lovelynim · 4 months
Hey there! Congratulations for the milestone! 😊 can I humbly request for leereader and lerRafayel from l&ds? 🫶🏼 (Maybe sides as spot)
Hello anon!!
Thanks you! Ehehe, I don't get to write the babygirl as a ler often, but I hope this suits your taste!
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“Stop. Moving,” Rafayel whined, pouting and pressing the paintbrush a little harder against your side, the cold ink and the soft tips making you shiver and tremble, trying your best to stiff your muscles and hold back your giggles.
You slightly regretted agreeing to this. What were you thinking? Especially when he, of all people, would be the one in charge of such a task… “S-stop mohohoving it so lihihihgtly then!” You groaned, stomping your foot slightly as a crooked smile slowly formed on your lips, making you press your eyes shut and scrunch up your nose. “C-can’t yohohou hurry up?!”
It was hard to tell if he was just being a brat or if he was actually struggling - and it wasn’t like that paintbrush sliding and teasing your sides was making it any easier. “How many times do I have to tell you? You can’t rush art. Tsk, now, hold still, I need to concentrate,” he ordered, a demanding, bossy tone before moving to the brush to that awful spot below your lowest ribs. “You don’t want me to start over, do you?”
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bunnyy-123 · 1 month
Truth or Dare
notes: this has spoilers for Sylus’s lore. This is a tickle fic. Lee! Sylus, Ler! Zayne, Rafayel, and Xavier. This is not a shipping fic.
MC stood by the doorway of her apartment, looking at the four men in front of her with worry. She was going to go shopping with Tara, completely forgetting that she had already made plans with the guys. She wanted to cancel, but they insisted they could wait for her. That meant having to leave the men alone together in her apartment. “Ok so…I’m going now…” MC said. “Safe travels.” Zayne replied. “Can you bring us back noodles?” Xavier asked. “How long are you gonna be gone?!” Rafayel whined. Only Sylus didn’t say anything. “It won’t be long. Just….no fighting , ok?” MC said. “Can you specify what kind of fighting you’re talking about?” Sylus asked.
“What other definition of fighting could there be?” Xavier said. “Physical fighting, verbal fighting…” Sylus replied.
“Play fighting.” Rafayel added. “You guys know what I mean! No threats, no insults, no using your Evol-“ “We understand.” Zayne said. MC closed the door and left. The four men sat on the couch. It was awkward.
“Ugh. This is boring. Does she have any games here?” Rafayel asked. “We shouldn’t go through her stuff.” Zayne said. “Let’s just come up with something else to do.” Xavier said. Rafayel sighed. “If only Miss Bodyguard had some paints in here or something…”
“I have an idea,” Sylus said. “Let’s play a game that will help us get to know each other.” “Do you have something in mind?” Xavier asked.
“I do. It’s called truth or dare.” Sylus smirked. Rafayel scoffed. “You mean the game that girls play at sleepovers?” “I think anyone can play it.” Xavier said. “What are we? A bunch of middle schoolers?”
“You certainly act like one at times.” Zayne said. “Truth or dare it is. Who wants to go first?” Sylus asked. “Since you suggested it, you should go first.” Zayne said. “Ok. Go ahead and ask me.” “Truth or dare?” Xavier asked. “Dare.”
“Of course he’d pick dare.” Rafayel crossed his arms.
“Be quiet. I’m trying to think of something good.” Xavier said. He thought about it for a moment. “Ok, I got it. MC said you like to sing. So, sing something.” Sylus smirked. He did like singing. Unfortunately for the guys, he was not good at it. When he began to sing, they all tried to keep a straight face. Rafayel shot a look at Xavier, who was trying to be polite but it was obvious he was starting to regret his decision. “That was….um….interesting, Sylus.” Zayne said. “Thank you.” Sylus replied. “Yeah. I’m surprised you can hit notes that only dogs can hear.” Rafayel said. Sylus glared at him. “He was not that high pitched Rafayel.” Xavier said. “But the quality of his voice sounded like a dog whistle-“
“You have terrible taste,” Sylus shook his head. “Just for that, it’s your turn Rafayel. Truth or dare?” Rafayel pouted. “Hmph. Truth.” Sylus chuckled. “Just how close are you to MC?” “Why are we bringing her into this?” Zayne questioned. “Yeah, why are we bringing her into this!” Rafayel agreed. “You picked truth. Answer the question.” Sylus responded.
“Well…she’s my bodyguard.” Rafayel said. “Really? Is that the full extent of your relationship with her?” Sylus asked. “You don’t….find her attractive?” “W-what?!” Rafayel exclaimed. “He answered the question. Let’s move on.” Zayne pinched the bridge of his nose. “Xavier, truth or dare?” Rafayel asked.
“Dare.” “Yessss. Finally something fun.” Rafayel grinned. “Now I’m scared.” Xavier said.
“Oh come on, Xavier,” Sylus smirked. “You’re a hunter. Surely you’re not scared of a dare?” “Ok, I’m not scared. But if I’m honest, I’m a little nervous because of what Rafayel said.” Xavier said. “Xavier! I dare you to….lick the floor!” Rafayel ordered. “What? Seriously? That’s it?” “I can be even meaner if you want.”
“…No. I’ll do it.” Xavier got down on his knees. “Is he…actually going to….” Sylus stopped speaking when Xavier leaned down and licked the floor. “That’s disgusting,” Zayne scowled. “Completely unhygienic.” “It was a dare,” Xavier said. “I’m not going to be a coward just because something is gross.” “There are so many germs that could get you sick-“
“Zayne, you’re the only one who didn’t go yet.” Sylus pointed out. “…I don’t appreciate you interrupting me.” Zayne said. “Blah blah blah, germs are gross, we get it.” Rafayel said. “Truth or dare Zayne?” Xavier asked.
“Truth. I am not doing anything ridiculous in front of you.” Zayne huffed. “Ok…hm…what’s your guilty pleasure?” Xavier asked.
“Not that I feel particularly guilty about it, but I guess eating sweets despite telling my patients not to.” Zayne said. “Wow. You’re a hypocrite.” Xavier said. “What? It’s for their own good.” Zayne said. “But now that I’ve answered your question, I suppose it’s my turn to ask someone else.” “Yeah. That’s how it works.” Rafayel nodded. “Or you could end it here if you want.” Sylus said. “Sounds suspicious.” Xavier said. “Sylus, truth or dare?” Zayne asked.
“Truth, since none of you appreciated my singing skills.” Sylus said. “Are you truly invincible?” “Hm….thats a good way of putting things. My evol does allow my wounds to heal quickly.” Sylus nodded. “So, if I stabbed you with my sword, you wouldn’t die?” Xavier questioned. “I’ve been shot through the chest. I’m positive your sword wouldn’t do anything too serious.” Sylus said. “That’s…very interesting.” Zayne said.
“I suppose it is.” Sylus agreed. “But you can feel things right?!” Rafayel asked. “…I am not immune to tactile pain or pleasure if that’s what you’re asking.” Sylus said. “So…if Xavier stabbed you…it would hurt?”
Sylus raised an eyebrow. “Are you two planning an assassination attempt?”
“Hey. Remember what we were told,” Zayne said. “No fighting.” “I’m curious to how this works.” Rafayel stood up and walked to Sylus. “You can feel things but they can’t hurt you?” He prodded Sylus’s shoulder. Sylus sighed.
“I’m curious too. From a medical standpoint.” Zayne said. “I certainly hope you’re not going to poke and prod me like this one here.” Sylus grumbled. Zayne shook his head. Rafayel poked Sylus’s stomach. Sylus flinched and flashed him a glare. “Huh…what an interesting reaction-“ Rafayel kept poking.
“You little brat-“ Sylus protested. “I think he’s ticklish!” Rafayel said. “What?! I am not!” Sylus gave him a death glare. “You suuuuure?”
“I think you have a death wish.” Rafayel started to tickle him. To Zayne and Xavier’s surprise, Sylus actually laughed. “Did….did I hear that right?” Zayne blinked. “Stohohop thahahat!” Sylus squirmed away from Rafayel. “No, I heard it too.” Xavier smirked. “He laughed. He’s ticklish.”
“That’s an amusing development.” Zayne smirked as well. He and Xavier joined Rafayel in on the tickling. Rafayel tickled his stomach, while Zayne and Xavier tickled his sides and ribs. “I’m going to kihihihil you all!” Sylus yelled between laughs. “Hey. You remember MC’s rule, remember? No violence!” Rafayel teased. They tickled him for a few more seconds before stopping. Sylus glared at the three of them, but his ears were bright red. “Guess you’re not invincible after all.” Xavier said and Zayne chuckled. “…Here’s a reminder for you three. I don’t need sleep. You do.” Sylus said.
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soobtkl · 7 months
Not Gills | Chapter 7 spoilers
“Those aren’t gills…those are my ribs!” Rafayel exclaimed, swatting your curious fingers away from his side. You slowly crept your index finger and middle finger up his rib as if the two fingers were alive and walking.
Your expression dimmed. “I don’t believe you.” Rafayel frowned and snatched your wrist. He firmly placed your palm on the center of his side and asked: “If I had gills, don’t you think you’d be able to feel them?”
“Hmph.” You jabbed a finger into his exposed side, and you would have responded if not for his giggly reaction. “Quihit thahat!” He chuckled, scooting away from you. How rude.
Crawling to where he moved, you sat on his thighs and let him hold your waist; had he forgotten that he had just revealed his ticklishness? He looked up at you sweetly, not realizing that your hands were somewhere they weren’t supposed to be–his “gills.” You skittered all ten of your fingers across his ribs, scratching up and down and side to side.
Rafayel went nuts, falling on his back and writhing around beneath you. He squealed and tried to push you off his lap, but failed. He was too weak with laughter to fight off your tickle-y wrath.
“See! Gills, right here.” You spoke in a teasing tone, pinching a spot on his rib, which was right beneath his armpit. He laid back his head and howled with laughter as you gently squeezed the surrounding area.
Rafayel clamped his arms to his sides and rolled around, eventually causing you to fall off him. Catching his breath, he stared you down like you were his prey. Your instincts told you to run, but you stayed put and let him get his desired revenge. It’s safe to say that you’re far more ticklish than he is.
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ticklygiggles · 4 months
Mia hiiiii. Not a request or anything but have you seen the card we are getting for Rafayel tomorrow???? I'm like melting.... AND WE ALSO GET TO POKE HIM 🧎🏻‍♀️ LIKE SIR YOU AINT GONNA GET OUT OF IT. IF WE DONT HEAR HIM GIGGLE AND BLUSH IM OUT
Anon hiiiii ❤️ I HAVE SEEN IT KDKDKF I'm so excited! I won't pull for it because I'm saving for Zayne's new companion cards RELIGIOUSLY, but I'll look for it on YouTube hehehe
RAFAYEL WAS BORN TO BE A LEE! We'll definitely see him blush but he tries to be a tough cookie, don't expect a giggle from him, sweet anon!
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ticklees · 2 months
Love and Deepspace tickle headcanons
Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel, and Sylus (This is very mediocre and these are all my opinions! There are my first ever headcanons I think, so I hope I did alright.)
Headcanons below the cut ↓
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I don't see Zayne as a ler for some reason! I feel like he'd have to be told to tickle you. He'd be hesitant at first, but slowly give in. Once you start laughing, he'll become more and more intrigued, and eventually, you won't have to ask him to tickle you anymore.
After that phase, his favorite spot to tickle would be the ribs. He would scratch his fingernails up and down the grooves of your ribcage, watching as you gleefully squirm under his body. He'll count how many bones you have in your ribcage by squeezing every one he can feel, then claim that you have an irregular amount of rib bones.
He definitely subconsciously tickles you when you two kiss. When his hands run under your shirt and he's holding you in his lap, he'll accidentally dig a few fingers into your sides while holding your waist in place with his free arm.
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Xavier is super cute and I know that he's a gentle tickler as a fact. He loves light and gentle tickling, never going overboard or making you laugh too hard. While you're cuddling, he'll sneak a hand under your shirt and slowly caress your belly with a singular finger until you giggle. Then, he'll ask you what's wrong and move that finger to your ribs while chuckling to himself.
His favorite spot to tickle is the belly and palms. I can imagine him tracing the lines on your palms with the intent of making you squirm, but insisting that he's just interested in the lines. As for the belly, he definitely gives it light raspberries while holding your hands above your head. When his head comes up, he'll peck your forehead with a kiss and begin wiggling his fingers all over your stomach until you smile.
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I know I've written all of the boys as lers, but I imagine him being tickled more than him doing the tickling. Maybe it's because he's adorable, but I can see him holding you in his arms while asking you to tickle his neck or chest because it "feels good".
When he begins to frequently ask for this, you become skeptical and ask if he likes being tickled elsewhere. He'd be offended and embarrassed at first, but after some thought, he'd agree.
His most ticklish spots are his ribs and feet. His ribs are super sensitive from his **** (spoilers). He loves the feeling of your fingernails running up and down the edges of his ribcage, gently showing each bone in it equal love. His feet are also horribly ticklish. He can't stand being tickled there for long but puts himself through it anyway. He's most ticklish under his toes and on the center of his arches.
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Sylus would tickle you until you piss yourself and then some. JK (not really), but he's definitely a mean ler. He'll pin your body beneath his and make you beg for mercy while drilling his fingertips anywhere that elicits any form of laughter. He'll find stupid reasons to punish you with tickling, he'll even lure you into saying something that he apparently deems offensive just so that he can feel justified when he grabs you by the waist and begins tickling the life out of you.
I don't feel like he has any favorite spots to tickle. If he does, it's wherever makes you scream and laugh the loudest. I can see him holding you and testing every inch of skin on your body with light wiggles and jabs to see exactly where you're ticklish.
Sylus would definitely tickle you in public as well. His hands will be in his lap one moment, then the next they'll be sneakily making their way to your thighs where they gently squeeze just to tease you. I doubt that he'd stop if you told him to. I can see him pretending like he's doing nothing to you, making sure to hide his hands so that everyone around you thinks you're laughing for no reason.
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magicaltickles · 2 months
See bc I originally wasn't planning on this howmstever, a certain two individuals convinced me of others SO love and deepspace tickle hcs enjoy 🥰
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Dorks all of them (including mc) <3 okay hcs now promise
🪶 Sylus 🪶
- doesn't admit he's ticklish. will never admit he's ticklish. that being said-
- since he has some scars n stuffs from his ahem 'accidents', he's come to learn that they are actually very sensitive to light touches. at first didn't mind when you crawled into his lap to trace the lines and dots left from his tussles, but then your beautifully soft hands touched his skin and his life flashed before his eyes as he found himself having to suppress his reactions
- speaking of reactions, it takes a lot to get much out him. he's supposed to be the big scary boss, a few tickles can't be enough to take him down. his laugh is more like a deep chuckle and soft snickers
- you had to recruit Luke and Kieran once to lure Sylus into a tough spot and then you took charge to wreck him. he only forgave you after you kept your word on a promise to wash dishes for the next two weeks (he told the chef to take two weeks off and cooked for you as much as he could <3)
- ruthless ler most times. loves to chase you around the house, following you into rooms and under beds to wreck your shit
- sometimes he's soft tho, like when you're in bed. since he's a night owl and you aren't, he'll sometimes give you soft tickles to get you to sleep instead of staying up with him. will take that time to shower you in praise. his pretty crow<3
👾 Xavier 👾
- space man, hasn't been tickled in so long bc of his circumstances nor tickled anyone else. he almost forgot it was a thing, had he not seen others do it
- he's pretty ticklish himself, and has no trouble admitting it. he'll indulge in a tickle fight every so often with you if he's up to it
- most often tickles you when you guys are sparring. he'll make it his mission to pin you down and tickle you until you say he wins
- and if you manage to pin him first? expect him to squeeze your sides and thighs until he can flip you two over and give you the tickling you deserve<3
- he does it a lot as a way to cheer you up and get you to rest after fighting wanderers
- he wants his favorite person happy and relaxed as much as he can help it and is so super sweet about it
🐟 Rafayel 🐟
- is canonically the most ticklish one out of the gang. we even tease his about it a bit and it's absolutely adorable
- has canonically ticklish palms which makes my brain go brr bc he's an artist with ticklish palms and sometimes he won't think before absentmindedly running a brush over his palms for various reasons and tickling himself bc of it and LET ME GET MY HANDS ON THIS MAN PLS PLS PLS
- rafa is so playful and cute pls. constant tickle fights for any and all reasons
- bratty? tickles. won't look at his paintings? tickles. late to a meet up? tickles. forgot to call/text him back? tickles.
- and it goes both ways too, you can find any and all reasons to wreck his ass
- tbh, he's the love interest I can imagine being in the community if ykyk. he'd be a ler-leaning switch with big lee moods when he gets them. other than that, he's a big, playful tickle monster
- omg omg cute idea came to head he'd have you sit and tell you to start painting and then stand behind you and tickle you the whole time until you're both covered in paint and the canvas is filled with random lines and swirls bc it's all you could get down and fuhdhdnsn GOD THIS FISH MAN
- he makes the switch mood go dudhudbdushdn
❄️ Zayne ❄️
- he's a heart doctor but that won't stop him from giving you, his favorite patient, an examination. which includes *that* part where he lightly presses on your tummy. he'll act like he has no idea what you're talking about
- cold hands syndrome. ends up tickling you slightly anytime he touches you as a result, or at least makes you jump
- he finds it amusing, loving to pretend he has no idea why you jump or squeak.
- loves to tease you for it tho, he'll lean in and whisper how cute you are and stuff
- will fluster you with his words ages before even laying a hand on you. zayne has an extensive vocabulary, and uses it well
- counts anything he can possibly count, using the excuse that he has to as your primary care physician
- this one isn't tickle themed, but I love the idea of him making it snow for you any and everywhere just bc he knows it makes you smile
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Woop woop! It's my baby's bday!! @ticklygiggles!!! While I would've loved to spoil you with a celebration week like you did for me (the bar was very high), I'll be traveling for work soon and will be busy, so it's spam time.....! 😳
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I know you'd like to wreck all three of these lovelies with tickles and the game teases you too much. So here are 3 drabbles with them:
1: Lee Zayne drabble
2: Lee Rafayel drabble
3: Lee Xavier drabble
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Also, here is the revival of 3 of our collabs:
Reuploads of these collabs with a fresh new epilogue for each written by yours truly. These fics were actually lost and could be saved again thanks to our dearest @wertzunge ^^
1: Remissio - Victuuri
2: Sweet Revenge - Reigisa & Sourin
3: Second Declaration of Love - Hayato x Ryuuichi
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Bonus: a little tickly moodboard of a lovely man 🤭
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lovelynim · 8 months
I didn't expect Rafayel to be the first of LnD that I'd write for, but anyway
have this little drabble since this brat refuses to leave my head
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“Get up already,” you groaned impatiently, patting the dust off your clothes while getting back to your feet. Deep down, you hoped that when you looked at him, he would be at least on his knees, doing the same.
But no. Rafayel continued to lay down on the sand, dramatically holding a hand up to his forehead to block the sun. “I told you, I can’t.”
“Of course you can,” you rolled your eyes, walking over to where he was. “Just g-”
“You’ll have to carry me, I can’t walk.”
You stopped mid sentence, slowly processing those words. That man couldn’t be for real, not in a time like this. Of every moment he could’ve chosen to act up, he decided to do it now? No, not this time.
“I see, so you can’t move?” You feigned pity, kneeling next to his body as you watched he put up his best efforts into that shameless performance. If only he used half of this energy to actually do something useful…
“No,” Rafayel pouted, sighing as if he was at the verge of death. “So, carry me, miss bodyguard,” he said, reaching out and intertwining his fingers behind your neck, waiting for you to pick him up.
“Rafayel,” you mused softly, leaning a little forward so you could probably look him in the eyes. “Do you think I’m that dumb?!” Before he could react, you dug your fingers under his arms, turning all your annoyance into a merciless and unstoppable ticklish assault.
“N-NOHOH! AhAHAHA, wahAHahit!” He cackled, squirming like the fish out of the water he was. Rafayel was quick to bring his arms down and press them against his sides, but this attempt alone wasn’t near enough to make you stop.
Managing to wiggle your fingers over his upper ribs, you continued your scolding, kind of enjoying seeing him like that. “You are such a pain sometimes… What's wrong? Didn’t you want me to carry you? Stay still and let me pick you up, Rafayel ~”
“GehEHehet off mehEHEh!! AhahAHah, nohoh mohohoreee!!” He whined through his laughter and you decided to let him go when he tried to squirm away, rolling to his side and laying face down against the warm sand.
“Oh, it seems you can move, guess I won’t need to carry you, then,” you chuckled, getting back up as you looked around.
“You’re so mean to me…” Rafayel pretended to cry, clicking his lips when he noticed he wasn’t getting your attention anymore. “Hey, wait for me!”
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lovelynim · 8 months
omggg, congrats on your milestone Fabi, i'm so happy for u <3🪷✨ for the request, uh- may i humbly suggest writing something with lee!Rafayel and ler!Reader? maybe using him as a canvas for real lol- i'm- i'm sorry it's just- ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ🤌🏻
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I didn't expect this many Rafayel's fans to show up in such a short amount of time, hahaha
But since you guys want to see him get got so much, who am I to disagree? ~
Also, my apologies to the last anon, but I'm smushing you together with the other two since it's the same characters, hope you don't mind!
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Thin, thick, long and soft brushes, all scattered around your canvas. A color palette with different shades of red, yellow and orange, perfect to paint a beautiful sunset. If the canvas in question wasn’t putting so much effort in trying to run away, this would probably be the most peaceful painting session you ever experienced. But as Rafayel, a great and known artist once said, “chaos is a symbol of wisdom, every genius has a messy desk”.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’m going to have to start all over, Rafayel,” you tease him, keeping a firm grip around his wrists while you drag the paintbrush all the way from his forearm down to his ribs, leaving a light yellow trace behind. 
“Sohohomeohohone, hehEHEHelp!! T-thihihis is tohohorturehEHEHE!!” Rafayel cried out as if this was some kind of murder attempt. However, no matter how much he pleaded or begged, his words wouldn’t make it to your heart - not this time, not after testing your patience for so damn long.
You click your tongue, shaking your head, pretending to pity the poor artists. “Torture? This is art, Rafayel. And art is supposed to be felt, right?” You smirked, not caring the least about the fresh drops of paint sliding down your canvas and tainting the floor underneath him. “Now, I think we could use some red here,” you explained calmly while Rafayel watched in horror while you dipped the paintbrush in the red ink and brought it back to your canvas - also known as his bare torso.
“NohoHOHOH!!” He laughed, kicking his feet like a little kid throwing a tantrum, but there was no way you were going to let him go this easy. “Plehehehease! I sahAHahaid I’m sohohorry!”
He twisted and turned his body away, trying to avoid at all costs the brush covered in ink that was dancing over his stomach, tickling his tummy with soft and quick strokes, one after the other, over and over again.
“You should feel sorry for making me work so hard just to paint a little,” you grunted, tightening your grip around his wrists while you circled his navel with the paint brush. With a sadistic look on your eyes, you admired his face - a complete mess of laughter, you could barely tell the drops of paint and the natural blush on his cheeks apart. Cute. “Now, I think we need to add another layer of orange here, the colors are a bit bland…”
“AHahAHAHA, i-it’s goohohohod! N-no mohohore lahahayers!!” He laughed, gasping when you tried to draw a little awkward-shaped sun on his chest. The redness on his cheeks was starting to spread down to his neck, the colors of his skin mixing with the ones from the ink, creating something that actually looked like a sunset - well, maybe if you squint your eyes a little, but still a sunset. 
“Ahaha- p-please!” Rafayel wheezed, dropping his head back into the floor tiredly, trying to catch up his breath. His body trembled, tingling all over. “Y-you should let… t-the ink dry before… continuing…”
With the paintbrush still in your hand, you couldn’t help but laugh a little. 
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Masterpost 2.0
Fics written 'post-retirement' cuz I'm a clown
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* = explicit | red = Only AO3
Note: Reblogs of fics and various reuploads from my old blog are not included.
However these can be found in the #otomiya!writes tag.
❥ Update: 26.2.2024
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Boku no Hero Academia
All I Want For Christmas: D&D | Lees!KiriBaku x Ler!Deku
Dungeon Meshi
Tickle Fight | Lee!Kabru x Ler!Laios
Ticklish For You | Switches!Marcille x Falin
Sweet Revenge (collab, reupload) | Lees!Reigisa & Lers!Sourin
Gakuen Babysitters
Second Declaration of Love (collab, reupload) | Switches!Hayaryuu
Genshin Impact:
From 🐺 To 🐶 | Switches!Wrioney
Lyney's Trick | Lee!Gaming & Ler!Lyney
Quality Time | Switches!Wrioney
Terms & Conditions | Lee!Kaveh x Ler!Alhaitham
TGI Tournament | Various Lees & Lers
Traveler's Training | Lee!Sethos & Ler!Aether
Last Christmas: A Festive Breakfast | Lee!Uenoyama x Ler!Mafuyu
Better Setter! (Reupload) | Lees!Kenma, Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo
Jingle Bell Rock: Secret Snack | Lee!Tsukki x Ler!Yama
Snowed In (Reupload) | Lee!Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma
Honkai Star Rail
The Foreigner | Lee!Sampo & Lers!JingRen
The Kiss | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Sharing is Caring | Lee!Caelus x Ler!Dan Heng
Small Spoon | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Kaiju No. 8
Kaiju Experiment | Lee!Kafka & Ler!Reno
Love and Deepspace
A Date Worth Remembering (collab) | Switches!Zayne x Reader
Ebb and Flow | Lee!Rafayel x MC
Exclusive Tutorial | Lee!Zayne x MC
Midnight Moment | Lee!Xavier x MC
Nu: Carnival
Wreck The Sun Lord Party | Lee!Dante x Ler!Eiden
Obey Me
Not a Competition | Lee!Reader & Lers!Lucifer, Satan
Super Mario Bros
Luigi Wins (By Doing Absolutely Nothing) | Lee!Luigi x Ler!Bowser
Wind Breaker
Nirei's Discovery | Lee!Sakura & Multiple Lers
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Love is Hard for a Broke Otaku | Lee!Narumi x Ler!Hirotaka
Yuri On Ice
New Year's Resolutions (collab) | Switches!Victuuri
Remissio (collab, reupload) | Switches!Victuuri
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Tickle headcanons can be found here:
Link to my MDZS/TGCF tickle masterpost:
Tickletober 2023:
X Reader Tickle Drabbles:
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