#love a good weird uncle character always room for more of those
peaxhxhair · 3 months
Hello! Just stumbled across your blog & I'm loving all the work you've done so far! I hope this isn't a bother, but after reading your headcanons for how Roadhog would be as a father (Amazing BTW, very cute & super fitting of his character. ), I'm curious of what headcanons you'd have for Junkrat being a father- Would he just never want kids or think he's infertile from years of radiation? Would he surprise everyone with a level of care & competence they didn't he was capable of? Would he immediately dive into teaching his kid(s) the ins & outs of explosives? I'm so curious!! Hope you have a nice night!! :D
A/n: Ahh! thank you for the request!! <3 Originally I was going to add Junkrat into the original headcanon list, but decided having more than five characters in one post was too much! Let me know if you want to see any other characters as parents! <3 Hope you Enjoy! Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST Consider becoming a member <3
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Definitely one of those dads that everyone thought was cringe.
His kid would love him though.
If anything they'd be just as weird as each other.
Your kid would be the type to always have dirt on their face.
The type of child with a missing front tooth - and a lisp.
Goggles too big for them - trying to be like their daddy.
I think Jamie would let your kid call him whatever they wanted.
but, he gets really happy when your kiddo calls him 'papa'
Baby leash toddler (+ partner)
You try to keep your kid away from Jamie's workshop
(well, until they're old enough to not put random shit in their mouth)
When your kid is about six is when Jamie starts teaching them about his creations.
Uncle Roadhog keeps them both safe - so you're not too worried.
(If you choose to HAVE the kid)
He'd probably pass out in the delivery room. LMAO
Let's be honest, Jamie has no idea what he's doing when it comes to raising kids.
Then again, who does really?
For your first child, he'll be really nervous.
Maybe he'd pick up a library book on how to be a good dad (the question is whether he can read it or not)
In my opinion, I do think he'd probably be infertile - so you probably would end up adopting.
Well 'adopting' might not be the right term.
Junkrat is absolutely the type to find a random baby (Alone) in the middle of the wasteland, and decide to bring it home to you.
No legal process (considering he's a wanted criminal or whatever), just taking in a baby who was all alone.
He'd be a good dad, though he'd make a lot of mistakes.
You would too, since it is natural to.
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you know what time it is! it's the long-awaited (?) return of Thought D: Thoughts on Hot D, where i tell everyone what's going through my head immediately after watching House of the Dragon.
season 2, episode 1
love the new intro. much better than the season 1 intro
there's no Daeron (Viserys and Allicent's third son in the books, who was being fostered by his great uncle in Oldtown). this is a massive disappointment for me, and i have little hopes of it being rectified
it would have been nice to see more of Cregan Stark and anything at all of Jayne Arryn. really expected Jace to spend more time in the north than that. still, liked what i saw. love that they mentioned how the dragons refused to cross the wall
good to know that criston cole is still... performing his duties
Alyn of Hull!
was that Hugh Hammer in the throne room? what the hell is he doing in King's Landing?
it seems incredibly risky for Rhaenyra to be flying unaccompanied in the stormlands after they've declared for Aegon
Larys' motives are a complete mystery to me right now, which is very book-accurate
those balls in the small council room have been nothing but a liability. no wonder they're not there by the time Game of Thrones happens
i was not expecting to see Mysaria or her Accent this episode, but i'm glad we did because i like Mysaria and her Accent
more of the runtime was Blood and Cheese than i was expecting
(for those unfamiliar with Fire and Blood - which, to be clear, is entirely reasonable - the killing of Jahaerys in the books is done by a butcher and a rat catcher. their names are unknown, so the book refers to them as Blood and Cheese. no names were given in the show, so i will also refer to them as such)
changing the intended target to Aemond (it was always supposed to be one of Aegon's sons in the book) is interesting. it makes Daemon a less detestable character (which was certainly unintentional, given what i've heard about the showrunner's opinions on Daemon), but gives a weird amount of agency to Blood and Cheese
"they have different rat catchers for upstairs" what is this? why is this? what are you on about?
surely they did not have to walk directly across the throne room. surely there was another route
this assassination is such a clusterfuck
i didn't realize until now that Aegon doesn't have a younger son in the show like he does in the book
in the book, Helena is forced to choose which of her sons - Jahaerys or Maegor(?) - gets killed. she chooses Maegor, so they kill Jahaerys. changing that so instead they can't differentiate Jahaerys and Jahaera definitely makes them less cartoonishly evil and more weirdly hapless
actually this whole Blood and Cheese thing is weirdly hapless from start to end
can't believe she just walks in on criston fucking Allicent. surely they would have taken any amount of precaution to prevent people from doing that
so, when Allicent is in the sept, she says three names as she lights the candles: Alerie Florent, Viserys Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon. now, i am more likely than most people to recognize an obscure Ice and Fire name drop, but i do not know who the fuck Alerie Florent is. based on the fact that she is a) apparently dead, b) presumably important to Allicent, and c) from a major house of the Reach, i assume she's Allicent's mother, but i don't recall that name ever having been given before now
anyway, i'm still enjoying the show and can't wait for next week
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
Been reading some of ur posts (I think I found u through this post I am showing here. I.e., the screenshot down below, and not a link, because sometimes Tumblr let's me link stuff, sometimes it doesn't. And this time is the latter. Anyways, gonna be talking (mainly, maybe completely, the post down below):
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And yeahhhhh, Dipper's dream (or well, nightmares. Because it was more like a nightmare. And the (s), because it was reoccurring nightmares) really helped even further explain a lot of some of the way Dipper (and to some extent, Mabel) acts/acted. Like seeking authority figures, wanting to stay with Ford/Gravity Falls
(though, that was also just Dipper having even more matured, and wanting to try something he cared about, instead of giving something up again. My dude Dipper sometimes gives up a lot of stuff and/or fate really seems out to get him sometimes),
trying to be mature/realizing he might need to grow up faster (and/or like u said, maybe some parentification going on with Dipper. Be that on purpose, on accident, and/or some mixture of that). Etc.
Like, the Dipper nightmares reveal is so interesting/makes a lot of sense
(which is why I find it kind weird how split some people are about this reveal. Not saying u can't still interpret Dipper's nightmares in different ways. Or how the Pines Parents are. Be it better or worst or etc. I do think Dipper's nightmares/dreams leaves a lot of room for interpretation (purposefully). I just find it a bit weird how split some people are, because like, while I do go back and forth on interpretations of the Pines parents myself or I can like a variety of different interpretations of them myself.
(To me, it always seemed kind of implied (imo) in some ways, that they weren't the best parents. Or at least, could be better. Which is you know, normal in irl. Even with good/better parents. And I certainly don't agree with the people saying things or at least the ending makes less sense w/ this reveal. I think things make more sense personally. And/or at least don't make less sense)
I also just wanted to say I read some of ur other mainly GF posts (like the one some about GF's ending, along with Amphibia's and TGOMM some. And the one about one of the stories in Gravity Falls Lost Legends), and I gotta to say they were interesting reads
(Even if I didn't completely agree with them. Like, I think GF's end is basically perfect. And would rank it over Amphibia's and TGOMM. Though, I love Amphibia's final two long(er) episodes A LOT too. And TGOMM's is really great too. I prefer GF and Amphibia's over TGOMM, but that is partially because I love both series more/prefer the 2 series's).
I do think Mabel is just a kid and has moments of selflessness and caring, just like Dipper has many moments of selflessness, but also can sometimes be selfish too (Though, with Dipper, he developed a lot/matured a lot. Mabel some too. They are both great) they are both just kids and seem like real humans to me), and that we shouldn't be too hard on her. But as a Dipper fan (I love Mabel and the mystery twins in general), yeah, sometimes Dipper did end up giving a lot (not really just for Mabel though).
This is getting really long, so I am going to split this Ask into two Asks.
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Okie, first thing is that i appreciate your message. Happy to know you enjoyed reading those posts I wrote some months ago. So thanks regarding that.
On the point of Dipper and Mabel not having good parents. Even when i watched the series i remember feeling like something was off. I remember those clips of their parents taking their things away and sending them to Uncle Stan like they were in a rush? It felt to me that there was a reason of why they were doing that.
As you said, if one pays attention to Dipper and Mabel's characters you can tell that there is something going on with both of them. I recall another fan telling me that Dipper didn't take care of himself well and that he often didn't sleep? (With the recurrent nightmare reveal it makes more sense).
The way i see it is that are quite neglectful and they may make Dipper feel like he is different because of how he struggles making friends while Mabel comes off as more social and more ¨normal¨ kid to them. I think they kinda make Dipper having to take care of Mabel and having to be more mature in a way.
They probably have frequent arguments and their relationship is pretty tense? Because it is bad enough for Dipper to have nightmares about it. I assume that the kids didn't pick how bad things were until recently. From what it is impled Dipper may be more aware that their parents' relationship isn't good.
But i doubt they don't care about Dipper and Mabel, because i feel they care enough about them to send them somewhere else do they don't have to deal with all these issues they are having. I think they aren't terrible parents but they probably need to get divorced imo.
As for Mabel, yeah. I don't hate her nor anything but like i feel like Dipper was better written than her as character or more well thought out. Mabel's problems with being self- centered get explored in Lost Legends in a way that is pretty cool, so yeah, nice. (And we get more of Pacifica too)
The book confirming better than their parents aren't good also explains better some of their decisions and behaviour in the show. (Like why Mabel wanted to stay in Gravity Falls).
As for the last point, i think i could write about Dipper's issues when it comes putting boundaries or letting others walk over him but i would have to rewatch some episodes to analyse that in more detail.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
captive prince book 1 highlights & annotations
chapter 10
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
Laurent was on the reclining couch, his feet tucked up under him in a relaxed, boyish posture. A book of scrollworked pages was open before him. There was a goblet on the small table beside him. At some point during the night, a servant must have spent the requisite half hour unlacing his austere outer garments, for Laurent wore only pants and a white shirt, the material so fine it did not require embroidery to declaim its expense. The room was lamp lit. Laurent’s body was a series of graceful lines under the shirt’s soft folds. Damen’s eyes lifted to the white column of his throat, and above that the golden hair, parting around the shell cup of an unjewelled ear. The image was damascened, as beaten metal. He was reading.
laurent lofi hip hop beats to await assassination to
also, i think this is the first time he’s been really described as vulnerable or relaxed, and it’s right before his uncle tries to have him killed. laurent your life sucks SO BAD
Except that it was perfectly clear from the first moment that he looked up that Laurent was not expecting company. And that Laurent did not recognise the guards either. Laurent carefully closed the book. And rose. ‘Couldn’t sleep?’ said Laurent. As he spoke, he came to stand before the open archway of the loggia. Damen wasn’t sure that a straight two-storey drop into unlit gardens could be counted as an escape route. But certainly otherwise—with the three shallow steps leading up to where he stood, the small finely carved table and decorative objects all providing a series of obstacles—it was, tactically, the best position in the room.
they are both strategic and intelligent, and work naturally together as allies!
‘I don’t think the Prince is in an amorous mood,’ said Damen, neutrally. ‘I take a while to warm up,’ said Laurent.
“let’s partake in some improv comedy while we wait for the assassination attempt to start”
Later, he’d wonder what it was that caused him to react as he did. He had no love for Laurent. Given time to think, he would surely have said, in a hardened voice, that the internal politics of Vere weren’t his business, and that whatever acts of violence Laurent brought down upon himself were thoroughly deserved. Maybe it was bizarre empathy, because he’d lived through something like this, the betrayal of it, violence in a place he’d thought was safe. Maybe it was a way of reliving those moments, of repairing his failure, because he had not reacted as quickly as he should have, then.
this book so far has been an unspoken competition between damen and laurent of who can suffer the most alone. in this pivotal moment, when given the opportunity to potentially end his own suffering and make laurent suffer more, damen decides instead to not let laurent suffer alone—because laurent isn’t alone, if damen is fighting by his side.
this is something essential to damen’s character, and we continue to see it throughout the series. he doesn’t just act good for the sake of appearances. good is something he DOES, wholeheartedly. he doesn’t always know what is good, and sometimes he gets it wrong, but he always does what he believes is honorable. in the heat of the moment, damen will protect the disempowered—even if that means defending his worst enemy.
The knife Laurent held was of the same design. It was bloody up to the hilt, he saw, as Laurent descended the shallow steps. It looked incongruous in his hand, since his fine white shirt had survived the struggle in immaculate condition and the lamplight was just as flattering to him as it had been before. ‘What do you want me to do with him?’ ‘Hold him still,’ said Laurent. He came forward. Damen did as he was told. He felt the man make a renewed attempt to free himself, and simply tightened his grip, aborting the ripple of struggle. Laurent lifted the serrated knife, and, calmly as a butcher, sliced open the man’s bearded throat.
well mark me down as scared and—
Damen’s grip closed on the fine bones of Laurent’s wrist, but instead of having things immediately his own way, he was surprised to encounter a moment of muscled resistance. He applied greater pressure. He felt the resistance in Laurent’s body pushed to its limit, though he was still far from his own. ‘Let go of my arm,’ said Laurent, in a controlled voice. ‘Drop the knife,’ said Damen. ‘If you do not let go of my arm,’ said Laurent, ‘it will not go easily for you.’ Damen pushed just slightly harder, and felt the resistance shudder and give way; the knife clattered to the ground.
DROP IT. >:(
‘I’m not surprised you’ve driven three men to try and kill you, I’m only surprised there weren’t more,’ said Damen, bluntly. ‘There were,’ said Laurent, ‘more.’
context: laurent genuinely believes that damen came to kill him
He disliked the idea that anyone at all believed him capable of cutting down an unarmed man, four on one. Even if that man was Laurent. ‘Like the man you just killed,’ said Damen, looking back at him. ‘In my part of the fight the men were not helpfully killing each other,’ Laurent said.
craft note: great example of how damen’s pov sometimes makes laurent look worse than he is. feels like pacat showing her hand, she wants us to notice this one
He could see—he could feel—that Laurent knew it. He could feel too how badly Laurent wanted it, wanted to see him taken, wanted to trump both Damen and his uncle. He bitterly regretted the impulse that had led him to save Laurent’s life. ‘You’re misinformed,’ said Laurent. He sounded like he was tasting something unpleasant. ‘There has been no attack against me. These three men attacked the slave, claiming some sort of barbarian dispute.’ Damen blinked.
context: laurent has integrity
Damen had never before seen half a dozen soldiers reduced to compliant housekeeping by the sheer force of one man’s personal arrogance. It was almost instructive.
not the first time laurent was instructive in this book
Halfway through proceedings, Laurent stepped backwards to lean his shoulders against the wall.
laurent lean #6. post-assassination attempt edition!
‘You’re wounded.’ ‘No.’ Damen didn’t remove his gaze. Any man but Laurent would have flushed or looked away or given some sign that he was lying. Damen half expected it, even from Laurent. Laurent returned the look, and then some. ‘If you mean excluding your attempt to break my arm.’ ‘I mean excluding my attempt to break your arm,’ said Damen.
they’re so funny
‘I would prefer you to stand further away,’ said Laurent, each word finely chiselled, as though in marble.
context: desperately fighting the chemically-induced horny
He told himself, feeling oddly detached, that it was no more than justice: Damen perfectly recalled the experience of being doused with a drug then thrown into a fight.
but he can’t fully make himself believe that laurent deserves this
This place sickened him. Anywhere else, you simply killed your enemy with a sword. Or poisoned him, if you had the honourless instincts of an assassin. Here, it was layer upon layer of constructed double-dealing, dark, polished and unpleasant. He would have assumed tonight the product of Laurent’s own mind, if Laurent were not so clearly the victim.
in a weird way, this implies empathy for laurent. or at least unrealized understanding
Laurent was hardly abandoned. He was not speaking with his usual ease, and his breathing was shallow, but these were the only signs. Damen realised, suddenly, that what he was witnessing was an exercise in sheer, iron-willed self-control. ‘It wears off,’ said Damen. Adding, because he was not above enjoying the truth as a form of minor sadism, ‘After a few hours.’ He could see in the look Laurent levelled at him that Laurent would rather have cut off his own arm than have anyone know about his condition; and further, that he was the last person that Laurent wished to know, or be left alone with. He was not above enjoying that fact either.
damen has a bitchy moment! and of course it’s related to one of laurent’s biggest vulnerabilities. get it together guys
‘Think I’m going to take advantage of the situation?’ said Damen.
i wonder if laurent thought he meant “take advantage” in relation to his condition, rather than an escape attempt
‘Wait,’ said Laurent, as though he forced the word out, and hated saying it. ‘It’s too dangerous. Leaving now would be seen as an admission of guilt. The Regent’s Guard wouldn’t hesitate to have you killed. I can’t . . . protect you, as I am now.’ ‘Protect me,’ said Damen. Flat incredulity in his voice. ‘I am aware that you saved my life.’ Damen just stared at him.Laurent said: ‘I dislike feeling indebted to you. Trust that, if you don’t trust me.’ ‘Trust you?’ said Damen. ‘You flayed the skin from my back. I have seen you do nothing but cheat and lie to every person you’ve encountered. You use anything and anyone to further your own ends. You are the last person I would ever trust.’ Laurent’s head tipped backwards against the wall. His eyelids had dropped to half mast, so that he regarded Damen through two golden-lashed slits. Damen was half expecting a denial, or an argument. But Laurent’s only reply was a breath of laughter, which strangely showed more than anything else how close to the edge he was. ‘Go, then.’
god, the laugh. damen isn’t wrong. laurent knows he isn’t wrong. but fuck, he is just trying to survive, and pay off his unwanted debt to the guy who literally killed his brother.
this is where laurent realizes that he has lost damen’s moral arbitration. it’s not surprising, and he doesn’t want to care, but it still hurts. and he can’t protect him. he can’t protect anyone. he can hardly protect himself. and he’s all alone.
sometimes you really do just have to laugh.
Laurent would be left alone and vulnerable in the aftermath of an attempt on his life. But the immediate danger was past, and Laurent had lived through it. Others had not. Damen had killed tonight, and witnessed killing. Damen set his jaw. Whatever debt was between them had been paid. He thought, I don’t owe him anything.
this is essentially the novel’s end of act 2, protagonist does the wrong thing moment. which… really speaks to the complicated morals of this series, huh. because the right thing, then, would be to stay with his captor. but has damen really ever been a slave? 
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lysieblu · 8 months
A Shop for Killers
Now that episode 5 has dropped, I want to take the time to say... I didn't trust that mf, Bae Jung Min, the moment he appeared on screen giving alibis and answering questions I didn't ask. His behavior has always been suspect. He offered to clean the crime scene. He took too long to return the phone he found in the bathroom. The comments when he made it into the mall. How did he know Brother was sensitive to light? By the time we got the computer/camera scene, my suspicions were confirmed.
After watching episodes 5 & 6, I don't think Jinman is dead. The explanation of his death has holes. I think he's faking.
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, those holes never got filled in so I am praying for a season two.
Overall, good show with excellent characters and action scenes and the best female action stunts I've seen in a while. Niece, Jung ji An, finds out about her Uncle's (Jung Ji Man) past life after his "death" which puts a bounty on her head. The story unfolds to eventually explain "how we got here" except the very literal, "HOW WE GOT HERE." What specifically set off the reason why Ji Man faked his death? It wasn't just Bae's attempt to kill him. We don't really get Ji Man's point of view on this. What happened in that footage that was removed? I mean of course he set up the "death" but the why/how is missing for me. Of course I can guess or assume but I don't want to. This was all because of Babylon and Bale but Bale was missing from the action. Ji Man shows up not dead and injured. Are we supposed to assume he took on Bale? Fighting him off screen is a poor direction choice.
Overall, I enjoyed this. But I really need a season 2.
A moment for the Fan Girl
The ajussis were AJUSSHI-ING! Actually, factoring in my age more like... The oppas were OPPA-ING!!! Jin Man (Lee Dong Wook, my fav), Bale, Pasin, Honda. All handsome men.
So Min Hye.. did the damn thing.
Bae: I hated/loved his character. His arrogance and overconfidence led to his downfall. He wasn't as smart as he thought cause bro, read the room. You are not a killer.
Did anyone else see that once scene with Ji Man running? It looked so fake. How that make the final cut? People are using it in edits and it don't look weird to y'all?
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eybefioro · 8 months
Hi!! I hope it's not too late but i wanna know about the To be a guardian wip :))))
It isn't too late!! I'm always happy to talk about my wips 😂
This one is something that spiraled out of control from this writing prompt, and now has over 30k words (it was supposed to be a simple one shot lol)
It's an AU, where Aziraphale isn't the angel of the eastern gate. Crowley is a slightly different character, he has been alone on earth since the beginning, so he's more lonely, but he has a lot more power and freedom since the arrangement is with Beelzebub. He ends up adopting Warlock more or less how the prompt suggests. Warlock is an orphan, and Crowley ends up relating to him and being properly good, even if he wouldn't admit it. The whole thing is about loving and letting yourself be loved and taking care of other people. I'm still developing Aziraphale’s part, but here he is Adam's uncle and a literature teacher. Because of some circumstances (the satanic nuns are his family in this one, and they're sort of an angel obsessed cult lol) he will need to take care of Adam and you can guess how A/C will meet.
A (long) snippet:
Time passes.  Crowley keeps meeting with Warlock sporadically, until the encounters aren't sporadic at all – he starts to accompany the kid everyday from school to home, to make sure he's alright. Somedays, he ends up helping him with the homework and laughing about the dinosaur bit (he will never tell Warlock the truth though, the kid likes the dinos). In others, he scolds Warlock for not getting enough sleep, going to bed later to read his beloved comics, or for not eating enough vegetables, of all things (those times he felt especially undemonic and out of place. Those times, everyone around Mayfar suffered a little bit more with his annoyance, just to even things out). On most days though, they enjoyed each other's company and Crowley incentivizes Warlock to be a little piece of work to the teachers who refuse to understand him.  With time, Crowley's flat gets warmer. The lights, always so white and bright, start getting cosier. The throne room now has a wall full of Warlock's drawings – some of them he stole, most of them gifted, only a few that Crowley helped draw. The couch in the sitting room gets comfier, and a fluffy white rug appears under it. Slowly, the walls, before so dark-grey and stone-like, acquire a more light, inviting and less oppressive tone. The kitchen now has food in its  storage besides coffee and alcohol. Actually, he had a proper pantry now, not that he dared to think too much about it; he supposed he was in need of a new hobby to occupy himself, and cooking was as good as anything else, really. The cupboard, having before only one sleek black mug, now also hides a fun colourful one, that he refuse to notice it was super hero themed. Somehow, comic books find their way between Crowley's soul collection, and who could blame him? He watched so many cartoons and talked so much about it with the kid that he learned to enjoy it quite a bit (his favourite were the ones with some Endless beings, that he found while browsing for more comics for Warlock. Crowley thought it was pretty malign to give the kid more books to distract him from responsibilities. No other reason at all for it, obviously). By the door, hangs appear to hold coats, right above a shoe rack, things that Crowley never needed since it was easier to snap his clothes on or off. The passenger seat of the Bentley grows a safety belt. All the big floor to ceiling windows and the balcony gets secured with a safety net. Small changes keep happening all around him without his knowledge and at a slow pace, Crowley not being able to recognize the gradual changes, but, with time, his house feels less and less lonely.
One day, a couple months before the first time he met Warlock completes one year, Crowley is walking towards his bedroom, and notices that the hall is longer. He halts, side eyeing a weird new door by his side. It is a sleek built-in one, the same type from the throne room, but smaller and not pivoting in the middle. It wasn't there before; it never existed before, and Crowley doesn't know since when it has been there, doors like these are supposed to be mostly unnoticeable. A shivering fear crawls behind his back; Hell shouldn't be able to mess with his flat. It's supposed to be a neutral ground, his house being the only place that Hell or Heaven couldn't interfere, an old agreement. He opens it, dreading whatever will be behind the door. He's welcomed by a sight that makes his mind stop in shock. It's a comfortable sized room, not too big to make you feel bad, and definitely not small – just the right amount of space to be cosy and still have plenty of room. The walls are a light greyish blue, still having the stone like texture, although softened by the change of colour. The window is big, having a beautiful landscape of the city framed by soft red curtains. A comfy kids bed with the same shade of covers occupies a side of the wall. There’s a white desk and chair in the middle of the opposite wall, surrounded by also white built-in shelves, ready to be filled with clutter. A soft rug sprawls in the middle of the room, with comfy beanbags, all following the colour scheme of the rest of the room. Crowley slides with his back to the wall, sinking into the floor. The sight of that perfect room burns behind his eyes. He knows who this is all for. He hugs his knees and lets himself cry soundlessly. It aches. He can't run away from it anymore. Nor pretend to run away from it anymore. He likes the kid. Even his house likes the kid (okay, maybe that has to do with his subconscious moulding his surroundings, but anyways). Even if it will hurt in the end, even if it doesn't make sense, he wants to protect Warlock, help him grow up, see him enjoy life and be able to provide comfort and… and care. He won't say love. Demons don't love.
Look, To be a guardian is my roman empire. I'm even making a 3D model of Crowley's flat.
There's so much I wanna talk about lol I could go on for hours.
If everything goes alright, I plan of making this a 3 part series. The first one, is focused on Crowley and Warlock relationship, the second is where there might be a slow burn between Crowley and Aziraphale, and the last one is where there is sorta of a... hm... impending doom. Yep. But just the first part is solid, the rest still need lots of plotting, and the draft is *rough*.
Wip ask game
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goatlilly · 10 months
Why I think Luz is Autistic—
I’ve heard a lot of people citing Hunter from the Owl House as Autistic, and while I have no intention of ruining anyone’s enjoyment of this character and this particular head-canon, I always thought this take was odd. Having interacted with many Autistic individuals during my life, my brother and Uncle included, as well as a few of my close friends, I never really saw it in Hunter. Sure, he’s a bit socially awkward and doesn’t always understand the other kids his age, but that’s about as far as the symptoms go before the argument sort of stops making sense. Maybe Hunter is Autistic, but I think it’s criminal that everyone talks about him being Autistic without mentioning another character in the Owl House that exhibits far more symptoms of the disorder than he ever has in the show. Any guesses? I’ll give you a hint—her name is Luz.
              You heard me right. Luz Noceda is autistic—or at least I think she is. I know Luz has already been confirmed to have ADHD, and those symptoms are definitely present, but just because she’s already neuro-divergent in one way doesn’t mean she can’t be in another. Luz has always been known to be quirky. She hyper fixates on her witch obsession without ever losing interest, is constantly missing important social cues from others, misreading the mood in a room or other people’s intentions, and most importantly has never once seemed bothered by anyone else’s unusual behavior. Luz sees people for people and nothing else. She doesn’t attribute labels to others and never seems to be bothered when others call her weird—in fact, Luz seems to take it as a compliment.  The autistic individuals that I know are extremely interested in other people and have no problem thinking highly of others for characteristics that many neurotypical individuals would never notice about another person. They get completely absorbed in their hobbies and interests, eager to share them with anyone and everyone they bump into without seeming bothered that others don’t share their passion. Luz loves the Azura books, and when others insult them to her face it never seems to bother her. However, when someone does finally share her passion, that person being Amity, Luz is over the moon about it. And speaking of Amity, Luz doesn’t ever really seem to pick up on Amity’s feelings towards her until they’re stated directly to her in the Hooty episode. (We all know the one.) Despite Amity constantly showing clear interest in Luz, Luz doesn’t seem to realize this prior to the episode where the two of them become a couple, and completely misreads Amity’s mood when the two of them are on the ride Hooty made for them in the basement, not realizing how happy she is at all and jumping to rip everything down.
              Any one of these things on its own isn’t really enough to say Luz is autistic but put together they create a character who seriously reminds me of many of the autistic friends I’ve had. Maybe I’m wrong, but I have a good feeling about this. And compared to Hunter, who while being somewhat socially behind others of his own age is extremely adept at communicating with individuals who are older than him, Luz interacts with pretty much everyone the same, needing to check in constantly with others to know where they’re at. She’s very understanding, but so are most autistic people I’ve met. Just because she’s something of a social butterfly and gets along with others easily doesn’t mean she’s always completely on the same page, and she usually needs to be caught up on what others around her are feeling to get there. Anyways, that’s just my take on her. I’ll stick to it for now, but feel free to share your thoughts with me and let me know if I’ve missed anything important about her character.
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imagine-silk · 9 months
Christmas with the Hackett's Quarry Counselors
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【Jacob】 Huge family party that he's really excited for.
He looks forward to the holidays in general. Bunch of parties, and drinking, and having fun with friends and family. What's not to like? Because he loves family parties he brings you with him rather than going to yours.
His family all make their opinion on you known. Aunts making fun of him blushing over you. Uncle making fun of him blushing over you. It's a lot of making fun of him. Those who don't take it in good humor take it in offense. Like his grandmother who calls you a harlet for driving away his ex, Emma. Or his dad thinking he's settling for less. All of it he fights back on and fully tells them he doesn't care what they think.
【Dylan】 Showing his nerdness with his science by baking cookies.
He likes Christmas as much as the next person but he's more quiet at home so he's not the loudest in the room anymore. In fact, no one expects him to cause any kind of ruckus. So him confining himself to the kitchen isn't surprising. The only thing his family goes over to him is to talk about his hand, or lack thereof. He blames it on the bears.
He keeps to himself by doing all the baking. Fresh cookies are better than stale ones, so he's busy, go talk to someone else. His plan works even better because he gets to keep you, seeing as he only has one hand. No one can say shit about it.
【Ryan】 Takes his sister out on the town.
Him and his aren't exactly rolling in money. He's also not on great terms with his family. Once he was old enough he started taking his little sister out for the holidays to celebrate by themselves. Now that you were added to the mix it made him feel easier.
It's one of the first times you visited with his sister and he was a bit scared she wouldn't like you. If she didn't it would be a bit of a deal-breaker. But she basically crawls all over you. He protests but ultimately you pitch in paying for the whole ordeal. Buy a few things and get food from stands. At the end of the night you're both tired with a little girl sleeping on his back. It all feels so warm in the snow.
【Kaitlyn】 Spends half of the day at Jacob's.
She's lived next door for her whole life and she's never been one to stay still. During the whole day she goes in and out of both of their houses. People notice how little she does it this year though. All she says about it is that she doesn't like the cold and she stays out of the kitchen.
Jacob and his family welcome her warmly so you get the same treatment no questions asked. They know she doesn't go for people on whim, you're good, no vetting process. Her family is different. They are wary of you but don't want to show it, resulting in some very uncomfortable moments.
【Abi】 Hides from her party.
Parties aren't her thing, she says that openly. She tells her family she's going to your party and you tell your family you're going to her's. After that you sneak back into her room and lock the door. Her family's so loud they will never hear you. Her little brother at some point tries to sneak in, thinking she's gone, but the door is straight up barred so you just hear his whole process because he says what he's narrationg himself.
It's like any other day honestly. Talking about college and eating like shit. She has all her art things and you have your laptop to play games. You have weird mini conversations back to back. Like you make comments about a show character, then silence, then she builds off of it, and it goes back and forth like that.
【Nick】 Plays in the snow way too long.
Normally he goes super far into the forest but not this year. He's always pretty close to the backyard. When his family asks he just says he had enough of the woods in Hackett's Quarry. All his little cousins try to pull him further and you have to help him say 'no'. Half of them hate you after that. And his older cousins don't trust you. Nick goes off to be a camp counselor then comes back not the same with someone who's also a bit off. But you love him and he loves his family, so you deal without saying anything and he doesn't notice.
He spends hours out with his cousins and by the time he goes inside he feels like ice, even saying he feels sharp because of the sudden warmth. Before the party ends you hide with him in his room because he started feeling sick. It wasn't at all like his fever at the quarry but the idea freaks him out.
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froggychair05 · 8 months
Bakery Au! It seems pretty cool! I came from your Jesskas cookie making fic thought it was great btw
Did you have any other hcs for the Bakery Au? Or any drawings?
Thank you!! I loved writing that fic, I’m glad people like it so much!! I guess I just have a thing for writing characters baking, haha
And ohhhh boy, do I ever! I uh. May or may not have just reached over 5000 words in scribbling down notes alone about this…so I’ll only go into a few so this doesn’t get ridiculously long. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, though, I’d be happy to share more! (as long as it’s not a major spoiler, that is)
This got…very long already, so I’ll put a cut here.
Some of these are plot-relevant, I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which ones 🙃
- Jesse is very good at cooking, but absolutely horrible at baking. Just absolutely terrible.
- He cannot drive. Like at all. Axel drives him everywhere (Axel makes jokes that he shouldn’t be trusted to drive, but he’s actually very good at it)
- Speaking of Axel, he has a rock collection that he’s very proud of
- He works as a demolitionist (because, you know, griefer? I wanted to give him a job where he could blow things up)
- Olivia works from home as a programmer. She has her own room while the other two have to share because of it, and also because they snore really loud.
- She handles all of the scheduling of appointments and stuff because the other two always forget
- Lukas takes a cheese sandwich and a granola bar to work for lunch every day. He also likes to put whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles in his hot chocolate :)
- He has a pair of clip-on stud earrings that he got as a gift from Petra because he never wanted to get his ears pierced but he did want earrings (he doesn’t wear them to work for fear of losing them)
- Petra met Lukas in high school and they became really close— she’s kind of a sister figure to him and they talk on the phone a lot
- She spends a lot of time traveling to gather things for her adopted dads’ (Jack and Nurm!) antique/pawn shop thing. Also she rides a motorcycle.
- Nell is great at handling rude customers. Lukas is 90% sure she does weed in the bathroom (she does)
- Radar organizes the display cases, like, all the time. He’s in college and he cleans when he’s stressed, so the bakery is always very clean
- Stella is genuinely good at business, but only the social parts. Binta helps with more of the technical aspects. (They are girlfriends)
- Aiden played football in high school, Maya was a cheerleader, and Gill played soccer.
- The three of them (plus Lukas) have been hanging out since middle school, and they still have the matching leather jacket thing going on
- Ivor works as a pharmacist (because potions and stuff? medicine?); he’s also Jesse’s dad/weird uncle figure (more on that another time)
As for drawings, I started doodling some character designs! Because the headcanon list got so long, I won’t go into a lot of detail about them, but again, I’d be happy to answer any questions about design choices!
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The words got kind of blurry, so the first image says (from top to bottom):
- construction worker, always covered in dirt
- work uniform
- nether star tattoo on her arm
- I have never drawn him before this
And the second image, from top to bottom:
- runs counter/baking, also in charge of daily cupcake display
- bakery logo
- in charge of cleaning, organization, and finances
- owner/manager/supervisor, handles the social aspects of the business
- helps with the technical aspects of the business, also delivers from the ingredients supplier
I have other designs in progress and I’ve started doodling some of the scenes, so those will show up eventually :) I have some big plans for this AU. Thank you for the ask!
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
How about Sanctuary fandom + Once Upon a Time (show)?
Ok cool. This will be the top 5 things off the top of my head, so I reserve the right to facepalm if I forgot something important. Thanks for the ask!!!
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
Well first off let's address the elephant in the room that there are two ways to answer this question. 1) Is how I would change it to make it more like what I wished it was, 2) Is how I would change it to improve on what they actually chose to do. Those are two very different things. I am going to attempt to answer in the vein of number two, accepting canon and just tweaking it to be better, rather than throwing out everything in favour of the show I would have written, as I feel that's more in the spirit of what the question is actually asking.
So without further ado!
(I am longwinded so cut)
Will was an entitled arse and that reflected badly on Helen. Why did she allow it? I'm sure he had some skills... maybe? I mean Season One Will wasn't so bad, but merlin by Season Four I was like "why is he even here?" and "the stones to demand Helen let him be an equal partner" - I mean how was he an equal??? Like NO! Anyway ahem I would change this. Lose the entitlement, increase the respect and definitely increase the competence. I'm not saying he shouldn't disagree with Helen because debate is healthy, and even the legendary Helen Magnus will sometimes miss an angle to consider but there are ways to write that respectfully.
Ashley lives! Is Sanctuary the Helen Magnus show? Or is it an ensemble? I think it sort of walks a middle ground, and I definitely feel like there should have been room for other characters to go on their own journey's and Ashley had a rich seam to mine. The whole "only child of the Five" thing, and her bio-dad being possessed by The Ripper. I googled after one of the previous asks made me go 'hey why did she leave?' and apparently it was a network decision and ugh. No. She still had a lot to contribute. Just imagine Ashley and Kate sparring together. Ashley noticing something was wrong with Biggie and saving him (I mean he was like her father figure right? Family!). Ashley being there for Henry, roasting him as only a sister can over Erika. Being all protective future auntie when he discovers he's going to be a dad.
This leads to the next point really - amp up the family vibes. I love James Watson as a character (and not just for ship reasons). Killing him off in his second episode was so wasteful and one of those reasons was because he was a link to the past. To Henry and Ashley growing up. To all those decades as Helen's friend. James was family. Yeah we had a couple of plot-centric flashbacks interweaving with present day. I loved seeing him like that but it wasn't enough. I know I said I would try and answer this as 'tweaking canon' rather than rewriting the show, and my desire for more of The Five probably falls under the latter, but still Uncle James, head of the London Sanctuary had more to contribute.
More worldbuilding/make use of the environment. I appreciate that this was probably a budget thing but I am dying to know more about Old City vs New City. From the pilot they teased that Old City had rumours of weirdness, and season 4 showed a large abnormal population (had that always been there?). I headcanon that an abnormal is what wrecked the old bridge but how? It just would have been cool to make more use of the setting, and deepen it/ground it more.
Last one (from off the top of my head) and I say this about most things I watch but honestly more politics. I know that we had the UN and SCIU and I mean that but also not. I feel like it would have been good to have more of a feel for the Sanctuary network as it was. Hear more/see more about the different Sanctuary's around the world before the network got rolled up in season 4. The whole "everyone has an abnormal taskforce" in season 4 was interesting but why did it wait until then? Like yes the Sanctuary network had a mandate but full offense really to the military complex - I call bullshit. The Sanctuary is about helping people, not about using abnormals for their skills. The show touched on this occasionally with Kate, and the black market, and of course we had The Cabal who seemed to be corporations in it for the money. I also get that the show was relatively light and it would get depressing being too realistic about how darkly self-serving governments could be. I just feel like the delicate balance/other players etc. should have been established earlier than season 4 somehow. Because even if they supported the Sanctuary officially, I can't believe they didn't have shady underground projects the whole time.
I know, I know it was supposed to be five changes. Call this one a bonus. Something a bit more about how the secret was kept. Why the world in general didn't believe/know? Especially with the advent of the internet/video. As a big picture thing. And then so I don't make a Point Seven - consequences. More about people struggling to fit in, struggling to hide, or not wanting to hide. A bit like "mutant and proud", as why should they have to? The whole abnormals thing speaks to me as someone who is other, and I wish they had delved more into this, "putting a face" on it so to speak, with individuals grappling with what their abnormality means in a world where it's "secret". I mean if there are those who want people to know, does the community force them to not stand on rooftops and shout? (metaphorically speaking). Do they keep silence for all the others who wish to hide? So yeah. More about the personal struggle.
Once Upon a Time
Neal should have lived. I said what I said. I know that wasn't the show they wrote, but I stand by the fact that is when the show started to really go off the rails. Now this isn't about shipping anyone in particular with Emma, it's about the heart of the story. Neal was a linchpin, connected to everyone, and made for a deeper story with more feeling. He was the reason for the dark curse, he was Henry's dad, he was the son of the dark one. I'm not Hook's biggest fan (I will get to him) but Neal (or Bae as he was known then) knew Hook on Neverland. Hook loved Neal's mother. Now I said this wasn't about shipping so CaptainSwan was canon, so we'll keep that, but imagine Hook pursuing Emma with Neal still alive. I think it would have humanised Hook a bit more, to have him apologise for having let Milah down, when he let Bae down on Neverland, and to promise that he wouldn't do that for Henry. To let Neal have feelings about that, to have them come to an understanding over it. Imagine a season 5 with Emma now as the Dark One, with Neal looking at Henry in horror, as his son now has a parent with that curse, for Neal to see his dad without it, and then to see his dad take it back. I could write far more than a (very extended) paragraph about this as Neal would have added so much to every plotline they wrote (even if I wish they hadn't written some of them).
Consequences. This is a theme I sort of touched on but oh man it's true. My biggest issue with Hook is the disconnect between reality and what the characters say. It makes it feel very OOC. Just declaring someone a hero, doesn't make them one, it doesn't erase their past or grant them instant redemption. Hook and Zelena did whatever they wanted with impunity and it was all just glossed over as they were "one of the heroes now" but they never actually changed. I'm not talking about punishment here, or justice, as that's a whole can of worms, I'm talking about the fact that they didn't do the work on themselves. Regina is probably my favourite character so I'm definitely not against redemption, but she struggled with it, wrestling with herself and with her past. She made clear steps over and over to make better choices. That was not true at all for Hook or Zelena. Actions speak louder than words. I absolutely hated how the narrative said one thing, but then the characters parroted something else - it just did not make sense. What the characters said/thought/felt needed to reflect the events on screen.
Pacing, logic, common sense. I often say that up until mid-season 3 the show was better, and it was downhill pretty much after that. However, season 3 was not immune because dear oh dear Neverland. The way they just wandered around the jungle for episodes and episodes, and then everything just got all crammed into the last couple of episodes in the arc. I really, really, really hate this tendency of shows. I rant about it often. Some shows are worse than others, (Picard Season 3 was a particularly bad offender), but Once had it's moments and it didn't even make sense. Another thing I super hate is when for no apparent reason really competent and powerful characters don't use the skills we know they have. If there is a) no reason why they can't, and b) they don't because it would solve the plot too easily - that's a writing problem. Make the villains more powerful, make there be a reason why they can't use their powers, but just to have them be incompetent is incredibly frustrating. Let them be awesome and still fail - that is fine. I'm not saying they need to be successful. I'm saying I shouldn't be side-eyeing them for walking around a jungle for eight episodes before doing what they should have done Day One.
Answer the damn questions and respect the viewers intelligence. Harsh? I said what I said. I am a writer and I create worlds and yes you don't have to know everything, giving the allusion of depth is a valid strategy - right up until the point that a plot point hinges on it and it doesn't make sense. Season One started with Henry stealing Mary Margaret's credit card, and using the internet to find Emma. The town was cursed, frozen in time, how did she have a credit card? WHY did she even have one? They couldn't leave. What about food - where did that come from? Petrol for the cars. Fashion - they were not dressed like it was still the 80's. Yes, I know magic/the curse, but how? It seems like such a vital underpinning they handwaved away, and it doesn't stack up. Going with the premise of "well it's cool" is fine for a personal project, but a multi-million dollar primetime show? I expect better.
Finally in the same vein - continuity. I have referred to this many times because it annoys me so damn much. In the Underworld arc they established that a special chisel/hammer thing was the only way to etch the tombstones. Then three episodes later Hook's hook could do it. When I complained about this before I vaguely recall somebody telling me it was spelled for that. All these years later I'm not sure but I am a detail-orientated person and I find it hard to believe I would have been so up in arms at the time, if that had been the case. At the very least it wasn't explained properly/shown explicitly, and I pay attention. I do. So if I missed it then GA would have. And the entire plot hinged on how they couldn't leave because of these tombstones so it was a pretty important detail. Anyway! This is only one example and there are others (but I have rambled long enough). I just feel like they should have had a series bible where they had a complete timeline of events, where everything they had established as fact was written down, so they didn't contradict themselves or wind up rehashing the same plot point a different way, like we'd forgotten this had already been dealt with (as I had not). Once is not the only show with this issue. I yell about it often. It's not hard to keep track of your own canon and I wish shows would do a better job of it. Callbacks are a favourite of mine because yes I do remember, thank you for respecting me.
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I want to be a person who isn't routinely incapacitated by outsized emotions. most of the therapists I've had have said I just have a lot of empathy. I feel like i would be more useful and productive as a person if I didn't.
(under the cut I meander around about my family a lot)
when I was in high school I took an elective called Global Conflicts In The Modern World. we watched a lot of documentaries and I had to sit in the hall during 90% of them after the first one where I had a panic attack because these terrible things were happening to real humans somewhere in the world. I could read about it, but something about the videos took me out at the knees.
the thing is, my panic attack was not helpful to anybody. I was not making any of those people's lives and situations better by being unable to bear looking at them head-on.
I sometimes think being this way is a character flaw. like, we have an obligation to bear witness, right? do we? I can't do it. I can't bear witness. it incapacitates me.
I'm now going to meander from the subject of real tragedy to the whole thing with my grandfather again. sorry.
my dad's logic points weren't totally wrong. he wants to die. as a child I was closer to my grandmother than to him. he's hard to talk to. he wasn't always nice.
but, like--- I don't think the people he hurt (my mother, who is not sad at all or at least projecting the appearance of not being sad at all) are obligated to be sad about him dying. that's not my point.
but also, I think everyone should be grieved for when they're dying. he was a curmudgeon and sometimes an asshole and he loved me. that's the last thing he said to me, I said "I love you," as we were leaving and he took my hand and said "I love you too, little girl."
I call a bunch of my relatives every Sunday. my paternal grandmother used to do it but then she died and then I started doing it. I want to keep in touch with people, especially my brother and some of my aunts. and I called my grandparents every week. my grandmother used to talk to me and then she stopped being able to use a phone because of the dementia. so I would talk to him for five minutes a week.
sometimes he'd talk about wanting to die. sometimes he'd talk about something he remembered-- the cats he had when he was a child, or something he used to do for work, taking the train to work. little stories. he could never talk for very long, but we'd say "I love you" and he'd always say "keep calling, little girl, keep calling." I think he liked having someone to talk to for a few minutes.
how am I supposed to look at this weird, curmudgeonly, sometimes mean man who loved me and not be sad that he's dying? my mom doesn't have to be but she facilitated a relationship between me and then when I was little and now he's my grandpop who I love because of course I do. dad acts like there's nothing to grieve. I can't talk to mom about it, that wouldn't be fair to her.
when my other two grandparents died, everybody was sad and nobody treated me like a space alien for being sad. it was still impossible. the priest at my grandfather's wake talked about how it was a good time to assess your life and get right with God. he talked about going to hell and I lost my mind and sobbed in the lobby. I missed my grandmother's actual funeral because I threw up so bad I had to go to the hospital, story of my life, but I went to her wake and sat with my great-uncle, the cool one who shut down my parents' ableist nonsense when I was a kid*. and I was in the living room when everyone got together to look at pictures and talk about her. I did not feel like I was on the moon with my grief.
*lets end this on a positive note. one time while we were in Ireland with my cool great-uncle I was having trouble cutting up some chicken or whatever and my mom started in on the "what are you going to do on a date with a boy if you can't cut your food with a knife and fork?"
this is a thing she did that genuinely fucked me up later, actually.
anyway, my uncle said "she'll order the spaghetti!" and I carry that with me forever, both as an actual strategy and a reminder of the fact that some of my relatives are cool, actually. it's possible to love me without wanting to fix me.
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rosesradio · 1 year
hi i saw ur taking drabble requests, this is a bit vague but maybe a really fluffy portbowell drabble please? idk maybe something like telling each other jokes but i don’t mind if you do ur own thing with this one!
hii !! <3 hope you don't mind this is a longer drabble, it's a bit of a think piece on ej's character & leans more into the caswen/queer aspect of portbowell (my longer fic i'm working on has povs with each character & all, but there's only so much you can do with a drabble lol)
warnings: talk of ej's relationship with his dad, discussion of being in the closet, i think like one sex joke/reference but other than that it's pretty pg
word count: 1.1k
"You will never be truly happy if you keep this whole 'rebellion' act up. If you would just…follow the path I laid out, success would come as easy as breathing, EJ."
EJ could remember, clear as crystal, the words his father had spoke when he'd told him he wasn't going to Duke. For the first time, it wasn't a fight--not a noticeable one, anyway. It was something underhanded, the guilt-tripping. But EJ stood his ground, time and time again. The so-called "self-help" books EJ had received in the mail at camp (that were really just "how to manipulate your minimum-wage employees and make millions")? Return to sender. The letters threatening to send him to the Caswell Success School? Those made a good fuel to the camp fire.
Of course, it was easy to defy his father from the safety of halfway across the country. When he got back, however, and was cut off…that was a little harder to deal with than some hate mail. Luckily, Ashlyn's parents were quick to take him in. The timing was almost perfect--he'd helped Gina move her stuff out to live at her mom's, and she helped him move his stuff in.
A lot of this whole change wouldn't be possible without Gina and Ricky. Ricky was…something new. Over the course of camp, they'd spent a lot of time together; they had water balloon fights, worked together to scare the others on initiation night, roasted s'mores together. EJ never thought he'd ever have feelings for a guy the way he did then, especially not with Ricky, especially not while he had a girlfriend. After a long talk with Gina, EJ found out Gina and Ricky liked each other, too. So, they all three started dating. Their friends were skeptical at first, but it didn't take long for them to be supportive.
It had all been working out really, really well, and EJ couldn't help but be surprised. He thought it was too good to be true, that it'd all fall apart. Instead, they had a lot of fun together watching movies (EJ loved old slasher movies, Ricky was okay with them, and Gina did not like them at all, so picking out movies wasn't always easy), they went out to picnics and tried out different craft tutorials on YouTube. When they did have issues, they talked through them and tried to work out solutions. It was…really nice compared to how some of his old relationships had fallen apart.
Today, however, was their first pride festival together. They were late meeting up and missed the parade, but they were still able to go around to the booths. It was, unfortunately, scorching outside; EJ had no idea how all these couples were holding hands, but he couldn't imagine it was fun, so he was glad Gina and Ricky had silently agreed not to hold hands.
"Oh, what's this?" Ricky stopped at a booth handing out little pride flags, grabbing a bi one for himself and one for Gina--she'd told them during one of their long talks that she had a small crush on Nini at one point, which wasn't surprising, considering most of their theatre group did at one point or another. Ricky grabbed a third for EJ, but hesitated--while EJ was out to their friends, it was still weird and awkward. Once, Carlos asked when he knew he liked Ricky, and EJ blushed so much he almost started sweating and had to leave the room.
EJ wasn't out to anyone else, though, like his aunt and uncle. They'd accepted Ashlyn (where had she gone? She had to be here with Maddox and Big Red somewhere…), but he just wasn't ready. Ricky had only joined the relationship two weeks ago, and EJ didn't want all that attention.
"Sorry," EJ said with a sigh, impulsively glancing around, as if on the lookout for anyone he wouldn't want to see--even though his dad was in St Louis, and his aunt and uncle were out with their book club.
"It's okay, Eej," Gina insisted, going on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for being here with us."
"Yeah, it's fine," Ricky said. "I guess I'll just have to make it up to you with some ice cream."
"You don't have to do that," EJ replied. "I mean…" he looked around. So many people…gay couples holding hands, supportive parents wearing "free mom hugs" and "free dad hugs" shirts, gender non-conforming people, a group of guys in leather harnesses (which, if EJ thought too much into, he'd definitely discover something about himself, holy hell). And everyone here seemed genuinely happy, even the ones waiting to buy a five-dollar lemonade. Even the ones that could be in the closet, not holding any pride flag. There were so many people…he was safe.
"Hey, Ricky?" EJ asked, finally looking back at him. He couldn't help but smile--Ricky was wearing this weirdly cute tank top that said "pride month" until the letters faded into the rainbow phrase "demon". He also had on a rainbow beaded necklace--they'd all made those together while watching Bridgerton (Gina had introduced it to him and Ricky; they had mistakenly called it a "girl's show", but were thoroughly invested five minutes in). All in all, he really liked Ricky. And he liked liking him.
"Yeah?" Ricky replied, smiling right back at him.
EJ then pulled Ricky close, pressing his lips to his in a kiss that lasts only a few seconds, Ricky's hands resting habitually on EJ's biceps (because of course). He then pulled away to see Gina, who appeared happy but confused, as if EJ had just tried to explain the rules of water polo or the lore behind a certain slasher movie franchise.
"What does this mean?" She asked, reaching a hand out to squeeze his for a moment--it was still too hot out for it, but worth it.
"Nothing," EJ shrugged. "Just wanted a kiss, and I figured that was okay here. It's…a start. And I could put the flag in my room, maybe…?"
"Do whatever you're ready for," Gina said. "You know that we're here for you, but…this is really exciting, Eej!" She threw her arms up around him and hugged him, to which he laughed and hugged her back. It was unbelievable to think that they thought of him this way--like he was so cool and brave. If anyone was cool or brave, it was them--they showed him every day that everything would be alright, and things were getting better.
Sure, he wouldn't be the most successful CEO by age twenty-five like his father wanted, but he was happy. Truthfully, seeing how happy his two best friends--his boyfriend and girlfriend--were, he couldn't imagine being any happier.
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
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I posted 7,588 times in 2022
That's 407 more posts than 2021!
589 posts created (8%)
6,999 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,574 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 2,620 posts
#ace attorney - 741 posts
#art - 666 posts
#fanart - 660 posts
#videos - 453 posts
#animals - 447 posts
#leverage - 349 posts
#jonathan harker - 255 posts
#misc - 236 posts
#pfft - 235 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like. otherwise why cow tipping. translating it as 'i was a badun' or 'i got up to mischief' or whatever would theoretically work otherwise
My Top Posts in 2022:
Seward: Euthanasia is a comforting word...
Van Helsing: And what is happening on the ship? Open your mouth wider while you answer please.
Seward and Van Helsing: *exchanging "subtle" glances of concern and having private conversations about Mina*
Jonathan: I am going to sharpen this knife now. I am going to very casually and calmly mention that my wife is sleeping very soundly and peacefully. I am being very deliberate in all my actions and keeping very alert at all times.
Seward: Thank goodness Jonathan doesn't know of our suspicions! It would break his nerve, the poor man.
Jonathan: That is so true. :) I am readying myself to kill Dracula only. :)
2,243 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Quincey Harker must grow up surrounded by so much love... He has a doting weird old grandfather who teaches him incorrect expressions from a dozen different languages. A doting weird uncle who records bedtime stories for him on wax cylinders using his phonograph, and does all the voices. A doting rich uncle who absolutely just buys him expensive toys and pays for trips and doesn't think a thing about it, but also spends lots of time with him, got him a puppy and goes on walks together with him and helped him name it.
And of course, two loving parents. Nerds, both of them, but also far more badass than he knows. Parents who have always been there for him and always will be, who support him and love him unconditionally.
Jonathan and Mina started out as orphans, but their son never will be. He has a large and loving and present family.
(And some who he will never meet, but knows the importance of and loves anyway. Aunt Lucy, the sweetest woman who ever lived and who he loves because she is why his uncles and parents all know one another, whose tomb he visits with his mother every year to lay fresh garlic flowers in front of the door. Uncle Quincey, his namesake who apparently saved his mom's life and had a gun that his father has promised will be his too once he's old enough, one he apparently used to shoot at bats with.)
2,452 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Lucy: *sleepwalks across town to her favorite graveyard bench*
Dracula, emerging from the grave beneath: I don't recall ordering delivery, but... Don't mind if I do!
2,607 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Another thing I really like is the steadily increasing erosion of Jonathan's PRIVACY.
When he first arrives at the castle, he talks with Dracula for a long time, but while the nocturnal schedule is weird, the conversation itself takes place in a socially acceptable setting. Plus, monopolizing his time in this way is to be expected in this situation. Dracula soon does come into his room unannounced when he's shaving, which is rude. But it's more on the level of walking into a houseguest's unlocked bedroom without knocking, not barging in on someone in the toilet or anything.
The locked doors restrict Jonathan's movements but aside from those locks he is allowed to walk around with only verbal warnings (which on the face initially sound somewhat reasonable). It's not until he breaks the rules by shoving open the stuck door and falling asleep outside his bedroom that there's any escalation. It's a big one in the moment: the attack of the ladies both reinforces the idea of danger lurking here/punishing him for disobeying, and positions the Count as something of a safety net against even worse dangers. There is also the first big breach of privacy, when Dracula carries the unconscious Jonathan to bed and changes him, then gaslights him about it all the next day.
Other breaches of privacy soon follow. He's told to write the pre-dated/scripted letters. And when he tries to send out an SOS, it's returned and burned in front of him, before he is locked in the room he's in for the rest of that day. When he gets back to his bedroom, he notices the next morning that all his papers, his ID, traveling clothes and bag, have been stolen. (Which is probably what Dracula was doing while Jonathan was locked in the drawing room. Probably why he was so cheerful upon returning.)
Jonathan's range of movement/safety has been reduced from the whole castle, to the halls and some rooms, to just HIS room, to his letters, to nothing at all but the journal he literally has stashed on his person at all times. And even then, the Count has changed his clothes while he was unconscious once before, and is able to climb through the windows/break the door open the way he broke the other one shut if the bedroom door were locked or barred. He's not just in danger — he has no refuge at all. Nowhere and nothing that feels out of the Count's reach, except his journal, which again is only if Dracula doesn't notice it. (Plus the intent was clearly that Jonathan would have nothing at all by this point, and his journal being safe is pure luck, so if it's discovered it would be treated as another betrayal/breaking of the rules.)
Not only can Jonathan not send a letter now even if he found a willing conspirator, but if he were to just flee despite the locks, he'd now have to contend with not only geographic isolation but also a lack of money/identification/travelling wear.
He's been pushed to almost a breaking point of just being completely reckless in search of freedom and safety... except Dracula is still acting like a friend. Jonathan is so entirely within his power, and every other time he's tried to rebel the consequences are swift and limiting. (Whereas, when he listens to the rules, days can go by without escalation.) There's not much further to go from here without openly acknowledging what's happening, and once he does that Dracula has no reason to hold back. It's the rock of "if I do nothing he'll just kill me eventually" and the hard place of "if I disobey again, what will he do this time?"
Again, great psychological horror.
2,954 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
really, a shame we never got a scene like this:
Nate, planning a con: "Eliot, you're going to take her out."
Eliot: [pauses] "Like..." [somewhat hesitant garroting gesture]
Nate: "Wh- no, like on a date."
4,204 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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novelmonger · 1 year
Moments That Bring Me Joy: Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope
I'm going through some of my favorite childhood movies and listing all the moments in them that bring me joy. I'm fully aware that many of the stories I loved as a kid are deeply flawed, but I just want to take some time to appreciate what they did well. Just because I'm focusing on the positive doesn't mean I'm unaware of the negative.
Note: I chose the word "joy" deliberately. Not all of the moments that bring me joy bring me (or the characters) happiness. Scenes involving death or pain might not be very fun or cheerful, but I find joy in a good story well told.
And here we are, the movie that started everything! I don't think it's an exaggeration at all to say that this movie changed my life forever. I could tell, as I went to bed that night when I was 8, that I would never be the same again. This movie has almost as much nostalgia for me as Episode I, because while I didn't watch it quite as constantly as that one, Episode IV was the first Star Wars movie I owned, so until I got the whole original trilogy and then Episode I, this was the one piece of the fandom I could consume...over and over and over again ^^'
You know, I really like Jawas and their chattery language.
"All right, shut up, I'll take this one." "Shutting up, sir."
"But I was going into the Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."
"No, I don't think he likes you at all." *sad beep* "No, I don't like you either."
Ohhh, that lovely Tatooine sunset... <3
Alec Guinness' Obi-Wan is just so...warm and comfortable to me. He really came into his own as my favorite in the prequels, but I love him as an old man too. I just love listening to the cadences of his voice as he calmly explains things to Luke.
"You know him?" "Well, of course I know him. He's me."
I really like that subtle, cold sound when Darth Vader chokes people. You might not even notice it at first, but it just supplements what you can see on the screen so well.
That moment where Luke stands in front of his burnt-out home, staring in horror at the skeletons of his aunt and uncle, while the Force theme swells....
"You don't need to see his identification." "We don't need to see his identification." "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business." "Move along." "Move along, move along."
"He doesn't like you." "Sorry." "I don't like you either. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems." "I'll be careful." "You'll be dead!"
"Sorry about the mess." *flips coin at bartender*
Tarkin is probably my favorite Imperial officer (is it weird to have one of those? XD). He's just so...deliciously evil. And just look at those cheekbones!
"That's no moon. It's a space station."
"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
Luke and Han's argument about whether to rescue Leia or not is so good XD Especially "If you were to rescue her, the reward would be..." "What?" Well, more wealth than you can imagine!" "I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit."
"We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" *cringes*
I love the misunderstanding when Threepio thinks they're being crushed with the garbage, but they're actually whooping in triumph and relief XD
Han pelting down the hallway, screaming bloody murder as he chases several stormtroopers...only to burst into an entire roomful of them!
The stormtrooper falling down the shaft before Luke and Leia swing across was Baby's First Wilhelm Scream :P For years, before I found out that's actually what it's called, I referred to it as the Stormtrooper Scream.
"Close the blast doors!" *five seconds later* "Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!"
The duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan has always been so epic and dramatic, but there's so much added weight to it now, after the prequels and especially after the Obi-Wan Kenobi show. It might not be as flashy as a lot of other lightsaber fights, but wow, is it powerful.
Endlessly useful, quotable line: "I care."
"You think a princess and a guy like me--" *too quickly* "No."
Biggs: "I can't see him!" - Why did my brother and I latch onto all the weirdest lines to quote incessantly in everyday conversation?
"Stay on target...stay on target...."
"Almost there...almost there...."
Han Solo swooping in at the last moment, knocking Darth Vader out of the sky with a space-cowboy "Yeehaw!" 8D
The exuberant, practically incoherent joy of the main three when they get back after blowing up the Death Star is just perfect. That's exactly how it is to achieve something amazing and then celebrate with your friends <3
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I reread the Rook ask with a tailor player and immediately saw the potential.
What if the player was a famous tailor and designer back in their world, that loved to make outfit and jewelry for their lover ? Like imagine the player using their knowledge of Disney to make a set of clothes and jewelries inspired by their villains counterpart. Like Vil get a whole fairest Queen inspired wardrobe, that is like the most accurate thing ever coupled with the matching jewelry. (And of course some others clothes that have nothing to do with it. The boy deserve variety.)
With Vil/Malleus/Leona. Pretty please ? 😚
(I swear I smell the potential for an AU or smth like that but I promise to behave and not flood your ask with it.)
Oh yes. THE POTENTIAL! (But seriously, people who are able to make clothing are so talented! Ever tried to sew a simple shirt? That stuff more complicated than it looks like.)
Dw about flooding my requests when they are open again. Just do it. I don't mind.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, imprisonment, possessiveness, poison, religion, obsession, kidnapping, stalking
Leona Kingscholar/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Darling who is a talented tailor
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Usually Leona isn't someone who cares how he looks like as long as his clothing feels comfortable and doesn't get in his way
Keyword: usually
You see, that t-shirt you once made him is just so precious to him
Not that he would show that
He just might make sure that it doesn't get damaged or dirty if that can be avoided
And then you make him more clothing
His closer was never so full before you came...
Don't worry about the expenses though, he gives you always money in return
But oh dear, please save the poor soul who would damage it in any way
I can only say, all that Sand in Savanaclaw hasn't always been sand... (you catch my drift, right?)
And you might do send him signals of likin him
Under normal circumstances this would be all fine and dandy...
But we are talking here about characters that know that they are 2D ok? It's never that simple...
He will be everywhere
Following you around, watching you...
And back home you are known as “that one stranger who has made uncle Leona weird”
Be happy that they don't know that you are the Overseer
At least not yet
If someone else were to get clothing then he would make sure that they would be shredded into notingness
Only he is allowed to get them!
Just... don't stop making them. It's one of the few things which keep him in check
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All those expensive brands? Now trash in his eyes
He has received clothing and jewelry from perfection themselves!
Maybe he doesn't need to use that love potion... *ahem* what?
But let's start from the beginning
One day you gave him just a small piece...
And now you are doing his entire wardrobe
He loves that one outfit which is based on the Fairest queen
Is that you telling him that he has finally reached her level??!
Like Leona, we can only wish the poor soul which damages those pieces in any pieces well
But no, Vil won't make them disappear without any trace
For that he is too haughty
He will publicly humiliate them to such an extent that they won't dare to set a foot outside of their home
And if that doesn't work... there are surely potions that can torment you to such a extent that you... Ok let's stop here
By the way, when was the last time you went out of your room and didn't sew?
Vil knows that you can't leave when he tells you that he “trusts you so much” and “needs that jacket plus the fitting earring till tomorrow”
Catching on? He will use your passion to keep you isolated
Like this he is not only the only person with whom you have contact but also the one you will always think about
If you were to say no though... once more, potion (this is getting old, isn't it?)
He will flaunt the things you make but when someone asks him where he got them they will experience such a nasty glare... Vil, this isn't good for your career...
Also, shouldn't you feel grateful that you are able to make clothing for the Vil Schoenheit?
Just don't make rings, he might misunderstand that for more than a friendly gesture
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The price of Vils brand clothing? Cheap rags in comparison to what he wears on a daily basis
And then suddenly the royal tailor doesn't get any more requests from him anymore
Meanwhile, the future king of Briar Valley is screaming about presents from the Overseer
I'm not joking, screaming
Malleus doesn't just have problems with being way too obsessed (which is already bad enough in itself) but also believes that you are courting him
Something self-made with heart....
And oh, you need some red stone? Take this ruby here. Don't worry about it's worth
Yes, he promises you the world on a silver tablet every time you give him something new
And then you tailor him something which is inspired by his ancestor...
You might make him cry from happiness
Lilia is screaming, Sebek is screaming, Malleus is screaming and Silver would scream if he would be awake
But he doesn't dare to wear these on everyday occasions
Oh no
Only for special things
Like that one gathering of the Faes which ended with them bowing in front of a coat you once made for him
Be prepared to be spoiled in riches
Faes always repay their debts but this is something else for the monarch
He just wants to court you too, isn't this cute?
Oh God....
Don't give him too much in too little time
Otherwise you might find yourself in a unfamiliar tower with a spindle, sewing equipment, all kinds of diamonds and a lot of fabric woven from the most expensive material
Yes that spindle is the spindle
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
hello!! i have a a request, im not to sure if you’re down to do this!
chris evans with daughter!reader but she’s been suffering from depression lately. giving her space, giving her physical comfort (nothing weird) give her fave comfort foods, reassurance, making her play outside with dodger (while he’s watching and cooking a bbq with his wife) him being proud of her getting through her worst days :’(
Butterflies always fly
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A/n: This has been written with it swaying my day recently with this topic because it’s been one of those days since I’m having a hard time coping with something I’ve been given with months of hard work basically I’ve got my dream job and I’m having self doubt about myself 🙈
Nevertheless please do feel free to point out any inconsistencies with this, nevertheless I hope you all enjoy and if needed find comfort that you’re not alone <3 I feel like I’m repeating myself 🥲
This is a request for @remshearts so thank you for this it was joy to write I hope you like it, also happy early birthday for July 1st I hope you have an amazing day 🎉
Summary: The reader has been struggling with her mental health more so her depression, self doubt etc, so Chris knows more than anyone else how to help her out of her cocoon, basically just pure fluff (plus an appearance of his wife but not massive)
Paring: Chris Evans x Teen Daughter! Reader
Warnings : mentions of self doubt. Depression and just a sprinkle of anxiety. With pure fluff
Y/n comforted herself like she always did in the darkest moments of her cocoon of depression, crying endlessly, thinking she’s not good enough for an opportunity given to her even if she’s worked so hard. She still thought there was someone better. Well she’d doubt herself but the demons that love to come out to egg on these thoughts and make them worse.
This is usually the cycle of her depression just getting the better of her, after crying for most of the night, Chris knocked on her bedroom door to get her up for breakfast when she didn’t answer it wasn’t exactly out of character for her in the morning, she got that from Chris for being a night owl.
“Bubs you gotta wake up for breakfast” he says whilst rubbing her back not yet noticing his best girl' tear stained face as she was wrapped in blankets and her head under pillows.
“Hmmm.. I don’t wanna” was the best reply he got, this and now seeing her face, told him all he needed to know. It was one of Y/n’s days where her depression and overall mental health just overwhelmed her to the point she’d camp out in her room for days not wanting to come out of the comfort of her safe space.
Chris being Chris knowingly aware of this not only because he cares for her deeply but because he knows what it feels like too when you get into that cocoon of everything just feeling like it’s piling on to you with no way out. He decided it was best to nip this in the bud as soon as comfortable possible with always having y/n’s best interests at heart.
“Sweetheart, I know you’re not feeling the best but even just getting out of bed is a massive accomplishment for you and we can cuddle until you feel comfortable enough to get up. Sound good?” He tried to coax her out of her safe safe still respecting her boundaries as that is a massive part of their relationship, if she said no she ment no because no is a full sentence and Chris respected that.
“Dad?” Y/n said quietly as she held out her arms making grabby hands which answered Chris’ question well.
He just chuckled to himself even on her worst days she made him laugh.
Time skip
After many cuddles, reassuring words and multiple tissues because y/n decided to confide in him to why this time round the bout was worse than the last.
“….it’s okay not to be okay Bubs, I’ll tell you that, your mom will and you’re uncle Scott. Everyone has their moments which is fully justified and not stupid.” He said the last bit knowing you too well especially with that look on your face.
“I think I’m ready to go downstairs for more cuddles and maybe some of you’re really good sushi that you make dad.” Y/n replied feeling better than she did when her dad walked into her room many hours ago.
“I’ll take that, sushi here we come!” He said in a Sebastian the crab voice since that was you’re favourite movie (which definitely had nothing to do with it being your dads favourite either😂)
Picking you up for a piggy back downstairs you couldn’t stop laughing because of your dads antics; he took that as a massive win even if you weren’t full back to yourself he’ll take what he can get.
Taking you out the garden he told you to play with dodger for a bit since he missed is favourite human as Chris didn’t want him to come upstairs whilst you were still a little worse than you are now, because he didn’t want to overwhelm you more even though dodger had the best intentions.
Chris went into the kitchen where his wife of 5 years was and started to get the ingredients out to make sushi for you all.
“She okay?” His wife asked knowing too well how y/n is when she’s like this.
“She’s definitely better than when i went into her room this morning, bless her the apprenticeship she’s worked so hard to get, she had self doubt and thought there was someone better and got in her head about it. So we had the conversation of why and how she feels like this and how it’s okay not to always feel 100%, but she knows we’re all extremely proud of her.” He explains whilst looking out to the garden though the bi-folding doors attached to the kitchen, smiling in admiration for his daughter for how strong she is even when there are moments she doesn’t think it. He really couldn’t be more grateful to call y/n his daughter. He will forever be in awh of his best girl, his Bubs and his butterfly who comes back out of her cocoon every time.
With that being said they all then had a movie night with the little mermaid in the line up of course, whilst eating their amazing sushi with nothing but comfort and more cuddles.
I hope you all like it of course reblogs are welcome, my private messages and asks are open for anymore who needs to talk or just request anything ❤️❤️
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