#louve :]
anipul · 5 months
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I enjoy drawing them in this chibi-ish style, can you tell
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vintagevoiture · 1 month
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La louve romaine, oeuvre médiévale (Romulus et Remus sont ajoutés au XVè Siècle à la Renaissance. Wikipédia
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kinnesims · 6 months
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working on Louve's house and quite liking it :))
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Il y a une dizaine de jours, je suis parti retrouver Christine à Narbonne.
Le Musée Narbo Via, dédié à la Narbo romaine (cette ville fut la première ville romaine hors d'Italie et un des 3 plus grands ports de l'Empire romain)
enduit peint de style pompéien - 1er s. av J-C.
enduit avec combat de gladiateurs et le graffiti "verpi"'' = ''", qui signifie.. "sans couilles"!, injure au gladiateur vaincu - IIème s. ap. J-C. On en apprend tous les jours !!!
le schéma de ce graffiti
idem : Verpi !
Fac-simile d'antéfixes - 50 ap. J-C.
corniche murale - fin IIème -début IIIème s. ap. J-C. (sont-ce une louve et un sanglier ??)
opus sectile (revêtement avec des morceaux de roches variées, en damier) avec marbres - Clos de la Lombarde, 1er s.av. J-C. - IIIème s. ap. J-C.
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floramisu · 7 months
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A day late, but here it is! Birthday gift for my wonderful best friend @byutak! I love you bestie!
The character Louve belongs to her!
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msssayana · 2 years
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anipul · 5 months
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Doodle of my alt, Louve
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tua-cantante · 1 year
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kinnesims · 6 months
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Louve and baby ♥
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Il y a une dizaine de jours, je suis parti retrouver Christine à Narbonne.
La louve romaine...car Narbonne est la première ville romaine à avoir été bâtie hors d'Italie...
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vanessaverdugo · 2 years
Eras un desastre, pero me gustabas tanto.
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bearbench-img · 6 months
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alicetigerdrawing · 10 months
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Le Petit Chalet de Noël 6: Raisonnement Quelques jours se sont déjà écoulés, j'aimerais savoir QUI va participer au projet/challenge et répondez AU PLUS VITE sans mentir pour que je puisse vous mentionner dans la future vidéo! Et n'oubliez pas le tag #op_littlechristmascottage pour chaque dessin. Merci. The Little Christmas Cottage 6: Reasoning A few days have already passed, I would like to know WHO will participate in the project/challenge and respond as QUICKLY as possible without lying so that I can mention you in the future video! And don't forget the #op_littlechristmascottage tag for each drawing. Thank you. Nouka: @luvariadrawing-blog Nioumi: @nioumin-draw
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rapidhighway · 1 month
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my love for him is stronger than any other force in the universe
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800db-cloud · 1 month
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sure thang o7 here are some i made that i think are good enough to post. can you tell who my favorite merc to draw is
re: the last comic: i have way too many spy hcs. Way Too Many. anyway here’s (BLU) spy accidentally traumadumping on his teammates. is he Alright.
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endofbeginings · 9 months
Fangio was just an insane guy, he started competing in f1 in his forties, outdriving his fitter and younger rivals every single time. He broke his neck but came back to f1 a year later and won 4 consecutive titles. When he was at ferrari he would fight with enzo constantly bc he didnt want to follow his strategies. Then he left ferrari for maserati and enzo called him a whore for not being loyal to only one team. At one point he got kidnapped at the cuban gp and asked the kidnappers not to take stirling moss as well because he had just gotten married and he didnt want them to ruin the mood!! Then he said he was treated very well and became friends with one of his kidnappers LMAO
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