his character or his own morals in pursuit of that world. for better or worse.
when geto left, though, gojo sacrificed the majority of his character AND morals just as a knee-jerk reaction.
the two times throughout the entire series where we see gojo as anything but overconfident, uncaring, and nonchalant are the two times where he sees geto in a way that hurts him. the first time, geto has killed over a hundred people, and gojo is so panicked that he yells at yaga and clenches his own fist so hard that he bleeds. he then proceeds to let geto go because he can't bring himself to kill the man that he was ordered to kill. the second time, geto is meant to be dead, and gojo is so stuck in the delusion that it might actually be him that he stumbles, lets himself get caught off guard, and gets trapped in the prison realm.
all that isn't even mentioning what he WOULD'VE sacrificed had geto just asked him to.
the problem with what geto did, to gojo, was never the killing. this is probably reasonable to assume because, after riko was killed, he offered up the possibility of killing every person in that room. it's not that he thought those people to be villainous perpetrators deserving of death, either; he knew that the star religious group themselves posed little to no threat. he knew that they didn't know why what they believed was harmful. he was fine with killing them all anyway, though.
since the beliefs that the village held carried the same weight and harm as the beliefs of the star religious group, geto killing them would've been the perfect equivalent of gojo killing the star religious group, which he was very willing to do. so, to gojo, the problem wasn't that geto took out that village, it was that geto didn't need him anymore going forth. this was such a distressing idea to gojo because the same absolutely could not be said for him. he needed geto in every sense of the word; as support, as a partner, as a friend. most importantly: gojo would've NEVER left geto like that. if he wanted to drastically change the way he lived and reshape jujutsu society, he would've asked geto to come with him. if he snapped one day and killed hundreds, geto would've been the first person to hear about it firsthand.
geto loved gojo but didn't let it dictate his decisions, cloud his judgement, or keep him from following his morals.
gojo, however, let his morals become ambiguous, his judgement become muddled and problematic, and would've dropped everything to follow geto if he had just said the word.
gojo was geto's best friend and someone he loved very dearly. geto was gojo's entire world, his only weakness.
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shinestarhwaa · 7 months
Hi pookie! I literally love your writing sm.
My request for you is Hongjoong, kinks 11 & 12, + 19, and line 45
Thank you so much! 🫶💕
Pookie? That makes me go so🥺🥺🥺 I love that nickname teeheee :) I hope you'll enjoy this one!! Xo
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: husband!Hongjoong x Fem reader
Word Count: 0.7k
Tags/warning: Married!AU, Mild degrading kink, Praise kink, Blindfolds, Doggy style, Spanking, Toys, Unprotected sex, Creampie, Mentioned Ateez members in the end
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123 @mjyungi
"I love it when you moan my name baby," Hongjoong whispered in your ear as he felt you up from behind. His fingers brushed over your hardened nipples, grazing your breasts.
Your eyes searched for him but you couldn't see a thing; your eyes were covered by the black blindfold Hongjoong made you wear. You wore nothing else, so you felt the cold breeze from the slightly opened window. Goosebumps rose on your skin and you swallowed thickly when you felt his hard cock against your lower back.
"Oh my God," you mouthed as you closed your eyes when Hongjoong started kissing your neck. "You look and sound so pretty like this, my darling," he praised you, kissing over your shoulder. His fingers grazed your soft skin as he pressed kisses over your arm.
"Do we have to do this? There's no time," you whined as he spanked you. "Yes. We do. Because I'm not gonna go to dinner with a fat boner that you gave me, Y/N."
Hongjoong bend you over the desk, your breasts coming in contact with the cold surface of the wood. "Joong," you breathed out. He slapped your ass three times before he slightly split your legs and entered your pussy with his hard cock.
Your body protested against it, as he hadn't opened you up with his fingers before, but Hongjoong shushed you. "We don't have time, we have to leave in like 15 minutes, right? Just take it baby, I know you can."
You nodded and moaned when Hongjoong pushed his cock deep into you. "That's right, take it, take it like the good girl you are... I know I married a good girl, a good naughty fucking girl," he groaned as he started moving faster inside you.
"Y-yes! Yes you did," you moaned, biting your bottom lip and whimpering as his hands met the flesh of your bottom again. "J-Joong!" You moaned. Hongjoong picked up the pace and fucked you hard and deep, not wasting any more time.
As he fucked you he reached into the drawer in the desk and pulled out your favourite vibrator. When he turned it on and put it on your clit you yelped and squirmed under his touch, but Hongjoong was strong enough to keep you in place.
"Oh my god, Joong that's so good, that's so good!"
One thing you loved dearly about Hongjoong is that he put your pleasure first, even with a quick fuck like this. He knew you wouldn't be able to cum on the spot at any time so a vibrator was an amazing tool for a quickie at home.
"That's right baby, doesn't that feel so good? I cannot take my time with you right now because we really have to leave for dinner but I do need you to come for me," Hongjoong groaned in your ear.
Your moans gradually got louder as he turned the setting up, pussy clenching around his hard cock. "Hongjoong!" You screamed, nails digging into the wooden desk. "That's right, moan for me, you love it right? A little quick fuck before leaving? The boys are gonna see how fucked out you are, you like that huh?"
"Yes! Yes fuck, I love that, w-wanna see the look on their faces when they realize I'm all fucked out from your cock!" Hongjoong smirked and repeatedly hit a sweet spot inside you, making you scream for him.
"That's right, that's fucking right, you're such a good girl for me. You're gonna take my load right baby? Gonna carry it inside you when we're out?" "Y-Yes, whatever you want!"
It didn't take long before Hongjoong released inside you with a long moan, pumping you full of his cum. He turned up the vibrator to the highest setting, making you unravel on his cock in no time, cunt spasming around him.
"That's a good girl," he moaned as he rode out your orgasms. He pulled out of you and cleaned you up. The two of you wasted no time putting your clothes on as you were seriously gonna be running late.
You were fixing up your make-up in the car when he asked if you were doing okay. You smiled and nodded. "Ofcourse," you answered as you pressed a kiss on his cheek.
When you arrived at the restaurant the guys barely suspected a thing until Jongho discovered hickeys from earlier today on your collarbone and neck. "You must've had a wild night?" "No, no those are fresh," Wooyoung gasped, "they just fucked, ew!" "EWWW!"
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usedtobeguest123 · 2 months
My grandma passed away this last week. She was the matriarch of my family, raising a brood of boys on her own in a new country, and the life I have now I owe to her dedication and sacrifice. She is part of why the character of Abuela resonates so strongly with me, not because of their similarities in character, but because of how meaningful it was to see a story like hers represented in a beautiful, celebrated way in mainstream media.
I'll miss her dearly.
I was going through my unused writing snippets and I found this old one I had started for Encantober "Grief" and never finished. I polished it up a bit and offer it up now in my Abuela's honor. It's inspired by this Twitter-posted poem that resonated with so many people. While I know that there's so much more to the everlasting life after this one, this poem speaks such beauty and childlike peace into that transition, and I adore it for that.
Also, for some reason, I always thought that when the time came for Abuela to pass on, Camilo in particular would have a hard time letting go. Let it in, let it out, let it rain, let it snow, let it go, and all that. He seemed a fitting recipient for this, and also someone likely to ask an uncomfortable question.
Love you Grandma; God bless you and keep you. I can't wait to see you in again in paradise ❤️
It had been happening all. freaking. day.
He’d turn the corner, see a cup or a flower or a damn leaf that somehow reminded him and poof, he’d be someone else. Papi. Dolores. Luisa—a mess of people in quick succession. Thank God he’d managed to keep from changing into her. He didn’t think he could deal with that. Ay, he didn’t think any of them could.
No one blamed him though. When Mirabel witnessed one of his involuntary shifts on his way to the kitchen that morning, she’d just looked at him with that sappy, stupid face she was always making and gave him a hug that maybe did help him feel a little better.
Papi had clapped him hard on the back, keeping a steadying hand on his shoulder as he shifted back down into his own skin. He'd nodded solemnly, giving him a gentle, encouraging lift under the chin.
Tía Julieta just gave him an extra helping at lunch, teary-eyed yet smiling warmly as always.
But it still sucked.
Dios why couldn’t he just get a grip? He felt so jumpy. Everything set him off. He snapped at Antonio when one of his coatis left cacas outside his room again. Even as he spoke he’d known his voice was a too harsh for the situation. He snapped Isabela, and for once she didn’t snap back. She just sent a tiny bloom of flowers settling into his shirt pocket, their stems only a little spikey. He even snapped at Casita when they both knew he'd just tripped on his own two feet.
But he made sure he was on his absolute best behavior around Mami. You want to talk about jumpy? He had nothing on her. Poor Ma.
He managed to hold it together through the rosary, and the next day at mass too, by some miracle. The ceremony was harder, but he pulled through. But then came the reception. Everyone was talking to him and hugging him and offering condolences and ay how many times can you say thank you, I know she's at peace with just the right sad smile before the words start to lose all meaning? Thank you thank you thankyouthankyo—
So. Phwooo. Here he was now, sneaking out of the reception to the back porch of Casita when no one was looking, just to try to fill his stale lungs with a little more air.
After he shut the door quietly behind him, giving a small pat to the wall in thanks to his accomplice Casita, he turned and was surprised to find he in fact was not alone. There, on the small step that led out to the back patio, was Tío Bruno, a rat of course sitting on his shoulder. Eck. Camilo felt a little shiver go down his back.
He considered turning around to find his own private place to brood, but something stopped him. After a moment, and a small nudge from the tiles beneath his feet, he quietly approached instead.
“Hey,” he said lamely.
“Oh!” Bruno startled, flailing comically, but recovered quickly. “Oh, h-hey there Milo.”
Guess I'm not the only one who’s jumpy.
“Do you mind if I…?” he gestured at the empty spot on the stairs next to his tío.
Bruno nodded rapidly, flapping at the spot with his hands and scooting over a minute amount that made absolutely no difference in available space. Camilo sat.
For a while, they didn’t say anything. The rat had disappeared from Tío Bruno’s shoulder to God knows where. They watched the leaves sway on the large gnarled tree that stood proudly behind Casita.
Man, how old was that thing? It had been there as long as he could remember. At some point, a planter had been built around it where Isabela grew a perpetual explosion of flowers, and a swing hung from one of its thicker branches, but he'd seen pictures of when the back porch had let out to just a field and a tree. Camilo found himself wondering if that old thing had always been there, or if it had come with their Miracle.
It looked ancient. The trunk was at least as wide as four humans, twisting and turning up toward the sky at a slight angle before giving way to countless branches, those branches breaking off on their own as well in seemingly infinite chaos. The canopy splayed out above the courtyard in a protective, verdant umbrella so lush that even in the rain, the area underneath often stayed dry. Down below, the roots wove in and out of the soil like great serpents surfacing for air, defying the boundaries of the neat planter and forever upending the level neatness of the patio.
Camilo couldn’t imagine it not being there. He just couldn’t imagine a world without its constant, unshakeable presence. Something heavy and gripping suddenly settled into his chest, and he swallowed hard.
After a moment, his traitorous mouth opened without being told to and he whispered out question so quietly he wasn't sure if Bruno would even hear him.
“What do you think it’s like?”
“...dying.” Camilo swallowed again, but didn’t look at his uncle. “What do you think it’s like.”
“Oh.” Bruno’s voice was soft. To Camilo’s surprise, he didn’t fidget or squirm like usual. Instead, he seemed to sort of wilt. Camilo glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. He'd leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. He stared up toward the big tree too, but he didn’t seem to be really looking at anything.
It was quiet for so long, that Camilo considered cracking some kind of joke to cover his tracks.
What are you thinking anyway, tonto? he thought. Guy just lost his mom. You gonna drop a rock like that on him? He really did need to get a grip. He needed to break the tension, ease the mood.
“Well, it must not have been that bad if Abuela allowed it to happen,” he joked, his voice light, wry, and guarding. “I think even La Muerte herself would have layed off if Abuela had given her that one stern look she had, ya know?"
Camilo chuckled, but Bruno didn't laugh. He didn't respond at all. He was still looking at the tree with a distant expression. Camilo narrowed his eyes at him—it didn't even seem like he'd heard a thing.
At that, Bruno dropped his eyes down to look at his hands, woven together loosely between his bent knees. He tipped his palms up slightly as if he was looking for something there. He took a slow breath, and then he began to speak.
“When I was a kid,” he said, “a-a real little kid, we had this big party at Casita. You know how it goes. House full of people, everything is busy and bright and loud. I don't remember what it was for anymore, b-but the whole time I just was torn between wanting to not miss a minute of it all, but, but, but also trying to be on my best behavior, like I knew Ma would want, a-and also also trying look out for my sisters, who were doing fine by the way, definitely didn't need me looking out for them but—well, anyway.”
Bruno cleared his throat, and Camilo watched him curiously. He nodded for him to continue, and Bruno nodded back.
“A-anyway, I didn't make it through the whole night. I got tired, like kids do, a-and fell asleep in some corner of the courtyard, heh. Passed right out. And Ma—y-your abuela, she found me and picked me up.”
Bruno looked up then, turning to look at Camilo with a sad, crooked smile and an odd brightness in his eyes.
“She carried me upstairs to my room. I could still hear the party—laughter and singing and music and joy—just in the next room over, but in my room with Mamá it was all still and quiet and peaceful. When she tucked me in, she kissed my cheek, and she whispered, ‘You did well, mijo. You did well. I've got you now.’”
Bruno swallowed. “It…it all just felt so…so…safe,” he shrugged. “Like…relief, I guess. Contentment. Idaknow. I think….maybe, um, maybe dying is… something like that.”
The tight feeling was back in Camilo's chest, and he felt a tear streak down his face before he was even aware it was there. He blinked. Bruno looked down at his empty hands again. The air around them had grown cool, the sun now set. The sound of crickets hummed, and the gentle murmurs from the reception wafted out from the warmly lit windows of Casita. Camilo sniffed loudly.
“That doesn't sound so bad,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. Bruno nodded with a broken chuckle, and brought a sleeve up to wipe roughly at his own face.
“Yeah. It doesn't.”
Then, without warning, Camilo’s shoulders quaked, his breath hitching and more tears suddenly appearing as all the pent-up pressure of the day rose to the surface and broke free. He choked out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a cry. Bruno put an arm around him.
The wind blew gently through the branches of the tree, ruffling the leaves in a hushed lullaby. The ropes of the swing creaked sweetly along with it. And there on the porch, settled between the warm murmurs of the reception behind them and the cool peace of the star-filled night, after his breathing had slowed and his tears had been wiped dry, Camilo thought that maybe he could finally feel within him a measure of stillness.
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hey! This IF was sitting in my "to read" list for so long, and I finally got to it, and now I'm conflicted between being frustrated at not having done so sooner cause it's awesome, and being glad I didn't because that means I had a lot of content to go through at once, which is always nice.
Regardless, it was such an amazing read - I really like how you write relationships, not only with the ROs, but also with family and friends, which often tend to take the backseat in stories. I love MC's fathers so much, it's crazy!
Now, I have a few questions and hopefully it won't be too much for a single ask - if it is, feel free to just ignore some. Oh and if some were answered already, could you direct me to the answers? I have trouble with tumblr search as usual!
When the moment of the mark reveal happened in the game, I immediately assumed it was an important choice and the fact it seems depending on the mark we picked the god who cursed the MC / their bloodline changes only confirms it. But I was wondering if you'd be willing to share just HOW important that choice is in the game? I mean, will it only affect flavor text ultimately? Will it genuinely create a split and affect what MC has to do to get rid of the curse? Something else entirely? Of course I know actual details would be spoilery, so really I'd just love to know to scope of how this changes the story!
My MC has purple eyes, and it is said that purple eyes are only possible in case of magic being present in the family (even mentionned that it's likely there is godly blood somewhere in there). Will that be relevant in any way to the story? Again, not asking for details in regards to how or anything!
Similar type of question to the previous one, but "less important"... Will our mount choice affect the story much? I love my MC's mule dearly and I'm curious just how much the chosen mount will change stuff later down the line.
If the MC has grey hair - especially fully grey - will it be brought up much (or at all) by the ROs later down the line, especially in more romantic context? I'm curious if it will come up since I'm wondering what do they think about it and if they like it (and if their feelings vary depending on if MC likes it like mine does or not).
A bit of a reaction ask here, the chosen RO for my playthrough is Oswin, and I'm curious about something. My MC is a healer, and so I assume it's sort of expected that if he gets truly better he'll end up working alongside Lakota and his wife (it has been alluded to, even). But I'm curious how would both Oswin's and MC's families reacts if MC instead expressed the will to actually accompany Oswin on his tasks (cause you know, being a healer and all, he could take care of any injuries and what not). Of course, I'd also love to know what would Oswin himself think of it and how hard (or easy?) would it be to persuade him to agree to begin with!
While I'm at it, if the MC had a crush on Oswin for a long time now, just how aware of the fact are both families? Assuming it's the "shy flirt" type options, when it comes to how it presents itself.
I really hope it's not too much! I'm really curious about the dynamics here! I actually hate the "childhood friend" love interest archetype normally, but that gets flipped around entirely when it's "estranged childhood friend", which is one of my favorite romance archetypes, especially when they are estranged not because they were torn apart by other people or circumstances, but because there was a falling out or one of them actively distanced themself or something like that. Because of that, Oswin really fits that niche perfectly, and that combined with the delightful family relationships just makes me a bit feral.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this and answering to any of the questions you may feel inclined to answer!
Hello, my friend! I am so glad you gave my IF a read and enjoyed it! My goal is to keep the relationships growing like that and make them feel as authentic as I am capable of. 
For your question concerning the mark, I have some info posted here:
The choice isn't going to be earth-shattering or route-diverging or anything like that in the sense that it doesn't change the core choices the MC will need to make later. I think it's more than flavor text, but at the same time not, which isn't helpful but I can't give it away just yet, lol.
The MC's bloodline will be coming up as well, but the selection of purple eyes will not change their heritage. Purple eyes were one of the more obvious changes that magic humans encountered after prolonged influence from gods, but not every magic person has them. The gods and demigods were known to have pretty normal eye colors too. It was mainly a color that stood out from the rest and people just came to associate it with magic, especially since in the current year, it is very rare to see. Some people believe something similar about blue eyes as well - just depends on who you're talking to.
As for the mount, there are some elements about them that may change a thing or two, but we're not talking significant ones. There's a balance to each one as far as their temperament goes, and there may be a couple occurrences on the MC's journey that are changed by the strength or weakness of the mount. So, your MC might escape a situation easier with one mount or have a harder time with another - but still escape. You get me? Mule probably has more unique moments than the other mounts, but I'm trying to add some special flavor for each of them.
I also plan to have the grey hair factor come up in certain conversations, especially about the MC's feelings on it when talking to an RO. You may encounter a passerby that will comment on it as well, but that is likely to happen for other reasons too. Duri will bring it up regardless, because they'll match MC! That reminds me, I need to fix the programming for that, lol. The way I have it set now will make it impossible to reference the MC's original color. Derp.
If your healer MC decides to journey with Oswin in his work, the families would be supportive. It would make them feel a bit better knowing that MC and Oswin had each other's backs. A romanced Oswin will be pretty easy to convince, and will make travels a lot more appealing for him. Lakota and Willow will be a little sad to see their business partner go, but at the same time, they're gonna be happy. Lakota especially since his brother and best friend will have found peace.
I would say that if the MC has been harboring feelings for Oswin for a while, their da is definitely going to have figured it out as will Oswin's mother, Betony. They're sharp. Not that Kavi and Papa are dull, they just wouldn't be as attentive to those subtle romantic cues (though their lovely spouses will have pointed it out at some point).
I love that you are feral for Oswin, lol. I hope your tenacity for him only grows in the coming chapters as he and your MC duke out their feelings.
I hope I hit all your questions! Thank you for sending them in and for the kind words. ^_^
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ice3-waters · 1 month
UR COTL OC LOOKS SO COOL?!?! may i ask abt their lore/any inspo for their design? 🤲🤲
Hello! I'm guessing you're referring to Apophis since that's the one you liked (I have too many CotL oc's)
But yeah! Let me take you through the steps of how I can up with Apophis and his lore!
Warning, I yapped so hard
Originally, Apophis started off as an idea with @asmimir (GO FOLLOW THEM, THEIR ART IS SO SO SO SO SO GOOD) for a roleplay server we're in.
The first inspiration I go for this character was on Pinterest with this image below:
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It also came with the inspiration of another of Asmo's characters, Mayari. I wanted to do a bird dude and looking at Mayari, I wanted to go more ancient (Maya's not THAT old compared to most things tbh, but at the time he was). Some conversation below of my first ever thoughts.
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As you can see, Apophis was meant to be a servant to an old God of Death, this was scrapped later on however, since I didn't have any ideas for other gods at the time. We only had Cure (Asmo's character), Ala (mine), and Freyer (Mine, pre Ala).
In the same conversation, that's when Asmo suggested they were friends since they were so ancient.
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The first incarnation of his name. There was also the Boogeyman before this, but I think "The Horrors" or "Mania" or "Fear" works better.
We then talked about him possibly being more closely working with Mother Time. A concept of "The Horror of Time" or "The Sins of your Past" type deal.
And originally, he was meant to be an owl, but I'm glad he's a vulture.
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Also, I didn't submit him that night, since I was working on him. BUT! I gave him a signature weapon AND I drew him for the first time.
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There is an older drawing of him, but it's way too close to the inspiration image and I'm rather embarrassed by how it looks, lol. But this was done in class and I'm happy how it turned out, even now. He's stayed mostly the same design wise, even now.
I struggled with his name though (I do with all my characters). But while looking up names relating to horror and darkness, I found the name "Apophis."
I based his personality off of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls and Dr. Facilier from the Princess and the Frog.
And the next step is where everything came into place.
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That's when Mother Time became the Mother to Apophis.
There is some lore to Mother Time and how she had Apophis, but I think I'll leave that up to @asmimir to decide if I should tell it (or if they even want to tell the tale themselves :p)
I will however leave you with one thing from a while back about who it is.
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Ok, so I got to th bottom of this and I don't have enough space for much art, but I'll show one last major one.
He WILL HAVE a wife and three children and I love them dearly (Karina the opossum is another friends OC)
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bahllinsqrews · 4 months
Wash It In White~
Niki was spending the night with you in a hotel after one of his tours, he wanted to shower and asked you to join him to 'save water'~
Thick curved reader
Size kink! Riki Nishimura
Shower Sex
Top! Nishimura
Oral - male receiving
Good god, how did you get so lucky to see Riki Nishimura standing by the hotel window, looking down at the bright city. You were staring at the lean back of the man you loved so dearly. He went over to you, seeing you staring at him and trapped you in a promiscuous position as if you were about to suck him off. The white slacks he had made his bulge a little prominent. You held back from saying anything until he opened his mouth. "You know staring is impolite~" one of the things his mother has taught him. You knew that since she joked about you staring at him when you were in his home.
You sat up and gave him a smile, leaning your head up to talk to him. "Well, can you make an exception for me admiring my hot boyfriend?" You asked and he nodded, leaning his head down to kiss you deeply before stripping from the rest of his clothing to head into the bathroom. It took a few minutes of him getting the water to the right temperature before you saw his head poke from the door. "Want to come and shower with me?" He asked and you nodded, getting out of any clothing you had on to get into the large shower with him. You and him made sure to stay close to each other, you leaning onto his back and pressing those big luscious tits all over his wet skin.
To this day it still makes him blush like a little anime boy. You giggled a little before he turned around and grabbed you, holding you nice and close to him, he gave you a nice kiss before you slid down onto your knees and took a look at the long length. You smiled and used your hand to get him a little more stiff. Your lips touched the tip and pushed down so your mouth hit the base of his large shaft. You started sucking him off well, your throat nice and tight while your mouth remained wrapped around him. His hands found their way to different places, one on your hair and the other on the shower wall behind him. You pulled your mouth off of his cock and lifted up while using your hand to continue the work.
His Japanese language came out in voice cracks and half moans, he made a few swears in pleasure and praised you too. Voice cracks and louder moans came out with you but at a spot in his neck, gentle but effective. He came into your hand and you were lucky for the running water to clean you both off. He took a moment to regain himself before turning you around to face the glass door of the shower, gently pressing your body against it, your neck in his hand and your hip in the other, his cock still hard and ready to fill you up.
His eyes gave you a look of love and lust, ready to make the deepest love to you. He spread your legs a little further, enough to line up perfectly before pushing it all in. You gasp a little then settle down into his touches, him thrusting nice and easy, enough to hit into that spot you love so much. He smiled as your eyes rolled back, him taking a moment to bask in that blissful look you had. His long arms wrapped around your body, one grabbing one of your pillows and the other laying over the bulge he created.
You smiled as his hips moved faster into yours, constantly batting at you and making you melt while you felt sparks in your clit. You couldn't move your arms to touch it, either way, he got to it first, giving a gentle pinch to it and making you scream a little before drenching his shaft in your love bomb of juices. He took this time and came with you, filling your twitching cunt with his baby batter, enough to possibly make twins. You both panted heavy, sitting on the shower floor to catch your breaths.
He gave you a nice kiss on the side of your shoulder before getting you both up, out of the shower, and dried off to lay in bed for a little while. You fell asleep in his arms from the fun you both had, him taking a moment to put on the favorite sound of the oscillating fan before going to Dreamland with you, snuggled by your side.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 year
How did you find the courage to start posting online?
Finding courage is actually why I started this blog!
I’ve always loved writing. The first book I wrote was in high school (and very rarely sees the light of day) back in 2010. I gave short stories to my family for Christmas in 2011 and I did write a little bit of fanfic back then.
But I never tried to query my work and I never posted anything online. I felt like my work wasn’t good enough for a multitude of reasons - too short, too long, choppy dialogue, not interesting, wrong punctuation, etc
Then I went to college and I studied English/psychology/writing for a little bit. One of my writing professors really pushed me to consider publishing (at that point I was on track to get a psychology degree) and I realized that that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be a published writer
But I was too scared!
I was frozen for years. I would write all these stories for fun and never had anywhere to put them. After I left the cult (lol) I ended up not having many friends to read my work either. I had my sister and my best friend from high school (both of whom I owe a lot) and they lived in a different city for most of that time.
College was a really bad time for me all around. I don’t talk about it that much because I very dearly want to be someone who can heal from trauma. But my writing at that time was viciously angry. I felt like I couldn’t share it because it would show everyone how awful I was. So I didn’t post online then either!
I left school and became an EMT with this idea that I was going to be a writer but I still couldn’t bring myself to query. “I need to experience more of life to write,” I thought. “I’m not good enough yet. The things I write are all too depressing or too escapist. One day I’ll write something amazing and I’ll know it and go from there.”
It was during that time (around 2016) that I honestly got sick of myself. I had a lot of insecurities and life was very difficult. It’s hard to explain exactly where my head was at. See, up until the creation of this blog, I was putting writing as a low priority in my life. I was going to keep driving an ambulance. I was going to go back to school. I was going to only engage In The practical side of writing (copy writing) and do other Meaningful Work like driving ambulances or maybe going to law school
But I wanted to write. And I knew I was scared. And I knew that part of what was holding me back were all these expectations from my family and from myself that I needed to focus on finding a career rather than in what made me so happy
So I made this blog! “No one I know will see this,” I thought. “I don’t have to tell them. I can write whatever I’d like without having to worry about hurting anyones feelings or making anyone upset.”
Well, I did make people upset! Hahahah, for some reason 22 yo me wrote a prompt fill of God trying to set up Satan with a guy. A looooot of people (like 6 which seemed like a lot at the time!) sent me messages about how awful I was for writing that and how I needed to take it down
Instead of taking it down or stopping writing, I looked at why I wrote what I did. I’m Pagan. Wby did I feel driven to write a story about God?
The prompt used language I disagreed with (I believe it called satan “a homosexual” like those old anti gay propaganda films) and I wanted to write something that was more positive and nuanced. The story accepted the idea that, at one point, being gay was a sin (I was just coming out at that point as well.) But I also wrote a God that was flawed, who recognized their flaws, and admitted that they made a mistake by trying to control love like that. God apologized to Satan for making him feel he was wrong and that he couldn’t love who he wanted. That story meant something to me who, despite being from an amazingly supportive family, still worried about people being jerks when I went out in public with my girlfriend.
And after looking at all that, I stood by my story. That’s important to why I keep posting online. I stand by what I write. Even if nobody enjoys a story, I like it. And so it stays up.
(Though I will admit that some aspects I’ve had to improve myself on. I had one person point out that I only used Anglo-Saxon names for all my characters. Meaning I only wrote white characters. So, after a lot of googling and reading, I set out to diversify my work! I wrote Firebreather after that, starring Nadezh and I am so obsessed with her.)
I kept the God prompt up and started receiving positive comments on it! I started writing more prompt fills. I’d write after hard 12 hour shifts. I’d write while in the ambulance. I wrote a very popular story from my phone!
I’m very, very lucky! I’ve always received very positive feedback on my stories here. There are people who won’t ever know it but they supported me through very difficult times.
Why have I written all of this? I definitely haven’t shared everything about my writing journey, or my life journey, but these are the highlights. Why share such a long answer to a very straightforward question?
Because I want you to have the context for when I say that the courage to post online comes from a deep and unending love for writing. For your own writing. For the magic that writing helps you create, for the excitement of finishing a story, for the thrill of understanding yourself a little better.
For me, the creation of this blog was an act of self love. I’ve said that on here before. I took an amazing gamble and I won! By posting online, I forced myself to confront my writing head on. People were seeing it and commenting on it, good and bad, and it forced me to interact with my work in a way I hadn’t before.
I started being able to look at my writing from a distance. There were some warts, for sure. But I looked at it and loved it all the same.
I stopped being so ashamed and fearful. My whole family knows about my writing now (that’s actually how I came out as bi to a few of them lmao) and I’ve self-published my own work.
I will say, that I’ve been very lucky on Tumblr. My experience doesn’t seem to be very typical and my blog is a bit more popular than I ever intended! I’m very grateful and blown away by it still.
Courage comes from confidence. Fake it til you make it! I used anonymity as a shield until I gained enough confidence to own my work proudly.
Thanks for the ask and thanks for bearing with my long response. I’ll most likely talk about how posting online affected my mental state and career more at a later date :)
Tl;dr: Love your writing unconditionally. Accept its flaws and know that you have the ability to improve it.
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justastarholder · 10 months
I can't remember if this has been asked in the past, but how did Solaris and Obscure discover that Eclipse was born with the gift of fire?
I couldn't resist drabbling about this.
TW: Fire, Nightmares
Small yellow fingers trembled. Blue eyes grew misty with frustration as the young fledgling god failed yet again to summon so much as an ember.
Sun was already ten and still he had not shown any signs of the gift that was his birthright. As he sank down onto the floor with a frustrated sob, the door to the office opened.
"Alright, my son- Sun?" Solaris' smooth voice washed over Sun. The young boy hid his face in his knees, rays curling as he wrapped his arms over his head.
The soft thud of boots against the carpet were drowned out by Sun's crying. Tenderly, Solaris scooped his young son up from the floor. Sun immediately wrapped his arms around Solaris.
"What's upset you, little light?" Solaris settled himself on the lounger, rubbing Sun's back soothingly.
"I still can't do it," Sun sniffled, "what if Star Mother has forsaken me? Just like the little forge goddess-
"Terra's daughter is not forsaken," Solaris said gently, "I'm sure Mother Star had a reason for the star's fall. It may not be clear now, but it will become clear.. in time." He hummed, hand making soothing circles over the small boy's back.
"As for the gift of fire... Do not push yourself so hard. I was the last among the current generation to develop my gift, too. There is no rush, my son."
The shaking steadily subsided. Sun peeked up at Solaris timidly.
"Really? You were the last?" His eyes were wide and blue as the sky.
"I was," Solaris nodded, smiling down at his son. "You may not be able to call a flame yet, but you are already making incredible strides. I'm very proud of you." The gentle father gave Sun's head a soft pat. Giggling, Sun pushed his hand away.
"You're bending my rays!"
"That's not bending them," Solaris chuckled, "but this is!"
Shrieks of laughter filled the room as Solaris prodded his poor son's rays, causing them to fold over. At Sun's age, they were much more pliable and folded rather easily.
"Father, no!" Sun wriggled, trying to free himself from the grasp of his amused father.
As Solaris chased Sun around the room, the world seemed so bright. The crackle of the fire place. The glisten of the golden threads woven into the carpet. The painting of Sun's precious family hanging above the mantle...
And then the doors to the office flew open. A frantic-looking maid panted, looking up at Solaris like she'd seen a ghost.
"Fire-" She gasped for air. "There's a fire in the east wing!"
Solaris went rigid. The east wing was the wing where the family slept. And his wife and child had already retired. Thoughts of the worst possible outcome danced through his head. He felt his stomach twist.
"Sun, stay here," Solaris turned to his young son. The fledgling god shook his head.
"No buts. You could get hurt," Solaris moved towards the door, motioning the maid further into the room. A wordless command to stay and look after the young boy.
And then Solaris was gone. He shot down the corridor in a blaze, praying that somehow his wife and youngest child would still be alright.
When he reached the east wing, he was astonished by the ferocity of the flames. The palace walls were made of stone, but the fire crawled along every scrap of wood and fabric it could find. In the raging inferno, Solaris was fine, but his family?
"OBSCURA! ECLIPSE?!" He'd never shouted so loud in all his life. Every charred piece of furniture he looked over made his heart sink further.
"Please," he muttered, shoving his way past crumbling support beams and closer to their bedroom. Eclipse was old enough to sleep on his own now but his frequent nightmares often caused him to sneak into his parents' bed. Not that Solaris would ever begrudge his son. He loved his children dearly.
Finally, Solaris felt a fierce wind whip over him. He snapped his head in its direction, relieved to see his wife managing to fight her way through the raging fire.
The two slammed into one another, holding each other tightly.
"You're alright," Solaris sighed, "Eclipse! Is he?"
"I can't find him," Obscura sobbed, "stars above, Sol, our son-
"Shh. Go back to my office and wait with Sun. The smoke isn't good for you." Solaris stood on his toes, giving her a gentle kiss. "I'll find him."
And just as quickly as they collided, they were parting. Obscura never had any reason to doubt Solaris. He was a good man and a good father. If a bit headstrong.
Returning his focus to the task at hand, Solaris rushed back out into the hall. He shot straight into Eclipse's bedroom, fearing he would find nothing more than ash and the fragment of a star.
But to his surprise, Eclipse was laying upon the floor, perfectly in tact. The tiny boy was naked as the day he was born, curled into a little ball and sobbing loudly. The fire raged around him and Solaris realized with startling clarity that Eclipse was the source of the brilliant orange flames.
The realization gave Solaris pause. He slowed, kneeling beside his son. All four of Eclipse's tiny arms were wrapped tight around his knees. He hiccupped, eyes shut tight.
Solaris was stunned.
Eclipse had somehow produced a flame. And not just a small one- a ferocious fire roared around them.
What did this mean? If Eclipse had inherited the gift of fire... had Sun truly been forsaken by Mother Star? Were the nasty rumors about Terra and his child true?
Was this Solaris' punishment for marrying the daughter of his father's greatest enemy? Had Obscura somehow stolen the gift of fire?
Every paranoid, vicious thing Solaris' father had ever said came back to haunt him.
Wordlessly, he scooped up the sobbing boy and cradled him. Eclipse's brilliant amber eyes opened and he calmed ever so slightly as he looked up at his father.
"Shhh," Solaris rocked him.
Eclipse was only six years old. He was barely old enough to sleep in his own room, let alone comprehend the gravity of his situation. Solaris knew that.
And yet...
"Let's get you back to your mother," he said quietly, patting Eclipse's back. The tiny boy nodded, hiding his face in Solaris' shoulder. The radiant god turned and walked back out of the east wing. Servants rushed past him, bringing buckets of water.
He said nothing until he returned to his office. Obscura and Sun were waiting inside, both looking anxious.
As Obscura scooped Eclipse from the arms of his father, she sobbed with relief.
"My little darling," she wrapped a blanket around him, "you're alright! What happened? How- How did he...?" When Obscura looked at Solaris for an answer, she felt her blood go cold.
"It was his fire," Solaris had a rather haunted look about him. "He called that fire."
Sun looked on in confusion as Solaris and Obscura stared each other down. The dark goddess drew in a sharp breath, looking down at her trembling son.
"Eclipse has inherited the gift of fire," she said quietly. Her eyes trailed to their elder son, sitting on the lounger. Sun looked up at her, worried.
"...Oh, Sun," she said quietly, "I'm so sorry."
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