#love and deepspace tword
bunnyy-123 · 2 months
Don’t Annoy Sylus
Summary: You and Sylus play a game of Twister. You wind up losing and don’t react well to it. The twins and Mephisto make an appearance. It’s long I’m sorry 💀 Lee! Reader, Ler! Sylus
Warnings: tickling, spoilers, suggestive comments/content, begging, (sorta) removal of clothes (but nothing sexual), being tied up.
Sylus didn’t like being poked.
It was one of the few things you could do to actually annoy the man. For someone who had no problem eliminating inconveniences, it was surprisingly hard to irritate him. He seemed to have much more patience with you. In fact, most of your attempts to rile him up actually amused him. He would smirk and pat your head in a patronizing way and say, “You’ll have to try harder than that, sweetie.”
You discovered his dislike of poking when one day, you saw him the kitchen. He had his back turned to you and was humming a song you couldn’t recognize. Taking the opportunity, you walked up behind him and jabbed him in the lower back with two fingers.
Sylus let out a quiet gasp and straightened his back before looking down at you. “Is that how you say hello to everyone?” He asked with a frown on his face. You didn’t have time to answer when he told you to pick a spice for the dish he was cooking. You smirked at him, but complied. Since that day, you took it upon yourself to poke him whenever you could.
Sylus was relentless when it came to annoying and teasing you. That time when he made you spend the entire day and almost the entire night trying to capture that brooch in exchange for going to the auction? Beyond irritating. You wasted your whole day trying to get the brooch from him!
“Keep this on you,” Sylus said, pinning it to your shirt when you finally managed to take it from him. “It will let you in and out of the N109 Zone as you please.” He had you pinned to his bed, and he was basically on top of you. Poking fair game. Payback, if you will. Someone had to humble that man. He was so arrogant.
You were spending another night at Sylus’s place in the N109 Zone. You and Sylus were playing Twister with Luke and Kieran. Mephisto was the referee. “Caw! Caw!” Mephisto called out.
“Is it really fair to make the bird the referee? None of us can understand him.” You said.
“You’ll have to blame the twins since they both insisted on playing,” Sylus replied. “He said, ‘right foot, yellow circle.” The yellow circle wasn’t that far from you.
This isn’t so bad, You thought.
“Caw, caw!”
“Right hand, blue circle.”
Luke lost his balance and fell on top of his twin. They both cursed.
“Who’s dumb idea was this anyway?!” Luke complained.
“It was your idea.” Kieran muttered, and you were sure he was rolling his eyes under the mask.
“Caw!” Mephisto said. He spun the spinner and looked at the twins. “CAW!”
“I think he wants you to get off the mat.” You said. The twins grumbled and crawled off, trying not to knock over you or Sylus in the process. As they did, they both bumped heads and cursed again.
“Remind me why I agreed to this?” Sylus asked. The twins stood up and walked off, both muttering about how dumb the game was even though they wanted to play in the first place.
“Caw!” Mephisto replied.
“Oh right,” Sylus shook his head. “I only got in this situation because a certain kitten wanted me to entertain the twins for once.”
“You could have said no.” You pointed out, but when you looked up, you saw he was smirking at you. That smug face! Why is he looking at me like that?! Ugh I just wanna—
You suddenly hear a deep chuckle. “Did you not hear what Mephisto said? Are you getting distracted, sweetie?” You snapped out of your thoughts and realized that Mephisto was repeating “caw!” over and over again, clearly annoyed that you weren’t listening.
“I’m not distracted, I just spaced out for a moment,” You said. “Whats Mephisto saying now?”
“Right foot, red circle.” Sylus replied. It was like that for a while. You were doing good early in the game, but your luck was running out now. Sylus kept smirking at you.
“It’s not a hard game, sweetie,” He taunted. “It just requires some…flexibility.” His face was close to yours, and you could feel his breath brush against your ear. It gave you goosebumps.
“I’m a hunter,” You replied. “I’ve done more physically challenging things before.” He chuckled again.
“Caw caw!”
The game was getting increasingly difficult. You had to stretch more, and sometimes wind up in uncomfortable positions. Like right now. You’re not sure how it happened, but Sylus’s upper body was hovering over yours. A part of you wondered if Mephisto did it on purpose.
“Oh. Look at that. Miss hunter is struggling with her flexibility,” Sylus said. He leaned in close and whispered. “I can help with that, you know.” He kept making suggestive comments over and over again. When you couldn’t take it anymore, and your face was flushed, you started contemplating if you should just poke him to make him fall over.
“Caw caw!”
“Left hand, yellow circle.”
Just as you were about to make your move, you lost balance and fell on your butt. You lost. Mephisto shook his head and flew away. Maybe the bird wasn’t sabotaging you. Sylus had already stood up and held out his hand for you to take, his signature smirk on his face. You felt as if his red eyes were burning into yours and you blushed in response. You took his hand and he helped you up. Sylus folded up the mat and put it in the box with the spinner.
“I thought you were a hunter, who did more challenging activities than this?” Sylus teased as he walked over to the shelf. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. Then your eyes widened. He was distracted. You could get revenge pokes after all!
Sylus’s arms were raised as he organized the shelf in front of him. Quietly, you smirked and walked up behind him. You stifled a giggle before rapidly poking his sides with your pointer fingers. Sylus’s eyes widened and he nearly dropped the box. He gasped loudly, and looked down at you with a raised eyebrow. You noticed his ears were red. You tilted your head. You never got that much of a reaction before. Sylus put the box away and stepped away from the shelf, and leered down at you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Y/N, I already told you to stop doing that.”
“Why?” You asked, and before you could stop yourself, you followed up with, “Does it tickle?” He raised an eyebrow again. You felt your face heating up. That was such a random question. Why did you ask him that?
“Tickle?” He chuckled. “That’s what you were trying to do? Tickle me?” He stepped closer. You froze. Your heartbeat was rising and you suddenly felt very warm and jittery.
“I—what?” You stuttered. “No. I was just curious. That’s all.”
“Hm.” He nodded and laughed dryly. There was a beat of silence before he got closer and looked at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Are you ticklish, sweetie?” He asked. You blinked. Your heart was pounding. You were screwed.
“I am not.” You shook your head.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Another silence. Suddenly, Sylus picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. You let out a suprised gasp.
“Hey, Sylus! What the hell are you doing?!” You asked.
“Don’t worry sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you.”
He continued walking down the hallway. You passed familiar doors and knew where he was taking you: his room.
Oh shit
You squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. Sylus opened his bedroom door and tossed you onto the bed. Before you could make a run for it, he got on top of you and pinned your wrists down.
“Are..are you mad at me?!” You asked, your voice came out shaky and quieter than you wanted it to be.
“Mad at you?” He shook his head. “No. I’m annoyed but I’m not mad at you, kitten.”
“Then….why are you holding me down like this?”
He used his energy Evol to tie your hands above your head and he sat down on your lap.
“Because,” He whispered into your ear. “I want to show you what happens when you annoy me.” He leaned back.
“What? What do you—“ Your question was cut off by a gasp. Sylus made his hand into a claw shape and gently dug into your ribs, moving his hand up and down.
“Wait, wait, no!” You squirmed and bit your bottom lip. He used both his hands on either side of you. “Ah! Sylus!” You jumped and squirmed more. He tickled faster, which made giggles escape your lips.
“I thought you said you weren’t ticklish.” Sylus smirked and tickled even faster and harder. You threw your head back and squealed. Sylus wiggled his fingers up and down your ribs and even between them.
“Wahahahait! Is thihihis your plan?!” You giggled.
“It isn’t obvious?” Sylus paused. You stared at him. He wasn’t serious right? There’s no way the leader of Onychinus was actually going to tickle you to pieces in his bedroom. That’s just silly, which is the complete opposite of him. He gently clawed at your ribs again.
“Are you kidding mehehehe?!” You giggled.
“I’m very serious, sweetie. You do seem quite ticklish, after all.” He teased and brought his hands underneath your shirt. Your eyes widened.
“W-wait, don’t-“
“You don’t tell me what to do.” He scolded. Sylus gently walked his fingers up and down your sides.
“Nooo!” You whined.
“I’m not even doing anything yet!” He laughed. He started slowly spidering your sides with his fingernails. It was feather light and he was barely touching, but it tickled. You squealed again.
“Wahahahait! Dohohont!”
“It’s too late.” Sylus started scribbling your sides and poking too.
“Ahhh! Nohohoho!”
“How do you like being on the other side, hm?” He teased and tilted his head. He brought his fingers back up to your ribs and poked faster up and down.
You let out high pitched giggles. “Hehehehehehe!”
“Oh my,” Sylus cooed. “You sound so adorable!”
“Nohohoho I dohoho nohohohot!”
He paused the poking and dug into your ribs.
“Hahahahahaha!” You squirmed and thrashed, but it was no use. You could barely move. Sylus moved his hands to the spot between your upper ribs and underarms.
“Let’s see…if I do this….” He gently tickled with his thumbs.
You squealed even louder and laughed. “Hahahahaha! Thahahahats sohoho bad!”
“It is, isn’t it?” He paused and rested his fingers on your underarms. You were panting and your cheeks were red. You could feel yourself starting to sweat. Sylus used his pointer fingers to slowly circle your underarms. He just used the tip of his fingers and he was barely touching you. You bit your lip and stayed as still as possible.
“Oh, come on,” He teased. “Are you really going to tell me you’re not ticklish here?” His circling fingers were getting closer and closer to the center of your underarms.
“Y-you should just give up!” You said.
“Not a chance. I’m not done with you yet.” He reached the center of your underarms and tickled gently. He started tracing different patterns on your underarms.
“Eeeeek! Nohohohoho!” You thrashed and tugged on your binds.
“That’s what I thought.” Sylus used all of his fingers to poke and wiggle up and down your underarms.
“Ahahahahahaha! Sylus plehehehease!”
“You can hold on a little longer, can’t you, miss hunter?”
“Then I guess it’s time for a different spot.”
You watched as he rested his hands on your stomach.
“No, no, no, no-“
“Sweetie. Pleading is pointless.” Sylus lightly scribbled all over your stomach, sending you into another fit of high pitched giggles and squirming.
“Ahhh! That tihihihihickles!”
He started wiggling his fingers, gently digging into the skin. You squealed.
“Hahahahahaha! Not thehehehere!”
“Not here?” He tickled faster.
“What about….here?”
His hands came out from under your shirt and he scribbled on your thighs.
Sylus’s tickling finally came to a stop. You took some deep breaths. “You know,” he smirked. “There’s still one more spot I want to try before I let you go.”
“No, please, Sylus don’t—“
He pulled down your shorts a little bit, along with your underwear. Your face turned red.
“Relax,” He held up his hand. “I’m not going to do anything inappropriate.”
“T-then….why did you-“
“I’m going to tickle your hips.”
He scribbled on the sensitive flesh. You thrashed and shrieked. “Hahahahahahahaha! Nohohoho plehehehease! Stohohohop!”
He slowed his fingers down to tease you more. You squealed.
“Plehehease Sylus!”
Sylus used his thumbs to dig into your hip bones. He rubbed them in circles and from side to side. You practically screamed “Hahahahahahahaha!”
He kept tickling your hips for a few seconds before finally stopping. He released your arms from his Evol and got off your lap to stand up and stretch. You were exhausted. You fixed your shorts and underwear and laid there on the bed, your cheeks still flushed.
“I’ll be merciful this time,” Sylus said. “But now that I know your weakness, I’m going to have so much fun using it to my advantage.”
You groaned. Of course he was going to tickle you more often now. You climbed off his bed and headed for the door.
“Leaving so soon?” Sylus asked.
“I’m tired,” you replied. “I’m calling it a night.”
Sylus nodded. “Fair enough. Have good dreams, sweetie.”
“Good night.” You went to the guest room. As soon as you collapsed onto the warm bed, you fell asleep.
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soobtkl · 7 months
Not Gills | Chapter 7 spoilers
“Those aren’t gills…those are my ribs!” Rafayel exclaimed, swatting your curious fingers away from his side. You slowly crept your index finger and middle finger up his rib as if the two fingers were alive and walking.
Your expression dimmed. “I don’t believe you.” Rafayel frowned and snatched your wrist. He firmly placed your palm on the center of his side and asked: “If I had gills, don’t you think you’d be able to feel them?”
“Hmph.” You jabbed a finger into his exposed side, and you would have responded if not for his giggly reaction. “Quihit thahat!” He chuckled, scooting away from you. How rude.
Crawling to where he moved, you sat on his thighs and let him hold your waist; had he forgotten that he had just revealed his ticklishness? He looked up at you sweetly, not realizing that your hands were somewhere they weren’t supposed to be–his “gills.” You skittered all ten of your fingers across his ribs, scratching up and down and side to side.
Rafayel went nuts, falling on his back and writhing around beneath you. He squealed and tried to push you off his lap, but failed. He was too weak with laughter to fight off your tickle-y wrath.
“See! Gills, right here.” You spoke in a teasing tone, pinching a spot on his rib, which was right beneath his armpit. He laid back his head and howled with laughter as you gently squeezed the surrounding area.
Rafayel clamped his arms to his sides and rolled around, eventually causing you to fall off him. Catching his breath, he stared you down like you were his prey. Your instincts told you to run, but you stayed put and let him get his desired revenge. It’s safe to say that you’re far more ticklish than he is.
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cooldudesthings · 2 months
Taking tkl fic and HC requests
Nothing NSFW/K!nk/Fetish PLEASE it makes me uncomfortable and I will not do them
I’m bored and have nothing else to do whenever I get some free time
So feel free to send in a request or an idea
Fandoms I will do
Obey me!
Honkai star rail
Stardew valley
Bungo stray dogs
Possibly love and deepspace
(may be a little out of character as I don’t know much about the characters)
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bunnyy-123 · 1 month
Truth or Dare
notes: this has spoilers for Sylus’s lore. This is a tickle fic. Lee! Sylus, Ler! Zayne, Rafayel, and Xavier. This is not a shipping fic.
MC stood by the doorway of her apartment, looking at the four men in front of her with worry. She was going to go shopping with Tara, completely forgetting that she had already made plans with the guys. She wanted to cancel, but they insisted they could wait for her. That meant having to leave the men alone together in her apartment. “Ok so…I’m going now…” MC said. “Safe travels.” Zayne replied. “Can you bring us back noodles?” Xavier asked. “How long are you gonna be gone?!” Rafayel whined. Only Sylus didn’t say anything. “It won’t be long. Just….no fighting , ok?” MC said. “Can you specify what kind of fighting you’re talking about?” Sylus asked.
“What other definition of fighting could there be?” Xavier said. “Physical fighting, verbal fighting…” Sylus replied.
“Play fighting.” Rafayel added. “You guys know what I mean! No threats, no insults, no using your Evol-“ “We understand.” Zayne said. MC closed the door and left. The four men sat on the couch. It was awkward.
“Ugh. This is boring. Does she have any games here?” Rafayel asked. “We shouldn’t go through her stuff.” Zayne said. “Let’s just come up with something else to do.” Xavier said. Rafayel sighed. “If only Miss Bodyguard had some paints in here or something…”
“I have an idea,” Sylus said. “Let’s play a game that will help us get to know each other.” “Do you have something in mind?” Xavier asked.
“I do. It’s called truth or dare.” Sylus smirked. Rafayel scoffed. “You mean the game that girls play at sleepovers?” “I think anyone can play it.” Xavier said. “What are we? A bunch of middle schoolers?”
“You certainly act like one at times.” Zayne said. “Truth or dare it is. Who wants to go first?” Sylus asked. “Since you suggested it, you should go first.” Zayne said. “Ok. Go ahead and ask me.” “Truth or dare?” Xavier asked. “Dare.”
“Of course he’d pick dare.” Rafayel crossed his arms.
“Be quiet. I’m trying to think of something good.” Xavier said. He thought about it for a moment. “Ok, I got it. MC said you like to sing. So, sing something.” Sylus smirked. He did like singing. Unfortunately for the guys, he was not good at it. When he began to sing, they all tried to keep a straight face. Rafayel shot a look at Xavier, who was trying to be polite but it was obvious he was starting to regret his decision. “That was….um….interesting, Sylus.” Zayne said. “Thank you.” Sylus replied. “Yeah. I’m surprised you can hit notes that only dogs can hear.” Rafayel said. Sylus glared at him. “He was not that high pitched Rafayel.” Xavier said. “But the quality of his voice sounded like a dog whistle-“
“You have terrible taste,” Sylus shook his head. “Just for that, it’s your turn Rafayel. Truth or dare?” Rafayel pouted. “Hmph. Truth.” Sylus chuckled. “Just how close are you to MC?” “Why are we bringing her into this?” Zayne questioned. “Yeah, why are we bringing her into this!” Rafayel agreed. “You picked truth. Answer the question.” Sylus responded.
“Well…she’s my bodyguard.” Rafayel said. “Really? Is that the full extent of your relationship with her?” Sylus asked. “You don’t….find her attractive?” “W-what?!” Rafayel exclaimed. “He answered the question. Let’s move on.” Zayne pinched the bridge of his nose. “Xavier, truth or dare?” Rafayel asked.
“Dare.” “Yessss. Finally something fun.” Rafayel grinned. “Now I’m scared.” Xavier said.
“Oh come on, Xavier,” Sylus smirked. “You’re a hunter. Surely you’re not scared of a dare?” “Ok, I’m not scared. But if I’m honest, I’m a little nervous because of what Rafayel said.” Xavier said. “Xavier! I dare you to….lick the floor!” Rafayel ordered. “What? Seriously? That’s it?” “I can be even meaner if you want.”
“…No. I’ll do it.” Xavier got down on his knees. “Is he…actually going to….” Sylus stopped speaking when Xavier leaned down and licked the floor. “That’s disgusting,” Zayne scowled. “Completely unhygienic.” “It was a dare,” Xavier said. “I’m not going to be a coward just because something is gross.” “There are so many germs that could get you sick-“
“Zayne, you’re the only one who didn’t go yet.” Sylus pointed out. “…I don’t appreciate you interrupting me.” Zayne said. “Blah blah blah, germs are gross, we get it.” Rafayel said. “Truth or dare Zayne?” Xavier asked.
“Truth. I am not doing anything ridiculous in front of you.” Zayne huffed. “Ok…hm…what’s your guilty pleasure?” Xavier asked.
“Not that I feel particularly guilty about it, but I guess eating sweets despite telling my patients not to.” Zayne said. “Wow. You’re a hypocrite.” Xavier said. “What? It’s for their own good.” Zayne said. “But now that I’ve answered your question, I suppose it’s my turn to ask someone else.” “Yeah. That’s how it works.” Rafayel nodded. “Or you could end it here if you want.” Sylus said. “Sounds suspicious.” Xavier said. “Sylus, truth or dare?” Zayne asked.
“Truth, since none of you appreciated my singing skills.” Sylus said. “Are you truly invincible?” “Hm….thats a good way of putting things. My evol does allow my wounds to heal quickly.” Sylus nodded. “So, if I stabbed you with my sword, you wouldn’t die?” Xavier questioned. “I’ve been shot through the chest. I’m positive your sword wouldn’t do anything too serious.” Sylus said. “That’s…very interesting.” Zayne said.
“I suppose it is.” Sylus agreed. “But you can feel things right?!” Rafayel asked. “…I am not immune to tactile pain or pleasure if that’s what you’re asking.” Sylus said. “So…if Xavier stabbed you…it would hurt?”
Sylus raised an eyebrow. “Are you two planning an assassination attempt?”
“Hey. Remember what we were told,” Zayne said. “No fighting.” “I’m curious to how this works.” Rafayel stood up and walked to Sylus. “You can feel things but they can’t hurt you?” He prodded Sylus’s shoulder. Sylus sighed.
“I’m curious too. From a medical standpoint.” Zayne said. “I certainly hope you’re not going to poke and prod me like this one here.” Sylus grumbled. Zayne shook his head. Rafayel poked Sylus’s stomach. Sylus flinched and flashed him a glare. “Huh…what an interesting reaction-“ Rafayel kept poking.
“You little brat-“ Sylus protested. “I think he’s ticklish!” Rafayel said. “What?! I am not!” Sylus gave him a death glare. “You suuuuure?”
“I think you have a death wish.” Rafayel started to tickle him. To Zayne and Xavier’s surprise, Sylus actually laughed. “Did….did I hear that right?” Zayne blinked. “Stohohop thahahat!” Sylus squirmed away from Rafayel. “No, I heard it too.” Xavier smirked. “He laughed. He’s ticklish.”
“That’s an amusing development.” Zayne smirked as well. He and Xavier joined Rafayel in on the tickling. Rafayel tickled his stomach, while Zayne and Xavier tickled his sides and ribs. “I’m going to kihihihil you all!” Sylus yelled between laughs. “Hey. You remember MC’s rule, remember? No violence!” Rafayel teased. They tickled him for a few more seconds before stopping. Sylus glared at the three of them, but his ears were bright red. “Guess you’re not invincible after all.” Xavier said and Zayne chuckled. “…Here’s a reminder for you three. I don’t need sleep. You do.” Sylus said.
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bunnyy-123 · 2 months
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bunnyy-123 · 4 months
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One day I’ll prove him wrong 😤
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bunnyy-123 · 2 months
I was busy
Lee Sylus
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bunnyy-123 · 7 months
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So I downloaded the game. Pls tell me that Zayne is just lying.
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bunnyy-123 · 6 months
I need more obey me and love and deepspace tk fics 😁
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cooldudesthings · 1 month
Hi, can you please make a Lee sylus and ler MC fic? If you're comfortable. Just to celebrate sylus finally being here!
I can't wait to see what content you create in the future ❤❤
Omg Ty for this ask since he came out I have been thinking of a fic to do with him but didn’t know how to go with it
( sorry it took so long I had been busy and hit with some writers block but I finally finished it )
Warning: there are tickles and most likely my grammar and punctuation sucks that is because it is currently late at night for me and I’m half awake ( literally how I suddenly get the inspiration on how I want to write a fic out after planning it )
Mischievous times
Lee: Sylus
Ler: reader
You and Sylus were chilling on the couch, your legs over his, as you both watched some boring movie. You, being you, wanted to stir up some trouble. You changed your position to sitting on his lap, one leg on each side of his hips. You nestled your head into his neck, not yet doing anything. He hummed, acknowledging your change in position, but soon felt your hands latch onto his sides while keeping still.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Sylus said in confusion, curious about whatever you were planning. You shrugged, not answering him, keeping your hands still for a few minutes, hoping he lets his guard down slightly. Once you felt he let his guard down enough, you started to lightly pinch up and down his sides, sending ticklish shocks throughout his sides, making him jerk and let out a laugh, his hands trying to catch yours. While he was in such a ticklish state, it made it much harder for him to focus, giving you a chance to go up to his ribs with one hand and his hips with the other.
“Y/N, ahaha, I’ll pfft, kill yo-ho-ho-you, stop!” Your laughter mixed with his as you couldn’t help but love the sight of your giggly boyfriend.
“Awe, how adorable you are, my love, I just want to keep going!” You soon lifted his shirt up, taking a deep breath before blowing a raspberry on his stomach, making him let out an uncharacteristic squeal and shove you off him into the floor, having you land with a thud. After a minute or two, he had realized what he’d done once he noticed you weren’t on the couch beside him anymore. He pulled you up off the floor and into his lap, a gleam of revenge shining in his eyes.
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bunnyy-123 · 6 months
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Stole from someone’s story
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bunnyy-123 · 6 months
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bunnyy-123 · 7 months
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Be like that 🙄
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bunnyy-123 · 5 months
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bunnyy-123 · 2 months
so I’ve been in a love and Deepspace brain rot and will likely be obsessed for a while so any tword content you find pls send my way thanks
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