#love feeling sad and guilty and whatnot before my birthdayšŸ‘
local-soda-can Ā· 1 month
i donā€™t want to grow up i donā€™t want to just yet
thereā€™s so many things i have yet to do, and they scare me
what if the future goes wrong? what if itā€™s not what i had in mind as a kid? what if the future never gets here?
i feel really selfish and guilty, i donā€™t want to feel this way
iā€™m sorry iā€™m not mature enough for my age, im sorry iā€™m not the perfect kid you wanted, iā€™m sorry iā€™m not a good enough partner, iā€™m sorry that iā€™m not good enough
i just want to stop time, just have everything stop and let me enjoy the rest of my life without actually growing up
iā€™m scared of what the future holds, iā€™m scared of what will happen, why am i so scared?
i hate being like this, people my age are supposed to be ready for the future
why cant i ever be normal? why cant i just be like normal people?
why am i such a childish person? why am i so immature? i still sleep with plushies for gods sake
what will my life be like in a year? in ten, twenty years? am i still going to be sleeping with stuffed animals and acting immature
what if things donā€™t turn out good? what if everything just goes to shit?
i shouldnā€™t think like this, especially not before my birthday
birthdays are supposed to be fun and amazing, not scary or sad or anything like that
i donā€™t want to grow up, please just let me stay like this
iā€™m sorry to my parents, for not being the perfect kid you wanted and especially sorry to my mom, for making you mad when i donā€™t mean to
im sorry to my brother, for not really being the best older sibling, even if you donā€™t treat me that nicely, i still try to be nice to you
iā€™m sorry to my friends, past and present, for not being the greatest friend youā€™ve met, thereā€™s so many things i wish to do, but iā€™m sorry for not being a good friend
iā€™m sorry to my partners, for not being what you wanted, i know thereā€™s other people out there who are more your type and are what you want, iā€™m sorry i canā€™t be those people
and im sorry to my younger self, for being so angry and upset at myself, i donā€™t mean to get mad at you, i donā€™t like being mean to myself, i wish you all the best
ā€¦.cant wait for tomorrow, when i turn another year older
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