#love at first sight and true love and unconditional love and love at all
calsvoid · 1 month
yeah kurt is blaine’s one true love but have you forgotten that blaine could’ve been sebastian’s
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OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.
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A little list of OC questions based on the seven types of love identified in Ancient Greek thought. Obviously this is a highly simplified presentation of some quite complex philosophical concepts from Classical History, intended more for the purposes of entertainment than education. I also left out Mania, which is arguably an eighth type of love (Obsessive), because I'm keeping it mostly positive in these tricky times!
Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love.
Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Philia – Affectionate, Platonic Love.
Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
Storge – Unconditional, Familial Love.
Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward? Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional? Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
Agape – Selfless, Universal Love.
Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
To what extent does your OC believe in the value (or even existence) of true altruism? Do they see an unselfish concern for the welfare of others as being naïve or foolish? Or as a moral quality to which people should aspire?
Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love.
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
Who was your OC's first crush? How do they feel about it now?
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Pragma – Committed, Long-Lasting Love.
Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
Are your OC's parents still together? To what degree do they look to their own parents as a model for their own ideal relationship?
After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship? Shared goals? Similar values? Or contented companionship?
What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
Philautia – Self Love.
Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
Does your OC judge themselves by the same standards as they apply to others? Or are they sometimes hypocritical in condemning others for faults they also possess? Or perhaps they find it easier to forgive others for things that they cannot abide in themselves?
Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
Has your OC always had the same opinion of themselves or has this changed over time? Have they learned to love themselves - perhaps with the help of others - as their journey progressed? Or have the consequences of their actions only served to erode their sense of self-worth?
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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- boyfriend headcanons with sung jinwoo -
notes: i have a little bit of a writer's block, so have some headcanons + drabbles with the man that has completely stolen my heart ♡ unedited because i am just dumping my thoughts into this little story.
having sung jinwoo as your boyfriend was nothing short of being a dream come true. in fact, the moment he confessed to you, you swore that you were living in a fantasy world...
your gaze was honed in on the tall, s-rank hunter. in his hand was a bouquet of your favorite flowers (just how did he even know?) and you could feel your heart pounding in response to the mere sight of him.
he gently calls out your name, still gingerly holding on to your bouquet with a sheepish expression, casually running his hands through his hair.
"uhm, you heard me correctly, i want to go on a date with you... i want to call you mine."
were you being pranked right now?
or were you caught up in a dream? your fantasies come straight to life with sung jinwoo actually confessing to you?
feeling nervous and filled with uncertainty, you look behind you to see if there was anyone else.
did he mean to say this to hunter cha hae-in?
as you were left gaping like a fish with the sheer amount of times your mouth opened and closed in response to his confession, jinwoo finally decided to take matters into his own hands as he comes closer to you.
you were suddenly forced to hold on to the bouquet as jinwoo leans down, grey eyes shining with mirth and adoration for you. he caresses at your cheek before whispering to you, "hm, it seems like you don't believe me. i suppose actions do speak louder than words after all."
you were given little time to react when jinwoo presses his lips against yours in a kiss, making you melt against him. the moment he feels you kissing him back was the moment jinwoo smiles against your lips, further setting your heart aflame with love and devotion for him.
he checked off every trait you had wished for in a boyfriend: extremely attentive to you and your emotions; had such a deep, unconditional love for you that it bordered on the cusp of worship- jinwoo was your ideal soulmate in every sense of the word.
"oh my god, i did not think you would be such a dork."
you had been dating jinwoo for merely 3 months now, yet he was such an adorable dweeb that he ended up celebrating each month with you.
for the first two months, he had given you a special bouquet and two gifts that he knew you would love:
for the first month, a gorgeously crafted diary complete with a lock and key;
for the second month, a cute dress made of the finest fabrics as you wore it to dinner that night with him.
and now for your third month together, jinwoo had struck yet again.
his grey eyes were shining once more, giving you his usual, extravagant bouquet, but this time, it was accompanied by a slender gift box wrapped in gold while tied up in an onyx ribbon.
your eyes meet with his in a questioning glance, seeing a small pink blush dye his cheeks.
"sarang, don't be shy... open it."
setting your bouquet off to the side, your hands were slightly shaking when you tore into the wrapping, revealing a long and slender velvet box. once you had opened it, you felt a gasp escape from your parted lips.
"oh, jinwoo... it's so beautiful!"
within the confines of the velvet box was a gorgeously crafted bracelet made up of your favorite gemstones. you watch as the gems catch the light, capturing rainbows from within it. jinwoo admires your awed expression for a few seconds before letting out a chuckle, taking out the bracelet as he sets the box off to the side.
"here, let me help you put it on."
he grabs your right wrist and clasps the bracelet onto it, giving you a loving smile before taking a hold of your hand. as his large hand envelopes yours, you felt your breath hitch the moment he leans in closer to press a kiss against your knuckle.
"it is indeed beautiful. a perfect fit, really."
feeling overwhelmed with love for him, you end up wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you captured his lips within yours in a searing kiss.
also, you don't even have to worry about getting sick or suffering through that time of the month! jinwoo has already got you covered; ever since you moved into an apartment with him, he has been the most doting malewife boyfriend ever!
you were curled up in bed, clinging to your favorite plushie in a tight manner when a fresh wave of cramps hit you. never before had your monthly period become this bad; it felt as though your body was in a constant state of distress, clenching your abdomen as it brought you new waves of pain.
jinwoo had texted you earlier today, asking you if you wanted to go out on a date after his meeting, but you politely declined. you admitted in your text how your body was just not well enough to do any sort of activity-
but when your boyfriend left you on read, you felt a newfound sensation of anxiety coursing through you.
why didn't he answer back with an 'okay' or 'i understand, honey' like he usually does? was he mad at you for being rendered immobile because of your immense cramps?
should you try to tough it out and agree to go on a date with him anyways?
should you text him back and tell him that you changed your mind?
and were you really getting anxious at being left on read by him (yes, you were getting anxious).
just as you were close to forcing yourself out of bed, you hear jinwoo returning home as his heavy footsteps were heard walking through the hallways.
his sudden appearance within your doorway makes you jump back in bed, seeing his flushed expression as he carried several bags within his hand.
"hey sarang, here, i bought you all of your favorite snacks and a heating pad, too. when jinah had her first period, i panicked and didn't know what to do when she kept crying because she was in so much pain."
jinwoo settles the bags of snacks off to the side while gently lifting up your shirt. he takes a heating pad and carefully applies it to your abdomen. "so i'm proud to say, taking care of my sister has helped prepare me for moments like these."
a proud smile graces his handsome features when he pulls down your shirt once more, "now, i know i can take care of my woman with ease."
he turns away and was about to get you your favorite ice cream when you stop him, throwing your arms around his neck while pulling him closer to you. tears of happiness fill your vision as you thanked him over and over again for his kindness-
for his willingness to always take care of you.
jinwoo was caught off guard by your words, but ends up smiling down at you, wrapping his arms around your back as he brought you even closer to him.
"don't even worry about it, honey." his lips were pressed against your hair, "i am your lover, so it's my job to keep you safe and happy."
now you might be wondering, does jinwoo ever place any of his shadow soldiers into your shadow? the answer is an absolute YES. whenever jinwoo had to travel to faraway places, he would only keep his strongest soldiers close to your side, placing his entire trust within those who were the most loyal to him.
"my queen, where is it that you would like to go?"
"ah, are you bored? shall we accompany you to a movie of your choosing?"
you giggle while spending some time in the city with beru and igris talking your ear off. they were always so eager to follow you, growing a deep fondness for you solely because their king loved you so much. in fact, they took great pride in being consistently chosen to protect you when jinwoo was away.
you smile back at them, ready to reply when you felt someone bump into you. letting out a sharp hiss of pain, you look up to see a rather rude looking business man run into you.
"oi, watch where you're going!"
"excuse me? you were the one who bumped into me!" your nostrils were flared as you stood your ground, not letting the rude man treat you like a pushover.
"oh, so she has an attitude? do you know who i am?! i am-"
yet the words die against his throat when beru and igris reveal themselves out of your shadow, taking a protective stance in front of you as they were ready to defend you at any cost.
"oh, would you l-l-look at the time, i am late for my m-meeting. if you'll excuse me m-m-miss." the businessman ends up stiffly walking away from you, leaving you alone with jinwoo's most trusted shadow soldiers.
with a sigh, you brush back your hair. "did jinwoo see any of that?"
"yes, he did. he is taking the next flight back to seoul as we speak." igris tells you with a smug expression, making you let out a groan in response.
"please! convince him to stay in america! he has very important matters to discuss with the u.s. association branch!"
"our king says that he does not care. you had been disrespected, so he is on his way home now. he has rescheduled such a meeting in order to comfort you, my queen."
feeling the heat become stronger against your cheeks, you were left hiding your face within your hands, feeling exasperated at your overprotective boyfriend-
but truth be told, you still loved him all the same.
truly, you could never imagine a life without jinwoo. he fit you so well, like a perfect puzzle piece. jinwoo being by your side made you feel complete - and you wouldn't want it to be any other way.
while you slept peacefully in bed, jinwoo continues to admire you, looking down at you with his eyes filled with love and devotion for you alone.
he takes a moment to admire your beauty. even when your hair was a mess and there was a thin trail of drool seen from the corner of your mouth-
you were still the loveliest woman he had fallen madly in love with.
not a single day passes where he doesn't think about you.
"heh, i guess i'm completely obsessed with you after all."
he smiles down at you, whispering to your sleeping form when he leans in closer to press a kiss against your cheek.
"i'm gonna need to make you mine soon... or else i'll go completely insane if another man tries to flirt with you and take you away from me."
with one last whisper of your name, he gives your cheek a lingering kiss all while smiling against your skin, whispering to you about his promises of forever while giving you a ring first thing in the morning.
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a.n. - i love jinwoo so much,,,, sobbing because he's not real... 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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The thing about Ed and Stede is I don't think they would've ever guessed someone like the other could even exist before they met. I can't even call their story "love at first sight" because they honestly started falling for each other before they met.
From the very first time we see Stede hearing Blackbeard stories, he's trying to figure out the man behind the myth. He has an instinct to pick Pete's stories apart, not just because he's trusting enough to believe they're true but because he has such a natural curiosity and willingness to look deeper. Ed, too, is absolutely fucking gone for this weirdo right away - when was the last time he met anyone who went against the grain, let alone someone who dared to talk back to Blackbeard? Before they even meet each other, Stede's interested in teasing out the truth about Blackbeard this perfect pirate, and Ed's fascinated by someone who doesn't seem afraid of him.
And when they meet, you can just feel it. Never have I seen two characters immediately seem so drawn to each other on screen before. You can feel the click. And as they learn more about each other, they never, not ever, get disappointed when the other doesn't quite match those first expectations.
Ed absolutely adores all the things Stede's been made fun of his whole life. Stede does not expect people to care about his interests or put up with him without complaining; Ed is enthusiastically curious about the things Stede likes and whole-heartedly thinks Stede is fucking incredible. Stede easily sets his expectations for Blackbeard aside as he learns more about Ed, letting Ed know that he can indulge in softer things and just be Ed around Stede with zero judgment. They're always so supportive and gentle with each other.
Both of them were so resigned, at the beginning of the show. They're both weird and dramatic and goofy, and they'd so desperately been longing for someone to play with, someone who got them. Their support for each other is so unconditional. What a beautiful story, that these two weirdos got to find each other, and we get to see them start their life together.
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evewasheretoday · 6 months
Accidents Happen: Prologue
Your mother was a hardworking woman with high hopes and your father was an honest man.
The love that your parents had for each other was unconditional and strong, it shouldn't have been a surprise that with such a love — they'd been blessed with twelve children, six boys and six girls.
While being the youngest in your family certainly had its advantages and disadvantages, this was certainly not one of them.
“I can't believe the lot of you are kicking me out!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, your voice hoarse from all the yelling. “And after everything I've done for all of you?”
“This was not our decision to make” Your oldest sister—Camelia—replied, crossing her arms to her chest.
“I told you being a slob was bound to get you into trouble someday” Your second oldest brother—Daniel—sighed.
The rest of your siblings were inside the house, smiling happily at the sight of you leaving home and being sent away to Castle Dimitrescu from the windows. 
Lady Dimitrescu's home — where most women would come to work as a maid.
You gulped. “This is not a fun experience” You told them. “You are sending me to my own death!”
Camelia and Daniel shared a look.
“You're exaggerating” Camelia responded to you. “If anything — we're doing you a favour” She grinned cheekily to you.
“Besides” Daniel added, walking toward you and ruffling your hair. “It will be good for you”
“If I don't come back, I must be dead” You mumbled.
Daniel laughed while Camelia just smiled.
“Oh, don't be ridiculous!” Camelia rolled her eyes at you. “You will survive” She said.
Counting the days since you first stepped into Castle Dimitrescu and started your work, you've been under Lady Dimitrescu's employment for two years.
Yet you still cannot get used to the screams of pain that come from the castle's dungeons nor the fear of any day being your last.
You've rarely ever seen any of the women living there. I mean, you see the other servants every now and then but the daughters?
Yeah, no. You did your best to avoid them as much as possible. Emphasis on the word did because no matter how much you tried — it just wasn't possible to avoid them entirely.
“I feel terribly sorry for that girl,” One of your coworkers spoke up.
You never believed it to be true but Lady Dimitrescu certainly did not employ any man into the castle.
All the faces you've seen and all the voices you've heard during your time here were all women.
“She has a name, Lucille” Looking around the dinner table, everyone's attention was settled on one person.
“Had,” Lucille corrected. “After her little incident with Lady Daniela, I doubt anyone will be calling her other than a fool or a slattern.” She chuckled softly. “And you know that all too well, Gabriela”
Everyone's eyes were still fixated on one person. And that was Gabriela.
“I would watch my words If I were you, Lucille” The ginger-haired woman warned. Her lips pursed into a thin line as she stared directly at Lucille, the dark brown-haired woman who glared back at her.
Dinner was usually quiet for every single woman who worked at Castle Dimitrescu under Lady Dimitrescu's employment. But today seemed like a bad day to say the least. 
Lucille and Gabriela were one of the oldest employees in Castle Dimitrescu. 
They were both already here before your own family had decided you would be better working at a place that paid so well rather than at home where you only did the bare minimum at best.
“I am but stating a fact, Gabriela” Lucille rolled her eyes. “Had she been more careful with her work, she would not have ended in the dungeons” She sneered.
Gabriela slammed her fist against the table, every other maid flinched at the sudden noise. “If you'll excuse me,” She gritted out through clenched teeth. “I shall eat in my room” She said before storming out of the dining hall.
“Well,” You mumbled, wiping your mouth clean. “That was something”
If you could kill someone with your bare hands without a thought, you'd have done it by now.
“You!” Beatrice, the head maid, called out. “Clean the library” She ordered, pointing at you with the broomstick in her hand. “And don't come back unless it is spotless”
Beatrice was quite a lovely woman.
Only if you weren't the one she was yelling at and making orders to.
“Yes, ma'am” You sighed exasperatedly before hurrying to the library.
Today just couldn't have been worse, you thought.
A shadow following you from afar, quiet like a mouse, unbeknownst to you.
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dwaekkiforpresident · 9 months
lee minho loves hard. he pours everything his soul has into making sure you’re taken care of. no amount of work or busy schedules could ever change how he felt about you.
he knew everything about you, he studied you as if you held all the answers in the universe. never once would he make you feel unwanted. any negative thoughts about yourself, he kissed them away and replaced them with what he saw; you. in his eyes, you’re perfect. any flaws you believe are true, he will argue with you until you see his side and until he makes you believe his words.
living together was a dream. after a few months, he proposed the idea. admittedly, it caught you off guard because, well, who in their right mind would ask their partner of seven months to live together? after endless discussion and persuasion, you agree. he promised you a life free of worry, waking up to unconditional love and support and ending every day with whatever it is you want. minho always kept his promise. it truly was too good to be true.
your friends were envious, albeit supportive; you can’t count the number of times they had bet on the date of his proposal to you. your family? loved him. you liked to joke that they adored him more than you, minho would always make sure he made you feel even more loved later that day.
things couldn’t get any better. there was no problems in sight, never a worry in the world. maybe that’s where the problem was lying all along. “love is blind”, they’ve always said. it’s disgusting how true it is.
you met at a bar. you had come with a group, sitting all alone as you sip on a virgin cocktail, the designated driver. minho came in with his friend that you’d later find out was named jeongin.
the world stopped spinning for minho. jeongin poked fun at his star struck face, minho strode forward towards your seat with all the confidence he could muster.
the first things he learned about you was your drink of choice, laughing maybe a little too hard when you lightheartedly complained about the sugar water you had to drink that evening for the sake of your friends. then he learnt your name and by god if it wasn’t the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard.
he managed to get your number that night. he’d also managed to snag a kiss after beating you at pool, his winnings being a peck from your lips. he was teased relentlessly for the stupid grin that wouldn’t leave his face until he fell asleep.
a month or so of exchanging messages and twelve dates later, he had made you his. finally. he couldn’t believe his luck. he was sure he’d spend the rest of his life with you.
just over a year into the relationship, you’d announced your decision to leave after you found a ring in the dresser. a wedding ring. you weren’t ready. no time left for him to talk to you or convince you, you were gone without a trace while he was on tour. the apartment was void of your belongings, all except for the necklace you’d worn on the first date he’d taken you on.
he fell asleep with tears in his eyes and the chain in his hands.
you’d told him that you weren’t ready for something so serious so soon, that the constant pressure of being the partner of an idol was too much. you told him over the phone because if you saw him in person, you’d have no choice but to come back. oh how he wished you’d come back.
he missed you. your face, your hair, your smile, your laugh— he missed the first time he’d driven you to the beach. you sang along to his playlist, to his favorite songs. the same ones on repeat whenever he gave you his phone to choose the music.
that very same song makes him lose it on the way to work four months after you left. all he can hear is your voice, seeing your smile that he was so sure he’d never lose.
the first time he talks to his parents after you leave, he hopes they’ll be supportive and reassuring.
they remind him how they advised against moving in together so soon. he yells at his father that night, his mother in tears. he can’t speak to them quite yet.
so many firsts without you, so many emotions and so many heart-wrenching reminders of how you’ve moved on. you never blocked him on social media, though you did unfollow him.
he knows it’s not good for him, for the healing process, but he tells himself it’ll ease his mind. maybe he wants to know you’re okay or maybe he wants to see if you felt what he is feeling.
he gets rid of instagram after seeing your post with another guy, the strangers arm around your waist.
it’s about a half a year after your departure and he’s starting to maybe feel like he’s okay. he’s back to laughing with his friends, playing with his beloved cats and getting back into the rhythm of cooking after not having the bother to eat anything but instant meals and whatever his friends would bring him in an attempt to get him out of his depression.
he’s ready to be okay, to move on. it’s a thursday night when your name and phone number flash across his screen. he answers immediately.
his concern instantly dissolves into confusion. then into realization.
you called because you’re drunk and you’re lonely. speaking in a slurred manner and saying things he’s been wanting you to say since you left. he knows he should hang up. he doesn’t.
he missed your voice too much to say goodbye just yet.
then you tell him that you want to come over, to see him. it breaks his heart to tell you no. it’s not like it was an easy decision on his part, his mind and his heart screaming two different things at him.
he hangs up the call and he sits down in silence, the lighting from the television flashing across his face and the cat at his feet. it’s the last time he cries about you.
maybe that was his closure. the acceptance that you really are gone.
if you’d told minho the night he met you that he’d lose you, knowing everything he got to share with you, he’d do it again.
he’d fight his parents, let you ruin his favorite music with your own voice, let you into the mess that was his life just to have you for the eight months that you were his.
he’d do it over and over again, just to be with you. you’ll always be the one that got away in his story, you’ll always remind him of your past together when the radio station so feels like it.
he’d love you again, go through all the pain again just to have you in his arms for those moments, even though you break up in the end.
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llondonfog · 1 year
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i don't mean to ramble but i am so emotional!! about them!! how much lilia truly loved him at first sight that it manifested beyond a simple blessing to physically alter his appearance!!
i'm just consumed at the thought that lilia's love overcame the knight of dawn's raging genetics and punted them out of the way to ensure that while silver may never carry fangs nor pointed ears, he will never doubt his father's love for him when he looks in a mirror from now on and sees the blessing of the night, of moonlight, woven into his very hair.
the knowledge that silver is love made visible— the love of his parents to care for and protect their child from a world of war and suffering; the love of his father, a true love so powerful to leave an indelible mark on both their hearts so much so that we're traversing what should be the greatest agonies of lilia's life.... only to realize that they were all necessary, that he accepts them even, if it meant finding his greatest joy imaginable, that he would relive them all to cherish the memory of finding silver; the love of one of the greatest mages to have lived, the fae prince himself, who sought to halt time to stop the tears of the human closest to his heart; the love of his childhood friend, who would have stopped at nothing to save him and whose happiest dream was not complete without silver's presence.
he's the glue of this silly little family, the symbol that unconditional true love can come from your greatest enemies and be the mercy you need to finally welcome peace into your heart.
yana toboso what the genuine fuck have you done to me
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fluffydice · 2 years
Let’s talk about Kusuo, specifically what we see in episode 19, season 1 and what it shows about his perception of the men in his life. 
This is the episode where we’re introduced to Kumi and Kumagoro, as well as our first sighting and name drop of Kusuke. We start off with Kurumi reminding Kuniharu that her parents don’t know about Kusuo’s powers. Later, Kusuo says this is why he doesn’t tell his parents about Kumagoro’s true nature. (This is also where Kusuo acknowledges his own tsundere tendencies, which means he’s at least self-aware of his issues with attachment.)
When listening in on Kumagoro’s thoughts, Kusuo comments on them in the same way he comments on his dad’s: with disdain and irritation. To put it short, he thinks he’s pathetic. It’s to the point where he flat out states that “he kinda didn’t wanna go in there” with his grandfather. Importantly, though, he does go in and spend time with the man in the end. And this is notable because we see him do the same thing with Kuniharu when he goes with him to work. What’s odd is that it only takes maybe an hour for Kusuo to reach out to his grandfather. The visit to work wasn’t one that started entirely willingly, and it’s the only example we see of Kusuo being up to spending time with his dad.
The thing is, Kusuo opens up so quickly to his grandfather because of his thoughts, but Kusuo stays away from Kuniharu for those same reasons. His grandfather wants to spend time with Kusuo, while his dad wants him around as an excuse. Even at home, Kusuo is a commodity, one his dad relies on to make his life easier. He’s only valued when he’s being useful. There’s a reason Kuniharu was nervous about using the Love Meter to measure his affection for Kusuo. We know how rapidly it can change; it’s just as fickle as Kuniharu’s love for his son. But the fact that he still tries, even after all these years, means that Kusuo does crave a reliable father figure in his life (and it’s probably why he likes Matsuzaki so much, but that’s for another discussion)
Despite that crucial difference, it’s easy to see the connection between Kumagoro and Kuniharu. And it’s one Kusuo easily takes note of. So that’s why it’s such a shock to Kusuo when his grandfather leaps to hold onto him on the faris wheel, promising to keep him safe. He’s never had a man in his life act like that. The men in his life use him, and hurt him if he doesn’t go along with it. Kumagoro wasn’t fitting into the pattern Kusuo had noticed, and when he got the care he’s supposed to have, it meant a lot to him. Probably more than he realized it would. 
I think it’s important that it was his grandfather too. This place was where Kusuke said that “normal humans wouldn’t accept him.” And I’m sure that by this point, he had heard that many times before. But this was probably the first time he was told someone who was obligated to love him (i.e., his family) would never accept him. Here is where he’s forced to sit there and listen as Kusuke says “If they learn that he is a monster, Grandpa and Grandma will have heart attacks.” 
And the thing is, Kusuo’s experiences with the men in his family would never disprove it. He adores his mom and likes Kumi a lot, even to the point where he trusts her to get things done. But that’s the women in his family. Kumagoro? He’s like his dad, which means he would likely react the same as the man. So finding the unconditional love of a male family member in a time of distress? Yeah. It gets him. 
Because he’s Kusuo Saiki, the one who takes care of others. Not the other way around. And we know it changes his view of his grandfather, because he says that “he is different from dad.” And that’s important because it means Kuniharu isn’t what he’s supposed to be.
Because he’s Kusuo Saiki, the one who takes care of others. Not the other way around. And we know it changes his view of his grandfather, saying that “he is different from dad.” And that’s important because it means Kuniharu isn’t what he’s supposed to be.
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an-aroaces-harem · 10 months
Title: fickle
Pairing: Ellis x OC
Warnings: implied sex, failed drugging attempt, modern!au
Author's note: First of all, DO NOT take strangers to your home with you. Secondly, I kinda envisioned Ellis as werewolf!ellis but taking his latest epilogues and other story bits into consideration, his behaviour in my fic pretty much matches his canon behaviour.
This man could be the man she dreamed of, and she met him in a place of short-termed encounters, the reality of the present.
»You know,« Anne says, the loud music getting louder with every step, »I’m surprised we even got in with you wearing that cutesy outfit.«
»Yeah,« Heather chimes in, slightly pulling down her deep v-neck, »especially since cute and innocent is out. We aren’t teens anymore, Hana, guys want seductive women who know what they want.«
Hana just shrugs and follows them to the bar, avoiding all the sweaty bodies on the packed dance floor. The music currently playing isn’t to her liking as she sits down next to Anne. They order drinks, Anne glances to Hana, chin propped onto her palm, and decides that she needs alcohol in her system to cheer up. Anne beckons the bartender back to them, asking for a nice, fruity cocktail for Hana.
Hana rolls her eyes at that, not really fond of alcohol, and watches the other two downing their own drinks, followed by several shots. An orange one appears in Hana’s sight, decorated with a spiral straw and other glittery things she doesn’t need in a drink.
»Join us when you loosened up enough,« Heather shouts over the beats, patting Hana’s shoulder and she disappears with Anne in the crowd of dancing bodies.
Hana wonders why she agreed in the first place to go with them, she’s bored already. One night stands aren’t really her thing. Maybe she’s being a little old-fashioned, at least for someone her age. Anne and Heather, though, they act and live like the majority of their generation, hooking up with strangers at bars because true love is nothing more than a fickle dream, a lie of the past, and worrying about their future, good jobs with good income becoming more and more sparse.
Sometimes, she doesn’t want to grow up and relives her teens instead. Binge watching old cartoons or listening to 90’s or early 2000’s music for example, Hana still owns and wears her old clothing. It’s not like she actually wants to go back, going to high school once is more than enough for a lifetime, teenage boys ignorant—dishwasher kisses, unsure fumbling and sloppy breast groping—or absorbed, believing porn depicts reality.
Of course there are other boys out there but Hana never had the opportunity to date one. She fell for the nice faces and got crushed by her shattered expectations. And still she hopes to meet the man of her dreams—whoever that may be—with unconditional love and a fulfilled future. Hana wants nothing more than a family of her own.
Yet, she sits at a counter in a bar where people solely look for hookups and nothing serious. They want to live their youth to fullest before settling down, if ever.
Sighing in her mind, Hana reaches for her drink anyway. One won’t be a problem, she’ll order a glass of water afterwards and then just coke. Before she can take a sip through the straw, a foreign hand wraps itself around her glass and takes it away with little force.
Confused, she looks to the side where a man settled into Anne’s seat. She didn’t notice his presence at all. How long was she contemplating about her life? He puts her drink down again, eyeing her with a careful gaze.
He leans in to her, »You shouldn’t drink something you haven’t watched all the time.« Despite the loud music around them, his voice is smooth and the only thing she can hear in this very moment. After that, the noise filters back into her system.
Then she understands what he means. »You mean, someone put something in my drink?« she asks back. Rule number one while clubbing—never leave your drinks unattended. Since she appears as cute and innocent, as Heather put it, she is viewed as an easy victim. Now it looks like she actually is one, to her dismay. »Thanks, you literally saved me there.«
»No need to, don’t worry about it.« He smiles, eyes twinkling and piercings on his ears gleaming in the colorful club lights and Hana catches herself falling into her teen behavior—getting enamored by a pretty, good looking face.
The fact that he saved her from getting drugged isn’t helping either, rather enhancing because a man protecting her is totally her type. She orders a coke. Another cocktail would be more preferable but alcohol makes her clingy and whiny and no matter what will happen between them—or not—she doesn’t want him to see this side of her, so caffeine will suffice.
They end up at her apartment. At first, her companion for the night, he introduced himself as Ellis, wanted to go to a hotel but Hana trusted him that he had no ill intent and led him to her place instead. It’s only a small one-room-apartment in the dormitory but cheaper and more comfortable than a foreign hotel room.
Ellis’s an odd one, not in a bad way, but Hana has never met a man like him. There isn’t a single place of skin left on her he hasn’t kissed—or licked. She doesn’t mind, though, nobody has ever paid so much attention to her body and where she likes to be touched—or licked for that matter.
At least, he knows what to do with his tongue. Maybe Hana hasn’t had as many encounters with men as Anne or Heather but she knows for sure Ellis’s a great kisser. His kisses don’t feel like he wants to clean her mouth in a very sloppy way. On the other hand, he isn’t an inexperienced teen.
Another thing about him is his constant sniffing. Her hair, her throat, the juncture between her neck and shoulder and between her thighs seem to be his favorite places.
Everyone has different things they like; licking and sniffing—which Hana both actually enjoys, realizing that during the night—definitely are way better, and more harmless, than him wanting to choke her or telling her ›I want you to punish me‹ or whatever.
Ellis’s someone who likes to please and he’s utterly attentive—of course, that’s also a part of Hana’s type.
When she wakes up in the morning, Ellis’s still there, fast asleep. His face is snuggled into her stomach, forehead resting right beneath the gap of her breasts and his warm huffs of breath slightly tickling her. One arm lays under her waist, the other one is draped over her thighs, their legs are a tangled mess. Her own hands are on his head, fingers cradled in soft black locks.
The last bits of the summer sun illuminates them from her window. Ellis’ pale skin glows in the sun rays, painting him golden as if he’s radiating from the inside. Dust particles dance in the streaming light. The scene is so peaceful and undisturbed—
Hana fears Ellis waking up and the moment being broken. Last night will vanish like a dream, only to be replayed in her head. It’s something fickle, like true love. This man could be the man she dreamed of, and she met him in a place of short-termed encounters, the reality of the present.
Sighing, she burns everything into her memory and her fingers brush through his hair, slowly starting from the nape of his neck until they reach his ears. Ellis sighs as well—pleased unlike her—and nudges his nose into the soft skin of her stomach, the weight of his arm wandering up to her waist and he pulls her even closer with his hand on the small of her back.
Apparently she found his soft spot. Hana smiles to herself and she applies a little bit more pressure with her thumbs behind his ears, the other fingers kneading his neck again. When he presses open-mouthed kisses against her belly, she knows he’s awake and yet, the idle moment doesn’t shatter.
Her heart thumps loudly in her chest and she’s sure he can hear it, if him inching higher is any indication, leaving behind a wet trail on her torso. Ellis’s chuckling a bit, sending small vibrations through her body, before his nose is buried into her neck, taking deep breaths. His tongue darts out, licking a long stripe along her throat. Hana shudders, fingers digging into his scalp and then, his lips press against hers, kissing her senseless.
Her previous hookups—although scarce—never went like this and she wonders if the difference between them and him has a meaning. Not to forget that he’s the first one she invited into her small personal space.
»Morning,« Ellis mumbles low and raspy, one hand brushing over her side.
Hana’s still catching her breath and gets lost in his warm, dark orbs. She sees her own reflection in them and it dawns upon her that she hasn’t removed her makeup last night. Good, she never wears much—why should she plaster her whole face with numerous products if she has a good complexion?—but her eyeliner is certainly smudged and her mascara all over her eyes. Only her tinted lip balm was already gone, smeared away between countless kisses.
Even so, she smiles back. »Morning. Did you sleep well?« she asks, fingers still running through his hair.
A low sound, reminding her of a growl, escapes him, and his nose dives back into her neck. Ellis’ warm breath fans over her sensitive skin as he speaks, »Very.«
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Chapter 1: **The Mom's Misadventures**
The family reunion kicked off with laughter and hugs, but little did they know, Great Grandma Wood had a surprise in store. The mom, busy organizing snacks and chatting with relatives, suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over her. Before she knew it, she was standing in her daughter's teenage body, complete with braces and a backpack.
Panicked and bewildered, she stumbled through the crowded gathering, her heart racing as she tried to comprehend what had happened. Her daughter, now inhabiting her own body, looked equally flustered, but they had no time to dwell on their predicament as the chaos of the reunion unfolded around them.
From navigating high school gossip to struggling with math homework, the mom found herself thrust into a world she thought she had left behind. Yet, amidst the teenage drama and awkward encounters, she discovered a newfound appreciation for her daughter's resilience and strength.
Chapter 2: **The Teenage Turmoil**
Meanwhile, the teenage daughter found herself in her grandfather's aging body, his wrinkles and stooped posture a stark contrast to her youthful vitality. At first, she recoiled from the unfamiliar sight in the mirror, but as she spent time with her grandparents, she began to see the world through their eyes.
Listening to their stories of bygone days and flipping through faded photo albums, she realized the depth of their experiences and the wisdom they had gained over the years. Despite the physical limitations of her new body, she found herself cherishing every moment spent with her grandparents, knowing that these memories would last a lifetime.
Chapter 3: **The Grandfather's Gambit**
In his son's body, the grandfather faced a different set of challenges. Accustomed to the slower pace of retirement, he now found himself thrust back into the fast-paced world of work and family responsibilities. From early morning meetings to late-night phone calls, he juggled his son's hectic schedule with a mixture of bemusement and frustration.
Yet, as he navigated the complexities of modern life, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his son's accomplishments and a renewed appreciation for the sacrifices he had made for his family. Through humorous mishaps and heartfelt moments, he rediscovered the importance of family bonds and the enduring legacy he hoped to leave behind.
Chapter 4: **The Sisterly Switch**
Meanwhile, the sister found herself in her younger brother's body, her long hair replaced by a messy mop of hair and her wardrobe consisting of baggy t-shirts and worn-out jeans. At first, she struggled to adjust to her new identity, feeling out of place in her brother's world of video games and sports.
But as she bonded with her brother's friends and shared in his hobbies, she discovered a side of herself she never knew existed. Through late-night gaming sessions and impromptu adventures, she forged a deeper connection with her brother, realizing that beneath their differences lay a bond that could never be broken.
Chapter 5: **The Brother's Bizarre Adventure**
In his mother's body, the younger brother faced perhaps the greatest challenge of all: parenthood. From changing diapers to preparing meals, he struggled to keep up with the demands of motherhood, his newfound responsibilities weighing heavily on his shoulders.
But as he looked into the eyes of his children, he felt a surge of love and protectiveness unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Through sleepless nights and endless tantrums, he discovered the true meaning of sacrifice and unconditional love, realizing that being a mother was not just a role—it was a privilege.
**Unexpected Twist:** As the week came to a close and the family gathered for a final farewell, they expected to return to their own bodies and resume their normal lives. But as they stood hand in hand, Great Grandma Wood revealed the true purpose behind her body swap: to teach them a valuable lesson about empathy and understanding
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bushs-world · 2 years
I have seen antis call sylki a toxic relationship. They call Sylvie abusive and Loki a simp. And I feel there is a simple reason for that. One, subversion of gender stereotypes in relationship and not conforming to accepted behaviour of conduct. Let me explain what I mean.
For the longest time, Loki has been the fandom sexy man. People romanticised his toxic masculine traits, his broken persona, his trauma, his damaged emotional state and unhealthy coping mechanisms because it made him appealing. He was literally the fandom 'brooding guy'.
And typically in media and fiction, the brooding guy has been paired with the gentle girl. This girl is often kind, shy and docile who offers kind words, affection, companionship and care. And this love and care of her coaxes the brooding guy out of his shell and heals him with the power of love. Most often than not, this girl only serves the purpose of being the emotional support crutch for the brooding guy. And most times, her entire world revolves around the brooding guy. He and his troubles turn into the centre of her universe and she drops everything in her own life to help him out.
A great example of this is Mary St. Jacques in the 'Bourne Identity' (the book, not the movie). Yes, she's shown as an accomplished and independent woman (and not exactly a gentle girl personality wise), but that doesn't change the fact that she drops her entire life and gets embroiled in the world of gangsters and assassins, all for a man she doesn't know from before and who holds her hostage at gun point. From then on, in the first book, her entire arc is helping Bourne find out who he is.
Now, this gentle girl often fulfills the 'I can fix him' fantasy. Where a woman with her unconditional love and support can fix a broken man. This is so often romanticised in romance novels to the point of expecting the women to keep up with abusive behaviour in the name of helping the broken, brooding man
And that's what many people were expecting Loki's love interest to be. They expected him/her to be totally devoted to Loki, to mother him, be the only person he was close to, be his emotional crutch and heal his traumas or atleast try to fix him.
But the series went the opposite way. Instead of Loki's love interest being the one to carry the burden of his trauma, they gave Loki an even broken women to fall in love with. Sylvie is drowned in so many of her own insecurities and traumas, that she can't be Loki's emotional crutch. That doesn't mean Sylvie doesn't care. Because she does and she has proven it many times. She tells him his mother must be proud of him, holds his hand on Lamentis, asks him if he was ok in ep 4, gives him her sword during the timekeepers chamber fight. She prunes herself to find Loki, gives him the tempad to offer him a way out and doesn't want him to follow her to Alioth because it could be a suicide mission.
She cares a lot, but not in the way women are expected to care for their men in a relationship. She doesn't carry the entire burden of his trauma or try to fix him. She doesn't shower him with outward, emotional displays of affection. Most of her affection is hidden in plain sight. And so she is called a smug, arrogant, abusive bitch.
On the other hand, instead of the Dom! Loki the fandom headcannoned, we got a soft, thoughtful Loki who cared for Sylvie, cheered her on, assisted her achieve her goal and loved her unconditionally. He loved Sylvie how a woman should be loved, but he gets called Sylvie's dog and a simp for it, because a man supporting his woman and respecting her makes him seem weak. People prefer the toxic, possesive, dominating behaviour as a sign of love over true respect and care.
And because of this thinking, people think Loki is weak. Because he doesn't dominate over Sylvie. Because he doesn't try to own her or control her.
Some say Loki was henpecked because he simply put up with whatever Sylvie said or did. But that is a lie because the moment he didn't agree with her stance in ep 6, he stood up against her and stopped her in ep 6. That means Loki was willing to stand up against Sylvie when he felt the need to. And that is a sign of true confidence and strength.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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the sapphire ring.
lies of p
human!pinocchio x fem.reader
notes: this is a self indulgent mess / a culmination of emotions brought on by @revoirestbelle's writing and @bunny-kio's art ♡
you were someone that was a stable presence in pinocchio's life, the one who followed and supported him throughout his journey to become a real boy. by some miracle, you were able to stay by your beloved's side and be with him during his adventures throughout krat.
there weren't words you could even use to describe the unconditional love and adoration you had for him, and you thanked whatever gods up there that was able to turn pinocchio into a real man.
feeling overwhelmed with love for him, you end up waking up from your slumber first. your heart was racing at the thought of sleeping next to your true love. from your periphery, you catch sight of his tall frame settled next to you in bed. dressed in a pair of silk pajamas, you admire the open collar of his shirt and the way his chest rose and fell in tune to his breathing.
the moon was still at its height in the dark sky, painting the room in an almost silvery hue. you took this chance to admire your beloved in all of his glory, admiring his pale skin and the freckles that decorated the entirety of his form. if only time could stop, then you could take this chance and press butterfly kisses all across those freckles that mimicked that of even the brightest constellations.
but alas, you didn't want to disturb your lover, not when he was resting so peacefully. deciding to behave, you lean closer to pinocchio to press a gentle kiss against his cheek, whispering your love for him when you ultimately decide to fall back asleep whilst cuddling him.
but something else ends up catching your attention; something shiny and sparkling as it basked beneath the moonlight from the corner of your eye.
your gaze trails upwards toward the nightstand, catching sight of a gorgeously crafted sapphire ring settled in the middle of it. your soft gasp was all that came forth from your lips, becoming captivated by the sight. you end up getting out of bed in hopes of getting a better glimpse of it, wondering why such a beautiful ring was here.
your hands wouldn't stop shaking when you pick up the tiny box, admiring the ring in all of its glory. it seemed to be made of white gold, with tiny butterflies decorated at the sides as a sapphire gemstone was settled in the middle of it. you were speechless, unable to look away from such a ring. you had become so mesmerized that you didn't notice that your lover had woken up when he didn't feel you next to him.
only when you felt a looming presence behind you did you finally turn, feeling your back meet with his broad chest as pinocchio presses a kiss against your hair. "do you like it?"
his whisper was soft and husky, and a little hoarse due to how he had just woken up. it still made you shiver and your heart pound, feeling completely enamored with him and the ring as you manage to give him a nod.
he lets out a rich chuckle, taking the box that contained the ring out of your hands, "well, that's good. it is, after all, what i planned to use to propose to you."
by now, your heart was trapped within your throat, its rapid palpitations making you both nervous and giddy with excitement, "p-pinocchio...are you serious?"
"yes," he turns you around so that he could get down on one knee before you. he removes the lovely sapphire ring from the confines of the box and presents it to you. "you have been my sole source of light and happiness. without you in my life, i would be lost for all of eternity. i need you, my love, and i would be honored if you'll take me as your husband and spend the rest of your life with me. so please, will you marry me?"
"oh my god, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"
it's then that pinocchio gives you the brightest smile yet, making your heart perform somersaults from within your chest as he slides the sapphire ring onto your left ring finger. by now, you were both overwhelmed with emotion, as not a dry eye was seen within the room.
"you have made me the happiest man alive, and for that, i thank you." he lets out a dreamy sigh of your name before pressing a lingering kiss against the finger that wore the ring. "now come, my love. i believe it's time to celebrate our engagement."
your giggles couldn't be contained when pinocchio manages to pick you up, bridal style, returning back to bed with you in his arms. you press yourself against his form, wrapping your arms around his neck as you shared a thousand kisses with him throughout the night-
and now, with their lives intertwined in the best of ways, the lovers will never be separated ♡
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all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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theoreticallysensible · 11 months
Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis truly is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read. The total, unconditional love he has for his lover Bosie, even though Bosie treated him so awfully and is the reason he’s writing this letter from prison for having a sexual relationship with this man who doesn’t even care about him. The way he connects this unconditional love he feels to Christ, the first romantic, who found true beauty and depth of soul in sorrow and sin and the real understanding of love and human complexity that can only come from such deep low points. His commitment to seeing everything through a lens of love, meaning a belief - a hope - in the potential and value of all people. The way he sees that as his only way to stay sane, because hate and meanness eat you from the inside and make life miserable. The way that this love sadly blinded him in how overwhelming it was, and made him unable to direct it rationally towards Bosie’s moral improvement, instead enabling Bosie in his cruel indifference to his wellbeing. A sadly inauthentic love of delusional devotion rather than clear-sighted platonic compassion. The tragedy of this is exquisite- and the beauty of his perseverance through this tragedy. The way he learns that the truly loving thing is to try and teach Bosie how to learn from his mistakes, to embrace love with him. Realising that combining his love with concern for morality makes it more honest, and loving him even when he acknowledges and critiques his faults is a more truly unconditional love. His commitment to an idea of what people could be by looking at them with love, living with a focus on what isn’t, but might be, is, especially with all the Christ references, almost a negative theology.
It reminded me of Simone Weil’s belief in an absent, mysteriously impotent God, who communicates to us and materialises itself in the world through our consciences. But Wilde’s is a more hopeful image than Weil’s. Weil believed that suffering, even total dehumanising suffering must be accepted as part of the fundamental evil of the universe. We cannot help but fight against it, driven by God’s urge to love, but it is part of God’s plan and so it must be revered, even embraced, as worship. For Wilde love of suffering is useful simply because it allows for better understanding and a more peaceful soul. Both recognise love as a necessary part of understanding, for Weil part of her famous philosophy of learning through attention rather than effort, but for her it is again for the purpose of worship. Both died as a result of their tremendous love. Weil from starving herself out of solidarity with prisoners of war, Wilde from ill health as a result of his time in prison, sent there only because he foolishly trusted his beloved’s advice.
The more I write the more I realise the difference between them in incredibly slim, but I still see more hope in Wilde’s vision. For Wilde love makes life worth living, a way to improve the world through enthusiastically sharing it. It is a means to an end of collective happiness. For Weil it is pure service to an absent, dead concept, a horribly nihilistic distortion of religion. I love Weil so much. Her purity of purpose is inspiring, from her work in factories, to her fighting in the Spanish Civil War, to her work with the French resistance. But her vision of the world was miserable and austere, and explains to me some of the more conservative elements of her otherwise radical political philosophy. Wilde’s love is a love of hope and joy, and I genuinely think that having read his ideas have made me a better person. Wilde was an agnostic, but his writing on Christ almost made me consider religion again, from a purely negative theology perspective. I think Weil demonstrates the folly of that though. I thank her for providing that.
I do think the similarities between these two are cool though. They were both extremely unusual people, outspoken, abrasive individuals. I wonder if there’s anything in the fact that Wilde was bisexual and Weil seems to have had some sort of gender fuckery going on (she would sometimes sign letters as a man, as a sort of maybe, maybe not joke - in Lars Iyer’s book My Weil the character who takes on her name is fittingly a trans woman). Their shared queerness in a time when that was very much not accepted (Wilde went to prison for it, that’s where he wrote the letter) may explain their similar individuality and introspection and critical eye towards conventional morality. Certainly with Wilde that makes sense, Weil idk though - she’s just built different I think.
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rosyrosethorns · 2 months
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“Everyone seems to keep asking me why I broke up with Jack Horner… Even the people in love with him.”
Madi was speaking to the Pied Piper, who allowed her to sit in his lap as his arms wrapped around her; quietly listening to her speak her mind.
“I dunno if everyone understands that… we stopped dating out of mutual respect. When you came into the picture and Jack quickly started to respect you… he agreed that we were better off not staying steady. I still care about him… and I think he still cares too, in the best way he knows how… but the truth is… I realized over time how I consistently pushed myself just to make sure he still cared—always trying to please him and give my 110%… Stuff like that. And he had to flat-out tell me… that I can never truly make him happy on my own despite how my loyalty made things more manageable… because he’s always had one true desire since he was a kid, and his only known ticket to getting that blew up in his face. And sometimes I feel like… I only piqued his interest when I kept bringing stuff to sell him.”
As she leaned back against the Piper, her expression was rather melancholic.
“I mean, I still care for him like a friend… It’s why I was quick to offer helping him get that genie lamp when we heard of it. But I also feel like… since we stopped dating, I have this relief from… no longer feeling like I have to try and impress him all the time.”
Her eyes closed as that relief became more visible on her face; her expression relaxed now as she melted into her lover’s embrace.
“It’s also why… I’m so happy with you. I don’t have to try hard for your attention. You’re not struggling to find delight in smaller things like Jack often does. Even when we first met, it was like… love at first sight for both of us. You don’t just tolerate my interests—you encourage them… You treat me as more than an equal—like you’re some kind of musical prince~… And you’ve loved every part of me. Not just my magic form… Even the stuff I struggle to love about myself. I just… I guess that’s why… I can’t think of a steady relationship with anyone else anymore… I just fell so in love with you and the nice way you treated me only made me fall harder…”
… The mute Piper suddenly held her tighter in his embrace as he leaned close to the stunned girl’s ear, a smitten expression on his face from her heartfelt little ramble. He mouthed three little words, a barely audible whisper in his nonexistent voice:
I love you.
Madi’s eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat… Were these words more powerful coming from him of all people because of his lack of voice, or the deeply-rooted romance that grew so quickly from the unconditional love they showed each other…?
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themeanhalliwell · 10 months
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As I sit here and write this letter, my heart is overflowing with love, joy, and an indescribable sense of wonder. You have brought so much light and happiness into our lives, and I am truly grateful to be a witness to your growth and development. From the moment you entered this world, you captured our hearts with your tiny fingers and adorable smile. Every milestone you achieve, whether it's your first steps or your first words, fills us with an incredible sense of pride and awe. You are growing so fast, and it's a privilege to watch you blossom into the amazing person you are destined to become. You have taught me so much, my sweet little one. Your innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy remind me to embrace life's simple pleasures and to never lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us. Your laughter is infectious, and it has the power to brighten even the darkest of days. Your unconditional love and trust remind me of the importance of nurturing relationships and creating strong bonds with the people we hold dear.
As you continue to grow, my wish for you is to always stay true to yourself. Never let the pressures of the world dampen your spirit or dim your light. Embrace your uniqueness, embrace your passions, and always believe in yourself. You have so much potential within you, my little one, and I cannot wait to see how you will shape the world with your presence. Know that you are surrounded by a network of love and support that extends far beyond what you can see. Your family and loved ones are here to guide you, protect you, and cheer you on every step of the way. I will always be your safe haven, your shoulder to lean on, and your biggest cheerleader.
As you navigate through life, remember to be kind, compassionate, and understanding towards others. Treat everyone with respect and empathy, for we are all interconnected on this journey. Your actions have the power to make a positive impact, no matter how small they may seem. My dear baby boy, I am so grateful to have you in my life. You have brought immeasurable joy and love into our family, and I am honored to be your parent. It is my greatest privilege to watch you grow, learn, and become the incredible person I know you are destined to be.
May your days be filled with laughter, adventure, and endless possibilities. May you always find happiness in the simplest of moments. And may you never forget that you are loved beyond measure.
With all my love, Mom
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bebepac · 2 years
The Vampires Live On: Part 2
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I thought this was too good not to use it given my choice of using eye color to identify a very key characteristic of The First Family. Heh heh heh :)   
I am participating in @choices-november2022​  day 1:  “All is Well”  which will appear in bold.
In case you missed the first part:   The Vampires Live On
The Book: TRR Word Count: 2618 Ratings and Warnings:  Teen / Mention of character deaths,  blood Pairings:  Liam (Richard) x Riley (Alice) Summary:  Alice begins to get acquainted with her “new” life.
Song Inspiration:  Golgotha Tenement Blues by Machines of Loving Grace
Original Post: 11/1/22 at 5:21PM EST.
I have seen many horrors in my life. 
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Bodies torn limb from limb, disemboweled, beheaded, but nothing prepared me for what I saw that night. NOTHING in my whole existence of walking this earth in the days or in the nights. I had never seen anything like it.
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  I do not consider myself an overly emotional man, but the scene displayed before me would have brought me to tears, even if She hadn’t been a part of it.  Beautifully tragic is the only way I can describe it.  It almost didn’t seem real; it was like some sort of cruel artistic masterpiece.
The moonlight breaking through the trees 
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illuminated the pair as if it was casting its light down from the heavens above only for them, to show me their infinitely beautiful souls; living angels had lost their lives that night.  The twin sisters’ lifeless bodies lay next to each other, close enough that their hands were linked. They were true mirror images of each other.  Alice was holding the wound to her neck with her left hand, Clara was holding hers with her right.  Their free hands  locked in an eternal grip showing their connection to each other in life, and in death.  The true love these sisters displayed for each other  in such a horrific moment, such pure unconditional love for each other, who had shared everything, including their mother's womb from the moment of conception that  even at the point of death, they reached to comfort and hold each other.  Clara's eyes, though devoid of life, were still fixed on Alice.  I had to turn away for a moment from the scene to weep,
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 because in that place you could still feel remnants of the sister’s love  for each other, imprinted in that spot where the two died together.
I  closed Clara's eyes, and touched her face; the face she shared with her younger sister.  Her beautiful face was stained with blood and dirt, and cheeks were still wet with tears, not for herself, but for her sister. I took my handkerchief from my breast pocket  to wipe her face clean.
"Fearless Clara, you were so very brave. You saved her long enough for me to get here. I'm sorry that I could not save you too. I’m so sorry." I whispered to her wishing she could hear me.
The next part, I didn't want to do. I pulled Clara's hand free from Alice’s grip, I kissed her hand  before I lay it to rest at her side.
"Thank you for your sacrifice.  I promise you, it was not in vain.  I will take care of Alice for you, for eternity. She is now part of the First Family, my family. You will not have to worry about her wellbeing. I will keep her safe."
I kneeled at Alice’s body next.  
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“I’m sorry you will not be able to say a proper farewell to your sister and your friend.   But we must leave the country immediately to ensure your safety.”
In only a few minutes the wound to her neck was already starting to heal, and the coloring of her skin was beginning to change. Alice’s eyes were closed, I opened them.  Spontanous healing was only the start, the other changes within her body had already begun, her eyes were no longer brown, they had turned gray, symbolizing she was residing in the realm of the dead for the moment until her transformation was complete.
I scooped her limp body from the ground to my arms, and ran to my home in that area.  Our maids and servants were shocked by the sight of me, covered in blood, carrying what appeared to be a dead woman.
“My Lord what has happened?”
“She was attacked, her party she was with, murdered.  She needs to be bathed and dressed in clean clothing.  Then we must  prepare to leave.”   The two maids carried Alice out of the room being discreet as they always had been. They were trusted servants of The First Family.
“Where are we going now?  What did you do?”  
“That is her isn’t it?  The mortal you’ve been keeping time with.  You turned her?”
“She was attacked Sister.  She consented to the gift I could give her. She would have died otherwise.”
“You should have let her. That’s why she was born a mortal being. They live to die.”  
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“Alice is special.”
Katherine let out a knowing laugh.
“Because, she awakens the fire in your loins?”
“I could not let her leave this world, and leave me in it without her. I had to do it.”
“Why Brother?”  
“BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!!  We need to make arrangements for her family and then we must leave this place.”
Katherine nodded.  “Alright brother, I will aid you in what you ask, but I’m picking the place this time.”
The Awakening
The hunger had me almost incoherent.  After dressing, Richard helped me out to the backyard where it appeared a party was going on.
“Where are we?”  
“We’re in Greece. More specifically Oia Santorini.  My family has homes on every continent, in most countries. Safe havens for us.  The people here are our subjects, loyal and have pledged allegiance to the First Family.  Pick one of them to join us. Ignore the music playing  and listen to their heartbeats. Find the one that beats a song that is just for you.”  
“How do I….”  
It was almost like Richard's simple suggestion had made it happen.  I could no longer hear the music, yet the people were still gyrating to its rhythm.
There was a symphony of heartbeats around me.  Some fast, some slower, and then one seemed louder than the rest.
“You found one.” He whispered.  
I pointed to a gorgeous woman dancing alone as she spun in a white dress. She was enchanting.  
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 When Richard nodded in her direction, she immediately started walking towards us.  
“As have I.” He motioned in the opposite direction and another woman began heading in our direction.  
Richard led us back inside, followed by me, the two women trailing behind us.  
“Would you mind waiting here for a few moments darling?”  He gently stroked the cheek of the woman of his choosing, I felt a slight twinge of jealousy.
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“Anything for you, my Lord.”  
We walked into the sitting room with the woman of my choice.
“Have you been a part of the First Feed?” He asked the woman.
The woman surprisingly looked at me as her heart immediately began to race.
“No, My Lord.”  She stammered. She looked at me again.
“Are you afraid of me?” I timidly asked.
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“No, My Lady, not at all.”  She smiled at me in an attempt to reassure me, but I knew that she was lying.
Richard spoke to the woman in a soothing tone, and immediately her heart rate began to slow again.
“Would you like some wine to relax you a bit?”
“Yes, my Lord, that would be rather enjoyable.”  
As she sipped her wine, Richard spoke to me.
“I am speaking to you now at such a low level that she can’t hear it, but only beings like us can decipher.”  
I watched the woman who was still drinking her wine, glancing casually around the room.  
I lowered my voice and spoke back to him.  He nodded in affirmation.
“You are picking this up quickly like it’s second nature for you. A first feed is difficult for a new vampire because they are unable to control their thirst.  They can accidentally kill humans because they feel so starved.   You feed only until their heart starts to slow. You never drain a human dry because they will take you to death with them.  We can only survive on blood that is alive, that is being pumped through a living heart.”
“I understand.”  
“I’ll be here with you the whole time.  I’ll be listening to her heart too, and will remind you when to stop.”
I nodded.
“Are you ready, My Lady?” She inquired.
The woman stood setting down her empty wine glass. She slid her dress off her shoulder, and brushed her hair to one side giving me complete access to her neck.  I grabbed her neck and in an uncontrolled manner beared my fangs.
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She flinched.      
“Gently Alice.  With the transformation, physical strength is something you carry with you in spades now.”  
I lessened my grip on her neck.  
“Better.  Do you see the pulsing vein in her neck?  That is where you bite her. Whenever you are ready.”  
The pulsing of the vein was mesmerizing. I licked my lips; this hunger felt like no other. I couldn’t wait any longer.  I had to taste… her.  
When I bit into her neck, she whimpered.
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The taste of the blood was rich, nothing like I had ever experienced in previous human existence.  I pulled her closer to me, tightening my grip on her, continuing to feed off her life force.  Her heart still remained steady.  I felt my own body relax in this place with her where I felt like only her and I existed.  She. Was. Delicious.
“Alice stop.”  
I heard him, but I didn’t want to, instead I held her tighter and sunk my fangs deeper into her skin.
The woman cried out in pain.  I felt her grab my shoulder digging her nails into my flesh, but I did not feel any discomfort.
“Alice, that's enough.”
I was greedy and wanted more, so I continued.
“ALICE STOP!!!!”  Richard screamed, pulling me away from her.  
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The woman stumbled backwards away from me falling to the floor.  
I hissed at him.  
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What in the world?  I hissed at him like an animal?
“I don’t know what came over me.  I’m sorry.”
He gently caressed my face. “It’s alright Alice, these are new feelings for you. It’s difficult to control, I know, and I’m here for you Love.”  
“Is she alright?”  
I glanced down at the woman that was now sitting on the floor disoriented.
“All is well.  She will be fine.  She needs to eat, and rest.”  
Richard called for maids that removed the woman from the room.
He smiled at me.  
“Now it’s my turn.  I want you to watch, and listen.”  
He opened the door and held his hand out to the woman, she took it walking into the room.  
“Are you enjoying this evening’s festivities?”  
“I am My Lord, it’s always a very lively time when members of the First Family are here in attendance for the gatherings.”
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“I’m sure it is.”  
Both him and the woman laughed.   He was so charismatic, and charming as he spoke, and she was fawning all over him.   Was that how I was with him?  Maxwell had said he looked like he fancied me, but he looked like he fancied her too.
The woman leaned in to kiss him but instead, he turned her face away from him exposing her neck.  
“My heart belongs to another.”  
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He whispered as he bared fangs.
I watched him be gentle with her.  I had been savage and bruised the woman.  He caressed her skin with what looked like a feather like touch, almost like a lover.  When her heartbeat started to slow, he pulled away immediately.
“Thank you for your gift to me.”
“You’re welcome, my Lord.”  
“Now go, get some nourishment for yourself, and enjoy the rest of the festivities.” 
“I will My Lord.”  
She did a little curtsy to him walking by me and she smiled.  
“My Lady.”  
I nodded to her.  
Richard wiped his lips. And smiled at me.  
“Now that we have both fed, and you can think clearly, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”  
“Do you fancy her?”  Why was the first question that flew out of my mouth? What was I thinking?
“No. I said there was another that has my heart. She is frequently part of my fantasies in both the dream and waking world.”  
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Richard smiled. Why was he smiling like that?
“Why are we here?”
“For your safety, we had to create distance between you and your old life.”
“I need to go back, my sister needs to be buried…. Her…. Maxwell…”  
“Do not worry about it,  while you were healing I made arrangements for your sister and her paramour to receive burials reminiscent of a Lord and a Lady.”  
“I need to be there.”
“You can’t be there.”
“Why not?”
“You died Alice.”
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He nodded,  he took my hand leading me over to the couches.  
“I understand your anger, pain, frustration, and also desire to be with them. Alice, I came to that first show out of sheer curiosity. I had heard rumors of twin witches that used their femine wiles and love spells to charm men into giving them money.”  
“We are not witches.”  
“I know, and if you go back now, how are you going to explain the blood, Alice? The amount of blood you lost, would not have someone walking around after it.  And you don’t even have a scratch on you. How would you explain surviving the attack to your party?”
“They saw you leave with them, they knew you were together, and you were miraculously the sole survivor? They could even pervert the events to say it was you that killed them all.”  
“But that’s not what happened Richard?”
“Alice, they wouldn’t care, because they’re human and with that comes fear of things they do not understand.  If you weren’t a witch before to them, you would be one now, 
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and they would burn you for it.  I’ve seen it happen too many times.  Your life as you knew it is over. Alice Hughes is dead. They don’t have a body, but they saw how much blood you lost.”  
“But what is this life for me now? 
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 I sustain myself on blood alone? That’s all I need?”  
“Your life can be anything you want it to be.  Yes, you sustain yourself on the living’s blood. You no longer require conventional nourishment.”  
“You always ordered spirits.”  
“That I never drank, but would gradually get rid of in movements too fast for the human eye to see, to appear that I was.”  
“Will I ever be able to return home again?”  
“In time, when the people that knew you are dead. You can’t risk being recognized by any people you currently know.”  
“Will you teach me how to fight?”  
"Alice, I won't let anyone hurt you, you are safe with me."
"And I believe that Richard, but that's not why I need this."
“Why do you want to learn?”  
“Because, I don’t want anyone else I care for to die for me, ever again.”  
Richard wiped my tears away from my eyes and I embraced him.  
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“Yes, I promise I will teach you everything I know about combat, and I have friends that can help. But I will always protect you because I care deeply for you Alice.”
I pulled away from him to stare him in the face.
“You care for me?
“I do, and if you had decided to follow your sister into death, I don’t know that I would be able to have walked this earth one more day, knowing you are not on her.”  
“You really care for someone like me Richard? I’m poor, I’m an orphan. I have nothing.”
“Someone like you?!?!? You are amazing in every way Alice Hughes!!!!!!  How did you not realize?  I went there every night just to catch a glimpse of you. And paid a small fortune for you just to sit next to me.  When you screamed for help, I heard you, and I ran as fast as I could. I care for you. So much so I want to tell you my real name, as I know yours.  My real name is Gabriel Rhys.”
“And how long have you walked this earth…. Gabriel?”  
“Over five hundred years.”  
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